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Relax Edition

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>Thread Question:
Got any particular favorite bits of 40k that give you a giggle? Can be either official or fanworks.
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This week's game is 2k against Orks. I told him I was a Steel Legion player and he threw Ghaz into his list.
Finally, a deathguard thread.
How thoughtful of him. Did you have a fun time?
Should have told him you liked painted models too.
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Imperial deployment. The vanquisher squadron is placed on the left behind cover, opposite the stompa they'll be required to stop before it's too late.
Cool DKoK bro
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Ork deployment.

Very cinematic game, great guy.

He had an almost fully-painted army.
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Orks win first turn, and everything moves forwards. The stompa blows up one infantry chimera and half-kills a second with its shooting, and the war rig takes out a scout sentinel.
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Turn 1 IG response. Infantry chimeras contest teh center, kasrkin platoon drives up the south edge, vanquishers turn the corner and the scout sentinel paints the stompa.

The 3 vanqs open up and between 3 cannon shells, 3 lascannons, and 3 HKs take the stompa down to 2 wounds. The surviving chimeras all chip in their HKs and manage to finish it off in one barrage. Ghaz jumps out with his retinue.

On the south, Kasrkin on the chimera firing decks send 6 meltaguns into the war rig at close range, destroying it as well.
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Ork turn 2 he manages to charge the chimera wall in the center, with Ghaz smashing the one he charges and the last infantry chimera surviving the boyz on 5 wounds.

Infantry disembark.
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Center after Ork fight phase 2.
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IG turn 2, infantry dismounts en masse to contest the point and make a firing line for Ghaz. Kasrkin disembark to fill the mechanicum ruin's top 2 floors for plunging fire with their hellguns.

Vanqs start blowing apart the Ork artillery from downfield, and then heavy bolters across all the chimeras tear into the boyz mobs.
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Scout sentinel on the north edge manages to cleanse the objective before getting mobbed by boyz. He survives on 1 wound and limps away behind the vanquishers.
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Solar's unit, some infantry, and the wounded chimera all charge Ghaz. Tank shock hits him for 2 wounds, and Solar gets the final 2 with Conquest.
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Game ends turn 3 with a board wipe, as over a third of his list was in a stompa that got deleted by vanquishers turn 1, papering rock pretty hard. Once the stompa was gone he couldn't deal with all the chimeras that just didn't care much about all his other punching or shooting. Only Ghaz really had the tools to tear chimeras open.
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Asked last thread, but does anyone have a pdf link to the Lamenters short story? I have a burning curiosity to see how Black Library depicted them.
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being able to down a stompa in one turn is a game changer, I'm sorely tempted to try one

I haven't had too many games lately so here's a 2018 shot of my mordians in a long running local tournament
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GSC are sub 30% win rate
hold me brood brothers
>codex out for -4 days

Kill yourelf. Literally just fucking explode.
I remember people telling me they didnt get the bin writer.
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Yeah I was thinking about it on the way home, and as lopsided as this game was, if the stompa hadn't died fast and managed to make it into melee the game would have been pretty different.
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my opponent that round was the ringer, a nice old timer former GW guy. The very definition of a grog
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>kill your elf

You must really keep up with the times, I had that sumprat handed off to the inquisition for their silly past times weeks ago.
Is that a griffon in the background? And is that the resin baneblade? yeah that guy's been playing even longer than I have.
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I'm a mek orientated guy myself and while I wish flyers and superheavies had never made it into regular 40k, I'd like to see the 'ol stompa get some table time. Dred mob strats seem like it can make it pretty gross at shooting. I can think of one normal game it ran in years ago. here she is, unfinished then
avatar vs stompa seems like a kino fight
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salamander scout tank but yes, forge world 1.0 baneblade. well spotted

I think the last time it saw play was 2021 when I traveled to chicago and participated in a friend's FLGS mega battle
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Question: if a model came with a round base, but a newer version of that model comes with an oval cavalry base, do you get the -2 pivot or not?
Don't worry about it, homie knew what he was getting into bringing a Stompa. You ride or die on that big bitch, name of the game.
damn I wish I'd gotten a couple of salamanders back in the day. They were FW-only, though, and at the time I didn't have the cash for a cool-looking but mostly useless unit.
Hello! recently got into 40k mainly regarding the genestealer cults, does anyone by any chance have their old battletome or well i guess codex? mainly interested in reading more about them
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I wasn't even aware that FW was completely gone. even with me being a conversion fiend, I'm bummed I missed out on the stompa conversion kit
Its got the same Lore as the new does, at least thats the trend for codices so far with only some exceptions.
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God, so much old FW in there. Old death riders, centaur tracktor tanks, chimera extra armor plates, the mars-pattern russ turrets and trench rails, old executioner turret sculpt, gorgon, fw autocannon turret, malcador infernus, malcador battle tank, pewter krieg tank commander sculpt...there's gotta be like $1000 of resin there that I can
A space marine (he Knows no Fear) in a Dreadnaught on board a Dauntless class light cruiser.
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that whole terrain piece was a FW realm of battle piece with the crashed thunderhawk. yeah, that store has some cool shit
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here's the real wow factor. So rare I never expected to see one in real life, not to mention assembled and playing
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Weed has a 50/50 chance of giving you schizophrenia. It also ruins your testosterone if you are a man. Take care frends.
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Fish wife is the perfect woman, and her smile must be protected at all costs.
if you're genetically predisposed (1-2%), it definitely increases your chances. no history and you're almost certainly fine.
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How are we feeling about the nids changes? Doesn’t feel like much changed to be honest. Still die to a stiff breeze and can’t break through armor. I guess battleshocking got a bit easier but still doesn’t change the fact that it doesn’t do much.
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>those moldlines and gaps on a centerpiece model
If you were a woman you wouldn't care
What base sizes were the commissars previously on?
I thought previously they were all on 25mm bases with Severina Raine being the exception.
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yes, 25mm was the vast majority of all infantry. termies and the like were on 40s
Thanks anon!
Silly question: would it be alright if I based all my commissars on 25mm bases and people would be alright with it? Technically in this case due to Commissar abilities I would be modeling for disadvantage right?

I have a collection of commissar models including third party and the metal commissars from a recaster now retired.
Literally the first Warhammer model I ever made
what kind dummo starts off warhammer with a friggin centerpiece?
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that wash on the bone plates looks good on the little dudes. A fully-painted bug army is a rare and beautiful thing.
Big is cool and you want to do the cool things first.
Holy shit, the maleceptor is massive, didn't know it was that big.
Might actually pull the trigger on getting one then.
Fuck, all nid monsters are super cool
i specifically made sure my gf painted her fav models last because her first 3 troupe's looked like shit
TLDR practice makes perfect numbnuts and you're centerpiece is very far from it
It’ll make for a good landmark model, tyrants are cheep as chips when compared to other large monsters. I’ll get another and paint it up just to see how far I’ve come.
How much difference does base size make gameplay wise?
Depends on the level of discrepancy.
If it's small and you are not playing tournaments, most people will not even notice or care
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Built n primed this guy tonight. Honestly might end up just having a whole chaos knight army because they're fun to put together.
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what chaos pack did he smoke
It matters a lot. Measuring, charge blocking, effectiveness of templates weapons, objective sphere; it impacts them all.
Marlboro Darks
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Still.nedd to try on the table.

