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I was reading the Free Worlds League field manual and shouldn't the demonym for regiments from Atreus be "Atreides" instead of "Atrean"?
People are unreasonably scared of later era technology. Yeah there's a lot of tech bloat but there are plenty of designs that don't use any/much of it. Laser heat sinks, all the weird armors and weird stuff like shields are one thing but VSPLS are very simple (literally just read the stats and know the modifier decreases based on range) as are HAG'S, something like a kheper, blade or Atlas III (the one with HAG and streak LRM) are very straightforward to play with
maybe? Idk, people irl don't follow exact rules of grammar or language or whatever and its 1000 years in the future.
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Personally I don't really have a problem with tech bloat, I'm actually all for it. It's fitting to the setting, and makes sense how the various militaries are trying different ideas, some mediocre dead ends and some not, just like actual real life militaries.
Ultimately I'll always say leave all the options in so that different groups of players use and discard the tech they want, that way there's something for every group.
No, "Atreides" are the descendants of the man Atreus. "Atreans" are the people from the place (planet) called Atreus.
If you use BV matches are actually pretty balanced across the eras, with the exception of stuff like precision ammunition which doesn't cost more battle value and some things that have less counters available in earlier eras with no access to stuff like reengineered lasers. And introtech mechs are still in use to various degrees in 3152. I'm hoping to convince my group to play something other than 3025 or clan invasion which they've probably been playing for the last 15 years
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>mech with extradimensional shit
>made by GM
Of fucking course
>year is 3080+
>his assault mech moves 3/5
>his heavy mech moves 4/6
dead on arrival
For some effects and true weathering, I plan on taking my Archer and burying it partially in the dirt for three days. We're expected to have some heavy rains. How could I make sure its not submerged in the mud and washes down my hill?
don't bury it when it's going to rain?
If you really want to do that then plbury it right next to your house, or maybe put it in a flower pot and leave it in your backyard instead.
I don't like XL engines in IS mechs, and I don't like expensive mechs.
True a lot of later IS designs do use XL engines, but there are plenty that don't and are fairly cheap
Soon we'll have XL an XXL Engines for Dropships.
Because I asked this question minutes before this thread eclipsed the previous, I'll ask this question again: Any reason why Defiance Industries opted to stop making Atlases and Atlas IIs (execpt for the AS7-DK-H at the Hesperus II factory)? I mean, isn't that a disadvantage for Lyran national security that one of their top manufacturers gives up on one of their best products?
I like when light fusion engines come into the picture.
World of blake took over hesperus and it wasn't at full capacity for a long time. Atlas 1 and 2 are kind of dated in later eras and it possibly fell out of Favour.

Even in 3025 its not exceptional. Lostech star league designs like the devastator, nightstar etc start showing up around the clan invasion. After the Jihad there's access to stuff like the madcat mark ii, Berserker, Viking IIC.

3/5 is slow for an assault by that point, Fed suns kept developing the Atlas III but Lyrans probably had more advanced mechs to produce while still having a lot of old atlas's lying around
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I've recently come to the conclusion that the unmodded, flamable TSM should be how the IS gets XXL bonuses without having to deal with the crits.

That's what I found irky about the history of the Atlas: it may be 100-ton assault mech that can use its hands for not only punching things but also grabbing light and medium mechs, yet its weapons aren't that fancy (LRMs, SRMs, an AC/20, and four medium lasers). I take it that's what Aleksandr Kerensky also had in mind?
>I take it that's what Aleksandr Kerensky also had in mind?

Alex wanted a big fucking Orion with a skull face.
the Atlass was largely made to be a sort of immoveable object that slowly came toward you. It was your inevitable defeat. A manifestation of the Star Leagues ability to beat you. It is not supposed to be fancy, it is supposed to work, be big, and look mean.
also the DKh uses clan weapons so its way better than 95% of atlas variants, and they can sell it for more
He should've put a Gauss rifle in place of the AC20 then.
the better tech and designs were retroactively added afaik, the Atlas II was one of them and that uses more advanced tech.

But yeah it makes no sense the atlas is hyped up so much when there were mechs like the thunderhawk running around with 3 gauss rifles
pretty sure Gauss rifles weren't a thing when the published the Atlas for the first time.
this, people overplay the fact Kerensky personality push for the Atlas. It's got a lot of armor and it has a skull face, both good for intimidation, but it's too slow and kinda undergunned. It's a good mech if you're a rich noble/lance leader wanting to be safe behind tons of armor and your subordinates.
Ironically Kerensky never even used one, he piloted a custom Orion for most of his career, and an Atlas II for all of one battle, but never an original Atlas.
That's the joke, yes.
in universe they were
People look at the Atlas and see it as the ultimate boxx mech, but that wasn't really it's purpose, it's only later versions that made it a command mech. It always struck me as the anchor point of an advance, or the vanguard of a retreat. It was there to be big and mean and attract the fire so the other mechs could do their jobs. Your commander is already a big target, it doesn't make a lot of sense to make them the biggest and most obvious target.
>with a skull face
Oh my god, was kerenksy a chud this whole time?
Kerensky piloted an Atlas on New Vandenberg during the New Vandenberg Uprising a year before Amaris made his play
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gold flavor text
I believe anon is claiming that was an atlas ii, and it might have been
Can such a paintjob actually work?
My favorite art of the zerker. Wish the model looked like that because I'm not really a fan of the octagon shaped hatchet
Gamers? My group is clamoring for a Mech game, and while I know little about BattleTech (though I’m listening to Tex Talks to get a handle) I’m the GM willing to rise to the occasion. I’ve seen plenty of nightmare stories about A Time of War, but also raving praise. What RPG system would you recommend?
Yeah, the fluff box from The Star League sourcebook says it was an Atlas II. Then immediately calls it an Atlas in the next paragraph. Was the Atlas II mentioned at all before that book and TRO 3075?
In relation to the history of the Atlas, them being distributed across the Inner Sphere upon the collapse of Star League was because of SLDF Royal MechWarriors who piloted Atlases returning to their respective Great House Fiefdoms while taking their Atlases with them. Were there SLDF Royal MechWarriors who hailed from the Capellan Confederation, thus allowing the Capellans their own supply of Atlases?
an atlas ii is still an atlas

Gurps could work
Honestly I've preferred every alternate or fanmade design I've seen over the actual canon berserker. It's such a a cool mech on paper but the original design is so lame, and as far as I can tell they haven't bothered to update the design at all.
The Atlas was the Regular Army's mech whilst the Atlas II was the Royals. No Atlas II mechs and pilots stayed behind

Ah. Got my Atlases mixed up.

Still, weren't there SLDF MechWarriors who used Atlases that refused to be a part of the Exodus?
Yes, the Caps would have some Atlas'. Besides mechwarriors returning to the Confederation from Regular Army regiments and the somewhat mercenary nature of 'mechwarriors with in-demand heavy and assault 'mechs in the late Third War, there is also a reference in fluff to a Capellan-controlled Atlas factory on Carver V, lost to the FWL in 2953 and subsequently destroyed in various attempts to recapture it over the next 15 years.
Not the royal units apparently
A whole bunch, yeah.
>I’ve seen plenty of nightmare stories about A Time of War, but also raving praise
What? Ive barely heard anything from that game let alone horror stories. Share them?
Well it's in the pipeline for the house mech packs right? My hopes are low but there's a chance the shimmified design could be decent
>What? I've barely heard anything from that game let alone horror stories. Share them?
Most of my research on A Time of War suggests it's a slog to run and merely does what it sets out to do, "adequately." While a lot of this is probably sour grapes and luckless whining, it does overshadow the praise I've seen saying A Time of War is the perfect marriage of battlegame mechanics into tabletop format.

