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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Nobody answered last thread, so I'll ask again.

What would Fem!Ichigo be like as a waifu?
Need bigger boobs.

That is all.
Agreed, pretty shit unless you give her bigger boobs.
Literally the exact same person as male Ichigo.

Just keep in mind that she comes as a package deal with her younger sisters, and said sisters want to marry her.
Yes. There were people hoping for friendly variants of all the factions since nearly the beginning of the franchise. We're chill with the Fallen and Cabal now that all the shitheads are gone, and we only still have problems with most of the Lucent Brood because they're assholes and Savathun is a smug bitch. Friendly Vex would be gladly welcomed.
Go ahead and add it in, it’s not like updating the jump now means you can’t update it later.
Baldur's Gate 1
Origin: Monk, Human Locked, Gorian's Ward +1000 2000

Drawbacks: One Hand Tied Behind Your Back +200, Both Hands Tied Behind Your Back +200, XP Cap +100, Tabula Avatar +100, Experimental CP +600, Experimental Classes +300, Experimental Drawbacks +300, Gorian's Ward +400, Gorian's Completionist +300, The Interest of Thay +200, Infighting +100. +2800 4800

Perks: Aspecty of Human (+1 Con), Aspect of Orc -200, Chosen (+1Str/Dex/Con, 20% HP) -300, Oaken Skin -300, Brains and Brawn -200, Divine Grace (No Req) -100, Evasive Maneuvers -400, Eat Up The Ground -100, Born To Tank -400, To Be Present -200, Soul of Discipline -100, The Body Is A Weapon -200, Soul of Diamond -300, Flowing Form -400, Earthen Skin -300, Blood of Bhaal -100, CTRL +8 -300, Read The Manual x6 -600, Wait... There's A Main Quest? -300. -4800 0

Items: Stipend +500, Coinpurse of Comfort x2 -100, Ring of Purity -200, Paws of the Cheetah -200. -500 0

Then there's this abomination of a build, made pretty much entirely to get Evasive Maneuvers and Flowing Form. At this point it's virtually impossible to actually hit me and any attempt to do so just results in me launching a counter attack from a new position

Plus I actually know how to fight properly now, instead of just doing whatever moves I think looks cool while relying on my ability to instantly animation cancel into a dodge to avoid getting hurt
Which is great, because they age like fine wine.
The Tree of Life is a concept I fail to understand no matter how many times I try to research it. I'm really curious what spells you had in mind for them.
Yeah, honestly the biggest plot hole in the setting is that everyone is somehow managing the discovery of Darkness abilities super fucking well, and that the moment the Young Wolf discovered Stasis he wasn't immediately dogpiled by half the Guardians while the other half started trying to accept the Witness' invitations.

The perk does what it says it does. I would look at it like this: The Winnower thinks the Witness is a shitty loser baby that wants everything to be as existentially constipated as it is, but let it take the lead because it's race was the first to get i touch with it, and because it won a lot of fights. The Winnower now wants to see if it can make something deadlier than the Witness-similar in terms of attunement to the Darkness, but not necessarily preordained to become the exact same thing unless that's what it takes to win-with less startup effort.

Absolutely yeah. I mean when Eris decided to become an anti-Hive Hive God the reaction was not "burn the witch!" it was literally just business as usual.

The Guardians have never met a consistently friendly Vex; the closest is that one Harpy that took them to one of the graves the Vex build for worthy Guardian opponents. That's the only reason why there are no Vex friends for the Guardians.

It sometimes feels like there's two teams of developers, one that wants Savathun to be a dommy mommy wine aunt, and another that remembers yes she is canonically responsible for billions of years' worth of genocide and continues to act in her own interest

Fortunately, Luzaku now exists as the SECOND Light Hive rep and she is much more...traditionally Hive-minded instead of being an overgrown shitposter.
0.1 version of Udraiken Primer. Fluffed out all perks finally and wrote up almost everything for all of the other sections, so it SHOULD be jumpable. Only things realistically left to do are add more items, drawbacks, and some more stuff to the locations section but that can be done later.

Ask about anything that needs fixing or clarification if you want. Otherwise, I spent several all-nighters on this and I still need to go make something to eat.
Yuzu was at her peak when she was a lolibaba.
Destiny lore sounds fucking exhausting to keep track of.
All MMOs have lore that exhausting to keep track of.
I want a dommy mommy wine aunt.
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Hey it's the Mandala System from SMTV!
It is, but that's what makes it fun.
>The Guardians have never met a consistently friendly Vex; the closest is that one Harpy that took them to one of the graves the Vex build for worthy Guardian opponents. That's the only reason why there are no Vex friends for the Guardians.
So it'd be a massive mindfuck for them to see one that just wants to chill in their arcade sims and share some of that good shit with people willing to help its sim research?
For some, yes. Others would vibe with it and probably party. Guardians are certifiably insane in several ways.
I stopped following after Beyond Light, and stopped playing a season before that.
Also, I just had an idea for another 100 CP item. A full set of teaching materials for Axiom that you can use to learn it yourself or teach others how to use it.
Doesn't help that Bunghole actively deletes older parts of the game because of terrible data management.
Less exhausting and more fun desu, like other folks said they've accepted genuinely friendly versions of other enemy races pretty quickly
>other half started trying to accept the Witness' invitations.

I’d imagine that the witness was so incompetent and focused on the Guardians, that it never made a way for other regular guardians to contact it for their services.
No seriously, what the fuck did he mean by this? He isn't even talking about the Axiom since Satan in VV mentions he was "summoned by transcendence itself" which is implicitly the Great Will/Axiom, so what the FUCK was Lucifer babling about?
What would it take to make the TCSA a viable technique?
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Finally got this done. Here's Redo of Healer!
Please immediately commit die.
Nice. Hope you had fun reading/watching the series, Psycho.
Well, that's unfortunate.
So if it's being a hero that gave the MC all his bullshit, did any of the other heroes get anything nearly that busted? I thought the whole point of the opening fight scene was to show that the MC's healing powers let him trivialize the demons that tore the other heroes to pieces.
Fuck you very much for creating more shitposting material for the thread.
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Since Pride Month is almost over, now would be a good time for any jumpmakers in the closet to come out.
>You can only increase someone's level cap three times per day, as there's only so much vital essence you can “build up” for the day
Well, I'm glad I got that edging perk now. A few days of edging to give someone a really big levelup sounds amusing
Like, alright? She's not especially romantic or bombastic, but she's nice, and she's willing to literally march through hell to rescue you if you land in deep shit somehow. If she had a waifu stat block she'd have a broken limiter on loyalty and resolve. Almost impossible to get her to do stuff she doesn't want to do though. If it helps her reach her goals then there's some degree of leeway but otherwise you will have a very normal albeit high quality waifu.
Nice. Time to make the MC hopelessly addickted to my cock with all my sex perks and harem perks.
He didn't really trivialize the demon king, everybody else in the fight was tired, probably including the demon king. It does make him look really OP, but he's honestly never the strongest dude in the series at any given point, for instance he admits in a one on one fight Kureha probably just beats him most of the time.

That being said, Freya shows off some crazy feats due to being a hero and is instrumental in the defeat of all the big bosses of the series.
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So what i'm getting is that MMO protagonists get along REALLY WELL with Mad Scientists.
What did you guys do in Avatar the Last Airbender?
Hardmode: no name answers
So does the Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence perk turn the Vex bipolar? where once there was one mind, there is now two where one wants to help (if the jumper is benevolent) while the other wants to control and reign supreme.
Raped hoes.
The princess of the Fire Nation.
Used a perk to self-insert as Azula and played her completely straight riiight up until the end when I revealed the fact that I was quite literally the strongest bender in the world, and I was not abandoning my Fire Lord title.

But I was willing to negotiate peace, as it'd be less bothersome than conquering the world on my own
Solar Jumper declared himself the Avatar of Agni, took over the Fire Nation, and then conquered the world.
I fucked a Fire Princess into sanity.
Here we go. See ya'll next thread.
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Anon what the fuck are you on? It's pretty simple.
>world or universe change because reasons
>Mandala System force the change back
>go back to step one

>He isn't even talking about the Axiom
Irrelevant. The Axiom doesn't exist in this game, V/VV is strongly if not outright stated to be a (shitty) sequel to III. Lucifer in the Haunt's confirm it.

>Satan in VV mentions he was "summoned by transcendence itself" which is implicitly the Great Will/Axiom
For all we know, he just willed himself into existence. The cherry on top are that NotMastema and Satan know that you are jumping from CoC and CoV, but doesn't seem to actively care that you break free from the Mandala System, with Satan outright stating that he's there just to study you.
The other cherry are the implications that Satan just willed himself just because he wanted to.

Battle is gonna have a hateboner.
Mad Scientists are extremely polarizing in basically all media. They're either one of your worst enemies or best friends. Sometimes they're one of your worst enemies and then become one of your best friends. Orochimaru is pure evil but was still invited to Naruto's wedding. Bulma is a core protagonist of the Dragon Ball series despite her original core character trait being that she was so boy crazy - and also just crazy - that she went and invented a wish granting device tracker with the end goal of conjuring a boyfriend out of the aether and was willing to kill for the sake of that goal rather than just go looking around town for someone cute. No one is in a benign relationship with a mad scientist. They're your enemy, your friend, or you just don't know them.
Hero 300
Human (class is dancer?)
Corrupt Elite
Sex Symbol 100
Angelic Beauty 100
Perfect Mask
Contingencies 200
Black God 300
Divine Arms (???)
Maid Spy Network 100
Do of Healer
Dark Desire (Maids) +100

All shall love me and despair
I went hardcore into earthbending macro architecture and built massive fortresses and buildings in the middle of nowhere while improving my skills.
Shard, what is your opinion on the revelation that the Scarlet Rot is actually a good thing in the DLC? And that the pests aren't actually incomprehensible to humanity.
Ayo, I see you be representin da brothas in dis jump. Straight fire n shiet.
Traveled around as basically a nomad. Trying not to let anyone know I was a airbender given I didn't want to get up aangs hopes of survivors only to dash them on the rocks.
Visited a lot of the abandoned temples and looked through what scrolls and records were there to try and put together my own admittedly rough airbending style.
*crack knuckles*
Now let's see if this is satisfactory.

>I thought the whole point of the opening fight scene was to show that the MC's healing powers let him trivialize the demons that tore the other heroes to pieces.
I can't tell if this is a shitpost or a genuine question because of all the shitposters.

>You can only increase someone's level cap three times per day
Wait what? I don't remember that.
Wait what?
>Orihime or her husband still end up being cuckbait because she is a shitty spouse
>I can't tell if this is a shitpost or a genuine question because of all the shitposters.
Genuine question from someone who only vaguely recalls reading the first few chapters of the series years ago.
Yeah there's a thing where an NPC tells you to leave the 'foragers' alone because they're just minding their own business and for the most part they don't attack you, you can trade with them for alcohol because the rot is literally just the normal process of fermentation in fast forward.
>self-insert as Azula
>The Axiom doesn't exist in this game
The Axiom/Great Will has been a thing since the second game in the entire franchise. It's basically integral to Lucifer and YHVH existing to begin with.
It's more like that some are capable to not be cunts and act like regular people. They are still ugly, and have the appearance of the bitchcunts that can assfuck you.
All in all, it make the Miquella camp look badder.
They also use the exact same Satan design as IV and Satan in IV is the Arbiter created by the Axiom to determine whether or not someone should be placed on the throne of the current acting God. If he's here, then the Axiom is present by default.
>self-insert as Azula
Anon you're on 4channel, you can admit you just wanted to suck Zuko's dick
Thanks for the build!
Alright here's the updated version. Now with some 100 cp perks and items per previous suggestions. Does anyone else have any feedback?
I mean to be fair, everyone attacks you in ER, from the Scholars of Raya Lucaria to all of the people around and about Leyndell. We're supposed to believe Misbegotten are just treated badly for no good reason but they also universally show hostility to the Tarnished.
>Wait what? I don't remember that.
Keyaru mentions it early on. At first it was actually just once a day, then it got retconned to multiple times a day.
Thanks. You know, I kinda did. It's alright.

Mad scientists are an object of confusion and fascination for MMO protagonists because they don't fight but are both good at making things that can fight and making things that help you fight harder

It makes the setting lamer tho

Eh basically everything touched by a god is "good" in moderation/cut off from opportunities on the level of Malenia's blooming. There being a few decent Rotters doesn't take away from all the bullshit surrounding Millicent for example.

It is absolutely not a good thing given an inch, look at Romina for an example of the Rot trying to take a mile
You're welcome.

My class is dancer. My gimmick is inspiring others. Combined with some of the Corrupt Elite perks and the fact that Black God has a philosophers stone as part of it, I'm going to mutate that into 'inspires others to love me' and then force the entire nation to wear maid outfits.

Yes, even the men.
Dommy mommy wine aunt is hot tho!
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Isn't the whole Axiom/Great Will a mistranslation? Because the Great Will being there, yeah, the Axiom, not so much.
Thanks Localization Team.

>in the entire franchise
I'mma stop you riiiiiiiight there buddy... a bit.. Yes it is. But just because it is doesn't mean that the games are all tied together in the same plot. Like I said, V/VV is a sequel to III. Let's keep it at that, it make things simpler. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that you trying to tie everything just make everything more complicated than it needs to be.
If you think I and II are tied to III and V/VV, there's a problem.

>uses design as proof
At this point Odin is the same guy as IVA and Zeus the same as SJR. And Dagda and Danu are the same as IVA and oh wait, no they aren't and their dialogues makes it clear.

>pic related
How did you like unlocking Satan and Masakado?
How did you like Yoko's ending?
Do you like CARS?!
Huh... you know wiht the last thread of shard mentioning runes making you grow over time. A dark souls jumper/elden ring focused Jumpers probably gonna have a real hard time fitting into buildings. Thats a funny image.
Question, is this an isekai setting or is the Healer Hero a native?
So I know pretty much nothing about this other than the fact that it was shock schlock that marketed off being extreme or something, but is it safe to say its a pretty fucked up world that would benefit from someone coming in and fixing things?
Unless you're just manually brainwashing everyone I'd say you still need the actual philosopher's stone. Yours is being used up making you a goo monster.
what's the setting about? I've heard of the name but nothing beyond that
I don't care about being a goo monster. Can I just take it out, stick it on a stick, and call it my magic wand of maid creation?
I always run into this problem with all the various perks from fantasy jumps that go 'you are a head taller' once you get more than one or two being 10 feet tall sucks for day to day life.
>In China in 859 AD the once mighty Tang dynasty is in decline. The Emperor is weak and incompetent. His corrupt government no longer truly controls the land. Unrest sweeps the country. Village by village an underground alliance forms. The House of Flying Daggers. Based near the Imperial capitol the House of Flying Daggers moves in the shadows. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor, they earn the support of the people. At the same time they are feared and hated by their bitter rivals the local government officials.
if you don't care about being a goo monster why not drop the black god perk and just purchase the philosopher's stone directly?
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Drawbacks: Plucky Sidekick, Gazed Too Deeply, If You Want A Job Done Right (1400)

Human, Oddball

Magic: World's Strongest (Free)
Magic Circle (1200)
Occult Fanatic (Free)
Eye For The Unknown (Free)
Devil's Fingerprints (900)
Demiurge (300)
It's Science (Free)
The Kindest Curse (0)
Snake Charmer (Free)

"Wow, magic exists!" said the annoying girl following me even onto the geometric platform of the concentric rings I had the Vex mind-blacksmiths mass produce to my specifically. It was forming a hyperdimensional torus that resembled a cyclone of light and wind connecting the earth to a point in the void of space six billion years in the future and as many lightyears away.

"No. No not wow. Woe. Woe, for magic exists" I said slowly, "and is the problem of literally everything on this particular planet. So I'm going to siphon it, eject it into a distant dyson sphere and either make something useful from it or just dump it in a black hole"

"Wow! How does it work?"

I opened my avatar's mouth to commence a longwinded explanation of the Kabbalah's Tree of Life and how that interacted with portal technology as well as gravity terraforming techniques used by one particular timeline's Kryptonian civilisation once supercharged with a gravity furnace from the City, and gave up. "It's...it's like a UFO tractor beam but it can target energy fields" I said.


"Yes. Very whoa" I said, experiencing physical pain at how inaccurate that explanation was, when the dumb girl could see great big monsters yanked out of the ground and hoisted upwards.

I spent the rest of the day taking the girl to the nearest theme park, while what was left of the magical institutions of this world panicked.

>Yoko being 14 and thinking this is epic
>Dagda showing up just to be blueballed
What even the fuck is this game
can either of the origins be taken as a drop-in instead of having an in jump background?
It's a Wuxia movie from the early 2000s. It's basically just Ancient China, but with mystical Kung-fu. Not like full Xianxia levels where it makes you immortal, but the kind where you'll jump like 20 ft and throw a knife with pin point accuracy across a football field. The basic premise is you have a rebel group the House of Flying Daggers who are resisting the corrupt failing Tang government. You care about spoilers? Not sure how deep of an explanation you want.
Here's the perk, preliminary version.
>Macro Harem Dynamics (200): In a galaxy where 100 wives is not only the norm but in many areas just the mandatory minimum you might think that relationships would be shallow, empty, and unstable but it generally isn’t so. Sure there are marriages like that but more often than not harems so large that it’s just not possible for the man to spend quality time with each of his wives work out just fine, and from now on you’ll be able to achieve very similar results. Your harem, even when grown to comical sizes, will be quite stable and healthy unless you’re actively fucking things up; your lovers adapting to whatever position they end up with in your harem quite comfortably and compete for your attention in healthy constructive ways rather than vicious internal conflict. Even those in the far periphery of your harem will tend to be content with their role or motivated to move deeper in rather than in any way resentful, likely finding comfort in their sister wives along the way. Of course some determined husbands still try to form strong bonds with all of their numerous brides and for this you have a second advantage; you’ve no limit to the numbers of relationships you can maintain at once and yours withstand things like time or distance apart without any issues, people live a very long time with Axiom after all so it wouldn’t do for your romances to fail due to something so minor as long term separation. There truly is no limit to the size of your harem or the depth of your relationships with each wife, even if you take after a certain poor fool and marry the entire female population of the planet you happen to make your home on.

>Also, I just had an idea for another 100 CP item. A full set of teaching materials for Axiom that you can use to learn it yourself or teach others how to use it.
Good idea, I'll probably use it. But I must now take on the real challenge of this update. The formatting.
Because that's another 300 cp, or involves switching to another origin. I can drop Mask and contingenies and that would free up 300 cp to buy true love with, but then Maid Spy Network becomes 200 cp and I don't really want to take any of the other drawbacks.
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Shard, in the Destiny: The Darkness jump...

Why have you denied us a Cute Hive Waifu? Why must you torture us in this way?
What the other guy said.
I just wanna waterbend and chill.
Can't afford it.
Because there is no true friendship in the philosophy of the Darkness.

There are only useful tools.
A Cute Hive Waifu would be a useful tool for social subjugation and/or the creation of offspring.
Well then you can't get it.
>Here's the perk, preliminary version.
Looks good.

>Good idea, I'll probably use it.
Neat, thanks. Axiom is fun, but the Adept perk tends to put a strain on budgets, so having a good study course would be nice, and useful for teaching others as well.

>But I must now take on the real challenge of this update. The formatting.
I think I remember you saying that part gave you trouble when you were making the jump.
I hadn't considered that to be honest. Forgive me, I'm still pretty new to this sort of thing. In the context of the movie there aren't really any neutral characters. But I could make a drop in I suppose. I just don't think I could make a full perk line for a drop in origin. So maybe something like Drop in gets one 100 wp perk and item for free and 50 percent off on one perk or item for each cost level. Would need to fix the wording on that one. Also feels like it may be too good. Thoughts?
The soldiers are coming perk seems more like an item. I feel it would be better to replace it with a perk for actually being good as a leader / administrator, especially one that is good at manipulation and use of underhanded means, since this *is* the corrupt government official origin.

In exchange you can make the Soldiers Are Coming a general item that gives you a group of soldiers based on your origin. Government officials get a bunch of actual soldiers that are good at direct fights with high quality arms and armor while the house of flying daggers guys get a group of assassins skilled at the whole dagger throwing bit. Maybe price it at 200cp, or 300cp if you want both versions.
Buy a whole war moon's worth of them, then.
You must make your own Hive waifu through rigorous application of the Sword Logic to cut one into existence.
You haven't talked about how ffffffffffucking RETARDED Yoko's ending is.
Like holy shit, they redeemed Japanese Ronaldo, but put an even worse character. She started off as "local rerelease shitty girl", then became "based" then plunged straight back into "what the fuck is this shit".

I actually like Dagda. He's more tame and willing to listen to reason, his mom... not so much.
She gives the impression of someone making a toy, only to break and recycle it into something different when it doesn't match it's standards. Except the someone in question is a Goddess, and the toy in question is alive and a God. Dagda is understandably salty and pissed off about it, and his goal of wanting to become a Nahobino is actually worthwhile, even if it's implied it might not be possible.
Holy shit, imagine if THAT was in IVIA. It even make his design make more sense. He's literally a puppet in there.

Fuck the japanese goddess DLC tho. It's literally Idunn, but stronger since they nerfect Idunn. Fuck them. Fuck those fuckers.
I'm fine with spoilers, but if you want to hide an explanation behind spoilers for other people's sake you can do so by highlighting text and then pressing crtl+S
Maybe the truth darkness was the friends we made along the way....

Tbf ripping my heart out is probably a bad plan.
Many blessings upon you Psycho, genuinely thank you for making the jump!
No, I mean just say that either origin can be taken as a drop-in. You don't need to make an actual drop-in origin with a perk line if you don't have ideas for it, you can just put in the words "either origin may be taken as a drop-in if you do not want an in jump history" directly after the "you may pick a single origin" sentence at the start of the Origin section. That way people can pick either origin and then choose whether or not they want an in jump history to go along with it.
Shard, I'm reading the Hive sections of your Darkness jump, and whenever Xivu Arath starts narrating, I can only imagine gohanposter. I know her "style" is one capitalized word and then an explanation, but this general has ruined me.
Yeah. Keyaru isn't even willing to rip out Eve's heart to reset time because it'll kill her, so presumably if your heart is a philosopher's stone it doesn't grow back anymore.
>Took Kirsche
Kirsche is great. If only she was more redpilled.
The translation is different, but the Axiom = Great Will is pretty clear cut.

>At this point Odin is the same guy as IVA and Zeus the same as SJR. And Dagda and Danu are the same as IVA and oh wait, no they aren't and their dialogues makes it clear.
Satan is in the same position as Lucifer and YHVH where it's basically always the same guy due to being made by the Axiom. That, and he calls himself the Arbiter/fulfills the exact same role.
Oh, no problem, dude. Thanks for saying so.
Yeah, I like that they hard confirmed Danu is as twisted as she seemed. And yeah, fuck Worse Idunn.

And I haven't talked about how retarded it is because it's actually difficult to articulate how retarded it is, starting with how it doesn't actually solve the underlying problem she complained about. From what I understand the Axiom/Mandala System is merely enforcing the cycle of creation and usurpation, and the God of Law/YHWH was the one who actually caused the initial glitch. Which contradicts what the Qaditsu said about it being the Horned God/Marduk who started the whole cycle of domineering creator gods either way-but that's not the point, the point is even in her ending you're not allowed to take a shot at Goko/the Goddess of Creation just like you weren't allowed to take a shot at the Goddess of Tokyo for literally no reason even though they're powerful ideological opponents (you just randomly fight Mastema and his Tiamat slave lmao)

Like does she really think a new tyrant god WON'T show up? The conditions of Tiamat's world were so harsh even OTHER DEMONS like Beelzebub think they fucking sucked, the environment is literally built to produce a tyrant
>That, and he calls himself the Arbiter/fulfills the exact same role.
No he doesn't.
I'm sorry. But that's literally how she writes, while her spoken dialogue is in ALL CAPS
All right spoilers ahead.

So basically the plot of the movie is you have two officers who get tasked with eliminating the local Flying Daggers. There's a rumor that there's a Flying Dagger among the prostitutes at the local high end brothel so they go there and surprise surprise there is. One fight scene later they have a prisoner. They hatch a scheme where the junior officer will "break her out" of prison and then after helping her escape will have her lead him back to the Flying Daggers base. While on the run the junior officer and the girl start to fall for each other. The fake staged attempts by soldiers who are in on it to stop them get replaced with very real attempts to capture and kill them as a General gets involved who doesn't give a fuck about the junior officers life. They eventually get to the Flying Daggers hide out and then...

Major spoilers ahead.

You find out that the more senior of the two officers is actually a Flying Dagger double agent who infiltrated the government several years ago and that this whole thing has been a set up in order to draw the General (who you never actually see on screen) and his troops into an ambush. The Junior officer was set up from the beginning. Also the Girl? The senior officer is deeply in love with her and they were lovers before he went undercover. But oh no, she loves the younger guy now despite only having known him like 3 days. So she gets ordered to kill him, but doesn't cause love, and he asks her to leave with him and she initially refuses but then chases after him on a horse that appeared out of nowhere but oh no its her former lover who kills her because he's pissy about getting cucked. Then the junior officer comes back, sees that he's killed her and they have a fight to the death over it. Overall the movie isn't really about the Flying Daggers v Tang Gov, its really about the love triangle and drama.
I could do that I suppose. To be honest you never actually see them do any kind of governing lol, but I see where you are coming from. I'll see what I can do.

That's an easy enough fix. Yeah I can do that.
I see what you did there. Thank you, anon.
Yes he does. Satan's sole existence is to test people to see if they're worthy and aid them if they are. You fight him in almost a 1:1 of IT'S fight with him, just minus killing a big golden head at the end.
So what you're saying is that I should buy a companio, have THEM buy black god, and then rip it out of them to stick it on a stick and start spamming maidification.
It is cringe and gay, but unfortunately it triggers the wokesters, so we have to accept it. You should make a ReMonster or Gor jump next.
I've only seen the anime, but between that and reading the perk is Alchemy really busted? Because between those two sources it sounds like it's not far behind Atom Eve's ability. Also, would Hero boost things like Alchemy? Not the perk necessarily, but the skill.
Not as triggering because those people either do not or cannot read novels.
I guess, although they'd then likely lose their black goo powers so at that point just have them buy the philosopher's stone.
Np, anon.
Isn't that the guy in Marvel who beefs with the Asgardians?
That's Gorr.
It's about forcibly watering plants.
Are there any perks around that'd let me change the aesthetics and physics of an area?

There was this one PS1 game which had witches that'd do that around their ateliers, so you'd be walking through a totally normal area and then be in a pastel carnival land full of floating 5 pointed stars with a bunch of carnival games set up
>how could you tell.
Probably by your inability to properly use plurals.
Hey Shard, a question about Flame of Frenzy. Do I have to have that stuff inside of me to use it if I have a weapon that has it attached, like Nanaya's Torch?
Based. It's been awhile since people have properly ripped into the retarded ESL.
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[Redo of Healer]

Drawbacks: Do of Healer, Dead or Alive (1200)

Human, Adventurer

Sex Symbol (Free)
Cook-Out (Free)
Hero (900)
Demon King (300)
True Love (0)
Beasts (Free)
Divine Arms (Free)
Alchemy Toolkit (Free)
Chéri (Free)

Time froze.

"What's going on?" asked Keyaru as I suddenly manifested nearby.

"Rapist...destroyer of kingdoms and demonic realms...contrived excuses for casus belli...yes, yes, I've seen this all before" I mused.

"W-who are you? Are you talking about the Demon Lord? I, I think I'm a hero" he said, waving his mark at me. "U-um maybe we can figure out what's going on if we find the princess-"

"Restraint, good pet owner and...oh, really? COMPETENT administrator for Jioral?" I said, whistling. "Finally we're getting somewhere"

"Please, what's happening? Is our country under attack?"

"No. But it's about to be. From you"

"I-from-but I'm just-"

And I showed him a vision of the entire Redo of Timeline. No, not the physical experiences; I had not deemed that necessary thus far. But I did show him the lies holding his country together, the threats from aboard, the suffering he would soon experience-and worst of all, the man he would grow up into"

He slumped to his knees. "Kill me" he said hollowly.

"That's what I've been thinking about" I said honestly. "Whether or not you deserve to not just live, but to have ever existed at all"

Time unfroze.

"We're having this conversation" I said, annihilating free will with a thought and marching the gods to their demise, "because while I cull this world of undesirables and force the survivors into use their limited resources correctly, you have now seen the potential influence you could have on this world"

"N-no, I would never..."

"I could kill you here and now. Spare you further pain"

He wept. "Please, I want to live"

Would the True Love perk allow the female character be less godawful people? I read somewhere that if they devoted themselves to a good person, they would become good so is that true?
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"And if you stayed on this farm I suppose you would have, if the dark god's fetus was aborted. If. You know full well without you, it would't have been without either you or me being in this world'

"So" I continued, as space was partitioned into perfect hexagons and the light of Heaven's garden scoured the demon realms, "there is a second path. In that path you accept the Exaltation that marks you a slave to your own ceaseless drive, a warmongering tyrant, a monster in gilded chains. That's right, you don't deserve the glory of Titanic Exaltation but I could deign to bestow the Solar Exaltation upon you. Give you the power to change the world to what it should be-at my direction of course"

"Y-your..." asked Keharu as floods of femtomachines terraforming industriously around us, and angels went around administrating bowls of wrath.

"My direction. I don't trust you with power, and I think you know why the strangleholds on such power are necessary for you in particular. There is of course, one more option and frankly my preferred one to resolve this whole crisis"

"What, what's that?! Please, please don't hurt me..."

"I can just turn your mark invisible, and reweave your fate out of relevancy for major events in this world, and you can go back and be an apple farmer until the end of your natural existence" I explained. "And I'll affirm the flow of causality of your entire family to be safe, moderately prosperous, completely irrelevant in the greater scheme of things-but happy and fulfilled"



"I had to sell you on it, but-yes. Yes, it was"

"I'll take it. I'll take it!" he begged me, clinging to my leg.

"It is already done"

"Thank you!!"

And Keyaru ran far, far away from the plot as I turned back and continued going full Lord Business on this entire reality.

>That's right, you don't deserve the glory of Titanic Exaltation but I could deign to bestow the Solar Exaltation upon you.
Wrong way around.
>Yeah, I like that they hard confirmed Danu is as twisted as she seemed
I repeat myself, but imagine if it was in IVA. The steaks would have been tastier.

>And I haven't talked about how retarded it is because it's actually difficult to articulate how retarded it is
It's actually easy, it's retarded. It doesn't solve a problem, and unless the inhabitant of the next world aren't humans, and they will be humans so fuck that shit, there will be a guy who will be an asshole. It's not a hardcoded rule made by some forces, it's just life.
It's Retarded Dagda, without the based part.
And yeah you don't even fucking fight Goko or Tao, but you STILL fight Tiamat, and MOTHERFUCKING Mastema, what the FUCK did they smoke? Why is Tsukyiomi HEALING Yoko?!

I like how they praise the old Goddess by stating she was all cool and chill and allowing people to become Gods... while they are acting like fucking psychos, it doesn't portray a nice image for either them, or Yoko.
As in, it portray them as braindead selfish bitches that you should take seriously because they are girls. Girls wouldn't lie and try to cancel people for nothing right?

