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Comic book style paintjob edition

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>Thread Question:
What made you settle on the colours and style of your miniatures?
I haven't settled on a paintjob or a style because I have crippling autism.
>that pic
I wish I had the skill and patience to paint an army in that style.
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When I first started painting them I didn’t have the right paints for proper salamanders. After I did a bunch I really liked the scheme and decided to just do it for all of them.

Really sped up the process of making them /mydudes/.
I mean anything other than and bronze feels wrong on zerkers. I might incorporate some more steel though.
Are there other regular anons here that get games regularly besides Steel Legion Anon and Sallyanon?
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Genuinely because blue is lucky and if I want to do anything in this dice game, I need luck on my side.
Then it was because green and blue go together quite well. Blue Orks are the best Orks, after all.

POST MODELS, gents. I finished this guy tonight.
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I usually play once every week or so, but I don't think I get games nearly as much as sallyman.
very nice. What do you use for your basing? A particular brand of texture paste?
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The usual base+diluted wash then varnish style of painting because I'm unable to choose, but I'm not gonna lie that OP picture makes me want to strip my metal test guardsman and repaint him for the third time in such a style.

Posting my model. I paint stripped and repainted in the same colours but in different shades.
It's just Vallejo thick mud. I tend not to do too much on my basing schemes. A good texture paint is good enough for me. Sometimes I'll do a patch of grass.
Anyone have a comparison pictured of satin vs. matte varnish on minis?
okay, I was thinking about that one, I've been using various diorama FX and wanted something a little 'more' and I like how your base looks.
I don't get the appeal of satin varnishes. Just go with gloss+ultramatte varnish combo and you should be good to go.
What is that?
>What is that?
The gloss + matte or in my case ultra matte painting combination is an old varnish technique based on the supposed myth that gloss is superior to matte in terms of varnish protection strength.

So people would just gloss then matte varnish their miniatures for gaming.
I think it is still valid in the sense that you're adding two coats of protection to a model to essentially provide it with true durability and if gloss becomes visible just brush matte varnish over it.
Which kind of thick mud do you use? There are several
not mine
meant to reply to >>93186373
Be a man and just use gloss varnish, like the hobbyists of eld did. It makes your models look shiny and cool, and keeps them safe.
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Next up, Angels Sanguine
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first model for kill team done
ruined one side of the cog trim when cleaning it up but learned a lesson on the workflow for this paintscheme at least
dont listen to this dude, matte all the way.
Are these the same sculpts as space marine heroes sets or are they unique?
Because my favorite color is blue, retard.
TQ is shit.
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Every ork and orruk I paint has blue bottoms because I want their ass to be lucky.
I have Waaagh!tism
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I’m mostly done the sergeant for my jump ints. The rest to follow tomorrow evening.
Neat. Do you use masking tape down the middle to get the clean divide, or some putty instead?
What's the etymology of the names?
>my favorite color is blue
Nigga u gay
Oh yeah, what's yours, huh? Red? That's like almost pink. Now who's the gay?
I've sucked a few dicks in my time and I've gotta say you're both a couple of fags
>Comic book style
Is drawing lines all over your minis with a black felt pen considered a style now?
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Mandrill gang, both fast and lucky
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Slurred Spanish mixed with German and Nocturneian names rolled from the salamander supplement. Sometimes I throw in some Italian if they’re from the neighbouring forgeworld.

Cavalla Mendohs
Ut’erehs Caputo
B’o’fa Diahs
Zorro Llameante
T’oma Rodrigehs.
Hwil’ermo Gutrehs
I have a google doc somewhere with the exact rules I used for the language drift that a native Spanish speaker helped me with. My Spanish is still pretty shit.
High art even
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/mydudes/ lore is that theyre a successor chapter of Wolves who race orks wacky races style.
Red legs and accents make them go faster when racing orks. Simple as.
Sallyman your autism is… surprising when it really shouldn’t be by now.
Speaking of high art.
>This nigga named Charles
Charlie to his friends
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Stay mad fag
>I have a google doc somewhere with the exact rules I used for the language drift that a native Spanish speaker helped me with. My Spanish is still pretty shit.
Based. I have an entire doc of all the names of the individuals within my Templar force. Each individual squad is numbered going up and each individual within the squad is named after someone who participated in that Crusade.
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You’re both insufferable
Left picrel was the inspiration, right was the first time I tried the paintjob and I fell in love with it.
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Post models
does myxp mean something
Sound it out a letter at a time.
I just wanted an excuse to type XP in 2015+9.
I miss old keyboard emojis
I had to explain to somewhat that /s is from before Reddit was a thing the other day.
I just did it by brush and clenching my ass. It's not perfect but decent
(°□°)︵ ━
What horrible times we live in
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>only after building realize that my centerpiece mini somehow has a huge gap on her torso (the super glue is long dried out)
>super glue
is very brittle. If you put something thin in that gap and rotate it you can probably snap them apart. The glue (provided it's actually cyanoacrylite and not plastic cement) should give before the plastic does. That said, for the size of that gap it should be pretty easy to fill with putty. Get some milliput, roll out a lil snake of it, and pack that badboi in there. Trim the excess, smooth what remains (you can get a cheap set of silicon sculpting tools for like $5), and paint it as a shadow. Shit will be just fine.
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>Vindicated in my beef with a player at my LGS when I found out absolutely everyone hates playing with the fucker, even the store owner
>Also he's a furfag (+1 vindication)
>Also, on the same day, play the funnest game of 40k in a while (+1 vindication)
I genuinely don't care if he or anyone else at my store frequent this place, fuck you Brandon. You're an unfun WAACfag and I know about your furaffinity. YEAH THAT INCLUDES THE DIAPER PORN!
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Purple is my favourite colour so that was easy.
Blue and black went with it nicely for an over all cool dark tone for a scheme.thats easy to paint quickly thats mostly drybrushing and ink washes.
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It's actually deceptively simple.
You still use the same concepts of mid tone, highlight and shade colours. But you no longer want to blend the layers, which can make it easier to get the bulk done.
What makes the effect is going over after an black lining everything. Which I'd recommend doing with straight ink and a lining brush.
So whats the deal with Grey Knights? Are they not gonna get turned into primaris?
the paintjob is more akin to cel shading than "comic book style"
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d-do you WANT them to be primarised?
It's implied the Grey Knight geneseed is either literally using the Emperor's DNA or was hand-crafted by him. i doubt they'd give Cawl access to something like that
thin your paints

it'd be interesting if they became the faction for "here's where you can still use your firstborn and terminators"
that was rumors before we discovered the first gray knight was a loyalist thousand son no?
the first grey knights were the knights-errant, comprised of loyalist psykers from various (loyalist and traitor) legions, including tsons. the first, however, was nathaniel garro of the death guard
that first group were the ones to establish chapter culture and tactics, but i could have sworn that the *actual* geneseed used for the Knights themselves was still the Emperor made stuff
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What >>93187153 and >>93187171 said. Once the original Knights Errant arrived at Titan, they found Malcador had prepared and fully stocked an entire Fortress Monastery for them to begin building their new chapter. Included in the supplies already-present was a full stock of gene-seed of unknown origin, best guess is Emps himself.
>nomodels tertiary seething at gamechads
Yes, yes, it's stored in the balls. Just like pee.
Grey knights geenseed is just leftover stuff from the missing primaris.
>Marines go around shooting their """Gene-seed""" into young men
C'mon, James.
There has been a change in the new Sister codex. The Decree Passive lore says nothing about the Church not being able to recruit men at arms.
It just says that the Church cannot field standing armies. The Sisters of Battle were allowed to be the only exception thanks to Thor's intervention.

