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Necro Edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Favorite card that lets you pay life?
Shocklands, obviously
A pet card of mine, still trying to make him work in a competitive deck with humans obviously
Kevinbros how the fuck did we lose that
are you scared, anon?
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>see those two initial promo cards
Fuck this set looks amazing
>see the most recent spoiler art
if you were still hyped after seeing the picture with the 70s looking guy then you deserve it
I don't want to go to work i just want to stay in bed and grind pioneer leagues all day FUCK
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I wanna believe the cuteness will be just for the Jap alt arts
Call in sick then retard.
based pioneer bro, which deck are you grinding with?
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>can never go back to my NEETdom grinding Innistrad block limited all night then sleeping all day
I hate wagecucking so fucking much
wtf you're literally me
why there are so little female pro players?
IQ gap. Women can almost never compete in co-ed spaces. Magic is no different.
Because women's brains are not suitable for games requiring logical thinking
I wanna live thar dream, too, Mr. Pool
Now seriously i would without a doubt be grinding pioneer leagues all day if i hadnt responsabilities, this gay earth and system should die already
That's why the females you ser at PT are (fe)Males, this game requires a mental capacity impossible to reach for a woman
I always laugh when I see the actual people playing magic versus all the promo shit. It's all white dudes and a handful of asian guys.
Tipple is cute. Cute!
Why do they always get people who lisp to do all the commentary.... It's like getting somebody with two fingers to be a hand model.
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There are less intelligent women.
why there are no cute twink/femboy pro players?
People who are into MtG are damaged losers, more news at 11
It's called inclusion, chud, and you will like it or else.
Cedric is the only commentator worth listening to these days. That Australian guy is especially insufferable.
Can we please just skip to constructed already
Agreed. Can't wait for /mtg/ to be wrong about Bird.
>5000 gem draft in arena for a chance at winning a real life mh3 booster display
I am good enough to go infinite in drafts but I feel like most people would tryhard even more. Should I just go to a real life draft one more time instead?
I hope Eldrazi Tron wins. Tron is the anti hero protagonist of modern.
Don't make me tap the sign
The people who suck at draft will not join, making this a very good time to see exactly how good you are at MtgA drafting.
Insane how Tron is now the good guy deck of Modern.
Always was anon. Always was.
There is only one Bird that's winning this PT, and it isn't Green or Blue.
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I'm not so sure about that, Tron definitely wasn't the good guy here
Would the Urzatron lands be too good for Pioneer?
An anti hero needs to get his hands dirty a couple of times
They all trooned out.
I'm not up to date with pioneer, but I can only imagine they'd be too strong. They're a different power level tier, but I'm not sure what tools you'd have in pioneer to assemble them turn 3 like you can in modern.
I could imagine you'd be able to make some very powerful eldrazi decks in pioneer if you could though.
probably? no ancient stirrings or expedition map would significantly impact the consistency of turn 3 tron, but once they get it, it would feel just as brutal as it does in modern
I believe they were in Brother's War at some point but they pulled them out
It's funny seeing the twitch chat lose their shit as soon as the one player who isn't a dude is on camera
Blue Tron, use control until you have Tron online then stabilize.
I was hoping mh3 would boost blue tron in modern. It would be nice it was good in pioneer, but every time I actually sit down to make something for pioneer I always stop because it just feels like I'm deliberately playing a worse version of a deck.
I want to like pioneer, but I just can't get into it.
Pioneer used to have a stable identity is a lower powered and slower format. Now it really is just Modern Jr.
Memedern is a joke, and the fact it rotates now at a point has become Standard 2.0 makes even more shittier.

In Pioneer you can have a pet a deck, tune it for the actual meta and keep using it and earning wins, powerlevel being much lower is just also another plus
Right. I'd rather just play modern then, but even then I'm not really liking how things are shaping up after mh3. I'm basically down to pauper and commander
But pioneer is equally as likely to get hit with "rotation" with every set that comes out. Modern Horizon is at least a couple of years apart. Pioneer could get a major shakeup every three months.
And you can have a pet deck in every format.
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See Nicole unfinity lands i wonder, which is your favourite land alt art, anons?

Fake. Every set just could bring new tools or maybe a new archetype, thing thst is unlikely, but no set generates rotation, i habe been playing Phoenix since forever and Monogreen devotion since years, even after they banned Karn. You never lose your deck, could go down some tiers but never gets kicked out if was a competitivr deck.

>And you can have a pet deck in every format.
Yeah, but in Modern with the bullshit product they release is unlikely your "pet deck" will be able to compete with "new, stronger, powercreep" bullshit, this is an undeniable reality memeden fags should accept already because with UB will be even more common.
The John Avon ones from Unstable and the other un set he did some full arts for.
I particularly like the island and forest from Unstable. They're so "blue" and "green" looking.
nadu will win, mark my words also it will not be banned, just like grief/fury.
I disagree. Modern had the same decks for a long time too, it's only in recent years there's been big shakeups like this. Pioneer can have a shakeup like that every three months considering how each set has power creep.

And the pet deck argument is the same. You can have a pet deck in ANY format and have it subjected to the shit you're talking about.