No. In IVA, he is literally cut in two, test your worthiness, and decide to JUDGE GOD ala SMT2, and die because he's a creation of YHVH ala SMT2. In VV, he's his own thing, just there to see what you will bring to the table.
If the philosofer stone is the heart of the demon king being the demon king and healing hero would allow you to farm it by regenerating your heart?
I promised you a build and you will get one. I am going to read this and you will have your build. Good job. I know you worked hard on it.
I can taste your delicious salt from there.
>And Keyaru ran far, far away from the plot
Pretty smart thing in general, really
It's "from here", not "from there".
Is she still the best demon?
>19 pages
Are you not ashamed?
Sure. All the women are actually pretty good besides the two princesses.
Thanks for the build, Shard. The funny thing is Keyaru kinda admits at one point he could've just chilled and been a baker if he wasn't a hero.
Why don't you try to obtain the real phylosofal stone in jump?
>Come on, you know what this is.
Seemingly not a problem for anyone else?
>I've only seen the anime, but between that and reading the perk is Alchemy really busted? Because between those two sources it sounds like it's not far behind Atom Eve's ability. Also, would Hero boost things like Alchemy? Not the perk necessarily, but the skill.
Golden Apple went from
>80 pwr, base + 30% max HP restore, Luster Candy
>60 pwr, base + 10% max HP restore, Luster Candy
Just so that slut of a DLC japanese bitch could be the clear cut better.
>Sakuya Sakura
>50 pwr, base + 10% max HP restore, 10 pwr base + 2% max MP restore, Luster Candy
Fuck her in a non sexual way, and fuck the japs.
But would the perk effect them, two princesses without erasing their mind?
>The funny thing is Keyaru kinda admits at one point he could've just chilled and been a baker if he wasn't a hero.
It's what he does in the spin off too.
Spinoff Keyaru is the only version of him who's truly happy. Which is funny, because he'd have become exactly the same as main timeline Keyaru if it weren't for Heal sending him into a different world entirely where the heroes and kingdom live up to their name and him losing his memories of his old world.
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Specifics depend on the chain, but my favorite is to go in as a Nobel then try to befriend Azula and convincer her to betray her dad.
He isn't in the ending?

>Heal sending him into a different world entirely where the heroes and kingdom live up to their name and him losing his memories of his old world.
Still confused about this.
Azula is someone a lotta Jumpers end up coming back to. Understandable given the influence she had on kids a bit but some varietys probably good.
Preliminary version of the item, I think I'm also going to need to come up with some new drawbacks before posting the update. Three per tier doesn't feel like enough.
>Space Magic for Dummies (100): Given the potential applications from telekinesis, to functional time stops, to cleaving the land your fighting on in two it can be somewhat baffling that there are people who don’t bother learning the powers of an Axiom adept. With this tablet loaded with a few introductory lessons on the subject however you too may become a space wizard, and since there isn’t any kind of DRM on the files you can share this gift with anyone you want. This won’t get you to the levels of a true axiom powerhouse like a Battle Princess or other such WMDs with tits but fully following the instructions within these manuals will teach you the basics for proper axiom use, several versatile powers selected for setting you up for further learning, and how you can get started designing your own adept powers in once you’ve finished the lesson plan.
I went out of my way to ignore Azula.
Yeah I've definitely noticed a theme in these responses
Did the senior officer/double agent even try to get the junior officer on their side before ordering his/their lover to kill him? Because if the dude genuinely turned over to their side, that sounds like a win for the House of Flying Daggers: 'oh hey, another agent for our faction'. Yes, he'd still probably go berserk over being cucked, but it's weird that his first reaction is 'yeah kill him' instead of 'hey, welcome to the team'.
Azula is the most standout character in the entire show.

She's extremely charismatic & intimidating, she's the biggest direct/individual threat the heroes face since every time they have to fight her she makes it clear they're in genuine danger, she has a unique powerset, she's extremely attractive, and on top of all that she's a tragic character who pings the part of our brains that wants to try & fix her.
The double agent wasn't the one who ordered her to kill the junior. That was the overall leader of the Flying Daggers, but no, no attempt was made to flip the Junior officer.
Weird. If the dude was already willing to turn on the Tang, it sounds like a pretty easy win. Especially given the General already tried to have the junior officer killed. All you'd have to do is go, 'you've already betrayed the government, and they've already tried to kill you for it, just join us and make it official.'
Would the ability of needing to be completely destroyed before being killed be appropriate as one of the demon king?
Wow! That is un-climatic as fuck. Hopefully the jump comes out well
What are some relatively low power jumps with perks that let you flip/invert the element or focus of a power or ability? Like turning powers or magic based on light to powers or magic based on darkness, for instance. Doesn't have to be street level or anything, but nothing too crazy powerful, like Medaka Box or DBZ or the like.
>Preliminary version of the item
Looks good. Maybe it could have a second tier to upgrade it from introductory lessons to a full, beginner to expert course.

>I think I'm also going to need to come up with some new drawbacks before posting the update. Three per tier doesn't feel like enough.
For a 100 drawback, what about being an adventure magnet? Different from the Obsession drawback in that the adventures aren’t always dangerous, and could even end well for you, but also you don’t get much if any warning if them, the action is coming to you, not the other way around.
Is it that same movie with the weird rice drum scene?
Yeah the story wasn't really anything amazing if I'm honest. We were laughing and making fun of it most of the movie, but it was a good enough time and seemed like it would be easy to make a jump for and I've wanted to make a jump for a long time.

Thanks anon, hopefully it will.
The one where all the drums are set up and the dude is flicking beans at them and then she hits the drum that he hit with the bean with her unreasonably long sleeves? Yeah that's the one.
Drawback for becoming an adventure magnet/getting your own 'storyline' seems like a good idea.
>She's extremely charismatic
>& intimidating
Lmao. Maybe it you're 12 years old.
We are talking the Avatar fanbase, anon.
nta but didn't it come out in 2005
Why are you so immediately hostile with Keyaru when you’ve befriend far worse things?
NTA but I think I was probably around that age when she showed up.
NTA but I'm guessing most people watched it at that time.
He literally did him a favor, black cock lover-kun.
When I watched Atla when I was... somewhere around that age, don't remember exactly.
Pretty sure she's the only character (who isn't named Ozai) who got a lethal blow on Aang when he entered the avatar state.
Given what we've seen the avatar state do before, and she did it with a literal flick of the wrist... yeah she was definitely intimidating.
As for charismatic, yeah I didn't really /get/ that but the dai li betrayed the earth kingdom and followed her home, so she's gotta have something going for her.
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We need to talk about Nier for a moment.

So the Replicants get their own souls, consciousness, whatever, but they are incapable of supporting the body without a Gestalt, the original soul.

The Shadowlord is the only one keeping the Gestalts sane, preventing them from turning into shades. The only reason he's doing this is for Yohna, who can't be saved anyway. So the whole plan is fucked from the get go, there is no reuniting Gestalts and Replicants without Shadowlord and Shadowlord doesn't care without Yohna.

Why isn't there a Gene Vault so if this Hail Mary of a plan using magic doesn't work the androids can clone a batch of humans? Isn't there one on the moon in Automato? Why is it 12K years after the Queen Beast incursion and they've still not done anything?

Devola and Popola had at least 6 years after the shadow lord decided to go FFS and take matters into his own hands. Can the replicants not reproduce? Why the fuck would you throw all your hopes on a Hail Mary which involves the mental stability of a man who you know you can't help and not have an obvious backup plan.

Gene Vault or make the Replicants able to bonk.

Is there something I'm missing here?
>We need to talk about Nier for a moment.
We do not need to, even you do not need to, you want to. Try again.
Okay, it might do my mental health some good if we...

thank you for your (you), have one back
IIRC there was in fact a gene vault, but it simply failed.
Thanks, homie.
There's one on the Moon in Automata.

I don't remember an entry where it says it failed.
New high value drawback.
>Designated Villian (+300): Many of the events surrounding the Humans coming from Cruel Space read like shlocky adventure stories with an extra helping of horny women added in, naturally the heroes overcome all odds to defeat their enemies while looking so cool that an outside viewer might think it wraps all the way back around to being dumb. You aren’t one of the heroes, instead you find yourself embroiled in such stories with the role of a villain destined to lose. At times you are going to find yourself up against over-the-top action heroes possessing implausible skills and no small amount of plot armor, when facing them you’ll in turn face unusual complications along with a fair bit of plot induced incompetence making their job even easier. This is not impossible to overcome and regardless as a potential ‘recurring villain’ for the destined victors you won’t be forcibly steered into a proper dead end if (when) you lose but you might want to get ready to be dealing with some rather ridiculous bullshit from assholes right out of a propaganda movie.
There actually WAS a whole big thing to preserve human culture way back when, but it got wrecked by the Machines at some point during the thousands of years before Beepy hacked them into sentience.
Alchemy doesn't do stuff like turn lead into gold or anything, just lets you reshape stuff into different stuff. Now, a hero of alchemy could probably do some Atom Eve level shit, though just having the skill isn't enough. You'd actually have to be the HERO of alchemy.
Seems fair enough.
>the only character (who isn't named Ozai)
Ozai did not do shit to Aang in the Avatar state. Aang pretty much raped him as soon as it activated, which only happened cuz Ozai smacked Aang into a rock.
Nier finishes in the year 3473

The Aliens arrive in the year 5012

That's 1500 years.
My jumpers tend to be the heroic type, so this could be funny. Probably I save the bus full of orphans, only for it to turn out that they’re all evil shapeshifters.
>Alchemy doesn't do stuff like turn lead into gold or anything
Doesn't an alchemist do that right after Keyaru heals him in the first episode?
Yes? The war against the machines lasts for over five thousand years anon.
>Ozai did not do shit to Aang in the Avatar state. Aang pretty much raped him as soon as it activated, which only happened cuz Ozai smacked Aang into a rock.
That literally just proves my point even more. This secondary villain who only fucks with the main cast for a season and a half did something the overarching antagonist couldn't even when he was supercharged by the comet.
Look, I don't know. If he can it's an outlier cuz nobody does anything like that ever again.
Does anyone know of a perk that would let me use an unlimited number of enchanted items at once?
Psycho, should you be able to remove the infant dark god from the drawback? If not maybe it would be better to specify.
Slave Harem In Another World has one
yeah but they have 1500 years before that do sort something out.

1500 years ago plus about 50 years was the end of the Roman Empire. That's a long time to figure something out.
They already had something. It got wrecked in the war
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Body Mod (My Standard Load out)
Warehouse (My Standard Load out)

Jump # 1 Redo of the Healer
Age: Don’t know missing that.
Gender: Female from body mod. (Missing that too)
System: Hero (300)
Race: Human (Class: Sword sage)
Origin: Pure Soul
*Angelic Beauty (0)
*Taming the beast (0)
*Instructor (100, Discount)
*Sword Saint (300, Discount)
*Detox (200)
*Divine Arms – Vampiric sword (0) Drains life from others to heal self
*Family Heirloom (100, Discount)

Ummm maybe not the wisest build in this world since people are assholes. I got Detox for if someone tries something funny. I also have Intelligence and Charisma 5 from my body mod to help me out of tough situations my swords can't. Any ways an interesting jump with some interesting abilities, if the world weren't so edgy I might take it on a chain.
Dead or alive+slave is an autoloss combination because your master will sell you to the empire, right?
I feel sorry for Devola and Popola. They were given an impossible task that had failed before it started, almost succeeded at the task anyways, only failing due to literally everyone else involved in the task deciding to not do it anymore, and then got scapegoated and tormented for thousands of years because of that.
>Gender: Female
The heroes get bad intel - whether it's genuinely mistaken or deliberately altered - and raid your shit.
You find yourself on the wrong side of the status quo (idfk this setting there's probably /some/ fetish shit that crosses one of your lines).
You and another guy show up to solve a problem and he thinks you're hostile backup, while the villain gets away.
Damn I can't even be annoyed there, you got that out instantly, like within a minute. I'll be honest I am kind of impressed. I shouldn't be but I am.
>there is no reuniting Gestalts and Replicants without Shadowlord and Shadowlord doesn't care without Yohna.
That's actually not true. Gestalts and Replicants can just merge on their own, assuming they find the right body. Them finding the wrong body leads to Kaine's bullshit. Including having a futacock
>Great and moble kingdom
While you COULD correct this to noble, consider instead mobile, because mobile cities are cool. Also, "and infinitum" in the Hero option.
It's not even the real ones too.
Anyone got any ideas for this?
Do you accept even jump from other communities for really low quality sources?
Well, I appreciate your honesty, anon.

Nah, I stick to jumps from here.
I got nothing, sorry.
It's alright, anon. Probably my fault for asking for this in the middle of the night.
I remember someone asking a similar question awhile back and someone said Individual Interpretation of the Arts of War from Nirvana Yuga. Nirvana Yuga is a bit ridiculous of course, but the time period and power-level can be manipulated with your build.
Used sorcery from Rise of Legends to create an expanding network of massive walls of razor sharp glass, in order to carve my own nation out, composed of now-former fire nation colonies and former-earth kingdom towns.

Being able to wield and summon monsters composed of sand, fire, and glass, made me seem like a weird sort of pseudo-analog to the Avatar, which confused everyone, especially the Gaang.

The Fire Lord didn't take too kindly to being on the receiving end of an expansionist conqueror, so I ended up waging a lot more war on the Fire Nation than the other nations, culminating in me fighting the Fire Lord and giving him the Crassus treatment, using molten glass.

Made an agreement with the Avatar and the newly-inherited Fire Lord to cease hostilities with the various nations on the conditions of a marriage to the Fire Princess and official recognition as a distinct nation by the Earth King of Ba Sing Se.
Another thing I realize I didn't include was a human waifu who didn't already look like the alien bombshells.
>Dainty Little Lady (50): Underneath the geeky demeanor and glasses this token female member of the Nerd Squad is actually rather attractive when dressed to show it and even a bit curvy, that’s under human standards however. Compared to the women of the wider galaxy she’s essentially an anemic stick figure in urgent need of a meal, yet she doesn’t mind the unfavorable comparison with such outrageous sex symbols. Actually she seems to enjoy it, as she’s an extreme cuckquean who finds the idea of her object of affection drowning in superiorly endowed women the hottest thing she can imagine. The presence of such ‘superior’ women seem to bolster her willingness to dress to impress rather than make her shy and she’d be happy to be the third wheel pushed off to the side of her significant other’s date with another woman, as the object of her affection you can enjoy her services as a talented if inexperienced wingwoman. Don’t underestimate perverted mildly autistic nerds however, as this young woman has an as of yet untapped but extraordinary talent for Axiom she can use to recreate the powers of her favorite series.
Ehhhh...the Fate Legends jumps in general are a bit beyond where I'd like to be at the moment, but thanks for answering! I'll take a look at it.
Bred Earthbender girls.
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Updated version. Fixed a bunch of typos + grammatical and formatting errors. Also added some notes.
Well it is part of a drawback, so it can't be removed. I figure people could probably piece that together if they're on the fence.
Thanks for the build!
>Maybe not the best build
Your build is basically Kureha Krylet but a bit stronger, and she's easily one of the strongest characters in the series even rivalling Keyaru. Pretty solid.
I still think the origins are weird, but fuck it, we ball, it's good.

Gonna take Flare as my Companion. Normal Flare obviously.
>this young woman has an as of yet untapped but extraordinary talent for Axiom she can use to recreate the powers of her favorite series.
She has the power of god and anime on her side?
Yes, not quite to the same level as Franklin and Vernon but still an utter genius in space magic sufficient remake the powers of most of the waifus from harem anime she has imagined herself in the place of.
Nah. The Titanic Exaltations from Gunstar have access to nearly every primordial's charmsets, the versatility of becoming a heretical amalgam or actualize apotheosis into a Primordial or Devil Tiger is so tremendously potent that if given the option, it's pretty definitively the superior pick to a Solar Exaltation if you get the option to take it.
That... sounds like some infernal fanboy just decided to go even crazier with the infernal wank.
It seems like those who can rival the protagonist in strength are all his waifus, such a novel concept that has never appeared in such a series before.
It is a published Exalted product, yes.
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I will tell her that she should learn to copy their bodies as well as their powers.
Well there's also the demon king, the Jioral King and Bullet who also rival him.
Gunstar is essentially a "The Primordials won the Primordial War" scenario, so it's not like that's odd.
Gave the fire nation the recipe for black powder
Made a metalbending gun for myself
Raided the ghost library
Killed Korras grandmother
She'd be fine with that, so long as there are still other girls more 'gifted' than her around after the 'upgrades'. Given the setting it shouldn't be an issue even with Sekirei proportions.
I assume all three die and possibly get replaced by a waifu.
>Kinda Cringe
>Incredibly Based
If you use black god to empower people you have to eat their souls? I love boosting others but don't want to be uberevil in doing it.
Are gauntlets superior to jumps?
You are a disappointment to everyone in your life and everyone who sees you.
Now the question is, what happens if we take the girl who wants to copy girls from harem animes and put her at the table (or on the table, as is more likely) with the Dungeon Mistress from One Year Lease?
Just go to Supernatural and eat those peoples' souls. They're the most potent souls in Jumpchain, and that setting's "people" are all basically just set dressings Chuck uses to make him masturbation over the Winchesters more entertaining for himself, so it's practically a guilt-free buffet.
I'm not entirely sure but I believe so. The way the series explains it is that they get the black power in exchange for their souls and it seems like that would still apply to Bullet.
What are the merits of winging Akitsu.
The point is that from that perk I want to buff people, not eating souls, so I want to know if the soul-eating aspect is inherently part of the buffing process.
I'd rather eat Bill Gate's rubber Apeel mutated """fruit"""
Since you've seen the anime and read the LN and manga, maybe you can answer this. Why are so many of the women in that world utter shit? What the fuck is wrong with the women, particularly the pink haired women, in that world?
Well this simplify extremely my build, that was litterally the only reason I wanted that perk.
What do you tend to do with conquered nations, if you care to do such a thing? I've been thinking over the matter and just fleecing occupied lands of materials, precious metals and manpower seems like a less than creative purpose for them.
Install governors. Set laws that reflect my values. Set mandatory tribute and tithe amounts. Delegate legal and civic matters I don't give a shit about to my governors. Walk away after that and rule my own, smaller, more sensible magical island nation that I crafted myself and isn't subject to the whims of the indigenous people.
Fun times that's for sure, or a game that degenerates into a tiny cosplayer trying to get the giantess DM to shove you in her cleavage.
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Okay, so imagine something like a kind of mental exercise/philosophical guide map that uses elements of human psychology/spirituality to try and break down both the metaphysical and mental processes that God underwent to bring about creation, uniting both the movements of the cosmic forces involved, and the motivating mentality of the Creator moving them. In other words, looked at from Keter to Malkuth, you gain an understanding of the universe's birth and the motivations and nature of the Creator. Looked at from Malkuth to Keter, you get a roadmap for becoming more in-line with the divine. Taken holistically, you get a diagram for the relationship between Creator and Created. Anyways, I'm far from an expert. This is just my rudimentary understanding.
I haven't decided on all of the spells yet, but of the World of Emanation (and, ironically, Malkuth), I've decided that Keter and Malkuth would be a spell that transforms between light and matter with the broader element being light, while Chockmah and Binah would be a spell that creates
How effective is imitation heal is at copying skill, are there some it can't copy?
What perks are there to change the color and aesthetics of your abilities? I know Particle Effects can do that for attacks, but anything for all your abilities?
It's one of his principle gimmicks to become OP.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>Gigantic lion man that everyone is too scared to ask questions about to mention the fact that he's a giant lion man
>Tiny little girl with a gun several times larger than her body. Swears up and down it will come in useful someday and accidentally puts someones eye out on a regular basis.
Lets see, who is the replacement party member. I can work the first one into a gurren lagann reference, which is on point at the moment, but might not be the best idea.
I think both City of Heroes and DCUO have something like that.
Fuck, got sidetracked and forgot to finish. Anyways, Chockmah and Binah was a void that separated and distinguished parts/elements of things that entered it.
If I remember right it can copy skills, as in actual skills in the real sense of the word, but not 'Skills' as in the various bonuses and special powers you get from your class.

So copying a magician would give him said magician's skill at using magic but not the Skills from the magician class that boosted magic power, efficiency, etc.
Concentration camps.
He copies the whole Sword Saint class and its skills.
Not so much "conquer" as "topple." The wilderness must encroach, every now and again. That is the bargain that was made.
Wait hold on, I don't know if they actually take the "soul". It takes the person's "power", but it didn't say the soul now that I've dug the info up.
It's really just the princesses. Every other woman in the series besides that maid that rapes Keyaru and Blade are decent people. It's just that the Jioral kingdom sucks ass.
Yes, but wich limits it has? Obviously it can't copy every skill, like the ones of divine beasts or the demon king, it can copy only those based on personal experience?
Then I have no fucking clue how it works.
>or a game that degenerates into a tiny cosplayer trying to get the giantess DM to shove you in her cleavage.
I mean, I’m the anon who decided to teach the Dungeon Mistress to use Axiom, I see no issues with this.
Not seeing the one in City of Heroes, and it looks like the one in DCUO apply to your personal appearance and aura, not to your abilities. But thanks for pointing them out to me, anon!
Correct me if I'm wrong but even the princessess are so evil because they have been grown towards this direction by their father.
Anywway I fear I don't understand, this empowering process take the "power " from a target?
Yeah, sometimes when making perks you gotta consider the implications of things as well as what's directly shown. A government official origin that doesn't actually know anything about being an administrator or bureaucrat would be kind of weird. Especially if it's supposed to be about a corrupt official since you'd figure they'd have to be pretty on the ball with their manipulation and blackmail skills to maintain their position without word of their excesses reaching another official who might be inclined to do something about it.
It can copy abilities but not "skills" as in the system's skills. For skill in the regular sense of the term, he says it's a little inferior and the same goes for copied abilities where it's one level lower.
You are correct.
Some abilities I think he can't copy because the abilities are derived from "skills", which he can't copy.
He doesn't copy the class, he copies the abilities. The class contains "skills" which further amplify the abilities.
So it is an bsolute skill copier that only requires touch and pain resistance sufficent to not be traumatized? That's really broken.
>That's really broken.
He casts a fucking healing spell and rewinds the timeline of a whole ass world for several years, anon. Broken is the name of the game in Redo.
Ok, thanks for the explanation, I half remembered too he copied the sword saint so wanted to be sure.
Yeah, they're evil cuz of their daddy just like Azula.
>I don't understand
Me either brother. WN translations are wack.
It's a book series written by a legit misogynist who does not hold back whatsoever with his opinions on women and their role in society compared to men. Iirc there's a green text pic floating around somewhere that talks about "watering plants" and how the plants have no choice but to be watered and how the plants are forced to thank their gardener about being watered. Just replace "gardener" with man, "plants" with women and "watered" with rape and you get the picture. The actual book series itself is iirc about a planet on the exact opposite side of the solar system from Earth and some dude from Earth gets transport there and Gor, the name of the planet, has this really fucked up culture. Again, iirc, I'm pretty sure I remembered that right but I might be confusing those details with one of those other early sword & sorcery / sci-fi fantasy stories.
Would you say it's a good idea to rewind the princessess in a social experiment to see nurture vs nature? Would the instructor perk help in the process of teaching them things beyond skills, like morals?
>Me either brother. WN translations are wack.
Thanks anyway, I will have to think about it before taking it.
What I'm getting from this is you've never read the series but you have strong opinions about it all the same. Why are you people like this?

>inb4 muh buttsecks, muh heroin
Not the same, nigger faggot.
>Reality marbles in nasuverse
>Domain expansion in JJK
>Adolla burst in Fire force
>Use Alien X in Ben 10
How strong is Bullet exactly? That replacement option suggest we're going to have to fight and kill him given his apparent goal of both world conquest and also raping and enslaving us specifically. Also he's the black guy right?
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Another update. Replaced mentions of the black power absorbing souls with absorbing "power" as it is deeply unclear if any souls are absorbed, and the fact the zombies have to regen with their soul would imply it actually isn't.
There's a spin-off of Redo of Healer? What's it like?
from Exalted the first age Hue-defining chaos, from Madoka the witch can do it with their labyrinths, not sure if the perk wich gave you a doppel allowed you to create one though.
Apparently, going by another anon it's a what if where instead of rewinding time his "Healing" some fucking how Isekai's him to a world where everyone is decent people.
can we have an option to end up in the isekai world of the spin-off?
To continue with the additions to this most thirsty of settings. . .
>Amazon Squad (50): This squad of ten human women were a bit disappointed when they arrived Out of Cruel Space, not by the overly sexualized girls everywhere but by the lack of variety in the bodies they saw. During the stir crazy voyage they bonded over their shared desire to attain their ideal physiques, to become muscular while retaining their curves. With hard work and a careful diet they managed to get fitter than most girls could without losing their figures but it seemed to be an unattainable dream and they certainly didn’t want to just turn into pure titty monsters like a majority of the galaxy’s women. Then they learned the secret, the aliens had shaped themselves into such bombshells, so their own goal was obtainable too. Modifying themselves to obtain the innate axiom use of other species but shaping themselves into what certain online communities would refer to as ‘muscle mommies’ rather than bimbos. The end result of this indulgence is one more elite squad of axiom enhanced outlandishly effective action heroes for humanity who have little aversion to the relationship structure of the wider galaxy and have likely given you hungry looks before they got their much sought after enhancements.
SB has a jump I can't recall the name of, some crappy isekai story about a wizard guy iirc, and there's a 200cp perk in it that lets you benefit from any enchanted items you have so long as they are technically on your person, to include being in a personal inventory.
Tiny girl with massive gun truly is the meta.

And can ALSO be a Gurren Lagann reference!
Eh. It seems a bit too far off from the main world to me. That's just how I feel about it.
How loyal is Caladrius if you buy him? Would he accept any order? I'm thinking of empowering it with black god, this should give me a nice buff, right?
only thing I can think of that comes close is elemental expert from one of the quest for glory jumps
He's highly intelligent and would absolutely not go for that. You're more in a mutual relationship, if anything. They don't even use him for transport cuz summoning him is a big deal and he wants them he's gonna mess them up if he's summoned without a good reason. Since he's a divine being, I don't think the goo can even infect him, he'd either shrug it off or it would kill him.
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sounds sort of like Matsu from Seikieri if I'm being honest.
. . . Thinking about it Matsu with brown hair and less flattering clothes matches the image I had in mind for her.
Understood, it seemed a stretch, to the end of retarded revengeance could you attack the ruling class and the heroes because they are actively and intentionally making the world a worse place for you?
nta but the benefits of a devoted big titty waifu with elemental powers seem pretty obvious
Could I convince you to increase the companion stipend?
I had considered it for a moment but decided against it, I am adding more drawbacks however.
Yes. Keyaru uses similar logic to why he's gonna destroy the Jioral kingdom.
noblesse has a perk for that, iirc it's a 100cp perk called "a series of minor adjustments"
Can trauma dump be manifested as extreme survivor's guilt?
As the Amazon Squad would say, no pain, no gain.
nta but is that not Gor he described?
Welp looks like I have another world to add to my Big Tiddy Angel Chain that needs saving.
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How do you introduce your old waifus to your new waifu that your Benefactor just gifted you?
Thank you and sorry for being annoying with all this questions, I go to make my build.
Nah it's cool. It's nice to have engagement. Sometimes you post a jump and all you get is crickets.
This... is problematic. There's a difference between power and soul. If the King absorbed power, he would have thrown power, a lot of it and win instantly. If it was souls, then I just don't know.
I'm thinking way too much about, don't I?

Nta but for something you are buying at a high cost, he is a prickly prick and doesn't seem to be worth the cost at all unless you have big energy from outside the jump.

But man, it seems like Keyaru and Flare put everything in Magic, and nothing anywhere else, where Blade and Bullet put everything in WORLD OF STR and Endurance.

>Keyaru had to outwit him with a trap and pull a new asspull power out where he rewinds Bullet's age
That actually doesn't sound like an asspull. Keyaru's healing powers are less healing and more like biomancy. So obviously he can only get better at it.

Classic LN logic too. "Things are worse, so even if the MC is doing bad things to them, they not only deserve it, but if left alone they will hurt innocent people at best"
Nidome is using the same kind of logic, except it work better.
The anon you're replying to was probably triggered by that word "misogynist" and the phrase "fucked up". As always, despite supposedly being against offense culture, anti-woke faggots are the most easily-offended cucks in the room.
They will likely be really salty when saying it, since literal years of grueling dedicated physical training combined with a highly restrictive diet failed to get them the results that they achieved after a relatively short time studying space magic.

Training is still important for getting the best performance but actually getting their desired results in the first place? Cheating is for winners.
Out of Cruel Space sound fun despite the title.
Hmm. Would a Craftsman or Engineer Hero work? Or would it have to be even more specific? I kind of want to take a crafting job over any combat jobs or Healer, even though that's the real OP one.
Does the level breaking ability of a Hero also apply to other level systems a jumper might have?
>Cheating is for winners.
Obviously? Only retards don't understand this.
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No. Solar Exaltation BAD.

Yeah, it was the spinoff that convinced me as an author to show mercy since surprise surprise, without an uncanny slew of terrible things giving him a Gohanposter Complex he just turns out to be a regular dude.

Of course, as a JUMPER lmao no. No, Keyaru had to be Ultra Raped into the state he is in for most of the series. Odin created the world through murder. Glory is an actual hellgoddess. One of the dudes I befriended in Final Fantasy is essentially a genocidal Moogle with abandonment issues.

The difference with ALL those dudes I recruited as either companions or at least cohorts in enforcing perfect order was that they fulfilled two strict criteria:

1. I judged their strategic value to outweigh the malice of their natures for the purposes of waging war on all undesirable elements of the greater multiverse, if directed correctly

2. I judged the person they were WITHOUT drastic intervention on the level of, say, a hero gangrape, to remain committed to the place in my chain of command.

The guy is fundamentally some rando with One Weird Trick(TM), he’s not cut out for cosmic realpolitik and tbqh while much of it is definitely his author trying to make him seem halfway more sympathetic than his enemies, the way he treats his sex slaves comes across as cope from an extremely damaged individual who himself is too damaged to admit it, but wants reciprocal love and respect from those close to him. Ayyy takes one to know one! Yeah the demon girl did literally nothing to him but he could go way harder on her if he just saw her as a tool, and unironically he could do a LOT worse to Freia if he wanted to. Like the fact that she has all her limbs and is allowed to be a useful founding member of the official harem instead of just being used as a morale cundump is pretty telling.

…I could be reading too much into it from the wiki, but like I said the spinoff does make me wonder.
You actually read the Redo spinoff this time? Instead of just googling it?
The entire premise is various groups of over the top HFY action heroes go on sci-fi adventures picking up space magic and an outlandish number ridiculously hot women.

The writing is. . . not great but the premise is a fun guilty pleasure that can carry it for a long way if you turn off your brain while reading.
Yes. I think it says it right in the perk.
I dunno. Probably just vastly superior limit breaking craftsmanship.
I mean I'm unironically anti-woke myself, I was just asking because I'm pretty sure that other anon accurately described Gor.
Next bit of Exlated writefagging, involving a guy with maxed out compassion lying very badly but rocking some gurren lagann cosplay, and an introduction to Noel. Technically a bit of a step backwards chronologically.

Please ignore the images abruptly being worse quality, my internet decided that it was going to take long enough to upload that the captcha times out, so I had to compress the file size to get it to go up.