This is an awesome fix because as the fluff was before it implies that men are superior warriors to women when this has never been the case in 40K. Men and women in the 40K universe are physical equal to each other.
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The brood brothers medic literally injects his genes into you.
Get inseminated idiot.
Are you guys trolling?
What's primaris about him?
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Well yeah, primaris look better.
One of the founding Grey Knight members said that his Legion geneseed was removed and replaced with geneseed made from the Emperor's DNA.

Source is the Pandorax novel.
His size and proportions, dude is almost twice the size now.
God BL such a fucking mess...
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>they removed your testicles and implanted you with some other dude's testicles
Thats weird to think about
>new space marine model is bigger than old space marine model
More news at 11.
The fuck are you on about? The Grey Knight codexes also confirm that their geneseed is from the Emperor.

Cawl didn't have access to their geneseed so no Primaris Grey Knights
So are the grey knight sprues too new and GW just doesn't want to replace them yet?
Grey knights seem to be about as interesting as blood angels
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>mfw the most slaanesh weapon ever is not slaanesh
Made by the Emperor for them. No mention of it being made with his DNA nor them taking legion marines, ripping out their implants and sticking in new ones. They took fresh recruits, put them on Titan, and zapped the moon into the Warp.
>Gene-needler: Lethal
He needs to eat more fruit
No. From the Emperor's flesh. Stated clearly.
It seems to be one of those assumptions people made after James worded it a bit vaguely, then didn't bother to outright say it's not his DNA
GW will replace them with new dudes at the new scale. They just won't be Primaris. The new Castellan Crowe model never got the Primaris keyword, so it will just be larger minis of the same types to fit the newer scale.
It would be better if it showed the same model, with different varnishes.
sperm means seed
>Stated clearly.
>"gene-seed wrought by the Emperor in isolation."
Where's it stated?
In the codexes.
>no evidence
Opinion disregarded.
They can't field men because the Decree Passive states they can't have armed men. That's it, it's just a loophole that everyone in the setting accepts at face value. There are obviously men who fight for the ecclesiarchy, such as hordes of zealots, fighting priests, arco-flaggelents, and crusaders can be men or women and operate as a sort of secret police/special forces. But in terms of their actual military force, it's only the Sisters.

I know it's a bait post but the old lore did not imply men were worse fighters, it implied that the reason the sisters exist as an armed force is a combination of respect for the sisters for literally saving the entire imperium from (worse than usual) absolute tyranny and a the stated loophole in the decree passive. I literally just read the original 3ED codex this morning and nothing has changed in that regard.
Seed me daddy
>iN tHe CoDeXeS
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Eat a dick.
Tbh I would have preferred if they did this from the start but it would have started an actual for real not fake exodus from the hobby if SPACE MARINE players didn't even have an illusion of using their 15 year old models.

No one gives a fuck about the 3 beastmen players who just got squatted.
See >>93187437
Ditto to you
MKX simply looks better than MKVII
retarded THEY'RE BIGGER AND BETTERER lore notwithstanding
>tell someone they're wrong
>they go to the effort to spoonfeed you
Works every time.
The new codex says NOTHING about the men thing. It says only no standing armies.
> such as hordes of zealots, fighting priests, arco-flaggelents, and crusaders can be men or women and operate as a sort of secret police/special forces.
This is addressed. These armies are legal but are ordered to disband after the Wars of Faith are over.
The Sisters of Battle are the only STANDING ARMY the church is allowed.
Nice, I haven't received mine yet. Mind posting a picture?
Pretending to be a retard only means you are a retard. It's the go-to cover of embarrassed retards. And you should be major embarrassed for going this fucking generic tactic..
you are just being extremely autistic about the words. Yes, armed men=standing armies. Either you are ESL or autistic but we all understood this, this isn't a major revelation.
anon literally
>i was just pretending to be retarded
in real life on the internet. i can't believe it. i hope anon explodes.
Nah I just got what I wanted. Thanks for doing the legwork anon.
you will never know love...
Nah. The codex doesn't mention any gender-based loophole. It only presents the Sisters of Battle as an exception.
Why do you think they dropped that part of the lore?
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Retouching on 15 of my oldest models, and I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. Still need to figure out how to make the bases work, but otherwise I'm happy with em.
>he said on an anonymous plastic army-man forum
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"Armed Men" isn't an implication of superiority, it's just an idiom used for the semantics necessary for the sisters loophole
Sure you did, retard. You totally didn't get embarrassed. That's why you replied to make us think you are not retard.
Needs a fair bit more than that
Nah. Knee flanges are shit. New helmets are dumb. Giant collars on all models are ugly.
Are you sure you want to spend more time talking about how you obeyed me on-command?
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Then why it wasn't mentioned in the codex when it was in older codexes? It was offensive af and insulting to anyone's intelligence when the Daughters of the Emperor were Vandire's most powerful enforcers.
So would most of the old grogs. You can go back through the archives (if they go back that far) and find guides on /tg/ and other sites for how to make your own "truescale" marines from over a decade before GW introduced primaris.
Fuck off Ben
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These guys are going to pound you into a jelly
Bitch, please. We get it. You care this much about anon opinions of you. No need to act like the retard you are more.
Okey dokey
That was disgustingly weak.
Armed Men has historicity as a synonym for army, and is useful for an in-universe reason to have space nun warriors. I don't see any way it's insulting
>funny little wordplay that even stuff like LotR used is now considered "offensive" and "insulting" to today's prim and proper little wargaming community
God I hate tourists
>shirtless dwarves
I didnt know that was an option in the kit
Okay, it was just bait. praise be, we can ignore you.
how would you fix listbuilding in 11th. Hard mode, still no wargear.
Give troop/battleline minimums. That's it.
>how would you fix listbuilding in 11th. Hard mode, still no wargear.
Its actually fine.
There aren't any alternative torsos for them in the kit, so every squad is going to be partially skins desu
Well its not like Im actually arguing with you anon. Im just shitposting on my couch watching tv. Im happy to give you as many (You)s as you'd like

This is actually interesting stuff im glad you posted it
Im surprised you had such a strong reaction.
Whatever helps you sleep. The change won't go anywhere.
Did you ignore the part about the Daughters being Vandire's most dangerous army? The Imperium would take steps to specifically limit them or disband them.
Why is anons opinion of you that important? Shows an incredibly fragile ego so much insecurity.
You could have taken the lore and kept quiet but you had to pull cover for yourself.