Frankly, I'm not too challenged by crunch. I ran Shadowrun 5e for a year, I know how to excise content and handwave extraneous side-rules. Hell, d6s don't frighten me, either. I guess I'm still asking because I've seen that "Destiny" is much more recent than A Time of War, and while "Destiny" is a very generic title I've heard it's pretty streamlined and a good "bridge" between crunch and lite.
>founder of a militarized separatist society turns out to be a chud
What a shock!
Destiny at least seems to have rather good quick play rule for the tabletop parts, but the usual truth about any BT RPG seems to be that it doesn't do anything particularily well, to the point where you might as well replace it with any generic system that is trying to get the feel you're aiming for for your campaign.
>which they've probably been playing for the last 15 years
Sounds like you're the newcomer in that group. If so, pressing them to play the bullshit from jihad-ilclan will more likely just lose you a playgroup.
Assimilate and integrate, be glad old hats are playing with you at all, don't rock the boat.
I understand that his son and many of the people who actually did it were army brats, terrorist hanger-ons, specops and other scum of the earth.
to be fair:
>The clans are formed by General Kerensky's exodus group including the veterans who fought in both the Periphery uprising and the Amaris Civil War
>A large chunk of the Clans were founded and led by war veterans, meaning the Clans were formed within the same generation they left the Inner Sphere, not just their kids.
You can't blame the general directly, going by his ideals and philosophy he'd probably find the clans abhorrent, but he's not entirely blameless either. I genuinely don't get what he thought would happen when he led an army of traumatized veterans and refugees to give up their homes and go off in a random direction to restart society. To the surprise of no one, a bunch of the people following him realized going off in a random direction was fucking stupid and rebelled because they wanted go back home, so he had them executed, then later the eventually find a place to settle and almost immediately a civil war starts.
To be fair, the actual founder of that society was his dyed-in-the-wool psychopath son.
Off the rip, Alexander didn't have a plan other than 'get the fuck out and make sure nobody follows us'; founding colonies was made the plan retroactively after others cottoned on to the fact that the Exodus was a death march to nowhere and started to mutiny.
The civil war started because they made the mistake of not spacing the Cappellans they brought with them at the first possible opportunity.
That’s disappointing, most of my friends are huge BattleTech fans and, though I’ve never touched it myself, know that running something would help them feel that spark again. I’ve considered LANCER until realizing it strips most of what makes BattleTech, well, BattleTech (which is where me being an outsider at least helps.)

If worst comes to pass, I’ll go for A Time of War and run a short mission. I checked up on Destiny and got some nasty reports that it runs on the assumption you’ve got other BattleTech books to draw from, mainly for customization.
Honestly all Kerensky wanted to do was find somewhere to settle down temporarily and come back to the Inner Sphere a few years later when the Great Houses bombed themselves into a ceasefire he could take advantage of to rebuild Star League. It's not a bad plan perse, the problem was like you said, it was barely an actual plan and more just a general guideline for himself which was "get out, dodge the fighting the GHs are prepping for, come back and clean up their mess when things cool down."
Too bad he died in the middle of cleaning up his own mess before that.
no, for example in japanese the number 7 can be read as both 'sichi' or 'nana,' and number 2 as 'tsu (two)' and so on so they can read the number 273 as 'Tsunami.' it's called goroawase
at least one atlas 2 stayed, thanks to the vidya
>"Atreans" are the people from the place (planet) called Atreus.
People called Atreans, they go the house?
Why is the Hollander so lame.
>Gauss Rifle
>Bad armor
>No back ups
Is it even worth getting?
It's not really a mech, its original designation was "Poland Main Model A Gauss Rifle Fusion Walker, BZK-G1"
Snipers don't need armor.
The Hollander was basically specifically designed to be a cheap gauss gun on legs that could move in position fast to snipe Clanners in their overly expensive super mechs. It's good for the role it's meant for, but that's inherently situational. Do you want a gauss rifle on legs to snipe with? Then get a Hollander, otherwise use something else.
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>-the WoB did it en masse

Then I guess they are somehow descended from WoB, perhaps the were started by Manei Domini phantom slowly descending into madness due to VDNI malfunction, going AWOL by the end of the Jihad, starting the cult which then got crazier and crazier as he deteriorated. Guess he also remembered location of some secret WoB equipment caches to get them off the ground as pirates/mercs. Also he manipulated at least some of his flock into replacing their limbs with bionics because he had a thing for cyborg chicks or something. When he died there was an unfortunate schism ending in much bloodshed leaving the winning faction a bit short on critical personnel forcing them to resort to kindaping. Would that work?

It will take years of education before the children can do anything but simplest jobs. You want real talent fast. I guess raising their own children is hard enough. No reason to adopt extra brats.
It's not great. There are cheaper ways to get a gauss rifle on the field.
It's cheaper than a Regulator, and it can actually go anywhere.
what outright bad mechs do you guys include because of the fluff/flavor? i'm thinking about including a hatchetman and not sure if i'm the only one shooting myself in the foot with ac20
I've also got a Hatchetman in my Filtvelt force, although it would be the marginally better 5D or 5S models in later eras. My Knights of St. Cameron lance has a Dragon (non-Grand) and an Urbanmech because they're broke and get half their stuff from the generosity of well-wishers. So I figured a Dragon carcass donated by a noble who didn't need/want it and an Urbanmech picked up from an employer in lieu of payment would fit their vibes. Marik Militia will have a Hermes II once I get a model that isn't a wee little midget.
Quickdraw, in part because it was my learning mech when I got into the game and partly because of its inclusion in the Great Refusal in a company that otherwise was Black Knights, Grim Reapers, Shootists, Spartans and Excaliburs.
is quickdraw that bad? -5a seemed pretty ok for its period
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>rapes you will chatting to his imaginary friend
was it autism?
It's more of a fat medium than an actual heavy mech
If the Rifleman is bad, then I'm there. I just love the way it looks, even if it's kind of made of paper. I'm iffier on the Jagermech though I'll run it, but that might be because I see it as a less-sexy Rifleman.
>paper-thin armour
>ammo bombs
>not enough heat sinks
I tries to do too much with limited tonnage and tech, thought yeah for its era the 5A is closer to mid than bad
You can't always be a winner, like the Ostroc and Ostsol.
I have a soft spot for the Charger
rear r/l torso armor 4 is really bad tho
>People are unreasonably scared of later era technology. Yeah there's a lot of tech bloat but there are plenty of designs that don't use any/much of it.
>Personally I don't really have a problem with tech bloat, I'm actually all for it.
Usually people have the opposite opinion; That later tech is too bloated and only "side grades."
Personally I love that the technicality of the rules get more complex but not necessarily BETTER, but introductory Clan Tech really shit the bed being generally superior, only excused with the flimsy "Technology advances!"
>Alexander didn't have a plan other than 'get the fuck out and make sure nobody follows us'
>it was barely an actual plan
Yeah, surely he knew Demilitarization is a thing; If shit is too dangerous to leave lying around, you destroy it.
And if you had enough loyalty to drag a good chunk of the SLDF to the ass end of nowhere, why not hunker down with Blake?
You shouldn't be showing your ass to people in the first place.
>Physically overpowers his captor (a Solaris Champion ultra girlboss princess) who has a laser rifle while he's delirious in high fever with a concussion, gunshot wound infection and a knife
>She just softly moans 'no' and goes along with it
>She cries about it later to her mommy who tells her to grow up
>She recovers from the ordeal by sexually assaulting one of her subordinates

I feel like people need to actually read the book. It's fucking hilarious how Caleb gets so much flak. Danai was literally planning on pulling an Ian Davion with him too.
What book is it?
I've come to see them as for different roles, an XL doesn't belong in an anchor mech, I wouldn't go for it in an assault that is meant to be a slab of armor, or one meant for holding a position/sniping at range. but for mediums, lights, and a fair chunk of heavies, they work.
Fortress Republic IIRC.
For me it would be the Cyclops, Hector, Shadow Hawk, and Falcon.
Rose Bolton?
So I'm in the process of Dupe Hunting. Fun Times.

If you guys see any dupes that need my attention drop a PDF or Text file in the drop folder with the name of the file and the locations of both. I'm pretty blind when it comes to stuff so any extra eyes will be nice.
sorry for cross thread posts but
it's not my photo i bought it on surugaya instead
i don't have a scanner on hand but ill find a way
i fucking love the Crusader-5K, i can count the amount of times ive gotten the full hit + 30 salvo on one hand
How do you paint up a spotlight? Just a flat yellow?
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Has anyone actually used a Swordsman? If so, do you like it? I like how it looks, like a tiny Thunderbolt.
No but I've got an stl for it and will be using it once I've printed it. I really like it in concept even if it is a bit of a unicorn.
somewhat related to this, what penalty does a mech suffer from being a 'fat light/medium/heavy' other than jumpjet?
a blue with white center to be like those ultra bright led lights. however if you wanna go turbo realistic gotta try to have that glow comin off on other parts of the mech
>not enough heat sinks
That is literally the one problem the Quickdraw doesn't have anon.
Mostly the weight classes are just convention to discuss general capabilities. All the actual construction rules are based on the final tonnage.
why did every attempt to replace the rifleman fail in universe? it shouldn't be that hard
I really like the theory that he expected them all to die.
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Because the Rifleman is too cool to get rid of.
Clearly you've never heard of the Lancelot, it successfully replaced the Rifleman, but the process was not complete when a certain civil war ended the Star League.
Jagermech theoretically performs the job of AA mech better but has somehow even worse armor than the Rifleman. And then the quickdraw is somehow supposed to fill the same niche.
By the time somebody could have made another mech to try and replace the rifleman the succession wars were on and new mechs were a luxury nobody could afford
RATs punish them harshly. You don't want your 1 heavy to have the performance of a medium.
>And then the quickdraw is somehow supposed to fill the same niche.
Basic idea here

>The Rifleman keeps getting forced into frontline combat roles it doesn't belong in
>Let's make the Quickdraw so we can have a cheap 60 ton frontline combat mech that does belong in the front line
Quickdraw wasn't meant to fill the AA role, it was to fill the Fat Medium role the Rifleman was getting misused in
You've got to wonder weather the Rifleman would have been pushed into that front-line role nearly so much if we didn't have the Legend Killer over on Solaris making the mech chassis famous in universe AS a good mech killer.
>some asshole with a secret custom config we'll never know ruined it for everyone else
Buddy, read the Warrior Trilogy. Noton really just was that fucking good.
I feel like I have won an inordinate amount of games to weak mental.

