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Eternal Standard edition


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Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


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Thoughts on Foundations having cards that will be Standard legal for at least 5 years?
I don't like having cards standard legal for more than two years.

What I'm worried is there will be some broken mythic in foundations that will be just under the threshold of ban worthy and we'll be forced to either play it or face it until 2029+
Burn Standard down now. Hard reset with only 3 sets chosen at random, then start new 3 set blocks. Say it was Karn fucking with a time spiral again. Just McFucking end it already.
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>Cedric feebly trying to make the commentary of bird going off for 15 minutes interesting
Grim stuff
I think the idea has potential but without seeing all of the cards in the set, it's really hard to say if it's going to be a good thing or not

in a related note, I'm very happy that this effectively confirms when we are getting pioneer 2 in 2029
>1 set every 1/2 months
Jesus fucking Christ they're killing their golden goose. The next two standard sets are positioned between Q3 earnings
Foundations is apparently very much aiming for low-complexity cards. Less text in general, for example.
>Thoughts on Foundations having cards that will be Standard legal for at least 5 years?

Sorry guys, it was me. I wished on a monkey paw for them to bring back core sets.
Nadu wouldn't even be that broken if they didn't print Nantuko in the same set
It's like they WANTED another gaak moment
But why? To sell packs?
He'd still be broken. Nantuko is just what pushes it from Hogaak to Hogaak+Bridge.
>Standard is now a more stable format than Modern
Modernbros... I paid $500 for Goyfs...
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>cheapest version is over $80

So are they going to somehow reprint it, ban it, or power creep it?
I actually think this is a good thing, the problem is the blisteringly fast release pace of standard legal sets that are going to get all the attention and make up the bulk of decks with the core set only offering a handful of cards to support broken, non-core ones.
Embrace Progress.
Fucker looks like a JoJo Pillarman and he KNOWS it.
Why does he apply his effect to all creatures
Why does he cost 3 mana
Why does he put the lands in untapped
Why does he specifically put the cards in your hand so you don't die to bowmasters
Why does his affect work with all targeting triggers instead of just spells
Why does he specifically have 4 health so he doesn't die to bolt
Why is he a legend so he can be made uncounterable with halfling
Why does he have flying
They could be legal for 10 years and you'd still have to pay me to play (((rotating))) formats.
the real question is: will foundations, a set made LITERALLY for standard and NOTHING ELSE, have commander precons?
Free him.
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Shut up and buy more packs, bigot.
Magic: the GUthering
At least he has cool art
They've said it's a full set, so probably.
Based finns
>Why does he have flying
They decided a long time ago not to print birds without flying
>GU gets 1 broken commander card
>RW gets the entire rest of the set
Things that make you hmm...
Huh, /mtg/ told me White is le bad and oppressed, but it seems to be in most of these lists... more than Green, in fact...
Is there a way to remain competitive without being powercrept to shit with constant releases? Like does a deck that will string constant results without expensive tinkering exist?

I would've said RDW in the past but it's kinda weak and has slower clock than most combo decks
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>No changes to all formats
>Is there a way to remain competitive without being powercrept to shit with constant releases? Like does a deck that will string constant results without expensive tinkering exist?
Burn used to be the universal budget deck for entry into formats, so we had to rotate that deck out of all formats, please understand.

We are in spoiler seasson, you faggot, It is obvious threads will go to up 400 posts before a new thread needs to be made.

Not while it is in printing... Have you learned nothing from last 6 years?
Thr rythm of product is unbereable even if you play Standard on Arena or you for example play gwo formats like Pioneer or Pauper this level of new shit is insane because each new set is almost a guaranteed new chance of your decks going down, new decks raising, new extreme bullshit appearing and we are talking about 3 SETS IN 4 MONTHS nonsense and unavoidable unless you are wasting considerable income ( a bad decision)
Obviously, the question is will the cards in them be standard legal and will they have to ban sol ring from standard again
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Storm bros... What went so wrong? We were the top shit and now we are being shit on by a fucking bird...
Perfect timing kek

But for real why are 90% of MTG videos about card price? I mean Yugioh at least has some game play videos.
>Storm bros... What went so wrong?
You were hated on by the same playset of Damping Sphere people brought for Devourer decks.
Sooooo... When they ban this fucking birds? They will not leave this rampant in the format for 4 fucking years right? RIGHT????
Despite the heavy release schedule standard has remained relatively stable the last few years. If anything people are sick of certain decks like Esper midrange staying about too long
Unless they want to do an emergency ban the window has passed and he will be around for a few months
>8 Nadus top 16
>50% of the best decks
Hahahahaha they really are so fucking stupid oh my fucking god hahahaha
>Sooooo... When they ban this fucking birds? They will not leave this rampant in the format for 4 fucking years right? RIGHT????
They change bans so they only happen a few times a year in order to alleviate investor concerns about surprise bannings impacting stock values at unpredictable times.
He's going to be around for at least 4 months, probably 6.
>Why does he apply his effect to all creatures
Because otherwise he'd be a bulk rare.
>Why does he cost 3 mana
Because 2 mana was a bit too cheap.
>Why does he put the lands in untapped
They probably thought it was only going to activate a couple times each turn, so it wouldn't be a big issue. I bet the reason they chose to make it trigger twice was because they specifically envisioned the scenario of "Creature gets targeted by removal, then targeted again by a protection spell".
>Why does he specifically put the cards in your hand so you don't die to bowmasters
Because of the ramping part of the ability. It's how they've handled it going all the way back to Coiling Oracle and so on.
>Why does his affect work with all targeting triggers instead of just spells
Because they didn't think of it or didn't care
>Why does he specifically have 4 health so he doesn't die to bolt
So that he doesn't die to bolt
>Why is he a legend so he can be made uncounterable with halfling
>Why does he have flying
Because bird
You can't hate Nadu and people focused exactly on this picture: Let's fuck Tron, let's fuck Storm.

Now the Bird is in charge and will win the PT
Because Yugioh regularly reprints staples and most gay finance shit is focused around rarity upshifts, which are viewed as a good thing in Yugioh.
Snopes fact-checked this and found that only 7 of the top 16 was Nadu.
The thing I want to know: what position is Mommy-Tipple in?
If Bird wins the PT will be as bad as Scam last Modern PT
In fact i'm really waiting with Popcorn how many birds make Top 8
>Thoughts on Foundations having cards that will be Standard legal for at least 5 years?

