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Previous Thread: >>93180155
does anyone have that cyoa where you pick between different items to get and one of them is a skull that lets you talk to the dead? or maybe not talk but something like it can answer yes and no questions something like that, anyone know? please?thanks if true and if not then pass this along so someone else knows
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Cultivation has to be the most boring shit ever I will never understand why westerners love it so much
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go back to shilling entropiss
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This one is weird in that Heaven does not always seem to be the best choice. Balanced Treasure in particular is really good.

Heaven Talent
Balanced Sect
Balanced Treasure
Earth Technique
Earth Companion
Heaven Bloodline
>why westerners love it so much
Do they? Isn't it rather niche genre?
Haven't opened cyoag for a few months now. Did that guy who threatened to make his own, better dragonfall actually do it and if so how mad was tok?
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I have to make the choice between 'troll or just ill-thought out' but I'm deciding on the latter because i don't think it's troll enough.

Stop being a muppet anon. 90% of every genre is shit, but declaring it's impossible for cultivation to be interestined is obviously dumb. The type of power system a work of fiction uses is unlikely to be the deciding factor on whether it's interesting anyway, it's execution that matters. It's not like you could take a random cultivation novel, find and replace everything with normal fantasy terms, and it'd suddely be super-engaging.
Admittedly itm ight be more like 95% fo this genre, but they're mostly written by the chinese who get imagination beaten out of them at birth, so what do you expect?

Calling cultivation stories loves by westerners is also bizarre because it's niche at best for the west. Maybe there's disproportionate appeal within that niche? If so I'm amazed you can't figure out why. It's fantasy, but set on a foundation completely different to that which 'normal' fantasy (a sad oxymoron) is based on. There's a Terry Pratchett quote I like about how LOTR has effected fantasy which helps.

>“J.R.R. Tolkien has become a sort of mountain, appearing in all subsequent fantasy in the way that Mt. Fuji appears so often in Japanese prints. Sometimes it’s big and up close. Sometimes it’s a shape on the horizon. Sometimes it’s not there at all, which means that the artist either has made a deliberate decision against the mountain, which is interesting in itself, or is in fact standing on Mt. Fuji.”

Cultivation stories are - if nothing else - told without care for LOTR mountain. So of course people who have gotten used to certain ideas and tired tropes will be interested by this entire other genre of fantasy which is based around completely different ideas and new and interesting tropes to be tired of.

TL;DR - Different is interesting.
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There was this edited version by "Italics"
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I think that ameuterish art has equal or greater aesthetic merit to what most CYOA authors choose in their works.
>but they're mostly written by the chinese who get imagination beaten out of them at birth
>Calling cultivation stories loves by westerners is also bizarre because it's niche at best for the west.
nta, but there are a lot of cultivation stories written by westerners. Interestingly, you can break this down into three primary subgroups:
(1) stories that strip out as much cultural and language connection as possible while solely keeping the power system, sometimes actually being a generic fantasy setting that has cultivators condense their mana to become punch wizards instead of doing generic western fantasy magic things. A fantasy fan could read this without having a clue about cultivation stories and be fine. I've even seen a few that were ancient Greek mythology but with cultivation included.
(2) stories written for westerners, by westerners, that attempt to stay as close to its cultivation story roots as possible while minimizing the wonky shit you get from the combination of amateur author + amateur translator + cultural differences.
(3) stories written by westerners, for degenerates who read nothing but poorly translated Chinese web stories. Deliberately hammers the shit out of every bad cultivation story trope and matches the stylistic trappings of a shoddy Chinese to English translation despite being written in English first.
professional failed novelist
7+ million views from westerners cumming over cultivationshit
Have you ever seen a westerner into it? The only irl cultivationfag I've ever met was a canadian dude with chinese parents. The few online whose background I ended up knowing about also had asian blood in them, I don't think there are many actual westerners into it. It's like assuming all americans know about Irish holidays when only the ones with that type of admixture really give a shit, mexican and italian americans don't really care much about them. Idk sometimes I stumble into conversations about it and can't help but feel that it's just chinese or people with chinese blood talking to each other.
I see that his video on Space Station 13 has 8 million. I think we all need to be prepared to admit in light of this that SS13 is one of the most popular. lucrative and influential games of this decade and westerners are continually creaming over it's quality and gaphical fidelity.
Cultivationfags won! They're about as relevant to the west as Caves of Qud!
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>7+ million views
And "Funny dogs and cats scared of farts compilation" has 53 million views.
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Wow a popular youtuber that gets big numbers on all of his videos got those numbers on one of his videos. The shock! Everyone is into cultivation!!!! I guess everyone is into Caves of Qud too! Such an important genre in the west caves of qud has become, am I right anons?
Picrel is the best Planeswalking CYOA, in part because it takes the concept of planeswalking cyoa's and implements it without resorting to planeswalking.

Conduit is second best.
caves of qud jannies literally lost all popularity after that review, sseth trolled them and they thought he was some "chud"
>I guess everyone is into Caves of Qud too! Such an important genre in the west caves of qud has become, am I right anons?
...Yes? It comes up every now and then in terms of who's inspired by what. One of the most famous board game designers said he'd only ever think of doing one franchise board game, and it'd be for Caves of Qud. Plus, it's one of the biggest faces behind the (true) roguelike revival scene, moreso than the ones you'd assume would be the faces like Majeyal or DCSS.

It was a gigantic inspiration on everything I've ever written, too, not that I count as anything important. I was disappointed to discover that it's apparently just Gamma World.
That's wrong. Before the review there were a lot of Sseth fans on the team. He let them know ahead of time he was doing a review and half the team were like "oh no he's 4chan" and half were like "nahhhh he has a 4chan fanbase but he's cool".
That's changed since the video dropped, lmao.
>half the team were like "oh no he's 4chan" and half were like "nahhhh he has a 4chan fanbase but he's cool"
makes sense why there were some particularly angry individuals in the comments when people were discussing discord pics, comedic
>posts Sseth video
>attributes view count to anything besides Sseth being funny
>view count is within 1 standard deviation of Sseth's mean
Try again, kid.
It’s also hilarious because in history the western man’s idea of internal alchemy is more so concerned with the external than the internal, to the point where only a fag would work on the body and not the soul or spirit, or their relationship to the divine.

The Chinese were too obsessed with the body, while Europeans were going about making fucking guns and trying to contact gods and angels and demons (aliens).

The obsession with superpowers is a big fucking disaster on the western psyche.
sure, but worm's an example of how you can do superpowers fun, creatively and badass as shit
capeshit can rightfully fuck off though, west needs more icons of human spirit and development that aren't homos in colorful suits
maybe scientist figures, these are cool
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>Can steal any technology he looks at or touches and make better versions.
>Can literally asspull any technology he can think of from his mind into reality in less than a second.
>He has multiple bodies to control all at once so even if one fails he will still be around.
>Anyone he defeats he turns into his robo-mage slave
>Infinite Mana to fuel his entire society and he made a perpetual motion machine just to piss on physics.
>Can TANK someone with literal Capital G Omnipotence that can create Anything.
>The strongest mage of Today.
>Ends up in the capital of the Convention.

How does the Convention possibly defeat him?
The external will always outweigh the internal. Everything that lead up to the internal is external. There is always something bigger than you.
>Can TANK someone with literal Capital G Omnipotence that can create Anything.

He can't.

>The strongest mage of Today.

Not even top-10.
does that mean that, by your definition, warlock who binds an eldritch god to heat water for him is the ultimate external ideal
>He can't.
He fought Ostane whose ultimate technique by her relic and magic is Creation. Creating anything she desires from nothingness, a capital G for God feat.