But on the surface my nidzilla likes the changes. More OC on them, +1S in melee and the buffs to exocrine and tyranofex guns in particular.
dreamt i had a 6k battle with my orks against tau that only had a movement phase
and they were winning
>templates weapons
Which game are we talking about here?
>genestealer cults box saves a little over $100
>dont really want genestealers
Like damn its a good deal and I do really like the rockgrinder kit but i dont know if Im gonna be into GSC.
I have guard and GSC so it seems like a logical step
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>guy comes by our table and says can he look at our minis and he picks them up one by one
>after my opponents turn
>we both notice were missing minis
What do? Weve never seen that guy at tabletop night, i think we saw him play yugioh
Theres no cams in the store
I lost half of my court of the archon and my opponent lost some intercessors
Catch him outside the shop with your buddy, beat him up with tire irons and make sure to break his fingers.
Unfortunately theres not much you can do. Next time dont let people pick up your models
you know, depending on what mini he took you can file a police report to have him arrested
that shit is expensive
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I've seen in lore that Tyranid bone blades are in imbued with psychic power and act like power swords, even having an energy crackle.
But I've never seen anyone paint a lightning pattern on one.
I'll do it on mine.
Tyranids really need to be taken down a peg by chaos. That they can use the warp without risk is bullshit
He cant make anything off that
>partial court of the archon
Those are finecast lmao
Imagine getting raped in county jail stealing those
Does anyone have the guide to painting cute female faces? I want to paint some cute drukhari
Theyre from a whole different galaxy anon. They have extra-galactic capabilities.
Look up makeup tutorials. Its the same.
dont fall for fomo anon, there is a reason the box is still in stock.
Don't shade too much and be soft with the highlights.
You will be fighting against gw sculpts, consider proxy faces
Little warpfag mad that Tyranid chads muffle your "gods"?
Stay mad
they're the epitome of an NPC race
literally impossible to give them any character whatsoever
Nah even nids have more going on than space marines.
>Its the grim dark future where no matter what happens you will not be missed
>Noo you can't have the tyranids win aganist my powerful space marines hero, what about their character arcs
Every faction should be an NPC race
at least try to make it believable
unsurprising an NPC player can't tell the difference between a faction having character and a character
Tyranids consuming worlds and having many different bioforms to fit any niche a battle may need is them not having character as a faction?
They have the swarmlord and specialsed bioforms as characters
what you're describing is not character, there's no difference between the nids showing up and sucking all life off of a planet and a writing magically handwaving that planet and going "oh it's just dead now"
they are literally just a featureless hivemind of muh apex evolutionary predator
they're xenomorphs but less engaging or intriguing
The moment in Battle of the Fang in which Bjorn just unloads plasma shots at Magnus until he falls off the mountain lives rent free in my head.
I think you're looking to argue with a closed mind. Thats just the nature of the setting. They're a force to be reckoned with, and experince that often means the death of a planet. Not having interpersonal drama like Kerrigan and the Zerg
there's nothing interesting about muh force of nature as a faction
you might as well play a hurricane and just leafblower the enemy units off the table
>Muh NPC faction
I'm sorry you are such a slave to your ego, needing to project yourself into characters instead of enjoying the setting in its entirety.
The popularity of the Tyranids I think proves otherwise anon
>yet another nid ESL who doesn't understand the difference between the character of a faction and a character
the current boom in popularity of nids is because they're in the leviathan box
The growing popularity of GSC when nids are already a thing proves people want character in their armies and not just featureless bugs
>People enjoy playing a faction that doesn't have characters and are just a truly alien invasion force
>Noo you don't understand the difference between character of a faction and a character
Anon you're the only one who thinks Tyranids need a character.
>the current boom in popularity of nids is because they're in the leviathan box
Yeah? and? They're also popular because of the new malstrains GSC in necromunda. Or maybe they were put into the box to captialise on their popularity
Except Tyranids are not s force of nature. Those would be the orks, acting on their pure instinct and nature.
Meanwhile, the Tyranids are a malign intelligence. Driven for a purpose and with a massive intellect behind the actions of the swarm.
Read deathworlder
Man Magnus gets jacked by everyone. Is there any point where he actually lives up to being the strongest living psyker?
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2 retards argueming this bizzare niche opinion, I think some discord gay ops is a foot.
Hivefleets and Tyranids have been cool since their inception, cope seethe and dilate
>Esl still incapable of comprehending basic concepts
Done trying with you
Orks have character though, they have personality and widely varied appeal
Nids have nothing, you're playing the equivalent of generic smart undead
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>Bugmen mad
You would have a point, if all the characters in GSC weren't generic roles in every cult.
>NPC faggot sees multiple people disagreeing with him and immediately becomes a schizo
Every time
His psychic retard strength punched a hole through the Emperor's psychic barriers.
>Except Tyranids are not s force of nature.
They are, you trying to act like they aren't shows you are full of shit and peeved because people call your boring bugs boring.
Holy fuck how do you STILL not understand that when I say nids have no character I don't mean named characters
anon if you don't mean named characters which GSC have, or the faction itself having a unique character, which Tyranids have, then wtf do you mean
I mean the personality of the faction
Literally every other faction in the setting has character, not a character, I'm not going HURR NIDS SUCK CAUSE THEY DONT HAVE ROWBOAT OR YVRAINE I'm calling your faction NPCs because they're literally just a bland hivemind of bugs with no motivation or personality outside of consuming biomass
>Hivefleets and Tyranids have been [subjective opinion formed by a fag]
GSC has appeal because they're put forward as scrappy underdogs fighting against the dogshit living conditions they struggle through thinking they're working towards some divine event even though they're just prepping worlds for the hivefleet, that's character
That's what the hivefleet proper does not have
>no motivation or personality outside of consuming biomass
That is their character anon, that and constantly adapting and changing, if you don't like it doesn;t change that is their factions character.
Don't be too harsh on him.
Nidfags have a collective IQ of a single cockroach.
That is not character
Going I'm hungry so I'll go eat this sandwich is not a character trait
>more generic boring everyday scifi shit that all bugmen races do
You really do mirror your own faction.
Taking the bait here,
Is the "character" of the Tyranids the mystery of the hive fleets' movements?
From what I understand they aren't merely honing in on the most densely populated of planets. Each seems to have their own courses with unknowable direction. And rumors are they are RUNNING from something.
No its more like
>I'm hungry so I'll create an endless army of meat puppets and adapt them to any oppoistion to take in new genes to create new forms and consume whole worlds
Which is a character trait for the hivemind, which again is beyond humanity and our understanding. Of course to us it appears to have no character traits beyond hunger and adaptation, thats just what we can mentally understand.
If they're running from something then they're actual factual jobbers
>unironically using "they are just incomprehensible dood, you just can't figure out their motivations it's totally beyond us, maan." excuse
You're truely scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
you really are just a troll twisting everything to continue this obtuse arguement. Thats the bases of cosmic horror, which the tyranids as a concept were created to be based off of. I'm done talking to you and your discord pedo buddies posing as normal anons in this thread
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Tyranid fans should avert their eyes.
>n-no ur just
Impotent bug meltie.
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Anyone else tired of keeping up with the rules? I think I'm done til everything's back in one book next edition.
I'll pretend your not trolling and take.tgis seriously.

