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win rates edition


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favorite deck on the PT?
Really digging this Nadu deck we've been seeing a bit of
might need to get rid of that shuko card though, making it a little obnoxious
when that happens the deck will do a wacky pivot to puresteel paladin and equipment that make artifact tokens
>top 4 Nadu fiesta
On the bright side, it could have been 5 nadu decks in top 4
Is there any deck that specifically counters Nadu? What are even the best hate cards against it?
Storm since its faster, too bad that deck falls apart game 2
>Is there any deck that specifically counters Nadu?
>What are even the best hate cards against it?
Winning the dice roll.
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you would need a certain sideboard card that unfortunately loses to boseiju or haywire mite which are played main deck in Nadu decks
I need to know what is the best type of dice against Bant Nadu.
I'm so glad I don't play modern
I love it when rogue decks perform well.
I'm so glad I play modern so I can witness these great players, unique decks and moments
nadu isn't broken because it only has a 50% winrate against other nadu decks
Nadu won! What an unexpected turn around!
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Boros aka Big Dick Energy. No Rings, No Bowmasters, Griefs, Thoughtseizd and other shit.
Just based white / Red cards, dinosaurs and cute dogs. Total Land destruction! Also very interactive, literally how Magic should be.
Congratulations Nadu Nielsen on his win
It actually has a losing record against 4c Nadu so it has cointerplay
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Nadu won, and that's a good thing
Glad for Nielsen
Btw they Ruined a whole PT congrats WotC
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stockholm syndrome, ironically
The tools to fight Nadu includes
>1. Nadu
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>runs to the crowd
>no one fucking claps his hand

Don't fucking touch me filthy Nadu player
The tools to fight Nadu are called Nadu mirror matches
>2. win the coinflip
Modern confirmed to be the worst format of all this god forsaken game.
Let's wait and see how they try to kill Pioneer and Standard with Foundations.
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>Tools to fight
>Completely destroyed a PT
>Tools to fight
>Not even the packed hate could deal the abortion
>Tools to fight
>Jeskai and Necro didnt stand a chance
So... Not ban just confirmed? Also are those tools in the room with us anons?
Why was the trophy so tiny?
memorable & monitored maxxed
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Inflation, just like the BigMac.
I always love to read this kind of PR speak that is proven to be complete bullshit shortly after. It's even better when people start quoting it and acting like nothing is wrong
tools to fight it: dismember while paying 4 life and giving the Nadu player a trigger anyways like we saw in the last game (revealed card was another fucking Nadu KEK)
Desu people really really should be talking about Chord of Calling more. That's where the Nadu deck is getting a HUGE chunk of its strength and resilience from.
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FAB is disgustingly expensive but I'm glad to have completely dropped MTG for it.

I'm just here to laugh at the negro macho bird ruining the game, I hope he sticks for at least a few mote years until rotating horizons 4 rotates him out.
Tools? What tools? Should i stand up and shit on the table when my opponent plays Nadu or should i just shake hand everytime i see a Nadu casted? There are no real tools...
Don't blame them. I think you'd see some staggering numbers if you looked at how many participants have severe autism. No wonder they have weird social interactions.
buy an ad.
Scissor beats paper or in this case cardboard
WE ARE MONITORING THE SITUACION OKAY!!!, you stupid racist chud
Monitoring is hard, work should be done, data must be collected, billions must pay and bird should dominate.
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I'm not here to convince you of anything, just here to laugh at you.

The Nadu "Twice per turn" restriction wording was fucked up and the designers thought that was how many times it could trigger total, not per creature?

What a bunch of clowns
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ugly frame game
>Nadu is not the problem. For the sake of competitive diversity, we banned a random card from the deck that doesn't solve anything.
>We made a mistake and will not admit it. Nadu is now banned a few months after the last ban because it started to dominate even more. Also we banned a random card too
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Whoops turns out its the 2nd best deck in the format! Who wouldve thought!
[SPOILER] not /tg/ whos bad at magic [/spoiler]
The monitor
(0) - Target creature
(0) - Target 2 creatures
(1) - Exiles target creature then return it to the battlefield under your control
>no card draw
unplayable trash
That giant or w/e it is looks like he just got a Nintendo Switch from his open relationship girlfriend
Where did you read that? That sounds like a complete bullshit excuse. How many times are they going to try to get away with broken designs by claiming "sorry, we don't know how to play our own game"?
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stat her
Slots perfectly into my Nadu deck!
>How many times are they going to try to get away with broken designs by claiming "sorry, we don't know how to play our own game"?
When where you under the impression that they know how to play the game?

something something when it attacks
something something plant token
something something drain life
Creatures you control have “Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, reveal the top card of your library. If it’s a land card, put it onto the battlefield. Otherwise, put it into your hand. This ability triggers only twice each turn.”
Emblem - Emblem
When Emblem enters name a card
T(1) Counter spell with [Name] unless they pay [1+counter counters]
T Add a counter counter

>Camellia, the Sneedmiser
landfall makes squirrels
pay 3 mana: squirrels you control gain +1/+0 and cannot be blocked until end of turn
when ~ enters, gain protection from everything and nadu combos or loops can't kill you until your next next turn
cumulative upkeep; draw a card, lose one life
When Camellia, the Seedmiser enters the battlefield, choose one or more:
-Put your seed on the card
-Open you anus for Cammellia, the Seedmiser to put her seed into you
They know how to play the game very well, they just play a different format where you have to design overpowered cards to sell the most packs and then feign innocence when players complain that you ruined every other format.
>They know how to play the game very well
X to doubt
>we are monitormaxxing
>but we didn't read the card
This post is extremely low quality.
sides karned
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What stops lotus combo from seeing play outside of pioneer?
you get to play actual rituals and actual storm spells outside of pioneer
although twiddle was kinda hot in modern pre-mh3 with the one ring
>When a land enters, put a nut counter Camellia
>Bust a Nut: T remove all nut counters from Camellia and create 2 1/1 seed creature token for each nut counter on Camellia
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>People seriously thought bird wouldn't be playable
>People seriously thought bird wouldn't win
Your creatures have "Ward: This creature's owner may put a creature or land card from their graveyard to the battlefield"
At the start of your turn, mill 2. Then you may return a creature or land card from your graveyard to your hand.
Harsh Mentor.
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We need the answer for Nadu in the upcoming sets. Can be either Bloomburrow, Duskmourn or Foundations original but you need to save the bird ass.

Think of a solution for the last WotC fuck up.
Murder but Blue
Target player exiles all their creatures. Then you may select a creature among them. Return all unselected creatures to the battlefield under their owner's control.
They release an average of more than one set a month, do you think every card gets careful attention?
They jus have a bunch of interns write cards nonstop and have someone more experienced look through them and pick which to release. One Friday evening, tired and wanting to go home he sees Nadu, doesn't notice that the phrasing completely breaks it, figures it's ok for commander and stamps it as approved.
It's gonna be pic rel except instead of 2/2 tokens you'll take 2 damage per card. You know, to keep burn competitive
They are all going to be extremely low power sets, simply outplay the nadu player
We have 3 threads up you fucking retards
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Forgot pic