Anyway, are you admitting to trolling?
>The Imperium would take steps to specifically limit them or disband them
They did, they said no army. They just used the phrase "Armed Men". They're idiomatic synonyms
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Anon, I can do you better.
Still not slannesh though.
The Barbed strangler
>Fires it's seed out of a muscular tube
>on impact the seed exppodes into a cloud of spiked tentacle rape
>it's a ribbed horse cock
Ctrl-F the new codex. Not a single mention of Men at Arms or Armed Men.
Men at arms =/= a standing army.
The fucking church is still allowed to field men at arms going by the way. They just cannot keep them around after any war.
stop taking the bait, they are either a retard or a troll. feed neither.
Ignoring a problem doesn't solve it
its a free website dumbass, you can never cure down syndrome.
>Autist doesn't understand semantics
More news at 11
I admit that I was too lazy to get it myself.
Who's opinion again?
Men at Arms: a heavily armed and usually mounted soldier.
A standing army: A permanent, often professional, army

Two different things despite the metonymy.
Sisters of battle being the loophole for religious soldiers always seemed cool as fuck

Heavy bolter sisters will always be a fan favorite
The metonymy is what gives the phrase its out-of-universe usefulness as an excuse for sisters
Would it have been better for Primaris to be its own army
But you can stop misinformation from spreading that would be a problem far along the line by arguing for what is correct.
Yes. Primaris should have been Krorks
Now do all the other codexes, since you indicated it's in multiple, not just one (which isn't even the newest).
Only if you post models with time stamps.
I got a nice discount at my lgs. Should I spend it on company heroes or an ork patrol (the one with snaggas)
>that sister on the right
So they CAN make heavy guns with a proper top grip.
only some of the time, just to spite those it triggers.
Will Aeldari actually get any new models this edition?
Heavy flamer sister my beloved...
It's a stupid bit of lore since the women have been part of the Imperial armies for 7000 years at that point and often they were in positions of power (See the Great Crusade/HH). That kind of loophole wouldn't exist in an Imperium where women in the fighting forces are a common thing. They would have worded the decree with care especially when the opposing forces in the rebellion had women as their most potent army.
It's sexist garbage that needed to be patched out.
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>The Imperium when writing the Decree Passive and forgetting the existence of the Daughters of the Emperor
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"Sexist garbage"? Patched out? In a hellscape bureaucracy? Are we even talking about the same setting?
then youre a braver woman than I...

but it does also shit up the threads permanently and forever, beyond just wasting your time.

listen sister, im what most here would define as a "woke lefty" and can you kindly just shut the fuck up? no one cares, if you want empowered womans you literally have it and have had it. its a neat bit of lore about how a random sect of 200 rural women ritual warriors rose to become the forces of the most powerful religion in the galaxy.

there is a 90% chance this is some poltard larping as an SJW to trigger people.
GW straight out said the Imperium is not sexist. Both genders are treated equally in the meatgringer.
Patching out a faction because they're women? seems like you're the sexist, chudsticle-sama-san
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>there's no historical precedence to reading rules literally
>Don't talk about 40 lore in the 40k general
How about no?
Forget? No, Sebastian Thor wanted to disband the Sisters of Battle too, but was convinced not to. They didnt forget, they know what they were doing.
What was Van dires oath? Random guardsmen say that as an expletive in one of the games
>What made you settle on the colours and style of your miniatures?
Not yet settled. Trying to use the colors of sunset and the style of knights kinda like the Iron Ravens did.
I can get Tomás Rodríguez, Guillermo Gutiérrez and even "Flaming Fox"...but BOFA THIS? WTF

What are the rules of the language drift? I want some inspiration for my own (mispelled latinized-german vocab with spanish grammar)
>Einecos plusminos estalik
"Something more or less like this"
If the answer to a question can be Orks the answer is ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS.
Realistically speaking though if you're thinking about company heroes you probably have painted a lot of marines already, so why not paint some orks for a change?
Is there any hope of making psykers cool again without a psychic phase or discipline tables? I miss them so much.
In my experience, satin varnish is the perfect balance between respecting the intensity of dark/vibrant colors and preventing excessive shininess.

I used to always varnish with ultra matt varnish but I noticed my models paintjobs were turning kinda duller, and I noticed it was due to the fact that the shadow colors were turning less deep as a consequence of the matt finish and so I was losing a lot of contrast on the paintjob.

I switched to satin and I am very happy with it even if there is one or two unwanted reflections, which I can simply touch up with matt using the brush if they bother me too much.

tl;dr Use satin varnish people.
Cawl not only had access to traitor geneseed, he also has 2nd and 11th legion geneseed.
I think he can get GK.
Bring back spells but have them take your shooting action. its a combination of simple but still allows the flavor of having a variety of options to draw from. hell, bring back the random decks of spells and draw them every round. leave out perils of the warp mechanics because its just extra rolls that make the game take longer and always feels like ass anyway.
>he also has 2nd and 11th legion geneseed
Dark imperium books (I forget if the first or the second), when guilliman talks with the Cawl inferior he tells him of all the primaris marines he has ready for deployment and production and he mentions those.
Do you go back over cloth and stuff with matt?
An excuse for people whose "My guys" geneseed are from heretic legions or the forgotten legions to have primaris. Of course they will give primaris grey knights in the future.
No, It doesn't shine that much.
I think this illustrates the whole problem with the missing legions, any use of them just feels like OC donut steel shit
I feel like women on the battlefield is a waste. Every woman can make like, a dozen more humans. You only need a few men around to keep the production line going but I imagine you'd need every woman pregnant nonstop to keep the army rosters full despite the constant turnover from sending them on hopeless suicide missions, executing them for this or that, or feeding them to the emperor

Unless humans in 40k are just grown in vats or something, I'm not well learned on that aspect of the lore.
some humans are vat born, but to the inquisition having an armed force is much more valuable than any amount of non armed male workers
That's basically what is now, with every pskyer getting a unique plasma gun profile and maybe an aura. No room on datacards for special weapon effects it seems.
>I imagine you'd need every woman pregnant nonstop to keep the army rosters full despite the constant turnover
The one thing there is actually plenty of in 40k is people. A Waaagh against a Hive world kinda would be an even-numbers fight.
>Unless humans in 40k are just grown in vats or something
Kriegers are. Idk you could have the mechanicum harvest a couple eggs, birth a few replacements and the woman's good to go for the meatgrinder
Plus there's a ton of menial work to be done in the supply train. You don't need 100 kg of testosterone-pumped soldier to make an omelette when a 50 kg woman can cook it just fine.
Lets just ignore the fact that the vast trillions of military personnel in the Imperium make a tiny fraction of a percent of the entire Imperial population, and manpower is the one thing Imperium is not in short supply of. They can afford to throw meat into the grinder all day long. In the Munitorum Manual it says that it's ok for commanders to send people to reclaim lost materiel from the battlefield, even if it results in more losses, because that equipment is worth more than the lives.
>it's ok for commanders to send people to reclaim lost materiel from the battlefield, even if it results in more losses, because that equipment is worth more than the lives.
I heard small wars have been waged to reclaim a mere fragment of Terminator armour; that's how valuable relic materiel is
The example in the Manual was like basic guards kits and weapons. It also says soldiers should not be allowed to modify their kits so they'll be up to spec when handed to the next dude.
>Why is it such junk?
>This machine gun belonged to Samylin. He died a heroic death. He killed 8 Ghosts with this gun. Got a medal for it. Yeah, it has some scratches because he died of a grenade. It's not such a big deal. Just glue it together.
>The barrel is all bent. How am I gonna shoot?
>I'm doing you a great honor, butthead. This gun is special. You should feel proud instead of bitching about it.
Don't forget the Parasite of Mortrex
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This is chaplain number 33 for my collection.
Going to find a template for the banner and then paint it up
>What made you settle on the colours and style of your miniatures?
I like purple and it seemed an interesting colour for my semi-heritekal mechanicus
Yes and bad people never ever fuck up these internal doctrines over petty grievances and personal hangups, especially not in upper strata of a bureaucracy as perfect as the Imperium. Do you listen to yourself when you speak?
Oh so it's actually a squig that aims the shokk rifle, makes sense with the 3+ BS
>B’o’fa Diahs
>Sisters of battle being the loophole for religious soldiers always seemed cool as fuck
It's nothing more than a joke.
Even the lore itself explicitly spells out they should not exist at all.
And if the law didn't exist the Ecclesiarchy would've just used Frateris Templars, who are all male, even after the Vandire incident.
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What type of gods do nightlords worshjip anyway
None of them.
you're telling me, my bat-cosplaying emo edgy lads are just a bunch of hardened criminals following a soviet russian criminal system?
They are just pirates.
Don't follow any of the gods, yeah some members might, but vast majority don't.

