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People are angry again edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

>Thread question:
Gimicky weapons mechanics - what are your favorite canon ones and which did you homebrew?
for me, it's 2013
I'm angry about Toggle's Temple because it should have been like this.
Because I'm thinking of a campaign that uses actual guns, I'm thinking of tying a weapon's fire rate for automatic fire to its actual fire rate.
>the uzi's fire rate of 600 rpm will be 20 per action in-game
>the mini uzi's 900 rpm will be 30
>the micro uzi's 1200 rpm will be 40
You forgot the name in the subject field again, gonk.
How far do you reckon you could throw Cyberpunk's rules back in time and still have a good setting? Could "Cyberpunk 1920" work given that the 1920s don't have computers? For some reason it feels like more of a stretch to add computers to the 20s than it does to add cybernetic limbs.
The 20s had computers. The were a mixture of people Computing with slide rulers and using tabulation machines with punchcards.
Super-Computer dates to 1930
What's this Cyberpunk 3.0?
It says its set in the 2030s
I don't feel as though netrunning would translate all that well to tabulating machines.
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You know thinking about it we really don't see many actual borgs outside of Shaitan and Smasher and considering we meet a lot of former spec ops who aren't borged out I wonder if full body conversions have fallen out of favor for various reasons. I do know its probably a game limitation issue but it's something that stood out.
Forbidden lore. 3.0 barbiepunk is the cyberpunk that almost killed the game for 15 years. I think it has sovl though.
It's established that people like Smasher are relatively rare, they happen to have unusually high compatibility and the kind of personality that goes along with being a murder-robot. Most people have some kind of snap or start resisting 'ware by the time you get halfway to a Smasher type.
>what are your favorite canon ones
The rebuild options in CMNK
>and which did you homebrew?
Well I don't need the suppressor HB I cranked out anymore, but I did make underbarrel lasers.
But we don't see any at Shaitans level which was just standard militech stealth assassin stuff. We should see more of that but even the Arasaka assassins are mostly internally chromed out instead of being full on cyber ninjas.
What anon means is that full body cyborg conversions were a fairly common thing back in the 2020 era. You had cyborgs for manual jobs, medical work, even ones that looked identical to humans in addition to the murder bots. Regular ass people used to get transplanted into fully cyborg bodies. You don't magically snap just from getting chromed but yes, looking in a mirror and seeing a metallic face that isn't your own might be pretty psychologically ruinous if you're already a little crazy and don't have a therapist to support you through the change.

There is one example of that in 2077, iirc Lizzy WIzzy is a borg. I kinda wish they featured in the game more, maybe a ripperdoc could be a Kildare, or the VDB could have a Wiseman among them, or even just the NCPD could field a cyborg or two. It'd add a lot of flavour imo.
If you take Interface 3 at face value there's a whole subculture of full conversions, and in 2077 full conversions are extremely common, even that hooker in Fingers' office was an FBC.
If you mean the bikers they were in suits and what was visible of their heads was extensively modified. Goro was too, from the jaw down there was no visible human skin.

Lizzy was the only openly chromed borg, but there are a lot of others.
>iirc Lizzy WIzzy is a borg
Oh yeah, and pretty chromed out according to her backstory, like full on lost most of her internal organs and body are gone. She even did it as a stunt where she ate a poisoned apple and for 5 hours her concert was her getting her organs replaced and ended with a song. She might have been legit insane before being borged.
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Women, am I right?
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I think it's an actual sign of evolving tech. Stuff that would be considered more invasive seems standard(eyes especially seem commonly replaced), and full conversions are far easier to keep hidden.
In the side mission where you lie to the old man about Johnny and get the bootlegs, he talks about having a face plate and the guy doesn't bat an eye. I'm willing to bet that around 30% of people in NC are what would be considered full conversions, or so close to it there's no real difference.
Someone please tell RTL that naturalist is a polite way of saying nudist because “you spot some out of place naturalists in the club” is uh
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I mean, it's de facto is? Unless you don't mean formatting that RED doesn't really do Nd6+X dmg, that concealability become passively binary, quality ate WA and Rel., or that instead of for example ROF30 it's now Autofire.

Also you mean do it like one did it in 2020 or are you sadist that want to torture the players and actually want them to make rof40 attack?
There are exactly six stated borgs in 2020. Smasher, Kagekaze, Shaitan, Junker, Faceless man, and Omega. There are other borg characters spread around but as fas as stats go, you are very limited.
There is one in RED, kinda. Bazooka Joe has stats in DGD, and he did FBC in Going Metal.
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Yes, and?
I used to offer players extra starting eddies to not try for a reroll if they got nude.
>someone made a casual cyberpunk city "builder"
>can't use it for usable game maps because it's super dark

Meanwhile you can make great stuff in Cities Skylines but you have to install dozens and dozens of mods (which may or may not work depending on how much can be found on the nexus)
Because they use it to mean “wareless luddite hippie” judging from the fact that the naturalists in question wear clothing
The nature of my upset is that not only are so many individual stats rolled together (WA and rel) and simplified (damage, con, and cost), but that weapons as a whole are flattened into basic and samey statblocks. Admittedly a lot of it is a presentation issue, but if you compare corebooks 2020 has 15 statblocks for pistols (this includes the ones I posted as well as the S&W combat magnum, Llama Comanche, Colt .45 peacemaker, Colt .38 detective, and C.O.P. .357 derringer) compared to Red's 8 (this includes the pistol, heavy pistol, very heavy pistol, air pistol, dartgun, shrieker, stun pistol, and Malorian Arms pistol(dartguns, airguns, and stunguns have separate rules in 2020)).
>you mean to do it like they did in 2020
Yeah. In my example, all three versions of the uzi can fire 20 shots in full auto, but the mini and micro can fire more if the player wants.
>can fire 20 shots in full auto
>can fire 10 or 20 shots
**can fire 10 or 20, I'm fucking sleep-deprived apparently.
Toggle is RCL-coded and therefore based.
Many of those in 2020 only differ by WA and Rel, so RED has 14 pistols. Plus exchangeable attachments.
>Yeah. In my example, all three versions of the uzi can fire 20 shots in full auto, but the mini and micro can fire more if the player wants.
Well good luck with that. The 2020 work ok on vtt but in real life it's a chore.
And that's before you get into things like broadly understood balance (how it interacts with armor, the crit rate without tinkering becoming too fucking high, the lack of fun factor compared to rest of RED arsenal)
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What are you getting from the scopdog stand?
>14 pistols
In the corebook.
Found the other nine of them, all the way over on page 342.
It's because 2077 fucked up and made fullborgs extremely rare and also didn't have enough customization so you can't be one
>like full on lost most of her internal organs and body are gone
This is standard for fullborging. Almost every fullborg option in 2020 had this.
Smasher wasn't rare because he was a fullborg, he was rare because he was a fullborg and also had all the insane amounts of gear and customization
Anyone got a good encounter generator for RED? I want some enemies with variety without just being weak as fuck
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Is current-day San-fran & Los Angeles worse than Night City?
I just looked at the CEMK and the Neuroport almost made me vomit with rage. 2070's cyberbabies get their interface ports, neural link, chipware socket and a HUD, all for free, when in any other edition, I'd have to pay thousands of eddies and spend months in therapy over that kind of shit. What the fuck?
>San Fran
despite its well deserved reputation it doesn't have much violent crime, and it has some very nice architecture, so no
ugliest and filthiest place in the US, loads of violent crime, police department is a byword for incompetence, thuggery and corruption, full of the worst people you'll ever meet, and everyone thinks you should move there to "make it" so basically night city but without cool buildings or a monorail - AND you can't use a gun to defend yourself. so worse
The future is now, old man. Enjoy being outdated.
>and made fullborgs extremely rare
Again, the hooker in Fingers' office is a fullborg.
>ugliest and filthiest place in the US, loads of violent crime, police department is a byword for incompetence, thuggery and corruption, full of the worst people you'll ever meet, and everyone thinks you should move there to "make it" so basically night city but without cool buildings or a monorail - AND you can't use a gun to defend yourself. so worse
I think he meant in the setting Anon, not real life.
Technology marches on, grandpa.
alternate history where Charles Babbage completed the difference engine, Ada Lovelace goes wild programming on a finalized model, take it wherever you want
I made a rockerboy (girl) who was a nudist. She only threw something if she had to and even then her left half was on full display
>here is your 1920's ACPA, gumshoe
>current day
Nah, I was referring to real life like he thought. I wouldn't mind hearing about the in-universe versions as well. Is it all wasteland or is there still some civilization outside NC in California?
Criminal violence is not the fault of criminals, but of society!
Nobody is guilty of anything when you really think about it.
So what you're saying is it is morally right to take hit man contracts against XBD bootleggers?
>Silencer just tells the GM to come up with a DV
At least give some fucking guidelines or a single example to build off of.
Riding high from the last gig, gonna treat myself to a Premium HawtDawg. Sometimes you just gotta spoil yourself, y'know, choom?
Not merely morally right, but your civic duty!
It is a bit nuanced for no guidelines. But I'm glad it's finally in the game and I don't have to talk a GM into homebrew.
According to Home of the Brave, eastern California is abandoned as Death Valley lives up to its name more than ever before. Everyone fled to the cities, which are so polluted that everyone has to wear constant protection from the toxic fog and rain. The most powerful organization is the California Highway Patrol. Los Angeles has grown bigger, and for the worse. To quote:
>In short, Southern California is not a
pleasant place. It is an urban hell, rotten
with pollution and acid rain. What the pop-
ulation lacks in education they more than
make up for in guns and attitude . In fact,
the only thing that keeps the Los Angeles
Metroplex from being more violent than it
is, is the fact that everyone knows that
everyone else carries heavy weaponry and
will use it at the drop of a hat.
I would be inclined to believe that there would still be more halfway decent people living in fictional dystopian Night City than modern day LA.
You will literally never meet anyone in your life with less humanity points than someone from LA. Its like everyone there is half a person.
agreed. should have said default 15 for outside 13 for inside and 17 for people outside hearing gunfire inside or something

I don't love putting more work in the hands of gms but I'm not truly mad about it
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Well, I finally chipped in as hard as anyone can chip in, and became an FBC. I’m debating on whether an autofire skill chip is worth the cost and humanity though when I’m in the teens of my hum score
The fact that they stated that
>even ye olde cyberware is RETROFITTED to work ONLY with neuroports
is offending
I'm making a rule that you can use old tech, impervious to quickhacks, but it will take you twice the time to repair it, and it's one category of price higher because it's uncommon now.

