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Death Company Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

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>Thread Question:
Which Warhammer 40k model or unit do you think has the best design?
TQ Blood Angels tactical squad no question. Also why can't Astorath join non death company jump pack squads? He's the head chaplain isn't he?
God I wish, they would actually be cool then.

>leg armor to invoke the stereotypical samurai armor
This is such a generic feature in so many eastern armors that its not even worth bringing up. I get it, you are cumming and pissing over the new assassins creed game, and now you're an expert.

>>white armor with a red circle as their new boxart scheme
If this you trying to bring up the rising sun motif or whatever, you are determinedly retarded. Its supposed to be a Bindi.

>>cherry blossoms all over everything
>its actually on just one character
>cherry blossoms are TOTALLY only native to Japan Ignore (Nepal, India, Pakistan, Iran, india, etc etc)

>their main character wields a magic katana
Its not katana, and even if it was Indians have their own Katanas. Its not Wholly the same, but they are similar. Also, far sight is an outcast to Tau hes not a representative of Tau as a whole.

>they all speak with japanese accents
I dont speak moonrunes or streetshitter, but im pretty sure what little books they have cant talk to you.

>but clearly they're supposed to be pajeets because one pajeet religion has them carry a knife
Multiple of their suits are named after Indian myhtology, and the race is designed after Rama, from the Ramayana.

Man that old death company chaplain was kino.


the 2nd edition metal plague marines.
I think the exorcist is peak 40k.
well its gonna be something after 8th edition for sure.
I like the Space Marine Rhino and Predator and all their many derivatives, particularly the castigator.
that's a whole lotta cope to ignore that tau were introduced as the japanese mecha faction
Sisters Exorcist, peak 40k
Have to wait for a codex to sort a lot of stuff out. Speaking of him though, he might be next to get a remake.
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I'm gonna The War of Dark Revelations look like a fucking joke!
Im gonna
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Fire Warriors, its just a superb simple design. They look fantastic. One big shoulderpad for additional armour, right pad smaller for sighting their weapon better. Its just great.
No other legion has as cool a marine as the Death Company, in particular that chaplain. Probably why I gave the blood angels a second look and actually picked them up. You can’t compete with this picture for cool in the 90’s.
Swear to fuck if all these people keep answering the TQ and not posting an image of the thing they're referring to I'm going to lose my shit. We don't all have encyclopedic autism powered knowledge of what every unit in the game looks like
There really needs to be more examples of deals with the Dark Eldar working out with both sides only slightly screwed over rather than every one ending in their totally fucking over anyone that allows with them. It begs the question why anyone ever accepts their help to begin with.
I'm gonna the post too!
Would you really give that many Death Company just bolters? Surely you want them to rip'n'tear, any basic bitch Tactical marine can use a bolter.
I mean he has upwards of 40 skulls on his person.
in 10e you're just slapping heavy pistols and power fists on every single death company model
Yes, they shoot until they run out of ammo, that’s quite a lot of dead Horus, then they charge with knives and fists, even more dead Horus.
I don't know if I hate that my autism made me go and count them more or if I hate that you were right more
Falcon and maybe hemlock
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I want to know what genius let the hallucinating murder marine check a missile launcher out of the armoury.
I had to count them. Once I noticed how many were in the crozius alone.
We’re here for a good time, not a long time. The Death Company motto.
There's a very subtle elegance to the Drop Pod that feels almost as iconic to the setting as bolters and chainswords. It's very satisfying in the most autistic of ways.
Brothers! Sons of Sanguinius! Today, we stand on the precipice of glory and sacrifice! The echoes of our Primarch’s last breath fill our hearts, the memory of his blood fueling our righteous fury! The Black Rage courses through your veins, a divine gift of vengeance, a sacred burden bestowed upon us by the Angel himself!

Look upon the enemy, these heretics, xenos, and traitors who defile the Emperor’s light! They think us mad, consumed by rage. They are right! For we are the Death Company, the fury of Sanguinius made manifest, the living embodiment of his wrath! Our minds may be shattered, but our purpose is pure. To kill in his name, to die in his name, to cleanse this galaxy of all that stands against the Emperor’s will!

Remember, brothers, the vision of our Primarch, the purity of his sacrifice! Let it guide your blades and steel your hearts! We are the sons of Baal, the harbingers of doom! In our final moments, we shall burn brighter than the sun, our names etched into the annals of legend!

For the Emperor! For Sanguinius! Death Company, unleash your fury! Show no mercy, for you shall receive none! Today, we forge our legacy in the crucible of war! To battle, brothers! To glory! To death!

Too bad it’s not very useful these days. Can’t charge out of it from deepstrike, and not a whole lot of close range units can do more than just sitting around while your opponent whittles away at them.
So you'd say no to the hallucinating murder marine, is that what I'm hearing?
Astorath, Lemartes, the Sanguinor, SG, regular DC marines, and maybe assault terminators are all in line for the next BAngels range update. I assume they would want to move on from resin while upscaling old marines to primaris.
Assault terminators would be nice. I love them with claws and the hammers too.
Sounds like something a Horus would say…
I would love a primarch sized Sanguinor model. He’s so small now. Also he would be the coolest looking loyalist one we are gonna get.
What is a Sanguinor? I dont know BA lore at all.
He’s Sanguinius’ warp ghost that shows up to save the day occasionally when they really, really need help.
warp entity spawned from the BA's faith
So its about as close as the BA will ever get to having their Primarch back?
He's a space ghost who looks like a space marine and sometimes shows up to do space marine things together with other space marines.
It’s him, but like Gandalf the White kinda situation, but he’s also a ghost.
thanks :)
More or less. He’s done some crazy shit, like pile driving K’Bandha from orbit once.
No, they'll get Sang back eventually.
Short of somehow having to find a load of multi meltas, think anyone would take issue with me just running the heavy flamers as them? They look pretty similar
A daemon who only exists to get shat on by primarchs it seems.
>get Sang back
God, no, that would be fucking awful, why would anyone want that? Its best he stays dead, like the rest of them should have.
Do you not know what the fuck a predator looks like? Do you not have google images?
Is the reason that 'eavy metal team doesnt give them eyebrows because they constantly singe them off with all their flamers and meltas?
>So its about as close as the BA will ever get to having their Primarch back?
Sanguinor itself IS Sanguinius pretty much.
Nevermind that we have already seen Sang "return" many times, that fucker just appears like every 2 weeks to give a small pep-talk to his sons before he disappears again.