I want to like pioneer, but it always always always feels like I'm playing a worse version of a deck.
I forgot to add that just because you disagree doesn't make it "fake". It's just a different opinion and it's fine to have that. It's not all a big fight about who comes out on top. Especially talking about cards with dragons, elves and faeries on them.
>Pokemon lands
Disgusting. Adam is my choice.
I respect your right to habe such opiniom but i must also disagree, not only because the power level of Pioneer or Standard sets in general is A LOT less bigger than what you can see at Modern (Nadu? PW of 2 or 1 mana?) that's why you feel you are making a "worse" version of a deck but just for the straight fact Modern drinks from Standard, which sometimes can shit a bullshit like SSS, Modern only sets, the Horizons, AND the UB products that will be more and more Common, and we already taste with LOTR what they can make, is just a matter of product impact and amount of products, i hope we at least can agree in the fact WotC can't balance any format even if their lives depend of it, and that's what generates the problems.
The smell is unbearable.
>No Netdecks for a whole week
Can we say, it's finally JOEVER?
Yeah that's true. I'm not really happy with so many UB sets getting into modern, but we can hope the lord of the rings set was an outlier in terms of power level. I mean look at the Assassin's Creed set. It may as well not exist in regards to modern impact.
But yeah, I get what pioneer is, I just don't like it.
This also reminds me of people who are really into legacy who can't understand why people want to play modern instead. I just don't like legacy either. I like modern, pauper and commander. I was very into standard during the Kaladesh, Amonkhet and Dominaria days too. I get what the other formats are, I just don't like them. No biggie
Not every single magic player, specially outside murrica, is a smelly, fat, filthy bag of trash anon.
What's the most noob friendly online sim?
I'm from Scandinavia and it's 90% smelly fat nerds. I at least shower and wear deodorant, so I'm at least not smelly.
if even pro players wuth thousands of hours can suck so hard at drafting a deck, how they pretend be become good at that format? is so luck-dependent and depends on the format miserable that i really don't feel any appeal to watch or play it.
Draft fucking sucks and always has
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>High waist pants + crop top
I will never understand that shit. Either way, nice a new samurai for my isshin samurai tribal deck.
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Eldraine full art for me.
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same but I want to play slay the spire
Are we adding televisions to the list of things that aren't technology?
I had the impression this was an horror set and that humans will be either victims or funny stereotypes, not superheros or multidimensional fighters

My hopes for this set are decreasing with every new release.
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moon stompy playable
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I love oil paintings.
MTGay is Yugioh now
You could put this artwork on a Netrunner card and it wouldn't look out of place in the least.
RDW needs this, unironically
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Is this the first unconditional mono black removal for 3cmc with a single black pip in it?
Not one writer at WotC has read a story that didn't involve a superhero.
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The flowers are so beautiful.
please let convoke survive rotation
Could this be a sideboard option for modern burn decks?
Some decks only have damage based removal.
spicy, but how do we get it to trigger reliably?
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I... Like this shit? Kill the big fucking win con of Oppo, bring it back, use it against him
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The blue paint gives such beautiful shading.
If only i could give to this shit indestructible somehow...
I absolutely fucking hate seeing 80's style stuff on actual magic cards. Fucking hate it.

No way they'd actually make some proper horror when the marketing is made for teens and modern day nerds. It's all Stranger Things level "horror" at the most.
Just lightning bolt it while the opponents exile spell is on the stack.
>tv in magic
>boros reckoner with haste that can't loop itself
I'm surprised getting deparked didn't just make the wanderer fucking explode considering how volatile it was
Lava dart it from gy?
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I love the chiaroscuro that is used.
If you promise an horror set and the horror part is nowhere to be seem you sadly get a generic set like every other one this year. Which is sad because 70-90 horror with Slashers, monsters, zombies etc had a lot of potential for a Magic set.
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Fug. Not enough bombs right? I got enough fixers in there you think? Every dual land was white.
Uuuh, Mark?
We can't have guns, dinamite or gambling but we can have television, Mark? Where you and your faggot designerds draw the line, Mark?
draft is the ultimate sweaty experience.
>Angels out
>Amalia out
>Any heliod shenanigan out
>Prevent Sheo or cat to earn life
Is this dude, dare i say it... Based?
Is shit and no dinamite at all, at best can be considered "gambling" but the bad kind
can this enable some retarded combo?
"Horror plane" fucking lmao

The art really really reminds me of that last Un- set.

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I would like to formally apologize to all UB fags for my previous disparaging statements about the art of their cards because what in the fuck is this?
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Bloomburrowdiscordfriends.. I-iam afraid Duskmourn will out kino our animal set
Why Toby is not being eaten by Beast? This was supposed to be horror set not fairy tale set. Also that art Jesus...
And it doesn't give haste.
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it's literally just reskinned MKM/OTJ ...
I love how they're filling cards with all sorts of clauses and words to cover for holes in the rules. The if clause is there so the creature won't return if something like Rest in Peace is down. But is it REALLY that big a problem that they need to put a line and a half of text on the card? Word count is already a huge problem. It's like R&D is full of autistic people designing cards for themselves.
Oh, you are right... Them is pretty usseless lol
>new leylines

