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Previously: >>93204992

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.
http://www.tappedout.net (Dated but functional)
https://www.archidekt.com (Feature rich but poor optimization)
https://www.moxfield.com (Good balance of features + performance)


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>TQ/prompt: What is the most cancerous card ever printed?
fast mana, all of it
yes, that includes sol ring
Nadu broke modern. Edh ban coming soon?
Thoughts on my new Elas-il Kor deck?

Free counterspell. We're not playing yugioh here.
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Do you ever go through an old deck you haven't played in a while and find good shit for another deck you're putting together?
I unironically think thrassios is stronger in a non 1v1 setting, and if thrassios has survived 8 years, so to will nadu.
Quads checked
>TQ/prompt: What is the most cancerous card ever printed?
For EDH, probably Kinnan
having the world's worst card art balances his power
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You weren't joking, damn
He's pretty damn strong, huh?
How many creatures would you want in the 99? I did some math and the following creature counts give me the following odds of getting a zombie off of Sidisi's trigger:

>30 = 67%
>35 = 73%
>40 = 79%
>45 = 84%
>50 = 88%

>Khans of Tarkir was a DECADE ago
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First that came to mind. It's an interesting card but in EDH makes for very boring games.
Not RB but I recently put together a Shilgengar list that wants to just amass blood with her out
>just make him fat and gay
Never playing kinnan, niko Faris, Kaya, ral zarek or any of your other wotc bullshit
Trying to build this idiot as cEDH for a bit of different fun instead of the usual esper/grixis piles, any obvious cards I can put in /tg/?
>edh ban
commander will never ever see another card be banned ever. The RC will sit on their hands and say theyre "watching" problematic cards while going "uhhhh just rule 0 it bro" at every criticism of the format
Lol if kinnan is still legal then nadu won't get banned
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I wanna play simic without the deck being: play 1 billion lands, draw your entire deck and have your board be a cluttered mess t3. Is pic related playable without devolving into just becoming a fragile combo deck that goes all in on untap effects? For context the pod is pretty low power
new Duskmourn card

So I know this doesn't usually come up in Commander, what with 100 card decks and all, but players still lose if they have to draw and their deck is empty right?
Well, good news, we'll be back next spring!
Holy shit I was locked out of the game the entire time as Etali because of a turn 1 vexing bauble until someone casted dischant and I hard casted deflecting swat destroying the bauble into my turn where I casted 6 etalis and won from there
Quit chewing your nails
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
why do you want to play Simic when you dont like its main and pretty much only playstyle?
also you described Kraj pretty good, its pretty much all it do. it would fit well in a lower power pod though
What is your cedh wincon supposed to he anon
This card is so hilariously bad
>power creeps Sanguine Bond

Looking at either doing bomberman lines, or just stax'ing a game out until the 0 on ajani whittles life totals down.

Don't think the deck will be tiered by any stretch but it should be an experience at least.
>wtf my 20 year old card got power crept finally the game is dying!
I assumed leonine relic warrior and animate dead
this is bad because obviously you would just drop it and then let it kill yourself due to the effect. You'd never combo it with other cards to turn it into an instant win. So it is bad.
So if I have something like Opalescence or anything that turns enchantments into creatures, this can be infinite sac fodder?
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I hate this card so fucking much.
No, if it's not a creature it doesn't "die"
I'm not a judge, but my rules understanding is "can't" always overwrites "can" so if Opalescence says it's a creature but Enduring Tenacity says it's not a creature then not a creature always wins right?

Or is this one of those complicated situations where whatever came into play most recently takes precedence
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Expected this card to be good but it really exceeded my expectations after playing with it for the first time today. For the opportunity cost of leaving 2 (two) whole mana open i managed to connive 7 and connive 4 just out of random creatures dying on my opponent's turns. It's so much card selection, graveyard fuel and +1/+1 counters on a land that most times enters untapped. It's really good.
I run 40, I wouldn't cut below that. It's a little out of date but this is what I run.
>orzhov combo
>in boros deck
What color or color combination is the cheapest to build good and consistent decks around?
What are you combiong it with?
Probably one of the many many cards that can force opponents to draw cards. Or just a mill spell that targets your opponents
Or really a dozen other things. How fucking hard is it to figure out how to mill 6?
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Such a brave and stunning heavyset badass!
it's not about colors, but about themes bro, if you build a deck based on landfall for example, prepare your wallet. Same shit with artifacts, the goods ones like KCI are expensive. But you can build pretty good aristocrats, ETB, enchantments or token decks with tiny budgets.
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Imskur guy from earlier. I narrowed down my decision for a Treasure/Artifact spam to these guys.
Main wincon is AoE damage from Marionette Master and anything like her. Which one of these would be the most fun?
>can't name a single card
Yeah so it's a pretty shit card
Mesmeric Orb.
Fucking stupid that the chaos deck wasn't u/b/r/g
Its fucking stupid they dont make 4c cards except once in a blue moon.
idgaf if they're
>not worth making when 5c exists
Some 3c cards would be significantly better if a fourth color was added. Pic rel would of been perfectly fine with either red or white.
I think if it dies while Opalescence is on the field, it comes back as a non-creature enchantment. If Opalescence comes into play AFTER it's died and turned into a non-creature enchantment, it becomes a creature.
artifacts so expensive
I got excited for a second there I thought this could be abused by Myrkul
Legendary versions of the nephilm when?
Speaking of treasure decks, the other day I got out Displaced Dinosaurs in my Ziatora deck for the first time. Three 7/7s each turn was definitely intimidating, but couldn't actually do much without drawing a trample enabler. I also really underestimated how much the treasures being unable to tab when i made them fucked up my ability to hold up any interaction.
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Universes Beyond - The Bible when
Hopefully never
>Both effects cost 1 too much to truly be abusable
>Still desperate trying to force a ddck with him
It really does feel like it's Worldgorger Dragon, or bust. Hell, if only ONE of his abilities cost 1 less, he'd have a lot less hoops to jump to make work.
So run cost reducers, dummy.
I desperately want Irancrag Pyromancer's triggered ability on an Enchantment or Artifact.
Anon, that is the first and most obvious method. The issue is, ot doesn't actually work in practice. You now have a deck of disjointed cards that don't do anything together if anyone so much as points removal at your Commander or it gets swept up in a wipe.