The latest notable one was when Mephiston went under the primaris rubicon procedure and during it he found himself inside the Warp, where he then witnessed an Angel of Light and an Angel of Darkness battling against one another.
Then Sanguinius himself appears next to Mephiston after which Sang proceeds to explain to Meph that the Light Angel is in reality the Sanguinor and It and the Black Angel have been fighting within the Warp ever since time began.
The Black angel obviously being the darkness within all of them, ie. the Black Rage that sometimes manifests.

And the Angels existance has affected all Sons of Baal, from the current space marines to yes even the Xenos species who lived on Baal, before humanity ever set its foot on there.
And the influence and mirror of the Angels are seen in real space as the 2 moons of Baal, Baal Prime and Baal Secundus.
And the moment ends in that Sanguinius convinces Mephiston to take the Black Angel within himself to supress the chapter's flaw and weaken the Black Rage for a time, which would damn Mephiston's own soul.

GW is constantly setting up that Sanguinius will return, not as some "Sanguinor" thing, but as a full on Sanguinius himself is reborn.
You know it's gonna happen. They exist to make the most popular chapters sell more. Russ or Sangy is next
Events pre-approve conversions and proxies you silly billy
>think anyone would take issue with me just running the heavy flamers as them?
You'd probably be fine yeah.
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Oh god I just exposed my nogame ass
Nickelodeon, please.. the kids..
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>Thread Question
Eldar Falcon. Its just perfect.
The sanguinor isn't sanguinis but some sort of warp ghost.

Originally a sanguiniary guard who fell into the warp and became one of the dualities that make up the blood angels, embodying their nobility and such while the black anger embodies their savagery and rage.
cut the barrels off the flamers and replace them with the barrels from meltaguns.
So are helbrutes still bad or are they useful?
Is this XV88 basepaint?
ugly as sin so it doesnt matter.
>points aren't in the index cards pdf
Why do they make the game so obtuse.

You used to just need your codex and rulebook, now it's a bunch of different documents that get updated every month.
This is why people like army list programs/apps.
How about FW dreadnoughts?
Im sorry that an MFM every 6 months is too complicated and obtuse for you buddy
Is this why they're going to start charging for making more than one army? That is some bullshit.
I don’t quite understand why GW decided to limit hammers in 10th edition. Not only do they hit and wound worse now, but multiple units lost the ability to even take them.

GW wanted everything to be shrimple
>TQ: Probably the Morkanaut. That shit is so fucking funny
Sure, but removing hammers kinda goes against the whole “warhammer” thing, don’t you think?

>After that, some features will continue to be available for free, such as being able to create one army list, while unlimited army building becomes part of the Warhammer+ subscription. The armies that you have built during the free period will remain available.
I mean they look alright but its resin.
Oh the Warhammer app, yeah people use the actually good ones
Which one do you recommend? I’m just using the Warhammer app because I’m a brainlet that likes the little unit pictures

Battlescribe is the go to, newrecruit will probably be the replacement once they stop fucking around and actually make it into a functioning app
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Has anyone try to convert the ballistus dreadnought into a burgle hellbrute?
I converted the Terminator squad into Deathshroud.
I honestly fee like newrecruit is just vastly superior even as it is now.
You're entitled to have wrong opinions
Impressive, because I struggle to discern the initially loyalist bits aside from fat chest pieces
I'm sure you could come up with something for the ballistus
Buy the Retributor boxes, goyim!
new cypher is legitimately one of my favorite sculpts.
Has there ever been an Ork that didn't have a Cockney accident but something else, like a Slavic one?
No, because Orks are Bri'ish soccer hooligans.
Does anyone have a PDF of the Ork Codex that has all the lore and art?
I wonder if the Orks would like Soccer...
no I won't share.
go buy a copy from your local gaming store.
Don't buy a codex, no matter what. It's never worth it.
They prefer bloodbowl
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did ya mean footy, git?
Every clan speaks broken English (Low Gothic) with the same slang but a different accent.
Goffs are Cockney
Bad Moons are Irish (drunk)
Evil Suns are Kiwis (sober)
Snake Bitez are Australian (cunt)
Blood Axes are Scottish (thick)
Deathskulls are Eastern European (bad stereotype)
Ok, stupid question. If my Lieutenant’s bodyguard unit dies, can I move it over to another squad of tacticus marines and re-embed him to give that unit bonuses?
Nope. There is no rule that allows you to do that, sadly.
I wish death company hd terminators
Terminators are too cool for them
Nah, it’s fine. I’m just wondering why the anvil siege force detachment has a 20 point enhancement that allows captains to get back up after dying, even though captains can’t die if they are protected by a bodyguard

They’re not monsters or vehicles, they’re just heavy infantry with a couple of abilities. It seems like a waste of enhancement, right? Maybe I’m stupid.
>even though captains can’t die if they are protected by a bodyguard
Weapons with Precision can target your leaders past the body guard. The Epic challenge stratagem lets a character target another in melee.
Setting your captain back up after a shooting attack can let you hold onto an objective.
They still are a model that can complete actions and objectives and contribute to fights.
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I do certainly love this git. But the warboss in mega armor takes my heart.
Ok so I’m trying to fill out a list, I have 260 pts left, what should I get?
>Chapter: Imperial Fists
>Detachment: Anvil Siege force
1x Tor Garadon
2x Gravis Captain
4x Heavy Intercessor squad (2 embedded to Gravis Captain)
2x Agressors (Embedded to Gravis Captain)
2x Eradicators (embedded to Tor)
2x Repulsor
1x Ballistus Dreadnought
1x Gladiator Lancer
Ok genuine question, how have a few hundred worlds populated by tau auxiliaries worshiping the greater good spawned a new goddess in the warp in only a few centuries while the entire fucking imperium worshiping sanguinius on sanguinala has had zero actual effect on anything
I'll believe this when we finally get a ciaphas cain model with rules
IG is not popular
>asymmetrical for no reason
This might be the single worst design I have ever seen, moreso because the rest of the design is good
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So at this point I can almost bet that they'll probably make models for all the primarchs (yes, even the dead ones) and bring them back for the extra sales.

Now I'm not looking forward to 30k style Primarch duels in every other game, but every time a Primarch was released their old legion/chapter got some extra love and new kits so I'm looking forward to what they'll come up with for Word Bearers.

