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Back from the dead edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games and, many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>The Novice Troves; These troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

Which game has your favorite undead faction?
Welcome back. I was hoping /awg/ was not truly dead. It's the only reason I bother coming to /tg/ these days.

>Which game has your favorite undead faction?
I like the KoW Undead, and the lore of the OPR Mummified Undead. Not huge on the idea of an Immortal Queen, but the game points out that the Mummified Undead have different factions and it makes /yourguys/ a-ok.
>Welcome back.
I'm not the usual baker, if there is one. Hope nothing happened to them.
Last /awg/ was my first in months. Gave up on /tg/ after seeing what /btg/ became, but my love for miniatures and wargaming brought me back almost a year later.


Controversially I like the fluff of the ossiarchs in aos. Being simultaneously the janissaries of nagash, his vision of perfect harmony and a protection racket for the living.

On a more game-related note, what do you think is the appropriate amount of dice-generated randomness in a wargame? Just rolling for hits and blocks? Random charge ranges? Something else?
Flintloque is pretty kino. KoW and Frostgrave of course need no introduction.
It's funny, damn near every mini maker makes undead but a lot of them aren't attached to any game.
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>posted the set that has werewolves instead of undead
I am a smart man.
>Which game has your favorite undead faction?
Ressers in Malifaux used to be pretty baller.
Then they let women and Chinamen join and it all went down hill.
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I like oathmark skellies.
Don't know if here is the best place to ask but I've been meaning to try to get my friend group I GM for to get into wargames, they've been pretty open to me getting them to play different RPG systems but they are all a bit dumb and awful at simple math. Do you guys know any rules-lite, more simple kind of wargame (or maybe skirmish game) to get them into it. Ideally I would prefer one that's based around firearm combat, but I'll take any recs really.
I once made a joke that I could never play a game with a gay frenchy name like Malifaux and that it was a shame it wasn't called something cool like Malifist because that would be really badass.
But no one thought I was joking and looked at me like I was a retard. I said it deadpan.
I thought it was funny anyway.

OPR's games are dead simple. You could try using them as a hook for wargaming.
>Which game has your favorite undead faction?

Can't for the love of me care for the game itself, but i like Ossiarch bonereapers. They're really integrated and reasonable in how they work.
So perhaps it's better for me to say Old dominion from conquest. I like religious undead and other stuff that's going for them. But there's a short story from them that's pretty fun read. In short: Like most undead they are free from most burdens of life like sleep aso. Tthis also makes the leaders with free will omega autists, which most of the time works out great for them, but not when they care enough to actually want to understand their opponent or fellow undeads next move. Luckily they have an oracle in their undead capital that can help with such cases... Oh her divining abilities? The only undead that still has their emotions intact. They describe it pretty good how it fucking sucks for her.
TQ: I am a sucker for undead Romans because Ermor from Dominions the vg series is one of my favorite devices to represent the Post Western Rome Dark Ages in Europe. Vargus also does a really good depiction of this kind of setting.

Hence Old Dominion is my fav undead faction, that said I kinda wish it was more focused on a traditional Roman legion and not being so reliant on statues and walking mauseleums.

outside of them I really like Yan Lo, Urami, and Revanant keywords. The playstyle of the Burning Corpse Candle spamming Revanant playstyle is so unique and thematically interesting.
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By technicality, I guess it's the Winkies from Wars of Ozz. Not really an undead faction so much as a faction that includes some undead, but it's the only game I'm currently interested in that even has undead as a playable thing. I'm kinda wary of actually using them though since it's the only summoning effect in the entire game and those are always of dubious balance.
I appreciate your skellies mr anon.
I appreciate your humour mr anon.
A friend of mine was talking to me about a game called Star Breach and, although I eventually found a pdf, it looks like the game has been abandoned. Anyone know anything about it?
I've also been looking for a not!Shadowrun warband skirmish game if anybody knows something that'll fit the bill ideally I'd like to still have cyberware be an option to buy for warband members and have it affect spellcasting

