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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Baker is Missing, Sow Chaos Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

>Wixoss Pastebin

>Force of Will Pastebin

>Dragonball GT Shadow Dragon saga rulebook

>Gate Ruler Pastebin

>Build Divide Pastebin

>Flesh and Blood Pastebin

>Ashes Reborn Pastebin

>Netrunner Pastebin

>Fusion World Rules

Play with /acg/ through voice chat! No text chat so coordinate in thread to get some games in.

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
What is your favorite abandoned mechanism in card games? It could be something like a gimmick in a living game that was never fleshed out, or a core system in a dead game that never made widespread adoption.
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I always thought having two tiers of power stats was a neat way to plateau out combat strength. Gundam War and Naruto CCG used groups of units where one would use their lead strength (usually the higher stat) and the rest would use their support strength. This gave a bit of play to set design and deckbuilding too; normally lead strength was stronger, but some cards were made to be even or better when fighting as a support. Lead units were the bulk of your strength, but other systems (mostly limits on attacking) encouraged you to build decks that would create optimized attack groups.

Naruto also had a concept of different stats for when a character was injured or not. I can't think of many other games outside of that family that do something similar, just Shadowfist and Cardfighters Clash (where health is a card's power). Again, some play, as stats often got worse but some characters would change dramatically when injured.
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>What is your favorite abandoned mechanism in card games? It could be something like a gimmick in a living game that was never fleshed out, or a core system in a dead game that never made widespread adoption.
I wish more games did Location and movement as in 7th sea ccg
And talking of 7th sea I would like to see other games doing "paper scisors rock" like combat.
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Gate Ruler had an additional restriction for deckbuilding where some Rulers required that the levels of cards in your deck add up to a specific number. You had a fair amount of wiggle room with this, as cards ranged from levels -2 to 3 and I think eventually they added levels 4 and 5 as well.
You realize that's not even close to proving it's a scam, right? A Rudy SHEEN? Because he "sold product" it's apparently a scam. Magic the Gathering, One Piece, Weiss Schwarz, Force of Will, Sorcery and Pokemon are all "scams" because he sells those products. I guess they simply have his sheen all over them, so they're not valid games in their own right.

Show your homework. Actually provide evidence to support your claim that Flesh and Blood is a scam or stop spreading lies and slander against games you view as competition for whatever non scam game you're into.
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>Magic the Gathering, One Piece, Weiss Schwarz, Force of Will, Sorcery and Pokemon are all "scams"
Rudy did give a huge help to those two games. Metapoo and fab wouldn't be as successful out of the print without his shilling.
Be honest here.
And also being honest: I have very poor opinion of metazoo but I m really on mid about fab. I don't like fab's gameplay but it is a game and for this I respect it.
Pokemon doesn't reprint shit outside of the most crap cards. The same goes for all the rest but magic.
Also didn't the investor scam (aka wonders of the first) removed from kick starter because it was a scam with nft or ai art?
It was offering NFT-attached cards as a reward, which is direct violation of TOS.
enough financial discussions, let's see what BSS has in store for the 2nd best color: green
Yo what's a good starting deck for Star Wars Unlimited?
With a well built Grand Archive deck it plays more like:
>Pay 4 get ally that gives +1 enlighten counter whenever some would be gained.
>Pay 2 for card that gives 1+1 enlighten counter and has floating memory.
>Pass to opponent who plays two allies and swings for 3 damage.
>Start turn by using floating memory to level up champion. Champions ability gives 2+1 enlighten counters.
>Pay 2 for 1/1 ally that gives 1+1 enlighten counter on entry and attack enemy ally to kill it.
>Pay 2 for spell that bounces enemy ally back to their hand and gives 1+1 enlighten counters.
>Spend 9 enlighten counters to draw 3 cards.
>Starting hand size 7, end of turn two hand size 7.

Locking super powerful cards behind leveling up is what allows them to print super powerful cards in the first place. If you could play them from the start then you might as well be playing cEDH and going for turn 1 wins. The idea is that if you play well for long enough then you get to have a super cool and flashy ending. It also helps to prevent games grinding out because people should have a hand of power cards ready by level 3, which means even without winning the game just became reinvigorated.
What is best color in BSS?
That's a fair choice.
Just make a Sabine deck and autopilot steamroll everyone.
Set two drops in like, a week, dude.

For set one the other answer is basically correct, green Sabine is an accessible deck (no legendaries, looks like total cost is down to like $80 on tcgplayer), and although all your opponents will have ample practice against it and the quality of your decisions has above average impact, it has an easy to understand gameplan and you'll learn the basics quickly, and there's lots of deck techs/gameplay videos online to study from.
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Babidi/Buu leader
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Buu SR which sounds like cancer incarnate
Does FW have a bunch of cards that bypass Barrier like Masters does?
This is the first card WITH barrier.
Guess I'll ask when again when they start printing them in set 4.
Any effect that affects everything like Zeno bypasses barrier
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Zenoh says CHOOSE all battle cards and you cannot choose Buu due to barrier.
That tended to be the case in Masters as well, but then there's a bunch of cards like this that just say "ignoring barrier".
That's a real uggo card.
By Masters standards yes, but it's not that bad by FW standards.
>Rudy did give a huge help to those two games.
Mentioning the existence of something and stocking it as product to sell is not a scam. What help at you even talking about that could qualify as scamming people out of their money and not getting what they were told?
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NTA but didn't R*dy participate in the stock hoarding around Monarch, which resulted in super over printing the next few sets and almost sank the game?

Either way, FAB was hurt as much as helped by scheisters like Rfag, whatever their goal was when engaging with him.
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I fucking hate Flesh and Blood so much
that all sounds hella gay. shit game.
Ooh, these are nice. Thank you, anon.
Metazoo is literally dead and fab's reputation has never recovered from all of the damage rudy and the other card investortypes did to it when it launched.
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>fab's reputation has never recovered
It literally has. Only schizos in this thread alone keep bringing it up years later.
Bandai are fucking retarded man. BARRIER. WHY
Its demand hasn't, reputation aside. Otherwise you'd find counterfeits for recent sets easily available, but the chinks stopped printing after Outsiders.
But enough about you, anon.
Launch new game

They told you their management plan from the beginning.
He had his own kit, sold his normal first 2000 some odd patrons only sale, back when cases were going for more than what they AFTER he sold out. You got a 250 dollar playmat and a cold foil GOD card, on top of the four sealed boxes (back when stores were in many cases forcing people to buy loose displays). He didn't hold anything, he didn't gobble up existing stock from all over the globe either, the consumers did. The game took off and was pinched and predated on right as the founding player base was struggling to get cards to play with.

