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Pestilance edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
ლოლ ლმაო მშვიდობით?
nah living in New York was enough to reinforce my hatred of Rats and Mice.
why are skaven so evil when real life rats are nice?
>t. 100 rats eating a homless guy from the inside after crawling into his ashole
When will the indices be published?
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Come to Louisiana and Meet Nutria. This unholy combination of beaver and rat is the most annoying and Petty thing in the world.
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>why are wolves evil when dogs are nice?
never. faction packs might come out soon though.
Before the 13th of July. That's all we got.
are you implying rats are domesticated skaven?
Domesticated rats are nice, the wild rats will eat babies and homeless people
i punched one of those things in the head so hard that it caved its skull in and it seized and died once, because it was trying to eat my subway sandwich when i was at a park.

that was when i knew i was a seraphon player deep down.
My brother met an albino nutria once. Didn't ask him if it had horns too tho
I hope SCE get a character imbued with the essence of Morrda, it'd be interesting to see them interact with Zenestra (imbued with the essence of The Cinder God)
So what's up with the bell motif in maggotkin?
inevitability, the tolling for the end of things and beginning of others
Toll of a bell is a symbol of death
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spearhead pdf when?
This week
They reconfirmed in the Sunday preview that downloads will go live before anything physical hits shelves
Man, I was planning on 4th being the last edition I played, but it's increasingly looking like I should have just made that third. Which sucks because I though of third as incomplete trash.
What made you think third was incomplete
Don't respond to larp posters

They don't play any game system, new or old, they just enjoy going online and shitting on the current thing.
There is no logic behind their statements, they're just supposed to be inflammatory so they can get a conversation going.
So did it flop or not?
>Want to start new Army for new Edition
>Everyone says DoK is likely the same NPE and monotone gameplay
>Fyreslayers are cool but with GW's Dwarf hate...also, Chorfs on the Horizon so why not wait?
>Fucking love the Tzeentch Birb Flavour but their rooster is for me like 50:50 of cool birbs and ugly horrors. Is it still possible to play a fun army this way?
>GW fucking blueballs the whole community by not releasing the indexes to get a propper read
I hate the new-edition-limbo so much....
the models look cool
so, not
Physical release is next weekend so pdfs probably start coming out next week.
This week is "influencers hyping up release" week.
>2 days after preorder goes live

Shut the fuck up, I honestly hope it flops but being retarded isn't cute
Had a rat in my back garden last week and the dumb fuck fell for bait I set up in a snap trap. I hate rats they poo everywhere.
I have rats in my back garden and I feed them kitchen scraps.
Also have stray cats but they don't give a shit about the rats.
You sure that wasn't an Indian uber-eats driver?
Rat dtoppings aren't nearly as vile as curry poo.
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>ugly horrors
get third party and recasts of old horrors
Why is 3d printslop always poorly designed? Is it because it's meant to be admired as a virtual 3d model and not actually painted and used as a game piece?
I'd be surprised if most printfag designers actually even test printed their stuff. It's very much just a 3D modeling hobby to them
I thought the indexes WERE the faction rules? What are they then?
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in most cases it's because the sculptor has no real practice in sculpting miniatures in a traditional way and doesn't know when to approximate a detail and when to fill in everything in textures, thinking that more is always better and not stopping to think if he should add the detail, since the program allows him to zoom in the sculpt easily

in other cases I've realised some people sculpt without having a good project/design delineated beforehand
so of course the result is going to be messy
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Too many 3d artists don't print, resulting in models with bits too fragile even if you print with the most expensive resin.
The best models I've seen on the market are usually the ones that try to mimic the oldhammer chunky style, without making making them so derpy only a grognard will like them
Most artists don't actually make use of their stuff or participate in any hobby. I've only even seen vae victis print and paint their minis from the main popular lot and even then iirc he still falls for the render one face for a group of ten+ models that no actual Wargamer would entertain as appropriate
He´s just being pedantic, Indexes are the made up word for 40k,
Faction packs are the same for AoS but different word
nah I'm confusing him with highland slop in regards to heads
These are scheduled for the week after the 13th right?
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>55 for the board
if there was another sprue of terrain I would have been tempted to collect all the board packs they would be doing this edition
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>Witness me!
Am i a retard or are thier shemes overly restrictive?
You need to play them on one turn, but they only activate at the start of the next, so on turn 3 they are useless
>you can make two beasts of nurgles from a box of one
Huh? No way two out of one box would be way to cheap for James
You need an extra body and hands
You can easily sculpt the body, and you do get an extra set of hands.
>his army doesn't let you double or triple the number of models per kit by recasting bodies
Too bad GW are clamping down on that, deliberately or just because they're lazy
Are you talking about the Kruelboyz faction ability?

Because if so, yes, you're retarded, that's not how they work at all.
Recasting parts of a kit is the most pointless thing ever.
You're spending hours of your time, and a bunch of material costs to make a shitty version of something you could just buy.

Buy a 3D print, or a 3rd party proxy if the cost of the GW ones is too high.
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Is Spearhead any good
Should I get Skaventide if I'm only interested in Spearhead?
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>building le toys is a...waste of time!
Im going to make you feel uncomfortable after you finish relieving your self at the bathroom today hobbylet.
It's fun?

Best ones like Highlands miniatures, warp miniatures, Duncan shadow and monstrous encounters emulate the oldhammer style and at least Highlands miniatures are strict about test printing their stuff etc. Warp miniatures starter as selling physical products too before moving to 3d printing.
I'm talking about the Underworld warband depicted in those images. With their Underworlds rules
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My recasts are 1-1 idk I'm not using epoxy and blue stuff or buying from people who do lmao A 3d printer is way more expensive and produces slop unless you go out of your way to sculpt yourself
how do
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No way these weapon shafts don't snap.
Those look like excellent recasts, though.
I'm not 100% certain but I think the rulebook for Spearhead as well as a gameboard and tokens and card or something come in that box. I think you can still download the rules and the cards but I don't know if it's free or not. If all you want is the Spearhead just get that box for your chosen army and hopefully you can get the rules one way or another wink*wink
I mean its looking to be fun. Will it be long term fun? Maybe if you buy more than 3 spearheads.
some types of resin are surprisingly flexable
>Should I get Skaventide if I'm only interested in Spearhead?
Do you want Stormcast and Rats?
Once Skaventide drops will all the Dominion stuff get even cheaper?
people are buying dominion stuff for some reason so sadly no.
stop slamming your models down after rolling 1s
Scaventide seling fast?
I've built three so I know the kit well.
You can't. Don't be a retard.
When did you realise it was a failure?
>Games Workshop Designer:
I would say we always knew Age of Sigmar was *going* to be a failure. You don't write rules that give you a bonus for having a moustache or for [laughs, gestures with hand] bobbing up and down pretending you're riding a horse and expect that to be a success. But it only became clear it was an overwhelming *commercial* failure with the launch of the Skaventide box.
It didn't sell?
We sold almost none of what we had made. And it wasn't a matter of overproduction: we knew Age of Sigmar sold at a 1:8 ratio compared to 40k, and we knew we had no Space Marine faction making up 40% - 50% of total sales. We made the right number of copies for the fanbase we believed Age of Sigmar to have and it just did not sell. Nobody bought. Actually, we couldn't even give Skaventide away. The company losses would've been too great. We had to set up these skips, big metal trash bins, and melt down hundreds of boxes every day as "nonviable product". That way we could claw back some of our costs on tax writeoffs.
What are, in your personal opinion, the reasons why the Skaventide product failed?
I think we overestimated the disposable income the Age of Sigmar fanbase had available. They had less money than we thought. The uh, the particular demographic we associated with Age of Sigmar has a lot of outgoing expenses. I don't know too much about this *exactly* but uh... hormones, surgical debt, preventative... there's this preventative medicine you can take for AIDS now... all of these things are quite expensive. And Age of Sigmar was overrepresented among the transgender community. It was the most popular wargame among the transgender community since its inception, we had the stats on that.
I see. And what was the result of the Skaventide release?
Well [laughs] we lost a lot of money. But ultimately I do think it was a blessing in disguise. With Skaventide sales so completely in the tank even the corporate office couldn't ignore that Age of Sigmar was a failure. So were able to take the resources being used on Age of Sigmar and reassign them to The Old World, where really they belonged. And that led to the biggest ever launch of what is now our biggest *ever* game in 2024.
All those words nobody is gonna read lol
Please don't fill the board with your shitty fanfics anon.

