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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

من النهر إلى البحر edition

Last Thread: >>93198631

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Take me down to the Snow Raven City where the girls are Goth with the Pumpkin-sized titties.
I'll take you down, you and all your shitty little tanks too.
>not Lewd Writing edition given the end of last thread
Which I'd be happy to do, though I haven't quite yet settled on what to write, beyond detailing some horny OC Deep Periphery factions.
I've got a few ideas myself...
>Unrolls scroll.
What fresh hell has been unleashed?
I can think of a few ideas myself actually
I think it would be amusing to detail the cottage industry of literary smut production, including the dedication of an entire genre around Clanners targeted at the horniest of spheroids. Like there could be a 50 shades of grey rip featuring a female Com-Guard taken as Isorla. Just the same, you could have the reverse, enemies to lovers featuring female Star Commander from Smoke Jaguar and a minor Kurita Noble, their love is forbidden after all.

Heavy on the smut, heavy on the schlock, produced in their thousands by part-time and self-published authors.
The closest thing I have to anything Arabian is some AI slop that's green and red for... off topic reasons.
Thats actually pretty decent for AI slop. What are the reasons?
>Junior Mechwarrior Cadet being flirted on by the teacher at the Academy on Tharkad.
>The ASF Pilot that was captured by Snow Ravens.
>Straight up Smoke Jaguar Hardcore Smut.
>Long Slow-burn between two antagonistic Mechwarrior pilots with the tension breaking in the cockpit of a falling over Battlemaster.
The last one would be so easy too.
>trial of grievance
>both mechs destroyed
>they climb out of their cockpits to finish it the old fashioned way
>start fighting, eventually wrest each other to the ground (it's raining for some reason)
>officials finally find them sucking face in the middle of the trial grounds
>millions of C-Bills in lost equipment could've been saved if they had just fucked 6 chapters ago when the sexual tension was so thick it could've been used as ablative armor
>Divorced mercenaries commanders who lead rival companies that end up hate fucking every time they meet at a bar
You know, red and green? watermelons? .... Palestine, I'm talking about Palestine. I just didn't want bring up (real life) politics.
Although now I kinda want to do a green and red color scheme of an oc Combine battalion, make them muslim samurai flavored.
And of course the classic
>Junior officer takes a Clan Elemental as Bondswoman
>Shenanigans ensue
Nah, the last one is specifically in the third succession war, between a hoity-toity noblewoman whose forced to do mercenary work to recover the fortune she squandered, and the company hot-shot ace she's forced to pair up with.
>Sometimes friendly fire, sometimes arguements and fist-fights in the mess hall.
>She replaced his autocannon ammunition with confetti rounds.
>He replaced her birth control with tic-tacs.
>She sold his cockpit chair.
>He used a deep-fake AI to put her in a porno.
>Classic pranks that come to ahead when, thanks to an accident, his Battlemech is out of commission.
>The Company Commander, entirely tired with these two, forces them to share her Battlemaster in a split cockpit.
>Cue more missions where they have to work as a team and not sabotage the other.
>At one point when fighting on a snow planet, their Battlemaster overheating, they lake they're on gives way and they(along with the enemy mech, an Atlas), fall in.
>The Atlas is filled with nothing but missiles and autocannons, no lasters.
>The pilots fry that Atlas and he erupts under the water.
>But their mech has overheated too much, and shuts down with an entirely dead engine.
>They're listing, life support for a few hours or a day at most.
>Transponder transmitting coordinates, but it'll take hours before they can fish up the Battlemaster.
>They might not even come get them since they've been such a pain in the ace, regardless if minor noble and ace pilot.
>The two of them being forced into a cramped, dark cockpit, steadily getting colder as the hours pass, wearing very little clothing.
Just occurred as odd to me we have not one, but two minor arabic factions.
>Bonus points if the Officer is meek and shy outside the cockpit but a beast inside.
>Elemental is a subject in name only, totally dotting
>"I said my master ordered the Triple F burger with no pickles!"
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Reposting from last thread for those that missed the commission i made for btg
We all need new jobs don't we?
>من النهر إلى البحر edition
The fuck is this terrorist scribble? Fuck off with that shit.
>got the BT Essential box
>inside a map, set in 3025
>Comstar religion: Word of Blake
wait, was the WoB a thing even back then?
>Elemental captured by militia troops in a backwater mining outpost
>Haven't seen a woman in ages
>End up ripping her clothes off and going full rapist bastards
>Elemental doesn't quite understand they're trying to force her into it
>Just assumes spheroids are chill with group play
>Goes a long with it quite enthusiastically
>Absolutely milks them to the point of the guys all tapping out for mercy
>Elemental ends up happily joining the militia
>Man spheroids aren't too bad, she even got her cords cut real quick
>By the end of the Invasion the militia men look like skin and bones
>Their hips hurt
>Elemental looks fresh and happy
>She thinks the inner sphere is awesome
And her job is literally sinking, with the person she hates the most.
iirc canonically Muslims stayed behind on Earth for a long time for religious reasons they were unsure how to tackle, and Islam ends up the dominant religion on Earth. Eventually they figured things out and spread all across the Inner sphere, and since most of the good places are already developing they end up joining the cosmopolitan areas so now you can find Muslims everywhere but no real homogeneous community on the interstellar level.
The exceptions I think are a more insular group in the Draconis Combine, and a minor deep Periphery state who were less Muslim and more larpers who got conquered by Clan Scorpion later.
>"From the river to the sea" is a political phrase that refers geographically to the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an area historically called Palestine, which today includes Israel and the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza.
On unrelated note, Cappies conquering St. Ives with no consequences was a mistake and they should make St. Ives independece movement a thing like Skye and Anduran
The Word of Blake is the name of the book of the prophesies of Blake. Blakists are literally OG Comstar. Fochstar is the secularists and only the Comguard.
>Ahistorical Ficticious Smut staring Kamea Arano and the Mercenary Commander she hired, about five years later, for a long-term defense contract.
You get Mercenaries, Periphery Princesses, Dark Skin, and cucking.
Akab and which one?
Kind of weird that they're not making Kuritan warrior monk/sohei a thing btw
Also Comstar and the Word of Blake do control earth later on, but Muslims are still a significant population on Earth, which is probably where the WoBs got the term Jihad from. Honestly interesting how that comes full circle in a way, BattleTech really is a fun setting.
So besides smut, what sort of Cartoons would we see in the 31st Century post clan invasion? Battletech doesnt count.
Depends on the successor state really.
was it really a prophesy book, or some idiots treating a personal diary which blake wrote his speculations and daydreams as prophesies?
shame they lasted less than 3 years after the game ened around Aug 3026
Honestly I'd say that outside of state funded propaganda pieces, cartoons would vary wildly from planet to planet. The problem with speculating over little bits of civilian life like this is we're talking about culture across thousands of worlds where people's taste vary in different areas and people can be a lot more creative with entertainment than you can with military hardware.
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literal super sentai/power rangers, and not!godzilla
Not bad. Personally I'd go for something similar but a bit different where you had two cadets who but heads and have a ton of UST at a military academy. Set it at the Naglering or NAIS/NAMA. One is from a long line of mechwarriors born and raised to fight and die for the suns/commonwealth, and the other is some nobody who tested in and they fight over the top spot as the ace of their training class.
: (
I will always love you, Aurigan Coalition.
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The Adventures of Clan Spaniel. Yes it's canon
What the hell?
I like that idea too.
Consider also this: Mechwarriors vs. Horny Space Aliens.
A canon in universe book?
Doesn't necessarily need to be cartoons, soft-power through media is well known in our history.