Tyranids are actually one of the more distinct and characterful space bug races in scifi. They're not mindless horde of angry bugs that swarm and bite and maybe spit acid.
They're a highly advanced civilisation that's gone all in on biotech. A gestalt intelligence hivemind that's capable of strategic manoeuvring and play.
commanding warriors armed with not just their teeth and venom but energy swords and railguns.

Their character might not be to your taste, but it's there.
>tfw no navigator gf to make Warp jumps with
The "patching" can be annoying for keeping games competitive but for casual games I think it's fine, especially if you use roster builders to keep track of point changes and erratas.
At least we haven't had to worry about campaign books dropping new models and detachments in mid-edition like previous years.
Bet you have to use velcro shoes
Fuck, typing this out reminded me of the 7th edition days of having to bring 5 books to the table to play a single list.
They are good shoes
Magnus jacks OFF everyone more like, 'cause he's the big gay
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That box is shit. Many people got into the army with the old combat patrol box, myself included and already have a few Goliaths. I'd be down for more Aberrants, an Abominant, an a Benefictus but the two Goliaths are actually a dealbreaker for me.
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>store starts taking pictures of everyone
>i have a 1488 pin on
It's more than 5 pdfs. One you include the tournament rules, the mission packs, the commentary, the core rules, the latest patch to the core rules that is 40 pages or so, and the codexes. You're already at more books.
I just want all rules and codex rules to be free and digital.
It's asinine having paywalled rules linked to books that are outdated on release, with rule clarifications as long as the core rules.
>They're not mindless horde of angry bugs that swarm and bite and maybe spit acid.
They are only this.
Rest of your post is nothing more than fanfiction cope.
kinda strange running from something from all directions to the same system and from a map it kinda looks like they are aiming for the eye of terror.
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forgot pic
I see someone pulled the flush on the entire setting.
>Primus costs more points than a Cult's Patriarch
>Magus is shit
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Why doesn't the imperium just go around the rift to get to imperium nihilus instead of fighting through the nachmund gauntlet?
Are they stupid?
They're not running from something.
That comes from a line in an old codex that's in universe an imperial scholar speculating. He suggests they could be running from something in the same paragraph he speculates they could be an unbeatable force as old as the universe.
Maybe the tyranids acknowledge the threat and try to close it, or way worse they try to get something out of it.
>Are they stupid?
first yes they are BUT the way is WAY shorter one side is blocked of by tyranids like you can see and the amount of fighting on the way around is not negligeable either. Not to mention pride, hate, stubborness and the hopes to stabalise the route.
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How do you do fellow space marine fans? Do you also think the Blood Angels are overpowered flanderized Mary Sues?
The the light of the Astronomican barely reaches the edges of the galaxy.
Warp jumps are very dangerous out on the rim.
>They're not running from something.
Thx for supporting my suggestion.
Again, that's all an issue for tournaments but less so for casual play for players that don't give a shit about rule-sharking and winrates.
At least all an army's units are in the codex, which affects both casual and competitive play.
Okay so how bout going under or over it?
Surely someone in high command knows that space is 3 dimensional
They are on par with custodians yeah.
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For some reason neither 40k nor startrek knows that (and LOTS of other scifi universes). Maybe it is explained that the Astronomicon only lights "sideways" not "up and down" i don't know.
Not with their busted out of date models
>Casual play is when we don't look up any rules, have no mission pack and just assume shit
CAACfags, hello?
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Elf feet
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Gonna build my queen today. Have had the triumvirate box for ages.
The laws of gravity and orbits tend do behave and translate better to two-dimensional space then three-dimensional. There's only so much you can map out a third axis when you can't force your satellites to stay in place.
The rules exist purely as a convenience thing, they’re your toys and you can play how you want. You really don’t have to play gotta catch ‘em all with rulebooks, I don’t even bother with PDFs at this point. Why hunt down all the ruleslop you can? Play the game with what you have and if it’s not worth spending XYZ amount of money for a cool book then why the fuck should I care what’s in it?
What a ramble.

The vast majority of "casual" games are still going to want to use the Levi deck or similar and are going to want to actually play by the ruleset.
99% of Kitchen Table Warhammer is played with basic objectives or tabling each other.
The golden rule of tabletop is to not let the rules get in the way of playing the actual game. Unless it's a competitive setting some rules flexibility is fine, so who gives a shit if we're not on version 1.99999 of the core rulebook and version 1.69 of each coeex?
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kill your elf
Any pics of yraine with her hair down?
One of the rare eldar kits i also would like to have, just the price and that FU... hair ornament. I love the cat though.
That's not casual, that's just mashing 200pts of your first models together. It's barely 40k at that point.
>golden rule of tabletop is to not let the rules get in the way of playing the actual game.
This is nonsensical horseshit, probably from the same retarded mouths as those old fucks that say you shouldn't use points when playing

You are no longer the main demographic for tabletop
I bet you're a fun GM.
I've got some graytide repentia done, but sadly I have two combat patrols which leaves me with only 8 regular repentias.

Maybe I'll try printing the last one.
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>This is nonsensical horseshit, probably from the same retarded mouths as those old fucks that say you shouldn't use points when playing

I’m using the rules as written actually you retarded compfag

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forgot picrel
He says you don't have to and that THEY do it so if all participants are fine with it no problem but you are right in the sense that you should not expect randoms or so to play the same way.
cute guys
Im glad me and my buddies 50+ and dont have such a stick up our collective asses like you do.
40k doesn't have a GM.

