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Paizo didnt pay me to name the edition edition


Previous thread: >>93114510

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Do you have a class or character archetype you return to over and over? Does your iconic donut steel beat Amiri in an arm wrestling competition?
Info on starfinder 2e playtest
I’m curious about Kingmaker, how do campaigns usually go? Is there one ruler or is it like a council thing among the PCs? Or do you have different PCs play different roles in the kingdom like general, chancellor, or steward? What is the kingdom building like? Also what are your individual highlights?
Pf1 Occultist, most archetypes. It just can do everything that's cool to me.
>Does your iconic donut steel beat Amiri in an arm wrestling competition?
I would think not.
>Is there one ruler or is it like a council thing among the PCs? Or do you have different PCs play different roles in the kingdom like general, chancellor, or steward?
You choose between despotism, feudalism, oligarchy, republic, thaumocracy, and yeomanry, but it's mainly mechanics so you fluff it out between the table.
Regardless of the government type, each party member takes on a leadership role, like ruler, emissary, treasurer, and so on, and these are mainly mechanical as well.
>What is the kingdom building like?
As usual, Paizo didn't allocate enough time to playtest and it's ass. Ignore completely or use homebrew.
1e question
With diehard, can you fall unconscious the next time you receive damage once you're below 0?
For example:
1. Get hit and you end at -1 HPs, decide to still act
2. Next turn you get damage again and end at -8
Can you decide to fall unconscious at that point or because you chose to stay conscious the first time you're bound to be conscious till death?
It doesnt share anything about it apart from it will be released in July which we already knew.
Nope. Once you decide to stay conscious you can't go back.
Yeah that's what I thought, GM told me that I could chose everytime I got hit, not that it matters I have FH 6 so I had a few opportunities to trigger diehard again

Assuming a non Kingmaker game, what are the rules for building castles and fortresses and such? If I am a Master/Legendary in Crafting, do I need a feat or could I just start making my buddies a home castle?
A co-worker reached out to me to join an upcoming Pathfinder 2e horror themed campaign. I haven't played 2e before, and it's been many years since I touched 1e, so I wanna start off with a character that isn't too complicated. Are Thaumaturge, Witch, or Oracle good choices for a relatively easy to learn class?
Thaumaturge I feel like shouldn’t be too hard, and it’s a very cool and fun class, solid for a horror theme, too. Witch is one that got very nice buffs and rewrites recently-ish in Player Core so it’s very solid. Oracle is looking to get rewritten in August because as is it’s pretty much a worse Cleric and its niches just aren’t good enough to be worth playing, imo. But that’s just me, overall it’s still solid.
Roles are mostly fluff.
When a kingdom event occurs like say an undead uprising that requires that the magister defend, I will say something like
>The dead rise from the graveyard and *magister* takes it upon himself to contend with the threat.
>He *rolls failure* deals with the threat in his fashion, by lobbing fireballs.
>The collateral damage is immense; increase unrest and a ruin of your choice.
>A scant week later charred skeletons are seen stalking the streets at night.

Kingdom building can really benefit from a lot of house ruling, V&K is a start but you can go further.
It's ok, usually a single player will take the lead on it, but usually that means the rest of the table tune out.
What I've seen suggested is you run kingdom turns out of session and then timeskip at the next session and award downtime.
If you don't get a good system for it, a big problem can occur when the players are expected to just sit in their capital for months on end grinding kingdom turns without going on adventures.
If not, they can potentially get to the end of the troll quest and suddenly have no story advancement until kingdom level 6.
That might take something like half an ingame year of turns to reach, during which time they can run laps around the Stolen Lands seemingly achieving nothing.
Or they might have to suddenly go on an adventure to resolve an event.

Another big problem is that random encounters during hexcrawls award too much experience, you inevitably have to run Kingmaker as milestone or the players won't be challenged unless you spice up the story encounters. Companions complicate this further.

The most memorable highlight is them getting the rabble rouser story event and bungling it so hard they almost hit crime and rioting in the streets.
There's now a standing agreement among the players to kill any troublemakers they catch without a trial.
(2e) Age of Ashes has a ruined castle that the party gets to fix and reconstruct as the adventure goes on, RAW it's very time consuming and pretty expensive, as in it takes several months to fix or construct a single room, even when hiring appropriate workers, so I'm assuming building a castle from scratch would require multiple years of downtime and a lot of money. If you're already level 15 to be legendary, you probably have more than enough gold at least.
I don't like how quickly fixed DC on magic items can be outpaced. Does this homebrew sound fair? Am I setting myself up for abuse that I don't know about?
>Invested items and specific magic weapons/armor scale with class DC or the original fixed DC, whichever is higher
>To compensate for Thaumaturge's Intensify Investiture feat being invalidated, they get a +2 bonus to any invested item DC
Removes the gold sink of upgrades (for those items that have them) and makes some low(er) level items extremely efficient uses of gold, not that gamebreaking. Ok homebrew.
I would add spell dc as well, just because a lot of casters don't get passed trained and it would only change anything after 7. I also went through a few classes, and some of them aren't even trained in their own class DC. Psychic and Magus seem to lack it entirely.
I use an annoyingly more annoying method where I compare the DCs, damage, and gold for the level of the original and allow them to either pay a merchant in an appropriate settlement or a Crafty PC to upgrade it with the gold difference being the cost of materials.

I believe after remaster everyone should be at least trained in their class dc via errata. Psychic and Magus likely just aren't updated on places like nethys yet.
Solid but let casters use Spellcasting DC as it makes sense casters should be better at using magic items.
All invested items that have higher level versions usually have some mechanical improvement other than DC.
I'm gonna write up a pantheon for each of the four countries in my campaign. Roughly how big should each one be? I'm thinking four to six per country with a bit of overlap between them, for 15-20 gods total.
It's worth noting that 90% of the campaign will take place in one country, so only one of those pantheons will have a chance at being explored in great depth.
Has there been any word on the changes to Sorcerer in Player Core 2?
i thought it was releasing during gencon which is in august
If laser weapons are so common in Starfinder, then the smart thing to do in 2e is take Nephilim Resistance and neuter the damage output of any enemy reliant on fire damage, right? It is a Player Core feat, well within post-remaster status. Outside of the remaster, heritages like desert elf and ifrit/naari could work, too.
Not every enemy uses laser weapons but yeah they are very common. A lot of enemies, though, like Space Goblins, use physical ones like their scrap guns and dogslicers.
Will the SF2e playtest have enough stuff to warrent a campgain for the year or so it takes for offical release

Then picking up fire resistance via heritage or ancestry feat will likely be a good idea.

To be clear, I am focusing on the 2e meta here. I do not care about how the 1e meta worked in this context, when there were races like tromlin bloodseekers, SROs, and holograms around.
Hell no, but you can probably squeeze a few months out of the 6 or so adventures, I guess doing 2 or 3 sessions a piece. You can always port some stuff up once you get a hang of the new math
Adding a spellcasting DC option looks the best route to go then. I had no clue about the errata, so this works great as a patchup until AoN gets in gear. Thank you all for the input.
THe Pathfinder 2e playtest had enough for like a couple months of gameplay? Although since most of the work is done already since the game is based on PF2e framework it might have "more content" to play around with so to say. The playtest does require 2 of the PF2e rulebooks to function well.

