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Previous Thread: >>93188055
Is there anything like the opposite of Isekai Bounty Hunt, where you're a retard given powers and sent in to wreck a world? Besides Tok's work. Tok is an autogynephilic pederast and I have no interest in his creations.
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Any isekai cyoa is that. Retards cope that they would do 'X' or 'Y' when in reality they are just retards with superpowers. Ready to ruin a whole new world with their retardation.
>Besides Tok's work
What's wrong with Nemesis?
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Sense (Rank Up)

Spider-Man build but I use my powers to beat up niggers and pajeets with my kung-fu. I'll try stealing some psi artifacts to become stronger and terrorize local ghettos and IT companies.
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With great power comes great responsibility...
Case and point >>93202090
The REAL opposite of Isekai Bounty Hunt is being given powers to wreck your own world. See: Entropist.
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Anyone got the tierlist for magics in this CYOA? I want to pick good stuff without falling into author's poorly designed deathtraps.
Zoomers really ruined everything
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>nyooooo engagement in the general
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You're still projecting.
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Why not? If I am going to a dangerous world, I wouldn't want to be fucked over because of a poorly thought out magic I picked.
>poorly designed deathtraps
>can't dodge them without the tierlist
Why not just make a build that (you) would be happy with? What powers would (you) want in a modern world suddenly confronted with the existence of magic?
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I am too lazy, so I am letting anons who figured out this shit already spoonfeed me. That's what science is for.
Magic that preferably lets me interact with the greater world and help them, whether economically or with war. Living in your fuck off tower and blessing plebs with potions of super strength is fun.
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>What powers would (you) want in a modern world suddenly confronted with the existence of magic?
Whatever makes me the most powerful.
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I sort of want to do cyoa like that, though currently it's just another idea waiting for inspiration. The scenario is that a greater god sends you to wreck a world held by pantheon of lesser gods (who're squatting there and refuse to leave).
>go to the cyoa store
>Ask the lady if there's any deathtraps or must-takes
>She doesn't understand
>Show her on the tier list how an option can be a deathtraps or a must take
>She just laughs
>"It's a balanced cyoa, sir"
>Play the cyoa
What do you mean by powerful? What do you want to do?

*Corruption lets you do stuff like turn lead into gold or open warp gates

*Alteration lets you shape flesh like clay and allows for super genetic engineering

*Usurpation is mind control

*Negation lets you cancel other people's spells, and even copy them outright

*Reanimation lets you fix anything from cars to people, plus making zombies

*Invocation doesn't let you do anything, gives you demon flunkies with a wide range of powers
Something that lets me one shot composite fiction.
I have not read the cyoa, so I don't know which option is best. Everything there is technically under the purview of Alteration, so I pick that.
>didn't romance the lady
That's what you get for going to Adventures Workshop stores. Visit your friendly local adventure store instead.
What kind of sections would a CYOA store have?
Serve No One
A Tech Head's Knowledge
A Tactician's Guile
A Black Stelæ
Twenty Seventh

I fear no man, no god. I'll lead my techno barbarian hordes to victory, and rebuild the world.
>hey can you guys play the cyoa for me and tell me what to pick?
why even come here?
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>Tok is an autogynephilic pederast

And what's worse is he hates based catposters.
>pick optimal choices to do what you want vs pick whatever you want for sovlful build but everyone will call you a jobber
I just wanted to know which magics are better to pick.
How is it your adventure if your choices are made by someone else?
It can still be mine if I understand which choices are better, so I can optimize it without sabotaging my creativity.
>What do you mean by powerful? What do you want to do?
A disingenuous question; for the purposes of surviving in the Blood Magic setting and completing some main quest, some spells will after analysis end up being overpowered and others underpowered. It's not such a subjective matter of taste as you make it seem.
Protip to author:
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Perception spells in general are great, can't go wrong with author's favorite aspect.
Why so you can make a soulless shopping list that's supposedly "optimal" with no thought on synergy or application all to avoid perceived "deathtraps" for a cyoa you haven't even tried to play?
Your entire post is baseless assumptions that harp on me for not playing the "right way", ironically enough.
Faggot just Sartre yourself double points if you want who gives a shit.
I wanted to make a cool build, but I never wanted to start a giant argument because some fags here are obsessed with hating meta.
Nigger, you're not even playing.
And you're wasting your time arguing with a guy because of your 'tism. But you know what, let me give you the exact thing you want.
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It's funny how he pretends to not read kotposts (even though he totally does and is 100% anally eviscerated by them).
A CYOA is nothing more than a brief daydreaming prompt (or it should be brief anyway). It's not "metafagging" it's just doing what you want with your imagination. You're not competing with anyone here, otherwise you'd be in the autistic containment thread that is /mcyoag/.
That's right, but it's better not to irk the shitposters, they'll find any reason to start a fight.
Ignore posts in lowercase, with reaction images or filled with authorfagging.
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I mean, I do think it's autistic to actually create and post meta CYOA's instead of simply running your daydream how you want.
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Dunno if there was one for convention spells too, this link is up to invocation.
I think anons behind them thought that they needed to "legalize" their meta, which misses the point. Meta should adjust stuff in CYOA you don't like or break it if you don't give a fuck.
Convention and Blood Mages being connected was always cool, I played the shit out of Magocratic Convention back in the day. Thanks.
Conflict is a part of life.
I've got everything mirrored to the index: rentry.org/SchizoidNotes
Another thing to know: Negation, Reanimation, and Perception are all important, but you can pick allies with those to leave room for building a unique synergy from spells of the other Aspects. I'm going through the characters right now but none are very dubious choices, even the Predecessor.
Give me your top 10 cyoas.
Are there any FMA cyoas?
why are italics cyoas so bad
I only know the interactive one. It's kind of okay compared to other interactive slop, you get many alchemy choices and can become a chimera or that philosopher stone hybrid.
why is the updated version of lamentations worse
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Not necessarily. As the Babylon 5 TV series noted, some seemingly routine questions (like "who are you" and "what do you want") can be surprisingly encompassing.

Knowing the effects that anon wants to generate, and which quests he's considering, would both be covered by "what do you want to do"? And that would definitely help narrow down the spell list.
Personally two of my favorites spells in reanimation are Unbroken mystery and Flash back because reviving magic and moments tickle me the right way.
But i like reanimation in general Recursion is fun.
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And powerful? If anon wants to duel other mages, it's hard to go wrong with Negation. But Reanimation can put almost anything back together, so you could have a wooly mammoth sidekick, and drive a Ferrari that you bought for pennies at a junkyard. Invocation can result in world altering deals. Corruption has most of the classic spells, like teleportation. Alteration includes shape-shifting and Deadman Wonderland-style blood powers. Perception . . .
>Fullmetal Alchemist
Not really, although you could get that vibe by combining Witches & Inquisitions with one of the one page alchemy cyoas.
How about some Mythic Lands, for old time's sake?
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Paying extra for charge is going to be a bad idea if i am going heavy on sustained costs right? Like will my upkeep be interrupted if i have finished charging for something while i was mantaining something else?
I haven't played Katana Zero but on reading the wiki, yes and no. The drug is amber mined from the ground which, when consumed, either processed or raw, expands the eater's consciousness beyond the bounds of their body, with many consequences, the most noticeable is instant mental power equal to what would take multiple lifetimes of study to achieve the hard way. The secret behind amber is that it's actually the crystallized souls of numerous dead archwizards who tried to merge with the world's liquid mana reservoirs to retain their lives as the age of decline approached, but caused it to solidify and shatter under the strain. The archwizards are still alive, just in extreme agony and unable to reach coherence without serious intervention. A half-mad, half-enlightened companion would be cool. I'm thinking a mad prophet who's managed to hack himself into false theurgy by mimicking the structure of miracles without the divine substance, and substituting ambient elemental energies for them.

He's going to be completely insane but also lucid and aware of your origins. Heavy potential to be a serious healer/support or artillerist, ranged damage type, but won't go over well with some others and his powers are extremely non-subtle.