Currently trying a Rakdos Affinity strategy, but even that is suboptimal, and MH3 just released an objectively better Commander for it anyways. Just wonder what possessed WotC in a sea of broken designs and just say, "Hey, let actually print THIS one like it came straight outta 2014 for no reason at all!"
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Don't worry anon, we got heavyset badasses from this year as well
The curse of Kamigawa. But Hidetsugu wasn't even the one worst hit by it.
God rules over all universes, so technically it would be a Universes Within set.
Adam - green
Eve- blue
Cain - red/black
Abel - green/white
Moses - white and red
Noah - white and blue
Lucifer- Black
St. Michael - white
St. Peter - Red

Jesus- WUBRG
Jesus would be red white.
Opalescence will turn it into a creature when it's on the battlefield no matter which came first or when the thing died. Are you seriously under the impression that enchantment's continuous effect stops working when a permanent left and returned to the field? Do you think that Glorious Anthem stops buffing creatures you blink?
Hilariously retarded post
Sythis land enchant ramp.
Jesus is a zombie by most definitions. He's B.
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>no retro foil elves of deep shadow
I don't play sidisi, but I do play pharika which is also a self mill deck. I have 45 creatures and I've never had issue hitting my land drops.

The mdfc land creatures are really nice. My deck doesn't get to run the green ones though because I need a critical mass of forests for arbor elf shenanigans
was this pov intentional? Looks like Im about to get the most amazing bj of my life
>issue hitting my land drops
*issue hitting creatures with my mills
idk why i fucked that up
No he's not. We don't play about God here friend.
There's monowhite zombies tho
Yes, he’s a Public Enemy No.1 commander
NTA but grafting is fucking awesome
>Jesus is a zombie by most definitions
We've been over this debate before, jesus would be lich (retains his intelligence, performs magic, respawns from mysterious source after getting killed).
what kind of cozy mtg youtube do you all watch? is there a topic that hasn't been covered you'd wanna see a video about?
I watch one really small one I like. It's a small tight knit community.
Dudes production value and humor are pretty great. The card knowledge that gets dropped though is amazing.
>have esper urza that makes big constructs, with a couple of combos (no tutors)
>sauron with lotr only cards
>ruric thar that hates on playing on other peoples turns and non creatures (and a little bit of blue and black)
>unmodified gonti precon

>people in my playgroup complain about all my decks, calling them "oppresive" (even the precon) even though they have more optmized decks that are able to win much faster than mine
why do people do that (the only one i kind of agree is the ruric thar, but whenever i see people with decks that play lots of non creatures i usually switch out of him)
sometimes i just pick a random deck to play and some of the other players say they won't pick a deck until i tell which one im playing to "counter" the one i pick
Salubrious Snail
I don't want to spend a shitload of money on mtg, I have too many other expensive hobbies. But, when our RPG of the month gets cancelled, we default to Commander. I'm only letting myself have one Commander deck, and a decent sideboard.
I've decided on the Quick Draw/Stella deck.
I'm watching and reading a lot of deck list modifications that seem to just not consider the reality of playing a commander deck.
"Dump these defensive cards, while I expect you to have perfect draws and can get your infinite win condition on turn 4"f

These dipshits theorycraft 99% of the time and only play 1.
Won twice today, overhauled deck on friday

Upgraded from: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Qxgg3t-xPk2981lz6IxJdw
To: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aJibmJBVFEu2jmVRAfK8vw

Game #1: went real wide, had 6 blaster hulks
Game #2: Had reflection of kikijiki, Satya and ocelots w/ impact tremors. Exponential triggers. Won turn 5
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>someone keeps getting mana screwed
>ask how many lands they run
>they always say something like "28"
What was the biggest disappointment of a set released in the last 3 years and why is it outlaws of tundy junky?
I like judgingftw
Just play them if you like them. No group I've ever played with has refused a Nephilm deck at the table. WotC has publicly stated they should have made them legendary but can't errata them now ether. When they were the only 4 color options people had everyone was cool with them. EDHrec used to have pages for all of them but took them down awhile ago. Ironically this means Nephilm decks usually look quite different from each other since there's less easy access to resources on how they should be built.
Build nadu. He's bretty gud
>toss amulet into my eggs deck because it's a cheap artifact that replaces itself
>didn't think about how it interacts with mystic forge
>end up killing 2 opponents with it last game
Why is golos banned? Doesnt seem any more cancerous than nadu or kinnan
Amulet is such a strong card for so many decks beyond energy its insane. In some decks its like impact tremors that cantrips.
Generate infinite mana and play your entire deck. Even if it's just colorless you tutor your entire land base out with a sac outlet and since he's the ultimate 5 color good stuff commander have fun disrupting it
Homogenized decks. Unless you were doing a 5c tribal deck/ramos charms or another gimmick deck like that you just always run golos cuz the card is just so generically powerful.
You are watching videos about a cedh commander and how to build her for cedh. Instead of complaining just build your own deck retard
Cardmarket-MTG and Mengu's Workshop.