The Japanese Soap-Opera Oshin was syndicated over huge swaths of Asia, sometimes actively funded by the Japanese government. In Thailand, they even covered the cost of add-spots during broadcast. It eventually became a cultural touch stone through out most of the region and significantly contributed to the softening of attitudes towards Japan in the 80's and 90's
Blake specifically wanted Comstar to be pivoted from a corporation to a religion so that it might survive in the event the successor states nuked the inner sphere right back out of the space age. Religious rituals and a spiritual mandate to preserve technology and reinforce its use is more likely to keep limping along than what career you had before civilization died.
Unfortunately for everyone, Blake (And Kerensky, and a bunch of other people) was wrong and the successor lords managed to pull back from the brink hard enough that it was very, very unlikely that they'd ever pull the trigger.
This drove the blakists up the wall and lead directly to them deciding to the Jihad. If they won't bomb themselves into the stone age so Comstar can swoop in and save them, then Comstar will just have to bomb them into the stone age itself.
canon in-universe show and there's even a sourcebook for it
That has to be a shitty edit. That can't be real.
It. Is. Real.

this year's April Fools thing (but it's canonized)
If you're still looking for smut, consider this.
>Fearsome Mech Pilot.
>Solitary Mercenary who goes from Company to Company, contract to contract.
>Always seen in a black bodysuit that cools and keeps her safe.
>Horrific assault mech with Clan and IS weapons.
>Large axe and shield.
>Big Titty Tomboy from the Capellan Confederation stuck in a cramped cockpit.
Man, the Clanners are never going to knock off the furry allegations are they?
It's explicitly a kids show; does watching bluey make your 7 year-old a fuckin' furry?
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They are furries.
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>>93212598 (me)
Speaking of which, which of these should I write for:
>Kemet Dominion: Middle Eastern colonists who got lost during the Second Terran Exodus and, after an intra-colonial nuclear war and religious revelations, rebuilt vis a vis Egyptian revivalism. Roughly parallelled Clanner evolution with their society being developed by divine fiat by successive hedonistic psychopath Pharaohs; once they seized Star League gene engineering tech off of some of the Frobisher raiders, they killed off their men and went full on nudist catgirls reproducing in vitro via genelab (because clothes are for poorfags who need to protect themselves from the elements). Discovering the Inner Sphere and Battlemechs made them realize what a bumfucking backwater they are, so they're scrambling to reform their military around whatever mechs they can scrounge up and curry favor with the MoC and FWL, sending explorers sphereward in the guise of mercenaries.
>Silvilan Free Colonies: Whores, degenerates, and New Hedons who fled the FWL invasion of the MoC during the Reunification War, some of whom bonded with a native fungal parasite that gave them unusual abilities and let them survive a world-ending plague. An agrarian, all-female stateless society of playboy bunnygirls after they rediscovered and mythologized their Canopian/New Hedonic roots centuries later, and are now shedding mercs and pirates like fleas as their brave and bold strike out for adventure, excitement, plunder, and men to pamper (by force if necessary).
Yes, it's crypto-fascist furry brainwashing.
will you guys participate if CGL do another kickstarter for Battletech Cartoon remake/reboot?
Who's the studio?
Fuck no, who wants a woke/queer reboot of anything?
Get a decent studio and a decent group of writers and I'd be down for it. However this is a tall order as there arent a lot of animation studios that I think could do it justice.
Please, it'd be better off in the hands of some independent machinima crew who do it for free out of pure passion, got plenty of those around.
Bond cords not her tubes you idjit.
>Make a big deal about the game and shove it into canon
>The events basically dont matter and faction dissolves in less than half a decade
Then what was the point?
legal issue i think. HBS got fucked and kicked out, while Paradox still owns the right for it, and Microsoft having the videogame license and shits
those dudes who made edgerunner did great imo
Its amazing how fucked the rights for Battletech are.
>I think she'd probably have that by default
That's the joke, the misunderstanding. From the Elemental's perspective the spheroids were so welcoming the practically skipped the bondsmen period and even welcomed her in with some celebratory group fun.
From the IS militia's perspective, some random Amazon on steroids in futuristic power armor rushed in screaming some crazy Shakespearean shit, got captured, and when they try to fuck her because she was the only chick they've seen in months, she goes full Amazon semen demon and sucks the souls out their bodies, and now insists she's part of the company or whatever. From their PoV this shit is surreal, like coming straight from a Canopean porno flick
Edgerunners was shit though. No seriously, it wasn't actually very good. The animation was pretty enough but the writing was very poor.
This is kind of funny, I've been writing a lewd battletech fanfic on and off and haven't bothered posting it because I didn't think there was any demand. Guess I was wrong

Alessandro Mazzetti, before someone asks
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Had the boys over this weekend to play a company scale scenario game.
Well go throw it up on AO3 or QQ then anon. Do it.
NTA but I disagree, but ignoring the writing for a second, all we really need is an anime studio that we'll do mechas and mechanized combat justice.
If they try to get something like Netflix to produce the show I'll just avoid it wholesale, they have a terrible track record.
Are there any studios that do mecha these days? The only mecha shows that come to mind from recent years are the latest gundams.
If you get the studio that did Arcane or the one that did Vox Machina, it'd be fine.

Or hell, any of the ones that do the DC cartoons. those are pretty reliably good.
Studio Trigger descends from Gainax, who did TTGL.
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800pv AS with my friends playing 2 lances each vs my periphery planetary defense force composed of 2 introtech lances and a fuck ton of tanks, arties, VTOL's, infantry, and air support.
I will believe you when you provide a batrep with pics that include the opposing side.
Image was ass apparently so here's a better one
Wow this is the first picture I've seen that made the IWM vehicles look good.