But I think this would be great design since combo decks would have to be more redundant. This could really slow down the game and fix the meta without impacting midrange or aggro
Considering will be sets that will impact all formats you can't have a power too big because you can't ruin Pioneer and Standard for Modern sins, so i don't ser which kind of card that should be cheaper than 3 could they make for thst purpose.
Average nadu player intelligence.
Horror Totem 2
Harsh mentor text but 4 damage.
Spider Web 1G
Creatures with flying lose all abilities and become food tokens until Spider Web leaves the game.
Cool, end of your turn Otawara/Boseiju your hate card, start of my turn spend 30 min of the clock
Nantuko is genuinely a disgusting, broken card.
When Nadu eats a ban, there's going to be a landfall deck that's going to abuse that shit in the future. That card shouldn't be floating around, there's so much it does
Since it's flash, I will cast it on your turn.
I love how this is the best card in the deck but nobody is talking about it.
>Finds Nadu
>Finds Outrider
>Finds anti-mirror and anti-hate pieces like Stormdrake and Haywire Mite
>Finds protection pieces like Sylvan Safekeeper
They're going to ban Shuko and NOTHING will change while this card is still legal.
Hogaakening 2.22: You Can (Not) Just Play Hate Cards
Can be countered.
I don't think tutors deserve bans unless they are obviously overpowered. Chord needs an established board to be powerful, it's balanced imo.
>I don't think tutors deserve bans unless they are obviously overpowered
What the card is enabling right now IS overpowered.
Banning chord would fuck over a lot of potential green strategies, and chord needs a board to be good anyways
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I love how this enables all the bullshit everyone complains about but nobody is talking about it
>casts nadu
>casts outrider
>casts anti-mirror and anti-hate pieces
>casts protection pieces like sylvan safekeeper
They are going to ban Shuko and chord of the calling nothing will change while this card is still legal
Going by the Gaak precedent, they'll ban Shuko imminently and then when Nadu is still playable in an altered shell they'll ban Nadu AND Chord.
For me, its weeb FAB
Im happy here, though nothing scratches MtG itch but MtG unfortunately

I'll quit for good if they ban chord. Its the only thing holding my ELves deck together for fucks sake
Chord is a fucking tutor anon, nothing else, nothing more, brings you a card besides not two like CoCo for example, and needs a board or a lot of lands to work. Ban it and fuck all those small creatures and board matters for the wins of a fucking bird made to sell packs seems preposterous
Chord is probably the most scooped-to card of the entire weekend. Any time a Nadu player was trying to go off, revealing a Chord to a trigger ended the game.
Yadu, Winged Redemption 1
Legendary Creature — Bird God
Companion — Your opponent's starting deck contains the card Nadu, Winged Wisdom. (If this card is your chosen companion, you may cast it once from outside the game.)
Split second
When you cast this spell, win the game.
>I'll quit for good if they ban chord. Its the only thing holding my ELves deck together for fucks sake
You're basically arguing that they shouldn't ban Faithless Looting because your shitpile runs it. There are bigger fish to fry.
Is going infinite on MTG:O a meme when everyone runs tier 1 decks?
Because its not the card to ban. Literally just ban Nadu. It was never a problem card until that retarded bird came. You're basically offing a good chunk of green strats if you ban chord.
I really dislike Magic now. It's clearly moving towards Yu-Gi-Oh gameplay where everything does everything and it does it all at once.
You are suggesting WotC should destroy all the green creature base decks over a new card everyone could see is the problem, i mean is the kind of retarded decision WotC could take but i hope you understand is wrong and shit.
Modern Horizons cards have "Ward - Ban another non Modern Horizons card"
absolutely nobody thought those things. everyone immediately saw how busted the cards was as soon at it was previewed. don't make up fake scenarios to be proud about defeating, its incredibly pathetic.
Everyone is operating under the assumption that they won't ban a single MH3 card so we're spitballing what the next best thing to ban is to bring the deck down to a more reasonable level. It's what they did with Hogaak before admitting defeat, and there's no reason to believe they won't do it again. Chord is the card doing the real heavy lifting in the deck.
2/5 with Deathouch and Lifelink

"When this creature enters and when you cast a noncreature spell, create a 1/1 squirrel token with deathtouch. Athe beginning of your upkeep, if you have 10 squirrels on the battlefield, exile all non-squirrel creatures."
3/4 flier that gives your creatures a value trigger that can go off twice per turn.
it's not a meme but there's a difference between going 4-1 a couple of times and being a dedicated grinder
if you pick a deck and a format you're familar with and simply play to the best of your ability without tilting, it's not that difficult to go infinite, but you'll never have the gains of a grinder that's playing 24/7


Ward X - X is the number of squirrels you control

Whenever you gain life, create a 1/1 squirrel token. This ability can only trigger twice per turn.
Let's see it's Green/Black, so maybe it'll be a 4/4 with flying and vigilance? A little undercosted for that, but they push stats in green a lot.
There were definitely contrarians around here saying "nah Nadu isn't gonna be shit, just remove the Shuko lol". I don't think they were a majority opinion by any means, but they were here.
protip: contrarians do not have legitimate opinions. they do not count.
theres still retards in this very thread who truly believe the right thing to ban is Shuko and that Nadu is fine

I'm gonna get my mum a commander precon since I read there's a presence of middle aged women here playing it, thoughts?
You're being a contrarian right now, and thus your opinion does not count.
Banning Shuko is mostly a meme because everyone is assuming WotC will desperately avoid banning a brand new card. It's the "Banning Bridge instead of Hogaak" of the current year.
Is your mom single?
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I'm getting angry about magic.
This has always been the case, why are you only getting upset at it now?
>This has always been the case
It literally hasn't.
Name one plane
Reminder that the first Modern PT after the release of MH1 only had one Hogaak deck in the top 8.

>MH1 release date 14th June 2019
>Mythic Championship IV, or Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019, took place on July 26–28, 2019

And the one Hogaak player finished 8th. What we just witnessed was borderline Eldrazi Winter levels.
Yawn... Next please, this is getting old.
Show me the historic asian culture that sultai is copypasta'd from.
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I like Duskmourn.
The Khmer empire. This isn't even speculation, it was outright stated by the team.
Pretty wild to compare sets inspired from human history thousands of years ago with a board game, borderlands, and late 20th century movies.

Simon Nielsen cheated in his quarter final against Javier Dominguez. Javier still had protection from his Ring's ETB when Simon played his Suncleanser and targeted Javier to remove his one energy counter. If Bart van Etten got a DQ for his slipup on his Nethergoyf's size, Simon Nielsen should be retroactively DQ'd and the trophy given to Sam Pardee.
Stop it, Bart, is over, everyone packed their stuff and Nadu already won, get over it.
Mtg pros are a bunch of cheaters. Imagine how much cheating happens off camera when these fuckers cheat even on camera
Is Magic supposed to be a game about history? Why the fuck would it matter if it was a thousand years ago or ten years ago? They copy paste from existing themes/settings and always have, just because you like certain ones over others doesn't make you somehow superior.
MTG is high fantasy, which is usually but not always inspired from the past. Reconstruction era US and the 1980s is not high fantasy.
And people keep saying physical magic is great... Not a single one of this bullshit would happen in Arena or MTGO
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>Noooooo Magic must be about fantasy
>Kamigawa, Capenna, Thunderjunction, Duskmourn soon

Too late for this anon, it's not about fantasy anymore.
where everything went so wrong?
Oh and before anyone tries to argue the "Javier didn't announce his Ring trigger" angle, why didn't Simon attack Javier that turn? Oh right, the protection.
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>nadu is largely unplayable in MTGO because too many triggers
>this is going to bring the play and winrate down and wizards won't ban it
>usually but not always inspired from the past
>usually but not always
>not always
It's impressive how you acknowledged the answer yet chose to continue anyway. There is absolutely nothing about high fantasy as a genre that excludes it being set in more modern times. Hell, space opera is basically high fantasy that uses a futuristic setting.
Space opera is not "literally just 40 years ago".
Do another one do another one!
I don't understand what is so hard about letting your opponent know they are attempting an illegal action. Are mtg players literally so autistic they can't or won't politely interject to let their opp know "I am currently untargetable due to The One Ring"? They'd unironically rather sit there and accept defeat?
One common tactic of cheaters is to chat to your opponent and ask questions of zones and whatnot in order to try and make them forget something relevant. With the Ring exiled and off the table Nielsen just kept Javier chatting, then Suncleanser'd him through the protection which explicitly won him the game because otherwise Javier would've had enough energy to wipe the board.

