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The field of battle edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

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I know it is not a gw game but i like the layout and how the buildings work, with a different paintjob and some brindges it should be nice for munda.
Would love some feedback on my psyker gang theme:

Not sure which way to go;

1.Venator with sanctioned leader to represent to represent telepathica hunter with following of henchmen/worshippers (man has after all stood in the throne room and looked upon the Emperor directly) - go for more religious/witch hunter themes


Using Onmyodo coven to represent outcast astropath and followers living in bowels of Hive Secundus, he is what remains of the old coven and uses his psychic powers to hide/scare off malstrains ala ''Beneath the Planet of the Apes' - may or may not worship an undetonated graviton bomb, also uses unsanctioned wyrds with his null bodyguard keeping them in line.

Thoughts please.
I am not familiar with coven you speak of, could you please elaborate?
sacntioned psyker and null bodyguard - alliance from delaque book, can be used as a leader/ganger combo to lead outcasts.
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Got the start of my Khazad-dûm force painted! Despite it being a 'Kingdom of Moria' technically, I'm more playing it as a post-Erebor Reclamation army. This means I've got Balin and Dain (who is simply a 'Dwarf King' in this list) but I also plan to get Flói Stonehand, Ori, Óin and Gimli for this force.

I also plan to get another two captains since I want enough to represent Náli, Frár and Lóni who are named members of the Moria Expedition. The captain in this pic represents Náli.

I'm not a good painter, and dwarves are harder still to paint because of their size, but I'm excited to keep this army going and can't wait to expand it!
first two gangers converted up, black ship drudges passed out anti-boarding weapons and used as extra muscle
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forgot pic, also not sure how to arm the 'core' apart from I want to keep it solid weaponry only, thinking two guys with autoguns?
Just bought into warcry, and as I was shopping I noticed og warbands like corvus cabal. Were way more expensive than the newer ones, why is this the case? Why don't they cost the same as the newer ones?
iirc they were for a while 'doubled p so it was two warbands worth of minis to encourage people to use em for AoS.
They got discontinued so 2nd-hand sellers are probably jacking up the price. As the other anon mentioned, they also used to come in a "double box" with 2 sets of the warband sprues which may be what you're looking at.
Thanks anon, I also found it weird how much cheaper necromunda gangs are to warcry warbands on average(at least in the secondary market).

But yea I got the heart of ghur starter and excited to get up and painted. What other chaos warbands do you guys recommended for newbies like me?
Iron Golems, walk forward, hit guys to death.
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Seconding Iron Golems, they're THE beginner faction IMO. They're simple and effective with beefy combat statlines, middling movement, and poor abilities, which ends up being the perfect combination for reinforcing good positioning and familiarizing yourself with the generic abilities - basically, they're great for teaching a new player good fundamentals. As an added bonus, their out-of-the-box build is also pretty decent.
I also always like to recommend Beasts of Chaos for their flexibility. They're one of the few factions in the game where nearly every unit is viable, giving you tons of room to build them how you want without having to worry about trap options or builds. They've got good chaff, they've got good mid-cost guys, they've got good bruisers, and plenty of good leaders to choose from. Also some fun abilities like the Shaman's pull ability.
You seem to be wise anon, is it worth to buy the other box sets from the current ghur block? I like all the warbands but I'm not sure if should just buy them separately. I mean the other three sets like blood hunt, sundered fate, and nightmare quest.
I'd consider Bloodhunt or Nightmare Quest as they both contain some nice line-of-sight blocking terrain that fits thematically with the core HoG box terrain and does a nice job fleshing out a table. Of the two I'd probably go with NQ as the Questors and Flesh-eaters will give you some varied playstyles to complement the two HoG warbands.

