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The first day on the Somme Edition

>Previous Thread:

>Thread question
What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

>/hwg/ Steam Group:

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>H&C Megatrove
rebrandly /HexChit

>New Trove Link
>Advanced Squad Leader
>AK-47 Republic
>Battleground WWII
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>The Perfect Captain
>Phoenix Command RPG
>Twilight 2000/2013 RPG
>Wargaming Compendium
I was in the process of making the OP but there were so many cool events I got decision paralysis. Suppose it makes sense seeing as it's northern hemisphere summer, but still.
I mean, look at this shit:
and here's yesterday's, which some parts of the US are still in

Anyway, do we want a thread question?
I'd be interested in people's thoughts on what makes a good participation game or party game.
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Is Tank-Hunter Kampfgruppe a decent starting box for FoW? I can grab one for 50EUR. Price feels fair for an almost 100pts army but is it good enough to be played casually out of the box?
>What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?
Finish to sell what I have now because I'll need a lot of $$$ by late September, and then, start everything anew. The wife and I are going to do Anglo-Danes and Pagan Rus' for Saga, and British 8th Army and Soviet Naval Infantry for Bolt Action, and then, we'll see what comes next. Pre-war Soviets? Carolingian Franks? Kuomintang Chinese? SNLF? Steppe People? Italian paratroopers? Who knows.
Also, I'm trying my hand at designing MDF terrain, and if I get the hang of it, I may start putting up my stuff on wargaming3D and the likes of it. As of right now, what I want to do is Russian city houses like picrel, which are the missing link between wooden izbas and Stalin era concrete monsters yet aren't done by anyone in MDF or 3D print, and armored trains.
Just try to ignore the metal fences and the car!

Depends, what do you call a participation/party game, and what's your public? Last year, I brought some tiny Bolt Action forces to an afterwork party at my job (like an officer, 2 8-man squads, a machine gun and a light mortar), and had some quick 20/30 minute games with colleagues.
But then, I work in IT, so everyone else at the party was also a giganerd.
I think a good participation game needs three things: It needs to be instantly thematic, it needs to be easy to learn, and it needs to be able to handle several people. This means that games where you are in command of either one unit with several mechanics (like a tank in What a Tanker!) or a few units with a few mechanics (like a commander and 3 units in Sharp practice or Billhooks, or a few models in a skirmish game) generally work out the best. It also means you can then be on a team with other people, which helps for being reminded of rules and also just for the general flow of the thing. Generally more thematic games grab people more than super crunchy games as well.

I think thats a good middle ground, thanks anon. The victrix dark age archers and saxons being on sale has pushed me over the edge as well, so that'll be my next project.

Finish off my War of the Roses force, then start painting saxons.
Finding a business space i can work out of and where I could host wargames for homies in the evenings.
Hi, I hope an Anon who posted about his chinese army will see this
What paints or pigments would you use to simulate the chinese soil? Vietnam earth from MIG is good for south China but I'm trying to find something for Central Plain/Yangtze river delta


Paint enough models so that I can have enough warbands for demo games for lion rampant.
>What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?
Finish the rest of my 10mm AWI project, along with starting a ACW one and a Sengoku one, probably sell off some of my 1/72s but keep some. Would like an ECW/TYW project at some point even if its for small battles, same with generic medievals/ancients to use for skirmishes, but I suppose that can wait a while
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Thanks for your insights, anon. Hmm, I always thought the V&V minis would be too tall and at the same time too well-proportioned to fit with most other manufacturers, since they have very much a true-scale look (their hands are tiny in comparison with even stuff like Perry minis or Barons' War). Those V&V Cataphracts with added bows and quivers are looking fine, on top of the mounted Islamic banner + Saladin...

As for the Victrix arabs, my only issue would be the size of the riders. Victrix's riders are always too giant, with their feet hanging off their horses weirdly. Maybe it's just for their ancient ranges with no stirrups, and this time it'll look better. Their horses are also nice and relatively easy to paint (you can really highlight the muscles and be done with it), but they're also incredibly broad for some reason.