Damn fine job anon
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>800pv AS
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Nasty K pinups are nothing new.
Battletech has been horny forever, we're just a niche interest so there's less of a pool to draw talent from than something like say Overwatch, where it had porn within hours of the first trailers.
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You didn't HONESTLY think that anyone would ever sit down against that kind of infantry and convee park for actual CBT, did you?
sunrise, trigger, cygames...
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I didn't record a full batrep but here's the opening deployment. I didn't enforce any RATs for my friends since one of them is still new but I restricted my list to introtech 3025. One scout lance of a stinger, wasp, Valkyrie, and hunchback, and a heavy lance with 2 whamers, a rifleman and a catapult. 4 warrior VTOL's, 4 schreks, 4 LRM carriers, 2 Mechbusters providing CAS and 4 hidden long toms as the game objectives.
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There are mech shows, though it feels like super robots are the trend right now.
My big hanguo is it has to be a studio that does mech combat justice. Mecha need to feel heavy but dynamic, with some love for the classic vehicles like tanks and fighter jets sprinkled in. Think Universal Century Gundam like 08th MS Team, or VOTOMs
You know what, I'll actually take it back. I see you are playing on hex maps, so I will give you leniency. Pics of the battle in action still required.
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If it makes u feel better I use AS for these large engagements and Classic for lance v lance.
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I only accept the kuritan version of natty k. fucking fedcom hack 'artists'
Batreps don't need to give every last detail. Even in CBT. Just hit us with some of the highlights.
What an absolute clusterfuck. This should have been on a 3x2 deploying on the long edges.
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I'm not infantry and convee anon. And I don't play alpha strike. I do my Battallion scale games in CBT like a real nerd
It's a different kind of horny. BT is old man horny where the focus is super model style pin-ups in vaguely 80s style skinpy outfits.
Modern horny is written smut online and explicit porno of a girl enthusiastically taking a 20 inch cock.
how dezgra will it be if I paint mono-eye on the cockpit glass?
Anon, use your brain and look at the pic. We all play with the space we have available. That anon can do a 2x2 at most, so that's that.
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>My big hanguo is it has to be a studio that does mech combat justice. Mecha need to feel heavy but dynamic, with some love for the classic vehicles like tanks and fighter jets sprinkled in. Think Universal Century Gundam like 08th MS Team, or VOTOMs

Pacific Rim 1 had some of the best fucking mecha combat ever to appear on the screen. They actually felt weighty and real. The sequels shit the bed in that and other regards, but the first movie felt like they actually WERE fully mobile skyscraper sized giant mechs.
I asked in a few discord servers and didn't really get much useful advice, what's the best slow-grow/ community startup format for CBT?

Should I just do a Chaos Campaign?
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Isn't that the entire point of owning a Horned Owl desu?
Fuck are you smoking? That's a steaming pile of woke crap.
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yeah, but one of those can be posted on /tg/ without eating a B&, while the other cannot.

tg used to be cool. I got loads of daemonette porn from random tg quest threads and shit back in the day.
The mission objective was to locate and destroy the 4 long toms in 5 turns before they can be evacuated from the battlefield. The OpFor consisted of 4 lances of a mix of IS and clan mechs including a point of elementals and a red kite VTOL. The long toms were firing danger close throughout the match. I also forgot to mention hidden infantry in the skyscrapers. Out of photos of the game as we had too much fun to properly record
Grown men with bad backs don't play games on the floor.
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>And this is why you want it to be a passion project, because the industry will fuck it up somehow, they always do.

Its the realism autist in me. I can accept giant mecha, but unless you've got inertial dampeners and gravity control tech, your robots shouldn't behave like floaty ass gundams or Armored Core zoomsters.

I want mechs to have mass and inertia goddamnit.
A 5 turn time limit!? I've only ever played CBT. Is 4 turns even feasible?
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If you're got a Lance of Stukas coming in for a strafing run maybe.
Femboys are gross.
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They both have their place IMO, they can be enjoyed equally. It really doesn't help that the early stuff that IS canon justifies the horny aspects in setting.

Like everyone is nearly naked in their cockpits because for some reason the mech having excess heat also makes the cockpit heat up. The most technologically advanced solution for this is just putting a cooling vest on the pilot. What are they wearing under that? Oh, probably nothing.
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I was skeptical at first with my setup but they managed to locate and destroy all 4 in 4 turns with smart use of fast lights and a VTOL that got very lucky on turn 2. It was a very fun match. Probably my favorite match so far.
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good thing I haven't posted any.
Smoke jags get brown women? Since when?
Gundams are weird in that how heavy or floaty they are depends on the show and the setting. When people think of Gundam they think floaty super mechs in space, but early UC Gundam was heavy in atmosphere and used what are basically jump jets to glide around.
Also reminder a great Mech pilot in BT could pull off cartwheels if they tried.
they would have continued auriga if there was to be the Battletech 2, but it became impossible so they scrapped the faction before the timeline gets more complicated
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Real warmachines get VERY hot inside, and ventilation and cooling is a major design concern. It's not an unrealistic problem for Battletech to have, especially since Battlemechs can get hot enough to flash-ignite their ammunition.
I don't think either is better than the other, I'm just saying culture has kind of changed in that regard of how we express horny. Things are just a lot more explicit and casual nowadays. I still appreciate the old pin up style though.
UC mobile suits are decidedly Real Robot, up until you get to psychoframe stuff and the bullshit it and newtypes do. Original Gundam has an issue of it being a product of its time, but things like War in the Pocket and 08th MS Team Do a good job of showing the machines functioning much of how they should.

My buddy who adores BattleTech feels that the bet gundam to represent BT in that sense is the first half of IBO.
wonder why there isn't some kind of the opposite firestarter mech that sprays liquid nitrogen (well, coolant truck exists but its mech version)
Since the setting really doesn't care about race. This motherfucker right here is the best samurai in the entire Draconis Combine.
Listen brother, I know EXACTLY how hot it gets inside the turret of a Bradley in the middle of the California desert. It is a result of the environment and the vehicle not having ANY kind of aircon, which battlemechs explicitly have in the form of life-support. Why is waste heat being directed anywhere near the one tiny part of a mech that has a person in it? it doesn't make logical sense, you just have to accept it as part of the setting.

Furthermore, at no point, have I thought to myself "wow I really should take off all of this fire-retardant clothing which is protecting me if for some reason this vehicle bursts into flames".
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Your friend is right, Gundam doesn't get enough credit for how well some of the shows handle that kind of military vibe. I'd honestly recommend anyone who likes BT watch the original Gundam. Sure the animation is dated, but the original creators still did very well with the resources they had and it's well written. Plus the entire series is up on Internet Archive for free.
It's not waste heat being funneled into the cockpit like some kind of torture device. The entire mech is JUST THAT HOT and thermal transfer is putting some of that heat into the cockpit.
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I appreciate the assistance. I didn't have that one nor the overheating one till now.
Pompier or St. Florian. Especially St. Florian, it's made from all the spare parts left over from Highlanders getting upgraded with new engines and heat sinks.
A fair point, I really do like Wolves on the Boarder. peak of literature for the setting.

I'm trying to read Without Question right now and it keeps misfiring, like people are already dying a quarter of the way into the book and I just do not care at all. It's written like I should too, there's just something off about the execution which is making it not work at all. The throuple was an interesting idea though, it's had a few decent moments so far but over all its straining my ability to retain interest.

The other thing I read recently, Emerald Sword, the Elemental Novella was actually quite good. it kept my interest the whole time, showed something familiar (the process of making a Clan Warrior) but with a new twist, I can't recall seeing elemental training until now.