If anything the hoarders got blown the fuck out by LSS when it was revealed they printed it into the heavens. The players fucking won, and Prism's plus Chain's reign was a bright one.
Its not fun to play at all all you do is constantly react to shit
Did you just describe a situation were Rudy is the only store not scamming people as part of the release of a FaB set as a defense to FaB being a scam?
The duel system was a cool feature.

As someone who isn’t into Naruto and doesn’t want a DB game where they’re played as monsters, the two sets of stars combined with the main/support setup looks fun. Should be reused.
Metapoo was a scam. FaB, like I said, I have a possitive opinion about (if it is hard for you to understand = I don't think it is a scam)
I mean, If it wasn't for Rudy shilling the game, showing the demo cards, etc the game wouldn't be as successful as it was at launch, lss wouldn't have printed as much second and third waves, distributors would probably not allocate as much product, etc
You fags want to forget that back in 2017-2019 alpha investments was popular as fuck, with people not even as invested in tcgs watching him, etc
Stop being dishonest, you are dragging the fab shill reputation to the fucking sink.
Yeah, this guy looks insane lmao
fusion world is so bad it makes me depressed

genuinely the only current /acg/ that is actively bad
You vastly overestimate the impact a single streamer/eceleb has, Rudy is hardly the Warren Buffet of tcgs, he's just some reasonably successful conman that got in with the makers of metazoo.
I am trying to force my friend to start playing FaB with me. we both know nothing about the game so i thought it would be a fair even playing field. Only difference is am a biiit mroe inclinded towards card games while he only played a little bit of yugioh, mtg and loads of hearthstone(back in the day)
I am also willing to like buy a couple of precons and gift it to him, so we can just pick and play like its a board game.
Good/bad idea?

beyond that FaB looks like a cool game might keep playing if I like our little matches.
>we both know nothing about the game
You know nothing about FAB? I'm confused
>some posters NOT seething about the rude man
Careful now, UmU patrols these threads.
Yeah buying some precons works well, have fun. I do think that you should learn more about the game before you try to play it with him though so that you can help him with anything.
>that got in with the makers of metazoo.
Are you saying that metapoo would be as successful as it was without Rudy's help?
Are you so delusional on trying to say FaB wasn't helped by him that you are saying that the investors bro inner cicle isn't influenced by him? Or that investors ring isn't responsible for at least 20% of the sales of FaB?
Would sorcery be as successful without his help too?
You are delusional.
>yeah man the extra 2000 boxes one guy pushed, out of an initial print run of 125k, totally made a huge difference.
Yes, I'm saying that he (you, I suspect, to be so up his ass) didn't have much of an impact. A slight one? Maybe. The scale that metazoo, sorcery, and FAB were/are printing is orders of magnitude larger than what Rudy can push - his sales are enough to disappear into the margins, even if they're actually net-new and not merely selling the same shit to the same consumers in a roundabout way.

Most people don't give a shit about e-celebs, and Rudy doesn't even quality as an e-celeb by zoomer standards of popularity.
I wanna kill myself.
Still need to try out that Star Wars simulator and the one for Digimon
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>I am also willing to like buy a couple of precons and gift it to him
Honestly the best product for this is still the History Pack Blitz decks. If you can find a whole display(6 different heroes) on discount it's a good self contained item.
Constructed Blitz is a shit format that nobody plays, but the precons are low power to match the low health and play fine against each other.

Also, I like FaB but there are objectively better options if you just want a card battler board game.
>Rudy had almost 0 effect on sales
In reality
>James White giving Rudy exclusive promos (one made in his image) and thanking him, as well as giving spoilers and other inside information to him

You are delusional, fabgot
Not sure if this counts? It's from a game called heros placement. Never heard of it before
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>people only help their friends make money if those friends make a difference
Lol, lmao
Incredible how Rudy is a friend to the FaB and also to the Metapoo creator.
One was a fraud, the other is not, right!? Right?!
One has a game that is alive, one does not. Nothing about being a fraud, James just isn't a "hookers and blow"-tier retard at business.

Both did some sketchy shit to try and capture some of the secondary market profits driven by the covid tcg collector bubble for themselves and their friends, FAB just seems to have learned the lesson when they almost crashed after Monarch, while Metazoo's founder killed the golden goose.

Regardless, investorfags deserve the rope, but will self-rope pretty quickly. Anyone savvy enough to make real money on short-term investing isn't doing it in cardboard with 10%+ transaction costs. The whole bubble was precipitated on "bigger sucker theory" and brought in the same retards as other "get rich quick" schemes, to similar results.

Tbh, good on Rudy and anyone else who fleeced the rubes.

And FAB is too fucking expensive. It's a reasonably fun game, but sucks to open packs and sucks to build a deck for, particularly without Chang printing any of the last three sets. If you're spending $800 for a deck that lasts 6 months in an /acg/ you have brain damage. And I'd love to sell you my surefire, absolutely guaranteed money-making opportunity.
>If you're spending $800 for a deck that lasts 6 months in an /acg/ you have brain damage
So Yugioh players have brain damage?
Actually forget Yugioh, we all have brain damage. Or you could put the whole argument of tcgs being a scam anyway.
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Tcgs are a combination of two things: overly complex board games, and a way to sell gambling (to kids, oftentimes) without dealing with the Gaming regulators who demand a limited margin and reasonable chance of "winning"
>tcgs... a scam
Cultist bros we can't stop winning!
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>card battler game
Come home.
Thats how I started.
But finding the best class for you does make it more fun. My first pre-con was Azalea and I was miserable.
Boltyn was my first fun blitz deck and I really like Levia and Vynnset now.
If he likes Heartstone I do think Boltyn, or Dorinthea might be best, thematically it might resonate and gameplaywise both have concrete goals to play for.
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What games are you playing today?
star wars simulatior?
None, but I played GA sealed yesterday. It was a mess.
Nothing today but going to a Lorcana win-a-box tournament tomorrow
Nothing. I was going to play Fusion World but I couldn't find a blue deck list that can beat both green and yellow so I decided not to go.
So is it dead in the water now? Kinda forgot all about it, seemed odd and sketchy and half baked.
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I played in 8 demos for warlord (teaching new players). Glad that my LGS will carry product.
It seems a contract employee was stealing from Bandai for 8 years. They made 87 million yen profit doing this.