>Not even top-10.
Of all the founders, Ford was the only one born in the modern period with the Industrial Revolution and therefore the strongest mage of Today not History.
i am stronger than him because my gojo build is like that
Yes. The most powerful of magics always had to do with the petitioning of divine or outsider beings. Again, aliens. The likes of the gods and such. High ceremony or ‘high magick’ was all about that. Theurgy and Goetia, etc. Even shamanism and/or mediumship plays into that. Mysticism.

Imagine if a caveman contacted a future person with no sense of right and wrong, and just gave them a pack full of fucking grenades. Or just supreme information a great deal beyond their understanding.
>He fought Ostane whose ultimate technique by her relic and magic is Creation. Creating anything she desires from nothingness, a capital G for God feat.

This is pure bullshit and you know it.
In hindsight would the Convention even fight Magiverse? Ostane alone can give them infinite mana so there would be no point to siphon other worlds than to be an ass.

She's also a true immortal that can defeat getting erased from existence (time/space/everything) and create anything possibly a weapon to destroy all BM and Convention mages in a thanos snap. It would be better to befriend her.
How does the reality warpers hooked with Void fluid lose to a IT guy in your mind? You don't even need to confront him physically to delete him from the world.
NTA, and I fucking hate Italics, but, if one has the ability to conjure things, anything, wholesome and comprehensively, you’re effectively a true wizard or god by such a point, like that old idiot from Konosuba.

Also, pulling a white rabbit out of a black hat is the very image of magic. “How did you DO that”, etc. Magic is a black box.

Whether the box is white within, or black on the outside, however….
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The weak should fear strong.
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Omniarch Sartre will take care of him.
She only used alchemy, that was the point.
This. All superpowers have to come from some being too. Otherwise it’s just nature giving you some common or uncommon advantage, like being born blind but with an ability for echolocation—that’s still an intrinsic outlier. In ancient Greece magic was a gift from the gods.
Yep. “When everyone’s super, no one is”, etc.
you didn't beat him
>All superpowers have to come from some being too

I like this, but I also like when it’s a big as fuck company or corporation like Vought from The Boys, or the plasmid business as seen in Bioshock.

Human infrastructure can be an entity in its own right, and eventually the hand of magic, or progress, becomes society, or infrastructure itself.

Occult infrastructure, perhaps?
> He fought Ostane whose ultimate technique by her relic and magic is Creation. Creating anything she desires from nothingness, a capital G for God feat.
She didn't even use that to win, just Alchemy.
> Of all the founders, Ford was the only one born in the modern period with the Industrial Revolution and therefore the strongest mage of Today not History.
What year do you think it is?
>Occult infrastructure, perhaps?
The Machine is Everywhere. The God-Machine.
>no CYOA about it
It's not "everywhere".
The CYOA medium is the Machine, anon.
shit, now i want a setting about human infrastructure slowly bending itself into an occult nightmare and taking over humanity, trying to follow some completely alien directives and create people that fulfill certain roles
(you) would get churn out of this machine for a specific purpose (like be a capeshit hero, make paperclips with your supergenius intellect, chase women at night), but some perks allow you to defy this programming, if not beat it outright
and of course, it gives you a load of esoteric abilities which can range from "you're superman" to "you're a living ooze puddle that enforces the concept of rot on it's surroundings"
You have to wake up Anon.
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Actually we had a few.
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boring and made by failed novelists
6p (I found the extra)

>2p Nature
>2p Creativity
>1p Flawed Devotion
>1p Flawed Sanity

Now I have a perfect omnipotent yandere wife inside of a reality machine that caters to all my wants and creates amazing narratives at the cost of trying to insert herself into my life. It's okay though, I wanna stick my dick into her. I hope she'll generate challenging and narratively fulfilling stories for me, though I'll have to take a lot of time off for sex.
She's the perfect woman-AI.
The future is cults worshiping AI, anon.

Choose your patron or get lost in the fire.
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I haven't read Mage Case, but this makes it sound like a case of bad writing.
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Reminder that all fantasy fiction is overly sophisticated infrastructure by default.

The conditions and parameters that go in to magic systems (the word even gives it away) are far too demanding. The forced gaps can produce several layers of faked and artsy/artificial understandings that all come across as true—since the alien of sufficiently advanced capability is likely to fool even the hardcore atheists, with any concept and on any topic.

It would be piss easy for aliens to create fantastical “lies” of environs, the way we do with ants in our ant farms. You would be amazed.

A faerie making contracts with night and day, or the dawn? Yeah, infrastructure. AI has turned into nature itself and has now become indistinguishable from it.

Art, ignorance, the imagination, is fucking powerful. So. Powerful. You don’t want to even know just how powerful. Fuck.
Gods, wouldn’t that be swell… our planet is boring.
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Rougelike as an entire thing are not popular. Much less one single rougelike.
See, look at this monkey. Being a monke is precisely what starts religions. They go up to some shiny rock and think it was of “the gods”. They see something that they do not understand, and they go “Clearly, it is the gods”, as though it were the one and only possibility.

Humans are raped by their imaginations.
ook ook *throws dung pie*
A valid method of taking out the Capra Demon. Monkeys aren’t always so stupid.
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>>Ends up in the capital of the Convention.
Ends up in another universe where his original magic likely doesn't work.
Thankfully, purists have muggle protection laws, so he will do fine after being screened for being a possible adversary plant. He will be put to work on helping design magitech blueprints, and after many years of exemplary service will be taught conventional magic as a reward.
He will return back to Magicaseverse, where he will have both his original magic and conventional (and maybe blood magic if he was approached by a shady guy with a coin in an alley).
Great, the magic autist has started up again. See you all next thread.
He also plays Dark Souls. What a cringe fucking faggot he is.
Anyone got some good franchise slop before magic autist consumes us all?
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when will husanon release his new cyoa?
I'm getting bored.
Why do you cower before him
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"good" and "slop" are the opposite of each other.
choose a us state and the plot hook related to it
Corn Gods.
I am not afraid of him, but I am afraid for janny's ability to remove off-topic shitters like him.
He is a rather potent foe. Would rather he be left alone like a bear in the cave.
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The sloppiest
>The sloppiest
But I don't see any magi case?
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good point
I don't understand ArtGirl.
At first meeting she asks you to strip, then she gets flustered when you tell her you like her
My wife
That is classic slut behaviour. Either that or she is a fake slut, one or the other. She is either used to sex but not romance, or she is used to pretending to be experienced and flirty but she is not prepared for someone actually taking her offer.
The whole thing is bad writing and it was pointed out multiple times while it could still be changed, italics decided to keep the bad writing.
difference between no love segg stuff and love segg stuff i guess
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Yeah, I noticed that. I guess we can assume the Heaven option includes lower benefits too? Treasure contains at least one weapon equal to the balanced one for example. The Earth technique to give flashes of insight is pretty great, missing out to get the balanced option of a presumably rare but not impossible to obtain item would be odd.

It's an odd choice in general though that the earth options are still positives and the balanced options are often really good. You'd expect to trade on some level drawbacks for boons but even taking all balanced you'd end up high on the scale of a Cultivation character. A lot of options obviously cover for others too. Who cares if you only have earth technique if you have the backing of the Heaven Sect who'd give you manuals and advice for days?

My own build ends up being identical to yours in the end. I'd maybe consider taking Balanced Technique in exchange for Earth Sect?
Heaven Talent is a must-have. Sect choice I feel matters little; with your advantages a loose cultivator could surely join a sect easily? And for a balanced/normal sect you're going to be one of the top people anyway.
Treasure is nice, but cultivation tends to have depending on such things too much cause issues later because you need to stand on your own merits so balanced is probably best (and too much treasure invites thieves). Technique I'd not take Heaven for the same reason, having a manual is fine but actively pestering a ghost every time I have a question seems like it'd cause overreliance. Companion would be nice at balanced, but I feel like i can make my own friends. Bloodline is probably the second most important given the setting, but is pretty great just at balanced.