Finally, what do you think about GB's Timurids as Mamluks with caparisoned horses? Excluding the Timurid wicker shields, of course, but otherwise they look pretty OK to me. I'd even consider greenstuffing some decorations onto the caparisons of their horses to represent those cloth/hair decorations that they had during the Ayyubid period. Additionally, I think they'll be a bit more fitting even for Mamluks after the revolt, but I think they'll work, most of all considering they'll be mixed in with Footsore's, Perry's, and others. I'm talking particularly about pic related (not the banner, and I guess not the fluteman, as from what I gather, Mamluks used drums instead) and other Timurid heavy/medium cavalry.
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>The first day on the Somme Edition
My great great uncle went MIA at the Somme.
>W. Mathie
>Forever remembered on the Thiepval Memorial
>What are your hobby plans for the second half of the year?

Resurrect a family tradition: killing as many Germans as possible
My great grandfather fought there as a Sergeant in the ANZAC contingent, before being shipped home with fluid in his lungs.
Good for battlegroup spring awakening.
Basically a full army.
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Do you think a Soviet Heavy Assault Group will make a good match for it? I know there is a small FoW group in my area but my schedule is too tight to visit a local game store more than two times a month. It's likely that for some time I will be mostly playing against my gf and she wants to paint some smol tanks and infantry as her imagination but I can live with this.
There's one way to fix her behavior, anon.
That one could work for battlegroup fall of the reich but T34s are more useful.
Flames of war is not a good game.
Finalizing some revolutionary features then alpha testing the WW2 game
actually get my friend to finish his shit so we can play
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Are you designing a WW2 game? tell us more - what scale are you aiming at, both force size and miniature scale?

I'm also designing / Playtesting a WW2 game, for 6mm miniatures - pic related. I managed to paint all the miniatures for both sides, and hand build all the terrain in 1 month which was one hell of a push (most of the miniatures not pictured)
A) Finish painting/basing my 6mm Russians.
B) Finish my board.
C) Build and paint roughly two dozen 6mm houses.

When that’s all finished and there is still time left, either add another napoleonic army or maybe branch out to WW2/contemporary stuff. Will stick to 6mm, though.
>be me
>trench crusade player
>"oh boi I can't wait to play my grimdark ww1 game"
>see someone in the local club/lgs playing some shitty "historical ww1 game," maybe it's even hex and chits
>grab him by the jaw and start slamming his head into the table over and over
>"games are not simulations, boyo!" I say as I show him my exquisite trench crusade miniatures and abstract rules
>I shoot him in the fucking head

Total Historical Death
Nah I'm good, there are already too many napkin scratch tier WW2 ideas in that super oversaturated period. It's not worth presenting until it's very playable and formatted like yours.
>I show him my exquisite trench crusade miniatures
Post them.
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After taking a closer look at these minis, I realized that they have some armor elements that are more characteristic of the Central Asian regions. However, looking through different depictions of mamluks, including pic related by Angus McBrid, I realized that they incorporated some of these elements (shoulder and leg protections that seem right out of a Scythian heavy cavalryman) very early in their history, and between that and the fact that mamluks had very varied equipment, I think I'd be OK using those minis mixed with Perry and Footsore.

Another interesting thing is that Halqa trooper looking very much like a Seljuk. I know that there is virtually no distinction whatsoever between Ghilman and Mamluks, it's just funny to see such a distinctive Seljuk style on one of them when usually everyone thinks about them separately in their heads. Also I've been reading a ton about the horse armor of the time, and the funny thing is that apparently there are not a lot of archaeological records of the Ayyubid/early Mamluk period, so it makes it even easier to just try and make an eclectic group of cool looking slave soldiers.
Its just Warhammer for people who think they are too cool for Warhammer anon, at least Turnip had a differnet era to apply its "throw mud on everything and make everything ugly" designs.

I'm currently working on eastern heavy cavalry based on kitbashes of fireforge western knights and their russian infantry because these models have helmets that seem more accurate to the region. If they will look to ahistorical, they'll be assigned to fantasy wargaming.
Uh huh
Should I be ready for having a really bad time if I try to play LW FoW with this 98pts list? I tried to slap two Hit the Beach boxes together since this is all I have. Parachute Rifle Platoons seem to have enough bodies to assemble them with a HQ and M1919 LMG teams as a company. Is there any better way to build a list just with the minis I already own?
>Inb4 don't play FoW
I would rather play whatever local players play over playing Warhammer.

