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Pearl of Wisdom Edition


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Favorite card that draws one or more cards?
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>MFW 1 month of bloomburrow before next set releases
Here's an early draft of a shukoless Nadu deck
You use stormcaller and neoform to tutor for Nadu and Outrider and then you go off
Still running the bad thoracle wincon but you can't play endurance loops on MTGO
Shuko ban probably won't hit Nadu too hard at all
The true face of despair
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I am ready to see it go in pioneer, I can always play with it in vintage and cube

made for coomander card becomes broken with beseech, you love to see it
My razzler deck only got 2 wins and now I only have 1250 gems and 5000 gold...
Unban Ballista
Unban Kethis
Unban Inverter
Unfun card
>A valid standard for Ban/Unban
Half Modern and a quarter from Pioneer could go away if that was something that matters anon.
Bless be Mr. Rosewater, and bless the monitors. Amen.
bloomburrow waiting room
when do reveals and stuff start?
Next week we are getting the cool animal stuff anon, Be ready for 9 july
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DRAW 12.
frog druid? aka total kino
>Need 50 rare WCs to get something resembling playable
>Event casual matches are monoR prowess or Raffine control every match
On second though, maybe I don't need to play MTGA
I simply don't like it so im happy when its not in a format.
maybe the frogs kino trumps the japanese kino, it has strong meme energy potential
>massive pioneer/standard shakeup
>good limited
in no particular order, what i want from bloomburrow
i expect to get most of it
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I think we will see a lot of go-wide in this set but i wonder which kind of other mechanics they will introduce
free my rowdy niggas
it wouldn't be bad to get some if not all of those
it doesn't deserve unban, it deserves reprint at instant speed called Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests
Rabbits will probably be the go wide one, they're in the right colors and we already have regal bunnicorn and pollen shield hare in standard which both support that.
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Not banned?
I've been casually playing for a few weeks just doing drafts every few days and I have 32 uncommon, 16 rare and 5 mythic wcs. I've been randomly opening packs but I read you're supposed to save the packs until the draft rotates so you can open rares you didn't draft and have 13 otj packs. Resource/card collection isn't as blazing fast as hearthstones but desu I almost like not always having the resources to draft, it's easy to get burnt out (not really though). Having to wait for each standard set to get a draft so you have some cards built up to make a standard deck is also a bit awkward but hopefully the wait will be worth it. I wonder what my first standard deck is going to be...
That would be what WOTC would do but for real Dark Dephts, Faithless, Bridge and Twin are ridiculous bans and don't deserve to stay in the list
See the problem is I hate draft
supreme verdict should be banned in all formats
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This fcking garbage don't stop going up in price...
When are they fixing mtgo decklist?
next month
source: my uncle works at daybreak
I want him in Pioneer.
We got MaRo's teaser and the first chapter of the story yesterday, so next week.
Speaking of, I'm enjoying the story so far.
kino has arrived
Never. Death to mtggoldfish and netdeckers.
The walker has to go first, drawing games on demand is not a sign of careful monitoring.
Foundations reprint, get em now before it moons
if it get a reprint why would it moon?
Lol they are not putting this shit in standard
>hates draft