Tell the guy to make a commander on pic related. Him and Trinket Make kind of get insufferable. "Make a deck with generic 99 and a commander that's just there" is just a horrible take
>In some decks its like impact tremors that cantrips.
this is honestly how it felt. I was very impressed.
>WotC has publicly stated they should have made them legendary but can't errata them now ether.
What exactly is stopping them? We have cards that have been errata'd to say something entirely different, they've changed how the companion mechanic functions, like 200 cards got errata'd to be phyrexians what exactly is preventing them from officially saying "yeah they're legendary now"
>What exactly is stopping them?
MaRo's autism
ill add him, shuko and the nantuko to a simic deck i got
Isochron Scepter
Take almost any EDH deck, cut a basic for cascading cataracts and put Golos at the helm, and the deck will now perform better. It's a huge amount of generic power and card advantage in the command zone in a way that's too flexible and too difficult to meaningfully inhibit.
Man I still visit that 12-Post vs Rakdos Scam from time to time.
Because it's literally the best commander for any deck you could have.
I need to add unstable amulet in the Mob-Nix deck. That's just value
Thinking of slotting this into my nurakdos list as an additional wincon I essentially play my entire deck from exile so it's an easy 60+ damage if I get it at a good time even if not I'd still net enough to kill
Agreed - I've cut it from all 3 of the decks I tried to cut it into. With that mana cost, the having to use resources to generate the tokens, while trying to hold up interaction is impossible. It's a 'win-harder' card, not at all the game-ender they envisioned it as.
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So with Duskmourn doing this "haunted house/retro 80s" thing, what do you think are the odds on getting a Ghostbusters Secret Lair?
im putting together a monoblack gisa ghoulcaller deck
is recycling zombies while flooding the board with tokens a good strategy, or do i need other gimicks to cement the deck?
Makes me think do I replace pic related with Terastodon. Think Terastodon is better even though it's just a vanilla 9/9 after it does its super beast within. Shouldn't be legendary as it needs to be clonable.
I'm hoping for a Dead By Daylight one.
i'd say it's 50/50. seems like a perfect fit for the brand, BUT frozen empire is already out and there is nothing to advertise. my guess as to what it will actually be? another stranger things secret lair, announced/dropped at around the same time as a trailer for the fifth season, just like happened with the first one.
So each token will have their own myriad trigger, basically a discount The Master Multiplied.
wtf. how? its 4 mana to activate once. if you have another creature and grieves you can get at least 6 cards by the time it gets back to you
You would have 4, where you get your math from?
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>want to add a card to my favourite deck because the card is perfect thematically and mechanically
>having trouble finding space for it
the worst part of having an almost "complete" deck. the deck is fantastic and i will never take it apart, but i almost prefer playing shittier decks/decks i like less because there is a lot more room for tweaking/experimenting.
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i like malik. or you could play a variation of my deck (imskir is going to slot in soon)
I play Negan myself and I think it's probably the most effective, since it allows you to play some spicy control strats instead of trying to outvalue everyone. It mostly boils down to which colours you want to play.
Post one more Satori image
do you want combat or aristocrats? if sacrifice how do you plan on killing your own shit to generate triggers?
it kinda only works if youve got tutors to get the key pieces. otherwise you'll sit there with your dick in you hand and a half constructed engine on board.
personally id go with the pirate.
thras ability is 4. nadus us cheaper
If you have Nadu and one other creature, how do you get 6 cards from it?
cause every turn its ability resets and you can bounce lightening greaves between creatures to target
Equip is sorcery speed only.
I know lightning greaves is named like that, but its equip is still sorcery speed.
thras also gets a partner so more generic goodstuff like demonic and vamp tutor to just combo out
I also suggest you read Nadu again. It's twice per creature, so you draw 4 during your turn if nobody interacts.
thrassios' ability is self contained and has no limit, and partner makes it MUCH more powerful, being able to play up to two other colours is insane. white for silence effects, black for tutors/kill spells, red for breach. not saying nadu isn't extremely powerful, in a 1v1 setting and in 60 card it is stronger than thrassios, but in a 4 player situation with either creature as a commander, thrassios beats it in power level.
thrassios also benefits from being a mana sink for all the land you make too
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I was scrolling scryfall for fun legendaries really late last night and fell asleep.
Now I vaguely remember a commander that seemed like a pretty strong removal.dek lead but my scryfall-fu is kinda shit and I can't find it anymore.
IIRC it had a triggered ability that would either destroy or bounce a creature.
do you remember the colours or the condition for destroying something?
>make up astartes type
>make up tyranid type
>dont make up the daemon type
Spess Marines should have been Human Mutant Warriors and Nids should have been Dinosaur Horror Insects. Change my mind.
Also daemons should have been Demon Spirits.
I'm pretty sure it had white in the colors and the effect was repeatable.
Sorry, everything else has pretty much slipped my mind.
grimgrin, horobi, or reaper king?
celestial kirin? general kudro? teysa, envoy of ghosts?
General Kudro or Vona, Butcher of Magan, maybe? Or Mageta the Lion?
I'm gunna guess a ghost council card
There's also Merieke Ri Berit.
Not any of these
It's definitely something that came out recently since I'm pretty familiar with most of the old, playable cards. Though it could have just been something I accidentally made up in my brain while sleep deprived.
I hope you guys are trolling.
Carmen, Sadistic Skymarcher? Abuelo?
Is there a way to build new Yargle not as a voltron? Like some sort of power matters thing & fling adjacent stuff? Or is there too few effects like that?
Literally the reason it got banned, weetart.
9001% going to have a second stranger things secret lair. Probably a secret lair with Freddy, Jason, Chucky, and pin head
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In Commander? This one.
You get a free dual land with no downsides, and that’s just using a two colour commander. Play with a WUBRG and you’ve got a PENTUPLE land with no downsides
city of brass is no downside in a 40hp format
It's glue that helps make getting mana screwed far less common. Mana screw is an objectively bad mechanic and if you actually like it you're retarded and should stick to flipping coins for fun.
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Wotc would never work with them after the troon monster
Because it's literally cancer (as in: something that spreads uncontrollably.) Absolutely busted in Commander (unless you play a monocolor deck), utter piece of shit elsewhere.
you're fucking retarded, daemon and demon is literally the same word
this would be like saying wotc should replace every instance of color with colour
stupid cunt
According to the Snail, ignore Yargle and Multani's power, just make the 99 Golgari goodstuff and play the commander for the colors.
But serious answer? Power matters sac outlets like Greater Good and Momentous Fall, but always have a sideplan with Voltron pieces because 18 power scares people and can waste their removal on you.
Daemons operate differently that regular demons
Also daimon literally means "lesser god" and "guiding spirit" so your "word similar" doesn't hold up
If your group sucks as much fat cock as the RC, then I suppose agreeing with the Golos ban makes sense.
Yes, I know that Golos defenders literally can't go for two minutes without thinking about sucking penises, you don't have to announce it.
no, daemon and demon are the same word learn your entomology
just like how aether and ether are the same word. You're just an uneducated cunt
Gay Bolas
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Nadu will get banned and not even for its powerlevel.
It's because Nadu resolving means the turn is going to take 15 minutes and if the deck is bad they still won't win that turn.
Realistically, nothing. But the other two had business improvements tied to them >emergency patch for the most broken mechanic ever
>making new phyrexian tribal cards better
While it's basically no work, they'd still have to update gatherer and whatever internal databases they have, and presumably they have to justify a change like that with something relevant to what's being sold. If the nephs had been in that ravnica reprint set I reckon it would have happened.
You are totally right, less creature types not more.
>t. Creature Type Autist
The Nadu question will pretty much indicate the future of bans in EDH going forward. Specifically whether they are ever going to make changes to the ban list now Sheldon's dead, or whether they'll enshrine it, unchanging like the bedroom of a dead child.
>they'll enshrine it, unchanging like the bedroom of a dead child.
jesus, i didn't even think about that. fuck this.
Any cards already on there are locked in 100% now that he's dead.
I'm sorta glad they banned Sundering Titan, it's far too easy when you get to bomb up to 5 lands twice per flicker.
While it's very strong, I think Sundy has enough of an inbuilt pressure release that it has to hit one of every type if it can, which means if you're the only person at the table in a colour flickering it becomes less desirable.
What were the fucking thinking?
They forgot to put "opponent" somewhere in the trigger conditions.
doesnt this just die to target removal or is some blue shittery afoot?
he casted a dive down in response now he has either drawn two cards or ramped twice
Sure but it generates value every time it gets targeted. Also you can make it trigger by some of your own effects as soon as it hits the battlefield, so even if it gets removed right away you just earned 2 for 1. And helps ramp to bring itself back again.
Daemon and Demon are decidedly very different words with very different meanings. Aether and ether... are also very different words with decidedly different meanings
Simic players make me sick
No integrity.
What about tranny and woman?
Always loved this fat kid adventurer, my main problem is that his lore says "1 dude surrounded by monsters" but his rules text says "leading a circle of druids", if he got another less-skitzo card I'd probably build it.
What you're missing is that the "not a creature" text is reminder text. It's not rules text. It's not something that Enduring Tenacity does, it's a non-binding explanation of what Tenacity will usually do (in the absence of any other cards which modify what it does).
In this case, Enduring Tenacity returns and "It's an enchantment" (meaning that it stops being a creature according to its own ability) but then Opalescence says that it's also a creature (because it says that all enchantments are creatures whether or not they would normally be creatures).
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>Nearly every commander I've built in the past three years have been universes beyond cards

