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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

>Model identifiers (what each faction can take):

>Semi-unofficial catalogue of fluff, dossiers, and unit models:

>Unit Dossiers archive:

>Infinity Army (official list-builder app) and hacking helper:


Previous thread:
Does anyone one here play NCAA? How are the new reinforcement profiles working for that army?
>local community uses solely Facebook for games
>make account with gmail
>everything looks fine
>writing message to group result in auto-ban for "violating community standards" and asking for ID card scan (yes, FB ask for that)

Not gonna make it.
You need to be like me and buy and paint armies and give them to your nephews and son and make your own community.
Yes. Well.
Don't play them but seems stapling TacAware engineers to TAGs is considered useful.
> How are the new reinforcement profiles working for that army?
You can now have a pure bolt core with only 2 actual bolts in there. Blade adds a specialist+tacaware, and blocker is cheap (might also be another specialist, and a hacker to that).
You only need 1 Bolt actually.
Yep, true, forgot about Uma, but she's costly, so I wouldn't really touch her for that purpose.
...the Machinist. 1 Bolt, 2 Blades, 1 Blocker, 1 Machinist.
That's pretty much a meme link. 3 engineers and two TacAw orders in a fireteam that does no want to leave deployment zone. Sure, you get a pure link sniper for the cheapest possible but... At what real cost for your list?
At least you want your bolt team to be more polivalent. So a pair or three of bolts and two support weapons.
It does want to leave the DZ though. It's unhackable, has 3-5 Specialists, and with a Spitfire can fire 5B on 19s into cover at 24". The link is already a meme, far too expensive and still only 1W 1-2ARM models, you can't let it just linger in your DZ.
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>The link is already a meme
I wouldn't say that. I have seen a lot worse Core Fireteam options, but Medium Infantry links are a point sink. The Bolts Fireteam can be 5 points cheaper if you replace the sniper with the missile Launcher.
Fond of meme links.
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speaking of Nisse. I went back through and read the Rules on MSV2 and Eclipse Grenades and I confused myself.

Can models with MSV2 declare an ARO against a model moving behind Zero Vis smoke but at a -6 MOD?
MSV troopers can't shoot through Eclipse because it's Zero-Vis for them and blocks LoF. But if you shoot the MSV trooper through the Eclipse (intuitive attack), they can return fire at -6. I think.
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Eclipse makes it so cannot see through smoke without the MSV user being interacted with. What confused me but the Errata for how MSV1 + Sixth Sense works. Picrel.

If the line for MSV1 states the user can draw LoF Through Zero Vis Zones but applies a -6 MOD to any skill. If the MSV1 user has Sixth sense, the -6 MOD is negated.

MSV2 has the same rule
>Additionally, it allows the user to Draw LoF through Zero Visibility Zone.
that is it, no negative MOD. I am under the assumption that the requirement of the MSV2 user needs to be interacted with but there would ne no -6 MOD to the msv user's roll? RARE CORNER CASE but it is still an important distinction.
>Additionally, it allows the user to Draw LoF through Zero Visibility Zone.
But if you are shot at through a NVZ it becomes a PVZ which inflicts a -6 mod which the MSV cannot negate.
so picrel here >>93198147
is the only way negate the -6 and the is strictly due to Sixth Sense. That makes sense and in truth, it was reading the Errata that kind of fucked me up
>But if you are shot at through a NVZ it becomes a PVZ which inflicts a -6 mod which the MSV cannot negate.

MVS2 clearly states Reduces MODs from Mimeitsm and Visibility Zone to 0... I am now invested in this topic as it make MSV2 much better.
Okay, I have not read the erratas since last year but these erratas were posted after I last read them. I am going to be reading this shit again but from what it looks like, if the opponent attacks a MSV2 user (solo) through Zero Vis Smoke (Zero Visibilty Zone) the MSV2 user can draw LoF as though it is a Poor Visibility Zone. This is negated by the Ability of MSV2. this means it is a straight face-to-face roll for the MSV2 user. which is Identical to how MSV1 + Sixth Sense works.

tl;dr don't shoot a MSV2 user through Eclipse Grenades or Zero Visibility Zones. Shot other things as the MSV2 user can't do shit about it.
But Eclipse errata states MSV can't reduce the penalty from the PVZ that results from shooting someone through a Eclipse ZVZ.
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>comission painting

Let me guess, cost arm and leg?
Anone, it's pro-painting! It's a privilege to own one!
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Painted an oniwaban.
Also, I was asking about getting replacement parts from CB in the previous thread, the missing pieces turned up really quickly.
Yeah they are pretty good with replacements.
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it needs to come back into the game
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Can we talk about Agnus in WinterFor? Angus has REMDriver +1BS +5CC. in WInterfor, the ONLY worthwhile target the Jotums.