I found out from this video, unfortunately I don’t understand Japanese anywhere near well enough tobget any information from it.
Unknown but I'd expect so. Without the KS campaign I doubt they're going to actually produce anything.

How does one even manage to do that? That's like $100k/yr, likely more than they were paid, for eight years. Bandai is such a shit show.
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Posting FMA vol. 2 cards from the past few days.

Commanding Officer Olivier Mira Armstrong
<Title: Law of the Jungle>
[AUTO] When this unit battles, gain 1 Alchemy counter.
<Law of the Jungle> [AUTO] When this unit attacks, remove 1 of your Alchemy counters. If you did, then, this unit gets Hit +1 until the end of the turn.
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Combat Automail
Target 1 unit, during this turn it gets Power +5000. If this card was copied using (Equivalent Exchange), draw 1 card and the target cannot be blocked this turn.
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Difference in Rank, Edward Elric
<Title: Fullmetal>
<Fullmetal> [ACT] (Normal timing/Rest this unit, Put 1 Command card from your Energy Zone into the Cemetery): Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the Energy Zone rested, [Equivalent Exchange 3].
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Everyone's Strength, Alphonse Elric
[AUTO] When this unit is placed, you may put the top card of your deck into your Energy Zone rested. If you put, put 1 of your Energy into the Cemetery.
<Territory> [AUTO] When you copy a Command using (Equivalent Exchange) this unit gets Power +5000, Hit +1 until the end of the turn.
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As usual, nobody cares
Sounds like he was stealing products from storage that were slated for disposal, and was selling them for profit. Pretty straightforward racket.
The Reserve List and other secondary market protections are the second worst thing to ever happen to CCGs. The worst was Hasbro realizing Magic is a money-making machine.
Seriously though how do people in these threads get excited for some Japanese only game that uses fucking anime screenshots? Get some fucking standards.
Omg that is cute as fuck!
We pay top dollar for pieces of cardboard, anon. Some of us even pay money for "fake" cardboard.
We have no standards.
>paying more for "genuine" is somehow better than lowest cost passing alternative
You misunderstand completely. My point was that it's all just cardboard, "real" or "fake."
Ah, sorry I'm drunk that makes sense

In b4 baleted
Before tcgs we had board games which are boring as shit like chess or go or shogi. So thank goodness some autist invented shit like poker and solitaire then another autist in the future went what if the cards did more than that and MtG was born.
Any One Piece players have any ideas for alternative formats? I'm after quick games, so the best I've come up with is 30-card singleton, all leaders get -2 life. Nami and Enel are probably banned from play, and Vegapunk needs special rules, but I can't think of anything else. 50 card singleton as I've seen elsewhere just doesn't seem fun at all.
The TCG was invented to bring gambling addiction to nerds.
based based based
intellectual "property" and copy"rights" are the real thefts here. Ya'll retarded for treating cardboard meant to play a game as an investment. Just buy gold or something ffs.
out of all the retarded takes on grand archive this one's got to take the cake.
all based, I love you
I know you're a troll but correlation does not equal causation.
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Speaking of Grand Archive, I feel like I have kinda rotten luck with my taste in tcg decks. I wanted to play Sylvie, literally everyone playing the game at locals tell me not to and wait for re:collection premium deck thing. That came out, so I watched as people play it, also played it a couple times myself, Sylvie literally lost every single time. But this time everyone was saying "yeah bro, now Sylvie is super good, really". Then I saw Arisanna and thought I like how she looks, then noticed her starter deck comes with some neat extra stuff to help with her brewing mechanic(special dice, token cards and a board like thing for the tokens she gathers). Again, everyone says she can't really do much, and requires expensive cards just to be mid and unreliable.
I don't give a fuck anymore, I'm just gonna buy some decks (prolly Sylvie/Diana and Arisanna) and treat it as a closed board game, where the meta is one mid deck vs another. Fuck tournament obsessed schizos, casual is better.
He's a human piece of shit that can't stop belly aching every waking moment of his life, that's why.
>In b4 baleted
Jinxing myself here, but I've not yet seen porn links deleted in these generals. You post that one mammoth from Wixoss though and it's good as gone.
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who? what?
>I play Grand Archive, I moved to it after playing CEDH and Legacy. It's WAY better than MtG and that's exactly what it's intended to be... a replacement for MtG. That's part of why I think it struggles, MtG is too entrenched and popular. If both games were new then GA would win hands down but much of GA's potential playerbase is already invested elsewhere sadly.
I know at least one magic player that told me he stops investing in magic and starts going into Grand Archive. I know another magic player that got into grand archive, and sings it praise. So you might be onto something.
To be honest I hope most magic players stick with magic, cuz I don't like them. I played a few games with random people, also looked as they played and talked and just came to the conclusion we're completely incompatible. Also lands suck, and the art does literally nothing for me. Old magic looks pretty cool, but everything else is just boring af for me.
I'll take boring-but-animu-girl over boring-boring.
When will it be enough? How long does it take for this thread to stop piss-shitting itself over a game that is internationally successful, unanimously beloved and an out right triumph of a game that never has a bad outcome purely on starting hands? You can't keep this up forever.
this card is problematic? seriously?
uoooh, now this one's good
I'll screecap both anyway to see if any actually gets axed
>know at least one magic player that told me he stops investing in magic and starts going into Grand Archive.
Wouldn't FAB be the better switch? Actually FAB is expensive asf so nvm
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I mean, it isn't that raunchy even for Wixoss. I should also be relatively safe posting my wife despite being Japanese Wixoss.
File deleted.
>wait I recognize this style
>quick research
damn, they got some utter degenerates working on their cards, holy shit. That "big" on the rabbit's card hits different now. He makes really good illustrations in general. Now I'm interested in Wixoss, lmao
For quite some time I thought FAB was just another MtG expansion, they look almost the same. Only later I learned its a different game. Aside for that, I know literally nothing about it, not even who plays it or how it works. And I don't really care.
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Every Japanese tcg uses a ton of hentai artists, because of course they do.
The best part is it's actually a rock solid game mechanically. It's been running in Japan since 2014.
English Wixoss is a surprise blessing most of us thought was impossible.
>MtG expansion, they look almost the same.
Thanks for making yourself less credible. You universes beyond cucks think magic did everything first.
I don't care about magic or fab, so why should I bother knowing anything about them? I see a game that looks boring and similar to another boring game, so I thought they're the same thing.
Well that didn't take long kek
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What's the best way to give Z/X a go? Proxies? Buy the real cards and slip new text in?
There's English translations for most Z/X stuff so just proxy some starter decks or something. You don't need to buy anything really.
It betrays your complete lack of critical thinking when you admit stuff like that, dude. You're a bone-head.
Mystical domination is real. Who knew making blues increase in utility would have such a huge impact on the game? It's almost like they made Reds hot shit for awhile, and before that it was yellows blinding out everyone playing balanced resources. What's next? Green being the best color?
Literally yes. EARF is coming to shit all over aggro.
Green could also mean lifegain as a resource/damagesource .
>Zen wins national championship Straya, coming back from a substantial life deficit
I've never enjoyed ninjas being on the top of the food chain, but then I got Melting point and was content in knowing I can stop the kodachi lock. Now I have to put up with tiger lock...
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>they're printing Sword Eyes cards
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Wait a minute...
>art has a name
>implying it's a card
>a card with a simple and impactful name
>swirly pattern with glowing thing in the centre
I swear to god if they do another DFC mechanic where you HAVE to fuck with your sleeved cards I'm done playing new sets.
I love you, too, anon.
It’s nuts we have it.
Makes it easier than translating everything for my buds.
Chaos Pegasuros was literally in the first yellow TD.
Went to a regional with the name 'Ifucklolis'.
Got kicked out
The world has gone mad
Vader Green would be a good answer, but you’d want 3 of the most expensive legend for it. It would work otherwise, but it won’t be competitive.
>create a chi token in your pitch zone
it would have been that simple
Anyone got any funny regional/tournament stories?

