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The Golden Boy Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Who do you think is the most interesting character in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and what makes them stand out?
Perty because he reminds us all of the part of ourselves we hate
Minor Chaos Gods cult warbands (as opposed to legions) would be really cool
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>uohhhh I'm so tired please let me die
>no donte u must fite
>one final battle!
>next book
>uohhhh I'm so tired please let me die
>no donte u must fite agen
>one final battle!
>next book
>uohhhh I'm so old....
>Who do you think is the most interesting character in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and what makes them stand out?
Not a fucking Space Marine, that's for sure.
Maybe Inquisitor Eisenhorn or Commissar Gaunt.
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What should my next paint purchase be, /40kg/?
Rolled 4 (1d6)

100,000pts of orks on a 6
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>Who do you think is the most interesting character in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and what makes them stand out?
Even when a man has nothing left, he can still find hope.
literally who
The absolute state of marinefags
He looks like a Soijak
I'd like to see that series be revived.
I’m kinda digging The Vorbis Conspiracy, so I’m gonna say it’s normal humans investing normal human crimes.
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Confess your sins

I've been accidentally playing the deffkoptas ability wrong for a year. I'm supposed to deal a 4+ mortal for every model in MY unit, not the enemy unit I just flew over.
Most of the joy i receive from painting is from finishing the model, and then having people compliment it. I enjoy seeing the painted models on the table, but not nearly as much as some random dude telling me my model looks good.
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yes, but the community is too stupid for it
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Here's your Sanguinary Guard, bro.
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You mean like Hashut marines or something or just non Legion warbands like Crimson Slaughter or Red Corsairs?
I've been procrastinating painting lately as I believe I'm simply not good enough and whatever I paint isn't up to some standard I've made up in my head
>not a primarch
It's not the 2nd ed anymore gramps.
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non legion warbands following a host of brand new very minor warp powers, the kind that can't even manifest daemons but can give you cool blessings. Like how the Realm of Chaos describes them. Also they can choose to manifest themselves as a daemon thats VERY powerful at the cost of them not getting any more powerful ever and if they;re sent back to the warp they're personailty and memoaries are destroyed forever
I think its a good framework for them was made people could fill the gaps
Ork bros, have you had any luck with war horde? My army is all over the place so that's what I was planning on running
Blood Angels characters are such Mary Sues it wouldn't surprise me if they mogged a primarch desu
A regular marine made Magnus kneel before him after all
Guilliman already gave Dante a blowjob too
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And even during RT there has always been someone stronger.
>the same people defending the female custodes change defended this
interesting overlap or just run of your mill corporate bootlickers?
Are they in the room with us right now anon?
The successful builds are using 2-3 big boyz blobs with warbosses and painboyz and fill the rest with mobile stuff like snaggas, stormboyz and meganobz in transport.
Is this one of those free PDF units?
I follow a number of mini painters on twitter, so sometimes the algorithm will suggest tweets from others and boy were they out with pitchforks the day that image floated out and FW started getting flak.
Femstodes are bad but the Sang guard always looked like ass. You can't have bodyguards mogging the guy they're guarding. They should go back to being assault marines with gold helmets desu.
Ok schitzo
Stupid bitch.
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People wanted the Sanguinary Guard (as well as Azkaellon) to appear in the HH; GW didn't care, yet tried to placate them with a counts-as SG (via pdf). People still weren't happy, so GW actually released SG (via pdf). People disliked the conversions.
Paint your backlog, cretin.
It always was strange that they made up all these weird new units instead of just doing 30k SG
Could be GW just didn't want them to compete with the 40K kit I guess
FW. You mean FW did those things.
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Trazyn unironically, the idea that he’s been awake this whole time collecting things unique across the entire galaxy is really neat
Why is modern Chaos so boring bros?
>practically no Minor Gods, spotlight has shifted entirely towards Big Four & Daemon Primarchs, no cool "Build Your Own Minor Demigod" subfaction rules
>Undivided Daemons all but axed
>Aetheric Dominions fluff is hanging by a thread but a little bit more relevant now with Vashtorr taking Malevolent Artifice
>no Last Laer, Champion of Slaanesh, no Yu'Vath
>no Xenarchs either
>Chaos Metaphysics still poorly defined under the lazy guise of "i-it shouldn't make sense!" aside from Aetheric Dominions
>Nurgle and Slaanesh portfolios still aren't entirely ironed out
>no insights into the Great Game and Daemon intrigue/politics, like Daemons defecting to another God or more God-specific daemons winning independence
>>not a primarch
Well, he’s very close to being one.
NTA but after the long weekend next weekend I actually won't have a backlog for the first time in... Four years? It's kind of liberating. Can't wait to see what new models my faction s get with their Codex so I can consoom guilt free.
By that time FW were already fully the bitch of GW, they were the specialist game sluts and 30K suffered
Fuck 30K anyway. It killed all other far more interesting stuff FW did.
it makes sense in context with the sales based bonuses for the different studios. Why would forge world support the 40k SG when they can try to get the players buy their kits to make some instead
So that's where Elvis went.
It's simply not chaotic.
Meh. FW was a subsidiary of GW, and almost all decisions (at least after Bligh's passing) came with GW's approval; the differences were minimal. Now FW has been gone for a while.
I've been picking at my kriegsmen this past week. Chill. I just want to be disappointed faster.
Yeah don't see her either, little mental patient
HH Sanguinary Guard not using Sangie's death mask and the overall Sangie Cosplay armor makes sense, because Sangie hasn't died yet.
Look in the mirror.
end of august earliest. stop asking
Ok I'm looking in the mirror. Your mom isn't here though, it only goes down to my waist and she's lower.
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>like Daemons defecting to another God or more God-specific daemons winning independence
That one Kharn book where Khornate berserkers started falling to Slaanesh was cool and I think the gods stealing each others mortal champions should be more of a thing.
>oh know I've sworn myself to X god what a terrible mistake
>Heh hello mortal how about you join me, ill rise you higher than you ever could under that other god
I would love to see some xenos chaos champions for once, why is chaos solely powered by humans, a few powerful xenos races that CSM have to work around or aganist to achieve their goals would be good
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The absence of the mask does make sense, but not the rest of the panoply (like the chestplate, wings, etc.).
Even GW thought these bits were fine when converting their counts-as SG.
I don't think the GW sprue is 11% the size of the other one.