>Sorry guys, it was me. I wished on a monkey paw for them to bring back core sets.
>implying these so called “Bant” lists aren’t all just winning because of Nadu
Oh so it’s the “Omnath and Teferi are ackshoolee white cards” facetious argument again. Retards, I swear…
I can't believe how shit the OTJ Obeka is lol. Isn't even usable in Commander.
So how do we feel about Foundations changing rules text from [CARDNAME] to "This [cardtype]"?
So what's the cope for RW energy doing relatively well?
>white cards aren't white because.... ummmmm... they just aren't ok!!!!! ignore that Nadu isn't even white!!!!
Nice try, Satan.
This was the card that made me hare Fundations. I can bear with a bunch of fucking reprints into Standard but then they had to add: REPRINTS AND NEW CARDS *wink* *wink* :^) what a fucking greedy bastards
What’s the cope for it falling behind Nadu every time?
>Zoomer brain rot can’t differentiate between multicolor cards and true white cards
Go back to grade school retard
Is this the white schizo trying to deflect the obvious sins of White colour?
It's fine. Kind of shreds something that has been core to MTG wording since the beginning for literally no fucking reason (Other than facilitating the simultaneous bloating of both legendary creature card names AND textboxes)

Whatever. At least it doesn't fucking break grammar or not function at all as rules text like half the changes they make.
White schizo you can't complain about MH3, white got the highest concentration of good cards
I bought this card for $70 about a year ago from a friend and felt ripped off. Crazy how expensive cards that should be available to anyone wanting to build a competitive deck get, even though they came out recently.
>Crazy how expensive cards that should be available to anyone wanting to build a competitive deck get, even though they came out recently.
Almost like they powercreep on purpose to get you to buy sealed products in terms hope of profiting, rather than spend big on the secondary market. Of course, only retards actually purchase sealed product. So even though you spent $70 a single card, at least you didn't spend $70 on what would've likely been far less. Plus now you've given your friend that money, not Wizards.
But my friend is a divorced dad and gives whatever little money he has left for himself to Wizards
What would happen if all the high profile Magic players "went on strike" and agreed to totally proxy their decks and then heaps of other players did the same
What would be Wizards play then
>uses zoomer buzzwords to accuse others of being zoomers
>No True White Card
Whitetroons... we are underage...
Nothing, the pro scene doesn't make them money. Their market is whales and collectors.
If pro players mattered thry wouldnt have shat on pro player support in the past 4 years.
They already make insane profits from Arena whales. They don't give two fucks about 60 card Magic or the competitive scene anymore. Look at the pathetic quality of their current PT broadcast. They should fire everybody bar Cedric and then pay some actual Magic players to call the matches. Also stop showing Tipple every other feature match and show actual established players (this is a tournament where both KB and JF are both playing and they've not even been mentioned one time on camera)
Pro... Players? Anon here the only thing that matters is the MOTHER. FUCKING. MONEY. Lmao as long as EDH fags, whales and addicts keep pumping those sheckels, WotC will keep printing shit and abusing their customers, simple as.
how bad would be a top 8 with 3 only 3 decks variety?
Oh so the bird is TRASHING everyone else. Fucking lmao.
>/mmg/ was right
Well, a broken clock does keep the correct time twice a decade.
Birdbros... we won
It'd be better if the commander community decided to do this. EDH tends to be proxy friendly whereas official WotC sanctioned events require all players to use authentic cards.
This is... Not right.
Bird and TOR should go i mean asap. The format is unbereable right now.
We still have to see what Day 2 brings
A lot of people can miss top cut due to bad draft luck
>When they ban this fucking birds?
the next b&r is in august but they've only publicly acknowledged legacy and pioneer for changes, they didn't say anything about modern so far
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>He lets the bird resolve
I would laugh so hard if they leave the format like this for months.
I will be rooting for the fair bird wizard
>Can't counter
>4 life
>Can't bolt
>I can't waste lots of mana to erase it and a board
What do then?
Yknow, Ill probably stick to playing affinity at this rate. If anything, it doesnt matter what I'll play Ill lose to the birb anyway.
>not even a 1/4
I'm still mad
I think at this point we need to all just accept MTG is dead and this is just a different flavour of YGO we're playing.
bolt the halfling
Well i said the final would be Nadu vs Ruby but seeing this i will root for the Jeskai control chad. If someone can stop this bird menace is that guy.
Was ever a time Modern meta was acceptable? Because since Horizons i keep just hearing how shitty and powercreep things has become.
If they were public about their proxying then they most likely would be C&D's by Wizards because even if you're not making money out of it it's illegal to reproduce someone else's IP

Who the fuck knows, maybe they'd even send in the Pinkertons again to seize the proxies
The general consensus was that pre-MH1 and post Hogaak bans MH1 to a lesser degree were fine.
And it was fine. Everyone still got to play what they wanted and had a decent time.
bowmasters will finally be banned, right...
>Was ever a time Modern meta was acceptable? Because since Horizons
It's almost like you answered your own question.
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>"limits design space"

Seriously, what is even the most broken thing that could come out of Pod these days that isn't outdone by every other deck in the format? The games where Pod could get obscene value don't exist anymore
Banned? No.
Rotated? Yes.
Bowmasters got rotated by nadudu sorry chud OBM is irrelevant.
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>disruptor flute on shuko
>Pithing needle on Nadu
>Power creep bolt to do 4 damage
>Power creep Witness Protection to have flash
We are currently dealing with a dangerous kind of bird here, sir, we dont have time for some archery performer minions.
I don't care about this pro tour.
Just tell me how Nadu wins. Is it an actual win on the spot combo or is it something like draw a gorillion cards so you can't lose the game?
Rolled 8, 6, 5 = 19 (3d8)

Rolling for the contents of the next ban announcement:

1 - We're monitoring the situation
2 - All macro archetypes are seeing play
3 - The meta looks healthy and diverse
4 - Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
5 - We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
6 - We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta
7 - The format has all the tools necessary to deal with it
8 - There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed
Nadu should've had flash like bowmaster
>We can't make any changes now because it would disrupt an upcoming event
>We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta
>There's plenty of room for rogue decks to succeed

Well, there you have it. Now stop complaining about Nadu and get ready for Bloomburrow.
Standard sets will save us with some kind of bullshit removal.
It's almost like Mark throw those dices bro...
Those are actually reasons I can see them throwing out actually
See, it's already happening. Modern will be fine, just hold out for Bloomburrow and Duskmourn. BIG changes are coming.
You spit out some creatures and Shuko. Once the bird hits the field, shuko can be equipped an infinite number of times for zero. Each creature on the field gets two triggers from Nadu's ability. Each trigger is either a card in the hand or a land on the field untapped. It's not an infinite combo, but it can't be interacted with very easily, and gets out of hand very quickly, especially because you can cast another bird to reset the trigger limit and do it all over again. The gameplan is pretty much to burn through your entire deck in a single turn then Thoracle for the win.
Rolled 3, 6, 2 = 11 (3d8)

Rolling for Pioneer ban announcement
>All macro archetypes are seeing play
>The meta looks healthy and diverse
>We're waiting to see how the next release effects the meta