They also promised that the game would be pretty interchangable with PF2e so i imagine if you run out of content or rules during the playtest you can somewhat eaisly plop and change the flavor of items and monsters and what not to suit your sci-fantasy NIGGA needs
Thinking about KILLING my players whats the best way to humiliate and shame my 2e cattle beyond the usual like "use tactics" or "flank" or the usual things that stun my friends.
How often do any of you spend your skill increases on Lore skills? Unless their is a campaign specific lore skill that is really important, I don't really see lore skills being something you want to improve over another skill. But even in that best case scenario, why not just grab Additional Lore to have that important lore auto scale?
Aquatic combat plus drowning and suffocating rules will automatically kill most players who get in out of their depth ehehe.
Giant octopus grappling them underwater is a good way to go about this.
You can skew things further by saying that refraction causes concealment, and that the water is murky and is treated as low light.
Almost never. In general, if there's a relevant lore skill you want to max, it's going to be far easier on your build to grab Additional Lore for it at some point than to spend 3 skill increases. It's nice to have the option to level it up yourself but, fringe cases aside, getting an auto-scaling lore for the price of a skill feat is just way better.
god DAMN are those 2e links outdated. how long have you been posting stuff that's been down for a year+ dumbass
DMing my niece's game she asked why I don't have a wife or kids said I be good at telling fun stories to them. Can't bring myself to tell no women will give me the time if day because of my height.
Nigga I know a dude who’s 5’2 and has a 6’2 wife it’s that sort of thinking that prevents you from getting a girl.
I would consider it if there were more and better skill feats. Additional Lore is one of the best skill feats in the game, and most characters get way too many skill feats already. They also took away one of the few reasons to level one up in the remaster by letting ancestry based lores auto scale.
I understand tusks, lowlight vision, DR, ER, etc feats having race requisites but damn why deathless initiate needs to be orc only?
Is he rich?
>this class is weak but it's actually my fault for finding it weak, its actually strong
You just give a flat bonus to a strong class because an optional feat they can just not pick is invalidated?
player core is only core to pathfinder. starfinder will have it's own core books
Can you use Magic Jar on Simulacrum?
No you retard, the feat gives the +2 bonus with that homebrew.
ok sorry, you just give them an overpowered feat in exchange for a middling feat being invalidated. this is much better
No, the simulacrum isn't a living being and the magic jar spell only allows you to posses living or undead beings
>+2 DC to invested items is OP
Never post again
I'd say no, because even though it seems and acts like a real creature, it is in fact just a illusion.
>magic jar spell only allows you to posses living or undead beings
It speaks about a "creature" and says nothing like that in the spell, just having a soul is required supposedly. Might be errata about it somewhere though I guess.
how do we convince everyone that 2e is a dying game?
>there's art in the pawn box that isn't in the monster core
How lame
>party is two ranged dudes (one of them a caster) and two melee dudes (one of them a caster)
>combat is super melee focused and we get reck
>GM: It's your fault for not having enough melee characters
>combat is super ranged focused (flying enemies with range attacks) and we get reck
>GM: it's your fault for not having enough ranged characters
>combat is anti caster and we get reck
>GM: It's your fault for having too many casters
>combat is anti martials and we get reck
>GM: it's your fault for not having enough casters
I'm not going to deny that we might being doing something wrong with our tactics, but this dude is retarded, we can't be all the above at the same time, we can't have at the same time too many casters or too many rangeds but also not enough casters or enough rangeds. And doesn't matter how much we try to explain it to him, he doesn't get it
I literally cannot literally wait for literally starfinder 2e bros like literally
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I just updated the pathfinder adventure card game 2e link though?
My greatest fear for SF2e is that it doesn't allow as much body augmentation as SF1e. I liked having shit like dragon glands and lich hands.
What edition anon?
I made prebuilt characters for my players to run last week since we were doing a one-shot since we were down a player. I made a stable of characters and let them pick from them based on brief descriptions I wrote including their ancestry, heritage, class, and basic information about their appearance and personality. One of the players chose the character he thought sounded coolest but then went completely off the rails with changing their personality and adding shit to their backstory that I didn’t write in. I guess it doesn’t matter because it’s a one-shot, but if we run another one-shot set in canon with the first one, he’s probably gonna pick the same character again. It kinda irked me, but I didn’t think it was worth pausing the game to address. Is there some way to prevent players from doing that in the future?
Maybe your GM thinks he has to counter the shit outta of your team every encounter. You can always start rocket tagging and frustrate him into pulling stupid shit, but it would probably get boring extremely fast. He seems to be playing agaisnt your group, instead of playing WITH your group, tailoring encounters towards countering or exploiting your lack of versatility, or lack of min maxxing.
>My anecdote is representative of the average experience
I think you should only give the +2 if the invested item is using your Class/Spellcasting DC/
>overpowered feat
Its a strong feat but hardly gamebreaking and just needs a little tweaking. Any whiff of a strong homebrew feat causing spergfits is why everyone calls 2e players "Balancels".
they did just introduce grafts with howl of the wild for pf2. Are those similar to the body augs?
>Thinking about KILLING my players
Just take them to out back and shoot them like horses, they play 2e so they probably won't even have the will to resist.
yeah they are at least in Starfinder 1e. Though i doubt thats gonna change with 2e. At the very least if the playtest or full release doesn't come with augmentations and such you can easily use the HotW grafts in the meantime
man this general is dead
There's nothing wrong with a slow general anon.
How many war/battle/fighting gods is too much for a pathfinder setting?
I think the two handed fighter archetype is really cool. Kinda moggs barbarian in terms of damage.
I'm sorry anon but Will saves are still in 2e. Maybe you were thinking of D&D 2024 ?
Why does everyone hate starfinder
I don't know if "hate" is the word. The system itself had a lot of problems. It was Paizo's first attempt at creating a game from scratch after ten years of creating D&D 3.5-compatible materials and it showed. My biggest complaints were the action economy (they stuck with D&D 3.5's Standard+Move system), the weapon progression (which was fiddly and expensive), and the starship combat which, despite being one of the main selling points of the game, was unfortunately completely unsalvageable garbage. It also had some problems with hacking being the "everything" skill when it first released, which they kind of tried to fix later on by splitting it into three separate skills (that's how powerful it was). Some of the systems were either removed or adjusted when they made 2E (the stamina system's an example of this, which was included as an optional rule in 2E's original rulebook, then dropped entirely in the remaster). Over all, it just wasn't a very polished game.

There were some good parts. The weapon progression was bad, but the weapon customization was tons of fun. Weapons had attachment slots that you could use to customize them. You could give your light saber a custom grip, or add a laser sight to your sonic rifle, stuff like that. But over all it just wasn't really a winner. My group played through 1 AP start to finish and just kind of dropped it after that. It wasn't terrible, but I've felt no desire to play it again until they announced SF2E. I'm sure I'll give it another shot then.
>My biggest complaints were the action economy (they stuck with D&D 3.5's Standard+Move system)
What's so wrong with it?
I think I was probably too vague there, my bad. It's not exactly 3.5's system (which I'm not a huge fan of in general), instead it's almost a hybrid of D&D3.5 and PF2E. The "full attack" still exists, but is a flat two actions rather than an increasing number of iterative attacks. It's almost like Starfinder was running on a psuedo "two-action" system before they arrived at the three-action system they used for PF2E. In my experience the existence of the full attack, combined with Starfinder's assumption that everybody's at least competent with ranged weapons, lead to a lot of turretting. I think in a vacuum I might call it an improvement but along with the rest of Starfinder's gameplay I feel like it was still very static.
Sounds to me like WFRP 2e's action system. I'm not a fan of full attacks, but I hated a lot about the 3 action system either.
The best I've seen is PF with Spheres of Might. With that you use just your Standard action for an attack with modifications to pick from, leaving you with your Move and Bonus with distinct (and new) options.
>most characters get way too many skill feats already.
Use the 1e rules for kingdom building from Ultimate Campaign, or just ignore them entirely.
I'm back into PF1e after a couple of years and I have a doubt with constitution damage. How does it work if you're already wounded?
Lets say your current HPs are 31 and your max HPs are 58 (31/58) and you get 2 damage to Constitution (currently 16 which goes to 14) at level 6. You reduce your max HPs in 6 (31/52) or you reduce both current and max HPs in 6 (25/52)?
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Anyone know how to make a viable spell caster that can use cards in 2e? I got pic related but it's extremely disappointing. I expected that it will be somewhat like the cartomancer or card caster in 1e but all I got was something along the lines of "use this card to do some weak shit" rather than what the cover implies where I can throw exploding cards.
He's right. I frequently struggle to find 6 skill feats that are actually worth taking on any given build. Might as well pad a lore skill for flavor.
It drops both, but when you heal your constitution damage you heal back those HPs
>Paizuri employee can't easily find pirate resources to shut down and lose his shit .jog
Anyone have a balanced solution for my autism regarding the fact that longswords should be two-handed weapons? Should I just call them arming swords?
But you are ok with falchions being two handed? How about weapon and armor weights?
Well now that you've pointed it out, I'm not. I'm gonna rename falchions as falxes.
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>flip through the weapon descriptions to see how they describe falchions
>"This weapon is a heavier, two-handed version
of the curved-bladed scimitar"
>look at the one for longswords
>"Longswords, also known as arming swords"
I mean technically yes, but I'm still pissed off.
Is there any class that can do the following while not being completely gimped? I am thinking of trying PF2E as my group’s first RPG, but if we do play it, there’s a certain character “archetype” (not in-game Archetype) that I’ve always wanted to play in an RPG:
- Little or no armour
- Two-handed sword
- Lots of maneuvers, like dodging
- No magic
That’s pretty much it. I did some cursory research on the classes that sounded appropriate, but the closest I found was Swashbuckler, and that class seems to only work with one-handed weapons. This obsession I have came from dabbling in HEMA many years ago, so I realize it’s very niche. I know we could just house rule away stuff like weapon restrictions for certain feats to make a two-handed Swashbuckler character, but I’m curious if this kind of character is doable with RAW.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help with this very specific request.
Just play a fighter with a greatsword.
Raise dex after strength, wear a chain shirt, feat for brutish shove and slam down.
Your 'dodge' move is to use an action to Step back.
Simple, but probably the best approach to this kind of character. Thanks.
1. Use a Bastard Sword, not a Greatsword. Greatswords genuinely suck in 2e and have barely anything going for them over a bastard sword, especially since it costs an entire action to put your hand back onto a two-handed weapon.
2. boost STR/DEX/WIS/CON at every opportunity and you'll be fine. Wear a chain shirt or studded leather or whatever, it doesn't really matter as long as you reach +5 between armor and dex.
3. If you want lots of maneuvers there's plenty of fighter feats which take advantage of this and don't use magic, using a bastard sword also opens you up to all the open-hand fighter feats which are very strong and still allow you to two-hand your sword
>shield warden/shield of reckoning champion
What do we think of this one?
Damage redux at level 10 of around ~20/reaction, still get to proc the attack, +3 AC over a standard champion, etc.
Actually worthwhile, or is it just a meme?
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>three weapons in player core have the backstabber trait
>the dagger isn't one of them, nor is any other knife
>instead it's the filcher's fork (spear), the dogslicer (sword), and the arbalest (crossbow)
I'm going insane.
I feel like if you've got a rogue in your party it's great and if you don't it'll be tough to get use out of it. Reason being that rogues get Gang Up, making them the only class you can use this with without having to forgo flanking. Otherwise you've got to pick between getting on the opposite side of the enemy to flank, or standing next to your ally to protect them. In that equation, flanking basically always win.