Just rare draft then only pick creatures in two colors and curve out every time you'll average 3 wins and quickly get all the rares.
>Another year of nonwhite bans
I wish I had a collage of every year of bans since Throne of Eldraine just to put it into visual perspective of how biased FIRE design continues to be.
higher demand
it's gonna be on the pioneer sheet
dumb white schizo
What's the best sultai standard deck right now? Anyone got a link? The mtg websites don't seem to play nice with mobile. I think I like the idea of sultai, they seem like a special breed of assholes.
White schizo is here again! RUN!
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>Favorite card that draws one or more cards?
Not exactly my all time favorite, but a needed one at this juncture.
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Brainstorming into Thought Scour milling over two Deep Anal's is pure bliss.
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>that's right, goy... the real problem is nadu
Because busted white cards are super obvious. Rule setting is easier to grade than combo
Everyone focusing on nadu but the energy aggro-midrange package is the most unfair shit every to play with a fair deck, it's literally unbeatable.
Your post would be a lot more convincing without the antisemitism.
not really
>Ban everything from mh3
>Ban everything from mh2
>Ban everything from mh1
>Ban everything from universe beyond
Tell me this wouldnt make modern the best format hands down
how much would nadu cost if he was mythic?
2 drop
110 dollars
probably not much more expensive than it is now. people can tell when a card is going to get banned. just look at how hogaak's price never really mooned
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Yeah! Look at The One Ring!! Ban that shit and leave me alone!!!
hogaak was a rare
Yea really. There was a year or two where you fags showed up all at once and outnumbered native posters, and at that time the antisemitism might not have made your post less convincing, but outside of that window you're just embarrassing yourself to comfort yourself.
man i hate that this fucking thing grants each creature an ability like how tabernacle is written
>Pointing out the blatant biased JOTC design? Must be schizo!
Reminder that you have no right to complain about banning Grief,Nadu, Bowmasters, etc while refusing to acknowledge that equally powered white rares and mythics would keep these problems in check. But that discussion is above smooth brains.
Yeah, you're not going to make it. To enjoy Arena you either have to draft or pay up money. I guess it's also doable to grind out constructed events, but that requires an initial investment and takes up more of your time to just keep up.
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>hello yes i would like to sell my modern humans deck to buy 2 volcanic islands, please
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Meds. Now.
>Because busted white cards are super obvious
How would anyone even know when not even JOTC have tried? All the broken and later banned cards were designed right alongside the white cards in those same sets. It’s more than coincidence that all those years of the same design teams just happened to keep white weak every set while needing to ban so many cards in Standard alone.
>Modern in Shambles
>As usual after Horizons
Why WOTC always makes this?
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Only five chapters of the story in total apparently, with no side-stories, which is a bit of a downer. Magic story never feels good when it's rushed.
People are just trying out the new cards. Old horizons are still just as good
>Modern humans deck being the equivalent of 2 volc islands
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So we are getting 5 calamity beast one for each colour probably?
the implcation you're making here, that the format wasn't in shambles before MH3, is incorrect
modern has been shit since 2019 and nothing has managed to change that
>Raise the power ceiling drastically each set
No, just ban problem cards
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>mysteriously stops becoming a problem right after mh2 comes out
I think after bans my humans deck will do well, but its also not 5 color. Its really sweet and ive never seen anyone else play it so i may be able to catch people off guard again.
I'm glad someone else realized this, the amount of hate W&6 was getting back in the day was insane, I've never seen such an unanimously hated card before
>modern in shambles
>people still play modern anyway
>make banks from horizons again
Gee I wonder why. Even /mtg/ still play modern.
turns out it would genuinely just be the norm
now evry year or 2 theres another certified hated card
I dont play until my deck is in a good spot. Wizards gets none of my money
Is not even the most popular constructed format anymore anon, only boomers and whale investors keep playing that format.
>The calamity beast came
>It destroyed the village
>Ate Jack, the frog
>Shredded the wings of Elaine the bat archer
>Stomped the Louise the badger
>The only defender left was John the Squirrel
>John jumped high with his rapier the beast eyes was his target
>With a single motion the beast open its beak and bite down the hero
>It would be enough to kill its hunger
>The village of fagtry was no more
I think there's already been more than five mentioned in the story.
It is the most popular paper format after commander.
>native posters
Just because you are here since the election, it doesn't make you a native, goy.
So foreigners coming in and out populating natives and changing the culture is a bad thing?
maybe like in 2018
these days it's probably less popular than pioneer or pauper
This is absolutely delusional and absolutely hilarious someone can believe this lmao
i would bet actual cash money that i have been on this website longer than you
A reminder to all about Wotc biased design.
2017 last time a white card was banned in Standard, and only because of Saheeli.

* Standard: Attune with Aether, Rogue Refiner, Ramunap Ruins, and Rampaging Ferocidon are banned.
* Standard: Field of the Dead is banned.
* Standard: Oko, Thief of Crowns, Once Upon a Time and Veil of Summer are banned.
* Standard: Agent of Treachery and Fires of Invention are banned.
* August
* Standard: Cauldron Familiar, Growth Spiral, Teferi, Time Raveler and Wilderness Reclamation are banned.
* Standard: Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath is banned.
* Standard: Omnath, Locus of Creation, Lucky Clover, and Escape to the Wilds are banned.
* Standard: Alrund's Epiphany, Divide by Zero, and Faceless Haven are banned.
* Standard: The Meathook Massacre is banned.
* Standard: Fable of the Mirror-Breaker, Invoke Despair and Reckoner Bankbuster are banned.

is whiteschizo the same as netdeckschizo?
Didn't read
I did read, but forgot what I read already.
Teferi is half white
like obamna
why does /mtg/ have more schizos relative to /edhg/?
I skimmed through it
i look like this and i say this
Commander is for normies that's why
imagine wasting that amount of time and effort in some schizo and conspiracy shitty claim like: WHITE WEAK WHITE WEAK. Always remember to take your Meds anons.
meds, untaken
grass, untouched
i hate the antichrist
all me btw
WR convoke, WB midrange and WU control are meta in standard btw. That's three different archetypes in three different colours + white that is meta. Even WG enchantments is still a decent deck.
Probably ten. Five mono-colour, five two-colour?
Because /edhg/ is 95% redditors and newfags
Also they had a schizo try to destroy their general for like a solid 2 years because he hated proxies and was a whale
i fucking hate you
I dont think he is wrong though. At least not entirely. Whites abilities for the most part have been given to other colors fairly often now. But white usually has powerful cards, just not overpowered usually.
This set is so fucking lame lol>>93228465
And yet none of them win tournaments. Sad!
Whiteschizo is afraid of me for some reason despite me playing white most of the time.
I am not afraid of you.
Yes I am
>too afraid to directly reply
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Davvol here.
Pioneer would be much healthier with some cleaning up. Amalia is a true anti-interactive cancer pile that should be cleansed entirely.

