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Foundations Edition


▶Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
▶Build and share casual decks

▶Build and share Cubes

▶Search engines
▶Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
▶Play online for free

▶What is E D H?


What cards would you like to see in Foundations?
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>ruins your non-euclidean horror kino
We have the 2 walkers from kamigawa, the black girl from harry poter set, the brawler elf from kaldheim...
Who is the brown chick to the left?
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>brown chick
Oh anon...
>the set is designed to represent "what Magic: The Gathering is" fundamentally
It should aim to emulate ABUR as closely as possible. The problem is doing that is always going to fall short of introducing new players to the game because when you start adding in expansions, especially FIRE design ones, you throw out the fundamentals of gameplay and the bulk of the set is rendered invalid with only a small handful of cards being played to support whatever MH slop garbage is currently in rotation.
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Niko the tranny introduced in Kaldheim
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>the fanny pack
>quick how do I make this easy to identify as art for a green card?
>I know, put a green tint over the whole thing, that should do!
Wew lad
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they do that with a shit ton of cards.
Yeah and it always sucks.
Not even a tranny, just a theyfab who doesn't shave.
Why aren’t you splashing black for Negrodominance?
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It looks like it has a little face. I bet it's secretly a monster.
This card reminds me of stranger things.
Soul Spike can’t keep getting away with it bros
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>this is the first pioneer league dump ever
man I kinda wish we could fast foward to 2029 so we can start playing pioneer 2 already
the start of a format really is the best time to be playing it, after a year or two people settle on boring meta decks
It’s not that card advantage is through the roof to the point that you can Soul Spike people. Soul Spike is to blame.
Warden of the first tree is supremely based but can only exist in a pre-fatal push world.
Will this be the best mana dork ever?
>2 mana
>everyone already forgot about bowmasters
We didn't forget it's just that when a deck dominates a PT that hard, you can't hit the bowmasters first.
Clearly not since it's going for the same price it was a year ago
We dunno yet. Meta-wise, she's the smart person in the 'horror gang', just like Tyvar's the jock. Either she got abducted and joins up with them, or is there to study the place or some such.
Because wizards wants you to look at recognizable characters.
But spiders
If you could sac at instant speed it would be good to put under Agathas in Hardened Scales decks but it got cucked. Still might be good since it doubles your power on board.
Goes great in my Shelob commander deck!!
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I do not hate racists, I hate lol ironic racists. I can tolerate magical negroes and giga lipped shebons as lon as you give me chad 80's white hunks and hot asians. You either go full stereotypes or don't, Wizards.
What about it makes you think it'll be the best ever?
>mfw nadu took all 4 of the top 4 places

Whens the emergency ban for nadu summer
Can we please get a meatcannyon collab for Duskmourn?


I want those ghost hunters in the set
$13 for a custom deckbox? That's a sweet deal, anon.
2 mana dorks are very occasionally good in standard but now it has to compete with evergreen elvish mystic. Being 3 mana T2 is very strong. 4 mana on T3 is also strong but your opponent has more of a shot to kill the dork with a removal spell.
Pioneer and above zero shot.

What about EDH?

In EDH tap for any mana then sac for creatures late game.
Fun fact, gaak had a 56% win rate preban. Nadu has a 59% wr
They are going to squeeze some really gay shit like this into BLB yet, I'm sure of it
>Look everybody Kaya is here too but her special powers let her still be human!
I don't play it but same idea in a Bristly Bill deck; put that card under Agatha's Soul Cauldron with cards like Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider and Ozolith, the Shattered Spire.
Those deck boxes are sourced from Taobao for $2-3 USD each.
There, anon, lets make the endless spoiler season fun.
It’s the best card to counter opposing Necros
You're an idiot, wizards would never go full stereotype no matter what.
Have you not seen Kaya?
You people complain about eternal formats rotating and rhen complain about eternal fornats getting stale
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Does this list really not want profane tutors?
The fuck are you tutoring for you have 4x Necrodominance your going to draw your entire deck 80% of the time
Shelly is better than Belcher so I’m cutting the Belchers except for one.
This is the superior Necro list as every single card except for Belcher can be pitched.
i didn't. the whole point of nonrotating formats is that they are stable.
If premodern is going to be renamed vintage then what are they going to call vintage?
That’s a good card but plays poorly with Necro same as Belcher. Shelly is good with Necro. The deck is Necro now. You play it then draw 14 cards and cast 2 Soul Spikes, and for the handsize you hold onto the March and Sorin and Bowmasters and the Grief scam
People really thought drawing 15 cards a turn was going to be too weak for modern
Niggas we're like "b-but you have to discard two extra cards!!!!!" shut the fuck up
link pls
NTA but one thing that prevents a meta from getting stale without rotation is actual deck diversity. Right now the top pioneer decks are legit oppressive.
If you need me to find them for you, you won't be able to wrap your head around ordering from there.
This one nukes fr
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>Token put into your graveyard