These are bangers, thanks for sharing anon
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Also the St. Florian MOD is actually scary for a MOD. 4x heavy flamers and 2x plasma rifles.
minimal heat sinks though
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>Furthermore, at no point, have I thought to myself "wow I really should take off all of this fire-retardant clothing which is protecting me if for some reason this vehicle bursts into flames".
I've known my fair share of tank gunners who absolutely had their nomex around their ankles in the gunner's seat when in the desert.
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Always happy to help fellow men of culture, unfortunately those seem to be the only pinups by that particular artist. Hopefully they do more.
if i were to make more commissions who should i do
how is the quality for the betrayal of ideals as a book? hope it's good enough for me to tolerate for the clan wolverine lore
Katherine Steiner-Davion
Gentlemen I am enjoying the last bit of spectacular cheese I ordered. Would it be best to draw, or paint my minis?
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Battletech game earlier today. It was 9.5k BV per side. Inspired by the Battle of Luthien, the forces consisted of a lance of draconis combine mechs (WHM-6K, PHK-1K, JR7-F, and PNT-9R) supported by members of the wolf dragoons (Madcat Prime, TDR-5SE), against three clan invaders (Timber Wolf Prime, Adder Prime, Grendel Prime). The clan forces were arranged broadly across the field, while the inner sphere forces were split with the jump capable mechs taking the path with harsher terrain while the heavier non jumping mechs moved across the desert oasis.
What kind of commissions are you looking to do? Just pin ups? Single character? Multiple character?

Whichever brings you greater satisfaction friend.
If he wants pin-ups, find Groove11211. Great artist.
Draw a billboard ad we can print out and use for terrain

What kind of cheese?
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Apparently I missed taking a picture of the next turn. The next part of the battle consisted of the IS jump mechs continuing to work their way into position, taking little part in the exchange of fire. The Mad Cat prime and Timber Wolf prime immediately focused on each other, the clanner taking the high ground, both sides attempted to make use of terrain to mask their approaches. Unfortunately the Mad Cat pilot's irresponsible use of their weapons lead to extremely heavy heat penalties by the second exchange. The groundbound Kuritan Phoenix Hawk attempted to use its high speed to turn the attention from the overheated Madcat.
I'm not familair so much with the Inner-Sphere baddies but I know they exist so I'll second any suggestion to that end. Gotta share the love. Would gladly pitch into the commission fund; I have more money than sense and am really looking forward to the Joanna pic. She's a character which desperately needs an actually good artistic depiction despite being featured heavily in several books. If you have need of more clanners girls Sentania Buhallin from Freebirth is totally on the table but I don't think there's a complete description of her anywhere so it's blank slate territory.
It's some type of local smoked Sharp. Been nibbling on it for days and just finished it. Strong. Crumbly. A billboard eh?
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Unfortunately the Kuritan Samurai in the Phoenix Hawk drew the attention of the Adder Prime, and a single blow from the ERPPC removed the mechs head, killing the pilot. The Madcat, its speed now reduced to only 2/3, attempts to gain separation as the Warhammer makes its way into the water, taking advantage of the additional cooling to lay down fire with its PPCs. The Timber Wolf remains on its perch, putting two ERLLs into the center torso of the IS Madcat, additional hits from LRMs and the ERPPC from the adder cracks open the armor, and the already overheated Madcat now has to deal with two engine crits. The jump equipped makes finally complete their maneuver to get back into the fight, drawing the attention of the Grendel.
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The Bold Kuritan Jenner takes full advantage of its impressive speed to race across the battlefield, its near proximity a psychological pressure on the clan mechwarriors as they unwisely move from their positions out of fear of some sort of kamikaze attack. The Grendel holds its position and puts heavy fire into the panther as it moves down the mountain The Panther falls down as a result of heavy damage from a Streak SRM6 and multiple lasers. However the Grendel finds itself on the receiving end of attacks from the Warhammer, Madcat, and Thunderbolt, taking heavy armor damage but remaining upright momentarily.
Nice. We have a lot of local cheddar in my area, I'm in north western MA.

Yeah I want to put together mech scale billboards as a fun alternate to woods for Citytech games
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The clan pilots appear to be in disarray, cowering in forests before the counter attack of the Kuritan mechs and their mercenary lapdogs, with only the Grendel having the courage to attack, leaping into the fray to unleash a close range alpha strike onto the Madcat at the cost of even more armor, several of the shots going internal. The Panther regains its feet and the Jenner takes the high ground, outflanking the Adder, but misses with every shot and takes a hit from the ERPPC in turn, which goes internal and crits the arm and one of the medium lasers.
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Having closed to physical range, the weight of armor and numbers on the Inner Sphere side begins to tell. The Madcat takes a kick in exchange for punching the Grendel in the head, and falls over and managed to not take a third crit to the CT. The Jenner, however, manages to deliver a kick directly to the head of the Adder. The clan mechwarrior loses consciousness and their mech falls to the ground, incurring more damage and further injuries.
Can some one PLEASE update Sarna with this image.
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What do I search for in Camospecs to find minis with this theme, the like generic FASA 'mech scheme?
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The clan commander, taking stock of the condition of their forces, decides that with one Mechwarrior unconscious, one mech little armor remaining, and having all three pilots already injured, decides that the tides of battle has turned against them and that further combat would be wasteful, conceding to the Inner Sphere forces, who still have an entirely untouched Thunderbolt and Warhammer.
I would put this under Clan Jade Falcon Rho Galaxy maybe

Also, after a google typo I now want to build a lance for Clan Jake Falcon
Was looking at classic Jet designs and found the Vought F7U Cutlass. Looks like an ASF.

In summary I had a fun time, and won. I will now proceed to paint my Kuritans as they have earned it for being victorious in battle. It was a 2v1, with all three of us having less than five games of battletech between us. It was also our first time playing at this game store, we had planned to play at a different one but I didn't check their schedule and it turned out they had a WH40K tournament today. Woops. Quick googling turned up another store not too far from the first and we went there instead. Wasn't expecting too much but it turned out to actually be a better LGS, and we'll probably play there from now on. It was a little more spacious, clean, and well lit, they served freshly made food and drinks, and the staff and regulars were very amicable. One of the staff wasn't familiar with Battletech, so he came over to take some pictures for the website (I wish I had brought one of my painted lances) and talk with us, and he asked if we would be interested in a monthly battletech night going forward to get other players interested. I'm planning to go back in 2-3 weeks to play another planned match, might go back sooner if I have time.
When it comes to painting woodland camoflague, does painting the blobs horizontally look better or would vertically be best?
Is the thread still horny or should I stop?
MA mentioned!
This is 4chan anon. Someone is always horny.
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they're literally furries
Every LGBTblablablabla player I've ever met has been a clanner.
I still don't understand why they don't just make more factories to make fusion engines if fusion engines are the bottleneck for further mech production. I understand that Star League factories that used Terran Hegemony tech were black boxed to hell and back, but they all had domestic Mech production post mackie prior to the foundation of the star league. The data should be there somewhere. There's no good reason not to make more factories based on the info that they should have. The collapse of the star league shouldn't have eliminated all domestic engineering knowledge.
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Depends on the look you're going after. Traditional M80 woodland is very horizontally skewed with its largest shapes which makes sense when you're trying to break up the silhouette of a standing man inside a tree line. With my own 'M80 woodland inspired' I tend toward a sort of diagonal skew with the macro pattern but I do it so much based on 'feel' it's not exactly an explicit intention. The blobs I make a usually pretty big just for ease of painting but, you could easily decrease the size of the pattern, layer more shapes on top, and get something the both looks good from a distance and up close.