It's not okay when Bart van Etten makes mistakes and wins, but when Simon Nielsen does it it's okay.
didnt stop them from banning Khark Clan Ironworks
Barty is a known cheater, he burned his benefit of the doubt card a long time ago.
Unban Twin
Unban Fury
Unban Dark Depths
Unban fucking Yorion
It's also clearly not the far past, as you claimed. There's been plenty of high fantasy stories that have settings which deviate from generic medievalslop.
All I wanted out of man made horrors 3 was a nerfed faithless looting. You fucking suck wizzers
We used to have a lot more tournaments going on when KCI got banned like scg opens so it was harder for them to ignore.
>nadu is largely unplayable in MTGO
do you know what the word "unplayable" means? nadu has multiple challenge top8s on MTGO
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>It's also clearly not the far past, as you claimed
The difference is Javier called the judge on Bart and didn't on Nielsen
He should have remembered his own one ring effect
Javier's own fault for not keeping his books right
2001: A Space Odyssey
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Post UBs you want to see happen.
Lmao, I completely missed this getting banned since I don't play modern. What the fuck was he breaking that he needed to go?
Lol now do innistrad
80 card decks in the shuffle every turn format.
I want to net deck wotc...
>inspired from the past
We both know what was meant by that, don't be disingenuous. Nobody's calling Lord of the Rings alt history, even though Tolkien said it was set on Earth.
>The Bible
I want UB to die not to reproduce.
Seems like a retarded reason, but WotC is a retarded company so it makes sense
Their official stated reasoning was that shuffling 80 card decks was straining wrists too much. I'm not joking.
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>puffer vests, 80s apparel, TVs, and modern things like them don't belong in mtg
Whatever, you dense retards are not worth my time. Keep defending wizards and licking that boot.
if they don't get it fixed this week, we should start panicking for real
2 weeks without decklists would end the world
Instead of doing anime treatments why not do an actual anime set?
I accept your concession.
It's not that he did or didn't cheat, it's that a LOT of shit of the same level or worse went on that weekend and yet no one else got a DQ. Seriously go look at Nielsen playing that Suncleanser. He does the age old trick of distracting your opponent by spending a minute talking about life totals, THEN plays the land and Suncleanser.
Because anime is for turbo autists and children and I wish I could have one fucking escape in my life from pasty virgins and their obsessions with Japanese cartoons
Wizards thanks you for your brave service and willingness to work without compensation for the sake of the brand.
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pulled a nethergoyf in sealed and don't need it. does it see any play tho?
Pioneer 2 bros we're gonna make it
Come up with some actual card names you lazy fuck.
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Seriously, the number of movie and books referenced in OG Innistrad is ridiculous. It's too easy.
3 more and I get a free orchotomy.
See you tomorrow for another mindless tantrum!
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>The bible
Christ is king
squirrel seed you say?
I can't wait for this now that Pioneer will have to face the Horizon treatment with fucking Foundations
just like nadu
I hope it starts at DMU so we can skip kamigawa and new capenna, fuck those sets

uhh fundation will be legal in pioneer 2 as well bro
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And you thought you'd escape that on the anime and Japanese culture enthusiasts website?
No but if I wanted weebshit in my card games I'd be playing you gay oh
Then it's over. Fundations shit will ruin the formats.
I don't even understand why there is a distinction in this game between drawing and putting into your hand from your deck. Seems like this only serves to cause problems and do nothing else.
There's a difference for the same reason there's two discard piles.
Nadu summer BAY BAY!
Toss their cards on the floor and then leave before police can come because they take 30-90 minutes to show up.
soo no nethergoyf anywhere?
Sheoldred enjoyer hands typed this
Same reason there's a difference between place on the battlefield and cast for 0 mana.
Make simic great again
I think the last part was wrong when WotC guy approach angry i think he should be very happy and welcoming because he will sell lots of packs :)
Free my boy Uro.
Brainstorm should say put the top 3 cards of your library into your hand.
>Japs know bollywood memes
It's usually because you're doing something else in the process. Like with Nadu/Risen Reef style effects, you're checking if the card is a land first and putting it onto the battlefield if it is. For Impulse style effects, you're choosing a card out of several. You couldn't do these things via drawing without changing the definition of drawing a card, which would then have its own ramifications.
Free him.

First off, not all stars turn into black holes you fucking retard.
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Where the fuck do you think Japan is located at, another planet?
No but India is
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I really wish this card was good
Alara is the most generic shit they've ever created, even more than Dominaria (fantasy, the plane) or Rabiah (literally Arabia)
I don't care if this is bait or not but Alara was the first set release I was a part of, that's when I was brand new to Magic.
Shards and Conflux will always be my favorite sets.
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>On MTGA you can trigger with Nadu so hard the game gives up and draws
Foundations will most likely be a portal esque product. So an entry point for new players and a basic tool box so wotc can stop printing shit like cancel in every other set
it was great in standard
Bart is a known cheater, Simon is current player of the year (and on track to be it again).
I remember. That's why I wish it was good desu, pure nostalgia
On second though to my post>>93210382 if its booster packs instead of a box set it's definitely going to be pure ass cancer
Your argument is that Simon wins too much to be a cheater? Also if Bart has already been punished for cheating in the past, why is he still being punished via unfair treatment? I could understand being given a game loss, but a complete DQ for the sorts of mistakes others were making all weekend is ridiculous.
We will see but i'm not optimistic.
No my argument is that Simon is a player in good standing with a high profile.
As someone who has tried to jam Suppression Field since like 2010, Suppression Field loses to the fact that you are playing Suppression Field.
>not a clock
>can't block
>makes your fetches worse
>makes your utility lands worse
>makes your planeswalkers worse
>useless if it comes down after turn 3
How is it any worse than

>HEY GUYS REMEMBER (real world culture/place)?!
I'd rather weird shit like a house plane over "GREECE - THE TEMU EDITION"
My point isn't that these are bad things. On the contrary, a lot of these planes are fan favorites, I enjoy them too. My point is that wotc takes existing tropes and settings, slap on some fantasy paint, and call it a plane. They've been doing it since the start. I'm mocking the anon(s) who try to pretend like this is a new occurrence, see >>93209561. There are no original ideas under the sun, everything is a reference or copy of something else. Dominaria is least planet of hats out of all of them, and it's still "hey guys, you like Tolkien style high fantasy?" and that's fine.
>Ancient Egypt is now HIGH FANTASY
lmao even
>Greek history is now lord of the rings, too
Standing is completely irrelevant and if anything having a high standing makes any "mistakes" even more questionable because cheating is a great way of winning games and getting a high standing. Players like Nielsen and Depraz are the ones who should be eating shit for their bullshit this weekend.
Fuck off.
They've generally come to the conclusion that simple doesn't really appeal to new players that much. We've been SHOWN some simple cards, of the five shown only Nine-Lives Familiar is remotely complex, whereas Llanowar Elves, Day of Judgment, Omniscience and Anthem of Champions are all very straightforward, but I'd expect to see SOME complex things.
This. Most interesting set in the past several years.
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I mean...
Like my post said Anon, I don't really care what your intents were. This is 4chan, I don't have the patience to read through 30 chain replies anymore to get full context.