Why the fuck does UB get the more interesting card design spaces.
just think real hard for a minute
they want to sell their IP merch to suckers like you
I wanna throw out Platinum Angel, or Lich's Mastery and just see what happens.
WHFB and 40k daemons are just your typical fantasy demons with a fancier spelling.
I think what's interesting to me about it is that they don't make the UB cards super overpowered, they genuinely make them interesting. That's bizarre to me. I would think if it was just about selling and the money they would make them blatantly overpowered
The fact that it starts as a creature is potential downside, though. Even if destroying it just turns it into a non-creature enchantment it can still get exiled by StP, which literally every deck that plays white uses. Meanwhile, enchantment removal is considerably harder to come by.
I'll still include it in my mono-black lifedrain deck but as additional way to pull the exquisite blood/sanguine bond combo instead of a replacement.
I'm really enjoying all the new energy cards added recently from Fallout Set and Modern Horizon 3. Razorfield Ripper is such a a sleeper win when your opponents see you without any energy.

>Have a Aurora Shifter transformed into lightning runner.
>Aether Marvel Works activated to free cast Razorfield Ripper from selection of 6 cards. No energy left.
>Attach Razorfield Ripper to Aurora Shifter (now lightning runner).
>Rouges passage Aurora Shifter (lightning runner). Attack with both lightning runners gain eight energy (due to Izzet Generatium{+1 energy added whenever energy is gained} and phyrexian ironworks{+1 energy when attacking}).
>Instantly use up all eight energy for extra combat phase.
>Opponent blocks the only blockable lightning runner. The other passes through and before damage is inflicted I tap all my energy generators netting 8 energy then tune the narrative giving another 3 for 11 total.
>Opponent: 2+11=13*2=26 damage.
>Me: (2+11=13)+(11+13+2=26)=39.
>Whole table: How?
>Me: *points out Aurora Shifters first ability to gain energy= to amount of combat damage dealt to a player* Due to double strike giving a first strike damage step and then normal combat damage step, the ability triggers adding damage to the normal damage step so it isn't a simple add damage then double.
>Clear table with exponentially growing Aurora Shifter and infinite turns.
Because honestly as much as it pains me to admit it, they actually put more effort into them. Each of those cards represents the characters much more than just being "random draft signpost uncommon" or "chase mythic"
They do so to sell the product and in some cases make it flavorful to its source material.
>drop hypergenesis t3 because I'm retarded
>fast forward, remove last counter
>combo pirate gives me that smug look
>ur dragon gives me another smug look
>meren is the smuggest of them all
>just drop a land
>they all drop their big bad guys
>drop a fatty to give them a false sense of security then pass each time
>after we are done, they all resolve their ETBs against each other
>go to next phase, drop board wipe
never underestimate the retard of the group
Heh thats funny
razorfield ripper was the first card in the new set that really got my attention, since I love energy, artifacts and equipment creatures. I can't wait to finally upgrade my fallout energy set. and from the looks of it, it will be fairly cheap.
it's kinnan but 5c and has built in command tax cheating
I'm amazed at how good Razorfield Ripper is and is a must have in an energy deck.
Damn if you did this to me I wouldn't even be mad since I played into that like a sucker.

Why would he be a KoS commander? His effect doesn't seem THAT strong since you can't put more than one +1/+1 counter on any given creature at a time.
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I hope the boardwipe was exile, otherwise I know why the Meren player was smiling the most.
You die to it a lot faster than you think you do. A 3/3 when cast turns into on average a 6/6 when it goes back to their turn, and any mill effects turbo out his damage output. Combine it with the usual sultai slop of protecting the board and/or pumping creatures, and you die to commander damage way quicker than you expected.

I see. I was looking at building him as a lower powered deck. I guess I wasn't considering that "the sum of the parts" might be greater than the whole.

I still want to build him because I'm a BUG-loving degenerate but I might have to choose something else for a lower powered option.
He's fine for a low powered table already imo. The deck building for Mothman gives you only a small space for removal options that aren't creatures. Personally use a slightly modified precon with some cuts, reduced landbase(to 38), and more manadorks.
Naa man build the bug, he's super fun. You _can_ turbo him out and murder a table but you really don't have to build him like that, building him low power is a fun deck to pilot just be ready for people to sulk when you start making them mill their "cool cards they could have cast"
>Daemon and Demon are decidedly very different words with very different meanings. Aether and ether
you are categorically wrong
google is right there my friend, use it next time
here I'll even spoonfeed you one (1) free lesson
save yourself the public embarrassment next time!
I got grilled pretty hard for going 'soulless'

How do I power this down? What should I swap dockside / rhystic / smothering for?
also rules question. I have pic rel out. I have THREE guide of souls (When a creature ETBs, I get one energy), izzet generatorium (+1 energy)

I sacrifice a treasure, activating Aether Revolt's first ability.