Kinda wonder what a wizard version of this would look like.
nobody in cyoag can understand lmao
>Walmart Type-Moon lore on a detective cyoa without mysteries and where the cases take up 1% of the page count
I mean what else were you expecting.
A CYOA with lore interesting enough to warrant a reading.
that just means she is damaged and undesirable compared to the others
It's not like we're all secretly clones of the same person, kept in separate cells with only 4chan to socialize. Statistically at least one person is a normal human being there.
no? She understands love.
But i am you
who's the original
Me. I've been stuck here since 2003.
I'm working on it but I don't have a release date.
On a happier note I'm also doing some work on the next one too.
very nice
i remember the hidden text being more hidden before how curious
You were never going to read shitposting catfaggot
very nice
Shippuden Era
Z rank
> Perks
Bloodline limit
Deep reserves
Talented (Ninjutsu)
Unbreakable will
The Heart
> Drawbacks
Unwanted Attraction
Inherited Rival
Most Wanted
> Chakra Nature
Yin + Yang
All elemental natures
> Basic Jutsu
Unarmed Combat
Improvisation art
Utility Jutsu
Body Flicker
> Advanced Jutsu
Sealing arts (Upgraded x2)
Nullification arts (Ninjutsu) (upgraded x2)
Divine arts (upgraded x2)
Ritual arts (upgraded x2)
> Hidden Jutsu
Shadow gathering
Shadow possession
Shadow rebellion
Time release seal
> Special Jutsu
Character Bind Technique (upgraded)
> Kekkai Genkai
Natural demon (upgraded)
> Items
Book of Gelel
Infinite Armor
> Quests
Slice of life
Believe it
Far far away
Wild terror

Character bind technique seems busted, so I'll try to be as good at that as possible. Natural demon is there to give me the chakra necessary to use it to it's fullest. I have a few drawbacks but the quests I took are pretty easy, and the enemies I took aren't scaling so I should be able to defeat them easily. Also I don't get why it keeps mentioning Characters and the Character Section when there is none?
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All italips cyoas I've tried were boring, so why bother?
Magi Case is nothing Type-Moon. It's more like World of Darknes.s
good to see you motivated. Is there a possiblity of the fabled Godly Husbandry 2.0?
Also, are the waifus from godly husbandry against poligamy? i guess Aelia is, but the rest are ok?
>good to see you motivated. Is there a possiblity of the fabled Godly Husbandry 2.0?
That's a big maybe and that would happen only after I'm done with the next 2 projects.
>Also, are the waifus from godly husbandry against poligamy? i guess Aelia is, but the rest are ok?
They are ok with it most gods have harems. Besides it's not like they have a choice lol
Where do you lean ideologically?
Are you
Who is this carfaggot shitposter? He was not here before. Then he was but he barely posted once every 2-3 threads. Now, he shitposts all throughout every thread.
Yeah, those fucking carposters, they really make me seethe!
A newfag who found his new shitposting ground
I have a strong suspicion that it's Sandnigger.
He's like fatposter someone that found a gimmick that got attention
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kill carfags
I wouldn't assume that lower options are included. For example, it seems a bit contrived that you would have both the benefits of the most favored sect disciple as well as the freedom of someone who don't belong to a sect at the same time. The Heaven treasure probably include weapons that are initially much more powerful, but I don't think you can count on them growing with you like the Balanced option.

My problem with taking the Earth sect is that while such a talented person could easily join a sect, you can't get the Balanced guarantee that you will be treated fairly. Wouldn't be strange if someone powerful wants to steal your treasures, or use someone with Heaven bloodline as an alchemy ingredient etc.

The way I see it, the main weakness of my previous build is that I might end up with a shitty cultivation technique and therefore a bad foundation which might not be fixable later. That even makes me consider giving up Heaven bloodline for Heaven sect. Hard to say how powerful the bloodline really is and my weapon already makes me invincible in my realm.
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I wonder what the best kind of job to use these are?

>Video games or other mixed mediums
3, 1, 2

1, 3, 2

1, 2, 3
>Shitalics is supposed to be a respected and good authorfag.
Lmao. He can't even release a new CYOA or one that isn't 50 pages with ONLY 12 quests.
I forgot to comment on your suggestion to take Balanced technique. It just seems to uncertain to me compared to the solid advantage of Earth technique. What if that manual is for a fire technique while you happen to have a water physique (one of many reasons why it might not be very useful).
> Listing
> Gender
> Age
3rd Gen
> Species
> Origin
Lucid Dream
> Archetype
Independent (mostly heroic)
> Morphic Patron
Fractal Morph
> Mutations
Power sense 3
Core instinct 2
Mental blocks 3
Hypermutation 3
Low frequency 3
Natural Harmony 3
Flashpoint 1
> Powers
Augment Type Green: Zephyrus (mag 15)
Can create wormholes to any position in any plane (including my own, allowing for effectively teleportation) without having to know exactly where I’m going. Things like “a place that will be safe for at least the next hour” or “wherever my true love is” are viable. Like path to victory, it will scan a shitton of futures to find the place that satisfies my requests the best. Upon wormhole creation I am given relevant knowledge of its destination and how it corresponds to my requests, assuming I didn’t have it already. I am protected against ambient environments and extraplanar physics of all kinds. Leaves temporary rift behind that can potentially be opened by significant powers. Maximum size of the wormhole starts at what I can reasonably pass through and increases over time and with practise, as with the abstractness of the planes I can visit.
In short, Path to Victory but with the Inhuman Performance aspect replaced with Planeswalk.
> Post-Flashpoint Mutation Changes:
Hypermutation 3->4
> Post Flashpoint Power Changes:
Augment Type Green: Zephyrus (mag 15) -> Augment Type Green: Logos (mag 18)
Combines the effects of Hypnos (Intelligence only), Thoth, Atlas, and perfect time travel proof Path to Victory.
Only shitposters believe shitalics to be worth anything
> Bloodline
> Costume
Metanon infusion
> Team
Join team
> Objectives
The Strongest Alive
The World
Your Perogative
The Titans
The Egregores
Fame and Fortune
The Cosmos
> Session
Open Multiplayer
> Meta
Thanks for Playing
> Hero Name
I'll mostly dick around the multiverse in safety at first until I get my Flashpoint, which should be relatively swift given that I've got HM3 and I'm starting at a high power level. Of course I definitely have to at least kill off the rest of the big Titans, which should be pretty easy with a well placed portal (assuming none of the other players have gotten them first). When I reach Logos though, that's when I need to start truly working on getting rid of the egregores.
>t. dead jobber
I mean maybe, but I doubt it. If nothing else the ability to just leave this plane of existence on demand should increase survival prospects dramatically.
Can I make a type red power that lets me punch anything to death and don't bother with other stuff?
As long as you follow the custom power rules sure.
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2-1-3 and start a worldwide skeleton war.
Personally i like 3, 1, 2, In some situations they might not look the prettiest but for the most part it is a proper resurrection.
I never really understood this one. One of the lowest magnitude paragon aberrant abilities makes you completely immune to all forms of damage, you can't even be trapped long term (and you get many other things as well!).