Re-sculpting pieces/making your own pieces is not being able to make two models out of one kit. It's making one model, then using the leftovers on a piece of shite you 'crafted' later on.

>Word 'slop' used unironically.
Opinions ignored.
Not really but it contains all the shit for spearhead.
Then pick up a vanguard/spearhead for a faction you'll actually enjoy and make/buy the spearhead stuff separately.
What is with you inbred retards and thinking stater sets exist to sell out? They're meant to be in-stock so that people who want to start the game can get them.
These aren't FOMO one of a kind kits, these are boxes that'll be produced throughout all of 4th.
What is it about AOS that appeals to you? There’s a decent scene for it near me and I’m tempted to try it, but not sure where the appeal is.

I play fantasy and awgs, and used to play 40k so I like like flavourful rules and systems with a lot of choice
That's a new edition launch box, it's while stocks last. The starter or introduction sets are a different thing.
You’ve been making these exact posts for over three years.
minis, the available scene, and I enjoy the background of the setting (even though I know GW will never allow it to reach its potential.)
Is the actual game good though?

I think the fluff with petty gods who have magnified mortal failings and hubris is neat. I also like how order is seeking to reclaim lost ground instead of just being battered endlessly by the hosts of chaos.

The game seems pretty fun, only played one game of 3rd edition though, against a troon with mostly unpaid stormcasts. Wasn't the most pleasant experience.
Game is very fun, lots of faction have very unique rules that reflects well the fluff and I like some of the stories in the setting (i have other settings for scratching the more grimdarkvibes). Models are also pretty solids
Two more editions
>What is it about AOS that appeals to you?
Lore, models and gameplay, in that order.
>against a troon with mostly unpaid stormcasts
Are you saying they were doing for free?
idk I haven't played 4th yet to tell you that.
>not sure where the appeal is.
its got orcs and elves and shit, what are you dumb or something bruh?
>Wasn't the most pleasant experience.
how was the sex afterwards?
>GW assures both clients and their customers that there will be enough for everybody
>Contacts at GW go out of their way to tell third party retailers they will have more than enough boxes
>Pre-order goes live
>Doesn't instantly sell out

Imagine my shock, it must be because the box is bad?

I believe he was not compensated monetarily for it.
IIt wasn't long ago that people still had Leviathan boxes in stock. Launch sets for main games don't sell out in a day.
Are there any OBR 4e reports yet?
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Kurnothi when GW?! I want my new Wood Elves!
New plague monks first.
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Thanks anons, maybe I’ll give it a go when I’m done with my current ogre army
>What is it about AOS that appeals to you?
I miss Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
>I miss Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
Then fuck off back your TOW thread.
Well, you are lucky anon, it's back
Yeah, but it's barely got any support.
I can't buy any of the units for my Dwarf army.

So until then, I'm interested in AoS.
Sounds better than anticipated.
Call me when he does Hedonites.
That'd be this Friday.
>Mawpot is 6 wounds with a 5+ save

For me it's the models, which blow 40k and any other game out the water, and how the game is more casual and beer & pretzelsy than 40k while being more engaging imo.
That is a bit silly. If the opponent has any shooting you will lose it turn 1 100% of games. It's not a big deal but...why?
Honestly all terrain pieces should be immune to shooting, at least from anything that's not an artillery piece. The idea that you're destroying fucking buildings or Trees by chucking a few arrows at them is extremely silly on top of being terrible for faction balancing.
but not everyone is shooting arrows
sometimes it's flames and shit
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Consooming has occurred this day.
Even if it's fire, you'd expect terrain to have more stamina than 5-6 unarmored goblins.
That does look rather consumptive.
Are we supposed to clap?
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>4 armies
well, good luck, anon, I hope you got good deals for them
the pair of ossiarch battleforces seems particularly neat

Sure is, but the price was right.

Nope, I'm just posting AoS related stuff in the AoS general.
I wish I could find the battleforce for sgbl with the zomibes...
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>Sure is, but the price was right.

Battleforce buyer here

Same man, the LGS sale had like 8 of the skellies plus wolves and bats one, I thought about it but decided against buying it.
>slaanesh is literally just the vanguard with one kit of myrmidons
I can't tell if this box is bad or the vanguard/spearhead is just that good
its 10 myrmidons, 2 boxes.

I assemble and play with all my armies anon, and once inspiration hits I'm a pretty quick and active painter too.
I've never seen GW stuff on sale. I thought there was a deliberate policy not to so that people don't delay purchases in the hope of discounts.
Now I wish I had not missed out on it. Got loomies instead like a retard
NTA but I nabbed the recent christmas box of SBGL for like $150 off ebay, its just really rare. Some LGS will also offer more than the 20-25% discount in store as well depending on the product.
Nah fuck the trim man. I shudder at the thought of it.
kek, the perfect consoomer.
Anybody got book 6 of Dawnbringers?
not that guy, but what are you even seething about? It's a factual statement, Skaventide gives you the board, cards, terrain and rules book for playing Spearhead assuming you actually give a shit about that. The standalone Spearhead set that's up for pre-order next week doesn't even come with the rulebook so it's technically less complete.
GW terrain boxes are usually pretty pathetic but who on earth is going to buy this lmao
These days GW charges $50+ dollars for a hardcover book with less than 100 pages, so naturally they charge cardboard at basically the same rate.
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Good info