If you've got a rogue to buddy up with it's a ton of damage reduction that you'll be using all the time. If you don't you'll probably only see any use out of it on big boss monsters that your party's dogpiling, which allows you to stand next to someone while somebody else is on the other side flanking for both of you. It's super useful in that situation, but is that worth two feats?
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why did Paizo retconned the drows out of existence when they already had established lore and even a fucking adventure path dedicated to them?
Pretty sure it has to do with WOTC's license fuckery.
Their given reason was just to make a clean break from the OGL. Here's a relevant quote from the creative director on the Paizo forums: https://paizo.com/threads/rzs43tg8&page=2?PF2R-Drow

>"Drow are on even shakier ground than deros or formians because other than the word itself and the very basic concept of "dark elves"... is it. All the rest is D&D, and so we can't lean back to a pre-D&D incarnation of them and have them even remotely serve the same role they do in our Darklands.

In short, they could keep Drow and try to argue that the idea of "Drow" as dark elves existed before D&D, but all the other Drow trappings that defined them in Pathfinder were lifted straight from D&D. Paizo didn't want the headache of potentially having to litigate that so they just nuked them. It is shitty, because I enjoyed Second Darkness, but I guess that's just the kind of fallout you get when WotC tries to wage IP war.
The closest there would be in Tolkien just refers to elves who never saw the light of the Trees in Valinor, not a special black-skinned underground-dwelling type.

If anything retconning them out cleans up and helps make the Castrovelian alien elves of Pathfinder be their own thing better.
I think it's mostly a headache for how fucked the drow lore is in the first place.

When they came up with them in Golarion they wanted to make them irredeemable evil shits to contrast the softening of edges that was going on in D&D and the forgotten realms. Then they started softening the edges. So they were left with the choice of keeping doing what they're doing which I doubt infringes on any copyrights but it conflicts with the idea of making their stuff distinct from d&d which was a goal of the remaster. Or they could try making new and unique drow lore.

And my speculation is that they just decided it wasn't worth it, who would they please there? If they make drow that aren't like the drow people know, they're just going to be subverting expectations in the disappointing way. Easier to forget about them.
Just like fucking everything in these APs, there's also a bunch of replacement rules people made for that too. Now I think overall they don't make it a ton more quick to finish, but it gets rid of the stupid restrictions. You can't even begin adding stuff until EVERY room is cleared and cleaned. This includes the levels below. Once my group gets to this point, the only requirement I'll have is they need to fix the stairs going down and the ones going to the battlements.
I don't fuck with it in my games. I have all Lore skills auto-upgrade.
The autist keeps acting like Starfinder2e is just meant as a big expansion to PF2e. Any sane GM will not allow anything to work between the two.
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don't forget the part where they accidentally made the drow into why mormons hated black people lmao
>Uhhh all drow are awful irredeemable monsters, also if a normal elf is too evil their skin blackens and turns evil and they turn into a Drow, but it's also passed down to their children hereditarily....but that's okay because thee babies are evil, too! drow babies give extra XP when you burn them to death!
paizo are just retarded all around
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>The autist keeps acting like Starfinder2e is just meant as a big expansion to PF2e
Because Paizo have said as much. It's not actually its own game, it's literally just 2E in space and is shackled to the same awful design decisions and even base math. That's why no Starfinder class is allowed to be better than the PF1E Core ones too, hence why Envoy sucks cock and is literally just a worse Bard, or why Soldier is ass compared to Fighter.
> Any sane GM will not allow anything to work between the two.
there were conversion guides for PF1E to SF1e despite the games actually being vastly different in design and scope, with "everyone is at least 3/4 BAB and there's no full casters" as major paradigm shifts. Starfinder 2E isn't even its own game. You're nuts if you think people won't be playing Bard and Fighter in Starfinder campaigns.
There is the svartálfar of Norse mythology, Trow of scottish mythology and huldrefolk of the germanics.
Mixing elements of those could create a Drow equivalent that WotC couldn't lay claim to.
Mirkwood Elves work best if we're copying Tolkien's homework. Dark location that isn't the Underdark, proximity to big ass spiders; prone to taking offense and locking up strangers..
Ltos to work with.
>compatible = you can do it
I guess if your DM wants another meta slave build that just uses some ancient desert race.
Boring and not within the standard ruleset.
the Gap was recent enough that many elves lived on golarion before it even blew up, it's not really "ancient"
Lore question. Do souls need to be in hell to be twisted and turn into demons or is it something that could happen in the world out and about if they're just that damn evil?
Knowing Paizo they'll probably make it so Laser Weapons are exempt for le epic balance
>SF2 and PF2 will be fully compatible
why not SF and PF???? I wish I could get my hands of Jet Dash in PF
get over it
what's why I'm trying, why do you think I want Jet Dash? to get over stuff with double long and high jump
just kill yourself already
It's possible to skip the death, judgement, and larval gestation in the abyss with specific rituals involving contact with a demon lord and fulfilment of tasks, typically very evil in nature.
New player here... How does one make a fighter/martial in pathfinder 2e? It just seems like I have a bunch of shield and armour abilities coupled with feat attacks that either need a hand free or need a two handed weapon to really work.

I this just a d20 caster supremacy system again?
two light picks

double slice

season to taste
You use basic actions like stride and strike.
Feats are just to give you alternatives to basic actions.
Like if you find a monster with resistance to your weapon, you use vicious swing to deal more damage and punch through the resistance.
Typical turn for a low level fighter looks like stride, strike, then a press action like brutish shove.
Or if you REALLY know what you're doing, you feated sudden charge to be able to stride, stride, strike, and then press.
>I this just a d20 caster supremacy system again
No, because most spells are balanced around failing while a fighter is balanced around success and given the tools to succeed (lmao +2). Without proper setup from your teammates you will do fine and with proper setup you become the main character.

Pick what weapon and fighting style you want and then look at feats related to that. You want to be kinda tanky? Pick up a sturdy shield and shield feats (but consider going Champion if you want to body block for party members). You want to do two weapon fighting? Get two weapons and double slice. You want to be a duelist? Get a good 1h weapon and a buckler and pick open hand feats (bucklers don't occupy your hand).

You don't really want to be full-round attacking if you can help it. Flanking and knocking dudes prone is a big help to the rest of the party so getting press actions that give you more opportunities for it is good. You can also bump up CHA if you're not spending it on something else and go for Demoralize checks, since Frightened is just a -1 to everything and it doesn't get hit by MAP.
>You don't really want to be full-round attacking if you can help it.
reddit advice
Fighter is purpose built to full round attack with press feats like advantageous assault and exacting strike.
Well, I meant you don't want to just stand in place and use generic strikes the whole round. I guess I should have clarified better.
My groups been thinking about coming back to 2e again after we finish a short campaign we're doing in another system and I'm pondering what I'd like to play. I was always interested in kineticist though last time we played it wasn't fully released yet I believe. I see that the Water/Earth Mudslide thing is finally errata'd to be actually functional after originally having no specified area at all, has anyone gotten to try it out? how is water earth together in general? I don't mind if it's not the highest damage I could be doing I mostly just want to be a really annoying battlefield control kinda character.
I think the answer is yes but I'll ask anyway. If you pic crossblooded archetype for bloodrager but only stick to a single bloodline, literally not picking anything from the other mechanically, just to lore/backstory wise count as if you're part of both, does it still count as if you modified your bloodline powers/spells/etc for other archetypes?
I'm not sure how to ask this question but I'll try my best.
What does a Martial need to be "the best Martial within the context of being a martial"? From a practical perspective of how to best contribute I've come to figure that I would need great movement to be able to maneuver around so stuff like Fast Movement, Reach to be able to threaten space to punish people trying to get past me, damage/accuracy to actually do the important part of being a Martial and survivability like high HP and AC.
Is there anything else that I need to focus on to help best contribute to my team if playing a character who's only real ability to contribute is in battle in a non-magical/non-skilled based way?
High damage, pounce equivalent or a bow, just enough survivability to not croak instantly. That's all you need.
Don't forget carrying capacity
Is it the bow that's important or the ability to attack at ranged?
What's important is the ability to make a full attack from turn 1 instead of wasting the first round on moving and only attacking once. Pounce achieves this by letting you do exactly that, bow achieves this by making it so that you don't have to move to attack.
Oh that's what my friend was on about. We had a discussion about martials not getting "move attack move" and stuff like that for free since it breaks the tactical position side of things but I didn't understand the full context of what he was talking about but you bringing up the pounce argumentation makes me think that the ability to move and full attack must also be something that breaks the normal conventions in a way that is actually really good.
Tanking was kind of the aim but I can't see anything to do with holding aggro. Opp attacks are nice but snagging strike just encourages things to move away from you. Is there an equivalent of a movement interrupt or something that prevents enemies stepping away?
Step up feat tree?
>or something that prevents enemies stepping away?
Stand Still.
I couldn't see those in the 2e player core. Those would work, sound a lot like the 4th ed dnd fighter abilities which work fine for Tanking.
The easy thing you want is Combat Maneuvers, which you'll be good at as a Fighter since they scale off the Athletics skill. For example, the Grapple action forces your opponent to make an escape check or else be stuck to you, but it targets Fort saves and those can be dicey since your average monster is the fantasy equivalent of a bear or whatever.