++ Standard (D-Day: American) ++

+ Formations +

Parachute Rifle Company
. Parachute Rifle Company HQ: 2x Thompson SMG Team
. Parachute Rifle Platoon: 5x M1919 & M1 Garand, 1x M1 Bazooka, 1x 60mm Mortar, Add M1919 LMG, Add one M1 Bazooka team
. Parachute Rifle Platoon: 5x M1919 & M1 Garand, 1x M1 Bazooka, 1x 60mm Mortar, Add M1919 LMG, Add one M1 Bazooka team

Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Company
. Veteran M4 Sherman (76mm) Tank Platoon: 5x M4 Sherman (76mm)
. Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Company HQ: 2x M4 Sherman (75mm)
. Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Platoon: 4x M4 Sherman (75mm)
. Veteran M4 Sherman Tank Platoon: 4x M4 Sherman (75mm)
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Best 28mm multipart plastic pirate miniatures?
Blood & Plunder kits are the only ones I know therefore the only ones I can suggest.
Fair enough, those were the only ones I've encountered as well but thought I'd ask in case I was missing something. Cheers anon.
Empire Free Company
Will I be crucified for using Heer Panzergenadiers as Waffen-SS? Equipment differences shouldn't matter in 1/100 scale as long as I give them the Pea Dot, right?
question from someone who never played fow.
why are those starters so different model count wise? different point count? are germans op? are ruskies embrace mass tank assault trove to the fullest? i'm confused.
Why would you ever try satisfying the button counters if you are not one yourself?
theyre not, look at the numbers next to the german names
soviets only have a couple more armoured
well, shit. right. my bad.
i'm tired.
That's an interesting option, presumably they'll be coming back into production with TOW at some point?
Frostgrave Pirates
>too cool for Warhammer

My dog
A random Indian bus driver who blasts the radio
All too cool for Warhammer anon
Why, like why can't you just do shit properly if you are representing a niche over memed unit like that.
which chinese army anon are you trying to summon? I have a shelved chinese project I use to post on here.
desu anyone who did chinese army at least once and could tell me what soil would be accurate for nothern china would be useful for me rn
But I was thinking about that one dude with armored trained etc.
>dude with armored trained etc.
I'm that anon. I just tried to emulate a dusty step/plains style base for my guys. Manchuria is big open nothing and very similar to Mongolia.
For the anon asking about 1450s Ottomans for Fall of Constantinople, only trying I've found are these digital models from WGA, they have a few renaissance ottoman that should work for 1450s, but you'll have to figure out how to get them printed


Wish for warlord to do a vbcw supplement...they do two, and both are half phoned in with most of the units still not made.

Wish for warlord to do a spanish guerrilla set for black powder...they do and its 32mm and ugly as fuck sculots from the shitty sculptor they keep using when the polish guy is too busy.

Wish for warlord to update bolt action, finally get a new edition of bolt action that might fix and concentrate things...but it'll be a year before we see most of the new army books.

Wish for something fresh army wise - its plastic Italians...followed by many variants of the same kit with different support units.

Wish for separate heads to fuck off...they do but the rereleases are now in warlord resin.

The warlord monkey paw has wrought such misery to me anons.
Will I have to deal with a ton of flash when I get my Perry metal minis? I've been reading comments on a few forums that mention the huge amount of flash, but I'm hoping it's just bitching for the sake of it. On the other hand, those molds are a million years old, probably so...
None of mine had any flash. I got a bunch of dudes from their samurai line.
No flash on any metals I've had from them.
Is there a reason Ops and Tactics isn't on here?
Man I had a good time with Perrys
May have been some of their older lines
I'm fairly new to miniature wargaming and just ordered my first batch of various 1/72 troops (Germans and Soviets for WW2 and romans and celts for ancient warfare and finally rus and vikings for dark ages or early medieval games), what would be the simplest ruleset for a beginner? I've heard about One-Hour skirmish wargames, but I can't find it anywhere (I could only find one-hour wargames, which is something a bit different). There's also Chain of command, but apparently it's not very beginner-friendly.
Getting into Saga with spanish but have no idea on the color scheme. Is there anywhere I can find color for jinetes' shields and cloth? I've seen a book called how to paint dark ages miniatures, but it's mainly normands and vikings
You'll have to clean off loads of little hooks of metal, something to do with how many channels they use in their moulds. You'll notice the last of these little hooks around the time you varnish the bloody things.
I had a bunch of flash on one of their minis recently, between the horses ass and tail, but it's the first time I've had a problem. It was easy to remove. >>93234752 This is more common, but they easily come off with a hobby knife
How do people like to set up their WW1 era battlefields? True no man's land on virgin soil sounds boring, so I was thinking about what I could have in no man's land as infantry usable cover. So far I had ideas of craters, old trench lines abandoned and half covered in mud, some ruins of an old farmhouse or some rural building. Was even considering an abandoned tank if we're talking late war.
>The wife