For Phoenix, I feel like removing either Consider or Picklock Prankster would solve a similar problem to hitting Treasure Cruise, while leaving the deck in a potent position. Bans are supposed to heal a format, not kill its meta. Some awful decks like Amalia are worthy of being slaughtered, but Phoenix has many options for counterplay. Plus, I kind of like having a format where Cruise is legal. I would ban Consider.

Rakdos Vampires, ban both Ripper and Sorin at the same time. Rakdos Midrange was a top contender without them, and both deserve it. Sorin kills any hope of printing good vampires in the future, restricting design space. Ripper does the same for "Creature cheating" effects, as it's just too efficient and renders interaction nearly impossible.

I personally would also hit all five channel lands, the monocolor manlands (Hydra/Beholder/Storm etc.) then proceed to "monitor the format" in case other decks get out of hand with the competition. Fable in particular would be a target of scrutiny, but Vampires is a higher priority to fix for the time being as BR Midrange was merely quite good without it.
You will never be a real white player. You will never mana tithe your opponents x15. You will guardian of thraben a storm player. You will never rip a graveyard deck. You will never gain infinite life. You will never balance.
Bros MH3 isn't selling very well I thought destroying formats was a money printer what do we do!!?!?!??!
>Ripper does the same for "Creature cheating" effects
ripper isn't even close to being the best generic creature to cheat out, it quite literally only sees play because of sorin, every other deck that focuses on cheating out creatures (creativity, transmogrify, neoform etc) has never even considered the possibility of choosing ripper over atraxa
I can agree with most of what you say except
Ripper because it's not a better creature than Atraxa. Manlands because fields are a thing. Why you want manlands banned anyway wtf. Don't take this the wrong way but, just, why.
I just wanted to destroy all your lands (this includes my lands)
hate standard
hate pioneer
hate modern
hate legacy
Not gonna give you you's.
Ripper must survive
There is no fucking way to justify Cruise, the card is just too strong and carries on his back the whole Phoenix deck
Manlands are what makes control and other archetypes exist, they should stay, specially control
I agree on the rest.
why are you here?
maybe he likes pauper
hate pauper
Take the pdpill.
>This spell costs {1} less to cast if you control an Otter.
Shouldn't this be Tribal?
Lmao I just pulled this
You know where you belong
hate lorcana
the moment they will add non-disney properties
Erm, it's kindred bigot
>Except manlands
Manlands have always and will always promote awful, degenerate play patterns.
They do not "allow control to exist", they enable control decks to run effectively zero threats while still their mana base does that for them. This is an affront to interesting deckbuilding. If you want threats, you should have to put actual threats in your darn deck. Not "I slapped in some Shark Typhoons and my manlands do the rest", real cards.

And it's not only control. Manlands take every game that has slowed to a topdeck race, and turn them into a "Who drew the manland?" coinflip. It is truly awful. For the sake of good gameplay, they ought to go.
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>teleports behind your mandland
>You MUST play this card to deal with this threat.
Literally one of the definitions of a meta-warping card. (Set of cards.)
Thank you for proving my point. "A counter to it exists and you HAVE to play the counter" is a reason to ban something. It is not the reason to let it be like you seem to be suggesting. Warping a meta means something is worthy of a ban.
>r painter is just another saga beatdown deck
You should be running at least one anyway.
it has been for 3 years now
Not an excuse for the problem of manlands.
>only fields keep manlands in check
have a good day mr Davvol
I never suggested it was the only option, that was a response to another person suggesting it was the primary option.

But thank you for the kind wishes. You have a good day too, sir.
EDH is an inherently social game while 1vs1 MtG is not. Schizos invariably get themselves kicked out from EDH groups.
Basic lands have a higher usage rate than nadu, should we ban basic lands?
Probably. All lands do in Magic is enable degeneracy
maybe online, chud
Islands at least.
Is there a single person who likes Blue in good faith?
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>what's that little Billy?
>you need to write a report on bad game design?
>gee kiddo, I've got just the thing for you to write about!
Blue is my favorite color in magic because it's all about interaction. You are actually playing the game instead of just playing your own cards.
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Why are we not talking about flood coming back? Pioneer will get its blood moon at least.
I mean it could be on a card that costs like 9 mana, we need to see if it's going to be competitively costed
lorwyn is mtg's darkstalkers and it's going to be completely ruined once they bring it back
merfolkphiles, but they are degenerates in other sensible way
Does Lorcana have set rotation?
Because it doesn't have to work the same?
delete this
>1v1 mtg is not social
what the fuck am i reading
Blue is the colour for brains the people who despise blue is the people who can't deal with decisions, efficient use of the mana and playing not only on your turn.
Pic unrelated obviously.
>verification not required
How is your opponent interacting with you if they can't play any of their cards? It sounds like Blue is the opposite of what you want.