Trips target an enemy's reflex save and that's a better bet a lot of the time. They don't hold the enemy in place, but a successful trip knocks the enemy prone (which boosts the accuracy of melee attacks against them) and forces them to waste an action standing up.

The Knight Vigilant archetype has a feat called Interrupt Charge which lets you attempt a check to negate the movement of an enemy as a reaction. You make an Athletics check targeting the Athletics or Fort DC of the target (whichever is higher) and on a crit success you negate the movement. On a success you reduce their movement by 10ft, and on a failure reduce it by 5ft. This archetype also has a feat that let's you count as full cover for allies and another feat that makes it so allies don't have to treat you as partial cover when shooting past you at bad guys, so you can kind of body block that way. Knight Vigilant is an uncommon archetype though so you may not have access to it.

For other tank stuff, Shield feats can help you protect allies. Shield Warden let's you use your Shield Block reaction to block an attack targeting someone adjacent to you, as an example. Devoted Gaurdian from Champion and Fighter let you give an adjacent a +1 AC bonus (or +2 with a tower shield).
Sorry but you're fucked, Crossblooded is not like Qinggong, with Qinggong you can pick it and not change anything and despite giving you tons of options and no drawback it doesn't count as altering, but Crossblooded gives you -4 to Willpower, and yet also counts as altering. Why is this like this? Who knows.
>dealing a lot of damage and getting recognized as a threat
These all work.
You won't typically glue creatures to you, but getting them to expend a few actions on movement to pursue a dress wearer vs just taking three shots at you is a bad action trade.
So the fight is won.
Not to mention aoo claps pretty hard in 2e, so getting one for free if a monster is dumb enough to disengage is further swing.
Monsters also begin to get three action combos like strike, grab, constrict at some point, so just simply being in reach at the start of their turn is usually incentive enough that you take the beating rather than a distant squishy.
Use the expression the basic actions like Stride and Trip give you.
will starfinder 2e let us have sex and have freaky alien babies
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Which of the gods is pro-gun, neutral or anti-gun when it comes to their clergy?
Generally it's going to be a lot easier to just give yourself a Fiendish template while you're still alive, usually by doing some kind of deal with an existing fiendish creature to employ a ritual to give you that template.
They'll be covered head to toe next to shirtless men.
Wait I thought that said babes wtf.
How is 2e polearm fighter vs. 2e bow fighter at level 1?
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Would you let him join your game?
there's some new three-headed god with a firearm as its favoured weapon in LO Tian Xia wg
Bow isn't very good.
Polearm, specifically guisarme, is very good.

Bow doesn't take off until you can spam that one level 10 feat for continuous slow.
But by that point a reach trip fighter has two reactive strikes a round, which is pretty much two extra attacks without map.
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Any idea where I can find pf2e pdfs from 2022 onward?
nope now go 2qtch
I like his choice in character classes but I don't accept the existence of anyone who would unironically play a Drow.
I don't know him, so no.
Anyone asking to play drow is instantly kicked from my table
1e question
Any class agnostic ways of turning Lethal into Non-lethal damage that isn't Ablative Barrier?
Taking the -4 to hit penalty
I thought that by mentioning Ablative Barrier it was already implied is the damage I receive, not the one I deal. But ok, I'll refrase it:
Any class agnostic ways of turning incoming lethal damage into non-lethal damage that isn't Ablative Barrier?
Asking the enemy to not use lethal attacks?
>Resilient Brute. Allows to turn half of gained crit damage to non-lethal damage.
>Concilator (Story). Allows you to ask your enemy to use nonlethal attacks
>Sycophant. Allows you to ask your enemy to use nonlethal attack
>Cat's Fall. Fall damage into nonlethal
>Armor Material Expertise. 2x/d When wearing adamantite armor, turn half of lethal damage to non-lethal with immediate action, requires armor training
>Buffering Cap. Crit bonus damage to nonlethal
>Azata's Whimsy: Self damage from confusion is nonlethal
>Bands of Unbreakable Camaraderie. Other wearer deals nonlethal damage to wearer
>Bouncy(goblin): Some fall damage to non-lethal

But yeah, your best bet is to grab UMD and Ablative Barrier wand
how woke will starfinder 2e be?
>hurr durr
answer the question.
He did answer the question.

How does Holy work with Infuse Vitality? Is it still only working vs undead because it's vitality damage?
hurr durr isn't an answer
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>consent checklist

Fine. But he's on thin ice.
The glass serpent in Field Test #5 is exceptionally strong, even after the semi-official downgrade:

The crest-eater in Second Contact, though, seems significantly grossly overpowered for a 4th-level creature. It has AC 23 (extreme AC at this level is 24), Speed 45 feet (ignoring various types of difficult and uneven terrain), Reactive Strike, and a melee attack a with a +17 modifier (extreme attack at this level is +16), average damage 14, and reach 10 feet. It also has a backup ranged attack with persistent damage and enfeebling poison.

In Pathfinder 2e, this would be a menace against most parties. In Starfinder 2e, with its "ranged meta," a good many ranged characters stand to be melee'd to death, especially with that Reactive Strike.

You can look at the crest-eater here, though you will have to view the video at several different frames to get the full statistics block:
Does anyone have advice for figuring out homebrew deities' cleric spells in terms of balance?
No, it's a valid reply to idiots constantly obsessed with whatever the moving target they consider "woke" to be this week. Fuck off.
Highly autistic question, but how much do you reckon a half-pound of uncooked chicken breast in pf2e should cost, given that:
>the price of a "square meal" (chicken breast) is 3cp
>a level 2 job (being a waiter at a simple tea shop) pays 3 sp per day (for a total of 2.1gp per seven-day work week)
>back in first edition a chicken cost 1 gp while weighing 6 pounds
At least one of these facts is incongruous enough that it must be disregarded.
You probably lower the cost of chickens. Or I guess everyone in Galorion keeps chickens for eggs and only slaughters old hens with subpar meat.
A strike can deal 0 damage of a type but still trigger weaknesses if it has the trait of that type.
You can tip a bucket of water onto a creature with a weakness to water, and deal the damage listed under the weakness.
Just select whatever spells are on theme. Read a bunch of the entries to help you figure out details like levels.
There's virtually no way to break the game with homebrew deity granted spells so long as they're all on theme and not cherry picking.
>"square meal" (chicken breast)
*chicken breast plus a side option like a baked potato
If you go by weight of meat, a 6-pound chicken (which would yield about 3 pounds of meat) gives one pound per 3.3 silver. This is almost half as expensive as pf1e's pricing for meat (3 silver per half-pound), but even if you drop the price of one pound to 3 silver then a basic job doesn't make enough money per day to afford anything more than two chicken breasts per day, which is less than a full meal.
>less than a full meal
>two less-than full meals
A square meal is 3 copper. A day of work yields 30 copper (3sp). That's enough for ten meals.
have some extra autism. Chickens of today are much bigger than in the past because of selective breeding and a contest in the mid 1900s. Are golarions chickens closer in size to pre or post "Chicken of Tomorrow"?
I have decided to draw up a pricing table for each meat. A chicken breast (1/2 a pound) costs 3cp, and a pound of venison costs 1cp.
I'm talking about pounds and half-pounds of chicken.
Yeah, but today's roaster chickens are somewhere in the ballpark of 5-7, and pf1e's six pounds per chicken is squarely in the middle of that.
Anyway my solution (which has factored into me making a full pricing table for raw meat) has been to look up pricings of meat per pound in Canada and then round up. Gives me pretty right-sounding numbers.
*a pound of venison costs 1sp.
In 2e the gold costs are shrunk down to about 9.3% the 1st edition cost are they not? The chicken is worth roughly 1sp.
Is it? I suspected there was some conversion somewhere along the line given how expensive half a pound of meat was. In that case my price of a chicken breast being 3cp checks out pretty well.
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Its fucky comparing stricly wealth by level but 1/10th the price seems fair, I cant remember if this has a lore justification
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It seems to me like there is a mentality wherein melee enemies have to be made super-strong in order to "stand a chance" against ranged-heavy PCs, when in reality, a martial laser rifle deals only d8 damage with no attribute modifier.

That is my impression from Field Test #5 and Second Contact, anyway.
>I’m curious about Kingmaker, how do campaigns usually go
In my experience, three months of camping mechanics before it fizzles out right at the Stag Lord
Hexcrawling until you found your kingdom. Then more hexcrawling as you look for every excuse to avoid using the kingdom management rules.
Are there any good compiled fixes to 1e action/spell economy that isn't the shitty 3 action system from Unchained/2e
Having to spend one action to move at the start of combat is a crippling weakness that requires to pile up advantages on melee to make it comparable to ranged. Allegedly.
Do you necessarily even need to move? I can easily imagine scenarios such as an ambush or duel where the encounter starts in the melee range.