There's a lot of stuff to take inspiration from, so I would look around at contemporary military vehicles and BT art to get an idea.

Unrelated, but does anyone have art of Smoke Jaguar camo schemes or painting tutorials? I think after I finish the 9th Talon Cluster I want to make a paired Smoke Jaguar and ComStar force set
That entire book I kept forgetting Minobu was black. They obviously describe him as black once or twice, but he's coded as Japanese so my brain still pictures a Japanese dude no matter how often I see the art.
That's how you should write characters.
In another thousand years blacks will have evolved enough to act like asians, asians will act like blacks, and whites will have regressed to being scottish and irish. Truly the tables will have turned.
Try reading Asimov's Foundation series.
Good, you're in the proper mindset. Skin doesn't matter, culture does. No matter what you see him for what he is, a filthy snake.
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If anyone has the House Steiner camo guide, I'd appreciate it. It's the only one I'm missing.

there's a non-zero overlap there.
Anyone have the Snow Raven camo guide?
Hasn't been published yet. You can always check camospecs for inspo however
Say no more
Ok but who won though?
like always, the clanner anon bitched out.
Any clan unit that uses bright cyan?
we didn't creep /d/ with horny, we crept /d/ with some weird body horror fetishes
I feel like clanners still understand what raoe is. They may be much more casual about sex but I'm sure the idea of forced sex and unwillingness to fuck aren't foreign to them.
>do you hate money
The proper answer would be "Of course I do, I'm a warrior, not some filthy merchant"
In the Jade Phoenix trilogy, Roshak contemplates invoking "command privelege" and ordering one of his warriors into his bed specifically because she'll hate it, but will comply.

So their attitudes about it are just entirely different to ours.
Mucking around with an attempt to build a Metal Gear, and after some gauss builds I found the PlogRex and saw them mention pairing a Thumber with T-Bolts. Playtesting so far makes me feel like they were on to something, and the 85 ton Thumper-Rex I made felt better than my 120 ton superheavy Long Tom Rex. Playing indirect fire until stuff got close enough for streak SRM spam seemed to work out fairly well, but I'm skeptical of the T-Bolt 15 I paired with the Thumper although the aesthetic of turning Rex's Radome into a big-ass missile pod is one I like. Very ammo inefficient, though.

My gut says that Diamond Shark and Ghost Bear might be valid choices. I think about them, and I feel like blue/cyan comes to mind.
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It's just supposed to be an excuse for a gangbang, with a comedic hentai vibe to it, don't think about it too hard
seems more like diamond shark to me, ghost bear likes their blues a little paler it seems to me, but would certainly work for either yeah.
Cloud Cobra
Where do you guys get your trees and bushes for basing? All the stuff at my hobby store is too large.
They might understand the idea in the abstract, but they assign zero weight to it because they assign no moral or emotional weight to sex at all. Forcing sex is like forcing someone to stand there, or forcing them to go clean up that mess. If you're not their boss, it's humiliating and might break regulations. If you hurt them in the process it might be against the rules if you aren't one of the people who is allowed to hurt others for no good reason. But it has no weight of its own. That's why those idiots talking about Shark Foxes running brothels for positive sex work representation are idiots. They'd assign whores the same way they assign janitors. That's your job now because you're in the appropriate caste and someone higher up assigned you there. Refusal to do your job is chalcas and might carry the death penalty depending on how hard you resist. It doesn't matter how many fat bastards rape you, they paid to do that and your job is to lay there and take it.
Guess the color I picked is closest to Ghost Bear's Omicron Galaxy. How do I make a fadded look if I don't have an airbrush?
You really want to tap into diorama makers and railroad nerds instead of anything marketed to wargaming, since wargaming is overwhelmingly 28mm.
You can blend stuff easier if you make a sort of glaze with it, see it in warhammer videos all the time, but I'm not a painter, so I'm not really sure specifically what you do to go about it. I guess just thin the paint more than usual and sort of draw it out from where you want the solid color to be?
I had considered that: I also considered taking a dry sponge and applying the paint, so it sort of adds those splotches ontop, like the airbrush can from paint.
How'd the clanners get rid of people's instinctual feelings about sex anyway?
Wouldn't that have a high chance of making it even worse?
Shaming anyone who displays it.
Why don't they make missiles with a longer range? We've got MLRS systems that can strike beyond half a mile.
I don't know.
I think we'll need to turn more autistic children into soldiers to find out how they handle intimacy in the barracks.
With any luck it will go exactly like Starship Troopers, where no one is horny for anything except fighting the enemy and dying well.
Read the blurb about tennis courts one more time. You might start to understand this time.
What blurb about tennis courts?
Exposure therapy. Emphasis on exposure. Those trueborn get the feelings fucked right out of them by their instructors and siblings before they're 16. Then reddit expects these people to not be weird about running a brothel where the prostitutes are lower caste workers with zero rights relative to the bosses.
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Hello newfriend :)

tldr, the writers have determined that increasing combat ranges beyond what we have doesn't make the game fun.
I've been playing for years and have actually never seen this. Neat. Basically confirms my suspiscions that the game is incredibly scaled down compared to the actual world of Battletech.
Don't know why you couldn't just proclaim each hex is 100 meters and be done with it.
Because then mechs either need to be 3 times faster or turns have to be 3 times longer.
I agree with your point to a certain extent but they very clearly understand what 'consent' is. One can invoke their rank in order to force a junior to comply and totally be within their privilege, but it's generally seen as undesirable or distasteful.

In I Am Jade Falcon one of the Wolf-spies propositions Diana and she rejects him because she just plain doesn't like him, this is seen as insulting but, not taboo breaking at all.

To some extent they don't, people very clearly develop a preference for certain partners. It happens numerous times. Kael Pershaw has an Elemental Waifu, Aiden Pryde has One-itis for Marthe despite having a fucking kid with Perry, Horse hooks up with Sentania Buhallin based on something which is clearly not just physical attraction.

Otherwise, the way these relationships are initiated/shaped is all due to social pressures and the availability. Sex is basically totally liberated from its necessity for reproduction among the warrior caste which basically reduces it to what we see in their world: recreation. Combine that with basically no social stigma around multiple partners and romantic relationships being outright scorned and you get what they have: everyone banging everyone at the drop of a hat.
I vote times longer, in-universe.
Ok, all the weapons now take a full thirty seconds to reload/recharge.
Then you have to answer why all these mechs can't share a hex. At 30 meters, you just say they need the space to maneuver and duck and weave and swing their arm guns out in any direction and you could cram them in there if they weren't in a combat stance. At 100 meters, there's no good answer.
That seems acceptale. Could still say it took ten seconds to recharge and, given the distances, round about twenty seconds to stabilize, acquire target, and lock.
The serious answer would be to simply place two mechs partially into the Hex so that it can be shared.
The funny answer would be to simply say most Mechwarriors are so autistic they don't want anyone within a hundred meters of them.