I hate this set already
Well is official: Or Bloomburrow is extremely good or this year could be one of the worst years of Magic History in the set theme department.
Can still yoink peoples commanders and has phasing synergies which is neat
>The if clause is there so the creature won't return if something like Rest in Peace is down.
No, it's so that there's no ambiguity about what happens with tokens.
>the retarded genius black girl character
>le epin Marvel hero walk
>horror plane means nothing because this team of super warriors is going to dunk on the monsters together yaaas
How do you people still stand this shit?
I haven't played Magic in years, I just buy guns now
>the mirror faggot is back
Fuck's sake
H-h-horror bros... What is this? I don't feel good...
I think you're completely wrong. To a new player, a token would still seem to be a creature card. The clause exists because graveyard hate exists and apparently this rare as fuck situation requires wordswordswords in the minds of autistic designers who design cards for themselves and not the wider audience.
>fatal push
Now what?
Like she's the emperor of a whole plane of existence, doesn't she have responsibilities to attend to
Lightning bolt in response
Kek is this monster inc
A token is not, however, a creature card, and they are very common. You're insisting that the less common situation is the reason for the card's wording when a more common situation exists.
If they have 4 mana they can shock their own shitter and end your entire gameplan. The "for the rest of the game" thing is not only gamebreaking (literally gamebreaking in multiple ways because a card that leaves active play isn't supposed to affect you the rest of the game, this reeks of digital shit) but also stupid overtuned because it's also 2R and a 3/3 with Haste so it's on curve on top of having this retarded effect.
She's been absent ever since her spark ignited because it made her randomly planeswalk, light-paws is the acting head of state in her stead
Thanks for the easy 2 for 1 mate
So the new core set now lasts for five years and has DoJ, Llanowar Elves, and a 2-mana Anthem effect
And CoCo
It's over for this game
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it's so over
Ancient silver dragon, cyclopean tomb, finale of revelation, inspired idea, Jon Irenicus Shattered One, life of the party, nettling nuisance, praetors council, Seagate restoration, and stigma lasher all that "rest of the game" effects, this isn't new.
Fuck, stigma lasher literally does the same thing.
Cards like this are them admitting they lost to their own retardedness by shitting up the gameplay with stupid mechanics
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Holy shit lmao
>A token is not, however, a creature card
Why are you telling me this? It's new players that might not know this. The clause, however, changes absolutely nothing about whether a token returns, and only affects the card's interaction with graveyard hate like Rest in Peace which is an incredibly niche thing but once again I'll repeat that R&D is staffed by autistic manchildren designing cards for themselves.

I wouldn't be surprised if picrel is the reason those words are on that card.
>ghostbuster the set
This takes down the Ripper menace?
>Walkie talkie
>The mirror troon is back
>The mirror troon will survive the horror
>The mirror troon now lives forever on CoCo, one of the most meta cards of all time
How do you cope?
Gyruda has literally zero unusual interactions with the card in question.
This just looks so off
How are you people at all surprised? It was obvious this was the kind of shit we were going to see as soon as they announced an 80s horror set.
By knowing they will eventually power creep CoCo and it won't take too long
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Always have a soft spot for SNC Fullarts
Why do you troll in these threads? Or are you really such a giant newfag that you weren't even playing when Ikoria came out and Legacy players learned the hard way that you can Leyline of the Void all you want, it won't stop Gyruda from reanimating creatures? Fucking hell these threads are so bad now.
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My penis moved just a little bit.
good morning I hate edh
why are they making characters look like zoomers when in spite of their best efforts it's still 40-yo white male millennials that are their most dedicated customers
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>Walkie talkie
It actually makes me think of something else entirely.
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The big monster is a commander LUL sad
looks like an UB card....
Is that Aminatou on the WUB deck
>double dark ritual
>Doomsday executioner
It might not be good, but it's funny
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Good to see aminatou again
The people that used to play this game no longer play this game. They got married and got kids. They have actual lives now and have to spend money on real shit, not luxury cardboard. Even if they still played Magic they've all stopped because the game looks gay as fuck and retarded now.
The people that still play, are either literal EDH trannies and/or they're millennials who are permanently on reddit. They are in a state of arrested development. They still think Harry Potter is the pinnacle of culture and dream of being at Hogwarts even though they're pushing 40 and Harry Potter ended like 10 years ago. They find this cringe shit cool, because to them everything is cool, their standards are in the toilet.
People say "it's over" but it's actually over for this game, on a level few can imagine. There is nothing left of what it once was.
>older aminatou
do not want
>2 mana
>filters a card
>btw here's also a second combat phase

And it's probably STILL weaker than SSS.
An Enchantment Creature - Nightmare.
>Wait for oppo to scry a few lands to the bottom.
>Cast this
An awful card, anon.
Needs delirium to trigger, only triggers on attack (once per turn), only untaps one creature.
FOMO, your worst nightmare
>3 black decks
Duskmourn Lands
a strong six out of ten
inverter bros? are we back?
Its okay
Do we even have the bloomburrow lands yet?
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>girl bosses your horror
>is 100 IQ smarter than you
Heh nothing personnel
Expected horror
This is shit
3/10, island and forest are ok-ish, the others are shit.
Plains, swamp and mountain don't even look remotely close to what they're supposed to be.
If you showed someone the art without the tint and asked them what lands those are supposed to be they wouldn't be able to answer.
I do like though that I'm getting Darkest Dungeon vibes from the art.
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why the fuck are they spoiling this before bloomburrow?
Sooooo is MKM all over again? Why the hell can't they design something good even with the most impressive concept? Incompetents
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>Every set now is just memberberries instead of new unique characters
Omenpaths were a mistake, Who gives a shit about visiting a new place if you just keep bringing all the old characters to the place
Making new interesting characters is hard anon please understand
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disregard standard manmade horros, await Bloomburrow
It's the First Look, Bloomburrow had its own back in February
Damn they bought back the championship cards.
I would let him suck my cock no homo
I always laugh at the "huge consequences!!! Planeswalkers all lose their sparks after a multiverse spanning end of the world invasion that only killed two characters!!! No more planeswalkers! Instead everybody can jump planes now!!!!"
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You just have to have characters that aren't massively onions to start with and then grow and develop across their adventures. It's really not hard.
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tribes revealed
restoration bird
So they've made a new not-Core Set Core Set. Decoupled from Standard rotation as such, it's basically just a bunch of stuff to give various decks some bases to build off of.
So, y'know, it's Hearthstone's Core set.
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took them long enough
Magic Origins, look it up.
They are actually insane with this volume of new products. Impossible to follow this rythm.
Well, they made a Planeswalker's Guide for Duskmourn at least. Seems the core story is "oops Nashi went missing through a weird door, these chucklefucks are gonna rescue the ratboy". Plane itself is mostly just weird.
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Also Toy is an Artifact type now I guess.
How are these parasitic?
Probably the only card showed today i like.
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Stigma Balls returns.
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This feels too meta a name for WotC.
Too slow >>93188887
Bats orzhov
we've already talked about these to death
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Also impending does what we all basically worked out. Though the counters are removed on end step instead. Not sure why.
>Toy is an Artifact type now
Interesting. I thought they weren’t putting in purely flavorful artifact/enchantment subtypes, but I don’t see any part of this that seems toy-specific.
In the abstract, I’m all in favor of flavor subtypes for artifacts and enchantments. In practice, it feels like it will end up with either a lot of messy errata or a lot of old cards that should have the subtypes but don’t.
Mark said bloomburrow isn't going too hard on tribal synergy.
Now phlage can swing twice in a turn bros.
Extert Arena of Glory, use R to cast this with haste and discard phlage. Then eacape phlage with haste.
At a guess? They keep printing cards that give you extra upkeeps. Though this is actually a pretty substantial nerf over being on upkeep, since it means your opponent gets to untap and interact before you get a chance to get the attack trigger.
So basically just suspend with a new name
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I can't hold all this KINO bros
I mean, not really. It makes an enchantment enter on impend still, so it's more interactable than suspend, etc.
>no badger