Hell, they look down upon any of the fanatics, like Word Bearers that do worship the gods and view them as weaklings.
They view the loyalist fanatics who worship the Emperor the same as well.
>They are just pirates.
Butt pirates
Why are all the Retributors the same fucking pose?

>I feel like [Imperial action] is a waste.
Welcome new friend.
Are units from combat patrol being the same as in separate boxes? As in no monopose and stuff? All weapons, all options are there? Want to buy sisters combat patrol for kill team and wonder if getting your average squad would be better.
>Why are all the Retributors the same fucking pose?
Because uniformity and discipline is glorious.
I don't have any miniatures.
The old sisters combat patrol was mono build. The new one that just came out is the normal kits.
Noit a big fan of open worship, would be a very trasnactional relationship, they'd expect any effort spent in worship to be rewarded. Big fan of the Raptor god, and different claws probably follow lots of minor chaos gods, which due to very small amounts of worshippers they would have a near personal relationship with
Thanks anon, I am taking the satin pill
Better question why are retributors 10 points less than havocs
Because chaos cucks gonna be cucked
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Tourist here, idk where to ask. I really enjoy the books, I feel like they are written specifically for me. (im going through the Horus Heresy and the primarch short stories ). However since I never really cared about sci-fi I wondered are there other settings where war is the main focus. Everything else I heard of, war is treated like some end state, something to be avoided at all cost, and something that, ultimately ends with the good guys winning and that is that. There is no perpetual war like in warhammer. I know its because war is... le bad, but I already know that I have seen the drone footage.
Tl;dr Other settings with endless war on a massive scale?
If you don't like it you can simply apply matt on top. Worth trying it.
Its the only winning move.
In that image why have they chosen to depict Imperial ships over the 'nids instead of tyranid flyers or ships?
They are preparing to exterminate the planet from the tyranid menace.
No sacrifice is too great.
For the same reason they depict the guard, a force using ranged weapons, always bunched up, as if they are from the napoleonic era and have pisspoor accuracy.
Hey gents any tips for playing SoB? My last game I forgot my dead unit miracle but my round dice I rolled half 1s and half 4s.
Pretty sure the thing above and to the left of the biotitan is meant to be a nid cruiser ship in low orbit, looks too organic to be an imperial ship
Because the art is meant to evoke old british colonial art?
But the guard does actually does use Napoleonic era tactics. What do you think first rank fire second rank fire is?
Thanks, have a good day.
I've just been getting back into 40k, thought I would try dipping my toe into the second hand market.

Jesus fucking chirst, it is a shitshow everywhere ? Most people are selling their unopened boxes for RRP. You're lucky if a shitty paint job with paint slopped on is a 5% discount. The number of delusional painted models, I've seen a couple of perfectly "fine" models going for 2-3 times retail.

Has it always been like this ? I literally can't see any reason in attempting the second hand market, or am i looking in the wrong places ? (Ebay/Vinted)
Feels like a 'lost episode' of the 1987 TMNT cartoon.
>aliens come through a portal opened by shredder
>"oi m8 u gitz is green loik us and you're roight foighty, you sure you're a turtle innit?"
Bolt gun, battle tech, frostgrave are all better options for a table top game if you are looking for that. It's not worth getting into 40k atm so maybe look elsewhere. Check out whats popular with your lgs and see what's played aside from 40k and work from there.
There are a LOT of those and everything that is not as delusional often gets botsnapped away to be reselled for the same delusional prices.
No it was not like that befor, i remember a time where "normal" painted miniatures or even just glued ones where pirmarily soled for 60% the original price.
The amount of metachasers that pay a lot for tournament ready armys and try to sell them for a lot after they are "useless" completly ruined the market.
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Has anyone bought minis from raging heroes? is the final product any good?

Thinking of getting some dark eldar proxies but it's an unknown so I'm reticent.
I mean remembering one of your biggest sources of dice generation is pretty big, anon.

There seems to be quite a lot of manipulation of miracle dice results or the ability to discard bad die to buff units, I'd look into that.
>Bolt gun
You mean Bolt Action right?
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For you, anon
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I didn't know they were salamanders, I thought they were your own special successor chapter related to salamanders.
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Same shit
>What made you settle on the colours and style of your miniatures?
I just paint them random shit, I don't have goffs and evil suns. Just red orks and black orks.
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>Same shit
Bolt Gun is a videogame from 40k soooo no?
40k Vidya doesn't register for me because they tend to be piles of shit, apologies.
Then how do you get Bolt Gun in the first place?
>death company intercessors
>it's just an intercessor sprue and a blood angels upgrade sprue
That'll be 60 bucks plus tip.
This is a weak gotcha attempt, have your last (you)

Everything has been scalped to hell, besides the actual scams like people selling their 3dprinted crap like it's an actual model. People are fucking gay.
>browese warhammer buy swap sell pages
>barely anyone puts orks up for sale, and when they do someone buys it within an hour or so

yet all of the space marines spam stays up for weeks at a time
You don't have any miniatures and probably complain about model releases non-stop and call people here secondary no model grogs.
Just keep an eye on those pages and you might be able to snag something worthwhile. I've managed to get a few decent deals but they are hard to come by, particularly now with the price increase. I saw some dude trying to sell a few things in the same city as me (quite rare) and it wasn't even 20% off rrp, I couldn't believe it, could just find any online store and get it cheaper. Same with paints, if it's citadel they always seem to ask for close to rrp. I currently see someone trying to sell the entire pro acryl range for 50% off rrp which I'm tempted by as they are brand new but I don't think he wants to sell them individually, just the entire set
>secondary no model grogs
Yes you are
Look into the gaming stores in your city, some will probably sell used models.
>tfw been here for months and still don't know what a grog is

Is it just someone who has nostalgia for the late 90s early 2000s 40k?
It was more a question in the direction if there is maybe a game i don't know about in the direction of one page rules that try to tailor to 40k fans.
But fine, can't blame you to feel assaulted on 4chan or any other place in the internet in general.
Naw, that's you.
Grog (grognard) is originally some french term that meant veteran soldier, so a vet of 40k in this case. What the cut off point for that...
Grog = alcohol
Yeeah, I see it, I'm just not digging it, I though it would have been far more impactful to have some tyranid ships at the top centre, spewing tendrils of flyers down to the planet, some tyranid flyers over the tyranid line of advance, and then a slow blackening of the scene towards the horizon to give the impression of an unending tide of oncoming hungry aliens, spanning from horizon to horizon. The way they've done it just looks like theres barely any 'nids left and they're about to be mopped up.

