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Boyz Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Which edition or rule set of Warhammer 40k do you think was the best, and why?
>Boyz Edition
Eleventh edition.
Tenth Edition is the greatest game that Warhammer ever was
>The best
The one I like
>The worst
The one I don't like
I started in 3rd, but I remember having the most fun in 4th and early 5th but that may just be the nostalgia talking. Fell out of the hobby halfway through 5th ed until 7th. Played a few games against Eldar and got to experience the absolute fucking bullshit faggotry of Soulburst and left again. Came back for the end of 7th mess and the transition to 8th.
Last time I had fun was in latter day 9th when AOC was a thing. 10th isn't good but it's a vast improvement from when it first came out as an untested beta version. Still not great. Fuck GW for removing so many options and fluff.
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Post downgrades
I cannot believe we don't have a campaign book or something of the sort where Ghazhskull launches a crusade against Angron for killing Yarrick. You'd think that after getting bored of Octaruis, Ghaz would begin an even bigger whaaaagh, and revenge against Yarrick's murderer should give him plenty of reasons.

Yarrick should've been the one to kill Ghazhskull instead of Ragnar
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Space Marine Codex is trash now. Which divergent chapter suits the traditional Iron Hands list, with tanks, dreadnoughts, lots of hellblasters?
To be fair the angle and paintjob make right look a lot worse than it actually is. The pants are unforgivable though.
Never thought her original model was particularly good except for the thong either
>To be fair the angle... make right look a lot worse than it actually is
That's part of the problem. It has no golden angle. There's a problem with the figure from every angle so it literally can't be photographed well.
>Which edition or rule set of Warhammer 40k do you think was the best, and why?
To be completely honest. This has been my favourite edition. The core rules are the best of any edition. It's not too simple or too complicated. The terrain rules make more sense than previous editions.
You don't need to rage bait here anon, there isn't any updoots
I can’t really answer the TQ since this is my first edition. All my friends say they liked 9th better because there was a psyker phase, so maybe that’s what you’re looking for? Idk.

Anyways, reposting from last thread. I’m trying to build out a 1k points salamander list and I’d like some CC. This is my first time in the hobby so I’m looking for some practical advice. I’ve watched some YT videos to prepare but I want to make sure I have the right idea.

1x Adrax Agatone
1x Gravis Captain with powerfist and relic chain sword
>Enhancement: War-Tempered Artifice

6x Agressors with flame storm gauntlets
3x Bladeguard Veterans
6x Eradicators

1x Land Raider Redeemer

My basic Strategy is to use the land raider redeemer to put my aggressors right into melee and have a Gravis captain to give them the free overwatch with flame storm gauntlets. Then I have the eradicators as an Anti-Armor role, with Adrax and the Bladeguards to hold another objective, getting rerolls on wounds.
Nearly the same story as >>93208434
One of the Space Wolves great companies are basically Fenrisian Iron Hands.
but angron didn't kill yarrick
>Please, explain to the class how energy is physical without mental gymnastics.
Because it is affected by the laws of physics and thermo-dynamics.
This looks more like a sidegrade tbqh
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when will squats start featuring in a campaign book? when are they getting their second wave?
when you have sex
>when are they getting their second wave?
No one bought them. You're not getting shit.
The warp is described as a universe of pure energy without a physical form or matter.
C'tan are beings of pure energy from a different universe.
one is physical the other isn't.
sounds like you messed up there.
even if we consider energy physical it does not add up.
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alright, if that's what it takes

bend over, anon
Classic case of better sculpt from a scale and technical standpoint but worse from a conceptual and aesthetic one. Sadly it's far too common.
>C'tan are beings of pure energy from a different universe.
With different universe i meant different then warp.
'ate the new obliterator
simple as
than. damn did it again sry.
>pure energy
I thought the warp was a dimension of emotions and ideas made manifest not energy. The C'tan being not emotional energy would make them more physical and more anchored to our dimension than the warp.
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Also this is pretty good proof that the C'tan are form our dimension and universe
The warp is a place full of pure (psychic) energy the emotions and stuff just give form to that energy manifesting in chaosgods and the likes while in "our" universe the form is mostly defined throug matter.
What kind of energy C'tan actually are... i have no clue but it is energy from our universe. In theory both energys follow the rules for thermodynamics if we believe that things like differend dimensions and what not are possible.
I hate the nygirs like you wouldn't believe
I find it so strange that they felt the need to reinvent the concept like that. They probably could have remade the old one very well; Vashtorr's model shows that they can sculpt stretched-out flesh over metal pretty decently now.
Gork and Mork aren't real
No they aren't, they are minor Chaos Gods.

Can we have not mayan Lizardfolk in 40k?
>The warp
That's your first fumble.
Never expect anything cohesive or something that actually makes sense regarding the Warp.

Warp and Chaos are not meant to make sense, for the sole reason so GW and its writers can fuck around without any consequence.
>the C'tan
That's your second one.
They are poorly written and badly implemented in 40k and GW is willing to just sweep them under the rug because they know they as much sense as the Warp.
Ie. none at all.
>Can we have not mayan Lizardfolk in 40k?
No, because AoS called dibs first.

GW is intentionally removing any and all ranges that are and would compete with one another.
It's the same reason you're never getting skaven in 40k, because they exist in AoS.
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there's the tarellian dog soldiers

but if you want slann-related lizards, they have got to be mayans at least to the same extent necrons have got to be egyptians
which means some leeway is possible

but the thing is that they simply look way better with tribal stuff like feathers, furs and bones, plus less sci-fi attires help in showing their froggy skin
The Warp and how it all works makes tons of sense if you read the Realm of Chaos books. Its just GW and BL books expects everyone to have read it and never repeat the information in it to newbies, hence the secondary confusion about it. Minor and Independant Warp 'gods' and daemons are things. the big 4 stealing each others daemons seems impossible due to them being born from their god, but stealing their mortal non daemon prince followers is fair game.
As well as non sentient life creating daemons and gods, like a world ravaged and destroyed over thousands of years, rivers, creeks, stones and trees all can fuel emotions in the warp that canflow together into a daemon or minor warp power.
Suicide pacts by cultists can also fuse their soul/emotional energy
A piece of Warhammer history. The final page of Gordon Rennie and Colin MacNeil's comic book series Bloodquest (1999-2003), starring the Blood Angels.
>The Warp and how it all works makes tons of sense if you read the Realm of Chaos books
WHF isn't canon to 40k and doesn't matter.
Good. There were practically no Fantasy But In Space factions to begin with (for example CWE have almost none shared traits with High Elves) so distancing even more is a boon, not a bane.
>removing any and all ranges that are and would compete with one another.
Yea i believe that. DIY then.
I agree.
>(for example CWE have almost none shared traits with High Elves)
This however is retarded.
the realm of chaos books are 40k books, retard
Anon Realm of Chaos was published post Rogue Trader and was for 40k not fantasy. Regardless they share the warp so its the same principle, but again its a guide for how the warp functions in 40k
I see some nice Tarellian arts online that would be awesome, thx.
I'm gonna buy my first mini and I was making a shopping list: plastic cement, paint, brushes and mini.
Anything missing?
Another recent example of this are the beasts of chaos or whatever the faction is called. GW just utterly axed that shit out of AoS.
Guess where they then shoved it?
Into the TOW to pad out its army roster a bit.