*$50 for a hardcover book that will be incorrect within a few months of being printed
I don't understand why they didn't put in another 2 walls for more variety You could have 2 L-shapes on one side, a symmetrical layout and a 4-walled ruin in the middle. That said, I have seen it going for 25 eurobucks from split boxes. I'll probably pick up a sprue from ebay, because it would make a neat ritual-side kind of terrain on a single base.
> babies
> homeless

But I wanted the rules this week :(
Why does destruction keep getting the shaft this edition?
I told you regiments of renown weren't legal in matched play
Because 99% of the sculptors aren't painters. So they don't understand what painters want and just pule more and more detail on their to appease the söyjacks who söypog at 'LE EPIC DETAIL!!!,' buy the stl, then never print it or paint it.
They wanted a standardized format for spearhead AND to include it all inside the starter box
They should have used cardboard terrain instead of plastic terrain and sold plastic replacements for the cardboard separately for people who really wanted a better board, this is absurd and weighting on the starter box's price for minimal stuff
Models are superior to 40k in such a hilarious fashion it's not even funny. Barring the fatcast, 90% of the stuff released since the beginning of 2nd Ed mogs so hard on pretty much everything that isn't a Primarch that there's no comparison. Over half of all 40k "Centerpiece" models end up being various-shaped boxes with coke cans bolted on. Also, for all the shit SCE get, they make up a very proportionate (I think 8%) percentage of the playerbase. This can be compared to like half of all 40k players playing some flavor or Muhreens, particularly if you count Chaos chapters.

Tl;dr - What it means is you hit an AOS table and you're gonna see more model diversity, force composition, and better models. Given too how AOS doesn't need 200-page Errata issued every 90 days means that it's just a better experience.
and what makes you think they are not legal in matched play?
If Legion of Azgorh aren't in the Legends drop then we are officially back
What are you yapping about.
Because they got prominence in the last one? Back of the line now
Whenever you make a post like this it just causes people to actively search for the post number in question, giving it *more* attention. Just ignore it.
I still chuckle at the 'outgoing expenses' part.
> amount anon will paint: 0%
it really seems like they made the mawpot deliberately worse just to sell the mawpit, since you can only take 1 and everyone already has the mawpot.

As soon as I have a scheme I'll get an entire battleforce painted in a week or two (though maybe longer with slaanesh and lumineth, they seem real time consuming)
Thought we where supposed to get rat and sce scrolls today... guess it's another week of useless puff articles then.
>Another boney boy
Lucky you, I wish I could find some of those big boxes for cheap, I need more stalkers/morghasts and gothizzar is really fun to assemble/paint
the new necrons are pretty good.
that soulsuck is incredibly hot for some reason.
imagine getting TWO boxes of worst death when nighthaunt and vampires exist, wewfuckingladdie.
Imagine having such shite taste, wewfuckingladdie.
bonereapers are great
LGS owner confirmed that this has been the best selling AOS product launch he's ever seen at his shop. If that's a trend elsewhere, 4th may be a landmark moment for the game.
but OBR are best death and soulblight is worst. what are you talking about?
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>CoS on Wednesday
>Hedonites on Friday

I’m getting double blue-balled because I’m impatient.
Does this just prove that the mistake was Kruelboyz as the other half of Dominion?
how would this prove anything?
I mean, everything else being equal there's no way KB are more popular than Skaven.

I plan on playing spearhead with my nephews and am not buying skaventide, so I guess I'm buying this.
Every sylvaneth player is going to grind the game to a halt getting out 6 different widgets to try and squeeze a wildwood in somewhere, only for a random ranged attack to remove it immediately.

They should have just ditched faction terrain entirely, and come up with something else for sylvaneth to have as their faction identity.
obr looks like dogshit.
Why does Dominion live rent free in the minds of so many retards? It was years ago folks, let it go ffs.
>AOS doesn't need 200-page Errata issued every 90 days means that it's just a better experience.
They've already said they're going to be issuing rules updates to AoS at the same frequency that 40K gets them in 4e.

So you're going to have to learn how to read pdf's
I really hope that Clanrats end up like Hobgrots or Necron Warriors where you can buy a shit ton of them for like $1 per model (or less!) on ebay
you already told us that you have shit taste. no reason do repeat yourself.
they attempted to nerf it into uselessness first so they can remove it later on with less complaints.
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Archaon's warscroll leaked on reddit

How are we feeling, Chaos sisters??
I don't know why people think the game's sales success or failure is any indication of the game's quality
>No pic of profile.

It's bullshit. Move on.
>No proofs
>leaks of rules
Should be a good week.
I like that they decided to have a bit of fun with the range and didn't just make a bunch of new models that safely stuck to the humanoid shape. So there are dudes with one eye, there are dudes with many eyes, there are dudes who are a floating torso, there are giant spider walkers, there are dudes with cannons for arms, etc. All of it's been done before, but they chose to iterate on those old ideas, and that's nice.

I really, really wish the sculptors would do the same for Sylvaneth. Not counting the bugs, I think it's only Ylthari that doesn't match with the outline of a human shape, and only from the waist down. Everybody else has got a head (with two eyes and a mouth), a torso, one pair of arms and one pair of legs. There's gotta be more things that can be done in that creative space.
They probably got it from Tabletop Titans. There was a stream linked in the previous thread.
I liked Dominion, though? I'm just saying, you can't compare KB to Skaven, the gulf is immense.
>Everybody else has got a head (with two eyes and a mouth), a torso, one pair of arms and one pair of legs

Wow, almost like Alarielle based her children on the Wood Elves of the Old World who were all humanoid. Crazy, huh?!
Go figure skaven fans don’t actually play or even collect models.
Hits as hard as kragnos with twice the effective health, 14" fly, wizard 2, and allegiance abilities, and keywords. Seems balanced.
Never understood this kind of post wherein someone seems to think that they can get someone to change their opinion on a design by explaining and justifying it enough
>So you're going to have to learn how to read pdf's

matt rose clarified in a recent interview the way updates are going to be handled is that there is just going to be a single document thats all the errata, battlescroll, points, etc all in a single pdf, and whenever there's changes they will just edit the document and put the changes at the top, so you should never need to download or check more than that single pdf
I'm just pointing out how retarded his opinion is. It's like saying you don't like the undead because almost everything is dead. It's a core part of faction, and if you don't like it, too bad.
It's not bullshit, the "influencers" are reading scrolls, (because they can't show them) and people are typing it out.
played 3rd ed at the start very competitively, thinking about jumping into 4th ed
is there a good video breaking down the rule changes?
I don't think so, I think it's more a statement that rats are either more marketable or rat players really are just that hungry for a range refresh even if it lands them with 200 clanrats in their collection.
warhammer weekly did one.
Just the complete misscalculation from GW is kinda funny. They really misscalculated how popular kruleboys would be.
And the Selling fast!!! post came off as really desperate too.
Maybe it wasnt the kruleboys after or rather the common thing in both boxes
AOSCoach also has a few videos breaking things down too
I still see Dominion boxes languishing in shops from time to time.
>don't like the undead because almost everything is dead
I think the comparison would be if all undead were human skeletons and that was somehow a problem. But obviously that's not a problem any of the Death armies have.