I just played a 15k Clans vs IS game of Vanguard Blitz and my opponent conceded on turn 5 of a 10 turn game. To be fair, I had some good turns due to luck and a bit of skillful positioning and target priority but he had really only lost 1 mech. Mine were getting sandblasted and had yet to take internal except for two point on my summoner but he still had plenty of time and stuff on the board but was getting super frustrated. I don’t see why people don’t want to play games out to the turn limit, there was still more than a fair chance for him to win even if he accidentally gimped himself because he didn’t read the rules closely enough (AP ammo on AC 2’s for example). At the end of the day it was still 2 Clan Heavy’s, 2 lights and 4 points of Battle armor vs 1 assault, 1 heavy, 2 mediums and 2 lights AND he had specific anti-infantry weapons.

I have pulled out so many games in the last couple turns. You are always one lucky shot away from a floating cockpit crit and if you’re hurting the enemy is nearly always hurting just as bad.

>TLDR: ISHYGD concede halfway into a game
I mean think about it. We get this phenomena in real life as well, where you get guns like the SCAR that blew up huge in the real life gun shooting community because of Call of Duty, but before that was basically unknown. The opposite of this is real world battlefield performance driving sales like with 20 HIMARS stopping the entire Russian offensive cold by blowing up all the ammo dumps, so Poland orders 500 of the things. Rifleman's just the 1st example rather than the 2nd.
literal case of 'git gud'
That was really late in the timeline, comparatively.
>Dat color scheme.
Legend killer is supposed to just be gray camo with a ghost painted on it. What's all that red shit?
thought lore was pretty clear on it being entirely due to desperation, any mech was better than no mech. by the time of the fourth succession war, everyone was scrambling to field anything they could. what's really surprising is how much the notion stuck around after everyone recovered tech and manufacturing.

you've got plenty of mechs out there that are specifically paired up but rarely see it reflected in lists because everyone is tied up in 3025 thinking that you'd never get a bespoke line up after the fall of the SLDF. The kintaro LRM and SRM variants. the Hammers and Anvil, the Anzu 60 and Anzu 70, the draccs with lances of just panthers or dragons.
A lance of just hammer variants is pretty nasty.
Only time I’ll concede is if it’s a 2v2 and one of my mechs gets headcapped turn 1. Especially if my remaining mech doesn’t have headcapping capability itself.
But yeah, a lot of people who play table top are sort of giant man children, go figure.
>if you're good enough you can kill ~45 clan mechs with single crippled hatchetman
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Why are they even called gauss rifles? What does this guy have to do with propelling a magnetic block ad supersonic speeds?
Why the FUCK is this thing an assault mech
Because it weighs eighty tons silly
Writers decided the clans can have their own charger, as a treat
what was the kuritan regiment of yakuzas again?
Gauss studied electromagnetism.
>Carl Friedrich Gauss invented and explained the mathematical descriptions for the magnetic-effect that had been used by magnetic-accelerator cannons
It's a funny story, they made the record sheet for an unrelated mech called the Matador, but someone higher up wanted a Phoenix Hawk IIC, so they just slapped that name on it and called it a day.
Most of the ghost regiments are, with some exceptions. Like the all female one; the Combine is the one state that sort of frowns upon female warriors.
what are the best lrm racks?
>they made the record sheet for an unrelated mech called the Matador
SLDF still holding a grudge against the taurians after all these years? Very based and it almost makes me want to see some kind of clan vs. TDF showdown, show them how much honor stands up against a nuclear bomb
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I don't know, but I genuinely like it. It's also got nice quirks and cool variants.
5s get the most throw weight per ton. Not very heat efficient though.
I think LRM5s lose out in actual use because, along with the heat issues, 3 point clusters are a lot less valuable than 5 point clusters.
Got my Kickstarter box. Can't wait to bring some of these babies out at Northern Assault in August.

How should I paint the 10cm Timby?
The pair I hear about is pairing the 15 with a 5 to get what's essentially a more efficient 20, and that the 10/20 aren't usually the 'ideal' options unless it's something like Clan Artemis, but I haven't crunched the numbers myself.

What would be interesting to do at that scale that you can't do with a normal mini? It might be a place to start kicking ideas around.
If you've only got one like a Grasshopper or something, I like to just bring smoke rounds to provide cover.

And not many things actually spam 5s. I think the only one I can think of that does is the Bushwacker and the Longbow.
I kind of want to try painting some fake transparency on the glass cockpit.

Or maybe a reflection.
is archer-2r really f rank bad?
>two LRM20s, some medium lasers, and battlefists
You could do a lot worse in introtech
Who told you that? The Archer is fine.
The Matador is still a Clan mech, and winner of Ugliest Mech Ever Designed.
Premier missileboat of 3025 and can still move decent and clobber up close.
if only it had 2 heat sinks instead of those 2 butt mls
A couple clan machines do, like the horned owl 2 or the griffin IIC. I don’t really care for it, it feels sorta meta/cheesy.
You say that until a light mech is in your rear arc.
No, not my rear!
When people try to counter your LRMs by getting close, you punch them. When they try to counter your punch by getting behind you, you laser fart them. When they run away because you're dangerous in every direction up close, you make it rain. The Archer flowchart is a perfect circle.
>fist punch
is there some kind of special quirk for the archer?
why do people hate sun tzu and his reform? at the same time teddy kurita's pretty well liked it seems
I saw it last year I think but some anon made an Archer with nothing but Small Lasers. Anyone got that pdf?
Archer has Battlefists quirk, which means its punches get -1 to hit

Teddy's reforms made the Kuritans act less like asian stereotypes. Sun Tzu's reforms made the Capellans act more like asian stereotypes. And people either hate stereotypes or hate asians.
It has Battlefists, which are like pulse punches.
Sun Tzu was way more bullshit and way less well written. Also Japs>Chinamen
curious, do people play with quirks and/or psa?
Depends on the group. More common if you are doing narrative or campaign play.
Quirk yes, PSA no.
Quirks rarely show up for pickup games but frequently for campaigns.
PSA but no quirks in my campaign group. FLGS pickup group doesn't play with either.
For campaigns, yeah. Not so much for pickups.
What's a PSA?
It depends if the mechs I'm using really benefit from quirks or not. Stalker or anything with barrel fist? Definitive yes
Well that's just an unrealistic expectation and you know it.
It really isn't.
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pilot special ability.

Some of them are quite simple like Jumping Jack, where you get a +1 AMM when jumping instead of the usual +3, or Sniper, where you halve range modifiers. Others are utterly broken, like picrel. (this guy's also basically the best mechwarrior to ever live and has actual psychic mech piloting powers)
I know the mechs come with quirks but how does one's pilot get a PSA?
>Jumping Jack, where you get a +1 AMM when jumping instead of the usual +3
That's still utterly broken. Jumping Jack should have imposed a +2 AMM penalty, not a +1. That equates out to a FOUR POINT swing on a jumping pulseboat. Being able to apply 4 points on an 11 point scale? That's insane.
I hope CGL to release another beginner/essential box with the hatchetman and the summoner when MW5 Clans come out. So we can see Kai's pilot card
As I recall, this is one of those things where the actual rules are in like 4 different places, one of which is the RPG book, one of which is the pilot cards like the one I posted for Morgan Kell.

For my campaign group I don't have to worry about it because my GM created his own house rules for how much XP they all cost, &etc.

>That's still utterly broken. Jumping Jack should have imposed a +2 AMM penalty, not a +1.

That's how my group house-rules it. It's still amazingly good. We have it on all our Wolverines and our PHawks and stuff. Basically everything that has JJ.
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House Marik guy from last thread

I just got the points that we're working with. 7k BV, vehicles and Mech only. Using Mechs made during 3049 and prior (I believe that's what was said, waiting on clarification)

I'll be aying against Comstar. What should I expect? Build recommendations are accepted.
The issue is that they still inferior to SLDF
SPAs are earned through campaigns, they don't show up in BV calculated pickups.