It's honestly frightening how accurate this is.
I fucking hate MTG.
I hate fucking MTG.
2 ships meme was propagated by faggot control players. They still threw that excuse out even after T3feri.
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They're going to ban Shuko, not Nadu.
It's nuphyrexia slop so I'm content to see it stay banned
Theyre going to ban outriders and literally everything else before Nadu. And when they ban Nadu? Theyre going to bring a pillar of old modern out of spite with it. Id say manamorphose because muh storm and prowess.
Yeah, it's gonna be Hogaak all over again
>Bloomburrow will have some anti bird typal card
Banning Nadu would be like banning Bridges from Pauper. Utterly unthinkable!
guys...I miss vengevine
Nadu is fun like Phoenix in Pioneer
Nadu has counters like Peething needle or Flute
Other archetypes are seeing success even with Nadu
Modern is healthy no need to ban anything for the next 3 years.
Fucking tourists
Crabvine was its last chance to be good, unfortunately it wasnt enough, not in this meta.
Phoenix deals you 3 in the air T3. Nadu wins on the spot T3.
Crabvine was the chance for Dredge/Delve tactics to make something again... The hope is lost.
Sorry, meant to say Kindred
Hold on, Modern could definitely see some bans. But the main question is what MH2 cards can we ban now in order to force people to buy more MH3 cards? Right now Grief is making people buy black flare, Necro, and Sorin, so I don't think that's a safe ban. Yawgmoth doesn't have a lot of MH3 cards. Maybe it's time for Ol' Yawg to be put down.
>Create two mouse tokens
>Each opponent sacrifices all birds
Kino or may I even say.... Lichtspielhaus.
>Nadu is fun like Phoenix in Pioneer
phoenix is a standard deck that transcended into pioneer (and modern for a brief moment), it has over half a decade of history
nadu quite literally popped into existence less than a month ago
I told you all when the bird first got shown.
>llanowar elves will be in standard forever
i'm gonna cum
Well it won't have time to build a rich history if it gets banned so soon
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I heard you have a bird problem
That prowess deck packed 3 of this, he shouldve went up to 4 if were being honest
This is the best mtg related news I've heard in years. Finally, we're getting low complexity cards again.
One of the top nadu decks is running a 1 of dismember
mtg is unfortunately popular with whales who never actually play the game, and just horde cards as an "investment" because they're too retarded to figure out how to buy stocks or crypto. I'm sure they could probably figure out how to visit a casino and pull the arm of a slot machine, a no doubt more profitable "investment", but that would involve them actually playing a game - something the collector is utterly incapable of comprehending.
-3 Teferi targeting harsh mentor. Any responses
What does it mean by "this creature"? It never says what creature it's referring to.
They changing the text from [creature name] to this creature
Same way they changed ETB to enter
>low complexity cards
>focus on Magic's usual brand of fantasy instead of costume gimmick sets
>you can introduce your friends to magic with elves and goblins instead of cowboys and detectives
>powercreep slows to a halt since they need to keep this thing profitable enough to justify continuously printing it for 5 years
holy fuuck...
Okay, but what creature? Does it effect all of my creatures, or do I just pick one?
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>powercreep slows to a halt since they need to keep this thing profitable enough to justify continuously printing it for 5 years

Do you really believe that?
They better hope it's not more than 8 cards down.
Wooo big D made it to day two with his GR eldrazzi breach deck.
Shut the fuck up.
Which fuck?
>it's a thoracle deck
i thought it was just a 5c control pile with 1 shuko that you tutor up with saga
Foundation will be overpowered by current standards, and people will think it's worth even more because they're stupid enough to think that the cards will stay relevant for 5 years, then Foundation will get rotated by accelerating power creep. Slowing rotation is a cash-out move, it stimulates sales in the short term and makes the game harder to manage in the long term. They only have two choices from that point forward, they can sell new overpowered cards to replace the old ones (like how they rotate commander and modern), or they can sell less cards. What do you think they're gonna do?
Thoracle is actually the training wheels version, there is a convoluted Endurance loop about half the decks are on which frees up the Thoracle slot but takes a few minutes to explain and play out.
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243 players. No bans needed, by the way.
Personally I think they're gonna drop the idea after a couple years like they did with core sets in favor of doing some new bullshit. I'm not taking the 2029 thing seriously at all.
lmao, even
Odds that Wizards won't ban Nadu?
Not until they've exhausted the other options
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>mfw for two days before release this thing was preordering for 25 dollars
Why wouldn't you just buy fakes? Wizards don't give a fuck about you, why should you about them?
The next banned and restricted announcement will be "in August." My bet is 24 copies in the top 8 this weekend, then a month of additional tournament data in which it completely takes over the format, then a ban at that time. The upcoming Modern RCQ season (Aug 2 start) puts them in an especially bad spot.
Tier 0 deck
>The upcoming Modern RCQ season (Aug 2 start) puts them in an especially bad spot.

So the dice roll was right? >>93195012
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I'm too fixed in my ways to want a format with rotations. Fixed formats for me all the way...
>9 - Dig up cherrypicked data to prove that X unbanned card was more prevalent than Bird
>they're actually doing standard horizons
holy shit
people unironically told me Phlage was shit before release.
>Maybe this would be playable in Pioneer
It is shit. These retards are overrating it hard. No, I'm not a pro but I could EASILY become one if I wanted to.
It's called a core set zoomie
They could probably bullshit their way into a combined Chord of Calling + Shuko ban to "reduce the consistency of the deck without banning the archetype completely."
splinter twin meta was good
Are the only non-rating formats left EDH and Vintage?
>Chord of Calling gets the axe for the birds sins
I'd put money on this happening.
They won't ban the bird - screencap this.
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>*iko is back
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It defeats the entire fucking purpose of standard. It should've been a pioneer thing.
>Niko has a whole predefined token
>The token and Niko have never shown up again since
>Since Niko's desparked probably won't even make them with the creature card
Since the release of MH3, Nadu has the second most top 16 cEDH finishes.

No one actually plays Vintage, so in a sense yes it doesn't rotate.
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>Was ever a time Modern meta was acceptable?
Before picrel was banned
The bird is a problem in EDH, too. And EDH does rotate because it constantly gets new cards specifically designed for commander that are near auto-staples.
It was from retards trying to slot it into burn.
Rhino hooves typed this post
>Elves gets infinitely more gimped because jotc cant stop being kikes
Atleast unban Glimpse of Nature goddamit.
Nah, the Cascade vs Zoo meta sucked.
EDH doesnt rotate if you have a non-faggot playgroup who understand what makes a fun session, but I understand what you mean.
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The format cannot be truly rotated in the way Modern is, but new cards do show up far too often to be considered reasonable.
>that yugioh length text box
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You think that's soul?
rEaDiNg tHe CaRd ExPlAiNs ThE cArD
We can go further...
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>only 56% winrate
Fair deck
Why did they go so far out of their way to make him gross looking
>Murktide and Living End at 60% winrate

Given that those are safe bans now (i.e. don't run too many MH3 cards, won't harm sales anymore), Murktide Regent and Shardless Agent might be on the chopping block.