Also I forgot to mention, GW just updated the skaven for AoS 4th edition. That is just the final nail coffin for the entire idea of space skaven.
It's just never going to happen now.
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had time to work on 3D print GUO
post models
>but muh RT
Doesn't matter that also isn't canon anymore.
Try harder next time, Shaskais.
we already have skaven in 40k (GSC)
Yea they are vague on purpose like with almost everything in 40k we are just piecing together the info we have and as far as we can tell most stuff in 40k is impossible anyways that is why i sayed if you believe that stuff is possible.
proxies and 3rd party hurts us all you should support GW and your LGS by buying GW product
>space skaven
Yea i guess when GSC came out that was off the table already.
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>support GW so they can make more of... this
yeah naw
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but it's a good hero model
>This however is retarded.
>no bows, shuriken guns instead
>no elk mounts of any sort
>no ents, bone golems instead
>weird aspect warrior angle that elves lack completely basically
>bunch of egyptian, greek and japanese influences that high elves lack
The best you got is cone-shaped helmets, that's it
Everyone knows that, furfags are just in-denial about it.
And not too long ago those fags were here acting GW could just do some Hrud shit or whatever to add space skaven in.
But AoS 4th edition completely just kills that entire idea because GW does not want competing ranges, ie. 2 rat factions. And they especially do not want ranges that compete across2 different game systems.

It's the same reason why GW has pretty entirely axed firstborn out of 40k and shoved all of them either into legends or Horus Heresy only.
>people who want disgusting ratmen are furfags
stop getting your talking points from discord
>>bunch of egyptian, greek and japanese influences that high elves lack
you fucked up here
>t.furfag on 50 different furfag discords
but that's a cool model
they did great job sculpting the flower and filigree. Even the painting is phenomenal, well painted face that does look good
getting 3dprints and not buying GW products just hurts us because GW gets less money meaning they wont make more great looking stuff like this
>n-no u
>isn't canon anymore
it's never not been canon

it's the same warp
>>no ents, bone golems instead
Wraiths are ents, wraithbone is literally grown like trees.
You dum dum.
Found the furfag.
RT and shit within it are no longer canon.
Try to keep up, shaskais.
We have several recent statements from GW that the Warp is the same in all their settings. Quit your autism.
its not that they don't want armies with similar themes competing with each other.
its that they don't want you playing different games with a single army. a firstborn marine army you could play with in 40k or HH.
a beastman army you could play with in AoS or WHFB. thats all gone now (more or less).
>but muh corporate
I don't give a shit.
Anyone defending this garbage is just a corporate drone.
>not buying GW products just hurts us
I can’t wait for idiots like you to buy nuMaris marines in 11e, buying second hand is objectively the correct way to consoom
I accept your concession
Your opinion doesn't matter. Facts are facts.
The connection between the settings via the Warp was never retconned. I have no idea why people pretend otherwise.
genuine samefag
at least make it less obvious next time
this even applies to daemons

GW promotes mixing daemon types in 40k (e.g khorne with nurgle)
but in AoS, theres no way to do so, theres no "daemon" faction

so if you have a 40k daemon army, theres a high chance it isnt playable in AoS unless you drop some stuff
Same difference.
GW still did just axe the HH dreads out of 40k. Currently they were in legends last I checked, basically the unit graveyard.
>RT and shit within it are no longer canon.
But it's been reiterated since, it's not just old canon, it's canon that has been maintained all along.

and I'm not carnac, the retard genuinely doesn't understand how chaos works in warhammer.
>I'm not carnac
Prove it. Post models with timestamp.
I'm genuinely confused why there are such a huge number of Skaven fans online but they are like one of the least collected armies in either of their two playable games. Are they literally all just secondaries who like Vermintide/Total Warhammer? And if so, why do they care so much about them showing up in 40k?
Lore doesn't enter my games or enjoyment area without my consent.
I don't care what GW says, they are all full shit anyway and only reason why they ever did that in begining was purely due to a corporate decision.
Aka, they realized they can make more money by just copypasting and reusing an entire faction in 40k and get more money out of all the fans.
The problem is that the obliterator virus was a unique thing from full daemonic possession, and that is told well visually in the old sculpt. The new sculpts do not look visually different from other daemon engines, aside from the knowledge that there is also a mortal inside the "possessed" armor. So there is no longer a perception that obliterators are unique from other daemon engines, from looking at the minis.
I do appreciate that your ilk have elected to drop all pretense and say the quiet part out loud now. It makes it a lot more difficult for you to interact with — and inconvenience — people in real life.
I don't care, old shit is old shit and no longer canon.
And no it doesn't matter if GW has reiterated or whatever, it's still non-canon garbage.
>but they are like one of the least collected armies in either of their two playable games
the skaven half of the new box set is selling for nearly twice as much as the other
What makes the GSC the Skaven of 40K? Tunnel crawling?
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because the army range was ancient and nobody gave a shit about warhammer fantasy untill vermintide and total warhammer, anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
>The problem is that the obliterator virus was a unique thing from full daemonic possession, and that is told well visually in the old sculpt.
Yeah, I never understood why GW retconned that of all things.
The obliterator virus being a collaborative project between Mortarion and Perturabo was cool and interesting.