Flipping a coin on whether or not the Blue player has the counter isn't a decision.
Yes. My favorite mtg memory is an old guy screaming at me because im playing only counters spells and my wincon is a spirit counter spell.
>Fixes bad game design
Noooo of course we should allow degenerate lands to run rampant
>not banning fable
>banning walker instead of amalia
>banning consider and not prankster
I agree about the manlands and channel lands though.
Based he died from anger or simply made an scene like an angry child? This red/black/white/green fags, this is true power.
I would ban Amalia, Chord of Calling and Collected Company and also Walker just in case. That deck deserves to die.

I agree that Prankster is a good choice too, and might do more work. And honestly now that I think about it, the 1cmc of Consider is helpful for getting Phoenixes out and is core to the strategy. You have convinced me, Prankster can eat the ban instead of Consider.
blufags go pump a merfolk
Made a scene. It was like turn 30 or something. Early days of pioneer. Miss playing spell queller and small teferi. Screaming something along the lines of "of fucking course you have another"
I would if I could.
Probably feels like a Vaporeon
Do you know where we are?
LMAO even
Hes a newfag pretending to be an oldfag. Possibly just a summerfag
I think that's what switched me from being a white player to being a blue player. White is just too fair of a color
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dude...you have NO idea how badly I want to
>he doesnt parse out his opponent as a literally who faceless individual in big events
X-2-drop in your next event, anon
i will go 5-1-1 into top 8 desu
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Sheoldred's up to 3 copies at the expense of one Far // Away. Far is absolute top removal but only in certain matchups.

Our winrate against all control decks is basically 100%. 8x flash threats that skirt around Fatal push, double Chandra maindeck, Fevered Visions dodging a lot of removal and Sheos+Stormfist for fast clocks after removal is drained, we have control matchups on TOTAL lockdown. If we wanted, we could even swap the Far // Aways (Not so good in control matchups) for more options in this matchup to really seal the deal. Took the advice of removing Scalding Vipers, which I love as a card and hits hard in some matchups, but I think streamlining the list and bringing in more squeaky clean instant speed removal has helped overall.

But we do need solutions for other decks too. And, as usual, the rest is a mix. Stomp control, get stomped by aggro. 'Tis the Owling Mine experience, it's just how the deck goes. Having many solutions to Vein Ripper in the main deck helps a lot, as does the bloated mana costs of BR Vamps if we can slap that threat away.

Overall I'm happy so far. We shitstomp Niv to Light and all control lists. Phoenix is... awkward but manageable. Vamps is heavily draw-dependent, but with the Caustic Bronco now running rampant we punish their greed even more than we used to. Sad we got no real upgrades from the Cowboy Hats set. Oh well.

Still working on the sideboard. Roiling Vortex solves the Omniscience lotus loop better than some other options and deals with Amalia combo all the same, testing it for now.

All suggestions welcome. As that other rando mentioned, it's sad we don't have any decent 1cmc options like Vapor Snag in Pioneer.
Real thread question. Which legendary creature do you want to fuck the most?
>Which legendary creature do you want to fuck the most?
A babe who can just fucking (pun intended) end my suffering is all a man needs, ya feel me?
Avacyn winglock
haven't played in a while, would SSS (or any other plotted cards, I guess) get completely assfucked by roiling vortex
Why cant they move the bans up already?
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She's legendary in my heart.
because they already scheduled them in advance
if they break their own scheduled, they look unprofessional and stupid (which they are, but they pretend not to be)
So basically, shareholders put pressure on Hasbro/WotC over the idea that bans could happen at any time. Bans impact consumer confidence, so forcing them into set time windows meant more predictable portfolios.

The schedule was set by shareholders, and not anybody who actually works on the game or determines the bans. It was a change designed entirely with fiscal stability in mind.

t. insider
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>Solves Vein Ripper
xD nothing personnel rakdos
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>Modern legal card to deal with a Pioneer problem
wait you're not really struggling to deal with Vein Ripper, a turn 3 play, in Modern of all formats are you?
Halo is Pioneer legal u noodleboner
you are the only person who knows that
Based. Fuck goyslop shills.
It's because Halo is part of my new shitbrew.
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>out myself as an Arena player
fuck. I wish they'd catch our format up to Pioneer you guys get real cards to deal with problems.
Kiora is hot.
nigga runed halo has been printed in m21, it's on arena
uh based?
thalia. I love airhead sluts
Rude and false, Thalia is not an airhead.
It's almost done. Untested but it seems extremely potent and almost perfectly slotted in to slaughter the exact meta we have right now.
i severely doubt it but i wish you luck
then why is she letting gitrog ride her?
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Anon, what the fuck are you talking about?
>i severely doubt it
It's still a work in progress but a few of the mainboard pieces are rather hilariously exactly slotted to dunk on specific meta decks. We'll see how it goes, I'm still assembling pieces and scouring what's legal in the format to see if the plan has enough support to even fully function at all. MANY brews in pioneer simply hit the brick wall of "It doesn't have enough pieces" sadly. Most sets in Pioneer are just full of generic draft spells and coomander bait Legendary creatures, niche strategies struggle to find support in the format.
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>Idiot troll exposed
I'm retarded I already admitted it, fuck off. This general has literally nothing better to do than act like faggots, love it.
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Women can't resist frogs
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>act like
Oh, we ain't acting bud.
I regular here, I'm also a faggot. Fuck you, I'm having a dogshit day, I wanted to come in and talk about magic to relax but now I'm being reminded of my retardation.

