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Favorite uncommon land?
dryad arbor, of coures
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The medicine for almost all the bullshit lands.
Ban hopes in order
All free spells from MH
Every universe beyond card
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So, Magic Foundations. Core sets are back. Or, just this one core set, which I guess is standard legal forever* or something.

But why did they put a downward pointing arrow in the name?
Not like magic is going up from here
It's gonna be legal until 2029. So it's likely to be a one of.
>But why did they put a downward pointing arrow in the name?
it's the tap symbol
Free him.
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Post cards from 2020-2024 that have art you really like.
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Oh hey, it is the tap symbol. Just the top half of it. I guess I didn't recognize it outside of the little circle
So where are the blumburrow spoilers?

Pre release is in 3 weeks, isn't it?
Her arms are fucked
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i shitposted about this last thread but actually this card is one of my favourite card arts and i don't want it banned i actually wish it were me getting bitten or doing the biting actually i just think vampires are really cool
Depends how well-received it is. Hearthstone does something similar with its Core set which is decoupled from Standard rotation, though it does change yearly, and that's had some problems and good parts (too-good cards being too dominant in too many sets in a row, but good answer cards being omnipresent too, etc.)
wtf didn't mh3 just come out? and what happened to that assassins creed set anyway
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I never felt more alive boys
I wish honest tribal decks were a thing
been cancelled after a consultancy firm noticed there wasnt any blacks in it sorry lad
This will be Pioneer Horizons right?
4 sets in 5 months btw.
Bow down.
you were saying?
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So how do you guys feel about TVs and/or analog horror?
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maro says that in bloomburrow
>A noncreature subtype makes its first return

can't believe they turned vronos into a marketable bobblehead
i dont feel the need to uncessant crying i have seen in this place. same with faggot characters introduced thanks to omenpahts.
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Bloomkino incoming are you ready for cute awesome animals? Bats will be great
Why did you cross out fortification?
fortification was reused in the fallout set.
Giving each color four tribes to keep track of is going to be a nightmare, isn't it?
If they make foundations the powercreep set, it'll make all their other standard sets irrelevant for the next 5 years. It's more likely to be weaker than average like a core set.
big fan
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how is this a good card ever cause you hit end step, draw cards, then instantly discard if you choose more than five
>I equip Mister Fox with Chainsaw and Jason Vorhees's Mask, then I play High Noon and saddle up my cyberpunk robot.
magic is for everyone chud
But anon... He is here to stay...
Right, that slipped my mind. I don't pay much attention to the UB stuff.
Based, i want to cast as many robots, animals and horror references as possible.
My apologies I meant
>Jace the Foxsculptor
>Serial Killer Mask
The best five cards in your top 15 are usually enough to win you the game.
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I see nothing wrong.
play magic more than 2 years
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i'm only like 6 months in i'll keep going anon

