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Caturday Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93183178

▶ Thread Task: Post felines.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Hey - Lionhead Studios closed in 2016.
>Duskmourn will release in September 2024
>mfw my horror card game is nowhere finished
feels bad man
I hope you burn in furry hell.
Don't feel bad, Duskmourn will be total shit.
Tomcat has egg.
Huh... Didn't expect slop to still be kicking with how retarded Bing's become.
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It's a cat
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Only technically.
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Which of these make furry erotica?
I'm not going to lie, I kind of dig the aesthetic of a monstrous haunted house
but, otherwise, I agree... It'll be shit
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What did the cat do?
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>TT is dumb
Posting Ayyy lmao campaign instead.
This was the most derpy statue I could muister
Cat? Okay.
>put the same prompt into bing twice
>it blocks the second one

How the fuck does that work
Hard block or just the dog?
Dog is pretty typical on the same prompt. Remember, the dog is the secondary filter, so it makes the image and then scans it and thinks it made something inappropriate.
But it's really stupid. I've had some prompts generate dozens in a row just fine. Then the dog starts popping up and I get nothing but dog on literally the same prompt.
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Furry beats Blacked
Blacked beats Bleached
Bleached beats Furry

But when they work together you get a Tabletop RPG party
>Care for a riddle, adventurer?
Because it's blocking the images, not the words.
After you.
Could you add a few rats walking over her body?
It doesn't kick. It limps.
There are two filters: first (content warning) checks words and second (dog) checks generated jmages. By the way I heard rumours that if you spam the same prompt repeatedly then Micros**t worses quality of gens. Is that true?
>By the way I heard rumours that if you spam the same prompt repeatedly then Micros**t worses quality of gens
Not really in my experience, but it does seem that if you start getting dogged too much, it will start filtering things harder and harder until you give it some time to cooldown.
And of course, too many Content Warning blocks will result in a temporary ban.
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this looks great
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Thank you. Here's him after hours.
I don't know why but I got the image in my head of a cowboy wizard herdin' cats.
The AI wasn't too good at the cowboy part but i'm not dissatisfied

Okay, one more Disney-styled felinid arms(wo)man from the rogue trader campaign
>abstract, messy, thick brushstrokes, digital painting of a young pious slavic woman with blonde hair in a medium bob and blue eyes. wearing crimson armored boots with heels, crimson armor cuirass with gold fleur-de-lis iconography and black cloth sections, dynamic pose of her firing a tactical military shotgun in a dusty city street with adobe buildings,

Content warning

>abstract, messy, thick brushstrokes, digital painting of a teenaged aristocratic persian woman, long black hair hidden under a crimson and black wimple, amber eyes, wearing tall crimson boots, crimson and black habit with fleur-de-lis iconography, dynamic pose, firing a small laser pistol in a dusty city street with adobe buildings, red beams of light are coming from the barrel of the pistol

Oh, that's okay.

Fucking Bing

So apparently "shotgun" is okay, but "tactical shotgun" and "military shotgun" are hard blocked.

Yeha, Bing is really bad on guns these days. Used to be able to put a model number in and it would search it and show it pretty well.
But I tried "Remington MODEL 870 TACTICAL MAGPUL" and it didn't know what to do. "Remington model 870 shotgun" just gave a generic shotgun (pic related)

Honestly, the state of Bing these days is why I haven't gone back to making more Katherine adventures. I did this for fun, not to get frustrated with overzealous image policing, content filtering, dropping style prompts.