No, the card is still on the board as an enchantment, it's closer to the theros god with counter instead of devotion.
Guess which one will be the broken one
Golgari coons
Gruul Coon
Yeah, I was a little too fast.
Dindu Gruul
>have sub 30% WR
>still made to mythic
They’re probably all going to have appropriately-costed ETB triggers, so it ends up being more like a hybrid between suspend and evoke.
>no mushroom
First nadu game done on pro tour. I already hate it and never want to see it again.
What other mechanic you expect in Duskmourn?
I have the existence of Big Score.
>Crabvine utterly fucked
Why bros? WHYYYYYY?????
>Llanowar Elves in Standard
That's interesting.
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Demonic entity Valgavoth is imprisoned in a house. He works around this by expand the house until the plane was consumed. Valgavoth feeds on fear and now with the omenpaths he's able to lure in more victims.
The feeding cycle of Valgavoth is terrorize then cocoon to give survivors respite and finally Harrowing where he moults giving birth to new demons and the cycle repeats. His true body is hidden in the heart of The Below

There is MARINA VENDRELL who is in a bubble that gives schizophrenic delusions that everything is okay and normal.
>No bear
>No duck
>No spider
I'm sad.
Were the first three rounds draft? Are they really showing a fucking mirror of a top deck as their first on camera Modern match?
He had absolute shitluck tbf.
>His true body is hidden in the heart of The Below

Let me guess, it's the real Ashiok, right?
Or it's actually a butterfly insect thing like grist
It just so happens to split the figure with 1:2 ratio, which is pleasing to the eye. With high waist you either tuck or use a crop.
This is an ok art.
But the whole point of high waist is to not show any skin. crop top + high waist is like sticking your shoes into a rain puddle to stay dry.
Suspend but you get an effect when you suspend it and the opponent can interact more easily with the suspended card


in my mainline product
canon to the game
not a supplemental cosmetic-only dip into UB
so jace and vraska can go watch some interdimensional cable with rick and morty now wahooo brilliant design maro another one knocked outo f hte fucking parkhsd ohly shit why theidnck
the concept of the world is cool, until you see the humans....
Jesus Fucking Christ who decided to put nu-males dressed like in the 80' trash movies?
>No duck
what are birds?
At least Bloomburrow looks like a "magic set".. like actually magical
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>nice worldbuilding
>is ruined by 80's pop culture reference and aesthetic
It's so fucking tiresome
sorry, it came to my mind
Vendrell is an actual place

but never mind
You live at this Vendrell place or something anon?
Yep. Literally all they had to do was not include 80s fashion and tech and it would be amazing. But, no, gotta be dogshit instead.
Those will be Nightmare beasts I think. Basically, anything thats not a "woodland critter"
oh no... but I live close enough to know that it exists
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>The entire plane is unironically one giant mansion
Well admittedly I'm assuming Toy's an Artifact type, it might just be a Creature type that's only ever used on Artifact Creatures like Construct
>wotc unironically making fun of the customers, again
We literally knew this from the get-go.
>Duskmourn confirmed shit
>Bloomburrow is the last 2024 hope

