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Terminators Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
How do you feel about the visual design and aesthetic of Necron models?
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Based GW.
I liked it when they were even more terminatory.
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Seriously though, I really would like a Chaos Dwarf equivalent in 40K, they're just neat.
Just take votann slap spikes on them.
There, done.
Vashtorr will get his own dedicated faction that covers Forge of Souls, Dark Mech, Androids, and Chaos Votann after he eats Sheogorath in the webway
custodes aren't any taller than primaris marines

they're both 8' tall
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Necrons made me start seriously collecting and painting, I love them, and new Necrons are great.
No pics, sadly, only got a c'tan image. I should really keep working on my Necrons, I have 20 lychguard to do.
Oh god, that would be sick, I'd love a mechanical daemon army.
They can't even get them released for Fantasy and AoS
Besides, the thing you're looking for is dark mech
I don’t like them to assemble the necron half of the indomitus box I’ve had for four years.
it'll come, give it time. There are honestly too many factions in 40k and GW spreads themselves thin
I believe they committed to a brand new faction every year.
Behold, someones Chaos Votann.
Friendly Reminder:
>Old Ones are Space Lizardmen
>Spess Mehreens are Stormcast
>Aeaeldarii are High Elves
>Drucharrii are Wood Elves
>Space Dorfs are Dorfs
>Necrons are Tomb Kings
>AdMech are Good Space Skaven
>DarkMech are Bad Space Skaven
>Gorkamorka was a good game and should never have been canned
Don't, you'll make the Eldar players cry.
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>blows out marine player's asshole
>must... Turn... Everything... Into... Chaos.... SLOP!!!
Yeah, but this covers something like Agents of the Imperium being collected into a new playable faction without too many new models.
you're still mad about yesterday huh
Thats not slop, its done well and its a lovely paintjob. If someone wants to put the time into doing it, more power to them!
They should amalgamate all the subfactions back into the main factions then.
We don't need 20 different marines and chaos marines and we don't need 3 space elves
Hello, newfriend.
Gorkamorka was probably the best gang game I have played by GW.
Individually that mini is ok.
But turning everything chaos is slop
I want darkmech rules already
I have been making my own vashtor cultists, darkmech skitarri and buying 30k mechanicum
aiiieee give
Votann are not squats Regrettably
>Drukhari are Wood Elves
You want to try explaining that one, chief?
Surely you meant Exodites or Dark Elves?
Dark mec is a ways out I feel, but will be cool when it does happen.
What would the reaction be if GW made female space marinettes and gave them their own codex? That way they could keep the male space marines separate, therefore keeping with the lore?
Mechanicus folk aren’t greedy and self centred like skaven are. You need to read more books and watch less loretube.
They did that already and they called the sisters of battle.
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>>Thread Question:
>How do you feel about the visual design and aesthetic of Necron models?
too humanoid, not alien enough, they should have either decided to make them the men of iron instead of aliens, or discarded the terminator look altogether for more canoptek-insectoid elements, or reserved the terminator look exclusively for enemies they biotransfer to create their disposable basic fodder soldiers

they're also too clean, with basically no textures, they look less like miniatures of robots and more like small bionicle toys

their 5th ed redesign didn't add enough aesthetic elements to use to decorate the models and the result is an overuse of green orbs when designing them to add something to their silhouettes or overdesigned staffs, the silent king is a good example of how utterly lost they are when they have to come up with a new big design for the faction, it's a mess

worst faction in the setting after marines
>female space marinettes
I disagree, if someone collects Chaos and they want to make something Chaotic to use it in their army, why shouldn't they do so?
We do a little trolling
They honestly kind of did. All the Space Marine chapter rules are just detachments. Its just where something like Tau get 1 detachment from Kroot as a subfaction, the Dark Angels get 3. They all share the same army rule. The only thing the codex does is give you outdated points values and datasheets on their faction specific units (enabled by the detachments) and the detachment rules themselves. Other than that its 95% lore in those books.

You may hate it, but detachments is the single best thing they did in 10th. Easy to homebrew, easy to add more when you want (like they did with Deldar), you can nerf one without hitting an entire armies effectiveness.

The problem is GW just fucking sucks ass and refuses to go far enough to rules changes in the new digital age. Last balance pass was a HUGE step in the right direction, hate them or not.
I think chaos knights are superior in aesthetic to loyalist knights.
That's retarded and would be essentially the same.
Besides sororitas are better than any female marine could ever be. Not that the trannies that push for this shit care.
Dinosaur eldar are stupid
the best necron lists start by dropping 120 warriors in there
>The Dark Mech are basically Skaven
>The AdMech are basically Skaven
>The Imperium is basically Skaven
>The Dark Eldar are basically Skaven
>The GSC are basically Skaven
>The Hrud are basically Skaven
What is this fucking obsession with finding space equivalents of everything?
I never really did like anything Egyptian themed, just doesn't interest me at all. They could have gone for something unique, but instead made them into Space Tomb Kings.
exodites = wood elves
dark elves = drukhari
aeldari = high elves

its not even a little bit complicated and you still fucked it up.
I'm the space version of this anon
I look forward to dark mech shitting all over the davinci sculpts
That's why I said that individually it's ok.
Conversions or paint jobs are personal. But making it into lore is a different matter
I don't dislike the detachment system. I actually think it's a fairly elegant solution to the rules bloat problems of previous editions.
But the execution has been so lazy and boring and they really ought to be cranking these out eight at a time with how easy they are to make and rebalance now.
Retarded response. Didnt understand the question.
Retarded response. Doesn't know how to answer the question
>Mechanicus folk aren’t greedy and self centred like skaven are