I've already planned them out. One is going to be a musclebound male who considers might makes right to be the end of philosophy, and by extension, giving as many as possible the chance to achieve might, or ensuring that the few he can reach are as mighty as possible, the highest goal. He's going to be aggressively vulgar, frequently interrupting the others, and encourage you to act on your will as by his reckoning, if anyone can't stop you, you have the inherent right to do what you want.
One is going to be a refined woman who holds greed, the desire for and acquisition of resources, as the highest imperative to life, and views knowledge as the most valuable resource of all. She's going to be detached and rational in her arguments, the closest thing to an unbiased narrator, frequently interrupting the others, and give context to most choices while subtly undermining the reasoning of her rivals.

One is going to be a sultry woman who views her own personal pleasure as the most important goal, and takes voyeuristic joy in watching others seek to satisfy their urges. She's going to be carefree and suggestive, frequently interrupting the others, and swaying you into debauched or destructive applications of your gifts.

They're all going to have their own separate powers and boons, in addition to a generally applicable list that anyone can choose from. The might makes right patron's abilities all relate to direct combat and will be the simplest, but require hard work and ferocity to make the most of them. The thirst for knowledge patron's abilities are going to be complex and weak, but with impressive potential for exploits and combinations if you're savvy enough to take advantage of them. The demanding entertainment patron's abilities are going to be vague and sidestep obvious uses for combat, but excel at impulsive shitstirring or spreading chaos. Most of the general abilities are going to be related to survivability or utility, and the rest are going to relate to using the dimension's local means of power more efficiently than you could on your own. My goal in this is build variety.
Two are going to be attractive women and try to use their sex appeal to manipulate you to varying degrees of openness, while the third will be a male who calls them out and mocks them for it while they in turn scorn him as an idiot.

This is a good suggestion, I'll include a competent lady with some of the same powers accessible to the player, already embedded in the higher echelons of the most major civilization through clever use of memory manipulation. She, like the player, will have been given the same pitch half a century earlier, give or take a few years, but will have tried to take power from all three and balance them against each other while pursuing her own goals. This will also be possible for the player, but less efficient than going all-in on one of the three.

I like the idea of making the most of their philosophies to surpass them in some way, and already had some plans in that respect, but that'll be a difficult route. Achieving true enlightenment is nigh-impossible with access to the (arguably) free, (debatably) easy abilities given to you, but a few of the companions will have reached glimpses of it. The most powerful of them will have done some reverse-enlightenment, demonic cultivation of the fist and foot, type of shit (that has nothing to do with the patrons, incidentally), and is living openly in the slums of the citadel where even studying his art is illegal and punishable by excruciating torture until death. The only reason he hasn't been captured is that he has several hundred innocent souls held hostage and trying to catch him would cause collateral damage to the point of compromising that entire section of the area and potentially killing many, many thousands. If chosen as a companion, he'll be willing to secretly instruct you in the art, but won't join you on your adventures until you've beaten him in a sparring match.
Druggie chakra cultivation girl is a funny idea, and a must-have. She'll use chakrams as a weapon because she believes they help the flow of her chakral spiritwater wellsource. I'll be separating "waifu" companions and badass" companions in the creation process, but there'll be some overlap, and they won't be contained in different sections from a mechanical standpoint. I'm still wide-open to ideas, by the way. All three of the patrons will have their own mutually exclusive waifu-bait option they'll try to tempt you with, but there'll be other choices and I don't want to divulge anything related to those three yet.
Body 0
Wits 10 (+5 from Power endgame)
Magic 10
Spirit 3
Charm 5
Luck 3
>Starting Gear
Bag of Holding
Akloyus' Tome
>Starting Location
Longlake (Retroactive Insertion)
>Magic Level
High Magic
Mage 3
High Arcana
Mana Sensing
Main Quest: All
Side Quests: Sine Refinery, Seeking Asylum, Dark Ritual
Endgame: Power

I am a farmer who discovers that he has a Batu to find and protect, and talent to become the god of magic. After I am done with saving the world and accumulating power and experience, I'll probably do what that chick from Outer Reincarnation did and "enlighten" the world without being an asshole. That involves:

>1. Set up my magical empire. Incredibly easy, given that I have access to Sine to arm everyone with magical weapons.
>2. Technological revolution, I hope I'll get to the dieselpunk era if I keep going.
>3. Transform into the Queen of Veil over time, gaining an unlimited amount of mana that'll let me cast Wish to alter the planet, bring more landmass and resources, advance civilization and create a utopia.
>4. Eventually fuck off and bless random individuals with world-changing amounts of power to fuck with hapless mortals and make sure they don't get content. Become the opposite of Batu, in a way.
>5. Just for fun, isekai random anons from /cyoag/ and /mcyoag/ once they die and see how they're gonna fuck around. I might teach one of them how to ascend to my level.
>6. Reap the consequences of my foolishness.
Can't remember if this build has been done before, but why not? Multiverse would be a fun place to explore, and I'll get plenty of anons to chunk into Tok's CYOAs and watch them suffer.
>One is going to be a sultry woman who views her own personal pleasure as the most important goal, and takes voyeuristic joy in watching others seek to satisfy their urges. She's going to be carefree and suggestive, frequently interrupting the others, and swaying you into debauched or destructive applications of your gifts.
>The demanding entertainment patron's abilities are going to be vague and sidestep obvious uses for combat, but excel at impulsive shitstirring or spreading chaos.
This is the patron with the worst options, no doubt about it. Her boons are gonna be utter garbare compared to the others, I just know it.
>One is going to be a musclebound male who considers might makes right to be the end of philosophy, and by extension, giving as many as possible the chance to achieve might, or ensuring that the few he can reach are as mighty as possible, the highest goal.
>He's going to be aggressively vulgar, frequently interrupting the others, and encourage you to act on your will as by his reckoning, if anyone can't stop you, you have the inherent right to do what you want.

Is he pic-related, and will he teach me how to become a Prime Soul and surpass all my enemies through the sheer force of man's will in a futile struggle against existence?
Can i save the archwizards
Because italics had to make it longer for no reason, ruining it. He thinks the longer a CYOA is the better it is but the truth is the opposite.
isekai me in chief
That depends on your perspective, but in a bareknuckle fight without the opportunity to set the stage, she's the weakest by a large margin. Some of hers have terrible potential, including entropy-violating matter replication, stealing emotions and solidifying them into items that can then be consumed or imbued, and inflicting various afflictions over long-distances via dolls.

Not directly, no, but he would think Sisyphus Prime was a kindred soul. His entire ethos is that force of will reigns over all and that the body, mind, and soul should reflect it. The patron's end-goal is to find souls with potential, force them to their limits, and then push them further, so they can one day fight at his side against the heavens and hells alike to establish a new cosmic order of measured chaos. To clarify, he's not at all noble about the process as he feels strife is the best teacher, and encourages you to commit indiscriminate violence and otherwise succumb to savagery if you think you can deal with the consequences. One of the best ways to gain power and progress under him is to fill a soul with the urge to take vengeance against you. The other patrons are less direct about their end-goals but they themselves are subtler.

You can save the archwizards but it will take many years of long, hard work, and the means of doing so with the powers at hand aren't at all obvious.
Wouldn't taking level 10 luck basically be easy mode on steroids? Even if you started at 0 in the 3 combat stats, you may luck into some book or item or something that enhances your abilities, or allows you to train much much faster than others, etc...
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>The patron's end-goal is to find souls with potential, force them to their limits, and then push them further, so they can one day fight at his side against the heavens and hells alike to establish a new cosmic order of measured chaos.
>relying on others
He's ngmi. A true cultivator relies only on themself. But if he fattening sheep (souls with potential) to eat them for power later, then he's based.
>take magic 10 and necromancy
>eat souls
>get 10 luck
Magic and necromancy get you everything.
His weakness is believing that unrefined savagery is the path to the strength he seeks. You must perfect conflict, become the king of strife to learn its every aspect and generate it whether you go. I'll unlock the unlimited potential behind the human soul, bring death to all my enemies, and enter a boxing match with the sun (the sun in question is omnipotent god)
You're going to a version of Magi Case that isn't shit, and you get 1 cheat relic. Have fun.
As anon below outlines, Magic is the single most broken thing in the CYOA, with Spirit and Luck coming close. It lets you accomplish anything, including farming luck, to eventually ascend to godhood in the Veil. Buy Wish on top of that, and you'll get there much faster. This CYOA has broken shit for pretty much everyone, it's incredibly fun.
>boxing match with the sun (the sun in question is omnipotent god)
I was gonna agree with you until you said you're gonna court death.
my assumption from the wording was that the strength you gained from getting rare and powerful souls was getting rare and powerful undead, rather than directly gaining power in the form of soul consumption

also it seems like extra steps, why not start with 10 luck and Mary Sue your way into getting a really powerful soul at the start, like how the slime isekai starts?
My potential is infinite, so I'd win. There's no true omnipotence, as Suggsverse states, only tiers to it. To become the strongest in fiction, you must struggle without an end.