Fuck you, leave me alone.
get a load of this retarded faggot
It's true, I will never be a woman, but I cannot resist them.
be honest, nobody works on the "game"
this post doesnt have to be real because it is incredibly obvious this is true even without a 'whistleblower'
less bans = more sales, in theory
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Does getting fucked also count?
do events at cape fear games fire? what formats are played
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>playing Modern
you should probably call them and ask that
I've been so high on this deck since K4rn got banned, but it feels completely unfuckingplayable.
Every game I play is just "Draw into more ramp" while my opponents consistently top deck the perfect answers.
As much as I hated playing him, it was nice to have a card you could just draw into that functioned as a "Get out of Jail Free" card especially since literally every other deck gets one. I know the deck is still playable and I love playing Green Stompy, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Other than being absolute horse's ass at this game but that's always been the case.
>Built for big human cock.
>that pose
>that face
He could get it tbqhwyf
Yes of course
haha boner
Seriously you are losing when you can vomit half you deck by turn 4? I understand the Amalia matchup may be hard without interaction, but the rest? Specially Phoenix or Vampires
>People have realized that Nadu is so good, Thoracle isn't even part of the optimal list anymore because it's better to use Endurance as an extender then create a lock
>Thoracle was cut because Nadu draws through your whole deck more consistently than Thoracle closes the game
We're just worse YuGiOh now.
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I usually do vomit up my hand. Unforunately after mull to 4 that hand usually consists of

Land, Land, Land, Land, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, whatever got Thoughtseized, and then I'll draw a few more elves and lands in a row.
this doesn't sound much different from when people were figuring out the best build of hogaak
What a retarded card. And probably they will ban something completely unrelated, these faggots just know no limit
she even has a boobjob plate as her uniform
Rayne. Takara. Freyalise. Karn recording.
I'm glad you are on Vortices and that you commited to Crusaders. This list looks better than the last one.
It certainly feels better. I'm sad that the Crusaders often just eat removal, which is half why I preferred the snakes over it (At least it did something before then), but the Crusader Menace + bolstering the forced draws is a big deal when it survives.

Plus, eating removal instead of Sheo / Ertai is not at all a bad thing. We're quite potent honestly, a few more optimal pieces (1 drops especially) and I honestly think a list like this could start kicking into the upper areas of the meta.
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>just trying to read the heckin cute little critter story
they literally cannot help themselves can they
What do I call my next brew?
YOU DECIDE! It's a disturbingly potent deck that in initial tests is proving to be at least quite strong, exceedingly so into several of the top meta decks but somewhat weak against Amalia unfortunately. We can fix that with more bring / adjustments.
BUT FOR NOW, I NEED A NAME. Has to be something I won't get banned for making public lmao.
why not just call it what it is
It is VERY, VERY not Hatebears. REJECTED.
Powerful White Cards
>Powerful White Cards
Lmao perfect. Done.
Leylines are a sad necessity. Even when you are adding 'dead draws' you get so much speed out of it, in the end it doesn't matter. Once you drop the trifecta on turn one, even Amalia is pressured to have a similar opening, not to mention you can actually rebuild your board ancd nullify the 20/20. Leyline helps a lot when you have to do that.
Even tandy, who hates it, ended up playing it and admiting he was falling behind other builds because he was stubborn about his own build. Take his word for it, not mine.
Question would magic players makensome sort of gentlemen agreement for NOT play Nadu and boicot a clearly bad designed card that is VERY unhealthy for any format it touches to the point no one can compete or is the competitiviness, tryhardism and WAAC behaviour too much for something like this? Obviously im talking at competitive level in organised event not your anonimous sweaty players trying to crack leagues and chests
That's so shitty that card feels so bad.
Fuck. I see what he's saying but FUCK.
this anon is right i'm playing g devotion with leylines and the deck is very succesful for the amount of threats and the recurrent interactions with festival you can make i must say i would tweak your sideboard too
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You may be asking yourself, "What is this pile of absolute fucking garbage?"

WELL, let me tell you! What started as a GW mono-white devotion brew exploiting Daxos and Life's Legacy turned into me noticing a few patterns. Patterns that look the metagame in the eye and say "Lmao, nope."

First off, Runed Halos shut down almost everything. Amalia can't hurt us even with 20 power, it turns off Aetherflux, and totally bricks Vein Rippers and Phoenixes, the list goes on.

Doubling that over, Phyrexian Vindicator literally laughs in Vein Rippers' face, and eats both Phoenixes and ALL the removal the Phoenix list has for breakfast. Slap a 4x maindeck Katilda in there, and ho-ly fuck Vampires can do LITERALLY. FUCKING. NOTHING. against the list.