Open play is literally the retard mode, and even that isn't unbound by the rules - it simply says to make your own missions without care for balance. But yes, there's a reason literally nobody plays it
I'm glad I'm not ESL
>You are no longer the main demographic for tabletop
Not him and that may be true but the main demografik does not do casual games either.
NTA but objectives make the game more fun, some armies cannot table people like dark eldar and mechanicus
Paying attention to rules updates that come out every 6 months and running the current mission pack in no way stops your games from being casual. Of course the vast majority of games are casual.
get a load of this complete nofriends nogames LMAO
fucking this
If everyone has the same version of the rules and there are no stakes then who gives a flying fuck about the most current and balanced letter of the game?
If you really need to max your credit card on a game of WAAC rule-sharking then TCGs are right there.
>would it be alright if I based all my commissars on 25mm bases and people would be alright with it? Technically in this case due to Commissar abilities I would be modeling for disadvantage right?

>"Summary Execution: Once per battle round, at the start of
any phase, you can select one friendly Astra Militarum
Infantry unit that is Battle-shocked and within 12" of this
model. If you do, one model in that unit is destroyed, and that
unit is then no longer Battle-shocked"
Yeah I think you're modelling for disadvantage. Not sure if that can be confirmed or denied given how Commissars are this edition.
From my experience the "main demographic" plays purely competitive. May be completly wrong about that not gonna lye.
From your perspective, but you also probably have an incredibly low bar for what you consider to be competitive
>there are no stakes
Of course the CAACfag is a winners top enthusiast
Is there any point of guard players taking commissars this edition other than to make his respective guard army look nice?
You don't know what fun is right? I mean besides "winning".
Most "homeplayers" don't even play warhammer for the games sake, They play wile chatting drinking and just enjoying each others company no reason for any "stakes" or putting to much work and efford in learning the rules. yea they could play any other game instead but enjoy the minies as well.
what the fuck is a caac
Things like mission packs and yearly tournament books are additional investments that casual players aren't going to be buying into. Plenty of the playerbase stop at the core rules and their own codex. Downloading erratas would probably depend if they're a weekly LGS player or a hobbyist that gets together for a weekend with friends.
WAACfag cope. C stands for casual.
It is an acronym for "casual at all costs."
Possible yea.
Cope and seethe and then get back to painting, I’ll be buying your 3 color minimum meta chasing “army” for half price in 6 months and I want them basecoated
If you think buying or using a mission pack stops you being casual you are deluded. If someone has a game every couple of weeks they can still be casual.

Negro even the tards on faction subreddits that can barely type or understand the rules ask questions about current mission packs.
Enjoy buying 2000points of orkboyz then
3 color minimum hasn't been a thing for years, you're just outing yourself.

But yes I will be enjoying playing against actually painted armies, unlike 90% of images posted here
That's pretty much my point. Homeplayers aren't paying enough attention to the rules to worry about how many PDFs worth of changes have happened since they bought their books.
They'd probably care more if the cool models they bought were split across a codex, a supplement, a campaign book, and two standalone datasheets.
There is a definite demographic who fetishise being retarded and refusing to learn
>just mashing 200pts of your first models together.
You can pretend they don't exist all you like but we all know they do.
We have the PoV of the Hivemind in several sources. There is nothing natural about the Tyranids. They are led by a psychotic intelligence that's a cross between a serial killer and a genocidal tyrant.
I prefer the old Lucius pattern personally, there's just something slightly off to me about the Mars pattern that I can't quite put my finger on.
Soooo you are both basically saying the same thing but are just fighting over what is considered "casual" and what is not? Well in that case i have sayed nothin.
Lamenters short story
it's just more detailed
count the rivets
NTA but thanks.
>Lore says that the Imperium suppresses knowledge of aliens which results in a few guardsmen knowing what the Tyranids and genestealers are and how they operate

But why though? Seems counter-productive
Because out of paranoia, the Guards will start shooting at each other.
its also really inconsistent, because random guardsmen will just mention crazy shit they shouldnt know. gossip is powerful, I guess. though I like to think they believe as much tall tales and horrific myths as real knowledge about aliens.
Pretty sure more guardsmen would do anything in their power not to be deployed to the front lines if they knew what they were facing
Misplaced paranoia and a desire to keep the populace less panicked and easier to control.

It is dumb, but thats kinda the piint
Should Commissars know? Not every rank and file but sufficiently higher ranked and disciplinary people.
I dunno about that. Cadians burn with the desire to avenge Cadia and will be more than willing to fight Chaos. If they are not scared of daemons why would they be scared of Xenos?
Kriegers beg to die in the frontlines.
Catachans are brave to a fault.
Astra Milicum dont have enough named characters.
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Worst fucking lore in the game?
Lucius the eternal, i dont know a single person that likes this guy.not even emperors children players
Schola Progenium graduates probably know
For every Krieger or Catachan raised from birth to be steeled against adversity, there's probably a million hive city recruits that would shit their pants upon seeing hive tyrant
Blood angels
Thousand sons
Necrons probably got done dirty depending on your pov but thats anoth
Insane that Lucius is the worst thing you can think of. I don’t play EC in mainline 40k but they’re always my skirmish level force - he isn’t particularly interesting but he’s a funny little guy who’s on brand for 40k EC. Also, the short story about him possessing the maker of the mine that mogged him is campy and fun, probably the only time 40k has answered a “what if XYZ” question that hasn’t made a dumb premise even dumber
The ynnari and everything that came with them. Fuck, i'm still mad.
>Khorne fans: Kharn is a badass
>Nurgle fans: Typhus is one cool sick fuck
>Tzeentch fans: Ahriman is fucking awesome
>Slaanesh fans:
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>Worst fucking lore in the game?
The CTan
They're nonsensical within the setting and don't really have much lore despite apparently being fundamental forces of the fucking universe. They were badly written alien star gods and they just pretend like they never happened because any attempt to clarify them only makes it worse.
I actually don't think the Ynnari lore is all the egregious compared to the fact that it was just dropped and left unsupported. The setup for the Ynnari and the idea of the Ynnari is fine, just poorly implemented
This faggot made the horus heresy unreadible
>Slaanesh fans:
Eidolon The Handsome Bastard.
Eidolon nigga
Fabius bile
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The smuggest fuck, so smug he can keep a big warband of EC together
>Eidolon nigga
no model
>Fabius bile
more of a neutral agent than anything
Ynnari as written
Why did they get their ass kicked by a keeper of secrets lmao
>I don't think the Ynnari lore is all that egregious
required reading: https://eldar.arhicks.co.uk/miscellaneous/articles/fracture_of_biel_tan.php
Not even that, a fucking shadow clone of a keeper.
With a fraction of its power.
But to be fair, Shalaxi in AoS fought literal gods and won. She is no joke. Even a fraction of her power would be a daunting foe.
They ruin the other eldar factions just by existing, the ynnari have their souls protected by ynnead and anybody who doesn't join them just look like obstinate children. And yvraine has nothing going for her besides a good model, iyanden already had a spiritseer who was collecting mcguffins long before her, but nah, fuck her right?
Harlequins are obstinate children though.
Cucked by Saul Tarvitz
Did you read the Lelith novel? Ynnead's protection is limited to being close to Yvarine. The Soulthirst returns if Drukhari stray away from her.
Also, Necron Null tech can disable the protection too.
It's a nicotine patch of a solution. Have baked because the god is half-baked and not finished gestating.
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luv me some good eldar seethe
>(((Saul Tarvitz)))
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What do you think the next Chaos Daemon combat patrol will be??
>Another boring khorne one
>Tzeentch (I wish)
>Nurgle (I hate nurgle but this seem the more probable)
>Slaneesh (basically impossible)