Thats my only thought regarding it, not sure why I'm supposed to give a shit
Honestly, i think the bland ass paintjob is the bigger issue with the jump pack sangies
It's interesting info. But it's also of no consequence.
GW is selling you an overpriced characteres
WGA is selling you models for a wargame.
And how's the quality difference between the two?
nobody cares about eldar except for delusional eldartrannies
Thanks for letting us know, keep us updated
Call yourself old, young whipper-snapper didnt even walk on the same ground as the Primarchs, back in my day we would only feel old once we'd reached our second millennium of war. Kids these days....grumble grumble.....primaris this....rubicon that...grumble grumble ....
How could I improve this? Supposed to be a 1500 point list

>supposed to be 20 boyz with warboss and weirdboy
>mega warboss with manz in battlewagon
>10 nobz with warboss in trukk
>5 nobz in trukk
I'd disagree it being bigger, although I do agree that the paintjob is equally shit. GW actually commissioned them to an e-celeb to paint and convert them.
you can see the quality, cant you?
oh look it's the obsessed faggot who doesn't know what mary sue means going on another rant
Oh, it's those cringelords.
Eesh, no wonder those suck ass
I kinda can't.
A lot of quality issues can't be seen until you're building the kit as the parts don't fit right
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Thats not Bjorn, THIS is Bjorn!
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Still working on this thing, its been too hot to do anything here. Hopefully I'll get it done over the weekend
GW is also selling you 50% of sprue with each box, because they are unable to make it less and thinner.
The obvious is GW plastic is higher viscosity or they inject at lower temps.
My gut is they use less plasticizer which is good because it's a tranny chemical
kek, is he "Beating the Serpent" on his banner? Does Bjorn have a banner about wanking?
That looks really neat. DoW 1 was so much fun, but fuck if it the pathfinding isn't ass.
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Stop being a whiner just cus no one likes your favourite little guys or knows about them. The guy could be an ork player for all you know.
He was the first phoenix lord and one of the great hero’s of the CWE post fall. I think he’s the founder of the Dire Avenger aspect shrine. Now he’s buddies with the Ynnari.
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Was pic rel really meant to be Bjorn?
Looks exactly like the banner
>My gut is they use less plasticizer which is good because it's a tranny chemical
your body is already saturated in such chemicals, chudster
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I've been sitting on a bunch of old blood ax kommandos that I think I'll paint next as I've never really used them in my army. Should I keep the urban camo scheme they were known for or use my deathskulls scheme?
According to WGA, the issue with GWs sprue runners is the shape of their sprue, which makes it harder for the plastic to flow (and i tend to believe it, because all the big scale modelling companies are also using round runners to make their sprues).
That results them needing two injection points and also a runner around every piece of miniature within the sprue, loosing them lots of space and wasting plastic (not that it costs a lot, but if they hollow out shoulder joints of space marines to save some material, it seems to bother them)
>marinefags getting all uppity

every time
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also, I'm sad my old big guns don't get any play. Would big guns on mek gun sized bases work well? Maybe two guns per base?
Yes, but Acktualy no. That's Not-Bjorn the Fellhanded.
FW used to occasionally push for their own OCs, rather than introducing characters from BL or GW (which people actually wanted).
>My gut is they use less plasticizer which is good because it's a tranny chemical

You are not supposed to chew those miniatures Anon.
trying a little too hard
Just weird because a big name like Ahriman got put in the other side of that box and then you have this guy who looks like Bjorn and it's actually some new dude
Why does GW keep around kits that people hate like the baby carrier?
Blue Orks are the best Orks, anon. Always.
Bjorn had red brown hair, didn't he?
Id expect the same “literal who” response if I started talking about Pellas Mir’san or Sol Ba’ken. Why are you so entitled. I mean it does suit Eldar at least.
I'm considering leaving the general for good. I like discussing the setting and posting models but I'm tired of how this place just keeps getting worse. Every thread it feels like we get fewer model posters and more coomershit, ritualposting, schzioposting and autistic screeching about balance of an edition that is already unsalvagable.
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Why they don't sell an extra "armored dreadknight conversion pack" to double dip on this shit-ass looking model?
Thats not a sin. Anyone who can manage to escape this hellscape is doing right by God and their family.
they should’ve replaced this shit years ago. the fact that its a core unit is the sole reason i dont collect grey knights. It’d be like that ugly ass ATV for space marines being a necessary inclusion
this looks almost even worse because its not a warsuit, it's just a PrimarisIER GK.
This isn't gundam, mechs should look blocky and not like people.
>£4 used to get you a fat butterbar in a patrol cap
We have fallen so far and lost so much
>Eesh, no wonder those suck ass
Most of their paintjobs are better than you'll ever achieve, but yeah those are pretty bland.
Like at this point a Brutalis dreadnought would be a better proxy for it.
Eh, doesn't look any more 'like people' than the basic contemptor dreadnought or any of the Knights (hence DreadKNIGHT)
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Look how they massacred my boy!
Every goddamn day I struggle with this.
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He's clearly meant to be, but then BL decided to make Bjorn not a wolf guard veteran but a literal nobody.
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Arise, arise, Wolfers of Wolfeden!
Wolves shall be shaken, wolfshield shall be splintered,
a sword-wolf, a wolf day, ere the bright wolf rises!
Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for wolf and the wolftime
Wolf! Wolf! Wolf!
Forth Wolfingas!
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I know, doesn't really make sense.
He's usually depicted red-headed, with picrel as one exception i guess. But he's essentially Bjorn (nickname and all); he even steals that lightning claw from Geigor (the mini's actual name) who shortly dies in the fluff.
I hate that GK armies are like 4-5 of these shitty things
Its called painting anxiety. You get over it when you find a new model you want to paint but have to finish the current one before you allow yourself to buy it. Eventually you go "eh fuck it" and just paint it. Usually turns out ok.
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For kitbashing ...