It’s sold half as much as Leviathan did at my LGS. Levi sold like 50k the month it dropped I think.
Just forgot Bonereapers existed, did we? In which nearly every single unit has two arms, two legs, two eyes and a mouth?
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rats are the most popular age of sigmar army, by almost twice as much as the next closest one
Fucking gross. Reddit is nothing but lefty cunts, TOW fags and TW:W Secondaries.
Their tastes don't matter.

Half of the big 40k box is pretty good.
>the two most animal heavy armies have the hugest amount of neckbeard followers.
>constantly see a flow of fanfic smut posted in this fucking thread

i think it might also have to do something with vermintide not
>>constantly see a flow of fanfic smut posted in this fucking thread

Yeah I've never see this.
Stop being a spaz.
No, the idea of skaven is more popular. Clearly nobody is buying rat models and playing games.
Why do you retarded faggots keep posting this in every thread despite it proving absolutely nothing?
Skaven are present in like 4 or 5 different IPs, who the fuck outside of AoS players knows what a Nighthaunt or gloomspitegitz is? Ofcourse Skaven has more followers
i was legit curious after someone in yesterdays thread suggested it was just furries.

i scrolled through the skaven subreddit for a solid 10 minutes and i didnt see any furry art posting, but i did see a shitload of models. i think people just really like that model range. there were more people posting their models in 10 minutes of scrolling than you see in all the aosg threads for a month.
the other factions have aos-specific names, skaven here don't, sounds like it would be a pretty significant flaw in the comparison given the discussion in other media
While there are also many that don't? They seem like the worst counterexample when they include things that are clearly not anthropomorphic like the harvester, the horses, the four-faced stalkers, and not to mention the Mortek Crawler.
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Why are skaven so popular? They look dumb as hell.
>They should have just ditched faction terrain entirely, and come up with something else for sylvaneth to have as their faction identity.
They did, it's called "overgrown terrain", and then they ditched it for whatever reason
degenerates identify with rats
>Weebposter only likes "aesthetic" things
color me shocked.
>They should have used cardboard terrain instead
Lol no. Plastic scenery is extremely cheap to produce. They even outsourced that to China. Instead of using cardboard replacement trash they should simply stop being so greedy.
that logic doesnt track, otherwise khorne, slaanesh, nurgle, and tzeentch should also be at least as big if not bigger from both video games/books but also 40k

if any of this "its coming from other IPs" logic tracked, then the other chaos gods should be waaaaay more popular
They have basically the same appeal as Gloomspite Gitz but with mad science instead of mushrooms and bugs.
I love gambling and cocaine and living in peoples walls.
total war warhammer 2 and vermintide 1 and 2.
dumb is fun
the army offers multiple themes to play with (plague, ninjas, frankenstein, mad science) and at least one is both very endearing and largely absent in much of the other ranges (the latter)
the models are also forgiving for painters due to their inherent dirtiness and a nunber of people see a small animal (regardless of whether it's in scale or not) and their immediate reaction is amusement or sympathy

the 2 most unpopular elements of skaven are the fact they're a horde army that requires painting at times hundreds of models, and the fact they're an evil/chaos faction
note: I'm not saying the above are bad features or that everyone who is into skaven dislikes the above, but there's a trend in (alleged) skavenfags or prospective skavenfags pointing at those as problems in their opinion

if goblins had guns, a large portion of skavenfags would go to gits

I guess. I’m not a big 40k fan, so I’m a bit biased. Muhreens are generically cool and ‘nids are cool enough.

I’d rather paint Painbringers and Twinsouls over anything 40k has outside of SoB or GSC.
okay, so i've watched a few batreps played in 4th and it looks like just about everybodies list except gloomspite is coming out to about 1850 in current points.

gloomspite seem to have gotten massively cheaper, at least as far as squigs are concerned, likely due to how hard their profiles were nerfed
chaosfags are mainly residing in larger chaos pools, I'd guess

maybe try seeing if there's a subreddit for lizardmen, instead of the one for seraphon, or dwarfs/greenskins at large, it might give a point of reference

yeah the gsg list in that video was almost 2500pts in 3rd edition points, they seem very hordy now, or squigs anyway.
>Don't fucking flip the switch, Tzeentch
i actually want to run a couple reinforced units of the new squig herd. regenerating 4d3 squigs a round sounds funny
I just hope trolls are steel beefy and bounderz still a good source of damage
so who’s models get shown if Order and Chaos don’t win the community event
trolls are confirmed still beefy
I really like technologically advanced chaos factions. I'm interested almost exclusively in Skryre, and if Chaos Dwarfs were added to AoS, I would play them too.
So Be'lakor's gonna "ascend" Hashut like Archaon "ascended" GHR isn't he
I don't remember reading that the reveals are tied to the victor, this time around
Dankhold troggoth
These games singlehandedly pulled skaven out of obscurity and made them reddit
I'm willing to bet my entire backlog, skaven would be cut from 4th edition like beastmen, had no one but wargamers knew about them
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It's been 81 days since it was announced that there were "more information on Ruins of the Past to be revealed soon!"

Belakor has no sway over the great game and is actually opposed to the idea of more gods ascending to the table
He wants to be the one reaching the spot
>Oh, Archaon thinks he's cool, ascending that fucking mouse?!
>Well, I'll ascend my own god, with blackjack, and hookers!
>Damn thar gnussy, ncie
The thing that annoyed me the most about Skaven is that they were super limited in terms of allies, even for stuff that could easily be explained via slavery (any given chaos monster or beast unit). I don't see why I couldn't take some chaos spawn or warhounds and whip them around with a packmaster. One of the Moulder relics was directly mentioned to be fashioned from a Jabberslythe's fangs, so it's not like they refuse to capture and experiment on non-rat monsters.
I'm pretty sure the event is only counting Stormcast and Skaven, even if you play another army. You just say "my points go to Stormcast/Skaven" and it tallies for them.
I still don't understand this ascension thing it feels especially meaningless even for AoS fluff
Be'lakor HATES upstarts; see his conflict with Vashtorr in 40k.
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GW has always been very inconsistent and weird with how it treats alliance-mechanics

your best tool for that is running proxies and houserules
The Hell Pit supplement that thing is from is what I always point to when people say that Moulder MUST be rats and only rats — my favorite parts of it were the mutant trolls and flayerkin. One day, I want to add some converted Rockgut Troggoths to my army and run them as Rat Ogres.
why shoud he buy more stuff than he is Interesseted in?
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>one day
Are the points out yet? I have 120 clanrats ordered but I'm not sure how much room that leaves me
If I was Skaven I would’ve stayed far as Rick away from the realms of belligerent suicidal maniacs and the one where the belligerent suicidal maniac is the land and every single organism in it.