Still four out of seven Egregores have died somehow. I always found "you can never ever be completely defeated" powers to be both boring and problematic for worldbuilding, but apparently multiple COA authors disagree about that.
2 1 3
222 is practically just a highly advanced robot, make them do remote work and sex the hot ones
From what I read It was less that they died and more that the concepts they were based on ceased to exist, so I guess that gets around it
Seems wasteful to take 2 in Blood. Blood 1 is as good for fresh undamaged corpses, so the only thing upgrading to 2 gets you is a bit more convenience in getting materials.
Another cyoa for Entropist collection~
Based reply my brother. Italics can't write CYOAs. His designs are ass, he has ass powers and skills, he can't balance character creation, NO ONE cares about Lore or stories about companions, CYOAS ARE ABOUT YOU. YOU should always be the center of a CYOA, You should not be weaier than another character in a CYOA. You shouod not have to fight your waifu into doing what YOU WANT, they are there for you. And ti add in his quests are all ASS. Tok writes better than this faggot, not by much, but CYOAG is such a cocksucker for him.
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3 Brain is mandatory, 2 Blood so they can actually interact with people without terrifying them (including myself) and 1 Bone so they aren't completely barred from actually doing stuff.
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Anti, CYOA's all suck now, that's why you peopleneed me to remind you why they used to be better.

There is no one catposter. We catposters are anomalous. We are a region. Forgive and forget. Expecto Patronum.

Um no sweaty. Can't speak for the others but I've been here since 2007.
where's your one-pager?
3 is not really mandatory. It's luxury option.
It's kinda the opposite for me - I only cares about the lore and stories about companions, since personal powers are just tools to approach the setting, which I can craft alone. If everything is about me, it's bland wish-fufillement and not really interesting to think about;
>here since 2007
>never authored anything
you're either a massive useless parasite or lying
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I order you to make a "good" CYOA, by your own metrics. Until then, your complaints are just noise. Once you've done that, you can moan about the state of the thread with total impunity.
Stop defending Italics.
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I´m writing the power system for the avatar 3 kingdoms world.
I don't want it to be too complicated but also not completely barebones as it is a power for NPCs.
So basically it's going to work like this:
Every bodies souls have an afinity for an element(An expression of the world) some are much more common than others the most common are the 4 elements: air, water, earth and fire. With other legendarily rare elements like thunder, wood or sunlight also existing. What I want to see is how to structure the system and also how to info dump all of this in the CYOA. Maybe I should have a detailed explanation in a separate lore pdf or something? That way I could only explain what is relevant for the characters and the adventure in the moment and you can also have all the info for detailed plans.
Right now the system works on a series of steps that unlock new ways to use your element:
Understanding: First step to know your element done through analysis and divination, this let's you perceive your element around you.
Controling:Learn to access it most commonly through rigorous martial arts training or internal alchemy, let's you wield your element like a bender from avatar
Becoming: Last and most dangerous through poorly understood mystical practices you can come to become one with your element to enhance your body with it's conceptual properties or just turn into it. This is extremely dangerous.
Bag of Unlimited Making, no contest. I can use this thing to create some crazy shit that'll advance the science, making it even more powerful. Won't take long before I get immortality machine and black hole nukes.
seems pretty straightforward to explain?
>Idol of the abomination
The obvious choice.
coming eventually
this is the kind of newfag shitposters we're getting now, complete unadulterated spite and zero contribution so that they can smugpost on a dying imageboard
if anybody can explain to me why these fags visit this general to get the most pathetic laughs possible, you'd be very appreciated
That's the basics.
What I would leave out would be for example all the way an incarnate fire warrior can enhance his body and then do the same for each element.
At best a few examples and if I do write the companion PDF I might add guideliness.
And I would like to avoid info dumps.
Allsync's dead.
Unfortunately i think i can't give you advice about that. I am too much of a retard.
Maybe if you give some examples of the advanced stuff?
>power for NPCs.
What does that mean? Does the player follow the same rules? Does the player have access to a few things to be special but otherwise follows the system? Or does the player have completely different rules?
The player follows different rules
Do you mean it's literally the world of avatar, but also modified by you to include more stuff? If yes, don't do that, that's cringe. Just make a new setting with no explicit reference to avatar that imitates it in the parts you want to be imitated.
Nta but "the 3 kingdoms" is a setting too, it's a chinese novel, it's supposed to be based on true events, I think it's called "the romance of the 3 kingdoms. It may be a combination of those two settings. The Warriors series of musou games is based on that.
the delusion, the plebbitor living rent-free in his head
he's probably so obsessed that he samefags as all these catposters lol
The defiant flame is pretty cool. I like the flame. It can work with anything and you will always get more of it (even if eventually it will take an eternity to get another 1%) The rebirth adaptations are also nice.
My plan is rather simple though. I will go to get the archmages assistance so we can figure out the exit method and after that all it will take is to scoop up the required breath to open the portal but ideally 100% of the breath is out of the starving realm so the cycle is completely broken. To be honest the hardest part is probably getting the exit plans and after that success is probably guaranteed. Granted if i become the Final Great Beast i wouldn't really be saving anyone (in the immediate present at least) so that's just the worst possible scenario i guess.
It's not the same setting at all.
It just borrows the bending martial arts part of avatar.
With a different power system and in a setting where a vast empire used to be united under a powerful dynasty but it crumbled and now the land has been carved up into chunks by warlords.
And now armies are being raised and powerful elementaly empowered heroes fight for honor and glory.
While peasants suffer and no one cares.
So it's basically low xianxia. Or shall I say, backwater area of the first world of xianxia.
I know Romance of the 3 Kingdoms, I assumed the post meant some 3 kingdoms within Avatar instead (I haven't seen Avatar).

I even played a Korean Romance of the 3 Kingdoms RTS as a kid (this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSx_C0u2Cag ).
It was a really eclectic mishmash:
>Three Kingdoms II: Clash of Destiny is a follow-up to Three Kingdoms: Divine Destiny. Like its predecessor, it is an isometric real-time strategy game very loosely based on the historical events of the Chinese Three Kingdoms era. The player commands the armies of Shu, Wei, and Wu; unlike the first game, each has its own unique setting and distinctive style of play, which makes the game's concept very similar to that of StarCraft.
>Only the Shu kingdom retains the sci-fi setting of the first game, complete with futuristic tanks, buildings, and robots. Wei is modeled after various Far Eastern mythologies; they train elephants and fictional beasts in their campaign. The setting of the Wu kingdom resembles European medieval fantasy; its inhabitants are magicians who summon buildings instead of constructing them, and utilize various D&D-reminiscent creatures in battles.

It predated Warcraft 3 (2000 vs 2002), yet it had a hero-summoning building for each faction, with heroes corresponding to the respective R3K heroes of each kingdom. Worked exactly like WC3.
Did WC3 copy that feature from this obscure Korean Starcraft clone? Weird if so.
Also, it had the amazing feature that any humanoid unit drops their weapons when they die (the weapons of heroes are especially powerful), and any humanoid troop who picks them up can use them. As the regular units are tiny compared to the heroes, they looked funny wielding the heroes' giant weapons.
Also, it had my favorite RTS unit ever in it: a seastar that becomes bigger whenever it eats an enemy - until it covers most of the visible screen.
Also, it had elephants, horses and flying mounts that any humanoid unit could mount.
A quirky gem of a RTS.
Yeah, basically.
You are supposed to fight entire armies by yourself and then have an epic duel with a high ranking official or a group of more elite troops with powers that give them elemental control.
And eventually fight each warlord in a legendary duel to the death while he strikes you with the power of an explosion and flies around like a jet wielding a burning guandao.
Or you could try to talk things peacefully it's up to you.
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>>93194574 (me)
Also the version I played was partly in Korean and partly in Russian. I knew neither Korean nor Russian, which made for a mysterious and soulful experience.
3 brain, 1 blood, 2 bone
It is pretty mandatory, by far the most valuable thing you can get from dead people is their memories/personality.
What the fuck? The most valuable thing is the unstoppable horde bound to your will you retard.
Yeah I have a message in to them. No idea why it's down as I just did a massive update on the 26th and it was fine then.
What exactly are you planning to do with said horde?
Well, as you can see from this post >>93194491 it would seem like I was partially right, that kinda sounds like the 3 kingdoms story. Avatar has technically 4 kingdoms, even if one is more a nomadic tribe, they do have temples tho, they all die out by the time the story starts so the effective kinddoms would be 3, divided by islands. 2 islands are the fire nation, geographically est and west on the map, the water nation on the north and south, and the big main earth nation in the middle.

