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Work in Progress, Brutalis Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
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>"I will paint this weekend."
>anon lied to himself
no but really im totally going to paint this weekend.
Yeah, me too. Me too.
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can I get some suggestions on how to drybrush this AK muddy ground texture paint? I just got some of the new model color Grey brown and german tank uniform, was thinking of maybe adding white to that

I got some poxwalkers I'm excited to try stuff out on and that's my nurgle spearhead done
Knowing myself I properly won't be painting this weekend and instead troubleshooting my airbrush.

Is all the troubles of using an airbrush like a "self hazing" kind of thing? I just want to spray white primer. I've got vallejo white primer, and I've been told that sometimes you just have to experiment with thinner and white primer ratios to eventually get it right with the PSI.

Also from an airbrushing tutorial apparently it is better to put thinner in the brush first then add the primer. Is this a hobby myth like gloss varnish being stronger than matte varnish or is this actually true?
Just use a lighter brown of some kind.
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Some Dark Mech Skitarii I've been working on.
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My 3 favourite's
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I'll repost my wip flappy tyranid wings
>all that contrast slop
also, checked
I already painted yesterday evening and today I'm going to as soon as I get back from work fucking healthcare jobs man. I'd seriously consider switching to a different hobby if I had to force myself to paint
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>I got some poxwalkers I'm excited to try stuff out on
They are fun for that. Godspeed, fren.
also, checked
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I did a quick Slaaneshi-themed SoB Team for a One Page-Rules Firefight test game.
Printing an Eldar Army right now to Testplay and maybe get back into 40K.
Where's the body from?
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sorry I meant to say plaguebearers but poxwalkers are cool too so I've been wanting to proxy them as plaguebearers some day.
that wrench wielding lad looks dope
>TL;DR trying to get this color scheme on Skarbrand's skin, but the more I look at it the more my brain hurts, could use advice from someone better at painting
>Black prime
>1 part vallejo black 2 eshin grey base coat
>Eshin grey highlight on raised musculature
>Layer 1 part eshin 1 part skavenblight dinge covering 75% of highlight
>Layer skavenblight covering less
>Edge highlight or drybrush celestra grey
>Nuln recesses
>Maybe the average mini painter who has kids just grows the fuck up and we only hear about it from the complainers.
Or maybe other ones give less of a fuck and are less involved or maybe they just give it all up.
>people are hesitant to turn their entire life upside down in an unstable world that doesn't guarantee stability for them, let alone their children
what an absolute fucking shocker, right?
doesn't guarantee safety* my bad
very impressive, good work!
They're all from stationforge
Airbrushed are a learning process, yes. I'm not an expert by any means, but here's what I've been able to do. I have an iwata and a basic thankless compressor I need to swap out at some point. 25 psi seems to be the right setting for priming, though other folk recommend 20 psi or so. For every five drops of primer I use I also put in one or two drops of thinner, with the thinner going into the airbrush cup first. I mix it by moving the airbrush around and then puff a couple of test sprays to make sure it's working. Make sure you have air flowing before you trigger the paint, or your brush will flood and probably clog. Also make sure you shut off the paint and let the air blow for a second or two afterwards to clear any residue out. Vallejo covers pretty good, so you won't need to absolutely coat your models, so just take your time and make sure you get even coverage.
Did you print all of that, or what?
Safety has never been guaranteed. Doesn't stop Africa from reproducing like flies.

Captcha: JWGAY ( lol'd like a child)
I will have 4 children and you can't stop me.
It's one of those things that you can watch and read every resource and guide to prepare but you'll still need to fiddle with it to figure it out. Thinning can be fickle with humidity/elevation/temp so what works for one person wont work for another. I've had to dial in again after each time I've moved, little annoying but it's part of the quirk of the tool.
Used to work on the admin side, I dont envy you. For me it's a physical thing, never k ow how I'm going to feel and if my hack will cooperate with sitting for a length of time.
I'll paint too. Just not as much as I planned. But even if I only get one guy done, it's a step forward.
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first skitarii to get a feel for the workflow on this paint scheme got done a couple days ago
Pic doesn't really show it but I really like how this AKI asphalt paste I used for a lazy base looks when it dries
This looks great. Are the lines on the scroll hand-painted?
yes, it's a cheap and easy way to try out designs Ideas, and games
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Had a grog offer me his 20~ year old collection of leftover bits and half empty sprues for free this morning, said he'd put it all in a black bag and leave it out with the bins for me collect if I wanted it.
Just walked an hour and a 40 minutes to his house to fetch them, no bag.
His car pulled into the driveway about 30 seconds after I got there, guy didn't read any of my messages saying I was interested and impulsively took the bag to the tip without saying anything.
Seethe for me /wip/, for I lack the strength to seethe myself.
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Need to attach some fallen bits of plasticard this evening, but I'll get to priming them tomorrow.
Airbrushes are a meme. They offer so little over a rattlecan, but also require maintenance.

>i can basecoat quickly
Colorforge, Army Painter, Vallejo all offer color match sprays

>i can prime indoors
Yeah, except by "priming", you're just putting polyurethane/acrylic mixes. Rattlecans contain acetone which makes it chemically bond with the plastic. If you plan for the piece to touch the table top, don't bother.

Also rattlecans don't get "dry tip". They don't clog. They just do the shit and you're finished.