Literally seething rn

>Added Loot tables
I think I did them good. Only shame is I couldnt come up with more downtime activities.
See for yourself, give me additional content.
>reshuffled the IV and III tier encounters
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As said, in 2020 the difference between weapons outside of name comes back to WA/Rel. For exemple Dai Lung Cybermag 15 is just federated Arms X-22 but with -1 WA. Budget Arms Auto 3 is Sternmeyer Type 35 with -1 WA nad UR not VR.
So it's not three pistols (medium/heavy/very heavy) but nine of them (above multiplied by poor/standard/excellent quality).
It's best to think of 2077 as Witcher 1 on Cyberpunk. The scope was really limited, and many things were left out. For exemple in very early stages there were ACPAs all around, here is concept art
Future is now. Even in 2045, Interface plugs is universal link compared to 2020 links, IR/UV/LL is one implant not three.
I think that's perfectly reasonable
you're basically the equivalent of an analog boomer or one of those guys who refuses to use a smart phone
Chipware is only temporarily useful, but in 2020 it was fun to insert skill chips either by stealth or while grappling to force the other guy to roll with less skill. I don't think Red allows that.
*aren't already a little crazy
I feel like chipware is only really good for fluff skills you don't wanna invest in and skills that don't need a high investment in to be useful (driving, languages). Autofire is a skill that requires a high base to be useful, so +4 isn't going to get you too far.
I want to like this system but every character ends up the same statline wise and most of the roles are junk.
I honestly believe half this problem is solved by locking bullet dodging behind the coprocessor instead of ref 8
can I ask what you use for formatting?
want to put a couple little somethings together but I'm not as experienced with that side of things
Wouldn't that just offload it to everyone having the same implant? Bullet dodging and non-bullet dodging in the same system just makes it a no-brainer to pick up. It's too drastic. Especially since it includes explosions too, which is funny because a lot of the arguments defending bullet dodging say just use explosions... which can also be dodged. That's why you end up with everyone taking it. Yeah, Solos or Nomads or Lawmen make sense. But Fixers? Netrunners? Medias? Sure they're all edgerunners and all take dangerous jobs but it's a little ridiculous when your party nerd starts out as a cyberninja just like everyone else.
500 eddies and the HL loss is significant enough that I think only solos would take it, at least it hasn't become a problem for me
Interesting. I'll suggest it if I play or try it out if I DM for my next game.
>wanna run 2020
>homies all wanna play RED instead
At least you have homies who want to play Cyberpunk at all.
run RED for simplicity's sake, use 2020 stuff wherever you feel like
for example, I always have a bartender with a foldout leg
>People are angry again
When are people NOT angry these days? I just wish they'd do something with that anger instead of whining impotently on the internet.
RED has its issues but I'm not planning on going back to 2020 unless I need some lore or an obscure piece of tech.
Idunno. I've tried RED once or twice, but it just doesn't hit the same. Having gunfire just whittle down your hitpoints is a very different vibe. In my 2020 group I've conditioned my players to play like they don't want to get into a situation like they're being shot at, and pull some cool guerilla/urban terrorist shit instead. I know the "everyone plays a solo" problem originated in 2020, but I find that the lack of balance and survivability also lets the non combat roles shine way more without giving them summonable goons that slow the game to a crawl.
The real problem statline wise for PC is that for some arcane reason point buy ends up better than average roll for stats.
As for the roles, they are all unique enough and have their niche, great improvement over 2020. Outside of lawman that is, all love that could possibly go to it went to techie.
May I suggest you "crits happen on one six instead of two" as a solution to your lethality problem?
>May I suggest you "crits happen on one six instead of two" as a solution to your lethality problem?

ffs james, the real solution is to not make the damage output of most of the weapons so pussified and lacklustre. Making the crit rate higher doesn't fix that initial issue and just exercebates the flaws with the system.
RED's Lawman still feels better than 2020's Lawman. It's CyberPUNK and people are expected to respect police authority in 2020? Yeah right. At least calling for back-up is more thematically appropriate: law enforcement with emphasis on force. Even if it does bog the encounter's pace down.
Just cause the game's called Cyberpunk doesn't mean everyone's a 'punk. Your average street scum has plenty of reasons to fear and "respect" a cop, especially the former. Authority also helps you with anything official, warrants, audits, tying a corpo down in legal red tape, etc.
>Template literally is the very same folder
Only good lawman is the one posted by pole who uses favors with U for some reason.
Only good lawman is a dead one
RED combat is kinda build around the crits. Low HP is not that much of a determent than broken limbs or dismembered hand. It works good for what it's aims to accomplish.
You could try to build the alternative system from the ground up but it wouldn't mesh well with the rest of the game I think.
You could lower HP, be it in form of small change of droping the free +10 everyone gets, or you could go big and you could try to retrofit some sort of 2020 systems of tracking each limb individually, dunno like each limb has avg of WILL and BODY HP, and you get BTM in form of half of your BODY (you would need to either rework or just drop crit system tho.)
Personally not worth it desu, I play RED weekly for past two years (unlike some people here) and I don't see weapons as pussified or luckluster.
The problem with backup is that it doesn't work good enough in practice and has no benefits outside of combat (even solo gets + to perception) unless you are at least rank 9.
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>street rat lands a date with a millionaire
>secret roll
>millionaire geniunely loves him
should I put a catch here or just make him date her with no strings attached? Obviously the millionaire family would not be happy about it so I need help
Millionaire actually has a fuckton of problems and is in crosshairs of major players, which leads to player party being targeted. If your party already has sort of main quest, then make it intertwined with millionaire's life. It's free real estate for player quests and situations imo. Out of street rat into corpo-level edgerunners, but without neccessary skills. Work together or die together.
RED does a bit too much streamlining in certain areas, but, when it comes to combat, I think it flows much smoother and quicker than 2020's.
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I've been running this Stalker conversion of Cyberpunk I homemade and I have to say it's been going really well. My players have been loving the Psyche mechanic I put in.
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>the mentioned psyche mechanic
>ugliest and filthiest place in the US, loads of violent crime... <bullshit the IdiotAnon repeats from Corpo News Channel>
Tell you've never been to LA without saying you've never been to LA. Also, I could name a 50 towns/counties in the US legitimately more polluted, more crime ridden--and that smell far more like that fetid stench produced by your assmouth--than LA. The Southland has gotten increasingly better air quality while "clean" pastoral places get worse and worse in recent decades.
> AND you can't use a gun to defend yourself. so worse
Really? Again. You know nothing more about LA than Fox & Friends has told you (they get paid to lie; you eat their shit for free).
LA ain't the cyberpunk-inspiring hellscape it was 35 years ago.
>I made a rockerboy (girl) who was a nudist. I masturbated on my character sheet for three hours and never played the rpg.
This, big pockets means big problems, at that level they may have to deal with an FBC assassin
I'm so fucking sick of half the book being 'lol ref decides'. EMP especially. Like why wouldn't I just pick foundational cyberware every time?
I've been to LA, it's a shithole and I lived in a couple different shitholes across America. Seattle was the nicest shithole imho, at least it had natural beauty going for it

sorry that you're a tribalist vote blue no matter who retard but yeah, LA sucks and only LA fags think it doesn't. you're little rant about fox news was cute lol, I'm sure it helps you feel secure in your superiority
What 2020 books do you think would pair well with the stalker setting?
You might be able to do something with Deep Space's radiation mechanic. That's the first thing that comes to mind.
What would you want to see in a Stalker TTRPG?