>Its called painting anxiety.

There is no such thing, and you are just retarded.
post your models
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>lore says that Bjorn's hull is covered in fancy decorations (he doesn't like them, but they are there)
>Bjorn's model is covered in fancy decorations
What's the issue here, exactly?
Damn. Should have been an ork kit to start with
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The part where they're torturing him with fancy decorations.
that conversion is basically the new big mek they made, albiet bigger.
>in denial about anxiety
Ok anon. Continue worrying about the quality of your painting. Totally isn't anxiety about painting up to your own standards that many artists across the globe struggle with. Yep. Totally not that.
Finally putting together my old Nids christmas box. Lots of Gaunts, Gargoyles and Warriors. How would you guys recommend I build the Hive Tyrant for it? Full Swarmlord? Wings? Guns or Melee? I had a Winged Tyrant with a venom canon in 8th, but it was destroyed in a move.
>inb4 magnetize
>inb4 magnetize
Build him as full swarmlord and then greenstuff some giant testicles on him. No dick.
You should magnetize and stop being a little bitch
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i miss sniper scouts, they were fun
how do I get the marble look on a surface? I sprayed and painted it white but now I dont know what to do.
Sorry scoutboy, you have to stay put while one guy snipes.
But that one looks sooooo dope.
scouts have always been the worst thing about marine armies
dumb football cosplayers
There are 2 in the box Anon.
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We still have sniper scouts anon
these models have always looked stupid to me.
What are you even talking about. Painting anxiety is a non-issue. Anxiety in general isn't. People are just stupid.
I now see the beauty of the Blessed Machine.
How can I go forth in constructing the temple in his image?
they're the only good looking phobos marines though
The bar isn't that high, and you barely see the Phobos armour.

Also they are not scouts. (Kinda retarded that GW still re-released actual Scouts when Phobos armor is a thing, or rather.. kinda retarded to have Phobos armor when they could have re-released scouts to start with).
Construct an original post
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Phobos is cool
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>Silenced SL8 Bolters
Why? For what purpose?
I legitimately did not know that.
No wonder they seemed so fucking good for the points cost. I was just using them as a mortal wounds lawnmower.
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>YWN have a cute guy giving you a handy while complimenting your models
magnetizing is gay
did it once and hated it not worth
TQ:Orikan, because he's a petty dick with a time machine, and that is hilarious to me.
I don't know why you think I'd care you're a hobbylet
They should implement Ruinstorm Daemons in 40k as a separate faction from existing Daemons and let people run hog wild on the kind of stuff they can field under those vaguely defined model rules.
I'm heavily debating scrapping a project I had been working on after one of the responses I got about it here.
Aw cmon you can't just leave us without the details.
What was the project? What was the response?
dont post your projects here people are massive haters and half of them dont even paint
this makes so much more sense as an ork mech
75% of them don't even own models let alone paint
On the contrary, post projects here to make the massive haters seethe and inspire a select few to continue painting.
If you don't post your shit, the nomodels faggots win.
t. nomodels

(don't post any, I don't want to see the ones you stole)
Guess I won't then
a lot of people on this site are needlessly harsh just for the sake of spite. i wouldnt scrap a project just based on what someone on here said.
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Did some tweaks. Switched the shadowsword (even though I really wanted the big fuckoff cannon) and the kasrkin for some tech pieces. Is this better?

Char1: 4x Platoon Command Squad (100 pts)
• 2x Veteran Guardsman
1 with Master Vox
1 with Regimental Standard
• 1x Platoon Commander: Warlord, Boltgun, Power Fist
Enhancement: Kurov's Aquila (+40 pts)
• 1x Veteran Heavy Weapons Team: Lascannon
Char2: 1x Regimental Enginseer (45 pts): Archeotech Pistol, Enginseer Axe, Servo-arm
Char3: 1x Regimental Enginseer (45 pts): Archeotech Pistol, Enginseer Axe, Servo-arm
Char4: 1x Tank Commander (205 pts):Demolisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta, Storm Bolter
Char5: 1x Tank Commander (205 pts):Demolisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, 2x Multi-melta, Storm Bolter
Char6: 1x Vindicare Assassin (80 pts

1x Infantry Squad (60 pts): Autocannon, Meltagun
2x Infantry Squad (60 pts): Lascannon, Plasma Gun