Replace warpstone with STC fragments and you have the mechanicus pegged. The admech will tear planets apart if there's a juicy bit of technology to be had
BEHOLD, 40K's roots.
Chaos always looks better. Villains have always been cooler looking than the good guys.
>dood wat if we took davinki and added spikes???????
You clearly did not read the quotes post. I am questioning the previous anon that claimed otherwise.
You should kill yourself, filthy tourist.
Sure, but not each other. Skaven absolutely would turn on each other for it until only the strongest rat remains in the cage.
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I just want cute rats with big guns. And none of the current factions scratch the itch
thousand sons are way more egyptian than necrons. how are necrons actually egyptian? Tomb Kings where 100% egyptian, and necrons got rethemed to be basically tomb kings... but they what about necrons (not tomb kings) is specifically egyptian. Can you find me a mummy or egyptian artifact that looks like anything Szarekh has on here? The monolith came out before newcrons released, didn't it?
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Gunuk my beloved...
Sorry I didn't mean for you to get upset.
Well good news, anon. There's a whole other game you can play that has them!
It’s kinda crazy how little the ork aesthetic has changed over 4 decades.
Explain the appeal of rats anon.
Capt. Khyrk is the best.
This isn't me. I'm not sorry and I did mean to make you upset.
The one squat that’s tough enough to hang with the big boys.
little? orks have changed a lot

if you want to look at living fossils you have to look at the eldar
But aos is cringe
You want Lesbian BiPoc Rats to discuss their sex-gender pronouns, yes-yes?
Except they are. Necromunda Squats and Votann are the same species.
So are skaven, so they fit right in.
Lowly beginnings.
Before he despoiled it for everyone.
It’s basically the same though. All the orks they have done are immediately recognizable as a GW ork.
yea but elves LITERALLY have living fossil sculpts. Orkz is all new stuff.
Perhaps you're right, I still don't like them, Canoptek Stalker is probably my favorite if I had to pick one.
Anon the current narrative is that elves get TONS of new releases and you can't complain about the literally 30 year old models
But they aren't.
They come from a common lineage but votann are weird mutated clones
>look at the eldar
>How do you feel about the visual design and aesthetic of Necron models?
Always been a mixed bag. The lords and infantry look great, when they deviate from that you get a lot of retarded shit. 90% of their vehicles and destroyers look bad.
The mobility scooter oldcros looked like shit too though.
>Explain the appeal of rats anon.
In warhammer? Skaven are evil and menacing but also so pathetic and self-sabotaging that they're cute
So they're the Imperium
>Lasgun is sometimes written with a capital L, other models its not.
So much for proof-reading I guess.
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>It’s basically the same though
I dare you to spot the jagged metal plates ubiquitous to orks since their 3rd edition redesign before that point

it was an absolute game changer for their aesthetic
Closest you can get are admech proxies from stationforge
NTA but they are primarily stab-shankers, not shoot-blasters. Also canonically no skaven girls :/
Mischievous little shits irl and scientifically proven to be sociable and ticklish
Well yes but actually no.
Zoom out and don’t use cropped closeups. The models always look like GW orks.
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I love when they just randomly reuse names
Canoptek is a reference to canopic, which I'm pretty sure is a reference to putting organs in jars during mumification.

So that's egyptian! I still don't think they really LOOK Egyptian though.
They haven't been replaced because they look great. Eldar do deserve a female generic farseer model though so they can live out Dawn of War in their armies.
Give the poor bugger some armour over his head!
I know he doesn't need to breathe so he's unaffected by atmosphere, but he is affected by someone putting some high calibre rounds in his face. Why isn't he just fully enclosed, seeing as he no doubt doesn't need to use his eyes to see, and is probably jacked directly into the machine instead? He might be expendable, but the plane less so I'd imagine ... it would be silly to lose it because the design was open cockpit?
Fuck me, does a PDF of the new Sororitas codex not exist yet, or is it just me being a moron? I'm debating digging out the old kit, but I want to skim it first to know what I'm getting into
>They haven't been replaced because they look great.
I'd rock this if it wasn't failcast
Retarded response. Unable to answer the question.
the pilot is there to tell you the thing is piloted instead of being some insectoid drone

in-setting, it's protected by energy shielding
Why does an AI need to look at a datapad?
You dummy. You baffoon. Positively a servitor.
anime tiddies
because the AI in question is fully enclosed in its robotic shell and not an hive mind or perennially linked with a network of external softwares
>Let’s clear one thing up. Unlike the Leagues of Votann, these guys are called Squats. They came to Necromunda as a clean-up crew in the wake of the Horus Heresy, and they’ve been here ever since – what can we say, the Heresy needed a lot of cleaning up. In the millenia since, the Ironhead Mining Clans have had minimal contact with their cousins in the galactic core.
>kin came to Necromunda to help with rebuilding after HH
>diverged culture from Votann
>Birthed from an Ancestral Core, an artefact of another time, the Squats of Necromunda are a splinter of a much larger race, one that values the bond of clans and the perfection of a machine well made.
Necromunda: Book of the Outlands, pg. 26
>Necromunda Squats and Votann are the same species.
Well yes, in that they're both humanity at their roots?
No. See >>93212407
But they DID both originate as human settlers during the outward expansion of humans into the galaxy at large.
>Hesitantly, she nuzzled his giant thumb with her cheek; a brief action that could be construed as accidental.
>‘I show you, something here please follow this way, O great lady.’
>‘You are a strange one, Althenian,’ she said, the ghost of affection warming her cold words.
>‘Strange? Unique,’ he said. ‘Few like me in all of time, now not one.’
>‘You are proud of that.’ She smiled tightly. She sensed that whatever Althenian wanted to tell her, she was not going to like it. ‘What is it you want to show me?’
>Althenian reached out a massive, sculpted hand and rested it upon her shoulder. His fist could have crushed her to a paste. She had nothing to fear. Althenian’s control of his tomb was beyond that of other wraithlords.
>‘You are like no other, it is true,’ she murmured.
>He stood soundlessly. ‘Come this way,’ he said. ‘There are real wonders to see, a promise.’
Would you romance a wraithlord anon
Why change what is already perfect?
hes a big guy
upon closer inspection, hes not even wearing a belt or pants to rest his hands on. He's actually just making a heart shape around his junk and that's hilarious.
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How do the Kinfolk Helots from 30K fit into this mess?
>kin went to Necromunda to rebuild after the Heresy
So clearly they were around during the Heresy as well.
what would happen if an ogryn and a kin had a child? Would it be a normal human?
White: dead killy
Black: dead 'ard
Purple: sneaky git
Red: fast
Blue: lucky
Yellow: lotsa teef