I can't say I've ever tried any Stalker-like system before (they do exist), but I think it'd be neat to include a lot of survival stuff that you always have to worry about outside of combat. Don't mean food etc since tracking that is often tedious in RPGs, but gun and gear maintenance would be cool to focus on.
I believe Neotribes has a few items that pay lip service to this. Apart from that, haggling being encouraged would add a lot. Definitely don't use the haggling rules in Wildside, they're awful.
The only place in Cali worse than LA, is Stockton. LA is shit.
>family's residence in Cali predates statehood
>lived there for 25 years until escape
Please, TRY to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. No one, NO ONE on Earth is more "from California" than me. And I got the fuck out when I could.
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Got ya covered already on the maintenence side. In the vanilla Stalker games bartering items was generally discouraged because they just aren't worth much to traders who get imports from outside the Zone easily, but I could see haggling being a thing between individual stalkers, I'll put some thought into that.
Survival stuff is also covered with the psyche system, I'm quite proud of it!
I don't know what 2020 rules you'd want to use besides FNFF for the gunplay.
I'd honestly say you're looking for something more like Twilight 2000, and I can't believe I'm saying that, but it matches the bleak war-profiteering vibe STALKER has, you'd just have to homebrew anomaly rules.
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I'm trying to emulate the mood and character-driven storytelling of Stalker more than I am trying to emulate the gameplay. I don't think videogame mechanics translate well into tabletop systems as they tend to limit creativity at the table. CP2020 already has great referee tools for emergent stories focusing on characters, and the humanity system was the perfect base for converting to psychic health. By turning humanity into the psyche system you cover psionic damage while also creating a need to sleep, eat, drink vodka, and listen to your fellow stalkers around the campfire. And as you mentioned FNFF already provides a complete and brutal combat experience.

Right now I'm just trying to get more ideas for a more rounded experience. I'm still trying to work out anomaly rules, as right now they're just magic traps and puzzles ala D&D.
fyi if you don't know how to run netrunning in 2020 then you just suck at reading or are too lazy to read it, it's so easy i don't understand why so many retards try to homebrew it out
>You know this nearly universal complaint about the game since day one, shared by the vast majority of players?
>Well you're actually DUMB because I said so.
Don't shit on the carpet, go ass-blast a Lancer thread or something.
Lancer thread regular here. Our threads are shit enough without even more retards. Please look after this particular faggot for a little while until we're ready to take him back.
Chooms, for the CEMK guns, what do you think between the Omaha and the Lexington?
21 rounds concealable seems pretty hard to pass up, even with SP/2 on the Tech gun.
>Lancer regular
>using faggot as an insult
Don't let your little discord buddies find out
the complaints spawn from retarded spergs and retard sperg players not reading the rules, it's easy to learn and the only thing that "slows the game down" is when the referee and player didn't read the rules my group can resolve netrunning turns just as fast as a combat turn, read the rules faggot
>Personally not worth it desu, I play RED weekly for past two years (unlike some people here) and I don't see weapons as pussified or luckluster.

Sure, if your character runs exclusively with martial arts and explosives, but you can't tell me with a straight face that handguns are worth investing into. Making the crit rate higher just reinforces the martial arts/heavy weapons meta the game has.
the Omaha is better but the Lexington is a good backup gun. don't forget the extra 5 damage it does on a crit. I can't take the ricochet thing seriously but it's probably useful
>I can't take the ricochet thing seriously but it's probably useful
Agreed. The conceal is honestly a big factor for me, plus how the Omaha would loose that with an extended mag. I imagine there are probably better weapons to have for sneaky engagements anyway though. Despite the gun probably not being a netrunner's first option.
Do you think it being a good backup would give it a better "lifespan", vs just selling the Omaha later if I get a better primary weapon down the road?
>you can't tell me with a straight face that handguns are worth investing into
A concealable handgun does more damage than an SMG. Plus handguns are cool, they're a protagonist weapon, longarms are for soldiers, not main characters. If a situation calls for something bigger, fine, but every day carry isn't an assault rifle.
I like Tech better, it also bypasses cover and it's fun to shoot specialty arrows through cover to deliver the payload.
Omaha is way better by a country mile. The Lexington's stats trigger me like nothing else in that book.

>Fully automatic handgun in 2077
>CEMK makes it a regular H.Pistol instead of a SMG/Heavy SMG
>Costs double the price of the Unity despite being worse

Generally speaking high ammo capacity is only worth it for full auto guns or guns that would normally run dry in a couple of turns. If you really want a high capacity, Heavy Pistol the Unity is right there, cheaper and with a useful gimmick.
How do you guys think Shadowrun compares to Cyberpunk (either current version), I've played Shadowrun and love things like dwarves orcs trolls etc, so I'm just wondering how gameplay and character creation compares
Handguns can barely bypass SP on the best of days. SMGs only suck because of the stupid RAW Autofire rules, which alot of people ignore in favour of just rolling more dice.

Concealibility is only as useful as the GM wants it to be, whereas damage values are much more tangible. You do know you can just throw a rifle into a bag to "conceal" it right?

Also you what's also concealable? My character's fists which deal double the damage of your shitty pistol.
I find cyberpunk's rules easier to learn and the setting easier to get into than Shadowrun's. Cyberpunk makes you as a player feel important because a good referee will use the character's life path for emergent player-character driven stories. Shadowrun gamemasters in my experience have only ever ran it as a heist simulator with magic elves and shit, nothing really felt important when I played it but that's just a sample size of five so maybe your mileage will differ. I personally prefer playing and running Cyberpunk 2020 games over all other systems I've touched, it's my favorite TTRPG.
SMG: 2d6 damage
Heavy Handgun: 3d6 damage
Heavy SMG: not concealable
>Concealibility is only as useful as the GM wants it to be
Debatable, the point is you have the option with a heavy pistol.
>use a bag
Bag gets taken/searched when you go in a secure area, now what? Meanwhile heavy pistol gets missed in the search
>run up to enemy by yourself
>get targeted by literally every bad guy because you have no cover
Melee has it's uses, but let's not be stupid.
If you're always Autofiring there's no reason to use a Heavy SMG, right?
If you're always using autofire? No, not really, but a heavy SMG does more damage when not using autofire and holds more bullets.
Anon here
The one time I played Shadowrun (campaign died after 1 session) was basically just some heist simulator with a complicated as hell character creation system, and it was mainly just me talking to the client while my two other party members fucked around in the basement and tried to steal from our client. I've never played Cyberpunk.
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NTA but no one loves using faggot as an insult more than gen z lgbt people. But also, I'm pretty sure the lancer thread would be for people who don't want to hang out in the mainstream fanbase? You know, like how if you approach anything with modern d&d it will be as gay and multiracial as lancer yet no one says there shouldn't be d&d threads
>SMGs only suck because of the stupid RAW Autofire rules, which alot of people ignore in favour of just rolling more dice.
I'm a newfag to the system, what's wrong with autofiring RAW? It seems very swingy but capable of doing a lot of damage
>SMG: 2d6 damage

Irrelevant when it's an autofire gun. Single Shot damage for both Heavy and Light SMGs is basically flavour.

>Bag gets taken/searched when you go in a secure area, now what? Meanwhile heavy pistol gets missed in the search

So the guard checks bags but doesn't pat people down, check their pockets, coats etc?

>get targeted by literally every bad guy because you have no cover

So, just dodge lmao. It's not like goons with pistols can even bypass my armor anyway
>It seems very swingy but capable of doing a lot of damage

That's the main issue with the skill. Huge XP investment and ammo consumption for unreliable damage with an extremely low crit chance. A common houserule to fix this issue is rolling an extra 2d6 dice for each value you beat the DV by, up to a weapon's maximum Autofire. So 6d6 for an optimal SMG roll and 8d6 for an optimal AR roll.

Essentially it doesn't increase the overall damage of Autofire, but makes damage more consistent and increases crit chance dramtically.
You use heavy armor? Most people don't because it sucks ass IIRC.
I thought RAW Autofire can't crit, period.
Nah but upgraded LAJ has SP 12 and only costs 200 eddies. A heavy pistol doing it's maximum damage for both hits would only let 13 damage through. But Heavy Pistols rolling that high is unlikely and even then, that's only beat a dodge check in the first place.

Point is that the best and most versatile weapon in the game has always been marital arts. Handguns are shitty NPC weapons.
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Trooned out during a game because the dndfag keeps misgendering my character. I roll everything from picrel, cultural origins, to coinflipping the character's sex. Recognize the authority of the dice gods, I am a Chinese Woman god damn it, do I need to do a chink accent to make it clearer?

Autofire can crit, it's just really hard to get double sixes with two die.

I like the swinginess of Autofire, everyone's yearning for consistency and reliable damage makes me sick.

I like that the prevalence of Neuroports says something about society. Technology marching on despite the inherent risks involved is interesting.
If I'm going for the apparently fairly popular 4 body, drop 2k at character creation for an implanted linear frame build, how does that work with the EMP protection stuff in black chrome?

I see there's one that protects all your internal Cyberware, and one that covers a single piece of Borgware. the frame itself is Borgware but requires enhanced muscle and bone lace (and body 6, which you don't get without it) for installation. but it's less clear if it's needed to function. do I need both the Borgware shielding and the internal Cyberware shielding to actually maintain my strength if hit by an EMP?