Fucking love Alara though. Thanks to whoever brought it up, I like being reminded of it.
No one can handle the bird's impressive girth.
elven fanny pack
Dead By Daylight.
I will not be surprised if we get some SLD alongside Duskmourn. Big issue is that the games most iconic characters are licensed, and no one really wants a "The Trapper" card or great value Leatherface
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>Most interesting set in the past several years.
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I hope the demon gets a (playable) card in the actual set.
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>bro it's indistinguishable from innistrad and alara you hypocrite
elven spell reagent pouch
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>fanny pack
genuinely laughing my ass off here.
The fact we have a bunch of randos legendary idiots in every set is a trend that can't be stopped now and every set will have them thanks to Omenpaths.
Nadu would take Hogaak's lunch money
>horror set
>commander precons are 3/4ths not horror
Top right might be a cultist but I doubt it.
If you split magic between a modern and fantasy setting as different games, the modern one would outsell the fantasy one and the fantasy one would quickly become "Oh, yeah....That exists." much as Warhammer is to 40k.
>old thing good, new thing bad
The fact they added a bunch of retard ghostbuster characters (for some reason) don't diminish the rest of the cool side of the horror house.
Iron Man if he hit with shovel in the face
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It will be when they defeat the horror house.
>Just because there's shit smeared on the bun doesn't diminish that the burger is made of really good quality ingredients!
Mother of god... Hilarious.
Ub universe preview Kek
Set is far more interesting than "REMEMBER REDWALL? NO? I THOUGHT IT WAS POPULAR...."
>a mechanical golem built by master artificers is the same as having a high school looking douche with tape on his glasses, a bright orange vest, and a walkie talkie
It does actively diminish the good parts, just like how the shitty "dudes in cosplay" Phyrexians diminished ONE.
>A mechanical golem
Hahaha way say it faggot
>artifact creature - golem
>walkie talkie
Why can't that be magic the same way the golem is? We already know these devices are familiar but serve a different purpose.
What is your complaint here? That they look like modern things? If so, then Iron Man should also bother you. If your issue is "TVs AREN'T MAGIC" then you aren't paying attention because we were already told they aren't TVs like we have.
I don't think that looks good either, but the stupid Ghostbusters shit is far worse
Frankly I'm glad it has its own flavor. Pre-NEO I would be rolling my eyes at this shit but since that set managed to stick the landing somehow I'll give this a chance too.
inb4 that one hipster who insists that players aktually loved OG Kamigawa and that Legendary creatures and transform cards are the most soulful mechanics in the game's history.

Blame the dipshits who complain about new characters every set for that one.
As i said this will be a trend unstopabble every set from now to possibly forever will have this non invited characters thanks to Omenpaths and the need to appeal the commander crew
That artist fucked up the glasses shadow and it looks like he's pulling a massively comical eyebrow raise.
>Artifsct creature golem
Ironman, you can say the dude with glasses is a fucking Human warrior thst will not change the obvious
Kek, I didn't even realize that wasn't his eyebrow
>That they look like modern things?
>then iron man should also bother you
It does but not anywhere near to the same extent
>we were already told they aren't TVs like we have
I don't care, they're fucking CRTs.
So it really is just "OLD GOOD NEW BAD"
>magitech is ok
>but this other magitech isn't
Actual child behavior
>It does but not anywhere near to the same extent
Then you are biased and just complaiming about old good new bad like the initial claim, because is as blatant and absurd as the shit you cry about
Old was also a one-off card and not the central premise of the story.
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NEO didn't stick the landing on fucking anything. You just got used to it and now it's the foot in the door for WotC to do whatever stupid shit they want.
>Is a side thing
Now you are on full damsge control retard
Bold of wizzers to bring this retard back after the reception it received. I don't even think it was liked on Twitter.
I'll be honest, I don't care. You are not ever going to convince me it's not fucking garbage and no amount of UM ACTUALLY LOOK AT THIS ONE CARD HAHAHA GOTCHA will EVER change my mind you shill fucks.
Concession accepted pathetic faggot. Now keep bitching
>Look at this lame ass card from decades ago! This totally justifies lame ass cards today.
Keep running defense for wizards faggot.
Keep chugging WotC's cum
This but Dominaria. And I am deathly serious on it. Most boring fucking shit.
>duuuude wizards n evil amoral inventor-wizard that mostly just does tech anyway
>six infinity stones
>only five colors
Holy shit, I've cracked the code. When the MCU UB comes out they'll unveil the sixth color alongside it.
I just like Duskmourn i couldnt care less about Wizards or your manchild behaviour retard, you can cry as much as you like.
>calling anyone else a child
We have 6 colors.
Colorless is effectively a color because it has support for it, has unique mana costs, etc. It is just a special color that can be run aside in every deck.

Ulalek is basically a 6 color deck if played as made.
They'll make a power crept version that also makes anus mana
Blindly hating media is just as pathetic as blindly loving media.
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>A fucking baseball bat with nails
Hopefully that weapon ends up being an equipment artifact
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Already done, friend.
>Hate thing i dont like too!!!
>Stop having fun without me!!!
Literal child indeed pathetic
Nope, you're a faggot and the person who should have been bullied in high school.
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not on my books
purple could keep nadu in check btw
make purple
That's barbed wire totally different weapon
>Powerful white cards couldn’t stop Nadu
Lmao. Lol. Kek. Chuckle. Guffaw. Wheeze. Chortle. Snicker. Giggle. Laugh.
Stop projecting much, son, we are not to blame for the abuses you suffered for being a faggot
What is that?
I will play roots in this format
It was fun, had cool cards, interesting mechanics, and a neat aesthetic. I liked it, but I like high-complexity sets.
A chunk of wood with metal shards in it? COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE MODERN TECH DEVICE.
And will be as bad as Pioneer and Standard versions?
It's fucked up that pioneer is 5 years old.
And is already as bullshit-focused format as Modern, impressive. I wonder how much Pioneer 2.0 aka Intrepid will take
modern is like 13 years old at this point, I remember when it was something completely new
Modern is only 13?
Why would they make pioneer 2 when standard sets are in rotation for 3 years?
Was Modern ever good? I mean it was the most popular constructed format not long ago, why?
Same, colorless just doesn't feel right. Purple is way more soulful.
because by the time 2029 rolls around, cards from the early 2020s will be pretty useless
more transformers
Games were higher powered than standard without being over the top like Legacy. The biggest complaint used to be price of admission but you could take time building it knowing that your deck wouldn't get invalidated with new cards or a rotation.
Most open competitive option. Standard was okay but only ever had 3 or 4 real decks, limited was bomb-heavy and doesn't have as many unique decks, Legacy had too many non-games to seriously develop after it was "solved" with Delver, Vintage moreso.
If you wanted to spend 4 figures to have the smallest chance of a win.
Pre MH1 was pretty good. You can play janky shit like Norin Sisters and STILL win some FNMs. Granted you'l see the favorites like Tron, Jund, Robots in higher tables, but everyone can more or less play anything and get results, not like today where you HAVE to buy the latest MH slop to keep up.

People used to say they hate this era of Modern because games are like "2 ships passing through the night" where they dont really interact with the other player, and this is highly exaggerated. The only people crying about this were Ux control fags because their draw-go strategies dont really work, and they STILL bitched about it even after T3feri.
Pre-Twin ban it was good because it was relatively cheap and so long as your deck had an okay Twin matchup you were fine. The few years following the Twin ban were an awful shitshow until around 2018 when Grixis Shadow appeared and took Twin's place as the URx interactive deck that was beatable but also shut down uninteractive decks. Then WAR and MH1 happened and here we are.
I didn't play Modern during the Twin era but I don't think I went a single day at my FLGS without hearing the modern players talking about how Twin or Looting needed to be banned. The trouble with the deck was that you always needed to keep 2 lands untapped because you'd just lose otherwise.
People argue that Twin would be fair today but I feel like they'd just pick up the new busted cards too. RUG Tarmo Twin was a deck after all.
>desu duskmourn is a lot more creative than I expected from wizards. better than [insert historic culture here] not perfect, but a step in the right direction.
The people at your LGS likely didn't play back then either since Twin's worst matchup was any and all fair decks. The entire reason Tarmotwin existed is because of how strong Goyf was against Twin.
this but unironically.
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>next banlist is only in august

at least the bird is only gonna last for one month, assuming they've learned the lesson from Hogaak
It will be legal a year from now
>PT winner outright says "Don't invest in Nadu, it will be banned because it should never have been printed to begin with"
How is this not and absolute condemnation of WOTC?
You're delusional if you think bird is getting banned. Same with pioneer tards who think Sorin or Amalia are getting touched.
Who said it wasn't? WotC aren't about to deny that Nadu has broken the format.
You didn't buy Harsh Mentors, did you, /mtg/?