I really do hope the author adds something similar to Prime Souls, the patrons sound fire so far and it'd be really cool to prove the savage patron wrong by using your willpower as source of strength.
The closest I'm aware of is Dead King's Offer. Supposedly written by EternalAnon at a particularly low point, all of the offered quests are apocalyptic, wreck-the-world stuff.
>allsync is dead
Can you post it?
Starting with Magic 10 and Luck 10 may sound like an unbeatable combo, but you'll still have nigh-unbeatable godlings that can probably bypass it, or that you lack any meaningful skills to capitalize on. It's easier to accumulate magical power, for you'll have capital that nobody can take away and eventually can chill in Veil with no restrictions.
There hasn't been any OC posted that I felt like playing in ages.
it's over.
You didn't calculate stats correctly. The endgame reward is 5 stat points. You can only get your Wits to 7 and have an extra point to spare.
Oh right, forgot that 6-10 are 2 points. Still good enough.
I mean, if 9 Luck has Deus ex Machinae happening hourly for that person, 10 Luck is at the point where said godlings or even anyone that can get through their magic/strength would probably, thanks to Mary Sue bs, be predisposed to like that person, or at absolute worst, always leave without killing them.

The scale of that luck in the CYOA has you start on a safe island with a trove of secrets left by The Demigod of the realm, when the area you're starting at would be hostile and dangerous for everyone else, even Hourly Deus Ex Machina guy.

With what the descriptions are like, I feel like for someone to get any amount of challenge, they have to start at a max of Luck 8...
A 7 Luck, 10 Charm and 1 Wits build is the strongest possible starting combo. The upper end level for a Magic user is to become a God. For a Spirit user is to serve one. For a Body user to best a dragon. For a Wits user so start an industrial revolution. For a Charm/Luck build you're 100% gonna have a divine harem and any notable person will more or less be your servant.
Divine harem, lol, what a joke. I'm gonna eat the world and become God Almighty.
The moment you try that your magic all of a sudden becomes sentient and in love with me, exploding you from within. Sorry better luck (lol) next time.
Updated lamentations is better in every way.
Isn't Lamentations v2 shorter?
Can she steal my soul through my urethra, using her mouth or pussy? Maybe she could finger my prostate a little to help it along.
Italics trying to not cut things from their cyoas challenge (impossible)
I don't know about strongest, but with too much luck (10) and throwing the rest into charm, it literally becomes one of those bad isekai manga

>start on safe island with loads of secrets hidden by previous Batu
>deadly and hostile creatures all around the place, but MC is special so they start here
>introduce pet mascot character that everyone in-universe loves and thinks is cute but every reader dislikes
>wow bluestone bracer
>the ring used to identify the new Batu is probably going to be in the secrets hidden by him because of course
>pirates used to be here, and by sneaking past the hostile creatures they find a ship that was left there long ago but somehow in good condition and has supplies because sure
>no mention of how they get past the hostiles, they just do in like two panels because of course
>get into ship, get to mainland, luck into good weather while getting to Asylum
>just so happens theres a way to secure an audience with the guys in charge, show them the ring
>chill out and let people try the ring
>go around the islands letting people try the ring
>occasionally theres combat but it always ends anticlimatically, someone takes MC hostage but his gun jams or the magic fails, or Asylum just happens to have a navy ship close by, etc etc
>visit Greypoint/Longlake/Northshore/Westbeach, obligatory catgirl beastfolk scene
>obligatory finding the tree of life and is now immortal in the space of 2 chapters
>once they start getting bored MC just finds the new Batu by sheer luck
>Power of friendship from everyone to train the new Batu, MC does nothing except vaguely train themself but somehow is credited (???)
>go to Silverrock with party of people from the islands
>beat up cursed skeletons and get better magic items and gear for party members, the fights are like 3 panels total but theres 2 full pages of the party members wearing all the new armor because the artist needed an excuse

(1/2) this was painful yet hilarious to write
>find soulplate armor
>companions give it to MC because of course they do
>undead fights relegated to 1-2 panels
>beat boss in <1 chapter
>find shrine
>find sine refinery as well because of course they do
>oh no Tivet are attacking
>MC goes to every island, power of friendship again, somehow with just a simple "if we dont work together the Tivet will kill us all!" argument and a "did you know [opposing faction] is sending more ships than you to show you up?" challenge everyone falls for it and sends their armies to assist
>this includes somehow recruiting the tribes and mercenaries at Westbeach and getting the map of the veil
>MC somehow knows where the Tivet were because "oh lol i lived on this safe island with all the previous Batu's secrets"
>destroy their supply lines
>somehow they dont hold a grudge about this
>easily saves the 10,000 Tivet outcasts with time to spare because Kaiabros are delaying the main Tivet force
>find dragon egg while there
>return dragon egg to dragon
>dragon no longer pissed, likes MC now
>stop the dark ritual, wow wish spell
>scene where the Tivet are shown to be obvious bad guys with 0 redeeming qualities and wants to bring the destruction of the world or something
>challenge the mountain fortress with an army
>battle barely lasts 1 chapter
>release the trapped spirit (depicted as a loli because of course) who is forever grateful, etc etc
>1 page of the party reaching whereever the ritual is
>1 chapter of beating the Tivet elite
>"muhaha the spirit has been released while we were delaying you!"
>nothing ultimately happens because of some bs reason like there not being enough magic power or some shit, the author just wanted to make tension happen, and did it badly
>maybe the dragon shows up and helps or some shit
>MC's party gets all the credit
>many catgirls because of course
>end with peace and harem

protip from 30 years ago: don't type in all caps
That man is black and he probably looks like Yakub IRL.
Luck was determined to be the most boring stat by many people, why use it when it'll essentially remove all challenges in life and make everyone like you? Magic is personal power and with godhood, you can get anything that way and make people like you by willing it once you pass a certain threshold. Not to mention that bending fate and accumulating all stats is not something impossible for a Mage 3 with Magic 10.
Body is the real stat that's slept on because author tried Mushoku Tensei route, but warriors are still underwhelming as fuck. "ooo we harness our life energy to lift a car", call me when you cut the concept of death on that dragon to insta-kill him and maybe I'll care.
This is how it'll end up, 100%.
I don't care i am just upset that stuff i was looking from their cyoas suddenly gets cut out of nowhere or a singular anon is enough to convince italics to do it
Typing in allcaps is the expression of living. The man who knows no joy in allcaps, is already dead on the inside.
oh yeah, i forgot
>obligatory everyone swooning for MC and the whole "who's that handsome guy" scene
>(the author forgets that MC is supposed to be charm-7 handsome later on)
>obligatory adventurers guild scene where someone tries to beat him up but the fight gets stopped by cute waifu adventurer who becomes MC's first companion
>obligatory manga meat scene
>obligatory "what do you mean this country has an onsen holy shit"
>obligatory bath scene that lasts for 3 chapters and shows every female ally there functionally nude because of course
>3 entire chapters, which is more than any bossfight gets
>really at this point the artist (who is usually the author) should have just drawn H
>obligatory "oh shit this country has rice ive lived without rice for 2 months and am dying without rice" scene
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Bros... what happened to all of those authors that came here to talk about their WIP? Why have none of them come back and published their oc/give an update? Were they all just... attentionwhores?
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I produced an OC after talking at length about the WIP. Anons only whined about how it's shit it is. Never again
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You told them their idea was terrible and they should quit writing, so they did. Why are you surprised? This is what you wanted, an empty thread with any new blood immediately spat on.
Hopefully a place that appreciate their efforts.
You killed them because you thought it was funny.
i didn't mean to pysh them away...
Yeah right.
I don't think of open sets that way, surprisingly enough.
Thanks this was painful and too accurate to read. The adventure really does become a shitty 60 chapter gutter trash isekai that will somehow get a successful anime adaptation that reddit will like (while saying uhm acktually this isekai is different from the others, like they do with every single fucking isekai).
>new author comes
>posts oc
>this is TRASH
>author leaves
>anon posts WIP
>this is TRASH
>anon leaves
>Italics posts something even worse
>omg this is PERFECT
>Italics stays
>why are there no new authors?????
Controversial Take: Italics has great tastes in music and video games from all the times he's talked about and posted them.
Two shelves of 'traditional' cyoa and the rest is all jumpchain.
It's like a Funko Pop section.
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Instead of different kinds of energy, you could have a separate point pool for skills and have people spend it on max energy versus energy regeneration.