Obviously we're still starting so I'm not sure how common emp is as a risk, but I assume I'd have heard more about it if it was totally crippling, and I saw the FAQ thing saying you keep the hp but your death save and unarmed damage falls off a cliff so it's not going to be literally every encounter, just something I was adding to my long term shopping list for stuff to consider when I have more cash.
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Why did they give him such a garbage design in 2077?
Because they gave everyone in 2077 a garbage design because it's a garbage game
>am a Chinese Woman god damn it, do I need to do a chink accent to make it clearer?

yes, the more racist the better.
almost certainly engine/time limitations. very few enemies have different skeletons, I think sasquatch and smasher probably share the same framework tbqh, and he only appears briefly. it's a very practical explanation but it is very, very lame
Using autofire at all times means you're just walking around with a 2 or 4 shot gun that has a chance to do more damage, and your skill with it will improve slowly.
>everything else you said
Contextual, the point is you CAN conceal a heavy pistol on your person, you CANNOT conceal a heavy SMG or AR. That's all their is to it.
There was a ganger in the place with the giant arm, the one you rescue the doc from, that's very clearly a full borg when you go back later. But that's the only one, everyone else favors Gemini bodies. Because, AGAIN, the hooker in Finger's office was a full borg. They are very common.
*3 or 4
Real shit. The eclipse is such a baller design.
Very briefly is an understatement, he only appeared for 30 seconds to shoot a machine gun at one tenth of its fire rate before getting blasted off so Johnny could take over as everything on the roof of the tower suddenly turned into explodium.
Makes me wonder why they even bothered instead of just replacing him with some nameless jobber, especially considering Johnny's memory is already fucked enough that he could omit Blackhand entirely off the raid, and also the fact that Smasher shot him in half and had no idea who the fuck he even was.
makes me wanna do a campaign that's half chips half mad max
99% chance it's because someone wanted to put a cameo into a scene that was already done/too far along to change meaningfully, like Michiko also being just a background cameo. CDPR has always played incredibly fast & loose with source material, just look at the first Witcher.
Johnny's flashbacks are also not accurate, notice how Morgan Blackhand was nowhere to be seen? Don't assume that's how Shaitan actually looked. Also they couldn't say anything about Michiko because the were terrified of having to do her justice as the most interesting character in the setting, but not having the time to do it.
How is Combat Zone?
Thinking of picking it up just so I can have some setting-appropriate minis and obstacles to use with Red

source for the spreadsheets
yes I was slow to respond
You mean improved. CDPR, while being fans of Cyberpunk, made the right call in replacing a lot of the goofy designs from the TTRPG, like Shaitan. They also made the smart decision to get rid of dumb shit like the Bozos and keeping exotics in the background where they belong.
>Also they couldn't say anything about Michiko because the were terrified of having to do her justice as the most interesting character in the setting, but not having the time to do it.
Michiko is far from interesting. He's Mike waifu who he keeps trying to shove into things. Her only claims to fame are le funny cat girl company and being Smasher's side piece.
>Sure, if your character runs exclusively with martial arts and explosives, but you can't tell me with a straight face that handguns are worth investing into.
Well you got me with explosives, but he does use handguns as well. Which is ranged weapon of choice of half the party as well. Just put eight point into it actually.
> Making the crit rate higher just reinforces the martial arts/heavy weapons meta the game has.
And what are you on about, martial arts go up to 4d6, same as pistols, crit rate for both is the same.
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It has higher crit chance but the other claim is mathematically untrue. Rolling 6d6 instead of 2d6*3 has higher chance of rolling lower than average and lower chance of rolling higher than average.
utter nonsense. Rolling 6d6 dramatically decreases the chances of rolling all ones, it just also decreases the chances of rolling all sixes - and especially once you factor in the increased critical chance you get a slightly higher overall output. because you're significantly increasing the odds of two sixes.

more importantly it decreases the chances of getting a spectacularly bad roll, it is literally a thousand times less likely that you roll the minimum damage amount when rolling 6d6 vs 2d6x3. this means that for the player your damage is going to be more consistent, but the skill actually still maintains some swing because the amount you hit by still matters. it also decreases the chances that you roll max damage, but that seems a fair trade to me
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>If I'm going for the apparently fairly popular 4 body, drop 2k at character creation for an implanted linear frame build
I have not met a single expert on the matter who agrees with you. I've literally gone through every youtube choom and it's basically all the same complaint.
I'm getting really sick of this "one best way" optimizationtism plaguing these threads. Stop running spread sheets and run the fucking game you spergs.
>gave a black ops cyborg that’s meant to be able to turn nearly invisible to the naked eye silvery reflective skin

What makes the original eclipse goofy exactly?
Bozos are in, btw.
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>NO ONE on Earth is more "from California" than me.
Aren't you just a sluicy little puddle of bullshit?
Bozos are not in btw. You meet the last one and it's a kind gesture from the devs for a fan character. Bozos are fucking stupid and CDPR and everyone else knows it but you.
Bozos are great and they add a lot of flavor to the setting, honestly. I themed mine in Red around the entire idea of those clown sightings in 2016 and made them a group of loosely organized terrorists.
says the dude who went on a rant about fox news
Are there rules for suppressors/silencers in RED? I might have missed them in the Core book, but if I haven't (and suppressor/silencer rules exist), should I go look elsewhere?
the most recent DLC that makes up the OP image added them lol

rules for attacking from stealth are in the mission kit, tl;dr everyone makes one free attack, no evasion possible
>What makes the original eclipse goofy exactly?
The fact that it looks like a poor man's version of Briareos from Appleseed?
>Bozos are in, btw.
They're not. Ozob is just one guy and he's basically a meta reference. Funnily enough, Ozob looks like what I picture in my head when I hear the words "cyberpunk clown gangster", not whatever the fuck RTG has been pushing on people. If the Bozos had been in 2077 they probably would've gotten a much-needed revamp like the other gangs and the whole circus clown thing would've been treated like the dumb joke that it is.
Clearly, bootleg Cable from X-Men is superior. Very stealthy.
I honestly think that the bozos are a more sound concept than either the Lizzies, or the Nu-VDBs.
What's more likely to you?
>A gang of dudes who dress up like clowns to beat the shit out of people for petty cash and drugs.
>A gang of whores that somehow escaped from the not Yakuza-Triad and run a VR porn bar full of women you aren't allowed to fuck.

I'd take the Bozos any day just because they're inherently interesting and fun as enemies, more so than a group of mentally-stunted hackers, or some disgruntled vets that talk like a Twitter Strawman.
You're right. We can't have a game about fringe wacky fringe subcultures. Everyone in Night City should be identical, joyless edgelords, and marketably PunkTM to appeal to people who like $60 AAA games with cameos from movie stars and the wife of a billionaire industrialist.
I hate how cynical and insincere the newer Cyberpunk material is.
2020 was about having a great time and living fast, doing massive amounts of damage to bad people, and dying young and idealistic, locked and loaded, and maybe changing the world for the better.
The wold was vibrant and rich in an insane culture that grew in spite of the oppression that surrounded it, where people lived lives as meaningful as they were meaningless, where anyone could be somebody if they just reached out and took it.
It had this unkillable optimism that made it such a powerhouse in my eyes, and then 2077 & Red just took all of that, all of the life and idealism, and just crushed it because sincerity isn't in vogue, and optimism isn't marketable.
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So considering they are basically fucked in all but one of the 2077 endings who would you place money on filling the vacuum?
In the Tower ending, Zetatech starts to take over, but I doubt they'll be the new big bad antagonist corp for the 2080s.
"clown gang" has been a staple of the genre for longer than I've been alive, to be fair
Red is fucking disgustingly optimistic dude, what are you smoking? it asserts aggressively that if society collapsed locally everyone would be happier and would help each other
Gay nerd alert
> it asserts aggressively that if society collapsed locally everyone would be happier and would help each other
This is, admittedly, not unfounded in reality. News sources like portraying the sites of disasters as becoming hotbeds of looting and violence but not only is looting basically fine in the aftermath of an actual fucking disaster (if a tornado rips through my town, my neighborhood's not going hungry and whatever FEMA or the corporate entity owns Kroger is welcome to eat my entire ass if they have a problem with it. Also, the tragedy of the commons is a statist fairy tale invented to justify forbidding people from producing their own food), but people have proven to be generally willing to take it into their own hands to keep their communities functioning and safe in the absence of official, state-backed authority. People's mental health improves when they can do something useful that has a positive impact on the people around them. Schizophrenics and epileptics in embattled regions of the first World War even reported suffering fewer episodes and seizures when their focus was fixed on keeping their towns functioning and their families and neighbors alive and save. It's fucking weird. Sitting in a cube all day punching numbers into a spreadsheet and going home to an empty apartment with prepackaged, microwavable food every day is a barbaric lifestyle that will destroy your mind and erode your soul. Planting a garden and feeding the tribe literally makes you a healthier person.
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Do you mean to say that the industrial revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race?
I think the true failing of Time of the Red is that they seem utterly incapable of making anything but Gaia Online tier "I'm a paragon of virtue, but don't mess with me!" Personas and they fail to really make this period feel like the Great Depression/Dust Bowl of Cyberpunk where there should be emphasis on how these community efforts turn into organized crime and not just "We run charity drives for the parts we looted" organizations but honest to God syndicates who are fighting for control of the city out from under the disenfranchised Corpos who are too busy pulling the ladder up to care about anything down below. This works well since the Nomads are pretty much the only thing on brand, being they're effectively a bootlegging operation across the board.
>Michiko is far from interesting
Michiko is an Arasaka heir and faction leader who was a double agent with the NUSA government helping to track down 'saka remnants after the war, while also running a detective agency that catered to corpo clients. She is easily the most interesting character in the setting.
>And what are you on about, martial arts go up to 4d6, same as pistols, crit rate for both is the same.
I believe he's referring to the special moves that let you automatically crit enemies.
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Oke where the hell do I find a group to play TT and maybe rp with?
Bozos are awesome and you have shit taste and shit opinions.
The canon ending is the corpo ending. V is cured, stored in Mikoshi, and will get a new body because Goro is trustworthy and will make sure it happens. The reason it's the true ending is is brings V back, it allows a sequel, and a new body means new chargen, no implants, starting from scratch, and the time away from NC allows the city to change.
The best way? Sell your friends on it. That should be plan A), B), C) through to like M). Much easier if you're down to try GMing.