>4 - Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate
because most of the time its playing against itself
Nadu's win rate for it's sample pool is fucking crazy
Our data suggests that you're not supposed to point that out
Nadu's conversion rate as the most popular deck, a deck that everyone knew was going to be there, and was teching against, is soke tier 0 shit
Basically every red deck is packing copied of harsh mentor and other hate cards and Nadu just doesn't care
Is draft hopeless for a casual brainlet? I'm not good at reading signals, memorizing what was in a pack, what comes back around, the good cards to draft in a set. This is before the baseline of be good at magic as well. I don't think I'm going to find a pod of low skill players at my level. I primarily only play physical paper.
I'm not seeing the Endurance loop without Bowmasters desu. Like I get burning lands with Safekeeper only to bring them all back and play them again but I'm not seeing an actual wincon outside of flooding the board with unhasted Nantuko tokens.
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>cheapest version is over $80

Really? Weird because I got mine for about .35¢.
No. You're a retard if you try to keep up with this game.
I think it's a great idea, I just hope they balanced the sets around it unlike suddenly extending rotation.
no one cares, retard.
Less than 5% of the "player base" accounts for 90% of WOTCs profits. It's whales and investards buying up the sealed products and there's no way those sad addicts will ever leave the hobby before the company itself folds.
guys I finally broke altar of dementia
You clearly do, since you responded. Nobody forces you to overpay by 1000 and more percent for a product that's quite literally worth pennies. Perhaps you are the retard?
>Still being a facetious like about mana symbols being reflective of a color’s true identity
Holy seethe and cope what a retard
>If it was cast
Godspeed anon.
Just play swamp, ritual, ritual, ritual, ritual, excruciator, altar on turn 1, bro
I play Jund Saga on MODO to a positive winrate. AMA
>pic rel
i like the idea but there a few mistakes
>when cast
lands have never used the word "cast", it should say "when ~ comes into play" or "when you play ~"
>during your upkeep
sagas trigger at the beginning of your prevombat main phase, not upkeep
>if it leaves play it is removed from the game entirely
not exactly true since "removed from the game entirely" means exile and technically tokens do hit the graveyard before disappearing so they trigger certain things. the first set with tokens in it was legends which was released only a few months after antiquities, so you might as well just use the wording used in that set: "Put a Construct token into play. Treat this token as a 0/0 artifact creature that gets +1/+1 for each artifact you control, including itself."
>tries to rotate Modern
>wants to stop rotating standard

Say it with me,
*laughs in phyrexian*
>2 life left after it all
if only the game wasn't a pile of shit
>only 56% winrate
>Fair deck

>4 - Our data suggests it doesn't have an excessively high win rate

You know, if the meta's 100% one deck then it'd have a 50% win rate.
Really, the format balances itself.
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storm bros
i don't feel so good
>literally No True White Card
lmao, seethe and cope is right
1UB Enchantment
If a spell you cast triggers an ability of a creature you don't control, counter that ability.
Nadu is literally the pillar of the modern format now. I think it's clear at this point that just how Living end, Murktide and Storm have existed for a very long time in the format, that Nadu will become a staple of modern just as those three decks are. An bird ban would just create a massive rise of storm and living boros energy which are good if not better than the supposed decks that Nadu fucks over. I honestly don't expect any bans for power reasons but WotC will probably give in to the shitters like last year when they B&d Violent outburst despite at the time Temur being his only playable shell and becoming tier 2 so I expect that despite Nadu being okay she'll get banned by whiny shitters like you

One protour means nothing, players will adjust. We've been through this before, winrates will normalize but this might be how meta is gonna be for a while until new tech is discovered
Violent Outburst was cancer. Stick to FNM, shitter.
Violent Outburst was healthy fun. Stay here, champ.
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I blame this board.
Duskmourn is far more interesting than furry Eldraine
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I hope it's okay to ask a generic TCG question here, as opposed to something about MTG specifically. I'm returning to TCGs after not really playing them for 2 decades. For the love of god, where can I buy small glass beads for use as counters or tokens in trading card games? They used to be super common in the early days of Pokemon, but now I can't find them anywhere. I specifically want small ones like the orange ones on the left, but for the life of me I can only find large ones like the red ones on the right, whether I look online or locally. The larger ones are impractical for use in TCGs, yet they're all I can find, even from sellers who say that they're for TCGs, or even claim that they're the same ones that used to come with Pokemon cards back in the day. And don't tell me to just use cardboard counters or small D6's; I want these classy-looking small glass beads.
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Enduring Tenacity is a rare in draft sets.
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jfc why are amazon urls so long
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Those look like mancala beads.
>furries have lower standards
Tale as old as time
>jfc why are amazon urls so long
Tracking data. Everything after the "decorative" is pure tracker additions.
If you work in Amazon's back end and know the tracking algorhythms you could probably find out a lot about who posted that link.
With the onboard combo (Nadu, Shuko, Safekeeper, Nantuko) assembled you can go through your deck and then start saccing lands and put them back with endurance, endurance puts itself back too.
With that you can generate infinite mana, you can also reset your utility lands and onboard creatures if you want by using your canopy to draw otawara or boseiju instead of putting them into play.
You then bowmasters and put a nantuko on it, with the nantuko on the bowmasters you can make infinite bowmaster tokens from the infinite landfall triggers.
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>best combo deck in standard
>only gets to exist for 105 days
Thanks, it looks like these will likely do the job! I just discovered that Vampire TES somehow still exists after all these years, and IIRC you often need to put loads of blood counters onto a card, so the bigger ones like the red ones on the right in the image I posted would simply be too big, and I've been unable to find smaller ones until now.
Yeah I get all that. My question is, what's the wincon in bant shells that don't have Bowmasters? Is it literally just Nantuko tokens?
Was teferi an artifact? If yes you take 4 and then it resolves. If no, then it resolves.
Damn Compleated Teferi costing me life
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THIS (generic horror) SET IS FINNA BE LIIIIT!
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>Double faced cards redflag
Damn, can this set be more of a flop?
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Looks like these are going to be // split cards actually.
The names seem landlike I think they're transforming land cards.
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They are room cards.
Who the fuck thought doing a Stranger Things set/world would be a good idea? They are not even hiding how uncreative they are.
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People on here really hate the paranormal frame.
>The names seem landlike
They literally use the standard "//" wording for split cards in oracle in the preview.
wouldn't be surprised if they're lands though and just too stupid to realize their own formatting.
Its clear from the artwork/names that they're side by side split cards, with both sides representing a land, and are not double sided (contiguous art) and are not upside down flip cards like kamigawa nor aftermath sideways castable cards (side by side artwork)

this really begs the question of how or why a side by side split room land could exist
because if only one side is active at a time, you can't represent that like you can an MDFC land or flip card or whatever by how you orient it on a battlefield.

Wizards have always been able to impress us with their ability to create masturbatory designs that have needless gimmicks instead of just templating them sanely. Like when OGW was being spoiled and the online predictions claimed the colorless mana symbol couldn't possibly be what it was, because eldrazi scion tokens existed in both BFZ and OGW and the previous set hadn't used that symbol. And then it turns out nope, they just had a limited environment with two different templates of the same token, it was stupid as fuck
So think through that lens: What could rooms be, if rooms are incredibly fucking stupid?
fuck this is so fucking lame, trope-y and uncreative.
Shells that dont have bowmaster usually use Thoracle.
I don't think I've seen a list that doesnt run either bow or thor.
>A card named Chainsaw
>Its ability is super specific about a Slasher themed horror movie
There have been so much exemples of this lately.
Just name it "Bloodthirsty Chainsaw" or some shit like that, you fuckers
It doesn't work like that, even if Teferi is a creature or artifact you would only take 2 damage.
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yes, 2 for each Mentor. I have 2 Mentors, and I don't care if one of them leaves board, as we are still on turn 3.
You take 2 damage.
I cast Harsh Mentor again, pass turn.
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You're not funny.
>Unfortunately, the audience was under the impression that Duskmourne might be a setting that fits in with the broader aesthetic of Magic: The Gathering. We've thus taken steps to make sure they understand that it's actually just a very, very late Stranger Things knock-off.
>stranger things set
Why do retards say this?
It's magicboomer central. People are going to whine nonstop about duskmourn because "WTF WHY ISN'T THAT CHAINSAW A MAGIC MANA CHAINSAW MADE FROM THE ASSHOLES OF ANGELS?!?!"
High fantasytards need the rope.
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>You're not funny.
Because Stranger Things is a fairly recent well-known horror property that really played up that it's set in the 80s. Now you have Duskmourne with a bunch of overt 80s/90s horror aesthetic motifs. The connection is inevitable and assuredly intentional on WotC's part. If they hadn't already done a Stranger Things SL, they'd do one now.