Obviously I'm still experimenting with pieces. The first proof of concept never comes refined. BUT, Disturb is proving to be rather potent. Currently sitting on Enchantment only removal to bloat Katilta, but that can change. The Faithbound Judges interpose their butts between literally everything in the format, and their flip side is reliable impending doom to slow decks.

Slap some Disturb double strikes on your fat bodies and SMASH. Now comes the refining, finding its weak points and adjusting for that, tightening the list, scouring the format for other possible includes etc.

Introducing my new shitbrew, ty to random anon for the perfect name:
They have to eat removal. The first thing you opp should be thinking is that extra draws are going to benefit you more than it does them.
Maybe this is too greedy, but that slot can also be the Vortex if you end up adding cheaper interaction.
Uhhhh whiteschizobros out response?
It's so stupid.. it maybe can work in the actual meta, maybe is the forst deck this weird anon post im willing to try
>Maybe this is too greedy, but that slot can also be the Vortex if you end up adding cheaper interaction.
I wish we had cheap interaction but bounce/forced draw is genuinely our best option. Just killing things is not what we want to do unless it's a token, which bounces can kill anyway.

I agree though. I would love some 1cmc interaction (or even slightly more optimal 2cmc pieces, like Call to Heel coming to Pioneer or something) that actually works for what we want.

Problem is Pioneer has a LOT of noncreature threats so we have to hedge our bets instead of just jamming optimal 1cmc bounces like Rona's Vortex. It's an odd dance. Thanks for the feedback so far either way. I will consider maindeck Vortices.
no, but some don't activate nykthos when named by pithing needle out of chivalry.
Obviously the first plan is to find the optimal interaction setup. How many enchantment/permanent-based interaction pieces do we want to enable Heliods/Katildas vs just playing great instants instead.
After that, it's the sideboard will surely help lay the smackdown on any lists we don't completely fucking brick with what the maindeck brings.

My initial tests are quite nice. Like, ten wins in a row vs BR Vamps nice.
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jesus fucking christ this looks like an absolute monster what the hell have you done hootbro
>What started as a GW mono-white devotion brew exploiting Daxos and Life's Legacy
The man can cook, I'll give him that.
He's retarded, but he can cook.
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How did we get from pic related to whatever that is
Better times destroyed by wokeism lol
Also, peep the price tag. It's mostly commons and bulk, hilariously, and being mono-color completely dodges the garbage fire that is mana base price tags.

I definitely hope this brew kicks some ass, just to see a distinct budget option ravaging the formats. Until Vindicator spikes, of course, but we'll get there when we get there and it still won't hit the price of even dual-color mana base lmao.
Yup, it is that shite. Once you cast your first elf out of a Nykthos you pretty much get convinced. If you ever splash another color and find yourself tapping random lands to get blue or white (not to mention Trailblazers) you become enlightened.
Nirvana is the Yorion build.
Gwendlyn di Corci
Loses to control and probably lotus field
>and probably lotus field
the fuck is Field going to do against Halo naming Chandra?

>to Control
Yes probably, that's what refining is for. No deck is perfect, and I feel like we could easily find some options that control struggles to deal with. Probably even ones we can slap into the maindeck at the expense of the Drogskols.
>the fuck is Field going to do against Halo naming Chandra?
Cast approach of the second sun twice?
It doesn't play Approach as its wincon anymore mate. Or, it rarely does.

We can hedge against that if it becomes a problem.
It runs multiple wincons since it can fetch whatever it wants from the side with Wish. That being said your deck having one bad match-up doesn't mean it isn't playable bro
It very much totally does
They do not play chandra at all
You are in bizzarro world
Lotus is a sideboard freebie for basically every deck anyways.

Fucking Lotus lmao. Every time I look at it it has a different wincon and never once has it looked good. Dies to sideboard harder than Dredge.
For Lotus, it's probably going to be Deafening Silence in the sb unless another option is better, right?
Lotus field absolutely rapes and desu the only reason i got odd it is bc we are in a turn 3 meta
I cant keep up with amalia vein ripper show off
Archon of emeria is harder to deal with
Deafening dies to charm
Aye, damn shame about the format's speed. Lotus is a cool deck, I'm fine losing to it in g1. We are relatively slow for now so it can certainly out-pace us, and fortunately for you we counter all the decks that kill you! Huzzah!