Are you willing to bet the bird will get banned? Because i'm willing to bet they will ban some side shit and leave the bird.
I agree, specifically because they're just milking MTG until it's inevitable death in about 4 years. It's still not a good look to have your PT winner say "This was a massive mistake that needs fixed immediately".
Its honestly going to be bad optics if they DONT ban Nadu. Casuals hate it, Pros hate it. Unless theyre brazen about their decision to not ban Nadu because of some bullshit reason, even the usual shills and fence sitters wont shut up about it in the following months,
How has Nadu been in GayDH? I can only imagine a similar amount of misery going on there.
I don't see why banning Nadu is such a hard thing for them. It's not even some mega chase card that sells packs. It's like 5 bucks.
Wins turn 2, and the only bright side about the deck is that at least it supplanted that ugly fat fuck Kinnan as the most cancerous Simic cEDH deck.
maybe it's just because I joined MTG around M15 but the coolest part of MTG wasn't any individual plane but seeingpeople from different planes//genres onteracting with planes the aren''t supposed to. I remember it being cool when Tamiyo was on Innastrad, and wondring how she woul interact with the locals, since she's a non-human andd thy aren't very amenable to most of those, (though maybe she got treated as an angel?) or an Amohnket native walker having to adapt to a far more atomized and technologically complex society like ravnica, or A Cappenan Devil trying to start a gang with a group of Innistrad Devils, but failing since their so different. Magic always been coolest when its deviated from High Fantasy. Are we forgetting this is the sam game where the High wizard of the fantasy realm built 10 mechs to fight the Borg?
Simic commanders that ramp and/or draw cards is a running trend in commander
Nadu is considered the final evolution of simic cancer
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These people
Sounds culturally appropriative to me.
If it doesnt win early its going to jerk itself off with its dumb 5 minute turns. Its funny how that one pajeet rules committee member kept insisting to JUST PACK INTERACTION BRO to keep it in check when thats not the fucking point at all
are you a bot perchance?
Where did he say this?
Bots don't type with poor grammar and spelling, retard.
The trouble with "it will self-correct" in EDH is that that just means "no one will play with you". Better to just bite the bullet and slap it on the banlist so everyone's on the same page.
Yeah. Beep Boop.
Shivam is a massive fucking idiot who really needs to shut his mouth. Please leave discussion to people who have played formats outside of EDH in the past decade.
lmao instead of Kino we are getting Niko
niko looks like a girl instead of a fag in here, even bangable
You see, you can copy shit and theme it into a classic scyfy fantasy spectrum and people wouldn't complain.
Even Innistrad and Ravnica had ghostbuster like equipment. Why we didn't complain? Because it was themed as scyfy random trash.
The problem with duskmourn is trying too hard to appeal for the Netflix crowd.
>The problem with duskmourn is trying too hard to appeal for the Netflix crowd.
As we all know, Netflix invented 80's horror. Netflix invented The Ring, Evil Dead, Ghostbusters, etc.
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It was specifically when the empire was at its peak.
Honestly it sems like half if Duskmourns team wanted it to be 80's slasher B movie shlock plane and half of it wanted it to be a Piresnasi/House of Leaves/Backrooms style cosmic horror plane, and just decided to do both. if they weren't the literal opposite ends of the horror spectrum it might have worked.
It's like Hogaak where it's utterly broken but it's not going crazy in price because it's rare and no one wants to get caught holding the bag when it inevitably gets banned.
Works fine. It's just the same group of LOTR fans bitching it isn't fantasy.
I meant that figuratively, retard
Netflix popularized the 80s style in 2018. Before Stranger Things the 80s (or 70s) weren't popular. Stop being a faggot lier. Your deception doesn't work with non-shills. Fuck off
>it was themed as scyfy random trash
So is all the duskmourn stuff. It's not a TV, it's magic crystal slates.
Correct me if I'm wrong but physics still exists in the magic universe right? obviously you can break it if you want with magic but nothings stopping a plane from inventing cathode ray tubes and CRT screens if they wanted to.
Your post just doesn't make any sense. It was a low effort attempt to insult the guy and didn't work. Try again later or randomly reply more ineffective attacks.
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I bought two for 0.2€, I just sell em for an euro or two each to commander players when all the Modern banned Nadus will flood edh tables.
Come on, you know why WotC would decide to do an 80s horror themed plane now
The multiverse doesn't actually make any sense at all if you force everything to be the same tech levels and styles (fantasy)

We call that a planet, not a "multiverse." Is it ever stated the multiverse is limited in places? Because if it is a classic multiverse with infinite realities, then it makes zero sense for their to not be realities with vastly different tech and looks.
>Was Modern ever good?
Modern from the time of the Eye of Ugin ban through to the release of WAR was the absolute peak of constructed Magic. WAR was the beginning of the end and Looting being banned for the sins of Hogaak was the final nail in the coffin. The format called "Modern" these days is some kind of skinwalker, a mockery of what once was parading around in a poorly-fitted suit made from Moderns rotting skin.
Eh, I just wish I could see the timeline where they split these into two different planes and focused on fleshing out both of them.
Works fine mostly, i agree the fact they slapped the Scooby Doo team, full of SHITTY CHARACTERS moreover, is not that great and probably the worst part but the rest? Im very hyped specially for the Room spells, hopefully the power level will make it playable
This and it's so fucking painful... It's increible how they destroyed Modern, now one can only play Pioneer and even there the level of Bullshit is "almost" unbereable.
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You don't know what Scy Fi random trash means.
Pic is it.
Ghostbusters isn't
80s horror themed movie isn't

Stop being retarded.
you deserve a low effort insult for being a low effort consoomer, kill yourself
No, go fuck yourself. Capeshit is lame. It's the cool planes and cool events that transpire that makes magic cool not the characters though of course the cool characters are cool they just shouldn't always be the center of attention. And yes having some non fantasy planes is cool and people who say otherwise are just trolling. And it is cool when the characters interact and stuff but everything shouldn't revolve around a handful of hero characters there should be other stuff.
They will not ban Nadu, they will ban Shuko but... Could they unban something?
Hold on.
> On Duskmourn tech was considered a field of magic.
> Concept like electricity, robotics, and programming were thought of as innately magical even though they work in normal physichs, and they would consider lectricians the same we other planes would think of wizards.
>Like, you would Have "Leximancers communing with Lightways to alter the Aether" instead of "TV repairmen replcing your CRT so you can watch Seinfeld
It's undeniably better than fat negress soldier captain #9999.
This is the same malicious intent seen on shill posts that act like cyberpunk 2077 had no influence on nuKamigawa
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Tifa will save modern
It's magic, I don't have to explain shit.
if anything, Cait Sith will
Like Kellan. Cool we followed him on his gay personal journey to have sex with his dad already (incredibly lame) so now what is he going to do? Are we going to witness him try to score with as many fae women as possible only to get rejected and go on covenant swording spree? And there should always be more than one character doing shit.
>A World that was being devoured by a giant house had the resources to invent televisions and other modern tech shit

kek, comeon shills, defend this too
Why wouldn't it? I am extremely confused by this.
I want UB to fuck off.
Are rooms confirmed to be split cards? They definitely have the look.
Isnt the plane itself some sort of black hole of fears from across the multiverse? Theyre going to use that excuse where the 80s tv shit comes from our world.
It would be cool if there characters actually did stuff.
They are indeed
this but high fantasy
why wouldn't our world exist in a multiverse with infinite worlds? We have had sets based off real world, like Arabian Nights and Three Kingdoms.
>A World that developed nuclear weapons had the resources to invent microwaves and other modern tech shit
I genuinely don't understand what your complaint is. What do those two things have to do with each other?
This level of cope is reaching absolutely schizo levels pathetic.
Haw many of these 'Walkers are actually green?
If anything, a slow acting but inevitable threat is prime conditions for innovation. People have incentive to try and figure out new things, while still having the time and resources to do so. Maybe people wanted to be able to communicate through long distances due to the house fucking with traditional communication. Maybe people tried to record videos in an attempt to accurately track and study the house's changes. Maybe people just wanted to, because there'll always be some who ignore dangers and do their own thing.
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Azorius Control until 2029?
That's the 41st wrath in Standard now.
Foundations is going to be their attempt to revitalize Standard and the competitive scene by going back to popular archetypes and solid foundational cards, but Im a pessimist and say this will just be another batch of unsold stock that will gather dust in LGS shelves because its not Commander.
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My biggest fear is they will add a bunch of MUST new cards, not reprints just to force people to buy and also rotate stuff like an Horizons set.