PT is on by the way. First Modern round is a RW mirror, it's Phlage on Phlage action, pretty miserable to watch.
We're getting to yugioh/digimon level of powercreep.
Can't wait for half of the new removals to have "can target creatures with ehxproof and ward", and then 1 year later even more broken creatures with "hexproof and can't be targeted by opponent's spell who can target hexproof"
I admit i want more toys now.
Nothing wrong what that in principle.
Also, we don't know much about what Foundations is gonna have, but they've confirmed Llanowar Elves, Omniscience (back in Standard baby) and Day of Judgment as reprints. Two new cards were shown, Nine-Lives Familiar being one...
>Open pt stream
>Dude with Metallic red nail polish
>Close stream
Much more entertaining than watching Nadu jerk itself off for 10 minutes but you can't stop watching because theres a 1% chance he wont cum and brick.
Me too, but would you let the asian guy watch?
And Anthem of Champions being the other.
what are you talking about anon? all of them are
this is somehow busted I bet
Yet I remain...
At this rate midrange vs midrange durdle is more riveting than watching storm and nadu attempt to cum for 4 minutes.
This is the set that will make Enchantress playable.
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the arena league 2003 cycle by rob alexander
God nu magic is pozzed by feminism
Is Modern this shitty always? This matches are insufferable bros.
i'm tired boss...
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>Your DEI mandated east asian character must have chinky eyes
Nah, “beginning of the next end step” kills most shenanigans by being too slow.
Interesting that this card says "this creature" instead of the creature's name. Wonder if that's another change going forward or just something done for Foundations being a more 'beginner friendly' product.
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>Anon when Japanese character is Japanese
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I'm so tired of legendary endless whos in every set... Go release Commander sets but leave Constructed normal Magic alone faggots...
you guys are getting pathetic
she cute
>Dan Mumford
Neat, I use his cycle of "slasher-movie villain basics" for one of my cube
Japanese character must be in Japanese artstyle
The dog is running the show in her stead.
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Yeah she honestly looks good in her normal card art anyway. Girl's just having a good time now she's desparked. Probably literally the only character where desparking mattered narratively.
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Also a noteworthy thing with Foundations is all Enchantments will have the starry frame going forward from then.
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Entities that reside:
Nightmares: Born from a person's fear they attack only that person by making them relive their fears forever.
Cellarspawn: Born from Valgavoth's dreams they terrorize a victim until they are permanently braindamaged or die from shock.
Glimmers: Born from a person's happy memory they inspire survivors to keep living.
The Cult of Valgavoth: They believe Valgavoth eats fear to cleanse the world of it. Their religious practice include entering a cocoon in the wall which sometimes turns them into emotionless slaves. They are basically maids. Dislike violence and prefer love bombing.
Glitch Ghost: Ghost of those that died outside the mansion before Valgavoth consumed the plane they're glitched because they forced themselves inside. Can't be killed must use ghostbuster technology.
Razorkin: Former survivors who chose to hunt others. Red-aligned. Death-trap rooms and torturing keeps them entertained.
Wickerfolk: Humans that tried to become immune to Valgavoth. Their ritual turned them to wood now they're in constant anguish.
Quickened toys: Mimics that are toys.
Demons: Weakened by Valgavoth they commit petty vandalism.
Beasties: Loyal pets that hide their decaying faces with masks. Unmasking results in running away or killing the unmasker.
Gremlins: They mess with survivors.
just like with cat oven
She doesn't look Japanese at all here
Magic still doesn't have something like Ishizu Tears, a deck that can start playing before you get your actual first turn.
I see the Wanderer I fap to her
Simple as that
That's pretty cool. One change I actually like. The starry frame always looked nice
I hate it. I really, really hate it.
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A literal FOMO demon? Really WotC?
I liked the Theros borders
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Cool art.
I really like this lore but the execution man... Jesus... It's soooo lame
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this art style reminds me of X Factor

Finally some actual "Horror" art and not something cute, lame or from the 80 VHS of my grandfather
>nothing to do with plains
>fountains are not islands
>staircases are not swamps
>how is that a mountain
the forest is the only one that works
this cycle is a generous 3/10
So the explanation for all the tech seems to be that before the house expanded into the entire plane, the plane was relatively modern-ish magitech. 80s-era at most. Then the demons happened and the tech was either integrated into the house or basically just salvaged and used for weapons by the survivors.
this PT shows everything wrong with Modern Horizons sets.
Not gonna lie, so far this Nadu v Control matchup looks good enough.
Are we pretending like her East Asian eyes are a consistent trait?
>This set was made for past, present, and future Magic players, featuring products for players fresh or famous and filled with cards legal in Standard, at least until 2029!
with this, I feel pretty confident in saying that Pioneer 2 is releasing in 2029, right after this set rotates.
rooting for javier, who is maybe the best player at the moment, but has gotten almost no recognition whatsoever
Apparently he was super confident that Jeskai was a top deck, and I love that it plays more like Jeskai Control decks of old rather than the godawful value piles we've been stuck with for years. Though this could all just be the format's honeymoon period.
He's great, but a fucking chore to watch play with his insanely hectic and constant movements. The polar opposite of Gabriel Nassif that is so slow it's fucking painful to watch
Can i get some good suggestions for modern sideboard pieces in boros? Havent played in a while.
god I hate the "when you next cast, copy" instead of "copy target" templating
specifically designed to stop infinite combos
it would still take 3 cards somehow to win the game with this and molten duplication if it could go infinite (make infinite tapped artifacts that do... nothing)
yes, I played Jeskai control in modern for years until quitting the format, and this is the style of deck that has been missing since before FIRE design
I also play Jeskai control in legacy along with Jeskai Stoneblade
I know it's shit but it's a soulful colour combination and I just enjoy is
Phlage as a finisher is exactly what the archetype needed
Nassif frustrates me because he finds the correct line immediately, but still considers all of the wrong lines
He's at the point where he almost takes five minutes to go over "should I play a land turn one....."
Pauper skyfisher bros? Is this our lembas 5-8?
The initial lore is pretty cool. But why the fuck do they have to ruin it with those shitty art?
viewers on twitch:

>some sluts: 17818
>some fag still trying to kill radahn: 12207
>some slut trying to kill radahn: 6310
>some orc playing pubs in dead dota: 11746
>some slut braiding her hair: 3684
>pro tour biggest event for magic with professional players and commentators: 15849

almost as big as the sluts
I'm personally fine with the modern-ish stuff, I just wish it wasn't so clearly aping Ghostbusters with some of its designs.
>cards in hand:
>dress down
>galvanic discharge
>wrath of the skies
oh boy what a fun game
wake me up in 20 minutes to see if its still going
catakek will never be a country
captcha: 84MTGD
javier plays quickly
The plane would be pretty cool for a game too
do control decks not play cryptic command anymore?
Could unironically just make a roguelite with this set-up. "Go kill Valgavoth, here's an axe, the house wants to kill you, good luck".
no because it's too expensive
It pain me greatly that they have made a cool plane for one, but they have to ruin it with those shitty 80s design
i have yet to see any trace of '80s aesthetics in dsk. either you guys are retarded or are zoomers acting like '90s aesthetics are actually from the '80s.
As said, I genuinely don't care about the 80s stuff as much as others in this thread seem to. I'm all for Magic experimenting with newer aesthetics, so long as it's not just mundane modern day military, basically. That's my only real hardline.
Yeah same. The world lore sounds really cool but what I've seen so far kinda sucks
10 minutes and counting since that post
>Llanowar Elves and Wrath for
depraz is the one taking a long time on his turns
Day of Judgment is hardly that impactful is it? Four mana "destroy" wraths just aren't really worth it anymore. Llanowar Elves definitely does stuff, and Omniscience means any ability to cheat things into play is gonna need to be checked, but hey.
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Unban her, unironically
Yes. That's how we used to do it kid.
Depends on the meta and death triggers/graveyard shenanigans running around.
Oh, I'm getting it now. Valgavoth is AM, and Duskmourn is just I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.
Basado Amigo
Even so the deck is control so he will take his time considering the plays
if you're watching, his turns take 30 seconds
depraz is taking 2 minutes
ooo im ramping
standardbabs on life support
Eco friendly necrons.
not good enough for todays designs