If something never hits the graveyard death triggers dont happen fun fact
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Does this make necrodominance tier 1?
pioneer isn't an eternal format
nonrotating and eternal are 2 distinct things
being an eternal format means every card is legal + some form of restriction (legacy has a banlist, vintage has a restricted list, pauper only allows commons)
pioneer and modern pick a point in time to say
>all cards from this point forward are legal
they are not eternal
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So you're telling me that my friends were wrong when they said this card's ability can't work on tokens
3 mana for a 3/3 do nothing will not ever be good even if you can cast it from exile.
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>1st place challenge
no bans needed btw
Tokens will hit the graveyard, but then immediately disappear. Your friends were correct, the way it works is just a quirk of how death is defined in the game.
No theyre right still. When a token hits the graveyard the token ceases to exist. But for game purposes its still seen 'hitting' the graveyard
Tokens hit the yard and cease to exist. So the delay trigger fizzles before it does anything.
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scaminator is literally a vintage powerlevel deck allowed to exist in legacy
a content creator ported it to vintage and he also took 1st place in a challenge
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Does this break vebulid?
Current Bant Nadu lists are a little like early builds of Yawg
Nadu can be built to be a lot more midrangey or controlley without sacrificing combo consistency
The deck is far from refined right now
I don't care it's gay and needs to be banned NOW
Yeah, better pick up as many copies as you can
Already confirmed she is a chimp.
Bigot the accurate terminology is funk.
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Because she's brave, smart, and stunning
>Zimone Wola is a female mage-student of Quandrix College, she is a brilliant and bright prodigy who entered Strixhaven at a younger age than most. Due to her high level of intellect, she flew through her studies in school, passing endless tests of magical study that were way beyond her years. She has recently chosen her college, now becoming a second year Quandrix mage-student much to the delight of her professors, who are keen for the talented whizz to attend their classes. While part of Quandrix, she remains friends with two girls she met in first year; one who has chosen Prismari and the other who will be attending Silverquill.
>Zimone wears patterned uniforms like the rest of Quandrix; it is layered and complex, reflecting what she loves. Her goal is to crack the Vorzani Conjecture; a famous and unsolved magical theorem that students and professors at Quandrix have been trying to figure out for decades. Zimone can often be found inside the great Biblioplex – finding books to help solve the theorem.
>Her mind is her most powerful weapon which enables her intellectual expansion. Her physical magic is shown as fractals and mathematical interpretations of natures. Intellect runs in her family – her grandmother was once a Quandrix professor but due to unclear circumstances, she has not been seen at Strixhaven University for many years. Even though Zimone is smart, sometimes she can feel uncertain. She struggles to deal with unknown mysteries, particularly ones relating to her own family. Her time at Strixhaven will help her figure out who she is, but it will be the challenges she faces that will allow her to decide who she wants to be.
You can't ask that Korisu!
Dear anon, L3 judge here. If you came with any of these boxes to a FNM I'd ban you on sight.
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If I use this on a token, does it still come back, or does it cease to exist once it "dies"?
The judge at my LGS asked why the anime girl on my playmat had a bulge and we had a good laugh about it
The latter
Based futagod
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>checks judge's name on the national sex offender database
Holly molly!
Because NotC is so creatively bankrupt it rips off Marvel at every opportunity (behold, the smartest person on Marvel's Earth.)
Tokens can only exist on the battlefield but are allowed to move to another zone before disappearing. For that card, the token will die as expected, but then it can't return because it's immediately gone. Basically, tokens can leave the battlefield and trigger stuff that cares about that, but they can never go from a different place back to the battlefield (like returning from the graveyard).
Alright, I'll bite. Please do explain to me what about those deck boxes is ban worthy.
Valerie was off-world at the time.
i would rather every single mtg character be black than have far-right white supremacists playing my game.
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I'll never understand why they try to force the intellectual negro trope so hard bros. It just breaks my inmersion.
I remember vividly a commander player dropping a hard r during their casual games off to the side of FNM loud enough that the owner could hear it from the other room. He caught a life ban for it.
Somebody with a hidden piss fetish proposed this nickname for wizard didn't they
NTA but in my country exposing minors to wa pornographic content is a felony.
What part of those is porn
Ask me how do I know you are american (and a democrat too).
Your country must have a sadly low bar for "pornographic content"
soul spike jumping to over $100 on goldfish shows that modern is more popular than ever
Anon, that was a term back when Michael Jackson was black.
How do you imagine the strength of creatures differs between each number?