Do not buy it...
Those two guy are right:
Demons wont exist. They are being split up into the chaos space marine legions.
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The lad who tried to fight planetary bombardment with a sword.
NTA but
>reading Mike Brooks
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Lelith isn't bad, there's next to nothing of what you're expecting. I'd give it a 7/10
I tried reading his Lion book. Holy shit was it bad.
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Anyone know of any good pictures of fat-bastard Imperial Governors or other Imperium nobility/commanders? I could do with a good one for setting the scene of a Necromunda campaign I'm thinking of running later in the year.
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Other stuff might be worse on paper but it's insignificant in the grander scheme of things
C'tan are still a mildly major element of the fiction yet their writing kinda sucks
Another answer: Chaos metaphysics and "high end" fluff of things
You got the Iron Lords one?
Why? It was voted the best book of 2023.
I found it boring. Drukhari are boring.
Lion book was done by David Guymer.
Brooks wrote Alpharius book.
>Why? It was voted the best book of 2023.
>retarded primarch capeshit slop eaters vote for primarch book
>Chaos metaphysics and "high end" fluff of things
Such as?
Anon why would you buy a Drukhari book if you find Drukhari boring!?
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He means the 40K one.
Dope, thanks
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Call them by their real name: Dark Eldar.
Enough of this Drukhari shit.
Because the teaser text said something about the Ynnari being involved. I wanted to know more about what Yvraine was doing.
What I got was a Lesbian Romcom between two socially stunted retards.
Oh, that book. I've thought about HH book. Sorry.
Nice Astra Militarum gif
C'tan are cool and good, actually.
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How strong is Lelith's scalp? Gotta be a lot of tugging action with those hooks and stuff
Dark Eldar is a stupid name - their skin tone is pale and plaid. Drukhari it is.
I will refrain from making the joke that hangs low with fruit here.
In the novel, a trio of slaves are assigned to do her hair. Two of them lost their fingers while removing the hooks and blades.
On the power level ranking how do Lelith and Vect compare to Primarchs
>Dark Eldar is a stupid name - their skin tone is pale and plaid
You're right, they should be the Wight Eldar
Honestly? It goes hard.
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Ghaz needs to be replaced as the leader of the Orks. They deserve better.
and it should be a gobbo.
she's bald, that's a helmet
>Such as?
What feeds Chaos in particular depends on what the author feels at the moment. Sometimes its emotion, sometimes its purely symbolic inanimate things and the latter is pretty dumb.
And in general there is very little insight into inner workings of the Daemon courts and their interactions with each other. Minor Gods have been basically discarded with Vashtorr being one breath of fresh air. Angle of Chaos powers wrangling their worshippers and seducing them to defect to another God is also pretty underexplored.
The Lelith novel makes it clear that Vect is not a fighter. He works better fighting from the shadows.
Lelith is an exceptionally skilled Aeldari warrior but she is in no way anything approaching a Primarch. Calgar, Dante, or any top-tier marine hero should be able to beat her.
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>Enough of this Drukhari shit.
No, we must use corposlang.
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>Calgar, Dante, or any top-tier marine hero should be able to beat her.
Eh, Archons have bested Primarchs before. But not in like a straight up fight. That's not really their style. And even in a fight they have some ridiculous weapons and toys.
SteelJoe on DeviantArt does them all:
I'm just shrinking down the ones that are too big to post on here, they're cool wee bits of art.
Name one cool and good thing about them
Calgar and his ilk bunch press Greater Daemons. They have way higher scaling than Lelith ever got.
I basically reject anything added to the setting from 2006 onward
One of the C'tan helped Inquisitor Draxus by teleporting her and her gang with a flick of the wrist back to her ship.
>Calgar, Dante, or any top-tier marine hero should be able to beat her
Maybe in the lore because she always fights naked with a fucking knife. But on the tabletop she's a fucking walking slaughterhouse against any infantry characters.
What did 5th edition do to you, personally?
Make up a better story next time, ben.
Bro Vect has Jaghtai Khan serving as living wallpaper for his bathroom. Lelith could take pretty much any Heresy era primarch other than Fulgrim or the Lion in a gladiator match easy.
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Lelith nearly died from a marine punching her in the chest.
Calgar survived and fought on after Abaddon opened him from neck to groin with Drach'nyen which is the deadliest daemon weapon in the known universe.
Lore wise, marine heroes make Lelith seem like a stupid girl playing with knives.
Is this why you have schizophrenia and have never kissed a girl? I thought weed was illegal in England.
Dude, we have seen Lelith fight. She is not on the level of a Chapter Master let alone a Primarch.