>inb4 they do a second one
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>Okay, but dow do "Rev counters" help solidify our high fantasy with occasional magitech aesthetic?

>High fantasy?
That's abhorrent, jesus
>Villain is in a otherside/inside world
>Images of this inner world is full of tree roots like things
>People lured inside are trapped and can only escape if they find a portal
>80s style shit
>tvs and phones can be used to the advantage of humans
>Evil guy control minions that hunts survivors to feed upon them

oh look, I just described stranger things or did I just described duskmourn?

Your retardation won't help you here, shill
>rev counter

What does this have in common with stranger things outside of a 80's horror setting which is also shared by hundreds of films? What is the similarity? Stranger things isn't about people in a house. This doesn't even have a dark mirror world thing. And there's no references to stranger things that I have seen so far. What I have seen is

>Evil Dead reference
>Ring reference
>Chainsaw massacre reference
>Ghostbusters reference
You'd be more correct saying it's a set based on those. When the fuck did stranger things have ghostbuster guns and ghosts coming out of the TV like fucking Poltergeist?
You didn't describe stranger things at all? And several of those are so fucking generic they are shared by dozens of properties. Don't make yourself look dumb because you hate shit. You just look like a zoomer who cannot recognize all the 80's references because you were born in 05 and grew up on SAW.
>What does this have in common with stranger things outside of a 80's horror setting which is also shared by hundreds of films?
Being a Magic set.
only a removal or game-winning combat trick in specific scenarios, so it seems better to draft a creature instead of this, if that option comes up
I like the frame. I don't like the art because it's just a neon colored being with no real background.
Never underestimate the deck smoothing ability of 1 mana cantrips.
Shuko 100% getting banned next month.

Nadu isn't the issue as otherwise it would be being played a lot more on arena. It isn't because there's no good 0 mana ways to activate it on Arena.
Showing that the problem isn't technically Nadu but this shitty old card that's only played in this one deck as a dumb enabler.
No way they don't just ban Shuko.
>Multiverse setting
>Only universes in the multiverse all advanced in tech at the same time and have very little difference to them
Why not just make it a planet instead of planes? It would make more sense. Theros could be one nation and Dominaria another and Innistrad another etc.
I don't think anyone can escape from Duskmourne just survive until they succumb.
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Apparently a horror-themed haunted shifting mansion which fits a magical card game pretty decently as is wasn't enough, it had to be an 80's-themed one.

Maybe it was made to lure in consumer-type planeswalkers
>Theros could be one nation and Dominaria another
Dominaria encompasses what would be like 15 separate planes. It is HUGE compared to other planes we've seen.

I agree though it would be nice to have more cohesive "Planes" that include many different regions, instead of just having random cultural islands floating around the eldraziverse.
You're being obtuse. I'm trying to say it's just people making the most immediate pop culture connection because that's how people's brains work and WotC is aware of that, at least to some degree. Yes, in reality it's doing a scatter shot of references, but you know why they chose to do an 80s horror movie themed plane in 2024.
So would you advise picking Meek over a meh creature?
Trying to get in the draft mindset
Are you pretending to be retarded or what? Well two (maybe more) can play this game.


>Originally, the House was an ordinary dwelling, within which the demonic entity known as Valgavoth had been imprisoned. Unable to break the binding, he found a way to work around it instead by redefining and expanding the boundaries of what counted as his prison.
>Eventually, he was able to swallow up the entirety of the plane within the walls of the House in a period known as the Ascension.
>The House isn't technically alive, but with Valgavoth's consciousness threaded throughout, it has gained a base level of sentience and awareness of everyone inside.
Fits both Stranger Things (Vecna) and Locke and Key (the demon and the ghost)
>Prior to the Ascension, there used to be at least three separate realms of existence: one physical realm and two immaterial realms where demons and spirits resided. As the House grew, the demonic realm was folded into the confines of the House and the spirit realm squeezed out to the edges as much as the plane's space in the Blind Eternities allowed.
Fits both again. Stranger Things has the upside world and Locke and Key has the demon world (and paradise)
>The purpose of the House is singular: to feed Valgavoth's hunger for terror and fear.
Oh look, it is how Vecna (Stranger things) does his thing.
>Previously, Valgavoth was able to temporarily force open doors to other planes, which he would use to lure in unsuspecting victims. But doing so cost him a lot of effort, and he could only manage to open one door every few years.
it is like Vecna (Stranger Things) kills people
>The demon Valgavoth is the linchpin of Duskmourn. Though technically still bound to the physical structure of the House, this limitation has little meaning anymore. His psychic connection to the House lets him track anyone he wants and command the monstrous entities who live inside.
Just like Vecna
>So would you advise picking Meek over a meh creature?
>Trying to get in the draft mindset
Depends on your list and the format. Usually, filtering for your big threats and hitting your land drops is better than a shitty body.

Nowadays limited is a format that has just devolved into "I drew my bomb" so why bother playing it, really.
You're describing generic shit.
If any of this sounds like Stranger Things to you it's because they're both referencing the same tropes not because Stranger Things is the basis for the set retard.
>Harrowings occur whenever Valgavoth molts out of his latest form and into a new body. The surge of malevolence that comes with this rebirth extrudes a fresh wave of cellarspawn into the House. It also sends out a psychic ripple that incites cultists, razorkin, and other monstrous entities to increased viciousness, bloodlust, and paranoia. Harrowings typically only last a few days.
Oh, just like Vecna doing things made people in the real world feel him and even make a pattern over the years.
Almost like Locke and Key
>Deep within the heart of the House is the Below, a lightless underground chamber where Valgavoth himself resides, and from where he extends his tendrils throughout the rest of the House. The location of the Below is the only fixed point in the whole of Duskmourn. To reach it, you must go through the basement of the original dwelling that was the House, located in the depths of the Balemurk. A tunnel formed of the shed husks of Valgavoth's previous bodies extends deep underground, burrowing deeper with each molt. It's rumored that the only true exit to the House exists within the Below, but no one has ever ventured there and returned to confirm it.
oh shit, it is the Upside world from stranger things !