>Playing against ComStar
ComStar has mechs other people don't get in their availability list, but they don't really have a gameplay specialty you can build against. They prefer to run units of 6 mechs rather than 4, so you might be outnumbered but have bigger mechs.
Star League is the peak of technology in the setting, it does not fit with the lore to have all these new weapons and such, that are still inferior to the SL, if the SL era had no need of them.
what sourcebooks should i read if i want late 3rd succ war campaign? (3000~3025 or 3028, just before the 4th)
didn't the clans improved upon sldf tech?
>didn't the clans improved upon sldf tech?
They tried but nope. This is why one SLDF mech was able to down Front-line Star of Third Star League with it's aerospace cover
The guy you are talking to is being weird. Yes, Clan Tech is a straight improvement over SLDF tech.
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Okay, so I'd run this myself. 3050 means that the Ostsol 5M and Wolverine 7M are out of consideration, but thankfully we still have the 3M Phoenix Hawk. Don't use both ERLL if you jumped, and you should be fine.

Comstar means that they'll probably have ERPPCs and Gauss Rifles of their own, which is why I went with the 9M Awesome rather than the 8Q, because those extra hexes of range very much matter, even if the XL engine is going to make you less survivable. 4/6 at least means that you can climb hills faster and accommodate for more terrain while still getting a +2 TMM.

4M Archer is missile boat. It sits in the back and missiles.

Hunchback is bodyguard. It hangs back with the Awesome and the Archer to make sure that nobody wants to get under their minimum ranges.

PHawk is your skirmisher. It harasses in the midfield and keeps the enemy from committing in and pushing TOO fast. Pounce on backstab opportunities if they won't get you killed, but remember that keeping the mech alive to be the threat of the backstab is worth more sometimes than the actual backstab itself. This should be your last activation every turn.
Traveller. The base dice mechanic uses 2d6, and the lore is built on a lack of FTL communication.

Add two skills, Mech (Piloting) and Mech (Gunnery) and when you transition to the wargame, subtract the traveller skill rank from 5 to get the CBT rank.

It works well, haven't gotten a campaign going yet but we made it three sessions and it worked great
With a few weapons, yes. One of the reasons clanners are disliked and still considered a mistake.
But for medical and other areas Star League was superior, terraforming, mermaid people, etc...
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IIRC, Princess is hard-coded to do the maximum amount of damage it can in a single turn to either the closest unit, or the one that has the most damage.

What were you doing with the Hatamoto-Chi?
What software sis you use to make this?
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Only in campaigns, and only with players who are willing to use RATs.

>why do people hate sun tzu and his reform? at the same time teddy kurita's pretty well liked it seems
Sun-Tzu had up to that point been a bumbling dipshit. His country had crippled production, was disintegrating into multiple separatist realms, and they were forced to use the most brutal asymmetric warfare they could to survive. They were a massively dysfunctional police state with a command economy (pic related) and heavy internal compartmentalization. There were a large number of cultural influences within the Caps, most of which were Com-Bloc.
Suddenly, out of nowhere Sun-Tzu announced that the Caps were and always had been Han Chinese, that they should work Harder Not Smarter (tm), got elected leader of the Second Star League, and pulled dozens of regiments of mechs out of his asshole. This magically fixed all dysfunction and dissent in his state. He proceeded to re-absorb all of the separatists in largely bloodless conflicts in which he repeatedly abused Star League and Periphery troops without any consequences, up to and including their allies refusing to assist them For Some Reason. Since then the Capellans have gone from strength to strength on the battlefield, while continuing to suffer no consequences for any of their actions. It's part of a general trend right at the end of the Clan Invasion era to write out all of the interesting pre-existing internal conflicts and subfactions in the game, which did not help matters among the fanbase.
This coincided with a general downturn in writing and art quality at FASA and the hiring of massive Capellan fanboy, writer, sometime editor, and current half-owner of Catalyst Loren Coleman.

TL:DR Caps went from scrappy underdog villains in full-on Cobra Commander Warlord China mode, to an invincible superstate led by the second coming of Cao Cao.
so if the best assault in introtech is awesome 8q, and the 2nd is banshee 3s, what would be the 3rd, 4th and 5th?

Teddy K made the Dracs more interesting and opened up more story possibilities.

Sun Tzu made the cappies less interesting and locked them into the one story possibility of "china wins"
Advancing towards princess's mechs. It was right next to a dragon too but this isn't an isolated incident. Every time I run the hatamoto it happens
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Keep your fucking pants on in public. It is literally the bare minimum expected of you.

Level up skills in a campaign, at certain breakpoints you're eligible to pick up an SA. Ironically, because of a quirk of the experience rules, it's actually easier for a blackshoe admin to pick up EXP than someone in a combat lance.

The original House books, Periphery 1e, the very first scenario packs and unit books, the first Mercenary's Handbook, Dropships and Jumpships, Galtor, Brush Wars, the original TRO 3025 and 3026, and the first Comstar book. IIRC there are also some relevant bits in the new Chaos Campaign Succession Wars books. Even some of the later books like Wolf's Dragoons, McCarron's Armored Cavalry, and More Tales of the Black Widow backfill in some more info about the late 3rd Succession War. Keep in mind also that some of the information is flat-out contradictory, weird, or mistakes (stuff like Taurian Hatchetmen and Pattons, a lot of the production numbers -- especially in Droppers and Jumpers, etc). The GDL and Wolves novels are also great.

Intensely arguable. For example, I'd say that the Marauder 2 is superior to the Awesome, but it has very limited availability.
The Thug/Hata-Chi, multiple versions of the BattleMaster, Longbow, the Atlas with the twin LLs, and most of the Stalkers are all also quite good in their roles. The Striker is an excellent linebacker mech and still has the rough throw weight of a Marauder. I'd put it at the top end of the trooper Assaults, just a hair better than the PPC Zeus and about as good as the best Atlases.
Beemers shit all over pretty much everything in close combat, they're fast enough to put rounds on target, and they're not hopeless at range. Although the LRM-15 variant is not the greatest idea.
The Goliath is a slightly worse Stalker, which is why it's not on the list. It's mostly the firing arcs and poor mobility.
Yes, because they make campaigns more interesting
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Solaris Skunk Works. It's in the OP copypasta.

Red button adds the current mech to the force list. Blue button opens the force list, which is what's in the previous screenshot.

Sun Tzu is able to somehow dunk on Candace who had been playing the politics game way longer than he had, much better. And he does it without getting any retribution from St. Ives Supporters in the Star League.
What do ya'll think the best RAT is?
>What do ya'll think the best RAT is?
>Xotl's Faction Random Access Tables (June 2021 update)
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My girl Calliope, who was a sweet little thing who was trained to retrieve balls in exchange for yogurt chips.
Alright. What would you say would be a reasonable make up for a full mercenary company with 3 Lances? How many heavies, mediums, lights etc?
So since you can have handheld weapons on Battlemechs, could you make a Handheld Gauss Rifle?
Depends how lucky/funded they are, but my impulse would be 3 light, 5 medium, 3 heavy, 1 assault.

Mechs can hold 1/10th of their mass in each hand, and a gauss rifle with ammo is at least 16 tons. I don't think you can do two hands on a handheld weapon, so no.
>Depends how lucky/funded they are, but my impulse would be 3 light, 5 medium, 3 heavy, 1 assault.
One of those mediums should be a phoenix hawk and accompanying the lights.
she was never a champion, she was just a successful gladiator
Handheld weapons are kind of finnicky because of their construction and usage rules. Also, their supposed rarity outside of ones already made. Having a custom handheld is about on par with fielding a custom mech.
Also, the closest thing to a gauss rifle handheld is the Incubus II's AP Gauss Rifle handheld. It has 3 in it.
>I don't think you can do two hands on a handheld weapon, so no.
Other way around, mechs can only do handheld weapons with two hands.
womder how useful/accurate this RAT is
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I got your improved rifleman right here.
4/6, Max armor, 4 lb5x, 4erml and 12DHS. Only 1800 BV too
Any battlemaster variants by the civil war better than the steiner gauss variant?
Rolled 610, 978, 674, 988, 923, 404, 503, 367, 238, 374, 732, 815 = 7606 (12d1000)

Alright lets see how this goes. Rolling on the Fed Suns 3025 table. First three are lights, next five are mediums etc.
what's Beemer?
Where? When? How rich is the guy who funded them? How established are they?
Strictly by the distribution given in canon sources, they should have around 3 Lights, 3-4 Mediums, 3-4 Heavies, and a couple of Assaults, skewing heavily towards Unseen designs. Generally the richer, better-established, and more veteran the force is the heavier it skews. A poor, heavily-damaged force is likely to have whatever they can scrape together and a lot of them will be carrying permanent damage of some kind. And of course there are always exceptions, like the guys who only use jump designs for orbital assaults or the gimmick commands that only use one or two chassis.
Could an atlas with a sword take a head off?