Someone all in on regeneration would be a martial build that can sustain a few low level abilities indefinitely.
Someone all in on max reserve would be a sorcery build that can blow their load on a few super strong moves.
Going somewhere in-between gives you the charging moves.

The problem of not being able to give sorcerers even a bit more lasting power without ballooning their first-second burst potential can be solved by making powers less cost efficient on high energy.
Italics is tok-tier samefag

>Human Food
>On the House
>The Secret Ingredient

Between the free glamour and the transformation, I have them turn me into a really tall serval catboy. My plan is this: servals are kind of standoffish by nature. They hiss a lot, growl sometimes, and do that slapping thing housecats do during play but with some fucking force behind it. If they like you, though, they purr and lick you and stuff just like any other cat.

One of my jobs is food service, which is an objectively terrible position to put an animal person in. I'm going to get fur in everything and want to nap and sleep all the time. Let's assume I end up as a barista which is a job I would never want in a million years because holy shit it's hard to make a really specific thing perfectly every time. This is probably a really nice cafe and they have high standards meaning I have to try hard and pay attention.

My other job is being a cat. Specifically a wild cat that hisses and gets angry and does weird stuff all the time. I'm going to complain (by meowing) and yawn and hiss and not hide my emotions and slap the machine and walk around stealing baked goods and food and generally be really funny to watch but with the worst customer service ever. I'm assuming Olivia is a fantastic teacher and I will eventually get great at making coffee and spend much less time pissed off, but that just means I have more time for being lazy and swiping food or doing regular serval stuff like jumping several feet in the air or begging loudly and shamelessly for attention. And if you're rude or mean then woe fucking betide thee. Suffer the wrath of ten thousand pawslaps and NO little cookie in the heat sleeve around your to-go cup because I was too busy hissing straight at you before someone drags me off the line and gives me a brushing session to calm me down. That probably would never happen though. Who goes to a cat cafe to insult the cats?
My memento would be a little charm shaped like the logo of the cafe allowing me to come back and continue working there if I ever get lost, kidnapped, or just want to visit home for a while. This is assuming they aren't super strict and don't immediately tell me to cut it the fuck out and actually do my job with a smile which would ruin the plan completely. I have to imagine they're expecting something like this though and the whole point of letting animal people into the kitchen is so customers can go "aww look theres a kitty making my hot chocolate :)" and nobody is going to complain if I don't hear their order because someone across the room is waving a toy at me and I'm lining up a vault across the counter to grab it from them and tear it to shreds.
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Rolled 120, 103, 14, 124, 6, 73, 68, 8, 118, 38 = 672 (10d160)

Swap x2
99 - Time Step
142 - Unique

I'll just start by choosing the deals i want to get, there should should be like a 32% chance of me just getting one of the powers i want from the get go, but that is simply not happening, for my third power i'll pick from the ten i roll, but i's gotta be something flashy, or otherwise something to let me convince others i have powers
What i'm gonna is do is just get ten of my buddies, show off the third power i'll have in reserve, then just convince them to come hang out during the full moon, i'll grant one of them the unique power, get him to think of the number 142 while using that to give another that power, and so on to give everyone the ability to give powers to others, with one minute intervals in between so if someone get's fucked up from that 25% chance of death, i can rewind time and we can try again
Call it a night, then come hang out the next full moon, give that first buddy the super charger power, he'll use it on himself to be able to grant ten powers to the next person, one is super charger, the other time step and the next 8 he gets to choose, this time i can get that second buddy to himself rewind in case the odds fuck up my third buddy, and that third buddy does the same in case he kills the fourth buddy and so on until it wraps back around to me, i get the super charger power and other 9, and i can grant another 9 powers to that first buddy
And now we're fucking set, with ten people having the ability to give away ten different powers every month, we can reach out to give more powers to strangers who would, in turn, give more powers to more strangers, it is now completely inevitable everyone in the world will get powers of any kind in some decades, say goodbye to all the diseases and world hunger, usher in instant transportation, the colonization of other planets and exponential growth in every aspect of society
Rolled 49 (1d100)

68 - Photo

When the challenger comes i'll just pussy out and give away one of my powers, if my number is over 28 i can get a friend to regrant me the power i lost, no biggie
The destitute are also going to get wiped the fucked out as getting powers means getting rid of a destitute slot, and they're all gonna get powers at some point
Rolled 3 (1d26)

>t.jealous author.
So what if he samefags a bit, not like there's much going on in the general to begin with.
>actually admitting to samefagging and pretending that its cool to do
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My job demands so much of my time and mental energy that I just don't have enough to write CYOAs any more.
Also pic related.
so tok and italics are two sides of the same coin
Who're your favourite CYOA authors and why?

Personally, I frequented the thread waaay back when Stardust Anon and the Power Armor CYOA was getting variants, and I don't think many people were putting their names on CYOAs back then, so I only remember them.
when Stardust Anon was around*
paying attention to authors instead of cyoas is against the whole point of 4chan and the reason these threads have turned to shit over the years, anyone who talks about authors is by definition cancer
Sorry anon, but we're a gossip general now.
Now answer the question so we can shit on your fave.
don't have one, i just like a cyoa once or twice a year
Entropiss please make me a waifu cyoa I need more waifus please
Probably Tok because writing his toxic love triangle with Italics & Cyrus is entertaining.
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>Who're your favourite CYOA authors and why?
53413760, the producer of the finest quality franchise slop like Harry Potter, Fairy Tail, and Danmachi.
Lone Observer
Unnamed Creator #13 (To A New World, Morton's Fork, Elf Bullying)

Too much effort to describe
You're the problem.
>Too much effort to describe
You are depressed and like being even more depressed, which checks out since you did not even have the will to explain it, classic depressed behaviour.
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Gattoposters are such a menace
What's up with the allsync? It's been in maintenance mode for a couple of days now...
cats are based and humans are slaves
Allsyncanon posted this: >>93194719
This. Toxo is everywhere.
I need SLOP injected into my veins NOW!
What kind of slop? We’ve got all kinds of slop!
All of it! Give me 200% slop!
Because the likes of you can't perceive cyoas as anything but slop, we can't have nice things anymore.
You are the problem.
Good sir, I am not saying that all CYOAs are slop. I am saying that you should give me your SLOPPIEST CYOAs so I can use them as HARD DRUGS!
Right on all points
ScottishAnon was awesome, before he went off the deep end, joined a cult, and abandoned his fledgling CYOA universe. It's a tragedy what happened. He had a fine grasp of scale and diction.
that just did not happen
slop cyoa when?
Did ScottishAnon ever show up here again after he left to join those Extinction Rebellion nutjobs?
Toxo is based, increases T.
Make a magi case build.
Post it.
ded general
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We could be enjoying a new entropist cyoa right now, but you just had to be faggots and ruin it all.
need me some tok kino
Used Random.org to roll my powers, and no I'm not gonna take a screenshot, that's gay.
Deal: Swap
>22 - Gluttony
>28 - Blinking
>35 - Doppelganger
>46 - Regeneration
>49 - Respawn (Swap)
>57 - Power Detection
>97 - Combat Form
>108 - Hyper Piss (Swap)
>116 - Plague (Swap)
>130 - Effort Increase
>Power of Your Choice: 94 - Life Giver
Empowered Number: 25
Challenge: 2 - Given and Take
Eh. All authors will snap and leave after a while, save for the autistics and the attention whores. He made one (1) OC, that's not a big loss.
And he was a sperg broken by some random autists bombarding him with builds as if he had to bless every single one. I love Entropist, but he brought it onto himself.
>Extinction Rebellion
Do we know for certain that's the group he joined? I only heard that he got into climate change protests.

But yeah - for like the first year after he got involved, he'd occasionally post. Mainly about how he was too busy to write, particularly after someone would ask about Terror Australis (his next WIP) or the big crossover he was going to do afterwards.