Do I have these right? I'm gonna be painting some orks and I need to know their colour culture
Be the non committal LGBT flag ork
Green - BEST.
yes. still cringe and cheesy AF lol
Make a squad with all the colours like the Power Rangers.
That one goes without saying
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What does pink mean to orkz?
Brown is "simple, traditional".

Purple doesn't actually mean anything, that's just a meme.
Have you ever seen a green ork army?
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Started basing but I ran out of greenstuff to make my field gun emplacement.
Last game I played the FOB actually popped off and wrecked some tau broadsides.
Advice for basing welcome, I'm still going to paint the rocks but I'm not sure what colour yet, grey or brown
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Planning on a Master of Executions for my World Eaters but the default model is boring. What route should I go for one?
>Kitbash a Praetor with Power Axe into one
>Kitbash a Exalted Deathbringer with Ruinous Axe into one
>Kitbash one using leftover berserker/eightbound bits

Leaning towards Exalted Deathbringer since I dig the pose.
Looking pretty nice so far. For rocks, I would just stick to Andy tones to help them stand out, maybe lighten up your bases a bit as they are dark and your models are dark as well.
They're all green, anon.

That said, my blood axes used green.
>undrilled barrels
>Gayzgkhull Fag UwUk Thraka
the opposite of orkyness

humies are pink
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Been looking through some old White Dwarf PDFs from some torrent. I guess you can sort of see the appeal people had for the "good old days", that's quite an avert, must have taken some artist some time to do the big PREDATOR in chrome at the top.
darkmech is idiotic and traitor guard deserves to be made into an army before them.

chaos shouldn't be more than 1 book
In all likelihood, >>93212870

Too many of their common enemies, which they naturally view as weak, are generally pink in skintone.
If all of Chaos was in one book now it would be twice as big as Codex Space Marines.
Can't put the genie back in the bottle.
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I for one support exodite Eldar. I sold my Raptor riders earlier this year, one day I’ll do something with aggrodons and outriders.
I'd be against dinosaur elves but I genuinely dont know any other xenos that could be an army.

dont fucking mention the h'rud.
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Porque no los dos? Bits from both with bits from Zerkers and Eightbound sounds coolest.

I dare GW to put pic related into 40k lmao. Would be funny as shit.
What are you talking about? Every single bit of Admech lore has them squabbling and back stabbing each other. Granted not at the astronomical and hilariously hight rates of the skaven but the Admech, especially those in high positions like Cawl are always wary about their fellow tech priests.
>widely used by both the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard
I know thats a predator but did GW make it so that the Guard never uses stuff like rhinos and land raiders? Like if they were just used by the space marines I'd understand why the Guard wouldn't be using them but since Rhinos and Land Raiders are used by the Inquisition, Sisters of Battle, the Mechanicus, and even the fucking Arbites sometimes there must be at least a few regiments out there that have Rhinos and Land Raiders
They still have several easy non-elf choices, but I think they should be expanding existing Xenos factions wider rather than making new ones outright.
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What’s the verdict? Is he ruining 40k?
>tfw you're a space marine player, but curious about foul xenos cavewoman hippies.

Emperor protect us..
Those warriors are far too healthy looking for nu40k
What about Rak'Gol?
Would an unaugmented human be able to pilot a dreadnought?
then 2 books: one for everything that is undivided and one supplement with everything that is aligned to one of the 4 gods, be it demon or mortal
not unaugmented certainly. not the proper hookups for brain to function as pilot. if they had those hookups, i doubt they'd be able to pilot well, or for long. the whole being a dread pilot thing is very taxing on a space marine. worse in a primaris dread, and WAY worse in a helbrute.
Hey fellas I just bought the BT combat patrol, I've heard that the horde playstyle is pretty big for them but if I don't want to do that what are some other good options?
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Anything’s possible if you go back far enough.
Multiple impulsors with flamer dudes in them.
Yeah, you don't need Black Carapace to drive it, even some Marine pilots don't have it (anymore) because they are reduced to little more than just skull and spinal cord.
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I stand corrected.
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At present it's possible to pilot a dreadnought without the need for an MIU interface of the sort used by interred Astartes. So, sure, there's no reason why a regular person couldn't learn to drive a dreadnought chassis.
>The invictor suit
Actually, why is this a marine vehicle? This should be available to other armies, the admech would certainly use a walking platform like that.
exodites are going to be a KT unit. The only new units Eldar ever get are KT units now.
>there's no reason why a regular person couldn't learn to drive a dreadnought chassis
The reason would be their relative value, most regular people of Imperium are worth less than the paint on dreadnaught's toe. The only non-marines to even come into consideration would be planetary governors, inquisitors (Karamazov's throne is somewhat Dreadnaught-ish) or occasional rogue trader.
And Ynnari
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Played a game with Pariah Nexus. It feels exactly the same as Leviathan still
What tactical advantage does the wage cage have over a fully enclosed piece of ceremite?
>Actually, why is this a marine vehicle?
Probably because if you tried putting anyone else in there they'd immediately get riddled with bullets due to the utter lack of protection for the pilot.
Of course not, or do you want an army for agri world farmers too?
You'd think that enclosing it wouln't be that hard.
I mean, did you expect anything else?
We already have imperial knights
I'm sure it does if you don't change your army to take advantage of new secondary rules or play fixed secondaries and just roll to kill and stand on points.
It's recently re-discovered STC, perhaps from one of the Amazon warehouse planets.
I was expecting battleline to be doing shit but it only came up on 1 secondary card across the whole 5 rounds
why the fuck can't cawl make something like this for regular humans already, the titan neural interface system proves you don't even need a black carapace for this, not to mention how many Navy ships have those systems which connect into their captain's spine to give them better control of the ship they're commanding. Just repurpose that stuff, its not like Cawl is a stranger to tech-heresy or anything.
chances are the invictor suit is only viable due to connections to some connections to the black carapace