For me:

1/1 would be like a human/small animals
2/2 would be like bears and lions, clearly a massive jump over a human
3/3 would be like elephants, clear jump over lions and tigers
a 4/4 would be to elephants what lions are to humans

and so on.
It's all arbitrary
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It's whatever it needs to be.
It's basically nonsense and trying to map it to reality is a wasted effort, since it just leads to silly shit like a five story tall behemoth getting stopped dead in its tracks by a handful of squirrels.
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Who would win in a fight: a titanic wurm that dwarfs an entire town or a team of 3 janitors? The answer may surprise you.
Anything bigger than a 3/3 really should be reserved for the realm of mythical monsters, and the scant truly legendary hero.
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Sorry, best I can do is literally just an elk.
Any kind of counter will become a spider token, not just nest counters, but I'm not sure there's a way to make an effective combo out of that
There was an lgs in my area that had an invoke prejudice (prior to the fiasco) in the display case listed for less than half the price, but if you tried to buy it, they'd just ban you from the store.
fucking kek
Extremely based
>another lgs near me closed
Someone stop this anon getting near lgs
this is your fault
It’s worse than Fanatic of Rhonas just among the 2 mana dorks.
1) tokens can’t leave the graveyard
2) the token will disappear before that trigger even gets put on the stack.
All you had to do was buy more product, bro...
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>He didn't CONSOOM
You could have prevented this.
>anon goes to LGS
>sits down on a table and plays all night
>doesnt buy anything, brings his own food
>doesnt buy boosters, only gets singles online
>doesnt play in events, only plays casual commander

>wow why did that lgs just close!
According to Wotc creatures with power and toughness 4 or less is small and creatures with power and toughness of 8 or higher are giant.
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Has there ever been less hype for a release than this asscreed set? It seems like WoTC and Ubisoft don't give a fuck, assassin creed fans don't care, mtg fans don't care. 3 other sets have been anounced and spoiled since, the cards are expensive as fuck, they will have 0 impact on any format. Do any assasin creed superfans even exist? Does anyone really care about the lore?
based anon, he did nothing wrong
i order singles through my lgs. they don't even do a markup or charge for shipping, just 'tcg mid'. he also undercuts tcg mid on high-dollar cards by 5% for in-stock items. the reasoning behind this being that 'people having cards puts butts in seats and noses in the display case'.
guy had three shops pre-covid and still has 3 shops today.
What's the size limit of giant or not giant?
>It seems like WoTC and Ubisoft don't give a fuck,
why they should? this shit is modern legal and paypigs will buy
I can see the BA midget one maybe being considered "pornographic(still fucking ridiculous but whatever, you're ridiculous)" everything else is just anime chicks in clothes that show nothing. I'd respect you more if you just said you hated weebshit instead of this nonsense.
Guess I how know you're on the sex offender registry.
One near me closed and I felt a little bad because I showed up like twice and couldn't be bothered to regularly attend but I'm also not a big spender so I don't think my 5 dollar buy-ins every week would have made much of a difference. It sucks because it was the closer store with better parking.
That sounds really nice, it's also not on you to have to trawl through tcgplayer for like an hour trying to maximize your shipping since the LGS is doing that for you.
But there aren't any new modern playable cards. You can just get Fatal Push with new artwork and new full art lands which come in every set so who cares about those now.
How many children have you had
It's a 4/4 for 4 mana, how is this good?
>doesnt buy anything, brings his own food
Pre packaged chips, cookies and chocolates aren't proper food
>doesnt buy boosters, only gets singles online
Stores barely make money on sealed Magic products and my LGS has horrid single availability. They also have massively inflated prices on KMC sleeves, three times what it costs to buy them from Hareruya.
>Pre packaged chips, cookies and chocolates aren't proper food
i bring my own waffle iron. no one has ever challenged me on it because i always make enough for everyone.
What a memories... I want Pioneer 2.0 as fast as possible.
Depends, I could see one or two being played once the nadu ban happens.
Sooooo i can stay guys?
saying retard is enough to get a lifetime ban?
I don't get it. Where is there a single source of mana to reanimate? Or is there some 2 sided card I just don't know?
what happened with yawg lists? completely usseles after mh3 rotation? or is just a bird effect?
so the mystery was her dad leaving, wasn't it?
How much stronger is Cephalid Breakfast with Nadu anyway?
Nadu's not getting banned from modern until the main print run of mh3 ends
Snd that's a misrake because is insufferable for everyone at this point: Casuals, Sweaty Tryhards, the Pro scene, even EDH crew that swallow every turd and redditors are complaining
What's worse? Bigotry or faggotry?
faggotry, hands down, just look at that
Threadly reminder that since a few years ago judges have to PAY to be on the list
He doesn't do it for free, he PAYS to do work for no compensation!
adult killer whale could be a 4/4 plausibly
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Does she work out or is she "juiced"?
WOTC allowing a card like this in 2024? Insane...
>Print quintessential White card (cooperation, working as a team)
>Print it in Green
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I mean look at it...
What's the problem? Why shouldn't it be allowed?
Remember when people said Phyrexian tower was craaaazy good? 2 mana from a single land????