The gamefinder general on her is usually dead. There are discord servers for finding games, but they're mostly filled either by people who only play D&D, or worse, weird niggas who go from game to game with no discussion, effort or interest, they already have a character and are radio silent until they show up to session and contribute nothing besides rolling dice. It's possible to find good games on here, but you have to dig.
In the end isn't that the distilled message of cyberpunk?
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>This works well since the Nomads are pretty much the only thing on brand, being they're effectively a bootlegging operation across the board.
I find they work in every era. Really RED should have taken more from their way of doing things since their lifestyle is more in tune with how people would probably end up within the situation of the 2040's.
Considering what border security is like in 2077, maybe people were just not physically able to leave Night City.
>they seem utterly incapable of making anything but Gaia Online tier "I'm a paragon of virtue, but don't mess with me!"
Continental Brands, Bozos and Maelstrom a thing
I'm not disagreeing; I think Time of the Red is very much Time of the Nomad and it shows in the writing well at least.

I just don't think the structure is really there for how the period should look. We should by now have had a better look into how the gangs landscape and hierarchy functions parallel to the corporate world by now beyond what we get in something like DGD.

Although it's been a minute, I don't know what gangs are really in control of what supply lines or who really dominates what markets. We may have an outline of districts but they all seem pretty hodgepodge no?

Oke so.. What if I have no frens? Should I basically consider my chance to find a good table gone?

Whenever I talk with my friends about it they say that they prefer DND and I'm honestly tired of the fantasy bloat
Your sense of aesthetics are bad and you should feel bad about having them.

Shaitan, like a vast majority of designs, flatly worse after 2020
True, but the Bozos are a low effort copypaste of Killer Clowns from Outer Space, not even a low effort copy of Akira. RED setting is a mess of shitty ideas that mix like oil and water.
Reading the mission kit blurb about Smasher only having Cyberware needed for the campaign, I was wondering what he could have. Since he's a high functioning Cyberpsycho EMP doesn't limit him, so crunch wise as long as he has space he can throw a piece of cyberware on. So after an hour of just writing stuff down here's what I though he would have:

Neural Link / Neuroport
>Self-Ice x3
>Self-Ice Regenerator
>Prototype Sandevistan
>Braindance Recorder
>Chipware Socket w/ Checmical Analyzer, Olfactory Boost and Tactile Boost

>Two Cyclops Bug Eyes
>Hardened Cybereye Casing x2
>Low Light / Infrared / UV x2
>Anti-Dazzle x2
>Targeting Scope
>Radiation Detector
>Image Enhance x2

>Cyberaudio Suite
>Sensor Array = Gives +5 Slots
>Just give him literally ever semi-useful Cyberaudio. Amplified Hearing + Audio Recorder + Bug Detector + Homing Tracer + Level Damper + Radio Communicator + Radio Scanner / Music Player + Radar Detector + Scrambler / Descrambler + Voice Stress Analyzer + Communications Receiver w/ Descrambler

>Two Cyberarms
>Hardened Shielding x2
>Reinforced Cyberlimbs x2
>PopUp Autoshotgun
>Projectile Launch System
>Subdermal Grip
>Didn't know what to do with the last two so I just gave two random ones like grapple hand and that holoprojector

>Two Cyberarms
>Hardened Shielding x2
>Reinforced Cyberlimbs x2
>Jumpbooster x2
>Grip Foot x2
>Web Foot x2

>Omega Frame +TUp
>Perfected Hydraulics
>Internal Hardened Shielding
>Nanomatrix x2
>Ran out of ideas so I just threw AudioVox, Firebreather and Toxin Binders in there

>Smasher's Plating
>Armor Regeneration Matrix
>Heavy Subdermal Plating +TUp
>FBC Brimstone Coating
>FBC Chameleon Coating x3

You can probably further optimize it, but I'm not sure where to go from there.
Find a discord server for Cyberpunk and socialize, and wait for people to talk about starting a new game. I'd invite you to mine but they hate new people. We're literally about to start two campaigns, Red and 2020. 2020's a nomad game.
I once had Bozos as major antagonists, the leader of a group was dating the daughter of s low-level corpo magager and hires us to keep her safe while corpo assets hunted the gang, we ended up in a car chase gun fight. We were in an armored RV (courtesy of our nomad) and they were chasing us in brightly colored tiny cars with big wind up keys on the back. The gang wanted her for an experimental gene treatment that would make her birth naturally clowned babies.
Feel free to make up new stuff for him, he's have access to all kinds of 'saka prototypes.
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So my frens and I are about to start our 1st Cyberpunk RED sesh. I opted to not use any cybernetics at all, because I dont like that shit irl. My friend is DMing this for the 1st time too, and isnt sure if I am going to run into real trouble because of it? Is there like an extremist anti tech movement or anything? I rolled Lawman, so is my life going to be over before it begins?
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How do you feel about his justifications and perspective on the corpos when you have the one on one talk with him? I can't tell if it's willful blindness or actual blindness.
Wilful blindness, he never struck me as being stupid, despite his borderline anachronistic adherance to a code of honor when nobody else in the corp could give less of a shit.
Dude's just like Reed. He's a buckbroken lapdog, even when he had an out he just ran right back into the leash because he literally cannot imagine any other life anymore.
I don't think he truly had a feeler to the outside. It's the difference between him and corpo V. Takamura loses everything and never adapts, and just constantly tries to get back to the world he knows. V loses everything and immediately had someone there to tell them "you didn't lose anything you just got everything back". I wonder if Takamura every spoke to anyone below an executive level in a way that wasn't giving orders before Saburo's death.
Its a real shame you couldn't bring his ass along for the star ending and that every other path than the devil ends up with him committing sudoku.
Apparently CDPR were really surprised how much people actually ended up being invested in that character.
>Apparently CDPR were really surprised how much people actually ended up being invested in that character.
He's one who I fundamentally disagree with him but after that conversation I get it. Especially choosing Nomad and hearing how he feels about that life and how he sometimes thought about just leaving everything and being a Nomad but in the end he's too whipped to ever do it/has fully convinced himself the corpos are right for the world. If he were just sociopathic corpo man like your boss in the opening I'd imagine he'd be less popular, but he's got layers to him even if I assume most would disagree with him on most things. Also he doesn't betray you at any point unless you take another route. It is one thing about the Devil ending I can actually be sure on is that he probably will uphold what he says to V and will actually work to find a body for them.
he flips in the Tower ending, citing V as the 'bitter medicine' that finally led to him embracing the mullet
Considering that recent interview the lead writer for 2077 did, where they mentioned after living in LA, their walk to the train station putting them more on edge than anything in the game? Yeah, probably is. I live in LA county, barring the last time I went, I have almost stepped in human feces every time I've gone this last year. And I've gone a fair bit.
Considering how often people get their cars broken into, the shit on the streets and needles, it's like LA but with a somehow worse feces and drug problem. LA is probably sketchier, though.
Absolutely retarded take. I know you're probably joking, but yeah, fuck.
What was the table you rolled for that? Or was it just a "high vs. low" roll you did? I'm getting into RED, but I only have the starter kit. Is this an encounter in the actual rulebook?
I'm not the guy you responded to, but the guys at CD Projekt have an office in LA. The lead writer of 2077 moved to LA, and has said that seeing things in this city made him think they went too light in 2077. I've almost stepped in shit dozens of times in the last 2 years. Modern LA is becoming a shithole. NYC is probably worse than us, with maybe Seattle, Chicago, or Detroit being further up the totem pole of unlivable shitholes. But LA is fucking gross. I love LA, I fucking hate LA.
It's another interesting aspect to him, he actually learns after getting fucked twice by the system. A true ronin at that point forever on a quest to find a decent meal in Night City.
Militech in Night City, realistically. They're fucked, but probably not out of the field yet.
>with maybe Seattle, Chicago, or Detroit
>STL not relevant enough to make the shithole city cut
As expected.
>STL not relevant enough to make the shithole city cut
Anon, I am not sure what you mean. Would you mind reiterating?
I'm saying that no one brings up St. Louis as a shithole city option anymore.
A lot of Detroit's super gentrified these days. When most people think of Detroit, they're actually thinking of Highland Park.
you don't actually measure probably by seeing the percent chance of doing that much damage or more, do you? Jesus Christ
you don't know because it hasn't been explained, we actually know next to nothing about what night city looks like in red. I think the only glimpse is honestly in Dont Have A Stitch to Wear, which has some weird shit like the anarcho pacifist couriers but it at least has an abandoned mallplex turned market and fucked up supply lines and an old containership looting operation. the most we know about the gangs is that they play basically combat lacrosse to resolve disputes because violence is bad mkay
he comes from the slums and once in arasaka becomes a star student in their specops classes and is then selected to be saburos bodyguard. from his perspective he might as well have been saved from damnation by Jesus Christ personally, all his weird shit makes sense once you keep that in your head.
At the least, you'll probably have the highest Empathy of the crew, so you'll be able to ace all those social skills. Picture yourself as Togusa in Ghost in the Shell.
You can make up for the lack of cyberware with gear like an Agent and Smart-glasses (which can fit two cyberoptic upgrades without invasive surgery.) Might want to come up with an in-character reason not to 'Chip In'. Maybe a psychological aversion or a physical allergy. Could be useful for plot bunnies.