There's already a Yoko. It's Secret. But this is an alt timeline or something, so I kind of stole her. As a result his party needs a replacement. I would have gone with the lion guy as a viral expy, but eh. I guess they have a slightly shittier Yoko now, in the form of an actual Yoko expy.
How well does the infant demon king regenerates you?
This sound both retarded and fun.
Nonsense. Space magic may have given them the bodies, but hard work and dedication is what made those bodies effective.
In canon he actually accepts that he loves all his waifus and refuses to rewind time again because it would be like erasing them. After he beats Bullet he stops being Keyaruga and returns to being Keyaru, then just wants to impregnate all his wives and live a chill life. He seems pretty happy, all in all.
>Solar Exaltation BAD
Do Titanic Exaltations even have the potential of Infernal Exaltations where the reclamation Yozi pooled their energies together or are they just tainted Solar Exaltations with the Primordial's essence?
It's effectively casting Keyaru's recovery heal, so you're basically immortal barring being totally incinerated or something.
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Nah, googled both.

Why wouldn’t they? Same design, MORE Primordial charmsets loaded on.

And no, the consequence of Theion potentially noticing little babby Devil-Tigers is not addressed.

>infant demon king
The what now.
Taming the beast has this typo
>in love witu someone
Correct on both fronts, as long as you can put up with bad writing. Given where we are that may not sound like a tough ask but I read Worm celestial forge fanfics and still gave up on the series about 600 chapters in.
You have to keep in mind that all revenge stories are based on the Count of Monte Cristo, and that's exactly how the Count of Monte Cristo ends.
I never saw the appeal of Worm Celestial Forge, I like, read some chapter and went
Yeah okay, what's the point?
Sorry wanted to say dark god, not demon king, from the last drawback
Infecting someone with black god allow you to control his mind, beside his body?
>all revenge stories are based on the Count of Monte Cristo
What about Moby Dick?
You scared me for a moment.
"The Infant Demon King? In your heart? How did I miss that?" I told myself.
Well there's at least one Celestial Forge fic that has better than average (by Worm fanfiction standards) writing. Unfortunately it releases chapters like a mangaka with serious joint disease.
MGSV is based on Moby Dick.
Okay, but does the sisters gain back their memories?

I thought it ended with "Wait and Hope"?
Please consider adding Lop(furry bunny from star wars visions) expy companion.
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Just toss 'er in to the 'rem and let 'em sort themselves out.
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Okay. I've fixed even more typos.
>The only reason he's doing this is for Yohna, who can't be saved anyway.
While this is true, the initial promise Shadowlord Nier got was "if you do this, it'll take a thousand years, so by then we SHOULD have a cure for Yonah, or at least the technology that would make developing a cure possible". If everything went well & the project ended when it was initially planned to, he wouldn't have realized Yonah couldn't be saved until after every Replicant got united with their Gestalt.
>Can the replicants not reproduce?
Yeah they can't. When a replicant body dies, Devola & Popola grew a new one artificially, and then handed the clone baby over to whoever.
>Why the fuck would you throw all your hopes on a Hail Mary which involves the mental stability of a man who you know you can't help and not have an obvious backup plan.
People previously mentioned the gene banks, but additionally people were really desperate. WCS was pretty damn bad.
Ocho's hotter desu.
The jump already has both a bunny girl and a furry, not the same companion but it has them.
>Curse Breaker:...You now know the truth of man’s fleeting form and the undead curse placed upon man by the Lord of Light. More than that, you know how to break it, small pieces of it at least. Although it must be done on an individual basis, you may break the undead curse, and allow ‘undead’ to keep their sanity. Man may return to its nigh immortal ancient self, hideous as it may be to the god tainted sensibilities of humanity as it exists now. When performed on yourself, you will gain great power over wood and flame, strange as that may be. In the future, you will be able to continue breaking curses no matter how strange, esoteric and powerful, at least in some measure. Allowed to observe a curse, you will learn its inner workings, the reason it was applied, and the ability scrape away at its existence, how quickly based on its strength.
Would this work on Malenia?
I didn’t write that perk.
Literally who?
It's solely physical. Bullet found a way to retain his intelligence and that meant the king couldn't control him.
I dunno, I just say shit.
Ellen does and she just doesn't care. Freya doesn't.
>Wait and hope
Yeah, but it also ends with Dantes putting away his revenger persona and riding off into the sunset with his new shawty.
I'm asking if you interpret Malenia's condition as a curse.
That tiny head of hers is certainly a curse.
Your doc isn't perfect, but fuck it I like it anyway.

>Ellen does and she just doesn't care
>Freya doesn't
Pffft, what the hell, kek.

>his new shawty
His child/teenager shawty.
Nta, and you probably won't care, but it's implied she is both rotting AND rot itself, so healing or removing the curse is impossible. The only thing her Onii-chan could do is stopping the process with magic gold of rotting.

What's inside too.
Never knew defeat my ass. Stalemate my ass. More like, Malenia Blade of Keks.
My brain says no, if we assume all divinity is relative. My gut says yes, because it sure as hell seems targetted and malicious when no other demigod showed an affinity for the rot. And Miyazaki says he doesn’t give a shit about what my brain thinks, so in conclusion: Yes.
>magic gold of rotting
*magic gold.
What not having glasses does to me.
Aw come one, you can't heal an injury or take off a curse if there are no injuries or curses in the first place...
Tch tch tch.
Isn't the rot explicitly created by the hornsent or something like that? Like, straight up created from malice and resentment and whatever?
It's made by the Scarlet Rot God who mostly seems to view its rot in a beneficial light.
>Stalemate my ass
Radahn came out of that fight a mindless rotting beast & Caelid became borderline hell.
yeah no but for real though it was sealed by a goddamn swordsman and a fairy, it's not a real god
>if we assume all divinity is relative
The fuck is that supposed to mean?
>it was sealed by a swordsman and a fairy
So was Kaguya and she was an alien, which is what the ER gods are I think.
Not Shard but Malenia's rot is implied to not be a curse but rather a kind of Nurgle-esque blessing. She's doomed to slowly rot alive but after her rot reaches full maturity she "blossoms" into a new form and resurrects (even from death) restored and stronger than she was before. This has already happened a few times, including in Caelid and at least once before that. So her "curse" causes her to slowly decompose and die only to revive into an even more powerful being, an endless cycle of decay and rebirth that ultimately ends with her becoming stronger than before each time. With the implication being that Malenia will inevitably revive even from literal death (going by her flower and Millicent's words), making her functionally immortal, and also that she eventually reaches a state where she becomes a Goddess herself without needing any external assistance.
>it's implied she is both rotting AND rot itself
No more than it's implied Morgott is the source of the fucking Omen Curse. So basically no evidence at all besides people like you who didn't understand the lore on even a surface level.
A drawback suggested by anon.
>Serialized Adventures (+100): Like many of the teams and individuals from the Dauntless you are now the protagonist in your own schlocky action serial, various adventures and weird situations not only await on your path but seem to outright seek you out at times. Avoiding or preemptively resolving some of these might be possible but stories must be told so the more you do such things the more aggressively the ‘plot hooks’ with smack you in the head. Regardless there shouldn’t be much boredom in your life even if you’d like some at times; on the plus side adventures here will often come with gorgeous girls, fantastic technology, and actual magic! Though gorgeous girls can be found by just going outside, fantastic technology is literally everywhere, and classes on all sorts of space magic can be found with a quick online search so perhaps that isn’t really as helpful as it might initially sound.
Thanks for the build!
>Age: 14
>Chéri is pushing 30.
How strong are your Pokemon? Do you use the same team every jump?
>a goddamn swordsman and a fairy
Problem with that is that literally the only things we know about fairies in ER is that there is something such as a water fairy & one helped a master swordsman seal away an outer god. Aside from that we know nothing else.
Fairies could be absolutely busted in the setting.
Also the God of Rot is clearly not as sealed as it's described but what you said is stupid in several ways so I'll just leave things at that
It's always just six gardevoirs.
A god that is weaker than a fairy is not a god. Fairies that are stronger than gods, are just gods themselves
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One Eevee with the ability to evolve back and forth at will.
Beyond happy to see more wuxia jumps. Keep it up King.
Outer """Gods""" are just aliens. And Fairies >>> Aliens. Those are just the facts, sorry.
NTA, but the absolute truthfulness of item descriptions has to be taken as a given in FromSoft games, otherwise you literally can't know anything. The God of Rot was sealed, that is an irrefutable statement of fact by Miyazaki on high.
Nta but people give far too much importance to meaningless titles, a least god is weaker than a raksha.
File deleted.
nice, the perfect jump for healsluts
How much control do you have over someone's biology with black god? Could you turn back the age of people's?
Least Gods aren't real gods
A tiny spring's naiad is a goddess as much as Demeter or Artemis or Athena. Don't let the monotheists convince you otherwise.
>All women are queens
No. If she breathes, she's just a THOT. There can only be one god.
And another one I'm surprised I didn't have in the first place.
>Null-ified (+100): One rather blatant advantage you might have here is obvious, if there’s a simple way to shut down Axiom related powers and supertech then having the only source of non-Axiom based powers and supertech is an almost guaranteed victory. If you’re willing to level the playing field for a little more wiggle room however all your out of context powers and equipment will be affected by Null much like the local Axiom based versions would be.

Now I must go to sleep as it's 4:30 in the morning and I work tomorrow/today.
Luckily it's not up to you the definition of god.
Unclear. I'd say probably not, if only because Keyaru's whole thing is changing people's shapes and reverting someone's age was an ultimate move that put him in the hospital for 5 days like Kakashi busting out the sharingan. Bullet does make somebody grow a flesh tentacle at one point.
>A god that is weaker than a fairy is not a god.
Anon, we know jack shit of what the swordsman & the water fairy actually went through to seal the God of Rot. All we know is that they sealed the God of Rot at some point. And there's nothing that says either is stronger than The God of Rot.
Do you think Ranni is stronger than the Greater Will in her ending because she removed its influence from the Lands Between?
I'm pretty sure the definition of godhood agrees with me.
I have all the water starters and two of my other companions have all the grass and fire starters. On top of that I branch out a fair bit and use a variety of teams. I definitely qualify to be a water or dragon gym leader but I do have other options. I do use different teams every jump and sometimes different teams in the same jump (just cause you can only register six for a battle or a tournament doesn't mean you can't regularly switch out the six also no reason to play fair against criminal teams). At any one time I have an active and reserve team of six. My mainline team probably has levels in the eighty to one hundred range but the median level is thirty to fifty.
Which religion's definition of godhood?
>trying to reason with vile shit-flinging secondaries
>Do you think Ranni is stronger than the Greater Will in her ending because she removed its influence from the Lands Between?
Yes! Power the only truth. I'm certain the Tarnished is stronger than the Elden Beast because you literally beat it the fuck up. That's no god.
Chuck Supernatural is a God, cope.
To be fair, the Tarnished at that point practically is a god themselves. They've already assimilated like fucking 4/5ths of the Elden Ring and also the Rune of Death from Maliketh. They've amassed like half the fucking runes in the Lands Between and used them to infuse themselves. Honestly at the point they fight Radagon and the Elden Beast I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if you cracked them open they'd be a fucking hollow mass with the Elden Ring inside like Marika/Radagon is.
Can you people just give a definitive answer on whether or not the Scarlet Rot is a curse or not instead of playing semantics?
It's not.
This is what I desire. Would it be good pet for Sith Lord?
It is outright confirmed to be in the DLC.
We can only give you our fanon. We're just faggots on 4chan.
I mean, it is? She certainly views it as one. It does have some benefits but like, it also has made her diseased for her entire life, to the point of losing multiple limbs and her eyes.
Probably hurts like hell.
It isn't, no. Literally the entire point is that it's inextricable with Malenia's existence which is why Miquella can't just remove it from her. It's no more a curse placed onto her than her right arm or left leg is.
This is so wrong and it pisses me off that you'll continue to spread this completely baseless fanon around no matter how many times you're told to stop
I don't think we can.
Nothing says the Rot is inextricable from Malenia's existence, it's just that it was forced upon her by an outer god.
If it was inherent to Malenia entirely Miquella's needle would probably just straight-up kill her.
It's not fanon. It's literally the entire reason why Miquella's needle only forestalls the rot and doesn't just eliminate it entirely by severing the connection with the Outer God of Decay. If Malenia takes the needle out he rot comes back because the scarlet rot is inimical to her existence. It was put upon her by the Outer God but it's just as much a part of her as any other aspect of her existence.
>If a great big red god covered in hellfire that corrodes reality merely by existing blesses you to end the world in seven days, is that still a god or a demon?
Look Elden Ring is built around the signature FromSoft storytelling style of vagueposting about everything, from what the gods are to the circumstances of Malenia getting the rot. If people want to play semantics about the intentions of the Scarlet Rot being not meaningfully different from those of the Fingers "blessing" Marika with their "guidance" then there's an argument to be made that it's a blessing, just a very ugly one. Especially given it technically upgrades Malenia into a god after her in-game blooming. Assuming the Scarlet Rot is a legit god and it did in fact intentionally empower Malenia as it's agent with benevolent (by it's own standard) goals.

On the other hand if we either assume the Scarlet Rot just wanted to hustle in on the Greater Will's monopoly of demigods or take how Malenia thinks of her own condition, then yeah it is blatantly supposed to come off as a fucking curse from a thematic standpoint.
>most enthusiastic response to the re healer jump is an ESL
like pottery
>It's not fanon
Shut the fuck up secondary scum, it is completely made up bullshit. The Scarlet Rot is an outer god that preexisted Malenia, has nothing to do with her in the first place besides that she's afflicted with it and that it arbitrarily made her its Empyrean. She is no more the Scarlet Rot than Marika is the Greater Will.
You're an actual retard, huh. The Greater Will isn't the Golden Order, dumbass. And the Scarlet Rot isn't the Outer God of Decay.
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The majority are merely very well cared for pokemon that live pampered lives, with four notable exceptions. The first two being the Gardevoir and Blaziken I picked up in the first version of my chain, which are empowered with basically a Silver Surfer-type mantle of cosmic energy. The third being a heavily mutated eldritch Eevee that likes being a heavily mutated eldritch Eevee. And the fourth being Mewssingno, who is a fusion that is really not supposed to exist.
Miquella's needle doesn't get rid of the rot because it's unfinished. Miquella's whole thing is abandoning everything he starts and leaving all the people counting on him in the lurch for it. The needle totally can get rid of the Scarlet Rot just like it gets rid of the Frenzied Flame if he just figured out you needed to be in Farum Azula when you used it
Yeah it is.
>The third being a heavily mutated eldritch Eevee that likes being a heavily mutated eldritch Eevee
Tell me more.
Dude you're just wrong. Just accept that you're wrong and stop spreading lies
No. It's retarded but that's actually an entirely different needle. That's the needle you get after you return Malenia's needle to her. The Unalloyed Gold Needle was the one Malenia took out, Miquella's Needle is the one you get that quells the Frenzied Flame.
>The Greater Will isn't the Golden Order
No one said it was. You just invented an argument no one gave to get mad at.
Yes and it's fucking unfinished you fucking idiot. It needs Farum Azula to work. That's why it never did shit for Malenia.
Yeah I mean, it's not like she was born with it and it being impossible to heal or anything, right.
...You realize the Scarlet Rot is impossible to heal for EVERYONE right?
I know that artist.
Shitty games, hot scenes, would make some great jumps.
That has no bearing on anything. The Scarlet Rot, factually, predates Malenia. It has invested certain areas for a long time before she was born. It has a god of its own, and it's not actually her, she's just a cum jar for it.
Anon outside of the player, largely for gameplay reasons, nobody can fuckin heal scarlet rot. Closest you get is giving the needle to Millicent and that’s not even a full cure.
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It started as a completely normal Eevee. Then for inexplicably reasons, possibly due to my psychic energy being powerful enough to count as an Order Warp as well as Flore being warped by my experiments in controlling the manifestation of friendship-based asspull powers, one day it just started growing new heads. Limbs. Elemental powers that manifested Eevee morphs separate from it's primary one. It underwent some sort of pokemon fission, spawning into a chimerical being that was simultaneously one unified whole.

And it continued being sweet and chipper even as abruptly it's developing hivemind decided that world conquest was preferable so it could eat ALL the berries in the world.

Yeah, not like the Fire Monks invented a whole ass incantation to cure it or anything.
Jumper's thoughts on the ethics of mind control?
And it has chosen Malenia as it's avatar or anything. Goddess of Rot remember?

Literally nothing to do with my point.
A headache. Nerve gas them and let the automated afterlife system sort it out.
You don't have a point.
Fire canonically fucks up the Scarlet Rot so to be totally honest it makes perfect sense that the Fire Monks could do it. If anybody could tell the God of Rot "Lmao no" it'd be the Fell God.
You can't rot flame
Shard said it's a curse. So it's a curse. Period.
Well from my point of view, it's a blessing!
Ah I see, everything that counteracts your argument has nothing to do with your point yes yes it all makes sense now.
Shut the fuck up, Gowry.
Miquella's needle can't get rid of the Frenzied Flame if it's progressed far enough. Only when it's early.
Wow, why doesn't Radahn just fucking use that then?
He mistakenly dumped into INT instead of FTH.
Or one of those preserving boluses
The only ones able to teach you are insane zealots based in the deepest reaches of the ass end of nowhere who literally hunt down and murder people halfway across the continent for trying to steal the secret of their flame incantations.
By the way, according to the Japanese community, who have a more accurate understanding of the game than we westerners will ever have, the Outer Gods are not aliens and so called 'Outer Gods' are just Kami in the traditional Shinto sense, born of the phenomena of the Lands Between itself out of the elements of the Elden Ring that Marika excised from her Golden Order. They are not gods, they're just accumulations of natural forces created as a result of an attempt to eliminate them from reality.
>"Trust me, my dad works at Nintendo!"
Please stop shitposting.
No, this is the actual opinion of the Japanese lore theorist community, and the consensus is that they're more correct.
Are there limits to that suicide seal Danzo uses or would that shit work on Kaguya if she just sat there and took it?
It's not holding her any more than the seal Madara used to become a Jinchuuriki did. She's going to bust you in half the same way she did him.
Jumps with perks/powers that allow you to be multiple people at the same time besides pic related?
I don't think the objective is to hold you, though, it's just to put you in his body and kill you by proxy. Also I'm not doing shit, I'm just throwing Danzo at her as a projectile weapon. His country needs him.
>Invincible with Duplikate
>God save the queen with Ripper gang
>Any jump where you're a hivemind overmind
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NTA, and I don't know about that specifically, but the localisation is god awful at times. For example the term Consort is overused a lot, and champion or chosen king or the like is more accurate, and the shaman village is closer to miko/priestess/shrine maiden village than shaman. It's specifically the women that have the unique trait(s) the Hornsent were after.
Have you considered that being exposed to the emenations of the dark side may make the eevee evolve into something unnatural?
To be fair the guy on the right does look like how I imagine Keyaru would be cast in a hypothetical western adaptation of Redo
>Made in Abyss has a treasure for that
>Valky's Generic Xianxia has a cheat for that
>Nirvana Yuga has a clone perk
>Slime Tensei has a perk for that
>Kumo Desu Ga has a perk for that (albeit the clones each have their own mind that it's still you so you are just adding more of yourself)
>Petals of reincarnation has a power for that
>God of High School has a technique for that
It's not like you are actively saying anything worthwhile either. At least I have the decency to say "Okay this might be it", and not "THIS IS IT" like an asshole.
So yeah, evidences: she is born with the rot, just like Miquella is born with black veins and as an eternal kid. Normally you catch the scarlet rot, you aren't born with it., she slowly rot and nothing can stop it, except unalloyed gold, when normally fire and special fruits can "cure" it, she also NUKED a fucking region by transforming into, and can transform into something called Goddess of Rot.
So either she is Rot, a Rot, or a very special case of Patient with Terminal Case Rottussy.

He literally took the rot nuke that destroyed the entire region to the face.

>inb4 nothing other than insults and it's "logical" without actual arguments

That's cool and all, but it's the japanese LANGUAGE that is more correct to the lore, not the japanese PEOPLE.

>born of the phenomena of the Lands Between itself out of the elements of the Elden Ring that Marika excised from her Golden Order
Neat idea though.

>and the shaman village is closer to miko/priestess/shrine maiden village than shaman
Fucking knew it. Shaman was often the translation for Miko/Priestess. Still is visibly.
Motherfucker on the right needs a damn haircut

>Same mindset
Dude really be outing himself as a guy who'd rape people and is batshit insane for a literally me moment.
I hope this is an ironic post.
I don't know why anyone get's assmad about the blind swordsman and the fairy thing. You realize that if you were to describe the story of the game of Elden Ring that you play through in a couple of sentences it can sound just as fucking absurd right?
>This was the sword of a graceless tarnished warrior who wandered the land in a past age, slaying demigods wherever he went. Though he had no powers of sorcery and was physically meek, with no maidens to his name, he somehow felled all who stood against him and even defeated the direct representatives of several gods
Its a joke about the jumpmaker, a jest, no harm meant.
>So either she is Rot, a Rot, or a very special case of Patient with Terminal Case Rottussy.
None of this is the case and you're an idiot who, as I foresaw, will never recant his ways and stop spreading misinformation.
My favorite is the L one. Maybe the Kaneki one.
But you do have sorcery and powers and can summon people and crratures to help you. Besides I have heard more absurd stories.
Man, if I could convince myself to make Beast Regent any animal and make it repurchaseable (I can't, the game seems to imply certain types of animal have certain associations, like hawks having something to do with storms and snakes being the absolute worst for no particular reason, this isn't Dark Souls so you can't tie them back to dragons or humanity) I'd totally like to make it so you can dual wield tortoises.

And then have those tortoises dual wield shields too.
No, this is a tarnished that played the whole game at level 1 and also did it without dodging.
Why would you want to dual weild dogs?
Because then those dogs can ALSO dual wield shields.
Eyy I'm no longer caught in that weird ban range.
Might as well answer the posts I wanted to reply to yesterday.

I think DE has the most talent boosters and a really high powr ceiling. But it also takes forever.
All the Great Thousand World jumps have power levels that can be reached within one or two centuries if you're as talented as the MCs.
The mage and warrior capstones together in CD are a super useful combo for any cultivator.
The Blessed Black Armor from FE Tellius is really good.
>A wooden club, shoddily reinforced with nails
>Once used by the Third Elden Lord to slay Radahn, Scourge of the Stars, Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, Morgott, Last of All Kings, Mohg, Lord of Blood, Malenia the Undefeated, The Last Fire Giant, Dragonlord Placidusax, several Ancient Dragons, and also several Aliens, the First Elden Lord, the Second Elden Lord who was also Marika, and then the Elden Ring.
>Shoddily reinforced, it's craftsmanship leaves much to be desired
The point anon is that there's really no reason to consider a blind swordsman sealing the scarlet rot anything ridiculous when you play as some random guy beating up multiple straight up Gods, including a demigod who can stop the movement of the stars, the goddess of rot, Miquella riding piggy back on that previous badass demigod while also being a god himself, the chosen of another outer god in the formless mother, a star fallen to the ground, and the fucking elden beast
Hoarah Loux was ultimately just a man who was so strong he could massacre fire giants and dragons
A few legendaries with altered types move pools or abilities
Pretty broken in terms of Pokémon battles but not overtly for a jumpchain
Look when your base powerset revolves around coming back from the dead to do it all again with more info and practice its only a matter of time before your enemies die. They can only fuck up once, you can fuck up an infinite amount of times untill you get lucky.
JUMP #0147: Bioshock 1

Location: Arcadia, 1953
Age: rolled 7 +21 = 28
Gender: Male
Origin: Specialist [Biochemist] (100)
>Specialist Training (free)
>intuition (150)
>Savant Genius (300)
>Adam Pack 1 (150)
>Plasmid & Tonics:
>Insect Swarm (free)
>Gravity Well (free)
>Eve Link (free)
>Eve Saver (free)
>Formal Attire (free)
>Eve Hypos (100)
>Adam (200)
Total: 1000/1000

Commentary: Old jumps be old meaning there is no simple plasmid experiments perk. No matter, we'll just solve this the old-fashioned way. For obvious reasons priority number one will be to increase the genetic stability of Adam. Furthermore, I'm highly interested in any and all information concerning the actual construction of Rapture. Building a city at the bottom of the Atlantic would need many construction issues solved via clever solutions.
Except the problem with that is, the Demigods in ER should be significantly more immortal than you. You're graceless, they have grace, Destined Death has been removed from the Golden Order. None of them should be able to die.
>Weapon skill: Bleed Infusion
>This club has been soaked in countless gallons of blood greasel. Raise high the club and let cry the activation phrase "I didn't beat the game!" to restore it's ability to deal Bleed damage, as well as to increase your damage as long as blood loss is occurring in the vicinity
And yet they do
I like how Hoarah Loux was so dominant with his pure STR build that he doesn't even seem to use incantations or other potential Golden Order buffs other than possibly the Erdtree sap steroids Marika gave him as his due for being Elden Lord. Despite being the most powerful man in the world at one point, and presumably having at least a passing familiarity with all the military developments of the age from being Elden Lord. Man was there when civilisation invented crossbows and had enough pull to get his own commissioned, and still considers his hands to be his primary weapons with his axe and lion just being power limiters.
And you are saying nothing useful as usual.
I really love Soulsbornes, but man, did it make me go into contact with a lot of idiots.

It's not like Beast Regent does anything, it literally just calmed Godfrey's thirst for blood.
There's two items to become dragonmen, and one to be an omen thoooooo~~

...Why wouldn't you want to? That's what Shanoa from Castlevania does and epic.
Nta but he must have a lot of FOCUS to be able to stomp so hard all the time too.

...Is it me or does he claw away one of his nipple in his second phase?
Does he? I figured it was the lion gore obscuring his chest
It what it looks like to me, he does his things with his hand, and the movement is way too similar to clawing and I'm telling myself "did he just RIP APPART one of his nips?!" and I'm cringing internally and there are not nipples and yeah I'm a complicated person.
Why did the Fingers create furries?
Why WOULDN'T they create furries?
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I shall create and spread furrification mutagens throughout the multiverse.
It's just a helm bro. When you wear it.
I mean, that's literally a mask crafted in Blithe's image by an assassin.
This is a parasite.
Blaidd. It's Welsh for wolf.
Shhh, you are breaking the magic!
Fuck, my memory was based on its pronunciation.
Wolf, the half-wolf!
What exactly is the weakness of Demihumans that gets removed post-jump? It's not clear, because it's a technique only available to this world's magic system (hence humans not knowing how to do it to demons) and thus not available to anyone outside the jump unless you used another jump's perk to teach them Redo of Healer magic in the first place, but if it's having a true name that can command them at all, why don't Demons lose that weakness post-jump too?

There are scare quotes around "aura" in Sex Symbol. Is that an actual supernatural field you exude, or is it the mundane social aura caused by your actions and appearance?

How does Divine Beast interact with the racial leveling changes from the Race section?

Me and the Girls should note it can be bought multiple times.
Best flexibility perks? Working on flexibility is a fucking bitch and a half and i'd rather just get a perk that will have that shit sorted out for me forever.
Only with those who are also in the polycule/harem. There's no cheating involved.
Kill yourself.
Updated this:
>Fixed the initial CP you start off with
>added 400 CP Ubriammoth and Fortress-City item options
Also, aside from starting up Kemono Gigs again, I'm also working on a Care Bears jump. So feel free to ask if you want anything for that. Or don't.
Speaking of Wolf The Half-Wolf, I'm salty that we couldn't get the Baleful Shadow version of the Royal Greatsword, with Destined Death.

Or not, do what you want.

And this is coming from someone who absolutely dig the shit out of the Carian style.
Carian but red...
Yes. Our relationships are deeply unhealthy and abusive, with me mindbreaking them just often enough to keep them working for me. They often turn to other men for emotional or sexual needs, or simply out of spite.
The Care Bear Stare, I guess? How is that going to priced?
See, that's genuinely something that deserves this >>93207630
I'm not sure they have sex at all.
I like the show(s) and UTM sort of inspired me.

Will probably have to divide it into individual 'tiers' for the more powerful iterations of the beam, so you'll pay for the more ridiculous stuff. Either that, or I just make it a blanket 600 CP thing, but that doesn't feel right since all Care Bears and Cousins have it by default.
Bodymod has an option to be as flexible as humanly possible.
Kenichi has a stretching machine that gives you the flexibility of a yoga guru after a single (very painful) session.
Street Fighter has a Yoga perk based on Dhalsim.
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Damn, you people are really insecure.
Basically this >>93207620 though not always in the polycule/harem but have one night stands that both Jumper and the companion consent to. Also there are female companions that are together with other male companions but they weren't in a romantic relationship with Jumper.
How does the care bare stare warrant different tiers? I thought it just mindfucked people into being nicer.
I mean, I would have backed him, if you didn't post that pic of Marianne.fresh out from a romp with a horse.
No idea about UTM but I remember being amused at Heartless and his saturday morning villainy. That and his brat of a niece.
So yeah, fun villain perks. It's been way too long for me to ask for something more concrete.
>Will probably have to divide it into individual 'tiers' for the more powerful iterations of the beam, so you'll pay for the more ridiculous stuff.
Sounds like you have it well thought out. What are some examples of the more ridiculous stuff?
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Do y'all spar with your companions?
Y'see this is why I don't agree with gun/martial only fags, it'll always be better to be good at both.
All the time. Sometimes we limit our stats to focus on technique other times we just go at it.
I feel ponytail could have easily thrown away the magazine behind her.

Also yes I spar with my companions. Way too many martial arts jumps for that not to be a semi regular occurance.
We also sometimes just do it for fun or demonstration.
The Care Bear stare can create energy constructs like a diet Green Lantern beam, generate light, create illusions, fabricate items and objects (which might fall under illusions), act as a general all-purposes kinetic energy blast, brainwash people into caring, break people OUT of brainwashing, damage intangible beings, damage beings of pure negative energy, and shove things around using telekinesis among a ton of other things it does once-per-episode/series or sometimes doing stuff across multiple series that changes due to how those series are set up. It also had the ability to scale up essentially arbitrarily depending on how many Bears/Cousins were using it at once, and the upcoming UTM game has it depicted as being able to destroy negative energy constructs.

I THINK it could also reflect the natures of each bear who used it and sort of channel their specific traits into it, but that might just be a Belly Badge thing, which are treated as something else entirely.

Yeah, No-Heart was fun.
Why would I? This sound retarded.
Which sound in particular?
Any xianxia jump with an avatar perk.
The echo in that anons skull.
So it's like the original 80's sword of thundara in the sense it does whatever the fuck the plot wants it to do at a given moment?
The scaling up stuff might be fun if you bring the Care Bears to a jump like Civ or Stellaris.
Yes, 100%. It's sort of similar to how some of the bears had random seemingly arbitrary powers that they could activate whenever but would sometimes just flat out not use them if the episode didn't call for it. Or how they could canonically fly in the 80s novels, but used Cloud Cars and rainbows to travel to Earth instead in most media.
Could the Care Bears defeat Viralborgia?

>Care bear civ spawns some kind of Shroud bear entity
Bad anon, no hugging the Worm in Waiting.
Congrats, you just made me remember the end of the Fairly Godparents movie.
That's not something I've watched actually.
But worms are for waifuing!
The Care Bears are weird in that 99% of their powers function entirely based on feelings and intensity of their emotions, and whilst they're arbitrary, their scale is usually either pretty local or otherwise can't totally affect massive sweeping areas without help. And their powers function based on the strength of caring and positive emotions globally or within a given area and grow weaker in places where caring is low.