Any guesses on what your army will get?
since all the primarchs already have models for hh why don't people just use those and make homebrew rules for them to play in 40k instead of begging for their favourite primarch to make a return in the fluff
What are some good paint brushes that I can use for fine detail work?
Because almost nobody plays with homebrew units or army rules, just a gentleman agreement to ignore or change some bad rules.
Tau are more psychic than humans
The Space Marines can overcome any force.
The Orks can WAAAAAUGH! anything.
The Tyranids will eat anything.
The Tau wll try and befriend anything.
Chaos will attempt to corrupt anything.
But there is one thing that these characters cannot overcome.
The Player.
Who is this and why do I feel like I missed out on something in my childhood
not at all
Sarah Michelle Gellar I believe
they're way less psychic, that's why i specified tau auxiliaries
Yup. Gellar fields are named after her.
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post models
was working on the sword of a 3d printed GUO, im not exactly sure how to approach the greek of the skin , not something iv done before, ill probably just watch how Duncan does it
why do you bring 2x captains?
I love heavy intercessors but I don't think they'll make much use of the captain when you have aggressors running around
If I have a 3D printer, where should I be looking to find blueprints for models? I'm a moron and also new to all of this stuff.
if you're cool enough, the STL will find you
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>post models
just finished this dude last night. Happy with how he turned out
Get telegram and look up the 40k stl channel.
Thank you.
I brought 2 captains because one goes on the aggressors, and one goes on the heavy intercessors for the free 1 point stratagem. I’m thinking something like the battle drill recall or rigid discipline to maintain objective control
Missed opportunity use STC for the extension. The blunder...
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Finished this space marine hero yesterday
>that has all the lore and art?
You mean like 4th Edition?
>muh symmetry
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Finished a test skit last night
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Anybody got some post-heresy Word Bearers audio books recommendations? Looking for new stuff to listen to while painting and I had my fill of HH for now.
The rites of battle ability can only be used by one model each battle round.
If you still want a character for your HI, you can try an apothecary biologis for the free lethal hits
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Love me kyn, simple as
>Rites of battle can only be used once per character per round
Damn, that really nerfs it into the ground. I thought that it was nerfed to only reduce stratagem cost by 1 which seemed reasonable but only having one captain to make use of it sucks lmao
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>Which Warhammer 40k model or unit do you think has the best design?
The old style Emperors Champion. Simple, effective pose, it just works. Looks like hes just going to walk forward and take someone's head off in very short order.
They fucked it up with the newer re-sculpt, turning the sword the wrong way round, raising the left leg for a tactical rock, raising the right arm to hold the sword even higher. He's posing, showing off, its weakened the model. I prefer the original one, he looks like an executioner, not a poser.
you think this looks like a striking pose and not just generic holding sword aloft pose? Are you schtewpid?
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No? He looks like hes leading a charge, summoning the rest of his allies into a charge, giving them the sword as a focal point on the battlefield briefly.
Heres the new one, where hes just showing off and being a giant poser. I think its vastly weaker, the original implies threat, the resculpt screams "look at me showing off".
they're both static movie poster poses, you're just blinded by nostalgia
Except the first one is clearly walking forwards, whereas the second one is standing still.
no flow or sense to the pose, doesn't look like he's walking at all
I'm just going to leave it there, we obviously see things differently.
I love this one, hate the tactical rock and the way he holds the sword on >>93195100
>blinded by nostalgia
Its got nothing to do with it being an older model, it could well stand to have more detail on it, I wouldn't be bothered by that, but the pose of the newer one is a straight downgrade.
How does lethal hits and devastating wounds interact? Do you still have to roll the wound roll?
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God HH has some cool fuckin models.
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I love seeing your stuff. I'm about done with these lads.

going through my collection, man I'm glad my friends don't care if I use legends. There's so many for orks
if you get your lethal hit you dont get your dev wound. lethal hits auto wound they do not auto critical wound
>can I choose to roll to wound on a lethal hit anyway so I can get a chance at a devwound?
>rumor is that Grey Knights are going to be rolled into Imperial Agents
Can you run any primaris units in GK?
Fucking love those koptas. What's the Eldar-looking one from?
It doesnt, Lethal Hits can't trigger Devastating Wounds and it can't roll critical wounds.
The rumor was about Deathwatch. Anybody thinking they'd roll GKs into anything at this point is retarded.
*as it can't not "and it cant"
No, that would be Rachel Gellar
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random pull from my bits bin, which is extremely massive. If I had to guess I think it's from a gunpla kit?
I think you'll find it was actually Keith Fields.
it was a collaborative effort
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very old wip of a deathkopta that became my big mek on bike with force field
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I dunno about best design, but the fact that you can plonk down this throne of bad-assery on the tabletop converted me to collecting Necrons.
Nice. Love random kitbashes where you don't know what the fuck it originally was
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protip for any ork players out there. if you can find the forge world glyff plates, they are excellent for making quick molds in greenstuff and are very reusable
Really anything with sable hair. Natural hair retains liquid better than synthetic counterparts, so they’re better at holding their shape.