They are nothing but a headache.
I've not painted until February. Definitely got a mental block.

What other hobby requires you to hype yourself up to actually do it, I'm pathetic.
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First prints of some Scorpions and Banshees
What's stopping anyone from putting acetone in their airbrush and making those airbrush primers stick enough survive your hamhands? Are there airbrush police?
>They don't clog
Oh wait, you're just full of shit. The reddit spacing should have given it away sooner.
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You can use a Mr Hobby lacquer through the airbrush if you want a hard-wearing prime, but it's toxic and requires special thinning and cleaning so it makes the airbrush even MORE of a faff.

>Oh wait, you're just full of shit.
If you've had a rattlecan clog, you've not sprayed it clear at the end of a session. Takes 2 seconds and is the only thing it needs apart from a quick shake at the start. Simple as that.
Just use mecha primer, dummy.
I'll take that as a yes.
The world would be a better place if we sterilized everyone with an IQ below 100.
It's the same as the standard vallejo primer?
*snaps off base*
No, doesn't peel off as easily and doesn't require thinning at all.
with ABS like Resin it's not that bad
>airbrushes can only be used for priming
lmao, just fuck off and don't come back
>youtube screenshot
>retarded or uninformed take
like pottery
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Thoughts on my NMM?
you forgot the most obvious tourist sign which is reddit spacing
nmm is gay and this isn't yours fag
>verification not required
Don't take this personally but that looks incredibly retarded
Too blue. And I have a feeling the reason we don't get the whole pic is because it actually isn't yours.
There's no such thing.
Oh well we had a decent run of a couple threads without tourists/schizos fucking it up, it had to come to an end eventually I guess
>Rattlecans are a meme. They offer so little over an airbrush, but also require a new one for each color.
>i can basecoat quickly
>ArmyPainter, AK, Vallejo all offer color match dropper bottles.
>i can prime indoors
>Yeah, except by 'priming', you are just spraying you plastic with solvents. Rattlecans contain acetone wich melts the plastic and leaves a rough surface. If you plan for the piece to ever be repainted, don't bother.
>Also airbushes aren't fixed. They don't need different caps. You just do the shit however fine or wide you want.
>They are nothing but a headache.
Can't you faggots just use what you prefer? This constant need for validation is pathetic.
That's a long walk. Get a car, anon.
He's from reddit so the only things his mind is willing to accept as correct are the ones that get at least a 100 good boy points
fa/tg/ guys can use a walk now and then
looks good for a magic sword
I like it a lot, well done!
Primer Schizo here,
Vince venturella put out a video today validating everything I say.
mr surfacer does not melt the plastic or 'chemically bond' to it
I was on /40kg/ I know I know.
Saw these posts:

Has anybody ever tried this cel shaded comic book style before? Is a beige colour a good choice to be used to lighten up colours without making the paints lose colour and end up a little grey?
>Also from an airbrushing tutorial apparently it is better to put thinner in the brush first then add the primer. Is this a hobby myth like gloss varnish being stronger than matte varnish or is this actually true?
The theory is, if you put the paint in first, it hits the needle and immediately starts to dry.
If you put thinner first, the needle stays wet.

>I've been told that sometimes you just have to experiment with thinner and white primer ratios to eventually get it right with the PSI.
Yes, it's highly variable. I think vallejo actually recommend not even using thinner depending on nozzle size.
>acetone doesn't melt plastic
Just prime with mecha black and do a zenithal with proacryl white. You don't have to thin either, just blast away.
Recommended highlights to avoid desaturating are ice blue, ice yellow and sunny skin tone.
Explain why the mecha water-based acrylic-polyurethane primer is better than the normal water-based acrylic-polyurethane, please.
>when the sword drops molly at the club
show me where it says it has acetone
not even pure leveling thinner melts plastic
The Mecha Color primers are less tacky and have a tougher finish once they cure
>guy is in the hobby for what, 10 years or more
>only now realizes acrylic primers are garbage
>sings praises for something that scale modellers have been using for ages
the memes really write themselves
oh and he says he learned about it from the biggest tumor in hobby youtube, you really can't make this shit up
Do they adhere well to metal minis? I thought they were advertised to adhere primarily to plastics.
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happy to report i am painting. taking a break to cook breakfast for the wife and i
it should be "wife and me"
Also you paint pre-breakfast?
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>Also you paint pre-breakfast?
i'm something of a rebel.
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I'm trying to switch to volumetric highlights. How am I doing?
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>lacquer primer
>open drink bottle
>no spraybooth
>meme mask that won't filter shit
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>le chad vince vs le basedjon
The memes being that everyone in this thread is like
>hahaha, of course this doesn't even matter
Until after 10 years they try it and realize that MAYBE the 80 years of scale modelers who are on average WAY more serious about the hobby than tabletop mini painters are, WERE onto something and it's worth trying.
Maybe don't make it take 10 years for all of you, anons.
I think they're right, I just don't want to deal with those levels of toxic chemicals for my little silly plastic men.
>n95 mask for lacquers
Jesus christ mini painters are retards. I fucking hate you people. Why can't I enjoy stupid realistic military models and be in those communities. Why do I have to like dumb fantasy/scifi bullshit and be stuck with literal children.
I've had good experience with them on metal figs, the formulation seems to be more geared towards scratch-resistance than just plain adherence (presumably so they won't be as badly affected by Gundam parts rubbing against each other) which translates very nicely to metal minis
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fwiw, there's aqueous Mr Surfacer too that's also very nice
This is for gap filling and actually "surfacing" Only mr surfacer 1200-1500 really work as primers.
Ironically surfacer isn't primer, those 2 just work as the best primers. Surfacer technically has a different purpose which is why you can get ones that make terrible primers like 500
It really is no surprise scalebros make fun of us
Looks pretty cohesive to me, I think it's a good start. You should try blending the highlights a bit more do they appear more natural. Also how the fuck did you miss that big ass mould line on the leg
scale modelers also use pencils for weathering that rub off if you look at them weird so im not sure whats your point here