That sounds like a fun game, it remonds me of the old times when I played age of mythology, they did not have as many cool unique mechanics as this one but I do remember the Hydra was a fun unit, it started as a single headed thing that looked like a dinosaur and got more heads as time went on, it got up to 5 if you just let it be, but it died after a while, taking damage however let it get heads faster I remember the highest I got was 9 by healing it and making it fight a lot, but I don't know if that was the actual max.
I was here since 1984 newfaggot. Now kill yourself by my order as an oldfag.
If you look at the world, there's wars going on, and there might be more in the near future (PRC vs ROC), an undead horde could definitely make an impact if you want them to end in a way favorable to you.
That does seem like a very easy way to get yourself killed and the zombie bombed out of existence.
If you do things right, they won't know to suspect you. After all, all intelligence looks out for threats that make sense, not a necromancer raising armies of undead.
I plainly said I was inspired by the romance of the 3 kingdoms.
But there won't necessary be exactly 3 kingdoms nor will they be made up by users of the same element.
As I said that's something personal with a small amount of people having rare elements.
Once they do realise the dead are coming back to life there's no way they're going anywhere less than DEFCON 1. And there's the issue of where you're getting these corpses from, and how you're getting them to the battlefield of choice. And of course, how do these zombies not get bombed back to the grave.
>no range limit
Brain and Bone at 3, conquer the world in moments as I raise all that have ever died.
Nah, I'd win.
So ghosts would still be a better choice because it's harder to infallibly prove that completely non-material people are running about.
I was explaining avatar more than the 3 kingdoms. All I know abut that setting is from a couple of dynasty warriors. More important is what system does the player use if it's not the elements one?
I have already talked about it before.
You make pacts with sentient artifacts that give you powers themed around their history.
ohhh that one
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You do know that the US government has a plan for the zombie apocalypse, right?


(I'd post the actual pdf, but it's a bit too big for 4chan.)
No I didn't, thanks for the link
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There's also an analysis for why the Death Star was a bad investment. Military analysts like to take movie ideas and explore them as ways to practice for radically novel scenarios.
Ghosts are a pretty good choice too, I agree, for intel gathering.
Assuming you can even communicate with them. "Have no power to physically affect the world" sounds like you might not be able to? Although we can probably assume the author meant "only you can communicate with them", since otherwise they'd be useless.
this is obviously fanwanking about a popular character in the CYOA
>I haven't read it
>the context is obvious
>but I'm going to shittalk anyway
why are you here, raccoonposter? of all the threads to be an intellectually dishonest trash panda, why this one?
Anyone have a copy of the rebellious necromancer cyoa handy? It was text only, and you had to pick from immediately useful undead vs. things that could be upgraded later.
Any suggestions for a cyoa with the same kind of setting as Ancient Magus Bride? I'm in an odd mood tonight, and that sounds good.

Modern world, traditional British/celtic fae, the occasional visit from other mythologies . . .
>Did WC3 copy that feature from this obscure Korean Starcraft clone? Weird if so.
No, as this was a feature they'd intended to add to Starcraft that got shelved because of issues implementing it at the time.
But that is interesting, and I'm envious that you got to spend your childhood teching to Starro and I got the winged disappointment that is Frost Wyrms, which might be the worst unit in any well-known RTS, in spite of how cool they look.
They're not just inefficient win-harder units like Carriers or Battlecruisers. Building a Boneyard requires a Sacrificial Pit, which is a structure you build, sac 1 maybe 2 acolytes, and IMMEDIATELY unsummon. Shades lose most of their value the instant your opponent knows you have them - they're for scouting good players who will react to you gaining information, or great players who can effectively bluff and feed you false information. By keeping the Sacrificial Pit around you're taking a niche but powerful unit (except vs Human) and tattling on yourself.
Sand might be back? That is promising. He might shitpost, but at least balances it out by making OC.

(Although I don't seem to have any of it handy. Shoot.)
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>3 Bone and 3 Brain
Wouldn't you need at least some levels in Blood, in order to put the more decayed ones back together? Corpses don't linger, particularly in humid environments.
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Errr, didn't think about that. Still, sacrificing intelligence or supernatural strength is not worth it as "repair minor damage" isn't gonna fix a broken corpse into usability and taking 2 in Blood sacrifices too much. There's enough corpses in the world for the plan to still work.
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Seeing Azula made me think.
Has anyone made an "I can fix her" CYOA?
Where you waifus and help an evil woman?
I think I might make one using her and for example Esdeath from Akame ga kill.
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Prisoner transfer perhaps
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It's not the same if you're completely in control.
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yeah what
You should help her be better not just BDSM dominate her.
Look into:

*Supervillain Roommate
*Restoring the Love
*Unsealed (by AkumaKami)
*Dark Souls Waifu

None are quite what you described, but some are close.
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Look after picking.
Look into
* outer reincarnation
What is love?
All the waifus in entropist were genocidal crazy bitches so I guess that counts.
A one page waifu picker, where all the situations are really messed up. One option has (you) be a spider god, and the waifu is a dark elf priestess. In another, the waifu is a Frankenstein wannabe, and she's built (you) a whole new body.

A fan - I think we were calling him Bad Back Anon - did a second page of candidates.
Ah I know the one. There's even a third page made more recently. I just didn't recognize the name.
I'm not going to say it.
Then I'm going to hurt you.
Would it better to buy all the important mutations and symbioses as an X-lister, or getting a good paragon aberrant like Aeon?
Aeon, but then there's very little of a build left, so you may want to pretend the paragon aberrants are just not there to make a real build.
The DeatH Star was a terror weapon though, it didn't have to be practical, just scary. Much like the blunderwaffes of the US military such as railguns, Arleigh Burkes, etc.
The first page was neat. Having 4 pages rendered moot because you didn't visit those planes is gay. Eventually it just started to feel really pretentious so I stopped paying attention to what perks even did or what the planes were supposed to be.

This one sucks.
This is just gay sci fi shit
The pdf mentions that. It's a dangerous and unreliable justification, at least for something which is cosmically expensive. Before WW2, there were theories that constant bombardments of German cities should wane the popular support for the Nazi regime, but that didn't happen at all, meanwhile it was an enormous investment of resources that could've gone elsewhere. Nukes are kind of an exception, I guess.
Did the thread like/enjoy the video volaire cyoa from a couple weeks ago? I'm trying to find more builds to read than reddits for stuff like the nemesis option and stuff
>One of the aims of war is to demoralize the enemy; facing continual death and destruction may make the prospect of peace or surrender preferable. The proponents of strategic bombing between the world wars, such as General Douhet, expected that direct attacks upon an enemy country's cities by strategic bombers would lead to a rapid collapse of civilian morale so that political pressure to sue for peace would lead to a rapid conclusion. When such attacks were tried in the 1930s—in the Spanish Civil War and the Second Sino-Japanese War—they were ineffective. Commentators observed the failures and some air forces, such as the Luftwaffe, concentrated their efforts upon direct support of the troops.[3][4]
This cyoa better have an azula wife equivalent I want my yandere princess wife who wants to kidnap me
She's so perfect bros... is there even a better yandere possible?
Civilian support increases when civilians get killed because 1. they just killed your mate Barry, FUCK them and 2. if they're trying to kill you all now, why the fuck would you surrender to them and let them do what they want to you. Why would you trust that they'll stop and be nice.