I go to attack, Satya will copy electrostatic pummeler

1. I get 3 + 1 from electrostatic, then 2+1 will satya attack
2. I get 1 +1, 1+1, 1+1 from the three guides
3. That will then deal 4+2, 3+1, 2+1, 2+1 and 2+1 to any targets I want?

The argument was, I'm getting all of this energy at once, so I only get +1, and I only get one damage source w/ a +2, not all of these incremental increases
There are multiple separate triggers that resolve separately and sequentially
>you copy guy, as part of resolution you have gaining 2 energy
>this puts other abilities on the stack: 3 guide etbs, pummeler etb, aether revolt etb (4 damage, choose target now)
Each etb energy gain and aether revolt trigger resolves one at a time
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yes congratulations, you just learned that the word is exactly the same AND learned a cultural fact about the etymology. That christians used the word to only mean bad spirits because they labeled anything pagan as evil.
Do you feel good learning something kids learn in 2nd grade?
Um those aren't exactly the same at all anon. You look retarded right now
>ermmm actually 500 years ago they were used interchangeably and despite not being used interchangeably in the modern day they are the same word heh checkmate
History fags get the rope first.
>LITERALLY arguing semantics
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Does expropriate target a permanent? How is choosing not considered a target?
because its not
• A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013

• “Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost

• A cycle of uncommon lands that each reference four creature types

• Counters in the set: +1/+1, blight, coin, finality, flood, flying, indestructible, loyalty, stash, stun, and supply

• A noncreature subtype makes its first return

• A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue

• Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype

• The word “Squirrels” shows up four times in rules text

• A mythic cycle with a new symbol

• One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made

Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards:

• “Create X tokens that are copies of target token you control.”

• “If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card.”

• “Creatures your opponents control have base toughness 1.”

• “Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,”

• “if it’s the first instant spell, the first sorcery spell, or the first Otter spell”

• “put a flood counter on target land.”

• “where X is the number of creatures you opponents controlled that were exiled this turn.”

• “for each other Squirrel and/or Food you control.”

• “As long as there are four or more card types among cards exiled with CARDNAME,”

• “up to one target artifact, creature, or planeswalker an opponent controls loses all abilities until your next turn.”
It doesn't say target
Because it does not say target
Here are some creature type lines from the set:

• Creature – Hamster Citizen

• Creature – Frog Advisor

• Creature – Skunk Assassin

• Creature – Raccoon Berserker

• Creature – Squirrel Warlock Bard

• Creature – Rabbit Mouse

• Legendary Creature – Badger Warrior

• Legendary Creature – Weasel Mercenary

• Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk

• Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon

Finally, here are some names in the set:

• Crumb and Get It

• Festivals of Embers

• Hop to It

• Kitnap

• Playful Shove

• Polliwallop

• Rabid Gnaw

• Shrike Force

• War Squeak

• Wishing Well
I hate this fucking card so much what the fuck
anon who copied your deck reporting in; people genuinely like my decks, even tho I win suspiciously often.
I made the following cuts because my groups exclusively plays $100 budget decks:
Esper Sentinel
Dockside Extortionist
Jeska's Will
Enlightened Tutor
all "free" spells
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (debatable tho)
Smothering Tithe
Rhystic Study
about half of the land base (also debatable)
>How do I power this down? What should I swap dockside / rhystic / smothering for?
can't really replace them because they are so OP, but here are some cards I like to use:
Losheel, Clockwork Scholar
Padeem, Consul of Innovation
T-45 Power Armor
Assaultron Dominator
some designer who plays blue probably got butthurt over hexproof
>want to play mono blue instant speed sorcery deck
>cannot play theft because everyone gets super salty every time
what do? I just want to draw and pass the turn so the stupid control players cannot keep removing my cool stuff
>• A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013
very obviously populate or battalion for the 'make family' mechanic
Probably called Offspring based on the Jeskai precon.
>• Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk
>• Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon
kolaghan bird is REAL
>hexproof first printed 2012
>expropriate first printed 2006
Lord of the Rings
what? it came out 2016
Much of the new testament was written in Greek, and spirits not of God were considered evil, so...yes?

Second, if you look at the origins of the word demon, it literally comes from the Greek and Latin words of daemon.
It can't target because you have to pick targets when casting a spell (115.1), and the nature of the card means there's an unknown number of permanents being stolen until the spell is actually resolving, hence you choose them once voting is over. Same reason most cards with unknown variable numbers of targets don't actually target.
Have you ever encountered a Simic deck that wasn't the most generic goodstuff slop?
It's not Jegantha, it's the good counterpart to the Calamity Beasts that appears in the leaked Bloomburrow trailer.
>what are modal spells

shut the fuck up. I cast Judgment of Jeremy. It begins resolving. I choose to exile two permanents, instead of searching my hand for a permanent card and putting it on the battlefield
>durr if you look at the origins
Cool now look at the definitions and the way they are used modernly. They aren't the same word, you live in the 2024s not the middle ages
it is extremely funny to me how they are so ready to immediately drop bloomburrow and go back to turboslop because duskmourn is the one their market research showed was the most promising profits
but it will sell like absolute shit and no one will like it, meanwhile people will talk about kinoburrow for years to come.
dude you literally can see it's the same word in your own pic and the pic you replied too you're dumb
why do schizos insist they're right when they're so obviously wrong?
I like Snail's content a lot and didn't get that impression from his deckbuilding philosophy. Trinket Mage though is a midwit with some highly suspect and frustrating takes.