even if lacquer primers are more durable, eveyone here has failed to show a gaming piece with the paint rubbed off from regular handling (touching you models with your dorito fingers is not regular handling btw)
I wanted to make sure the placement was right before blending. I'll get to it now. As for the mould line, these minis have been on my desk since Christmas I just wanted to get done with them so I didn't even notice.
>even if lacquer primers are more durable
Oh my god STOP.
This is settled. They are more durable. If you stop waffling like this and just admit that acrylic primers are bad then we'll be fine. Dude, I've use acrylic primers, shit rubs off on the edges of models all the time. People don't post it because it happens on their completed models, and they don't wanna post pics being like "how do I fix this without actually doing the right thing that I already know?"
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Is there literally any reason to use pic related over a regular-ass can of wood stain, or should I accept that I've been rooked and move on?
They still make that?
The entire concept of dipping models is absolute degeneracy. Anyone who's ever done this deserves to be gulag'd
There was no shortage of it in my LGS, so I assume so.
I like it for big batches of skeletons, zombies, and the like.
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At least by Monday I plan to put some grass tufts on the base and some muzzle burn to his pistol. After that, I think I'll call him done and move on.
>At 2558x3245 pixels, every little flaw is visible
Some things are more reliable than the sun.
I think I'm gonna leave the armour like this and finish the other colours before doing any more.
Can an airbrush setup actually step up my game as a painter? Or is it more for efficiency on specific things (smoother transitions, base coat, etc) like Speedpaints are?

I've got hundreds of bottles of paint, quality brushes, and enough small bottles of custom mixed shit to look like an alchemist shop, amid the mini bottles of misc utility shit like windex and liquid hemp soap. No pics of my shit at the moment because I've just moved and have to unpack my shit, but I'm decent enough to get a few minor compliments and not be ripped a new asshole when I did post.

I've got speedpaints I haven't even fucked around with yet. Should I even consider an airbrush if I'm not doing vehicle sized models?
I dont deny they are more durable, good acrylic ones are durable enough if you are not retarded

no, it's the same product, wood stain is probbably more concentrated even
How bad are lacquer fumes really?
If I wanted to try mr. surfacer could I get just the bottles, and as long as I wore a proper respirator could I do it in an open garage, or would even that like fumigate the whole house unless it was super windy out? I've used spray cans in there before without issue. If it's really that much better I'd be willing to occasionally move my airbrush outside to do batches of just priming. I just don't want to have to figure out a way to properly vent outside from where I have my airbrush right now.
Depends what beige you are talking about and what other paints. It will probably lighten a black into a warm grey pretty well. Same with a dark brown.
But more vibrant colors are probably not that far away from it in luminosity.
Even if you are talking about a very light beige, for colors like red and green you really want a pale yellow. For blue and purple probably something like wolf grey, a cold off-white.
Or you can just use white to make the lighter color and black to make the darker one and finish it with an all over glaze with a saturated contrast paint to give the shadows and highlights more color
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You breathe the acetone fumes - the story ends, you wake up on /tg/ and post whatever you want to believe.
You take the breathe the lacquer fumes - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the airbrush hole goes.
Smooth transitions are its main perk, directional lighting is it's second perk, and its final perk is speed, especially on larger models. They take a bit of practice to work with, but you end up with better results and speed also means you get to take more time perfecting other stuff.
I think it's worth it, but you will spend time practicing and cleaning, and it will cost you about 100 for a decent airbrush, 50 for a tank, and perhaps another 50 for a good mask.. you can also get ventilation, but I wouldn't bother unless you're using toxic paints.
Pretty sure they're toxic. Breathing in acrylic paint dust is not a massive issue, your lungs will clean that shit out over time. Breathing in toxic paint dust is an issue, because the toxin will be absorbed way before the dust is cleaned out.
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The retinue grows.
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Painted up a word bearer scheme on one of my test marines, still wet and shiny. Getting a better hang of the silver oil paint but will need to wait for everything to dry to see how the shading turned out. Red came out alright, definitely some spots that blended better than others. Hoping the purple in the shadows is a little more prominent once the red dries and isn't as shiny. Black I'm not too happy with, if I was going to paint more I'd need to fiddle with a couple more practice models to figure it out. Weapons I half assed because I wanted to focus on the red but having the weapons at least blocked in gives some better context. All in all it felt good to paint again, haven't been able to for a good month plus but my brush control is definitely rusty.
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>100 for a decent airbrush, 50 for a tank
Maybe 5 years ago, my dual carb with airpiggy cost $200+tax, 100 for an airbrush would get you the cheaper quality one unless you happen along a nice sale like pic related
I bought my current iwata for 100 euro, less than a year ago.
>the year is 2024
>miniature painters discover lacquer primers
You can't make this shit up
you can also get a procon boy for ~100 wich is in par with iwatas
Bad, you want a respirator with filters rated for organic vapors + particulates
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what paints did you use for the skin
>im trying to paint skin on a bunch of heads and minis
>cant find any of the paints i want to try or my lahmian medium
im so close to giving up i hate skin and my ugly headed sisters of battle so much its unreal
>seen some video of someone painting skaven with baal red and girlman flesh contrasts with some medium
>tried to remember it but try darkoath flesh instead
>its just fucking red
its like the faggotverse is trying to stop me from painting
>it was a video from the guy who puts white plastic onto cheap winsor and newton brushes and charges fuck loads more
>he just put a single dab, and i put 50//50
i fucking hate painting
I remember when miniatures discovered oil washes and it was a massive craze among the social media hobbyspace.
Then grisaille they called "slapchop."