For me I was playing one round, close game with my opponent, stress on his face and he let out big ol fart. Dude stank the whole joint.Big fat dude as well
I'm enjoying this deck
The game is already quick, why would you try to change the format even more?
I am sorry fo say but you might be bad.
Try to play more games, and the progression will start with sylvie too
I'm with you that the flipping mechanic sucks, but it is functionally different from the alternative ways to have added Chi. This is really the only way to ensure the card doesn't get played again or potentially used by Nuu.
Just red in the ledger them 3 turns in a row and watch them seethe with literal impotent rage.
A few months ago I had a Katsu player go on a rant about how Azalea is a shit no skill hero after I did that to him, was a fun watch.
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Jiren leader
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Vegeta SR
okay that does it, i'm sideboarding an unmovable AND an oasis respite
Why are these awakening effects so simple compared to Set 3 Masters?
>muh masters
don't know and don't care
LMAO that is BAD. wonder what kind of support he will get. healing is green's things so I really doubt this leader being playable
I've seen a lot of leader written off as being bad before we see their full support so I'll reserve judgment. That being said all it takes is one healing card and this leader becomes ridiculous. 25k, can't be double struck for game, then if it can heal it gets an extra card from that heal AND draws when it takes the damage. He'd be VERY hard to kill.
It's a simplification of Masters, anon. The main DBZ fans in the West are not good at complexity. You know why.
Looks bad right now, but I'm sure there'll be some gimmick cards for him.
NTA, but the biggest strike for me is awakening at 3. That means you only get 2 draws post-awakening unless it gets healing. The double strike protection is nice, but it's also conditional, so unless you're able to extablish multiple 30k bodies, you can still just remove or debuff and then double strike for game.
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>recruits (You) into a streetgang
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>eats all the eggs
Just look at this fucking art goddamn.
It's so, so bad. Set 3 supposedly was commissioned after the first one was printed, so maybe we'll see improvements. I'm not playing until it looks less shit

It looks so bad, it could the best game ever and packs come with a coupon for a free blowjob, and it still wouldn't appeal to me. BJs are overrated anyways
The gameplay does look cool and SW does have some cool alien designs compared to ridged forehead humans in trek, but fuck if this bland, boring art doesn't make me want to ignore the game completely. Cards have to look appealing! It's a huge deal!
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It's one of the worst-looking cards, to be fair.
You've got one huge problem in your life; you keep listening to idiots.

Who the fuck decides not to try something they like because someone told them it was bad!

I run Arisanna as a burn deck where she basically never goes above level 2 and I don't have a single starcalling card in the whole deck. She works great because almost everyone is playing "the best deck", supposedly Lorraine Allies, which can't hack my consistent damage. Thank fuck "the meta shifted" and people don't play fire Zander anymore because that was the one deck that reliably hurt.

People are lying to you to seem knowledgeable and cool but they're just stupid. Follow your heart, TCGs are about creativity.

The crowd for all TCGs tends to suck. To be honest Grand Archive is a bit better because it draws in a lot of Chinese/Taiwanese player who are a bit less rude on average... As with everything anime though the chances of getting a full autism trans cat person is unfortunately high.
Just play the deck you want. If the game isn't terribly skill agnostic, you should be able to break 40% win rate with a "bad" deck, or even get close to 50%. If a bad deck can't win a third of games at a tournament, the game is probably pretty badly balanced (see: mtg).
For real. And they hurt my jaw, too.
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lmao I cant find a single place nearby that sells FaB Blitz decks that are noob friendly...
Sucks guess im back to shitty games like mtg :)
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Today's Build Divide reveal is an Ultra Rare from the FMA vol. 2 set.