But I concede to your points, it doesn't make much sense and 30m is a good point to stay at.
Question for the thread, what are your thoughts on handheld weapons in Battletech?
We see them as a concept in early era BT with mechs such as the Beemer, Charger, and phoenix Hawk via artwork and quirks(jettison-capable weapon) where the weapon is "plugged in the hand" but can be decoupled to drop it and be safe to pick up later.
We also see it in the Invasion Era more explicitly, with the Quickdraw QKD-8X being the IS' attempt at a "poor man's omnimech" by having handheld guns specially made for the mech, and the Incubus II being the Clan's take on a mech with interchangeable handheld weaponry, saving the money and resources that go into expensive Omnimechs while keeping the tactical flexibility of one.

To reiterate, what are your thoughts on them? Should they be expanded upon more in later eras? And if so, how? As their own genre of mech specially designed around the concept? Specially made weapons that come with the Jettison-capable quirk at an extra cost compared to regular weaponry? Should later era mechs be capable of using them by default as long as they have the carrying capacity and a free hand?
Too much effort to work them into the record sheet system.
I'd be ok with something bad like a handheld light autocannon with a fixed magazine, but having a handheld should block shooting with other arm mounted weapons and melee attacks so at some point you'll probably have to drop them.
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Fucking awesome as disposable upgrades for certain machines. Think of bugs carrying LRM smoke rounds or rocket pods they can dump before engaging with regular guns. What you want is mines and smoke and infernos and rockets. Those are where the true value of handhelds lie.
Is it free weapon tonnage?
I think it's fine but I needs its own niche, or it's just some kind of historical curiosity which there's no reason to play with. I think maybe including that handheld weapons have their own heat-sinks and ammo would be a decent start. It would give you a reason to actually take them, a way to put heavier weapons on relatively light mechs but balancing it with limited ammunition (even for energy weapons) and still balancing around heat.

As prior anon said, restrict the use of physical attacks and arm mounted weapons, give them limited uses and limited total mass but allow you to carry something without traditional tonnage restraints at the cost of maybe reducing your mobility. A Hand held PPC should maybe have a total of 5 or 6 shots before it runs out of charge, and reduce your max jump and run MP but is potentially something you could say, throw on a commando.
If you have a setup with a weapon like an AC/20 where most of the crits are in the torso but a couple leak into the arm, does it count as an arm mounted weapon?
sounds like Danai
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Unfortunately, not. AC20 fits totally in arms, though. That's why you stuff like the Victor. It's LBX20/Hgauss etc. that need to split crits.
But does she have the giant back-breaking tits?
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The LRM accordion rapidly breaks the game, unfortunately.
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Bit late for all the horny posting, but good a time as any - we're on the last leg of wrapping this up with the major merc units, so brainstorming appreciated.
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They must use the most restrictive firing arc. so probably opponents choice/whatever is worse
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To reiterate, what are your thoughts on them? Should they be expanded upon more in later eras? And if so, how? As their own genre of mech specially designed around the concept? Specially made weapons that come with the Jettison-capable quirk at an extra cost compared to regular weaponry? Should later era mechs be capable of using them by default as long as they have the carrying capacity and a free hand?

Pic related has a jettisonable rac 2, when it jams it can drop it and wade in and start punching shit up
how do you paint a camo scheme like this? Seems difficult, just paint it grey and then do the splotches freehand?
If I had to rule it, first off you definitely need full on hands, obvious but make it explicit.
I'd personally say lighter weapons like AC2s can be held in one hand, bigger weapons like AC10s need both hands, and obviously you can't use arm mounted weapons or melee until you drop the weapon, and melee weapons like hatchets you can't take at all.
The weapon comes with its own heatsink and ammo, but it can only carry half a ton to a ton at most. Once it's used up you can drop it, you can also drop it prematurely and shoot with your regular weapons but you love your movement that turn, and it takes a full turn to pick back up so you better be ok not shooting that turn.
What weapons you can carry depends on what your mech can lift up, maybe a heavy mech can carry an AC5 in each hand, but a light mech needs both hands to carry an AC2 like a rifle.
It can be shot at and destroyed and will explode in your hands if so, so you will take damage.
Finally I'd say it needs to be a weapon with ammunition, even lasers will have a limited number of shots because it's not actually being powered by your mech's engine.
for natty k, have scarlett johansson already taken?

ain't 8MB the limit?
>love your movement that turn
*Lose your movement that turn
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Don't see her, so that's legit. This is actually the only other wolf dragoon's pic of a woman I can find that's not dark age.

If you go to dark age there's Anastasia I guess.
I was working on the character side of my pirate group and I've got mostly everybody done now. But there's a niggling trebuchet pilot I have no ideas for a personality for.
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Yeah, pretty much. The splotches don't take as long as you think they will, but I limit them to the upper surfaces of the 'mech instead of full coverage so YMMV.
>all 4chan image uploads are stored on playstation 2 memory cards
it all makes sense now
It's definitely pretty dated yeah

Maybe they have no real personality of their own. They're a total social chameleon. Like Peter Sellers.
>He's actually an industrialmech pilot
>Licence for commercial explosive use
>He was supposed to be working in a new jobsite
>They asked him if he could make things explode
>A bit confused he said yes
>He has no idea how he got in a Trebuchet on a battlefield and he's just about ready to shit himself.
>His only guide is an old Regulan Hussars combat manual labeled "War to the Knife" and full of early Succession Wars warcrime tactics.
Iam convinced princess has 'loaded dice' ''AI'' so it presents more of a challenge.

my 4/4's and such are ALWAYS missing sooo many shots by ONE fucking value. 'x needs a 6, gets a 5' whereas princess is almost never missing. her misses are all 'y need 12 gets 2' and all her hits are either RIGHT on the money OR just over. and princess is ALWAYS hitting 2.78% chance shots.
>professional experience in exploding things

Not bad, but a Rifleman would be better. JagerMech is also acceptable.
>His target hasn't heard of those tactics before b ecause who the fuck uses early Succession Wars tactics in this day and age?
>The Trenchbucket manages to score a lucky hit on the enemy commander and destroys the morale of the enemy unit.
>His new outfit praises him and his "Genius".
>Can't wait to see him do it again.
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ROIGHT! that's a crusadin'.
you gon' git DEUS VULT'd
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they're just dice
This is wild to me because I only ever play in person and using megamek is just weird to me
Scroll up. There's a guide for it.
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>Uh, ok Anon, it's just a couple of LRMs, nothing crazy.
>You've trained with those
>When you took your exam for your license
>Like 20 years ago...
>W-well ok you're trained in a civilian grade, but it's the same basic concept!
>This is what you get for taking a job in Lyrans space
>Fucking krauts
As far as I know, Princess doesn't cheat. You're probably suffering from a confirmation bias.

Handheld weapons don't work well, especially with how heat is handled.

It's a legacy of the art that was never seriously considered as a core element of gameplay. We have half-assed rules dating back from MaxTech. Let's just leave things as they are.
To be fair, >>93215051 was asking about a personality for his Trebuchet pilot.
MegaMek is great; it handles all of the back-end very conveniently.