I have played through eight combats with Field Test #5 and Second Contact so far. Ranged PCs and ranged enemies seem nowhere as threatening as melee PCs and melee enemies, at least at this level band.
Ostensibly you'd have to spend actions scooting around occasionally as enemies ran away or whatever but if squishies aren't so close they can get immediately ganked after a single move then it doesn't usually seem worth it to give up two actions over just busting down the front line, which leads to way more static lines than you might expect, even without Reactive Strike to make moving even less attractive.
>This counts as heavy armor to abilities that require or work with armor and suffers a 25% chance of arcane spell failure.
Does this count as Heavy Armor for the purposes of the Monk's AC using this wording.
if it counts as armor for abilities, yes, it doesn't work with monk unarmored defense. Just get somebody to cast Mage Armor on you for a basically permanent +4 Armor bonus like what everyone else does, a first level pearl of power is dirt cheap, just buy one of your party has a single arcane caster in it. If for some reason you don't buy a wand for 750gp
Has anyone tried running a sandbox campaign using the proficiency without level rule so players would have relatively balanced encounters no matter which path they took? How did it go?
I just found out Argenta isn't one of the romance options in Rogue Trader. #1 bullshit
wrong thread my bad
you aren't Big E
For those experienced AP players/gms here. How fucked are we as players if the GM decided to only allow magic items that the AP gives you + any potion?
Meaning if I want a belt +2 to Con and Str, if the AP doesn't give you one you can't buy it, but if the AP has them, sure you can get one extra.
Potions are allowed even if we want one that the AP doesn't have. And for scrolls happens the same as for items, if you want Death Ward for example but the AP didn't give you one yet, you won't ever find it on stores.

I feel like it's going to fuck us hard, I've never played an AP till the end (max early book 3) but I don't think the AP has everything you need to deal with all the threads, and think it requres some look for outside sources. 1e if anyone is wondering.
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> Cringe wheelchair rules
> Make it identical to not having a chair for everything except burning oil and the like
> Make it RAW only usable by the able-bodied
What did Paizo mean by this?
>look at rogue rackets
>look at ruffian
>get to use sneak attacks on any melee weapon, not just agile or finesse ones... as long as it's simple and uses a d8 or less, or martial/advanced and uses a d6 or less
>look at simple weapon table
>only d8 weapon is longspear
>look at martial weapon table
>around half of the d6 weapons are already agile or finesse
I feel like I'm getting punked here. At least it opens up the pick for use.
I'd like to know why it's *always* a wheelchair, or some fluffy form of mobility chair. Cyberpunk Red has some quadrupedal mobility chair, despite also having, you know, cybernetics that can replace and even exceed the functionality of an organic limb.
Planning on it but haven't run it. Planning to use gold as XP too.
Did a napkin playtest and here's what happened
>escaped from an APL +7 Extreme at level 1
>stole enough loot to advance to level 3
>handled an APL -1 Moderate while resting and unprepared
>skill checks like medicine to treat wounds are hard to beat consistently
>beat an APL+5 Severe at level 3 against a solo
>surrendered to an APL -2 Extreme immediately after due to being unable to recover from the last fight, fight would have been an easy loss

So the takeaway is that encounters are generally easier, swarms of mooks are much more dangerous, skill checks are more difficult to succeed at, and summons are much stronger.
You can do a lot of OSR stuff in games like this like allowing large numbers of hirelings, and they will actually serve as reasonably good meat shields and distractions.
I could see the exo-chair thing in something like cyberpunk sure - a wheelchair being someone's trademark style fits that game - but an obviously modern wheelchair while everyone claps and pretends it's not a disability after all just strikes me as distasteful.
>How fucked are we as players if the GM decided to only allow magic items that the AP gives you + any potion?
Martial characters are pretty fucked because APs pretty much never give actually useful weapons or armor (unless GM is modding them behind the scenes). Casters will be fine for the most part.
Not really sure what you are supposed to do with all the cash the AP drops without being able to spend it in magic stuff.
I don't really understand why they'd do this. Have they given a reason at all why they wanna run it this way.
>Does your iconic donut steel beat Amiri in an arm wrestling competition?
Who knows? As you can clearly see Fumbus knows how to juice himself.
The only explanation given is that picking and choosing items breaks the AP, that the campaign wasn't made with that level of freedom in mind. But I completely disagree with him
That is retarded. There's the occasional item that does come out broken like the doorknob or that one magic ammo (black tendril?). But if there are some specific items that he knows can break it he should just ban those.
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Comission request: federico musetti draw Amiri and Fumbus arm wrestling right now, grazie.
>Not really sure what you are supposed to do with all the cash the AP drops without being able to spend it in magic stuff.
Hire bazillion of hirelings and show the GM that there is worse things you could spend your money on
Being blinded also makes you off-guard, right? What about being dazzled? I'm assuming not, since being dazzled only makes everything concealed to you.
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What martial classes are particularly good at lower levels? My group's Forever GM is running a one-shot dungeon crawl for us again, been well over a year since we last touched 2e. We're starting at lv3, FA, no race or class restrictions.
I've played mostly casters in 2e thus far (one of the classic blunders), and my only martial experience in this system was a brief dwarf polearm fighter. Since many cool martial feats seem to come online around the 6th or 8th level, I'm not sure what to go for here that wouldn't have me just striding and striking for the most part. I've been wanting to do an Animal Instinct Barbarian with Wrestler, but I'm not sure how well that goes at lower levels. Magus or Monk have also caught my eye, but I'm even less sure about what to do with them.
Neither make you off guard.
Nope, it just makes you blind.
Fighter always.
The fighter class.
Honorable mention to paladin champion for also getting a reaction attack.
Guisarme fighter.
As someone who also plays casters in 2e, I would recommend Champion. You will immediately feel like a god compared to what you are used to. Thaumaturge is also fun, the little of it I have played. Find a race with the biggest unarmed attack you can (Lizardfolk has a d8 bite off the top of my head), go Wrestler FA for expert athletics early, and pick the implement that gives you reactive strike. Then just trip/grab the shit out of enemies and hit them when they try to leave. Fighter is never a bad choice. Grab a reach weapon and have fun.
Human redemption champion
Thaumaturge if you wanna play a really fun martial/recall knowledge class.
Really? I figured that if dazzled makes everything concealed, blinded would do one step after that.
It doesn't directly make them off guard. Most characters only precise sense is vision. No vision means Hidden enemies means Off Guard player. Obviously there are ways around that like the Blind Fight feat
It does override Dazzled, but being attacked from a creature that's Concealed from you doesn't make you Off Guard. Or at least there's nothing implying such on the condition page on Nethys.
I think I'm leaning towards this now that I'm reading up on imprecise senses.
>"You can usually sense a creature automatically with an imprecise sense, but it has the hidden condition instead of the observed condition." ("Imprecise senses," Player Core, p. 433)
>"When Seeking a creature using only imprecise senses, it remains hidden, rather than observed. A creature you’re hidden from is off-guard to you, and it must succeed at
a DC 11 flat check when targeting you with an attack, spell, or other effect or it fails to affect you. " ("Hidden," Player Core, p. 444)
If I'm reading into this right, if my only precise sense is sight and I lose that via blinded, my enemies would be hidden (and thereby making me off-guard to them) from me because I'm then relying on imprecise senses to know where they are.
>Find a race with the biggest unarmed attack you can (Lizardfolk has a d8 bite off the top of my head), go Wrestler FA for expert athletics early, and pick the implement that gives you reactive strike.
nta but was also looking to make a character, i checked thaumaturge and i think i'll try something like this. of course only if the gm lets me play as a kemonomimi lizardgirl, i'd die of cringe if i tried to play an actual scaly. anyway thanks anon
I hate how this is technically the unironic correct answer, this fucking game I swear
Hadn't considered Champion, good call. Thaumaturge is a class I always sort of figured worked best with a caster dedication, which Implements should I consider for a melee Thaum? Weapon seems logical, but who knows.
Armor Inventor with Wrestler Dedication and Muscular Exoskeleton has equal Athletics to Fighter while in Overdrive.