But I guess it never happened after all.
Have an updoot good sir!
>'m genuinely confused why there are such a huge number of Skaven fans online but they are like one of the least collected armies in either of their two playable games.
Because for the longest time they had a completely dogshit range full of unusably ugly and old models like rat ogres and plague monks, and a shit-ton of resin and metal. Every single bundle box that they made for a while had to include Stormfiends and a Warp Lightning Cannon because they basically only had five acceptable plastic kits.
t. the maddest guy on earth right now
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Screw space Skaven. Give me a faction of actual necromancers.
Says the tone police.
>your ilk have elected to drop all pretense

Do you speak like this in the real world or just when you act like a faggot online
GSC are sewer dwelling Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, who are actively undermining their host society by stabbing them into back at every opportunity.
And GSC specifically spread through a "plague"/"infection", which is very bubonic plague themed in a sense, it's spread from an animal (genestealer) to a human to propagate the "plague".
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Beep-boop we're ghosts
nothing funny or laugh worthy in that
do you want GW to go bankcrupt and killing 40k with it?
primaris are at least cool and cohesive.
i might consider buying some of the nuMaris if they look cool and fit into the lore, which GW is good at doing
if GW went under 40k would still exist the lore already exits and post 9th would be ingored , and everyone would just buy 3D printed or old models
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a leg and proof my allegiance is against carnac by virtue of having nids is everything you're getting
>Screw space Skaven. Give me a faction of actual necromancers.
Ynnari, you're asking for Ynnari pretty much.
And we've seen how that all went.

Well, at least Yvraine found a place for herself as Guilliman's cocksleeve to make a future heir and in between all the depressive ice cream eating as she wears an oversized t-shirt.
that doesn't sound good
that just sounds like a slow fall into irrelevance and slow death of the game system
nevermind it wouldn't be pretty most fanprojects fan dictated IPs have horrible quality control both in terms of writing and products (STLs in this case)
just sounds like a terrible idea all around
Not a single complete model.
You are beating the allegations, mister.
>old shit is old shit and no longer canon.
do you know who pic related is?
it would go back to how it was pre-8th
people who care will still play, tranny secondaries will leave.
No, because I don't read old non-canon shit.
i guess that'd be cool, as long as primaris stay around
>how it was pre-8th
HH is pretty much that.
>>HH is pretty much that.
>no xenos
>terrible updated models, mk3 looks like 3rd party shit
It's worse.
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>make a detachment that must include a specific model
>don't sell that model
enjoy your incoming squatting
Good, that model looks terrible.
Sounds like a skill issue, make your own.
but enough about you
>what is kitbashing
>what are 3rd party proxies
Is there a way to turn our own artwork of 40k figures into prepainted figures the same? To make custom armies etc?
>phoneposter saving this image to falseflag as a BAchad
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try again
>It's worse.
The core rules are definitely an improvement on the 7th edition ruleset that was initially the basis for the game.
Having Orks waaagh into the imperium nihilus to chase down chaos space guys would be too much xeno and not enough ultramarines for gw.
Forbidden in GW stores.
Cool I guess.
Still doesn't prove any universe connection between settings, so it doesn't matter.
Ents aren't repositories for dead elves and they also look nothing like ents
Neither does wraithbone structures look like trees, just because something grows and is stationary doesnt make it immediately floral
The rare good Slaaneshi daemon model?
It would go to the shit filled hellpit that is /fourk/
So is playing games
he's a daemon prince that comes from aos

he literally walked over to 40k like belakor did
He’s not from aos or the world that was. He’s from another dimension that so far has nothing else from it.
Are you genuinely asking "when will I be able to turn my 2D AIslop into 3D AIslop"?
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Was about to say. You can't even play with official models in GW stores anymore so that's kind of a pointless thing to bring up.
I never played inside a GW store, so i didnt even consider that. Sucks for you i guess. Maybe there is another store or club nearby where you can play?
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Predictions for new combat patrol boxes for upcoming codex factions?
Eldar might go Aspect Warriors.

Banshees, Avengers, Reapers, Falcon, Farseer, or something like that.
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I just want the BA one to make more sense.
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It'd be fine if it didn't have exposed thighs, it just makes it look like a manic sex-starved wrestler.
Anyone can right-click>image search and find out its Syll'Esske anon.
this is funny but i dont get it
I'm too old to understand Spongebob memes.
It's what it looks like every time one of these characters with their tactical boulder moves
But it's not just a tactical boulder, Squidward. It's a tactical rock.
maybe they just find a new rock to stand on every 6 meters
Very possible
Better than everyone standing on goblin green manicured lawns.
I’m so happy when 3rd-4th edition happened and they really opened up in what was a base colour for their photos.
I never understand why don't CSM players paint gradient fleshmetal like on the paintjob of old metal daemon prince. Where the gun arm had both colours of power armour as well as red darmonic flesh in a gradient. I think that look could lend itself super well into new obliterators or daemon engines
I feel like adhering to dichotomy of flesh & metal is literally counterproductive to the very concept
Not in my opinion, because that's just how the studio was basing them. The main takeaway was that they're on flat surfaces that anyone could base in their own style.
Tactical rocks make everyone have the exact same base unless someone cares to do some hobbying and change the pose or make their own tactical rock. Which 90% do not.
that BA chappy's banner is kino
Still looks like shit 2 years later, schizo-kun.
Why does the right one have jar jar bings feet
man the shield lt sculpt is so lame. it's just another bladeguard vet body.
'Get offa muh tactical lawn you damn whippersnappers." - some old guardsman
Post terrible match ups in lore
Space marines vs CSM
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You're so bitter you'll never be on my level.
>iphone filename
not your model yet again
If only the armor looked that good
Whyd that be terrible, aside from Night Lords & their terror tactics angle being sorta out of their depth because they're up against possessed DEldar shadow daemons?
Some schizo spams his models constantly.
I only rly know who Carnac is (and he deserves all the hate), any spicy lore here?
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Is there any mechanical difference to picking the canister over the fuel tubes for eradicators? I don’t want to assemble them incorrectly. I know about the meltarifle/multimelta difference, I’m talking about the highlighted blue and green pieces
Aren't you supposed to post models here tho?
no, it's aesthetic. where on the dataslate would it come into play?
"Post models" has an implied meaning of "Post YOUR models".
The spamming of edgecocs models leads many to believe that the slann throoder is in fact edgecoc, when in reality the slann throoder has no models of his own
I can think of very few reasons for Harlequins to be slaughtering Ultramarines, but it would be a god damn bloodbath because the rigidity of the Codex Astartes is not equipped to handle improv method actors.
No, so I would always pick the tubes.
I'll tell you a secret for nothing. Night Lords terror tactics don't make sense against the majority of enemies in 40k.
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I don’t know, the data slate on the instructions?
I thought anything n meant "terrible" as in "bad" and not "one-sided"
but he's right, your models look downright ugly
not really, some schizo stalking this guy's reddit and that ben guy's
obsessed with them and spams their models here then samefags himself if anybody compliments them