Which isn’t to say you need to ditch anything that isn’t natural. Basecoating and drybrushing are fine with synthetic brushes.
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Reminder this is a cool figure and you're fucking gay
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Still wip but with some luck it'll be done later today
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I love grabbing random bags of plastic shit when it's available. this kan started as a project by my BIL but I added a leg from a zentradi command pod, I think the missiles are from a mad max kit? the klaw is tank traps from the 3rd edition starter box
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>Not even done painting my army
>Want to start another
>It’s orks
It only looks like shit because we can see the legs and those stupid fucking straps going over the shoulder make it look stupid. It’s a worse version of the paragon warsuits that sisters have
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more pile of unfinished projects
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Gonna do something like this with it?
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I got a fuckload of bits from eBay a week or so ago. All this shit for around $250.
So far I've made some nobz on warbikes, 10 lootas, and 10 burna boyz.
Looks quite shit innit
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excellent haul! I don't mind legends but it is discouraging for making new projects models you have to get permission to use
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I found out who the raging homosexual is. It's you
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>want to start actually painting my guard army
>can't settle on a colour scheme or style
Posture and tactical rock totally fucks over this guy's design. I don't even think he's aesthetically that bad, but good lord GW.
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Nice scheme
Next time take the pic in yer fridge
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Shut the fuck up
no, take it in your oven instead.
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Apocalypse by Josh Reynolds is good
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Finally done these guys for a small friendly RTT.
You don't even need the mfm if you have the app. The points are automatically updated.
You fools the Gellar Field was invented in ancient times by Boeing.
That's why they're always going down.
this is all a ruse
>hammers nerf
>FAF nerf
>redeemer nerf
salamanders are getting a codex
They can, if you paint them that way. Most space marines look really fucking good with their colour scheme.
I like Eldar how do I get an Eldar/Drukhari GF?
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My brother your optimism is wonderful but I doubt we could ever be so lucky again.
Just wait for Gw to fuck up so bad they almost collapse again. You guys ate well the last time they had to mass produce marines to sell so they can stay afloat.
Is it getting plastic'd or did the Ethereals deem it obsolete
You're fuckin retarded for even having the gall to type this shit out. I need to lobotomize myself just for being made to read this.
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here's my nundam
I love the moment when the matt coat fully dries on a model and the model becomes "real".
Have any suggestions to improve it? I know I need to swap out the gold metallic for one of the others I've got that have decent coverage
Thanks, the voss prime halved robes seemed more interesting for a killteam's worth of minis
This is the best I can do for now, fridge is far too overfull
I love the moment when you're playing a game and the minis happen to be in realistic places that fit perfectly with their poses. Like snipers on rooftops with spotters looking out the windows. It's kino.
TQ - Flash Gitz are the funnest, most customizable kit I have ever seen. I love all the different crazy guns you can make for them. I gave my Captain a four barrel machine gun. Man I hope I can get my friend to paint him, he would do him great justice.
are rank and file marines capable of extracting geneseed from dead marines like the salamander in pariah nexus was going to do? I had the impression only apothecaries were trained to do that
I wouldn't mind a marine extracting my gene seed.
Do not put models in your fridge. They'll get cold and suffocate.
Any marine is probably able to do so (considering how much training and knowledge of their enhancements they have), but without proper tools getting through the armor will take time and without the preservation vials geneseed will quickly become unusable.
The act may still have ceremonial/cultural meaning.
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They probably have emergency protocols and stuff. Space daddy goo is an expensive resource and should be saved when possible. I always found the “1 apothecary per company” thing way too low. Every marine should know how to do the job and have some spare storage. If at all possible there should be an apothecary with a nathecium for every 10 marines.
Also I think he was a Veteran, so he’d probably been around long enough to know the procedure.
I don’t believe he finished though in Pariah Nexus, and leaves everything behind after he deals with the zombies.
Dumb question but has anyone encountered any ghosts when handling Warhammer minis?
The fucking diaper lmao
I was once visited by the Ghost of Paychecks Past after a big splurge I did some years back.
No, but whenever Im at home alone I take all my minis and put them on the table, then I turn the lights off and take off all my clothes.
I light a match and start humming the warrior song looking at my army in the firelight. Sometimes I swear I can see my minis looking back at me.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Yea it's pretty hot isn't it
The very same
Good show. Xander and angel are kind of insufferable on rewatch though.
There's a few instances where non-apothecary marines extract geneseed from fallen battle brothers. Off the top of my head, a Salamander died against a demon in the Scars novel and an Iron Hand marine used a knife to extract it. He was successful, but the White Scars librarian noted that the process was sloppy and mangled the body, not that they had any other option at the time.
Definitely feels its age, though in a way that set a standard for other series to build upon.
brutal, but i may need some actual help.
Yeah, from a psychiatrist.
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Alright our crusade campaign ended this week and I won the reward for best converted model, which was a free combat patrol. Which one has the best start to a new army?
Beautiful model, but aren't you going to want to blow your brains out painting that hood 40 times?
Oh yeah and preferably not a marines army, I already play CSM.
The new Custodes or Tau CPs, or the old Sisters or GSC CPs. They all have units you'll play in every army.
Votann or Guard.
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The entire internet when GW releases a tactical rock:
When someone makes a tasteful base with bushes, rubble and a little brook running down the middle:
A bootiful i luv it so much... its so prettay hahaha
This still looks dumb.
At least anyone who plays sisters will have a bunch of extra flight stands to use.
How's the tism today? Bad I see.
Reminder that you didn't paint this mini, and that you're fucking gay
Trying to make sense of the autistics outbursts is a lost cause and waste of your time and effort
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How'd I do so far?
Hotglue it so I can judge it.
Needs varnish to tie the decals into the armour panels but looks decent at this stage. Rocks on the base could use a brighter drybrush highlight, but I know putting too much afford into basing tilts anons here so you could probably leave it
Looks pretty good to me, good job anon. Lovely basing and nice weathering.
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Heres my worldeater redemptor, it fits the base you just have to pose it different
anon this photo is broken.
Sanguinius is onlu powered by gay butt sex of course.
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Sable Knight
Me like.
this is very true.
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I save varnishing for the last step typically, and I can brighten the rocks up when I can. I put a good deal into this base than I usually do cause it's my first dread.
You know, that's noticeably better but the tilt of his stance is still bothering me and I can't articulate why.
these both look breedable.for some reason.
jester looking color scheme
I like it
And it's only going to be 11 of them so not quite so bad, just painting them up for killteam
Thanks, yeah I like the halved robes and cog trim on the voss color scheme a lot
>Which Warhammer 40k model or unit do you think has the best design?
Venerable Boxnoughts, none of that Primaris shit
Being a contrarian is not a personality
It is on reddit.
Saying Primaris vehicles suck and are hideous as shit isn't a contrarian opinion. It's an objective truth.
Nice comeback bro.
Why don't you enjoy truescale models? You chicken?
modern dreads mog boxnaughts in every aspect other than ease of assembly
I enjoy Truescale Horus Heresy MK3 and MK6 marines.
They're so much better than the primarishits
Making a Leman Russ Punisher here with tank commander.