I just love it when Tyranids are depicted as unending swarms, its proper horror stuff. I've got a piece of artwork in my head that is what I'm talking about, but for the life of me I cant think of who done it or how to search for and find it, I think more coffee is required first.
Appreciated anon, it makes sense now. Last time I was into this hobby was at the end of 4th edition, since I haven't touched it until the start of this year that means I'm not a grog I think
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Yes. And there's nothing you can do about it.
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Is this AI? I came across it trying to find that Tyranid image I'm thinking of. Why are the Space Marine arms, guns and backpacks so fucked up? Everything about their bodies seems to be at slightly the wrong angle. I cant decide if its AI or its just trying to emulate some really old 40k artwork from Rogue Trader or something.
It's from Napoleon's army, where the veteran troops were "Les Grognards" meaning " the grumblers." Who were some of the few who could openly criticize the upper command, up to and including Napoleon himself because they had been around long enough and put in the time to earn the right to openly state their dissatisfaction with the affairs of the Grand Army.
It's just been adapted to modern slang for "fuckers who have been around X hobby for a long time and get crotchety when their hobbies change on them"

>t. grumpy grognard who has been playing 40k since 3rd and still plays 10th but refuses to use primaris
Before you say anything, yes, I also play HH. And I still think 40k should bring back scatter dice and templates. Fucking GW hasn't been able to balance indirect fire without them.
Grog = Greg
Grog wasn't just alcohol, it was specifically watered down rum. If you think modern rums are weak, grog was weak rum cut with 50% water.
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Glued my first dudes ever, where do start for painting them?
Start with primer
Even if its AI it looks heavily edited/retouched. Look at the flag and the crimson fist insignia. AI would definitely fuck up the perspective of rippling cloth changing the look of the fist insignia
AI also usually struggles drawing monsters properly but the nid looks fairly faithful
>Is it just someone who has nostalgia for the late 90s early 2000s 40k?
Yes, also usually with rosetinted nostalgia glasses.
Agrax earth shade as a wash is your friend if you're going for the classic green and brown look.
>It's from Napoleon's army, where the veteran troops were "Les Grognards" meaning " the grumblers." Who were some of the few who could openly criticize the upper command, up to and including Napoleon himself because they had been around long enough and put in the time to earn the right to openly state their dissatisfaction with the affairs of the Grand Army.

This is especially funny because criticism of modern 40k (8th to 10th) and Primaris are often met with the fake grog label.
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Save yourself time, use this as the primer!
Prime it. I generally prefer a black primer. Don't waste your money on GW's expensive shit. Just get any rattle can black primer.
Then either slap-chop to bring out highlights or use an off-white to do some zenithal highlighting.

That's probably not a bad idea as a beginner-friendly route.
Midwinter actually has a decent video on speed painting DG, even though hes a deadbeat dad shitheel:
I really need to pick up an airbrush for priming.
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Whenever I see the "fake grog" thing it comes across as a disingenuous shitpost.
But then, I do find myself being crotchety at the state of the board. Having been here since it was made to contain /b/'s Warhammer Wednesdays.
And seeing /tg/ be such a great place of great OCs and fun.
But I don't want to gripe and reminisce right now.
k, fake grog. None of us are impressed you can google image search angry marines
Do you feel like the lad in the bottom right yet anon?
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See what I mean? Disingenuous shitpost.
I put the artist name in the image name anon...
great art.

It might be a bit too ambitious, but I was hoping to go with a colour scheme similar to their pre-heresy colours, maybe with a bit of a bone-y colour to the armour.
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That's an L not an i.
Fucking 4chan font.
Fucking ai slop taking fucking over.
oh wait. You're saying almost. I was reading that lowercase L as an I, and thought it was just another unhinged rant about AI art.
I'm being the most genuous right now
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Stop avatarfagging, fakegrog
Fake grog is a thing because it's real.
There's a reason why most of /grog/ is just scans of WDs or images of armies and battles that weren't theirs.
There are shitposts and then there are shit posts.
Yours are the latter.
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Dreadnoughts are a bit pathetic aren't they? Waddling about the battlefield on their little stumpy legs like they've shat themselves.
>I like old thing

>how dare you?
A spray can of paint.
I cant help it if I lost all my old stuff in a house fire anon.
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Come say that to my axe, faggot.
And yours are the former.
What an impasse.
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Aye, it has to come to you because it'll take that silly metal cuck box a decade to waddle over anywhere.
I hate the defiler so much bwooos....
That sounds like something a man who has been defiled would say
And mine are superior.
Man, defiler look so much better when you just... don't attach a head on them.
I gotta get that box of kommandos. I don’t even collect orks, but those those are some great sculpts.
There is literally a robot head with eyes
Tyranids are so fuckin cool.
I'm saying it would look better if he hadn't added that stupid head (though the one he used is probably the least awful of the ones that are in the kit)
If they were cool they wouldn't be 1 note and job constantly.
The head isn't stupid, otherwise it just looks like a tank, which is far less grotesque. Might as well ask to remove the crab legs too
Eh, theres always more of them.
>t. knows zero nid fluff
Of course there are fakers out there. The inane thing is to think everyone is a fake.
It's a shitshow here too, I wanted to buy cheap assembled, maybe primed models to test out paint schemes on and nothing is affordable. I might as well just buy a kit myself and quickly build it.
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crab tanks are cool though
>Of course there are fakers out there
Yes and they're the majority, hence as anon said - the general for it is 99.9% WD scans and 0.1% single metal figures
too bad admech have the only good-looking one.
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Don't care, cool regardless.
Is that rly blanche? Doesn't look like his typical stuff
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Crustaceans are based overall. 40k needs more crab orientated content.
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(Baby)Blue IS lucky
150% certain it is.
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>caught twice befoer masturbating over the product
>lost his dick to a lobster claw
Hail fuckin' Slaanesh.
Any sisters players have luck using Repentia? I know they'll blend pretty much anything they touch but t3 1W 6++ 5+++ is so soft. Only hope for them is rhinos or rapid ingress out of sight?
Anyone know which army is the least popular in the 40k universe? I heard a long time ago it was SoB (when they were all metal models) but that was before the refresh
>Any sisters players have luck using Repentia?
gee i fucking wonder
Pretty much, yeah.
There's no point even trying to run them up on foot. But even Rhinos are pretty squishy. It's just a shame Sisters don't have an assault ramp transport.
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How is that pedoey? Its an amusing news story, not an imagine of a kid with his dick out. Obsess less anon.
I've only used bringers of Flame and the people I've played seem to focus on killing my Repentia squad with anti infantry deep strikers.
Just report anyone with the brainrot to mention any "ben"
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Did you know that the Vatican has a sanctified holy crab?
I didnt even know what on earth I would report them for? "Extremely low quality"? "User is underage"?
trolling outside of /b/
Or just "trolling" because "Ben" is just a shitpost bogeyman.
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Its ... hungry.
this just seems like an all around bad idea for so many reasons.
Skill issue.
Just be a strong enough psyker and you can do it.
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This is true. Sacred is the rad count.
It does doesnt it, it just stuck me as an all round bad idea and one that's likely to have the Hive Mind send a splinter fleet to your exact location.
Okay, you guys wont mind at all if I just leave this 50kg chunk of Uranium-235 here then?
Works as a space heater as well.
Fucking pedo artists get the rope
B8 used to be believable
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that hive tyrant may be only a few days old, but it houses an incalculably ancient conscience!
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Depends on how refined it is really. Low-enriched? Go for it! High enriched? Get the fuck outta here!
It's 50kgs of pure uranium.
HEU? Well thats alright, put it in the corner and put a lid on it or something, its not massively dangerous.
Orks eat uranium for breakfast
Nah, I'll just leave it on the floor, I was only paid to transport it here.
If the Orks believe hard enough that the uranium is a tasty breakfast cereal then it is.
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Does anyone have this in a readable size?
I wouldn't put it past Orks to have been engineered so they can a convert nuclear radiations into bioavailable energy