We did get a lore page/prophecy thing for Guardians, though.
I'm sorry to hear that. Any chance you could tell us which cyoas are yours, so we know what happened to their author?
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It's good policy to nurture new talent, not beat it into the ground.
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True, true.
We'd rather argue about catposters and "magic", though.
If you are afraid of finishing your OC because some people will hate it
Then you will never finish anything, be more confident in yourself and DO IT
Sure, but he's subjected himself to a lot of heat himself when he responded to obvious shitposters and came up with Blessed Walk mechanic in the first place. If you only give blessings to builds with themes, then outright ignore the cries of people who cannot inject even the most basic of originality into their build.
Entropist times were still far better than the catfag pretending to be an oldfag or the magicautist being unable to shut up, and I'll cherish them as hard as I have cherished my memories of Outer Reincarnation
>entropissfags are metafags
of fuckingcourse
>sperging about OR to THIS VERY DAY, in a dying general
Some of you faggots are not sentient. Literal NPC behaviour.
Any CYOA ideas you've had recently?
starsector CYOA because i love ship stuff and colony building
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Oh, almost forgot. Congrats to the new author, and thanks for sharing the OC.
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Yeah, I played Dredge earlier this month and thought about a cyoa where you sail the cosmic seas of cyoag with your fisherman boat. "Isles" would be based around genres of cyoas like comfy & horror, acting as gateways to real places based on their themes. Finally, the sea would be filled with fish-monsters, based about detrimental concepts like shitposting, ennui or rage.
Rimworld CYOA
Mecha CYOA where you get a Titanfall Mech but it's customised to you
JRPG Isekai CYOA, but without all the grimdark stuff
>"average wizard" can stop time, planeshift, mind control, and more at will
what the fuck
>the glowfish family is real
Slow time, not stop time, and only once a day.
A shame we're not making more community CYOAs like Glowfish.
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My IRL job.
II have been working on the same WIP for almost 2 years but I come talk about it here to motivate myself to keep going.
I really want to finish it and even have other fun ideas for future OC but it is what it is.
The last big attempt was the Author pdf one . . . which kind of got beaten into the ground. One obsessed fan and/or shitposter kept insisting that EVERY author had to have an entry, but wasn't willing to write them himself. People got pretty sick of it.

Others turned out better, like the Cyldoria roommate one and Customary Change of Citizenship. But those were older, more limited projects.
>it is what it is
>anon don't post the traumatized image
I feel betrayed.
Polymorph Self
Freeze Time
> Wand
Wand of Domination
> Apprentice
Librio Dimensiones
> Rooms
Alchemy Garden
> Features
Defence Wards
> Utilities
Gaming room
Cash Reserves

If I can go to *any* dimension with the spellbook, then I'll just go to one I just made up which will permanently grant me (and only me) infinite power when I enter.
I enjoyed the cyoa but the author ended up being a massive faggot
>One obsessed fan and/or shitposter kept insisting that EVERY author had to have an entry, but wasn't willing to write them himself. People got pretty sick of it.
Not exactly. The CYOA originally was made by someone else but then after the guy left the shitposter autist took it over and filled it with its shitty humor and no one wanted to fill it in.
>Spirit Symbols

The mask can't be lost or damaged nor is it uncomfortable to wear. It can resist mind-control or drugs see through any illusions and lies, which means total detection due to fleshmeld). The mask also goes unnoticed by everyone else while the powers raise no eyebrows. Human nose helps me to maintain control and make the best decisions and human teeth allows me to convince and control others. Gemstones help me gather wealth and maintain it as well, feathers give me swift movement and reflexes to protect myself and temporary flight, and broken intimidates rival mask-bearers while also alerting me to their location and informing me of their powers, which allows me to optimally plan for the encounter.

Jaliette allows me to fly all the time and up to incredible speeds while Maple gives me a pocket-dimension for vacations, asylum from danger, hiding, storage, etc. Clashing isn't too bad on its own, and human nose would probably allow me to largely mitigate its worst excesses

All in all, a versatile, non-intrusive, utility-based mask which will grant me plenty of benefits while incurring few consequences I don't want.
Shitalics when is your new WIP coming? I am sure you need your attention fix soon
>bringing Italics up unprompted
I wonder what that random person on 4chan did to earn your undivided attention (obsession).
Waiting for Magi Case scarred their souls.
ANyone wanna make a pact to have OC done by august 31st?
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Fresh OC.
I mean it's pretty simple
We'd pledge to both work on OC and then release it on the 31st of august so that each of us has a cyoa they can look forward to.
I'll be in a selection pool for most of July so not me. Still, the concept is interesting - ask again in a few days if you have no results today, or in /trash/ if needed.
Cyoas where I'm a wage slave?
>Image to text ratio is absolutely terrible
Hard pass
2x4 (biology), 8x1 x2 (immortality, life extension)
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2x4 brick (investing)
>While stock trade is notoriously hard to predict, a thorough understanding of the subject should help me make more money.

2x3 brick (dirty fighting)
>Not formal martial arts, but rather just hands-on experience on how to disable an opponent by any means available.

6x1 brick (cyoa making)
>You're welcome :)
Sad thing about the obsessed poster is that Italics shadow dropped some OC just last week that was successful. So he's just being a schizo about Italics.
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It's been over 2000 years since OC gave my tum tums that feeling of excitement.
Just endless days of settling for something mediocre and not to my taste, awaiting the moment of my death, the freedom to be something more than a copium consumer in some clownworld nightmare.
That my fellow anons...is the story of my life.
What do you like anon?
I find it funny when people complain that stuff is not made to their taste and don't make it themselves or even try to communicate what is that they like.
Italics is a failed novelist and I'm tired of pretending otherwise and the people faking liking his "CYOAs".
Agreed. Guy had like 1 good cyoa and the rest is absolute shit. Not to mention how much he recycles his cyoa designs and characters.
>What do you like anon?
Stuff that gives me a purpose and cause to fight for :'(
The last time I posted a WIP, I was high on adderall.
I learned soon after that not even a dopamine high was enough to finish my WIPs. That's when I found out just how bad my sleep quality was. Several doctors, and countless pills have done little to help. I apologize to anyone that was looking forward to fantasy race creator, but I'm currently a level of fucked that modern medical science so far seems incapable of fixing. Know at least that I will improve, or die trying.
No I don't have insomnia.
>Fellow fucked up brain
Oh hey. It makes me feel better about myself and my failed wips
Allsync is back up. No explanation as to what the issue was, just an apology that there was a problem.
good enough for me as always thanks for mantaining it.
If AHS and Entropist had stuck around and assuming we'd get 1 cyoa a year from them, we'd shave off around 3 months worth of dead threads at least every year. That's fucking massive. We're like 6 cyoa authors away from a golden age and nope it's never happening and will never happen.
Both were faggots and wouldn't last.
So used goods then.
>t. faggot
>how much he recycles his cyoa characters
When has this happened?
I need some advices anons.
I'm making a cyoa where you're a given the choice of saving one realm/kingdom from a dying world.
Originally I planned to have the player choose the realm and be given a plane by a wandering planeswalker where they could take the chosen country, but after writing the kingdoms, I noticed that each of them excelled in one thing (the only remaining human kingdom had superb skullduggery and plots, Elf Imperium had arcane knowledge and advanced liberal arts, merchant republic had wealth management and populist control, and so on), so would it be better if instead of just giving them a "paradise" world for the saved realm alone, should I make the player choose an already populated world, so the choices would matter more?
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>Guy had like 1 good cyoa
It only took him 10 years to make it.
Elf Imperium