That would be truly the end.
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The current design team somehow printed these two in the same set.
Yeah card needs an updated version already. Either give it legs or an extra ability.
The only ones I've seen played are Farewell and Depopulate, in WU/WB control decks (I guess the WB one is tempo instead?)
Now that I think about it, I haven't seen those for some time, used to be every third deck back when I was playing during BRO and ONE. I suppose these decks are running creature removal right now?
They should fucking apologize for this.
>defending dollar store VHS
>i said faggot guys I'm totally not a beardfat
not really, no
I hope so, I still don't have a playset of agatha's soul cauldron and I would like to get it for cheap
Notably doesn't include the two most popular wraths in the format lol
I'm pretty sure they are, to their bosses at least. The more I think about it the more I can see that Nadu is just a product of absolute incompetence, the chase card of the set was most likely supposed to be Necrodominance, there's no way they expected Nadu to be this strong at rare rarity.
Standard is all about Sunfall and Temporary Lockdown, which is effectively a one-sided wrath because everyone not playing control is playing Boros Convoke.
The world had the tech before the house devoured it.
thats' it
i'm quitting this shit game and moving to 40k instead. at least gw respects their customers.
>at least gw respects their customers.
Anon, you have to make bait at least somewhat believable
TVs are pretty easy to make, and the skill sets of electricians and exorcists are probably pretty different. Most planes would look at a CRT and think of it as a primitive yet overcomplicated gadget.
>Looting being banned for the sins of Hogaak was the final nail in the coffin.
That shit still pisses me off. There's nothing wrong with Faithless Looting, that ban was comical imo.
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>Respect their customers
I will just leave this woke group and go away laughing at you, open at your own risk
that'll be 999 pounds (plus tip) for our oversized statue model.
I wish you guys would explain what I am supposed to be angry about instead of assuming I am on your autistic wavelength
It's funny how there still hasn't been a payoff stronger than arclight phoenix despite looting banned for le design space. They should have just banned the stupid fucking bird because it's totally unique as a graveyard card that asks nothing from you to get it back for free
>needing a reason to be angry
You don't belong here
No, it is a normal plane where a house started to grow and "eat" everything around it.
First: Why would you develop televisions when there is a non stopping all consuming house expanding restless? It makes no sense imo.
The guy who made Nadu probably saw the nantuko file and made a card to combo with it + shuko (and then bought as much shuko as he could afford). That is how things are in wotc, wouldn't be the first time that an wotc employee tries to use inside information for his benefit
From what they said the house non stop expanding didn't happen in a short period. From the time the plane was medieval (and they sealed the demon) to now it took a few centuries. They developed tech while the house was increasing in size.
Not quite, the fears are just manifested from those who're in the house, but those in the house are often snatched from across the multiverse. Previously only sparingly, but with Omenpaths the demon in charge of the place has been able to snatch a lot more.
And yet the lack of an account feature means I will never leave.
So MH3 is by far the strongest modern horizons right
Why did people develop televisions when there's nonstop all consuming climate change? Does that make sense?
nah it's mh2
Dunno, I think MH2 had a bigger impact at the time of release
I think the implications is that the world advanced to 80's level tech, than Voregag set off the period of ascension after millennia of planning. I'd Imagine the Ascension was 1-2 year period at most, with him making a mad dash for complete dominance, rather than 500 year long war of attrition actively fought from the medieval age. Hs not an idiot, he knew if he just started expanding right after he was sealed people would have to plan against him, so he probably waited and rehearsed a lot.
This post is such a nonsense i don't even wanna waste a fucking (You) just for the time it took from me reading such usseles rambling.
Hard to say until the bird gets shot.
MH2. MH3 has necrodominance and Nadu doing recency bias, that said, both are busted, but MH2 was defined by Ragavan and the free elementals that warped the meta for a good 2 years. The flares are incredibly tame by comparison, and I still think Eldrazi is a meme
haven't really seen those, I suppose due to arena's matchmaking fuckery
4 mana wrath with no downsides hasn't been seen in years.
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Duskmourn will become the plane for mcguffin hunting from now on
Then why even post since the guy is never going to see your reply?
the guy? i can't care less and i feel that is a very light way to call that retard
this sounds really cool.
I am sorry you have never seen an 80's movie and your only reference to horror or the 80's is an 8 year old show.
Is Valgavoth a fucking Gigachad?
Interesting that it implies Vaginagoth doesn't actually want to kill people, he wants to keep them alive to feed. You could set up a system where people visit the plane to let him munch on their fears, while he does something else beneficial for them.
it's over
Still have no idea what the stranger things aspect is

>no dark mirror world
>no little kids
>no...really anything from stranger things except the visual time period that was shared by every media made from 73-90
>no focus on clues and investigation
>no government entity
>no russian
It's dumb to pretend that the very positive reception of stranger things and other netflix 80s horror didn't have an impact on this set.
>8 year old show
Like that matters, we got TWD, Dr Who, and Ass Creed cards 8+ years after those faded from their highlight too.
/mtg/ about duskmourn

One side:
>We hate that it is just a Stranger Things knock off
>We hate that it has modern tecnology while we were denied pistols of any kind in pirate world and others (because maro said it was too high tech)
>The story behind it is a bit retarded
>Why the fuck would they put those characters nobody likes in here
>Omenpaths is retarded

The other side
>Shut up, I love 80s style
>Shut up, everything makes perfect sense, it is a multiverse with infinite possibilities
>Shut up, Shut up Shut up! Stop calling me a "Shill"
what the fuck's an omenpath
Misfits band up against some indescribable shit. It would probably be a better comparison.
We're in too deep for a sixth color I'm afraid. I think I'd be cool if colorless expanded past eldrazi and ugin though
I'm just happy delirium is back, one of my favorite mechanics
>One side basically knows nothing about what they dislike and just randomly toss nonsensical shit that hurts their own argument.
Got ya.
that's literally the cult.
I was playing mono red prison around innistrad and new phyrexia it was pretty fun then
>T. The schizo first side
By the way real "One side": I hate technology! I hate horror references! Stranger things stranger things!!! I hate technology!!! History? I hate that too because.. I consider it retarded in my madness!! SHILLS!!!

Awesome arguments indeed
Scooby Doo would be a better comparison.
There is no actual relation to stranger things and so far zero references to that series. The guy calling it a DBD rip off has more of a point than you.

Don't be retarded. Guns are not allowed because of Murrican mass shootings. It has nothing to do with tech and Maro is just damage controling.

Story looks fine and interesting to me. Far more so than Redwall: the set or Murder mystery party or "Plane that literally only exists to do crime in."