New WD will include fluff about aliens punching each other in the Chalnath region. So look forward to that.
I mean yah but they're still sorta kinda tacticool ambush marines at the end of the day
This is for 9e, it no longer exists as a distinction
Ah, that makes sense. My app only had 3 weapon profiles but that one has four. Thanks for the explanation.
Daemons vs Nids. Despite being one of my favourite matchups, they gain nothing from fighting one another, and they neutralize each other's strengths, so it ends up being a waste of time for both of them.
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fixing up this old RT mek with new bits and paint
Props to whoever had the patience to glue all those bits of broken glass in place.
Yea back in 9th they had Melta Rifle and Heavy Melta Rifle but that is gone.
It's a hell of a diorama.
Tyranids fighting Daemons or Necrons who have no biomass
Craftworld Eldar committing to a full scale war instead of precision military actions to manipulate a larger conflict
Dark Eldar fighting any heavily fortified position ina protracted battle instead of raiding
Deathwatch fighting any non-Xenos Army
Grey Knights fighting any non-Chaos Army
Sisters of Silence fighting any non-Psychic enemy
Blue Orks are best Orks
So, nids/gsc and tau? Sounds pretty cool
I think you can find a copy of it in some old Blood Angels Codex for cutting out and using on your own minis if I'm not misremembering things.
What factions are active in Chalnath?
That's the best part of it though?
Also consider the opportunity costs for either of the factions since winning over the other could grant access to more easy to corrupt souls/biomass.
>Ophelia getting invaded by Chaosfags again
This is like the third time since the Great Rift opened, even Cadia didn't suffer invasions as frequently as this.
All of them.
Do you guys drill your barrels before or after painting?
Before obviously.
I don't drill barrels, I just paint a black dot
I just do a little divot and paint that black. Fuck drilling your barrels.
Oh, nevermind, it was this one. Close, has a cup and skeleton, but somewhat different otherwise.
Seems fine. I image you will find Adrax and the vets won't get in the mix to often. With the fast threat of the land raider, at least they won't be a prime target.
lmao he has jannies in his pocket dontchaknow
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You ARE buying the MEGA limited edition aren't you?
>Same-fag replying to a deleted post about someone living rent-free in your head.
Get a grip anon, jesus christ.
slaan =/= slann
Can anyone advise me on how I should be deploying my Dark Eldar army? I see lists online that have tons of infantry and only a few transports but every game I keep getting all my venoms killed instantly and end up with most of my forces walking. Should I be keeping most of my transports in deep strike reserves? And what should I be keeping in my couple of Raiders: Kabalites, the Court of the Archon, the Incubi, or the Wyches?
He’s why I play Warhammer. Thank you noble Death Company Chaplain.
Yeah, but the question was "bad matchups in lore", and since the matchup is bad for both sides, that's the answer. Both will end up burning up more energy than what they'll probably win, and thus they will avoid one another when possible. Even necrons vs nids/necrons vs daemons are more viable lore fights, because the necrons actually have reasons to actively push back (necrons hate the warp and all corrupting warp influence/necrons want some life around in the galaxy to either rule over it or to turn back into the living one day).
your heart was in the right place, but it just ain't the same.
If it was a good book, maybe.
According to kill team, the T'au codex, and other sources:
These are the main three

-An massive Ork invasion swarmed inn from a nearby nebula forcing Shadowsun redirct her effort taking care of them.
-Votann are starting shit there and straining their relationship with the T'au
-Forces of Chaos are getting active there
-No major Tyranid presence but it was reported that there are some surviving elements of previous hive fleets wandering there
Unlike the other anon I won't give you the satisfaction of giving you easy ban bait, bucko.
Is that why they changed Tomb Kings into whatever the fuck OSsiarch Bonereapers are?
>Night Lords
Excuse me?
>Ents aren't repositories for dead elves and they also look nothing like ents
Sylvaneth says hi
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how chaotic do you like your chaos marines?
No, because at the time they started making the bonereapers they had no intention of reviving TOW
all of the factions in smegmar are slightly different to appeal to warcraftfags
I don't like marines
Rodmamp??? New codesese?? Plis???????
Again, I made another post, but I feel like the intention was just poorly thought out/shallow matchups and ones that are "bad" in a narrative sense, not ones that just not favourable
yes retard, your undecided legion is still comprised of chaos slaves, just like the iron warriors and alpha legion
no matter how much they might kick and scream and insist they aren't chaos pawns
>open the CSM codex
>Night Lords don't care about the Long War
>They don't worship the Chaos Gods
>They look down on god-devoted marines equally if they are loyalists or Chaos fanatics.