That said, if you really do like all the warbands in each box and intend to get them all though, it's probably better to grab them in their dual box rather than separately. It's only a little more than buying the two warbands separately and comes with the terrain, each has a campaign book for the included warbands, and some additional scenario generator cards to add to the ones from HoG.
What warbands do you use anon? (also ordered blood hunt since I had cash to spare.)
I've got Iron Golems, Flesh-eater Courts, Nighthaunt, Thunderstrike Stormcast, and Khorne Daemons ready to play and Nurgle Daemons, Gorger Mawpack, and Soulblight in various stages of WIP.
Almost forgot, I've also got Rotmire Creed built and primed.
They look great anon, good luck with the rest of em. Would love to smash them with my Moria goblin horde one day. First timer, or do you have other mesbg armies?
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>They look great anon
Thanks! I'm struggling to paint dwarves due to a mix of shaky hands and their size, but I'm happy with 'em so far!

>First timer, or do you have other mesbg armies?

Played MESBG for quite a while now, but haven't painted something for it in quite some time. I've also got an Isengard force I keep meaning to get back to, but right now my 'Post-Erebor Reclamation' idea has captured my attention haha.
Is there a link to some of the Necromunda books? Mate wants to run a "Cinderak Burning" campaign and I'd like to know what the actual rules are before making a gang.

(Especially since I just got off a Dominion Campaign with Enforcers, and not being able to work territory was pretty miserable)
I you just want the rules, a small google search :"Necromunda Rules" should suffice for free rules. About the books there was a link month ago haven't seen it for ages so i believe it's dead.
Here's "Cinderak Burning" anon, have fun!

Thanks. You're a scholar and a gent.
>man has after all stood in the throne room and looked upon the Emperor directly
Personally this bit is a bit much, a little too donut steele for my tastes
NTA, but that's something every astropath has done.
It's a big room!

(IIRC they don't look directly at the emperor, they look at the golden throne - which he may be on, within, behind, etc depending on whose depiction you believe. Still burns some folks eyes out)
Thank you! Do you have the other 2 books in the Aranthian Succession campaign?
Someone have the adeptus titanicus books?
I dont need the ruleset, I would love the Campaign compendium and the traitor legions
I found the traitor / loyalist legions on the archive of anna
No campaing tho
Only got The Vaults of Temenos, still to find Ruins of Jardlan sadly.

Warcry is so good. I love the random missions, so much SOVL.
as the other anons have said, discontinued.
See below (>>93209567) my man, in astropath terms hes a nobody, in the underhive he might as well be a saint.

Who can say? Or better yet, who would dare to question it?

Also anyone have the necromunda apocrypha book?
Very nice, I checked the iron golems and the price gave me a heart attack. But regardless I'm aiming for 6 warcry warbands and 6 non warcry warbands, so far the pink horrors and blood warriors seem to fit 1k points. Although I've heard skaven are good out of box warbands, are there any other units that can be built min 950 points out of the box?
The second one is much more interesting, lore, plus you can kitbash a graviton bomb as a terrain piece.
Probably a lot of elites, e.g. squig hoppers/boingrot bounders.
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anybody have more pics like this?
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I was a little annoyed that they made one of the most important people on the planet into a model, but now they went and did it a second time, and it's the same character. Don't get me wrong, I think this model looks nice, but the storification of Necromunda annoys me.

Wtf does that even mean you retard?
Special characters and their consequences have been a disaster for the GW games.
Didn't oldcromunda already have number of busted special characters?
Necromunda is a very story driven game. "Your own" story even more than the actual one. So i understand having a named character in a regular game is kinda strange and unpleasant but it feels nice to have the option to sometimes fit a known character everybody recognizes into a campaign (as an "npc" if possible) not that we ever made use of it.
Personally having the actual leaders of the hive fighting some random hobbo with a shotgun is odd to say the least
Yea but that is the kick from it. Being able to invade the upper hive for one mission or having such a high mission to protect a named character, this "once in a lifetime" feeling. If you just use it as a regular unit it's .hit for sure.
I do not mind the named characters or random nobility.
The hero hammer aspect of having the leaders doing crap in the underhive is just strange for the necromunda setting..
Random noble or hell random inquisitor sure go nuts, but the leader? it just rubs me the wrong way.
Something similar happen with regular 40k, ever event seems to have Girlyman and Armless duking it out. It makes the setting feels smaller.
I'm going to start a mesbg army with these boys because I think they look cool, though I do find it weird that they aren't in Angmar, I know I can just ally them in but they look spooky enough to fit in
Looking good anon. A light drybrush of something like tyrant skull over the bases will make them pop a bit more if you want to add anything.
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>I know I can just ally them in