Are lascannons and plasma gun sponsons the best options if one wants the punisher tank to have some anti-tank capability?
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Fat potbelly boxes on long skinny legs that look like some fucking 40 year old alcoholic with a steroid gut doesn't mog over shit, nigger
>liking beakies
>let alone modern beakies
actual redditor
I mean all war hammer vehicles look like shit. Not the 30k dreadnoughts tho, those are cool.
uh oh contrarian melty
>claiming you personal preferences are an objective truth
Post what you think is the worst primaris model and Ill tell you why you're wrong. Go ahead I'll wait.
I like Rhino and Rhino derivatives.
Contemptor and Boxnoughts are great too.
I also like the (now-squatted) Land Speeders (primaris ones suck balls though)
Oh please, reddit is 100% on board with the primaris shit.
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>n-no u
embarrassing, try harder next time
>disliking primaris for no reason
Confirmed for having microplastics in your testicles.
i have macroplastics there
that's not how you're supposed to make sprue goo
Shit. Ok you can have that one. Post literally any other model and Ill tell you why you're wrong.
>for no reason
I dislike the MK4 helmets and the way they're completely out of scale with the rest of the setting, being a whole head taller than the new Chaos Marines, Death Guard, etc
I also do not like grav-tanks.
Leave grav-tanks for the elf faggots. I need treads.
>being a whole head taller than the new Chaos Marines, Death Guard, etc
they aren't
CSM are half a head shorter and things like deathshroud and new zerkers are eye level with primaris
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>I can't hear shit, brothers!
Deathshroud are fucking Terminators and new zerkers aren't as tall as Primaris, they're literally the same size as normal CSM except for the pose
Lmao. Ok fine you win but I still like most of the primaris range.
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the overcompensator 9000 needs MORE random guns sticking out at all angles!
>new zerkers aren't as tall as Primaris, they're literally the same size as normal CSM except for the pose
if I weren't going to bed I'd pull mine out of their dust shield and show them standing at the same height as primaris
>deathshroud and new zerkers are eye level with primaris
DS absolutely aren't
I guess if you include the helmet's bunny ears as the height, i'm sure they might even be taller than the primaris
this retard thinks CSM are still 28mm
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>I need treads
Come join the guard, anon!
You know you want to!
What the fuck does that got to do with the primaris minis being stupidly taller than literally every other Space Marine miniature? Whether it's a Kson, DG or CSM, they're all noticeably shorter
because primaris are canonically taller?
Eh.... Ask me again when they finally make new Catachans or Vostroyans
Well, the entirety of Primaris canon is fucking stupid and Cawl can suck on my bawls
Didn't ask
Guard tanks look awful.
Neither did i, fag
I see you took the lightly armed version.
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CSM vs WE Khorne berzerkers.
Size seems pretty much the fucking same.
Ah, you're retarded
My LGS is closed for 6 fucking months for renovations. How does that make sense?
Flaws of this model
- blade misaligned with the hilt
- bad cloth sculpting, or rather deliberately sculpting for edge highlight crutch
- laurel lifting off the helm makes them look like bug antennae
- overused the chain meme, it's just representing an oath every BT model doesn't need it on every weapon especially an EC with a black blade

I prefer the blade facing edge out but face isn't terrible, especially if the painter picks out the lettering.
Have we gotten new warp spiders or dire avengers yet?
contractors work slow as hell
dude, dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Gets proven wrong
>ad hominem
Pure reddit
I mean yeah, if CSM is smaller than Primaris and World Eater Berzerk is the same size as CSM, it makes sense that it's smaller than Primaris also.
How would you have felt if you hadn't eaten breakfast yesterday?
>gets proven wrong
>left pose is streamlined whereas the right twists and reduces overall body length at same angle
>left model is clearly a half inch closer to the camera
(you) tried
WE is also on two layers of cork instead of 1, which obviously means that the CSM is actually larger than the Berzerker which means that CSM are actually taller than the Primaris!
there's been no interesting releases in ages huh?
Not since the 2023 terminators and nu-deathwing, no
Those terminators suck.
I dislike the way he's looking down. Makes him look like he got distracted a penny on the ground in the middle of a battle.
No need to project your own insecurity on a plastic model.
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Do Tau have sex or are they some kind of asexual egg spawners
Nobody asked
>They fucked it up with the newer re-sculpt, turning the sword the wrong way round, raising the left leg for a tactical rock, raising the right arm to hold the sword even higher. He's posing, showing off, its weakened the model.
They both are showing off, they both suck.

You are a fucking space marine not a cheerleader, now go kill some orks you stupid retard.
>Well, the entirety of Primaris canon is fucking stupid
Old lore was stupider.
>What the fuck does that got to do with the primaris minis being stupidly taller than literally every other Space Marine miniature?
Because primaris are taller than your inferior dwarf marines.
That's not a Primaris model
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If this sculpt were made 25 years ago you'd all be chanting how sovlfvl and silly it is
Congrats on your contrast slop and wash
Guard rules are so boring that I've completely lost interest in them.
you did.
Pure Kino.
I'm starting to realize that tau are what I want I want my guard to be
>mechanized infantry
>actual variation in infantry squads, line infantry, breachers, spotters etc
but tau are gay
They look half a head shorter than primaris and same size as the csmfag
What were people arguing about?
If that sculpt came out today people would be saying it's actually pretty cool and it just needs to be given a chance.
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Soul is a meaningless word you use because you have nothing insightful to say.
Nah, primaris ATV is trash just like the Desolators.
No one likes them, not even primaris fans.
Would the better word be "charming" then?
people who can't figure out what people mean by "soul" are genuinely braindead beyond belief.
If you were a woman you wouldn't care
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>yet again the icecreamboys are bitching whetever vanilla or french vanilla is better
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>Have Victoriaminiature Tannenburg Colonel to paint as commissar
>break the sword bit
>Australian shipping to Canada takes so long it is hilarious
>have to buy the STL and find a good 3D printing service near me to make another one.
Nigga what? Been hufffing copium a bit too hard mate
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>poxwalks onto your girls objective
Just make one out of plasticard??
Soul just means " I like it because it's old and looks like shit."
Evidenced by retards going around saying that centurions are now soul
Toy soldiers are serious business
Literally nobody says centurions are "soul".
I would rather have 3 dimensional models than 2D cards put on bases, but truthfully I wonder if anyone has done that.
Centurions mog all over any Primaris model
Peak space marine matrioshka doll maxxing
What new models have soul?
Just use literally any other sword bit from any random kit? It's not hard, just pin it
Is Fenris the only legion homeworld left?
Macragge and Baal but everything outside the fortress is eaten by nids
"Soul" means that the sculpt has human touch to it. That it doesn't look or feel digitally sculpted out of ideal 3d shapes deformed in identical ways and cloned with copy-paste.
Soul is looking at chainmail parts of mark 1 power armor of a thunder warrior and realizing that it's just greenstuff that Jes Goodwin poked with a needle 30 years ago, the same way you yourself can sculpt chainmail today.
Depends on what counts as "new" to you.
If you want my honest opinion I think the Lord Solar Leontus model is pretty soulful. They probably had an AoS sculpt team guy on duty for his design and sculpting.
I mean the sword. It's literally just a flat piece of plastic.
no because the original fenris population got replaced by blacks.
Centurions are fucking cool though.
I don't think there is a reasonable needle sized pin that can work for a 28mm scale sword blade.
The contact points are too tiny for super glue to do anything too.
I've conceded defeat due to my own idiocy and I'm gonna just buy the STL and find a printing service near me to print the model.
Black Templars kits were pretty sweet. Arbites killteam was also great.
>I mean the sword. It's literally just a flat piece of plastic.
Wow I'm a retard and a hobbylet too.
No I don't think I have the ability to properly use plasticard for replacing the sword.