lighter weight
Fuck I hate what they have done to sm
the IG already has mechs. They're called Sentinels.
>lighter weight
The thing still looks immobile as fuck.
shrimple as
the bandana just adds so much to this model
There's only so much mobility you can squeeze from bipedal walking.
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The new sentinels would probably look nice next to some dunecrawlers (same rounded glacis, single view slit, asymmetric weapon mounting, etc.)
i hate the new primaris shit
Such a brave, unheard of, and rarely ever said here opinion
I just hate loyalist space marines in general.
not archegay enough
They're objectively cooler than fagborn
Such a brave, unheard of, and rarely ever said here opinion
I think it all changed in 2nd Edition when the Space Marines and Imperial Guard were more split up and the Space Marines gained more of their unique upbringing and training lore.
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Da Vinci was a faggot and I'm glad he's dead.
Maybe as a Kill Team for Darkmech.
This general is like the same 10 people and drive by shitposting.

The dude who maintains the op like an autist is either a jannie or a loser who thinks he’s doing a service for 4chan and whatever happened to the white scar autists discord?
Which one are you?
I bet you like blood angels.
I bet you like dark angels.
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They made sure to retcon redemptor dreads burning out their pilots faster before making the announcement that old dreads were being sent to a big farm upstate where they could spend their golden years mauling the enemies of the emperor to their heart's content
There was me thinking that Space Marines with pink armour could never be cool and then I see these chaps. they're pretty neat looking, all things consider and glossing over the very very old sculpts.
That's purple
The discord loser failed but the ritual posters in this general have utterly ran off anyone

Salamander anon paints like shit but he’s the only one who posted models here. Frozen flame anon got mad at fem stodes and sold his army.
Purple? Motherfucker, its not even LILAC.
multikit venerable redemptor with options for veteran/chaplain/librarian/techmarine inhabitant when?
ML was the most useless thing ever. And every time I took it the dread ended up
in melee.
>Frozen flame anon got mad at fem stodes and sold his army.
He didnt, was posting on Bolter and Chainsword the other day.
Tau Auxiliaries gaining more rules that could be run independent of the FireCaste (or allied)
Oh so we just ran him off too like purple marine guy?

Had this general produced anything? Anything to promote community or something to call our own in the last 10 years?
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The real vendempts are the friends we printed along the way
Nothing of value has been posted here in ages just leave or cope
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This is why people don’t post models here. If you get noticed you get stalkers
that's red
You mean you weren't blown away by the option to fire off either a
S4, 1 Damage, Sv.Mod. -1, 2" Blast Template Frag Missile
or a
S8, D10 Damage, Sv.Mod. -6, Single Target Krak missile
once a turn, and have to pay an extra chunk of points for the privilege?
post models
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I'm around..

can't get stalked if you don't post your stuff in other places.
is 4ourk dead
A massive pile of salt.
The Invictor has its armor reduced to suit its role, as an escort for the stealthier Phobos units. Look at its arms and legs, those are all exposed as well. It has an identical stat line to a Redemptor, but the toughness is reduced by 2 and the save is worsened by 1.
Welcome back chuds
Are you the guy that made the cum rhino
What? You don't consider the /FourK/ project to be a success?!
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you need colors to mute down pinks, like greys or greens or dull blues. Or have the pinks part of combinations of pastels
thanks... doc?
Should use blue instead of green
Yes, FourK is dead as fuck because some mad bastards decided (insisted) that all the new rules had to cover everything for any codex of any edition you might want to play prior to 7th Ed, instead of just picking one edition as a compromise and making everything fit into that framework. Too many people wanting too many different things for that shit to ever succeed.
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At what point in dragonball did goku surpass the emperor in power?
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No I just put a flesh mower on mine.
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we bitch and shitpost here sir
episode 53
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I got this guy for free. Built him up today
Anything interesting i can proxy him as (No custodes) or some sort of interesting color combos or techniques to test out? Im thinking some nmm stuff.
Not surprised, Scramingnidanon was a in all honesty an enormous retard. In between autistic rants about rules and schizo rants about OPR devs being in his threads the guy drove away any semblance of a fanbase with his schizo ramblings.
but that's the episode where zarbon rapes vegeta
It also died because no one could agree IGOUGO or alternate activation
Poor anon is blind, pray for him.
The OP of it all had a real autistic hatred of AA without any real argument as to why
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I see a lot of people talking about model posters and anons leaving/ruining 40kg in this thread but not nearly enough anons posting their models.