Always pick magic.
I'm also on the fence about having choices in the realm you choose, like in the Elf Imperium you could choose to join the Imperial family, probably via marrying the princess or join the nobles that want to return to a republic.
Would it be better this way?
No you are not. You are not making shit just like the rest of the so called 'authors' that come here with their WIP.
It only took him 10 years to make it... to release the alpha version! just 10 more years for the completed one!
I know that most authors don't release their WIP's, but that doesn't mean they aren't working on it.
Do you want the first paragraphs to confirm or the first page?
I just want advice so this cyoa can be a good one
Where's adventure part in this CYOA?
I prefer faggots with oc than faggots with no oc (you).
Make those three options balanced first. >>93214378 is memeing, but he's got a point.
You're arguing with tok. This is one of his schizo alters, like catposter. He doesn't want you to make OC because it's going to be better than anything he's ever made and he's fixated on this thread.
I feel like choosing the kingdom to save AND the place to put it is splitting your effort too much. Now you're having to design double the unique kingdoms; the ones being rescued and the places we're taking the refugees.
The demiplane idea is good. Maybe include a section where we can trade personal power for more demiplane features.
Yeah, this is a good idea. Instead of having all these features in the demiplane, easy access and bringing multiple people, I can instead become a elf noble, or get the humans' invisibility cloak, or whatever is good about the merchant republic.
That's actually an important question. Why would anyone want to be part of the merchant republic when there are hot elf princesses and cool intrigue plots?
>You're arguing with tok. This is one of his schizo alters, like catposter. He doesn't want you to make OC because it's going to be better than anything he's ever made and he's fixated on this thread.
This probably explains all the rabid anti-Italicsposting that's been going on in this thread.
>My IRL job.
Me too.
It's been a difficult year, so far. Lost my job of two years due to bullshit, got a better-paying job, but it ended up being far too much to handle even for the pay increase.
Now I'm learning CPR as part of the promise for, hopefully, a better job. Then hopefully I can have the time to refocus on my CYOA projects
The image I selected was right-side up.
What the fuck, 4chan... Trying to make me look stupid, even more than I already do?
That's every job honestly. you put in time working your ass off for 6-24 months, and then when you've proven that you can be trusted to stick with it they promote you or give you more money for fewer hours based on how well you handled it, and from there they keep promoting you until you get to a job beyond your ability, and do that forever because they like you too much/are too scared to demote you.
Good luck sounds rough. What's your job? I'm curious to know what jobs cyoa authors have. The only ones I think I know are Tok, who is a neet and Italics, who I think was in security or something.
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>when is your new WIP coming?
Don't know. I've been wanting to push out another short CYOA that's just not a simple 2-pages like Jianghu. I've been wanting to release a CYOA featuring the themes of:

1. The Player is partly-responsible for everything as one of the former instigators of ruin.
2. The Main Heroine(s) wear a labcoat and is the Player's loyal wife(/ves) they have forgotten about
3. The Player experiences a Memory Collapse, kickstarting their adventure to correct everything gone wrong.
4. Pseudoscience (Sci-Fi) dominance as the Player manages an advance workshop of innovation and technology that can bring prosperity or ruin to the world based on their choice.
5. Choices can lead to you unlocking the truth by the Memory Collapse and the ruination taking place.

But I mainly just want more waifus in labcoats.
>Stick with the company get promoted
for 0.0005 dollars extra?
>2. The Main Heroine(s) wear a labcoat and is the Player's loyal wife(/ves) they have forgotten about
wait wait wait, this sounds like gotterdammerung
has the day finally come?
Imagine if there's a Mounde equivalent again.
Won't Castitas kill anyone else you pick? What choice is there but to pick her?
In my case, I was accused of being rude to someone despite treating everyone the same and getting plenty of compliments.
Management made the split decision to suspend me with no chance to defend myself, even when there were cameras and witness testimony to prove my innocence.

I'm a security officer. Been doing it for five years.
Started out guarding a construction site overnight. By myself.
It was heavenly. Pay wasn't spectacular, but I was being paid to do very little, and I had plenty of opportunity to write in peace and quiet.
I had good rapport with the client, there. He even wanted to keep me on full-time after his ritzy Cafe/Night Club was finished. But then, one of our guys was caught sleeping on the job, and he torpedoed the contract. Sad day
maybe you're just a rude fucker and nobody else stepped up to say anything
there are some ridiculously bad managers, especially in hospitality and similar service jobs if that's what you were doing, but otherwise managers are usually extremely reluctant to suspend anyone
lmao rip you say what you were doing right below
yeah that counts as a shitty service job desu.
I got writer's block. I fucking hate writing narrators. I don't care how characterful it is, it makes it bloody hard to write things like quests.
If that were the case wouldn't the recordings be useless and not worth mentioning?
>I fucking hate writing narrators
>Writes a narrator
Why the fuck were you writing one then
I didn't know. I didn't know, anon. I didn't know.
i'm not saying it happened in this anon's case because he's working in an industry where people can just fire you for no good reason but there's plenty of times when people say "see! I told you the recordings would prove me innocent! When I told them to suck my dick and that their mother was a whore everyone was laughing, we were just joking around like normal"
It was an office setting, and the client expected us to enforce certain rules that they would sometimes change.
Rather than properly communicate it to all staff, they would half-ass it, and security had to be the ones to explain the new rules, frequently.

I just happened to have the fortune of dealing with some self-important nigress who despised authority.
If the big metal detector beeped, it was part of my job to pass a "wand" (handheld scanner) over long shirt sleeves and pant legs.
She took exception to it. I explained the rule. She tried to argue with me. I told her to "go ahead" and talk to a manager, expecting the manager to back me up.
The rest is history. My friends are convinced they chose the black woman over me because she's black and I'm not. Who knows, in the current year
Is this a joke or are you actually this lacking in self awareness
Sars, all the links in OP are long dead. Where to find uncensored sex boob CYOA?
what exactly were you accused of here that recordings could disprove
All I know about the accusation is that she accused me of being rude. Who knows what else she said, it wasn't something they would tell me.
I suppose I could have been accused of sexual impropriety. That's where there cameras come in.
Even if this woman were attractive to me, I have zero desire to do something so stupid
you're all over the place man, first you came in strong with "they fired me even though I had proof I was innocent!!" and now you're saying "well I guess I didn't actually have proof I was innocent of being rude...unless she accused me of sexual impropriety, in which case I was definitely innocent of that"
I think you sperged out
There is nothing I did or said in that instance that hadn't been said or done before in the same setting between other people, with an otherwise neutral outcome.
People on the same team expressed as much. If saying "go ahead" to Black Karen when she says "I'm going to talk to the manager" is rude, then I guess I was, but it was nothing out of the ordinary, and I had good reason to expect a manager to support me, because they had supported me in other cases
What's in the boxes? I don't want to be used by any of them.
There should be a section that makes Style or Popularity do something, like if certain Regulars won't associate with you if you don't have a Popular champion or similar

Otherwise, there's no reason to not say, pick Henge and Grimcaller away his Popularity and Style for +2 to all other stats.
selecting anyone who isn't Castitas will definitely lead to some yandere shenaniganry from Castitas later on

What're in the boxes?
You 100% got fucked over because of her race and yours. It is what it is. When I had to deal with black customers I just kinda let them do whatever the fuck they want. Not my business lmao.
Please help sirs
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>Being scared of Castikek who will watch you kiss another woman and thank her for it.
lmao. You guys are pussies.
Does anyone have/remember the name of this cyoas?
The first one has a girl with white hair that has been killed/disappeared, but all the events and characters seem to have something to do with it.
The other one was something like the angels were missing from heaven and it's an overall cryptic cyoa
Cyrus-sama... our shine...
Dawn of a Cucklord
The first one is "are you still in pain?" You can easily find it in the archive, the other one is "where have the angels gone", this one I can't find it, so if someone has it, please post it if you can.A
Does anyone know the name of an old cyoa that had these features:
>grey background?
>army general man pic in intro
>theme is some multidimensional rift opens and you have to choose a race to join and buy powers.
>the races include angels, demons, beast, illuminati, and nazi lolis
Sure, why not?

>Aafiq Jaziri the Magnificent - Low Magic Build


Body 0
Wits 5
Magic 5
Spirit 5
Charm 5
Luck 5

>Starting Gear
Akloyus' Tome
Quality Gear

>Starting Location


>Body Perks

>Wits Perks

>Magic Perks
- Ritualist

>Spirit Perks
Demon Pact
- Familiar
- Warlock


Massive Size
Whacky Crew
- Charts
- Hold
- Luxury
- Munitions

Cursed Girl
Mad Priest
Count Criscott
Seeking Asylum
Dark Ritual

Behold the most mystical man in the world, here to bring you exotic and powerful goods from his strange, faraway land. Join him on his adventures with his colourful crew as he progresses from selling only the most legitimate artefacts of power (for a reasonable price!) to saving the world from certain doom. He is absolutely not out of his depth, he absolutely knows what's going on and he is ABSOLUTELY not cripplingly reliant on a so-called 'Demonic patron,' so save his skin - no foul creature or cult could possibly be a sweat for the greatest and most handsome arcanist who ever lived, after all.