It's okay in historic
>I would ban you because i feel like it and i don't like your japanese cartoon display
Do Magic Judges really?
Phyrexian tower has been bad in eternal formats since it got released lmao.
Same with nic fit, tortex, jund aka not like the other wallet piles, MUD, dredge, high tide, etc... they are memedecks shitters get irrationally attached to.
Just don't walk around with hags???
Get some good taste.
>slay together
A game shop or event is no place for you to show off your soft core porn collection lmao, holy fuck it's so easy to forget how many magic players have legit autism
>Soft core porn collection
>An anime girl drawing
I guess the thing about sex offenders is real.
You are transphobic :)
Yeah let's pretend that box doesn't have a legit loli in a bathing suit. You know, for artistic reasons. And no other reason.
This thing is supposed to be bigger than 95% of creatures on Ikoria
You are transphobic :)
Trans rights are humans rights.
Tranime is trans culture.
Three 2/2 humans make up one 6/6 card
How is that worse than real card >>93216707? Is anime girl in bathsuit you really feel funny about that?
i want mono green to be great again in standard will rotation allow that?
no but foundation might since we're getting good mana dorks again
>how is it worse
A shirtless man isn't as inherently sexual as little girls doing pinup poses. That being said, the real reason is that in the west you simply aren't allowed to ask homosexuals to stop being degenerate freaks in public. Degenerate freaks like the overindulgant vampires of the current pioneer staple deck, Rakdos Vampires. Sorin and his goons sure know how to bring the house down!
Best I can offer is reprints in Foundations.
Based Magic enjoyer. But the vampire menace can be stop with enough hate.
Green alone was never great, if you want to play green go to Pioneer where Nykthos exist and be a degenerate cheater that vomits half his deck in turn 4, in Standard you play Golgari or Analyst Temur, plenty of green.
Green will never be great again because Eldrazi took a fat shit on greens identity. There's no reason to ever ramp into big green idiots when big colorless idiots are infinitely better. And if you're just playing stompy on curve then your deck is probably too fair and loses to combo/control 70%+ of the time.
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This is what I think of having no guns in Magic.
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I love it when ranks reset in Arena and my jank can beat up shitters again. I hate losing to meta shit because it's just one turn slower and less consistent.
Humiliation ritual.
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They don't like to reprint color pie breaks into standard.
Kinda retarded because the alternative now has been printing a bunch of big green dudes who can't be countered.
I don't think I'd be going out on a limb if I said this card will see zero competitive play in modern.
Surprised too, but the original art looks way better
Remind me, why is Faithless Looting banned in Modern again?
Because of Hogaak.
Because it costs 1 mana for double the value and has flashback?
Real answer: Because this faggots don't care about Modern anymore. They could unban at least 5 actual banned cards from the list and the meta will remain the same with few moves.
>A shirtless man isn't as inherently sexual as little girls doing pinup poses.
...not to my bi ass...
I agree with you, but I actually think Faithless Looting is one of the cards that could cause problems if it was unbanned.
It was banned for very specific reasons at the time and sadly killed a lot of decks that weren't using it to break the game (mardu pyromancer among them... fuck I loved that deck)
Faithless Looting isn't too powerful in a vacuum, but it has the potential to enable some fucked up shit.
I'd be very happy to see it unbanned though
Unban Yoribro
Unban Dark Depths
Unban Twin
Unban Jitte
Unban Mycosynth Lattice so I can dominate more with Karn
Why unban cards when they can just print a new better version you're forced to open new product for?
>"Do you guys have this 10 cent card?"
>"I'll get one"
>"1 Dollar please"
i would go with bridge from below, a ridiculous ban, birthing pod and blazing shoal i think none of this card would cause anything to actual Bullshit Modern
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Favorite card art from the past 4 years (2020-2024)?
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My wife
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The photo that broke /mtg/.
Post the card anons...
Why are vampires so cute and wholesome in this game....
premodern is an amazing format with lots of innovation and a changing metagame
is that a trans flag vest?
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Just knowing that Nielsen is a piece of shit WAAC faggot is enough.
it gets a grindy plan to compliment the goldfish
the deck is better, but it's not like it's unbeatable since force of will exists
the mana is also horrid so you have to play noble hierarch instead of delighted halfling
Nielsen is a bro but winning playing Nadu... Even several showers will not take that filth and shame away from him
Just like in Thunder Junction
MTG:O lists aren't good if you're on Arena, the metas are fundamentally different due to Arena being a phone game
bo1 is a different format
Arena is not real magic
Arena is real magic and cards are designed around it, paper is fake magic. Last PT is proof, just look at how they kept track of the board state.
The ridiculous board states and number of things to keep track of has turned paper into a cheater's paradise.
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Chat how do we feel about it?
I feel like everything MaRo says is a filthy fucking lie.
This. If this was online Javier would be thr rightful champion as he deserved
This is a "technically correct" response as it will have Jumpstart packs, but yeah...
Allowing people to be technically correct in bad faith is what's brought the west to its knees.
It has Play boosters too, it's obviously meant to be draftable
That was so sad to watch