I would’ve slammed Blight City in Ulgu or Chamon. That shit is free real estate
How far away is Rick
Champions of Chaos any day now!
god, dont remind me. i have been waiting for that quite long now.
If that faggot Malerion doesn’t get off his ass this edition I see zero reason why Order shouldn’t get pushed out of Aqshy
Shit is out next week, you have to do better than plain text.
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What, you want me to do it tomorrow? In case you didn't notice, there's kind of an important Skaven release coming up that's got my attention at the moment.
The Thaggoraki will pay
>start putting together models
>oh shit this takes longer than I thought it would
>never opens the other 5
it is tough to integrate non-rat visual elements into the range this far into their development, to be fair

the safest non-rat things that can be integrated easily are worms, thanks to the analogy with the tail and the burrowing theme, bats for apparent reasons, and surprisingly one time a guy suggested pestilent guys atop fleas, which is ironic in all the most fitting ways

take a troll, how do you turn it into something that feels at home inside the range without covering or replacing its face to the point it might as well be just a fat rat ogre?
The spearhead box isn't even complete.
At the very least, it'll contain another 2 armies if the game is interesting.
>and surprisingly one time a guy suggested pestilent guys atop fleas, which is ironic in all the most fitting ways
That was actually me, haha.
>take a troll, how do you turn it into something that feels at home inside the range without covering or replacing its face to the point it might as well be just a fat rat ogre?
I would definitely go the route of heavily integrating warpstone, like painting some of the rocky textures like it, and adding additional crystalline growths, along with a few unsightly mutations.
If I remember Pestilens correctly the skaven took over one of those mega worms in Ghur and they have a shit ton of all kinds of gribblies inside of them
Nta but when I looked at the AoS starter sets almost a year ago, me and my friend that is into 40k wanted nothing to do with the kruelboyz side. And when that recent RTS came out, many people were wondering why the orcs were so skinny and raggedy.

I know people buying skaventide that just want the rats and no next to nothing about AoS. Almost no one wants to split for the Stormcast since the little people that do play at our LGS have enough of them.
12 Peters or 397,5 Homers
There's also recent fluff of Skryre and Moulder teaming up to turn Ghurish worms into big warpstone mining machines. And there are the good old Parasite Engines, but I don't think it was ever explicitly mentioned that any of those are cyborgs and not just bug-rat robots.
Funny thing is that "Champions of Chaos" is referenced by name in Ulfenkarn which was published after they officially announced that there would be no such book for Soulbound but would instead be launched as its own game.
>it feels
Speaking of meaningless...
Nope, reviewers seem to state they aren't included with their faction packs
>especially meaningless even for AoS fluff
Perfect summary of Skaven
?? The weird skink "girl", rats with tits and settranon are super common.

Skaven are not unpopular but I have doubts that they have the highest ownership of models. SCE, Chaos Warriors, Soulblight seem like the evergreen ranges with appeal in all areas of the hobby. After that I'd guess Greenskins, especially gitz. Elves are a little overrated in popularity.
>I still don't understand this ascension thing

Archaon as Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse is a title of the over glorify referee in The Great Game give him authority to say whom can join the game as a legitimate player

him making the pact with the Great Horned Rat mad him able to sit with the other 4 power and not be bully out.
Still got two arms, two legs and head.
>the horses
With fully humanoid riders atop them.
>the four-faced stalkers
Who still stand on two legs and have a head, yes they've got four arms but they've still got a distinctly human silhouette
>Mortek Crawler
This is the only one you mentioned that isn't humanoid.
In what way is posting a single picture of a Mummy staring at the sun a constant "flow of fanfic smut posted in this fucking thread" exactly?
I say again, stop being a spaz.
That thing looks fucking awful. Glad that was never made into an official model lmao
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Since James refuses to actually produce and ship faction terrain and endless spells, here's at least some paper gnawholes for your convenience:
I wouldn't call posting reality "spazzing out", but fair game my dude. There's totally not a culture of fetishizing anthropomorphic animals present in either of those communities or in these threads.
>can join the game as a legitimate player
What does that actually mean, how is that any different than what he's always been doing
>Still got two arms, two legs and head.
The harvester has two heads and many arms, one of which is a tail.
And still a rather human silhouette from the front.
Ah, yes, the spitting image of humanity. The human form incarnate.
Hashut and Be'lakor teaming up to fuck over the Horned Rat could be a fun plotline, if nothing else.
I'm going for the longshot bet of it being Hashut and Skreech
Wrong thread
It's impressive how obnoxious and unsettling the online skaven "community" is
Having a greater position of power and ability to influence the realms and mortals . His domain is established it’s like asking what’s the difference between a bloodletter and bloodthirster

r/skavenlabourers wants you to join today!
I'd be pretty fucking annoyed since this has been a very long time coming for the GHR and then this literal who from whosville pops in and gets a seat too with zero build up or merit it would be pretty bullshit.
Oh god, I just preordered the skaventide box, i'm not going to become this, am I?
Shouldn't have rolled up to his front door then, ratboy.
You may not like it, but this is what peak human looks like
Go outside and look at some more humans. Or stop posting from Venus and come to Earth to see what hyoomans look like idk
Nothing has changed about GHR
when Skaven and SCE are done, do you except any larger new model ranges for existing factions this edition?
I think either fire dwarfs, fish elves, or skeletons will get their second half. Maybe a range update for Ogres (I hope). The problem is that Chorfs are inevitable at this point as well so I'm not sure how they'll swing things this edition.
We need to see what's happening with warcry first
Pretty sure there were 4 major updates last edition, Sylvaneth, Ironjawz, CoS and FEC. Following that trend i'd imagine we'll get Idoneth, Chorfs, Bonereapers and then a new faction towards the end of the edition or a major refresh, my money would be on umbraneth or ogors
No there will instead by 4 new underworlds and 6 new warcry warbands that are all not exactly an AoS unit.
you can throw cognitive dissonance onto the list as well from here...

>Imagine my shock, it must be because the box is bad?
Or because they told every single SCE player who started the army prior to 3.0 to fuck off and invalidated their shit only to sell them the same models redone? Maybe because they increased prices once again and people think twice before hyping for a new army?
Except for that one that did that one time, which to stupid people means that now every box that doesn't do the same is a bad box that no one wants.
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>2 S2D Boxes
Actually really good, I would need a second to up my chosen, warriors and knights.

>OBR boxes of 2 different years
Also a good mix to dip in to the army.