Are lacquer primers really now what the social media hobbyspace is "rediscovering?"
Only people with a low IQ think this. Smart people have idiot kids often.
Considering the heritability of IQ, no they don't.
That's what I mean. I would be using a VOC rated respirator. I just don't have a spray booth, so I want to do it in the garage (with the door open). But I don't know if that's good enough to keep the fumes out of the house or if you think it's so bad that it'd still be an issue.
One of them won a golden demon the other just seethes.
Really makes you think.
>How bad are lacquer fumes really?
maybe look at the fucking manufacturer warnings

like the one being talked about:
>May cause respiratory irritation
>May cause drowsiness or dizziness
>Observe the usual health protection measures at work and especially good ventilation. This can only be achieved by local exhaust or effective general ventilation. If it is not possible to comply with NPK-P, suitable respiratory protection must be used

meanwhile tamiya lacquers are worse
>Avoid breathing mist / vapor / spray.
>Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
>Do not inhale gases / vapors / aerosols. Avoid skin and eye contact.

dont trust youtubers
If you spray in the garage and give it 15 mins or so to air out when you're done you should be good. Keep in mind if you have a beard it will affect the seal of your respirator.
Now what would make you assume a miniature painter isn't clean shaven?
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>I just did NMM armor like this
>it's much worse
>even more blue
It's well executed, the only problem is that just because the sword is bigger doesn't mean you just put more gradients. Unless you just made the armor look like a fucking zebra it's probably fine. In fact, post models.
>lower probability means it never happens
What a fucking self report in an IQ argument. What did you get anon? 90? Don't worry we're all retarded here.
Working on some derpy papercraft Primaris space marine Eliminators.
You are easily the most soulful hobbyist here. Unironically.
too pristine-looking for the dragonslayer greatsword
dunno if this is the right place to ask but if I wanted a box or two of 30ish skeleton warriors who's a good brand to buy from
preferably with decent quality sculpts
You can get some of these for a relatively decent price, never tried them so I don't know how's working with them, but they're hardly gonna be complete garbage.

Another option could be getting some perry historicals, maybe the hundred years war foot knights, and add skeleton heads. GW has a box full of them. An anon here did something like that some time ago IIRC.
>>93206772 here, I forgot the other skeletons from oathmark
Looks like the range should also be somewhat compatible with frostgrave stuff, and I've seen that praised quite often, good bunch of bits and a nice cost/quality ratio.
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>this guy has 180k subscribers
literally who
I didn't say it never happens, you claimed it happens "often".
People are judging his skill as a painter based on one fucked up paint job. Imagine you had to paint for an audience of 180k, the 10 people that glance at your post on here already give you spaghetti palms.
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Quick update on the deff dread. Soon I'll get to the weathering part which always the fun part.
Also debating whether to use super glue or plastic glue for the arms. I prefer the solidity of plastic glue but I don't like the idea of permanently glueing something because should I ever strip and sell the model it will be very hard to repaint
>defending a shitty jewtuber
get the fuck back to plebbit
People always go for weathered and damaged ork shit but I REALLY like your clean, blue ones anon. I'd advise against using plastic glue on already painted parts. Even if you left the plastic clean the glue can still seep onto the model and damage the paintjob. For something small like this you'd have to handle it really roughly for the super glue to break.
No, stop being more retarded than an eceleb.
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This is probably a stupid question, but I've never seen anyone mention it before -- am I the only one who 'gap fills' plastic models by just applying copious amounts of plastic cement and physical force during the assembly phase? If I see a gap developing during assembly I just slather the joint with plastic cement and press extremely hard. After a couple cycles even the worst gaps are completely obliterated, without having to use any sort of additive material.

Pic related, was building this model yesterday. The circled area had a gigantic gap, almost half a millimeter in size. But after a couple cycles of dousing it with plastic cement and squeezing with all my force it closed up just fine. The plastic goes a bit glossy nearby afterwards, but after priming you can't see it anyways.
I do that sometimes but unless you keep it shut with your hand untill fully dry the gaps tends to reappear as the two parts move away while the glue's still soft.
Yeah, that can happen, though I find just repeating the cycle will eventually resolve the issue permanently. Also make sure to douse the areas on the edge of the gaps with plastic cement as well -- that area is where the impingement is happening, so softening that plastic allows the pieces to slide together better.