What will you fags say next? That bloomborrow isn't a Mouse guard knockoff?
we back to Strixhaven tier AI generated names, then, are we?
It is generic? Then give 3 other movies/books/comics that hit those elements. I m waiting, faggot-shill-lord-san
Omenpaths are what?
>That bloomborrow isn't a Mouse guard knockoff?
It's not because fantasy tales about anthropomorphic animals are common as dirt in children's fiction. I've never even heard of Mouse Guard before but I read lots of books with similar settings to bloomburrows.
Not all omenpaths are permanent Thunder Junction is unique in having many permanent omenpaths.
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>Not all omenpaths are permanent Thunder Junction is unique in having many permanent omenpaths.
>I don't think anyone can escape from Duskmourne just survive until they succumb.
Omenpaths lmao. Escape from literally every plane in the multiverse is literally free now.
So you think a survivor can never find a omenpath to escape duskmourn, but omenpaths can appear to bring new survivors?
Valgavoth is controlling the plane itself to only bring in people so I think he can close them after a victim enters.
>Valgavoth is controlling the plane itself to only bring in people so I think he can close them after a victim enters.
Oh so [generic lovecraft name] guy is powerful enough to manipulate the omenpaths?
Great, we have a villain that has the power to singlehandedly rule the entire multiverse.. Good to know.
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Me es an habitante de la foresta
Tfw no fiery latinx gf
I can't understand why people packed so little hate against the birds... Is like PT with Vampires but people already could tell the bird was busted
>I can't understand why people packed so little hate against the birds... Is like PT with Vampires but people already could tell the bird was busted
It is, in fact, just like PT with vampires.
There is no hate. You can pack "Hate' but then they just play it anyway, execute their plan anyway, and you sit there like a retard and realize they're casting 3cmc 3/4 fliers while you're durdling around with hate pieces for the text that isn't relevant to you being hit in the face for 3 damage a turn.
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*Solos your generic white lovecraftian demon*
I bought a playset of these for my legacy 5C Humans deck last year but haven't played it at an event yet.
how can they have art as shitty as this and art as good as this >>93196764 the retard woke fag vs the creepy horror artist
We already did that 20 years ago little zoom zoom.
How does this compare to Hogaak at Mythic Championship 4?
Has to be close right? Feels like the bird might even be better
Cool i hope the card with this art is playable at least
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Bow down
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Why are we getting shitty duskmourn spoilers bloomburrow spoilers haven't even started yet
see >>93196566
>Duskmourn is far more interesting than furry Eldraine
*Furry watered down Lorwyn
>4 mana do nothing was considered format breaking 14 years ago
Crazy, I don't think Jayce would see play even at 2 mana
As broken as this is (and I think there will be a Shuko ban shortly after the pro tour), I think I remember Hogaak actually still being a little more straight up broken.
I don't really remember people actually having anything to fight against Hogaak while Nadu can be hit with one or two things. But I mean, one or two things that you need to have turn 1 or 2 or you're done.
>refuse to ban Amalia
>print mythic hate cards
Duskmourn is a set that's trying to be something it clearly won't be
>Duskmourn is a set that's trying to be something it clearly won't be
It's trying to be a bland, shitty, generic 80s horror trope ripoff.
I, for one, think it's going to succeed at that with flying colors.
Bloomburrow spoiler official season soon
i don't know how reddit is always full of semen slurpers
what's the fucking point of this and make a leyline to help life gains strategies?
Wait, sorry
A 3/3 haste that nigh always trades 2-for-1 in combat that can also direct its damage at face AND has upside?
Am I reading this wrong? This is beyond fucking retarded.
I mean more in the sense that it's being presented as the spooky horror set with a plane idea that actually sounds interesting.
But then they have the 80's retro shit, monsters inc shit and just the general vibe of trying hard to keep it pg and "teenagers first spooky movie".
It's so weird where wizards draw the line for what's ok and what isn't
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>It's so weird where wizards draw the line for what's ok and what isn't
It's not weird.
On one side of the line is
>Our market research suggests this won't make us money.
And on the other side is,
>Our market research suggests this will make us money.
>...for each counter on Twitching Doll
>each counter
The hero that we deserved
FIRE it up
It's literally just dbd
RDW needs it
Any possibility of broke this?
Counter spam usually comes with a tap or on upkeep triggers.
It's possible though. Some kind of Gilder Bairn shennanigans maybe, but likely not better than what you could do with some other thing that doesn't suffer from summoning sickness.

Tetzimoc is a cheeky one.
This is a mechanic that objectively should not exist. What's next, "if this creature takes damage, target opponent is not allowed to cast counterspells for the rest of the game"? "target opponent is not allowed to block for the rest of the game"?
>People crying about fair Magic
Lmao even
I agree, it is very shit.
At least make it a counter or something so it can minimally be interacted with.
It is weird when they have depictions of people being decapitated and shit, but then when you have an actual horror set then it's monsters inc
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Welcome to 2008
A bit different when the interaction portion of the permanent trigger is simply block to stop it, vs letting it hit you and hope they don't Gut Shot it to stop it..
That isn’t nearly as free. The problem isn’t the effect, it’s how nothing is being given up for it.
That said, Stigma Lasher is a disgusting card that should never have been printed.
Then you haven’t been watching because the Nadu decks being played at the top tables of the pro tour mostly have neither. They just loop Boseijus to blow up all the enemies lands and pass.
how we stop the fucking bird?
I block
I can't block, I can't damage it in anyway and I have to hope my opponent isn't damaging it in anyway or form.

That new card is the FIRE of this Stigma Lasher. Makes an effect that is unique into a fucking retarded thing that is so easy to accomplish the effect that there is no reason for anyone to even consider playing the old card.
At this point? >>93197351
I didn't actually make this, but I do want to make similar ones for proxied vintage decks. Thank you though, I'll keep them in mind when I make my own
Games gotta end.
>hate card against life gain
>which was never a primary goal to winning
>doesn't stop decks from winning except weird gay decks that rely on some life interaction or life related trigger
Making a player unable to counter spells or abilities for the rest of the game would be similarly narrow and strong hate without turning off win conditions, it could definitely see print without destroying the game. Turning off all blocks is extremely unlikely to see print as it would upend the vast majority of current and future decks.
Also Stigma Lasher exists and was a nothingburger. The always upside 2-for-1 is more worrisome than the "can't gain life" effect.
There are many printed win conditions in the game that trigger when your life total reaches a specific amount
don't waste your time with the shill. wotc could literally print exodia with all parts costing 0 mana and he would claim it is good design...
When I see cards like this I wish they used AI art instead.
>5 card combo
soul cauldron goes brrrrrrrrr
why aren't they reprinting it in standard, what's the big deal
When I think of an ideal game of magic, my idea is not ending the game in a couple turns.