Excuse me?
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Night Lords are Traitors, not Heretics
don't care about your cope + quads confirmed you're wrong and a fag
Do you even own a CSM codex?
I love it.
why did the (non heretic) traitor marines flee into the Eye? If they're not chaos lovers, wouldn't it have been smarter to just fuck off away from the galaxy?
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yes they clearly don't worship or work with chaos
do you think I care about your headcanon?
Nightlords are in the CHAOS marine codex and wear chaos iconography and fight alongside daemons and sorcerers
they're chaotic no matter how much you shit and piss about your black library books saying otherwise
>do you think I care about your headcanon?
It's not headcanon if it's in the codex.
That’s a little too fantasy, but it’s great for that.
basically impossible to navigate out of the galaxy because the emperor's beacon doesn't reach far enough
if they truly weren't chaotic they could've easily just disappeared into one of the trillions of systems in the galaxy and done their rule-by-terror shit there
Because the Imperium is literally everywhere else, failing leaving the galaxy the Eye, the Maelstorm, the new Maledictum and the other small warp storms are the only places you can actually physically hide from the Imperium for a bit of respite and to regroup.
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until you get models that don't have nightlords waving around chaos icons and wearing 8-point stars, they're chaos marines
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not mine, it's this dude manyworldsminis. Proper white dwarf chaos looking chaos marines
>yes they clearly don't worship or work with chaos
Dude just likes spikes, that's got nothing to do with worshipping Chaos. They're a renegade chapter, same as the Astral Claws.
my dkok are green, should i also paint my tanks ww1 green or panzar grey
>Because the Imperium is literally everywhere else
wrong again, headcanon-kun
that's why their new upgrade sprue has them waving chaos star banners and wearing back banners of chaos stars still?
Or until you read a codex.
The tanks are always the same as the marines.
which chaos legions would use phobos pattern armor if they had access to it? what about gravis?
Probably not. But I'm very interested in the Book of Saints that comes in the box. Hopefully there will be some way I can get my hands on that on its own.
Oh, in that case, grey knights vs sisters of battle. That old clash between these two to make grey knights "extra holy" was embarrassing then and was embarrasing now.
>b-but the fluff says!!!
the fluff doesn't matter when the models directly contradict it
Chaos wears whatever they can find. They can’t make the armour anymore.
>wouldn't it have been smarter to just fuck off away from the galaxy?
To where? To another galaxy across the empty void of space? Can warp travel leave you into another galaxy? They are certainly not reaching any other galaxy by traditional engine power.
keep them matching or at least a similar green
We are discussing fluff.
Models are malleable and can be converted. Night Lords not worshipping Chaos is a deep-seated part of their lore.
>Can warp travel leave you into another galaxy?
yes, the warp exists everywhere
but navigating out of the galaxy through the warp is near impossible with imperial craft
>Can warp travel leave you into another galaxy?
Yes. The Great Crusade launched several expeditions outside the galaxy and fought alien races in the void between the galaxy.
When your only source of new armor is whoever else you can take it off in the Eye, or presumably the Dark Mechanicus now GW's realised it a bit daft the CSM doesn't have a manufacturing base, is it any wonder it comes with some chaotic iconography?
the fluff is wrong if the official models of the legion in their newest iteration shows them carrying chaos icons, you braindead mongrel faggot
dkok, not marines
yeah they totally didn't decide to make a chaos banner with their shadow the hedgehog half corpse hanging from it or deliberately wear a back banner of a chaos star, that's all just happenstance
It doesn't. Even the Kill Team booklet that came with those models says that Night Lords don't give a fuck about Chaos or the Long War. They are evil for the sake of evil. That's it.
My bad, for some reason I read it as DG. I would go with uniform colour, not your coat colour.
>if they had access to it
say they slaughtered a phobos squad and bring back the armor to their monthly all-chaos-hands meeting. which legion wants em?
The Half Corpse is called a Voice Eater. It's an information-gathering device.
yeah they totally don't care about chaos or the long war that's why they wave chaos banners right?
Anon, there's a difference between travelling through areas of the galaxy not illuminated by the astronomican, and move into a different galaxy altogether.
Because GW wants those models to be used by other CSM players.
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>The Great Crusade launched several expeditions outside the galaxy and fought alien races in the void between the galaxy.
On the outer fringes of the Galaxy, not OUTSIDE the galaxy anon. They didnt get very far, the furthest extent being the Ghoul Stars and Halo Stars, and definitely not into intergalactic space.
totally totally you're right, they want word bearers and black legion and iron warriors players using the night lords killteam upgrade sprue
Post the actual text from the sourcebooks instead of talking out of your ass
How would they know that when they're woefully ignorant of the rest of Night Lord lore?
no, but they want to be able to sell the models w/o the upgrade sprue
you first, you do have a source for them leaving the galaxy during the great crusade, right?
>Post the actual text from the sourcebooks
No. I dont think I will. Only an absolute idiot would think thats outside the galaxy. Besides you didnt provide any sources for your assertion that the Imperium went extra-galactic during the Great Crusade, why should I have to to refute it?
you do realize this only strengthen that they're doing it in the name of chaos, the chaos star on top isn't necessary for their mutilated corpse to gather information :^)
the models without the sprue, meaning the basic CSM legionary sprue? They need to sell that in the night lords killteam box and not in the legionary box it already comes in?
oh, I didn't realize it was just the legionary sprue otherwise. their standalone box will have value once released
the standalone box will still just be legionaries with a nightlords upgrade sprue, anon
They have quite a talent and eye for colours.
legionaries are their own $70 KT box, no?
Or would it just be an upgrade sprue swap?
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>Source: Bro just trust me it totally happened bro.
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Finished the test model lad. Pretty happy with how it turned out.
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Man painting this haruspex is cancerous. This is worse than eating vegetables
>Thramas would become one of the most staunch supporters of the lmperium in the Eastern Fringe and the centre of innumerable campaigns launched into the dark void beyond the galaxy's edge. Such was its importance to the Great Crusade that the Emperor Himself once set foot upon the world, pausing briefly during the prosecution of the Eighth Extragalactic Expedition and the assault on the ancient Khrave mega-nest on Gorgorron, where no light had ever shone.

Death to lorelets
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not the KT legionaries box, the CSM mainline legionaries box
I guess they just call it the CSM squad now since legionaries is a bespoke kill team listing
Into the bin it goes.
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Finally getting around to assembling these ladz. Such great sculpts honestly, every single one has so much personality, can't wait to start painting.
C'tan are made out of electromagnetic energy. They used to orbit suns, absorbing the radiation they gave off, before they were given physical form by the necrontyr and enticed to feed off their souls.
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>Which edition or rule set of Warhammer 40k do you think was the best, and why?
3rd by far. I think, as a ruleset, it was the best the game has ever been. It was carefully designed to reign in 2ed into a condensed, format that actually allowed for porper armies while still retaining plenty of cool simulationist mechanics. It's easy to learn, straightforward but doesn't overabstract things like modern editions. Codexes were cheap, full of characters, customization and interesting mechanics and every army had its own idenitity. The armylist system is what detachments wish they could be. The art was phenomenal and iconic, the edition was built to last and indeed lasted the longest out of any other edition, there was extra WD content in spades and it's the time where they did the best global campaigns ever. If I could press a button to turn 11th into a cleaned up version of 3rd keeping the formatting style, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
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I hear ya. I don't even collect orks ,but I really want that box. The grot is the best. Lot's of passion in those designs.
The fact that they didn't get the same sculptor to work on the new Boyz is probably the biggest crime of that Ork wave.
friends are getting into killteam and was very tempted to pick this box as mine
ended up going with the mechanicus one when I saw sicarians were an option
Death to lorelets

>The Dark Angels had been dispatched by Horus to the distant Shield Worlds, an enclave of Mankind situated in the black between galaxies and bound in some fashion to a xenos breed unknown within our own realm. The war to subjugate this realm had kept the Lion absent from the Imperium while Horus made the first moves of his rebellion.
Everything moving 6 inches was lame. Scouts were better than marines for points. Could move and fire a heavy weapon. Could only shoot a bolter once at 12 inches if you moved. Templates took to long, let to arguments. Facing is a bad idea, led to arguments.