to an extent, at least
What's the most forgettable rule to you?

For me, it's Lance. I can never remember that it exists, regardless of how many squighogs I run.
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I'm reading Gaunt's Honour Guard atm. I wasn't expecting for something like this to happen lol.
Know where its from? I can probably get you a decent copy
If you switch the cannon with a crane it would be an awsome disaster relief vehicle.

i saw a few others kitted out with legs that made them look better then befor.
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Guard are peak 19th Century British army.
Has to be from either the 8th or 9th SM Codex
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It should particularly be expected as much, from a book series "inspired" on a certain character & light-infantry regiment.
There you go.
I just feel like a lot of crab tanks focus on the legs way too much and/or the legs are way too thick. Crabs look best with really thin, almost spindly legs. The admech crab does that look right, but something like the defiler does not.
B’o’fa got that name cus the model was a gift from my soon to be younger brother in law. He’s a little meme goblin and his only request was that I name a captain at least some variation of that.
Found the doc:
Oracleus Minor native naming conventions:

Oraclean Freedmen and peasants: The yeomanry have a typically Spanish root to their names but with notable drift in pronunciation and spelling. Frequent Nocturneian loan words have filtered into the population as well, these are often still recognizeable as such.

Common rules, while not always applied serve as a good framework.

Names ending in za, ez and es are pronounced like “ace” and spelled with an ehs.
Names beginning with a hard J are often replaced with Zh sound and the letter Z
Names beginning with G’s, W’s, N’s, and occasionally M’s drop the first article entirely. Instead emphasis is placed on the second or 3rd letters
I’s are typically replaced with Y’s.
Some longer names are broken up, typically where an O would be and an apostrophe fills its place.
Soft J sounds are replaced with Hw.

Ex names: James is Zamehs, Martinez becomes Aartinehs, Gomez becomes O’mehs. Diego becomes Dyehgo. Juan becomes Hwan And most notably with the ruling Knight house Delgado becomes Dylgado. Antonio becomes Ant’nye. Flordeliza becomes Fl’rdelyehs

Nobility: The knight houses being most often involved with wider imperial culture have names typical of imperial nobility. Due to the efforts of the Sororitas Orders Famulus considerable offworld admixture is present in the nobility. Though occasional native Oraclean names can be found.
Example names: Gustav Aloisius Tyrrannus. Miriam Mercillian.

The neighboring forge world of Tejana uses similar conventions, often altered Spanish first names followed by Italian or Romance last names.

Ex: Terran: Gutierrez Guillermo
Oraclean: Gutriehs Hwil’ermo
Tejanan: Ut’erehs Guglielmo
I never fucked with grammar tho.
How could I spice up a bit the appearance of the Leviathan pale skin? Those pale fleshy parts always seem kinda barren of detail, and thats ok generally because its the carapace and the weapons that are the draw, but I was wondering how it could be made less "boring"

>inb4 change scheme
I can't read this
change scheme
You are on mobile
Flip your phone and tap on the filename
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Maybe patterning like on old purestrain shoulders?
This looks like a pain in the ass to do and it's coming from someone with a probably overly complicated scheme with a lot of patterning/squiggly lines. Purple lining looks almost like it's been done with a micron pen.
Not him, but why does mobile absolutely fuck up image quality?
(nvm the last comment, upon inspecting closer I understand how it was done, just alternating dotting between burgundy and bone colours)
Are you using a browser, or a dedicated app (kuroba, clover)?
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Sucks to be you?
if i'm ever on mobile it's browser.
tap the "HQ" button genius.
It some kind of data saving thing
They bunch up for maximum concentration, jackass
Ah, yeah that makes sense.
I myself am using Kuroba to browse. Pretty handy desu.
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I got a new job so I can finally afford a new army. Talk me out of this. I have no idea about combos and synergies.

Char1: 4x Platoon Command Squad (100 pts)
• 2x Veteran Guardsman
1 with Master Vox
1 with Regimental Standard
• 1x Platoon Commander: Warlord, Boltgun, Power Fist
Enhancement: Kurov's Aquila (+40 pts)
• 1x Veteran Heavy Weapons Team: Lascannon

2x Infantry Squad (120 pts): Lascannon, Plasmagun

1x Infantry Squad (60 pts): Autocannon, Meltagun

10x Kasrkin (110 pts)
• 9x Kasrkin Trooper
5 Hot-shot Lasgun
2 Meltagun
2 Plasma Gun
• 1x Kasrkin Sergeant: Power Weapon, Plasma Pistol

2x Baneblade (960 pts)
2x Scout Sentinels (120 pts): Sentinel Chainsaw, Autocannon
1x Shadowsword (440 pts):
1x Chimera (70 pts): Chimera Heavy Flamer, Heavy Bolter, Storm Bolter
Whats the lore about birth control in the Imperium? I would imagine its discouraged as it denies the Emperor troops for his armies and labourers for his factories?
what in the fuck are you talking about?
You have no way of ordering your Baneblades, and most tables you won't even be able to deploy
Where are the white scars units? And it better not be a intercessor punishment squad
Probably Chyna-style regulations for mandatory amount of children
Nobles & the such can probably do whatever the fuck they want: designer babies, change baby sex in the vat, change baby physique, exotic stuff like Atreides blue eyes, etc.
>You have no way of ordering your Baneblades
What do I need, a tank commander?
>and most tables you won't even be able to deploy
Really? Terrain in Leviathan is all tiny.
Just got the app, it is indeed quite nice, but for whatever reason it doesn't load captchas and image quality is much worse. I'll have to do some tweaking it seems but the UI is great.
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>What do I need, a tank commander?
Tank Commander can issue 1 order, Lord Solar can issue 3 and gives you a CP. There's a reason he's in every list
>Really? Terrain in Leviathan is all tiny.
I guess that depends on if your store has gone out and bought the new GW terrain or made their own, but most tables I've ever been to you will have issues deploying or at the very least, moving.
>Tank Commander can issue 1 order, Lord Solar can issue 3 and gives you a CP. There's a reason he's in every list
Well that's a shame. I don't want named characters and he feels kind out of place in the big ass tanks list.
>I guess that depends on if your store has gone out and bought the new GW terrain or made their own, but most tables I've ever been to you will have issues deploying or at the very least, moving.
How do people handle things like knights, then? I've never played with models that big.
Fuck do IG really have to have a command structure still to function? I would have thought they had done away with all that sort of thing by now.
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What's the current duelist/character hunter of the CSM codex? Someone that can fit into a Land Raider preferably.