If you own models, what did you work on this weekend?
I mean if you're going to overhaul 40K to make the "perfect version" you might as well fold AA into the project and put an end to the faffing about on the first turn current meta.
Inquisitor; captain with artificer armor and stormshield;bladeguard sergeant; champion?
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Sorry about all these old images, but who are the guys on the far right who have faces in their armor and no heads?
I assembled some Paragon Warsuits to go along with all my other unpainted models because holy shit I fucking hate painting so much but assembly is so much fun
IIRC even some of the earlier rules writers of 40K have said they’d go with AA as that’s what basically every other game does. There is AA40k and a few fan made rule sets which use it as well.
Did he come up with primaris?
Why do you hate painting?
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Finished this bad boy. Still basking in the afterglow after such a long time working on him.
Probably a gifted kid burnout who is conditioned to only get dopamine from doing something at peak performance or not at all

-t. that guy
I just don't find it fun. I like putting stuff together more than I like prettying things up
its an UGLY model, a BUG model
Good shit man, love that freehand on the skirt and all the bloody flesh.
Bummer man, I hope you can overcome that and eventually be comfortable with failure and progression. Nobody starts out perfect.
Fair enough man, I didn't like painting for a long time either. It grew on me though
Biggest and most tired cope of all time
Lovely, I like that you've done something a bit different with his "cape".
why is everyone on this board so fucking lazy with basing
It's technically not prettying it up, it's finishing the model, since they're intended to be painted as illustrated by their existence in a painting ecosystem. For example, in the real world, we paint metal to keep it from oxidizing just as often as we do it for decoration.
Thanks anon. Flesh - or more specifically red - is definitely the color I feel I have the most solid painting ability on. A dark red, a wash, then a lighter red and a near orange highlight makes it look so smooth.

Thanks guys. I definitely enjoyed doing the cape. I need to find more models where I can get away with freehanding stuff, tyranids dont have much of that.
who gives a FUCK about the base
slap some texture paint on and drybrush it and it's done
and in the real world the guy that paints the metal is not the guy that welds the structure together.
irrelevant, you don't hand your models off to get finished and sell as a product
stop being a lazy faggot who calls greytide "finished"
I'll do whatever I want, bitch.
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fantastic, its such a cool model
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Based minimalist base baser
Thanks anon, its been a long time coming. Also im 'avin a giggl at your pic.
I often think that maybe my army should all be based with round transparent clear acrylic, so that the board shows through and my army always has the correct base for any terrain board they're playing on.
Be like the catgirl GSC anon and give them clear bases, then. But please, at least paint the rims.
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Painted rims on clear bases is so kino
Personally, I built and glued every model I own down before I ever started painting so I could play games to learn while I work on everything. And then I went and painted half my army before even starting on basing anything. It makes it a bitch to do any proper basing without ruining the otherwise finished models. So texture and tufts with a dry brush for me.
Truly, it is a vital piece to clear bases that so many skip out on.
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45 infantry in one week. On to kasrkin.

What're you guys working on?
I'm back to Boyz after finishing the new big mek. Need to get everything painted for my 5k game soon
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Death Guard codex is sneaking up on us right now. I can smell it coming a mile away.
>5k game
>With Orks
I hope you are bringing a Stompa or two
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Guy who started the /fourk/ project here.

I did it through creating a /40kg/ thread with the question of a backported fan supported edition as the thread question, then created the first /fourk/ thread with the hopes that maybe there could be a little "/tg/ gets shit done" happening. 10th edition was pretty bad and all people did was bitch and bitch about how the current edition is awful.

Then when anons started spitballing ideas and the Imperial Guard autogun sergeant was the first backported model as autogun stats already existed I felt that there was hope.

Truth be told I don't have any rules writing experience. I just wanted to be the guy who started the whole thing and then it would blossom into something worth archiving on 1d4chan if it ever comes back or whatever site is the proper successor to it.

But that didn't happen. The people just kept fighting and bitching about 10th edition and a discord was made for the rules writing project and it seems that they've either disbanded or the project died out as nobody could agree on what was to be done.
I don't own a stompa... I dislike the model for looking too much like FW and I'll convert a monolith into a stompa if I ever want one.
My biggest model is a morkanaut, followed by the mill rig and then the blastajet.
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Okay, /40kg/. Who's base is better?
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A giant apoc game was my motivation to get a lot of gray plastic done, too. My kitchen was a disaster for 6 months while I rebuilt and repainted all my old broken stuff.
can you throw in some more pixels.
No, I don't think I will.
Being unbased is always the loser, but in my opinion a gigantic tactical boulder is worse than a flat texture paint base unless it's purely for display purposes.
Don’t be a reactionary then simple as you only made it after fem Custode drama
There's literally nothing bad about Femstodes.
Everything is bad about blood angels however.
Did anyone suggest using the Horus Heresy 2nd Edition Ruses as the base for the project? They are essentially 7th Edition with massive improvements and you could probably have still used 7th Ed. codexes with it just fine.
basing is a meme and a crutch for shitty painters
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>Don’t be a reactionary then
I can see why you think that, but I assure you I had no reactionary thoughts.

I actually had the idea a few months before the Custodes drama happened, I just thought that the time was right and that the iron was hot and was perfect to strike and get the project off its legs and going. And that the frustration would bring people together to create something nice.

It was a calculated risk, and I've never been good at math.

All I want to say is. I'm sorry, /40kg/.
What the fuck is four k anyways
lawtomatas are basically cop dreadnoughts, they lobotomize them a bit to be able to handle the mental load, there's probably a spectrum, with the strongest humans requiring little lobotomizing.
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Painted up the first dudes from the DG combat patrol on Friday. I've got 4 more in the garage atm that need a second coat of primer and then I'll be painting them later. The grey skin variant needs more testing before I batch out the remaining 20some.
>worked in the icon from the plague marine kit too
I was just looking at that piece earlier wondering where it could end up. Nicely done.
will people think I'm homophobic if I paint all trophy helmets/dead marines as rainbow warriors? I think they're neat and they were my second choice after BA.
I believe there actually was suggestion for the Horus Heresy 2nd edition rules to be used. I think that idea was brushed away quickly out of fear of GW lawyers throwing the DMCA-hammer at the project if it ever got to the point where it has a website.

I guess people thought it was a better idea to stick with fourth/fifth edition as that was out of print and may be why it survives just like how NetEpic Armageddon is keeping that game alive.