>contract magic
>Practice Arena

>start on Edea
>attempt to build up power and minions for the first year
>get closer to core guardians
>after the first year, visit the kingdoms' kings and try to diplomacy them into peace
>offer using the Practice Arena for training and such, even
>dwarven craftsman for equipment sales
>merchants because merchants
>demon scholars to help with diplomacy
>maybe go into debt for the others, Celestial a cute
>sign a peace treaty with contract magic
>Practice Arena used for annual fight competition to bring in people from all over the world
>take Happiness as a power source if entertainment counts as happiness
>take Lust if you want to make a bunch of brothels; fill them with Succubi and order them to not kill anyone
>maybe Siren or other minions too if they're into that
>maybe bad idea because puritans might use that against you for war
>on that note, take Unique Trait: Horde if you want Demon Lord kids
>research how to obtain more Core Guardians
>occasionally invite Anastasia to play
>live comfy life

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Look for "Magic Space War". Can't post it here since it's nsfw.
All that only to end up as equal to the Batu
Found it. Magic Space War.
Thank you Life Saver Anon.
Being one of the Batu's bros and on his level seems like a perfectly fair deal to me. You'd already be attracting all sorts of trouble from bigger fish by being that important anyway, being any more is such a hassle for the most mystical, magical, magnificent merchant and mogul of mythological modules in all the world.
other perks if successful
>you can farm divine energy as much as you'd like; who says you need to ascend
>can bro with the hero a bunch, maybe battle here and there in the practice arena
>take the time to pay off your debt to anastasia if any
>if you get close enough to the rulers or the temple priests, maybe you can bro with the deities as well
>since theres water everywhere, if you put your true demon core somewhere underwater, and have gills, a fight with the hero will be advantageous no matter what even if he can breathe underwater, unless he trains to fight underwater, doesn't use fire/water/to some extent ice/lightning magic, etc
>upgrade its territory enhancement to 10 or even 25km so you can put it further in the ocean while having a decent-sized city on land
>if you get territory expansion, you can trickery people by making a circular wall where your demon core can be detected and put a lesser demon core in the center, while the true demon core is somewhere else
>alternatively, put your true demon core there so your core guardians can guard it, and have a false demon core in a saferoom under the water somewhere within that radius, so it can teleport to that saferoom once attacked, should your core guardians fail
>give them a portal to the colosseum
>alternatively, make sure to give them a tv or scry pool or something so they can at least watch the battles
>if you get a clone as an ability you can play TTRPGs with them as the DM or the other way round for maximum comfy
Your mistake was trying to make the occultist without maxed out Spirit. You'll dominate lesser demons and get what you want easily, infinite mana included, and max another stat, like Charm.
Funny on my way to work i was just thinking about how the DPU generation in this cyoa needs to be fixed
The DPU cap is just way too low. 500k a day is fine but T4 minions are like 50 million DPU, that's one and a half years for one.
This is why the mind control parasites are op. Super cheap and you can use them to mind control high tier things. Can't get higher value than that.
80 million DPU, which is equivalent to 160 days of maximum generation per day.

Alternatively, you can use that same amount to make 20 tier 3 creatures, which, if attacking at the same time, would probably wipe the floor with a tier 4 creature... but are about on par with 400 tier 2 creatures. Tier 1 creatures seem to be pretty useless for frontal combat, but most of them have some gimmick that could be good for bulking up your army or occasionally doing other things, like if you wanted a Familiar to do things, or Eldritch Parasites if you're not opposed to mindbugging
Use the version 1 DPU gen and costs.
Skill issue. Powertrippersissies in shambles.
That's why I like Rise of the Dark Lord better.
You're not some glorified dungeon keeper, you can actually build an army to threaten the world with.
Blame the author for doing a kneejerk nerf to the entire dpu system because some people wanted to harvest dpu from modern cities after they unlock planeswalking
So just use the V1 DPU system.
shut up, retard
It's objectively better and more balanced.
it is but i want to complain about nu-dpu
Intentionally kept it within natural Human limitations as a self-restriction for Low Magic because you don't see it all that often. Definitely could've gone stronger at higher world levels though, yeah.
No. Castitas CYOA is just too big and filtering to be made into a CYOA.

The concept I have is called Extrasensory Perception Observation Program (ESO Program), you take on the role of Subject No. 64432B that has experienced a Memory Collapse and awakes under the care of three Professors running the program.

Since you are a special subject, you have been cleared to run and operate a Workshop that utilizes 4th Dimebsional Concept and Intrusions to maintain the advancement of human society and technological progress to resolve disaster and incidents.

However the truth behind the ESO Program and your relations to it and the three Professors are shrouded in mystery and intrigue as you recruit other Subject to assist you as Managers and Apprentices in ensuring the Workshop is able to provide for what is needed for man's great success.
Whatever you say, failed novelist.
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Don't care, pal. I am isekaing you to caravan setting, enjoy summoning your silly demons.
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This will be an unpopular opinion but besides the numbers my main issue is that the cyoa tries too hard to lean into the "I'm a nice demon uWu" crap and so the "nice" ways to generate DPU strongly overshadow the other options. Automatic, life, and happiness should not even been options for DPU generation. Lust is way overpowered compared to pain and despair/fear which are much more primal and stronger emotions because coombrained. Death is good but it annoyed me that it dissolves the body so you can't use the corpse. If you are going to include peaceful DPU generation methods than the aggressive methods should give higher yields.
I'd you take despair you just use parasites to turn normal people into batteries
Cry about it, bitch. That way I can get some extra dpu from your ass.
NTA but if the cyoa tells you you are a "demon lord" and is titled "dawn of the demon lord", but promptly forgets about it, then it's a thematic problem.
Life doesn't = good dumb anon
You could take Life and Pain and make one giant prison of humans that constantly prick themselves on Plants of Anguish because killing them would be too nice
Thanks for the dpu
Objectively the most optimal way to harvest the most out of life is to cram as much people as possible in tiny pods and put them in life support
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>earth is secretly ruled by minmaxer demon lords

>Automatic, life, and happiness
Something like worship might work IMO, and having your own demon worshipping cultists would piss off the gods pretty well too.
Death as a dpu method fucking sucks post-cap
>Extremely fast spikes of DPU that scale depending on what you got killed and harvested
>Oops you hit the cap you can't keep your meatgrinder going :)
>Your corpses go bad and you lose your spikes
Custom walk blessed rules-chan
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I prefer my speshul author made walk blessed.
They're bad, so they're irrelevant. Feel free to hand out Blessed Walks yourself, nobody can say they're not legitimate and you choose if they apply.
>Feel free to hand out Blessed Walks yourself
I will make fun of you if you try it. I might even post cats at you.
Anon-kun, is it true that you shitposted the author because he made me weak? I am glad you did, anon-kun. That faggot deserved to get shitposted into oblivion for denying total serpent supremacy!
And I'll hide all of your posts, so I don't need to read your cheap bait.
Put on your trip
Italics please, I don't care about sci-fi slop. Just give me Lamentations 3 and Goddess-Mommy CYOA. PLEASE,.
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at least you're not pretending to be an oldfag lol
>"I'm a nice demon uWu"
what the fuck are you talking about? You are not rewarded for being a nice person did you even fucking play the cyoa?
>tfw got the physically strongest Walk Blessed of them all
>no deseperate cries for Echoes PSY
You're not ready for OC yet.
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Eh, I kinda get you. Though I don't think I'd want to see the CYOA if it was full on 'ow the edge fully lore accurate demons' edition. Who really wants to sit around while people like t0k explain their murderrape urethral torture camp for DPU options?

It has plenty of options to be evil, it has brain parasites and xenomorphs ffs. But it's evil as a choice, not a necessity. (Which means any demons are only as evil as a rando human given unnatural power, which I like).
Any CYOA where it's just a requirement that I break the geneva convention just to make a build immediately has me rolling my eyes and quitting, because why the fuck would I want to play that? It's just unpleasant. I might as well go play a MHA CYOA where my superpowers are fuelled by coprophagia.