And Vect never went anywhere near a Primarch.
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>Lelith nearly died from a marine punching her in the chest.
This is fake lelith. Her entire fluff is that she fights naked because she never gets hit. Lelith wouldn't get hit by a fucking marine punch
>Core rules say only a quarter of your army can be in reserves. Both mission decks change this to half.
>Core rules says nothing about when reserves can come in. Both mission decks restrict them to rounds 2 and 3.
Is there any reason to write to rules this way other than to trip up people learning to play on Only War before moving onto the decks?
The “angels reddish orange”? That’s a bad name.
I agree completely. The lore puts any individual Eldar way below Primarch level and barely even at space marine level (excepting maybe Eldrad). Lelith has like a 99% dodge rate for even gunfire and can evade long enough to cut a space marine out of their armor plate by plate but is always one bad miss away from instant death.
Just pointing out her tabletop rules are whacky.
Calgar was beaten by Shalaxi.
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At least that's a real daemon, not an illusion
In her novel novel alone she gets hit more than a few times.
-A banshee shuriken scratches one of her arms.
-A venom crystal shard hits her in the side and poisons her.
-Morghana slices her stomach and the two trade punches while they struggle on the floor.
-Vect smashes her down with his rod.
Those are the examples that I can remember.
You started in 2017 though and only own the latest models.
>Core rules say only a quarter of your army can be in reserves. Both mission decks change this to half.
This is not the case
>Core rules says nothing about when reserves can come in. Both mission decks restrict them to rounds 2 and 3.
Right, it starts out with broader allowances then gives a restriction to stop turn 1 bullshit happening more widely in more balanced games
It's definitely a genetics thing but I've seen it happen to two friends personally. Different types of schizophrenia but both of them manifested after a couple years of heavy use.
So the real takeaway is probably know you family medical history and make informed decisions.
No. He wasn't.
He was beaten by an unnamed KoS after he grabbed its spear but it slipped from his grasp because it was coated with some strange liquids and then it went straight to his heart.
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How woke is her novel? Black eldar? Troons?
The objection isn't that the likes of Calgar could beat [eldar character], they could. It's just about the retarded state of marine wank.
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>if only gw had the balls to write about Khan in Comorragh
Just lesbians.
>Lelith wouldn't get hit by a fucking marine punch
It said she had been "a whisker" away from getting her chest caved in by a powered fist. So you can interpret that as her dodging it by the slimmest of margins.
cute artstyle.. artist name?
I would gladly trade Robin Cruddace to have Matt Ward back.
I'd sacrifice the whole design team to get Andy Chambers, though.
The lesbian relationship between Lelith and her childhood friend Morghana are the forefront of the story.
And Lelith engages in a bisexual three-day orgy with Drukhari sex workers and Corsairs.
That's about it.
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>Bro Vect has Jaghtai Khan serving as living wallpaper
This is fanfiction.
How does your mind immediately go to that?
The text said it was the marine's first and last blow. His fist hit her.
I'm not a fan of White Scars, but I would read "The Odyssey staring Jaghatai Khan in Elf Hell"
Such a book has already been written. Read 'I have no mouth and i must scream'.
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It's fine.
We have been over this. Njal Stormcaller foresaw the return of the loyalist Primarchs, this included the Great Khan.
The only loyalist Primarch that he did not see any vision of his return was his own Primarch, Leman Russ.
Have another, sorry it looks so sped up, the original was bloody huge.
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It's exaggerated, yes.
You fucking pedant.
Anyway Gorgutz solos all no diff and Calgar is a bitch nigga compared to Gabriel Angelos
He's american.
They are all direction brained.
Njal Stormcaller clearly does not attend enough shareholder meetings.
About average for a Dark Eldar then.
anon I was just joking about the IG's slave name since we were talking about drukhari
I want a loyalist primarch to die again.
I don't understand the "joke"?
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Have a Dark Aeldari one
Oh I guess Astra Militarum is just this ingrained now.
Guess Drukhari is fine in a year or two too
Rent-free. Touch grass anon.
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As long as Ward doesn't get to write any of the fluff.
Yeah, all the weird arguments about LGBT Dark Eldar stuff lately is fucking bizarre to me.
Isn't that (and Slaanesh) the faction people should want this kind of representation in?
I don't, it's boring and adds nothing.
You only want it because you are butthurt and want to just piss other people who are actually having fun.
Dorn vs Perty rematch arc
You'll get a revolving door of Vulkan sacrificing himself and you'll thank them for it
mildly triggered by dark lances, disintegrator cannons and splinter rifles all shooting the same purple beams
The death of a primarch adds more to the setting than keeping them in the butt fuck middle of the universe doing nothing but mahvel points.
Yu need more context.
It's made clear in the novel that Drukhari having genuine love for each other and openly showing it is exceedingly rare.
Lelith and Morghana coming out as a couple in front of the whole Dark City was groundbreaking.
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How will Dorn fight sans hands?
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Ever since the femstodes shit happened in April 40k got injected with a shit ton of culture war grifters and other undesirables.
Who are all just direction brained retards trying to shill whichever garden variety stupidity they subscribe to, and stoke the flames of discourse in the fanbase.

This is why I just shitpost whenever I see fags like it.
They deserve nothing but that.
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They've always been the Astra Militarum as their "official" name ever since the start though, whereas Drukhari, Aeldari and all were names specifically made up by GW after that whole 3rd party model fuss about that one particular shop selling Space Marine proxies, and using the name "Space Marine" for them as GW couldn't trademark that.
Samefag less.
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Aren't Disintegrators and Dark Lances both types of dark light weapons?
The splinter rifles should be different though. I always imagine green for splinter weapons because of poison.
Fucked up my wave serpent by using a wash on it.
It didn't add shit in the past when GW wrote them all out of the setting, ie. practically dead. ANd none of it ever mattered in the slightest.

Also just killing off primarchs and shit is just going to set a shitty precendent, especially if GW just replaces them with shittier versions.
Like they replaced Creed with his daughter.
one's a lance, the other is their plasma gun equivalent. Projectiles should be different
Post it.
They’ve been around a lot longer, I remember GW statement about how they’d change showing slaanesh since >current year made a lot of old slaanesh stuff more socially acceptable
I bet Haemonculi give themselves like 3 prehensile dicks and a vag. to fuck themselves with, after all they fuck up their outward appearance in some properly rare ways too.
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Went to my local club's Bring and Buy. Mostly newish 40k and AoS stuff but still got some bargains.
Because 40k is infested with this shit and I trying to avoid such stuff.
Cool to show a picture of a group of people instead of what you picked up.
My LGS ran one recently but not many people showed up. Checked out what was there and it was mostly old WHFB models and Lotr models
lol, I think you've got a point there. They do seem to get themselves in an absolute twist about certain things because the politics of it don't match their ow political leanings, as if that matters in a tabletop wargame they play.
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its fucked up in a few ways
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You would have preferred they call them Eladrith Ynneas rather than Drukhari just because it had older lore justification? At least Drukhari sounds like Druchii so it has that connection.
Dry brush over it.
>starts playing a game with a literal tranny god in int
>is surprised to find out that the fluff contains gay fagshit
You really are not the brightest.
>three-day orgy with Drukhari sex workers and Corsairs.
Post screenshots.
Holy newfag. This place is absolutely no different now than it was 3 or 5 years ago.
They call themselves aeldari from the beginning too.
>mostly old WHFB models and Lotr models
I would have loved that. : ( Any MESBG models I simply have to pick up.
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Got 5 metal Scouts, 2 librarians from different eras, a damaged Chaplain, an apothecary, and the limited edition Black Templars Captain Draco (?) all for 50p each. Happy days.
Nothing a wee 99% IPA bath wont fix!
If you are expecting more than a fade to black you are going to be sorely disappointed.
>absolutely no different now than it was 3 or 5 years ago.
NTA but from my experience it's considerably worse. There practically was no carnacposting 3 years ago and I barely see people who have posted before anymore
Tou'kannis/Golden Greed CSM anon is missing
Oops All Spores nid anon is missing
DEldar GSC with bony armor guy is missing
Daikaiju anon with black/grey nids is missing
Haven't seen guy with blue coconut crabs either
just off the top of my head
Doesn't matter.
Still interesting to see what people are there even if the models would be better.