This puts the Jotums MOV 6-4 CC23 and BS16. is this worth it?
REMdrivers can only buff REMs. Jotum has the Remote Presence trait but it's still a TAG, not a REM.
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then, why the fuck is agnus even in the sectorial? 21 points for a specialist and at best a BS13 CC15 Bulleteer?
BS13 GML or BS12 TRbot aren't awful. And it would be a CC18 Bulleteer, with a melee weapon that gives targets a -3 to their roll; that's not enough to win fights against dedicated CC units, but it's more than enough to ensure victory against anything else that tries getting close (and may even give pause to CC units, since their victory is still likely but not assured).
I guess, I am just overall disappointed with REMDriver. does CB need to go back to the drawing board with the ability?
It's pretty potent in ALEPH where you can give combat jumpers and even flash pulse remotes CC22 and PH13
Speaking or Rem Drivers, did anybody get his hands on the game?
>combat jumpers
>When deploying the owner of this Special Skill, the player will place a REMDRIVER Token beside a Remote already deployed on the game table.
You mean RemRacers? It's so-so
I hope the other anon was trying to mention OSS's Dakini link purecore w/ REMDriver Apsara and EVO granting Marksmanship. That's a spicy combo.
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I think I found a list that can get the most out of Maximus. I found a video discussing an upcoming tournament and there was an OSS list with a Marut as the centerpiece but was vulnerable to hacking. HOWEVER, I changed it bit as Maximus would fit better in the list, what do you think?
>the new Sophotect is damn near none existent online
For a shit profile, it sure is popular... Or is it the netrods and yudbots that are the selling point?
Netrods are the only reason that pack sells. Yudbots are useful as well of course. I guess everyone proxies the Sopho as something else.
That ain't the only thing selling out
Bully Panoceania nerds
>tfw your Nephews become Ariadna weirdos

lol, lmao.
>not buying 10 just in case
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We WHFB now.
All siocast btw.
great, now i can play a WHF style game without being in GW orbit.

The proportions of the eagle are... strange
Thank god, imagine assembling that bird in metal.
son plays Starmada
nephew 1 plays Shasvastii/Combined Army (oldest of them all)
nephew 2 plays Tunguska
I imagined assembling siocast one with all miscasts and deformations.
Since when does infinity have sexy models like that
Since always
6+ years, I think the new Aragotos were 2018.
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have you not seen the Hafza that was released a couple months ago?
Just send it back if it is miscast.
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Ye olde Uxia...
My beloved...
Too late. Besides, it was from Torchlight pack and it didn't even had quality control number.
I will now buy your game.
You can still get a replacement eveh if you don't have a code.
Just mail them lol, they'll send you replacement pieces even for OOP models sometimes.
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WC minis are pretty huge.
>32mm game
at least it is a skirmish game. I am so fucking sick of full scale 32mm game. Models for full scale wargames should never be near 28mm, let alone 32mm
Such nice sculpts for this game.
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Get in the robot, Shinji!!!
Got rid of old O-Yori so they had to fill the void with another Eva inspired sclupt.
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OH I LOVE IT. it looks like a true modern take on the original idea for the TAGs. also, I noticed it does NOT have the Green of Acontecimento
>it does NOT have the Green of Acontecimento
This is an MO TAG now, farm boy.
I know it is for the MO sectorial but the Montesa Knight DOES have green on it's official model. I see the missing green as a sign that ACON is not coming back any time in the future
Acontecimento is probably smoked ex-jungle in lore already.
because green is the color of the Order
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>because green is the color of the Order
You don't say
You know, the only thing NCA is missing are Bolts, Hexas and Auxilia and the entire range is available
I forgot about the Uhlan...
When did hexas sniper go OOP? I didn't even notice. Another qt model lost. They should do happy days with the bolts, auxilia and uhlan though.
You get those in the reinforcements box.
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that is true, there are two bolts in the reinforcement box (spitfire and Boarding Shotgun). as a matter of fact, you SHOULD by three of those boxes to kitbash of proxy as the other bolts profiles that can be taken...