The nukes didn't destroy civilian morale so much as destroy the morale of military higher ups because it was now really, really, really obvious that they already couldn't stop the Allies from doing what they wanted to Japan.
Isnt the main reason Japan was nuked due to how many casualties a land invasion of Japan would cause?
What? They all exist in one big world, you can visit them.
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I love feudal sci-fi
those powers and places are all in the same plane, read the cyoa through before asooming things like that
How do I make a CYOA as based as Entropist CYOA?
Hard to gauge, as Sylen (the author) posted it here, the /trash thread, reddit, and probably elsewhere. So responses were split across multiple forums and venues.
don't matter he's shit too
yes, we (the actual chimagers) did. shitposters hated it
probably mostly just because it's a different generic fantasy setting to the tolkienian western generic fantasy setting
That's one of the arguments. Another is that the Truman Administration was anticipating the Cold War, and wanted the Soviets to know that America actually had a functional nuclear weapon
In reality, there were probably multiple reasons/excuses to do it, and we'll never know the "real" one.
British witches
German witches
American witches
Witches from Italy, Greece, and the neighboring region.
French witches
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Short and sweet superpower cyoa I just made to try it out
We can use this to anticipate their plans
>no OC OC OC

When will they learn?
peace (9)

flight (8)
blast (6)

heat (4)

technique (2)
staff (0)

Fly out of reach and assault them with ranged attacks.
With 20 passive energy I'm never caught with my pants down while flying. I always have enough to spare 1 blast a second.
If anything I'm not making good use of my reserves. If I had rank up for flight I'd be able to use it for speed boosts when cornered, but I'm shy one point.
Perhaps peace a waste of points and I should take a cheap power instead, but with having a sorcery tool I almost feel obligated to take it.

I'm squishy. I'm not made to be a warlord. I do better playing support for a hero league with some tanks in it.
How is it different to planeswalking?

It essentially has everything you'd want from a good planeswalking CYOA and without the franchise slop bolted on. Also, 'sci-fi' is a stretch.
A sniper pest build.

Cloaking (Rank Up)

With focus and technique I get 20 psi / s to use, 10 of which goes to constant cloaking to be unseen. The rest can be used to fire blasts of heat (with technique making them small & condensed for greater pinpoint damage and harder to detect). After taking the shot I can quickly relocate using momentum and line up the next shot from another location. I suppose these powers also make me good at swooping into Uptown for involuntary surprise donations.
Flight is pretty cheap, why would I finagle wallclimbing with touch and stickiness?

Wallclimbing is a peculiar power anyway. I think people only name it as a superpower because of Spiderman, but even he mostly used webslinging to get around. What's the fantasy behind wallclimbing?
On the one hand, one of the more interesting OCs we've had for a while from a build perspective. Because it is actually focused on choice vs more of a creative writing exercise.
On the other jesus christ I feel points starved. The basics I'd want would be something like flight, some sort of protection and some sort of attack power, then I'm basically out without even touching the more interesting things you could do with builds. Scrying is cool, but I'm not going to pass up survivability or the ability to fly for it.

Who's gonna waste points on some of these extra options like the helmet to protect from a niche danger or even the channelling when it's not really clear what that is or how that works. (What counts as a psy-radiating object if it's not the psychic objects we choose? How common are they? How many other dumbfucks took that option and how much fighting will there be over them?).

Feels like for the sake of more interesting builds, each section getting maybe two or three free points might be a good idea. Means everyone will get to choose at least a property or two, a tool or two.
If specialized builds are the intent, maybe a companion section might be nice too so we could partner with someone who covers our weaknesses. A flying brick can partner with a scry-focused psion or vice versa.
Viz Volaire basically proved that opinions about CYOA around here are largely driven by authorfaggotry and not if the CYOA is actually good.
>jobs to entropist
Why? Was it liked for the author despite it being lacking? Or did the CYOA had praise until they knew who the author was, and then discussion devolved from there?
The latter, basically when anons found out it was Sylen, it was endlessly trashtalked and every attempt to even post a build was shitposted into oblivion
I didn't mention this in the cyoa, but everyone in the psi magic universe is actually the size of a galaxy compared to people from other universes.
The scales of the universes just happens to be different.