The quality of the picture is to bad to properly guess but Germany?
You won't see anything explicit. Lelith enters the chamber and fade to black three days later she wakes up with her second in command sleeping on her right arm and a Corsair princess entangled with her.
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Yeah I love older cheap stuff over "Sprue from Conquest Magazine #132"

Love rummage boxes and pocket money spending on random old stuff

Sorry see >>93207575

Here's my Vapnartak haul
>open Rogue Trader PDF that has been OCR'd
>CTRL+F "Aeldari"
>0 results found.
Sure they did.
I don't know man. People drop in and out for the hobby for long stretches at a time. Life catches up with you sometimes and hobbies take a back seat for a while, including hobby discussions when you're not actively engaged with them.
I think I remember seeing a couple of them in the early days of tenth before launch but people vanish all the time and pop back up years later.
>To think that Khan or Corax will return before Russ.
Of course, because they were Ældari
To think Ferrus Manus will return before Russ
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Castellan Draco, that's a good find for 50p
It’s East Yorkshire.
>They call themselves aeldari from the beginning too.
Why you lying anon? They were Space Elves originally and then very quickly Eldar through until about 2010 - 2015 (I forget when the copyright fuss was). At best in lore snippets you got the CWE referring to themselves as the Asur or Asuryani occasionally.
They’re in the 2nd ed book, not RT.
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Personally I always wanted to find Sergant Centurius from the ancient Apocalypse 100 event in 1998.
Damnit, UK would have been my second guess.
I've tried that desu.
>shit ton of culture war grifters and other undesirables
A lot of them are /pol/ pretending to be the lefties they hate so much.
The femstodes controversy brought so much attention to 40k that now they're interested in boosting their numbers by pretending to be the assholes they hate so much.
The best one I saw was someone claiming how great and efficient things run in the Imperium because it's right wing
>Alas poor Yorrick
Nah, try again champ, you're not going to find a mention of "Aeldari" until sometime between 2010 and 2017 whenever the copyright fuss was. Its simply didnt exist in GW lore before that.
Do you not remember all the furore there was over the sudden name ret-cons when it happened?
The idea that the Imperium is a necessary evil because of the threat of Chaos and Xenos in the 40k universe has always been a massive cope .
Samefag less than you are doing.
Nothing is as bad as T'au.
That's by far the stupidest one, especially since it apparently doesn't change the pronunciation of the word in any way.
Theres one on Ebay right now for £65, still in its blister with the £5 pricetag attached.
Yes but it runs at a fraction of its potential due to excessive amounts of retardation and selfish power plays
How do i get a trad gf like in the pic bros
Ive been divorced for a year
>Trad is when you wear a dress
Get a grip
You never had a wife and you’ve never even kissed a girl. You’re going to die cold and alone.
Someone's feeling called out.
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By the looks of things at any major fast food place. If you mean a girl to play 40K with then the lgs might have one or two or hang around somewhere like travelling man and try not to come off as a desperate creep
might have to settle for a girlish looking dude at this point my man.
What was the reaction in the fandom when Ragnar Blackmane killed Ghaz?
You won't even have that, you will go your whole life without knowing the warmth of another human.
>What was the reaction in the fandom when Ragnar Blackmane killed Ghaz?
It was barely mentioned by anyone, because if you showed any interest in space wolves back then you were ruthlessly mocked for being a furry. Rightfully so.
>wtf? is that true?
>that's retarded marinewank
>eh, it doesn't matter anyway

feel free to choose one or any combination, there's not much else to say
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>What was the reaction in the fandom when Ragnar Blackmane killed Ghaz?
>t. the reason for divorce
Should have been Yarrick.
The only acceptable way to consume space wolves is space wolf red corsairs
>even though it takes 2 people to fuck up a marriage.
papers in hand, that's objectively not true
This. The best policy is lie by omission, that could never fuck things up lmao
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I'm not sure how I feel about this, I didnt know about that bit of lore.
>Isn't that (and Slaanesh) the faction people should want this kind of representation in?
Why should it even be in plastic soldiers game?
Also MTLB+-=/< thinks than Slaanesh is bad representation, because she is evil.
Killing the Ultramarine Librarian really redeemed Space Wolves for me
I hate the Red Corsairs. Huron is such a jobber.
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people saying no one cared but there was definitely noise coming from some quarters of the ork community (mostly anger). Also some guard players saying Yarrick should have been involved in some way (but I think that may have been around the time he was suppose to be 'dead' anyway.
What didn't help was that in the Psychic Awakening book where this happens (Saga of the Beast) kinda glosses over it in like a page.
this nigger is seething hard.
Maybe they should bring Yarrick back as a Living Saint, who only turns out whenever the Imperium is under massive threat from the Greenskins.

Saint Yarrick, Hammer of the Orks.
Why does the one at the front on the trike with the axe have a skaven mask on?
>Maybe they should bring Yarrick back as a Living Saint
Yarrick is still alive, lady Yarrick will be caught and interrogated by some eldars and we'll find out it's just a case of them transitioning - which will explain the new sculpt
>people saying no one cared but there was definitely noise coming from some quarters of the ork community
Ie. no one cared.
>t. 30 year old who's never been kissed
Nice cope. Go tell daniela how hot you think she is.
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Bros dead, he'd be old as fuck by current day M42 anyway.
>The idea that the Imperium is a necessary evil because of the threat of Chaos and Xenos in the 40k universe has always been a massive cope .
How so? I always thought that the Imperium at this point is now the last bastion in its inevitable state to protect mankind at the cost of mankind's freedom.

Maybe it wasn't that way during the Horus Heresy though.
Who is this supposed to be? A female marine?
It's femdorn i think
From this guy
NTA, but Dorn apparently.
It is an STL based off of the female primarch drawings made by one man who essentially through fanart alone made a significant impact on the online side of the 40k fanbase. Kind of like that one artist who made Skitarii trap art.

Seriously the amount of influence fanart has over the online 40k fanbase is probably too much, but most likely inevitable since 40k has a pretty healthy fanart community.
It's the last bastion, but it's a bloated and inefficient one far less effective and capable than it's potential.
But things are to far gone now, it'll never get the kind of reprieve from attack that it needs now to reform.and reorganise into a more effective empire.

The Imperium is a collapsing empire well past its prime.