I refuse to believe anyone on 4chan married a woman who plays /hwg/. You'd better not be calling your twink a woman.
Thanks, anons, you've given me hope
Nah m8, she's actually female, and playing Saga was her idea, because Danelaw is the main topic of her Ph.D thesis. Also, it's great to get an actual female look on stuff, because when she started her French RĂ©sistance, she made sure everyone has period-appropriate clothing and hairstyles. This is how I learnt that several "WW2 Partisan" female minis have outfits straight out of the 70s, or late 19th century clothing... which is bullshit, imagine having to play Vietnam era GIs on the shores of Normandy, or redcoat, Zulu-shooting Brits against Rommel in Libya?
Hey, it sucks, but it could be Flames of War levels of bad!
... Well, please let me cope a little. Also, the resin re-releases of older metal kits suck donkey balls, worse than separate head metal minis. Fuck'em, I'll just keep converting multi pose plastics.
Very interesting, now let's see her physique
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SAGA is good for dark ages stuff, and I believe has an expansion for ancients as well. Chain of Command isnt actually that difficult to learn, but a lot of its core design breaks quite heavily from "GW style" gaming. As you don't have that background, you'll probably be fine, and it is REALLY good. Go into the MEGA, do a few little learner games, see what you like.

Depends on the theatre and whether its early/mid/late war, but generally small hamlets/villages add some good points of interest, as do woodblocks, rivers, things like that.
It's not a historical kit, but you could look into Ghost Archipelago Crewmen. They lack firearms but their bodies look alright, worth a kitbash if you can secure some firearm arms.
Both the one-hour games are beginner-friendly and you've already made the first good move, buying both sides.
OHSW expects single figures on a base (such as a penny for 1/72), but OHW expects a whole unit between 4" and 6" wide. I put 4 guys on a 4cm square MDF base (you can get them from warbases in the UK) and use 3 of those for a unit.

Also check out the PDF share thread here on /tg at >>>/tg/pdf to find PDF copies of those rulebooks.
thanks kings!

WGA announced today that they'll make stls of mamluk cavalry.
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Forgot the picture.
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Anyone here who played Victory at Sea? I did a number of matches and had fun, but i still have the impression that the balancing has -serious- issues. No idea who calculated the point costs either...
Who makes miniatures in 15-28mm for wargaming the Russian-Ukrainian war?
This is VERY interesting, thanks for sharing, anon. I've never bought a WGA kit before, I'm guessing they're pretty decent quality, and I like the look of what I'm seeing. Not so big on the sword being a scimitar instead of a straight one or a mace, but the horses look quite good!
I like the ancient Greeks, any games with Greeks in em?
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Mind you, those are digital,not physical products. As far as I know the only official firm (only-games.co) that prints wga stuff has very bad reviews.

I commissioned a guy to print a set of ottoman heavy infantry to me. These look very nice to me (apologies for the greytide, I haven't gotten around to priming them yet). The only mistake was my own when I put them on 20mm squares that are too small for them.
tits or gtfo
Mortal Gods for a skirmish game.

Khurasan makes 15/18mm IIRC.

There were no uniforms, so you can do almost anything. Do an image search if you need ideas, e.g. "13th century jinete" or whatever.