>JVN-10N Javelin
>JVN-10F Javelin
>OTT-7J Ostscout

>GLD-4R Gladiator
>GRF-1N Griffin
>SCP-1N Scorpion Fuck
>ENF-4R Enforcer
>WTH-1 Whitworth

>RFL-3N Rifleman
>TDR-5D Thunderbolt
>MAD-3R Marauder

>AWS-8Q Awesome

Could have been worse I suppose.
No. Sword damage is mass divided by 10 plus 1, so a hundred tonner with a sword inflicts 11. One short.
Damn. No wonder the kurits love TSM so much
That looks like a nice solid company to me. I'd happily take that into battle..
Clasics and commons.
Commander rides a battlemaster or archer or marauder.
Awesome, thunderbolt, warhammer, griffin, wolverine.
Anything common enough to be replaceable / maintainable or somwthing so genuinely tough it doesnt have those problems, like 8q awesome amdnother flashbulbs.

Rule is generally One unicorn per unit
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Any 2d6 RAT is going to be a quick abstraction to get you a sampling of available units. They often include very rare things simply to round out numbers and give you some variety.

The Command Console ones are damned useful, and if you're counting uniques the Red Corsair's is nasty as shit. Same goes for the Royal it's based on.
i think it can if it was a hatchet not sword
>CGL has only one day till they release Q2-scheduled Second Star League Assault Lance
Honestly this is a solid battle force you're working with. Even the scorpion is basically a fast moving PPC platform to snipe with while your enemy is distracted by the rest of your forces.
depends on the era, something like a gravedigger is going to more common than most of that stuff in the dark age
It justifies their love of PPCs since the heat build up is now a positive, and they get to rush at the enemy even faster and go full Shounen with their mid battle strength boost. Of course they'd love tsm.
I don't know enough to say if it's good or not honestly. I just know quads are generally considered shitty and the riffleman isn't well loved. Otherwise everything seems fine. I was pretty happy with the two javelins for lights. No idea if the ostscout is any good though.
shame nobody makes endo steel beemers again until the jihad
Ostscout is pure recon, only one med laser, but it moves really fucking and jumps really far. It's got a bunch of heat sinks too, so you can jump and shoot all over the place and not really have to ever worry about heat.
Rifleman is disliked because it's misused, it's supposed to be AA and fire support when necessary, so use it properly and it won't let you down.
Which of the Star League projects were more dangerous, Caspar or Butterfly-Bee?
>I just know quads are generally considered shitty and the riffleman isn't well loved.
Quads depend heavily on how they're used. Generally the closer a design has to get to the enemy to function, the worse it is. You can't torso twist in most quads, so you need to plan out where you're going to place it, it tends to spend a little more MP on turning, and it needs to go farther down in the initiative order than something in its role normally would. On the other hand you get sidesteps to cancel out some of the turns that normal bipeds have to make, mule kicks, and some very serious benefits for using partial cover. In-'verse, the Scorpion is considered shitty mostly because it's incredibly uncomfortable to drive, and it's slightly suboptimal in-game because of the mix of SRMs and PPC with a fat engine. And because the mini has never, ever, ever fit in a BT hex. But it's by no means garbage.
That Scorpion is a very good command mech for your Scout lance. It matches speeds, has a holepuncher to go with the 24 SRM tubes on its lancemates, and you actually want to hang it back slightly to make best use of the PPC and cover. Not only that, the whole scout lance works very well as a striker force for either of your other two lances. I'd probably put the Whitty, the Awesome, the RFL, and the MAD into the Command/Fire lance since none of them particularly need to go anywhere to be threatening, and then use the AC/20 Thud as the beatstick in your medium cav lance.

Indeed. Although the Drac C3M ones are very, very good command machines for a fire lance. Especially compared to a lot of the other drek they get with Masters.
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I think its neat. 15 ton 14/21 fully clantech mech but built by the IS, 14/21 with 2 clan er medium lasers which is pretty good firepower. It has terrible armor with 2 or 3 on every location but its at least enough to take a srm or lbx cluster round.

For 888 BV it seems to compare alright with the bug mechs, those clan er mediums really are pretty good firepower with decent range.

No idea how well it works in practice though
why is going voluntarily prone with a quad mech a good thing again? LoS?
>This magically fixed all dysfunction and dissent in his state.
It really didn't. If you read the blurb, they mention multiple instances of "People are so happy that we raised the production quotas three times over." and we know that Xin Shen and the liberation of the Servitor caste cause literal unrest when people suddenly got harassed for not conforming to the new looks.
Put the Scorpion on Overwatch and have it spot for targets and you'll be fine.
Why is it so hard to find STLs that don't fucking clip damn it.
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Adulthood is realizing that clipping is essential to animating giant robots.

Where is this? Most of the Xin Sheng stuff just glosses over any dissent. Whether this is literally true, or the writing taking an in universe approach of being Capellan propaganda, the Xin Sheng era really emphasized removing all nuance and differentiation from the Capellans.To the point of notably indepdent merc units suddenly going full Xin Sheng, and St. Ives ludicrously being described as going full Xin Sheng despite it also being fact that there were anti-Capellan St. Ives units in the Capellan March until the Jihad.
988 is another Griffin, not a Gladiator.
Am I looking at the wrong table then?
if your body doesn't clip with itself you can design mechs that don't either
>Rolled 610, 978, 674, 988, 923, 404, 503, 367, 238, 374, 732, 815 = 7606 (12d1000)
You're looking on the right table, at the line for 998. You rolled 988 though, which is two lines above that.
but my body is made of squish bits and not made of metal
Animal's bodies can and do dynamically deform to a certain extend. Even those with exoskeletons.
What's more, animals like crabs have some really intricate shapes around their hinges, which take up way too many useless polygons when you can also just make parts clip.
Ah, well I'm an idiot. Yep looks like I'd have another Griffin then.
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you can do it
For Aerospace fighters in say, the Clan era, which ones are gonna be the most survivable for the pilots? i.e. if I'm stuck as an aerospace pilot, which rides are gonna kill me, and which are gonna help me live?
Shilone. You may forever be alive in the memories and rememberance of both the spheroids and the clanners
Hull down rules, cover, and even more stability.
Played a Word of Blake era game (3080) at 4k the one afternoon, we usually do 2-3 mechs per side to set a good pace.
It's not Republic or Dark Age times, though was pretty fun and didn't feel different. Was nice to have some new options desu.
Used a Battlemaster 10S & Argus 5D (Fed Suns).
>hull down
can you please elaborate? for some reason i can't find those with battlemech manual pdf search
This legitimately seems exactly what it's good for. It's not a particularly shooty mech, though it can take a hit really well.
It really sounds like Kerensky wanted to do a Lawrence Oates and figured his Exodus would die out of the Inner Sphere.
I don't know how I feel about it, although he did actually ask those who wanted to come with him and gave them the choice to come along, it'd be worse if he packed up and didn't give his followers any choice (yes, mutinies and civil war followed regardless, though the initial trip out was an invitation rather than an order at least).
It is odd that they didn't stop on one of the more habitable worlds along the exodus road. Canonically there are several planets they passed along the way which were superior to the clan home worlds.
Can't be knocked prone when already prone, comrade, and hull down and 3/4 cover is in TacOps.
Don't get me wrong, I'll criticize the general on a lot of things and it genuinely annoys me when people just go "well he did everything he could" as a defense to any of his failures, but I will say that I don't believe he was trying to just die out in space.
When you really look at his thoughts and actions, it paints a picture of an idealist. He genuinely did want his exodus to hunker down for a while then come back. He probably was expecting to die out in space, the man was in his 80s by the time the exodus started, but was hoping he could pass the torch to the younger officers and go back to reestablish the Star League within his children's lifetime.
So I guess on some level, he was expecting to die far away from home, and on some level it probably was a chance for him to finally get away from all the problems that keep cropping up, but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt and say that wasn't why he set up the exodus.
Realistically was it really beyond the capabilities of the SLDF at that point to beat the shit out of the successor states though? DeChevalier at least seemed damn sure that it would have been possible for them to take over the Inner Sphere.
They changed course a lot and had ship drop trash in random spots far from the fleet so that no one could follow them. Odds are those planets were too close to known human civilization for comfort. I guess they never expected the Great Houses to just NOT give at all of a shit while they focused on prepping to take the throne and be the next House Cameron.
ah, copy. thank you. i'll check that book, before i decide whether to buy the goliath and/or the scorpion or not
Quads get a new lease of life with advanced movement rules, but if your group doesn't regularly use a good chunk TacOps they're not great.
It's kind of a tossup, people forget the Great Houses were mostly pretty passive during the civil war and only reluctantly gave aid when Kerensky forced the issue pretty late in the war. Their house troops and warship fleets were fairly fresh and they were building up post Amaris Civil war. You gotta remember Kerensky didn't jump straight to leaving, he spent years trying to get the Great Houses to not go to war. His troops had been fighting for decades by the time the war ended, and how willing they were to jump into another one, especially against their own homes for many of them, is anyone's guess.
Let's also not forget that even the Periphery alone was a meat grinder during the Periphery Uprising, and the RWR only fell as quickly as it did because the populace was actually not at all supportive of their tyrant dictator Amaris and his yes men forcing them into a coup. A lot of the RWR welcomed SLDF on their planets as liberators, and plenty of of RWR military personnel straight up defected to the SLDF quite enthusiastically.
Compare that to a presumably stronger, much more nationalistic Inner Sphere not willing to tolerate Kerensky doing as he pleases and, from the Great Lord's perspective, biting the hand that feeds him? There's a good chance the Great Houses pause their fighting just long enough to put him down for good.
And even if he was capable of winning, think about how bad the fighting would get. Would an idealist like Kerensky been ok with the sheer devastation going toe to toe with a Great Houses in total war would bring? I don't believe so, he held himself back from going full war crimes on the Periphery after all. The SLDF jumping into it and making things a five way conflict would be just as devastating as the canon succession war, probably even worse. Even if he won, it'd have been pyrrhic victory.
And at the end of the day, ignoring all that, I think Kerensky was just an old man tired of fighting what he saw as his fellow SL citizens.
An Ian Davion?
Newish to Battletech, what does RATS stand for?
Also new but I think it's Random Access Table. Or something along those lines.
Random availability tables
To be fair there were a few efforts over the years by some of the Houses to try and track down where the exodus fleet went. The Fedsuns being the first to try during the 1SW when the Dracs were slapping their shit, they hoped to find the fleet and try and convince them to come back and help.
>SLDF jumping into it and making things a five way conflict would be just as devastating as the canon succession war, probably even worse. Even if he won, it'd have been pyrrhic victory.