2x Baneblade (960 pts

3x Scout Sentinels (180 pts): Sentinel Chainsaw, Autocannon
I, for one, enjoy the new Pariah Nexus missions, layouts and especially the terrain. Too long had Ironstorm and ranged armies sat back and pretended to be "tactical geniuses" by sitting in deployment zones point -and-clicking their way to wins. Now they have to get up close and personal to be relevant. Its about time melee armies got a fair and balanced playing field.
Samefag less
post models
God that would be a nice model. No shitty blue tinted grey armour there.
Bjorn needs to turn to Chaos, be Khorne could get him a new skin-suit to wear so he could feel the splash of his enemies hot blood on his skin again.
you aint gonna learn unless you play it through. be proud of your work
Skill issue
With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of the Pariah GT pack will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
This. The only models I actually liked magnetizing were Imperial Knights. But all the models are basically the same except for weapons so there was no reason not to.
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I fucking hate primaris. The hate runs so deep it almost makes it impossible to enjoy 40k. The moment I see one I just seethe internally and I can't deal with all the newfags eating them up as if marines had always looked like that because I know they would have eaten regular marines just the same if primaris never existed.
this, but with normal marines
To be fair, magnetizing infantry is rarely worth the hassle. And you can't prevent the spindly wrists. I magnetize vehicles all the time but I'd rather buy a second box of infantry than magnetize every model.
cope, primaris simply mog the old marine aesthetic in every aspect
I just hate space marines in general, sick of hearing the lorefags jerk each other off over it
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>Brothers of Fenris, warriors of the Allfather, heed my call!
>Before us stands an enemy, unworthy of our mercy, undeserving of our pity. They seek to challenge the might of the Space Wolves, to test the fury of the Wolf Guard. >They know not the wrath that awaits them, the storm of blade and bolter fire that will be their undoing.
>We are the sons of Russ, born in the heart of the frost and forged in the crucible of war. Our blood sings with the ferocity of the wolf, our hearts beat in rhythm with the battle cries of our ancestors. Today, we unleash that fury upon those who dare to stand against the Imperium!
>Remember the sagas of old, the legends of our forebears. They did not flinch in the face of adversity, nor did they retreat before the shadows of fear. They stood their ground and fought with a savage honor that echoes through the ages. So shall we, for we are their legacy, the living embodiment of Fenrisian might.
>Look to your brothers, see the fire in their eyes, the unyielding resolve that burns within their souls. Together, we are a pack, united in purpose, unstoppable in our advance. We will tear through the enemy lines like a blizzard through the tundra, leaving nothing but ruin and despair in our wake.
>For Russ! For the Allfather! For Fenris! Let our enemies tremble and flee, for they face the fury of the Space Wolves! To battle, my brothers! To victory!
>The hunt begins now!

Yeah, Space Wolves have a soft spot in my heart, the glorious bastards that they are.
Angron pls go
I do like space marines. I just can't listen to another self masturbatory primaris propaganda blurb. It's always the same.
Let's get a game in, winner tops.
Is it even worth getting the combat patrol boyz sprue? Who's fucking idea was it to force us to play both sluggas and shootas in the same unit? Surely there's an easy way to convert them to all being sluggas
It's a stupid idea anyways in retrospect. I was putting 'chaos eldar' proxies in my CSM.
Should tell that to a doctor, not a priest
Unironically, it's time to join the ranks of Xenos and Chaos. Relish in the destruction of the Marines you hate.
>"Why can't space marines be like in the lore?"
>'lore' example is footage from Space Marine 2 vidya
I really do wish nothing but ill upon this particular brand of faggot.
play another setting
Tops what?
Go Lord of skulls and zap to the extreme!
>14 hours into a 16 hour shift

Can't wait to go home, go to bed, wake up and just paint something. Fuck this shit
Not really. I don't like chaos and while I also collect orks and eldar, I just don't want to see primaris at all. Not even to shoot at them. They are like a constant, mocking reminder of the things I loved no longer being there.
Tabletop performance > Lore
Its only space marine players that will suggest otherwise, having been led astray by propaganda puff pieces made to sell the models.
based. continue your project and post it when it's finished.
do not become a daydreaming failure.
as a newfag I also hate primaris. it was confusing as fuck coming into the hobby and it took me a while to realize they were just rekits that lost all the options. my list had constant gaps in it because GW kept trying to cycle out oldmarines before giving them a proper replacement.

also primaris lore is fucktarded. jarringly immersion breaking and didnt fit the setting at all.
hey anon it's your boss. i know you're posting on 4chan and for that you have another 4 hours added to your shift. get back to work.
Most newfags are way more casual and see primaris as nothing more than an update to space marines, not realizing how much they've actually changed them for no fucking reason.
Whats the lore on whats in the big tanks at the back?
Thats nice and all but if it was written by GW today it would read more like this:
- - -
Brothers of Fenris, sons of the Wolf King, gather 'round and howl with me!

Before us stands a pack of pitiful prey, unworthy of our fangs, undeserving of our growls. They dare to challenge the might of the Space Wolves, to feel the bite of our frost-bitten claws. They know not the icy jaws that await them, the blizzard of teeth and bolter fire that will tear them apart.

We are the sons of Russ, born from the icy womb of Fenris, tempered in the eternal winter of battle. Our blood howls with the ferocity of the wolf, our hearts beat with the rhythm of the pack. Today, we unleash the full fury of the Wolf Guard upon those who dare oppose the Allfather!

Remember the sagas of old, the legends of our wolf-kin. They did not flinch before the storm, nor did they retreat from the shadows of fear. They stood their ground, their fangs bared, their claws sharp, fighting with the honor of the pack. So shall we, for we are their legacy, the living embodiment of Fenrisian fury.

Look to your brothers, see the ice in their gaze, the unyielding resolve that burns within their frozen souls. Together, we are a pack, united in purpose, unstoppable in our charge. We will tear through the enemy lines like an avalanche, leaving nothing but ruin and despair in our wake.

For Russ! For the Allfather! For Fenris! Let our enemies tremble and flee, for they face the icy fangs and frost-covered claws of the Space Wolves! To battle, my brothers! To victory!