Huh, I just sort of assumed Angmar and Mordor would work together
Gluttons are very functional, and a good staring point for Ogors.
Yep, it'd make sense. The Witch-King and the forces he founded Angmar with came from Mordor (and MAYBE Dol Guldur but that's pure speculation) so it'd make sense, but you can't do it.
GW makes this game, so of course it's dumb.
I don't think it's ever said that WK would've bought anything with him from Mordor, there would've been many orcs in Gundabad in that Third age halfway period which would've easily encroached westward with a powerful leader figure.
True. I think the bulk of his forces probably came from Dol Guldur and Gundabad now that I think about it. In that case, it'd make sense for Angmar to ally with them in the rules.
Well they can ally with Moria, which is what actually represents misty mountains orcs, and blackshields used to be the official gundabad models before the Hobbit movie ones, which on the other hand are alliance-locked to those movies regardless of anything else like all the other Hobbit stuff.
I'm more upset they can't take wild men or dunlendings to represent the men of Rhudaur, so you're stuck using orc profiles for them.
Newbie anon here again, I never really painted terrain before( used books and rocks). How should I paint these ghur terrain stuff, and is there tricks or paints I should specifically use?
Because it's a large volume, keep it quick and simple, you don't want to be painting intense details. Personally I use the Peachy trick.
Undercoat in the main colour spray, have a second spray you use almost like a zenithal, then shade it with a third colour.
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>so far the pink horrors and blood warriors seem to fit 1k points.
It's important to note that just because a box can make you a legal 1k warband, it doesn't mean it'll give you a good or fun one. Blood Warriors, while a bit samey, should at least be functional - though I'd highly recommend the Start Collecting! Khorne Bloodbound box instead, it's a bit more expensive but it gives you a great "sampler platter" of Khorne Mortals with which you can make a nice varied warband - the Khorgorath/Bloodstoker combo in particular is really fun IMO.
Pink Horrors on the other hand are a HUGE trap. Pink Horrors are very overcosted for their stats because of their split reaction which allows them to turn into two Blue Horrors. The problem then is that if you don't also have the Blue Horrors, the Pinks are just completely overcosted garbage.
>Although I've heard skaven are good out of box warbands, are there any other units that can be built min 950 points out of the box?
IMO, the best 1-box AoS warbands are as follows:
This box pretty much has it all. It makes you all the various flavors if their infantry including Big Stabbas and gives you tons of extra dudes so you can easily experiment with different builds out of just the 1 box and makes it easy to expand the warband in campaign play.
Builds you a really solid Mawtribes list, giving you plenty of big bruisers and several Gnoblars to fill up your points and bump your action economy (the website says the box only includes 2 Gnoblars but this is incorrect, I believe it's 4 or 6?). Of all the 1-box options, this one is probably the strongest.
15W and M5 for 75 points a pop for the basic Tzaangors make these guys the backbone of any Tzeentch Mortals warband, and some of the upgraded versions allow you to make a pretty solid warband on their own. They really want some of their disk-riding brothers to flesh them out, but just Tzaangors is a perfectly fine starter warband
>AoS Warrior Edition Starter Set
This one gets an honorable mention as it's is ALMOST 2 solid warbands for the price of one infantry box. The Kruleboyz half of this box makes a legitimately great warband with a lot of wounds and board presence for your opponents to have to chew through. Given the box is the same price as most single unit boxes, it's well worth it for just that half. The Stormcast side is a bit short to be a full warband but if you add any 120 point or less ally to round them out, they become a very solid warband that's especially good for beginners - with the ally added it basically adds up to the cost of 2 infantry boxes, so it's definitely not a bad deal even for the budget-conscious player.
Heres the Ruins of Jardlan