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i do, they used some gay ass tranime style instead of actual fantasyish style
having cards is good
it doesnt really matter if youre discarding the 7 worst cards in your hand if you can select the best 5 and sculpt your hand to perfection
paying life doesnt matter either, beacuse your life doesnt matter unless its at 0 or in immediate danger of it
>your life doesnt matter unless its at 0 or in immediate danger of it
i know health is a resource
so do you just like
sack 20 life then discard to your best 5 so you can then play whatever wincon in your hand?
depending on format, yes generally
in legacy you can just pay 19 go to 1 and win on the spot
in modern youre more likely to draw 5-8 cards and discard down unless youre playing the soul spike/march deck then you can just draw like 13 and gain a lot of life back
i realise i am not in the edh thread
but that makes perfect sense and applies to every format now i think about it
thank you very much anon, I'll keep this kind of logic in mind for next time i play modern
in modern, just basically dont go below 4 vs red, maybe 7 vs burn
as long as you cant just die to bolt in response, youre fine
Yeah life payments are only a punishment if it bites you in the ass later in that same match. If you end games quick enough and win, then spending 19 life only has the same weight as a drawback as paying 0 life.
also yes the logic applies especially so in edh
Griselbrand is a card that has been banned since its printing in edh
because 7 life ro 7 cards is not at all a steep cost in edh, it is basically free value
imagine if you could do that with any number you wnted
drawing 30 cards is basically winning the game
If you need me to spoonfeed the explanation to you, you failed the IQ test
now now he said he hasnt been playing for even 6 months
in fact i suspect hes the resident ygofag who sometimes asks beginner questions
new players are just scared of going low, they think theres some invisible 5/5 just waiting to end their life
sometimes they really do have to just learn that, if you can get away with it, its like it didnt even happen
you went down to 2 and won anyway?
might as well have been at 20, whats the difference?
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I just like shitposting the same thing over and over, you know?
>jamming my favorite deck, G/W angels
>have 3 cocos in hand and a good curve before that with nykthos too
>facing amalia faggot
>he gets amalia out instantly like a retard and throws out half his deck
>coco into apparition to kill amalia
>he just does return to the ranks to get everything back + that draining dryad + discarded amalia and wins anyway
How is this fair? He played like a dumbass and still won and there was nothing I could do
you draw down to 1 and slam as many soul spikes as you can before cleanup, then you cast the sheoldred you definitely drew and the game pretty much plays itself from there
Maps were on a card in Big Score.
>Plays Angels one of the most retarded decks ever
>Oh no another retarded CoCo deck fucked me how is this fair? Nooooo Mark save!!!!
If I could ask something to wotc about magic it would be:
-Return those nifty 60-cards decks that were discontinued after Eventide
-Return to the three sets blocks formula
-Return to the same release rhythm of before
-No more Universes Beyond
-No more alternate arts
-Fire the design team that made black get enchantment removal in the recent sets
-No more mythics
-Return to traditional art, no more digitalslop or poorly concealed aislop
-Cease with the political correctness -Retcon everything that happened after Alara as an alternate timeline derived from the events in Planar Chaos
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Where the FUCK is the data, Daybreak?
Angels takes skill, it's straightforward and honest. It has flavor too. It's not a bullshit deck like Amalia that can just win anywhere in 10 different ways. That isn't fair because there's no way to cover all your bases. It's really a broken version of Angels that just plays random cards that don't even fit together thematically.
Bssed i would ask for a lot of those things myself
I would also ask for some bans/unbans and less cowardice when banning stuff: If you made a mistake deal with it fag is the right thing, Nadu should have been banned today for example, and we are even wondering if he will be banned in next annoucement
>Angels takes skill
i hate amalia as much as the next guy but you can't seriously believe this
angels is by far the most auto-pilot deck in existence, you literally just play your spells on curve and hope your opponent can't answer it
Whatever, Amalia is broken and I hope she eats the ban. A deck shouldn't be able to kill you on the board, and from the deck, and from the graveyard. Bullshit no skill deck that you can never have advantage over.
If you really think any fucking CoCo pile takes skill... Amalia and angels are just two similar shits just separated by the stinky efficiency of one over the other, but both share the same nature: A big idiotic excrement. The fact you are crying here is you just get some of your own medicine.
>angels is by far the most auto-pilot deck in existence, you literally just play your spells on curve and hope your opponent can't answer it
Not him but that's literally what magic is. Only brewing and the mulligan take skill
Ripper is closer to a ban than Amalia i think, but i can agree with this Ban Amalia, so less shit pollute the Pioneer environment
Not really, most of the color pairings make sense, and it will constantly be reinforced by all the creature cards of the draft archetypes we'll get.
There are decks that require more decisions tha just, one, two, three i win anon... You speaked like some aggro enjoyer
What's funny is that furry Jace is apparently canon. He went to Bloomburrow to set up a trap for people trying to track him down, as Ral Zarek discovered when he went looking for him only to end up turned into an otter.
>this kills all the lifegain tactics
are they drunk or something whike making new cards?
Jace will remain a furry forever? Oh no think about his snake wife and his (fake) child no one tolerates!!!
Stigma Lasher kills them too.
Now you're talking about the illusion of skill
everyone ignored him because he spoke the truth
>because he spoke the truth
you can hope for the end of world hunger
doesn't actually make a difference
I feel like Rune makes the most obvious sense for Bloomburrow's general feel. Backgrounds can't exist in a Standard set, Cartouches don't really fit the aesthetic, Cases are too recent and again don't fit, Roles... COULD but seem unlikely, and Shards are basically only for Niko. None of the artifact subtypes really seem like they'd fit except MAYBE Junk.
lol lmao
It's unclear if he actually went there for anything significant, or if he's simply managed to scatter his trail such that it misleads people to random places.
>It's more likely to be weaker than average like a core set.
Except they can print stupid ass sheets and call it a day.
How long do you stay open or hedging in draft? I suck at draft and think I need to try and be hedged still halfway into pack 2, and locked in too much midway through pack 1.
I just swipe as many rares and mythics I can and then I concede every game
Why this couldnt be reprints for Standard and that's it? Why this need to add new unnecessary shit after two real close sets? Ok make a core with old cards but the new ones are unneeded
when you find yourself asking these type of questions, you can assure yourself, the answer is always commander
they want to sell new cards to commander players
Not so fast
>flashes in Cloud Strife
>tap Stark Tower to have Doctor Strange enter and counter your High Noon
>my Imperfect Cell triggers due to legendary creatures entering
>tap Imperfect Cell to sacrifice my Doctor Strange to transform him into Perfect Cell
I'm going to pretend the entire bonus sheet is canon and the walkers have just never mentioned having visited Bloomburrow before.
How can newfags get their Sorins, Rippers, Chords and oh, is that a new format staple? how about that? we thought it was going to make waves only in standard! don't worry, it will be monitored & balanced accordingly in a year or two.
Junk is mentioned on one of the commander decks.
Nahiri may well have been there before at least. One of the precon commanders has a hedron in their staff.
Part of drafting skill is learning how to remain open to multiple lanes without having to hedge with picks that can't be put in the same deck. Taking a replacement level on-color common over a powerful but off-color uncommon, things like that. Some of it is also format dependent, there are definitely sets that reward committing hard to a lane and sticking to it (especially if you're in a pod with players who are either very good or very bad, because neither group will commit early and will often leave your lane alone).
Not even that farfetched at this point desu
Universes Beyond: Semen Extraction Ward when
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Fuck the card itself, but I really love the art. Conveys a sense of power and elegance.
Totally plausible except the DBZ
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Foundations will be a reprint only set, right?
50:50 split of reprints and new cards
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Lobotomy removal
Impressive art
What more could you ask for?
If only but they already teasing the bullshit that will become with things like pic related
GW is literally the "i can't stop you from doing anything so i'm just gonna put down a fat board" colors, it's gonna lose every time to combo. i'd wager your win rate against lotus swarm is also literally zero. splash for hate or just accept it. even amalia plays a third color.