I seriously wanted and even believed that I started something that would join the pantheon of legacy supported GW games like Epic, Bloodbowl, and Mordheim. I got my hopes up too high when I saw a little community forming at /fourk/.
>do my passion project for me
Better to have tried and have had it ruined by others who cant compromise instead of left yourself wondering "what-if...?" for ages.
I can see your point about HH rules, they definitely would have come down on it if it got to a point where you were publishing their current rule-sets to download!
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Looking back that actually was my modus operandi as I don't know shit about writing proper wargame rules and so I decided that a community effort could create something if I acted like the spark behind it.
Now /fourk/ just seems to be about complaining.
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Can someone tell me where this techpriest comes from? I can't seem to find this model anywhere but he's perfect for what I want.
Honestly you're right. At least I tried.

Mechanicum Magos Macrotek Enginseer & Servo-automata
It is a resin model from ForgeWorld.
I sincerely believe that GW deliberately made Finecast resin so bad and doing so knowing they were the face of the miniature hobby to give resin a bad reputation so the miniature hobby base would never look at resin the same way again.

Now resin is inferior to hard plastic and metal, but it is far better than most Warhammer players give it credit for.
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>notify when available

well, fuck. thanks anyway.
My stupid haruspex
>that price
Try the BMM recaster.
>actually buying from forge world
Nigger find yourself a recaster, they're a third of the price and usually better quality.
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Working on my Tonk. Last day to work on it since next week is book and massage week.
please show us where sanguinius touched you
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these guys? tf currency even is this?
>.su is an Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) that was designated for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on 19 September 1990.[2] Even though the Soviet Union itself was dissolved 15 months later, the .su top-level domain remains in use to the present day.
huh, interesting
Strap on a jump pack and he'd fit right in with Sanguinary Guard.
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>Oh so we just ran him off too like purple marine guy?
Are you refering to me? I'm still around, I just post more red marines nowadays.
Ebon Chalice or Sacred Rose?
Aside from people shitting on the idea what is the functional difference between power levels and free wargear? It doesn't even create variety when weapon choices haven't been balanced to be subjective.
Thank god. If it was ever just sallyfag and the deathguard Necromunda guy I may finally have to quit this godforsaken hell hole.
Don't be sorry, it was a legitimately good idea. 4th was pretty great. It's not your fault that too many namefags wanted to use the thread to crowdsource their own twist on the project. If I ever get my friends to help me write and test some homebrew backports of post-4th units, I'll come back and post pdfs. Don't hold your breath though because they just want me to print them kill teams.
I want to have the option to run a cheaper barebones squad when I can’t afford the fancy wargear. I also want to be able to variably tailor squad sizes on a whim.
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>He didnt, was posting on Bolter and Chainsword the other day.
No I fucking didn't. I don't post my stuff anywhere but on /tg/.
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Typhus and 3 Deathshrouds seriously dont fuck around
Jesus Christ. They manage to bust a tank, a sister squad and Celstine with Seraphims while only losing 1 Deathshroud
How does it feel to still have fags talk about you?
I don't paint stuff fast enough to post multiple times, maybe I misunderstood the etiquette, though.
It's weird that some anon is persistently claiming that I didn't quit 40k. Is he trying to downplay the femstodes retcon? Is there someone reposting my minis on B&C? Is there just a person with a similar color scheme and anon is simply confused?
Did you make any money by selling off your minis?
can we run off the orange and teal fag next
I'm only selling my unpainted backlog. Atm I've offloaded some nib kits I planned to use for conversions but there's still a ton remaining.
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>”and here’s my Warboss with power klaw and combi shoota ”
>”no I’m not rebasing him”
There's so much hate for the orange and teal marine anon but I've never seen him do anything wrong
Power levels are prices for an "average" loadout. This means you're overpaying for stuff you don't use and there is no granularity of weapons/wargear at the individual unit level. You can't fine-tune your list to fit things you want, you're always either over by fifty points or under by fifty points.
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more power to you. Forcing base size changes is turbo gay. That said, I'm updating some old guys. This dude is from '88
Free wargear is based, however we should be able to swap our special weapons at the table based on the opponent we are fighting, every kit should come with the models to support that, and every model should have a generally good option and special options that have niche rules.
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“Based, so footprint blocks Line of Sight?, and what are his abilities?”