Probably because you cry every time a set doesn't feature RECOGNIZABLE FANTASY CHARACTER

Omenpaths came before this set.
>Murrican mass shootings
>collab with fortnite
Yeah everything collabs with Fortnite. Even Doctor Who has fortnite shit despite the main character of that series hating guns.
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>>no dark mirror world
There is a "mirror world" It is called the "bellow"
>>no little kids
The survivors that look like man child
>>no...really anything from stranger things except the visual time period that was shared by every media made from 73-90
Are you still denying that Stranger Things is the thing that popularized 80s style in 2020 and beyond.
>>no focus on clues and investigation
Look at the collected company art...
>>no government entity
>>no russian
Those two are not all there is about ST. Stop being a faggot.
The gang getting trapped in an everchanging house of horrors fits the bill for a straight to DVD movie. Hell something adjacent to that has probably already happened.
I like the "no guns" rule because they have to come up with novel weapon ideas (VHS blaster, Assault Tuba) rather than defaulting to regular guns.
guns are the most powerful weapon/power in any settings so why not just use them?
> What is a "Basement"?
Guns aren't even the most powerful weapon on Earth.
>novel weapons
The OTJ weapons are just rifles that shoot thunder instead of bullets, they're actually stronger than a normal gun would be.
I wish cape media worked that way
because if they did they would just use them like they use swords, as in they just use it in every plane without changing them much from IRL historic gun designs, rather than coming up with a new type of "gun-like" weapon for each plane.
I feel like electricity is easier to defend against than bullets.
Old decks survived MH2
Even if Nadu wasn't involved, MH3 killed off like 80% of the format
Lile this was a full ass rotation, rakdos scam is unplayable now
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>the problem with guns in MTG is that soon every non-wizard should just be using guns
>don't implement them for years
>make not-guns for certain planes
>this wouldn't be a problem except you made the omenpath which lets non-walkers just go wherever
>OTJ in particular had a fucking lot of people from other planes go through it
>end up with the same situation you spent years trying to avoid where now there's zero reason why the entire multiverse wouldn't be using OTJ's Not-Guns
Like I said, the usual shills and fence sitters dont like it either. WotC has to pontius pilate Nadu by this week or heads will roll
Sounds like the key issue here was omenpaths.
Stranger Things was made because 80s nostalgia became big. It didn't cause 80s nostalgia.

That's like saying Twilight popularized Vampires.
That's just factually not true
>get hit in the arm with a bullet
>get hit in the arm with a bolt of lightning
>current fries your flesh and stops your heart
Just make it so the guns only work on Thunder Junction or whichever plane they're on. Make up some mumbo jumbo about how planes have different laws of physics or some shit.
I'm talking more out of character, as in Wizards of the coast has so far decided to create a gun-likes for each plane where they would otherwise have gun due to their self imposed "no guns" design rule. I do hope they don't give every plane OTJ guns.
Lightning strikes have a survival rate of like 90%. They're rarely fatal.
>MH3 killed off like 80% of the format
living end, prowess, domain zoo, esper goryo, burn and murktide all had over 50% winrate on the PT
yes nadu is broken and we'll have to wait like 2 months before it's addressed, but people will continue to play all of these decks in the long run
>all had over 50% winrate
It's easy to have a high winrate when like two guys play the deck
Sample size is important
All the replies to this post are me btw
When you factor in the amount of effort required to kill someone they probably are. The Hiroshima bomb killed 60,000 people. What's easier to produce, 60,000 bullets or a nuke?
That doesn't hold water, if the lighting guns weren't effective nobody would be using them.
You seem like a man of taste and honorable family. Sounds like Doppelgang could be a card your inclinations might favor. I'm aware jellyfish hydra beasts are an adquied taste of the highest order but give the simic sorcery a chance to amaze you. Have a most entertaining evening, fair gentleman.
You can produce a thousand bullets in your closet with a press
We have literally double sided cards representing rooms. One side is in normal reality, the other in the bellow.

Read the fucking planeswalker guide before you try to defend this shit. At least it isn't just you responding incorrect things (like now)
>Sample size is important
if you genuinely believe that, then you should know that claiming that 80% of the pre-mh3 decks being dead (without even considering nadu) when we haven't had access to results since the 20th is as hyperbolic as you could get

once we get the results back we'll know for sure
See? THAT is power.
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>he still believes in the power of steel
I can't believe that the guys saying Duskmourn is not trying to capitalize on the Stranger Things show are actually being honest.

Why you two keep trying to troll as shills in this general?
It has nothing to do with the show in any way?
Uhm sweetie cyberpunk 2077 also had no bearing on neo kamigawa, cyberpunk was totally in the mainstream before the game started building hype, how about you cry about it bigot?
does this men otj was based off red dead?
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Why did they use a picture of me for promo?
I remember this creature and house and candles from stranger things.
All red creatures so far seem the worst busted shit and this seems a red creature too, i wonder how they will break this too
The only one I'll give (You) is that Strixhaven was clearly Harry Potter, but that's it.

Is Stranger Things the only show you've ever seen that references the 80s?
It's the same guy who was pretending to shill bloomburrow
You two sound like the same person, or at least the same kind of mentally ill people lmao
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this literally doesnt look anything like stranger things stop looking for things to cry about chudy
no, i'm still declaring kinoburrow waiting room
cringemourn will fail to sell and never be revisited
the frog druid was the best thing revealed all weekend
Looks like a halloween maze entrance from Knott's Berry Farm or Universal Studios.
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Explain what you mean that the set is like Stranger Things. I know that it is a show, but I have no idea what kind of show it is.
>Red wall: Furry paradise edition
Success without a single doubt lmao
It's about a government cover up of a secret shadow world with an eldritch god being in it. Often involves Russians and spy shit. It is set in the early 80's.
its an ok cool idea for a story that came out cringe because of corporate meddling
>some nerd kids accidentally jumanji their dnd setting into the real world
>gotta fight mindflayers and shit
>something something gay demon and coming of age puberty trash
tldr cashgrab after IT made 'dude 80s lmao' horror the genre of the month
None of that is what that show is about and Season 1 predates IT Chapter One.
i dont care
also aesthetically it just looks like this
Outlaws of Thunder Junction was not a cowboy set.
it was a gay sex set
with hats on
No, it was based on the Hearthstone expansion about a wildwest train robbery, just like Duskmourn is based on a Hearthstone expansion about a haunted house

New Capenna is based on:

Thunderjunction was based on:

Innistrad 3.0 was based on:

Murders at Markov Manor and duskmourn (partly) was based on:

Duskmourn is mostly based on:

Stop pretending mtg is original (specially after the last 15 years)(not even before it was near close to it)
Just realized that Gisa's Favorite Shovel is the remake of this. I wondered why that card name was trying so hard

I will not defend Magic even if my life depends of it but... Hearthstone? Seriously? That dying card game with devs of incompetence at WotC levels?
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Foundations block constructed when. I can't wait for Sorin and Ripper to be in the same core set so it isn't as hard to get the best cards in the format (Nykthos, Fable, Temporal Tranny and so many other staple cards) and maybe some new cool & totally organic vampires, hoser sideboard cards like Veil of Summer (still banned but reprinted anyway) & so much more. This is honestly the most excited I've been since the format's inception. This superb level of monitoring & curation should stimulate everyone invested in the format.
>hating time warps
you are schizophrenic
Yeah, this is like all the responses to criticism on duskmourn right now.
They don't need to pay people to shill mtg, there will be some who do it for free.
>I will not defend Magic
>But Hearthstone?
yes, but you can dismiss all the similarities because it is Hearthstone, lets not pretend the 1 to 1 similarities on most trailers.
I really hate this new Foundations slop, it looks exactly like an undercover Horizons to make a format rotate (specially Standard) and squeeze even more monet from all formats, specially Pioneer that 100% will be affected by some of the "new designed" core set cards. JotC should fucking burn
>Stop pretending mtg is original
Don't do that because then they'll pivot to BUT THESE OTHER PLANES WERE TAKEN FROM THINGS TOO! and disingenuously say that Capenna is exactly like Theros.
genuinely think half of you in here would be better designers than wotc at this point
Desu I probably would print some of the most pushed rares ever seen trying to force life into decks I like inadvertently creating 4-5c goodstuff of all the cards I made
But I would at least take world building and art direction seriously
>Wait were fetchlands supposed to be rare and not uncommon? Oops my bad :)
the people creating magic: the gathering literally can't read, there is no way nadu was intended to function like this
I would print both the Nadu solition (after obviously enough sales :) ) and the new Nadu without a doubt, but this time not Simic
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This is better than banning cards because you can print specific hate cards like this and put them in special $250 boosters.
It's easy to talk shit about a bad story and setting but it's hard to actually walk the talk. I lift the shit out of everything for my DND games but twist a few things around.
>"We should reprint Cyclonic Rift at rare so..."
>found dead in an alley
I avoided this fate.
>weatherlight saga
>sets after mirrodin