The hunt begins now! Unleash the wolves of war!
>the Patient
Like... an inmate? Because he doesn't look like he has much patience.
his poo and pee
I was using AoS models to do it and now I'm just not really sure they work the way I thought they could. Not really good at kitbashing and it feels more like I'm making excuses to justify poor decisions than anything else.
Hes patient for a Space Wolf, he might listen to your side of the argument for 5 seconds before punching you in the face.
No anon, do not give in to despair. You will only get better at kitbashing through practice.
that would be the Nurgle version anon.
his cum?
Same. HH models have shown us that old armor looks way better in a bigger scale than mkx. Then being a reskin of old kits but worse is disappointing. They should have been the same height and just new specialized units. But GW realized they can make marine players buy new armies either replacing marines or picking a new one while marketing "new marines 2.0" to new players. It was pure capitalism
Thats the Slaaneshi version.
When I was newer I would just look through the codex and see all the old marines with all the options like combi-guns, special and heavy weapons etc and just wonder why we lost everything with primaris. I’m glad that at least now GW is just remaking old kits like with sternguard and terminators. Still not happy we’re losing options but cant win em all I guess.
Now conditionally useful to make sure something is below starting strength to proc 'Eadstompa
I don't care about primaris or anything but i think the repulsor and the repulsor executioner should be deleted from the game and everyone who owns that model should be shot
>. But GW realized they can make marine players buy new armies
My biggest issue with this is that players would have done it anyways. Every single model update proves it. After a couple of years, you're lucky to see the older models around, let alone for the newfag army that will buy whatever's on sale at the moment.
Its like how with LI they thought that everyone would rebuy their old Epic armies but instead everyones just like "fuck that" and carrying on with the maintained fan versions they've been playing for years already.
Add the impulsor, gravis, phobos, redemptors and storm speeders to the list.
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>the calmest space wolf
why do space wolf players always paint the models the wrong color?
That's more because of the fact that they released the game with fuck all in terms of content. Epic had a ton of varied factions, not just space marines with half the options for sale and solar auxilia that nobody wants instead of the actual imperial guard. Same thing is happening to TOW. People will use the ruleset because they were smart enough to write rules for every faction but 90% of players are using their old armies cause they only released the models for Brets and Tomb Kings.
I'm not like the other girls, I'm too cool for baby blue
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Everything is Canon.
There is no wrong color
careful you'll make the greyfag spam his slop pictures again
Do you use a certain type of paint to get that rainbow / tempered look?
Yeah, acrylic.

could have been worse
Damn, even the faggot posters are giving me grief
Dunno, ask them on Reddit:
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I don't care how shit Daemon princes are, I still love them. Gonna fuck around with Dread Talon on my game Tuesday.
color shift paints like turbodork
Very nice.
Nah, I'm not at home, and you've seen enough of that I think. : )
>expecting anyone on /tg/ to paint better than sallytoddler standard
Easy mistake to make
especially not you, nomodels-kun
I'd call my painting pretty decent.
Why don't you post your models then?
They seethe because he spoke the truth
Nice dudes.
Looks good. How're you going to do the bases?
I'll ask next time I see my frie- I MEAN UM VALLEJO DARK EARTH
I'd post mine but I won't entertain a tourist who's chosen to drag the most sovlfvl painter in these threads for (you)s
Here’s one of his
Post them for me, then anon. I want to see more models in this thread.
your ban wore off again huh, schizo?
This guy paints very well. Kudos.
They were test models to practice NMM. Maybe I'll turn them into a little duel diorama.
he just switches IP on his iphone
damn, i didn't even notice on the marine, thought it was a metallic paint that was well-washed and highlighted. Good job.
Dioramas are based. make sure to do a cool explosion effect.
I only play 1k point games now and I've never been happier (in 10e).
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Yeah. Imagine that.
>DG played dunked his models in the toilet
Damn thanks. The marine was a test for blending so I'm glad it worked that well. The necron was more about speed and dirty transitions.
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Has to be done, gotta scruff 'em up a bit. They're not Emperors Children.
Soft focus to hide mistakes…
dirty as fuck. good shit, dgbro
Is tow still only on horse fuckers and boner Boyz?
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>tourist who doesn't recognize the schizo's stolen pics
there's no saving you
It has orcs and goblins now too, but still nowhere near close to the full "core factions" and those are just half of the total WHFB factions. Dwarfs have been announced for months and still nowhere in sight.
No you don’t.
Change one word in a rule to make it something entirely new

Big Guns Never Shoot
Not mine, he definitely paints better than that one edgesomething guy though.
ACTUAL samefag
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>black skulls
>brown skulls
>yellow skulls
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Is that Mossa's work? Looks like their style, I love the way they draw.
Ah, a soulless abomination AKA woman.
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why does this look like a culexus' head glued onto a completely unrelated figure?
Shame the actual stilt boy doesn't look anywhere near as cool as that
They already wear a skin-tight suit, why would you need to make it even more lewd?
>But GW realized they can make marine players buy new armies either replacing marines or picking a new one while marketing "new marines 2.0" to new players. It was pure capitalism