of course, amalia is still bullshit.

this card is cute but i'm not actually certain it's good. it basically makes a 1/1 token every turn for the next eight turns.
What animals would each Planeswalker be?
>Sorin: Bat
>Arlinn: Wolf
>Oko: Elk
>Kaito: Raccoon
>Kiora: Fish
>Huatli: Lizard
>Ajani: Lynx
>playing historic
>did my first turn 3 infinite combo
I feel dirty as fuck, it even got disrupted by an counterspell
>deck that's basiclllu removal tribal couldn't stop a creature combo deck
put 1x aerial boost in your deck so that when amalia hits 19 you shit out the boost and draw the game on the spot
Nadu is just that great anon, show respect and embrace the PROGRESS of Magic.
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Once again ripping off Hearthstone
Can't wait until we get some version of that one shitstone deck where you summon the shield faggot that dies and becomes 3 shield faggots and then you rez the original shield faggot.
DBZ is the most likely of literally any anime.
Hearthstone was kino, way better than MTG during its peak. Games were never short turn 2/3 affairs, there were multiple decision points and your actions mattered

MTG is kiddieshit compared to HS
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dbz probably has a very high licensing cost and bandai probably has some kind of exclusivity deal for card game stuff.
ub watamote is more likely.
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So did Thalia get eaten after the Phyrexian invasion ended
she settled down with the gitrog monster and had frog babies
Let players put shit on the oppo deck fucking when? Would be hilarious hide something like a fucking alternate wincon in your opponent deck. Oops bro, guess your deck doenst love you!!!
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Relative new player here, how was the reception of Planeswalkers when they released?
Just like Gadget...
It will be revealed it was a Jace "copy" the whole time so they will have an excuse to keep both.
It will certanly be throughly monitored.
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should cost 2
This but unironically to almost all new set's themes.
>aerial boost
what a lame way to say pump Amalia
aerial boost is the only pump spell in pioneer that can be cast by a white deck when tapped out

if you have mana up there's a lot of better options
'what the fuck, this is dumb, i hope they dont break the game'
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There is already a modern legal card that does the same thing. The fact no one remembers it exists implies this effect is worthless unless you really want to say "fuck you" to that lifegain deck in your EDH pod.
I shit myself in anger if I see any tech newer than the neolithic era.
a creature that has to untap is about infinity times worse than a creature that doesn't have to untap

it also trades positively with every burn spell and every creature
Animal enjoyers what you expect from Bloomburrow? Can be mechanic wise, from Draft or from a specific card or archetype you want to see/support
is it smoking crack to play 1 blood crypt and board 2 rakdos charms for the nadu matchup in burn
like if they ever just make 30 1/1s you die when they untap anyway
When has lifegain ever been a valid strategy outside of abusing "your life is over 30" shit in EDH?
This could be a fun card and alternate wincon, if cheaper but i guess the era of fun and nothing else than cast/cheat creature and win is dead
for combo purposes, amalia and heliod
for unreasonable bullshit purposes, angels
theres a reason rampaging ferocidon is in every red deck's sideboard rn in pioneer
i just want to see good art and 0 (Zero, null, none, cero,) non animal cards.
I took 2011-2018 MTG for granted and now it's never coming back.
I don't think any set has been less interesting to me than bloomburrow.
as primary wincon, probably only soul sisters

incidentally, soul spike, wurmcoil, shadowspear, uro, helix, batterskull, scion of draco, creeping chill, probably some others i'm forgetting
A mechanic that will never return
Nothing but small mammal animals.
You won't. Everyone who is from the outside of the plane turns into an animal, but all the animal denizens stay this way if they leave.
I hope we get at least one Turtle, Hedgehog, and Beaver.
based retard
they have already shown several non mammals
Mice tribal being competitive is too much to ask? and i mean really competitive on par with Merfolks another aggro tribe for example.
This Bird, Frog and Lizard erasure will not stand.

It even affects non-humans, since it seems like a Tarkir dragon got turned into a bird.
Ain't gonna happen, there just aren't enough good existing Mice and they're not going to print enough good new Mice to make the deck that good.
Only types that already have a bunch of good cards like Birds, Rats or Squirrels have a chance of becoming competitive.
>good draft environment
>mechanically sound
>large pioneer impact
in no particular order, things i expect/want from BB
My minions!!!!
Bant birds better become a viable deck in the near future.
That thing looks stupid as fuck.
Western fantasy has never been lower than this.
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We have 6 days of previews spread across 2 weeks (all Wednesdays Thursday and Fridays for the next 2 weeks)

Wizards don't care about bloomburrow, the set might have sovl.
He is not wrong. The art is shit even if it has qualities.
I agree really want to see a big shake up in Pioneer and i hope this set can do it, maybe helping convoke, or the jewel rat dimir shell