You do sometimes get melted plastic bubbling out from the gap, but the solution to that is, you guessed it, more plastic cement. Just run the wet applicator brush over it and it melts back into the gap seamlessly.
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I was thinking of painting the next 5 plague boys in a light purple. any suggestions?
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I bought some vallejo rust pigments a long time ago but never used them cause everyone said I needed a pigment binder to "lock them in"

last wekk I finally get pic rel. I apply the rust pigments to a sword and half of it just falls off the sword or gathers in one spot. every attempt to move it just blows it into the air.

when I add pic rel it just turns into a reall weak and muted wash that takes like 13 hours to dry. wtf gives? do i need to use a drybrush or is ryza rust unironically better?
Works for organic stuff, but doing it on a vehicle looks messy.
Pigment + binder = paint
My suggestion is that you do what you want.
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Jesus christ washing and weathering with enamels is so easy and feels so incredibly satisfying it's unreal. I think I'm getting closer to finally taking the oil pill, at the very least for vehicle painting
A what?
It's a porn thing.
Can you faggots stop it? Even if you trash them as long as you're talking about youtubers they win. Just hide and ignore their channels and shut the fuck up about it, especially here.these threads really get worse on weekends, I wish the tourists would fuck off
Oh look, yt schizo is here. Painted anything this weekend?
It might look weird. Different flesh tones are fine but I think you'd need 3-4 for it to look like natural variations.
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Yeah, it's the best way to get rid of a lot of gaps and it's why I still prefer more viscous plastic cements over the extra thin stuff.

Get some of pic rel
And by different flesh tones I mean different hues of green so the whole remains coherent. Light purple might be a bit too stark of a change.
I did paint quite a bit actually. Did you? Make sure to purchase some mr surfacer today like that bald nerd told you to because you're unable to make any choices on your own
Post models (you won't)
in that case can I just use it the same way as lahmian medium to further thin down washes or make my wash from regular out-of-the-bottle paint?

do I just apply the rust pigment and then seal it in with airbrush varnish?
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I imagines as such.
Well, glad to see all the faggots are still here, back to painting.
See you nerds in a couple of months
>Painted anything this weekend?
No, and I don't think I will.
>ywn finish that squad
>ywn finish that army
>ywn even play the game
finished the littel fella
dunno how to make a bird head look like death guard tho
>quick highlight to make that skin really pop
>touch of white to help it pop on the table
>some ink to the recesses to make the rest pop
>I feel like the armor is a flat, any tips to make it pop more?
I'm starting to hate that word.
I'd ask on smg but that place moves even slower than a infinity thread
why do plane modellers use pva glue? I see this quite often and they stick the 90% of the kit together with it
>Not a full NBC body suit
Enjoy cancer
I'm yt schizo and I haven't posted or painted anything for a while
A little late for conversions at this point.
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for me it's "pick out" and using the word zenithal as a verb.

I get really pedantic and autistic about the way people all talk the same
Because it's good stuff? What else would they use?
plastic fucking cement? it's only plane guys I see do it, mostly Koreans, armor modellers mostly use plastic glue
That's the same thing?
PVA glue is not the same as plastic cement, jesus fuck mate
The only reason i can think of is that it doesn't frost the plastic windows if you accidentally get it on them
I thought PVA glue was the recommended thing for clear parts? I don't understand why would you use it for grey plastic though
PVA glue is ordinary white glue.
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So i looked it up and it's to do with the weights they use in airplane models reacting to CA and plastic glues and expanding and ruining the models over time.
Pva doesnt react with the lead or whatever the same say
Are my fucking Space Marines going to blow up some day?
Doubtful, I think airplane dudes use straight lead and not an alloy like white metal
Dunno, did you put lead weights inside them first to balance out the weight and give them a realistic feel?
Nah I was watching a Korean dude build a brand new plastic kit
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Get one of the anus larvae from Gellerpix infected and replace the birb head
I hurt myself in confusion.
Why are you still not using the best primer ever made, /wip/? Do you want to be miserable forever?
Because it's not a primer?
It work as a primer too
at which point does the thread bumping with overly stupid questions and replying to them turn into actual unironic circle jerk
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here's some modelposting to soothe you anon
I don't think you know what a circle jerk is.
I just wish anyone in the thread actually painted and posted models.
>at least half of people don't paint at all and live the "hobby" through youtube or some other forms of others doing it. Look through this thread, vincev releasing a new video gets more attention than 4 last minis posted which got collectively 1 reply, 2 if you also count the papercraft anon
>from the remaining half most people paint at a below average level so they don't want to get shit on by the first half that doesn't even paint lmao
>the average ones go without replies because apparently giving any positive/encouraging feedback is a reddit thing
>the good painters are hesitant to post here because either they don't want to be associated with this place or some autistic schizo is bound to do his hardest to find anything wrong with the mini and bitch about it
we had a couple chill threads this week, I think the anon that said it gets worse on weekends is right
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Visited grandparents today, spent some time with grandpa working on turning electric fly trap into static grass applicator. I think he liked our little work together. I hope it will work.