People bought new armies of chaos marines, despite being the same guys, just nicer and bigger minis.
It would have worked with Space Marines too. Primaris was unnecessary from a capitalist point of view.
all the colors of the rainbow
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>No date
Not yours lol
Yeah I just divined your post number. Cope harder.
No arrows so how do we know it's a post number? Could be the number of twinkies youve had this year
lol, that’s a good one
The Tau have a caste system, right? So they're basically the Indians of the setting
I'd be as fat as you, then.
I don't find it hard to believe in the year 42000 that with all the mutations across the different human civilizations there would be differences in environment enough to change the color of their bones
yes that's the joke
Anon, the Imperium practically have a caste system in 40K.
>indian stand-in
>no noses
kek, i should've seen it sooner. surprised it wasn't DG
30K Admech is so much fucking cooler than 40k, it's actually sad.
Crazy how the GW's schizo business practices of not allowing cross-pollination between the different systems fucks over some of the factions so fucking hard
they're edo japan, retard
30k admech is cool for a few select units and dragged down by dogshit like tech thralls
...use 30K Ad-Mech in 40K then. Problem fucking solved.
I always see people complaining that admech cant use these models, but have yet to see anybody who's proxied 30k admech into a 40k army.
You VILL buy the shitty michelangelo and and gimp horse cowboy abominations!
You will NOT buy the cool robots and tanks!
Not really? A regular dude can be a worker, a soldier, a techpriest and with luck, skill and time get quite a bit of power on their own. A fire caste tau won't ever be allowed as a diplomat or as a mechanic.
because the people complaining about this don't actually play
>edo japan
Or you know, they were overpriced FW resin
That's about to change though
>still can't bust tanks

given that no one uses them you would've thought gw would've done something about it
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Because there's no point to proxy. The units you'd proxy them ass either don't exist or are the few handful of actually cool models in the 40k range like skitarii or kataphrons. We want both the 30k models AND units.
GW will squat them before they get better rules.
>don't actually play
I don't play Admech, because they're fucking trash in 40k and are like the most expensive army to collect
No, the people going WHY CANT 40k GET THIS BAWWW don't know what resin is other than resin = bad, they don't understand the concept of proxying models because they've never seen a model outside of people posting them online, let alone playing a game of 40k
I understand the concept of myrmidons looking cool as fuck but costing 30% more than kataphrons while kataphrons are not the units I'd like to replace, it's shit like electropriests, all the 40k vehicles and fucking birdmen.
Good luck buying any of it.
You wish weeb
Thats a Titan anon, titans dont belong in a 2000point game of 40K.
their leaders literally have alien cherry blossoms on their sculpts and they speak with stereotypical japanese accents in all media they appear in
So is lucius going to be essential for an emperors children army when the codex comes out? I'm assuming it will be the same as the index in regards to lucius. Bit shit having to go buy a model that's OOP and I don't even think games workshop still stocks it
It's also from Adeptus Titanicus but that has nothing to do with what I said.
So why did you post it? What unit are you actually wanting from 30K that you cant proxy out in 40K?
GW hates slanesh factions I wouldnt be surprised if imp agents got the codex instead
>doesn't look any more 'like people' than the basic contemptor dreadnought
Yeah contemptors are also pretty bad for the same reason. Just a big marine.
As essential as kharn, typhus, and ahriman I'd guess
You wish weeb
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Big Titan > smol titan.
Why would it be the same when they’re going to also release Fulgrim too?
Do you also have that problem with Imperial Knights?
based retard
He should have little baby titans he’s protecting.
its the ugliest model on the planet just wait for the codex they’re gonna hopefully old yeller that mini
imperial knights don't look human at all other than being bipedal
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Never speak to me or my son again
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I think they compare better to Plato's Republic with philosopher-kings and theories of an ultimate good which every component of society is geared towards achieving.
They very much look like hunched over humans though
repaint your fucking wall
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>2 arms, 2 legs, bipedal
Yep. Looks human.
You for sure should get some titanicus to pose him with for funny pictures. Also a fun game from what I heard.
The landlord hasnt done it yet.
Reminder that these things (in setting) are about half the height of the Eiffel tower.
None of the 30k vehicles can be used in 40k. Secutarii are just skitarii so there's no point in proxying them. There's nothng to proxy Thanatar's as. There's nothing to proxy Thallax as. You could proxy techthralls as skitarii but why would you when skitarii look good and have more weapon options. There's nothing to proxy all the extra knight variants because the important bit is their wargear. There's nothing to proxy most of the automata, except the basic castellax as a kartellan cause castellans look dumb as fuck. You could proxy myrmidons as kataprhons (at least the ranged ones) but why would you when kataphrons are one of the 3 40k AdMech units that actually look good.
their heads come out of the centers of their torsos
The Eiffel Tower doesn't move, shoot plasma nukes or have voidship grade energy shields.
About as human as a Contemptor dread or even the fucking Nundams
So does yours
Let's see.

>I managed to jam my airbrush after the first use of white primer so I need to fix that.
I'm open to airbrush white primer suggestions.

>The last thread's OP image made me feel like I need to strip and repaint what little models I have already painted and change miniature painting style.

>I like the previous Cadians armor over the new one's armor

>I have a problem with letting life get in the way of my painting constantly procrastinating it because there are more pressing matters.
>I'm open to airbrush white primer suggestions.
Honestly? Don't bother. Prime black and then do a quick coat of white ink.
>I'm open to airbrush white primer suggestions
Prime in off-white. Then just heavy drybrush white over it if you really want a bright white base layer
Otherwise, don't even bother.
Manlet Cope
stynylrez white primer
vallejo grey surface primer
mig 1shot white primer
Those don't look human either, they just look more human than knights since their heads are higher.
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New knight reveal
vallejo primer works for me.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Kabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather, he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank just outside of Rubicon.
I found Vallejo a little worse for primers, at least their red one anyways.
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The loadout you like the most.
Having your own named Tyrant is always cooler than going Swarmy tho.
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I need opinions and ideas on my wip homebrew Chaos warband. I want my warband being led by a Khorne Daemon Prince looking like a massive Dark Apostle, I think I can achieve that with the head/hat of the Nagash model and kitbash a burning Crozius.
I want him to be a former Word Bearers Dark Apostle turning rogue, any fluffy ideas how he made his ascension and/or how the got away with secretly favoring Khorne?