It's just a full set, anon. It'll be draftable the same way a core set was.
"Technically correct" is the closest a jew will ever be to telling the truth
This will be 100% a Pioneer Horizons lite
Every new thing i heard about Foundations makes me feel more angry about this faggots
It's also Standard legal set. Legal until 2029.They won't push it that far.
Arenafag here, how strong is pic rel?
>It is meant to be drafted
Translation: It'll be full of chaff with only a few really strong cards locked behind mythics to not hinder the "draft environment"
Arena has a dedicated thread on /vg/ for alchemy and other arena related questions
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>A shirtless man isn't as inherently sexual as little girls doing pinup poses.
I think you might be a pedo, like most judges as was already proven.
They will scam people again right?
>Hey guys, I think this loli in a bathing suit posing like a model on a poster in a mechanics garage might be inappropriately sexual
I bet you defended Cuties online for hours, too.
Where is this mechanic garage right now, is it with you?
Reminds me of Oogie Boogie when he unravels.
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>accidentally create a decently likeable nu-walker
>give him a fucking fanny pack
I dread to think of what they have in store for Draviel.
People complained about it being stale when there was only one card per set going into modern. Going in the exact opposite direction isnt good either
Davriel will be in the Duskmourn Alchemy.
retard tier take, people wanted the 30 viable decks modern to stay while slowly introducing cards for each archetype, not powercrept cards but cards that could function as viable main deck options instead of being straight upgrades, now we are in an era where there are 3 viable decks all compromised of the same 20 cards.
>Animate Dead
Absolutely kino
>>Hey guys, I think this loli in a bathing suit posing like a model
She certainly is sitting there
So how many minors do you talk to on discord?
You really think Tyvar wouldn't be stoked to have some place to keep things that doesn't cover up his torso?
>the absolute state of this thread
Why do you all feel the need to jump to the defence of legitimate creeps who want deck boxes and card sleeves with sexualized little girls on them?
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guys i think this card should be banned because it is sexual (she kissed him (that's bad)) also it has blood which is BAD and evil and i don't wnat my kid seeing it
Because the only reason you would find that sexy is that you are in fact a pedo.
>buy limited edition sleeves years ago
>buy a lot of them so you always have extras laying around
>they get reprinted
What the fuck Dragon Shield?
Why did they make her hand so fat?
on top of being a married woman
it's a crime
>What cards would you like to see in Foundations?
Amalia. Also some new pump effects so we can effectively react to it.
Daily reminder mmg play Necro
>windmillslamming turn 4 Belcher
Tyvar absolutely seems like the kind of dude who would have no issue wearing a fanny pack.
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1.judge program is well known to be crawling with pedos
2. Every outspoken antipedo eventually gets outed for grooming kids or having 3 terrabytes of actual cp
I'd expect you to keep that energy if someone shows up with the card full of naked dudes in a hotspring
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shut the fuck up
>Beleren is alive, and I'm going to kill him.
>"I'm going to kill him!" Ral shouted, his eyes filling with lightning as he shook his paw at the sky.
Helga a cute
Thats not even the jugular, thats the tendon.
If people want to jerk off to lolis in the privacy of their own home or among other adults idgaf but if you feel the need to plaster all of your gaming products with soft core loli porn you are a fucking degenerate and should not be welcome in public spaces. Public spaces much like the various courtyards we see present in the lands of human tribal decks in pioneer. Secluded courtyard is one of my favorite cards!
You've never owned a built car, let alone held a mechanic magazine.
But you"ll let the fag card slide? You're aware that fags make up the majority of pedophiles right? If you were serious about protecting people from degeneracy you keep the people out that openly talk about actively trying to groom children
>naked chest is less sexual than clothed chest
brb ordering deckboxes with topless girls on them
I hate faggots and trannys as much as anybody else here does bro. You'll get no arguments from me on that front.
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Glad to see Ral's back to his old ways of wanting to violently murder Jace for daring to be smarter than him.
All I'm saying is keep that energy when the fag parade rolls though hanging their dicks out in front of children
Just story. I think there'll be some card previews with the story on Wednesday, but that's it until the full previews kick off.
I'm gonna buy a shitty golgari deck as soon as I'm out of credit card debt in a few weeks!
What the fuck is a WAAC?
not Magic the Gathering
Win At All Costs. Idk why anybody would use it in the context of competitive tournament play tho
Aw fuck the mice are Irish.
I mean isn't that the point of competitive play? I get sportsmanship and having fun and all that, but when it comes down to it, competitive play is about winning, so I can't fault somebody with that mindset. Unless he's straight up cheating or some other shit outside the game.
Yeah he just thinks 9 year olds in bikinis are cute, that's why they're covering every item he owns. They're cute and funny. No other reason to put a 9 year old in a bikini on a deck box.
That's because elves are ghey
Little Girl from one of the first two unsets. She costs half of a white mana for a 0.5/0.5
>belcher after MDFCs
soulless. I miss 7 Forest belcher so much
There's this and blood bairn
>The sky had succumbed to total darkness, moonless and awash with unfamiliar stars.
Kino story. Bloomburrow will save us all.
"Aren't animals cute?" followed by more focus on Ral's sexuality rather than his plot actions.