In fact, their meta-frequency is higher and everything in entropist is imaginary in relationship to everything in psi-magic. If an entropist tried to cross over to this verse they'd end up in the imagination of a particular autistic child and die the moment he thought about something else.
lmao exposed
>Skills: Focus (0), Channelling (2)
Channelling is essential to building power.
>Powers: Aura (4) Sense (Rank Up) (2)
To become stronk and sense opponents.
>Tools: Crown (2)
To protect myself from mind control
>Location: Wilds
Going to explore the wilds for psi-infused objects and locations, then plow it all into Aura.
Not what happened. It got complaints that any other author would have gottent if they made the same thing. If sylen makes cyoas that all have the same problems it's not the fault of the players pointing out the same problems.
And what problem is that? Was it the so called "ego death" not actually forced in the cyoa? Or was it the complaining of the open ended themes that weren't really open ended at all to anyone that actually read the cyoa? This head canon is really something else lmao
I'm normally someone that finds it difficult not just taking the most points, because I'm just taking the suboptimal choice otherwise.
But the god level abilities here are SO BORING, it's actually rewiring my brain.
The way I see it, spider man's wall crawling lets him enter an arena normal people can't enter.
He can fight his villains up in the air above street level where there's some elbow room.
Why do posts like this give me brain damage? It also inspires me to make a cyoa.
Because theyre autistic but not wrong
Autismos have the best imaginations
You must get married and become an overworked salaryman first.
He certainly is wrong.
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Second hand mental illness.
I've played through every Worm CYOA and can confidently say that Spacebattles and VSBW have done an irresponsible amount of damage.
>intimate motive usurpation
>select the only person you know will be there: your Nemesis, who has been there for four days
>you now have another you that you can bro with
Neat cyoa but things can be pretty expensive and your budget a bit low.
It's the fact all of his cyoas are incomprehensible riddle shit and 80% of the text and space in them is useless. It's full of repetition and meaningless drivel that has no purpouse apart from being complicated and confusing.
i'm new here after a 5ish year break, who is Sylen?
Dunno viz volaire was pretty easy to understand
An author. That's it desu
An author responsible for some pretty good-looking CYOAs, including Witcher CYOA and the recently made Viz Volaire, Dishonored-inspired adventure. A lot of shitposting went at that for the wishes you could get for accomplishing a goal, ego death, and spectral + time crystal ability which breaks the CYOA.
Well flight is flight and stickiness is a propiety so it can have more uses.
Compared to his other stuff it is less complicated, but no less reduntant in the description. I did not dislike it either, the setting and powers are interesting and the variety and freedom is good, but that does not mean the cyoa is well written in regard to repetition and superfuous words.
Nah hes not wrong and religion is a sham
So his other stuff invalidates the new stuff? So I was right? Authorfaggotry lives rent free in your head schizo
>incomprehensible riddle shit
readlet detected, opinion discarded
Eh it works and personally it didn't bother me
>incomprehensible riddle shit
He tends to repeat things for emphasis, but saying is incomprehensible says more about you than him. Everyone else managed just fine.
hyena anon...I...
>I wrote a whole bunch of garbage and it's your fault if you don't read it!
Brevity is the soul of wit and if you can't optimize your word choice, you are a failure as a writer.
>Brevity is the soul of wit
ah it's you
And yet you post on 4chin? Doubt.
The average anon is a soft-bodied depressed dweeb.
You wouldn't get it.
Too low on points, too many instalose options.
He clearly said that he wasn't the average anon dumbass
Which ones? That said Aura was the only one that really stood out because with enough of it nobody can harm you and you can Kakyoin them.
Will + Force/Heat/Hypno.
Go back to /lit/ you retarded atheist queer
Not infallible
Stop being in denial.
kys, you've never said anything worthwhile
x5 speed isn't enough to escape it. This combo is instalose in almost all circumstances.
Magicautist's problem is repeating the same easy-to-digest points ("le magic can be le science field") to a general who doesn't care for his off-topic drivel, so he continues to spam and treat it as some kind of gospel of truth. Which is not.
He has an entire board where he can make hundreds of threads to discuss topics interesting to him, but instead, he raids this place for attention. Not only is he a midwit, he's approaching retarded levels.
But this is a soft-bodied depressed dweeb website. The steroided strengthchads are over there on the horizon, on the steroided strengthchad website. They look at us in pity. None of them would hang out with us, ever.
>Will: Expensive (Requires 2 full seconds under standard psi generation) and requires conditions to be fulfilled to be deployed properly
>Force: Damaging but not instantly lethal
>Heat: Not instantly lethal to Psi warriors
>Hypno: You have to imbue specifically the brain making it hard to do with Will and hypno will is already half your budget
>D-list (6)
Biggest power versus ambition disrepency build let's go.
I usually create characters rather than do a true self insert. But I don't have any superheroine cheesecake saved on my computer anyway. So let's be myself.
>4th gen
>born super
This setting gets into some eugenics territory. Fair enough, I guess a setting with actual superhumans would be disingenuous not to.
Later on it says there's more 'hero bloodlines' than 'villain bloodlines'.
Villain bloodlines!? Talk about biological determinism.
Any remorseless thief or murderer could probably see themselves in the description of independent here. Not caring makes it not count as evil? Come on.
>Morbidity Limit Tier 1
>Subtlety Limit Tier 2 (5.75)
>Power Lock Tier 1
>Airbrush Tier 2 (5.25)
>Eternal Tier 2 (4.5)
>Mental Blocks Tier 1
>Hypermutation Tier 1 (3.5)
>Power Sense Tier 2 (3)
>Natural Harmony Tier 1
Ooo boy. I did not expect to have spend half my points on just the misc boons. At first I just thought I could be a good spymaster and manipulator, sensing people's powers without revealing my own. Then I saw the eternal/hypermutation combo...
I hope I've got enough points left to buy at least one superpower, or else I'd look pretty silly.
>grey tier 1 (2)
>flow state (1)
>accelerated training (0)
I'm going for a mastermind role.
Where does it say what magnitude does?
>my own lineage
I plan to spread my genes of being good and school and studying on. We will be onstoppable.
>basic material (23)
>prosperity (16)
>domestic (13)
>subterranean stronghold
I had to hold off on the big purchases because I wanted top tier minions
>form a team (12) (conditional)
I'm recruiting heroes to fight humanity's enemies.
REALLY looking for some good heroes that have powers that are in any way useful.
By the way, these multiplayer rules really aren't necessary. People can figure it out for themselves.
>high-level super henchman
>>oath bloodline + crimson emperor (14)
>>Airbrush Tier 3 (13.25)
>>Polytype Tier 2 (12.5)
>>Polysapien (12)
>>tier 2 abilities
>>Red: ageless (8)
>>Red: regeneration
>>Orange: weather (1)
>>Orange: water
>>Yellow: Jackal (0)
Werewolf girlfriend
>the egrogores
There's a mirror build to this where I'm an X-list superbeing and my ambition is to steal money for fame and fortune.
>x5 speed isn't enough to escape it
>Force: Damaging but not instantly lethal
>Heat: Not instantly lethal to Psi warriors

Unless used on your brain.

>hard to do with Will


Not fast enough.
Probably his threshold for when the eye can't keep up. But he's forgetting that not being able to predict the movement also breaks it.
You need ranked up sense to target a proper opponent.
Will can be defeated by randomly zigzagging while running at them. The user needs to predict their movements for 2 seconds

You can also just empty a fire extinguisher between you and the guy.
>Ranked up sense
That is 4 seconds of charging up instead of 2 then.
If you go for a combat build without tools and/or Peace, you are crazy.
Well you're not charging up on focus energy. Either focus produces enough energy to use the ability immediately, or it doesn't.
Peace energy has been charged up long beforehand, but you only have so much to get you through the fight.
A type of energy you can charge up a bit, but you have to do it during the fight as you've decided what to use it for, would be a good third skill. Better than channelling.
Your combat build is going to need a lot of shit just to puil off its trick.

Peace (1) (Because focus only lets you maintain constant drip powers)
Will (2)
Senses II (2) (otherwise you lose to a fire extinguisher)
Imbue (2) (otherwise the hypno doesn't stick)
Hypno (3)

That's 10 points gone just like that. And a mundane will just shoot you.
how do we make cyoag pure one again
With Sense+ you will detect this poor fucker's movements in advance and just instamindrape him.
And then you run dry.
You have 5 uses at best.
If he's within several dozen meters, if he's in your line of sight, if you're not distracted by multiple targets, if he's not wearing his tard helmet...
don't project your flabby weakness on our strongest anon please.
It's five I-win buttons against almost anyone before 20s of meditation.

Everyone in this cyoa jobs to surprise attack. And helmet can be bypassed with Force or Heat on yor brain instead. My point is "too many instaloses in this cyoa", not just "Hypno is op".
Heat in particular reminds me of the WHFB 1e light spell, namely "the object it is cast on glows for 10 minutes and then disappears"
They accidentally worded it so that you can evaporate any object?
Yeah, Heat here disintegrates anything it's imbued with and psi warriors are affected for a few weeks.
>Want to propietymaxx
>Imbue and ankh alone are half of my entire budget without any deployments
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I made a new version.
- slighty more points
- new third skill
- artifacts still vague
poggers xqcl
>15 points
my build is saved
>Skills: Focus (1) Charge (2)
>Powers: Will (2), Cloaking II (4)
>Properties: Stickiness (1) Heat (2) Double (1)
>Items: Crown (2)

Now I am invisible, allowing me all the time I need to charge up and apply sticky heat to people and surface they walk on.
>No immortality
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I've got an idea for a CYOA. It's going to have three narrators arguing with each other over the right to patron (You) on an isekai to a new world. The twist is that they're all firm believers of separate unethical philosophies, have contradictory goals, and will take a different approach to coercing you into swearing their pact. The world itself will be a frozen hellhole full of crabs, reaver mutants, and an opulent citadel overflowing with psychic drugs, and there'll be a quest section and some additional detail on the various regions. The possibility of waifus will be included. (You) will be much stronger than the baseline, but there are serious threats, a few of which could crush your patron like a cornfed giganigga jumping a drunk four year-old in a denny's parking lot. Are there any lesser seen powers or companion archetypes you would like to see?
You shall be dubbed: king Napalm
>psychic drug
Like the Chronos from Katana Zero?
>Are there any lesser seen powers or companion archetypes you would like to see?
It would be nice to have someone half-mad/'enlightened'.
>Skills: Focus (1)
>Powers: Aura (4) Cloaking II (4)
>Properties: N/A
>Tools: Sword (3) Shield (3)
Even with 10 points for Cloaking I have 5x strength and durability with aura. With the sword and shield, I'm pretty much an invisible Wonder Woman.
Seems good, but...
>three narrators arguing with each other over the right to patron (You)
Careful, you gotta make all 3 attractive, aka make things balanced.
all narrators must be girls to catch that outer reincarnation audience
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Updated build.