I hate this fucking game. It's all boiled down to combos now, which makes net decks even worse than they were years ago. Now instead of decks having a holistic synergy, it's literally "oh you're playing black/white/red/etc? Okay put in this 4 card combo and whatever else you put in your deck doesn't matter" because the combo is so fucking powerful that nothing else makes a difference. Every black deck, sheoldred. Every red deck, tiny haste creatures and whatever that enchantment or spell is where whenever you cast something your creatures get +2/0, on and on. Jesus fucking christ, I just want to have fun like I used to. Utterly fuck magic, pissing me off so goddamn much
it's not too late to take the lorcanapill
sorry i have beef with disney
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>played magic briefly when covid shit was going on because nothing else to do
>decide to get back into it a bit and play MTG Arena while I wait on cards I ordered to come in
>cash in whatever wild cards I have to build the cheapest decent standard deck I can, a mono red
>every fucking person playing red black full removal
>swap to alchemy with the premade decks for new accounts
>depending on what deck I am playing notice I only see the same 1-2 decks on the other side
>when I switch decks the 1-2 I see changes
Does WoTC purposely put you against counter decks so you will spend money on this fucking game if you are playing for free? This isnt making me want to spend money, this is making me not even want to fucking play. I understand the default decks they give you are shit, but god damn this is awful if you are new.
You dont enjoy any deck anon?
Lmao even at least you could suggest to him a succesful tcg anon
wtf where are the swords and bows!?!? I can't stand anything more advanced than the bronze age
>Playing Arena
Not real Magic and the beginning of all your troubles.
>guns not allowed tho because scawy
Shard of Alara
>we can't have guns but we can have jackhammers and chainsaws, which are more advanced than guns
>Technology? In my card game that just recently had many sets, including a futuristic one that had even mechas, with modern things?
Least disingenuous shill post
they wont get as much blackrock money
guns are not kosher
If you could make an unban in your favourite format, right now, with the full ban list pool, which card would you unban?
Boomer post

I like the decks I play, which are just general decks built in the old school way, meaning cards that 1) I think are cool and 2) synergize well enough together. Every deck I play against is a slew of combos where every turn they do something that sets off a chain of like 5-10 abilities, it's so stupid and could only happen with Arena being a thing and affecting how WotC designs cards. I just have a general all white deck because I think angels are neato. When I do win it's so fucking satisfying do snub their frantic combo bullshit with just a few well placed creatures and turns, but ultimately I'm left mad because it's the same frantic combo shit every time. I just played 3 games, and in a row I got all red combo spaz decks. It's so boring and frustrating.
Even though mechas in MTG is an affront to the entirety of creativity and worldbuilding as a whole, somehow just boring ass mundane regular power tools from the regular ass modern era is somehow even more awful,
Just make a goblin version of those and everyone can be happy.
>mechas bad
Nine titans say what
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>Teeth on the chainsaw facing the wrong fucking way
im gonna fucking say it
urza era magic sucked ass flavor wise
BattleTech = MTG approved
Gundam = Disgusting abomination
Get it right.
If there is a Marten card I will whale the fuck out
I will never forgive Commandiggers for driving up the price of Mox Opals and Chrome Moxes to $100+
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Esper Griefblade
>UB Mill 2-0. Grief scamming is strong
>Esper Goryo 2-1. Surgical Extraction is a helluva drug.
>Necro 0-2 mulligans looking for hand disruption and finding fatal pushes and lands feels really bad.
conclusion: this isn't the right shell for Stoneforge Mystic and having t1 hand interaction is crucial
The weatherlight saga was jew hack writing too
>People now hating on Urza, the mechanised stuff and the artifact sub theme
Seriously? Will you just hate anything at this point?
Nimble Mongoose reprint.
I've always hated that stuff though?
desu magic always had shit writing it's just that back then they ripped off better works like x files instead of marvelslop
ripping off lotr is boring
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Stop pretending it is not you.

Shill now is pretending to be a doomposter to discredit the opinion that the game and the lore
is utterly shit now.
I’m looking forward to zero shitskin blacks and browns contaminating the color pie with forced diversity. I can finally open a pack and see white cards with absolutely no niggers at all. It’s a dream come true.
crazy how every expensive piece of legacy dnt got reprinted in the last year or so
they reprint stuff nobody wants, its not that crazy
Everyone hated it but no one could articulate why other than "new bad".
Magic writing was basically pulp YA tier stuff, it's just that that stuff was better back then. It was willing to go farther and do some visionary and daring and fucked up shit. Everything now is literally just the MCU with magic instead of superpowers, everything is safe, everything is a joke. Western fantasy has been warped in the image of Joss Whedon, James Gunn and Taika Waishitti.
Nothing in the last 10 years of Magic lore has come close to when Urza killed Tevesh Szat because he needed to power a nuke with a spark, and he invited the most obviously evil fucker knowing he would betray them so he coud blow him up and be morally justified. And he actually believed this was justified. And he just told everyone like they'd all accept this. Then killed anyone who disagreed and walked away irritated they fucked up his plan.
Nothing in Magic lore will ever be that autistic ever again.
Because DNT is a nondeck in any format now. Not that it ever was, but Grief and Nadu didn’t help the situation.
He's right.
Take your meds anon, im just baffled by the amount of faggots lime you that will shit on anything magic related yet come here to post and cry about something they clearly hate. Nothing to do with your schizo conspiracies.