See, this is one of those things I have to disagree on, because as strong as the Houses were on the ground, they just don't have ANYTHING that can match the SLDF navy. Even after the devastation of brute forcing through the SDS fortifications and Casper drones the SLDF Navy was still leagues better than anything the Great Houses could field both in quantity and quality. If you took the Exodus fleet and stood it up against every Great House fleet at once, I still give good odds to Kerensky and his fleet. I know that the writers like to try and pretend that naval actions don't exist, but if Kerensky had kept the fleet intact, the first Successor Lord to try for a Hegemony planet would have gotten smashed by a wall of McKennas and the other four Lords would be much less likely to stick their dick in the blender.
Imagine how much better things would be if Alex had bombed the Japanese with his warships.
I like the idea of warships but they are simply too overpowered in universe and force everyone to not use them or just instantly win, and when they are used it just feels cheap.

Like Caleb Davion losing 13 regiments because the draconis combine showed up and just orbitally bombarded them with pocket warships
I understand that it basically invalidates the game, but frankly it is entirely reasonable and realistic. Orbital superiority is absolutely everything.
What color do you usually base your infantry with?
You still need boots on the ground. Mechs have a place, but they only become relevant as long as you have orbital superiority. As soon as you loose orbital superiority they get pasted from orbit.
Look I'm just trying to explain his actions and reasoning as best I could, whether or not you agree with Kerensky is a whole other discussion.
>Orbital superiority is absolutely everything.
as other folks have pointed out - the armour meta in BT means that space battleships have absolutely no chill when it comes to their weapon's loadouts, making them not particularily useful unless you're trying to turn a lot of real estate into slightly radioactive wastes.
This, unless you're a perfidious Albion, is rarely ever the mission objective.
>I mean I get him not wanting to fight another War, but taking everyone with him out into the Galactic Wilderness is still a piss-poor demilitarization
My personal opinion? Kerensky was a fuck up, albeit a well meaning one. Yes he's great at warfare, but he's too idealistic and blunt, and he messed up way too many times to justify them all. He fucked up raising Richard Cameron, who grew up to be a spoiled little shit with an overweight yes man constantly kissing his ass.
He failed to follow up and enforce the laws on arm caps as reports on the RWR's militarization being well over the legal limit were sent to the higher ups for years and everyone ignored it.
He failed to prevent Star League from fracturing and basically gave up to go live out the remainder of his life in space based on a vague plan he was making up as he went along.
He failed to recognize the fact the vast majority of his followers were traumatized war veterans and rebel fighters who had survived through some of the worst fighting and atrocities in human history and were completely willing to drop everything and leave their homes forever to get away from it all. He kicked 3/4 of them out of the military and expected them to just pick civilian life back up overnight as soon as they settled on the Pentagon worlds.
He failed to figure out his son Nick's blatant sabotage and manipulations, and practically left his burgeoning Star League in Exile government on a silver platter for Nick to twist into an abhorrent caste system that glorified ritualized warfare.
You can go on and on, but my point is Kerensky is this heavily idealized figure in history when in reality he messed up constantly. In fairness he genuinely did his best, and he did end Amaris and win the war, but none of it would have happened to begin with if he has been more attentive in his duties as Richard's guardian rather than default to being a general and focusing more on that. 1/2
Suppose mydudes are of Lyran local lord's household and their heirloom mechs. Can I paint it with whatever scheme i want? Or should I still go with steiner blue? Or the district army's color (like, donegal guards for example)?
Part of the reason Kerensky ultimately won was because of his leadership and the capabilities of his forces, that's without doubt, but a significant factor was the fact his enemy was a total nutcase who has this big stroke of genius with his coup, then proceeding to ruin it by acting like a nutcase and completely alienating most of his allies, as well as his own home nation, who proceeded to switch sides and support Kerensky forces instead.
Kerensky is a man who tried his best, genuinely loved the Star League and its ideals, and saw even his enemies as his countrymen, but ultimately he was a failure in everything that mattered to him.
being able to destroy entire regiments from space is pretty much always worth it, then you can just land your battlemechs and mop the enemies up. It's not like you have to use nuclear weapons.

The reasons you don't see it happen all the time are the Ares conventions and its generally seen as immoral and fear of the enemy doing the same to you.
If you start a siege, then your opponent will take a defensive position.
In BT, this means occupying stuff you don't want to erase in an orbital bombardement.
shame both genyosha and ryuken are formed past 3025. it's either legion of vega or sword of light then.
>6th ghost regiment decal sold at $15 is freaking ripoff
Infastructure can be rebuilt. The majority of planets do not have giant irreplaceable battlemech factories, the enemy units are not necessarily going to be sitting directly ontop of important locations and you can arrive in system and start bombarding them at basically any time.

And you are ignoring worlds that you have no reasonable chance of ever conquering, might as well blow them up
destroy them from space? You don't seem to get it. Against a normal foe, your Warships and probably enough to distract their Warships and the droppers get through and you fight on the planet.
When it's the SLDF, they have naval superiority by default, the dropships won't even get to atmo.
People tried that during the 1st succession war, but it turns out that when everybody is just slagging each others' cities and factories from the orbit there's not going to be much left that's actually worth fighting over. Having orbital superiority, like having air superiority, is extremely useful, but if you actually want to hold ground and not just annihilate everything in the general vicinity of where you're aiming you still need to fight ground battles.
>only playing baby's first battletech
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>you may have destroyed 13 of my regiments with pocket warships (not even real warships) but that's insignificant and i'm the real winner because ummmm you destroyed the non existent infrastructure or something idk
are you talking to someone in particular?
I absolutely can blame that on Kerensky. Monarchy works based on the assumption that you can prepare the heir properly, and that if the heir can not be prepared a spare will be. Kerensky failed to prepare the heir, and then failed to have a spare. That is absolutely on him as the regent.
If either side has warships all that needs to survive is a single pocket warship or warship in decent working condition (it can even be fairly heavily damaged) which can then blow up everything on the ground.

The only reason you wouldn't want to take that trade is if you want to preserve your fleet. Because blowing up tons of dracs as the suns as the cost of some of your fleet isn't going to help you against the capellans, but it's still a pretty tempting offer
And then he had the same failure with his own children and that created the clans.

If either side has warships you don't need to worry because it will inevitably be destroyed by the writers.
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>Infastructure can be rebuilt.
FASAnomics aren't complex enough for the army to smash stuff using taxpayer's money only for governments to hand out reconstruction contracts paid for by the same source.

These are fundamentally fantasy medieval economics where nobody ever invests, credits are unavailable and no money is being produced unless somebody finds a new gold mine.
This, Kerensky wasn't just a general, he was handpicked as tegent to take care of both the Star League and the heir. Richard's upbringing was absolutely his responsibility and so was who the young Cameron was allowed to hang out with.
>See, this is why we don't do Hereditary Monarchies anymore!
Yeah except of countries who runs global economy
>Eventually somebody's kid ends up on the throne and they end up getting played.
Sure representative democracies are so much better
Even if the enemy who has orbital supremacy doesn't want to bombard you for various reasons you are in a lose lose situation as the defender.