I'm guessing either the Chaos Lord in terminator armor or the Master of Executions?
I can't think of much fluff that specifically addresses birth control except one tidbit (from Necromunda, I think) about drugs being added to the water supply in a hive to suppress or enhance people's sex drive as necessary to meet the demographic targets.
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Yeah, you'll probably want to do a bit of adjustments to suit you (like loading the images instead of just showing the thumbnails); but it becomes very intuitive after some tweaks. The anons from /g/ can certainly help, should you need to.
Very cool Sallyman. I like that you've put so much effort into this, it's clear you really love your guys.
If you mean the requirements of platton command and a command section to even unlock infantry squads, no, they don't need that. Their current roster is all over the place, though, because instead of making each regiment a subfaction or just a different scheme/detachment they made gave each one or a few units so there's like 4 different command squads, 6 infantry squads and whatnot on top of the generic classic ones. I personally hate it but it seems like it's here to stay.
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Should we really be trusting GW on weapon profiles while building our units? I feel like eventually they'll just go back on it and suddenly you're left with a lot of unusable shit, except for primaris who were already meant to be built like that for the most part. They'll market 11th as some kind of return to tradition of something, I can just feel it.
Like a thunderhammer has the same rules as a chainsword on a thunderwolf rn
>I don't want named characters and he feels kind out of place in the big ass tanks list.
Can just use a proxy if you want. Don't see it as any more out of place than a command squad, but not wanting named characters is fair
>How do people handle things like knights, then? I've never played with models that big.
Knights can step over/through terrain, and because they're TOWERING they can shoot over it if they're touching it. Baneblades can do neither

Officers can order things, but they get different amounts of orders and what they can give them do depends on what they are. A Command Squad for example can't order vehicles other than sentinels
chaos lord in termie armour is not the way you want to go, his damage output is pitiful. Of course its the Master of Executions. Or just the regular Chaos Lord with daemon hammer and the epic duel stratagem to give him precision as needed.
Think I got it working now. Thanks for the recommendation, anon. I was getting tired of browser chan. Back to talking about my favorite tabletop game, Warhammer 40,000.

Orks and necrons are really cool. I love when they end up fighting together in a book or on a tabletop. It's always a good time.
>Like a thunderhammer has the same rules as a chainsword on a thunderwolf rn
Really? Thats just sad. : ( Even in Necromunda its nerfed from what it used to be back in the day, but its still no chainsword!
It's one of the worst parts of 10th right next to the lack of points.
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Yeah it's weird. To be fair the selection of weapons that comes in that box is abysmal, though spare SW weapons are everywhere in the boxes
You should always, always just build what looks coolest.
Everything is cyclical, so I wouldn't be surprised if they did that. However I don't need to "trust" GW, the only thing you need to adhere to is only putting wargear on models that is either in the box, or has survived a 10e codex release with wargear not in the box (like Retributors having 4 MMs, or Crisis not having access to CIBs). They're not going back on that.
It has to be that way in 40K because for some stupid reason GW decided that weapon upgrades shouldnt have a cost, so all weapons that can be swapped out have to have the same "power level" otherwise it would be the obvious choice and everyone would take them.
these things still feel too cheap
In 99% of cases you'd just need to buy a single new box of bodies and glue all your leftover guns on them to have every gun combination you can possibly want.
You can never trust Zamehs.
You say that like this isn't true for half the datasheets regardless, they only consolidated profiles for a handful
Some armies got hit by this way worse than others. Space Marines are probably the most notable though.
A LOT of profiles just got mixed in one or just ignored that the team had soemthing special befor.
combiweapons are all the same profile, genestealer cult biker had power weaons knives and such now it's all the same as well or the abbarants had multiple different weapons and one had a tail, all just one profile and the ttail is just gone.
There are way more examples like that.
all in the name of making the game "faster"
Simpler is probably the prime reason, less confusing for retards when they can just roll for a unit rather than paying attention to what is what and remembering / having to refer to 2-3 profiles.
Been away, how are Orks doing
Backhanded into next month.

Green Tide nerfed from about 5 different distinct angles, Meganobz and by extension Bully Boyz cucked.
You can't tell me with a straight face this was the main intention when they only did it to melee weapons while lots of units still have five or six seperate shooting profiles to resolve.
and for way less work in balance and creation of the profiles
and less "cryes" about specific weapions someone build getting nerved or whatever
To play doubles advocate for a moment, different shooting profiles is less complicated to properly resolve than different melee ones
In what way? They are resolved exactly the same way. They still have the same problems of allocation to different units and checking threat ranges, just on a different scale. I would argue shooting usually has to deal with MORE different defensive profiles in a single resolution than melee does due to split firing.
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>doubles advocate
devils, not doubles!
Bully bros will just run more nobz now, they are half the cost of meganobz with the new changes
Its just a doggy dog world out there bro

Checking you are within 18" to 24" and have LOS is easier than ensuring specific models you wish to engage with other specific models are within B2B or B2B2B, and the resulting fuckery that this causes during the charge phase
Sure, they'll probably pivot to that. But Nobz do not compare to Manz with a 2+ 5++ 4+++. They're dealt with far more easily.
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meh, green tide is still decent. it probably won't see as much tournament play but it'll be around.
I had a lot of fun playing green tide after the nerf and even won my game. I'll continue to play it.
Meganobz are dead though until their points are readjusted. Gotta love the classic GW double nerf.
Like most questions about imperial society.
It varies from world to world, the imperium doesn't have a single unifying culture.

All the matters is you pay your tithes, pay homage to the emperor and don't fuck around with chaos and aliens. But even the specifics of those can vary world to world.
Losing the RR1s, automatically giving up 20VP on a secondary and "____ jail" lists that put you behind on primary being heavily nerfed means its DOA against any competent player
Well, I guess it's good I don't play against really competitive people. We just try to have fun
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Are there countercultures in the Imperium
What happens when a band in a hive world starts singing about how rad Horus is and how much they hate their dads?
Most people probably don't know anything about Horus
isn't he like Satan in the beliefs of the Imperial Cult
And yet they removed points, the main form of balance.
Because if they did you'd get a boring and bland slop of a game like OPR.
A person who only got into the hobby seven years ago is a fake grog. It’s a zoomer mental illness.
Most people aren’t even aware that CSM exist.
Obviously orks.
anyone use a stompa yet, I'm thinking a mek running behind it in a dred mob might be unexpectedly good
Keep in mind that you never run a stompa to win. You run a stompa to run a motherfucking stompa.
As far as I understand traitor Primarchs is strictly secret and most people don't even know about CSM
Of course, it's part of human nature in any large social group.