So they'd probably be much stronger overall in Oneirgoea due to its nature, but with how Necrium entities work, they'd be weakened in prolonged contact with them or areas saturated in it even though Care Bear Stares SHOULD just outright destroy or convert Necrium into Fluxium in strong enough concentrations. And given how it's outright said that if caring ceased to exist entirely, Care-a-Lot (and presumably every single Bear/Cousin and related entity with it) would completely disappear, I think if you threw them into a Viralborgian Dimension, they'd just go poof.

They'd do well on an individual scale I feel and better with support, but wouldn't realistically change much.
In Wishology Timmy is pursued by an entity called the Darkness. In the end Timmy uses solar system wide wand magic to essentially carebear stare it into a new entity now called The Kindness.
Ah, so they would be the Dende of the Ever-Growing World.
Jumper would suck at being a pimp if they didn't.
Still waiting the EraMegaten jump to be one.
I'll also add that their powers only really work if they THEMSELVES are positive or experiencing positive emotions. There's an entire episode in UTM where they're going through a desert and an evil whispering wind basically infects their minds and keeps clouding their heads with negative or making them doubt themselves, which drains their colors away and makes them completely depressed, effectively rendering their abilities useless. We're shown them just sitting down in the desert so depressed they don't even bother to get up or save themselves. If Tenderheart didn't come to save them due to his previous experiences with the wind, they'd have implicitly just laid there until they starved/dehydrated to death.

Pretty much, yeah.
Yes, Iron sharpens Iron, we also have mock wars with different simulated environments
I am looking for some advice on making a jump: how do you balance the fact that if you pick a good guy origin, you need to kill armies and face countless dangers to "win", but you pick a bad guy origin, you kill the hero early and it is all more or less over?
Evil is easy, nobody's pretending otherwise.
If an origin gives you a greater advantage just by picking it, it should cost more. Simple as that.
Alternatively, just start the evil guy origin as a grunt that would still not be on the best of conditions and leave the general/dark lord stuff for the high end perks.
They have a bestiality fetish and created big burly wolf men in hopes of fullfiling their sick fantasies. Fortunately, like everything they do, it ended in failure.
I wouldn't balance around that at all. Someone taking a villain origin might still try to fight the existing bad guys for their own reasons, and someone taking the good guy origin might be going off and doing something separate to the plot.
What is Generic Sugar Bowl even based on?
I leave that to the kids.
I think cartoons like the smurfs and the like.
[Destiny the Darkness redux]

Drawbacks: T = Infinite, Dogmatic, Off the Board, Vivisected, Usurper of the Ordered WayX9 (3400)


Universal Common Ancestor (Free)
Hatred of the City (Free)
Bane of the Swarm: Tree of Silver Wings (3300)
Prismatic Symmetry (3100)
Rega (2800)
Dredgen You (2500)
Shaped Finality (2100)
Disciple (1300)
Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence (500)
Madwoman's Ramblings (Free)
Dark City (300)
Living NeighboursX8 (0)
-Human, Universal Common Ancestor (Free), Hatred of the City (Free), Shaped Finality (600), Rega (300), Bane of the Swam: Tree of Silver Wings (200), Dark City (0) Madwoman's Ramblings (Free)
Ghost (Free)

>Before the beginning of time

Once upon a time*, a gardener and a winnower were playing** a game of flowers in a garden|field of possibilities. The gardener was once again staring at the single dominant pattern overrunning all others, while the winnower was watching that pattern expand with the proud look of someone who knew a job well done after merely the initial placement of flowers. All was well.

But suddenly the pattern hit a pale root*** it could neither subsume nor disassemble. Confused but literally unable to comprehend the idea of panic, the patterns continued to slam into the root even as in protest it grew a stem, leaves, branches, shoots. All intricate as feathers, yet sharp as knives.

Curious, the gardener and the winnower bent down**** to look at the pale root closer. As far as they could tell the root was trying to explain some kind of rule that justified the smaller patterns not being trampled by the bigger ones.

*It was shortly after the first game of possibilities,
**The stakes was simultaneously incalculably vast and inconceivably meaningless
***Which was an acausal superpredator concept

To the surprise of both of them, the root started creating a new game to prove this.

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It was a small game. There were exactly four flowers in it, and the root was trying to encourage the pattern of flowers to enter. But the pattern shied away, confused and terrified by this new development, even as the root explained over and over again that there was a reality beyond the game, that there were options beyond growth and withering, that if the patterns just opened their eyes there were more things to do with the smaller, weaker patterns than just trample them.

"Well, that's new. And it's good that it's protecting the smaller patterns" said the gardener, scratching their head. "Did you do this?"

"Did you?" echoed the winnower

"I...don't know. I feel like we both did. Will do. One of those. Be careful, it's rather thorny"

"Oh, who cares? I wish to pet this creature" said the winnower fondly, reaching down to pat|rip the root. It noticed the winnower. Instantly it's patience and pleas for understanding switched to infinite hostility. With a scream|pheromone burst|oscillation of rage the root bit the winnower on the hand.

"See? Adorable" said the winnower, bobbing the root up and down and around as it ripped at them. The root started swearing up a storm, calling the winnower every foul name under the sun and making up some more with the winnower's own language. It grew a stem|branches|leaves, drawing on the game itself for sustenance. Small, inert patterns were drawn into the root as slowly, but surely, it grew into a tree. Then the tree looked at the gardener and said one thing: You have to run.

"Why did it say that? There's nobody here except you, me and the patterns" said the gardener, baffled.

"Who knows?" said the winnower. "It's probably more nonsense, just like that silly rule"

"I liked the rule idea, actually" said the gardener. "In fact, for making the game more interesting I think this...brachiating complex deserves a reward. Give me a hand, won't you?"

"Don't mind if I do"

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The gardener sowed and the winnower reaped, and night flickered briefly before day resumed it's endless languid progression. The tree blossomed. In that timespan, it was suddenly surrounded by smaller|happier roots that clustered around it. To the gardener's delight the original tree's instinct was to shield the smaller roots from the pattern with a ring of spear-like branches. To the winnower's delight the smaller roots proceeded to cluster around the tree and impale nearby enemies with their sword-shaped leaves.

And so, both the gardener and the winnower looked on proudly at their new creation.

"I don't know how you got here, but while this was very clever of you" said the winnower leaning in closer out of earshot|synch with the gardener, "I'm afraid it was also very, very futile. Go back, and try again. Try as many times as you like"

And barging the gardener aside, the winnower suddenly flicked all the trees out of the garden.

And to the winnower's surprise, some of the patterns followed them out.


Well. That could have gone better, I thought as I drifted in the depths of space. In all fairness, an attempt to just go back and time to kill the Winnower /with only local resources/ could have gone much worse than mere spaghettification.

"Vanguard to all units! Do NOT fire on the target until we have established what the hell is going on!" came Zavala's voice over the comms.

"What's going on" I replied wearily, "is that my personal timeline appears to have been rewritten"

Dead silence.

"Is...is that why there appears to be a gas giant's worth of Vex to your left, and an ominous swirling cloud of Light and Darkness to your right?" asked Zavala.

I looked to my left. A planet-sized Mind in the shape of an enormous flower waved at me.

I looked to my right. A gaseous hand the size of a Cabal capital ship emerged from one of eight holes into the Ascendant Plane, and waved at me.

In space, nobody can hear you sigh.

Hey, the Winnower was nice enough to send you back where you began instead of doing anything else to you. And you got some praise from the Gardener for doing a good job, so I think that's a huge win.
>Uh. Simon. I’m a, uh, miner.
>”Pity, and here I was thinking I might take you out for a drink.”

>It’s pretty obvious the two are exalts of some kind that are very eager to get the heck out of Gem. The Sultan isn’t exactly harsh on ‘Anathema’, but the Shogunate has been stirring up an excessive amount of noise recently and coincidences of that sort don’t really happen to exalts.
Worth noting that the reason Solars and Lunars aren’t allowed in Gem is they depend on the Lap for food, and the Lap is loyal to the Realm. Find another food source and Celestials shouldn’t need to hide anymore.

>“I like fixing things. Can I....?”
How are you with cities?
Good taste.

Even better taste!
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The Winnower may or may not also be the reason I was shredded to pieces and sealed to begin with due to it's "petting" happening outside of linear time and also being an affectionate gesture coming frmo a being that embodies darwinian competition.

But yeah, all in all at least I got some combat data out of it even if that combat data was "it is very hard for the plants to bite the gardening tools" and "you need MORE POWER before trying to punch math without using most of your perks"

>gurren lagann dude
So...he's going to Exalt any day now, right?

No, hugging worms is good civilisation. Literally. Think of the death world survival going up!
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>gets raped by a child.

Is this the Gohan of Elden Ring?
Just to be sure, the WoD Mortals is for nWoD despite not being labeled as such, yes?
Question; what level of Divinity do you need to take paired with Spawn of the Stars to copy the Elden Beast 1-for-1
>So...he's going to Exalt any day now, right?
The next line is referring to him and Large Enorme.
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Give me your most based houserule.
Ah, so it is

The maximum one.


Pretty sure that's Radagon actually.
Companions aren't trapped in the warehouse
I was trying to think of one, but then I realized I'm a basic bitch who's only house rules are shit like freely picking gender and age.
I love caffeine.

>Between jumps, may freely combine, separate, and recombine similar items.
Because fuck having to hunt down jumps with the right import/combine option for what I'm wanting to do.
Nta but I thought it was Marika kek
That's a lot of backgrounds.
I wish you good fortune.
It would be if Marika took heavier losses than having an unsightly hair colour and needing to dump some excess children, or losing to something less powerful than the Elden Beast. But Radagon has the infamy of being stalemated by Rennala, who wasn't even a demigod, with the nominal backing of the Golden Order.
Good luck friend.
There's a lotta stuff you can be in Night City, and I'm not going to limit users to essentially being V even if the jump is mostly focused on the game.

Appreciated. May fate favor you in your endeavors as well.
To be fair, with the revelation of the Shaman Village, the process of fusion, and my fucking cat stopping me from typing...
Well is Radagon actually Marika, with Marika's power, or was he just a baseline human? Where they actually fused, defused, and if defused, did he had any powers?
>There's a lotta stuff you can be in Night City, and I'm not going to limit users to essentially being V even if the jump is mostly focused on the game.
I though you were working on a Cyberpunk jump, as in, the general IP, not just the game but Atta boy!
Jumper isn't picking anything and has no idea what's going on, and 1st Jump is his native world.
First and second rules are based and should just be standard. Third rule is neutral.
>and my fucking cat
I'm not actually sure how much this would help (or of your financial situation for that matter) but...have you considered investing in a standing desk? Technically I've heard a healthy cat can clear elevated height but it should be a pretty big demotivator. Unless you're near shelves.

>Well is Radagon actually Marika, with Marika's power, or was he just a baseline human?
The DLC doesn't dwell on it much but it's a St. Trinia/Miquella situation. Radagon is actually Marika, but he was kind of shed from her or something, and while he was nominally mortal and hugely upset about this because he was the biggest Golden Orderfag he probably had the 300 CP element infusion equivalent for the Golden Order. Again, judging from the case of St. Trinia above baseline but not quite divine.

Especially considering he's just a husk with the Golden Order circles inside him when you fight, and the Elden Beast chooses to turn him into a sword.
What is the Erdtree's power level relative to Gods? How hard is it to make an Erdtree?
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Every perk is a harem perk
He had to be divine right? Since his cum turned into three other divine losers.
>I'm not actually sure how much this would help (or of your financial situation for that matter) but...have you considered investing in a standing desk?
I do. It's a work in process. Same with a bed. A better bed.
They are cute fuckers, but sometime, when they want to lie on my shoulders, they stop me from looking or doing things properly.

The Shaman Village, well the Tooth Whip actually, imply that the flesh of "shamans meld harmoniously with others", until the Hornsent nation attacked, and you see those... things they basically made from that. So is Radagon a Shaman too, or just a human? He is said to have hated his red hair, considering it a curse, the multiple implications are funny, it could mean that Radagon was there when Marika did her trailer business, or that he learnt about it when merging.
The weird thing about Radagon is that he is loyal to the Golden Order... in other words, something he and/or Marika created. It's weird that Marika call him a hound of it or whatever. Of course he's gonna defend it, he programed the damned thing with Marika.
When I jump a Nasuverse jump... I give myself more than 1000cp

You fucken liar!
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>You fucken liar!
Great job mate.
I'm proud of you
Matsu needs more love
File deleted.
What did you mean by this?
Looking forward to being a ripperdoc, could we get a tech company or supplier of tech? Maybe import to bring tech we already have and make it into implants?

Totally not so I can import coral tech implants.
Cool. Given that I’m planning on dropping the Adept perk, how long would it take for me to become a competent Axiom user through study and practice?
The Servant Supplement is dumb and encourages min maxing, when you get a servant you just get a Servant who is how they'd be if you summoned them.
Now it's just time to decide what mind control Perk to give her. To create the Ultimate Cuckqueen.
Depends, likely a few months to get a few powers to 'muscle memory'. Likely shorter with any perks that help
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You can leverage each perk to get you more girls.
Or what, bad boi? What are you gonna do about it?
Those will be options for the Corpo and Dealer backgrounds, respectively, while a tech import might fall under the Engineer specialty or be a feature folded into relevant items.
Will it have an anime toggle?
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10-4 satan
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Does Jumper have any bros?
nta, but while I like making builds in the servant supplement(the same way I like making builds in general), it is a bit bothersome that it cant account for any of the factors in setting that would affect the summon like power of the master and location/fame.
That works, between Axiom practice and the Undaunted perk I should manage well enough.
Judging from what it took to blast through it's barrier? Approximately 1.5 gods' worth of power judging from how it takes what's left of the fell god's influence and either the Frenzied Flame or Melina's sacrifice to pave the way.

>How hard
Unclear. I assume the forces that created it surpass every other outer god in the setting now the Greater Will is established as top dog. Supposedly the Haligtree was going to be a viable replacement, but since Miquella's plans never involved it as a key player it's unclear how much that turned out to be propaganda.

He counted as divine for reproductive purposes at least, since that's apparently why Miquella and Malenia were Empyreans. Probably like Saint Trinia, he was some guy with a touch of the divine but not even as much as a demigod in his own right.

Ah. That'll do it.

>is Radagon a Shaman
In the sense that he is Marika, yes I guess?
In context she seems to be shitting on him for buying into a line of propaganda they themselves cooked up initially to establish their empire, instead of being more curious about what the Greater Will is actually about like her.
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Be cleansed.

There will be options to start early enough to be present for the events of the Anime and its prequel music video.
I don't have to stay the full 10 years. I can leave in a year or when i complete the main mission.
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I haven't played elder rings and each time someone mentions Marika I end up thinking of Nisekoi and memes
I got several bros in this chain. Kronk, Cu, Peter, Carl, etc.
Well at least are you gonna explain yourself?
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How many people has your Jumper killed? Mine has killed more people than have ever lived in reality at this point. Does Jump-Chan start regretting giving a horny and bloodthristy loser infinite power at a certain body count?
>Well at least are you gonna explain yourself?
I'm gonna cry.
If you continue, I'll harass you to make a Venus Blood jump.
Pick your poison. Taste my tears, or yours!
Lost count
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I like to have a butler-esque bro who isn't actually a butler who's in on all my schemes, thinking the ends justify the means. Gotta have someone to help get the war crime ball rolling.
Don't forget the whole think about El...
>*look it up*
Enir-Ilim, with the "Gate of Divinity", that make you a God apparently.

>Ah. That'll do it.
Now to buy them, to get them, and to place them on the other hand...

>In the sense that he is Marika, yes I guess?
No in the sense that, was he ALWAYS Marika? Or was were they both separated and did the shaman thingy that fused them together? Reread my post please.

>In context she seems to be shitting on him for buying into a line of propaganda they themselves cooked up initially to establish their empire, instead of being more curious about what the Greater Will is actually about like her.
That would be a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, considering her wilfull delusions and Revengeance shenanigans.
He was always Marika yeah, no you've got it mixed up-the "shaman thingy" is fatal to the shamans. Again, see Miquella just shedding St. Trinia.
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Zero, so far. Pokémon Trainers don't tend to have high body counts. That might change once the greater multiverse opens up.

>meld harmoniously

just to be clear, in the context of this description being attached to a WHIP pretty sure this is referring to it being easier to mash human flesh together in pots to make "guardian deities" for the Hornsent, and not shamans/mikos being like Namekians
I mean, "adoptive siblings" is the vibe of her relationship with her Gallade (him being the big brother of course), but I'm not sure that's what you meant.
I don't even think Miquella would care if I NTR'd his sister from him at this point.
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More than you can imagine, heh.
Yes, that was part of the Deal.
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He discarded his feelings, so he literally can't care anymore. That said, losing your super convenient loyal nuke has gotta be pretty inconvenient.
>Again, see Miquella just shedding St. Trinia.
Yeah but that just sound like the thing Marika and Radagon did in the past, except they fused back together, with Marika saying "Yeep yeep, schooltime's over, come back to me so we can be complete".
Miquella the retard. Miquella the shithead.

>just to be clear, in the context of this description being attached to a WHIP pretty sure this is referring to it being easier to mash human flesh together in pots to make "guardian deities" for the Hornsent, and not shamans/mikos being like Namekians
You think so? I always which mean not really for long thought it was the the Hornsent copying what the Shamans did, and obviously, it ended poorly. That's why it's on the Whip, it link both people in a grotesque way.
What's a good way to determine what my personal archetype for a fantasy class or vocation would be if I were a self insert jumper?

I'm moderately intelligent, but not educated. I'm imaginative and creative, but don't usually devote enough time to projects to see them through. I'm not particularly "gifted" in any specific way. I'm not physically fit, nor do I like the outdoors. People say that I'm easy going, funny, easy to get along with, and "Down to earth".

For work, prepare and process surgical equipment, then deliver it to surgeons the day before their surgery. I wouldn't say this job really reflects on me much...
He's basically a soulless machine, so he wouldn't even be capable of caring. He would need to find someone to replace Malenia's easy rot-nuke on short notice though.
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What is the best first Jump for a villain Jumper?
What a disgusting creature he is.
One where you aren't the villain, but get the motivation to become it going forward.
Another drawback for Out of Cruel Space
>Stranded (+200): Rather than somewhere nice and/or safe such as the Dauntless, your own ship, a nice apartment on your homeworld, etc. you’re instead stuck on a world that has been reduced to feudal tech levels and has lost the secrets of immortality. Scattered around this world the tools for escaping back to civilization or establishing contact to call for help do exist, however they’re often in the hands of rather ‘difficult’ people who don’t actually know how to make use of them in such a productive way. Speaking of difficult people it seems that this world is also a huge mess of conflicting factions, bad ideas, and weird cultists in control of something vital enough for pretty much everyone to need to pay attention to their nonsense.

For the Notes.
>Yes, if you take Stranded, Altered Form, and Bad Start you find yourself the test subject/custom made slave of a band of particularly shady pirates using a feudal world as their playground. You'll probably need to liberate the entire world and take on a small pirate empire to escape, with the pirates being the only ones with real weapons.
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Let's see if this is too big.
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Probably a production related job. Like alchemy, pastry chef, or blacksmith. Alternatively something like magician. Those kind of jobs are actually more hands on and can be easily replaced or expanded depending on your liking
What is this, a gif for ants?
it just has to be smaller than 8mb.
It isn't, but now autists will be paranoid a big company will start trawling a mongolian basketweaving forum in search of copyright claims
Perfect villain my ass.

Three Houses I guess?
This is very big. If not in MB.

Yeah that's right, run ye little brat.
Which is funny because he basically cut away a part of his soul, his love apparently, which is a girl.
But he planned all of that BEFORE cutting it off.
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What are the chances of SMTV being Shard's next jump?
I'd rather he make a III jump first.

...Oh God Shard if you have to make an SMT jump, don't make VV first please. Do the good ones first.
SMT V exists in the Amala Network's multiverse, I don't need a jump to go there.

>B-but you can't claim the Throne without being a B-Beano-

I have so many power-asspulling, plot armour and big destiny perks it literally doesn't matter.

I'm not making another jump if I can help it. You will use the SMT 1 jump, and you WILL be happy.
Then everything but the Maps pdf can fit.

Let 'em panic.
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Don't make me bend you over and spank your little ass
Yes. Deal with it
You doing great mate
>Reverse satan numbers
Someone needs to turn this pic into a template, so people can easily slot in things where the DC logo is. Like SMT.
That's a dumb thing to say

It's not like that animation is a realistic fight
Science options better be comprehensive. From code to weapons to general engineering to bio to cybernetics. I want to do everything.
>He even figured out Keyaru rewound time and was intentionally planning for it happening by figuring out how to retain his own memories through a time rewind
Is this the power of Blacked Yaoi?
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>I'm not making another jump if I can help it.
Mhm. Sure.
>There will be options to start early enough to be present for the events of the Anime and its prequel music video.
But it will have the anime aesthetics and TRIGGER's physics?
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Is there any other jump that comes even close to the custom species power from Shard's dc jump? Where each and everyone of them can be a godlike reality warper?
SCP or DC Comics, become the living embodiment of villainy.
Might add that as a toggle. The world acting like the console release version is one of the big drawbacks, so having that as a toggleable option isn't too far out of the questions.
Bro just eat some berries.
Unless it was abstracted through a system, supplemented with magitech to cut out the tougher parts, or they focused more on the assisting tasks like positioning the billet or aftertouches like engraving/filigree, this isn't really a good place to start for an SI given the physical demand of hauling metal or proper forge work at the anvil. Definitely more of a hidden talent or bullheaded effort then a natural aptitude in terms of how most modern folk would ever stumble upon skill in such a vocation.
Yes, and that incantation damages you because it's physically burning you, so it makes extra sense. It's literally purging the infected bits with fire.
>Amala Network
No Battler, no. You can say that you aren't making it, but you don't use that shitty argument. Please you are better than this.
It's of the same level as the guy above who said "Satan in VV has the same design as IVA so they are the same" even thought their motivations and origins are different, just don't be like that, you fool.

>You will use the SMT 1 jump, and you WILL be happy
I'm happy with having an SMT one jump, even if the demon perks are fucking wonky and discount poor-Magatama-making. It's just that SMTIII is epic and cool.
Do it.
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I have no ass and you must scream.
>Satan in VV has the same design as IVA
Well, that's. That's not the argument I'd have made.

The argument I'd have made would be that not only is the fuckin' demifiend there, but he and all the heroes from 1, 2 and 4 showed up in 4A's DLC because Stephen (who is explicitly the same guy from SMT 1) summoned them there. Oh, and so is Dagda. Thus, multiverse.

Network, Canopus, whatever-the point is SMT has been playing the multiverse card extremely hard, to the extent that yes you can put the Demifiend in your actual party, and in Strange Journey Deep Shekinah apologises to the Axiom for being a fuckup.

>SMTIII is epic and cool
Great, hope someone else makes it.
For me it's the fact that the Cipher Pata isn't in the jump.
>Great, hope someone else makes it.
That someone else being ASA or Battler rather than Shard
Update is nearing preliminary completion, it's not a huge one but the page count has gone up by a few. I started out only intending to add one perk. . .
>Excessively Aggressive Thirst (+200): Women in this world tend to be. . . overly enthusiastic for a chance at a man but even so kidnapping, rape, blackmail, and other such underhanded methods for snatching up a man aren’t everyday occurrences. For most guys at least. You have the worst luck when it comes to encountering the most desperate and unscrupulous of thots, each thinking that forcing their way into your pants or snatching you up by one means or another is the simple obvious solution to their desires. Normally this will just be dumb opportunistic bitches but every so often a more capable and prepared woman is going to make more a troublesome and forceful attempt on your pants, even if you’d be open to random flings these girls will be making a major nuisance of themselves. Perhaps some ‘correction’ is warranted, though they’d likely consider it a win and letting it get out that you treat quality attempts as a marriage interview wouldn’t be a wise idea for obvious reasons. If you’re a women. . . well sapphic interests are far from rare given the demographics here and they might just target your husband for their antics instead.
Jumps where you could make an R&D android build? Like you're a robot built for the express purpose of making and researching shit. Thematic perks like being good at improving gear is appreciated.
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I was considering jrpg type of job classes, yes. But even without that starting as an apprentice it often an option. Stuff like woodwork is also a decent starting point and relatively less physically demanding while also providing a lot freedom for creativity.
Given that anon said he didn't like outdoors, was creative and had decent int, he's probably better off as some wizard subtype. But I think production clases are cool so I suggested that
Lots of tentacle sass for someone without a Venus Blood jump
Stellaris could do that easily.
>Well, that's. That's not the argument I'd have made.
I said it was of the same level, not that it was the same.
And as someone who know about Marvel, DC, and Supernatural, you should know how empty a multiverse argument is meaningless.

>The argument I'd have made would be that not only is the fuckin' demifiend there, but he and all the heroes from 1, 2 and 4 showed up in 4A's DLC
Yeah but it's a poorly made DLC. They literally copy pasted the Diamond Realm from SMT1, made a different YHVH fight, and called it a day. So fuck them in the ass.

>because Stephen (who is explicitly the same guy from SMT 1)
Despite being largely different in both posture, motivation and even fucking powers, transforming what was a helpful, mysterious guy, into a fucking cunt. Yes, I'm still mad. Fuck you IV and IVA writers.

>Great, hope someone else makes it.
Please, you are the Chosen One. Let us Punch God like a silver bullet Pierce-ing through.
Rennala had that dat MOON in her.
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>Lots of tentacle sass for someone without a Venus Blood jump
My Motherfucker, that below the belt.
Would Ranni cry if you blew up the Moon?
Ah yes.
>The furtive inscription appears to hang in the air; the language of light spoken by the Two Fingers.
But more seriously, it's just a pretty weapon to me.
So I'll answer my own question here for anyone who might ask this same question in the future: the The Palette Stop ‘n Swap item from Kid Radd seems like it'd be good for both changing the colors of your own appearances as well as the colors of your items or powers or abilities. The specific wording is 'This palette also extends to the various “special effects” that follow magic or otherwise supernatural phenomena, such as flashes of light or shimmering auras.', but given that it also mentions adding a 'personal touch to your fireballs', I'm just going to assume it works for altering the colors of your abilities as well. No effect on aesthetics, unfortunately.
Why are Pissfags like this?
Personally, I'd have liked a shield where the script only shows up once you throw up a block or parry. It'd be like a reverse Dark Hand, which was always cool as shit.
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>Nukes her own faithful troops
>Willfully becomes a mumbling squizo just for the chance that his brother's bvll comes back to plunder that bussy
>An Empyrean of the goddess of rott and one of the strongest demi-gods. Still completely failed in her task anyways
I think Malenia got hit the hardest by the dlc humiliation ritual
Out of Cruel Space update.
I like how it was said the girls were hot in there, but searching pics about it give me almost nothing.
Would be cool. Useless, but cool.
Remember the Moonlight Butterfly shield from Dark Souls? That was also pretty cool.

Don't pretend as if it was because of the DLC. She did all of that, on her, before the DLC.
I found it hilarious that the DLC about Miquella had pretty much nothing on Malenia, but ended up being more RADAHN IS SO FUCKING COOL stuff instead. I like it.
Most of the main species are either common sci-fi archetypes or expies based on other media, with a flimsy in setting excuse and everything.

Regardless if you look for fanart of Bowsette, female Predators, Xenomorphs but waifu, and other such things the more impressively stacked pics you find would be accurate examples of species you'd find in this setting.
Cool is all I care about when playing. Sticking to themes and aesthetics for each character I run is all I do, even if it makes shit absolutely grueling sometimes.
Oh so it's furry and scally.
Any good perks for combining transformed forms together? I know Senran Kagura has something for combining the transformation sequences together, but I'm looking for something that combines the powers and abilities of the actual transformed states. As an example, if you've got one transformation that gives you lightning powers, one transformation that gives you fire powers, and one transformation that gives you ice powers, the perk I'm looking for would let you combine all those together for a single transformation that gives you access to all those powers.
And green skinned alien space babes, and not!humans with bigger tits, and humanoid math elementals, gynoids, shortstack goblins, classic 'greys' type aliens (but stacked), and pretty much any other variant of outrageously well endowed alien girls you can think of.
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It was because of the dlc. Before we thought that Malenia nuked Caelid as a last ditch resort to defeat Radahn so Miquella could become the new god. It was a noble sacrifice. Now we know the battle wasn't for supremacy over the lands between, but a bootycall. She nuked Caelid because Radahn didn't want to mating press her brother that saturday.
I have dozens but I'm not sure any of them is based, they are mainly to satisfy my autism and put a bit of difficulty in a chain.
>Jumper showing up during the war beating her up and adding her to his harem somehow makes her look better then canon.
Wow, you REALLY missed the lore there buddy. It was never a "noble sacrifice".
Before the DLC, it portrayed her as a sour loser who used the power she hated the most when things go wrong. Now it portray her as "just" a fanatic loser, who is also painfully naive, if she wasn't brainwashed by her brother anyways.
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If Malenia is Krillin, who is Bejita?
Dragon Ball Super
This Is, In Fact, My Final Form from Sword Art Online might be what you're looking for.
Yeah, that'll work. I mean, it says alt forms, but also says from any form, so I'll just count it as working. Thanks, anon.
Bowsette is a girl with horns and a tail, not a furry.
It is (was) a noble sacrifice. Before the dlc we thought Radahn and Miquella where enemies, so her losing to Radahn would mean that her brother was next in the chopping block.
Cast aside this Vessel from S&S and Cthonic Baara from Lunars interact with all your forms IIRC.
Also one of the Shifter perks in SnK/AoT.
Ah yes, the noble sacrifice of destroying everything, including her base.

Yes. Very noble.

Jesus the cope.
Is there any reason i couldn't just ask the Runebearers to give me their pieces?
You can.

"Hey, gimme yo rune."


And the words of mommy.
Doesn't matter if considered it noble or not. The blooming had more weight before we knew the true reason for their confrontation
I'll look into those for sure, thanks, anon!
I think the only runebearer you don't flatout kill for their rune is Rennala.
That's one way of running from the argument.
What fucking argument? We know for a fact that her sacrifice wasn't noble or justifiable. Its just you getting pissy because i called it noble before the dlc
That's also one way of running: anger at being called out and pretending it's me.
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>When everyone finds out the new Elden lord is conquering the lands between and uniting the great runes because he's horny.
How do they react when they find out this impossibly strong tarnished is only in it to fuck there mother?
Actually, I became Elden Lord to raise taxes on the poor.
Based. can't even escape taxes with death since you banned that too.
I don't even get the "argument". That Malenia was actually a retard? Yes we know that.
She was always a retard. Before the DLC, or after the DLC. Pretending she wasn't pre-DLC is stupid.
She was made worse by the dlc, which was my point, retard-kun.
No it wasn't.