On the other hand, if your campaign ends up combat focused, you'll have to compensate for lack of 'ware with lots of guns and custom ammo, and better armour - you'll have to cop the penalties for medium or heavy armour if you don't want to end up dead, and be ready to suit up before a fight starts if you get any warning..
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>Braindance Recorder
Do you think they overlay Doom music on top of his BDs? They're probably primo shit on the market.oakpp
Seattle is not bad at all tbqh. it has a huge homeless problem but not a big crime problem or drug problem - a lot of the homeless are even employed. Detroit is also bad but not That Bad, it's poor as fuck but pretty calm these days.
Saint Louis is easily the worst place in the US, and it's really not even close. New Orleans has a lot of problems but they also have good things too. Saint Louis (and Detroit 20 years ago) are basically exactly what RED night city should be
That's kind of the issue I have yeah. They seem afraid to tell us how to make.our Night City, but what they do tell us about their Night City seems to be the most candy ass Dark Future ever.

I want to know how the Tyger Claws are doing, I want to know what the territory layout really looks like. I want to know who is moving what. I don't want to know that they're moving product to help a bus full of transgender kids.
No, it's shitty, low quality electronics, fully replacing all the sounds in recording. Jus tlook for irl drone footage and you got an idea.
You'd think Smasher would have high quality stuff simply because he seems like the type who goes over his own footage to jerk off over how badass he was on his kill cams, no? Can you imagine how patient Michiko had to be that at least 25% of her dates were BD and chill sessions of this guy fellating himself?
yeah I've been thinking about doing a little project for myself to help with that

basically I want to map out the hot zone using the old night city sourcebook, with locations that would have valuable stuff for looting like the basement of the museum, infocomp servers, old deeds in the municipal government buildings etc. I can at least do that without knowing what the rest of night city looks like. I also just like reclaimer and salvage campaigns in 2020/red and think it would be fun to have players dig through the rubble on behalf of shadey bosses. maybe nightcorp is looking for some trapped AI, maybe Arasaka wants to loot their tower but can't step foot in North America, maybe a eurocrat is trying to recover a Rembrandt or a developer is looking for some deeds to SNC land

it's getting very frustrating not having a clear picture of night city and we are probably 3 years away from getting one, because next year will be rusted chrome and another book I'm forgetting, and they'll probably put out the 2077 core book in the next year or two.
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>When you try to escape the dystopian hellscape of modern society by roleplaying you're in an even worse one but reality continues to outpace your wildest fantasy with how shitty society can be.
Michiko was absolutely into her giant violent bishie superhuman and all his corny lines. She was probably fellating him harder than he was himself.
I think she just has a fetish for white americans tbqhz she did go ahead and marry one. might be a daddy issues thing since saburo never stops talking about how whites/Americans are subhuman barbarians...
Adam was allowed to date the only child of Saburo's favorite son and heir presumptive, date her long enough for them to break up naturally in canon.
That indicates a pretty substantial amount of quiet favor from the Old Storm Mountain himself. That an 'American', the group of people that Saburo explicitly hates, was allowed to be with his direct descendent in an intimate manner like that, and even more that he wasn't eliminated after their break-up.

It's not spelled out in canon, but that's possibly more favor than Saburo showed literally anyone else who wasn't a direct member of his family, and maybe Takemura (his direct aide and personal bodyguard).
You're going to be well suited to be a face, but no there's no big issue with it. But you'll find it hard to use a lot of technology.
It could be assumed that under the table that things broke off expressly because he's Adam Smasher.
it's genuinely not a big deal at all, not until high levels. just spend your eddies on guns and put some levels into conversation and accept being the only Normie in a group of psychos
you'll definitely want to splurge on guns though, so I hope you have at least athletics, autofire and shoulder arms.
Adam is Saburo's top guy, he hardly counts as an american at this point, or human in general.
Besides, I'm pretty sure he considers Michiko a lost cause with the kind of shit she's been up to
more important question: why the fuck was Adam playing personal bodyguard to Yori, and why the fuck is he loyal to Yori?

the easy answer is that he just likes killing, but still
Saburo clearly transferred over his contract so that he could ensure his idiot fuckup son had at least 1 competent bodyguard.
To be fair, Soburo might have felt different if Adam was capable of knocking her up.
he might have assumed that smasher was loyal to him or the corporation and that he could order smasher to spy on or perhaps eliminate yori
It's entirely possible that Smasher has a brain chip that forces him to obey direct orders from a designated user. That's entirely feasible
yeah, and now that ERMK has brought it up I really don't see why mikoshi wouldn't have a few smasher engrams on file and why they wouldn't tweak them. they had no problem making him a slave soldier and he had no problem being one, and they were making backups of everyone they could. the relic was basically a combination of saburos immortality project and the greatest counter intelligence program ever - get the wealthiest and most powerful people to let you make a perfect copy of their brain. araska of course guarantees full privacy lol
Having tweaked backup smashers just sort of makes sense
There are anti-cyberware extremists around. Not having cyberware is fine. Lawman, depends on the campaign.
What pisses me off most about RED, more than anything else, is their laziness in detailing Night City. They throw out a bunch of info about people, but not the places they exist in, they offer no context for anything and it makes everything incredibly confusing, especially for new players unfamiliar with the material.

They need a "Red Night City" sourcebook, and they need it fast.
I really wish Red leaned into doing less gamified and gimmick guns and more pastchies of real guns and more cutting edge or theoretical fire arms stuff
give me a P50 for fucks sake
yep. the idea behind red is actually pretty cool and I think playing in a half rebuild bombed out night city could be really fun
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One of the main plot threads of my current campaign is Saburo sending Smasher to seduce Michiko and sew chaos within Danger Gal.

I feel like this should be the canon reason Danger Gal no longer exists in 2077 and Michiko is back at Arasaka.
Can't you just homebrew a p90 yourself? Take an existing SMG template and give it some alternate stats
>better penetration, smaller package than most SMGs but decent range since it utilizes a bullpup design.
>Since it hails from Europe it's more expensive, harder to source parts and ammo, and mods are also harder to come by
>weak against certain enemies
>strong against others
Just fill out the details yourself.
Venerable Oni of Arasaka...

Hear the words of your Shogun, and obey...

Travel back to the land of your birth, go to the wayward daughter of Arasaka, married to barbarian stock and commanding terrible tiger-warriors...

...Go to her, break her of these childish notions of luxurious dominion. That anything found in barbarian lands can compare to the craftsmanship of her Clan. Remind her of the greatness of your body, that my order and my engineers have wrought. Remind her of the greatness of your skill, that my order and educators have cultivated. Remind her of the greatness of your tamed wildness, that upon my orders an Oni became a Samurai.

Remind her that it is my wisdom through which the world will be perfected.

And return her back to my guidance.
P50 isn't P90. and I'm capable of homebrewing. I am just pointing out that I don't like the direction that hunt takes the weapon design in.
No. Cyberpunk is not about "technology... le bad", it's about how technology is not going to prevent humans being shitters to each other all on its own. It's meant to be contrasted to idealistic "technology will solve all societal ills" 70s fiction.
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Does Saburo give a single fuck about Michiko until her father dies? Her mother is American so thats a stain on his legacy and her 18th birthday shows she's completely undisciplined and chaotic which makes her unreliable for his plans, are we just assuming he'll have paternal affection for all of his descendants?

When Saburo found out, I doubt he did anything more than grimace and command that it not to be discussed any further. Why fuck with your most valuable weapon for the sake of your roastie grandkid?
Kei's wife was also a pure-blooded Japanese woman, she just happened to be born in America, Saburo was noted as approving of the match. So Michiko is technically completely Japanese.
Can you point to where the 2020 or RED source material mentions his thoughts on Kei's marriage to an american? The wiki goes with "Kei also wanted to avoid Michiko meeting her grandfather Saburo, who would be displeased that his granddaughter was half-American" which meshed with the image of Saburo in my mind, but its not like people havent made up shit to fill a wiki page before
I'll see if I can find it, maybe the corporation report.
It's entirely possible I'm actually a dumbass and mis-remembering stuff, so let me check.
I was indeed mis-remembering
As far as I can tell, there's absolutely no mention of Saburo's opinion on Michiko anywhere in the Corporation Report or the Firestorm books. Simultaneously, however, there's no mention of Kei thinking of Saburo being disapproving of Michiko for being 'American' in cyberpunk RED, as the Wiki cites.

Kei is unmarried in the Corp Report, Michiko isn't mentioned in Firestorms, and in RED it's only mentioned that what she did after her father died. No real mention of Saburo's opinion on his niece during that time. Considering Saburo couldn't leave the compound, it's no surprise that she never met her grandfather from overseas.

So it's ultimately a wash, far as I can see. The wiki pulled that bit of information from nowhere, but i don't have any evidence of my own statement either.

Sorry bout that.
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can see why you'd think that though, kind of autistic for a jap supremacist to dislike a pure jap kid just cause of her citizenship status
Makes sense to me. Pure in blood but tainted in mind by the filthy Amerigaijin pigs and their shitty greasy cheeseburgers.
Saburo wants to turn the entire world into Japan, he's a fascist in the classical, Italian sense.