I love Urza by the way, artifacts are and always will be one of the most fun parts of magic in any regard, robots included
If you like the game that much then post your cards, anything that makes we believe you are not just a troll trying to incite people by making retarded statements about wotc (nobody would ever seriously say that they are in a good spot, yet here you are)
birthing pod, yes, now will be fair.
>Inb4 justify yourself towards me
Even if i was at home right now with my Modern Mill deck i will not post a single thing to a faggot like you who is a retard who comes daily to shit these threads, my advice is you can suck a cock id you despise the game that much.
To then turn on his own plan because he realised Yawgmoth and him where bros all along. I'm sure you know, but it's one bit I really like.
>bloomburrow june 27
>duskmourn september 27
>then foundations
>death race after
what to do with so many product in such few months?
>Will you just hate anything at this point?
Stop asking questions.
Consume product then get excited for next product.
Is her the cutest?
you buy packs and more packs anon, what's wrong with you?
I haven't paid wotc money in years, I only play on Arena and stomp newbies in draft.
giraffe neck
crazy throat
As someone who has been out of the loop for a long time, other than Ward, why would this card be considered good? What would enable it to be so?
it go infinite til it hits 20/20 and wraths the board
remove it or die next turn a la marit lage
also it has to SPECIFICALLY hit 20 so if you use a pump spell to put her over 20 power it will infinitely loop and cause a draw
They printed a two-card infinite combo in the same set?!
it goes infinite anyway, hitting exactly 20 doesn't stop it from exploring again
no those sets are like 6 years apart
yes but she then presumably kills the walker and stops the loop, anon
Ah, I see my mistake. Thanks for the clarification.
I thought accidentally causing an infinite loop caused you to forfeit the match?
take me back to 2013/2014 so i can play dnt into delver for the rest of my life
nope, it causes a draw
this one specifically, the amalia player IS forced to mill their entire deck out so you can see it all
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>the amalia player IS forced to mill their entire deck out
pretty sure explore gives choice between milling the card or keeping it on top of the deck
you are not allowed to just keep the same thing on top forever, or it makes you lose
look, comp rel is fucking autistic, i dont make the rules
Can't they just concede before that happens?
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>or another bird
This is resto angel on crack
>un-endable infinite loop that does not change the game state started
game draw
>actively choosing to keep the game state the same during a loop where you have active choices to make
you lose [ie, "no i dont wanna mill my deck i wanna keep the same thing on top forever"]
you are forced to make the 'choice' of milling the card over on explore and showing your whole deck
afaik this only applies in the situation of amalia being over 20 power and genuinely going infinite, you can see say an aetherflux resesrvoir in their first 18 explores and decide to keep itt here to kill you after, but if you pump amalia over 20 they gotta mill the whole thing
probably? i dont see why not but maybe theres a weird judge thing about 'no you got into this mess do it right and show them the deck'
i kinda doubt that though
Resto angel isn't very good anyway
Is having multiple pairs of wings a regular thing on bloomburrow? This guy is just a bird cleric, not a bird angel or anything like that. The monster hawk thing might not be Kolaghan related at all.
anon i think those are supposed to be ethereal, not physical
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Lmao we all know you are a lier faggot seeking atention.
There is no shame about having platonic passions but stop trying to antagonizing /mmg/.
or it's just flapping so fast you're seeing afterimage of moving wings
I thought that was dripping cum for a second
why are you like this?
Sure I guess, but those could also apply to the bad guy.
not really desu
these explicitly look nonphysical, the ones on the box look very physical
plus, we already confirmed a legendary bird dragon in the set, what else would it be?
>Does WoTC purposely put you against counter decks so you will spend money on this fucking game if you are playing for free?
no, it does that to everybody regardless of investment. the platform operates on the same psychological conditioning principles as an online casino. it captivates your attention with bings, wahoos, and flashy graphics and encourages long sessions with in-house prize currency grinding. the game also manipulates your available pool of match-ups using a 'weight' system wherein the cards in your deck are assigned an individual 'weight' and the aggregate number is used to put your deck into a specific pool with other decks in a pool with similar weight within your MMR range (which is a hidden value). we also know there is a hand-smoothing algorithm for best-of-1 that draws 2 hands and shows you the 'better' one. it is further speculated but not proven that the game uses similar systems to manipulate your matchups and card draws in a manner that further encourages addiction and impulsive spending (if i just had three more rare wildcards... etc).
there's also a fuck-ton of FOMO cash shop garbage.
that game is so toxic i got fucking leukemia the first time i played it.
i always find it weird when people complain about consumerism in threads dedicated to consuming a particular product