Why did you like it?
>campaigns launched into the dark void beyond the galaxy's edge
Anon, that doesn't mean they went into another galaxy. That means they moved around the stars outside of the galaxy's spiral, which would be the outermost parts of the galaxy before the void. There's no way for the imperium to go outside of the galaxy. The only ones that did it are the nids, and considering their origins are murky at best, it's just one of the theories.
>calling others lorelets when you're just grabbing snippets from a reddit thread
Death to lorelets
>In repudiation of the Tactica Imperium, Admiral Usurs forms a powerful military bloc comprising his Imperial fleet as well as armoured and infantry regiments of the Astra Militarum. The High Lords of Terra cannot allow such a concentration of forces, but know that assassinating the Admiral could lead to a costly civil war. Usurs is instead sent on an exploratory mission deep in the intergalactic gulf. For two decades, reports reach Terra detailing the conquering of new systems for the glory of the Emperor, then the communication cease. Contact is never attempted with the systems mentioned in Usurs’ report
Alpha legion or night lords to be used in sneaky shit or iron warriors to see how many demos they can shove into it
>This period of forced retreat lasted until 710 904.M41 when the Marines Errant Chapter answered the call of the Fire Hawks for reinforcement. In doing so the Marines Errant diverted a sizable force of six companies and a fleet of support vessels from their preparations to undertake an extra-galactic crusade in order to aid their brother Astartes, although their precise motivations in doing so remain obscure.
>Everything moving 6 inches was lame
It made things fast. Same deal as USRs, if something is common it's very easy to remember. Having each unit type share characteristics makes them easy to remember without having to always reference a datasheet like today.
>Scouts were better than marines for points.
Points are completely separate from the ruleset and can be changed at any point.
>Could move and fire a heavy weapon.
I suppose you mean couldn't, but a single heavy weapon matter a lot more back then than today. Careful positioning was the way to balance them.
>Could only shoot a bolter once at 12 inches if you moved
Again, lethality was very different back then and I prefer that to everything being one shotted from across the board unless you fill everything with L shaped ruins.
>Templates took to long, let to arguments
Only if you played against retards. Retards will find things to argue about in any edition.
>Facing is a bad idea
Facing is great. It forces people to actually make their models face the things they shoot and prevents gamey situations with vehicles shooting from a track that pokes from a building.
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Lol, you're going with THAT book? The one that puts Thramas in the map inside as bordering Segmentus Tempestus, which is in the galactic South from Terra, when all the rest of the events in the book take place in the galactic north?

GW doesnt even know their own galaxy.
Again, that doesn't mean what you thing it means. It's just outside of the spiral or (more realistically) outside of the astronomican. The light of the Emperor cannot be seen from the entirety of the galaxy to begin with, how could they even navigate outside of it with any degree of safety?
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What are people using for online references to the new Mission card pack?
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I know warp travel is unpredictable BUT. If it takes several years to cross the galaxy (approximately 100,000 ly across), then it wouldn't take more than a few centuries of travel to reach the Andromeda galaxy
I don't really understand what's so horrible to paint here
You could also end up at your destination back in time or in the future. Fun stuff that warp.
Its a lot of surface area to paint within a small space
>Everything moving 6 inches was lame.
Except for all the units that could move more or less.
>Could move or fire a heavy weapon.
Because dudes running and gunning a tripod mounted autocannon with a slight penalty makes more sense.
>Could only shoot a bolter once at 12 inches if you moved.
Exactly, why should there be any penalties for a unit firing on the go. Surely a trained soldier is equally good at long range whether he's running or in position.
>Templates took to long, let to arguments.
>Facing is a bad idea, led to arguments.
Only place I've ever seen them leading to arguments is online.
>A few centuries of warp travel
Yeah, that would utterly fuck up any imperial vessel, they are not that resilient, nor do they have that good resource management. If the longer the voyage lasts the exponentially bigger chance of something going wrong, then travelling outside of the galaxy would be utterly suicidal (especially once you leave the astronomican's light).
Looks cool.

That really looks like a subassembly model. Good luck going forward for you.
East sorry, galactic east, not sure why I put North. Still a quarter turn of the galaxy away from any Segmentum border, its slap in the middle eastern edge of Ultima segmentum.
Till you get out there and find your warp engines done work so good in the gulf between galaxies where the influence of the warp is weak having no living souls to sustain it.
So, any big model?
Anyhow the gribbly bits on haruspex were literally made for contrast shit, just slather it on and them maybe do some highlights/layering
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>The July issue of White Dwarf is on its way, with a feast of information on the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar including behind the scenes interviews, painting and modelling advice, and the first printed battle report of the new edition. There are also new Warhammer 40,000 features including a summary of the Xenowar in Warzone Chalnath, a commentary on the Pariah Nexus Chapter Approved Mission Pack, and a set of Crusade rules for the new setting.
So they're all done with the Pariah Crusade now, I guess? Did you like it?
Go for shade and drybrushing it maybe?
I'll narrow it down, maybe 20-30 years of war travel (assuming a speed of 100,000 light years per year). Which is still a ton but the emperor seems like he was the type keen to expand the horizons of humanity.
That started last edition, a new one will be nice. Hopefully leads to some new models.
Last month when my credit card company increased my limit I considered buying a bunch of stuff since I have 0 APR for 9 months and the raised limit meant it would have no impact on my credit score if I didn't pay it this month, but I decided buying hundreds of dollars of warhammer shit all at once would be stupid and harm the Future Me who would have to pay it off. But part of me wishes I had bought a bunch of shit.
Buy only when you've finished painting the last thing you buught.
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Biggest downgrade coming through
good rule
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According to this, 100,000 ly would take between 100 to 400 days. But rarely does a ship fly in a straight line, as they follow warp currents for optimal speed and safety, and avoid dangerous regions of space. Not to forget that the Astronomican does not cover the entire galaxy, making travel dangerous and unpredicatable.