Oh, cool! Thanks anon :)
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Hey guys, my local group is going to start learning some Middle Earth. We definitely have enough fantasy/ historical models to proxy our way through a few games, so I was wondering if there were any fun, smaller scale missions you would recommend trying out that have been published over the years. Games with a slightly more narrative bent have been a favorite so I'm looking forward to pressing that angle with mesbg
I think if you have a collection of historicals you could probably try the first three missions from the War in Rohan campaign, Burning of the Westfold, First battle of Ford of Isen, and Second battle of Fords of Isen. You can even use the campaign rules to add a little bonus for the winner of the last scenario as in the book, and the two battles at the Ford are neat narrative moments.
I'm mainly suggesting these because they are narrative scenarios with different objectives on either side that can be linked, relatively simple armies that still have enough stuff for you to do cool things with, and they primarily use human models in Dunlendings and Rohirrim.
Somewhat counterintuitively a lot of the narrative scenarios for the game are not very friendly in terms of being easy to get into; many have large model counts and varied warriors and heroes, while many of the simpler scenarios published in Battle games in Middle-earth are not very good.
If you have the terrain and models for it, the mini-campaign in Shadow & Flame can also be good, but that is dwarves, goblins, and trolls galore, no men in sight.
Thank you! I have stuff that could easily serve as rohan units so that would be just right to start out with.
>Somewhat counterintuitively a lot of the narrative scenarios for the game are not very friendly in terms of being easy to get into; many have large model counts and varied warriors and heroes, while many of the simpler scenarios published in Battle games in Middle-earth are not very good.
Good to know! I'll continue to familiarize myself with what's out there. Not to blog post too much, but I do a lot of the planning/ prep for my group, but have been becoming somewhat busier of late. I think it will be nice to focus on collecting/ preparing for a slice of narrative action at whatever the new pace ends up being, they're not going to mind.
To be honest I kinda like that the Necromundan nobility has to insectoid/spider vibe that goes with the planet.

It makes more sense for them to carry the planet theme rather than the Van Saar lower house.

And i can appreciate the fact that, for once, GW is trying something different.

For the ones missing the old vibe, it is kinda easy to make a acceptable one out of a stormcast body, a pair of powerfists and assorted accessories, I need to think a bit about which base bits would fit the other suits for the ones who want to take the retro road.
The future of the planet entire never hung on what KalJerico or Mad Donna were up to. Lord Helmawr was a distant plot element to maintain the context of a stratified society- you !ight see disgraced nobles in the underhive, but you will never see him.

The separation kept Necromunda big, the success or failure of your own little gang wouldn't change the setting considerably so other campaign's could take place.

This is different than a WoW style RPG where thousands of players start in the same town and get to talk to the same town mayor, Necro campaigns occur independent of each other.

But now the leader if the fucking planet is a fierce independent gril, so she's stamping around in the basement of her megacity and putting on lex luthor battlesuits to explore ruins filled with alien monsters
I want honest opinions on the Witch Hunter warband. Is it good? Bad? I've played Mordheim before but my perspective might be skewed from only playing Undead (Vampire Counts) much previously.

My assessment is they're not terrible but also not great, and somewhat carried by 15gp dogs with insane stats. Relatively small weapon pool and a decent amount of their powers are downstream from if their priest gets a good spell or not. Flagellants are cracked but their lack of weapon options can hold them back a bit. Everything else is pretty normal, average human stuff just with a smaller weapon roster than Mercenaries.
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Warcry bros, do any of you have a Realmshaper engine?
They're unavailable everywhere so I want to make one out of foam.
If you have one and have DIMs it would be awesome
>Realmshaper engine
A quick glance at the webstore still show Ravaged Lands : Ruined Realmshaper available in US, EU, and Rest of the world.