And what kind of store sells plasticard anyways? I have a friend who wants to play orks who is getting into this hobby.
No, evidenced that people say that old ork boys are "soul", but they were made with CAD.
Human hands or hand made, does not automatically make something better, lot of the time it is plain worse.
You are yet again, full of shit.
I've pinned swords and knives on 28mm minis before. Unless it's ridiculously thin, it shouldn't be that hard.
Could just replace the entire sword from the hand up. Might be easier
I've used 0.8mm drill bit to pin a custom plasticard sword blade to a hilt. It barely, but worked. You can also secure the bin with two long pieces of plasticard inserted alongside the blade.
I bought a few sheets of various thickness plasticard from greenstuffworld and it's been massively helpful.
Amazon has Tamiya "Pla Plate". I use 0.5mm sheets for my conversions.
>I've pinned swords and knives on 28mm minis before.
What did you use to pin the sword to the hand of the model? I don't know any brass rods that would be thin enough for the job.
Thin paperclips
I like the new scouts and the Necromunda Genestealers.
>reading comprehension
I am amazed at how GW is trying to kill 40k. I almost tried to get back into painting figurines, them announcing the price increase when they're already fucking expensive was enough of a reason to forget 40k entirely.
Seconding paperclips. Just don't try using your normal nippers to cut them like a retard.
>secure the bin with two long pieces of plasticard inserted alongside the blade
If I use my tweezers right I can probably make the "blade securing plasticard box" look like a power sword engine. I'll look into it.

Thanks guys!

>thin paperclips
I've got some actually I'll take a look and see if they'll work for the job.
Kill? They are just milking their playerbase as they always have been.
Craftworld Eldar.
>Them making updated models had an increase in players wanting to play Eldar
And GW was too retarded to realize the fact that simply making new models of old factions is enough to gain new players.
So what does that make me if them announcing a price increase was enough to just forget about the hobby?
Surely it had nothing to do with fate dice being broken as shit and directly ruining 10th edition. Just a coincidence.
Honestly. Kinda silly.
I get just stopping buying anymore GW products after the price hike.
But to quit the hobby altogether? Why? You're just robbing yourself of fun.
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"Soul" means something different to everyone anon, you cannot say what is soulful and what is not because your opinion will differ from others. Telling other anons their object of desire lacks soul is just asinine as its an entirely subjective opinion.
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>to just forget about the hobby
I understand that the prices can seem daunting.
GW isn't the whole hobby though. There are some sources of miniatures that aren't very expensive even when compared to GW prices. I only know of Reaper miniatures and Wizkids.

I usually advise hobby newcomers to try wizkids and/or reaper with a small amount of paints and a brush to get started in the hobby to find out if it is for them before they take the plunge into Warhammer. It actually filters them out quite nicely.
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I'm not paying $60 for a box of figurines when they used to be cheaper. One of the reasons I swapped to gunpla and building other mecha model kits.
Just finished a summary of the Lelith novel.
Are you guys interested?
Nocturne, Inwit, Deliverance, and Chogoris seem to be fine
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Lemme guess:
>Extremely pozzed
>Lelith is a lesbian
>They killed off Vect
lmao should have played back in 2008 then those 5 troops for $60 were still 10 troops for $25
You know what anon? I'm not.
Yes, please post the summary.
>So what does that make me if them announcing a price increase was enough to just forget about the hobby?
A fool for thinking the only thing that exists is GW
much better.
Is there any woke stuff in it? Does vect get his ass kicked by a girlboss?
I don't mind it but why do you post a summary 5 times a day? You bring it up in at least 3 or 4 threads a day.

Are you a marketing team or something?
What would it genuinely take for GW to go back to these prices?
Eons made a good variant of that. It's not the worst thing ever to come from a space marine range.
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>Lelith is a lesbian
Only this one and only half correct, she swings both ways.
Americans have always got ripped off in terms of 40K pricing. Be glad you're not Australian I guess?
>Prices go up a few percent
>Prices have been going up for the last 20 years but this 3% was the straw
You're full of shit
push-fit, mono-pose models with no wargear options. That and maybe a crash in the price of plastic.
Depends on the event. For the ones I attend conversions, third party models, and 3D prints are fine subject to TO approval, but proxies are not allowed (i.e. this weapon counts as something else) since it's confusing for players.
Can't find a sizeable paper clip.
Gonna just get the STL and find a 3D printing service near me if I can.
>I don't think there is a reasonable needle sized pin that can work for a 28mm scale sword blade.
Literally any paperclip works anon.
They will never go down on price while they struggle to stock the shelves. Thanks for that, clapper fucks
No Mike
A third party model is a proxy, babe.
I'm sorry man, but skill issue
Resistance is growing, kek
>hobbylet discovers kitbashing
Honestly, good on him.
Citation needed. There is no proof she ever touched a man in a sexual way.
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It is a skill issue and I'm working around it by throwing money at it.
I'll live though. This "L" I'm gonna take aint gonna be the end of me.
No a proxy is like what the previous poster talked about, using a model with a multi-melta to represent a heavy flamer. A third party model is something that's not made by GW but represents what it is and what it's equipped with.
Both are proxies. A third party model is simply entirely a proxy, if you've got the wrong gun you are proxying the gun.
A proxy simply means representing something with something else, a stand in. By definition a third party model is a proxy
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Here's one I finished recently.
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By definition, any deviation from the "official" configuration of the model is a proxy
Not using wysiwyg shouldn't be considered proxying imo
You cant do that, its only one step away from 3D printing! Small family company!
Nice!!! Papa nurgle is please
If you're replacing parts that are relevant then sure, I suppose you are proxying those parts
have you seen an STL of the sword from this kit that has the roses and throns/bramble around the blade? Its a REALLY good bit, low key one of the best GW has made, and I want to print 20 of them.
If you gradually replaced every part of a model with a proxy, is it still the same model?
You're such a smart little boy with that dictionary of yours! Next, you can read about jargon and be less of a retard
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>Lelith is a lesbian
I'll concede on the proxy definition. All I'm trying to say that not all events are cool with "count-as" models.
Is this the trashfire that introduces tranny succubus, despite it making 0 sense in the lore?
No Anon, 3rd party models are still wysiwyg.
Proxy is when it's not wysiwyg
The proxy of Theseus?