>It was because of the dlc. Before we thought that Malenia nuked Caelid as a last ditch resort to defeat Radahn so Miquella could become the new god. It was a noble sacrifice.
Continue to dig your hole. Please.
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Does Jumper wear pants?
Update is done, I think.
I added the ideas I had, the suggestions I liked, and got the formatting to with the additions.
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Add them to my collection by shrinking them down or shoving them into a pocket dimension.
I don't know why you got so pissy at me calling Malenia's sacrifice "noble". It was bad? Obviously, but at least it could be somewhat justifiable depending on the perspective. With the dlc its completely unjustified and there's no defending it no matter where you look at it.
>I don't know why you got so pissy
And he continues to dig it.
Does Godfrey wear pants? Does Radhan?
Yes, when in modern society.
>Ignores the rest
So its true
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And you aren't even trying to make your bait look good.
Based pic.
Yet you still continue to give (you)s
It's funny to see how deep you can go.
Although now that you are pointing it out, it'll be less funny.
>He couldn't resist
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Don't you enjoy this humiliation shit anyways dude? Why do NTR niggas have to cry for acceptance like they're still on middle school? Go jerk off, bro.
They do it exactly because people shit in them for it, they get off on humiliation.
Ars Magica
FF4. It's just two but hey..
If you don't mind xianxia shit, the Self Hex from I Shall Seal the Heavens
Jumps good for android making, besides Nier? The lack of real tech perks put me off using it.
Destiny the Darkness. I promise that absolutely nothing will go wrong with Clarity Control.
>Like 4 jumps today
We're eating good today boys.
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Okay, but can Arcueid get pregnant?
Try yesterday too.
Don't we have some Megaman jumps?
A True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle (Ancestor?) had a hybrid kid once, so while we don't know which was which parent, both appear to be reproductively viable.
7 of them in fact.
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If you try hard enough all your dreams can come true!
Wasn't there someone working on the gacha too?
Yo, OverwhelmingAnon, in case you're on here, would being a Twisted Star in Tome of Radiance let you make the light-themed powers dark instead? If I'm gonna be a bad guy, I might as well go all in.
The real question is that if the original Einnashe was so good at hypnotism that he could even permanently alter Arc's memories/common sense, why did he stop at just making her forget he existed?
Of course!
maybe? I've lost track of most claims these days.
Considering how many just don't happen I find it easier to not bother remembering and be pleasantly surprised when something you like drops.
I am claiming Stella Glow. I won't actually ever finish a Jump for it, but I want to say it's mine.
Do you think the forest would get that hypnotism?
Arcueid rape?
Didn't someone already put a claim on it?
I'll just make a Hilda expy somewhere if you don't pull through, it's cool.
Forest tentacle normality.
No. Free-balling is the way
Dupes are accepted now, claiming doesn't work.
Then again unless it's a harem game that catches Rics attention, I think you're the only person who would care about it.
Don't we have a Girls' Frontline jump, if so that. Otherwise the safeguard from Blame!, the Replicants from Blade Runner, I suppose Synths from Fallout might count, the entire Heaven's Lost Property setting is based around angel androids. Eclipse Phase, Revelation Space, The Polity, The Culture, Gunnm (should be possible at least) probably all have stuff you want as well.
Why do you retards always say this? Claiming something is just a way to let people know you're doing something, and dupes being okay doesn't mean shit because most people aren't gonna bother carrying on making a jump if they think someone else is. Why do some of you autists get so upset at people still using claims as a general term?
The way things worked before? No. In the remake? If it was a result of his Idea Blood it could have happened, but the forest is implied to be already dead in the remake. Considering what she made its Idea Blood into, it seemed like it might have used that hypnotism to manipulate sensations, since the spell made from it is capable of inflicting never ending pain.

In a possibility that never came to pass.
Ah shit, didn't expect a reply so quick! Thanks a bunch.
Does Blame! even have decent tech options? Durge has a lot of old jump habits which include disliking too good or thorough science options, because they were considered too strong early jc.
What Ciel made the Idea Blood into, I mean.
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That normality leads to a bad end.
Even when it's not Shiki's fault but Arc's.
But hush, precious waifu dinu and all that shit
I am not sure if thr remake changed anything, but in the OG VN she at one point mentioned that on a physical level she's identical to a human, so human medical treatment works just as well.

In Fate Zero Irisviel mentioned something similar and gave it as reason why she could get pregnant. And considering that they're both corporal fairies/elementals, I see no reason why Arc shouldn't be able to grt prrgnant as well.
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She forgave him so it's fine if he's a little schizo from his instincts crossing rape and kill.
The Engineer perkline and a good few of the undiscounted perks. I mean the setting isn't really about knowing how to make shit and engineering so the jump fits the source material. There's enough there that it's a pretty good selection, even got a builder companion. I think Biomega has some of the other stuff given that's more the unofficial starting point of the Megastructures creation and thus better reflects that era
If he does it, she kill him though.
Why are dbzfags like this? Are they just salty that Krillin is smashing fat android ass every night while the only thing they smash is their hand?
Didn't he go all the way in the OG.
No? You had a choice, resist, don't fuck and don't get killed, or do not resist, fuck, and get killed.

Don't you love those stupid LN choices.
No, if he rapes Arc he gets a bad end. You're probably thinking about Kohaku who he rapes in Ciel's route.
Been a while since I played it and was probably mixing up rape scenes. Don't you love it when you can lose count of them.
Nta, but does he still sexually assault her when he resesists like in the manga?
Hell if I know. I never ever touched the manga, or a TYPE MOON manga.
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Kohaku really gets it the worst in every other route.
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I'm going to assume that 'the Lap' is a area of very fertile fields and whatnot that the Realm controls. A solar could probably rig up an underground mushroom farm to deal with that, but, blegh. Mushrooms. No thanks.

Simon the Miner Misho Thrice Radiant is already an exalt. Actually, everyone in that scene was an exalt. Except for me. I'm a godblood pretending to be a half caste.
Yeah that's a good summary of the maid sisters.
Too bad I can't think of any abilities or perks to passively trigger waifus into a frenzy.
Anon, unless I'm remembering wrong if he rapes her in that alleyway while affected by his instincts/her Mystic Eyes, she isn't the one who kills him. He gets eaten by a shark on the top floor of a hotel courtesy of Nrvnqsr because she didn't give him a pendant to ward that off, because she was busy being raped.
>What's the weakness?
The fact you can get enslaved by anyone if they just know what your true name is? It can't be that hard to figure out if literally every human can do it.
>Is it an actual supernatural field
>How does divine beast interact
It doesn't. It replaces your race entirely.
>Me and the Girls
I figure most people can just assume.
Thanks for the build!
>I fell asleep
Me too.
Thank you, Ric.
I can't tell in the WN/LN if he's black or just really tan. Probably black, cuz I'd assume he's partially based on Barret from FF7.
Strange love from re zero.
Cute Neko arc
More like Re Cringe.
Neko arc being popular will never not be funny to me because I love tsukihime but have had friends who have never even heard of it show me neko arc memes.
Then I must be misremembering.

But geez does it make the choice even more stupid.
Sadly you have to swim through shit to get what you want sometimes.
What the hell kind of fetish is this, are you Master Roshi?
Most VN choices are. Shirou had some really bad one's involving Illya.
This is not just shit.
This is advanced shit, full of bugs, bodies, trash, kegare, retards.
>What the hell kind of fetish is this
Rediscovering 80's aerobics outfits has awoken thing in me.
One of the biggest schizo dindu I've ever seen, and big fat mark against FSN's writing.
It's why it's morally justified to go there and just ruin everything for everyone.
>I think
And I've already started adding more things. Another OC and a +0 for the side stories and fan additions made by other people than the main author. Might be more. But 1.2.1 is in progress and should hopefully finish putting in the stuff that I keep remembering having wanted to add at some point.

Are you perhaps retarded? Gym? Gym clothings? Neuron activations yes no maybe?
It would also be morally justified to make sure Tappei can't write anything anymore for the rest of his life.
I wouldn't. I would question Nasu's brain even more.
Bother Blade about it. He's into trying to turn things like asdf etc into jumps.
Your first mistake was assuming Nasu has a brain.
His best known one might be this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efE8zHQQWGc
That or the Pacman one.
I need to read thru that story but hentai level pheromones sounds great.
Have some alcohol on hand before you start reading.
Ah, so that's where it's coming from!
You know what you must do. Turn those 'Origins' into 'Races' and then write more Origins to fill the gap. Do it. You will SUCCUMB to the PLEASURE of writing CONTENT
I feel like he just had low attention span, which turned into pure BLACK HOLE RETARDATION down the line.
Minus8 did do a parody of beep beep so it'd fit.
Y is Griffith gae?
Can you please tell me what the setting is about? Is it an Actual setting or a fan one?
The bad news is, that's not actually me. I do have a tripcode.
The good new is, there's literally a perk for that; Light and Shadow
He started with urban fantasy but couldn't keep his autism in his pants and then fate extra was made. The Nasuverse never recovered from this decision.
It's a HFY story. The author's name is literally in the second line of the jumpdoc.
It is the only true path to power.
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Items are fluffed out, and also has some Wand additions.

Fungal Shifting is a really fun mechanic honestly.
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Hello, I am the universal controller of incarnations, the real life equivalent of the "Jump-Chan" as you mortals tend to call it in your game. I will hand out the closest approximate thing to a "chain" to those that follow my will. What is my will?

1. I'm always bored, most of my co-workers are complete bores and imbeciles, so the only way I can entertain myself is through fucking with you. I'll give you what you want if you give me what I want, entertainment.

2. You have to be a person of interest to me, entertaining to be rewarded with a "chain". I can see what you're doing and most of you are boring NPC scum. You sit in your houses all day jerking off and playing video games, or you go do your crappy job at walmart or the office. BORING! I don't give powers to boring people. Boring people exist to be fucked with.

3. How do you becoming entertaining to me you might ask? It's simple, don't be boring. Make me laugh, or live the life of a good story. Go dress up as a clown and tell people about the great clown king in the sky who will send them to a carnival of doom if they don't worship you as lord-priest of the clowns. Become a army ranger or a military general, push for war with other countries in order to bring glory to your nation. Become a political extremist, get into fights with your rivals and gain power for the ideology you want to impose onto the world. Be a serial killer and leave little clues about your purposes and origin at the scenes of your crimes. Find a dramatic archetype and live it to your full potential.

4. Honor me, acknowledge me as the source of your inspiration. Think about what I look like, create a effigy to worship me. Picture me in your mind before you create the effigy, you'll know what I look like than.

5. Obey my commands, and you'll get a "chain"

6. If you want to chat through a different medium than over the internet or in your mind, take Salvia or DMT.

Everything I just said was a lie, but you should believe it anyway.
On one hand, it made Passionlip, a memetic character known for having one of the biggest boobst fictions.
On the other: EVERYTHING ELSE.
Is this a crosspost? If it is kill yourself, if it isn't, kill yourself
>Everything I just said was a lie
Sure glad I skipped to the end and didn't read any of that
Anyone said anything about doing a PGR jump, ever? Swear someone did relatively recently. An alphafag I think.
Out of Cruel Space is a schlocky HFY space adventure series where Humans from the part of space that 'Space Magic' doesn't work in arrive to make first contact with the rest of the Galaxy who rely on space magic for everything from technology to their internal biology.

They prepare for every possible eventuality, arming themselves to the teeth and keeping a frankly paranoid variety of different people they 'might' conceivably need for whatever they find, including a group of actual sci-fi nerds whose job it is to come up with ideas for using or defeating whatever outlandish nonsense they run unto.

They find horny alien women with huge breasts and thicc thighs, they were not prepared for that. Que various plotlines of the soldiers and assorted wierdos humanity brought on the first contact mission going on various adventures mostly to make humanity look better and win over allies while gathering harems of horny alien women along the way.
>everything I just said was a lie
Alpharius, what are you doing here?
The Lap is a city situated on the lap of a giant statue. The farms extend further towards the coast though IIRC.
I'm gonna recommend you go to the Exalted general and get your hands on all the Compass books for the five Directions of Creation. There's a ton of worldbuilding in those books that you can use, nearly all of it intentionally designed to offer plothooks for players.
You are a dumb negro and you're going to kill yourself in ten years when you're too bored of doing the same shit to go on. Not chain material!
Just because 'I'm" lying doesn't mean it's untrue. First, lies can be true if you don't believe in the truth. For example you can lie about the holocaust being true, even if you believe it was fake, yet in reality the holocaust is real. So you can unintentionally tell the truth while lying.

"I" just don't believe what I wrote, but who I am? The man writing the message you just read isn't the controller, he's just a man, another one of the controller's playthings.

The man felt like he was lying and that he had to add that part to feel comfortable with doing so. The controller who inspired the man to write that does not see it as a falsehood.

You should believe the controller on faith and will alone, if you do so you will get what you want. The man writing this does not believe this, but he's impious.
Most likely they're SB immigrants.
I'm looking at the game right now, and it look like Terraria and Starbound.
Can't say I dislike it.
He started with Notes, anon. It was already too late from the very first work he wrote.
vape naysh
Nta, the Anon before him, but I honestly think that FSN was the best and most "stable" of his work.

Take that as you will.
>be me
>Fate Zero Chad
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I see it on the map. That's closer to Gem than I thought it would be, though I suppose that makes sense.

I think I have plenty of plot hooks already thanks to injecting destinies into eyes for power, but I probably should read the book on the south just to get a better idea of what Gem is like.
Do you want me to search for my Urobutcher bingo card?
Wow this image honestly makes me angry with how wrong it is. Good bait.
Where's the best offensive perk of the game, Concentrated Spells?
Did you enjoy kiritsugus internal monologue about slaughter when he was eating a burger too?
I'm not doing that, but I do need at least a few more drawbacks to correct some formatting issues after the latest additions.

Also might as well post this.
>Cosplay Expy (50): Partly due to catching mental broadcasts and partly just due to how large the galaxy really is it’s not uncommon for humanity to have come up with varied races and characters who match up with many other species. This eccentric woman closely resembles a character or species you’re familiar with from legends or media (though likely far more well-endowed) to the point the similarities in looks, history, and personality are quite uncanny. In addition to just how she looks and acts she’s even developed axiom based versions of their double’s abilities, in truth the biggest difference between them might just be that upon encountering her double’s source material she’d be a massive fan to the point of eagerly roleplaying as the character. Perhaps don’t choose anything from a horror movie, given she’d be much more similar to ‘her’ image from such a thing than the Dzedin and Yauya are to the Predators and Xenomorphs.
Shonen twitter would give you an aneurysm.
Oh hey is this that hfy where humanity lives in a zone that drives everyone else fucking insane so they think we are cthulhu or something?
I don't know how you take the characters seriously when they look like that. There's a reason all the really important characters in Kingdom Hearts are basically normal humans in stupid Tetsuya Nomura outfits.
That's a different one
No, it's the one where Humanity lives in a zone that shuts down space magic so entering it kills most species since their biology relies on space magic. Also all the other species have really large breasts.
Probably, I never got into twitter. It always seemed like anyone who started posting there became multiple degrees of magnitude dumber and more self entitled.
Huh, well alright. Guess I have a new thing to read. Thanks!
Anyone know of any good Worm/Type Moon crossover fics?
Kinda makes me want a The Fourth Wave HFY jump, I suppose it's a good thing that the Dahak Chronicles is a close enough match to that setting to tide me over.
Nta but Altrouge is an extremely special case, and an experiment of crimson moon.
Wasn't one of our anons writing one? Something about Arcueid?
So what did you do in One Piece?
Is there a book or audiobook? Cause Im seeing almost 1k chapters and reddit is not the best way to read a thing
Teleported to Laughtale then broadcast whats there to the entire planet through the World Governments snail network before teleporting it away and just relaxing in East Blue
Shit Piss!
I'm continually amused how some of my earlier choice trivialize everything. Having a flying ship(the Jumperlight) makes the whole traveling the Grand Line/Calm Belt a breeze. And given recent plot developments having a good submarine is also highly useful.
No such audio book.
That's Exalted/Tsukihime. I know nothing about worm.
Quite literally no such thing.
Ah my bad. I got you mixed up then.
Speaking of this update not being done anon asked last thread about increasing the companion stipend, I've been leaning toward no but the section is getting quite large. Any thoughts?
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It's probably all the alchemical solution talk since it's getting a jump since that's exalted/Worm.
Who would you support for the throne, since obviously Emilia isn't qualified?
>Chemical weapons are spices in food and we're immune to null
Yeah I can see what type of jump this will be

I brought in a ship full of my uchiha companions and called outselfs the red eye pirate gang. Everyone thought we had some weird devilfruit. We did not.
Well, a large gathering of tiddy is appropriate for the setting. So maybe a small increase? But it's not strictly necessary.
priscilla was the only one qualified so not her. I went the loli and told her the best ways to fuck with everything l.
nta, but I would support Emilia. She may be dumb, and stupid, and really dumb, and really stupid, but she also has the time traveler who feels like he has to fix everything due to a massive inferiority complex.

Assuming I don't have that knowledge tho, I would probably support Crusch because she's the only person there who's actually from Lugunica besides the street rat.
She also wants to remove the nuke's of the country.
Accident become a Yonko after attacking Big mom to eat her Island.
>One Year Lease
What is that?
I don't think I would care too much about that assuming I don't have info from the show. Or alternatively, I would care, but let's look at the other options:

Street rat.

Literally from the nation who's our sworn enemy.

Not as bad as Priscilla, but electing her still means handing off my country to a foreigner.


So yeah, unless I happened to be pretty devout and worshipped Volcanica, I think I would go for Crusch.
I think I'm going to leave the stipend alone, but I am going to add something that once again should've been there in the first place given the setting. A free option to take your wives/family into future jumps.
>Uchiha ship
How scared were they by the fact random members of your crew could no diff all the strongest characters with genjutsu?
I was thinking Crusch too, for the time travelling I plan every time I need one I shapeshift to not be recognized and kill Subaru, the jump had the toggle to time travel with him.
Fetish setting
She does? I stopped following Re: Zero long ago, I don't remember it well,why?
Assuming your a native and not a jumper she's getting rid of the only reason you're country has been prosperous. To the avarage citizen every choice is shit.
That's my other jump, it's a giantess story about a shrunken guy renting his house to normal size woman to pay his bills while she's trying to capture him so she can use certain questionable laws about 'caretakers' claiming shrunken peoples' stuff.
Her childhood friend died or something and is on humanity fuck yeah copium.
I read that story and hated it, despite the fact that it is full of my favorite fetishes. So for your jump, does the High Functioning perk make you autistic? Because, and I fucking hate this because it's retarded, the leaders from Earth to staffed that mission picked autists because they know more about science and engineering and science fiction. So I'm just wondering if your perk gives someone autism.
She unconsciously hates the big dragon for not coming to save the royal family (which included her bf) with his healing blood. Since she can't admit to herself her retardness, she copes and tells everyone she's just trying to make the country stop relying on divine intervention to survive.

Which is probably something that needs to be done eventually, since the big dragon is going senile, but it is also probably not a good idea to do it now when the world is facing some crazy turmoil.
Unsure. But it sure is funny to think about. Even before you get to chakra mechs and illusory worlds.
No, it doesn't come with actual autism unless you take the +100 drawback. You'd just have the same level of talent with Axiom as the two overpowered autists from the crew.

The leaders didn't actually pick autists because they knew more about anything, there just so happened to be two autists who made the cut in the engineering and nerd squad sections then turned out that Savant Syndrome applies REALLY well to Axiom. The nerd squad itself is pretty dumb but so is the entire story.
Ninjas die to guns. Marines have guns.
Literally Priscilla. She was the only one who was actually shown to do her job correctly. Yes, the narcissist with plot armor is the best one. And they killed her.

Crusch is a literal retard who want to destroy the dragon, the very thing that keep this totalitarian joke of a country alive and protected, blaming it for the loss of a childhood friend (it wasn't it's fault, the dragon was still fucking deadsleeping, it was the Capella). She's currently braindead. Good riddance.
Felt literally want to fuck the country up.
Ana is a turbo jew who own a country and just feel like owning another one, saying, and I quote "I take care of what's mine so be mine". Probably a communist too.
Emilia is Emilia, and Emilia is basically Rias with even more plot armor, even more shilling, even less power, low temperature IQ, zero appeal, and zero sex appeal.
To note, not a single one of them are shown to be capable rulers. Crusch is merely shown to have charisma. I repeat myself, the narcissist with plot armor as her power is literally the best candidate as she is shown to do the work she is supposed to do competently.

God Subaru is such a waste of an MC. If the story really was about the tragedy about how a toxic surounding can make a kid go down a toxic path, and either growing out of it or drowing deeper, it would be fine. But Tappei doesn't think so. The characters who know about RbD doesn't think so either. They all think him suffering and using RbD is normal basic bitch move that he should do and just man up.
Which in turn goes againt the whole "count on your friends" message, but the day Tappei will be coherent and smart, will be the day Nasu will be too. Nasu has passion and autism, but Tappei has nothing that could redeem him or his writing.
Vol 1 as usual for LNs was the best, and it went downhill from there. But it wasn't great literature either then.
I swear I read this exact post before
When were you under the impression you had a gun?
Would Alien Space Babes perk be able to turn Eevee into anthro?
The whole rant about Priscilla? That's me yeah. Not gonna pretend otherwise, I'm using the same words.

Still seething.
Two questions. Are discounted 100cp items free, or 50cp? And what is the power armor like in this setting?
>Emilia is basically Rias
>Talking shit about Rias
Opinion discarded. Kill yourself and start over from zero.
Rias is kinda cool, but you have to be dumb as a brick to think she's a good MC.
At least she's hot.
There's like one dude here who has been really affected by the passing of fictional character Priscilla Barielle.

Though as shown by the Rem wars of the past, Re Zero just attracts the most autistic dudes in the planet. Which is why it should die already.
I don't get why Rem (or Ram) are so liked.
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Why are Shiny golden sun themed people always the best at actually ruling if they try?
I hadn't considered pokemon but if Eevees are sapient then yes.

I'll need to put this in the jump because I forgot myself when going over it for this update. The answer is free, not sure if that was my original intention for that but it's how it's going to be in the finalized update.

Also I leave for work soon so my ability to answer further questions will be sporadic for a while after this.
Cute maid
>t. never read/watched this series
>There's like one dude here who has been really affected by the passing of fictional character Priscilla Barielle.
Well, at least he's not that guy that killed himself over Itachi.
Despite what you may think. Humanity actually isn't the one stomping anything in the setting. The only reason why all the guys haven't been claimed and turned into harem members or Earth made into the biggest prostitute ring of all time is solely because of them knowing little about us and because of Null, respectively.
>Well, at least he's not that guy that killed himself over Itachi.
Rias has good main girl energy but you couldn't drive a plot around her. She exists best to complement the real MC. But sadly that MC is issei.
>that guy that killed himself over Itachi.
Dare I ask? I feel like I would feel sad.
So there's no real info on what power armor is like? Darn. It's hard to find settings with cool magitech power armor.
Ram isn't liked. Even among the most die hard Re Zero fandom she tends to split people's opinions. I have a theory on Rem, though I'm not some expert analyzer or anything. I think it's just due to:

A: Re Zero's 1 season was pretty popular, which meant there was tons of chances for a character to blow up.

B: She took Subaru out of the deepest shit he was in at the time. Waifus who are helpful tend to be more popular than waifus like Emilia who just look pretty on the sidelines.

C: She's easy to meme. She has the tortune scene to generate controversy, and to this day people still joke on the I love Emilia thing.
That looks like way too much effort wasted on the wrong parts of a chainbutt.
This place attracts all the autistic people so having there waifu die because of shit writing would make them salty.
What is Dzedin, Is she an Alien? Or some other type of predator
It was some 14 year old kid.
Shit forgot to answer that part, anyway the power armor doesn't get too much screen time due to the human soldiers generally not using it but it's quite good. Not as good as being an Adept but it can tank many of the common man portable space magic bullshit weapons such as plasma and laser guns between built in shields an actual armor.
Xenomorph, but the rule 34 version. Actually leaving now so won't be able to answer anything for a bit but I'll get to any more posted when I have the chance.
Thanks. Maybe give an option to take companions as followers instead. Have a good day at work
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>if Eevees are sapient then yes.
Then I will fanwank that it will be able to do it.
So does Axiom Enhancement make humans unable to eat spicy or seasoned food, because that's kind of how it's reading to me.
This is the second time this month, I'm seeing that image and it still weirds me out seeing it in this thread. But I suppose it's one of the few Dagasi images that can be posted on a blue board.
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Rem is literally an sociopath at worst, or on the extreme side of the spectrum at best. She killed Subaru in many, many way, which are still in the top of his worst deaths to this day.
And let's not even talk about the whole "I'mma grow more independent and stop latching at my sister, and instead latch at Subaru".

>She took Subaru out of the deepest shit he was in at the time
The one thing that can be liked about Rem, she genuinely want(ed) to help Subaru, she tell what's wrong, but not in a wrong or insulting way. In other words, she give a shit or at least feel like she give a shit about him, and is the only character that feel, or felt like that. Everyone else is just being a condescending piece of shit that take him for granted.
Except maybe Reinhard, but Reinhard is Reinhard.

Yeah. Who is Rem.

I take offence to that, I'm not salty because Tappei killed my waifu, there are no waifus in Ba Sing Zero, I'm salty because Tappei killed one of the genuinely competent characters that are genuinely shown as competent, that was a genuine threat to Emilia's goal, just so that said piece of shit bland girl could "shine" and "conveniently" have one more less obstacle on her path.
Is there any reason not to prevent Deku from getting OFA and then assrape him for being a bitch-jobber?
Because time is finite.
>I'm just mad because they killed the genuinely competent character who would genuinely hold my hand and genuinely pat my head while I genuinely cry into her chest
>there are no waifus in Ba Sing Zero
But the context of that reference is that there actually are wars on Ba Sing Se.

So what are you hiding?
That sounds nice, anon should save her.
Because I love him
Eh, works for me. Thanks OverwhelmingAnon!
Just to be clear, that'll affect the other light stuff like Light's Artist or the like too, right? Because that was what I was really looking for, something that would make me a proper dark magical boy/girl or magical girl villain with the power of darkness.
Loving someone isn't a valid reason to rape them?
I'm almost certain that's exactly what that means.
Do you guys write settings to be as retarded as they are in the source material, or do you try to make them make more sense?
For example, MHA since we're already talking about it, takes place over the course of a single year. Would you rewrite it for the plot to be spread out over several more years, or do you just finish the plot in one year and do nothing for the next nine?
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Noita Gauntlet is finished. Have fun with it, y'all. As always, feedback is appreciated.
Where's the twink OC companion in REdo of healer?
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Canon events are canon events. Sure, it's fucking absurd for the whole of Bleach up to Deicide arc to occur over like a 7 month period. But them's the breaks.
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Thanks skyrim anon. Was curious about it since you mentioned working on it. Giving it a read through now.
You're not getting it. It's in my secret version for $20 Patreon supporters
I'll be back
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I mean, if that's what you want. I doubt Good old Priscilla would like that though.


Look at the pretty light.
I tried to do that, it's difficult if not impossible.

How about a Flare Companion option?

I'm still confused as to what Black God is supposed to do, could you explain it to me better?
Why would you get rid of the retarded parts? That's where all the fun is
Shadow of the Erdtree's retcons fucking suck and destroy their base game, just like every other goddamn FromShit DLC before
No, it makes non humans able to eat spicy food. Though only to the same extent that a human who grew up with very mild food could.
Because being a psychopath over something like that is retarded.
Depends on the setting. For some I change it to make sense for others everything that happened 'Onscreen' still did but a lot of the background stuff might change to make what we see make sense.
Literally How?
Don't bite the bait.
Don't you say that, one of the most prominent member of this board, and known escapee from /dbs/ built his image on that and look at him.
>I'm still confused as to what Black God is supposed to do, could you explain it to me better?
Your heart is replaced by a gem that lets you control evil black goo, which you can then infect other people with. The goo makes you super strong, immortal and virtually unkillable + you can shapeshift to some extent both yourself and others you infect with the goo. The more people get infected with the goo, the more powerful you become.
>expecting fotomfags to exhibit restraint
The Three Fingers turn out to be right. The Frenzied Flame and the Greater Will are both mindless dipshits, as in both the Three Fingers and the Two Fingers, with the Greater Will being the equivalent of a poorly-optimized Game of Life program spinning off and clumping up in some corner of the map. You could say "we should have known this was the case due to a hand normally having five fingers", but shut the fuck up about that. This feels like the reveal in Runescape that life only exists because one of the original Gods was retarded and refused to put away her toys. The Greater Will makes things, sticks two fingers and a bug into the world's pussy, and immediately fucks off afterwards.
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Has there been any recent update from the guy making HBS Battletech?
Nobody respects Gohanposter except for Shard. And even then, it's like a mother who loves her criminal son.
I can respect that

I dont ged id

>it's difficult if not impossible
Why is it impossible?

What kind of settings would you rewrite to be less retarded and which settings would you leave alone?
All evokers draw on the Light, though the Light does have more morally dubious sides to it, such as the ability to deal Vile damage. You can use the power of a Light's Artist to corrupt people to the side of evil, but you are still very much the Light's artist, even if you happen to be evil.
Isn't that the fault of retards who just assumed the Greater Will was some beneficent all-loving God with pure and righteous intentions despite there being literally zero evidence of that being the case and a mountain of evidence that the Outer Gods are all fucking psychos?
And your weak points are? I'm not stupid, I know this isn't All The World's Evil And More.
Also apparently you got tentacles? And people you are infecting god tentacle and regeneration? Also you get weaker or if the heart is taken out?
>criminal son
More like a retarded son, but yes.
A mistake of nature?
What a wonderful shitpost, or the post of someone who haven't fully player the thing. It's like the average Persona 5 fan.
I haven't made much progress recently. My discretionary time has gone into painting up some minis for actual battletech after finding a local battletech scene. Sorry for the delay, I will finish it but it may be a bit.
Fair enough, I suppose.
Yes, I thought my sarcasm was pretty evident, sorry for not having conveyed it well enough.
nta, but that's twice now that someone tried to turn a bandwagon into physics.
You are probably right about that, but still:
We know fuck all about Marika. All the esoterism, and the interesting mysteries about whether or not Marika and Radagon are the same person? Nope, it's a direct allegory for syncretic religious beliefs. I mean sure, we don't know if Radagon is also a Numen (thus making Marika just a Namekian), but Marika really did just steal Rennala's husband and the Dark Moon cult's sanity by fusing with Rennala's husband. Also, Empyreans are a made-up race, literally just the bloodline of whomever knocks on Heaven's Door in the Land of Shadow. The Greater Will doesn't CHOOSE anyone apparently; his Two Fingers scout out an angry-looking bitch with a superpower, nudge them up to the Dev Room, and let the Elder Beast taste the cut of their gib.
Just have fun with your minis and it's all good friendo.
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No that's all good, don't rush it just to get it out, thanks for the update though.
Making the tentacles is part of the shapeshifting. Besides recovery heal so strong it can reverse time, your weaknesses are powerful holy shit and some sigil that severs your connection to the dark god's power, though you have a high resistance to those due to having a TON of the dark goo.

We don't see what happens if the heart gets taken out. It'd probably just weaken you until it got put back in since you'd lose most of the dark goo power.
>Why is it impossible?
Because you will need to rectify things, which will lead to you having to rectify a lof of things in the narrative, which will lead to, yeah you got the point. It can and will have a snowball effect.
Granted, I think MHA isn't too hard to salvage.

Of course you can just be lazy and do the bare minimum and make your own plotholes or say this is this and this is that, that work too I guess.
Thanks, got a game set up for next Saturday and hope to be able to swing a second. Really looking forward to it. Always good to be able to get on the table.

You one of the anons that had been making suggestions and requests previously?
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A few small changes.

>Clarified you must complete Quests you accept to finish your time in the Gauntlet
>Added a toggle to the reward of Peace At Last
>Added Uusi Aurinko Quest
>your weaknesses are powerful holy shit
I have to admit, I don't remember that.
>and some sigil
Or that. It honestly feel like a trap.