Of course if they ever get close to actual heresy it's execution time.
That only works with old models. New kits are deliberately designed to not let you do this.
>removed points
less points less to balance (balancing the hole squad is way easyer then just parts of it) and removing points from equipment also removes the discussions why a melta in that squad is more expensive then in that squad, and so on.
Did you buy into the marketing that true scale marines = Primaris?

I bet I can resell you your own army in another 6 years.
>hole squad
>then in
>doesn’t see the contradiction in his own statement
These are the people these changes were made for.
in addition melee phase is a bit more complicated to begin with thats one of the reasons many people like gunlines so no wonder if they try to make it easyer.
That's demonstrably not true.
>Holes 2: The hole squad
I wonder how 40k would be if melee weapons just had ranges, like 1", 2", 3", and so on.
Not really? All the new guard kits work like this. All the new votann kits work like this. All the new SoB kits work like this. What kits don't?
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>tfw no mechanifu

I know it's orks but I don't know why people are telling you to get that box. The sniggers meme needs to end
my bad english aside, yea i see no contradiction in that.
If you balance the squad you have way more options how to do so, if you have to balance all specific weapons in a way smaller scale of points it is bound to be much work and to lead to more failure.
They aren’t tryhard newfags.
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How many Khornates are castrated?
>All the new votann kits work like this.
NTA, but not entirely with votann. at most you have enough bits to make an extra 3-4 guys if you have bodies with the hearthkyn kit, thanks to the special weapons having their own arms where the rest of the regular guns share arms.
Each gun has 3 bits: trigger arm, holding arm, and gun. both the bolter and ion blaster glues into the same trigger arm and holding arm, meaning if you take out the special weapons you only have enough bits to make 1 squad, with only the guns left over. no arms.
All the space marine ones, chemically if not surgically.
Sisters of Silence could and should look like this.
I’ve got more to touch this up, but it’s mostly done.
hes cute
We don’t have to ask why melta is worth more in one squad than another, we have to ask why grenade launchers and flamers are worth as much as a melta.
They’ve not solved the issue, they haven’t even hid it well if you realize the “hole squad” costs what it does because of its weapons. That didn’t change; it never will. They’ve failed just as much as in prior editions.
I mean you are failing at balance by making a squad a set cost regardless of wargear; all you're doing is making 4 of the 5 choices available not worth taking
The new SoB kits absolutely do not work like this. Any unused special weapons in the battle sister kit go straight in the bin because they're useless. GW deliberately only includes enough arm pieces to build max 4 per box. You can't "save" the weapons from one kit and use them on another kit.
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If your opponent has anything that can deal with the stompa, you're going to lose quickly. If he doesn't, you're going to lose slowly
>demons seducing other demons
Sounds kinda dumb in framework of what we have but I wouldnt mind Ex-Daemons if that meant we could have more interesting conversions and at least some nuance to Chaos metaphysics.
There would be loads, all the gangs in Necromunda are counter culture really, (besides the cops). The Emperor is a founding myth for the government/state system but isn't like a creator god, no one thinks he created the universe. Like bands today don't make soungs decrying the founders of their current parliamentry government, so I think their songs would be anti- plantery governor and the church. I do wonder what a civvie 40k band would be like, or is everyone to be working themselves to death to even form a band, how would you get instruments, theres no welfare so you must work or starve etc
The Imperium isnt 1/100th as efficient as that, if it was there wouldn't be chaos cults in some form on literally every planet
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jokes aside, do you have more pictures of this ded snazzy army? i love that fucking thing
>Any unused special weapons in the battle sister kit go straight in the bin because they're useless
uh oh shitter alarm
>GW deliberately only includes enough arm pieces to build max 4 per box. You can't "save" the weapons from one kit and use them on another kit.
the absolute state
it's been this way for a while, i'm afraid.
>rather than paying attention to what is what and remembering / having to refer to 2-3 profiles.
Something difficult about writing it down / printing it out so you opponent can see your list and check it too?
according to GW, yes.
Yea they didn't resolve that "yet" i mean we where also talking about unification of weapon profiles and with combi weapons for example they did exactly that and there may be more weapons to come in the future that share this fate.

was like that most of the time anyway so why pay workers to try and balance that in the first place (not my opinion just try to imagine what GW thinks).
I meant the absolute state of your post
...do non-slaaneshi daemons even have dicks?
uh oh no argument alarm
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Ready to lay down the LAW. Luv me some space cops.
Dunno, work fine for me.
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Oh shit I'm famous on /tg/

I don't have a consistent scheme for my army, but here's some squighogs I painted like poison dart frogs
i like em, they're really glossy like i imagine a dart frog is

Sauce? Artist’s name is too pixelated
Argument with what? Your inability to do basic hobby work?

Works on my machine
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Is it worth adding a Biophagus or Iconward to Metamorphs in a Goliath and losing scout?
>still no argument
>was like that most of the time anyway
Not to the same degree at all, no.

Before it was
>I'll take the Flamers rather than the Melta on this unit. Its not as good, but also not nearly as expensive so the gap is mitigated
Now its
>I could take the Flamers rather than the Melta on this unit, but I'm paying for the Melta anyway so fuck me right
Is this one of those skill issues I've heard so much about?
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Skill issue
>Not to the same degree
That's true for casual games it got way worse but for tournaments it stayed nearly the same. one weapon option was (most of the time) way better in point cost efficiency.
Makes zero difference between casual and tournaments
>for the majority of people it got way worse
>but for the minority it stayed exactly the same
Wew fucking lad.
casual players are more lenient with critic and GW seems to believe the tournament scene is more important. Both factors that lead to neglegence of casual players.
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>wildly varied squig colors and patterns

Only way to go
And now GW is splitting datasheets for disparate options like GSC Acolytes and making it more confusing. They could have had the load outs in the points section instead.
Love these guys, I've always hated the GW box art for squigs
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They have an insane threat range what do you mean
>it's more important, that's why we did something that changed nothing for them.
Wew x2
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Where's the roadmap?
Well sure. But chaos cults aren't counter culture.

Counter culture is loud, direct and overt, that's the point of it.
Anyone approaching heresy and wanting to survive needs to be the opposite of that.
Counter cultural heretics are the easy low hanging fruit for arbiters to clean up without even needing inquisitor intervention.
Sure you can.
You always get enough arms to go with the bodies. Just put the guns on ther arms you have to hand.
It's how it's been done forever.
Your opinion is shit and I hope you step on a new chaos model
Surely Nurgle would have an anus and an STD ridden dick.
There's nothing wrong with Snaggas, some of their models are a bit overdetailed and GW tried for a little bit to push them as primaris orks, but have since given up on that.
They'll get half their shit legended when they get crammed into Agents of the Imperium Codex.
>building deimos rhino
>option for pintle-mounted heavy bolter
How is it that heresy marines can do this but chaos marines can't? It looks so much cooler than a combi bolter.

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