I think they’re neat. need more techno zombie humans taken over by scarabs and shit though.
Kind of my point that the exact same arguments can be used for points in 10th edition. No wargear costs, no per-model costs, and units being balanced based on minmaxing. Enhancements are the only bits you can really modify.
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Old models are so cool. I got my hands on an old metal warboss but I'm considering selling him. I have like 3 warbosses already and I'd probably never paint him
>Kind of my point that the exact same arguments can be used for points in 10th edition.
Anon... 10th ed "points" are power level. This is why people fucking hate them.
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I still haven't picked up the plastic meganob kit. I'm sad there's no option for a unit of 10 anymore since that's what I have in metal. Could kill a man with these guys in a sock
Why not just magnetize your units if you want to be that big of a list-tailoring faggot?
>never seen him do anything wrong
Have you SEEN his paint scheme?
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Yeah no units of 10 is sad.
Metal models are always so chunky. I have this guy here in metal and I could bludgeon someone to death with it if I wanted to
>buy some guy's 3d printed immortals
>they are the worst sculpt ever
Hence my initial question. Seems like GW got mad that no one wanted to use PLs so they decided to break one of their core balance levers out of spite.
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there isn't one and I hate it. being able to fine tune your list with a plasma here, a power klaw there was a lot of fun. Now it feels like it went from legos to duplos. more accessible? sure but I miss the nitty gritty
Chaos Votann are the only way to easily get a 'chaos xenos' faction on the tabletop, since GW hates the idea otherwise.
Why are points even so high? They're all multiples of 5, they may as well divide everything by 5.
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but i like teal and orange highlights
that's turquoise and rust
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you know, I have that mek and the mega slugga one from the same era I never built. I used his KFF on my leader at the time. Looking back at him I could do him way better now (pic related, probably painted in '08?). I should see where those old bodies are.
>split Kroot off from Tau and make Kroot Mercenaries (and add the krootasaurus to their roster) while allowing Tau to take them as auxiliaries
>agents of the imperium (random grab bag of shit)
>Codex: Corsairs and Harlequins (exodites never)
>codex chaos votann
I like it.
Ooh yeah that is one old boy.
The only real reason (other than accessibility) I don't have a lot of old Orks is unfortunately scale. I like my warbosses being humongous and the old characters are barely bigger than today's boyz. i do love the sculpts though
It's a holdover from when wargear was 5-20 points extra on average and you could pay 6-18 points for an extra model
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Finished off these AoBR deffkoptas I gave bases to fit in with the current kits better.
Are you blind? That's obviously tabasco sauce
The resemblance is only surface level.
Is that made of cut up walls from the octarius terrain? Looks fantastic either way
I planned on doing the opposite for my koptas when I get to them - I want to remove the rubble bases and do metal rods instead
This doesn't have to be the case, and I think older warhammer stuff had some cool things for the imperium. But over time Chaos has been getting a lot of nice stuff, while the space marines get useless variants designed purely to make people buy another box.
>over time Chaos has been getting a lot of nice stuff
True that the silent king is a huge letdown, but I'm okay with most of the other stuff. I like the different kind of destroyers and the hover bikes. I like the canoptek stuff including the new walkers, and the new crypteks have some cool models.
I like the grey skin but I feel the yellow jumpsuit is too close to the bone color, either the bone needs some ivory-ish highlights or the yellow needs to trend more towards orange.
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Technically the rubble from the Speed Freekz/Mekboy Workshop, but the Octarius terrain included that sprue as well, and that is indeed where those are from.

And yea, I think if I could I would have kept them on clear acrylics and given the new ones the same, but I actually got these second hand after already having 6 of the new ones assembled and painted, so it made more sense to match them that way rather than cut up and rebase already finished models.
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Once again I was too hungover to paint anything over the weekend. I'll do better next time.
All of the kill teams for example are top notch. The chaos kits themselves have a lot of interchangability. Meanwhile you can't just put chainswords on your intercessors, because the intercessor kit literally doesn't come with chainswords- you have to buy the Assault Intercessor box. Those kinds of things are clearly designed to make people buy extra boxes for weapon options that chaos gets basically as an obligation. Kits like the spawn and helbrute have a lot of options too. Space marines get attention but it's not very good attention, it's just fomo-y attention. The closest thing I feel is the "new chaos jump pack lord" who doesn't look that impressive or chaos lordy to me, like you could probably kitbash something better together, but the lord with jumppack was made to get people to buy the fomo box.
How many weekends have you been saying this?
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hell yeah, I'm almost there myself. Waiting on some bases from china
Honestly marinepigs get what they deserve. GW did this to you because they know you'll eat up whatever shit they put on the table.
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>The path to glory ends in death, spawndom or daemonhood
Considering just how many chaos champions would turn into chaos spawn, and how old the sculpts are, when can we expect GW to update this kit. Chaos spawn could be its own kill team
I don't see an entire killteam of chaos spawns because they don't really work as one. They're basically mindless beasts, you don't send those on sabotage missions.
Did you ever get that big fuckoff tank painted up thunda krunchaz anon?
He seems like a reasonable dude. Unless presented with evidence to the contrary I shall withhold my judgement.
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They kinda already are.
also let's not forget accursed cultist
chaos spawn are meant to be proxied you dumb ass, you dont need to buy anything new from GW.
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It's sprayed with leadbelcher, but I've got a number of other projects I want to get painted before I tackle that. The deffkoptaz were one of them.
I would see a chaos spawn team as a counter sabotage defence not be the saboteurs themselves, maybe there can be base/naked chaos spawn and then spawn that has melee weapons and armour chained to them, or a pysker controlling them allowing them to use ranged weapons and make other intelligence choies since they're just mutated flesh bags puppetted by some chaos psyker
Kickass. Love that thing.
Please tell me you're keeping the "600 PSI" writing on the barrel.
hypothetically speaking. If you've sold your soul to chaos and die a """""good""""" and loyal follower of that cg, what happens to you in the afterlife? Is there even an afterlife in 40gay?
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His slop attracts schizos
I want to see what cool and fucked up sculpts GW could make, that malstrain psyker thing really shows they can do body horror well
Looks pretty cool
These aren't bad paintjobs though? The pic you posted doesn't look like his finished work but the scheme and paintjobs are fine
I remember you suggesting that before. I'll consider it, wouldn't be a huge deal to try and paint it back on and just have it severely weathered.
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And thanks. Not sure why I reposted the older progress shot.
well you better hope the 40k team aren't in charge of it.
The "afterlife" is your soul dissolving in the immaterium. If you pissed off a powerful daemon or a chaos god, your soul may be prevented from dissolving and captured/tortured instead. I don't know of any instances of the gods respawning a favored mortal outside of Lucius though. Daemon princes do not count, since they become an immortal daemon upon ascension.
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If the gods have a use for you, you might get a second chance in some form or another. If you're the average chaos worshipper your soul will be devoured or just dissipate in the warp if you're lucky. There has been some lore about a supposed imperial afterlife called the emperors table but I think thats just happy thinking and propaganda.
post models with a timestamp
So. . .what would a plasma wound look like? Has there been any descriptions of some poor bloke getting smacked with a plasma bolt?
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we need more sicko chaos mutants
The paintjob is whatever but the scheme is horrible. He'd know this if he spent five minutes looking up colour theory
Sure buddy let's see those models though
No thanks, I don't want to make you suicidal over them mogging your orange and teal slop
>No models
Opinion disregarded for being a nomodels faggot
>what would a plasma wound look like in 40k