What invariably ends up happening is the enemy lands troops on the planet. If they beat you, you lose. If you beat them or make it hard enough for them they will eventually resort to orbital bombardment which is what happened to the two shadow divisions on Gibson (got 312312 nukes launched at them and then mopped up after they shat on the regulans that tried to fight them on land) or what happened to the republic forces in Geneva
Usually, you'd switch to low key, dispersed operations so that they don't have any targets worth hitting from orbit.
>/pol/troon printers
>Kerensky wasn't just a general, he was handpicked as tegent to take care of both the Star League and the heir
Kerensky tried to step down as commander of the SLDF when he was appointed regent. The House Lords explicitly forbid it, as they wanted him distracted doing two jobs at once. He was set up for failure quite intentionally.
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anybody recognize that... turtle thingy?
It's a Turtle.
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It's lacking the JJS required to make it a friend to all children.
Pretty sure that is the Great Turtle
but the great turtle does have jump jets
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Family out of town. Both TTRPGs that were scheduled this weekend canceled. It has been 24 hours with no human contact. Good news is I've almost finished interrogating the cat to determine the location of the rebel base.

I think rather than try to force a sixth agenda into Instant Action I should just produce V4 with five. No need to fix what isn't broken.
There's also the Department of Communications that would have sided with Kerensky and been in place to launch an Interdiction if/when needed, at least in the early stages so that the SLDF can solidify their hold on Hegemony territory

I believe a lot of what happened in the Empires Aflame AU would have happened if the SLDF stayed but Kerenskys death is what needs to happen for them to actually stay
Then he should have used the vast resources the interstellar military he had under him to better delegate his work and kept a close eye on his ward. He had people under him he trusted, he had influence and hard power, and most importantly it was temporary until the heir was of age to take over, so he should have taken the time to have Richard shadow him as he ran Star League to get an idea of what the job is like. There's no excuse for his failures as a guardian.
>friend is new to BT and takes a liking to the clans
>says there should be a clan with a dinosaur or lizard totem
>tell her she should play Jade Falcon then since a falcon is a type of raptor
>she opts to play Steel Viper since “snakes are closer to dinosaurs/lizards”
tfw have no face for this face
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To be fair, he is pretty old.
Nice. I couldn't keep rats myself, I know the lifespan would make me sad, but I fuckin' love meeting other people's polite rats. "Trained to do cute stuff for snacks" is peak rat.
to be honest we have enough jade falcons and wolf players
The mice or rats that may live in people’s houses are among the harmful creatures or vermin (fuwaysiqah) which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) commanded us to kill in all situations, whether we are in ihram or not. It is not permissable to keep them as pets
>that pic
It’s like I’m back in 2004
I don't remember seeing those symbols in 2004
Yeah if she wants to play an unpopular clan I only see that as a plus, you can always have more variety in factions for your games.
Suggest compromise. Star Adders
I have enough drac mechs now that I'd like to start painting up a kurita force. The question is whether to go with generic house colors or do a specific unit. Anyone have any suggestions for distinctive all era kurita units? Preferably in the Dieron military district so it makes more sense to fight everyone.
The Vipers at least invade IS, if only briefly, and have some cool colorschemes. Adders don't do anything outside the Clan Homeworlds and their crowning achievement (winning the Wars of Reaving) coincides with the Homeworld Nobodies being effectively written out of the setting. Also all their colorschemes are some variant of black and blue with a highlight color, and they aren't even the only Clan to do that (Coyotes have almost identical colorschemes).
What exactly do the homeworld clans get up to later in the setting? I'm vaguely aware that some get absorbed or deleted at some point I think.
they die
Kuritans have two kinds of commands: regulars, which cover the forces of each military district, and 'floating' commands like the Shit Outta Luck and Legion of Vega. The latter make for a more flexible choice, but the former showcase their regional cultures more and a Regular unit is almost never written off completely. Later on you have special commands like the warrior fanatics of the Genyosha or the gangsters and women of Ghost Regiments, but if you want all-era, your choice is Regulars (diverse painjobs), Sword of Light (RED LIKE DRAGON) for floating elites, and Legion of Vega (grey with red paneling according to the warrior's taste) for floating dregs.
All of them? Weren't there like 18 clans at the start of the invasion?
>Anyone have any suggestions for distinctive all era kurita units? Preferably in the Dieron military district so it makes more sense to fight everyone.
Dieron Regulars. Though they hate actually using their parade colors (white with gold trim) because its impractical, and normally wear all camo all the time so aside from using a lot of Drac stable mechs there's nothing in the colors to indicate they're specifically Dracs. Sword of Light all-red livery is of course the classic Drac paint scheme, and has been for every era. They're also one of the "floating" regiments (not tied to any of military district) so they can be deployed wherever needed to fight anyone. Of the other floating regiments most aren't around in every era, or at least depending on how specific you want to get with dates (Genyosha and some of the Ryoken regiments have been around since their founding, but both are founded at around 3028 so if people set games in 3025 specifically instead of just late SW-era in general they wouldn't have existed yet), leaving just the Amphigean LAG (another all-camo regiments) and Legions of Vega (aka. the dumping ground for anybody too undisciplined or unwilling to do the whole "banzai-charge into enemy lines and die for the Coordinator" thing but still having some value for DCMS). Legions of Vega does have a neat thing in their paint scheme in that it isn't actually officially defined except usually being a combination of red and gray, so you can do stuff like paint the grunts gray with red details and the officers red with gray details to make them stand out.
I suppose flat red is the safest choice. I just want to avoid the color schemes that too greatly resemble that of other nations. I'm split between the the 3rd or 15th Dieron regulars, house colors, or possibly a ghost regiment. I'll have to read up on the lore more and see if any stand out to me.
Valkyries in Robotech were much bigger than the Destroids.
>Legions of Vega does have a neat thing in their paint scheme in that it isn't actually officially defined except usually being a combination of red and gray, so you can do stuff like paint the grunts gray with red details and the officers red with gray details to make them stand out.

That's actually a pretty good idea, I might steal that if that's ok. It might make it harder to cobble together forces to match specific BVs, but I can just have some extras, an enlisted and commissioned version of the same mech.
After the Wars of Reaving (Steel Vipers throwing a tantrum about how all the Clans that went to IS being tainted by Spheroid-cooties, while forgetting that they also took part in the invasion) all the IS-based Clans got kicked out of the Homeworlds and most of the remaining Homeworld Clans exterminated so that only 4 are left (Adders, Cobras, Coyotes, and Stone Lion, which is a new Clan that's just the Homeworld portion of Hell's Horses rebranding themselves after successfully arguing they never took part of their Clan's attempted IS-invasion), and the survivors cut of all contacts with the IS. That's the last time anybody has ever heard of them, as the whole point of WoR was to trim off useless Clans and make an excuse about never having to write anything about the Clan Homeworlds ever again.
>coincides with the Homeworld Nobodies
Since when Wolves, Jade Falcon, Sea Foxes and Ghost Bears (Hell\s Horse and Snow Raven are indeed nobody) become nobodies?
They also get rid off Second Star League presence
>Who the hell is that?
Saudi Arabia
That's dumb. They should have made it so that the homeworld clans just declined in relevance since they don't have the access to resources that the IS clans have. Then you could have them put together a coalition to try and topple Alaric in the current era, second clan invasion, but without the whole IS pulling together this time.
>while forgetting that they also took part in the invasion
I still don't get this. Did they think they were so honorable they didn't get tainted? Because they didn't have an occupation zone they were still pure? Because they noticed the taint they were exempt from the purges?
"Homeworld Nobodes" refers specifically to the Clans who either never left the Kerensky Kluster or only briefly showed up in IS before abandoning their presence there, so their only relevance to the setting is from "meanwhile in the Clan Homeworlds" lore in field manuals and TROs. Eventually the writers just got tired of writing about a bunch of furries squabbling in bumfuck nowhere without having any impact on the setting at large, and just wiped out a lot of them and had the survivors cut of all contact with the rest of the setting so the only Clans they had to write about were the ones who actually interacted with IS.
>without having any impact on the setting
Practically means nothing with introduction of IlClan era
Their original argument was that they weren't tainted because their stay in the IS was so brief it didn't have time to affect them, as evidenced by them still sticking to all the Clan honor rules unlike some of the other invading Clans who had started to adopt practices like using melee attacks and artillery, or actually making sound tactical decisions instead of running at the enemy screaming "1v1 me motherfucker!". That worked in the beginning, but as the war progressed the Clanners became increasingly paranoid and fanatical about what was considered "tainted". Had the Vipers remained the strongest Clan in the Homeworlds they could've just used their position to say they weren't tainted and kill anybody who dared to say otherwise, but the Adders ended up becoming stronger and were thus able to call out their bullshit. The Viper khan also shooting the Adder khan to death in what should have been a hand-to-hand combat trial also pissed off all the other Clans by showing flagrant disregard for Clan honor rules, letting the Adders rally them all against the Vipers and crush them.