>LRL and Slaanesh
You're picrel.
Felt sorry for my LGS. People stopped buying any books, like, really the shelf with codexes and battletomes is full and rarely people buy any of these despite our local club playing in the store. Yet the LGS has to have them around iirc, even if it set that 90% won't be sold.
NGL these goonhammer articles are making battle formations sound like utterly flavorless snoozefests.
Kinda, yeah. Across the board they seem to be less game-changing than the subfactions they are replacign. On the other, some of that extra flavor of subfactions comes from their making certain units battleline that otherwise wouldn't be, and that is more or less taken care of through the new core rules for army composition. But I still would like something more "extra" in the battle formations.
These seem good but... rather dull desu.
Are prices in continental Europe comparatively higher because of import taxes or because GW still thinks a pound is 1.5 euros?
GW knows the exact trade rates quite well, they simply just use this as an exuse to make more money
Still one of the ugliest miniatures ever designed.
GW hasn't updated it's conversion rates since Great Recession
Goonhammer makes everything sound utterly flavorless
A lot of it has to do with wages. If you compare prices in terms of minimum wage or hours worked they're very close even for expensive places like Australia. They just earn more so they pay more.
They should stick to gooning and stop writing these articles
these little guys will never stop being amazing, really easy battle tactics with 2 units.
Greater daemons not getting their weapon options is completely moronic, especially when Bloodthirsters get to keep theirs as separate warscrolls.
The layout looks horrible imho. I'm getting some serious 40k PTSD here. They should just drop the little flavor texts at this point.
Trannimefags should be beaten with sticks
>4th Edition Rally (according to a cheat sheet): "(1CP) Roll 6 dice, for each 4+, heal/bring back slain models in any combo (+1 Rally dice if the unit has a musician"
Harvesters of the Lamentiri
>Currently: Once per turn, at the end of your Movement Phase, you can pick 1 friendly Sylvaneth unit with a Wounds characteristic of 5 or less that is wholly within 12" of this unit and roll a dice. On a 2+, you can return 1 slain model to that unit. You cannot pick the same unit to benefit from this ability more than once per turn.
So, in 4th Edition, Revenant Seekers bump the new Rally command from 6 dice to 9 dice, and for each 4+, you can opt to either restore as many Health or models? That sounds like a solid buff if I understand it right, albeit now costing a Command Point.
6++ just like other non-hero spooks
Before that other goober hits image limit with Warscrolls for armies I don’t care about.
Why does slaanesh keep buffing their enemies? What is the play here?

The army for massochists I guess
We've got another ninety images to go until we hit the cap, don't sweat it.
>has a better casting bonus than both the named legendary wizards in the grand alliance

Finally, someone who can cast a spell, thank fuck
Absolute trash. This can't be more than 50 points.
>+1 Wound
>Save improved to 3+
>Lances get 2 attacks and Rend -1 baseline
>Charge deals MWs
Only downside is that they don't get +1 to Wound rolls on Charges, but the bonus damage and new Deathly Furrows might make up for that. Need to get mine painted.
Cool, the potgrot is doing something and yiu can give him +1 to wizard power. Kinda weird that faul elixirs is once per turn for the whole army AND you just pay d3 on 1-2 roll, it's not that good.
He lost a lot of his utility but I don't really mind
Who are the Scions of Sigmar
Why did they pretend like gobbsprak wasn't just a vulcha shaman
Weird because they have a +1 to save spell too and you can't stack buffs in 4e?
They forgot that they had Swamboss and made Gobsprakk the only lore relevant KB
I can't tell the updated warscrolls are a flop because intuitively the leaker has left out the keywords on half of these thinking they're irrelevant
GW is an English company. Fuck continentals.
they should have made gobsprakk a generic option and made skumdrek the faction leader.

having a sadistic, mercenary paymaster, slave hunting, gambling addict be the leader for the army would really fit their flavor
They're around
interesting. i like that he's not just "GUO but better", but actually does completely different things
Someone made Kragnos and they had no fucking clue what to do with him so they turned the shaman on vulcha into his only friend
This is one hundred percent correct. I am pretty sure they made Gob as a generic wizard and changed the plans last minute
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Skumdrek is based, but they obviosuly wanted to make the KB leader a wizard to contrast the IJ fighter leader
Do we have Skumdrek warscroll?
Slightly better casting, dogshit everywhere else. Fun!
Why the fuck does he still get a weapon option when the GUO and KoS don't???
Might be one of those cases where there were too many chefs in the kitchen. Remember, they had to rewrite every single warscroll and every single army all at once. They must have split that up between them and thought they'd straighten things out once they revisited all their work to write the battletomes.
He's smarter
whats the wyrdflame keyword, is it a corebook word?
I'd hate for a lord of change to corner me with his 18" rod
does this mean runic empowerment is not a prayer anymore? so u can do that + prayer of ash ?
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Part of their army abilities
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The army finally showed up in the mail, time to get building tonight.

Still undecided on a scheme yet, but I think I'm going to avoid the traditional greens and yellows
Don't suppose anyone has the Epidemius warscroll. I always liked him.
He's a Legends warscroll. Those will be the last ones to be shown. So you'll just have to be patient.
/r/-ing more Kruleboyz heroes
We are good on that front. We have 8 heroes + Mannok and 8 non-hero units
Clearly they want datasheets.
Miracle the fly didn't snap off the base if it was packed like that
Moar Warscrolls plox
Fucking hell, is it so difficult to not forget to capture number of casts and ward?
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One color combination I love for nurgle is Brown/Beige tones for Skin and Dark Blue/Dark Petroleum for Armour and Weapons. Overall mood see Picrel. It is different but damn this works great with overall Nurgle theme of hopelessness
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Gim gim gim!
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Why no model posting today? Here's a Vampire Hunter

Thanks Anon!
I'm asking about scrolls chum, but yes you're right we're over saturated.
it was packed in a lot more bubble wrap and packing peanuts. the box was a bit smashed but everything arrived perfectly intact which is a miracle considering it came from overseas

thats not bad, i may have to try that out
I haven't kept up to date, is skaventide online exclusive then?
Wait, really? They nuked him?
A whole bunch of old demons were canned few months.
/40kg/ cared way more that /aosg/ cause 40keks don't have cool chaos mortals to focus on
They will for sure. You'll see entire sprues selling for $10-$20, maybe not right away because I bet several people are just waiting for ebay auctions to grab them straight away. The other stuff will sell higher like the jezzails and the heroes but eventually they will be dirt cheap too. The SE sprues will be flooding ebay and sell really cheap I'm sure.
In desperate need of that image of the chameleon skink smoking a doobie
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no need to despair, anon
this is really cool anon, nice work!
That happens with everything. Recently they had a thing with luxury car brands and asked them why we get shafted. The response from the MB CEO of Australia was "if we were overpriced we wouldn't have such great sales"
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Ooooh, Eternus is looking good this edition anons!
Because I'm out of town for work and won't be back until the weekend
I really hope Sylvaneth players start listing their armies on ebay for cheap, always liked trees
The warscroll was posted two hours ago. Post something fresh.
Fuck you, mate. I just saw it and wanted to show it off.
You post something fresh then.
You won't once you play them.
Healing an enemy 1d3 is worth the extra damage.
I truly detest the design of the new warscrolls
What a fucking mess
Any more Slaanesh scrolls available or just the KoS so far?
They get access to 18" move and their mortals do 2 damage on a charge, which can be a 5+.