Creator of the Homunculus, Father
[AUTO] When this unit is destroyed, if your life is in the Red Zone, return this card from the Cemetery to your hand.
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed, reveal up to 1 (The Promised Day) or (Philosopher's Stone) and add it to your hand, put the other into the Cemetery.
Nobody plays this game.
>Fat Bob
What does that territory effect even mean? Are you finding the cards in your deck?
I sincerely doubt you cardnerds would pass up a dick interaction let alone a wet one.
Have you tried being a decent person that doesn't aimlessly shitpost about card games with no intention of trying them?
I have every intention to try them but I wanted to get into that specific game cause I looked up prices for the freebie blitz decks and thought they would be a nice intro into the game
but by the looks of it all the lgs sell are booster boxes and some VERY sparse amount of those decks
I COULD preorder the new set and it does look baller, but I wanted the decks asap(tomorrow) so I could get some game sin with my bst friend before he leaves town again.
Sorry about the mtg shitpost i guess.
If you're not aware FAB is the thread's punching bag, for no discernable reason, and that post sounded about as low effort as our resident sperglord that constantly baits the people who do play it into responding only to turn around and remind us they never intended to play in the first place.

If you can't find blitzdecks then look online or ask around at a local armory. They're honestly so abundant and cheap at every store I go to I have a hard time believing there's none in your area. The Blitz decks don't move much because they're intended for new players; the regular crowd that plays constructed passes them over almost every release.
Oh I’m a tourist here do I don’t know the culture mb
I probably could find a few I suppose and just pick them up and hopefully have some fun.
Nigga I'm married, I have to pass up 90% of dick interactions in exchange for a better-than-even chance of "we have pussy at home"
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>four dozen eggs
that's only 13 eggs
Isn't the screenshot Collab BS supposed to be for bright? They created bright just for that purpose didn't they? Not looking good for BD to have this much Collab slop in their main game. Gives the impression that the game can't survive without them.
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He's already eaten the other 35
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The best two precon sets are Outsiders and Heavy Hitters. They feel like functional decks as opposed to chaff parades. One of the Mistveil precons are good, but if you buy all three you can build a better deck for any of the three heroes.
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>Nigga I'm married,
I'm truly sorry for your lots
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Did (you) play MetaZoo?
>black affect
>resentful about monogamy
Checks out.
Don't listen to the h8rs Anon. Proceed. You have the same right to be here as any of us game enthusiasts.

Captcha: 2GAAY8
From your D Deck, not your main deck.
He needed the rest to get - L A R G E - for Belle
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Yeah, I get there's not any other way to force the same behavior. From what I've heard of the dev process leading to Chi all of the alternatives were much less interesting and evocative. I think it's good and can accept it as part of the Mystic card pool.

I just can't deal with it because I'm pedantic about my cards. I will be doing some autistic screeching if they take "flip card that you can't swap with a second copy" as a hot new idea and do it in a bunch of other card pools. Especially when Rosetta has 2 of my favorite classes in my favorite (so far) region. Real monkey's paw shit, that.
Opened foil amethyst core in Sorcery. Shame it wasnt philosopher's stone
I want to stick my dick in Robin, for that reason this will be my new main deck when OP9 comes out.
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>I want to stick my dick in Robin
Well you just answered your own question. I was curious about fab myself then I looked at a tier 2 deck and it costs like 2 grand. I mean even the latest modern slop MtG deck doesnt cost like that so I guess anime FAB is a safer option
It will all depend on the support but I dont see why you'd play her over Pudding right now, Pudding ramps for nearly free and BM Pirates have the better yellow cards anyway, banish is nice but I dont think it's enough to even the score.
But hey if it's for your favorites who cares about all that, a bit of a shame that she doesnt have an Ex-Baroque Works typing would give her some interesting tools.
Trashing from hand feels a bit strange for Robin, usually I see your hand as "mind" or "knowledge" so having her destroying knowledge for another benefit seems strange to me especially with the specific scene they chose for this art.
bro, calm the fuck down
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well, it appears you were right, all gone
meanwhile this one stayed >>93205168
>you HAVE to fuck with your sleeved card
Just have two sets of each chi card and swap them out :^)
In general you're only really using Pudding effect twice, after that you're at 10 and then she becomes a leader with no effect. Meanwhile you use Robin effect once or twice and then you're at 10 but instead of becoming useless like pudding you still have the banish effect to apply pressure. Add in O-nami and you can swing with 2 cards with banish in 1 turn which seems good also. I still think pudding is good with 10 cost mom ect but I can definitely see Robin putting in work also especially since we haven't seen a single support card yet. Like you said tho if it's your favorite then who cares to which she is my favorite also.
I've also watched other people play it, and it lost all the time. If it was just me then alright, you might be onto something, but its not the case.
>You've got one huge problem in your life; you keep listening to idiots.
It was more the case of only Sylvie appealing to me. I thought I might buy only her, and then play against what other people have. Now there's also Diana and Arisanna, so I can just buy a couple decks and play those against each other with friends.
>As with everything anime though the chances of getting a full autism trans cat person is unfortunately high.
Right now the playerbase at locals is 100% male, and none of them have weird hair colors. They seem pretty decent.
>I run Arisanna as a burn deck where she basically never goes above level 2 and I don't have a single starcalling card in the whole deck.
Holy shit, that sounds great, I think I'll build that. The 2 mechanics felt kinda disconnected, and I care more about brewing and gathering, so this is perfect. Thanks man.
>I was curious about fab myself then I looked at a tier 2 deck and it costs like 2 grand.
Which fab tier 2 deck costs 2k? Post an example. (I know you won't)
Ill do you one better, this is tier 3. I just googled fab meta 2024 and it led me to this page.
tier 2
Anon, that is forbidden under tournament rules. You can't swap them out because Chi goes back into your hand and then the deck.
If Chi goes back into the hand/deck it must have the same sleeves as your deck.
Cards that you swap out(like tokens or flip cards that become an object in the arena) must have sleeves different from your deck to prevent cheating.