magic could literally be blank black and white cards with text only, free to play and distribute print your own, and i would play it
im here for the game, not the company
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golgari grave-troll
this thread is less about consuming mtg and more about bitching about anything wotc does
For me nothing about Urza will ever top him shapeshifting to be facing another direction instead of turning around.
He did that? wtf?
its kinda funny
what about that time he turned saheeli into a bird that says the gamer word
she's pakistani, she'd already say the gamer word
so is pakistan, and yet here we are
It's not quite shapeshifting, it's just oldwalkers didn't really have physical bodies as such. They were more just souls projecting a physical form via ambient aether. So Urza, instead of turning around, would often just deform and reform to be facing the other way.
yeah we're not getting mtgo decklists back this week, the vibes feel off
at least mtgtop8 still has paper results
i ahte storm decks that have the led echo package
oh dang we didnt get it well lets wheel and see if we fizzle
Hermit Druid or WPA in legacy
unban emrakul in edh
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I regret building dredge
why are they like this
Thats fucking retarded, I just wanted to fuck around while I waited for cards, and I refuse to spend money on digital versions. If they just didn't do the manipulation bullshit I would probably find it at least tolerable.
Their only understanding of women is valleygirl bimbos
Based except for the being a tranny part
That sounds like a reasonable and justifiable plan from Urza to me, maybe I'm just too autistic
It's justifiable apart from the part where he just let Tevesh betray them and kill two members of the Nine Titans before stopping him. And then immediately DIDN'T detonate the bombs inside Phyrexia that had Tevesh powering them because he was like "actually this place is kinda rad".
Trannies are fascinating in that they act like caricatures of women, but do nothing to mask their distinctly autistic and male interests.
>I'm Alicia Starsparkle, my interests include modding for Doom, playing combo decks in MTG, installing rare linux distros on old hardware, playing competitive fighting games and speedrunning Super Mario 64.
The Tevesh shit and shapeshifting because he's too lazy to turn around are what made Urza fascinating and a billion times the characters that modern Magic shits out. When you're a kid into fantasy you don't want to read about fucking retarded femboy twinks with daddy issues going to Arizona and shit. You want to read about autistic gods battling it out over scales so epic they're beyond human comprehension having adventures across whole worlds completely unlike what you know.
Urza is what happens when an insufferable giga genius with the faintest tilt towards justice becomes a largely unwilling heroic god, and it's great. Urxa is truly a tragic, flawed, complex, epic character. Meanwhile just from the Lorwyn 5 you had
>Chandra who is literally Naruto
>Ajani who is basically a shaman that looks like a swole cat
>Garruk, actual retard
>Liliana, a bitch
>Jace, who can only say things that would appear on Counterspell flavor texts
And it just got worse from there. They took a game about immortal interdimensional wizards waging war on each other across time and space and made it so small.
anon i know you don't want to hear this but (genetic) women have varied interests just like men do.
girl do like games
girl do like computers
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nadu stronk
stormsisters... what happened?
>>Chandra who is literally Naruto
could you elaborate
They do, but every interest you add exponentially decreases the likelihood of it being a biological woman.
can nadu break legacy too? after they ban grief, of course
why would you play nadu when you can play cephalid breakfast?
There is a huge correlation between autism and trooning out.
final fantasy and marvel will fix this
but then what will fix final fantasy and marvel
>these were like $20 at one point
fuck i should've sold mine
Why. are. you. obsessed.
events over 1k players should cut to top 16 desu
i don't want to buy the one ring...
It's octopus breakfast now
>the scalding tarn i ordered 4 months ago that i already got a refund on arrived
wtf i wonder where it got lost
Starting to think this game will never get better..
all cards that are both blue and green should simply be banned
Krenko Brawl is so satisfying to play, turn sideways, make goblin, turn those goblins sideways
You guyas aren't thinking about the big picture
You play Nadu IN Cephalid breakfast
He is literally the most efficient flying beater ever printed, he can only make the deck better
It almost feels like it's a reaction to the extreme dearth of women in those spaces. It's an interesting question: what happened to them? Why are they so male dominated?
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>play the dazzler
>play two spells every turn
>ignore opponent
>win on turn 7 every time
A person in our pod ordered some shit from card kingdom and it took 3 months to get to them. Never ordered from card kingdom and never will now.
Wotc has completely given up on making an actual game in favor of 'flavorful' designs.
There isn't a single 'better than mediocre' gamedesigner left consulting/working at wotc and fucking kickstarter indie tcgs see more playtesting.
Of course the game isn't getting better.
final fantasy set gonna have something like
Chocobo beastmaster
When ~ ETB and whenever an opponent activates a 0 cost ability, ~ deals 1 damage to all enemies. Then amass Chocobo 1.
MAGIC Knight Rayeart remake