It's one of those things where the people who make the lore swung WAY too hard in the direction of the Dark Eldar screwing people. There's talk of people getting so involved with them they have offices to negotiate on Commoragh but we hardly see any actual results from that shit.
>not all events are cool with "count-as" models.
Ignoring events, what are the reasons that players would not be cool with "count-as" models?
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Starting a little side project.

Going to be one of those probably cliche Alpha legion colours revealed by battle damage under loyalist colours minis.
aside from confusion, anything that doesn't make an adequate alternative (size difference, weapons difference, base difference, etc.) or something that just plain violates the spirit of gaming (i.e. that asshole using sodas as drop pods in a spam list)
Ignoring events, most people I play with a fine with proxies so long as they're roughly the same size as the model they're replacing and match the base size of the original. When proxying weapons, as long as you apply the same rule for the whole weapons in the squad, then it's also fine.
For example, "all the heavy weapons in this Retributor squad are heavy flamers" is fine, but if you said "this Retributor squad has 2 heavy flamers, one multi-melta, and heavy bolter, but this multi-melta counts as the additional heavy flamer" it gets confusing for the other player.
If it's wildly different in silhouette or thematic style.

Like trying to run a predator as a royal dorn or a stock carnifex as a deffdread.

But if it's reasonably close in size and theme only a /thatguy/ is going to raise a fuss. At the end of the day a power armour soldier with an energy gun is a power armoured soldier with an energy gun so your alternative marine with a plasma gun or what ever is gonna be fine.
That was Da Big Dakka novel.
And it does make sense. Aeldari are aliens. biological sex changes ala clownfishes exist in nature
Elves are fish now.
Tranny logic is beyond hilarity
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>Mike Brooks writing
Anon, tranny wyches/succubus are a 5e thing.
I don't read elf lore because its shit.
Just seen twitterfags screeching how they finally feel represented by a tranny murder hobo elf freak
I only read Imperial Guard books
Post sauce lol
His source is that he made it the fuck up
>And it does make sense.
Gee I wonder whocould be behind this post?
nta but I have read it, both eldar and deldar have tranny lore.
The kit came with male sculpts but the codex lore still referred to wyches as an overtly feminine/female thing.
Greetings fellow lore master. My favorite fluff in 5e was Vect secretly transforming himself into a courtesan and getting gangbanged by his rivals to infect them with a special STD.
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Ah just a lorelet then.
Literally the first paragraph
How is that tranny lore? Nobody is transitioning.
And historically the word witch was unisex (and most people killed for being witches were actually men lol)
Anon, Twitter secondaries who don't know the lore are the worst source for anything.

It's always the same, someone will be actually reading a novel for the first time and assume some mention is new even though things like that have been in 40ks lore for literally decades and it's just a continuation of the status quo.

But hey, we can't expect virtue signally woke tards or triggered righoid chuds to actually know anything about 40k can we.
>How is that tranny lore?
Didn't claim it was.
If anything them having gender roles like that just makes wych trannies more unlikely.
Fair enough.
Just the constant 'see chuds, massive corporation supports MY fringe political beliefs and not yours!' faggotry on all the social medias is fucking tiring
Wtf why are you brown
Some other anon said that, i do agree with you.
Having male wyches is fine. Hell having a male succubus would be whatever if he reached the rank somehow.
Having a male troon out so he could become a succubus is fucking retarded though
Was the Primaris dreadnought not enough of a giveaway?
>Does vect get his ass kicked by a girlboss?
That's blue, idiot
It's DEldar, it makes sense for them to troon out.
Nobody cares to read your summaries, Shaskais.
If it was made 25 years ago, it wouldn't be primaris and it would have a bottom.
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The skulls are a cool idea. Even if they'd get pulverized instantly in battle.
>we can't expect virtue signally woke tards or triggered righoid chuds to actually know anything about 40k
Indeed. From retards whining about ADB to retards whining about why not fem marines, they're almost always don't know shit about 40k fluff. Specially the midhammerfags.
Damn right.
Bottomless models are fucking pathetic. GW cheaping out on 5 cents worth of plastic to actually finish the model
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only people with souls have the insight to intuitively know what soul means
nta but this really happened I read it good post loremaster
I do kind of like aggressors though.

Devestators mog the entire primaris line though.
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>uses the word himself
I guess you have nothing insightful to say either.
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We know that you're ginger.
Trying to make a pastebin of the Lelith summary spoilers but Pastebin filters are screwing me over.
Do you have any alternative paste sites?
Get filtered, dummy.
What if I have more souls than others?
Hey trooder get to work so I know my posts won't be wasted on a dead thread
No fuck you. If I make a thread it'll be an anti blood angel one.
She had a boyfriend/fuckbuddy in Valedor.
well you better hurry before the trooder beats you to it with a BA or Slaanesh thread
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>start reading eldar book
>Eldar twins appear
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soul is animus, wind, movement, the original motive, it is cause and purpose

to make an example, AI art is generally almost completely soulless because bots don't understand what they're doing, it is imitation of patterns without conscious intent, while even the simplest scribble can have a soul the moment the person making it thinks about what he's making, why he's making it and how it's making it, he is conveying that intent and emotion to you and you can see it in the best cases even in the smallest component because he would be pouring this level of attention into every single component

but instead of recognising a fellow consciousness you attack the pattern in the word's use, you choose to be blind, automatic and excise your own soul from yourself