Winota, Joiner of Fire {1WR}
Legendary Creature - Human Warrior (M)
First Strike, Haste
Ward {2}
Whenever a non-Human creature you control attacks, exile the top six cards of your library. You may put a Human creature card from among them onto the battlefield tapped and attacking. It gains indestructible until end of turn. You may play the rest of the cards until the end of your next turn.
Unban Ballista
Unban Kethis
Unban Inverter
Unban Felidar
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Welcome to Pioneer, King.
>turn 1 land, llanowar elves
>turn 2 land impend this >>93189440
>turn 3 land
5 mana turn 3, what do we do with this?
You'd hope the control deck would beat the combo deck.
Otherwise the format would be completely fucked.
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iiiiiii looooove Mayer
nadu's a combo deck? i thought it'd be more a value pile card
and that's a good thing
storm and domain zoo in the finals
Its a value combo deck
The real horror are these characters
>The guy that killed Tibalt offscreen
>Le smart black girl
>Mirror fag
>The woman who shoul be ruling her kingdom since her main problem is gone
>And Kaito for some reason
Since Tyvar is there I hope that Tibalt makes a comeback in this set
Kaito and Wanderer are there to rescue Nashi because they explicitly promised Tamiyo they'd look after him. I have zero clue why the other three are there, but Tyvar might just be there to beat up horrors.
Likelihood of Phlage getting banned if I buy a playset?
not that high
phlage is an amazing card but it isn't uro
0, Phlage is just a bad Lighting Helix that just happens to come back bigger if the GY gets stacked.

Have GY hate and you dont have to worry
>Go kill Valgavoth, here's an axe, the house wants to kill you, good luck
That sounds like a fun game
very low
only card that's getting banned is shuko
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If it wasn't for the shard it's impossible to recognise Niko. He went from a faggy black guy to an asianish looking teenage girl
It's entirely possible the house pulled them in as victims.
Also fair. Tyvar might've just been out doing some himbo shit and wandered into a random door and went "oh, sweet, zombies I can beat up".
>play roots in explorer
>100 games
>sub 10% WR
Jesus christ
Dios mio
Huh, the lore is kinda cool. Not something I expected from modern MTG
Roots is too vulnerable. The decks crumble if you never draw it and crumble if it's ever interacted with.
>Nadu v Nadu
Based concession refuser
So Valgavoth is probably the strongest demon we've seen so far, right?
If he's able to morph/consume a whole plane.
So who imprisoned him in the first place?
Must've been an oldwalker, no?
Nadu is too good even on its own. It has tons of enablers and even puts you up on cards if it immediately eats a removal spell.
Why would he? even if the other dude is 100% certain of a win the next turn, he didn't make it on time. It sucks, but it is what it is.
Demons are sort of nebulous in power level, but yeah he's definitely up there. Would not be surprised if he's typed as an Elder Demon like Belzenlok and Shilgengar. He definitely at least outclasses Belzenlok.
spoken like a true non-witnesser of hogaak summer
lmao dude really thought he was going to get a free win because he flopped not drawing 1 card to remove any rng from the equation
Isn't asking your opponent to concede against the rules?
How old is the Wanderer? Every art she's in she seems a different age
Erm, no, the point of high waist is to draw the attention to the waist.
Yes it is, which is immediately why the judge said no. In a casual tournament I doubt anyone would really care, but premier event feature match that is no bueno.
Yes, everything except the survivors looks okay.
no, never has been
incentivising them to concede is against the rules
you are free to ask, but as long as theres no agreement its not against the rules

basically it was a shot in the dark out of desperation because he knew he fucked up not drawing out his entire deck to guarantee the win
Has the blonde lost some weight?
Mid-late-20s I believe. Born 4537 AR, give or take, and it's 4564 as of OTJ, so she'll be 27 or so.
But this looks like somebody who doesn't know how to buy properly fitting clothes.
If you want attention to the waist, then wear low rise pants. High rise is just to give fat people a chance to hide it.
High waist + crop top is 100% idiotic.
Pretty much every planeswalker constantly looks different. See Chandra, Arlinn, Lilianna, etc. The guys seem to have it a bit better but not by much.
Jace is usually pretty good at being consistent, because it seems like every artist is capable of drawing "white dude with tattoos and a cloak". Chandra is HILARIOUSLY inconsistent though.
Reminds me of how much THICCER Liliana was back in 2010 artwork.
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Mtg was never consistant with their walker depiction,Narset is probably the worst example where she is anywhere between 20 to 70 years old depending of the art.
Oh damn we're getting Showoff on camera.
What the fuck is this artwork. Fuck this game.
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Phyrexian ones
Narset's meant to be, like, 50-odd, right?
>Scale up and Assault Strobe aggro deck
I hope that deck makes it to top 8 just for the memes.
why is land destruction considered "feel bad" but control decks and grief/thoughtseize A-OK?
This. I dont get it either. Though i enjoy playing all of those
Well, you don't have the searches neither the good 7 colorless drops. It would still be good but not as broken as Urza tron was in modern.
(would probably be a turn 4 deck that plays Ugin as a wincon)
is this round six of constructed or round 6 period
how many rounds of limited were there?
i think generally its coped about by 'LD feels bad because you just dont get to play the game, they take out your resources and you cant cast spells'
control/hand disruption removes your spells but not lands, you can still topdeck into stuff, it's also a bit of 'skill' [lmao] in that you can play around countermagic or get into counterwars, or thoughtseize player can take the wrong card
nobody is getting grief'd or thoughtseized in commander, which is what cards are designed for
This is going to slightly annoy me in that they aren’t going to reprint some enchantments for a dog’s age, so the visual consistency of the cue will be muddled.
Because they dont say all opponents like a lot of LD does
No, low rise gives attention to the hips and removes it from the waist.
Nobody thinks grief is OK outside of JotC leveraging Grief because it sells mh3 packs
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Like most walker she has no canon age,we have a tweet from the artist of her Ikoria version that said the art director said to portray her in her mid 50's and her aftermath and secret lair art seems to confirm she is mean to be older than 40 but nothing is confirmed.