Man's a giga-otaku, he spent millions of dollars putting engineering stations in space so that his officers could all have super-special orbital crystal katanas. All officers, which includes basically every ethnicity because Arasaka is a worldwide corp. Every officer, no matter their race or origin, gets a super-special space-crystal katana because that makes them more like Samurai.

Saburo wants everyone to act Japanese because no one loves Japan more than Saburo loves Japan, and he wants the entire world to act like Japan too.

It's frankly one of his most entertaining features.
He has Berserker only because they didn't want to write all the FBC rules (tho his one is even better)
He had Wolvers in 2020
>Perfected Hydraulics
Upgrade it as well because fuck it might as well
It's Elvis, baka know your lore.
Out of curiosity how do you portray Marc Sanderson?
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I feel like this tracks until Hanako starts to get flirty with one of his yt boi employees and he deploys the tactical castration shinoborgs
>Apparently CDPR were really surprised how much people actually ended up being invested in that character.
Apparently CDPR were really surprised how much people wanted to be invested in their own character, since V is a complete fucking loser that can't even get a happy ending while Keanu Reeves Chungus can.
I don't think it's possible for Johnny Silverhand to be happy.
As stupid as it sounds it's a 10d chess move by Saburo.

>Grandaughter starts up some dumb catgirl corp with the specific purpose of countering Arasaka
>Even worse, she runs it with her disgusting gaijin husband you disaprove of
>But one of your most loyal employees is her teenage lover she has conflicted feeling about
>Send in Smasher to ruin the marriage, tank Danger Gal's stock and bring Michiko back to her family all in one fell swoop

All before the mandatory employee drinks at 10. Pretty sweet being the emperor.
So I'm reading NeoTribes, can someone tell me what the shit Kith is even for? What does it do? Because I read the whole thing and I don't get it, am I just a retard?
kek I just read neotribes too. it's sure something, huh? did you read the adventure yet? it literally ends with 2 weeks of downtime followed by a cutscene and then Everyone Clapped.
happy endings are gay and you sound butthurt
I haven't set out everything in stone, but my basic concept is Danger Gal is currently beset by infighting. One faction wants to deepen ties to the NUSA while others argue Danger Gal needs to remain independent. Regardless, due to this infighting the corp loses sight of it's original goal of combating Arasaka and that's where Smasher comes in to destabilise things further.

Marc will be the leader of the independant faction, whereas a Danger Gal afflitated PC from our last campaign will lead the pro NUSA faction.

I'll probably portray Marc as a fairly intelligent, sympathetic character who ultimately gets fucked over, since in the grander scheme of things, Danger Gal is a small fish swimming with sharks.
its the pickup skill for characters from nomad backgrounds who don't want to use the Nomad role, basically just a weaker version of Family. like a solo using streetwise is worse than a Fixer using streetdeal, an Aldecado netrunner can still rely on the clan somewhat if he has points in Kith
kinda wish networking [specific] was a skill, so you could have networking corps or networking nomads or networking gangs and so on, to reflect knowing people. yes I know street deal exists
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Anyone have advice on how they adapt irl 2020's celebs into the tabletop? Keanu is a canon lookalike version of Silverhand but he's described as "a little-known Collapse-era actor" so if he is making movies still he's probably very obscure

Is cyberpunk mainstream media just too unstable and cutthroat for celebrities to last long once they've reached stardom? or is cyberpunk media so different from irl media that the cyberpunk versions of actual celebrities just become caricatures of themselves to appeal to the degenerate overstimulated masses, otherwise they wouldn't ever get noticed amidst the sheer number of freaks in cyber hollywood?

I don't use them as anything more than cameos but I still want to have an idea of how their cyberpunk version would translate
Ariana Grande is sponsored by Biotechnica which offers her a wide selection of bioware and cosmetic implants, allowing her to infiltrate influence many varying and conflicting audiences at once.
Just judging by the game as far as conventional celebrities go (conventional as in the ones that are famous for being artists and not murderers) it seems the ones that make it to real stardom will never *ever* fucking die and constantly have to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.
By that token new celebrities with any staying power are probably few and far between since the time to get a foothold in the industry was 60 years ago.

Also even as far as 2020 there were people who would just bodysculpt themselves to skinwalk as celebrities, with entire posergangs of impersonators like you just ran into the Kings from New Vegas. Seems celebrities might have started somehow copyrighting their likeness by 2077 like Kerry did, or just forgoing their flesh entirely in Lizzy Wizzy's case.
So genuine celebrity status should be reserved to the lucky few who have made it to the A-list and hold their spot amidst a sea of competitors, and lesser known celebrities are so common that most people dont ever notice (or care) if they meet someone who'd be a B-list or C-lister? Then add on top of that how easy it is to impersonate actual celebrities and someone in Night City probably runs into countless impersonators every year, no way of telling if someone is actually the real deal?

That explains why celebs are less important than the work they put out in the cyberverse since anyone can theoretically have chipware that makes them a carbon copy of any performer or actor, but its harder to make media that fans actually want to consume. then compare it to irl where taylor swift can re-release 15 year old album multiple times and her cult eats it up every time

And then adding in the corporate shilling which constantly chums the waters looking for a bite

Seems like they're worthy of a random snippet of lore here and there, maybe a dedicated adventure like the eurotour, and really not much more than that. Guess its pointless expanding upon them if theyre not a major character in a plot
You must keep in mind, however, that "Rockerboy" is a role centered entirely around being some kind of celebrity, in a loose definition of the word.
Plenty of shit you could do with a celebrity run, but probably not that much more than things you already thought of. Like babysitting duty for a washed up has-been junkie or being a bodyguards for a pop star to protect them from psychofans who mailed her acid bombs.
shit, you got me there, corpo influence isn't able to completely subjugate media tastes. Rockerboys are a staple of cyberpunk culture, so maybe I should divide any actual celebs I want to include into (corpo-backed) and (underground-backed) groups?

That's a fair critique, celebrity clients/encounters aren't exactly uncommon in this game so unless my players laugh when I throw Paul Reubens in as a surprise NPC then there's not much more benefit than if I just used a rando
>I should divide any actual celebs I want to include into (corpo-backed) and (underground-backed) groups?
Not a bad idea. After all, celebrity is relative, it's perspective. I could meet the greatest Broadway singer alive today and it would mean nothing to me because I don't follow Broadway. In the world of Cyberpunk, everyone is divided into subcultures, and subcultures have their own fames. Some people transcend demographics and become well-known and reputable among pretty much everyone and they're usually either corporate plants or Johnny Silverhand-style fucking crazy.
Okay that makes sense, a way to get bootleg Family even though you have a different role, that's very helpful.
>Some people transcend demographics and become well-known and reputable among pretty much everyone and they're usually either corporate plants or Johnny Silverhand-style fucking crazy

Now there is a third group actually worth including in a session, the ones important enough to be recognizable and enjoyable but also step on the toes of the people above them and refuse to shift into being corporate assets
Isn't this what fixers are for, though? glorified information brokers (middlemen)?
That's the Rockerboy ideal: never sell out, and become too big and loud to ignore.
Lads, we better get ready for an influx of newbies now that there is a Neuromancer show in the works.
If they wanna drop a new book, that will be the best time to do it.
I’m cautiously curious. Haven’t heard much about it but I seriously adore the books. 2020 got me into Gibson, and between that and the fun times I’ve had with my group, I’m not sure what I enjoyed more.
I'm supposed to pretend a random Apple+ show is gonna revive a random 80's sci-fi series?
I’m pretty sure anon meant a new book for RED to ride the wave of people who’ll pretend they’ve always been genre diehards.
A random Polish video game revived a random 90s RPG. Weirder things have happened.
AAA video games usually are more compelling and interesting than an obscure show on one of these countless streaming services, no? then again apple tv+ might be more competent than whatever tf amazon is doing
Its not about what gets popular, its about what the devs think is popular and want to make sourcebooks about
But what kind of sourcebook could they make from neuromancer? a netrunner book? that aint my bag, baby
Any of the endings could cure V, though. The NUSA had a cure so obviously the technology to cure V exists, its about whether V can access that technology and what payment is being demanded in exchange, which is why I think Don't Fear The Reaper is the best possible end for V. V and Johnny will either take the cure for themselves, or burn Arasaka to the ground in the process
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Even in the ending from the expansion where you are cured it comes at an incredible cost. Your body is basically rejecting your hardware and you have to live like one of those monks from now on.

The only other party who could (Arasaka, the maker of the chip) either can't or won't. And there is very little to hope for outside of that. Even with happy little tarot readings, your life expectancy is limited to months.
The NUSA just uses a neural matrix to suck up Silverhand, I'm guessing the other endings could haplessly stumble into tech that hamfistedly solves the chip much like the matrix does

But that aside, the Arasaka ending is the most interesting canon end if they're bringing V back for Orion. Silverhand's gone, V's signed up to do the most wretched and dangerous missions Arasaka has on offer, Adam Smasher is the self-righteous prick critiquing your decisions and constantly pushing you to max out your cyberware meter
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>that Arasaka pussy is mid, ngl
>"Adam, there've been a lot of rumors about your love life. Did you meet anyone special in Night City?"

>"Not any special ones," *crushes the interviewer's head*
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wait pic related
That's kind of the issue. Even Militech's best option was to cripple you. Arasaka's best option is to just say "fuck it. You broke our stuff. Best we can offer is a free clone." The most optimistic hope outside of this is a suicide mission to the crystal palace.