Having 2 sets works for all the other flip cards but not for Chi.
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Here's that decklist when added to cart
wtf how can one game be so expensive
I actually dont know, I have 0 knowledge about the game and I wonder myself. If I can get the latest broken hotness in MtG for half the price, it made me curious. Dont they have rotation in FAB? Probably one of those forever decks you just build and upgrade but still, 2 grand is huge.
Can you show the list of cards in the cart? When I try it just tells me "The following card(s) do not have enough quantity available based on your selected preferences"
I am assuming it's because TCG player just adds the least expensive card *available* they have, so for some things if they're out of stock for the regular version they just dump in the 500$ cold foil rare version instead.
While I applaud the race realism, I'm both white and completely content with my monogamy - just trying to make a "wife bad" style boomer joke
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I re-added the dromai deck to the cart and this one's the most expensive chunk. Dunno what these cards do or if theyre treatment versions of existing cards if those are a thing in FAB
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Yeah, the 2 bottom ones are the rare full art versions of the cards.
The normal version goes for literal pennies.
That's probably what inflates the price when you search automatically on such sites. They just dump in the 20x more expensive version of the card in your cart.
nice photoshop
>hurr durr I'm a retarded faggot
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Ah no wonder. I unchecked the rainbow foils and I got this. Its on the same tier as mh3 mtg so I guess I can see mtg players migrating to this
fabfucks, just fucking play commoner, it's uncharted territory
The price could go further down by quite a lot if you search for them yourself instead of letting the shop do it for you but you don't care about that don't you. You're just a little shitposter.
If you're not shitposting then try using [ https://fabrary.net/decks?tab=tournament ] instead. The site you started with looks defunct.
You still have to be aware of the pricing and what editions are on the list, also some low stock items won't automatically calculate. AND they use some AUSfag for the basic quotes instead of tcgplayer, but it's still better than what you're looking at.
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Yeah this one has better pricing since they compare the rainbow foils too. Thats a huge markdown
holly molly $2.4 k for a tier 2 deck? (yeah, you can probably get everything for $1.5k)

Are fabgots this mental?
There's a lot of trend hopping in FaB too. So whatever wins tends to spike and even good rogue decks can fall to pennies if they're not in the most recent news.

There are and continue to be a few difficult staples price wise (If you play a deck that runs all the big generics you're going to have a bad time), but overall the seething hatred FaB inspires is undeserved.
Read the other post.
Those are the card with rare variants and shit.
You can do the same with any game.
A One Piece deck using just 10x don can cost 80k if you filter for the most expensive variant
It's fine when One Piece does it. One Piece is the greatest modern card game of all time, with the greatest anime IP in history.
"Flesh" and/or "Blood" is a fake scam game designed to bankrupt stores and players alike. A cynical cash in on the TCG boom of 2020.
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>Buy random pack while cashing in store credit for some dividers to organize bulk
>Get a $40 dollar AA card
The dopamine from random cheap hits is better than opening boxes.
That's why One Piece stays winning BAYBEE
Yeah, without the variants it was still above $1k
(like 93212234 and 93212460) which is not far from the value I guessed
>(yeah, you can probably get everything for $1.5k)
Still way too high of a value for a deck that isn't the top of the top on a new game.
>Yeah, without the variants it was still above $1k
I'm sure it can be brought lower still by quite a lot. Post the full list if you can to check.
As shown here >>93212460 the edition and version pricing can fuck with the price a lot.
When buying the cheapest version of the cards the decks usually go for 500-600$ for the optimal competitive ones.
It can go for like 100$ or less for non-comp casual decks.
That's what happens when you put a highly playable fable from a long out of print set into your deck alongside the single most expensive multi class card in triplicate (codex). If not for those and the legendary duos, also from out of print sets, this would be vastly cheaper. Like half as much value in just those 6 cards.
Champion mechanics in grand archive rarely align. Levels 1 and 2 are always designed to do something simple that works with the three base elements. Level 3 is always its own unique thing, that's partly due to the fact that they print multiple options for level 3 characters to allow more late game choice. Tonoris is a good example he's just a taunt and attack character for levels 1 and 2 because water is a turtle element and fire/wind are attack elements. At level 3 he becomes Neos which is tokens everything but in two different flavours, one version is aggro swords (not dissimilar to level 1 and 2) and the other is controlling boards (completely it's own thing that'll is worth building around). I like the later Tonoris so I built a deck that's 1/3 fire discards and floatings but 2/3 Neos. Once I get to Neos then the Fire cards purely become resources to pay which are still needed while Neos is the only element I play.
This seems real good with Luster.
Fable (and legendary, for that matter) pull rates are absolutely cancer and will likely eventually kill FAB. It's like 1/240 packs, fucking ridiculous for the decks that use them.

A 1/60 chance for one legendary, when nearly every deck needs full legendary equipment from various sets, is also a major reason the prices are so high. There's no excuse for that, except to implicitly admit you're selling scratchers.

And I enjoy the game, I think the design is fun and engaging and high skill ceiling while letting the losing player actually interact the whole time. But fuck paying $50+ per card for several staples, in every deck.
I think the issue with the Fables which is why none of the recent ones have been competitively playable. The biggest issues are the Eye of Ophidia and Heart of Fyendal, and to a lesser extent Arknight Shard.
>I think the issue with the Fables which is why none of the recent ones have been competitively playable
They are aware of the issue with the Fables*
I should really go to bed.
>legendaries will kill FaB!
Please, Hasbro-kun, tell us the pull rates for a 4x playset of a particular mythic rare in your hit game Magic: The Gathering.
You talk as if you have a problem with most western TCGs, yet fixate on FaB.
>overall deck costs prove to be high but not outrageous all things considered
>he pivots to PER CARD prices to generate outrage
Let me guess, 4x40 is fine for a playset of one particular land; but 1x120 for an equipment is haram. Your other line of attack will be to imply MtG has earned its prices by being old. As if price is driven by anything other than supply and demand.
This discourse is done to death. You're tiresome.
I chose to rise about the noise and focus on being a model fabulous fighter.
Mtg's pull rates are also cancer, but most of those players are either playing commander or arena, neither of which need the playset.