Very easily. I used to play an Ayumi, the Last Visitor power-matters deck which Yargle and Multani would probably be better at despite costing 1 extra. Green has a huge package of draw spells like Rishkar's Expertise, Soul's Majesty, Life's Legacy, etc and some others like Traverse the Outlands to vomit all the basics in your deck onto the battlefield. Black adds a few of its own like Disciple of Bolas while also providing cheap filler draw to hit your land drops consistently.
>and the way they are used modernly
daemon isn't used modernly because it's an archaic spelling of demon
in the same way aether is an archaic spelling of ether despite being the exact same word
you have already publicly embarrassed yourself, don't you think it's time to stop? or are you determined to have a multi hour long argument that falls to pieces the moment you open the goddamn dictionary.
You have autism just stop fucking posting, you made a stupid post, people laughed. Let it go man, your ego is fucked.
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This, but unironically.
>can see it's the same word
>with wildly different meanings
Daemon is use in lots of philosophy precisely because it speaks to something different than a demon.
We already have gods, spirits, archons, demigods, and elementals we don't need daemons
Look, at the end of the day, what matters is this: are the Daemons in 40K evil? If the answer is yes, then Demon fits.
Can you two quit yapping
>is wrong
>doubles down
daemon is used in philosophy because most philosophers you read are from ancient greece you fucking idiot holy shit
on a subconscious level you are admitting you already know it's the same word but you keep going
I knew warhammer players were all utterly fucked in the head but this is beyond the pale
I'm really not sure where in the image I provided you are seeing these words to be the same anon.
Every philosopher in my mind I am thinking of are thoroughly modern lmao. I am not admitting anything because they are not the same word. Demons are evil, daemons are not, they are simply supernatural beings.
Background legends have some pretty strong cards
Too bad UB cards are gay ass shit
it is non magic DOE
literally who cares?
nvm you're just baiting for a reaction now
i do when i get a non consentual ugly ass fallout/doctor who card in my order instead of one with an actual frame.
i wish the site of my choice would finally would implement exclude filters
He drank wine, went to parties and slapped merchants out of his father's temple. He has some B in him.
If your worries are so trivial they shouldn't be worries ^.^
so quit, stop buying cards
I'm sure wotc will see the loss of your valuable patronage as a sure sign to course correct
>have been warned by LGS AGAIN for refusing to play against an UBfaggot
>took my things and left while loudly declaring that they have just lost one of their biggest customers
>shop owner visibly sad
why are people so dense? it's YOUR fault for allowing this shit. it's not fucking magic, so it shouldn't be legal. fuck off.
xD cool story anon
>re-sealed boosters
And that shop keeper? Albert Einstein
that's fucking nutty.

That's 23 damage
>things that didn't happen
>actually bait-posting in /edh/
mono red is so boring it's unreal
do you really expect TCGs not to be entirely 'tistic?
everytime i read this pasta i think of UB being Dimir instead of Universes Beyond
>browsing lgs folder for trades
>man walks in with 2 kids (dunno if his)
>the kids want lotr boosters
>replies we don't play with universes beyond
>buys them the current standard set boosters
>they walk out
this was a while ago but it was funny to hear in real life. would never play them myself but at the same time I don't go forcing that shit on others like a fucking dolt
Say that to my face, not online, and see what happens
i think you meant selesnya
wowie +2 damage?!?! that means my shitty 1/1 goblins are actually 3/1s wooooow that's so interesting!!!
yeah, imagine. they are gonna argue it's achully 3x dmg and then proceed to play something super original like pyrohemia and bolt everyone, every, turn, again and agazzz
How is Duskmorn supposed to be good when all of the things they reference in the horror theme park are going to be universes beyond properties, and they have to hold back on how good the reference cards are in order to make sure the universes beyond cards sell?
I don't believe you. No one is this autistic
I make many goblin
Yes, get damaged, faggot, cry about it on edhg.
Cookedeye moment
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>cry about it
I thought the issue with UB was it not fitting in? D&D fits in better than Mirrodin did
doesnt fit any deck aesthetically
the art looks like shit 99% of the time
AND has the ugliest fucking frames for a magic card I've ever seen
It's that mixed with the ugly borders ruining even cards which would otherwise fit, as well as generally low quality art in the case of Doctor Who and Fallout.
what a stupid card
ok so you agree the dnd sets are fine? since the main problem you seem to have is the border which the dnd sets don't have
>turbo combo
>lightning bolt
Red is the best color in mtg and edh
The white granny peasant chef is a great CA engine
I'm not any of the previous anons. I think the dnd cards are mostly fine albeit sometimes generic and boring (because it's dnd).
Im not the other guy I just wanted to tell you UB cards look fucking horrendous. Unironically wotc wouldve made 10x more money if they slapped those shits into the retro frame and then hired an artist that didnt come from fiverr for the art
Retro frame is even worse
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let's just all agree that future sight had the best card frame
>retro frame is worse
look at the image in the OP, it somehow looks even worse irl
I want dragons in more colors...
Which should I buy for my mono red deck:
Ragavan, Dockside, Nykthos, and Deflecting Swat
Wheel of Fortune

