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Moebiusque Edition

>What is Genesys?
Released in November 2017, Genesys is a pen-and-paper generic/universal RPG system and toolkit by Fantasy Flight Games and EDGE Studio, using a refined version of the system presented by their Star Wars RPGs (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny). Its central mechanic is the Narrative Dice System, using pools made of specialized dice to create narrative results. The intention is for the system to be a highly flexible narrative system, adaptable to most any conceivable setting and premise.

>Twilight Imperium: War for the Throne, a new adventure campaign book, launched April 12
>After an extended delay, official physical dice packs are now available (tip: get 2-3 packs, preferably 3, to cover all potential dice combinations)
>Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium, the space opera sourcebook, is now available
>A map for TI:EotI has been released

>Where can I find the books?
Check the Online Extras pastebin below for something useless. The core book is the only mandatory book.
>Do I have to buy the fancy dice to play the game?
Only if you want physical dice to roll. There are plenty of free dice rollers available online, now including the official dice roller app on mobile. Check the Online Extras pastebin for links.

>Player-made Genesys settings

>A quick and dirty primer on how the dice in Genesys work

>Online Extras (dice rollers, generators, PDFs, reference material, etc.)

Previous Thread: >>93113636

Here's my reply from last thread regarding running a game.
I'll be monitoring the thread until we got something going email wise or whatever for organizing this thing.
Does this system handle characters making leaps and bounds in strength well? I hate to use D&D as an example, but if it does one thing that I like, it’s that, by the time you get to high levels, you are massively more capable than you started. Does Genesys support those kinds of characters? I read a bit of the rulebook and played around with Genesys Emporium, and it seems like you can only level up a skill like 5 times or so, unless I’m completely misunderstanding what I read. Most of the character growth seems to end up sideways, by which I mean your character, once maxing out a skill, becomes more capable by leveling other skills. Am I completely wrong on this? I also know a GM could easily just slow down how fast the PCs level up skills, but it’s not quite the same.
Everything else about the system seems really cool. I love the dice, especially, as they tell you more than just “you passed/you failed.”
Taking a skill from rank 1 to rank 5 is a huge jump, plus you should remember that a lot of a character's XP will go towards talents. I think D&D characters do grow more with the HP bloat and high level magic, but that's not necessarily a good thing.
Ah, okay, that makes sense. Forgot about talents, and yeah, now that I remember, some of them seemed super powerful (like the Reflect one from SW).
And you’re right in that exponential character growth isn’t necessarily a good thing - I didn’t mean to imply it was - it’s just some stupid taste I developed from years of reading Dragon Ball and other shonen manga as a kid.
>>Let's make an example:
>1) Jonny Rebel has an agility characteristic of 2 and no skill in wielding a small firearm. He shoots a stormtrooper anyways and rolls 2 green die, 2 purple ones. Not the best chances but whatever.
>2) Later Jonny Rebel gets some basic weapon training and gains 1 Skill level in small firearms. This upgrades one of the ability dice to a proficiency dice.
>I already covered this comprehensively here:
>>Assuming a fixed degree of Characteristic and Skill increasing from 0 to maximum, you start with Ability Dice, gradually replace Ability Dice with Proficiency Dice, and then gain Ability Dice.
>The problem isn't that I don't know how the game works. The problem is that I know how the game works more than you do.
>>This is better than the first one because it has a higher chance of providing success and advantage and triumph on top. Meaning his spent xp improves his chances. The second one is better in every way. One yellow die is strictly better than one green die.
>I didn't say it wasn't better. I said it wasn't better enough to justify trading two Ability to gain one Proficiency. Which is what you do when you would normally gain an Ability Die by raising a stat, but, because the other stat is higher, you trade an Ability Die you already have for a Proficiency Die. You lose the Ability Die you traded and the Ability Die you would have gained to instead gain a Proficiency Die. Which, categorically, is so much worse on the Advantage axis that it is not justified by the addition of a Triumph.
>This is the math you're getting wrong. You are:
>1. Not properly accounting for the differences in what you would gain in some circumstances compared to other circumstances when only changing one variable
>2. Not doing the resulting comparison
>3. Not evaluating what that means over the developmental lifetime of a character
>I'll cover the math in the continuing response, just to make sure I don't go over-long.
>Continues ...

Was stealing this from the other thread, since I believe there's quite a lot we could discuss about this over here.

1) While I have to agree that character progression doesn't follow a concave function, I don't really see the big issue here.
Taking into account that the required exp expenditure increases over time it becomes even less notieable. Also appears to me that he's ignoring the context of the system to moke his point.
2 & 3) Appears obsolete to me, but does any of you guys have additional thoughts about it?

Anyways, I'm curious about the math he's about to provide.
Oops, meant this >>93190749 as a reply to this >>93190670

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