I honestly don't want V coming back in Orion. I want the next Cyberpunk game to be more grounded in Night City's world and not the story of a Not Johnny Pneumonic.
militech crippled you because they used you, they clearly used the relic to turn V into a perfect black ops meat puppet. and then you got turned and burned just like songbird. it's why reed feels so guilty and why militech was able to make so many inroads into night city
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I love grenades now

>toss grenade into 3 raffen mooks
>roll three 6s on a total of 25
>all three mooks take an injury and total 30 damage
>2 pretty much instantly die at next death save.
>last one gets finished off by lawman punching his arm off

Combat solved in 2 turns. Real nice.
Explosives are great.
There's a reason my current character is literally named "Grenade" in Japanese.

I already have four arms so I can hold a grenade launcher and have two more pop-up grenade launchers at the ready inside my arms (the other two arms have different things, including a heavy melee weapon and grapple hands, in them) and my next plan is to get pic related, store it in a skinpocket and then have my femurs hollowed out so I can store rocket ammo inside my thighs.
This isn't Pondsmith's 2020. V is an entity of Night City's wretched technological subjugation regardless of their origin or intentions, a new skeletal pillar of NC philosophy. Engrams are obviously the Arasaka schematic of the future, so Arasaka has to confront the Oni's that have been harbored over the past hundred years or so if they want to ascend beyond mere hardware roadblocks

It can all tie together, or you can have Orion shuffle off to the next hapless loser whose cyberware exceeds their empathy and we get to pretend to care about some random merc from 2080
Militech is one of the biggest players in Night City with or without V. They didn't need to establish any foothold. The only thing you really have to offer them is one of the most powerful weapons of all time, and you could make an argument that they cripple you for it but it doesn't really make sense since when they have it in possession there's no reason they can't just kill you.

I would honestly prefer a new face, yes. One of the key themes of Cyberpunk is death comes cheap. I'm ok with one character's story ending.
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based, get him a BD recorder to make his own Michael Bay movies. Blow up the world, choom.

Mine has zero levels in Heavy Weapons so i'll stick to hand throwing them. Hand throwing is pretty style too.
If its an actual rpg like the tabletop. cool, give us an OC. I want to simp for 6th street

If its another action/adventure that removes its rpg tag like two weeks into launch, give me V again
>anon plays a game where even the main books says your characters are going to shine bright and snuff it early
>wtf why did the main character of the game not ride off into the sunset like the original ending to blade runner
>and constantly pushing you to max out your cyberware meter
He didn't need to ask I was already going to do it.
>I want the next Cyberpunk game to be more grounded in Night City's world
Considering how much of 2077 was blackwall and AI set up I wouldn't get your hopes up.
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>corners you in Arasaka HQ showers
>"still got that Mr. Stud XCV/22 series from last year's catalogue I see"
>"a rudimentary implant"
You people need to quit playing pretend that the current state of the game isn't an RPG.
Which of the 2077 apartments would you say would make the best hideout?
>Always play the same character saying the same things and going to the same places
It's a cool action adventure with a skilltree.
It's not an RPG
hopping on this, is it that important for people to burn bright and die in a cyberpunk setting? a bunch of cyberpunk stories i read have the main character retiring after doing a big gig
Would you rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody, die dipe, old and smelling slightly of urine? Or go down for all times in a blaze of glory, smelling near like posies, without seeing your thirtieth?
I'd rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody and have a kid and a steady job. And I guarantee 99% of the PCs in a Cyberpunk setting are in it to make money and retire, not to end up as a cool story some guy tells another guy over a beer
Did one of the main characters from the Neuromancer series retire?
>Maybe Falco if he retired after surviving a punch from Smasher
Seems like only Rockerboys live in the "go out with a bang, fuck the corps" mindset. Everyone else just wants to get paid for doing merc work and know when to fold if they scored big.
>only rockerboys
shit, forgot about David. Been a while but I think he is a special case since he is a cyperpsycho that needs to 'go to the top' like what his mom said.
Regardless, continuing work when you did something like bringing anarchy like what an anon was playing through a couple threads back is plain suicidal and retarded.
you know you can do both, right? Blackhand and Rogue is right there
The Devil ending is the only one that guarantees V gets a new life, new body, and sets up new character generation. It's not just about if he gets a cure, it's about setting up a sequel.
All the links with RED files are dead. Does one have to reach out to Share Thread for books now?
If they keep V, they will make all the endings fit into the story. The did it with the Witchers, I don't remember to what extent though, but you could choose who lives and who you sided with in the previous games. So there won't be a canon ending.
They can't do that with Cyberpunk, since one ending has V die outright and Johnny gets the body, one has him go die in the desert with Panam, one leaves him a monk, and one puts him in an entirely new body, those things are not compatible. It's either Devil, or V's not in the sequel.
I wouldn't call it both, I don't think either will go out peacefully. They just happened to make it past their 30th but they clearly made a choice.
You seem to be forgetting the Sun.
Oh the one where he does nothing to cure himself, and goes to space for a heist, and nothing in that ending suggests it's for something to save his life to begin with? IDK why people think he's going to the Palace for some kind of cure or solution.
You think V being a monk is some obstacle out of all things? Have you read Neuromancer? Anyway, we don't actually see V die. The only ending where all is lost is probably when you die during don't fear the reaper or an hero. Engrams exist, they can always pull that card. This is the studio that made witcher 2 amnesia bullshit. The tech to bring back the dead exists, and you have a chip for that shit inside your head.

Will they bring V back? I doubt it, I don't think it's a good choice since that story already ended. If you want to see what character motivation you would even have after a time skip, see the NUSA ending. Everybody you knew moved on, you are a stranger in a future world. Doubt their writers would think that is a good starting point.
>IDK why people think he's going to the Palace for some kind of cure or solution.
Him saying this was some sort of deal with Blue Eyes, not just eddies. And considering everything surrounding Nightcorp in the game it's not hard to put two and two together.
>next plan is to get pic related, store it in a skinpocket
Our Media have it, using it to get +1 to breast cup.
Realistically either city center one since you can't outsource the security or the Laguna Bend since it's in fuck of nowhere.
At least for 2020 one have this
the-3y3 dot 3u/public/Books/rpg.rem.uz/Cyberpunk/
Doesn't have Input/Output or Punk 21 vol3 there were found in past year but it does have most of 2020. For RED you have to archive dive I think.
Sun has Mr. Blue Eye the guy who organized Songbirds moon trip so he might have something.
In Star there is one very slight chance Technomancers are still alive and Aldecados have enough good will with them for them to help/
Yeah, a couple. Including the archetypal corpo solo. Just about the only character who meets a really gruesome end is Johnny Mnemonic. Everyone else either gets out of the game, settles down, has a spouse and kids, or stays roughly where they were. There’s a real Cinderella ending for one character too, and a few more bizarre ones.

Alpha Centauri…
It's possible that it can be both an individual and societies fault at the same time.
We all make choices but that choices ultimately must be made in the particular context of our environment.
People have limited time, energy, resources and abilities and everyone has to sacrifice something whether or not they're aware of it. The harsher the environment, the scarcer the resources, the more difficult it is to draw on the help of others, the more sacrifices people need to make. Desperation is always dangerous.
This doesn't make desperate actions good or right but it does make them more than arbitrary.
Even the most developed morality still needs to operate in the world for this to work you need to do more than determine guilt.
>gruesome end is Johnny Mnemonic
yeah man, living with molly at the unabomber commune... from what I remember, most gibson stories had a more or less hopeful ending, with count zero obviously lucking out the most
Well, he wins big in his own story, but in Neuromancer proper Molly makes a reference to him getting whacked by the Yakuza. I mean it makes sense, his plan was basically to blackmail them forever and that was never gonna work out.
Do netrunners feel the passage of time differently when jacked in? In 2020 it was probably different since they'd fully go unconscious and load themselves into the net but in red a netrunner can take 3-5 net actions while being aware enough of the real world to dodge bullets. I was thinking about it today and wondered if being a netrunner in red who is jacked in for a long time becomes an existential hell. Imagine being a corporate sysop with 3 net actions (rank 4) and you have to sit in the company's massive netarch for 8 hours but because time moves three times more slowly it feels like 24. That could explain why sysop netrunners aren't plugged all the time. Of course if you're just an infiltrator who will be in and out in less than two minutes it's not an issue at all.
r3br@nd<dot>ly /cymbergaj
You should also bookmark the recent additions mega. They had the edgerunners kit uploaded by saturday morning, these pirates know their shit.
reshuffled the order of chapters to meet the new template (the one used in Drones & Puppeteers).

Will add Dai Oni in next expansion.
Don't forget the thread name in the next one.
Then you do it.
If V is going to be in the sequel, Devil has to be canon
>some sort of deal with Blue Eyes
To get there. It's in orbit you know, can't exactly drive there.
Aw fuck yeah, I love these.
I'd say you need to quit being so fucking imbecilic, but without your grand stupidity, you'd have nothing.
It's an RPG. Asuch as the TTRPG is an RPG in comparison to D&D. You simply don't want to believe that to me the case.
Cope. You're dead and gone, a corpo plaything in the devil. Returning to the land of the living is as plausible as finding a magic cure (no strings attached I promise) in any of the other endings. Otherwise the game message would be "actually trust the corpos".
I see you never saved Goro and saw how he affected the ending. He would make sure V got a new body.

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