>Which game has your favorite undead faction?
I don't know much in the way of awg undead factions but I've always been partial to the Tomb Kings. Never really was interested in Fantasy though.
Speaking of which, is there any chance someone here has the extra rules from the facebook group? It's private for what I can only assume are boomer reasons and best I can tell, is also where they put all the actual game content for the wave 2 models. And maybe a few of the wave 1 models for that matter, I haven't been able to find the actual statlines for the munchkin balloon or Dorothy and co.
Nevermind, I just got in it. If by sheer coincidence anyone else needed it, here it is.
There is nothing contraversial about having bad taste
What do you mean by "abandoned"? The game was made and exists. Does it need updating every five minutes? It's not like there are models to sell. I preferred Xenotactics to Star Breach, but that's just as "abandoned".
>not!Shadowrun warband skirmish game
Chrome Hammer from Nordic Weasel.
Well if it's not "abandoned" then please point me to where I can buy the full rules
It's free though.
Yeah, the fully playable shareware version is. And since every link that points towards a "deluxe" version with the full rules 404's one can only assume that, despite being in a fully playable state, it's been abandoned.
>"deluxe" version
From what I gathered back when I saw looked at the game, it was just artwork, layout, and a physical print run.
It has campaign rules which were pretty lackluster.
God I've been looking for this thread all day yesterday
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Have any chads in here played Frostgrave and Mordheim and can give a comprehensive comparison of the two?
I can't say for Mordheim since that group never got together, but Frostgrave 1e was alright. I ended up really messing up one of my friends with a double Wizard-Apprentice kill and something like that will pretty much destroy your warband and any chance to remain competitive in a campaign
Nice board. Very gothic.
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Ive not played Frostgrave, only Mordhiem, but from my understanding:
>Mordhiem is focussed around your heroes with your warband growing around them
>Frostgrave is focussed around your nerd and his/her apprentice nerd, with the warband fluctuating around them
>Mordhiem is D6 based, which makes results less swingy but also does put a cap on the odds of stuff (no matter your STR you will always have a minimal 15% chance to fail to wound, or succeed in wounding)
>Frostgrave is D20 based, which makes it a lot more granular but also a lot more swingy
>Mordhiem warbands are built with 1-6 heroes (usually 4-5) and then henchmen who are purchased in identically outfitted groups of 1+ (IE, you buy Henchman group 1 who you outfit with Halberds, Shields, and Helmets, group 2 have Bows, Group 3 have Hammers and Shields, etc)
>Frostgrave warbands are built with 1-2 nerds and then henchmen who are purchased individually with a preset or heavily limited (cant remember which) loadout
>Mordhiem Henchmen groups gain XP and can advance
>Frostgrave Henchmen dont advance that much IIRC
>Mordhiem embraces imbalance and its not uncommon, in a campaign, to have two warbands with very different powerlevels meet. Its also not impossible to win even if you are the weaker warband, just be smart
>Frostgrave rules give you free henchmen of the weakest variety (no armour and a dagger) if you have less than 10 bodies in your warband, to balance things out
>Mordhiem scenarios focus around grabbing loot and escaping or ambushes and showdowns, usually with stuff any warband member can do (and when there are limits its almost always "only a hero (of any type) can do this"
>Frostgrave scenarios focus on using your nerd to do stuff to enable the rest of your warband to win

Hope that helps, and that other anons with more experience can correct me where im wrong/add to this.

>Gave up on /tg/ after seeing what /btg/ became
Battletech becoming popular was a real monkeys paw event.
>Ossiarch bonereapers
Weird. What do you like about them?
>Ermor from Dominions
I just bought a box of skulls from the FLGS.
I could buy some Romans and do some head swaps for an Ermor army.
It's pretty simple.
Mordheim: fun
Frostgrave: gay wizards, d20 shit

Dated, limited, tacky GW setting


Live, expanding, /yourdudes/
>Live, expanding, "yourdudes",
moisturized, in it's Lane, flourishing
I love you Louise
Should have house ruled you took them hostage and had to pay a ransom or something. No need to take a player out of a casual thing.

TQ : Cryx were pretty cool. Bonejacks were a sweet design and it's a shame I don't have a place to fit them now.

I bought a bunch of 15mm skeletons to use as halfling undead in 28mm. Undead really aren't my style but the project amused me. I intend to spend this month building the pile of shame. Not even removing the mold lines on most stuff. I've got like 15 armies partly built from years of collecting and I'd like to make everything playable in OPR or KoW with movement trays. Mummies, Knights Skeletons and a couple of characters should make for an okay skirmish undead game. I'll probably lean into mummified undead so I can use my chicken swarms as scarabs.
>Battletech becoming popular was a real monkeys paw event.
Yessir. It became a nightmare between CGL, CGL shills, trolls and the attention whores who were posting shit in the general and not getting bans for blatant rulebreaking.
>mummified undead so I can use my chicken swarms
Were Egyptians known for their chicken husbandry?
Yes. Yes they were. have you never heard of the screaming chicken catapult? They set a chicken on fire after over feeding it. Would launch them into enemy formations. Smash and fire damage.
Who cares if people like the thing
You're gonna be playing it your way in your home
Fragile nerds need to start showing their work instead of withdrawing and complaining
This is not the place for me to inform you of all the retarded things happening in BattleTech so I won't do so.
I have no doubt but if ya love the game...just filter people who think mechs can be gay
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Has anyone played Sword Weirdos? I want a fantasy skirmish deeper than OPR (inb4 low bar), but my group is wary of Mordheim for some reason. SW seems like a good middle ground.
Nice. What color do you use for the patina?
>Katapault Flaming Chicken
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That would have made sense mechanically, and been a better move, but it wouldn't have made sense narratively because both characters that could have paid a ransom would have been held hostage and it was my own wizard who scored both kills with multiple fireballs turning both into charred corpses. It also showed us that a purely spellslinging wizard was OP.