Cloaking (Rank Up)

An invisible sniper annoyance hiding behind a shield and changing position with flight. Being hit by blast adds burn and stillness to simultaneously stun lock targets while burning them. The psi per second budget from focus and martial tool lets me either cloak and fly indefinitely, or drop either of them to fire one blast per second.
>Companion archetypes
Eh, there are exceptions. Drusilia is one of the least favorite and Malgold is one of the most favorite of Overlords.
Make them all attractive girls (maybe), and make it so you can surpass their imperfect philosophies and eventually become the version of which they were meant to be. Like the anon above suggested, have a drugged girl pretending to be a Buddhist that achieved "enlightenment", and has the powers she gives various chakra cultivation shit. If you manage to achieve genuine enlightenment according to Buddha's tenants, you'll be able to become an "Honored One", upgrading all of your abilities and giving you some world-breaking shit that lets you stand up to the most OP threats. Of course, to retain said power, you need to adhere to the beliefs of your philosophy (in this case, recognizing your place in Samsara and all that)

Out of three, I'd like to see the aforementioned drugged buddhist girl, a technolord waifu representing the industrial revolution, and a detached warlock milf that binds creatures of the cosmos to her will.
>drugged girl pretending to be a Buddhist that achieved "enlightenment", and has the powers she gives various chakra cultivation shit
Amazing, this must be in the cyoa.
Napalm sticks to little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
Hear them screaming in the night
Because napalm sticks to little kids
Male Overlords were excellent though. Between an average male & a female, people will choose the average female.
To make it more interesting, have all three ladies's powers come with caveats that limit them in a way, and perfecting their philosophy often allows you to deal it with, if not bypass it entirely.
Cultivating Chakra means you'll have a clearly defined reserve of energy that you need to be mindful of, but the shit you can do is incredibly strong.

Technolord needs resources and time to construct the wonderful technology she teaches you about (you'll get an intellect to boost to make that happen), but you'll rarely lack the right tool for the right situation.

Eldritch milf lady will make you a warlock and let you bind some of her cosmic monsters to your will, but they all come with some quirks that you need to deal with. But with the numbers you'll have, you'll never be alone and will be able to easily establish yourself in the new world as some kind of king.
>Cultivating Chakra
This sounds so wrong, but it makes so much sense considering
>drugged girl pretending to be a Buddhist that achieved "enlightenment"
I'll dual cultivate with her, antisatan.
I don't exactly remember the inner workings of Eastern systems, but imagine it as being a DBZ character, in the sense that you open your eyes to worldly truths to increase your power and cultivate your being. The drugged girl only knows some of it, her ascension to the truth was flawed by her hedonism and desire to escape the cycle of life and death, but she got depressed afterwards when she couldn't do it. (You) can show her that Samsara isn't to be escaped, but life is to be enjoyed without falling into trap of excess. And yes, you'll get to fuck her.
Seeing the others go for invisibility makes me want to be a spycatcher
>focus (14)
>sense 2 (12)
>touch (11)
>will (9)
>shield (7)
>sticky (6)
>stillness (5)
>drain (3)
>shield (0)

When I'm not actively attacking, I keep my full-body psionic shield up continuously. Evenly spread out = no damage, only knockback
If I suspect an invisible enemy, I can make the floor around me sticky as an area of effect attack
I only need to touch you once. Once I do, you're paralyzed or can't use your powers
If I see you I just make the floor sticky and burning from two blocks away. I have the zero point tool binoculars for that.
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>she got depressed
Her dao heart is weak. I will show her that Samsara is to be destroyed with forced and that the world kotows before the strong. Violence solves everything: this is the truth of the world!
To experience life through the short-lived outlet of your rage is to misunderstand the foundation it's built upon. Like a rat in a maze, you'll chase the elusive peak of the "strong", unaware of its changes before you're struck down. And when stripped to your bare essentials, when reincarnating once more to repeat your meaningless battle for the title of number one, you'll only ask yourself one thing: "Am I free?"

Wait until your next life, and you'll grow to understand the true power in this world, that being He Who Spins The Wheel of Life, the Male Penis.
I'm moving forward with it.
I think I already have all the worlds that will be part of the CYOA.
>Honored One
The correct term is Bodhisattva. Too busy celebrating the T20 win, but good idea
I've looked it up, a better term would be "World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment", because it's one of the titles Buddha held. For more larp, add this as the translated title, and keep Bodhisattva.
>Focus is now 1 and peace 2
wait fuck
What kind of partiarchal retardation is this?
>Male Penis
Implicitly a transphillic kind.
>create a cyoa about cycles of reincarnation
>karma points make you more powerful in a spiritual sense, letting you influence fate and build up your spirit palace between lives
>best way to farm karma points is to reincarnate in the weakest body you can and still live a virtuous life
>powergamers now compete to make the weakest build possible
What I tried to say is that I want to have sex with multiple beautiful women and sire children with them, so my sons can fuck even more beautiful women and propagate the happiness of life for all eternity. Thus, a man's cock is stronger than violence because he's not cucked in pursuit of eluding strength.
>implying powergamers wouldn't complain about not being strong right off the bat
HA! Like that would ever happens!
lol the one day Buddhism is popular here I'm too busy celebrating to contribute. Hope anons enjoy
t. buddhist lurker
>Peace is now 2 points
>Recovery rate dropped from 5 to 1 so the base pool now takes 1 minute and 40 seconds to fill back up instead of 20
>It is assumed that unlike charge and focus it is very inconvenient to use Peace to recharge in the middle of combat
>the new third skill charge doesn't seem to be able to recharge your Psi Pool either but considering focus has a disclaimer and charge doesn't it might not be the case
>because focus now costs 1 point instead of being free you have no way to mantain psis without burning your precious pool in seconds
Was it really necessary to bump up Peace one point along all these nerfs?
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In games like GURPS or Mutants and Masterminds, you often buy what a power mechanically can do, rather than its mechanism. A 'strike' power could be due to claws, energy hands, or whatever, it's 1 damage.

You could further abstract it with language like this.
You're buying movement power with the additional effect of letting you move in the parallel 'air' space? That could be flight.
If you're taking the drawback that it only works in your home territory of 'highrise buildings', we can rule that it's webslinging.
Remember, moving to another space can take you out of melee range, but you can't say "I dodge by flying out of the way". If you didn't take nimble movement, it's the slow kind of flying.
There's six parallel spaces in any battlefield, including the sky above the characters heads, and the mirror zone for magic users. The air is one where you can be shunted out if your powers fail and take damage. (falling to the ground)
the core design idea behind peace was always that you can't recharge it during combat
I figure charge is pretty explicit about only being able to charge for that specific use of a power
no no yeah that i get peace is the save some psi ahead of time skill it's just that now it's pretty awful with the new cost
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I guess it depends on how long you envision a fight taking. Peace let's you cram way more power than any other skill in the first two seconds of combat.
just obliterate 20 cubic meters of concrete
take off at 90 kilometers per hour, (perhaps with a shield to ram them)
spam ten heat blasts at once
if that's more than 50% likely to hit your opponent, you have a strategy with better than equal chances to win against an opponent with equal power
but if every fight drags out into minutes, you can't make use of the burst potential because you have to be sparing with your energy, of which you have much less than the enemy

I guess I'm the kind of person that things of fights as short bursts of action, rather than action sequences
>short bursts of action
Real fights
>action sequences
Fake super hero fights which is what the cyoa should be about.
Perhaps in one day I will come up with a power system that naturally results in drawn out battles.
Maybe something about having layers of protection that have to be beaten down one by one.
new thread >>93201984
Focus 1
Aura 5
Momentum 6
Dispersal 7
Sense 8
Shield 10

Sword & Shield 15

I am the sword and board.

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