>We don't see what happens if the heart gets taken out. It'd probably just weaken you until it got put back in since you'd lose most of the dark goo power.
Seems like a trap if it weakens that much no matter your power level by just taking it off. Didn't Keyaru took out the heart before Bullet stole it?
Nta but If you were a demon king with demon king's woe and extracted your phylosophical stone would you die, it would recreate a normal heart for you or something else?
This is such a glorious cavalcade of secondary shitposting. I tip my hat to you, sir.
Will there be an empty Castle Nautilus item / fully loaded scavenger hunt scenario version?
Nope I barely know Battletech at all just hope someone is having a good day out there.
Repeating my earlier question: Where's Concentrated Spells?
You'd probably survive and be in even more pain than you already were.
Couldn't be bothered to add it.
Dumb question but I assume its possible to take multiple quests? Kinda want to work my way downward going from the completing the great work down to the bottom as I learn about the world in Jump.
Yeah, of course you can take multiple Quests.
It would just weaken the power you got from the dark goo, not anything else.
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You do realize it's arguably the most powerful perk in game?
I was planning on doing a scenario for the Castle Nautilus on Artu yeah.
Oh thank god.
Still feel like a trap, but not that much.
I disagree.
Would it be possible to develop a drug to alleviate the pain? I suppose not, since they would take away the concentration to stop the dark god.
Are you saying that, fully aware of how it works? With just Concentrated Spells and a big wand full of multicasts and basic spells like spark bolts you can deal thousands of damage per cast.
I'd say the fetus would literally revert your
body to a state before you ingested the medicine, since I think that's how Keyaru can cure poison/diseases
Anon your wand isn't impressive until you risk crashing the game using it.
Most powerful perk in the game is Tinker With Wands Everywhere, followed by the immunity perks, IMO.
You do realize that you can be a Hero, and they touch themselves with common sense right?

the what
Perfect, I'm guessing you wont be putting any direct numbers on whats in the cache given we just see a couple rows in the cutscene, although a Star League Reinforced Battalion, so 64 mechs, seems reasonable, plus whatever batshit insane Casper tank drone research they were doing in literal bumbfuck nowhere.
Makes sense, would you say the ability to slowly transform as you wish, changing both race and age, the body of whom you touch for long enough would be of adequate power for a demon king?
We are talking about the last drawback, wich give you an infant evil god that's trying to possess you, how would being a hero help.
Oh sorry my bad.
I did say arguably. It's definitely better than any single immunity.
>would you say the ability to slowly transform as you wish, changing both race and age, the body of whom you touch for long enough would be of adequate power for a demon king?
Sure, that's fine
Heroes are overpowered. Look at basically every Heroes who are using their Hero powers correctly.
File deleted.
What's a good extremely overpowered quirk for a final boss villain or Mary Sue in MHA to have that isn't just a copy of All for One?
Provided your undead dont spread disease or some manner of magical ick such as corrupted miasma or dark mana or some shit is there any real reason why a kingdom wouldnt be falling over themselves to hire necromancers to fight in their armies or create untiring working forces for them? Even if limited to animal corpses or prisoner corpses thats big business and a very powerful reserve force you dont need to feed.
Yes they are, but you can't remove the baby since it comes from a drawback.
Amped up Trace Empathy that makes people so depressed they can't even move.
For PTU would Ultra Beasts be fine to pick for Outer God for the purposes of Wrath Of An Angry God.
I know, but you could make it easier.
Eri, Himiko and Overhaul all have pretty good final boss quirks.
One for all, but instead of a green glow, it's black.
>provided your undead don't spread disease or some manner of magical ick
Who on Earth would believe you about that, even if that was true? Nearly every culture has some taboo or another relating to disturbing the dead for the reason that Corpses Are Spooky. They came up with various explanations as they developed, of course, but it all comes down to Corpses Are Spooky and I'm not really sure what you can do about that.
The religions would be against it no matter how you try and spin things, you'd be removing their power. Also unless you yourself were a king or noble then you'd also be growing too powerful as you become the backbone of the entire kingdom with a potential unkillable army. Even if you were of the ruling class there would be such a power disparity with you controlling everything that you'd never get it through. There's also the drawback of manual labour jobs suddenly disappearing meaning the entire peasant class would collapse into starvation. You can't give food away or lower the prices without also causing a massive tax drop, land owners would despise the price drop and merchants would also be against it.
Yeah we can't really put hard numbers to it but we can make inferences. At bare minimum if you go only by what we see in the cutscene there are at least 3 lances, more likely 5, based just on what we can see. Three rows of 4 mechs and what looks like rows of spiders in-between the larger machines. However that interpretation would of course be assuming that there are no other mechs outside of our line of sight, which can not be the case. We know that there must be mechs outside of our line of sight from this shot because we don't see any Black Knights, but we have one on the following breakout mission, so clearly there are mechs which are out of our line of sight. My read is that there is at minimum a Battalion of Mechs, and like you said quite possibly a Star League Reinforced Battalion of four companies of four lances. I'll probably go with the Reinforced Battalion.
Crap forgot the pic.
Nothing to do with all the optional bosses or shit like cracking open the moon, opening the special chests or bringing toveri to the avarice diamond?
There's not anything hugely bad about MHA taking place in a single year.
I mean, a lot of stuff is mainly unlocking spells for future runs. Not sure what you want me to do with all that besides maybe offering them to be bought with cp (which I feel would largely defeat the point of getting them yourself), or adding them to the Quest section, which I don't think they're big enough to merit. I was already unsure whether to include the Sun Seed Quest to begin with, largely because I didn't know what to offer as a reward besides the fancy crown.
Where better to experiment with killbots than bumfuck nowhere? If it goes wrong it doesn't kill a planet you care about, and its close enough to the planets you are trying to pacify that if it works well you can start sending them over easily.
I love the fact Battletech has all this shit laying around.
The tarnished is a retarded gimp that can only collect scraps of power. Just like every souls game
>We know fuck all about Marika. All the esoterism, and the interesting mysteries about whether or not Marika and Radagon are the same person? Nope, it's a direct allegory for syncretic religious beliefs. I mean sure, we don't know if Radagon is also a Numen (thus making Marika just a Namekian), but Marika really did just steal Rennala's husband and the Dark Moon cult's sanity by fusing with Rennala's husband.

Well, I mean I've got a schizoid theory about what the fuck is going on, if you'd like to hear it.
The sun scenarios cool. Though I admit the "Poopstone" bit kinda made me go "Really?" Fun scenario though with a good reward. Thinking of doing that and then going into exalted.
SLDF Logistics Command was staffed by fucking squirels I swear.
It's presented as a curse from the getgo, just as her other siblings are cursed in some way
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Quests was what I was thinking. Given the overall structure of the jump and section a reward beyond extra CP may not be necessary.
If they weren't dust and bones I would hire them and DOME.
You could do a lot more work with less, lowering prices and providing more food. Its basically the same as when tractors were invented. Nta but what you are saying doesnt track.
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Does Discord even do jumps anymore? It's been years since I last heard about them
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>Though I admit the "Poopstone" bit kinda made me go "Really?"
It's very much real.

Well I'll be busy for the rest of the day so I'll consider that tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestion nonetheless.
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There's also enough ammunition to collapse the entire thing, given the Star League building standards for a Castle Brian, even if this seems to just be a really small one, it gives a sense of scale to just how many machines were there to be supplies. Of course it could also just be a blacksite ammo dump from the periphery uprising and the mechs were just there because the League puts mechs into literally every cache. 64 lostech mechs is a pretty good haul for a scenario, just have to wonder how to move them all when we don't have the Argo meme storage area.

Argo can carry 16 in the fully upgraded bays and lets say a further 8 in storage, with another 4 in the Leopard. Gonna have to triage the loot or steal a couple pirate dropships and jumpships before heading there.

I was more referring to the sheer expense of drone vehicles in Battletech and the amount of infrastructure needed to actually make the things. The amount of money and time to transport all the needed shit to bumfuck nowhere periphery is actually insane. Besides they already had the full on Casper drone warship within the Hegemony core worlds so there wasn't any real reason for it. I know it's just a silly game maker decision but it certainly helps jumper when it comes to a good and hardened production facility when this jump comes out.

It's always fun to look into the lore lostech finds to see what the authors have made up. The lost Amaris underwater mech factory is one of my favourites, Helm is just a cop out when they realised that they needed to balance the clans advantage against the spheroids. The New Dallas reunification war era mech graveyard is cool though, I like to imagine a bunch of pirates finding it and just going to town in decrepit Mackies in Hegemony colours.
Making a rational!AU of a setting takes a lot of effort and often leads to a completely different world and story. It's not worth it most of the time.
That's what you get when your procurement budget is a hopelessly corrupt "yes" for a few centuries. It's great!
>Redo of Healer
+100 - Naive
+200 - Trauma Dump survivor syndrome
+200 - Retarded Revengeance
+200 - Dead or Alive
+300 - Demon King's Woe
+200 - Demi-human
300 - Hero
Corrupt Elite
400 - Unbreakable
200 - Instructor
300 - Demon King: sight based mind reading, complete fleshwarping on touch, race and age can be changed
300 - Black God
Free - Beasts
Free for Hero - Divine Arms
400 - Caladrius Egg
300 - Kingdom
Free - Chéri
So I'm a ruler of another kingdom enemy of Jioral, I will start near the protagonist following him, hidden thanks to my shapeshifting, to try and meet the star spirit first, then I will offer him to work for me, if he refuses forcibly turn him into a demon and use my authority over them to control him, not giving particular orders but to be sure for the future, first trying to frame it as a gift of greater power but if he refuses again force him. continue to sneak with shapeshifting, telepathy and fleshwarping to find important powerful target to control, those too far gone, and wich have exhausted their utility in subverting Jioral, I revert to infancy to try and see if nurture beats nature, using instructor or foster homes to grow them differently. When gathered enough heroes I will hunt down the other demon king, study our philosopher's stones an try to create new ones when I will be of high enough level. Will empower most people possible in both kingdom with black god and, with enough time will try to take the trial of the god bird. Will control demihumans by reading in their minds their true names if they attack me, but until then will try to be the nicest I can, to give an increasingly better name to my kingdom. Will ask a reeducated flare to modify the ritual chamber, if I manage to grow her in a good person. For now I'd say it's all, if I remember something else I will say it.

Again thank you Psycho for answering most of my extremely numerous questions.
No they dont. Im pretty sure you arent allowed to talk jumps on discord. Also any faggot who thinks joe is competant after that debate needs to be shot, they are actively lowering the iq of the country.
God danm... Well alright then. Thats wacky but I can accept it. Also congrats you've successfully made me reinstall Noita. I'll give it a good when I'm not smacking my head at my own Jumps or playing Moonring.
Let me hear it, I want to hear the theory crafting
Nope, I tried but I got banned/kicked for off topic discussion.
That's today, you're talking about fantasy era when the people working the farms can't read and know no other skills. You could say they learn more but who teaches them? Most actual trades are mentorship/apprenticeship and the fantasy merchant/craft guilds normally have a stranglehold on everything else. There would be a point where what you said was true but people in fantasy land don't normally look beyond a year into the future unless their the ruling class, or elves, and the distrust and disruption of a cultural upheaval would cause to many problems in the short term for them to try it. I'm basing this on you trying to do it in a society which is distrustful against such things as it's already an option and isn't being used as well.
No so stop talking about it.
Are you the anon that wanted to join discord to find out for himself what that community was like?
Overhaul doesn't have enough personal combat strength and resilience to be an intimidating final boss. One lucky shot would blow his head off.
Himiko only has one copied quirk at a time which while very strong is not super strong.
I am one, but I never posted about it anywhere. And this was like 2 months ago.
Making a rational!AU typically doesn't work, because the people making them tend to be just as retarded as the original author.
Makes you wonder what would happen if she copied Neito and used his quirk alongside Twice. Would the clones all also have the copying quirk or what the hell would happen.
like anons said it's mostly religious and cultural aversion regarding treatment of the dead. Like you have to think about how much of a taboo disecting dead bodies for studying medicine was.

Though Animal Corpses could work to ease people into it. Like I imagine most riders and coachmen would be unnerved by undead horses being mindless and not responding like living beings, but would get over it once the advantages quickly become apparent like perfect obedience, not needing to feed it or give it any rest(not even just sleep, but you traditionally needed to switch out horses a lot during long journeys) and generally not having to worry about it growing old or falling sick.

I imagine the first generation is gonna be the hardest to convince fully(especially among those who dont work with or use the undead, but just see them), but that generations that grow up seeing them more normalized would be a lot more receptive to this being expanded.
Its kinda nutty how much the game used AI honestly. Way more prevalent in the game than it is in the regular BT lore. AIs all over the fucking place in that corner of the periphery.
But they are retarded in new and exciting ways at least lol.
A lot of jumps Discord makes get posted on /tg/ and are seen as /tg/ jumps.
nta, but the easiest way to expand education in a premodern setting would probably be to work with organized religion, so that the local church equivalents in rural areas have some members take time to teach children about basics of reading, writing and scripture, which can potentially even be expanded into holy magic with talented students.
I honestly don't know how to process this.
I mean it makes sense, they needed to have some form of fights to get into the cache and turrets just wouldn't cut it. They could have had the degenerated degenerated descendants of the place but that'd just not fit the setting. Its clearly a purely game mechanic but it's also something I could see the Star League doing, if they are already building a Castle Brian in the middle of nowhere why not also make it a blacksite to tests drone weapons against the bumfuck periphery barbs
The problem with this ties back into you trying to use necromancy and thus will be denounced by the church for stealing a part of their societal role so they'd never actually help you. Again based on the fact that they aren't using necromancy already to do this as that was the original question.
>into you trying
>actually help you
Meant to use them not you in the instances where I've put you
I've been thinking about having an Eidolon quirk but it doesn't quite fit the biological/limited "flavor" of MHA quirks. eg: All for One has those holes in his palms he uses to transfer powers.

Not sure how you'd tweak it to fit in.
Thanks for the build!
>Thanks for answering my questions
No problem.
Jackpot/Slots flavored quirk with a limited selection of options that combine multiple sub-quirks into a current one randomly.
There's literally a quirk that warps reality on contact. There are very few, if any, limits.
You know that endbringer that has three heads and copies powers, make him a quirk mutant with that appearance but no visual shift to show what powers he's using, just a three faced form, like the Living Tribunal from Marvel
Quirks are just magic at this point, don't worry about it.
My quirk let's me fart cum.
Hi, it's the anon working on the Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury checking in again. Maybe I'll call myself WitchAnon. Hope everyone here's doing well. Progress has still been slow. I've written out all the origins. I'm not sure how to go about the three major Benerit Companies. My current idea is to make them sub-origins that cost 100cp each. Taking one of these suborigins will get you discounts on the mobile suits the chosen company makes. For example, throwing your lot in with Jeturk gets you a discount on the Desultor, the Dilanza, the Desultor Sol, the Darilbalde, and the Schwarzette. I'll also put in a Mobile Suit customization section with the option to import your own suit or make one for scratch. Grassley will get a discount on the antidote option. I also considered making Shin Sei one of the suborigins, but ultimately I think that's stupid because the only suit Shin Sei actually makes is Aerial.

I don't particularly like this idea of corporate affiliation sub-origins, which is why I'm bringing this up. It was influenced by the ASOIAF jump by CoolCats, with how the dragon egg was discounted to Targaryens. Does anyone have alternative suggestions?
I am sorry, I see you typed a lot but my brain refuses to parse half of it.
Perhaps just have the affiliation cost the 100CP and have the basic faction mobile suit of that faction be free for someone with that affiliation or 100CP for anyone without, it would turn the companies into a thematic option without actually screwing anyone or messing up the jump balance. I'm not familiar enough with the setting to offer anything beyond that
Eh, in my experience they're generally more consistent at least, even if they don't make for the better story. What rational AU's have you read?
By basic faction suit I mean whatever they use for mook enemies in this gundam, so whatever this verion of the Zaku is for those companies.
I think this >>93212497 is a good idea, but I'm also sleep deprived, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.
I've just read the Lazy Dungeon Master manga.

Can anyone familiar with the LN tell me if items/golems created with Magic Stones ever need to have the stone replaced/recharged? Or are they just perpetually active?

Just trying to evaluate how useful magic stones are, compared to the equivalents in other settings.
Stars is an example of this though. She has to touch what she want's to control (meaning it has to be a physical thing) and say the name out loud and can only manipulate two things at a time.

In combat she functions very similar to generic molecule manipulation but it's those touches that match the aesthetic of quirks

Taking this drawback with Altered Form probably means you start out being held by your captors, and escaping lands you in the Stranded drawback location.

>A solar could probably rig up an underground mushroom farm to deal with that, but, blegh. Mushrooms. No thanks.
Your best bet is to build a path that leads through the mountains to the west and buy food from the coast.

>And I've already started adding more things.
The muse wants what it wants.

Having brought it up, I of course say yes.
As long as its on dungeon property they dont need a recharge iirc.
yes, but in that case they dont need a magic stone to begin with. Magic stones are included in things like Golems and Magic Swords so they can be used outside the dungeon(it is said that a clay golem without a magic stone would run out of power after an hour outside the dungeon).

I am just not sure if the magic stones is just now a permanent source of energy for the items/golems or it needs to be recharged/replaced, since the manga doesen't go into detail about them, other than mentioning them being used in making stuff occasionally.
Could someone confirm that Psychic perk in MGS V is based on Psycho Mantis and that the 7 softcap the perk mentions is roughly where you'd reach the point of controlling Sahelanthropus through telekinesis if you focus on that path?
I don't need a quirk to have a phat bussy.
Alright, updated the jump again based on the feedback from yesterday. Soldiers are now an item and we have a new 400 perk for the government official origin. Give it a gander and let me know if there are any issues that jump out or anything else that could use correction and improvement.
Okay, so:
>we know that Marika was one of these 'shaman' folks, and that their flesh "was said to meld harmoniously with others.", hence all that jar shit
>we know, from Miquella's discarding of bits of himself - a portion of which turned out to be St.Trina - that it's possible for such a being to discard parts of its' mind... and for the discarded parts to be a quasi-independent person nonetheless linked to them.
>we know Radagon was very loyal to the golden order, but that Marika... well, she fucking broke the Elden Ring, among other things
>we know that godhood is somehow confining
>we... okay this bit is speculation, but there's that bit about how Radagon hates his red hair and how it might be a curse from the Fire Giants or something of that nature.

I think that Marika just flat out removed the bits of herself that were loyal and zealous in order to act more freely, and that those bits were Radagon. I also think she spun out the whole curse/red hair/fire thing out with those loyal bits. And, given the whole 'shaman' thing, I don't think it took much effort to reintegrate Radagon back into herself. Or maybe Radagon did so forcefully? Doesn't matter. My thoughts are shallow, but here they are regardless.
Marika didn't have to sacrifice parts of herself for her ascension.
Radagon and Marika were forced into one body when they were imprisoned inside the erdtree because of some half-baked Alchemy reference. How are you not getting this already?
Because once they let you in you own the kingdom. You are a threat both to the individual citizenry, such as they may be, and the people who own, run, and benefit from the running and ownership of the nation. A ruler would have to be indescribably retarded to let in a necromancer that can do what you're suggesting.
You could do like, a bunch of glowing lights all over your body. Like, a bunch of holes in your shoulders, arms, and body: based on what Quirks you've currently got "equipped," differently-colored lights come out of them, and the effects propagate through those holes.
Been a while since I watched Gundam, though I used to love them when I was younger. This series any good? Might give it a go if it isn't slop.
Pretty sure you had a few suggestions and replies last thread. And yeah you definately need more drawbacks and a few more items.

More perks would be njce too. Good start though, keep it up.
TDS is real and unless you're willing to accept that and deal with the consequences you're not going to understand what has happened over the last four eight years, what's happening now, and what's about to happen.
Nta but that goes for literally any wizard.
No. Anon was stating he had the ability to replace the army and the foundation of the economy. A fucking illusionist isn't going to do that, an evoker isn't going to do that, a diviner isn't going to do that, a summoner might be able to do that but generic summons are typically more temporary than necromancer summons / creations, at least in genre lit.
every single Discord around the planet has off-topic discussion you retard
What about Discords without topics?
I'll have to go back and check to make sure I didn't miss anything then. I had thought I had addressed all of the feedback up till this point. While I understand that more options would be nice I don't think I'm going to be able to tease any more perks or items out of the source material. I'm already bullshitting and making up shit that wasn't directly shown but could be inferred as is. I'll see if I can figure out a few more drawbacks though.
Hell, we have off-topic discussions all the time too!
Illusionists can usually use mind fucking magic, evokers can blow up entire buildings, a diviner is going to probably be ok to deal with I give you that but a summoner will be able to call up all manner of shit. If you are going to argue that one necromancer can replace the entirety of the army you should be taking the other mages to a similar level.
alright I just went on the Discord right now to check and my search didn't show up any of those posts.
so, either you made this shit up with inspect element or they were removed for being off-topic, which disproves your point.
Sure, how many of them ban people for talking about the thing the discord was made for?
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The opposite to the necromancer, they'll go for quality over quantity and just puppet the nobles using their summoned demons or something like that. Also harder to get kill once they get entrenched and start making deals.
I can easily see summoners pulling demons out and taking over a kingdom. Like in castlevania.
Summoners can also summon fae. Which if anything is worse than demons in many cases.
Going on the Discord and checking it up, right now they were just talking about the Imperial Navy jump and it changed to a general 40k talk
I really can't see how this is any different from here
>one necromancer can replace the entirety of the army
Glad you took the time to read part of my post and part of the post I was responding to, sorry to hear you're too ADHD addled to read all of it. Please go back and read all of it if you'd like me to respond, tard-kun.
Because I can talk about being an unrepentant fascist dictator in a jump here. I can't there.
OP is LITERALLY wanting to replace the nation's manual labor force with zombies.
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>You battle through the evil summoners lair till the final boss room, there he stands in all his evil glory and begins to monologue. As he does you feel a slight prick on the back of your neck, the evil summoner laughs as your entire party collapses around you, "Behold my last line of defence, the Lady of Spring, Tinker Bell, and despair for you have already lost."
Anon also talked about replacing workers -- basic laborers -- in the economy, since there have been countless /tg/ threads about necromancy being used to do just that. I don't know that summoning or a summoner, even a high level one, is going to pull that off without a higher risk and cost than a necromancer. Summoned beings have wills that you have to contend with and plan for, the type of automaton style skeletons frequently brought up in the economics of necromancy threads do not.
You can't talk about that in SB or reddit either. Just accept that being an edgelord everywhere outside of here is seen as annoying rather then matter of course.
Two out of four of my Overlord NPCs are fairies for a reason, anon. Preaching to the choir.
Ah so you just want to bitch. Ok then.

To which I can only say good on them? A skeleton horse would be a good investment. You know how much it costs to keep a horse? You could plow so many fields with undead oxes!

Though they would need to be like zombie oxen. Or have the bones covered in something heavy, that weight helps a lot when plowing.
Go full skulltone. Have a human population that's acts as the kids with no official power and when they die use the bodies as slave labour and the ghost's continue to work for you as your real citizens.
Summoners get that done by doing shit like calling up a dryad and having it cause the farm to till themselves and grow faster.
>Imperial Navy jump
Have I missed this or is it being worked on? I hope you don't just mean the Freelancer jump or is it the SB one they're talking about.
I read a short story about something similar once. People more or less take out a mortgage on their post-mortem bodies for a fat chunk of pre-mortem cash. The idea was that if you paid it off before you died, they corp didn't own your body. The protag of the story wasn't able to do that and, surprise surprise, the corpos lied when they said you aren't conscious post-mortem and the story ends with him in his rotting body, conscious and able to feel things but unable to control anything, trying to calculate just how long he'll have to slave on a solar farm to pay off his debt.
You also cant post anything right of left without being called a facist nazi.
Oka I judt bit the bullet and checkef out thr LNs myself, and apparently the magic stones do eung out of energy over time, can be manually rechsrged by pouring mana into them ans vanish if completly empty.

Less useful than I hoped, but still pretty good by being rechargable through mana alone.
Dryads give a fuck about their trees and that's about it.
>While holding the Scepter, its master can borrow the senses of anyone marked with its sigil, located anywhere in Creation. This function has no Essence cost and requires no dice rolls. Sigil-bearers, even those who are Exalted, can neither sense nor resist this power. The Scepter’s bearer can experience all of a sigil-bearer’s senses without the sigil-bearer’s knowledge or consent.
>For three motes of Essence, the Scepter’s bearer can strengthen this connection and actually take over the body of any mortal sigil-bearer, including enlightened mortals (but not Exalted), for up to a scene. The Perfect can possess or tap the senses of only one person at a time, but he can use this borrowed body as easily as his own. The subject of this possession has no memory or awareness of these events.

Man, Paragon is fucking terrifying.

I think that would take more than ten years, and I'm not staying for longer.
I read a book where they used massive soul reliquaries that grabbed your soul when you died (provided you wore the right kind of jewelry so it could catch your soul) then they would pop you back into a pre prepared undead body and have a number of types of undeath available. They tried to keep all souls from moving on because the mages and wizards knew for a fact that the god of the setting was some sort of lovecrafting sun god that devoured your soul after death.

It was a major point of why they wanted to learn to craft their own worlds, to get away from that shit.
Depends on the world and kind of dryad. Some are more general nature spirits rather than specifically tree spirits.
There's a reason why everyone with a brain wants to attacks Paragon and steals it.
>Imperial Navy jump
The SB jump doesn't actually give any CP outside of drawbacks if you read through it. I find this greatly amusing.
And thats with the Scepter running on the gimped mortal mode rather than the full power if a celestial exalt uses it.
I start all jumps with 1700CP.
I routinely give myself more points in bigger jumps. Likewise with jumps for settings that I want to visit that are sparse or I don't like the perks and items I don't buy anything.
I simply endure the choice paralysis and never finish making builds for such jumps.
Unfortunately, Ultra Space cannot grant Pact Gifts, which means they count as being Lesser Divinity.
>Man, Paragon is fucking terrifying.
From the First Age book:
>In short, this tributary is clearly the most law-abiding and polite place in all Creation, although it has a higher than average suicide rate. Terrible Bloody Rose and Shining Ocelot regularly assert that similar measures should be adopted throughout Creation, but debate continues in the Deliberative. Many Celestial Exalts and most Dragon-Bloods strongly oppose this idea because they find the results to be deeply disturbing.
Remember that these are First Age Solars calling the results of using the Scepter and Orb to control the people of a region ‘deeply disturbing’.

>I think that would take more than ten years, and I'm not staying for longer.
Needs more drawbacks for sure, also there's no outro section.
+0cp chains are fun
On a scale of 1 to 10, how lewd are you feeling today?
Sound like someone could be driven insane by hijacking the senses of the wrong person. Also what full power do?
>Likewise with jumps for settings that I want to visit that are sparse or I don't like the perks and items I don't buy anything.
I do the same thing, and it has really made my chain more fun.

Like, do I really need to waste time thinking about some poorly written 150CP perk from a super old jump? No, no I don't.
Good job skipping the outro section
Fuck yeah. I love 0cp chains
Big juicy target for Internals and Abyssal's since mortals just die around them even easier then other exalted types and he only has one Solar working for him.
They are, but they sort of feel like playing a JRPG on a hard difficulty. The more time passes, and the more tools you get, the easier they become until a normal chain is just kind of the same thing, but less annoying.
>Have so many settings I want to visit that it ends up being a giant clusterfuck and I don't get anything done
How the fuck do people run chains of 50+ jumps.
Why are you asking?
I'll get the outro added. Working on adding some drawbacks now.
Patience, dedication, and commitment to a character. Grocerycartfags and their ilk have no stamina.
Idk. It just kind of happens sometimes.
Since we kinda got a necromancy topic going anyone know how I could go about merging the massive and ever growing amount of ghosts in me from uq holder and my army of undead I have been growing for a while into my hellsing vampire body? The familiars from that are similar to necromancy and I really need a better place to shove all the undead I create other than into jumpers infinite coat pockets or storage rings.
Eat them.
I pick a few powers, decide on a theme, and run a chain arc using that theme. My other powers exist but I limit my usage of them for the most part.
AoE applications of the sigil, and it works on exalts.

Man, fuck Paragon.

>First Age Solars think something is fucked up
Well THATS a hell of a character witness.

Sounds like not my problem.
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>I pick a few powers, decide on a theme, and run a chain arc using that theme.
This always makes for a more satisfying chain.
This except I minimise non theme pick ups. Some jumps I just flat out won't take anything.
Most of them dont have souls so I dont know how that would work. Maybe Im missing something?

Now thats a neat idea.
shadow monarch stuff from solo leveling paired with the army purchase would probably work. All of the shadow monarch's undead can hide in his shadow, or the shadow of other people, and iirc the army purchase comes with a pocket dimension your army can hang out in when they're not directly needed. I think Seoul Station Necromancer also had something similar, in regards to a pocket dimension you could put your undead into.
I used to use a homebrew drawbac supplement that effectively gave 400 cp for any jump I didn't have a serious objective of challenge in
Ah I forgot seoul station necro. Yeah thats a solid one. I didnt buy into being a monarch in solo leveling. Thanks!
>will be the day Nasu will be too
Nasu is a genius.
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Besides Destiny The Darkness's Anthem Anatheme, what methods of wish granting are out there that actively fuel/feed/empower me for granting other people's wishes?
Most devil contract type stuff.
It's ok. I liked the character dynamics, and the general theme of Spacian economic oppression, the character arcs of Suletta and Guel, and the tie-ins to the Tempest. The ops and eds are all pretty good too. I can't say I really appreciated Miorine's character. I related to her on a small level, but ultimately I wouldn't want her as a romantic partner. She's a good person and a compelling character, but I don't think I'd get along with someone who looked and acted like Miorine irl. Besides that, the worldbuilding's not very good. It was a struggle writing the locations because there isn't much info given on them, which forced me to rewatch ten or so episodes.
Speaking of the Destiny Darkness jump, could someone list the factions that are actually Darkness aligned for the sake of the enemy drawback, or at least point out any I'm missing from below just want to confirm if I'm aware of them all.

>Hive, Cabal, Vex (partial?), Taken, Scorn and Witness (and it's brood/Black Fleet) and Eliksni/Fallen.
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>Except maybe Reinhard, but Reinhard is Reinhard
He also might be gay.
The real trick is when the Scepter and Orb are used together. Then everyone gets happy drugs for being a good slave and tortured for being bad. The long term effects were considered creepy and if the Deliberative had realized that it worked on exalts they would have destroyed them.
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>I'm salty because Tappei killed one of the genuinely competent characters that are genuinely shown as competent, that was a genuine threat to Emilia's goal, just so that said piece of shit bland girl could "shine" and "conveniently" have one more less obstacle on her path.
First time?
Eliksni aren't actually Darkness-aligned. They were just counted because they were enemies of Humanity. The real Darkness factions are:

>The Disciples (Rhulk/Nezarec/Calus)
>The Witness

...And that's about it I think.
Wait do the Cabal not count? I thought they were working with the Witness, shit that's going to mean a change to my build if so. Probably have to take the Taken instead which is more dangerous
That one quirk that one guy had to copy quirks.
The Cabal count, but it's a very pathetic count. Like just a tiny step up from Fallen count.
Didn't they make an SCP jump?
Ah I see it's the pussy move to take them for the drawback, unfortunate but I suppose I'll have to settle for the Scorn, Hive and Taken. Which is going to be rather painful but still less so than trying to fight the other three options if they're fully mobilized against my jumper. Those would just mean drawing in the end game shit years before anyone is even remotely ready to be used as post-death meatshields.
>we know that godhood is somehow confining
That's because the story is written by Japs.
The Cabal only count because of Calus and MAYBE Ghaul if you stretch. Calus and his personal Legions are the only ones amongst the Cabal who really went all in on the Darkness kool-aid.
>Man, Paragon is fucking terrifying
What are some fairy-adjacent non-fairy monsters? There won't always be a fairy option on the table when picking a monster form from a jump, so I'd like to have some alternatives that still feel in-line with my theme.
Nta but its exalted shit
NTA, but I just looked and they're still there. There are at least three Discords, so make sure you're looking in the right one. These posts are in their Outside channel from a few days ago.
Yup, that would do it. On pain of death is skeevy but actually how laws are supposed to work, but feelgood souljuice is a bit too far.