Idk what you'd do with that exactly but it's there.
>his table doesn't allow animal races to be kemonomimi whenever desired as a principle
i'm not really familiar with the table, we're friends but i'm just starting to play
New player to 2e, how do I make familiars shine from mechanics stand point? My character is gonna be a fae sorcerer* who made a pact with a magical creature to get her powers, and I want to take that creature as an familiar rather than just have it be a bit of fluff.
*Witch would be more appropriate thematically for this, but my GM said that Witch is one of the weakest classes and that there's not much they can do that other classes can't do better, so we're reflavoring sorcerer a little bit
Your GM is living almost a year in the past. Witch is now the best Primal caster since Wilding Steward's hex does something useful when they make their save (and is less penalizing when used against non-plants and non-animals), and if your patron is The Resentment, you are the king of conditions. The other primal option isn't bad either, but it doesn't really fit your theme.
I recommend reading the class yourself, the remastered rules are free on Archives of Nethys. The issue with any class not named Fighter is you run the risk of fucking it up if you don't have a clear idea what you're trying to do.
That said Witch is VERY strong now, if a bit specific. One of the best casters.
>The other primal option isn't bad either, but it doesn't really fit your theme.
Silence in Snow? That's actually what I would be going with, my char got her powers from a pact she made in order to save herself from a sudden blizzard she was caught out in.
We were thinking of fae Sorcerer instead of Witch because I liked the combination of the Primal spell list for wintery magic and the bloodline spells still allowing for some witchy vibes, which is what I'm going for thematically.
I really like Witch thematically and I like the free familiar instead of having to get it with a feat, but I'm struggling to understand how to play the class to it's full potential. Silence in Snow seems to lean into battlefield control, and I'm not familiar enough with the system to know how to do that effectively without screwing up my party. We've got a Guardian, Summoner, and Kineticist as well.
Sorcerer is a lot easier to play it seems, but it feels a little bland compared to Witch and I don't love having to spend a feat just to get a little ice spider friend that I'm only having around for fluff reasons.
Kind of weird that your GM is telling you that Witch is bad but even allowing Guardian in the first place. It's like the definition of half baked playtest material. Meanwhile Witch got a massive glow up in the Remaster.
So how do you plan to handle gold as XP? They get a ton of it as the levels progress.
It might just be my low system mastery, but Cleric feats are looking pretty dope with the remaster.
It looks like it would be great fun playing as a warpriest with a shield.
What are the main warpriest builds with the remaster? What about archetypes? Any that synergize specially well with any of the new gimmicks?
Another question about 2e remastered Witch. How do I get more focus points? The Lesson feats don't say you get an extra focus point in the pool like they did in the Legacy version.
I reverse engineered a conversion based on the party treasure by level table (gm core page 59).
The party should require 175gp in treasure to gain 1000xp and advance to level 2, then 300gp to gain the next 1000xp, and so on.
Your focus pool size is equal to the number of focus spells you can cast, or 3, whichever is lower.
Ah okay, thanks
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I have to say, the official rules for tossing powder or flour onto an invisible opponent are rather restrictive.

The character needs to dedicate a hand to holding the bag of powder, it goes out only to an adjacent square (which needs to be the correct square to begin with), and the reduction from invisibility to concealment lasts only until the end of that specific turn.
>That's actually what I would be going
Oh, never mind, then do that. It's really strong.
Fey Sorcerer isn't bad. You get some decent spells that attack Will from your bloodline, you take Crossblooded Evolution to pick up Synaesthesia and some more spells that attack Will and still do things when the target succeeds, Primal Evolution to summon the handful of useful Animals until you reach level 11 and summons suck, and your strength is that you have one (eventually a few) of the best Occult spells, and you're a Primal caster who can Demoralize without MAD issues.
Silence in Snow actually feels like you're playing a full class, not just a generic spellcaster. The reason Wizards are so bad is you have nothing to do except cast spells. Charisma casters have Demoralize and Bon Mot. Wisdom casters only need 3 ability scores, so they can put their free boost on Strength or Charisma.
By having a familiar to play with, and high impact focus spells, you have stuff to do besides Recall Knowledge and burn through the only 5-6 (6-7 with Spell Blending) spell slots that matter.
Lesson of Mischief is a trap, so is Lesson of Protection. Cauldron is strong but requires you to commit to Crafting skill feats.
Also, Sorcerer is getting a remaster August 1st, but whether your GM realizes that this is happening and the new rules are free is anyone's guess.
What >>93241196 said. Worth pointing out Focus Cantrips like Lesson of Winter's Chill don't count.
You get your choice of Patron's Puppet or Phase Familiar at Level 1. Your pool is 1.
Cackle, or any Lesson feat, will increase it by 1, up to 3.
If your GM allows Free Archetype, a human can use their Natural Ambition ancestry feat to pick up Cackle, and together with Psychic Dedication, that's 3 focus points maxed out at Level 1.
I would take Cackle regardless, it's very good.

Adding to this, Faerie Fire simply is not in the remaster. (I consider it a very handy spell.) There is only Revealing Light, the updated form of Glitterdust.

That just means you use the legacy spell. Remaster doesn't remove anything unless it overwrites it, IIRC.
You don't have to lean, stand tall upon couched rules.
The potential of the class depends on what lessons you pick and the rest of your party. Lesson of Life has Life Boost which is very good in and out of combat healing. Early on, it lets your party heal up to full without relying on medicine checks. Scales well at all levels too. If you're going for a winter theme, lesson of elements lets you add water/cold weakness to things. All of the new greater lessons in Howl of the Wild are great and either do excellent debuffing or damage.

The other two notable feats I'll point out are Portents of the Haruspex at 4 and Stitched/Spirit Familiar at 8. Portents is a reaction that you use when something dies near you to give a weakness to the next enemy hit equal to your level of a random damage type. Your allies or you can proc it, and if you keep damage types available that your party doesn't have on your cantrips, it's easy to use. The other ones at 8 let you do a single target 3rd level fireball of damage along with some utility. The best thing is it uses your familiar's actions, costs no resources other than a 10 minute cooldown.
With respect, your GM is wrong. I'm playing as a Silence in Snow witch right now. I can say that she's literally perfect and everything I want out of a caster. Part of this is due to the strengths of the Primal spell list, part of this is due to good Lesson selection, and part of this is because of Silence in Snow's unique abilities.
>Primal has good reactions between wooden double and hidebound
>Primal has all the healing and condition removal spells
>Primal has all the blasting spells you need except will targeting spells
>Lesson of Life gives you renewable healing
>Lesson of Vengeance gives you two Will targeting spells, which is near impossible to find on Primal without some kind of drawback (Albatross Curse doesn't do damage, Burning Blossoms is bad, Summon Stampede is not teammate friendly)
>Clinging Ice is basically budget Psi Burst from Psychics and can be used to tack on extra damage whenever
>Snow's familiar is great when forcing enemies to Stride (and triggering Reactive Strike) due to creating difficult terrain, has synergy with Rangers with the Nature's Edge class feature
>At higher levels the familiar gets to stupify enemies near it and also immobilise enemies with a failed reflex save, all for the cost of one of your actions
I think Silence in Snow is great. Not the best Primal Witch (that's Ripple in the Deep) but still good. Better than Wilding Steward at least.
I think my GM is either retarded or is trying to pull a fast one on me.
I can have blur and/or displacement due arcane bloodrage
Clearly blur and displacement are concealment miss chance but my GM says Displacement is not concealment but is also concealment whenever it suits him
Enemy sneak attacks me? sorry, displacement is not concealment
Ok, then I will stack it with blur? sorry, displacement is concealment

Should I just let it go or literally pack my things and leave because this kind of behaviour is going to lead to more bs?
1e or 2e?
If 1e then Blur is undeniably concealment: "This distortion grants the subject concealment". Displacement on the other hand could be up to debate, since the wording "as if it had total concealment" is unclear: it depends on how similar do you interpret it to be for total concealment. Therefore your GM should make a single ruling and stick to it, saying it either is a total concealment and therefore negates regular sneak attack, or isn't and therefore stacks with concealment. There's no point in trying to have it be both, since if the GM wants those attacks to work he can just give the NPCs special ability to ignore it.
If 2e then I can't help you, never really cared about it.
How did Paizo dropped the ball so much with Gorum? Particularly since he death and ejection from the setting happened partly due to unpopularity compared to other deities. How come they never presented him as a pseudo-KHOOORNE or even a Kratos-like tortured eternal fighter. Just throwing ideas.

I know about Szuriel (sp?) and other war-divinities, but how do you make wrong THE god of war? Was it overabundance?
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Do we have a list of all the archetypes that will be in Player Core 2? And will they be straight C&P from APG or will we see something new?
>unpopularity compared to other deities
Huh? I thought Gorum was actually one of the more popular deities? I've heard people praise his honest "let's get the blood flowing" style. especially when compared to for example Erastil's deer bugger stick.
TQ: I like Dragon Disciple. Unfortunately, I (nearly) only play E6, so I don't get to do it much.

Y'all ever play E6? Any strong Opinions on it?
I'm betting on the archetypes being all of what was in APG, as well as the multiclass archetypes for the pc2 classes.
It sounds rarted but it tracks.

>Ok, then I will stack it with blur? sorry, displacement is concealment
Miss chances don't stack with each other (because they don't say they do) so it wouldn't matter either way. You only take the best value.

>Enemy sneak attacks me? sorry, displacement is not concealment
There are thousands of posts on the subject and the main issue is that Displacement refers to Total Concealment for miss chance when there was apparently no reason do so since they only meant for you to get miss chance. And instead of being clear about the exceptions some editor stepped in and "summarized" it into a sentence that is so vague that it doesn't stop the arguments.

Displacement is not meant to be total concealment, even though it says it works "as if" you do. It won't allow you to make stealth checks, doesn't stop enemies from targeting you with spells, doesn't stop AoOs, doesn't stop Sneak Attack, and doesn't allow you to ignore dex-to-AC when attacking enemies.

But on the plus side, Blind-Fight is completely worthless against Displacement since it specifies Concealment. And negating 50% of all hits the rogue makes is in most situations better than negating 20% of all hits and SA immunity. And you can always combine Blur + Displacement if you know SA is coming up.