As for extragalactic travel, the question is whether the warp is turbulent across the universe. Some sources would indicate the warp gets calmer outside of the galaxy, because there's no life there to feed into it, which would mean there would not be strong currents to carry a ship along, reducing travel time.
You can't, I don't remember where its from (possibly something about Macharius crusade), but the warp is "becalmed" in the space outside the galaxy, it was described as trying to cross the ocean in a sailing vessel when the sea is calm and there is not a shred of wind to be found to fill your sails.
Fuck only knows how warp engines work, but they're supposed to be increasingly worthless the further into and past the fringes of the galaxy you go, presumably because theres no souls out there to stir up the warp and provide currents (complete guesswork)?
>there would not be strong currents to carry a ship along, reducing travel time.
Or make it longer? If warp travel can be compared to old sea sailing, the worst nightmare for a sailor was an area of the sea that was utterly calm. No currents or winds, just complete stillness. That would lead to no movement at all.
>Some sources would indicate the warp gets calmer outside of the galaxy
Citation needed.

The Silent King lore says that there are alien races in the void, other than the Tyranids.
>The Silent King lore says that there are alien races in the void, other than the Tyranids.
The Silent King did not travel through the warp, he travelled in ultra advanced necron tech (probably the most high tech stuff they ever had, considering he is the Silent King).
There are infinite everythings out there. The warp is bigger than we have seen.
You missed the point. The point is that the void is not empty.
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That shit looks retarded too
A model without a scenic base can be given whatever base you want. A pre-done scenic base is only a limitation.
Just like in every other war zone everywhere in the galaxy every single faction is present at the exact same time to fight every other faction.
The Necrons are not, you liar.
And the Tyranids presence is minimal.
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>Sail out into the great unknown between galaxies
>your warp engines slowly fail
>eventually cut out leaving your ship drifting and unable to return
>no way of sending for help
>probably no way of help getting you back even if they could reach you
>Despair sets into the crew, there starts to be mass suicide cults and fearful lower-deck death cults
>Make your peace with the Emperor and prepare to die alone in the great inky blackness
>Suddenly your navigator and astropath start to become animated
>They think something's coming
>They start complaining about a great drakness approaching, blacking out the warp, pressing on their minds
>Its the god damn Tyranids, come to have a nice unexpected snack on their way into the galaxy.
>Their bio-engines work just fine out here
>Theres no way to run, no-where to hide
No scenic base allows you to put the mini anywhere.
A premade scenic base with the mini's pose forced to adhere it limits your options.
How is this hard to comprehend?
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anons preferred base
thats fair, but saying "it puts my hobbying in a box" is not that same as saying it "looks dumb for a hypocritical reason"

People make awesome, elaborate bases that encorporate static scenic elements all the time and have been doing that for 30 years. Additionally, this model isn't meant to be played, it's purely a hobbying project to support a new book. It's a diorama model.
you know you can swap the base right? You aren't some sort of hobbylet, are you?
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>post models
>Or make it longer?
Yes, that. Meant to say it'd reduce the speed.
>Citation needed.
Facts like warp storms are localized in both the warp and real space, evets like the Fall of the Eldar happened over the core of their empire, not in some random location halfway across the universe, etc. If all those events caused by things in the galaxy are also localized in the galaxy, how do their effects ripple across the universe?
>The Silent King lore says that there are alien races in the void, other than the Tyranids.
I'm sure there is random bits of life out there, but it's not teeming everywhere like in the galaxy. Otherwise, why are the tyranids gunning for us, rather than just harvesting the void?
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>I'm sure there is random bits of life out there, but it's not teeming everywhere like in the galaxy. Otherwise, why are the tyranids gunning for us, rather than just harvesting the void?

NTA, I know you are autisticly reading too much into this question but let me explain how fucking empty intergalactic space is. The difference in matter density is between the vaccum of space above earths atmosphere and a puddle of water. Compared to intergalactic space, entering the galaxy proper is like diving into a lake in terms of matter.

Would you not going fishing in a lake despite it not being made entirely of fish? If you think of the total atoms available in a lake, probably less than .0000000000000000000000000000000000001% is made up of fish. And yet it's worthwhile for the fisherman to spend his time there to go fishing.

Add that with the lore implicating the tyranids are running from something worse from their home galaxy and you can see why they need to get into a galaxy to replenish their resources.
I'm not entirely sure the person who wrote that bit of filler text was entire cognisant of what it would mean by putting "extra-galactic" into the text of that entry. There's a lot of galactic fringe worlds beyond Thramas in the Somnium Stars and Exodus Worlds that could definitely be considered to be outside the galactic main spiral arms but certainly still not what an astronomer would consider "outside the galaxy." I don't think you should read to much into that beyond "the Imperium went deep into the fringe stars of the galaxy".
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>wahapedia collated the core rules & update
>something James Workshop refusing to release as a PDF
p-please use our app!
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>I know you are autisticly reading too much into this question
What question? Anon did not ask a question, he was mentioning a piece of fluff.
>but let me explain how fucking empty intergalactic space is.
Yes, thank you, we all know that. That's my point. That even if there was life out there, it's not enough to fuck with the warp as much as a concentrated orgy of space elves cooming a hole in the fabric of reality is. And thus the warp space between galaxies would be less turbulent.
>Add that with the lore implicating the tyranids are running from something worse from their home galaxy and you can see why they need to get into a galaxy to replenish their resources.
And the 12 other galaxies?
But he also says that the only threat out there is the Tyranids. Its entirely possible however that there is scattered pockets of life in extra-galactic rogue solar systems and small star clusters, surviving out in the dark, but they're no real threat to the 40K universe, nor is extra galactic space teeming with life.
GSC has The Great Devourer keyword in their datasheets but is it purely a cosmetic detail?
>pariah nexus is done and we are moving away to other shit
>literally nothing happened the warzone
The fuck?
That was it? Or this is just GW putting PN on pause again like they did with PN during the 9th edition start?

But if this truely is the end and GW wont mention it at all going forward
I gotta say, this was a dogshit of a "warzone" , probably the most pointless and boring shit I've seen.
>cool purely imperium vs xeno conflict
>GW forces chaos in yet again for no reason
>resulting conflicts are nothing burgers
>GW then quietly ends the warzone, with nothing having happened at large
Lmao? I guess?
All this talk of stuff outside the universe makes me remember the piece of fluff that claims most transmissions outside the galaxy that the mechanicus pick up are in orkish.