A city. Fantasy 1984, sort of.
Homebrew, nigga.
>There are at least three Discords
What is this, DC editorial trying to wank Joker?
Hey, Sukuna isn't bland. Or at least he wasn't when he was in Yuji.
There's the original Jumpchain Discord, there's the multiplayer Discord made by the same people, then there's the reddit Discord made because the redditors didn't like how critical the other ones were of reddit. There used to be a QQ Discord, and several jumpmakers on SB (notably blackshadow and EdroGrimshell) have their own.
What the fuck
It's not. It's like here, except every sonoften Soft or one of the regulars will pipe up with something to the tune of "Imagine liking Jumpchain". Basically imagine this place, but the shitposters were officially sanctioned by the mods, and instead of being reactionary they were woke.
The qq discord died because bancho and another guy spammed gay porn
Do you think a vampire styled inheritor in the generic korean portal invasion would do better as a lord of undead or as a lord of demons?
Pixies, insects such as fireflies or dragonflies, other fae, onaholes, you can make an argument for certain species of elves...
I was going to say Caoineag or Bean-nighe but both of those are close enough to fairies that the probably don't count, then I thought Finfolk but for some reason Wiki counts those as fairies too so I guess all of the old Scottish monsters are just classified as fairies due to being fairy tales. Baba Yaga might be but she's been grouped into the Fae subculture in western media in recent times.
Be a necromancer and a lord of demons. That way you can boost your undead with demonic magic. Necromancers often get the power to usurp other undead anyway.
Is the vassal claw a claw type weapon or claws that grow out of your hand? I can't get any information on it
Depends on the lore reason about how you became a Vampire. Did you go Dracula route and forsware all things good and holy because you'd lost everything or simply been to destitute to care about any promised heaven, in which case demons. Or was the vampirism due to some curse or spellcraft of your own making, perhaps you came close to death and events conspired around your dying form that magic most foul twisted you into a monster of the night in which case necrormancy.
What little I know about the series says the former.
Fairy is an insanely broad description of monsters. I mean elves and goblins are both considered fey in some belief systems If you are looking for something little and kind of like a fairy, gnomes could do, certain kinds of angels could do I suppose. Kitsune are very fairy like, there are probably a lot of creatures in Japanese beliefs that would meet that criteria. I kind of want to say Genie, they aren't generally small but they are certainly magical and could be considered Fey like. Honestly Genie is kind of stretching it a bit.
Is there a perk that lets you do the Evil Overlord thing where your civilization and military forces are run on betrayals and backstabbing and the peasants are whipped in the fields yet they work fine as long as you are in charge or alive?
Thematically almost certainly undead.

Though I guess you could also falvour it about ruiling over human passing mosnters like vampires, werewolves and witches among other things.
How would Batman feel about his rogue's gallery being given brain chips that prevent them from commiting crimes? They don't brainwash them or turn them into vegetables, it's just that if the Joker thinks about bombing a hospital for the 5th time this week his body will be physically incapable of it.
A claw type weapon, obviously. All the others are tools or weapons, why would one be different? Are you a moron?
Im leaning towards demons but taking the necromancer class. Though I agree a vampire really runs the gamut on typing they are generally undead.

Also it seems harder to find demon royalty perks than undead control perks.
How much do you think I could corrupt Yuzu and Karin by appealing to their shared desire for Ichigo? My plans involve teaching them mystical martial (marital) arts, supplying them subtle but potent aphrodisiacs, helping them unlock and master their powers, and bringing forth ancient masters of the art of incest to educate them on how to best seduce their onii-chan.
Nah Djin aren't and will never be fairies, they're too tied to the Abrahamic religions. There's enough wish granting fae to cover that side of things already too. I would really only count things as fae if they're bound by the general rules, bound by their name, hurt by cold iron and unable to speak things they know to be untrue. Otherwise it's just Fae adjacent and even then some things kinda wiggle between them like the Tuatha De
For Wrath of the Righteous what do the tiers of the veteran perk give you in levels?
Roughly not precisely since it runs off lore rules rather than game mechanics directly.
Like 6ish for the first tier and maybe 12ish for the second?
Go watch the Justice Lords episode from the DCAU.
Check the wiki doofus
Bad. He tried to stop them from doing that to doctor light iirc and the justice league ended up erasing batmans memories and eventually led to batman creating the plans to off the justice league.
Find one of the jumps with power toggles. When you enter a jump, toggle off everything that you didn't just buy, except maybe a few one-ups and immunities to mind control and soul fuckery, then go have your own adventures, being just a background character to the MC, just giving them a little help.
I only use more of my power in settings where people are just fucked. The grimdark settings, the horror settings, etc.
Post a pic of the text or the text itself.
>no kill rule against domestic terrorists
>plans to kill his friends and co-workers who are also superheroes
There has to be something in Gotham's water
>doctor light
Arthur was just turned into a jobber and no longer a rapist, he still committed crime and fought the Teen Titans.
That was giving people lobotomies, which this specifically isn't.
There is literally everything in Gotham water, fear toxin, smillex, venom, Lazarus pit juice, hundreds of dead bodies some probably with powers of their own. Then you’ve got the fact it’s a hellmouth where reality is weak, and Indian burial ground, the current place where Doctor Gotham has been sealed away, the centre point of a 5th dimensional imps favourite character, a multiverse focus point due to Batman living there and probably another thousand other things that have come up in 80 or so years of comics
NTA but here

Veteran- 200/400
You’ve been on a few adventures before. Instead of some rookie who just came off the ship, you’re
already experienced. This option essentially allows you to skip ahead through the usual process of
studying, training and going on adventures to improve yourself as a hero here. It won’t affect your
race nor any Mythic options you choose to pick, as you’ll only have come into Mythic power recently. For 200CP, you’ve got at least a few years experience with it all. You’re capable and ready for battle
but would not be considered a rare sight. The best warrior of a small army, the court mage of a
moderately successful kingdom, an important cleric for a regional section of your faith. You’d be
more than a match for most common soldiers, even those of the demon hordes. Casters will find
their spell selection significantly expanded while martial or skill-focused types are much more adept
with their specialties. This experience might give you a more detailed history with the crusades as
well, with a reputation based on numerous engagements already being built up. Allies and enemies
have already been made, unless you choose to still be a new arrival. For 400CP, you can become a major player in the crusades from the start. Your skills in your Class are
already the stuff of fables, though not yet enough to shake the world itself. Casters can fling around
dozens of mighty spells before tiring, whereas warriors cut through even elite demons like Glabrezu
or Nalfeshnee with ease. You’re an elite even in the grandest kingdoms and only the most powerful
mortals would be above you. There’s a few steps left between your current progress and true
mastery however. This experience almost certainly results in plenty of existing connections in this
world, particularly in Mendev itself.
>Too much text to fit the full perk
Where is UQ holder?
After UP holder, but before UR holder.
Yeah I think 6 and 12 are justifiable. I think you've got a little wiggle room there, but I think you're closer than not based on the text.
The sheer concentration of toxin-based supervillains and curses in the city at large means that Gotham's water is probably toxic to non-Gothamites.

Worms (they have their own agenda separate from the Hive strictly speaking; Hive scripture did not at all mention their kidnapped mom), Aphelions (I'm willing to let you make the fanwank because they have significant Darkness theme associations, they've had a proven history of conflict with the Reef and if even half of their wank is correct they're a TERRIFYING kick to the balls compared to standard enemy difficulty) and Psions (it was basically confirmed the "god-thought" that dominated them in the past was Nezarec, plus they had their own Future War Cult-like movement post-Lightfall that acts out of concert with Caiatl-who is basically the only true Cabal authorities once Calus shows his true colours). Other than that yeah pretty much, for now at least.
Oh and uh no the Cabal don't count, like philosophically maybe since Ghaul is kind of a hamfisted metaphor for why yearning for the Light doesn't make you a good person but like...they're the non-paracausal faction by default
>The sheer concentration of toxin-based supervillains and curses in the city at large means that Gotham's water is probably toxic to non-Gothamites.
I mean, there's a really obvious solution to purifying Gotham's water. . .
Very interesting definition of "purify" there
Anon no, do not drink Poison Ivy's bathwater, it is explicitly out of harmony with the Green at large
They were looking for fairy like creatures that weren't fairies. I admitted Genies were stretching it. Let me ask you are Cherub angels fairies, I don't believe they are either but they look like babies with wings so I think they would count as fairy adjacent. Kitsune are not fairies but damn if it's not close because they sort of fill the same role. I don't know why you focused on the Genie part not being fairies, I mean you are 100% correct there but unless I misread they were looking for non-faries.
Series - Negima folder
>it is explicitly out of harmony with the Green at large
Really? I thought she was down with the Green.
I'm just saying that using metahumans as part of an arcology-wide aquaponics scheme makes sense when you think about it.
While I’m grateful you’ve offered 3 more choices for that drawback I have to say after reading about the Aphelions I don’t think I’ll ever be taking that as an option. They’ve reliably killed what looks to be everyone they’ve thus far went after, I’m also no debating if swapping the Hive for the Worms would be safer and coming to the conclusion that all I’d get out of that is avoiding Oryx as the Worms would probably drive the rest of the Hive at jumper anyways. And I don’t want to be the one to give them a full reason to unite together in one singular goal to screw me
It was from ages ago so I dunno if it changed, but yeah. Like at one point Swamp Thing took one look at her and went "you're doing it wrong"

It's one of those political plans that sounds great on paper, and then in practice completely falls apart because making non-League metahumans work together is like herding cats. Cats with schizophrenia. Cats that may have side hustles with other cats not part of the project that present conflicts of interest. Cats that occasionally, randomly explode for unclear reasons, Captain Atom.
Define corrupt. Also note that Yuzu has the worst spiritual awareness of the three, and that at the start of canon Karin mostly ignored spirit stuff while pretending it wasn't real.
Yeah it said not the top but decently high up 6 and 12 sounded about right for that just wanted a second opinion to bounce off.
Her connection is flawed and it’s why she hears pretty much all plants as telling her to kill humanity. Also the fact that all the plant life in Gotham is infected by everything in Gotham.
Not like the league are much better on average. They just have better visible showings while on the back end they are just as bad.
Dank you
Yeah, if aphelions ever get into the game properly I expect some Rhulk-tier shit but with some actual interface screw where the damn thing fights like Ayre and Batman's unholy lovechild. Black out the whole room, run around your entire 6-man team, smash your skull from behind hard enough to oneshot a Guardian. There is insane shit in the lore like Harbingers and Nine and Worm Gods but most of those exist on a scale where they aren't relevant to looter shooter raids. This is not guaranteed for aphelions as far as we know.

As for Hive vs Worms...yeah, they're pretty close. The best you can say is that at the very least, taking ONLY Worms would still leave it possible to join Savathun in backstabbing the other Darkness players or with a good enough showing maybe play to Oryx's ambitions to kill another Worm for power. The downside to this is, of course, that the Hive have very funny ideas about betrayal and loyalty, and that killing the Worms /in certain, Worm-approved ways/ actually appears to be a good thing for them in the long run.

Oh, sure. I just mean basic teamwork compared to the average large scale supervillain* teamup, in the sense they can have a bunch of people in skimpy leotards under one roof and apparently NOT devolve into a raunchy frathouse.

...most of the time.

*As opposed to SMALL supervillain teamups between trusted supervillain friends like Black Adam and Sinestro, which is unironically one of the strongest friendships in comics some fucking how even though they basically met in the New 52's Crime Syndicate event and went "You're a flying earth king? Wow, I'm a flying space dictator! We have SO much in common!"
>Define corrupt
Developing habits and inclinations that would make Mamono proud i.e. extreme lewdity towards their loved one, extreme power harnessed primarily for the sake of lewdity, extreme genuine love and affection, unashamed lovey-dovey hentai bullshit
Don't you reach level 20 in the game?
Yeah but the perk itself just gives you a leg up rather than starting you at the peak.
Nope. There are several stories that basically have the Green or its avatars point-blank tell her she's a blight on the Green and not using it properly. You'd be better off having Beast Boy jizz into Gotham's water supply than using Poison Ivy.
How would someone with every Pathfinder Class at max level fair in D&D?
Poorly, due to their lack of truenaming ability.
Define what DnD edition. Because an all classes max-level PF PC could stack up to all but the wankiest of 3.5e bullshit in a direct fight but could get screwed over by certain esoteric effects they have no equivalent for. Or someone could unleash Pandorym.
Or you could just use Grundy who is a pretty good avatar of the Green, when he’s actually of the Green and not the Grey that is.
>Cats that occasionally, randomly explode for unclear reasons, Captain Atom.
Every time I've seen that statist retard explode it's because someone was retarded enough to puncture his suit. Surprise, surprise, breaching containment on a walking, talking nuclear reaction has bad results. Idiots.
Possibly, what's your point?

No worries, anon. I just didn't remember what the perk said and wasn't able to get the doc open at the moment.

Depends on the edition.
Tome of Magic says it's CANON that truenaming gets harder BECAUSE the person is gaining levels and hit dice.
>how would someone with multiple hundreds of character levels fair in a setting where someone who hits 20 is a big fucking deal
Geeeeee, I dunno, anon. That's a real thinker, you got there.
Yeah I was going to post a screenshot of the perk but we hit the limit and then someone else nicely posted the text.
You just used that last comparison because Beast Boy complaining Raven won't let him have normal sex anymore after taking the horsecock has become the new porn meme for both of them, didn't you?

From what I understand, max level Pathfinder characters are terrifically strong, but fall just short of demigods. Whereas D&D is, well, chock full of gods and while rarer there are a handful of people who can fuck with the divine using plot device forbidden magic.

They fold everyone you normally meet in a typical D&D campaign don't get me wrong, the problem is D&D goes further out of it's way than Pathfinder to writeup these bullshit NPCs and progression to Epic Level where dragons and wizards can suddenly engage gods in magical total war and Pathfinder...doesn't really think that far. Like the peak of MORTALLY ATTAINABLE Pathfinder power is basically fucking Urgathoa. And she's a far cry from Pharasma or Rovagug, let alone the Outer Gods. Note that this analysis doesn't account for outside the box thinking like the Worldwound because, well, it can't really. If the writer decides a god-level angel can destroy an entire Hell I'm at a loss to explain how that compares to D&D's smorgasbord of Hells.

In 9/10 encounters having every Pathfinder class is a game breaker in D&D, the problem is when you run up against something like the Tarrasque that just refuses to die or an epic level cleric that can go "I cast miracle, this never happened and you never happened either, and I am willing to tank whatever fiat bullshit is inflicted on me as a result"
>You just used that last comparison because Beast Boy complaining Raven won't let him have normal sex anymore after taking the horsecock has become the new porn meme for both of them, didn't you?
>You just used that last comparison because Beast Boy complaining Raven won't let him have normal sex anymore after taking the horsecock has become the new porn meme for both of them, didn't you?
Most of the BB/Raven porn I've seen and read have him as either a werewolf or some other kind of dog/wolf.
Would get their butthole stretched to the width of a Banks Orbital by a jumper who has only been to Grand Foreigner.
>From what I understand, max level Pathfinder characters are terrifically strong, but fall just short of demigods.
I tried counting the number of classes on the PF SRD, but stopped at 30. Someone with max levels in all the PF classes would have over 600 character levels. No amount of metanarrative niggardry would slow that beast down.
Batman The Animated Series

Origin - Scientist

Specialist - Neuroscience
Accidental Breakthrough (100)
Brilliant Engineer (200)
Crazed Chemistry (200)
Hybridization (300)
Silicon Surgeon (300)
World's Greatest Mind (600)

Person Who Gives Me Money (50)
Person Who Owns a Company and Gives Me a Lab (50)

No Killing Rule (+100)
Past Tragedy (+100)
Just a Man (+300)
Gotham Beyond (+300)

I'm bombing the water and air in Gotham with a chemical that slowly rewires your brain to move away from criminal ideation while also stabilizing your mental health.

In the meantime, I'm getting the police and government of Gotham City replaced by AI and robots. They will not turn evil like every other sentient AI in fiction because I'm not stupid like every scientist in fiction that doesn't realize a programmed entity fundamentally can't do something it wasn't programmed for.
Wouldn't they merely have the best of all the classes in terms of stats and abilities rather than actual 600 levels?
The correct response to making Captain Atom your enemy should be portalling him into the Phantom Zone, using a tractor beam to blip him into another galaxy (and yes, DC has that technology even if it's mainly confined to New Gods-when they remember they have it-and advanced alien races) or magically turning him into a harmless bunny.

But then again, magical characters are either not allowed to remember they have powers that can affect flying bricks or the flying bricks are just given fiat arbitrary immunity to magic that is very poorly explained. And no, do NOT tell me Superboy Prime can strongarm an (allegedly) evil Zatanna because he is a Silver Age Kryptonian. That is a stupid meme exaggeration explanation that overlooks the fact that Supergirl did NOT break the fucking universe by punching the Anti-Monitor hard enough to nearly kill her and Superman himself never showed the ability to evolve into/mantle the fucking Time Trapper.

Unironically I like Death Metal: The Secret Origin's explanation that Prime is just so assmad he is unconsciously a good enough Crisis Energy manipulator to rival actual DC humans.

>No amount of metanarrative niggardry
Somewhere, Vecna's cock rises to half-mast as Wizards of the Coast prepares to give him another handjob.

Also Elder Evils, the united power of the Hells as well as A N C I E N T B R E T H R E N the most well known active example of which being the Lady of Pain. Uh, the actually important Elder Evils that is. Not the one that's just 4 golems. That's what I meant.

...actually do Pathfinder classes have anything that can Wish a Tarrasque to death or otherwise kill an eternal regenerator? I was under the impression they don't but I could be wrong.
Man your bots are going to turn on you and then Batman is going to put you in traction.
No, your effective character level would be 600 because that's how PF levels work. They stack. Someone with 5 levels of Fighter and 5 levels of Barbarian is a 10th level character. In the game if you simp for Too... I mean, if you go Legend your effective character level caps at 40. So you could have two 20 level classes, four 10 level classes, or what have you.
They won't.
>Why not?
I simply will not write the story for that to happen. (Insert Nah I'd Win pic here)
>No amount of metanarrative niggardry would slow that beast down.
I hate WotC so much. Their Marvelization of everything they've touched is cancer.
>magical characters are either not allowed to remember they have powers
Every. Fucking. Time. It's just so irritating.
Hell its not even restricted to magic characters
Trek runs on that shit.
In PF the Tarrasque is a spawn of Rovagug, the greatest one in fact. So significantly more powerful and unkillable than the standard DnD Tarrasque, but they still have ways to deal with it. And they put one of Rovagug's other drawn into what's effectively a coma and built a city around it - it's not dead, and it IS regenerating, but is essentially out of commission.

I love how DBD utterly clowned all over him and just how mad it makes his fanboys when you tell them that no, Vecna LOST to the Entity then got practically womb-tattoed like an NTR doujin character.
Anon that fucker is from an unfinished third party handbook that attempted to stat everything from Crimson Moon Bunestud someone's unbeatable vampire OC to the goddess Hecate. At least work your way down from Atropus the necromantic planet/rotting skull of the setting's creator and let others explain how a Pathfindermaxed character can fight an actual undead planet suffused with negative energy before stooping to the adamic/nehaschimic dragons or the biblically accurate angels that embody entire celestial planes of existence and battle overgods.

This is why the Lucifer spinoff was so refreshing. The devil is not written like the typical cosmic being who talks shit and then goes OOPS, Darkseid got me with his Apokoliptan Wankinator 9000! The devil is written to be even more competent than Batman.

Albeit at the cost of making nearly all the angels pathetic.

It genuinely makes me wonder where the MtG storyline even goes with how they've speedrun killing off major conflicts in Ebin Avengers: Endgame Events.
>I love how DBD utterly clowned all over him and just how mad it makes his fanboys when you tell them that no, Vecna LOST to the Entity then got practically womb-tattoed like an NTR doujin character.
I have no idea what you just said.
What ways are those? Genuinely curious.

>coma city
Neat, again how?

>DBD utterly clowned all over him
Clearly DBD is another one of the Ancient Brethren.
>Albeit at the cost of making nearly all the angels pathetic.
>laughs in Kripke
NTA but he means that Vecna became Gohanposter's idea of Gohan aka a pathetic loser.
>It genuinely makes me wonder where the MtG storyline even goes with how they've speedrun killing off major conflicts in Ebin Avengers: Endgame Events.
When all you have is a hammer. . .
>DBD is an Ancient Brethren
Also just to be clear I'm joke-theorising that the entire setting is to the Entity what Sigil is to the Lady of Pain or possibly what Hell is to DnD Asmodeus since DnD used to like flirting with the idea of "this incredibly powerful being is as much it's domain as a discrete entity"

I assume that was meant for me. In which case let me just say: Yes. YES, it was an emasculation on the level of Supernaturals angels despite the overall story being much better written.

But the depths of humiliation ritual? YES, you have at least one yandere angel trying to kill the devil because he wouldn't bang her and other angels being offended by demonic lesbians.
Okay but even the strongest hammer needs NAILS. There's NOTHING LEFT for the planeswalkers to hammer except each other!

Well, that and Emrakul. Or they could go on a journey to find the Ur-Dragon that spawned Bolas and kill it I suppose.
>Okay but even the strongest hammer needs NAILS.
Okay, but what if, what if, anon, what if we . . . SUBVERTED YOUR EXPECTATIONS by hammering without nails? Wouldn't that make us SMART?!
This setting sounds almost perfect. But does it have giant robots?
>I assume that was meant for me.
It was, and I'm glad you saw what I saw. A pox on the house of Kripke.
>and Superman himself never showed the ability to evolve into/mantle the fucking Time Trapper
Cosmic Armor Superman.
Anon the story you're referencing outright says that Vecna could have made the Entity fuck off any time he wanted and chose to be enslaved so he could overthrow it from within.

You think WoTC would LET their Sukuna expy be seriously challenged?
My jumper's pre-Chain self was so based that it's starting to alienate new waifus. How should he go about solving this?
Shard, based on the cut ending of final shape, could a jumper resurrect their ghost using both light and dark in the DEstiny dark jump?
Simply decide to be cringe it should balance you out and stop your overwhelming basedness.
>What ways are those? Genuinely curious.
It's not really clarified. What is known is that it destroyed nearly the entire nation of Ninshabur, driving its former inhabitants to hide in the magically-disguised city of Tabsagal, rampaged into the continent of Avistan and destroyed an entire city, rampages onto ANOTHER continent in Garund and destroyed the flying city of Kho and crashed it into the Barrier Wall of the Mwangi Expanse before finally being fought and beaten so hard it got sealed in a cave somewhere in Avistan. Basically, they punched it's lights out and threw it in a magically sealed ditch somewhere.

>Neat, again how?
Ulunat fought Azghaad after devastating most of Ninshabur (this happened BEFORE the Tarrasque emerged) and Azghaad channeled the full power of Nethys, the Garundi God of magic to nuke the fuck out of it before building the city of Sothis atop its carapace. This didn't kill it, but merely knocked it into a pocket dimension under its shell where it still sleeps and recovers. It will eventually wake up.
Get femboys or something those sound more your speed.
The gays do not like that which is based.
Why do you think about feminine males when people mention waifus, anon?
That unironcally doesn't count on multiple levels.

>Created by a Monitor before he devolved into Mandrakk to seal the flaw in the Overvoid, which may or may not be inflicted due to the Great Darkness' scream of pain from being overwhelmed by the Overvoid/Presence when it manifested
>The flaw is existence as a whole, Superman was merely the pattern that the Monitors observed the most
>Takes both Superman and Ultraman to pilot, and Captain Adam to turn them into hyperdimensional energy to get into it in the first place.
>Exists outside the flow of time, had less to do with being Kryptonian per se and more to do with being Superman

Probably, yeah.

Ah, OK it's an offscreen battle asspull. Not like D&D doesn't have plenty of those.

>god channeling
Also makes sense.
This. Femboys are almost solely a biChad phenomenon. Who are basically the straight, white men of the LGBT community.
Is your Jumper as cool as Sonic?

Post some Sonic builds.
Is the Vex science or magic-science?
It's Destiny
Even without the existence of Christine Chandler, Sonic wouldn't be cool.
It's science in the sense that what the Xeelee do is science, but it's also explicitly not in-universe magic-science.
>Post some Sonic builds.
The Vex are super super super...super science. To the point of basically being magic. But explicitly NOT magic science. They very pointedly cannot simulate/understand magic science (with 100% accuracy), and thus are ONLY super super super super super...super science that is indistinguishable from magic.
>Clearly DBD is another one of the Ancient Brethren.
Given how hard the Alan Wake crossover and tome lore powerscaled it, it's honestly closer to Ao's boss at the rate they're going.

Anon, we are ALSO told point-blank in the character synopsis that Vecna stood zero chance at opposing the Entity, felt "only despair against an evil he could scarcely imagine" when he interacted with it and submitted because it was the only way he could possibly hope to do anything against it. Everything he talks about in regards to "making it fuck off" (which isn't even the case in his lore; he was barely holding it off and would have been overwhelmed) or taking control of it is Vecna glazing himself because he's delusional and thinks he's better than he really is.

Then the Entity slapped the Mark of Negation on him and made him its bitch.
What cut ending?
>Vecna is skinnybitch Thanos
Every time I think I've reached the limit on my hatred of WotC, they find some new dumb shit to pull.
Not only are giant robots possible but there is a giant robot waifu in the companions section who can turn into a vehicle of your choice. As non waifu giant robots would be far easier to create they would naturally be available in setting if you don't like large breasts on your giant robots .
The 5E design is totally bleh all around, yeah.
Technically its all science.
Basically its magic with a tech skin.
>Alan Wake corssover
>tome lore
...what, was it revealed to be a resonance entity like the Dark Presence's brother or something?

It really is obvious that's exactly what they're going for compared to his old undead wizard look
That's a neat idea, only problem is that Marika called him out to come back like a good doggo.
To be fair Marika seems to have changed her mind about what she wanted to achieve over the course of her reign, the Shattering didn't come out of nowhere.
But also very pointedly and specifically not magic. Vex can't do magic (with 100% perfection). So it's just science that's indistinguishable from magic.
You guys know crossover lore isn't real, right? Scooby Doo doesn't actually have adventures with Batman and John Cena
Actually would destroy everything on it's path, holy shit. Especially optimized with the right archetype.

>Not Elephant Cock
You forgot Dean and Sam Winchester.
>Not Turtlecock
Well yeah obviously, but when you start busting out teleportation that moves through interstellar distances in seconds along with the time travel, there isn't much difference between the two.
That isn't even a crossover, that's them entering the cartoon.
Explain how it would fight an entire undead planet.
Just for the sake of anyone else looking for something like this in future threads, I found one possible solution to this in the form of the Green Mage job from Super Dragon Sword, specifically its capstone which lets you invert different parts of a spell, like what it does or what element it is. Unfortunately, this only applies to spells, so anything like ki or general powers that are focused on an element won't be affected.

If anyone has any ideas for something that might work, though, feel free to share. Haven't had much luck looking for it myself.
>Not Trexcock
How do you, tiny humanoid DnD being could fight a Tarrasque, let alone a planet?
I know it's an imagination game, the thing is GIANT. It's not like a Dragon where I can imagine the character pulling some acrobatic moves that are slowly chipping it's scales, flesh, bones and blood, it's...
It's a REALLY big thing. You are a mosquito next to it.
>...what, was it revealed to be a resonance entity like the Dark Presence's brother or something?
Nope. What happens in the Tome lore for Alan Wake is that it supposes that Alan's existence in the Trials is him writing himself into the Entity's Realms via the power of the Dark Place, using the Entity as a stepping stone and building block for him to remember some forgotten story pitch of his that he can use to write his way out of the Dark Place. So the Alan that appears in all of the Trials is essentially supposed to be his writer insert. Then the video you get for completing the tome 100% has Alan seemingly finish the story and write his way out back to reality and his wife. ...Except the Entity pulls the rug out from under him and reveals that not only was Alan writing his way out all it bullshitting him, but the ENTIRETY of the Dark Place writing room Alan thought he was in was it creating a perfect replica of it, replicating all of the Dark Place's powers and narrative warping, then pulling the mask down when it got bored of fucking with Alan before plopping him into the Trials proper.

The Entity took one look at the Dark Place, something it had never encountered before or had any idea was a thing, created a 1:1 replica of it, copied all of its powers so perfectly Alan never noticed, then pretended to be it for who knows how many rewrites of the script Alan made until it got bored of trolling him.
And we all know that mosquitos have never been responsible for human deaths, nope
Yeah but counterpoint: What's the DnD class equivalent of maleria?
Tbqh Alan is kind of dumb and his only real plan is to bumblefuck his way out by writing literal self-insert fanfiction, fooling him by pretending a different dark spooky place is the dark spooky place he barely understands isn't that big a feat.
You aren't a rare specy of toxic mosquitto. And a Tarrasque (or a planet) isn't a normal humanoid being.
It's more that the Entity completely replicated the Dark Place's abilities is the thing. Alan's a dumbass yes, but he'd have noticed if his ability to create writer inserts or alter stories suddenly didn't work anymore.
K, how does a swordsage kill a monster bigger than it?
Imagine still enjoying Alan Woke after the second game came out. Even Cuntrol should have tipped you off.
big pp
Yeah, at first you think "she destroyed the Elden Ring because it was too much" but you discover that she got so many plans for it, one of the first being Godfrey, so the real questions are
Did she planned of getting tired of this shit and merely took steps in case, or did she always planned to destroy it one day?
Who cares? Milicent and Sellen are the real for (you) consorts anyway.
Nope. I really should know better and stop being disappointed, but I can't. I always feel the pain and rage of bad storytelling.
Sellen, my beloved.
What happened to her?
Reminder that topdad got away with everything
Reminder that it took 4 fucking seasons for the evil grandpa to face anything like consequences, and they STILL prevented his execution for completely worthless reasons.
Reminder that fucking Finé of all people was redeemed

Reminder that the Winnower is right
I'm pretty sure the Golden Braid in the Shaman Village implies that she always intended to do so. Her braid, which she severed and gave to the Grandmother, bestows the absolute highest level of Holy resistance and mentions that she revealed "her wish; her confession" before departing the village.
Holy shit, I'm genuinely starting to see just how crazy it can be. There are so many classes in Pathfinder, it's not just Fighter + Mage + Thief + Cleric + Sorcerer + Barbarian + I forgot some, it's a bigger, larger rabbithole with at least 30 classes, it's beeg so there's a lot of theorycrafting and synergy to make.
But good luck for the Paladin class and not falling thoooo.