I don't really care if you are either a midwit or trolling, but in the image, there are two Bolt models listed as being available, which should have been an indicator that it is a known that there are Bolts available in some way shape or form.

if you could not figure out that I was speaking about a separate box that contained the other profile option available to the NeoTerra Bolts, I believe you need to understand how to interpret the direction and substance of a conversation/thread/string of replies OR just shut the fuck up.
New Tik is a nice model,
Its just not a Tik and that sucks.
Rip in peace jungle fighters
Somebody is getting uppity...
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PanObros... we won.
This new O-Yori looks odd.
PanO is numba wan weeb faction as well...
Let that sink in.
>Blue with Yellow accent
New PanO Sectorial confirmed?
Unless tags have the pilots arms visable and waving about they're basically garbage.
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>Just paint Unit-02 in 00's colors and no one will notice.
Good job CB, please make steal more good anime designs.

I don't even play monkes and this model physically pains me.
Stupid monkey, you're meant to stay mainly inside the tag not dangle in front of it.
I leave my tiny tag arms off and I always will.
I once saw an old robocop looking mini on a motorcycle with a gun for an arm back in the 90s, but it seemed far older than that...like 80s maybe.
I was never able to find it again.
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You're a monster
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boring army as fuck
Kino army
biker gal a cute
JSAbros we eating good tonight.
Finally an actually good mini.
Ware wa kangun waga teki wa
Tenchi irezaru chouteki zo
Teki no taishou taru mono wa
Kokon musou no eiyuu de
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get fuck'd

really cool.
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Looks beautiful
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>cool model
>not remote presence
>the pilot is a Keisotsu
>it will be BS11
Cool Gundam.
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>Not Kamen Rider
The good thing is you are not a total weeb...
Original O-yoroi looks better.
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Why they got rid of him anyway? Old looks much better than new one.
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You are joking right?
Yeah, nah. I don't like it as much as the old one.
I like elements of it, but overall I just see the weird pregnant/egg shape body fat guy build.
No, I'm serious. I prefer less generic look of old one.
New Koalas are nicer that's about it
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You are ojectively wrong. the old version isn't even sovl. it is ugly. Google abdominal distension. The new version look way better.
Get out with images like this, holy fuck. Why you even saved this pic on your pc?!
Did both of these niggers have to stand on the same box?

The old one was kind of derpy but there are some elements I wish they would have carried over, like the feet.

You think that's bad? I should break out my old pathogenic bacteriology slides.
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>Why you even saved this pic on your pc?!
just to show you how bad the old O-Yoroi looks
>Did both of these niggers have to stand on the same box?
Is there a single new TAG that isn't in that same pose
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It's not distended it's just pragnant with an asian lady
>Is there a single new TAG that isn't in that same pose


11 of the last 17 Tag have the tactical rock pose. however, after owning a couple of the new TAGs and looking at the other, I believe that are doing this to have a pose but keep the height of the model the same as the Silhouette.
They aren't being honest, but they aren't joking either. It's just a kneejerk reaction they have to do to maintain their belief that Infinity had some perfect golden age lost in the past and the modern game is a fallen, corrupted version. They lie to themselves so they can keep up their RETVRN TO TRADITION outlook.
But many old designs are great and much better than new ones like entire Moira troops line or straight out OOP without replacements like N3 Magister Knights or Regulars. And most of old CA are better looking than new.
And? You can like old thing, or you can like new thing. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the pathological *need* to cry about every single new thing and put every old thing up on a pedestal, while simultaneously weaving those preferences into a narrative about how CB is dying and we should hate them and why it's broadly the fault of the poster's political opponents, who we should also hate.

It's just something I've seen happen time and time again and it's just... so exhausting.
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I quickly went through the humansphere wiki and cropped all the currentish TAGs as well as the ones posted here nu-tik pic is so huge its the only one I had to resize it

I know the old Liz was a midget and could be confused for a modern S5 HI but it's always been S7.
You might be onto something with the silhouette, which is stupid since model size doesn't have to correspond to Size. Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
than the actual Oyoroi? Yes. Better than the Mechathing? Nope
old one was better (And metal)
>Just look at the damn umbra samaritan.
that is the number one culprit for making models closer to their silhouette. I fucking hate that model.
Hopefully this TAG has BTS6 and ECM Hacker because JSA just doesn't have the support network for a TAG. The character engineer wants to be in a fireteam (which in JSA are usually aggressive) and the support pack engineer is as garbage as the faction's hackers. If it's another cheap TAG (which it can't be since it clearly has melee prowess) it will compete with the Karakuri and Daiyokai and lose because those are linkable and the Karakuri has Total Immunity. It might see more play than the OYoroi if it's just a better OYoroi but that'd be sad for the OYoroi.

What I'd rather see JSA get is a smoke warband so it becomes possible to advance your samurai link even if Yojimbo gets alpha striked. How about 6pt shrine maidens with smoke and naginata da ccw, that'd be cool.

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