It will work fine: BF has dropped most of their ranges, so unless you can get say Peter Pig or some Forged in Battle figures to supplement the varied uniforms, you don't have much other choice.
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Anyone see the new warlord plastics? I like the winter fallschirmjager, but the us infantry....something doesn't feel right looking at them. And the weapons look like they'd break if you touch them
As usual, it's the fucking asshat artist who is painting these. Idk why they keep hiring that boomer when they are that size of a miniature company. There are mini company with 2 dudes sitting in a garage who ask their mates to paint the display minis for free, and somehow they produce better looking miniatures for official artwork than Warlord, which is one of the biggest and most profitable wargaming companies on the market. Truly embarrassing. There are literally thousands of Gen X/Boomer Warlord games fans on Facebook who would paint their display minis to a much higher standard and they'd gladly do it for free
its pretty much an open secret that the points values were done in the time honored method of going "eh looks about right" without doing anything like a formula
Got it, then even better, because I can print it locally instead of ordering it online and waiting for it to arrive (which is 30 days minimum, usually).
The only thing I don't like that much about 3d prints is that they're usually stiffer -- it's less of a concern with stuff like 10mm, but for 28mm they do look a bit wooden. It's like many 3d sculptors haven't yet mastered the art of creating something with movement or something
WGA makes their physical miniatures and digital miniatures with the same modeling software, the only difference is the medium they're made with (injected in a mold or printed). The models and poses are the same either way
I thought the winter FJ looked odd, the US look better. The paintjobs are average and really don't show the details, so I'll wait for sprue shots. Looks like the BAR lost its pistol grip tough...so not all bad.
I know, I misspoke like a retard, I meant 3d sculpted minis. There are some vendors that are able to add that momentum, weight, and fluidity to their minis (Victrix, for instance, and not always) but most can't do it as much as traditional sculptors can.
I agree, I hate CAD sculpting compared to hand sculpted. I'm a big hater of Victrix, I don't like the whacky poses and the perfect chainmail they always do
They r cute
Combine these with the plastic airborne and you'd have a proper winter airborne force. Give the airborne bodies arms from the summer army infantry set though as the airborne arms are garbage of course
>This is how I learnt that several "WW2 Partisan" female minis have outfits straight out of the 70s, or late 19th century clothing...

Just apply the logic of Oddball (Donald Sutherland).

He was effectively playing a 70s hippie in a WW2 film. But... in the interwar period on there were definitely pre-Beatnik / Bohemians and doubtless many of them ended up trying to stay alive in the war, and get a littls tan and a jug of wine on their rest days. The 1970s had a 1940s revival, funnily enough.
>she made sure everyone has period-appropriate clothing and hairstyles
Sounds about right. My wife doesn't play but when I got into Western miniature gaming she unleashed her autistically detailed knowledge of period-accurate clothing on me to help make sure my miniatures were painted appropriately.
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Nice try anon, I'd rather have a rando on 4channel think I'm married to a landwhale than risk being doxxed.
They all look the same, they seem to have a very limited amount of different poses. That already was a problem with WG's new plastic French, where 2-3 bodies on the sprue already have a similar posture, and there aren't many different arm poses due to the large number of various weapons. Because of that, it's difficult to do a mere 12-man squad without quasi-duplicates, and this winter US Army kit looks like it suffers from the same problem.

Good thing I don't do Americans.
If this was just a matter of one weirdo looking bohemian, that'd be fine, but it's really egregious when half of the women have Karen haircuts and miniskirts. I mean, look at this shit.
Looks like there's at least 2 of us.

My wife occasionally plays wargames with me, recently helped with some playtesting and being a physics PhD is great with formulas and things like converting real life ranges to inches in non-linear ways (imo linear irl range - game range is stupid, especially post 1900).
She doesn't really like war but has warmed to the idea of the tactics and decisions in wargames, and likes trying to destroy all my shit. We started off with simplified versions of games, but recently I just gave her the army list and let her go nuts writing an army and we used the full rules.
>something doesn't feel right looking at them

they have no noses
how do they smell?