The actual issue is that you've noticed your GM being inconsistent just to rule against you. Voice your concerns and explain why you take offense to this inconsistency. They may not have realized themselves.
Sometimes I feel like a version of pf2e that doesn't trick you into picking 30-40 feats and thinking more than 5 of them matter would solve half the problems I have with it.
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Anyone looked at this yet? Only played the regular Mesmerist for like 2 sessions before the game went under but thought it was interesting, curious how this compares.
Sorry, to clarify they just released this for 1E Pathfinder, no reviews or anything yet so wasn't sure if I wanted to acquire it or not.
Cutting down the junk feats would be nice. Or even just baking the tax feats together.
>can take a feat at level 6 that looks kinda neat but has a lot of drawbacks which makes it questionably useful
>can spend a 2nd feat at level 12 to do the thing that's actually good but miss out on other options
Either gimme the cool thing at level 6 or put something useful there instead and just leave the high level feat as it's own thing. This obsession Paizo has with giving you shit options you have to take to do cool things later is bizarre.
NTA but unpopular among Paizo writers.
Poor Gorum has not had basically anything written about him or his relevant followers. And then he just fucking died.
I fucking hate the way feats are so aggressively tiered, while all still being poured into the same buckets, partially for what you're talking about. At least with something like general feats, all the ones worth taking are all level 1, so there's a slight choice in the order.
yet another person disappointed with PF2 crap, and out come the usual suspects
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I have played through 26 battles of Field Test #5 and Second Contact so far.
>Portents of the Haruspex
I can't find this one on Archives of Nethys for some reason, but I did find it on Pathfinder Nexus. Is it still in playtesting or something?
Archive has been slow lately when it comes to updating with new books. The remaster really hit them hard for some reason. They're about 2 months behind at the moment, and the book with Portents came out last month.
The culverin says you can use a stand to stabilize it, but I can't find anywhere that gives a price for one.
What would you think a stand would cost?
Ditto for the gastraphetes, they need stands too.
He died, what?
Stand is not supposed to be a mobile thing you can move around, but something build into something like ship, on top of castle wall, or cart. That's why there is no price for one, it is GM fiat.
Just gonna be the minor adjustment of spells, terms etc. I expect absolutely no balance changes. Including no change in Champion Dedication.
Ok, that sucks.
Is there a way to properly resist the kickback, or could I just use a tower shield as a brace, like the French used to?
Not officially I think, but I have personally allowed using Tower Shield cover function like that.
Seattleites couldn't bring themselves to kill off a god they'd actually written for, so they decided to get rid of the cool Crom stand-in.
Why even bother write that up on the Paizo forums? That place makes the subreddit seem positively balanced in its dick riding of Paizo's design.
What's a fun and unusual but functional archetype for an investigator with alchemy?
forgot to specify, its the free archetype
What's wrong with Champion Dedication? I guess it really just gives you heavy armor prof while saddling you with all the standard paladin bullshit. It sucks having the most barebones pieces of the kit gated behind feats. I mean atleast like Swashbuckler Dedication gets the speed boost from panache.
the same thing as fighter dedication of "why the fuck do I need a second feat to make this scale at the worst possible rate"
That other anon misses the point entirely. You can get everything that is good about Champion from the Archetype. Basically if you're doing Free Archetype, a Fighter that then takes the Champion Dedication is going to be a better Champion than the actual class.
What about the recoil problem, is there any way to bypass getting knocked on your ass, aside from a merfolk or some manner of turning into a spider.
Also quick complaint, I played PFS and I hate the fact that I can't go further than the blunderbuss, while Cone o' Cold is perfectly Ok.
I really hope they fix this in PC2 as well Monk getting its lunch stolen by an archetyping rogue or fighter.
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It could be as simple as a forked stick you jam into the ground. This sort of thing really isn't that complicated, you just need support for the end of it.
>is there any way to bypass getting knocked on your ass
Well, you can drop prone as free action before firing if you want. Can't become prone if you are already prone. Or get three levels of Swashbuckler and Kip Up deed, if you started as gunslinger that has also nice benefit of getting more Grit/Panache as the pools stack and can be used interchangeable for both classes.
Get Monkey Style. Zero penalties while prone, can stand up without provoking, and can do so as a swift action. And lying on the ground would definitely count as having support, avoiding the -4 attack penalty.
Inventor kinda gets bit with this as well. You get most of the neat utility the class has to offer and then you can just... be a better melee or ranged damage dealer because your class chassis will actually have support for doing stuff outside of Overdrive.
What about the Prone Shooter f-
Wait, can you even shoot while prone anyways?
Can I even turn around?
>OP shoots his own point in the foot talking about casters
>lets the cattle derail argument further into casters vs martials
No shit the thread goes up in flames.
Bard is OP. If you can't make Bard work that's 100% skill issue. They are a full caster.
Ranked Spell slots are very limited, and you will feel useless if that's all you can do. Saying casters are bad because they get 5 or 6 spells a day and are then useless is like saying martials are useless because Striking 3 times in a row is bad. Fighters don't do that. Thaumaturges don't do that. Rogues don't do that. So if you were playing a "martial" that had no better turn when starting next to an enemy than Strike, Strike at -5, Strike at -10 yes they WOULD be shit.
There is one caster that has no useful class features besides Vancian casting. It's the Wizard. It sucks, in spite of having access to the Arcane List, and preparing extra spells per day. And that's because Wizard does not give you access to ANY other system besides casting Arcane spells that a generic player character doesn't already have. Casting is fine. Casting and nothing else is garbage. The Wizard class is garbage. If you can't make a Bard, Cleric, Witch, etc. work, you are garbage.
Firearms and crossbows have a special rule that allows you to shoot them prone without penalty
So what the fuck is an Omdura? Is it based off a real thing like Paladins or Knights or Druids? Or is it just totally made up?

I can't even find a picture of a general representation of the class.
I've always wondered that if the Fighter gets to be the big martial with an extra +2 to attacks (Gunslinger barely counts, Fighter can use guns better) then Wizard maybe should be the caster that gets +2 to all attacks and DCs.
>So what the fuck is an Omdura? Is it based off a real thing like Paladins or Knights or Druids? Or is it just totally made up?
Mostly made up by Paizo, though I think it had some connection to some african shit one way or another.
>casterkeks whining again
It was basically some oneshot class made for a collaboration Paizo had with some other company, the whole thing happened years ago near the end of 1e's lifespan so they didn't really worry too much about the details.
And you can reload them while prone, perfect.
Unless there's a problem with turning around, I got what I need.
Thanks man.
What a great idea
>In PC3 Psychic gets +2 to spell attacks and DC
How do Fighters use guns better? The Specialization?
>Captcha: OKT4RB
He's probably referring to the fighter's ability to apply their legendary weapon scaling to firearms due to how the Mauler archetype is worded. Mauler allows you to match your weapon proficiency with two-handed martial weapons. Many of the best firearms happen to be both two-handed and martial weapons. It's probably not what the archetype was intended for, but it works. I don't know enough about gunslinger to comment on whether that makes them better at using firearms but they're the only class capable of matching the gunslinger's legendary scaling, so they've at least got that going for them.
no, the mauler archetype is for melee 2handed weapons. a fighter can simply choose firearms for their legendary scaling, then take mauler to also be legendary in melee weapons
You are completely right, I've been misunderstanding that interaction for a long time. My bad to Anon.
That's alright dude, your heart's in the right place.
>Energized Font
>Prerequisites: focus pool, at least one innate spell from a gnome heritage or ancestry feat that shares a tradition with at least one of your focus spells

I've gotta be missing something, but I can't find any focus spells that even have a tradition? So how can I have an innate spell that shares the tradition of a focus spell?

focus spells gain the same tradition as the class that granted them. for example the monk makes you choose occult or divine tradition when you get your first focus spell since otherwise it doesn't have any tradition
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It's based on the magic used in a comic book series called Niobe
I think it should be wizards at the bare minimum, but I would extend it to all INT casters. Having thievery or whatever trained doesn't help at level 10 when you need expert or master to interact with a lot of traps and other stuff. It barely helps at level 1 because everything is pretty dice roll dependent at that point.
Inventor has alot bigger problems than its archetype. It is probably the worst class in the game and completely misses the fantasy that its trying to show. What's more insulting is that its so obviously worse than any other class from a glance and any designer worth his salt should not have released it.
What are you talking about? Fighters being able to go ham with all 3 attacks is exactly what they want with the +2 attack and insane combo feats that they have. Other martials are usually jumping through some fucking hoop to get their damage booster off the ground to bother with 3 strikes. Casters do have some pretty big mechanical problems, mainly being the underlying math of their spellcasting and absolute bloat of shit spells compared to the rare good ones. Bards and Clerics are powerful because they're focus completely bypass the obnoxious monster math with buffs and healing. Witch is only good because of 1 obnoxiously OP subclass that lets them make the few powerful spells in the game even more broken.
What is it with blacks culturally appropriating the Viking aesthetical recently?
>GM spoilers that for late books 5 and 6 the DCs of most caster monsters will be easily 35+, maybe even 40
>after a quick calculation my willpower at high level 16+, assuming spending feats into it (willpower, geting a hedgehog familiar) and having max magic items (allowed by the DM) will be like 20-21 because I'm a low willpower class
how the fuck are we going tosave against that shit? how do classes without high willpower do at those levels? And my fort wont be much higher, though I wasn't pretending on spending feats on it, but it will be something like 27 ish
just don't be unlucky :)
You honestly don't save, you get stuff that either make you automatically immune (freedom of movement, immunity to fear effects or mind-affecting, etc) or you get stuff that make you ignore those effects for X turns. Only high willpower high wis classes have the priviledge to actually save with a roll
The viking aesthetic of dreads and warpaint? Of big feathery armor?
>since it breaks the tactical position side of things
It unbreaks it actually because the assumption was that your martials would get Haste before 3.5 broke that and shittified them by shackling them back to never full attacking ever without swift action moves or pounce.