That's part of the grim dark, everything is awful, needlessly so. It could have been better. But it's not.
You have a 1488 pin but you don't ever leave your house for anyone to see.
Imagine going to get a couple off games in at an LGS and some cunt plonks a load of shit like this down on their side of the table.
>inb4 Rogalia my beloved
the people into primarchs, let alone mtf primarchs, are NOT the 40k fanbase
If its painted i dont care
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Don't forget TTS.
I love me some silly fanworks but I wish more people would do the bare minimum and read some actual lore rather than let memes dictate their understanding of the setting.
>I always thought that the Imperium at this point is now the last bastion
Because Emperor went around destroying all the other ones.
Interex and Auretian Technocracy being the notable ones.
Looks fun. Would rather see that then a bunch of Black Rock enforced black women.
>Imagine going to get a couple off games in at an LGS and some cunt plonks a load of shit like this down on their side of the table.
Absolute chad, doesn't care what normies think.
Makes me remember that one tau battlesuit conversion.
TTS still has influence over the secondaries?
>Seriously the amount of influence fanart has over the online 40k fanbase is probably too much
Ah, it's you again.
I don't like those things. I think they take the sails out of not just the Imperium but Chaos too.
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Rogalia my beloved.
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It's quoted constantly and recommended as a source to learn the lore in a humorous way. Which is a problem because while TTS gets some things right, it's wildly off in others, and outdated to boot as it got its start back in 2011.
At least angry Kitten is always useful.
>Ah, it's you again.
Indeed it do be me again, baby.
Perhaps I should have used a different piece of fanart instead of the female Vulkan fanart to make a point, but I couldn't really think of anything else as an example at the time.
Maybe I should have used the trap skitarii fanart by that unhinged artist.
Do you play at a store or a club?
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I play at home, asshole
I don't play anywhere because I'm too autistic and need to finish my models.
An LGS like a normal person

He's not talking about playing with yourself
More accurately it was Chaos that destroyed both places.
Interex were originally peaceful and cordial with the Imperial ambassadors, but all of it went to shit when Erebus (already corrupted by Chaos at this point) stole the Anatheme blade from the museum which just caused a war between the Imperium and Interex.
With it ending in Interex violently subjugated.

Auretian Technocracy then was 100% just Chaos because it all got fucked up by Horus who by that point turned his back on the Emperor.
So once the Auretian leader revealed they had some functioning STC systems, Horus just drew his pistol and killed the leader right then and there.
Just so he could use the STCs as bargaining chips for the Dark Mechanicum lead by Kerbol-Hal.
>It's quoted constantly
At least not here, I don't see it much on other websites either since TTS got axed by Alfa.
So what's the solution?
A book on how to homebrew your own human space nations outside the Imperium and use Cadian soldiers to represent them?
>then a bunch of Black Rock enforced black women.
What are you talking about anon? Black Rock?
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>the skirt length on the UM girl
>those shorts and thighs on the IF girl
Not here because it became too popular and 4chan contrarianism had to hate it.
But in real life, which you would know if you weren't a terminally online secondary, it's still well-regarded.
I play in my garage or at a club. If my house is closer than the club for both of us then there's no reason to make the extra journey. I think there's only 2 players I wouldn't be happy about re-inviting back to my place for a game - pair of bloody weirdos.
I mean it is the GrimDARK future anon, no reason to think that the racial makeup of the Imperium is any different than today and near-futures planet earth.
This guy is asking to get his shit pushed in but he is also right. I still have friends who talk about it and still blame GW for killing it (even though GW didn't do or say anything to Alfa)
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Why do so many people want to re-imagine the Primarchs as girls? I dont get it.
Not terminally online, well not mostly, I just don't talk with other 40k people much.
I mainly build and paint shit by my lonesome.
Would someone mind giving me some CC on a Salamanders list? I’m new to the hobby and this is my first time actually building one out.

1x Adrax Agatone
1x Gravis Captain with powerfist and relic chain sword
>Enhancement: War-Tempered Artifice

6x Agressors with flame storm gauntlets
3x Bladeguard Veterans
6x Eradicators

1x Land Raider Redeemer

My basic Strategy is to use the land raider redeemer to put my aggressors right into melee and have a Gravis captain to give them the free overwatch with flame storm gauntlets. Then I have the eradicators as an Anti-Armor role, with Adrax and the Bladeguards to hold another objective, getting rerolls on wounds.
It’s just the terminally online newfag.
Same reason why things like Batgirl or Spider-Woman exist.
Basically starts off as a "what if" and then it just snowballs from there.

Also the artist is asian, and if you knew anything about them making genderbent versions of pre-existing character is just expected.
Like just look at the Fate series.
Not directly but when they came out with Warhammer+, remember that? They said they would start pursuing and shutting down fan-made content even more aggressively than they had been.
A shitty take, but it did scare TTS into shutting down.
>Fate series
I don't know what that is, I'm not into japanese comics.
Oh I should also add this is a pared-down 1k points list. I’ll add more as time does on.
So it's not lelith, simple as.
I have decision paralyses for what color I should paint my tanks
How do you guys get over this
I man up and make a decision
GW killed TTS?
Thank god their litigiousness finally did something right, I saw an episode of that shit after seeing constant recommendations and it was cringe
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Why can't you be gay like a normal person?
>Do you play at a store or a club?
I play at a bar. What does that count as?
>1x Land Raider Redeemer
Sir, do not redeem!
Just because you’re autistic and still find something funny so many years later, doesn’t mean anyone else likes it.
>and it was cringe
That was my general opinion of it as well, low brow humour and pandering to the worst sort of memes. Could never understand what people got out of it.
Why? Is it bad? Should I be taking the crusader?
Just because you're autistic and mad that people enjoy things doesn't mean everyone has to hate it.
The same with 'abridged' series
I remember being drunk at a party in college one time and someone put on DBZ abridged
It killed the joy in the room and only the guy who put it on was laughing
I'll take things that never happened. You were never invited to parties.
Sounds like a confession of a sin.
By store I mean a place that sells Warhammer. My club meets in the hall of a greyhound racing track
They are physical gods unlike those warp imitators
I'm sorry you didnt enjoy your teenage years anon.
This.The whole "Angron killed Yarrick" plot was stupid, especially since it did not lead to Ghazskull launching a galaxy-wide waaagh against Khorne for taking away his favourite humie.
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>Existed since the start of the universe
>Unfathomably powerful
>Still get dunked on by a load of metal skeleton men
>Now are the functional equivalent of batteries
C'tan are the galaxies biggest losers. Even Erebus didnt fail this hard.
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>energy beings
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Did you flunk physics anon?
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I didn't get physics. Society already gave up on me based on some test I took as a kid.
Please, explain to the class how energy is physical without mental gymnastics.
It can be measured and it has effects on the physical world.
Much obliged, anon
Don't genestealers have this long drawn out lifecycle that requires generations for them to fully mature?
>The vast majority of "casual" games are still going to want to use the Levi deck or similar and are going to want to actually play by the ruleset.

Not if it costs them extra money. Who would want to pay to have some more rules to box themselves into? In a casual game?
Yeah Ynnari are kinda disappointing aren't they? I was promised a brighter aeldari future and death to the slanny tranny. I got a gay soup faction and worst primarch heralding nu-40k.

What it could have been...
>gav thorpe
oh noes.

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