I've occasionally thought about using it for in-person games too (making a MegaMek "mirror game"), but rolling dice is too fun, and if you aren't vaguely remembering stuff and looking it up, it's not BattleTech.
sure they are, princess, I can spot loaded dice, lady, and you aint foolin' no one. IF BATTLETECH (TM) moments happened to both sides equally, that would be one thing, but you're a cheating bitch who gets all the BATTLETECH (TM) moments
nope, it aint confirmation bias. For everyone 1 BATTLETECH (TM) Moment the human player gets, Princess seems to get about 2-4 BATTLETECH (TM) Moments
What's the story of the grasshopper again, was it like some SLDF prototype before the amaris war?
i'm mixed on megamek although the most real i've done with battletech has been tabletop sim gamenights because there's nobody near me who plays; doing the physical rolls and manually going through stuff, scribbling in damage on recordsheets and drawing out movement is neat and so is doing seat of the pants calls or house rules on things, but megamek is super convenient because i don't have to handhold my friends through the rules and hit tables

very convenient also to just whip out advanced bullshit or whatever from any era without needing the recordsheets or books and to play with the most complicated rules with effectively no slowdown, but still feel like it loses some of the magic when it's all automated
kind of useful for testing lance compositions and stuff
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also for playing SILLY units for fun.
They were literally being built by hand in some former SLDF production facility that the Dracs captured. That's the main reason it's so rare and no you definitely shouldn't read TRO 3025R.
the R stands for Retcon, doesn't it?
I use megamek to test lists and designs before I play with them in person. Whatever force I'm bringing to the table that weekend I've played about 2-3 times in megamek minimum so I have all its quirks figured out.
i long for a day when i'll be able to make scarabus/hatchetman or nightsky/axman/berserker lance
>still like a year left for that
Don't worry, there's always TRO 3039 as well :^)
Like, you don't want to face 26 Savannah Masters by hand.
honestly, it's kinda hilarious.

like with my recent project, i give princess the thuds and cruds, banshees, wolfhounds, griffins, and just play the nighsky lae myself, and then give evil princess a horde of cappellan crap like that fucking stealth victor and cataphracts and vindicators,catapults. and then I watch the chaos ensue as i work my lance of nightsky's closer in so their hatchet's get put to work.

surrounding and then chopping a victor to peices with pulse lasers and hatchets will never not be fun
just like you don't WANT to actually put a regiment of mechs thats 4 of each to a lance, that's for megamek
I decided to do something foolish, and to test a defense in-depth of a large map. My line up was this.
>Four lances of mechs, mediums.
>About ten hexes behind those, two layers of infantry, mix of SRM, LRM, and Autoguns.
>Behind those about five hex back would be Field Guns from AC-10s to Gauss Rifles
>City behind with mixed militia forces.
>Target is approximately 30 hexes away.
>Three lances of clan Pirahnas.
>Two lances of ASF bombers.
>About thirty Vendetta tanks.
I started it in the morning and it didn't finish up until close to dinner.

I guess Ariana Winston was black? With short hair? I woulda gone Berry if she wasn't already on there.
>wanna go rasalhague with those mechs, vikings/shieldmadens theme
>almost all of those mechs are unavailable to hogs
for a second i thought you wrote Bailey. thanks god you didn't
It is now july. And i do not have my kickstarter package or any idea when it will be sent out. It's over... My money has been porched..
Q2 is over and they haven't released 2nd SL forcepack
CGL actually sent your money to me and I used it on my porch, thanks.
When they opened up DMs to get shipping reduced, I told them that my gazebo is in rough shape and they forwarded someone's money to me to get it replaced. Might have been yours.
>2 Large Lasers
>2 Autocannon/5s
>3 Medium Lasers
why is this junk costs 1830bv again?
NO! That was over a thousand dollars you can't porch and gazebo me!
Its too late anon.
I just wanted all the dice and some dropships..
Then you need to attack the gazebo. Roll for initiative.
I had a DM actually put a killer Gazebo in a changeling game once. Hell of a thing.
And I wanted to replace that gazebo. The previous owners let it rust away.
I do wonder what's caused the delays. i swear if it's because this new dice manufacturer fucked up worse than the last one.. They should've just gone with fucking chessex but nooooo gotta be cheap asses.
They always said shipping in June of 24 my dude. It was the estimate from day 1.
there were live streams a few weeks back. first it was end of may / beginning of june. then they said some items were missing but fulfillments could begin in june, and it's now july. a delay of a few weeks is minor in the grand scheme of things. i'm just curious as to what the missing items were that held up the shipments. it could've been dice, could've been mats or books.
firefly or flea for opfor introtech dragoons lance?

>ED: You see a well groomed garden. In the middle, on a small hill, you see a gazebo.
>ERIC: A gazebo? What color is it?
>ED: [pause] It's white, Eric.
>ERIC: How far away is it?
>ED: About 50 yards.
>ERIC: How big is it?
>ED: [pause] It's about 30 ft across, 15 ft high, with a pointed top.
>ERIC: I use my sword to detect good on it.
>ED: It's not good, Eric. It's a gazebo.
>ERIC: [pause] I call out to it.
>ED: It won't answer. It's a gazebo.
>ERIC: [pause] I sheathe my sword and draw my bow and arrows. Does it respond in any way?
>ED: No, Eric, it's a gazebo!
>ERIC: I shoot it with my bow. [roll to hit] What happened?
>ED: There is now a gazebo with an arrow sticking out of it.
>ERIC: [pause] Wasn't it wounded?
>ERIC: [whimper] But that was a +3 arrow!
>ED: It's a gazebo, Eric, a GAZEBO! If you really want to try to destroy it, you could try to chop it with an axe, I suppose, or you could try to burn it, but I don't know why anybody would even try. It's a @#$%!! gazebo!
>ERIC: [long pause. He has no axe or fire spells.] I run away.
>ED: [thoroughly frustrated] It's too late. You've awakened the gazebo. It catches you and eats you.
>ERIC: [reaching for his dice] Maybe I'll roll up a fire-using mage so I can avenge my Paladin.