It's still dumb, but the kind of dumb that at least would have made sense in the warped, paranoid mind of Brett Andrews (basically "everybody is tainted, except us! We're pure, never mind all the logical inconsistencies, because I know we're pure and nothing done to erase the taint can be impure!")
>most famous general in the setting is a Russian
>claim to fame is the two campaigns where he has overwhelming numerical and material advantages over smaller foes
>throws away countless troops in frontal attacks and loses so many modern vehicles that by the end he’s putting support weapons on the frontlines
>homeland ends up collapsing
>all his foes but one outlast him

Kerensky is surprisingly realistic and well-written in hindsight
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Testing out the 'Gamma Galaxy' colour scheme for my Diamond Shark/Clan Sea Fox. I'll be using these colours to paint up my late Republic/Early Dark Age clan units. I like how it's come out!
alright lets hear it schizo

Imagine of kerensky, either N or A, could see that series of events
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>alright lets hear it schizo
What exactly do you wish to hear?
>without having any impact on the setting
>Practically means nothing with introduction of IlClan era
whatever this is supposed to mean
It's better to not have any impact rather than being written like Wolves or Liao
Besides, IlClan showed that setting could be bent and twisted howerver writters wants without looking back for coherency or logic
Is the trebuchet 7k/5k any good?
It's ok. No real reason to use it unless you have no other medium trooper options.
On xotl's random tables, how do I determine my lance breakdown? ie how many lights, mediums, and so on I roll for?
> make sure some random brat is prepared
Because he isn’t some random brat? He’s the lord of the entirety of human civilization, to just shrug and say ‘not my problem’ is the height of irresponsibility. Kerensky deserved everything he ended up getting.
I vote Mechwarrior 2nd edition. It's easy to learn and use but also has plenty of crunch for everything. If you do look into it, also get the Mechwarrior Companion book.
Pretty sleek man.
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Xotl doesn't address that directly himself, it's mostly up to you to decide how you want your force arranged. That said, here are the random force creation tables from the old BattleForce 2 rule book which can be a good way of doing that, or at least provide a guide on what would be typical.
Even if all you want is a lance of 'mechs, it may still be entertaining to roll up a full company. Then you can rearrange them into lance groupings that at least make some amount of sense and choose the one that best suits your interests, play style, or the demands of the scenario. For maximum autism, randomly designate three 'mechs to belong to the officers, representing the captain and two lieutenants; they can't be in the same lance together. (Alternatively add a fourth, representing the XO, to give a little wiggle room on that limitation.)
If a warship that has crashed to planet and still has power, can you use the weapons against targets in orbit and on the ground?
I'm pretty sure you'd be lucky to still be able to recognize that it once was a warship. Those things aren't built to enter atmosphere or land.
I wouldn't know if there's a rules statement on it or not but my take is that assuming it somehow reached the ground intact and hasn't collapsed under it's own weight that there shouldn't be anything stopping it from shooting anything. It's just that capital weapons aren't great against subcapital targets and there are probably a lot of complications that come from being beached on a planet, like how hard it is to traverse a ship built for zero-G, centrifugal gravity, or towership-style gravity via engine thrust when said ship is laying on it's side, probably at weird angles.

Nonetheless I think reaching from surface to orbit is the real stretch and really depends on how far the target is - at the very least I think there should be fairly significant range or accuracy penalties. You're up against atmospheric density and gravity trying to cross shots into somebody's orbital path, and whether certain weapons have the delta-V or raw velocity to exit the atmosphere or reach escape velocity becomes a relevant question. Given the Earth's escape velocity is 11.2 km/s, crunching the extreme ranges for the NAC/10 and NAC/40 to get a high end/low end velocity read comes out with 13.2 km/s for the NAC/10 (44 hexes * 18 km / 60 sec per turn), and 7.2 km/s for the NAC/40 (24 * 18 / 60).

Therefore, if you need to shoot at anything and if your targeting systems or crew are good enough, the NAC/10 can send a shell beyond the gravity well of an Earth analogue whereas the NAC/40 shell will eventually come back down - though probably not before it hits something on the way up. This is assuming that these shells don't just burn up or bleed speed through drag with the lower atmosphere or something, also.

But yeah mostly this, best odds would be a low gravity planetoid where it could have slowed to not be a catastrophic crash. In that case the ship might come to rest on what is nominally the direction that was meant to bear the most structural strain, eg thrust.
Why not?
>Who the hell is that?

Dude, it's monarchist anon. Just ignore him.
The adults around the Cameron heir were united in training him wrong as a joke.
Iirc, rules-wise any warship or jumpship that enters atmo is considered destroyed.
Yeah, Battletech armor may be magical ablative bullshit, but that doesn't make it Star Trek level of metamaterials where you can crash into a planet and its the hills, forests and mountains that give way rather than the ship.
Great turtle is a famous Solaris arena creation like the mantis, etc
This looks fine, but it would do a lot to simply layer over your wash again with the same colors. It'll add depth and simultaneously remove the muddy effect that washing over a solid color is going to create. Similarly, finishing your base by washing and then drybrushing with a lighter color is going to go a long way to adding back in some depth and making the model pop.

Your test model right now looks like a very good WIP that just needs a few more steps to finish it out.
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for the IS players - when building a force, do you mostly keep your pilots as 4/5s, in order to get more/bigger mechs?
i go with 4/4 but still too many kick misses and fall prone
>meanwhile I almost never see the princess falling down despite of being 4/5
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Here you go btg Joanna is up next
I go 4/5 with minor varations because that's the skill level of the typical IS pilot.

Steel Viper's actions in the WoR only really make sense as a plot device to make sure that the WoR happen and that Star Adder wins said WoR. I know some people like the WoR for "BIG CLANNER FIGHT", but the writing is incredibly clunky lurching from one warcrime to the next.
if you know any artists send there name my way i feel like making more comms soon
I've never dabbled in commissions before so I don't even know if the artists I like do commissions or what their rates would be like, but I'll see if I can find out.

Anon actually delivered on a promise made weeks ago, and they're my exact type. Who did you commission? I need to know for reasons.
File deleted.
ganassa i looked up the person that did the natasha kerensky image from all those years back
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Can't stop won't stop painting Comstar
It's so easy! Just make it ghost white!
>Clanners are just giving coochie like this out to each other at the drop of a hat

Maybe the future isn't so bad?
All but the unit commander I leave at 4/5. The Commander is, depending on the timeline, 4/5, 4/4, 3/4, or 5/5.
if you're still around, try catbox or some external host service, or drop it in a thread on one of the porn boards and crossboard link it here?
oh right forgot cant post that here what board should i post it to
For the anons that missed the boat

There's a warhammer porn thread or two on >>>/aco/ that would probably be fine with you going "hey I commissioned this from [artist] and can't post to /tg/, look after her for me while I crosslink?"
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>tfw no bondswoman Clanner ready to jump your bones at the drop of a hat
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A bastion space station has a pressurized dropship repair bay. Hypothetically if you managed to get the right access codes and IFF signals and whatnot, and you landed a union or confederate in an enemy station, could a lance or company of mechs take the space station?
How are said mechs going to maneuver through any of the spaces designed for people? Like you know, the ones that control all of the core functions of the station.
I played battletech today. I'll do a batrep when I get home if people want.
I would read it, anon.
Wouldn't the mechs be confined to that bay? At that point the Station Commander could seal off that bay, depressurize it, and launch folk into space.
Describe it as an after action report for more cred.
Where's the smut? Like, with such a ripe premise it would seem only natural that SOME ONE would be writing it. In all of Thurston's books the Clanners are basically throwing themselves at each other, smashing, and then moving on with their lives as normal. Only in a rare few instances do they maintain any kind of relationship beyond the physical activity which is done extremely casually. Seems to me fertile ground.
I could write one, from the point of view of an in universe author.
I guess the problem is Battletech for a long time was an old man setting, so it missed out on a lot of the huge uptick in porn the last decade and a half has been going through. It wasn't really until the Kickstarter, MW5, and the BT vidya that the younger crowd started to learn more about the setting beyond some vague ideas.
Who knows, maybe we'll start seeing a lot more BT smut in a few years.
Please do.
See, now I'm just imagining being a Mercenary Commander and watching my female Mechwarriors fighting over the latest shipment of Harelquin Romance novels, complete with covers featuring lusty Clanners of both genders.
New thread:

>Title: "Sharing the Cockpit with the Bear: A Post-Invasion Romance Story"
>Author: Mercenary Commander Jim T. Birk going under the penname of "Fabulous John".
>Release Date: February 10th, 3080
>Summary: The exploits of the Mercenary outfit known as the Leatherbacks in the year 3056, a once small company that played a minor role in fighting the Ghost Bears along the border of the Rasalhague Republic and the Draconis Combine. Through subterfuge and tactics, a number of Ghost Bears were captured, along with their mechs. Slowly integrating them into their way of living has challenges, and adapting to Clan Customs has been... Interesting, to say the least. The Tharkad Romance Society has dubbed this book "Weird.", along with the Luthien Society for Literature calling it "... a piece of fetishistic smut that is poorly written." It's considered a top seller in the Marian Hegemony and the former Chaos March holdings, for some reason.

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