To put that into context, 33% of their 20 attacks do 2 mortals, or 12 mortals total, against any target. If they charge into infantry, they do 6 mortals on average to infantry.

Probably could add 2-4 damage ontop of that from their regular attacks depending on target save.

Soften the target up a bit with some sentinels or foxes, and you can probably destroy most anything but the most tanky infantry in the game. This is behind a 3+ save and potential access to a 5+ ward.

They're going to be just fine.


Happy to see katakros go from a no brainer to a hard choice. Same with arkhan, they both lost their healing. I don't think he should be more than 400 points with this scroll, and if I could take another 2 crawlers for the price of kat I'd rather have the crawlers.

>RDP aura
Nice but 18" is definitely not 24", I can't imagine needing the aura for more than 2 spots and makes your army movement predictable. You're probably dropping 1-2 heroes to take kat anyhow.

Once per turn for a 33% chance is really slim.

3 control score, but how are you going to cover more than 2 points at best with him and get him into combat as well? He's not going to earn his points unless he's killing things as well.

>+1 Save
It costs a cp of the 4 you get, which you may want to use for a counter charge many other super good skills, and you have to stay in 18" WW.

He seems like a trap and more for beginners or turtle playstyle.
Kinda neat to finally be able to rule of cool it at least.
Just like they have been “inevitable” or “just right around the corner” for the last 3 editions, anon?
>no maggotkin or soulblight leaks
It's joever

Hey anons, no rush or anything, but i'll take that apology whenever you're ready
Tabletop titans went over some nurgle last night.

Glottkin absolutely fuck
They're ALMOST the exact same, ooooo
Who signed off on the layout of these warscrolls? Holy shit
Any FEC?
I still want a deadwalker equivalent to the wight king. That'd be a mummified dude, I suppose.
>but i'll take that apology whenever you're ready
You ain't getting it, lad.
I don't think anyone on this site can say "sorry."
Dont care, blightkings suck.
Superglue or plastic glue for big models?
I'm genuinely shocked that he still interacts with the other Be'lakor goons. I expected that to be the exact kind of fluffy rule that was gonna get quashed with the rest of them.
Roll two 6’s to wound, auto kill anybody. That’s a rare thing that will be fun when it happens.
Ikr? I was 100% certain shit like that was gone in 4th. It kinda sticks out, actually, since basically no one else seems to have fluffly shite like this anymore.
If it’s plastic, always use plastic. The bond is so much harder to break as it melts and fuses the plastics together when it dries.
>lost newly dead rule
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Damn that looks so much better
>33% chance to just get double the points worth
real question here
Can you show it from different angle?
Guess this confirms the 'Chaos Legionnaires' are sticking around. That's good! Hope we get to keep the Centaurion-Marshal, love that model.
Sounds pretty good to me. Eternus appears to be the most fun and fluffy/lore accurate profile they've shown off so far.

8/8 gr8 b8 m8.
I'm looking at the tzaangor shaman and the skyfires and I'm stuck between thinking "whew, I really don't want to paint all that trim" and "wow, these guys look awesome."
On the flip side, Nagash shits on Archaon now, he lost his spell protection and "can't auto kill", while Nagash hand of dust is both turns on a 4+, and might have access to units that bump his ward up to a 4+.
wings look a bit small
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>Lost Newly Dead
>Dragged Down and Torn Apart now 6+ instead of 5+
>Halved the number of attacks
What the fuck did the zombies do to deserve this
Be a huge piece of shit NPE?
You forgot STD and Seraphon. It's normal to get 8+ substantial range updates or new armiesevery edition, counting the starter factions.
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Um Sigmarsisters, how is this possible?
Huh, interesting. Got Skarbrand to go with it?
They were pretty infamous for that huh
No one gives a shit about AoS Black Library stuff?
If launch boxes weren't supposed to sell out, why did GW make a post yesterday assuming they'd sell out?
It's almost like they assumed they'd sell out or something.
>wing connections hidden
I'm somewhat dubious
no one is paying 75 dollars for a hardcover book?! THIS IS THE END FOR AOS!

rope NOW, tranny.
>selling AT ALL
Unfortunately it is selling well enough for them to announce the scope is expanding beyond the initial plans.
Very much so, right up with there with the worst forms of Seraphon to play against.
How come every other 75 dollars hardcover book sells out instantly?
That's vague
because TOW fans are easily parted with their money (grogshitters LOVE paying for 20 year old models covered in mold lines and riddled with mold slippage)

and 40k fans are 40k fans let's not play around there.

Vague, for sure. Probably just more plastic models but they're expanding it in some capacity
So now that the dust has settled and skaventide flopped how long until chorfs are added?
Tbf any GW model is overpriced. Paying 40 dollars for model they paid maybe 15 cents worth of plastic to make is always a rip-off
they look awful compared to the lancers this time around, last time it was the reverse.
Good. The cool guys with helmets and spears should be the elite cavalry, not the mooks with swords
>So instead your weapon just having damage 3 base like it obviously should, you get to buff or heal your target and you don't get a rampage at all
wow what a deal, this whole temptation mechanic is really working out. Great job with this faction guys.
Literally the same profile as krondys, wtf.
>solves none of the issues with that model and adds obnoxious wings

I didn't walk in there planning to buy LRL or Slaanesh but those 2 battleforces cost each $85. Which was too good to pass up.
The Slaanesh one even contains a spearhead force, plus lots more for way less than the vanguard box costs.
These are absolutely fucking insane to the point where I think there's for real a designer elf bias. Insane move with the unlimited spell, 10 of them with power of hysh is 21 damage 2 mortals on 5s then another 7 impact mortals. 30w 3+ with -1 hit. This is the like the biggest warscroll improvement in the game's history.
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The abilities are different + Krondys is a wizard
I just spoke to my lgs owner friend and apparently he's sitting on a shit ton of Skaventide boxes that weren't pre-ordered. We may have another Dominion situation boys $100 STARTER SET HYPEEE!!!
>cost each $85
You're just here to make us feel bad aren't you
That's a lot of cope.
i mean yeah but i'd rather pay $40 for a new gen skaven model than $40 for a 20+ year old tomb king model or bret model
Did we get book VI yet?
did we get book 8
Oh wait Karazai's attack profile doesn't degrade
Lorewise, how many clanrats on average would it take to defeat a single chaos warrior?
As many or as few as the story requires.
A lot
18" aura on your armies main ability is a no brainer bro.
Why be like that? All I want to know is if we got the Book VI scan yet, it has been awhile. I've not been in the general for a couple of weeks, so wondering if anybody got it yet.
I didn't say it was wrong I said it was broken, std and luimineth look like it they're getting special treatment.
The material. Everyone that says otherwise is wrong. It is not a matter of design, it is the medium. Resin is utter garbage, it bends, deforms, is prone to burst, is brittle and quite fragile. Regardless of the quality of the printer, resin will always be resin so the mesh of the model needs to accommodate to it by having chunky parts that won't snap, resulting in awkward proportions, less definition, and less detail overall. Things like small pendants or fine slender antennas or thin gun barrels and 'gubbinz' in general which are possible with plastic are absent in most prints simply because resin is garbage. That is why most are clunky, poorly proportioned or goofy looking. Or if they are not, they don't last very long.
So maggotkin arent getting demonprinces or chaos spawn right
>i mean yeah but i'd rather pay $40 for a new gen skaven model
>says he while his game gets outsold by cartoon merchandise
no one is going to give up +2 wizard with tempest and the -1 dice charge spell for that.
what do those two things have anything to do with anything?
That you aren't buying anything in the end
Most likely not, no. Probably no Chaos Warriors either :(
>Probably no Chaos Warriors eith
I love those models!
Man, I want more CoS leaks. I wanna know what I'm gonna buy for the new edition.
It's still a bland mess
Anon... You're still getting ripped off.
mate we live it the easiest time for trim thanks to contrast stuff