your flesh would be charred to a crisp. plasma is just a bolt of fire essentially
orange and teal are ideal pairs according to color theory
Sunsets look quite nice in orange and teal, which is what his models remind me of.
Sofa king sexy.
I'd ask you to post yours but I don't want to see your puke orange and teal marines anymore
I dont mind the paintjob or the colors, I think the bolters need some color to add some contrast
so kinda like Owen and Beru?
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Forgot pic of sunset
>The nomodels cries out "you post yours first!" as you call out his nomodels faggotry
you need some in between colors to blend those together. he's got a very strong orange and a very sfrong green
I hate that thing like you wouldn't believe.
it's blue, not green.
I for one love funky colored marine man anon
Ya, nothing cooler than mudflap knee pads.
I think they're neat :)
Big props, he looks wild. Great job anon.
Ash. It's energized gas. If it grazed a limb it would be ash, everything close would be ash, then 3rd degree burns. Hell it hitting close to you should kill from exposure or the shockwave. Now armor would probably mean you melt with the armor or it cooks you. Personal shields would light up then fail and burn you depending on the shield strength or survive but blind you. Basically death for anyone bar demon princess, c'tan, or large targets/tyranid hyper evolution. Even necron death bar a lord higher or cryptek.
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you're my hero
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Okay I need some more advice. I want to make my extra gun bits into heavy weapon team gun emplacements.
I'm going to cut up the gauze, dye it green and soak in glue and water, I'll have two poles to hold it up to conceal the fact that there are no gunners in there.
Where the blue tac is I'm going to make a sandbag wall (see model behind). The back of the model I'm going to have it a hill (I'm less sure about how this will look or if there is a better option).
If anyone has advice or a photo reference they think would help please share
Are iron halos still a thing or has Primaris and simple wargear done away with them?
They're basically just an explanation for captains having invuln saves now.
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Post hopes for the next malstrain model released today. I think it will be a super fucked up patriarch model
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Find this site while looking for 40k scans. Need an access code. Any ideas?
In nu-hammer is anything still irreplaceable?
Did Cawl figure out terminator armor
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Working on my non flying prince right now. Hoping to have him ready for a game on Tuesday. Casual game but I like playing with painted models.
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Also started on this dude.
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Accidentally painted handsome squidward.
Anyone have art of newly initiate Tech Priests? I need some references for em.
When empy chillin?
Me want empy chillin now!
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You painted blazed out of his mind squidward
>When you catch the Imperial Guard talking shit about your eyes.
Wait so if I just pick a side and do my fucking job nothing fucking happens?! Iv'e gotta get to Kharn or Lucius level before getting any actual meaning?

What a fucking gay half baked universe.
If you were a woman you wouldnt care
lucius isn't even good at what he does, slaanesh keeps bringing him back because it's funny
wait when did they say how many and when are being released?
Well you gotta consider the motives of the cg's

>Khorne wants you to kill people
>Tzeentch wants you to scheme
>Nurgle wants you to spread disease
>Slannesh wants you to bring pleasure and pain.
>Emperor wants you to be a redditor.

So if you consider that slaanesh gets much pleasure from the torment Lucius endures. He's actually pretty good at what he does.
"The Emperor's Table", like what, The Emperor will personally cook up a meal for the individual, and just what, dine with them?
You get boons from the gods and daemons while you're still alive, like them making you stronger, giving you powerful artefacts or lesser daemons as servants. But the premise is still the same - you have to actually pull your weight, succeed and always strive for more, only nurgle rewards lazy fucks that "just do their job".
last weeks one about the alpha model
>You can petition this beast to join your Malstrain or Malstrain Corrupted gangs with rules contained in the next supplement book for Necromunda. We’ll be revealing another Dramatis Personae next week.
40K is just christianity with the numbers filed off. Everyone is cursed with original sin/i.e the warp and unless you're part of the elect, you're go to hell--- your soul gets gobbled by warp beasts
I laughed, and then I showed it to my girlfriend and she laughed too.
Good job
/pol/ told me I will never be a woman so unfortunately I do care.

Doesn't that make all sides in 40k elaborate corporations?

>You get boons from the gods and daemons while you're still alive, like them making you stronger, giving you powerful artefacts or lesser daemons as servants.
But my soul that they are so eager to have doesn't have any inherent value? Fuck I could just get steroids or get the artifacts myself without giving my soul up. Which was established to being something that just dissipates anyway.

>lazy fucks that "just do their job".
Oh so I didn't meet your arbitrary defined quota and now not worthy to get paid eh? You still happily took my time and soul though I see.

I'm a corporate american. I know what this language means.

>40K is just christianity with the numbers filed off. Everyone is cursed with original sin/i.e the warp and unless you're part of the elect, you're go to hell
Christianity doesn't believe that. All you have to do is believe in Christ Jesus and you get to go to heaven. There's no quota of deeds you have to do to get the bare minimum benefit of worship. You certainly don't have to be the elite.

cg's are fucking gay. I'm getting obliterated 99% of the time so who cares?
There are already two chaos spawn teams
>>93214722 and pic related.
Those are cultists possessed by daemons, both entities capable of rational thinking and organisation. Gellerpox are cultists/daemons as well.
Chaos Spawns on the other hand are mindless animals.
>brother, that wasn't weed...
New thread:
If you're so vehemently opposed to unfair treatment, I'm afraid service to the True Gods is not for you. They only reward zealous overachievers who sacrifice everything to get ahead.
Eh, filigree is kind of excessive. Has anyone ever seen one of these actually painted? Think there's only been one SW guy who posted his own on here, which was admittedly cool.
>still have these kopters sitting somewhere
>tfw one of them is missing the arms / "steering wheel"

i havent bothered looking for a replacement as i assume something like that would be pretty much impossible to find now
Posting both here and there is bad form, Forthecrusade1
uh oh its happened again
Self report
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what's /fourk/?

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