Reprinting older cards that aren't used in competitive play won't generate as many sales.
>thoughts on core sets
it's all so tiresome
Magic is so fucked.
maybe duplimancy gets a foundations reprint
we can dream
How long until WotC is releasing a new set every month?
It's pretty much already happening
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Why is Tamiyo the only flipwalker rising in price? I thought she was supposed to be the weakest. Is she part of the Nadu deck?
Probably because people are realising how good a card it is.
Haven't seen her power level on camera at the pro tour, but I hope we get to see it.
>some bird is stronger than a Noldor noble who's seen the light of the two trees
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looks like I woke up too early
And it's only round one......
>anon hates when the cards try to be scary
>anon hates when the cards try to be campy
Tell me the truth. You just hate magic right?
Would decks that want lifegain to counteract aggro/burn even have a source to damage this thing

Blockers I guess, but then that thing is at best a 3 mana 3/3 haste unblockable, unless the red deck is throwing burn at their own creatures
We waz exilez n shit
I said it before, Screaming Nemesis is too slow and needs to many pieces to be an effective tech card
Necrodominance decks will likely have already killed you by the time you can activate Nemesis' effect, Amalia decks as well
That card only counters meme shit like soul sisters that never saw play to begin with
She is the 2nd most played flip walker at the PT after Ral and ahead of Ajani and ruby storm had a trainwreck of an event, 29-57-2 day 1 for storm.
Nta but yes I do
If they want cards to be scary they need to bring back land destruction
Were the players just not expecting Nadu to show up as much as this? It seems like people have mostly prepared to fight storm and tron decks more than nadu
>anon hates when the cards try to be scary
It doesn't really feel scary and they're being pretty uncreative. They could do something more interesting, we've seen them do better before
>anon hates when the cards try to be campy
Isn't this supposed to be a horror set? Why do we have the same horrible flavor text style that nobody finds funny and the kid from monserts inc?
Remember when a Magic block actually told a story? Sure, they weren't great stories but they were as enjoyable as your standard comic book is. Something campy to enjoy while casting your favourite characters and their arsenals in the game itself. Even if you do not consider UB bullshit, the only set that was even half interesting released this decade was TBW and that was only because it was basically a novel that came out like over two decades ago. Fuck this gay game on basically every level - lore was shit, now it's pathetic. Game was good, now it's fucking grim. Fucking loathe Magic with every fibre of my being.
It's funny to see the twitch chat as soon as somebody with a weird pronoun pops up. All of a sudden it's all "YAY X PERSON!!" and all of a sudden the mods wake up and strike at lightning speeds. Not previously when obvious bots were spamming the chat.
Like fucking clockwork.
People were expecting it, Nadu was the talk of the town. People brought in artifact removal and harsh mentors
It's just a deck that's extremely resilient to its hate cards. They also might have been prepared for the thoracle version rather than the birstley bill or endurance loop versions
rent free
Nadu is just far more resilient to hate than storm. People knew Nadu was an issue but there is nothing that shuts down Nadu as easily as the hate pieces for storm do.
How is it rent free when it only comes up when I watch pro tour streams?
My satanic trips also confirmed I'm right. Those freaks always come out for those streams and it's only then the mods act.

People used to use it/it's regarding a person as a major insult. Now idiots use it willingly. Fucking wild man. Nerds are weird.
Loathe what Magic has become lads
it's disgusting
you tell them satan
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let's fucking goooo
Who has the best ass in Magic?
Chandra. Her braps smell like hot cinnamon donuts :3
Don't you just destroy the Shuko?
And when they play a 2nd shuko or chord for the en-kor?
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>a sideboard card is not good enough because what if they just cast the spell again later in the match
Yes, killing a single card that they have 8+ copies of is not enough to beat a good deck.
thoughtseize bug
1 mana artifact, "Triggered abilities from cards and permanents your opponents control can't trigger", coming next MH set.
Too late.
Bans are faster.
Nadu turbos through their deck like nothing
Yes, often times removing shuko isn't enough
*shifting woodland teleports behind you and becomes a copy of target permanent card in your graveyard until end of turn*
Huh? DMU is not rotating out for another year.
I wanna talk to Matk face to face about Nadu and the whole concept of "card design"
>bans are faster
>"we will continue to monitor.."
>We missed the part where equipment counts for nadu triggers
>Ackstually the problem is Shuko ... you see Shuko was designed by a person who lacked foresight and more importantly doesn't fit today's FIRE design. We are banning Shuko.
Nadu was designed to be a commander
They thought the shuko strategy would be inefficient and jank and didn't account for things like Saga, Shifting Woodlands, and Summoner's pact making the deck extremely consistent
>Games on stream being decided by manascrew
Legitimate competitive game btw.
>they thought the shuko strategy

dude the people designing this shit probably didn't even know shuko existed

it's some 19 year old uncommon from an underperforming set that never saw any play and had only one printing
Draft a better manabase
Why are you telling me that? Tell the guy who was 8-2 at the PT who you're clearly better at Magic than.
Every now and then a pro gets busted for cheating and I have completely lost faith at paper Magic's integrity because of that.
Getting caught and going 0-3 drop are the same thing.
It's always the most obvious shit they get busted for too so you know that they've done it a lot and that there must be lots of more subtle cheating that never gets caught.
It's why I never play in competitive paper events.
>that never saw any play
It is actually used as a 2 or 1-of in Cephalid Breakfast decks but it's not as if the people designing the game know about Legacy anyway.
If you can't identify why Screaming Nemesis isn't 1000% more playable than Stigma Lasher (despite costing more mana) then I don't know what to tell you.
Running an illegal deck when you know there isn't going to be a deck check is the easiest way to win. Would anyone really notice if you had 5 Griefs in your Scam deck?
Answers should always be better than threats. The fact that WotC wasn't following this for quite a long time means things are now out of hand. Land destruction and creature removal both took a nosedive after Kaladesh / Aether Revolt and they have only started to recover recently.
>we didn't read the card
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>creature removal both took a nosedive after Kaladesh / Aether Revolt
The absolute audacity of this faggot.
Literally everyone saw it when first reading Nadu and wotc putting the “twice per turn” retriction shows that they saw something but still went forward with it anyways.
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>some people in this very thread thought a 1UG legendary permanent wouldn't be utterly fucked
Pattern recognition is one helluva skill
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Nameless vedalken lady.
>people unironically thought MH3 was a low powered set
>instantly resulted in an entirely new meta
This mentality is what led us to our current situation
Diffusion sliver
Can't read huh? "After Aether Revolt" has a specific meaning to it. I wonder what it could be?
>I wonder what it could be?
That they broke the game when they printed Fatal Push.
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Day one win rates.
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Holy fuck he's like the Korean Gigachad.
Rip the Bird
>Who has the best ass in Magic?
Nadu doesn't have the highest win rate on that screen, anon.
YAAAAAAAY we changed Scam.and Footfalls for Nadu, what a great format Modern is!!!!
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imagine falling for the ruby storm meme
He looks like a Bruce Lee film final boss.
Look at those cold eyes, he can kill you with one single move
There were only two real winrates on the screen. Everything except Nadu and Storm were basically just 50%
I think Storm's problem is that everyone came into the event expecting Tron to be a big problem, and Storm eats shit to Damping Sphere harder than Tron.
Why do they insist on using people with a lisp to make commentary on the stream... I mute that shit every time they have somebody lisping about cards.
Wait modern rotates now? Is it like only cards form the last 20 years or something? Sounds interesting.
modern horizons block constructed looking fine
Necro has the highest winrate on that screen you stupid fuck.
the first rotation happened 5 years ago
20 years and 20 days
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People are waking up, there is still hope...
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You don't get it, its both the most played deck with high enough winrate while also being miserable to play against and with a very poor viewing experience.