Ah yes Archon also dodges Boseiju. Good suggestion.
How this shit deck has so many winds? How it desls with three turn i win? Or with mono G devotion? And lets not enter in the RDW and variants... How its one of the best decks of Pioneer?
>How its one of the best decks of Pioneer?
Fast combo with Boseiju/Otawara to remove hate pieces, and the ability to tap down all your opponent's lands to stop interaction and counterspells the turn you go off. This renders it largely unstoppable, though it is slightly slower than the more fragile Amalia and her turn 3 combo cohorts.
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A potential hedge against Control: Replacing the Drogskol Infantry with pic related. Its flickering dodges wipes and removal easily, and FS lets it bash through its mid-sized threats, and 3 power helps speed up our clock. It being a Spirit accompanies Katilda well.
I was so confused about why this mid 2000's-as hell ad was using kamahl until I looked it up and realized that was the 10th edition reprint
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Fuck me the discard also allows us to pitch Disturbers if we want the aura instead.
Very spicy! I like it.
>I will consider maindeck Vortices.
I'm still thinking about this, but it looks like it can help against Amalia so there's that. There's Void Snare (lame, wanted to suggest something better), but also can't say what to cut.
Void Snare is sorcery. Bad.
Unsubstantiate being able to hit spells is non-trivial as it can save your own major threats from countermagic on top of delaying important threats. Divide By Zero is also too good to cut considering it's also a hedge against mana screws via 1x Environmental Sciences in the sideboard. (Which has saved me in several games already.)
Looks fun, and I want a deck for pioneer, savibg this one anon! Keep refining it.
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Huh. Roiling Vortex also helps us slap away Ripper recovering life totals when we snipe it with Ertai / FarAway. This is a HUGE deal as I've often lost not from Ripper pulling a vampires deck out of reach after cleaning it up..
Yeah, sure, we still suffer, but that's non-trivial...
Solves Plotted spells via Jace too, and kills a few other cheaty things.

I'll test it in the mainboard instead of the Crusaders. Might be solid.
I'm trying to find something other than Failure/Comply because you can't white, at the same time nothing is cheaper than Unsummons (meh, I don't want to suggest that either). If you ever make any other cuts, start on the fourth Ertai. 2 are probably good enough.
>Keep refining it.
Already on it! Brought in a hedge against Control lists (Which would have done well against us prior) already, replacing a modestly sub-optimal option we had before.
Suggestions welcome.
wow pioneer looks really high power. surely lightning bolt must be legal in such a format.
our foundational monitors are in the workshop
>2 are probably good enough.
2 are not good enough as they are our main solution to Vein Ripper (Can sac itself to 1-for-1 the nasty vamp), trades even with Fable if we need it to, wins counterspell battles in the late game, and does it all while forcing a +1 draw. AND is a body to up the clock. Do not underestimate Ertai, he's a complete nutter.
Honestly I'd drop the Brazen Borrowers over Ertai. They've secured a few games but very often I just bounce something and never end up with the tempo to cast the creature side. Ertai doing its thing on ETB is a big deal as we get the body and the effect at the same time.
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Actually, now that I think about it it's probably worth to trade the Borrowers for Vipers now that Roiling Vortex is main deck.

Love them or hate them, the Vipers hit with seriously brutal tempo if the opp. can't kill it. The extra damage whenever they do anything is no laughing matter with clocks like Vortex+Visions online. Borrower has felt like a real loser in the list for a while, so I'll be testing both Viper and Crusader in that slot instead.

With Viper we get a LOT of incidental damage that adds up very fast. Crusader does similar things but solidifies our forced raw plan. Both seem solid. Borrower out for now.
>Phyrexia invaded 36 planes at once, possibly more
What the actual fuck
Why did they write them as actual morons
If they bring fucked up cards to Pioneer/Standard in Fundations i swear to fucking god...
Cut the MD Chandras. Good luck!
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>Cut the MD Chandras.
Heeeeelll to the no. They win so many games it's insane. As far as primary wincons go, it's either them or 2x Toil // Trouble, and Chandras triple as spot removal and board wipes and is uncounterable which is no joke.

Hilariously now, we can actually bounce our own Roiling Vortexes via Viper which we can't do with Borrower, if we're losing the race. Many options, the best setup will be discovered in time.

Absolutely wish we had white for Failure//Comply but yeah, no way we're reaching into 4c in Pioneer.
Yeah, that's probably not the cut either, reminded that Snake is elemental so Chandra won't kill it anyway. I need to ponder my orb harder.
Not the squirellino ! STOP !
And it will only go down T_T
>Yeah, that's probably not the cut either, reminded that Snake is elemental so Chandra won't kill it anyway.
Another key reason for its include in earlier lists. Snake pulls a lot of weight, and seriously just solos entire games if your opp keeps a hand without removal.
Nadu has it's days numbered. Asscreek will blow it away.
Literally nothing in ACR is good in Modern.
b-but the monitors.. why would they lie
fuck off with your retarded forced meme