I wish I could but it's 35C outside, nearly 30C inside and paint dry on brush itself as a result.
remember if your work is "mediocre" nobody will praise you
like the whole point of these threads was empty praises to begin with, also there is no standard there are only fine tips on brushes and thinning of paints
Just turn on the air conditioner
Don't have one. It's 90s building, we even still have screw up fuses instead of switches.
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Working on a recovery titan for legions imperialis
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Because I don't want exposed to toxic chemicals for my little plastic army men.
I don't understand why these youtubers keep pushing toxic stuff on the community. Great, you wore a mask but you're then sitting in the same basement 15 minutes later breathing whatever didn't get sucked up by the spraybooth.
I feel like I've seen this same model multiplt times per thread in multiple threads.
Because he's been spamming his shitty contrast slop for several threads now.
post models
this gets tiring, if you want your dick sucked for shit jobs go elsewhere
>not a tychem CPF3
It's like you want acid exposure or something. easily the worst of the suits, they're stiff and always give you a friction rash under your joints.
I'm not that anon you fucking ape, at least he painted something and posted it here. Which can't be said about you, you faggot. I bet you had a lot to say about vinces new video though, right?
I was told to kill myself last time I posted a wip.
That pube on the model on the right...
Some part of the model has to have touched your dick, or else it's not real slaanesh
see >>93207787
well, what are you waiting for?
I will look retarded but whatever. Which side of pic releated are you meant to sand with? It's sponge, but there's somekind of paper on one side. Since it's 800 grit I honestly can't tell which side is more coarse lmao
Post models is a good comeback a lot of the time, but come on. It's just a model slapped with contrast paint posted over and over again.
post yours first so I can be sure they're yours before I embarass you
you are only supposed to post here to show off perfect miniatures
none of that learning and back and forth or having a good time hobbying
I don't think shaming people for poor skill is a good thing. I'm not arguing for reddit backpats, but shitting on something instead of giving advise is just as retarded.
Let's see your models, anon. You won't just ignore this post before you schizo out again an hour later, right?
ah yes, makes sense because air conditioners weren't invented until the earth 2000s
It's literally NEVER a good comeback and only serves to derail the thread. Anyone using it is a brain damaged nigger
I'm not criticizing poor skill. I actually think the model looks pretty good. But it's understandable why people get fed up seeing it for 3 or 4 threads in a row.
Post models.
t. tourist nigger
Meh, guy's proud of it and wants to show it. I prefer that to the usual bickering.
hey, hey, hey
post models
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Should I varnish this?
yeah whatever goings on right now is so much better
remember there is no such thing as constructive criticism, helping you improve is always a personal attack on you
By Allah, cease this squabbling
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I started work on my Aggrodons yesterday. what do you think WIP? Also what color would go with this scheme for the underbelly?
to be fair, the ones that bitch about someone not being able to take their criticism are usually the ones that give the most useless advice
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I'd say go light beige for the belly. Maybe an orangeish tint to it could work.
Although probably better to save oranges and reds for the feathers and ornaments.
I mean, it's just one coat of contrast there's not much to say. I like the color and that's about it. For the belly I'd personally go with a lighter green, ochre or a cream/skin tone but I'm not particularly adventurous with my schemes so you could be bolder with something like pink maybe?
It's not just 1 coat of contrast. It was basecoat Hexwraith flame, Kroak green wash and panel lined with Aeldari Emerald.
I don't get how contrast is easier. Unless I'm mistaken it's very hard to correct overspills and random mistakes without re-coating the whole areas with the primer colour and starting over.
I think the idea is that you just slap it on and don't care about any mistakes because you just want them tabletop ready
Well, it looks like 1 coat of contrast. If you actually bothered with panel lining you should've mixed in something that would actually change the tone. At this moment it's still just a dark green.
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NTA but I can see the extra work, it looks better than most contrast, sharper, but it's subtle.
It's kind of a bell curve meme. The people who say it's easy are probably on the wrong side of the bell curve though.
Needs more weathering, paint a few scratches here and there. Also consider freehanding.
Literal 60iq, there is no such thing as transparent paint
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no idea what the techniques im usin are called outside of drybrushing or washing because i dont watch youtube
i just like to paint because i enjoy it
am i doing it wrong
Wrong, there's no such thing as opaque paint, only different levels of thinning and transparency.
According to this thread, yes. In reality, you're doing it the best way possible
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>i just like to paint because i enjoy it
fuck the baby mama, the judge, and PO. its a hobby, we're meant to do what we think is fun.
You're in the wrong place if you want to actually enjoy this hobby. Or any other hobby for that matter
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Lahmium medium
>because i dont watch youtube
YouTube literally ruined the hobby for me.
>you're not using an airbrush? Trash
>you're taking more than a week for 1000 points? Slow
>you're not using flavour of the month paint set? Trash
>you're not using this particular method of painting this colour? Trash

I used to just slap on paint and get insulted on forums and that was just how I liked itq
Where did you go, anon? Busy painting?
I knew you were going to say that you fucking clown, I said paint not pigment.
>Decide to try Citadel primer for the first time since I need to cover a large area with a bone-white surface so I go with Wraithbone
>Spray it on like i do every other brand
>Comes out dusty as shit in some areas