I thought the question was, how much DnD's asshole whould be gapping.
Which should be a lot, since you'd have a lot of levels, so a lot of spells, a lot of skillpoints... it's crazy.
Lae'zel actually turns into quite a decent person in one of her possible character development paths; her problem is that she was not only raised in Klingon society, but that she was raised by evil Klingons. If you can get her onto the more Worf Klingon path (i.e., rejecting Vlaakith and joining the Orpheus rebels), she takes to it wholeheartedly. I can certainly see why someone would not bother to try, her initial presentation is harsh, but I cannot truthfully say she is either irredeemable or particularly evil by nature.

As for Shadowheart, oh goodness, she is such a sweetie once you actually get past her Shar conditioning. Really, she is an epic case of deliberately deceptive packaging. Shadowheart is about as sincerely evil as Twilight Sparkle, her problem is that she was literally mindwiped and mentally reprogrammed - repeatedly - by the Church of Shar, as part of some demented one-upsmanship of Shar going 'I can turn even the sweetest of Selunite children into a Chosen of Shar if I just try hard enough!' Even the non-romance path redeems her handily, just so long as you actually give her some honest friendship.

Astarion... to reluctantly be fair, he supposedly has a redemption path too. It's just that since unlike the other two his introduction to the party involves trying to kill me (and then risking killing me again to sneak a free meal off of me while I'm asleep!), I don't ever let him live long enough to have a chance to find it. There's shit that simply has to be responded to immediately. At least Lae'zel only tries to kill me if she honestly thinks I'm about to turn into a mind flayer right then and Imma be honest, that's not a wrong idea.
I thought it was something she did after coming back eventually?
NTA I don't know who any of these people are
Explain in the context of this series
Nobody cares because the actual delf wife was thrown all the way under the bus for the sake of shadowshart
Whoever told me to read the fucking manual, thanks. I actually really like the way the compass book describes Gem. It does a good job of explain why everyone wants Gem, and why it's so close to either exploding or collapsing in on itself at any given moment. It honestly feels kinda cyberpunk, but with fantasy wild west trappings

Also, the cities getting statblocks with specialties in things like Displays of Wealth or Saber Ratling and their own limit breaks is funny as fuck.

Now do I retcon the whole Delisle Trading Company into just being part of the Guild or stay its own thing...
They're all titlets, so who cares.
She took a look at a bad LN, a terrible mistake. Because of that, she lost most brain functions on top of getting multiple organs damaged.
She's a Symphogear user who had just used her Superb/Climax Song. When a Symphogear uses their Superb Song they can unleash manifold times more power than they normally can, but at the cost of horrific and extreme bodily strain-bleeding from every orifice and passing out for several days at a time is /getting off lightly/ for them. If you're not perfectly attuned to your Symphogear when you sing a Superb Song then the more common outcome is to literally dissolve into ash afterwards.

Hibiki has a special power to connect and harmonize with other Symphogear wielders to both take on and negate the strain from using Climax Songs, so once they get used to working together Hibiki allows the other geahs to Climax over and over again without suffering horrific backlash.
Used one of those "cast from HP" super moves.
The real wife is Mystra, so you can tell her to go eat shit and kill her.
Fuck Mystra.
No worse than anyone else in their setting. And there are plenty of ways to fix that via magic.
He's as flaming a faggot as you'd ever want to encounter and in every playthrough except one I've staked him at the earliest opportunity. The one I kept him around, I went through his whole vampire lord personal quest and it's pretty great. Too bad he's such a fucking poof.
I still say Swan Song is a much better and more appropriate name for a song that will probably kill you when you sing it.
>Hibiki allows the other geahs to Climax over and over again
I'm sure she does, I'm sure she does.
>there's Minor and Major Grow Breasts spells
Could it be?
Not convinced they're worth the effort, desu. That tiefling bard might have been an okay waifu, but they murdered the shit out of her.
>he's such a fucking poof.
Are there any male characters in 5esg who aren't?
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Agreed, but I also really like Climax Song. Purely for the puns that one can make with them.
See? This anon gets it.
He's a poof even grading on 5e's curve.
What is the appeal of a drow waifu? How many jumpers even have a drow waifu?
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>Climax Song
So that's what the kids are calling the DMC5's themesongs now.
No clue, seems like a bad idea overall
Bratty sub to correct.
Rescue romance for most. Mommy dommy for the closeted faggots.
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Yeah that's fair.

>the time has come and so have i
>it's gay to have straight sex with a woman
Yet another word that doesn't mean anything anymore. Just like anti-semitism, racist, and Nazi.
Hibiki IS well trained. Miku very intentionally trained her to do that.
Crossposters get the Noose.
I was wondering what the hell he was waffling about
Yoiu know, the real crime isn't hurting Chris when she was so young, it's killing a girl with such a body.
>mods deleted all Redo of Healer discussion
Looks like people were right to say it doesn't belong on our drive.
Crossover lore is the best lore. Also Scooby Doo happening in DC explains away the biggest plot holes in Scooby Doo.
>Why do people think that pretending to be a ghost or monster is a viable business strategy?
Because it's DC and becoming a supervillain is a common mental disease. Only slightly less common than ADHD.
>Why does the Scooby gang keep assuming that monsters are real, and why do they keep running away even after they know it's just a guy in a mask
Because while rare, supernatural phenomenon does happen in DC, and after they know it's just a guy, now it's a supervillain and those can go from kooky to murderous in a hartbeat.
Post Symphogear builds!
I'm now sad that I no longer have the baalbuddy pic of a human warrior being 'captured' by drow.
They should start deleting Elden Ring discussion too. Dragonball and Exalted shitposting after that
>for the closeted faggots
That fetish has become so mainstream it's not even really closeted anymore, lockdown has bred an entire subspecies of unironic beta males.
The one who kept going "muh female body is the perfect one for alchemy"? Yeah Shard unironically had the right idea in that jump. Adam slaps all the alchemists at alchemy, just redesign yourself into the ultimate lifeform then surpass even Carol.
Pants are boring and only really serve to cover your ass. I've almost never seen a pair of pants and thought I needed to have them because they look cool, like I do with shirts, vests, coats, and any other component of an outfit. Completing a suit is all they're good for. I guess striped pirate pants are pretty cool but that's the only kind I appreciate for their own sake.
Yep, that's the one.
Adam literally gets his shit handed to him by a non-alchemist at alchemy. You're off your rocker if you think shard is right because even shard knows he's wrong, that's the entire point of why his jumper does these things.
Yes, on account of places are cold sometimes.
Man, I love how Symphogear drags crawling bitches like you faggots out of the woodwork every fucking time.
Haven't got there yet, sorry.
Only when interacting with alien species that put a great deal of importance in pants ettiquete.
Otherwise, too busy beep booping.
>How hecking dare you call out my subversion! You're just as hecking bad as the people who call out The Acolyte and Forspoken!

The Maya Sundaresh leaks are apparently right. Fuck

>In english, doc?
Invest in Vexcoin and humancoin while you still can, I guess?
Jump 9: Symphogear

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Origin: Alchemist

>Attuned -Free
>The Song Of Your Heart -Free
>Signature Genre (Dubstep) -Free
>Calling Card -Free
>Yukine-Kazanari Syndrome -100 CP
>Nana Wills It -200 CP
>Heretical Adaptation -200 CP
>Who Was Fone -Free
>Basic Alchemy -Free
>Memory Combustion -100 CP
>Insane Keyword Logic -200 CP
>Legends Reborn -300 CP

>Shell Corporation -Free
>"When The Loli Is Mass Produced: An Introduction To Cloning" -100 CP
>"Auto-Scoring Your Love Life: Advanced Fundamentals" -100 CP
>Perfect Human Body -300 CP
>Implanted Relic (Tonbokiri) -300 CP

>/fa/ Geah +100 CP
>The Tuition Is Cheap Here! +200 CP
>Being X Is Suffering (Dr. Ver) +300 CP
>That Goddamned Moon +300 CP

The short version is I effectively replace Doctor Ver and end up becoming a genuine hero who tries to help and save everyone. This doesn't really work out all that well, but I DO protect the moon and even prevent Shem-Ha's reawakening almost entirely by accident. Which makes it funny how it would end up taking me two more jumps after this one to develop the capacity to become a living language when studying Shem-Ha would probably have gotten me 90% of the way there in this jump alone, but Jumper just never fucking learned Shem-Ha was a thing so alas.
Sorry, I had a pretty good day today and don't want to ruin it by opening twitter.
>Invest in Vexcoin and humancoin while you still can, I guess?
Well naturally, humanity is the Final Shape after all.
Understandable. I myself was hard coping that maybe, MAYBE the already datamined dialogue would be removed last minute but if there's a whole-ass animated cutscene already timelocked in the game.

Yeah, go watch a nature documentary or take a walk or something, only grimm tidings await me as both a jumpmaker and jumper.
You know you have to be a fag to be on jumpchain.
>Having sex with men who look like girls is gay
>Having sex with women who look like men is also gay
>Having sex with women who look like girls is gay
Why are men like this?
It's gonna be real funny if every single episode is about humans cucking aliens out of being whoever gets hold of the new echoes. Well...probably not the case with the Hive one since it's hyping up the Dreadnought again but supposedly the Scorn one is about monster hunting and what looks like Worm gods is reflected in one's eye from the trailer so. Yeah.
>Having sex with women who look like girls is gay
No one said this. But a straight man isn't going to consent to watching shit like Glee, Frozen, or Mamma Mia regardless of how many hot bitches may or may not be in it.
The gay singularity approaches, or something.
>>Having sex with men who look like girls is gay
This is accurate.

>>Having sex with women who look like men is also gay
>>Having sex with women who look like girls is gay
This is homo propaganda.
Bro you're fucking gay
Having sex with your pokemon is not gay, however.
My mum wanted to watch Frozen 2 so she made me watch it in the theaters with her.
Is acquiescing to your mother's requests gay?
The only straight way to engage with shit like Symphogear is by looking up porn for it. If you willingly subject yourself to it without extenuating circumstances like your wife or daughter begging you to see it with them, you're gay.
Not enough sex.
What about sex with men who look like men?
According to >>93214853 it's straight
Depends if you're topping or not.
See >>93214853 . It's fine, since it's pandering to females, so it's expected that they'd like it. If it was your brother, on the other hand, shit's gay.

>having sex with men is gay
>straight men don't go out of their way to consume media that panders to women and soft men
>somehow this means it's okay to have sex with men
Fuck off with your strawmen.
Vexcoin and Humancoin are always wise investments, but explain why they're more valuable now than before.
Anon stop this is embarrassing, you're not a hard man you're a stinky virgin gay boy
Concession accepted.
Propaganda is less fun when it is more obvious.
Post a build. Discuss a jump. Play fucking jumpchain.
I think I'm just going to go to bed early.
As mentioned in leaks and now confirmed by cutscenes, the Echo of Domination-basically the lion's share of the purple goo created from the death of the Witness by Traveller Light exploding into a meteor that randomly landed on Nesses-is a reality warping clump of energy that lets Maya Sundaresh control the Vex. More importantly it lets compel the Vex to EVOLVE, to change from the strict pattern I mentioned which is what limits the Vex from realising they can at least try to bumrush the universe and 99% of everything in it with sheer weight of numbers. The Vex are already displaying uncharacteristic individuality and unsubtlety in trying to contact the main Vex network on Nessus, but Maya thinks she can use the Vex to rebuild the Golden Age and/or recreate a timeline where the collapse never happened. And apparently it's not limited to controlling Vex, because she nearly controls the Vanguard's leadership until Saint-14 has a shounen willpower moment and they just kinda punch her. Which doesn't stop her really, because she just dissolves back into radiolaria and gets away with the Echo

The Vex are /overcoming their own autism/ with the help of a human.

>Discuss a jump
I am.
>Post a (writeup)
I'm patiently waiting for the next threat to start writing my encounter with "the greatest and deadliest Doctor Who villain ever (in the main TV series)"

Emphasis on speech marks.
*the next thread, fuck
I'll probably post a new item for a criminal organization of your choice, with examples being a traditional organized crime group, your own black market, or a decent sized pirate fleet. Pirate fleet will likely be a separate option since it's a bit of a bigger deal than the others but I'm not sure yet.
>The Vex are /overcoming their own autism/ with the help of a human.
Vexcoin gonna soar!

...Unless this is the prelude to yet another crash and burn. Which is all too likely. Either way, fun times ahead.
I want to start building an underground base that follows me between jumps. I don't just want a finished one handed to me. Where can I get started on such a project?
How strong are gods in Hades?
Every Super Sentai jump (besides maybe Kyuranger) is now officially a trap option because there has canonically always been a 2000+ year old nigh omnipotent demiurge with D4C immorality that treats mortals as if they were specks of dust, has committed untold numbers of planetary genocide and shows up on Earth to remove the powers of Sentai teams right after they defeat their year's villain. Also, he's literally pupetting around the corpse of a Red Ranger.
So as I understand it, Axiom causes girls to grow comically large boobs, yes?

Can it also cause girls to grow comically large butts?

What about using it for Architecture/big bellies?
The Batman Movies jump has a mansion with an underground cave network ripe for building a secret base in.
But why would anyone fight her? Like really what is she doing that's bad for anyone except the forces of darkness
I'm doing it, I just don't want to share builds with you.
Office Lady?
If Maya succeeds, 99% of humanity's achievements, including killing the fucking Witness, may very well go up in smoke. And that means either we get exterminated early on or the Witness/Vex achieve the Final Shape and everything fucking dies.

Also this.
>If Maya succeeds, 99% of humanity's achievements, including killing the fucking Witness, may very well go up in smoke
The Golden Age isn't an achievement????????
>the next threat
Do you intend to do anything with Dugded Djardin?
Spider-Man the Animated Series
I am a super scientist symbiote with the power over electricity for the entire planet and knowledge of cloning and messing with DNA. I have two extra tentacles and a woman that keeps stalking me for unknown reasons. Something about her thinking we are soulmates. I don't buy that. Oh... and I have Parker Luck. Why? Because why would anyone visit Marvel and not go a bit native?
>200CP Symbiote
>200CP Enhanced Physique
>Free - Cloning
>Free - Science Student
>800CP Electrokinesis
>200CP Neogenic Nightmare
>Octopus Arms
>100CP Canon Companion (x2)
>+200CP Stalker
>+100CP Crossover Clusterfuck
>+200CP Parker Luck
They have a strong independent racially diverse girlboss with good intentions marred by extremist methods; she literally brings up her dead girlfriend (true) as one of her motivations. Vexcoin may plateau because Nu-Bungie's cope for keeping villains around is for them to scuttle away even when the Vanguard has them dead to rights with cutscene plot armour or create contrived reasons to justify them not being that different despite only one of them being almost responsible for the literal end of the world, so even if it plateaus from Maya being irrelevant in the next couple of episodes a strong, stable upward trend is still predicted.

They're like Stand users that are also Pillar Men. On a wide scale their powers are genuinely great enough to freeze over the world, or carve a seaway through solid land. But apparently that doesn't translate as well into 1v1 finesse, because Chronos is the strongest fucker in the game after Chaos himself so far (took out Thanatos, Nyx AND Hades effortlessly with timestops. And uh, Zagreus too) and from experience I can attest Meli can farm him for sands of time simply because she has anti-timestop witchcraft to counter his menu pause-nullification powers. Shit in the latest update there's even a cauldron upgrade that lets you FORCE your own moon-powered timestop to beat his.

Oh yeah and they're also normally immortal to anything except weapons forged by gods to kill gods like the Nocturnal/Infernal Arms or being EATEN, in the "I will regenerate my body through sheer fucking spite (and satyrs sacrificing to me regularly) even if you shred me into blood scattered all over the Underworld" way. They're still dudes you can punch with enough effort, though. Even without 2-3 outside context powerups Zagreus can waste Extreme Measures Hades who is Hades at his titan-slaying days' level of power.
I only somewhat follow the lore/story of Destiny because I never jumped in when the game was new and now it seems like absolute ass to play, but this kinda sounds like how Warframe just r4ecently it's major story arc with the Sentients then decided to go all-in on the crazy space-time lore with the new Man In The Wall/Albrecht plot.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that it sounds like the Destiny writers have finally run out of ideas if they're seriously about to start using actual time travel in the narrative.
All of those are possible, Axiom is a very powerful magic system and high end Adepts are ridiculous; that said many of the species have the titty monster template not because it's natural to their species but because they changed themselves to be like that in response to Galactic standards.

If I remember right the plant women who eat men after fucking them are actually a genderless species, they just turned themselves into titty monsters because it was in fashion.
This sounds to me like sunk cost fallacy. Just because you struggled in the dirt as a homeless man for a decade, eventually getting back to a semblance of a life, doesn't mean your actions have any value. Your life is worse than it would have been if you'd just never been homeless at all, wanting to keep the worst parts of your history out of sentimental attachment to personal suffering is just stupid.
The Golden Age is directly followed by the Collapse. Maya is obsessed with something that already did not last, and on top of that, trying to bring it back will mean the Collapse still happens but this time we're down all of the shit that made killing the Witness even possible along with the risk it might outright remember what happened to lead to it being destroyed. So humanity dies and all of existence follows shortly thereafter.

Maya is a fucking retard who needs to be killed before she destroy everything that it took nearly an entire decade of constant fighting to finally achieve and only narrowly.
It was all handouts from the Traveler.
Bitch, them travel was in Destiny from the START. That's the Vex's whole fucking THING.
There's also the fact that according to the cutscenes, Maya is perfectly happy to melt everyone into radiolaria if they disagree with her. So yeah. Whether because she herself is more Vex than human at this point, Ayin-tier sunk cost fallacy or exposure to the evil space turnip Maya has gone full Thanos in terms of being a hard woman doing hard things.

With WHAT?!

It hits similar beats of escalation! Though from what little I've seen Warframe seems to be handling the actual story better, instead of swivelling wildly between "The Witness wants to secure the Veil, no we will not explain what either of those things are until people complain" and "UNVEILING IS CANON LOOK AT ALL THE REFERENCES WE'RE DROPPING STOP ARGUING YOU FUCKS"

To be fair time travel is literally how we got Saint-14 back except apparently Osiris read the instructions wrong, and instead of a TIME machine he actually built a SIMULATION machine and Saint-14 is a SIMULATIOn that can function as a Guardian because Light space magic
And probably gets rewarded with a headpat and Disciplehood by the Witness once it finds out who helped avert the timeline where it dies.

I mean, it was willing to extend the offer to MARA of all people.
>t. Winnower
That's stupid. Just win again.
>With WHAT?!
See >>93214926
I might make a King-Ohger Jump but that'd have to come after Stellaris update, Shinka-Ron, Brave and the Bold.
Counterpoint: if you struggled in the dirt as a homeless man for a decade, but also happened to learn and master the Super Knife of Godkilling that you only found BECAUSE you were homeless and scrabbling in the dirt then proceeded to use it to shank the Evil Super Darkness Of Dark Evilness, then there's an actual issue with undoing things and just making it so you were never homeless. If you never struggled, you wouldn't have gotten the Super Knife, and never would've killed the Evil Super Darkness. So it's now a choice: live a happy carefree life without suffering until you get snuffed out by the Super Darkness, or scrabble in the dirt for a decade and barely manage to survive but ensure you did indeed kill the Super Darkness?
Based. Thanks.
Oh, that. Nah that ain't a problem, I ran an Oma Zi-O build in...Kamen Rider Zi-O.

I mean, there sure as FUCK weren't no damn demiurge in Zi-O's original timeline so one must assume Zi-O just went NO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BE THE DEMON LORD, I'M THE NUMBER ONE DEMON LORD! and just beat his ass.
see >>93214999
I don't buy into 'you need to struggle for power' bullshit. Just be strong enough to overcome all obstacles and never struggle
Shard, he said Sentai. Kamen Rider is a different franchise.
Super Hero Senki (most recent Sentai-Kamen Rider crossover) says that Super Sentai is just fiction in the Kamen Rider universe.
Question: how do expect humanity to be strong enough to win without the major weaponry, tools, and knowledge they had that allowed them to win in the first place?
Hey Shard, do you think you should raise the price of Perfumer in Elden Ring? They're kind of OP now that they're a weapon type
O-oh, my bad. Yeah I don't talk about Sentai/Kamen Rider a lot because it confuses the living shit out of me so much I actually assumed a perk labelled "cosmic power" wasn't actually the power of friendship until Digger explained. It was The Thing I Cannot Live Down long before I Vexed out at Candy Scabs
Nah I think I'm good, Thiollier beats himself up bigly for being useless at everything except poison so I guess perfumery is balanced by the fact that you still need to be a skilled warrior to actually use it in battle.
Just create it brah. I don't understand how you think being impoverished and decimated makes it easier to develop powerful tools and weapons, an advanced civilization with a large population is simply better at creating solutions to problems than one that's been brought to ruin.
>Oma Zi-O
So how does it feel knowing that you are multiversal levels of OP?

I mean, you're not wrong, but Kamen RIder is also revealed to be fictional to Kamen Rider.
Still find it funny that Kamen Rider does Re:Creators plot bettre.
Is there any reason to visit Street Fighter other than having sex with lots of women?
>So how does it feel knowing that you are multiversal levels of OP?
>Asking BATTLER this
Have you followed his chain literally at all?
Most people, as Shard himself has pointed out, don't know just how busted he is after literally 1000+ jumps.
Everything I read about [Current Year] Destiny further vindicates my decision to stop playing that dumpster fire.
I am aware of that yeah, just that I kinda expected you to have jumped (one of the eight) Sentai jumps in your chain already, and well
>there has canonically always been a 2000+ year old nigh omnipotent with D4C immorality that treats mortals as if they were specks of dust, has committed untold numbers of planetary genocide
Feels like it might need to come up, maybe?
Would you say that the Candy Scabs... made you Vexed?
It's easily one of the most "this franchise is super popular but I cannot physically care" series ever.
Learn martial arts.
get gud at martial arts
cloning tech or something maybe
>physically care
Is that another way to say masturbating?
It has a lot of options for people to punch and then go out for drinks after.
Anon, let me put this very simply: they can't because they don't know those things exist. Pre-Collapse, humanity is barely even AWARE the Darkness is a thing and when the Witness enters the system, they are completely taken off guard and almost exterminated in its opening moves. It's only the Traveler intervening that keeps humanity from dying then and there. Crota alone wiped out HUNDREDS of Guardians on the Moon just as a result of them trying to keep him from getting out and dogwalking all of Earth to death, and his devastation was so great a loss that even into present Destiny, humanity has never truly recovered. And Crota is a mook compared to the Witness.

Humanity has none of the tech needed to fight the Black Fleet, isn't even aware that they need to be teching up to stop it, don't even know it EXISTS until the Witness is right on their doorstep, and even if they were prepared they still couldn't stop it because what did the Witness in was an amazing series of extenuating circumstances involving events they literally cannot predict or plan for.
Destiny: Light then Darkness, or Darkness then Light?
But I already looked at VSbattles tho.
Darkness then Light never since the jump is shit.
What other reasons are there to visit any setting?
Liking the setting.
Wanting to fix the setting.
>Can it also cause girls to grow comically large butts?
While tittymonster is the easier mental image to convey with a short word, it's worth noting one of the females from the human crew who ends up doing spy work out of consequence of random acts of kindness, her resulting physique was on balance to the point that the text states pretty plainly that she also has a fat ass to go with her fat tits. Pretty sure one of the dudes is half-serious when he considers trying to bounce a quarter off it. As for spoiler, at least one species is known to shift its bone and muscle mass to fairly significant degrees using Axiom, and it's a very common thing for them because of the local culture's fixation on battle.
>1423 posts
Holy shit.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Flipping a coin on it.
Not even the highest thread numbers.
This seems like cope man, really. I don't care what you think was required to win under the circumstances as they actually occurred, if you can fucking alter history to go back and undo everything you should do it because you can just win again. Just fucking do it you bitch, don't complain about how fucking hard it was for you when it can be that easy for someone else. God you've got such a losers mentality.
Yeah this happens occasionally.
Darkness then Light it is.
Sure, but this thread wasn't anything special in terms of drama or rollspam and what-not. It was just a normal -asd thread
You could say the success to failure progression of my Jumper's experience followed a...conVEX curve.

How does it-uh, it's far from the only reason my Jumper is, it's not even my primary means of telling time and space what they are, but it's neat that it comes with power stealing I guess? I mean. I recently posted a writeup about God turning into a mega ultra anima banner/hat as Luna truculae'd him into...shit, probably the truculae version of an Incarna. Whatever that even looks like.

It's one of many things I assume people generally know my Jumper has when they're trying to explain why X setting can put up something like a fight, that in hindsight they probably weren't aware of.

I mean I did what Lord Drakkon did too but didn't mention it because my brain just gets confused and fed up with ranger-type settings, and would rather talk about New/Old Mage for freeform time shenanigans.

I did go there but after a while

>I'm trying to take over the world
>Holy fuck this other fucker is trying to take over the world
>I end up on the heroes' side less out of ideological reasons and more for pragmatic ones

Just kind of blends together.

...might give it a look if there's even a chance it might be less underwhelming than the...the Doctor Who thing.
That's cool. Only 'complaint' i have is the lack of age and gender option.

1.Also, maybe allow for another character insert drawback besides Keyaru? I dunno, Flare in the second timeline for example?

2.Maybe a drawback that has Jumper fix the darkness of the setting and getting stuck in the jump, not being able to end it until they turn the world into something like an utopia. You know, to go counter to the whole 'misery porn' nature of the setting.

3. Oh and, give a perk/item that gives the Jumper some status/benefits. Like being a noble or part of the royal family.
Some mods are like that.
4chan isn't a democrazy.
Also like, there's canonically always been a Wish Granting Kamen Rider fighting tournament (that isn't the Ryuki one) that's been running since at least Roman times that does plenty of shady shit and leads to a roman fox boy becoming a God and Sougo (age 60s) didn't do jack about that either.
Anyway from what I remember, your jumper doesn't particularly jazzed about evil wish granting battle royales, so there's that too.
>Just kind of blends together.
Fair enough. Exceptions like Bias and such are far and few between.
>...might give it a look if there's even a chance it might be less underwhelming than the...the Doctor Who thing.
Bigger spoilers.
Dug's canonical defeat comes from being beaten to death by a universe sized giant robot, which I personally think is a lot cooler than the Toymaker jobbing to a game of catch, or whatever they did with Sutekh.
>.might give it a look if there's even a chance it might be less underwhelming than the...the Doctor Who thing.
It probably will be just because King Ohger is absolutely insane in its later half.
Reminder that turning off the Axiom will cause the girls to collapse face-first onto their, now operating under normal physics, giant boobies.
Mostly because of their nervous systems shutting down.
*doesn't seem, fuck
Jannies mad
It's fine here. I was recently banned from /vg/ for posting a picture of Mario, cited as violating rule 1, that all discussion and images pertain to video games.
Just a petty as /vg/ mods too, no wonder why entire boards go to shit with them at the helm
Deserved honestly lol
Does Yuta low diff Kashimo or does Kashimo low diff Yuta?
A full three days, too.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>How mad is my yandere going to be about my kids from the future coming back in time to ship me with their mom (who isn't her)
Yeah that happen sometimes there too. Rule 1 is either used to tell you "okay time out, you are going off topic too much there", or by petty trigger happy jannies that are doing it, or worse, NOT doing it, for whatever reasons.

I want to say they aren't going overboard, but they kind of are.
Like I said, 4chan isn't a democracy, so it's easy for someone unqualified and triggerhappy to become a janny. Not helped that janny isn't a fun job.
Strangely calm, it looks like. You should be even more afraid, because clearly She Has A Plan.
So, is that a roll for magnitude of madness or just a generic "highs good, lows bad"?
Slightly miffed but generally more excited by proof of your fertility.
Does a higher number equal madder yandere?
I've seen it hit 1600+ before, this isn't that crazy.
What side was jumper on in any of the Transformers jumps and what were their transformations?
>becoming a retarded ass robot
I refuse to jump the Transformer jumps because they lack a human option.
Just switch to a human altform after entering the jump. Ezpz.
Question, how the hell does she complement Issei? How does any characters complement well with Issei?
Haven't jumped any, but if I did, I would join the Decepticons
>but why
They look cool
>Still seething about Beastmen and Skaven
No surprises, people forget complaining that your post got deleted and posting NSFW even without an image is in the Global rules.
...I hadn't actually thought about it. If I'd been trying to convince her not to be mad, then 19 would be terrible because ability rolls for me are always high rolls. But strictly speaking this is her initial reaction (or her ability roll, if you prefer), not me trying to calm her down, so she's only 19% mad.

I'll take it.

Gunstat Autocthonia
Spirit +200
Most Dreaded of All Foes 200
Benevolent Protection of the Sun 200
Who Notices the Mouse
Heart Strengthening Principle 100
Home Dancing Amidst Alien Constellations 100
The Gift of Hope
Friends From Another World 300

Spirit +200
Inasupicious Eternal Reoccurence 300
The Loom of Fate 200
The Gift Of Hope 300

Other companions (7): tbd

Just out of curiosity, how would... 600 discount solars, 300 actual solars, 900 discount lunars, 300 actual lunars, and 320 discount sidereals, and 100 actual sidereals change the war agains the primordials? That's over 2000 extra exalts, so I feel that's a lot of extra fighting power on their side.
Why is Spider-Man less depressed and cynical then Batman despite having way more terrible shit happen to him?
>He doesn't want to become a fighter jet
Honestly don't care about either, biological forms are superior to metal machines. Having said that, why you'd ever want to be a rat is fucking beyond me. Real cuck energy there.

I was more or less an outsider for all 3 Transformers Unicron Trilogy jumps but ok
>Armada: Enigma/ Form: Space Shuttle
>Energon: Omega/ Form Space Station
>Cybertron: Autobot (Custom)/ Form: Space Battleship/Cruiser
Cringe robot hater
Nigga what?
It's a shitposting retard, ignore it.
>Cringe robot hater
Nta but that's like saying you hate Chinese people because you don't want to physically turn into a Chinese person.
Because he isn't a pussy. Also the bad shit happened to him when he was older.
Uncle Ben dies when Spidy is a teen, Batman’s parents died when he was a kid.
Also Gotham literally cursed, unlike New York City.
That anon literally said
>retarded ass robot
>unlike New York City.
You sure about that?
>unlike New York City.
Have you seen the secret ritual tunnels down there the Jews are running? I wouldn't be so sure.
all other factors irrelevant, acquired bigass mechbody and flexed.
It's not fun to torture someone who's already completely broken.
>unlike New York City
Sewer gators are cryptids, not curses.
Irresolvable | Irrecoverable Presence, or Anthem Anatheme + Rega? I've gotten most of my build worked out, but am torn between these options for spending my last 800 CP.

Destiny: The Darkness

Starting Location: Ishtar Sink
Origin: Human

>The Sword Logic -300 CP
>Heresiarch -600 CP
>Universal Common Ancestor -Free
>Hatred Of The City -Free
>Drifter's Gambit -100 CP
>Bane of the Swarm (Vex) -100 CP
>Embrace the Darkness (Deepsight) -200 CP
>Prismatic Symmetry -300 CP
>Shaped Finality -400 CP

>Madwoman's Ramblings -Free

>Off The Board +200 CP
>Usurper of the Ordered Way (Hive, Vex, Cabal, Black Fleet, Witness) +1000 CP
>Living Lootbox +300 CP
>Pruning Shears +300 CP

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