It ticks all the boxes that made Uro and Oko get locked out from being on screen ever again.

they didn't want infinite combos just like with elvish warmaster. twice per turn is a lot tho.
Uro and Oko were axed because they were the strongest things in Modern by a wide margin. Going off day one win rates, Nadu isn't even the strongest thing in Modern.
Learn how stats and sample sizes work.
I'm sure Tel Aviv University taught you well.
Imagine being so stupid you think jews are the one only ones that know understand math
>remove Nadu
>it just becomes Necro format

It's over.
You're actually so fucking stupid lmao
The worst thing for me is that Duskmourne didn't even need to be 80s based. Like, you can have a haunted mansion full of surreal shit without sneakers and televisions. These two things specifically feel forced in not to evoke one specific fantasy genre (not even the kind of Stephen King urban horror), but to refer to one specific popular streaming show.
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Just literally reprint Necropotence, bro. What could go wrong, bro.
valgavoth reminds me more of stephen king than stranger things tbqh
For me all this complains are fucking ridiculous for once i'm with WotC here, after Neon Kamigawa if you feel anything is too moder or far away from "Fantasy" you are a faggot
This. Horror plane set in a constantly changing haunted mansion? Fine. Sounds interesting, even. But throwing in the retro 80's aesthetic just kills it dead. It is completely unnecessary and ruins it in every way.
>Ban Nadu
>RW energy
>Jeskai control
>Necro bullshit
>Format keeps being shit
Niceeee kill the bird
Save Modern
>guy is powerful enough to manipulate the omenpaths?
well, he justs needs to wall them, open them when someone is incoming and keep them hidden the rest of the time. the ability to warp space makes this even easier
>land tokens
>But throwing in the retro 80's aesthetic just kills it dead.
It won't if it's not overbearing and just a part of it.
>if it's not overbearing

Anon, this is WotC we are talking about here. They don't even know what subtlety means in a broad sense.
Nahu, Titan of Elk's Wrath
Legendary Creature
When this creature etb, if it didn't escape it, sacrifice it.
Creatures you control have "Whenever this creature etb, attack or is targeted by a spell or ability, draw a card and you may put a land onto the battlefield untapped. This ability triggers a maximum of 2 times from Shuko."
Escape: GGUU
Where's the Oko effect?
>Simic is either utterly shit or banned
Simic bros... I don't feel good with this pattern...
Based Korean autists.
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I'm going to sleep make this the next OP image
I love this. Nadu is a problem but the only deck that "consistently" beats it is on the back of Grief and discard.

Ban them both. Nadu + Grief.
MH4 will fix this edition
I hope somebody counts the % of Modern Horizon cards among cards in the PT
Shhhd don't dispair everything is fine, Modern is fine and fun.
>I lost against Necropotence.
Kai Budde, 2024 modern pro tour
Uh oh they're putting the it/its on camera, time to watch the commentators hate themselves.
>soul spike went from 0.01 tix to 5
It simply scaled with the times. Stigma Lasher used to be a sideboard staple back then. Its unplayable now, thats why they made Screaming Nemesis.

Thanks SaffronOlive
Don't calculate percentages off non-numbers.
where does it hail from
Probably California.
>mainland asian literal gigachad
>vs the asian american playing rn
Why are western asians like this?
Noah Ma is /myman/ he will send Nadu fags to oblivion.
>casually laughs out loud
>Nadu chud had to hold its seethe in behind the mask
tranny lost
Lol people are really gonna psyop themselves into hating the popular set and liking the shitty set everyone else hates.
I love how the tranny is also schizo enough to wear a mask.
>Popular set
>Furry paradise trash
When it rains it pours
>cute animals fantasy set
why does it need to generate any colored mana?
loved the red wall books as a kid dgaf about your hang ups i'm excited for the set.
Scam has a horrible Nadu matchup, it doesn't put a fast enough clock on and Nadu has a lot of tools to combo past thoughtseizes
The only thing in that chart that is 'beating' Nadu is Nadu (bant vs 4 color)
9 lives familiar and ozolith
The best part about this post is you sent it right as Mono B beat Nadu 2-0 on camera.
This, plus check out the Reid Duke match from yesterday - clowns all over Nadu and they even had a "perfect" draw in game 3 and it gets destroyed.
Not Scam.
That was a necro deck.
Adopt a trip so I can filter you, you haven't made a single worthwhile post in this thread, all you do is shift the goalposts when you get proven wrong.
Okay? That doesn't really mean anything. Do you know how statistics work?
if they dont honor Mirri in the furry set, Mark is going to get some hate mail
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this + some way to copy it can lead to infinite
Kiki is one way. Any easier ones?
Take your meds
We will see 4 fucking Nadu MINIMUM at top 8
Plsplsplsplsplspls be all Nadus. Just let this PT burn already
Can't be all Nadus as a Mono-B deck just got into top 8.
I remember some fags saying how good Modern meta was after rotation....
>this + some way to copy it can lead to infinite
so does combat celebrant, setting up infinite attacks isn't that hard, having the rest of the deck not suck ass is the problem
you should be more worried about what the deck does when it's not executing the combo
Grief + Necropotence is a pretty good combo.
funny how Nadu works off of an effect that ends up pumping it
When's MH4 I already hate this meta
Final Fantasy soon, bwo, Tifa will save modern.
2026 at earliest I think
The Vehicles will be cool.
Jenova Project
Landfall cannot be triggered while this creature is on the battlefield
If your opponent was to put a land onto the battlefield, if it wasn't the first one, destroy instead.
If your opponent adds a card to their hand, deal 2 damage to them and put a charge counter on this creature
If this creature has 5 charge counters, you may flip it
>The Nadu deck scams a motherfucking victory at 2 life
I hate this fucking game and this designers.
Life is a resource
>Everyone saying they don't want to fight nadu
Mark my words. Nadu will not win the pro tour and Wizards will use that as an excuse to not take any actions. (healthy and diverse format)
Also, no bans as long as product gets sold.
Who will win time traveler?
Korean Gigachad will win with Necro.
he didn't do nadu wrong
Nadu is the real monoblack deck
I have no idea why no one is running bolts at this PT, it still wrecks most threats and limits draw power of necro decks.
But /mtg/ told me necro was a bad card
Because those extra points of energy you get leftover from Discharge make a world of difference.
Please understand we are monitoring, Nadu is a new product and the meta can change a lot in the future... Keep playing and buy cards, bro!!
Helm of the Host
the gruul deck topdecked one ftw after fetching yesterday
If I told you I would have to kiss you, and I don't want to do that
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Domain zoo is now honest... and dead
Yes. Welcome to ROTATION, in few months you will see the actual top decks as tier 2-3 Nadu will be just a bad dream but there will be a new bigger nightmare.
The Japanese showcase arts are all only Mythics in Collector Boosters, so makes sense. The Overlord cycle ARE all Mythics though.
Valgavoth controls Duskmourn's Omenpaths and the only real exit is near his actual body. Planeswalkers can PROBABLY just leave on their own but it's unclear.
Green needs the help in Standard I guess.
What a non-answer
>there's no pioneer horizons in the near future, no need for that!
>instead we are trying this totally novel concept called Foundations right now
>we will monitor it's impact in the format closely so we make sure not to ban something new and never unban old cards
>actually, pioneer is best understood as it's own block format
>going to bat for NEOvagina
lmao what a faggot

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