The only sets with acceptable flavor/settings were alpha, beta, the dark, ice age and fallen empires. Basing present garbage on past garbage doesn't make it good. That being said, most of the sets printed before rtr were still fun to look at.
How is Capenna different from Theros?
Too evident you need more subtlety, like the horror set and the creature that literally shits on all life gain strategies like Amalia, is a clear way to not ban the card and justify keep making profits, no, but it's clear now they just dont need to ban the card lol
Carefully curated & thoroughly monitored.
If Foundations is Explorer Horizons, then I'll be sure to buy double that, because right now I feel left out of Explorer due to not running Amalia or Vein Ripper.
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Theros doesn't have fake tommy guns.
Hearthstone was great until old gods, way better and skillful than MTG
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capenna is just fantasy gangsters and magic is a fantasy game
Aleays was a fucking casino with 0 interaction anon don't lie, and now? Now is a fucking clown fiesta without a literal ounce of strategic thought.
CoD can be a fantasy setting, and a Magic; The Gathering related product. Both IPs practically walk hand in hand already.
You still can win with several decks anon: Ensoul, Nivtolight, Azorius Control, Green Devotion, Gruul hiperaggro, hell even Waste Not has succesful results, i agree Amalia, Phoenix and Ripper are strong but not even close to unbeteable.
It still was above magic when it came to decision making, games took wayyyyyy longer so shit added up, decks were more complex due to rule of 2
Albert Einstein being in Ravnica is a fantasy, so we should put Einstein into the game.
Oh wow, Modern Horizons destroyed Modern. Again.
Sneed confirmed for fantasy?
>Destroy Modern
>Bans in Modern
>Save Modern
>Desttoy Modern again with MH4
>Rinse and repeat
It is in the Asscreed set
Yeah, it just had fake soifaces
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It's the exact same shit. Arguably the one that started the trend of them really leaning into it, alongside Innistrad.
See what I mean? These shills are insufferable.
>muh shillz
grow up
i come from the future where foundations I and II haven't fixed pioneer, please switch timelines before the karn ban happens or we will be screwed beyond repair
>please stop being mean to me I'm just trying to shit up your product
I wish zombies were viable, 3cmc, 5/5, indestructible creature isn't good enough for pioneer anymore. Games are too fucking fast.....
seethe more I guess
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i'd like to pump nerdy senpai's amalia
Based card
Me too anon, me too, i'm waiting for Zombies to become competitive since Wild Hunt, but no a fucking chance or cheater zombie to wrap the whole archetype.
You still don't get it. You only hate the recent things they've done. I hate both the old and the new. Capenna is a bunch of poorly stitched together tropes, and so is Theros. You're the shill here.
Ok shill kun.
stop copying my opinion, it wasn't what you were saying before
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It appears my superiority has caused some controversy
assassin's creed will save modern
Are those Roman gods? I'm pogging out rn, so glad we have high fantasy sets like AC to save Magic.
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I don't think a single card from ACR will see Modern play at all. I might've said Shay COULD but him being a 1/1 makes him kind of unplayable nowadays.
Tick tock, the bird clock is running out.
all I see is a 3/3 on turn 3
I'm gonna play this in Affinity if it's not like 20 tix on MTGO
All the streamers and proplayers will look up and shout "save us!"... and I'll whisper...
How a single card could do such amount of damage in a format. Like literally destroying it and the Tournament associated with it.
the one ring is a bigger problem than nadu, but nadu being the focus will save it from getting banned
sheer brilliance by wotc
Incompetence at best, malicious intention to sell packs at worst. It wasnt like Oko where people were clueless about it, everyone knew it was busted from modern players to EDH players. Eitherway, they have to do something about it, even acknowledge the issue this week. The champ even said good thing he won with it because the card was a mistake.
The newest strategy by WotC is to make every UB set a MH in itself so we can have constant rotation.
TOR isn't a problem because people now think Nadu is a problem.
Nadu won't be a problem when the next UB comes around.
If Nadu survives the next R&B announcement i really want to read which kind of massive ass pull they perform to justify it.
Remember when ragavan was busted?
wouldn't this make modern rotate at around the same pace or more frequently than standard
> It wasnt like Oko where people were clueless about it
In what reality?
the motherfucking money anon, show must go on, hasbro must get benefits, billions must pay, and formats must rotate
no, because modern is an eternal & stable format
Wish you fags would stop using 'rotate' improperly. Nothing rotates in Modern. Power creep is not rotation.
I remember when W&6 was considered the biggest design mistake to be allowed in modern
People dismissed Oko on spoiler season. It was pretty well known bad card evaluation since everyone was fixated on what food does rather than it starting with high loyalty and can answer virtually any nonland permanent.
i memeber that time some anons unironically thought daze was getting axed and other anons where laughing at them
then ravagan got banned
bant nadu won a 75K tournament at the same time as pt
imagine playing mtg with fat sweaty neckbeards instead of meeting cute disney loving women instead
You're 5+ years late to the joke
Headcanon. Everyone was high on its +1 for being so versatile. Although it's pretty telling that oko didn't immediately dominate standard since golos field was even more bullshit in a "low" power level format
Just got off the fax machine with mark, bird will be banned as soon as MH3 reaches $1B in gross profit
You mean children, pedo anon? Because that game is literally for underaged kids.
How do I get started?
The only group of nerds more depraved and gross than MTGfags are disneyfags.
>disney loving women
The geniuses at r/spikes thought it was worse than Nissa
kids don't play card games
To add, they dont know if a recurring beast within is bad or worse. A recurring Beast Within, anything but good.
Lorcana unironically have better looking people playing tournaments. When I go to a mtg tournament it is mostly obese people and some "woman" (don't want to missgender people, maybe some are real woman). This is true both for the few modern tournament and for the limited tournaments that I went in the last 2 years (pre releases, draft, etc).
For Lorcana the players are not fat (most of them) and there are genuinely good looking woman playing it (6-7 out of 10 range).
The same trend is true for pokemon (for non kids/teen tournaments).

MTG nowadays have the ugliest players (at least in the 2 lgs that I play)
You can go trawl through the archives and find people skeptical about it. Obviously they were wrong, but spoiler season tends to make fools out of many.
My point being is that Nadu was unanimously deemed broken even on spoiler season while people were on the fence about Oko. When even your most casual of players see Nadu and think "Isnt this a bit too good?" that should reaise red flags.
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Hey bro you posted the wrong image and wrote "disney" instead of "pokemon". Let me help you out.
lol dumb retard. even mtg has cute influencers.
Prove that's not a dude
You just can't take spoiler season commentary seriously whether it's right or wrong. People thought Mission Briefing would be awesome. People thought Fury would be garbage. Oko and Hogaak went relatively under the radar.
The true constant is that /tg/ is bad at Magic.
Doesn't matter. The guys working in MH3 knew exactly what they are doing, you really think the landfall nantulo was in the same set by mistake. It is like the Saheli + cat combo all over again. Someone inside knew the shit it would create and did anyway.

never trust wotc
Even if thats a dude, he clears most western troons,and these people still consider themselves male.
But woman do play pokemon. (some are married tho)
Unironically visit a big store during a pokemon pre-release to see for yourself.
i believe you anon. the lgs i used to go to was a fairly casual board game place that had a lot of women.
MTG has a lot of women too if you play EDH.
I get that the entire aesthetic of asscreed is "guy in a hood with a knife" but maybe they should have done something about how pretty much every single character in this set's art looks the same
>didn't even pretend to try
Damn, you guys are beyond hope
He's not the one that posted the image.
Judge for yourself.
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>MTG has a lot of """women""" too if you play EDH.
Fixed that for you.
of course
The funny faerie guns or whatever were the best part of the set because they were the only unique thing that wasn't just cowboy costume. They could have done the a new plane the omenpaths led to that was being settled with some western hat tips if they did more unique spins on the idea like them.

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