I sleep.
>farm kid who feels they don't belong loses their village to disaster
>gets saved by reluctant mentor who has some special power
It's pretty typical fantasy stuff so far, the animal aspect has little to do with anything. Ral is clearly the comedic B plot that'll set up the sequel (or in this case, the overarching Dragonstorm arc).
It's very important for you to know he takes it in the ass
>Spark ignites because he walked in on his boyfriend cucking him
His entire character is about how gay he is
>intellectual negro trope
It's fantasy after all
This art would've been great if it the trail had just been sparkles implying stars, instead of the dumb moon and star shapes.
he has no shirt and skintight pants
where the fuck else is he going to put things, he has no pockets
idk use magic maybe?
He did, he summoned a magic pouch.
If they made it look too close to nyx creatures every retard for the next 5 years will ask "IS BLOOMBURROW APART OF THEROS?!?" like when this card dropped and everyone kept saying there's phyrexians on ixalan
This is unironically the reason they're releasing Duskmourn only a month after, with art like >>93213995 in full force.
Literally the shortest standard pack lifespan in the game's history. They're not even advertising it, they skipped straight to Duskmourn spoilers. We know more about each of the next two Standard sets than we do about Bloomburrow.
If anything, that's even more reason for them to do it. Drives engagement and gets people interested. We already have the hawk antagonist looking kinda like Kolaghan, why not throw in some red herrings to make things more interesting?
>wandering monk in a haunted house
So close yet so far..... I wish there was horrorkino about shaolin monk punching evil spirits in the face and flexing his muscles.
• A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013