A waste of resources, time and effort for a dying IP, pamper the commander troupe and give a bunch of fucking doa cards, another outstanding performance by Mark and Co
They invaded all those planes and got their asses kicked on half of them even before they unplugged Elesh Norn's wifi.
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I can't take credit for it but ok
We need a new good villain besides Phyrexian, Eldrazi and fucking Bolas. Something smarter at least
What they need to do is make more UB sets and canonize them fully so we can have reddit who and batman sucking jaces cock in 2026's 19th set of that year. Gotta have $70 sld exclusive full arts that look like nu pokemon cards and are only playable in commander.
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Signed up for my first ever pre-release today. This Bloomburrow set looks like a ton of fun.
Can any of you veteran players give any tips on how I should be drafting?
That's Jace
If barely any black people play MTG then why are there so many thefts at major large MTG events?
Go fuck yourself.
That's literally what's happening now, with what seems to be Jace and Vraska being set up as antagonists. Unclear if they'll become the full big bads or if, like, Tezzeret will usurp it, but hey.
Because morons like to pack their 3000 dollar easily flippable non serialized decks in shit that looks like this. Literally all it's missing is a sign that says "rob me."
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Seems unnecessarily aggressive and rude.
>land destruction
>good burn
>artifact that kills you
>approach like spells
why alternate win cons are so uncommon nowadays in the newer formats? specially stuff like prison or land destruction
Just pick a lane for your colors and stick to it, don't worry about the more advanced stuff. Focus on creatures and stuff that plays to the board. Hard for more specific advice than that anyway since we don't know what the environment looks like.
>Can any of you veteran players give any tips on how I should be drafting?
Crack good rares in your packs so you can win when you draw them. Leave if you don't.
bring some s tier commons in each color and sneak them into your draft deck
They have a child now, they can't be truly evil people, just like at his mutant (fake) baby innocent face.
Alright if even AspiringShill is calling for Nadu to be banned maybe Wizards will ban it
Fair play, hopefully we get those reveals soon. I'm hoping I can get the cards to go either simic or rakdos.

Yeah, hopefully my luck with pulls is better than with MH3. I didn't get a single fucking card I wanted out of packs I bought.
Everyone I don't like is a shill.
>land destruction
Deemed unfun
Still exists
>good burn
Deemed too good
>artifact that kills you
Still exists, along with a bunch that do practically the same thing
>approach like spells
tbf these weren't exactly common before either
Who is AspiringShill and why will his opinion matters a shit for JOTC unlimited greed?
They're sympathetic antagonists, but still clearly being set up as antagonists. Magic hasn't really had a more understandable villain, but if Jace and Vraska are being set up for that role, they are that.
toxic needs more love as well, once it's pioneer-viable they can stop
Tezzeret is the most understandable villain because fuck all these retards
I think poison/toxic/infect is so fucking close to being a thing outside of standard... The problem is they refuse to give it more support.
>Me realizing we're basically Spirit tribal so we can potentially bring in Cavern of Souls to hedge even more against control
ups the price tag, sadly
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>Heloid, two Ossifications and a Runed Halo out
>Disturb a Katilda
>Heliod's suddenly an indestructible 10/10 flying, lifelink with pro vamps
Bros I might have actually spread the sauce this time. This list is absolutely ripping every test match to shreds.
This isn't a bad idea for Nyk green since Leyline turns it into a forest anyway.
>lots of proliferate cards
>lots of 1 and 2 drops with toxic or infect
>lots of combat damage ways of applying poison
>damn venerated rotpriest being a combo piece
i think the pieces are all there for something in modern, a lot of people are just afraid to play anything outside of the established meta. obviously it won't be nadu strong, but we gotta go back to just playing decks we find fun rather than trying to sweat/tryhard everything. metastatic evangel seems like you could make a neat soul sisters style infect deck, but instead of gaining one life, you keep proliferating the opponent's poison.
Calling for Inkmoth Nexus in Foundations. No, but seriously, Reasonable Doubt does wonders for the deck. Even a land that intoxicates both players on etb might be good enough.
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>Over half the deck can be in black&white
not gonna lie
pretty kino
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>White just got two 1 drops that are better than Ragavan, and an insane 2 mana walker, and the White schizo is still crying
Wait fuck the Vindicator has a black+white adjacent printing too. Gat dayum this deck is SMOOTH.
Name em, Ragavan is probably the best card in MH2.
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I think you are forgetting several cards anon lul
that shit is mad ugly i hate alt versions of cards like this so much mashallah
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Heliod even has one that's close too.

The list. The deck. IT WAS MEANT TO BE.

Found the Vampires player.
The white schizo is Maro mate, he uses this thread to cope with being bad at magic AND hated by the magic community.
White gets a bunch of bullshit cards. See how something like UR Delver is both a blue AND red deck, but anything except kitchen table 2008 WW isn't acshually a white deck?
no i play ensoul and lotus field
>Turn 3 Heliod
>Turn 4 Phyrexian Vindicator
>i play ensoul and lotus field
Damn, sorry to hear that.
Get well soon. Maybe you can become a shitbrew chad like me some day.
how about nurturing pixie to reset the halos? too slow?
Notably I got washed by a Vein Ripper in a test game after drawing 1 Plains and 3x Cavern of Souls with a Runed Halo in hand. We're down to one Cavern for now, considering our heavy pip demand I doubt we can go higher. Still a worthy include imo.

Added to Considering. It has potential. No Flash so it can't save our dudes, and not being a Spirit, limits it in this list though.
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Hilariously, because our removal suite doesn't actually destroy anything, Phoenixes are left bricked on the board even if we don't have Vindicator / a fatty Katilda.

The more I test, the more well positioned this shit feels. Amalia is troubling but can be cucked via Halo well enough. Needs to cook more. Still feels great to play.


nvm, just wait for the new swan reclamation angel
Alright checking through our options, definitely a solid upgrade here too. Versatility creep is ridiculous.

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