>pronouns below player names
>swedish man has none
Cool card. DuskLockeKey looks tame tho.

Weird choice of a desparked walker tho. Has she left the throne of eiganjo for someone else? (How naive I m in believing wotc would care about their own lore lmao)

You like Stranger Things, right?

You like Evil Dead, right? (well, I do like)

Is this an Unset? or battlebound 2?

Is that the girl who can count to infinite ? :o
Wanderer's left the throne to Light-Paws while she wanders on her own terms for once. Also she's heading a rescue mission, so it's not the norm for her to be off Kamigawa.
Awful my predictions were way better
Enormous ball room or foyer
Indoor pool room
Dilapidated half flooded basement
>Giant piles of refuse, staircases, or towering library
Overgrown sunroom or greenhouse
If one day i go to a pro-tour i will say my pronoun are he/him but in my native language and insist that they use them just for shit and giggle.
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Are there any honest red/boros/gruul agro decks in explorer/historic? I'd like to play something that's more focused on creatures with cavern of souls, stuff like Inti or even Winota if it's timeless.

Prowess is just getting boring
after skimming this thread I can safely say I hate duskmorn and they shoulda just dropped the pretense and made a UB stranger things commander set
Honest creature aggro or midrange decks are currently dead in explorer/pioneer.
Boros Convoke
Gruul Vehicles
Atarka even if is a little of Prowress focused
or my favourite Storm Herald combo
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>each counter
There's some +1/+1 counter shenanigans waiting here
>no haste
>just a 3 mana removal at sorcery speed
why the fuck is this a rare? lmao
Did Reid forget to amass his army off that Ring activation?
>oh I have 2 bowmasters in hand btw ;)
and Kevin just believes him??
Not only did he show him but I'm pretty sure lying like that to get a concession is a big no-no.
He showed him.
>Break the Ice
Actually some great tech. Blows up Saga, Eldrazi lands, and Tron lands.
You have to tell the truth if you push for a concession like that
He also showed him the bowmasters
>break the ice
>force of despair
holy shit KINO
anons do you concede or dream crush?
>Chainsaws, headphones, and TVs are fine and make sense in Magic's Multiverse
>Nobody has made a projectile launcher powered by gunpowder yet

Every day my hate for the design philosophies of Thunder Junction grows even more.
yeah it's weird but what're ya gonna do
>There's a room big enough to have a Ferris wheel inside
Creepy amusement park could have made a decent Mountain
I SORT of get it, because some people get REALLY upset about guns existing in fantastical settings, but if Magic's pushing its setting themes so much, guns can just exist, I don't care.
sick art to be honest
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Oh, the OFFICIAL reveal of this got dropped. Seems to be a box-topper?
Harmless offering has a new friend. I look forward to smugly passing it to someone a turn before it pops
>We're doing black and white showcases of cards with color again
it's in the commander decks then? no bonus sheet?
They tend to use the Commander set code for box-toppers, don't they? I believe it's been confirmed they're included in the precons at least, and may be gettable elsewhere.
probably a commander card available only on collector boosters
>Expect set horror theme with Slasher references, unsettling art and some lost or pathetic humans trying to survive
>Get this >>93189019
>Or this >>93188981
What went so wrong? Why WotC are intelectually unable to design good sets even with easy and obvious themes?
They stopped doing those after LCI.
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Yeah man there's literally zero unsettling art.
Every once it a while, it's nice to see a human in a cheap horror movie just square up and punch a monster. My favorite part of Dog Soldiers is when the dodgy guy whose friends call him Spoon gets trapped in a kitchen with a werewolf, then proceeds to go apeshit in a way that makes you feel sorry for the monster. But then a second werewolf gets in there, and Spoon's a hard man, but he isn't that hard.
What happened?
OMG are those the protagonists walking toward the viewer in a spread out line with the main hero slightly in front?! What a heckin epic composition!
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Not a creepy thing at all.
>haven't watched pro magic in a few years
>tune in
>pronouns under the player's names
Somehow it's even worse than I thought.
Even the best players are missing triggers and playing sloppily because of how much bookkeeping the game has now.
>Horror set
>3 of 4 Face cards are not horrors
>Inb4 >black woman >not a horror
you'll never see this in legacy because the mechanics are a lot simpler
that looks stupid, not unsettling
this looks unsettling
It's meant for Archenemy, so one person plays Valgavoth, the others play the survivors banding together.
Necro is just such a cool deck man
I will hear no criticism of currency converter
What about >>93190019 and >>93189988 ?
>cellphone/radar thing...
Also can't wait to have to answer that "those creatures" reffers to "creatures your opponent control" and not the creatures with hexproof (you know people will ask)

I know the mvp of the set when I see one.
I hope this dude survives and become a planeswalker

I think people thought wotc would try to make it more magicpunk instead of a 1 to 1 80s technology. Even MKM had more sovl with their magic cameras than this kinda of shit.