• “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost

• A cycle of uncommon lands that each reference four creature types

• Counters in the set: +1/+1, blight, coin, finality, flood, flying, indestructible, loyalty, stash, stun, and supply

• A noncreature subtype makes its first return

• A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue

• Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype

• The word “Squirrels” shows up four times in rules text

• A mythic cycle with a new symbol

• One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made

Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards:

• “Create X tokens that are copies of target token you control.”

• “If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card.”

• “Creatures your opponents control have base toughness 1.”

• “Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,”

• “if it’s the first instant spell, the first sorcery spell, or the first Otter spell”

• “put a flood counter on target land.”

• “where X is the number of creatures you opponents controlled that were exiled this turn.”

• “for each other Squirrel and/or Food you control.”

• “As long as there are four or more card types among cards exiled with CARDNAME,”

• “up to one target artifact, creature, or planeswalker an opponent controls loses all abilities until your next turn.”
Might want to look at that set symbol again, retardkun
Finally, here are some names in the set:

• Crumb and Get It

• Festivals of Embers

• Hop to It

• Kitnap

• Playful Shove

• Polliwallop

• Rabid Gnaw

• Shrike Force

• War Squeak

• Wishing Well
This reads like some Q anon prediction lmao
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>A mythic cycle with a new symbol
>A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013
this is referencing tribute, right? the whole "gift your opponent a token" is basically the same thing
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>• A cycle of uncommon lands that each reference four creature types
We saw these already and they're actually pretty great as far as uncommon lands go. Don't come in tapped, half of them don't require a sacrifice.
>A noncreature subtype makes its first return
So what the fuck happened to battles
>• “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost
It's going to be a sorcery that costs 1B, isn't it? Lines up with dreadbore getting red to also hit planeswalkers.
>• “Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,”
Is one of the archetypes going to be about flickering?
Could also be runes
it was in fallout
>Is one of the archetypes going to be about flickering?
People may not have liked them in the end. For new players especially, deciding when to attack a battle and when to hit face was probably pretty confusing. At least when you attack a walker you are removing a threat.
No it doesn't
This lot sounds so shitty i cant believe someone can be hyped by this turd lmao.
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>flood counter
We're so back.
Sets are designed several years in advance. Combine with needing a few months/years for market research and even if battles were adored we wouldn't see a new one until the end of next year. My understanding is they were not adored.
They deliberately held off on adding any more to gauge player response to them, and Magic works a couple years ahead so the EARLIEST we could see them coming back would be Return to Tarkir.
Will return with Tarkir
all me
They WERE pretty well-received, I dunno what you're on about.
They won't ever come back as they do one of the big things they don't like doing for new players: over-complicating the combat step. They already struggle with showing new players when to attack.
Bloomburrow is the first standard set since Ixalan that actually seems like a standard set
And then we're back to slop the next set after
I hope there will be some good additions to my Boros energy deck.
>He liked Ixalan
>He likes Bloomburrow
Lmao even
more like a tranny flag
>For new players especially, deciding when to attack a battle and when to hit face was probably pretty confusing.
>They already struggle with showing new players when to attack.
I like how Wizards is the only company that's celebrated for calling its players literally retarded to their face.
I can't think of any other playerbase so vocally accepting of intentionally dumbed-down game design.
More than two sentences on a card? Meaningful choices during my turn? Arghh, my brain can't handle that, save me Mark!!
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how does this image make you feel
That's why i laughed.
You forgot this:

Here are some creature type lines from the set:

• Creature – Hamster Citizen

• Creature – Frog Advisor

• Creature – Skunk Assassin

• Creature – Raccoon Berserker

• Creature – Squirrel Warlock Bard

• Creature – Rabbit Mouse

• Legendary Creature – Badger Warrior

• Legendary Creature – Weasel Mercenary

• Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk

• Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon
Laugh it up, it bothers me none.
>• Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon
Oh yeah, this is meant to be the first part of the "Dragonstorm Arc", right?
So are we going to get a furry OC to join the main party in the next couple of sets?
Or do they revert back to shitty human form outside of Bloomburrow?
As long as you understand both are shit sets and i can laugh...
>• A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue
Based on the >>93219166 Rabbit Mouse tease, I'm guessin there's a 10 card cycle of creatures that are two animals working together.
Legendary creature-Badger Warrior
>Another srt full of shitty legendaries
>The only difference will be they will add a ton of usseless named animals
I'll take 100 made for edh slop rabbits over 1 meta jogger
Does this surprise you in the slightest? Or are you just new here.
I'm pretty sure all of those are just elseworld promos, not characters going there and being transformed.
Surprise? No
Anger, tiredness and sadness? Yeah, a lot
The Bird Dragon is probably the one on the booster box with 4 wings that look suspiciously like Kolaghan.
Can I play Phyrexian Dreadnought then crop rotate a land into Talon Gates of Madara and save my dreadnought that way?
Bloomburrow looks sweet so far. Like an actual magic set.
Sweet. Goes into my dreadnought mosswort bridge emrakul deck
Neva with fixed art is legit great
I've only really been waiting to see just how horrible and broken MH3 would be, and now that I've had my entertainment there's no reason for me to keep hanging around here. Bye.
it is extremely funny to me how they are so ready to immediately drop bloomburrow and go back to turboslop because duskmourn is the one their market research showed was the most promising profits
but it will sell like absolute shit and no one will like it, meanwhile people will talk about kinoburrow for years to come
>No over the top gore
>No sex
Not 80s horror
decklists still in limbo?
It's actually the exact opposite, the reason Duskmourn got a bunch of reveals and an early PW guide last week was because market research showed that while players all understood Bloomburrow well enough and were hype, most were confused by or didn't care about Duskmourn.
Now that we have a Legendary creature that's a 3/4 with flying for a duo color 3 CMC, what kind of stats with no downside will we see on future 3 duo color three drops
i wasnt confused by it i just knew exactly what it was going to be [total slop]
i was right to not care
5/5 with upside is not far off.
Which color combo is getting a terminate, orzhov?
Kinoburrow or Bloomkino?
waiting room
does 'if it would die exile it instead' get around indestructible?
i would think not because it only replaces going to the GY, and the indestructible creature wont die from damage regardless
It's even vaguely mentioned in the story by a prophet character who has no idea what it is. So the Dragonstorm arc is probably gonna be "oh fuck Tarkir dragons are showing up all over, why is this".
>why is this
because it is completely in flavor especially for kolaghan's brood
No, because indestructible means it's not sent to the graveyard from damage or destruction effects. "Dies" just means "is sent to the graveyard from the battlefield".
>"oh fuck Tarkir dragons are showing up all over, why is this".
because there's magical paths that let everybody travel between planes
Uh, didn't Kolaghan get completed in March of the machine? Was anything that happened in March of the machine cannon?
will the legendary creature bird dragon be big momma K herself or just we are going to get other legendary dragons from the broods as like second in command/favorite child types
No, that was never made clear. There was a compleated dragon in the Invasion of Tarkir art but that was likelier just one of her brood.
wasnt her, was just a random one of her babies. i imagine they would have told us if someone as important as her got it
>mtgo results show how unbalanced the format is
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>overpaid for a duskmoon special box
the promos better be constructed format staples
Nah, it is just going to be "Murder" costing 2B instead of 1BB.
The deck has 17 lands, it's just not in the image.
Well that was silly of you
>game is such a clusterfuck there's a misplay in the finals of your own tournament nobody caught that would have altered the outcome