The visual theme of the army would be "infernal", lots of flamers, chain axes and religious candles/censers. Basically a khornate warband with a more religious theme, kinda like the Word Bearers. Acceptable idea or shit?
>your own named Tyrant
Sssansssibart forgive me
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Ahh, Nor
Or some say, Norn
No, they have pretty hunched backs and far less human proportions.
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>I want him to be a former Word Bearers Dark Apostle turning rogue, any fluffy ideas how he made his ascension and/or how the got away with secretly favoring Khorne?
The Sanctified are literally a Warband of WB who defected to full Khorne Worship and allied with WE. Pretty sick yet complicated scheme.
Remember to remove any Nagash-y or Death Magic-y runes and iconography and add a bunch of Chaos Stars.
Anons, what keeps you here? What keeps you playing 40k despite everything people complain about here?
>The Sanctified
Damn I didn't know about these guys and I was thinking the name "the Sanctified Slaughter" holy shit lol. I need a new name.
Even in the shittiest of states 40k is now, it's still uncomparable to other games. There's nothing else that interests me as much.
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I mean those guys have pretty much zero lore aside from what I've mentioned. So you could easily do a splinter warband of them.
Because it's actually way better than 40kg makes it seem. This thread doesn't play the game. They just sit at home and theory craft lists to play the game, and theory crafting is dead this edition, but that doesn't reflect in the actual gameplay which is great.
It's still relatively worse compared to the good editions like 3rd and 4th.
No, it's still better than that unrefined garbage pile full of templates, facings, and other argumentative bullshit. It's a game that you can play instead of a bad simulation, and it's more balanced than then too.
Templates and facings were good. Arguments will rise if you play with a dipshit and such a player will still fund things to argue about today.
> It's a game that you can play instead of a bad simulation
It's a blander game with gimmicky and intrusive abstractions. The simulation aspect of older editions is what makes them better. If it were for the likes of you, the game would be stripped down into just rolling a single die to see who wins.
>and it's more balanced than then too.
Lol. Lmao.
Damn, I know that feel. Other games have their own quirks and all but 40k just holds my interest way more.
And call it sunk cost fallacy but I want to play my Orks. Not orc marauders, not orruk warclans, not anything else. I want to play Orks. And nothing else has Orks.
my bad homie
nta but older editions were balanced poorly. 3++ shields, rerollable 2+ cover saves, invis, were all pretty unbalanced.
I disagree with him that its less fun though cause its definitely fun and has a lot more flavor. it wasnt at all balanced though
>Templates and facings were good.
Oh, so you're fucking with me. Thanks for warning me with the first sentence so that I don't have to further engage with you.
30+ pages of core rules errata and there's still 2 years left in the edition.

I want to fucking die.
I agree that GW should never ever make changes to the rules ever for any reason.
I do not give a flying fuck about the ongoing denigration of the game, and I think that the "people" who kvetch about these things are all morons. They think they know what 40k is and what it's about, but they don't know shit about Grail cycles.
I know older editions had balance issues. But 10th's balance is fucking dogshit even after they supposedly removed the flavour to help with balance.
I'm glad that they fixed the game instead of letting it keep having problems. It's probably why it's the best edition so far.
There actually no gamebreaking issues aside from models costing too much money but people kust print nowadays.
Tl;dr of rule changes
Agreed, but before that rever the rules to 4th.
They're a bit different
I'm sorry for your extra chromosome.
I like the baby carrier
I might actually get my army painted in time for 11th ed
You replied to the wrong person.
Should 11th edition just expand from this edition or completely remake the rules?
It's too soon to think about 11th. 10th is still good.
I did not.
Szeras because he has spider legs.
the bandaids are piling up higher
He was the best thing about pariah nexus
comparatively its not that bad. this game isnt meant to be competitive though.
10th doesnt have faction specific secondaries that allow you to get tabled and still win, matchups so bad you need a statistical anomaly to win, or very easily abusable rules that easily make your units nigh unkillable.