As far as DPU goes if it was me I don't think I'd remove anything, but I agree it is very weird that happiness and despair offer equal amounts of DPU. That seems off to me. There should be options, but the 'evil' option should be stronger or else it *isn't* the evil option, it's the fucking retarded option. Why go out of your way to cause suffering if you can get what you want without it for the same effort?
Lust i'm more ambivalent on. I always figured it was scaled 0-100 because it's an inherently fleeting power source and you aren't getting the full value for more than seconds. I think I'd want to keep it as is, but specify that if you're using succubi or whatever to full-on juice people for DPU then it's just an extended death option.

All the gen methods serve a purpose, the values just needs tweaking. Life is there for stealth builds. Just parking your core on the outskirts of some city. Automatic is so that players that want to make a lair underwater or wherever still can. Happiness always made me want to make some sort of fantasy las Vegas on an island somewhere, where you peddle safe debauchery and hope you can play the social game to keep the authorities from smashing your sandcastle.
I would be too ashamed to post post if I had taste so embarrassingly bad
You would be surprised how hard is to keep people maximally happy. Despair is way easier.
>I would be too ashamed to post post
What did he mean by this?
Death is actually the easiest and stealthiest DPU generation. Just have scrying and teleportation to kidnap random irrelevant peasants.
>Why go out of your way to cause suffering if you can get what you want without it for the same effort?
suffering is far easier to induce than happiness
>Life is there for stealth builds
Life is the complete opposite its the "big dick in town everybody" option
>Automatic is so that players that want to make a lair underwater or wherever still can
Automatic is there so demon lords who didn't take life or death can get DPU day 1
>Yeah let's just kill 400 people for a tier 3 nobody will notice
everybody makes mistakes
everybody has those days
Do you know how many people randomly die off everyday all around the world?
Yes but people also don't disappear without a fucking trace
only failures makes mistakes
Do you know how hard it is to find out how and where someone died in something like a forest in medieval times? Would any real investigators look into the deaths of random peasants? No. As long as you're not a retard and spread out your kidnappings all around the world, it is astronomically unlikely that anyone will suspect, never mind find out, what you're doing.
>not winning despite your mistakes
>he's still shitposting because he got Discipline
Poor Tok.
Magic the Awakening was part kino, it's just that the card game mechanics ruined it for those that haven't ever played the game like myself.
Who would win?

(You) with a three-inch switchblade or a three-hundred lb fighting rooster?
terrain dependent
Me. Just run away. The rooster will die of exhaustion before I do.
Tanky has been gone for too damn long
we don't deserve him anymor
Actually he posted maybe a week ago with the new first page of Magocratic Convention
You're in a high-school gymnasium that's had the doors covered with chicken-wire.

You could make it to the bleachers, but the rooster's dangerously nimble.
The balancing on this is absolute shit
>three-hundred lb rooster that can support it's own weight and is still somehow nimble in a sealed high school gymnasium
I admit, I would be at a considerable disadvantage
perhaps putting myself between the basketball hoop and trying to bait wifs
In what way? It's genuinely better balanced than most current CYOAs
What are you talking about. Almost all choices do not matter because of how imbalanced it is.
Well, you can buy super-strong telekinesis and farm some useless drawbacks to get maxed shields and something going with that. I don't see anything countering that.
Or, you could take maxed super speed with maxed endurance and nothing can hurt you.
Good. Him and Italics are both failed novelists that don't make actual CYOAs
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He's made some pretty kino CYOAs, so we can wait for his Convention remake or whatever.
Pic-related is not included into kino list.
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I can't take Tankista CYOAs seriously because they all rely on either Planeswalker shit or Meta shit.
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Death Perception ST completely breaks the cyoa.
Theoretically. In actuality, this is probably the only power you'll get with its costs, and it won't stop Scion or an Endbringer from one shotting you once you're in their presence and they recognize your shard's power. It's most useful in a team composition.
I can't either. The worst thing is that tactic works. He makes retards feel smart that they found le secret meta tactic69!!!
Just kill the concept of not being omnipotent.
You can't do that, because omnipotence is infinitely potent. You only become nigh-omnipotent, with one creature above you being God. Your reaction?
So do all the other 25 point powers
Seethe on this thread and call the auctors bullshit for 5 years.
It's a concept. You can kill concepts.
Some enemies have the highest levels of speed, agility, or both, and this makes it impossible to fight them without the same. The nice thing is that going all-in on the teaching abilities will also let you quickly generate fighters with those trump cards.
You WILL experience ego death and torture if you don't take either of the mortality drawbacks - which both leash you to an amount of sacrificial upkeep that would otherwise make you more powerful than your actual build.
Sacrifices are impossible to maintain without the terraforming abilities, too.
The best thing to do is leave this gay Earth for either space or your personal demiplane (NOT Asgard).
6x12 plate charisma/getting people to give me money and stuff
2x4 creative art and creativity
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Insert (Male, Adult)
>Civillian Identity
Office Drone
Martial Arts
First Aid
Foreign Element
>Perks & Flas
Follower x2 (Free)
Plot Convenience
Secret Lair
Nemesis x3
Worst Day Ever x2
Slaughterhouse 9
Endbringer Target
Humble Beginnings
>Path-Specific (Hero)
Team: Protectorate
Perk: Team Leader

worm is depressing enough so i'll be a hero this time and won't build nigger destroying death rays. this tinker speciality is incredibly busted and doesn't stop me from enhancing my intelligence, creating tech based on powers, gene manipulation to create an army (not to mention potential for AI), and mimicry of scion's stilling so i can create dimensional blasts of energy with unlimited versatility

i can make a death ray that assumes firing mode depending on what i want, and erase siberian because it reaches her ghost dimension and shit
i am probably gonna die to threats i've picked above, but if i survive i have a solid chance of stopping gold morning
Wasn't there a strat that allowed you to copy every power the instant you spawn?
The true breaker of this CYOA is Unlimited Shard Works ST. Get that shit with Foreign Element and Negentropy, take a glance at Triumvirate and you suddenly have power generation, superman's powers, and amazing control over energy. You probably mix it with some Mover power to copy powers rapidly, but I don't remember it fully.
>You can only take powers that you witness
More than enough for you to acquire the strongest powers in the setting, Eidolon's power and Scion's stilling included. You'll be invincible and can have any kind of power you want.
>You can't just conjure up Negentropy out of nowhere
Yeah, that's why you purchase it to never run out of energy and be truly unstoppable. There's no "Satre" element here because "observe power to gain permanent copy" is straightforward enough, and a good chunk of best powers have a form that you can observe.
Found it.

inb4 muh reddit
Nevermind the post, I wrote it because I forgot Negentropy was the boon, I confused it with Perpetuance (which nobody has).
Observer is unironically better, use metaknowledge gift to find important characters and warn them with no danger to yourself.
Now I remember this combo. Wonder if MPfags ever used this, it breaks the CYOA in more ways that 25 point powers do.
>if MPfags ever used this
Nope, they always ignore anything broken because otherwise there wouldn't even be a MP. Can't blame them.
It breaks it much harder than the others do.
Interesting, given that their general breaks down every other thread because of powerfagging and shitposters fueling the fire.
Unlimited shard works was among the explicitly banned options iirc.
I only remember something like that in the first iteration. Other versions of Worm only came with scenario and 25 point powers restriction.
Sorry kid, that is us, not them.
Is that really that much better than a 20 point power?
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Hardly. You're just wanking.
And lose your powers in 500years ggs.
Pedantic autists are really the ultimate enemy of cyoas aren't they?
Nah, It's called 'actually knowing what a concept is.'
shards can actually recharge slowly, and you can suck energy out of other shards
i don't need to live forever to make a difference for everyone while terrorising minorities if they pull a BLM
They are not like us fr fr no cap
what is it this time, schizoanon
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never post this dogshit again
go back
Lamentations R~ exists and is being worked on. You're just going have to wait for the release of the update. I do promise that the update will offer a more refined adventure with better customization options and main antagonists to tackle in it's world. I don't think I need to do anything to improve the housing section of the CYOA anymore.

>Goddess-Mommy CYOA.
I'm honestly going to shadow drop Luminary CYOA.
>I have to do work
oh hell no I'm a NEET for a reason, FUCK you!
>luck and charm so strong anon wants to fuck


Just take that 1pt power that lets you "see" other powers so you can "observe" them.

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