Imagine if we had UB mini set from this anime, would you buy it, tg?
they're remaking everything these days so it's hard to get excited about this stuff. they'll probably do yyh and cowboy bebop remakes eventually.
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Is yawg unplayable after the rotation?
>cowboy bebop remakes
They kinda did with that live action one
They are also doing Ramma 1/2 I think

(Yeah, we are gonna see lots of they them liking the show)

But I don't think wizards would do colabs, maybe they pay artists to do art in the style of the anime/manga
Because you can play Nadu in Cephalid Breakfast. Which is what's happening.
I sure hope so, I want cauldron to drop so I can build standard cookies.
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>8 dollars per pack
why is this a premium set?
Women just generally aren't interested in these sort of nerd hobbies. Whether you want to blame nature or society or entrenched autists for that, that's just how it pans out. As for the trannies, it's just a particular social infection that spreads like wildfire in sufficiently concentrated populations of autistic men.
nadu's week will be over soon, trust the monitoring
Literally one bot posting these retard takes for data farming.
Because anything jotc does is gay and fake and anti consumer you stupid whigger

are nutella biscuits really that good
Oh wait, you were serious
>The monkey's/Micheal Obama's paw curls
I like the art too, but only now noticing, in the full version, she's standing on the sand ruining the shapes so the gardener has to fix it again.
What a dildo
Honestly this is a shit set with a few bait cards. If it was pioneer legal maybe I could care more but for modern about 99% of the cards are unplayable
and for less cards.
You aren’t allowed to keep making the same choice/action if you aren’t advancing the game state. You can’t just waste time by keeping the card on top for the same reason you can’t just waste time by repeatedly equipping a shuko to a single creature to force a draw.
Melira + phyrexian unlife was printed in the same set.
What the hell...
Aftermarket. The less packs you sell the more valuable the cards will be, prudent investors are gonna splurge here
wish I had bought into delver instead of storm, winning or losing on turn 1 gets boring after a while
Saheli, and in the next set: felidar
This set will sell like garbage. AC isn't very popular, and none of the cards are actually worth a shit in modern. It's not even a good commander set, either.
That's because it's a magical chainsaw, duh
Not a single AssCreed card will see play in Modern? Damn what a waste of resources
>buying sets on release and giving a green signal for stores to order more
>Thrive in scarcity
choose one.

Also the set fucking sucks. If no card sees seriously play then there will be no demand.
Lol, look at Innistrad double feature. Looks like dogshit, sold like dogshit, expensive now
UB was a mistake confirmation
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I wish ninjas were playable in modern and pioneer...
Ninjas are sick in commander
uggh, horrible, utterly horrible
I know, but you can really enjoy ninjitsu'ing stuff there if you're desperate for it
Fuck that, if you really want to jam some ninja's play mono-U Faeries in Pauper. You get to run a full 8 ninja's and ninja-synergy cards like Smoke Shroud.
Oh right, I forgot about that. I had 4 ninjas in my pauper affinity deck
I would rather buy those Nutella biscuits and the water than amy of those exposed products lmao
we have known UB was a mistake since it was first shown to us, though.
I, god forbid me, enjoyed LOTR, besides melanin enriched Aragorn and the blatant powercreep i mean.
I have a line, the line is no UB.
I can at least understand people liking the idea of the lotr set, but I would still set fire to it, watch it burn, and force maro to hand-deliver the ashes to the tolkein estate, box by box, until it was all done.
Hating popular things doesn't make you cool
in my book it does, specially if the popular thing is shit
>high fantasy that takes itself seriously instead of theme park marvel quips set
Understandable but all UB is still extremely cancerous.
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What deck would he run?
How many people have you done this with then
Pioneer bros... It's impossible to have fun in the format right noe?
Liking shitty things doesn't make you enlightened
It is, but on Arena, where meta, especially in bo1 (fake magic), is different.
Arena explorer meta is ass, it's just Amalia and mono green. You'll have far better luck on historic where power level is lower due to more people playing
Nigga I'm playing mono B stronghold with solemn simulacrum, torment of hailfire and cruel reality. And big zombie liliana.
Shit is fun. Bo1 is a joke but you can make different decks if you tune them for the lack of the sideboard.
Not real Magic frendos
Why are you talking Historic? I've not played Historic since Explorer was released.
Is kitchen table not real Magic? Because we all played it bo1, back in the day.
>no fun
why? i feel in both standard and pioneer the meta is varied and you can play (and win) with a lot of decks, i, for example as a sac enthusiast keep playing my deck, i must admit i had to answer the three most relevant questions of the format: amalia, vampires and phoenix, but i can still play, win and have fun
If you hate Amalia and Devotion, Historic is the last format you want to play. If you don't run into 80% meta share RWx MH3 tribal every game, you get to face an even better version of Devotion, Belcher with broken Alchemy tutors, or any of the retards still forcing UR Alchemy Wizards, despite MH3 powercreeping them from the format. Historic is completely degenerate, and not a single person at WotC even pretends to pay attention to it.
idk buy it seems that nadu is vintage playable
Amalia is not Nadu fags, build some hate or interaction and stop crying, the deck needs 3 pieces to even start and then you can cut the shit or even force a draw
Lol, the level of play in historic is way way wider. You're right, it's more degenerate but most people don't play that way so your deck actually faces opponents at that powerlevel. Explorer on other hand only has tryhards, there's nothing else.