Is this the standard for Citadel Primer? I've never had this issue with spray primers from Army Painter, Vallejo, or even Rustoleum
>recommending to use something means you're not allowed to do it any other way
Shouldn't you be on tumblr complaining about heteronormativity?
Wait until you try Corax White.
You're not just a clown, you're the whole circus. You mean translucent.
Anon, just 2 things
1) why
2) why the FUCK
ackchually nowhere in the can it says 'primer'
why did you give him attention?
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holy fuck it's so hot here that the paint dries on my brush in like 10 seconds
Get a humidifier
I... actually have one. Forgot about the fucking thing
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anyone know how to remove varnish
Use one, then you'll have your answer.
We must know more.
Any medium. No one with two brain cells buys citadel.
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P'orcs are coming along bois
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Find myself in Germany for the next few months so not painting at my ideal setup. Current lighting setup is the integrated desk lamp and my headlamp, so finding a decent picture is rough
For the troll though, going back and forth on the face today. Some parts looked a little patchy so I just decided to stipple in the various shades and leave it there and see what I like later. Probably need to go brighter
Not quite sure what's going with the muscles (?) on the stomach, and I think the upper lip looks weird
I'm picturing the stones across his body as a desaturated blue, it may be hard to see but there are some spots on his scalp
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i do post what i paint, i'm just not sheeting every time someone dislikes someone else's shit and ask them to post shit to try to feel better, grow up, not everybody has to like anyones shit and they can express that opinion, and you have to live with it or live angry
unsurprisingly every time i post models you whinny manchildren magicaly dissapear

here, have some models for the 29th time, i don't paint much so you are going to get the same thing over again

>I bet you had a lot to say about vinces new video though, right?
i couldn't care less about your ecelb drama

the same way you do paint usually, try ipa
Ipa will remove/damage the paint below the varnish as well, I'd assume he wants to remove only the varnish. Which I don't think is possible
>paintstakingly paint blood bowl team
>takes weeks
>fuck up the varnish
>all the detail is destroyed

Still never gotten over it.
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Painted another two for a troop of missionary henchmen.
how do you even fuck up a varnish
These are so comfy. Wish I could join you for this game, anon.

Put a pair of BCs on this guy, and you'd have my eighth grade shop teacher.
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how are my flames? This is harder than I expected
>unsurprisingly every time i post models you whinny manchildren magicaly dissapear
I know that feeling, means you btfo the retard with your mini and his arguments hold no water anymore.

That, or they start seething about 'your mini being carried by the lighting and surely doesnt look that good under non optimal lighting'
They could use some kind of slight gradient towards orange , otherwise it looks kinda flat
Or outline with black
black towards the top, orange towards the bottom, the shape itself is fine
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When was the last time you painted?
What's stopping you from painting more?
Went back to try and work on my Dactylis-Inspired Tyranid Conversion when it tipped over onto a small plastic bottle and had an arm pop off. While the legs ironically weren’t damaged, I’m beginning to think that the vision I had of a giant, long-legged striding creature that loomed over the field is simply one that either isn’t practical enough to try and implement or one that I’m just unable to properly bring out. Mostly I’ve struggled trying to make it look balanced or as if the limbs actually fit.

So instead of trying to create some kind of tall creature I have decided to try and go the opposite direction and will attempt to make it into an actual Dactylis update, full on catapult and all. But obviously the most important part of such a thing would be the arms, so I’m currently trying to plan out how to actually make them before I go forward. I quite like how the palm I already had looked so I’m going to keep them; currently I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to attach the lower-hand to the upper arm.
Should I have it be more armored or scoop-like, or should I have the actual “hand” be relatively small like the original and the rest of the length between the arm and hand be a sinewy mass of whipcord-like muscle that’d act like a lashwhip?
Currently trying to come up with a scheme for my GSG trolls and its just not turning out pleasent to the eye i guess.
>a giant, long-legged striding creature that loomed over the field
An ... impossibly tall creature?
An hour ago, I finished yet another chaplain.
I might even start on a kingdom death mini when these painkillers kick in
it means you're just as stupid as the guy because you replied to him and posted your model instead of ignoring him like you should. Those people run on (you)s, as long as you give them those it doesn't matter if you're wrong or right
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>When was the last time you painted?
Cleaned my brushes about ten minutes ago.

>What's stopping you from painting more?
Done with the current model. Taking a break. Wondering what happened to that Dr. Pepper I was drinking.
pretty much, yeah, I liked the idea of a giant nid that stood on two really tall legs. I've just not been able to give it weapons that I think fit it.
Also thinking about it now, it might've started to cause issues when I inevitably tried to transport it.
I'm painting right now, anon. I'd post a picture but I don't want to bore you guys because all I did is add shading and highlights to the subassemblies since the last time I posted
Is the anon who bought AK Wine Red here?
>tfw post models and no replies
Maybe I should work on earning a schizo title.
These are really neat honestly, saving them to steal ideas from
Just means you stuff is alright
Happens to me all the time, don't let it get you down
What are good brands of airbrushed varnish?
>When was the last time you painted?
Almost two years ago.

>What's stopping you from painting more?
Death in the family, got monstrously depressed, let everything pile up for two years. Just now clearing everything off and getting back into the hobby. Will probably pick up the brush next week over the long weekend.
Sorry to hear that you had an awful time, but I'm glad you are getting back into the hobby.
1996, I recently returned. What's stopping me is that I'm a massive perfectionist and I can't decide on a scheme.
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Put on the transfers today, which I'm happy with overall. Though, I do think it might be a little "busy", but I'm okay with it.