No basic (not alt art, foil, etc) single card should cost more than $10 while it is in print. If you can't make that happen, I will not play your game.
>Your other line of attack will be to imply MtG has earned its prices by being old. As if price is driven by anything other than supply and demand.
Not him but I guess you are the same anon here >>93213240

So in the comparison to mtg: Mtg cards even being out of print for a long time (4+ years) don't go for absurds amounts like fab cards. And I m not talking about Reserved list cards, just cards that have almost the same age as fab. Another anon gave a good explanation on why some fab prices are retarded here: >>93213369

honestly couldn't care less. I don't play mtg and neither fab anymore.
Fab must be doing really well to require a dedicated Hasbo shill to run interference. What have I missed?
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>anyone who offers criticism is a paid shill
>hijacking a thread to lie and masturbate about prices while praising mtg of all things
Begone shill
>This discourse is done to death. You're tiresome
you can say that again. gotta love the fab defense line is always to point to mtg being expensive too. most acgs you're talking fractions of magic, like "well a competitive deck in our game costs 1/20th of a typical commander deck" or "full playsets of every card for our game are half the cost of a modern deck". meanwhile fab anon is "hey, it's not expensive, it costs less than a legacy deck! where are you guys going?"
funny thing I think a lot of them are stupid enough they even buy their own bullshit.
>Inventing a new strawman to fight after being discovered
Begone Hasbro shill!
can there be like, a dedicated FaB hate thread or something? This is a bit much.
Honestly I think it would survive for longer than the FaBs threads lmao
yeah, fab haters do tend to be obsessive schizos lel
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You can't talk about certain tcgs or post the wrong kind of cat, it's a miracle we can talk about FoW at all.
The Trinity Cluster set is horrible every ruler is fucking useless compared to the first Heron Cluster ones. That Synthetic Spirit shit just wth
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Friend, I want to post the wrong kind of cat.
What a hideous fucking card.
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I think you dislike thighs and that's not my problem.
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This one is much better
>brown + manface
Yes, much more Diverse!
I'm talking about the card as a whole dipshit. Go back.
New nats stats
Zen - 9
Nuu - 6
Victor - 3
Enigma | Kayo | Dash I/O - 2
Dorinthea | Azalea | Kano | Dash I/E - 1
The nu showing is really surprising, did people find a breakthrough list for her? I felt like missing out on traverse was a huge weakness for Nuu
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The artist tends towards drawing them thick.
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If you want pale we can do that.
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Gem Craftsman is cute.
Also what are gems?
Gems don't do anything by themselves but certain cards make them or get better by having them, there's 5 types of gems you can have.
Wrong again. Bone-head.
We like to play a FFA in our local community from time to time!
fab is doing better than mtg in japan
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Sadly with 3 others leaders having purple I fear for the support needed for all of em... and that's not mentioning what a menace BB will be for all of us ...
Now you see how truly ridiculous it is that FAB gets this much hate. Four years of this; not long and it'll turn over to five.
Nice job, idiot. The other guy phone posted. You have an edited png.
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Are you saying I can't edit the file and write a name that looks like a screenshot? Are you saying he can't edit his page while using chrome? lmao
What the fuck? I got that card for 15€.
Also why were people complaining about OP's screenshots as card art when a game like this exists?
>being this much of a techlet
Embarrassing. See me after your dick interaction raffle.
Thanks. Thought they might be temp magic stones or something.
American markets are always more expensive idk why. perhaps more scalpers there?
god, this.
unfortunately it doesn't work because most of the "fab haters" are just fab anons strawmanning so they have things to respond to and so they can continue playing the persecuted victim. the couple times they tried making a fab general, there weren't enough anons who actually liked fab to keep it going more than a couple dozen posts.
same reason they're so resistant and bitter toward any suggestion that they try a fab thread again. without an environment of engineered conflict, they don't have anything to post about. which earns them the dubious honor of being the only game on /tg/ with players who don't want it to be successful enough to have its own general and actively work to sabotage that outcome. and probably means they'll be having this same sock puppet arguments until the sun dies.

>conspiracy, schizo, shill, aaaaah
screech all you like; you same 3 or 4 anons have been doing this same circlejerk for like 450 /acg/ threads. you weren't fooling anybody back then and you're not now either.
The degrees of irony here are too absurd for my taste. The flaseflagging to make the other group look even stupider has got to stop. Either hate the game or move on. You're wasting not only everyone's time but also and most importantly your own. If you don't value your time, no bother telling any of us, because everyone else values theirs.
I agree completely. I literally could not care less about fab, and the only reason I even remember it exists is because of the fab posters in this thread being so ridiculous (which I suppose is what they're after at the end of the day, "bad press still counts as press").
but anon wanted to know why there's not a dedicated thread, and is probably too new to have been here for all that shit. and of course the falseflaggers are immediately going to jump on this with their usual array of excuses for why fab generates so much posting volume but it all mysteriously evaporated when they only had each other to fight with.
saying "it's all so tiresome" was tiresome 200 threads ago.
But he is right being on mobile and using chrome doesn’t rule out an edit using web inspector (native to chrome)(aka is really easy to modify text on a page)

The only “reliable” phone photo is safari or other mobile web browser without native inspector.

Think it is more of a demand issue. Stores can rise prices and people will but because shipping + euro prices end up being expensive in comparison
>which I suppose is what they're after at the end of the day, "bad press still counts as press")
You dense idiot. You're the one falseflagging this bullshit to get people to hate fab players. Do you not realize this was directed at all of the useless trolls? Good grief, you're slower than molasses.

To which I repeat, if you want to be negative, fine. Piss yourselves loudly in the corner, but don't falsify evidence and pin it on the normal folk. Alternatively
just leave. These people have always followed the thread's rules, coming together in the basket and weave board, just to talk about great games and share in the enjoyment of them with others.