>Buying direct from GW
How do you get into warcry? When I started playing kill team it was easy, here are the teams, if you don't like them there's a compendium with stuff like custodes and all the rules were on wahapedia
I want to run chaos warriors, am I able to do that or do I have to run a dedicated warband? And are non warband teams significantly weaker than dedicated warbands?
>I want to run chaos warriors, am I able to do that or do I have to run a dedicated warband?
Short: yes, you can run chaos warriors. Refer to Warcrier (Wahapedia even links to it).
>And are non warband teams significantly weaker than dedicated warbands?
Funnily enough, i've seen the exact opposite being claimed.
this is partially true but there is nuance and more of the bespoke teams are competitive than you'd think, horns of hashut in particular are really strong. One box without conversions or allies is usually weaker though. Chaos warriors unfortunately suffer a little from being a mid range fighter, a type that is often less efficient than either cheap chaff units or big threats. most competitive warbands are currently being formed of some combination of those types..
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Some of my Orlock gangers that I am using for a current Necromunda campaign.
They are called the Petroclan. My fluff for them is that they’re in control of a promethium refinery and were absorbed into the Orlock as a road gang to monopolize on the promethium production in their section of the hive but now they’re on the path to expand, and thus clashing with other gangs for territory.
I have to guess it's because a lot of the evil factions are already fucking huge in terms of model roster. Angmar in particular has more going for it than most factions in the game.
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>Ork sight on hand flamer.
Great meme.
Any nigga playing blood bowl here? I bought a 1994 complete box and started reading LRB6.

Do you guys play on vassal, tabletop sim or only irl ovah here?
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Can never be too sure, gotta aim to see if you hit anything ya’know.
I also had a chuckle when I found the sight in my bitz box.
Also here are some of my “wargear” I finished as well. Here is a servo skull to help my dude to aim through the dense terrain.
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And here is the other, a cyber mastiff belonging to my leader, aptly named Peteoclaw to chew through any hive scum and also be the goodest boy in the hab block
>How do you get into warcry? When I started playing kill team it was easy, here are the teams, if you don't like them there's a compendium with stuff like custodes and all the rules were on wahapedia
https://warcrier.net/ is the Warcry version of Wahapedia. The core rules + compendium are also freely available on the Warcry downloads page on WarCom.
>I want to run chaos warriors, am I able to do that or do I have to run a dedicated warband?
You can run Chaos Warriors, they're not the best but unless you're taking them to a cutthroat tournament they should be able to hold their own. In general Warcry's selection of legal units is much more liberal than Kill Team's. You can play cavalry, fancy hero models, and even some monsters.
>And are non warband teams significantly weaker than dedicated warbands?
The opposite was somewhat true in 1st edition - though the degree to which it was true was exacerbated by mouthbreathers trying to run completely unoptimized 1-box bespoke warbands and expecting them to perform well against peoples more optimized AoS warbands. This isn't really the case in 2nd edition; the power level of bespokes and compendium teams covers pretty much the whole power level spectrum, and more recent bespoke warbands are more often much stronger out of just a single box than they were before.
I presumed it was because they are suppose to be like 1500 years apart from one another, as Mordor was the Mordor during the end of the Third Age.
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Anyone have any advice on how to convince friends to play Mordheim?
Im even offering to make and paint all the models for them but I can't get them to even glance at rules of play.
Its not like their retards, they love board games and can read those rules and play any of those but when it comes to a skirmish game they wont focus.
I just wanna play with my clowns...
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I was in a broadly similar situation except somehow worse because my friends for years had said how much they wanted to play Mordheim, but when it actually came to sitting down, reading the rules and making some warbands/terrain they all suddenly got cold feet. After much prodding I eventually just gave up on them and have fallen in with the local Necromunda crowd who are currently gearing up for their first Mordheim campaign. The organizer is allowing way more warbands than I'd personally want to include if I was running it, but at least I'm going to get to play.
So I guess my advice would be to seek out more like-minded people who are actually willing to commit the time and effort to play. If trying to convince your friends to play feels like pulling out teeth, they're probably not genuinely interested and you should probably spend that effort elsewhere.
Depends if you compare it to the original warbands in the rulebook and the ones published in the annual, or all the garbage you can find on broheim. Keep in mind that due to their stats, flaggellants are more likely to get "the lad's got talent" on advances.
Use fumbbl
When you run a demo, with smaller than average warbands, focus on hit rolls and not stats.
'He will need a 4 to hit because their weaponskill is equal' ' your leader has higher weaponskill, so he can hit on 3's'
This will allow them to see how the rules work without reading the book or memorising statblocks. That comes later
What's with the new Mordheim logo? Is it a new edition (official or fanmade), someone's private logo for his table, or what?
Pretty sure it's just the guys custom rendition of the logo.
Aw. Thanks anyway.
We're planning on allowing Town Crier stuff and fan stuff is only allowed with peer approval.