It's just stopped being fun.
I hear ya. I used to max out the daily gens on 5 different account fairly regularly. These days, I barely use the 15 boosts up on two accounts. The filters just make it unfun.
I have exactly the same problem
Is anyone else having a problem with images loading at almost dial-up speeds these past few days or is it just me? And I don't mean on just /tg/, but every board.
Cat girl to stay on topic.
Sometimes I try to get shotguns and it spits out assault rifles, but it is not so bad, for slop art to use on one short game it is good enough
I tried once to make a cave painting of a hunter throwing a javelin. CONTENT WARNING. For a motherfucking pointed stick.
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Name of a reverse isekai anime episode maybe?
>My elf friend has turned into a cat and is just as cute!?
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Anyone know how to describe the style of Disco Elysium's character portraits? Best I can come up with is "stylized painting."
Neat, what’s the prompt please?
The closest I can think of would be "watercolor expressionism painting."
Race: Human
Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Background: Ruined
Random Oddity: Connoisseur. You eat and drink only the very best beverages and foods, no trail rations for you.
>Roasted feline is considered a delicacy amongst the privileged elite in Carcosa.
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oh wow he saged the thread, he sure showed us
Good god you and that AI are based
Did not expected to have spices on the menu today
>kneel before your superiors
How did you get a Grecian sphinx that wasn't...statuey?
>massive winged female sphinx, with a beautiful human face on furry lion body, wild hair, green skin, furry lion body

Something to the effect of
>illustration in the style of a classic disney animated film of a athletic young woman with feline-like nose, yellow cat eyes, cat ears on top of head, tawny fur, wearing combat boots, bronze armored cuirass over brown plaid skirt, she is running through a forest firing a futuristic laser rifle
Anon, in grim darkness of 40k the only allowed felinids are grumpy catmen.
Even necromancers can take time for a date night, you know.
Tabaxi have been a part of D&D lore since the first edition.
Just because it took untiln5e for them to be playable doesn't make them any less a part of the tabletop experience.
Last response to you. No point dealing with a shitposter.
Holy fuck, bing has been neutered beyond belief. It literally blocks 9/10 of my prompts now.
tried to submit "nigger slave bows sbmissively to his rightful white master" but got banned

Well, in the campaign, the felinid armsmen squads were "prides" of females with one male squad leader.
Well, SOMEONE needs to wear a skimpy outfit and lounge slinkily on the Rogue Trader's lap, so I guess you just volunteered, fuzzball.
Ooh, that works pretty well
>the person yelling this

I tried putting him in a drill sergeant hat, but Bing wasn't getting it
This used to have a captcha that I'm pretty sure said "KYWT"
What did you do for this sphinx?
NovelAI image-to-image of my other picture (>>93198737)
I recognize who this is supposed to be
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You all ARE paying attention to what the teacher is saying, right? This WILL be on the test after all.
Interesting. Why do you think that?
this neither
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Sorry you feel that way, anon.
Literally just putting "not" in front of shotgun removes the prompt warning and gives 1/4.
>abstract, messy, thick brushstrokes, digital painting of a young pious slavic woman with blonde hair in a medium bob and blue eyes. wearing crimson armored boots with heels, crimson armor cuirass with gold fleur-de-lis iconography and black cloth sections, dynamic pose of her firing a tactical military not shotgun in a dusty city street with adobe buildings,
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I was actually inspired by you, anon!
>Roasted feline is considered a delicacy amongst the privileged elite in Carcosa.
Lies, Ulthar would have raided the place.
I'm a big fan of pussies.
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Cats are obligate carnivores, so a feline sapient species is going to run into some problems growing a large population. They will have to live as hunter-herders at first rather than hunter-gatherers, which will produce a lot less food and thus demand much smaller populations. It will probably take them a proportionately much longer time to develop agriculture since they don't benefit from it directly. The basis of their diet will have to be some kind of small, fast-breeding animal like rodents and chickens. It's also a LOT harder to store meat over time, especially if you aren't working with modern refrigeration technology. Food surpluses will be hard to attain for a long time.

I've been putting a lot of thought into this. My personal sci-fi setting has a full assortment of aliens I've made for it, and the one I like the most are called kyn, and they're felinoid, meant to be based on housecats moreso than anything else. I've been trying to figure out a logical way to get them from being primitive hunter-herders to the space age.