10e plays like shit for many reasons and has janky rules, but theres much less cheese and rules that can make it impossible to win.
Reminder that basic marines shouldn't have a 3+ save.
They are indians.
10th is one of the worst editions for casual play too. The abysmal internal balance, the removal and merging of options and the lack of points being the main cause. Crusade is in shambles.
I think Admech have gotten the rawest deal out of every faction in the game. Can they at least make them semi-elite if they’re not gonna give the combos back?
slanted eyes like japs
voices like japs
armor designs like japs
melee weapons like japs
Makes sense to me.
Tau are street-shitting indians and the Kroot are cannibal casino indians
Nta, but it's very true.
I guess Russians and mongols are all japs nows
You don't know what a mary sue is
russians and mongols don't have japanese accents or use literal space wakizashis and tantos retard
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Never even heard about the Sanctified before and then have seen people talking about them 3 times in as many days.
They seem pretty cool, focussed on tearing holes in reality to let Khornite daemons to run riot in realspace for a bit.
>well neither did the Japanese.
based retard
Tau are almost an exact copy of the Japanese from Red Alert 3. Hell, they even have big stompy mechs.
do you play space marines.
You wish weeb
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no, tyranids. Heres my WIP desk.
well I guess the NPC army does fit your NPC thoughts.
Your Warlord gets teleported to The Dark City, how long do they last?
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Do your minis represent any oart of you? Do you see part of yourself in the fluff of your chosen faction?
I guess your lack of models fits your lack of critical thinking.
Self insert into 40K? Fuck no, it's a terrible place, I'd hate it, I've no desire to be there or imagine myself being there. I just think the setting and styling is cool, if terrible for the fictional people that live in it.
Yuh huh. Mom said so.
I don't have a Warlord Titan.
If this is your attempt at saying that your observation was a byproduct of critical thinking then I don't know what to say here man.
Yes I would unironically like to be an eternally respawning dinosaur crab Cthulhu xenomorph going on guerilla warfare missions.
No I'm not the nid anon above.
>Fire Warriors have ritual knives
>Indians have Kirpans
>japanese have tachi
Etc etc etc
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Does the buddah exist in 40k
Not a ritual knife
Hes gonna bring up the suicide knife now like a dumb ass
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clearly designed after japanese straight blades and not the curvy sikh knife
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no but it would be cool af
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>indian "people" are humanoids
>tau are humanoids
Clearly the same.
Is this what its like being so delusional. Christ you people really are superficial weebs, at least real weebs would know enough about the Japanese they can differentiate them from other eastern cultures.
uh oh brainlet melty
Tau are xenos, and resemble cows. You should know how much Indians worship cows by now.
He looks pretty fuckin' imperial Japanese to me.
>leg armor to invoke the stereotypical samurai armor
>white armor with a red circle as their new boxart scheme
>cherry blossoms all over everything
>their main character wields a magic katana
>they all speak with japanese accents
but clearly they're supposed to be pajeets because one pajeet religion has them carry a knife
Tau are cows though
Dunno what you two are arguing over when Tau are very clearly Yuan Dynasty era China.
Have you guys considered they’re all of them at the same time, and that trying to tie things down to one single analogue is largely a failing of your upbringing?
I don't care what tau are supposed to be I'll have sex with them anyways.
uh oh weeb meltie. sorry guys you're collecting indians
if we were reducing something to absurdity we would notice
Anyone post tau boobs?
Tau have udders, not boobs.
Not the same, CSM are the same datasheets. Legionaries didn't get replaced by Nihilus Ultra Killionaires(TM) for example. Nor did Predators get replaced with Muderizor grav tanks. GW wanted to replace an army wholesale with marines. That's different from CSM players buying updated sculpts as a purely optional buy.
You're most likely correct, hell, they even had a caste system. Knowledge of chinese history is woefully lacking in the West however.
In my land we have a saying that goes: A tit that spills off your hand isn't a tit but an udder.
Actually I meant more like traits. Not the physical but traits like might come close to your personality.
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>Tau have udders, not boobs.
for real? but then they are no primates but ruminants.
This conversation has been so brain splittingly bad I’d welcome anime Tau tiddy at this point
sar those are toilets we dont have those sar
Based tau
That's his point, replacing the entire army was unnecessary because a regular update would have sold just as well.
Not really, I am an eccentric flamboyant man.
Hopefully there is someone knowledgeable about old edition rules here. I'm looking for rule quotes for whether transports take up a force organization choice in 3rd edition (if it matters, specifically land raiders for chosen in CSM 3rd edition, 2nd codex, which unlike rhinos are described under heavy support rather than as a specific transport option).

It's been 3-4 years since I've started playing 40k and i still haven't won a solo game once.
if you can take it without a slot it will tell you on the unit that you can take it as a dedicated transport, which doesnt use a force org slot. at least thats how it was in 7e
by “the unit” I meant the unit that can be take a ded transport. thought I should clarify
The phrase dedicated transport is not used.

"Transport: Each Retinue or Unit of Chosen may have a transport vehicle. If the total unit numbers ten models or less and none have Terminator armour, they may be mounted aboard a Rhino. If any are wearing Terminator armour, total the models in the retinue counting Terminators as two models. If there are ten model equivalents or less in total they maybe be mounted aboard a Rhino. If there are ten model equivalents or less in total they maybe be mounted in a Land Raider"

Then there is a "Transport: Chaos Rhino" entry below that describes stats and point costs etc. for that one, but as far as I see, Land Raider is only described among the heavy support choices.
The land raider would still take up a heavy slot. This wording is because units need to be deployed inside their transports and only their assigned unit can re-embark.
I thought I remembered something about such transports not taking up slots, but from all the rules I have been able to find now, that does indeed seem like the correct interpretation.

However, logically it seems that the Chaos Rhino would then take up an elite slot since it is listed after the chosen...
Rhinos are dedicated transports. They don't take up any slots, they are included in whatever slot you use for their unit. So a unit of chosen with a rhino both fit into the same single elite slot.
Do you know where I might find that in the rules?
There was no universal rule for that, (i just know it from loyalist spacemarines) they had in the entry of the tactical squad a special note that they could take a rhino for +50 points (or razorback for +70 if you have 5 dudes in the squad) without taking up a slot, otherwise it would take up a slot in the FOC
Thanks. Some other choices in the CSM book have similar wording as what you describe with +50 points, but not the chosen. I guess that makes being able to take chosen+rhino for a single elite choice rules as intended, but probably not strictly rules as written.
In 3rd there's no dedicated transport specific role. They act as upgrades to another unit and they can't be taken unless they are attached to another unit and said unit deploys inside of it. So they don't have its own battlefield role and count as part of the unit you bought them for. A Land Raider can be taken standalone so it uses its own slot. Notice how the rhino profile is titled "Transport: Rhino" while the Land Raider has its own separate unit profile.
are you shitting your pants because the character isn't a self insert in a fanfiction? Because while thats the "real" definition you and I both recognize that in common parlance its used as a shorthand for "narratively favored and capable of things that are considered impossible in the narrative. Usually 'can do no wrong' according to the text and is well liked by other important characters in the story sometimes the author will usurp the narrative and refocus it on the mary sue"

because of all the Blood Angels he's the closest to meeting that criteria is probably our favorite Twice Time Dead Ultra Psychic Flying Vampire. I personally don't think he is one. At least he never connected his brain to the Hive Mind and just walked it off.
Random question: does Gulliman know about the Grey Knights?

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