Just gonna do the last details like the sigils on the carapace, and then write on the scroll.

I intend to matte everything down at the end, and plant a little skitarri on the base for fun.
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More progress on Maw-Krusha
good job on those stripes, they look good.
Did another small sketch to try and help solidify the two ideas I had
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Current archaeopter status. Still need to relayer and highlight the metallics on all the subassemblies but afterwards I can fucking finally move on to the fuselage. Never expected it to take so long.
The model is still derpy but it came together really nicely. Good job on the decals, they look perfectly blended in
I'm assuming you're going for some winter scheme, right? I really dig the main color of the monster
Looking good anon. I'd personally give the axes blade some more love. Add some variation to the lightning pattern, it looks a bit behind everything else
Its fucked. Im going to paint it
and yeah I know
>edge highlights
all my admech is in gw style so might as well stick to it at this point
Jesus christ
If people give you shit for using the most popular style they're just being hipsters.
Thanks man! These are taking forever but I think it'll be worth it for the fun start to the campaign
hate to break it fag but no one cares about your shitty sketches
post models or gtfo
Glad to say, friend, that I care about your sketches.
Stick around and post more.
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It's looking great so far but you could use a little more light when taking pictures
Yeah the leds in the thingie I put them in are broken so it was only my desk lamp providing light. I'll try to do better next time
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Razorwing basecoats are all done
Are thsoe drybrushed? It can help in a rough "make it look wraithbone" look (although dark eldar probably use something else), but I'd use a glaze to tie the transition together.
Im glazing them next yea, gonna thin down incubi darkness and wash it over
Bought some of the Vallejo game colour stuff. The regular acrylics are really nice but fuck me the metals are absolute trash.
Don't do it dont use it. All your miniatures will look look like playmates toys.
I will never understand how a company can simultaneously make some of the best and worst metallic paints at the same time
are the reformulated new ones still toothpaste? or did you get old bottles?
I know, I got some blue paint which is lovely to use and two coats gives excellent over black primer. So I got the copper, polished gold and dark gunmetal. I feel fucking scammed.

No they’re a little looser but still toothpastish. If you’re using a wet palette then some extra water and you’ll hit the perfect consistency. I do have an old bottle of the game colour red and I’d say it’s slightly thicker but not massively.
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This shit will still work with non-tamiya enamels right?
That should do it.
Two months ago. I've been on a building spree and I see no point in stopping until I get tired of it
>last painted
>what’s stopping you
A 9-5, family and all the other life shit which gets in the way
The yakuza will run you over with a garbage truck if they catch you using it with the wrong paints anon, DON'T DO IT
will I be isekai'd at least
I'm just making sure because I don't know why the fuck would they put that on the label
>will I be isekai'd
what does that even mean
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how can I improve this mini? I saw the hair stuck on it when I took the photos too lol
>(although dark eldar probably use something else)
Yeah, they just use advance space elf technology. Wraithbone is shaped by psychic powers, which the darkies don't have.
Open wide anon. Isekai anime is when the protagonist gets transported to another world, usually through death, and often that death is caused by a truck. So that became a meme.
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>bought stawet palette
>the sponge is a bit too long to lie flat in the tray
is it supposed to be like this? I feel like I should cut it down to fit, but I'm a bit disinclined to start chopping up some shit I just bought.
Mine was the exact right size so I guess yours is abnormal. Doesn't really matter though. It's not like you're going to be distributing paint right to the edges anyway.
Tried turning it 90 degrees? It looks too wide for the short edge, but too narrow for the long... Otherwise, get used to having a little curl at one side...
Mine was exactly like that and I had to trim it as well. Honestly I hate the stawet palette, I had better experience with wax paper than I did with their palette paper.
got one of these dudes recently, how do i get the backpack to not be tilted even the box he came in has his pack tilted
Is it worth buying a ultra sonic cleaner to strips miniature? My back is killing me
Stop being a bitch and build yourself a spray booth then
>bought stawet palette
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Painted this lad up today
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I coated it with olive oil. That worked fairly well, except I coated this poor bastard with just too much varnish. I also discovered a worm stuck inside of the carapace.

In order to kill the worm and potentially remove the remaining varnish, I have filled a cup with nail paint remover. The instant effect was to turn the entire bug whiter than before. I may have fucked it up even more. I'm thinking about letting it sit overnight in the solution, but I'm worried that the exoskeleton will melt by the morning.
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Bug taking a bath. God help him.
im going to destroy my fucking pc if i wake up tomorrow and you melted him
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>he's still using "vanish"
* "varnish"
I just realized that Matt Varnish is not a brand
I really wish it was easier to get mr hobby products. I have to get them through gunpla resalers, and they're never in stock anyway. Or ship them internationally which is expensive and takes a long time.
It's annoying knowing the japanese know how to actually do things and use the right products, and I'm stuck jumping through hoops because children might drink something poisonous.
>mr hobby schizo
New thread:

Dotting eyes, elves are easy as you can do a solid color rather than a whole iris, and dry brushing + highlighting carapace edges to break up the miniature
Where are you located?
He seems glossy?

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