Not having to spend a shitton on lands means I'm currently under budget.
Retro frame being a premium treatment is an admission that the new frames were a mistake.
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even more boring than elves snooze
theyre alright I guess
>turbo combo
youre just using the same artifact combos any other mono can pull off
got rotated 5 years ago when x/4 became the standard statline of all legendary creatures
One of you is most certainly the angry anon that initially got angry at D&D cards and justified it with borders lol
fuck wheel, the others will serve u better. if running nykthos u should have one or two ways to search it out though
proxy you retard this is an unofficial format
>Wizards makes more official commander product than any other formats combined
is there a mono R legend that makes mono R MLD viable yet? That's the only way you can convince me to play it otherwise
anon only plays with randoms in paid events at his lgs because he has no friends to just dick around with [he is an edh player, this should be obvious]
Okay no one cares what you play anon
>casual format
>pays several hundred dollars for cardboard squares
event /mtg/ has been using chinkium cardboard for a decade
Better than looking like puke like gold retro frame does
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terminally shit taste
trannitors remove this faggot from my general thank you
it really is a shame wotc got lazy when designing legends and decided that ALL multicolor cards would share the same border when they designed unique borders for the 5 colors previously
Why didn't you even decide to crush the UBFaggot instead? Make him shit the fag's pants? Anyway cool story Anon.
old border a shit
old font a shit
old font color a shit
old shit
at least ub cards HAVE frames
i hate borderless cards so goddamn much
more than anything else and i mean it unironically
i take a sharpie and put borders on precon cards that only come in borderless
>buying cards bad
just play Pokemon if you want a cheap but good deck, anon
>card is a perfect fit for your deck
>only comes foil or borderless
what non basic land type matter cards are good to add to omo deck
respectfully, no u
Reply to the posts you are clearly posting in response to this is such gutless feminine behavior it's absurd
i will genuinely just proxy it bc everyone knows i fucking despise those
give examples
I don't like proxying. I'd rather push myself to figure out strategies within a budget as I think it's more fun.
>I'd rather push myself to figure out strategies within a budget as I think it's more fun.
damn that's crazy cool anon but uhhhh.... I dont remember asking
Watch as someone who uses a BRO precon shit your pants
i wasnt replying to anyone in particular just general adding to the convo tbdesu
nexus of fate
any number of borderless-only precon cards like gonti
Enjoy your pea soup border
Folk Hero
Mmmmmm certified BAD ASS reply
I wasn't replying to anyone. just adding another point in general
also the old borders are fat af
the new borders are slim and sleek
thus no borders is perfection. more art too. the card type should be fully recognisable from the rules box style alone. like how they are FINALLY making all enchantments have that theros starry frame and not just creatures
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How much mana would this effect have to cost to be balanced?
>Broken at 2
>Worse Omniscience at 10
>Balanced at ???
is it possible to build a deck with only textless cards
im ngl i hate quite literally every part of your post
you are my absolute antithesis as a player
i hope we never meet
fair enough
like 5 or 6
You asked by inviting the conversation and therefore a differing opinion lil zoomzoom
Yes but it would be bad and like 50% basics
Someone in youtube did it. Proxy the 1/1 One Ring.
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For me, it's 2003.
WotC is going to start muscling in and make the banlist a complete abomination. It will be physically impossible to build a deck with a wincon that costs less than $50.
I go out of my way to make sure I don't have any borderless/extended/old/promo cards
why the fuck would you want a card with the date printed on it
change to 3 life per mana i guess
treasonous ogre exists and its ok

i segs 2014 and 2019
fucking hate the 1/1 ring is the best looking one, not even because of the elvish text just how nice the textbox looks on it
is there a usable proxy in english?
the date promos really really rub me the wrong way too
nice, will build it
based as fuck i fucking hate post 2019 tokens
im really jealous the online clients use the good 03/14 frames
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wrong choice
I love this one. 2019 soldier looks like a cosplayer.
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>inviting the conversation
by telling some retard about to drop several hundreds on cardboard to proxy?
Less art is based because art is cringe
yes dude, you dont just tell someone something like its a fact then walk away
when you try to sway someone's opinion you are starting a conversation and talking with them about it
both have about the same amount of art
thanks for reminding me all borderless art is just zoom ins of the regular version of the card so it's big enough for the whole frame
nah you just wanted someone to tell you that youre based or something because you play budget
nobody asked, peak feminine behavior ngl desu famalam
that literally isnt even me
you are an undersocialized teenager or early 20s virgin
please god just go outside and talk to people
Yes? You fucking stupid zoombrained nigger. Addressing someone directly and giving them your opinion is objectively inviting a response, no matter what your deluded solipsistic niggerbrain has convinced yourself of otherwise
zoomers unironically only know how to socialize and communicate through social media esque 'leave a comment/reply and close the post' gotchas and absolutisms
if you reply and especially if you disagree youre attacking them personally because the only extended interactions that exist on social media are fights, and ALL insults are extremely personal
he literally doesnt know how to just talk with us like normal, do not hate him for what he is
>should I spend 300$ on cardboard?
>no you should proxy you fucking retard
>well Im not that anon but did you know I play on a budget because it's actually fun to challenge myself instead of spending so much money on mtg?
>nobody asked
>well (you) invited the conversation about me, the unrelated 3rd party not involved, to bring up that I play on a budget
you got caught fishing for other anons to tell you how cool you are when nobody asked
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this makes opponent seethe
If you aren't a zoomer then you're 30+
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>being over 30 and still posting on 4chan
surely not right?
i didnt even interact with you or enter your conversation until >>93220644
that was the first post in the chain i made
youre just obnoxious, dude
dont forget, youre here forever
27 btw
>these replies

Jesus christ I explain why I wouldn't proxy and this retard has a meltdown. At least everyone else here is also calling you a braindead moron.
4chan is a 25+ website
Start at 2, add 1 for each additional mana beyond the 1st
Correct and my GF is younger than you zoomshit
>30+ year old men spend hundreds on cardboard squares
>little zoomies just print it for 2 cents a squard
maybe the zoomers are based
>Jesus christ I explain why I wouldn't proxy and this retard has a meltdown
if you were this anon >>93220387 then youre not playing budget when each card listed is minimum 30$ or 300$ for a single wof
I'm a thirty something neet and I just buy worthless cards
anon youve been in a coma its 2024 every half decent commander card is minimum 30$ and it costs the price of a used car to make a tribal deck now
Thoughts on this little fella?
>you're not playing budget