Arena is the only real magic, did you not watch the PT and their pathetic attempts at managing the board state?
The only real way to play Magic is at a kitchen table with close friends.
This. Cheats, blatant miss plays, stupid Judges, no good checks of triggers

If the PT was on MTGO or Arena, Javier would have won.
When will we get our first Pioneer Horizons to ruin that format?
Wizards does a good enough job as is
gotta make sure to cook them some food and give complementary blowjobs after
2029 when pioneer 2 comes out
Mmm, I'd suck some of my friends, they have nice physique.
How would you make Yag viable again?
I not gonna lie anons, i'm worried about this fundation stuff
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There was a new build of Yawg that won a 2nd chance PTQ
Might be decent when Nadu eats a ban
Based homo
yawg is already viable, it just isn't in the top2 best decks in the format anymore
That's not soon at all.
5 years isn't very soon anon
You mean tier 2
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Umm, Dusk Rose?
Roses are common symbols, anon. Bloomburrow's aesthetic for clothing and accessories seems to largely be based on plantlife.
what will be the adventage of this over pioneer and modern? i see a lot of decks with bullshit there, and there are plenty to come that could lead to even more and a smaller card pool means less answers to that shit
Newfag here, why don't these lists ever run 4 legendary lands? Phyrexian tower is extremely powerful so you'd think you want it in your opening hand. Even if you have two you can just ramp for 2 twice with legend rule
Ok, but consider the following.
Bloomburrow plane is the afterlife where some go to reincarnate. Helga is Elenda. All the Calamity Beasts are the Elder Dragons. And the Owl Maha is Memnarch.
>what will be the adventage of this over pioneer and modern?
no companions
that alone is worth it for me, fuck companions
>Meanwhile 2028
>Adventure set Indiana Jones style taking place between Ikoria, Ixalan and Amonketh
>We introduce back a beloved mechanic:COMPANIONS!!
Anon, I...
I do not care for you fanfic, I just hate companions
>Prints op cards to sell packs
>Bans old non problem cards
>Only fixes after the set stops selling
Nothing personal kid
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>don't block
not my problem, should have reprinted pic related
>is white
Sorin is fully turned on

¿Por qué no estás jugando Negrodominato, /mmg/?
>ever run 4 legendary lands?
You draw multiples and you have dead lands
Legendary rule applies to lands as well
The only reason fo ever run 4 legendary lands is if you NEED to draw it
so was this card just a noob trap? Legacy gets to play with City of Traitors and Ancient tomb so this is really just a memedern only card
picked 4 copies of this just because of this edit
it's a land you only play in affinity/eldrazi. city of traitors and ancient tomb are better because they can be added to most decks
Do you think the people complaining about 1980s: the set or wacky racers weren't also complaining about Kamigawa turning into Cyberpunk?
Is there an easy way to deal 20 to this creature so you can redirect it at the opponent?
We've done these things before.
Fuck the estate. They are all money grubbing sell outs. The last one who cared dies (they started actually making the tv show right after because he had last say on everything)
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>pew pew
> “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost
New 1 cost removal confirmed?
Elenda is still alive.
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start with 2
More likely to be a white/black card I figure.
>black Obliterator was once competitively viable
>the white version is absolute shit in any format
Many such noses
I play him in Pioneer.
Here's an early draft of a shukoless Nadu deck
You use stormcaller and neoform to tutor for Nadu and Outrider and then you go off
Still running the bad thoracle wincon but you can't play endurance loops oln MTGO
It seems clear that banning shuko won't do too much
Next Bloomburrow story dropped.
Because I feel like it I'll summarise this one after not summarising the first one:
Helga, the frog-seer-in-training, wakes up in Mabel's home after collapsing while running from the Night Owl Calamity Beast. After some introductions, she explains what happened to Mabel. We also get some exposition about Bloomburrow as a whole, the Calamity Beasts are regular things that cause problems for everybody, but Valley, the nation we're focusing on, managed to drive off some of them long ago and establish a safer area. And yet, a Beast still attacked, so that's not lasting. Helga mentions her visions of the weird hawk thing that doesn't resemble any of the Beasts too, but nobody seems to QUITE believe her except Mabel.
Mabel goes back out to enjoy her birthday party and mentions that somebody should go to Helga's home to check on it, and tries to convince her husband to not have it be her, but obviously ends up deciding to go. She heads up to the attic to fetch the relic, Cragflame, and we get some exposition in a brief flashback to Mabel's own mother talking about it, and casting some doubt on the origins of it, whether it belonged to the person who drove off the Calamity Beasts, whether that person even is Mabel's ancestor, but it IS still clearly a powerful weapon regardless of the legends. Cragflame's enchanted and seems to become empowered in times of need, and when Mabel picks it up it comes to life and she goes "oh no".
Back to the party, and we see a few new faces: Gev, a lizard that's some sort of fire-dancer, Finneas, a rabbit archer, Hugs the badger, Zoraline the bat cleric (who seems notably distracted by some portentous stuff) and probably others. Helga shows back up and joins the party, though she seems to barely even be part of things until Mabel's birthday speech celebrates her courage in coming here...
Mabel's speech transitions into a "I'm going to Pondside, who's with me?" thing. Finneas joins right away, Hugs joins without a word, and Gev joins to keep Hugs out of trouble. Zoraline joins, saying the stars seem a bit weird and troubling to her, and Helga naturally joins too.
Some hours later, we have Mabel saying a goodbye to her family, and the chapter ends there. No Ral stuff this time, seems.
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That fucking rabbit doesn't know what's happening.
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There's a lot of great background character faces this set
This creature would have been an insta include in any competitive deck some years ago, today is powercrept out of existance in any format, think about it lads
banning nadu won't fix modern...
The cycle of mythics will be the calamity beasts right?

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