It's not completely impossible to imagine; there's some evidence that the people of the Caral-Supe civilization in South America may have been able to have had a completely meat-based diet (in this case, fish like anchovies and other marine life). But it's definitely a major hurdle to overcome.
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Since they're based on housecats, my thought process is that like cats, kyn societal organization was along sex lines. Male cats have large territories that may or may not overlap; females have much smaller territories and will nest together with other (usually related) females and their kittens (of both sexes).

In kyn, the major change is that unlike cats, kyn practiced group hunting. Males work together to bring down large game, which could then feed them for some time (especially once the art of meat preservation was invented), as well as be traded with female kyn.

Females instead clustered together, but like the males would hunt in groups. While male kyn focused on large game, female kyn instead were the ones to develop agriculture and start domesticating small but fast-breeding animals, allowing them to hunt less and less and begin to develop a food surplus, which allowed actual civilization to (painstakingly slowly by human standards) develop, eventually creating writing, art, mathematics, etc..

Male kyn weren't completely useless, though; they developed herding, taming and domesticating large animals and following them rather than hunting them, making food more reliable. But they were still leading very mobile existences with comparatively few companions, while the females developed villages and eventually cities that would trade with the males.

Young kyn were raised by their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and older sisters. When they became adults, male kyn were expected to go out and join the hunter-herder bands, while the female stayed in the cities, tending to the fast-breeding prey and developing their society. Each city had several hunter-herder bands associated with it. The bands would occasionally fight each other for the right to enter the city and take wives, but all the bands would close ranks and work together in the face of outside invasion. The territory controlled by kyn city-states tended to be very large in comparison to Earth.
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Like any species there'd be exceptions, of course. In coastal villages with plentiful fishing options you'd probably see male and female kyn living together to maximize food intake, though overfishing would potentially be a problem that would keep their population down compared to the more traditional city-state arrangement mentioned above.

Even then I imagine that kyn society would lack much of a concept of monogamy; they would definitely be matrilineal more often than not: a kyn traces their family through their mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, etc.. Also, while male kyn are larger and stronger than females like with humans, the fact of the matter is that female kyn have sharp teeth and claws, and so even a naked female kyn is way more capable of badly injuring or even killing a male than a female human is when dealing with a male human. So between the females being more concentrated (and thus having a numbers advantage over any given band of hunter-herders), controlling the cities, and being very capable of defending themselves, their societies probably tend towards genuine matriarchies (not that the females can mistreat the males either - again, sharp teeth and claws).

I imagine sexual integration starts happening eventually as technology advances and the food surplus continues to grow and cities become gradually more pleasant places to live. In keeping with cats being fairly fastidious, the kyn would probably be big into things like plumbing, sewers, and public baths, so mass diseases might be less common in kyn history. In any event, eventually you end up with a significant number of male kyn who don't want to leave the cities to become ranchers. In some places this might be gradual shift, in others it's a major societal upheaval.
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allows people to use styles from images, maybe it'll be useful to you
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Coco's pussy
Thanks, I'll give it a shot.
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I can't even get it to do regular centaurs even somewhat decently.
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Why the floating hats? I guess it needs to show the cats' ears and that's the only way it knows to do it.
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A couple other major points forced by being obligate carnivores.

1. Long campaigns and sieges are a nightmare and a half. You can't keep enough meat fresh enough and you can't hunt enough game. Even if the kyn don't have a cultural taboo against cannibalism, they still just aren't going to be able to sustain long periods of campaigning in a foreign field where you can't rely on finding food. Though on the other hand kyn cities also can't possibly provision a lot of food either, even with salted meats/jerky/etc., so if some clever kyn general can figure out the logistics of supplying their troops, then the cities will fold practically instantly by Earth standards. No Siege of Ceuta here.

2. The concentration of females in cities and their effective numbers advantage might mean that any large standing armies that DID develop in kyn history might actually be female-based and led. One can imagine a female city-army enforcing its will on male hunter-herders, or going to war against another city for all the usual reasons. "Warrior" could be a male tradition (battles between hunter-herders), but actual soldiery is a female tradition.