>At this point, the increasingly amused fellow party members restored a modicum of order by explaining to Eric what a gazebo is. Thus ends the tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo. It could have been worse; at least the gazebo wasn't on a grassy gnoll. Thus ends the tale of Eric and the Dread Gazebo. A little vocabulary is a dangerous thing.
Some 1100 BV is due to defensive stats. Near 700 spent on thick armor.
Firefly, every time.
Handheld weapons do block you from shooting your arm and torso weapons. Only head and leg weapons can be fired.
Ditto. I got 4K of Davionman gear if they fuck me.
damn, it's actually hard to make the dragoons /yourdudes/ opfor because their deployment history and shits are written in detail. hard to fit /mydudes/ in in the timeline
Didn't some of their units sometimes deploy independently?
looking for such but having a hard time to find
>Akab and which one?
BV spent on armour is some of the best BV you can spend.
a classic
There's actually more than that. Axumite Providence is primarily Sunni, and Astrokaszy is an unspecified variety of Muslim. Astrokaszy is part of the FWL now, but it was independent up through the 3080s.
It was developed at the very end of the Amaris Civil War, first manufactured 2780. The factory on Bryant would have been recently liberated at that point, and spent the next 6 years shipping production runs to SLDF Regular Army regiments, then Alex K does his runner and the fireworks pop off. The Capellans take Bryant and its factories but the world's environment is collapsing due to damage inflicted on the terraforming equipment by Republican forces. Eventually the Grasshopper factory has to be abandoned and is destroyed by 2843. Everyone still has a rare few Grasshoppers left from those distributed to the SLDF, with the Caps having slightly more than most as they were able to continue production for a while and have stockpiles of parts to repair them.
Then in the 3060s the Dracs add a Grasshopper production line to the LexaTech factory on Hun Ho, producing updated variants, and in the 3070s the Arc-Royal MechWorks starts making their oddball headless version.
Eh they're not really Muslim, they kinda ended up just larping as a caliphate because the native Natives, were Spaniards, called them that as a reference to how the Muslims ruled the Iberian peninsula for a while, and the name stuck.
They actually do practice Islam and Arabic is one of their languages alongside English and Russian, but that's because they're SLDF survivors who were part of the Exodus, and as the thread discussed earlier, Islam was a, if not the, dominant religion on Earth pre-Word of Blake.
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Kind of reminds me of 'A View to A Kill' era Grace Jones. I mean, she's tall, black, and unconventionally attractive I guess.
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Freya Mavor for the Highlanders.
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Doesn't matter. They still gonna get GOTT MITT UNS'd by the Faithful.
You best believe they gettin a DEUS VULT'n.
reminds me more of lashana lynch, another 007 girl
which mech has a something closest to thr 'face?' phoenix hawk?
The Phoenix Hawk IIC is probably closer imo
How can you say that? Banshee has a ax murderer smile and coolguy 80's shades. It totally has a face.
Atlas has nothing on banshee.
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Okay, preferably we don't double up on concepts here too much.

For Wolfs Dragoons someone with that grey streak might be neat.

More Scottish for NWH is good.

I got to sleep, but feel free to edit it as you like. Out of respect for older generations its best if you don't swap choices, but if you find better pictures go ahead and swap.
>Eh they're not really Muslim, they kinda ended up just larping as a caliphate because the native Natives, were Spaniards, called them that as a reference to how the Muslims ruled the Iberian peninsula for a while, and the name stuck.

I thought that that was one of the more retarded writing decisions.
But handhelds do need their own heatsinks and amplifiers to work.
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does a Canadian count for the Kell Hounds?
that's adding rules ontop of rules to keep shit from being fun. a mech can carry 10% of its weight. so if i want to add a jettisonable RL20 pistol to a commando that should be a ok
Handheld missile/rocket weapons don't track heat, so you can do that. You'd be better served by using the already existing Exo's handheld RL10x4 since it's an already existing weapon and it's actually pretty good.
>will you guys participate if CGL do another kickstarter for Battletech Cartoon remake/reboot?
No. Their art director has incredibly bad taste and the combination of thieves, liars, and manipulative bastards in control of CGL pretty much guarantee it'd be a complete Dumpster fire. That said, Topps wouldn't leave something that important and expensive under their control, let alone fund it with a kickstarter. This shit isn't MST3K, and even they had to cancel their most recent KS. See also >>93213659

Because every time someone got together scientists interested in it, they got shot. Or disappeared and showed up on Terra fifty years later.
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Just look at the sadiatic smiling golden bastard. He knows he gonna run accross the battlefield and gank yo ass.
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Suppose mydudes are of Lyran local lord's household and their heirloom mechs. Can I paint it with whatever scheme i want? Or should I still go with steiner blue? Or the district army's color (like, arcturan guards for example)?
again, Do You?
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nope, you can paint your steiner house gaurds bright kurita red and marik purple if you wish, ESPECIALLY if your house noble retard who 'own's /yourdudes/ mechs is close to terra and near both borders
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Luv me clan battlemechs, luv me 3080+, simple as
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Every faction has loads of paint schemes, and especially in the case of minor units like a local lord, they'd use whatever scheme the lord wants.

A lot of people, including some of the writers, also assume that mechs actually get painted in camouflage appropriate to wherever they're operating and the miniature schemes are that unit's "parade colors"
One pro for the republic of the sphere is that knights were allowed their own custom colour scheme so you can easily chuck in a random mech of another faction (as long as its too distinctive) or try out something unique and new and say "he's a knight"
I wanted to like the Knights of the Sphere. I really did. The concept is cool, but they turned out to just be kinda shitty.
I mean that's cool don't get me wrong, but you could just do the same thing by being Mercs/pirates
Yeah but its nice if you want to paint up stuff that isn't mercs or pirates. Knights can fight with any republic force, any republic allied force (suns/ghost bears, a lot of factions in the early republic era), even undercover fighting for enemies of the republic, I think its cool
yep. 'clan' mechs. can NOT go wrong with a good 'clan' mech.

ARC (Wolf)

Yep. look at these two 'clan' stars of 'clan' mechs. a nice heavy force.
anybody know why thr shogun shg-2e is a standard not introtech?

also, had the 3025 dragoons have any heavy mech exclusive to them?
>hate how i can't hide 'inner sphere general' mechs so i can only see the faction specifics in mul

>Sarna faction unit listings
Why would you turn this fine thread into a house of LIES?
They are usually pretty accurate, don't think i've ever noticed an error with them actually
Just me or are the rules on standing up a knocked down mech pretty complex?

Also seems basically impossible if the mech has lost a leg, thoughts on just ruling that a mech that loses a leg and falls ejects so we don't have to deal with this stuff?

And before you say "um akttually its pretty simple" there's a good chance you aren't actually playing it correctly yourself, RAW
i don't think they have any heavies exclusive unless you count things like the Champion or Bombardier which are pretty much extinct for anyone else (apart from Comstar).
Try chopping a man's leg off and seeing how well he does at standing up. But yes, my group generally treats lost legs and destroyed gyros as a forced ejection because a mech that's flailing around and stuck on the ground isn't very fun to play with. Unless we think it's in a position where it can influence stuff while it's on its back.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

based Arkab
new thread? new thread!
>with the Caps having slightly more than most as they were able to continue production for a while and have stockpiles of parts to repair them.
>Then in the 3060s the Dracs add a Grasshopper production line to the LexaTech factory on Hun Ho
Huh, I always thought it was the dracs who had more hoppers than the rest during the succession wars
Standard Engine and same armor as the 6A production model. It's a brick.
One of the things I love about the Fark Ages/ilClan-era CCAF is that their solution to their more limited production capacity compared to their neighbors was to simply hit up the FWL, Dracs, Lyrans, and Sea Foxes and just start buying stuff off the rack and in bulk. So you have their own homegrown designs alongside Blakist reverse engineered models, IS Jihad-era mechs, and Clan second line stuff.
They have bad or incomplete info when it comes to specifics about mech production and certain non-mech units.

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