See, here's the thing. I never said I was playing budget. I said I deckbuild within a budget.
If you manifested a card with Echo then flipped it face up two turns later would you have to pay the echo cost the next turn?
you can build reasonably powerful decks for like $40, but tribal is in a weird spot because it's both popular and propped up by incredibly generic cards like coat of arms and roaming throne. if you build around a clear theme that ties your tribe of choice together though you can still build them incredibly budget (ie. kyler humans, wilhelt zombies, krenko goblins).
built for academy rector
sorry i meant manufactor
No one who claims to be "one of the biggest customers" is ever even in the top twenty. Anyone who has ever worked at an LGS can confirm.
The cardmarket wizard SUCKS
>What is the most cancerous card ever printed?
stella lee
it's between sheoldred and smothering tithe
Roaming Throne or Isshin and anyone who says different is a retard.
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These will always be my first pick for solider tokens.
...but none of those decks are even that bad or that good
just play into it lol
that would be the whole overarching "do thing twice" squad
I think they're the two worst offenders just due to the blanket effect. Roaming Throne having no real rules for what you can affect in terms of creatures and isshin being 3 colors with just "on attack" triggers opens up hundreds of stupid combos. Wulfgar was in colors where that kind of ability made sense at the very least.
Everything is expensive
i agree, Isshin is a cringe fat weeb for not having to attack himself to get the payoff.
can't even dare to ask for the most basic of buildarounds
not if you know the ancient Chinese ways
>isshin is worse than mother of machines
wrong. i don't think mother of machines is bannable or too strong or anything, but it's definitely a bigger contender than isshin
>fits in any Wx deck, isshin needs WBRx
>ETBs are more abusable than attack triggers
>torpor orbs opponents
>massive butt and vigilance means that it can attack for days with little worry of dying in combat and still be left as a blocker
Exactly, the problem with Isshin is that there's 0 drawback, he's massively undercosted, and the only color he's in where that makes remote sense is Red. Mardu fighting is the whole meme but that takes it so such a retarded generic Golos level ideal that I hate it. "Do thing twice" should be reserved for very specific instances and VERY specific colors. I'd argue that the only ones that are legitimate and fair are
>Ancient Greenwarden
It's green and comes with Crucible built in, it's an all-in-one but is nonlegendary and has no innate protection
>Clara Osward
UBshit but it's SUPER specific
>Delney, Streetwise Scout
Power restriction and monowhite, but the innate skulk is retarded and unnecessary fluff to push the card harder
>Drivnod, Carnage Dominus
Monoblack death triggers is iconic and fine
>Erdwall Illuminator
Once per turn and only gives an additional Clue, you can abuse it but it isn't some self-contained turbo-engine
>Panoptic Projektor (why the fuck is it spells this way lmao)
No one unironically plays face-down theme and anyone who does deserves all the help they can get before they get stepped on by Timmy's dinosurs
>Wulfgar of Icewind Dale
Gruul punch triggers are fine and limited enough
Enrage is actually cool and she incentivizes making your own shit punch each other for 4 triggers
2003 sucks and looks like actual ai slop both those before and - this hurts me to day - after it are better
the Dune-esque aesthetic of Time Spiral block white cards is underappreciated
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This one's my favorite, personally. The way the arch in the background frames it is beautiful. The new frames its reprints use unfortunately make it look worse, but it's still one of the nicest looking soldier tokens. The Cathar one from Innistrad also looks pretty cool, but with how geared up that one looks, he feels like he should be one of the 2/2 soldier tokens instead of a 1/1 soldier token.
This is also my favourite soldier token by far, grabbed a small handful of them when making my UW control/soldier deck
I just put together a deck for 100. I could easily cut it to 50 by removing a few pricier cards
What makes this better than the other UR suspend commander?
32 y.o. and have been here since 2006.
>forever newfag
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in a perfect world banned as a commander would have nadu, and banned as a companion would have lutri
also ban dockside/thoracle pls
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>banned as companion
in a perfect world, companion would not exist in commander. they exist in the sideboard and commander does not have a sideboard, they should not be able to be used as companions.
>inb4 some autist brings up the specific wording of companion and how it actually works without sideboards
don't care. no one should be able to have 3 commanders. 2 was already egregious enough.
Is this autism?
just undersocialization
he genuinely thinkts he sounds cool
What did he mean by this post?
Much much much more of an issue in modern than EDH.
This anon is right. Daemons were Hellenistic spirts that could either be good (agathodaemon) or evil (kakodaemon). The bible popularised “demon” which became 99% evil with scarce few good ones (like the Ars Goetia)
This anon is retarded. Don’t be like him
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stupid question but would mycosynth lattice end up rolling the red and black mana into the generic mana making it effected by Affinity, or does that red and black still exist independently?
it wouldnt do anything to imskir's mana cost aside from make everything be part of affinity
you are looking for effects that reduce colored mana cost like morophon
>finally finish building my shitty seamonster budget tribal
>it's fun
wtf timmy was right
I do the same, but with proxies.
You didn't beat the game
Shit, son, I turn 43 this year. Been around since the 'desu' days. Started playing MTG shortly before Ice Age.
are you the reason Spawning Kraken is up to 20 bux? you cocksucker?????????? I'll get you.
I play a pretty casual Kraj list, its main goal is infinites (honestly far more tolerable than simic decks that just build insane value for 20 minute turns but can’t quite clinch it) but it goes slowly and anybody paying attention can see the shit coming a mile away.
I just thought Kraj was cool and Horseshoe Crab is one of my favorite creatures ever, so it’s cool to have it be among the best cards in the deck

tldr dont play kraj if you dont want infinites but it’s still low-power friendly even with them
Seamonster is an extremely fun tribal. I like Runo as a commander, personally, but that's mostly just because he's hot and I want to fuck vampires, not fish.
ok drop the list buddy
>random reprintable cards
>reserve list
the answer is clear here lmao
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does gandalf's ability affect academy manufactors?
anon these cards dont have any interaction at all
manufactor does not have a trigger for gandalf to double
literally just read the card
does academy manufactor ability happen when an artifact enters or leaves the battlefield?
no (it's a replacement effect) so it doesnt

why are people so dumb
i think the answer to the question you are looking for is
if a legendary permanent or an artifact entering or leaving the battlefield would cause an ability of a permanent you control THAT WOULD BE EFFECTED BY ACADEMY MANUFACTORS REPLACEMENT ABILITY to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time [THE SECOND TRIGGER IS ALSO EFFECTED BY THE REPLACEMENT ABILITY
as in, yes, playing a novice inspector will get its trigger doubled, and both triggers will make all 3
manufactor does not trigger and put anything in the stack that is effected by gandalf, though
>as in, yes, playing a novice inspector will get its trigger doubled
no it won't, gandalf gives additional ETBs of legendaries and artifacts. novice inspector is neither of those.
youre so goddamn right
i literally forgot what gandalf even did as i was typing that out, i just looked for the first example of something for manufactor i could think of
i'm sorry anon im too high to be explaining things and didnt realize :(
But Novice Inspector also doesn't interact with Gandalf either, as it's neither an artifact nor is it a legendary permanent.
But if we're talking about, say Wernog and all other players lose life, you get two of each of the artifacts. Either way, Gandalf and Manufactor still do not interact with each other.
i am sorry :(
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What squirrel shit should I buy now before bloomburrow Jack's prices up?
Just check edhrec's page for chatterfang and grab whatever's humanoid. Don't grab any squirrels or enchantments because they'll be obvious reprints.
The most you can say is that they mean the same thing in the context of 40k, but even that would be fishy (the writers went with "daemon" for a reason).
>He sincerely thinks he isn't here forever

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