Could I get away with using Perry Miniatures' mailed and unarmored spearmen & crossbowmen as both Military Order and regular sergeants for the 3rd and 4th crusades? Or would non-knights at that point also generally be wearing surcoats/gambesons on top of the chainmail?
Has Volko Ruhnke listed his sources anywhere for his COIN games? I'm curious to learn more about some of these conflicts especially Andean Abyss, People Power and The British Way
Definitely fantasy partisans lol
Good for a pulp game...maybe
Might have better luck asking this on the new board wargames general
does anyone know if the Warlord M36 Jackson turret will fit onto an M4A3 chassis?
That way I can have 3 tank options for the price of 2
on both it would seem ammo pouches are finally separate so you can do officers/nco's...only took WGA doing it first to finally shift them.
Fingers crossed they do, certainly wouldn't mind another box or two for bits.
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I've been fairly busy the last few days, so have only managed to paint my commander for my billhooks force. This guy is Thomas Stanley, 2nd Earl of Derby, who fought for the Tudors at Bosworth. His face is a bit of a botch job, as the metal didn't seem to hold its detail well, but I got the mini for free from the Perrys when I ordered my plastics so I'm not complaining.
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How many buildings do I need for a 6x4 15mm table?
Depends whether youre doing something rural or urban
I have about 20 15mm buildings and for something like ww2 I find it's a bit too much if you're trying to just do a village
If you're trying to have the whole 6x4 as urban then.. good luck
Those are some tiny faces all with squinty eyes.
Got a bunch of ashigaru, samurai and monks. Is there any Saga expansion that allows to play feudal japanese units? I swear I saw a picture of samurai models in the rule book, but can't find any 'official' models. If no expansion includes them, how different is clash of katanas to Saga? For what I've seen it's pretty similar except it doesn't have the special abilities sheet, right?
10mm ACW arrived
how close should I put them together, shoulder to shoulder? they look far too odd spaced out like my AWI stuff
Thoughts on this conversation? Should a unit be able to charge somebody behind them if the turn ends with them in range? Should activation be a factor in flanking?
All of them anon, make it a massive series of tower blocks as high as the ceiling.
Rural western europe, maybe some more houses, some industrial buildings and a train station?

As much as FDM printing is cheap I don't want to live in 1/100 scale model terrain
Fill your home with it anon, stomp around like a giant.
what you already have is fairly decent, maybe a couple more small houses, but space things out a fair bit, a train station and an industrial building would work, but don't overdo things
Is Saga a meme? I thought it sounded kind of interesting but then I see they try to make army abilities that just do not work at the scale of the game (like the teutonic knights or norman armies) and also have really crazy stuff like the lithuanian pagans who are like a teleporting archer force.
Saga is retarded. I don't say that about many games, but Saga really goes out of its way to require you to have various books you shouldn't need, rules around terrain and forces that don't make sense to me. If there is that guy with his axe to grind against Walrod, and the Flames of War guy, I get irrational thinking about Saga. Your experience could be completely different.
if you're not into analyzing the battle board and building combos that completely changes the balance of the game don't bother with saga. So many factions with wildly different abilities isn't going to be balanced and yes some factions have some really funky shit going on.
One issue I've had when playing is that you can end up in situations where one player has a really powerful combo ready on their board, but it relies on the other player being dumb enough to commit his own forces, leading to the best move being to sit and do nothing or plink away with arrows. I suspect this is a lesser problem when playing scenarios that require area control, but it still highlights an issue where a player can have a huge advantage due to battle board abilities that the other player may or may not have a counter to depending on their own battle board
I've noticed age of hannibal version is the best one. Abilities aren't as crazy as the other iterations of the game. Carthage, greeks and romans are kino
Does anyone know why warlord pumps the price of their shit up on their US side of the store? All the new stuff that went up for preorder costs ~30% more than they are on the uk and eu sections. Also crazy considering you can get most of their plastics for almost half off on amazon
yeah a small industrial complex with walls, rural train station and tracks and a cemetery with wall for the church is on the list.
Then I need all other types of terrain as well
Looking to get into Ancient Wargaming. How many figures do you need for a game of Hail Caesar or a different popular game?
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Depends on the scale. If you play ant scale you need a thousand men to look good. Even 100-120 guys at 28mm looks more aesthetic than 1000 ants
I'm mostly looking to get 28mm figures.

To be honest, I expect to mostly end up playing Saga Age of Hanibal, but I want to know how much it would cost to move up to something bigger.
If you're playing age of hannibal, you can expect between 36 and 72 models. Those are both ends of the spectrum, 36 would be a super elite army and 72 would be 6 units of levys
From what I gathered, literally a single box of Victrix Republicans Romans would get me a playable army for Age of Hannibal. But I'm probably going to move up from there to something else.
Yeah, for Rome, your only restriction is you can only use a single unit of mounted warriors iirc. When I started I got a box of greek hoplites and then found out you can only field a unit of 8, so I got tons of hoplites laying around
Far as I can tell most factions don't seem to have too many limitations. I guess it makes sense giving Romans a small amount of warriors considering they aren't exactly known as a cav army.
Yeah and you can always recruit some mercenaries if you want to field cavalry

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