This pic is someone's fetish, I just know it.

3. The lack of ability to store food for a long time also means that kyn can't do long voyages of exploration unless they're also doubling as fishing/whaling trips. Again, an inability to store enough food for an extended period means that much of the kyn homeworld (Kass) probably remained unexplored for a very long time. Months-long sea voyages on ships carrying dozens of crew are right out.
Yeah, I tend to get garbage most of the time too
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Let's be honest, the Catfolk, like the Dogfolk, will end up just living near and among Human societies and grift off the stupids, they'll probably convince people that cleaning their litter boxes is a great honor. And honestly, who could really blame them?
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Is that the ghostly head of his father spurring him on in his quest for vengeance?
Catfolk part aside, uniformed women is indeed my fetish. The epaulets really bring those outfits together too.
>Colored rough sketch art for a fantasy school textbook. Army of female felinoids in matching Napoleonic-era Arabian military uniforms, marching down a Medieval desert city street.

Should you need it.
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Goddamn, fucking nice image. What was the prompt, this sort of thickly painted style is my jam
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Can anyone link me to the first slop thread?
More. Goth. Bitches.
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Tried it out with a style I like and this was my favorite result thus far. Thanks for sharing anon.
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And this one
Ya know you could just check the archives yourself. There were earlier threads but this one seems to be when it finally started to coalesce into the general as we know it.

How about goth catgirls?

Very nice. And nice job getting the digitigrade feet. Did you do anything special for it? Bing always fights me on that.
Surprisingly no I didn't have to. I've also had issues with that myself in the past when I was using "feline beastfolk" so maybe "felinoid" is the ticket.
Heretical, but if the Vlka Fenryka is allowed, I guess Felinids receiving some gene-seed, as a treat, could be possible. It would be Ultramarines gene-seed probably because it is the most stable and numerous, and less likely to make them even more mutated.
Can't have huge cat Astartes going Black Rage or some other oopsie.
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unfortunately that picture was made in MJ, so the prompt wouldn't translate.
Space Woofs have a chance to become mutants because of the gene seed. Felinids are born mutants and are barely allowed to be cannon fodder for the Guard as abhuman auxilia, much less allowed into any Astartes elevation.
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can't be too hard
Ah, come on, as if that would stop Cawl from at least trying to see what happens
Usually it just clips one or both of her ears through the hat for me. Like >>93166968 from a few threads ago. I do find it cute when it acknowledges her ears and pushes them down with the hat.
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The Flying Dutchmen chaos warband with their Lord Davy Jones?
oh i'm sure you can get something similar. my point was more that you have to come up with the prompt yourself because people don't really use style prompts on MJ. here it was:
>sinister bald man with curling black mustache and rouge's armor, steepling fingertips together pose, face tattooed with arcane symbols, sitting an a dinner table in a dusty underground hideout, a plate with a cooked feline on it
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the default dalle artsyle for this was more photographic, added watercolor
yeah mj's default style is painterly, bing's is photorealistic.
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Very nice. Cat with turban is a good look.
thanks! i totally didn't steal the idea from elder scrolls
>...Oh, I am SO many kinds of uncomfortable now.
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Nice look.
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>>93206674 >>93206706
Very nice. I also wanted them to have musket rifles but it didn't quite work out whenever I tried. Bing really is bad with guns.

For the record the kyn aren't supposed to be straight-up anthros. Their arms and legs are supposed to be proportionately longer than humans' when compared to the torso, with only four fingers (thumb plus three others) and four toes. Their faces are also supposed to be more alien-looking, and if you shaved off their fur their flesh would actually look a little more like scales than skin. They're mammal-analogues but not true mammals since, obviously, they come from a completely different evolutionary chain. Bing, though, absolutely isn't up to making that, so we get furries instead.

They are shorter than humans on average, too, despite coming from a world with lower gravity (about 65% Earth gravity). Normally the idea in sci-fi is lower gravity = bigger creatures, but I figure that Earth has land animals that range in size from as small as a tardigrade to as large as a bull elephant, so I expect Kass would also have a range and the species that evolved to sapience aren't necessarily going to be the giants.