you're the frog, but the negron, and the frustration you feel is the mocking absence of your own soul
NO. but it makes sense that you trooned out
>Does vect get his ass kicked by a girlboss?
Ass kicked? anon Vect DIES.
t. Fart huffer
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I have analyzed the new combat patrols and have calculated that this will be the new drukhari box
$200 plus tip
I trust you, anon.
That looks way too sensible.
The character should be one that's unable to lead any of the units in the box
You missing a unit. Most combat patrols are at least 4 units
That's 4 units. In line with other boxes. Including more just because drukhari are cheaper would be favoritism.
>Most combat patrols are at least 4 units
Most combat patrols are just 4 units, with tenths trend at least.
That combat patrol is 36% MORE expensive than buying the individual kits. If anything they should be at some kind of discount.
Haemonculus no longer sold separately, wracks online only.
NTA, but I think the pricetag is a joke
Why has everyone been talking about the new Drukhari combat patrol bix specifically for the last couple weeks? They're probably not releasing any time soon. Is it because the current one is such a huge value and everyone is just excited to see how bad the fuck it up?
Because that's the last good CP
Even if it was a joke, all Combat Patrols are now priced at $162. Which is still a 10% markup from individual purchases. I don't think they have any upgrade kits or anything they can pad the box with like they do for space marines sometimes.
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Man I picked GSC as my first army, got two combat patrol boxes but these recent changes kinda killed my motivation to assemble and paint. Got halfway done with one box.
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Do you think they actually make more money shipping absolute garbage that can't sell in combat patrols compared to making something that people will assess as good value?
why, what changes exactly?
Cant wait for the World Eater combat patrol to just be a MOE, 2 sprues of jackals, and a maulerfiend.
There's also Grey Knights still
Their memory wipes are effective because I always forget this meme faction exists
it does have the entire range, but the discount is still pitiable even among 10th edition stuff.
Guaranteed they're cramming combat patrols with shit that doesn't sell to trick newfags into buying them 'for a discount'
It's like the lowest discount of any of the boxes though
Isn't that what the Christmas battle force boxes are for? Or the jam then with shit they know they're about to nerf heavily so they can clear out their inventory before they stop selling.
wdym you dont like the servitors?
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every day we stray further from god
This one literally can only get better. There's no way they can possibly make it worse
Same with deathguard
Real talk, why are combat patrols getting worse and worse over time? Surely it can't be PURELY straight up greed?
They want to lure you in and buy other kits
They don't actually want you to enjoy lots of discounts
It's GW, of course it's greed.
the worst thing is that the sprues hog up like a majority of this boxes value.
because 40kiddies will buy anything with a 40k logo. People will legitimately tell you that the new custodian combat patrol is better despite it having less of everything in it.
The new ksons box will be 3 units of tzaangors and a tzaangor shaman
There has to be one token power armor unit at least to keep pretending
Seeing how awful all the new cps are', i think they might finally stop pretending and just rename the whole faction Tzaangors
You talk a lot without saying much.
Disregarding that, it is funny to me how ironic your entire post is when it comes to primaris, especially the first sentence.
But I'll let you figure it out on your own, you're smart enough.
>Those terminators suck.
What's wrong with them? I actually think they're the best kit we've had in a while.
>we want chaos xenos! We want renegades! We want mutants!
>waaaaah not the borderline xenos mutant abhumans NOOO
Some Chaos fans are such entitled bunch, they want every imperium toy but with spikes, all flavours of powerarmour and also dip their fingers into xenos shit.
Aside from the fact that you're throwing all kinds of people together I can guarantee you that none of them asked for AoS leftovers
I unironically like Tzaangors
Laughs in Kairic acolytes with guns.
Unironically kino models
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Tzangors are good and cool, actually.
People just like the new custodes Combat Patrol because it has more custodes in it. And honestly it's not terrible. The previous one was definitely a better value though.
That's a mutant Tau though
Oh yeah that time they tried to force in a bunch of sisters
They're never gonna be a thing GW
Considering scourges hollow out their bones to be able to fly, I could see some seriously dedicated male wytch having some form of surgery/body mod done to be more slender and ladylike for agility purposes without trooning out
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I said "some" out of courtesy and respect to level-headed kayoss collectors.
>AoS leftovers
I mean, they have gun options. Also I'd say they're couple bits away from being very 40k.
As a side note, I haven't seen people complain about Mutalith being "AoS leftovers".
I like them enough personally.
I like the kairics but I can see how they're disappointing to people who wish the army had a unit of armored tin can infantry. Their sword-and-sorcery vibe was probably always going to be divisive.
>As a side note, I haven't seen people complain about Mutalith being "AoS leftovers".
They're far easier to ignore. Not in all the boxes and just one of your fancy special options
Can you point me to any of the TSons books where these goat things are important to the army?
AoS Tzeentch forces do 100% need armored chaos warrior types like Blightkings in Nurgle.
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This one might be a good addition if you have an army.
My build for acolytes is now invalid and can't field them unless I build the 2nd sprue as one mining tool one demo charge as well.
Scourges are the best unit in the entire Drukhari index and one of the only units that continuously sells
There's no way they get put in the combat patrol.
They're obvious stand-ins for cultists which all CSM use
Consider the following:
you need 4 boxes to make a single unit with the same loadout
You bait them with one kit and now they need to buy more!
>Breachers in Devilfish are the best unit Tau has, no way they get put in a combat patrol
>Oh wait lol
It should be rubrics and spawn
It should be but then no one would buy Tzaangors.
You don't NEED mining tools and demo charges even if it would be better but yes things like that are ... a shame. Killing your motivation on the other hand is a bit extreme sounds more like you are searching for a reason to procrastinate.
I've thought on it a little and I think a unit with some vaguely Mycenaean armor could be fit in the army. It has that ancient world feel that the Kairic Acolytes conjure with their simple dress. Give them a helmet crest shaped like Tzeentch's squiggly symbol, maybe a bit of trim on the large segments of the armor to match with the shin guards and shields of the army's other foot infantry, and it should work.
This looks like shit and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

I warned you bro
>it should be all elite, actually!
Kek’d and rekt
No one is complaining about the existence of tzaangors retard. They're complaining that the THOUSAND SONS CHAOS SPACE MARINES box barely has any THOUSAND SONS CHAOS SPACE MARINES in it, and is instead full of beastmen mutants.
Is the combat patrol game mode good?
I want to try 40k out with a friend and combat patrol is cheap enough for me to waste 200€ for cool models (chaos demons vs grey knight) to try it

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