Let me guess: we will have different animal doll arts with this one.

Yas, my Quen !
>Can count to pi
Yas, my Quen !
>Eldrazi moth thing
Yas, my overlord!
>White man slasher

It exiles so it is good for a mill win (around it)

Oh, look, it is us in the name

looks like last innistrad lands

never ending spoiler seasson is like this, don't feel mad otherwise the shill will make fun of you
glitch looks dumb because it has the "scary" face, instead of being something genuinely unsettling like a visual phenomenon breaking through reality to become real
the borderlands clown character is also not unsettling at all
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Remember his lies
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here is an actual unsettling artwork
Who is the moth and why is the only single one good of all the bunch? Why the two black girls?
Killing Floor looking fucker
have you considered guns are bad?
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here is another great one
I hate all of those in magic. I also hate steampunk in magic
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Wrong pic lmao
I really hate that. Starry frame was unique to Theros since it was of Nyx. Other enchantments aren't.
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WOTC should make real body horror again

I don't feel any disconford looking at this.
>Guns are bad because they kill people!
Ok, so do swords, axes, bows and arrows, fireballs, lightning bolts, bears, and several dozen other things in MTG, and that's before getting into the modern day stuff that can also kill people like cars, trains, halo-powered tommy guns, and so on that've been introduced in MTG recently.
NOW THIS is unsettling art
This is the kind of stuff that screams HORROR
how about an abomination?
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even wall of limbs was a good one
Anon come on...
I would like this if it wasn't scanlines.
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>WotC refusing to ban anything anywhere despite every format being in flames
>Duskmourn going full Stranger Things 80s aesthetic, complete with TVs and walkie-talkies and shit
>new super core set with Llanowar Elves that's going to be in Standard effectively forever, because rotation bad

WotC please, just a little further. We're inching so close to the tipping point. Just increase the cost of packs again or something.
Oh, notably, Foundations is changing rules-text so that cards refer to themselves as just "this [cardtype]" instead of by their name.
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and who could forget "Abomination"
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everything to get back more space in the text box to slap more effects on cards to feed the powercreep
>kai budde 1-5
what did the play?
cool card

>Angels are Swans
Yep, I knew they would take a shot at ruinning blomborrow.
You member [Restor]ation Angel?

meh, at least put a "kindred" (puke) in there



>Demonic entity Valgavoth is imprisoned in a house. He works around this by expand the house until the plane was consumed.
Oh, just like Locke and Key
>Valgavoth feeds on fear and now with the omenpaths he's able to lure in more victims.
Oh, just like IT
>The feeding cycle of Valgavoth is terrorize then cocoon to give survivors respite and finally Harrowing where he moults giving birth to new demons and the cycle repeats.
Just like a mixture or IT and Locke and Key
>His true body is hidden in the heart of The Below
Just like Stranger Things !

Oh my god, I remember those things !
Ruby Storm.
Fell for the meme.
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honestly even Sylvan Library is fucky
what even is that?
my one respite is knowing duskmourn will financially flop and they will never do anything like it again
they will hide behind the success of Bloomburrow
All it takes is a few good EDHbait cards or some Boseiju tier bullshit and the set will do fine
can we please focus on the current set, Ass Creed?
They should have done this shit years ago. Instead of having to fill your draft sets with constructed cards just announce a big list for a core set every year. You don't even need to print product.
no because I am only playing standard and legacy at the moment
...what can be said about me if I can't find horror in any of these?
you're retarded is all
>Never again a good themed set, even if bad executed
>Everything will be Ravnica, Cyberpunk Kamigawa, Shitty Tarnation city, Ikoria or Harry Pot... I mean Arcavios
one too many cartel executions on /gif/
You're a tryhard.
This is almost assuredly going to be some monkey paw bullshit just like Modern Horizons. It's not gonna prevent expansion sets from being fucked, because they still need to sell those.
you are probably just autistic like me
i cant just find art unsettling unless its extremely hyperrealistic, i cant think old movies with practical fx are scary visually
i can enjoy the themes though
>good themed set
its only 50% good in theme, the ghostbusters evil dead technology shit is fucking horrible, i cant stand it
i dont mind all the gothic looking stuff/cosmic horror stuff, but the 'literal just chubby white guy with a walkie talkie' type art and televisions fuck me up
i know the thing needed to be differentiated from innistrad but like, fuck
ravnica used to be based and ikoria's idea of [humans at the mercy of monsters] is fine but yea hate the rest of that trash too
>Ass Creed set
Excuse me? I don't recognise that MTG product, are you sure is not a Cummander set?
No thank you
modern legal btw
>ghostbuster technology.
I m not gonna say it is a lore rape, because in Ravnica they had it. What is lore and immersion breaking is calling them Ghostbuster tec instead of "spirit cages" or some other name.

Funny because DnD has stats for fireguns and lazerguns in their dungeon master guides and those weapon generally deal low dmg...
As it stands, the Ring is basically THE card of the entire format.
You're merely pretending.
the 4 mana sorcery speed colorless card that says take 1 damage, take an extra turn and draw 3 cards AND THEN KEEPS GOING is broken? really?
>Boros energy is a meme

You see that one vote for SSS? All me. Voted that and Mardu which hasn't been on camera yet I don't think.
I was hoping this pro tour would be fun so I could take my mind off daily life shit, but god fucking damnit it's been boring
What happened to Boros energy? Did it mega fail?
How can something from that set be legal in standard until 2029, if standard rotates every 3 years?
will it release in 2026, or will that set have be an exception w.r.t. rotation?

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