>pick color you want the trim to be
>prime in that color
>paint everything else
Fully aware, it's still more worthwhile because it's something new and not GW making their interns go dig old molds out of storage.
>more CoS leaks
Was there any recently? Did the Spaniards spill the beans again?
How? I have a mountain of Khorne boys that have stayed just basecoated because that much gold and bronze detail work scares the fuck out of me.
>hey everybody, lets hold these1 & 1/2 points with my 18" WW aura

going from 12" to 18" is really not that big of a deal to pony up 1/5 to 1/4 of your army to, what ability do you need so badly to cover 18" ww? The 5+ ward is only for combat phase, and if you're playing right, you should be able to anticipate which mortek block the other player is going to charge into at what time. The army plays in a way that you're going to want to be stacking buffs onto one unit, and that unit is going to be either the crawlers or your kavalos pack in most cases.

The unit that should be taking a hit (mortek) aren't going to be caring about your bonus save because it's pointless with ethereal.
Contrast doesn't help with trim at all
It's not difficult it's just time consuming stop being a lazy bitch
I've always felt the opposite, I think it's so much easier to just do the trim after all the other basecoats are done otherwise I just keep having to fix the trim
Blue metallic, silver, or purple metallic for this heraldor
I'm so excited for spearhead man. Small games where I don't have to worry about having a list tailored against me or needing to use a billion terrain pieces is so far up my alley. Add in the shorter game length, and I'm on board 100%.
I'm pretty sure he's either with the Tempest Lords or Celestial Vindicators and just a bit off from the lighting. I'm fairly certain it's the former.
You're color blind anon
Its more than 18 even because his base is the largest, its making it basically board wide. He also fights and hands out +1 save. He did everything before and he still does, don't pretend you wont be seeing him in nearly every list again.
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So how many of y'all preordered?
It looks like big underworlds from what I've seen.
i've got one reserved at my flgs. might pick up a 2nd stormcast half on ebay a bit later on to reinforce the infantry if its cheap enough
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Where should I start with black library works for AoS? I'm about to finish the Eisenhorn Omnibus and wanted to try something for AoS.
They're all pretty bad
I just started building Blissbarbs.

I pre ordered so that i can build n paint it for my lgs

We do a little charity work
ignore the other anon, they're good. anything by josh reynolds is very good. soul wars is the first big book that worked as an entry point to the setting and its great. blood of the everchosen is great if you want something more dark
Josh Reynolds is one of the stronger authors AoS has(/had), so you're about safe reading anything by him. A lot of what he wrote is sort of loosely tied into his own little corner of the setting, resulting in some references here and there, with the Hallowed Knights stories in particular forming a semi-episodic overarching narrative. Souls Wars is pretty well-liked by him; I'm personally a fan of Black Pyramid. which references some earlier Josh Reynolds works but can be generally read on its own. It's what actually got me to start liking Stormcasts. Prince Maesa is also pretty fun if you like an elf protagonist (and his curmudgeonly salt of the earth dwarf companion).

I've heard good things about the Drekki Flynt (starting with Arkanaut's Oath, I believe) and Cado Ezekiar (beginning with Hollow King) series, though I can't speak on them personally.

I'm not buying it.
I would have but they squatted half my stormcast so I'm not buying the new stormcast.

besides it's looking like skaven are by far the more popular from this box so those stormcast should be very cheap off ebay.
Good, underworlds is their best game.
I haven't. I'm currently going through a poorfag arc, possess a backlog of Sylvaneth, and no interest in Skaven. I have a bit of desire for the Stormcast, but if I really want them, I'll just buy them second-hand down the line.
Honest advice? Start with the short stories on the community site, as a bite sized sample. There's one for every army. If you don't like the overall theme, feel, or phrasing you'll at least save yourself some time.
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I was unexcited by the preorder bonuses (I really liked the "in-world artifact" direction of the Dominion and Cursed City stuff) so I'll just wait for the price to stabilize on ebay/amazon or whoever's offering the best discount and buy in a week or so
I think the board it's played on is shit.
IMO should be a bit bigger so you at least get some room to manoeuvre, but the simplified game is good for short quick games.
Also should have a mission randomiser like Warcry
The missions are fully random anon, it's all drawing cards from the deck for battle tactics.
AOS needs more racism. Hopefully the dwarves deliver.
>not even aosg is buying skaventide
s-selling fast...
Not I; not interested in either army.
if it drops to $150 then maybe ill nab it.
local store ordered 40 copies and sold 7, it would seem abysmal but the hype for 4th cleared the damn racks of everything else, I cant find shit now for any of my factions lol
I don't play stormcast or skaven, so no.
Yeah the spearhead/vanguard boxes are all sold out of my area for soulblight,cos and probably more that I just didn't take note of. Its almost a bit annoying.
I did, going to be selling the skaven to my buddy.
I already have plenty of SCE, so I'm probably not going to go for two halves.
The only unit I'd want two of are the reclusians and I bet they'll get a multipart kit release a little later.
What army do I play if I want to play nagash every game
I thought the cards were for buffs/battle tactics
Yes...that's what missions are anon, battle tactics. You do them to score points, they're the mission.
Currently? Probably whichever one looks the best because he's kinda shitty. Next edition, probably nighthaunt.
Bonereapers, the battleforce is still available and it pairs perfectly with his new warscroll
Ahhhh I wanna see what the Lord of afflictions looks like.
A big fat guy
I mean missions like Warcry where the objective is not "score more points" but could be escape the board, kill their leader, complete a ritual etc
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Do we have anny warscrolls beside Shaman for Kruleboyz??
I’ve already got three full armies worth of stuff in boxes I need to commit to building before getting any new shit. I might grab the spearhead terrain box if it’s not overpriced as fuck but who am I kidding. It will be. Maybe it’ll be cheaper to grab it on ebay while people are chunking up the release box
look up I think there was more. Also check goonhammer I guess.
I bought it
I did, going to paint them in the clan mors scheme to avenge the best clan

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