Entire company deserves to be bankrupt
unironically why so high
First time seeing a Legacy decklist, anon?
did not watch nadu top 4, what happened?
i said high not low, retard
reanimator should be playing like 15 lands
This is more common than you might think at high REL, but this pro tour was really, really bad for it. You are told to keep your gameplay relatively snappy when you are the feature match but that doesn't excuse all of the missed effects, "misplays" and mistakes that were made over the weekend.
Was she just commanderbait? A lot of "hyped" cards were nothing burgers
>Is a 6 mana 3/3 that only gets good if you durdle around with 10/10s commanderbait????
The fact that your vote counts just as much as mine is pathetic
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yes, but you can find people posting their challenge winning lists on X
you used to be able to just sacrifice your reanimated griselbrands in standard desu
no reason you cant do it with your reanimated atraxas now
To be charitable to Monsieur Delay, a split card that's either a land or 3GGG to draw 3 gain 3 is correctly costed. It's just not something that people are interested in playing in constructed.
Being appropriately costed and being good are two very different things
>another creature
God damnit I thought it could hit itself God this sucks.
she's okay in amulet as a one-of but nobody is excited to play amulet when nadu is legal
Welcome to preview season.
Some fags said Necro was shit
Some fags said flares, all of them were op
Some fags said Eldrazi were unplayable outside of Devourer
Some fags said Tamiyo was utterly busted
Friendly reminder "Kinoburrow" as you call it will be as shit as Duskmourn, no matter how much you hype it.
not to me it wont be :)
Glad for you and the minority you belong to, the furry/red wall trash enjoyers :)
thanks anon
>Some fags said flares, all of them were op
someone said they were shite
Then I will stop playing the game. I said it before, Bloomburrow will be the sink or swim for this whole franchise, for me.
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b&r announcement?
mid~late august
last week, no changes
You should only play the color that aligns with your race irl. Anything else is cultural appropriation.
Spoiler of the next B&R just for you:
Nadu is strong but decks have tools to face it, we will monitor the situation but for now, according to our data, the other decks like Monoblack Necro are doing great, we will have an eye on Modern for future changes

The rest of the formats are healthy, monitoring will continue, stay stunned, keep buying packs and playing, see you all!
who'd be allowed to play blue then!??
>"oh fuck Tarkir dragons are showing up all over, why is this".
Probably Ugin's fault again, there were no dragons on Tarkir anymore in the timeline where he died, but there were tons of them in the one where he lived.
>cards feature swarthoids
Not buying
>cards feature animal people
I member the days when there would be a new card added to a banned list each week.

I guess they're pivoting and really don't want to ban things.
Blue Man Group
Paul Giatti
>get rare wildcards at 3x the rate of mythics
>except you use them at 10x the rate
yes anon we can all tell you started playing in 2016
before that it was basically unheard of, that wasnt the case for like 20 years
Start MMR maxxing immediately. Ranks inflation happens towards the end, do your drafts etc at last 10 days for best, easiest rewards
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>2016 was 8 years ago
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>MMR maxxing
Secret lair Pierre Robert when?
>Sets are designed several years in advance
This has been disproven as a blatant fucking lie when FIRE design was inherently and intentionally tilted to exclude White alongside the broken and later banned bullshit that has been coming out of JOTC’s asshole the past 8 years. Stop perpetuating this lie.
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