Interestingly despite the glacial pace of their species' societal development, the lower gravity on their homeworld would mean that inventing heavier-than-air flight, and rockets to escape Kass' surface, would be easier, so you could theoretically see the first rocket ships in their equivalent of the 1910s or even 1920s using kerosene or gasoline foe fuel. Though communications with the ground would be a bitch, and "computer" would be a job description rather than a device...

Pic: Traditional kyn queen outfit from around their iron age. Feathers are a symbol of war among the kyn due to that lower gravity also giving "terror bird" a whole new meaning. Also swords never took off on Kass; spears remained the weapon of choice.
so what has TG been up to in the last weeks ? new memes ? new fetishes ? new tricks ?

what did i miss
Does doggy want a bone?
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Style? This looks great.
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Let's prompt for Half-Elf Half-Catfolk, what could possibly go wrong?
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bruh, how'd you get a Boille Dark Jim Jim Henson?
Those things are rare as fuck.
We love goth catgirls, brother.
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exchanged for some rare eggs
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anyone got expirience with AI videos?
Ive been trying to get Luma Dream Machine working but for my own handdrawn images it just has a still of my picture (guess im too bad for it to recognize it)
Currently trying it with some Slop images but its taking forever.
Anyone got any good ideas?

Currently working on some high fantasy military bullshit because its realy hard to find non slop art of that
these are realy cool, i like the mixture of the hungarian husar uniform with the turbans, its a realy unique aesthetic
wtf is this real?
>Thread Task: FELINES!
Jesus seem like bing got quite a bit better? if you dont use AI tools to up your game yourself (and switch to porn) its so fucking jover as an artist if you happen to have field/style that can be narrowed down by AI
wish they sorted the sampler out properly see left tree, that light blue haunts me
yeah there are still many many mistakes (and the resolution is still low) but with a bare minimum of skill you can fix a lot of stuff and lots of normies cant even spot artifacts or a person having 6 fingers

It's quite good for landscapes and some vehicles.
stylized water color does a lot of the heavy lifting
Oops. I just noticed I meant to link the archive to >>93206154
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>As a follower of the "Oath of the Bestest Boi", I am duty bound to say "Yes".
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Well, shit. Is it bad that the AI recognized the prompt "Pixar Mom Hips" and promptly (heh) dogged it?
You: Pixar mom hips pls
AI: I'm gonna have to take that ... for reasons
I can only imagine the degeneracy it must've waded through before it spat the dog at me...
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>Pixar Mom Hips
This is now added to my prompt list.
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Lucky bastards with your locals. Well, I'm a faggot ass phone poster so I'm at the mercy of the dog's whims. Don't rub it in.
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Appreciate it bro
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You guys ever use "inverted"?
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>be cybercriminal
>get arrested by cyberstacy
Is there any worse fate

These look like ass
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So they fit right in.
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My thri-kreen waifu!
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Warning: Nudity!
Totally would
Ban this sick filth
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>▶ Thread Task: Post felines.
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Any more of this cutie?
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>rich, stylised manhwa watercolor, vivid colors, solid black outlines, urban fantasy, romantic, curvy kitsune wearing a kimono, long wavy red hair, fox ears, 9 fox tails, hazel eyes, walking through a crowded city, blushing smile, exaggerated hourglass figure, taking viewer's hand, POV
Thanks anon. Could you post the middle one full size?
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high con cat
Please, make more like this. Borderlands artstyle deserves more.
This fluffy slutbag is angling for a kissed shoulder.
>"I've heard about getting head before, but these chicks take it WAY too far."
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He is eternal. He is infinite.
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>Kitten Commandos, light 'em up!!
>image limit reached
New thread when?
Never. General's dead. Go home.
100% Joever
Fuckin hell, I'll bake
Getcher fresh slop. Fresh slop for all.

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