The Flagellant "Lad's Got Talent" is a good point I hadn't considered. Low exp with that statblock could quickly become a monster.
It's best in person, as a league. Poke around to see if there's already leagues running in your area (quite often are) but if not start one up! It's easy to get a league going for bb, it's one of those games lots of people have 'always wanted to try' and painting up a team is very achievable for even the slowest painters
Also, shooting is a bit different, undead has none, except for maybe a hired sword warlock. But every roll on the heroes advance table has 50% chance to be a skill, shooting skills scale pretty good. Many of them are effectively one BS. I have a pretty good table with lots of terrain, but until I got off my ass and made it, we had much less.
Having lots of terrain does nerf shooting, but quick-shot works now when moving, something me and my friends only figured out when we started playing again a few years ago. An elf ranger with quickshot and leap flies around like Legolas.
Does Anyone have PDF's the last few Necromunda rulebooks? I am looking for the end of the Aranthian Succession series and the Apocrypha book.
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Is there a good compendium of white dwarf necromunda content that isn't necrovaux or necrodamus?

also looking for a pdf of the 2023 core rules
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Are the old red Warcry books still valid, or have they been superseded by the new orange Warcry books?
use warcrier
The Tome of Champions books have lots of fun narrative scenarios you can still run as well as alternate game modes that are still compatible with the newest edition. By and large they're outdated though, yes.
I'm trying to come up with a gang that uses cursed and other status effects.
My first idea was to just spam autoguns with warp ammo in a vanator gang. Since you can get warp ammo for autogun, autopistols and snipers
Try asking the AOS thread.
I have an ambot for my Orlock gang, what’s the best way to utilize it? I never had one before now.
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Finished modelling the Ork escort ships for BFG, quite happy with them.
Looking real good, anon.
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What's the bare minimum I need to play Matched Warcry when it comes to rules? I already have miniatures and scenery. Do I need any fancy cards?
Like going to the tournament and shit? The rules are different and you should ask the organizer. Tournament like Adepticon require bringing books and using cards.

If you just want to play casually then play narrative that give quests and progression. Read the rules here, cards are just rule reference.
>Like going to the tournament and shit?
No, I want to play 1000pts one-shot games with lads at my place since the group is so small it's pointless to drive to LGS if we can just meet at one's place from time to time.
>If you just want to play casually then play narrative that give quests and progression. Read the rules here, cards are just rule reference.
Oh I know Warcrier. I simply find it quite confusing since there are so many rules. DLCs and shit I have a hard time to tell what parts I can skip.
>Reading is hard

Maybe watch a youtube battle report instead. If you actually read the rules there aren't a lot of words. Most of the expansions did was adding more factions and narrative play stuff.
You buy it for the cheaper Orlock price, don't but the grav fist as it's meh, and infiltrate into threatening positions without overextending. The melta guns will never hit anything at range but are too big of a threat to ignore, and once you charge something it dies. If you are playing dominion you go for the mine territory, and then your campaign is dull as you have an undercosted high-value brute giving you excess creds.
Officially matched play stuff is just playing with all the symmetrical deployments/victory condition cards (they'll have a special symbol in the corner that indicates they're intended for matched play). For playing 1-of games I'd recommend just using the full spread of deployment/victory condition/twist cards from the Heart of Ghur cards/core rulebook - and if you want even more vsriety, throw in the cards from any of the 2nd edition expansions as well. There should be a mission shuffler linked in the OP pastebin that lets you filter cards by what box they released in.
What blood bowl teams work well on their own without needing star players to carry them?

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