>Millennia ago, a probe was sent out from Earth, its mission to voyage to the end of the galaxy. The scientists who built it hoped that it would someday return to its place of origin after circumnavigating the galaxy. The probe still sends back faint signals after 14,000 years adrift, and hasn't yet begun its return voyage (and it's uncertain if it ever will). To the utter despair of the Imperial Techpriests who still monitor the probe, amongst the incessant battery of incoming signals many are identified as Orkish. The depressing conclusion for mankind can only be that wherever they travel in space, there is a good chance that the Orks will have got there first or will be arriving soon.
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>Its entirely possible however that there is scattered pockets of life in extra-galactic rogue solar systems

there are plenty of dwarf galaxies orbiting the milky way as well
>Get to Andromeda
>Its full of Orks just happily fighting each other
Wrong. The text from the short story says that he found many threats outside the galaxy, the Tyranids were the most threatening of the unspeakable things he found there. But that a second hand account not from the Silent King himself.

The new lore about the Silent King mentions nothing of the Tyranids and just has him conquering a new realm for the Necrons and then returning to handle the threat of Chaos.
As it should be.
>old ones fucked off to andromeda and are using the orks as a slave race to reestablish their empire
How do I know that this anon is a Tyranidfag? He doesn't mention the 4thh Tyrannic War that was put on pause early this year.
Putting that on pause was stupid too.
I see the custodes was not prepared for that situation...
He rolled a 1
That would be beautiful. But would an unified galaxy-wide ork race be able to travel intergalactial distances? Their technological genetic know-how is related to the amount of waaagh energy available, so would it be enough to have the knowledge to galaxy-jump?
>But would an unified galaxy-wide ork race be able to travel intergalactial distances?
They could, but they don't want to.
They are having more fun fighting amongst each other.
They would most certainly not be unified, but under the assumption that some beast-like ork could unify them with the idea of raiding another galaxy, they probably could jump them using some sort of massive fucking tellyporta
>They try to tellyporta to another galaxy
>They mess up and end up throwing their entire galaxy into their target
To be honest, that's more likely. Two galaxies immediately smashed into each other due to ork fuckery is exactly the type of thing Orks would do
They got bored and started looking for worthy fights. They found the tyranids and they've been chasing them ever since.
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I want this to be canon.
>BA fan pretending not to be gay
Geez Konrad, if you really didn't want your kids worshiping chaos. You could have been a decent parent and called them cringe.
Why would pretend to not be gay?
It's great to be happy.
>dwarf galaxies
prime votann clay
>Warhammer wiki
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It kinda is in AoS, apparently. I mean she looks colossal.
That's a guy with long hair. No boob plate.
The ultimate source of all 40k lore. If you don't trust the wiki I'm not sure what could convince you.
It will do.
40k one would be better.
Is Jude Reid good? I don't think I've ever seen /40kg/ or anyone else discuss anything written by her.
All the info you need right there
Get to kitbashing then and stop being a whiny homosexual
I'm bad at kitbashing and sculting.
GW is better at it than me.
>All the info you need right there
It's got a lot of gay porn in it doesn't it?
>Vahl book actually going up for preorder next week
holy fuck I can't believe it's actually happening and I can't wait to see it sell out instantly
>>Vahl book
In the General's Handbook? No, it's not quite as interesting as that.
Maybe if you spent more time kitbashing/sculpting and less time masturbating, you could make your coomer model dreams a reality.

I guess you don't love big muscled women as much as you claim anon.
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>Called Imperial Fists
>Use a lot of power fists
A bit on the nose, don't you think?
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I want an army where I dont have to care about characters leading units and where Im not punished for placing my models strategically because they're not sitting in an aura
My wife, the leader of the Sororitas and one of the High Lords of Terra
>don't tell him to look at the chapter icon
>Called the Emperor's Children
>Are actually adopted.
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and people still think tyranids are just animals and aren't somehow evil or cruel

look at that thing in the eyes

>called Dark Angels
>they're white and not actually angels
Scary != evil
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>they're white
How things have changed...
>Smiling is bad!
They're just having a good time anon. Who are you to judge?
Will he ever apologize for the disaster that was the Octarius War?
Wait till you find out about Space Wolves
>called Iron Hands
>don't use a lot of power fists
they space wolves!?
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Will they ever fix IG? I hate how they changed them in 9th.
>did GW [do something positive]?
GW has better sculptors always.
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Where is the third codex James?!
Shes a big girl.
It was the female space codex but seeing what happened with female custodes they got cold feet and are delaying it.
for me
it cuuuute, look at its ikko puppie eyes! :-3
>Spess Mehreens are Stormcast
>Space Elves are Elves
>Space Dorfs are Dorfs
>Necrons are Tomb Kings
>AdMech are Good Space Skaven
>DarkMech are Bad Space Skaven
>Old Ones are Space Lizardmen
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Still no fuckin Chorfs :(
bro your votann???
I think she's about regular person size. And smaller than that in my headcanon where her legs are amputated.
Votaan arent Chorfs, they dont have hats and a sassy attitude.
Once DarkMech gets going they will corrupt an AI thingy and we will get SPACE CHORFS anon I know it, I can feel it in my bones
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Is she? She looks like shes the size of a Knight there.
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That's a separate image of her zoomed in, shes not that big.
It's not clear from the image though so i understnad why you would think that
>SoB titans
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Her suit is big, but not that big.
>admech are good space skaven

Admech aren't 'good guys', and they are far closer to Vampire Counts than skaven. The entire imperium is covered in skulls and basically runs on "SCIENCE NECROMANCY". computers are just some guy with his memories deleted off of his brain and turned into a calculator.
Most servitors are actually vat grown clones.
or maybe not everything has a direct fantasy analogue and admech is one such example
Oh lol, forgive me, I'm tired. It just looked like Sisters had got some giga-giantess knight sized woman and put her in a machine suit to tower over their army.
True, but admech ARE the necromancers of 40k.
No, not really.
When that piece of art first came out a lot of people thought the same since we had not seen the model yet.
Don't worry about it
ok maybe sometimes it's alright to skip leg day
>badly photoshopped the space yiff into a BAchad
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Anon could you stop being a schizo
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you really are pathetically new if you think a screenshot proves anything
sorry I pointed out your low effort blood angels falseflagging :(
get fucked
Is there a reason the chaos invasion of the webway didn't keep going to Commorragh after the Imperium were beaten
They're kinda forgot.

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