It's 3.5, but most of the same items are available in PF1, even if renamed.
We got a lot of Fusion World leaks today
Gotcha, thanks
>rolling to hit at -8 when Failure is a wasted action is... OP?????
>rolling a save at +-0 when Success is they get a -2 on everything that stacks with your other spells is... LE BAD?????
just fucking kill yourself already fighterfag. no one will miss you.
nta you two are talking past each other Strike is AN attack but the other guy clearly means Exacting Strike or other special types of attacks compared to MAP striking 3 times. Clearly you are both retarded, don't retread this boring argument here in Pathfinder Adventure Card Game general
So it could still be boring and miserable to play, just with good numbers?
The problem is that Wizard doesn't interact with any other system besides spellcasting.
>Melee Combat
Lmao Sin Magic polearms
>Ranged Combat
You can already spend spell slots attacking multiple enemies' reflex and do more damage overall. You'll never be better than Starlight Span Magus nor should you.
>Focus Spells
Categorically suck compared to Witch, Bard, Cleric, Psychic. They should just drop the class entirely if this is the fix, between Witch and Psychic there's not really design space.
>Item Creation/Crafting
Honestly excited to see what they do with Alchemist, it can't get worse. Or rather, I can't want to play the class less. If they made Staff a core feature rather than something you had to give up Spell Substitution or Blending for, that would be how I'd fix the class. Plus added feats to enhance this.
>Skills and Skill Feats
I don't think Recall Knowledge/Arcana checks will fix anything. You can't just make this an Intelligence Gunslinger.
This system is totally underutilized, Paizo just straight up forgot
One of the things that makes that one Rogue build good is that they hand out off-guard to enemies, helping the party while also getting lots of MAP ignoring attacks for their personal damage.
How is a guy who stands in the back going to interact with things like Positioning and Detection and other systems outside using spell slots?
>Summons that scale better than 5th/6th level spells
That's called an Eidolon.
So you see, everyone else gets to play with many toys. Bard gets to play with ALL the toys, as does Fighter with an archetype. Wizard gets exactly one toy, that they can play with 5 or 6 times a day depending on whether their level is an even number.
>+2 to hit and combo feats
Learn to read you fucking retard.
What Player Core 2 class is pgg most excited for? I want to see what they do with Champion. Cleric gave me high hopes for moving away from an alignment-based class, but Commander and Guardian are the most nothingburger classes in awhile, so I'm worried Champion will be more of the same now.
Investigator but moreso I want to see if they make the thematic archetypes like Pirate and Viking actually worth taking.
Champion will probably get just enough upgrades for redditcord morons to screech about "THE BEST CLASS IN THE GAME GOT BUFFED??? PAIZO IS CRAZY!!!!???", while normal people with a functioning brains will mostly just breathe a sigh of relief it got fucking anything at all.

Honestly I'm pretty interested in seeing everything, if only to know how much they fuck up again with alchemist and Investigator. Monk sounds like it will barely change, Barbarian gets buffs and Fury might finally be worth playing (which is good because I don't want the fluff of any of the other instincts).

Commander looks a lot more brainless than I hoped a dedicated support martial would be, but it seems functional. The shit holding it back is normal paizo undertuning and cowardice. Guardian just fucking sucks and the feedback it got probably means it will continue to suck ass.
Hoping for good news from the Alchemist rework because I have one in my party and want them to succeed.
From tidbits ive been able to sponge from people who have access to the book, its very positive. Im still a little bit wary.
Apparently is in a much better place but wasnt told anything else. Having rechargeable vials is a great improvement to sustainability but it does nothing to help with the major issue of alchemist being better as a vending machine for the rest of the party than being an active member in combat.
Was a solid class already but just needed some tidying up. I think its abit too much of a glass cannon in the early levels which seems very against the class fantasy and the extra damage peters out at high levels so a fix for that would be nice.
Another solid class and i like that it has an inbuilt aura now with always on sanctified damage. Needs better feats, especially of the more martially inclined.
It needs to be made alot more user friendly for both the player and the gm to run for. DaS is also incredibly jank and needs smoothing out. A 3rd party add on called pivots and complications did an excellent job with this so im hoping they took some ideas from that.
I dont see them doing much with it. Solid class but maybe give them an inbuilt parry feature so we dont see 100s of monks with shields running around.
Probably the one im most excited for but most worried about. The class is a mess as its stands and its getting a major overhaul like the witch. I hope the curses are alot more balanced and the class has alot more flavour in it.
Just going to be some updates to bloodlines. I do like that they are adding feats that give them more blood magic effects and are pushing to make blood magic more powerful.
The class im most worried about because Paizo seems to have focused completely on "gaining panache" and are just ignoring the other problems the class has.
Anyone else think it would be interesting to have 2e spellcasters start off as Experts in their Tradition skills, and get appropriate bumps at 7th & 15th level.
No but they should start at expert in spellcasting and get bumps at 7th and 15th level.
Most caster players are retards and expect to be able to wing their whole repertoire and turn, without even speculating on whether they're going to hit a high save or a low save.
I don't want the game to reward retards.
Or if you're a retard and want to be rewarded, at least be honest and pick fighter.
What are the other problems with Swashbuckler?
I'm interested in how the new Devise a Stratagem works. Is it just a choice--you can either take your DaS roll on your next Strike, or forgo that and gain a flat bonus to your next skill check? Or is there more to it than that?

They also mentioned a set of level 12 feats that give you offensive options based on your Methodology (I can't find the post but I seem to recall them mentioning that Forensic Medicine investigators get to apply sickened?). We'll see if any of those are worth taking.

I'm still holding out hope that they get some equivalent to Esoteric Lore or Monster Hunter, but I don't think it's very likely.
The best archetype, why would I ever play a Champion when the best half of it is a Dedication Feat?
>dedicated support martial
Absolutely wild that I can make a Grappler Fighter or a Thief Rogue and my weapon and feat choices make me better at throwing out circumstance modifiers than dedicated martial support. Like it is OK, but I made a character whose concept is he's sick of pretending to be a hero for his wrestler persona and quit to actually be a hero. In combat the Resentment Witch and I are backseat carrying the flurry Ranger and Sword and board fighter. I read Guardian and there's nothing there I feel like would make me better.
>Another solid class and i like that it has an inbuilt aura now with always on sanctified damage. Needs better feats, especially of the more martially inclined.
Disappointing, one of my favorite things about 2E is there was a "Paladin" class that completely dropped the Gish angle.
I forgot Investigator exists hahahaha
>Just going to be some updates to bloodlines. I do like that they are adding feats that give them more blood magic effects and are pushing to make blood magic more powerful.
Oh, I like that. That sounds pretty neat. Sucks that I'm not playing a Wizard ever again, but at least Sorcerer sounds cool. The guy playing Witch next to me is having a great time. Paizo is shit at balancing trade-offs, so I'm sure the Oracle is going to be ass. I'd loved to be surprised.
Why? The remaster has completely decoupled the skills from traditions. You could start at Legendary Nature and you aren't going to be better at primal spellcasting, just figuring out what kind of leaves those are or knowing that Wild Hunt are going to make you roll Will saves.
Also, do you honestly enjoy Recall Knowledge checks? Is that something fun for you as a player? As a GM I hate it, it feels like a handout to INT and WIS classes that cuts roleplaying away for dice.
>As a GM I hate it, it feels like a handout to INT and WIS classes that cuts roleplaying away for dice.
Well, INT has to have something going for it. Not like it does anything outside of Knowledge checks or the Crafting skill.
As a GM I love recall knowledge.
Because I get to straight up lie to players and make up nonsense. And they believe it.
>Level 12 feats
Garbage. Even in this game the vast majority of play never gets that far. It's okay to have really cool stuff at higher levels, but that shouldn't be when a class gets interesting or actually fun. Or outright fucking WORKS.
Some adventures begin at 12th level, but I agree that if you started at 1st level, then by 12th you likely are thinking of making a new character.
The first problem is that its forced to use skill increases so that it can function on a basic level meaning each subclass basically builds the same when the increases should be part of the class like the inventor. My second point is the class is stuck in the middle ground of being a bad rogue or a bad fighter. They are not much better than any other class at using their style skill until they get derring-do halfway through the game. Yes, the most glaring problem for swashbucklers is panache generation but what Paizo seems to be missing is panache isnt even that good in the first place.
>Disappointing, one of my favorite things about 2E is there was a "Paladin" class that completely dropped the Gish angle.
The Champion has always been a gish in 2e, it starts with lay on hands. It having an aura that its abilities can now unify under hasnt changed anything to do with that.

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