So to spell it out for you imbeciles, again, because you have proven you're as bad at reading comprehension as you are at common decency. Fab players will continue to post about an alternative card game. You're allowed to have opinions and you can be a big man and choose how you spend your time sharing that. However, if you continue to falseflag then you're going to have to get gone, for good. No one, and I mean no one, will tolerate that kind of thread divisiveness.
So what game should we play?
Looking for new games to play.
One Piece is too expensive to pull a deck naturally, weeb games are non-existed here in my european town, Sorcery is hard to get into and lorcana does not talk to me.
Between Grand Archive, Star Wars, Universus and anything else what is best?
play mtg :^)
I’m playing Star Wars and I hate it. It’s a perfectly serviceable back and forth game, but it’s so painfully basic that I just can’t even waste time thinking about it. Once you figure out a matchup it’s just coin flips of draw, with almost no real player skill coming into it. Feels like tic tac toe, looks like a game, but once you work out the matchup, it’s actually not. Or Runeterra but with less theme and less fun character specific mechanics.
The answer is always Keyforge.
>Obsessively shitpost about the same game for 4 years
>Blame the people who just want to discuss it in peace
If you were just doing the retarded low effort FUCKFAB spam I would understand bit this level of obsession is unhealthy. You should really try taking meds before fab further ruins your life and mental health, especially since lss is doing better then ever.
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What ever happens I'm going to keep sharing my passion for flesh and blood, the same as I have from the very beginning.
i like fab because of it's exquisite use of every game rule, deciding what to block or pitch with demands an extensive knowledge of your deck's contents, blocking with the same card many times removes it's offensive possibilities, likewise pitching with it places it at your deck's bottom and the likelyness of drawing another copy depends of how many of them you have, when building a deck in fab, you're also choosing the rules of the game, sure, there's a meta you have to follow if you want to win big tournaments and such, but the game lends itself more to casual play than people realize
Grand Archive is still pretty cheap, even for top tier decks.
I don't understand this tbf because the dollar/euro isn't that much of a difference I can get a box here without going to a store for around 80-85 euro which is like 90-95 dollars so seeing the American prices even with the difference of currency for singles the American side is still more expensive.
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There's always "easy but Disney", it's got a solid Org Play structure set up and continues to do well, set 5 coming in August or Sept.
Americans have a strongly mercantile culture, even compared to modern Europe.
I would say to check what your locals are playing so whatever option you pick you have a playerbase to play with, or go Online and play whatever you want idk about many cardgames online presence but I doubt they are expensive to play online. Also for One Piece you can just get a starter deck like Uta and be decently competitive or wait a little until the new starter decks come out which are a combination of promo/previous OP/and new starter deck cards making quite some good decks for a low price. In general One Piece is pretty cheap compared to others if you care only about making a deck and not pimp it out with AA's.
Could you explain what that means? Like does the American government jack up prices?
How do you read "culture" and think "government intervention"?
I expect there are more people playing the cardboard pennystocks as a percentage of the market. This is just speculation, but it's testable.
Probably heavily misinterpreted while trying to figure out what it meant mb
Competitive mtg players have been leaving the game in droves for the past years and the only ones left tend to be the mentally ill obsessive ones.
Since one of the games the comp players flock to is fab, that kind of insane mtg player will blame that game instead of the sorry state of their own game.
That's how you get the shitposting tourists we have here, they have no idea about any acg game but will mention mtg in every other post.
What changed in lorcana? They just added the site cards, right? What are the rules for those?
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They've added site cards - gain lore each start of turn, pay some mana to move dudes there for bonuses - items, "sing Together" - which lets you tap multiple cards worth X to sing a card - and updated shift mechanics. It's still pretty simple but there are at least a lot of different viable decks these days.

Also magic brooms is a meme deck that's slowly becoming quite good.
Which card game has your favourite card art of all time? For me it's Duel Masters.
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I really like(d) Kryptik's art
Oooh, kitty.
Kitty (Then)
Gave me a chuckle.
I'd say Digimon, its the best tcg I played, but its distribution if fucking terrible. If your locals run Grand Archive then try that, I found it really fun.
Duel Masters, followed by Digimon
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nice, blue finally getting a tutor.

i had a feeling the satan city tag shown on the leader was going to be the mechanic for the new blue goku leader. excited to try him out.
Tutors should not exist in tcgs. You're playing a game which resolves around the rng of shuffling a deck, removing that defeats the whole point. If you need to be able to tutor a very specific card for design goals, create a (single-use or otherwise non-standard) card from the effect, instead.
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Any Sorcery players? Is the first "set" now completely printed and just people waiting for the next set? Or will they print the base set in the future again? Cause I don't know if I should go for the beta boxes now before they run out or if its a print on demand set
RNG is shit tutors enable consistency and strategy
Why are you playing a tcg if you don't like RNG? Literally the core concept of a deck based game.
This is a satirical post. Incomplete sentences, nonsensical statements such as "choosing the rules of the game," and designed to target a specific poster and make them look like an asshole. You board moderators are defending the troll, you're allowing them to run amuck Literally everyone can see how this is a falseflag op.

The troll is abusing the thread tools. Why are none of the genuine posters here not using the features to get them flagged for their own removal? If you don't then this place is lost forever to their ilk.
to use my resources to defeat my opponent. Everyone hates RNG, that's why everyone builds decks by maximizing consistency (adding duplicates of the same card, redundancies, card draws, etc). No one runs piles of one of each that maximize rng. Besides, tutors give more strategic space by being able to run toolbox decks, where you can find perfect answers for a higher cost (the tutor price). .
A few posters called out the post you are responding to but they were banned instead.
Welcome to /acg/, there's a high chance the troll is the trannyjanny himself.
The core concept is to nake an efficient machine out of availabke cards to fulfill your gameplan. If you want pure RNG go play slot machines.
At one point in time I had reached consensus with them over constantly being falsely banned while the rule offender and thread dissident remained unmolested. That was like two years ago. Realistically they appear to have had a changing of the guard and the new ones are woefully ill-informed. See something, say something. They can listen to reason if we all bring the correct issues up with them via the tools. Just one person doing it seems to not be having great effect because of the confusing falseflagging that's prevailing here as of the last year.

I love this thread. I'm tired of seeing it raped by Big 1 shills and satirical court jesters.
Or if it needs to be in the form of a card game, just play War
>I love this thread.
I don't see what there is to love about it. /acg has gone down the shit-hole
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>trannyjanny can be reasoned with
Nah, you can just antagonize them until they realize they'll never be women and kill themselves. Petty, mentally ill tyrants, every one.
I aint touching that Flagger with a false pole.
Vote for what card game you want added on Cardmatket

I'm torn between sorcery and altered
What's Primal? That's the only one I don't recognize.
shadowverse, grand archive and sorcery for me
you can just vote for more then one
How many sets does Grand Archive have?
webm made me laugh
5 with a 6th one incoming this October
What's the 5th?
Ah I miscounted. Its 5 expansions, with the 5th one coming in. Mortal Ambitions
In theory, more Beta will be printed some time before Arthurian Legends (which releases 4th of October), but we don't know when or how big the new wave will be.

I would probably buy the Precons if you can and singles, as Beta sealed product might drop fast in price in a couple of months.

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