another buddy ended up making a decent buffing wizard only for him to realise it's not a co-op game so he ended up remaking his warband after the first game
Space Weirdos is nice, but check out Planet 28 as well, also I enjoy Stargrave
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Is there already a Frostgrave or Rangers of Shadow Deep scenario for a big ass purple worm or am I gonna have to make it myself?
Oh, nevermind, I'm just dumb and missed a basic ass scenario in the core book.
He might find that hard considering he regularly rage's in /btg/ about the general not hating the horny in its totality, which is just a silly expectation to have given the setting's origins in mashing travellerRPG neo-feudal space opera with 80's anime.
Teeth look cool.
Thanks. I did the old "don't actually paint white" trick. The base is the same pink as the back spikes, then something like four or five light grey layers until it came out smooth, then very thin actually white highlight lines.
Weak as piss

Hate to break it to you but most people aren't horny all the time, and they don't look for horny elements in a mech board game
>no, how is it possible that my carfty tabletop hobby might reflect my tastes and interests

This is why we do this, not to shriek because someone else is doing it differently
Humans don't have an Estrus cycle so technically most people are indeed "horny" all the time, you just don't notice because the baseline becomes functionally white noise in your head.

Either way telling CBT and AS players not to be horny is like telling Gundamfags not to homo-ship 90% of the protagonists. Some puritan folks just need to learn how to read the room and realize when they are indeed the tourist for a change, and are out of thier depth.
>read the room

How fucking patronising. It's a game about mechs, idiot.
That's funny because all you hear these days is
>your hobby reflects MY tastes and interests now, take that!
Like, sure you could lock yourself in your house and sculpt your own minis and play by homebrew... but that's retarded. In the real world, tabletop gaming is an ecosystem, and you take notice if someone is pouring radioactive waste into the river.
>it's just a dumb game about mechs, which is why I have very specific ways you're allowed and not allowed to enjoy it
Now if we've established that anon is allowed to have an opinion about Battletech, how about those /awg/s?
>yfw you're so brainrotten the subject matter of "a game of armoured combat" can be reinterpreted in terms of sexual politics
Right, I was the one who brought up BT and /btg/ and take full responsibility for it, but we should leave /awg/ for /awg/ related topics.

Speaking of which, anyone play anything rank and flank lately? Was thinking of trying the AoF R&F but I'm not sure when I'll meet with the lads to do so.
The irony of in one breath telling someone "this is how it is and there is a broader socially accepted interpretation" an in the second "but not any pertaining to bringing it back to basics, making it age appropriate" etc
literally no scifi has been solely about the wizbang vehicles featured in its settings, having commentary on something or other is a fundamental and inseparable part of the genre, you'd be making a fantasy without it.
That must be why the game is played with dildos and not plastic mechs.
You seriously need to get help, this is not a healthy response to somebody having a mech pilot pinup.

When deconstruction won't work on its own
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Anon have you SEEN the Jump/WarShips?
If you can fit that you're already too far gone.
Nasty K is older than you are and has been a dirty, dirty slut since she was first introduced.
They don't contradict at all, they're both that if you're coming in to push your views on other people, whether it's changing canon or going on a puritan crusade, fuck off.
I can't tell if each general has a different schizo or it's the same one.
>Speaking of which, anyone play anything rank and flank lately? Was thinking of trying the AoF R&F but I'm not sure when I'll meet with the lads to do so.

I might in a few weeks, I was packing for a move and found an oathmark rulebook I impulse bought back at the start of the pandemic. Did the game prove to be any good?
Yes. Up to the biggest monsters like dragons and giantsnwhich kinda break things. Everything else is perfect. Superior to WHFB in so many goshdarn ways. Maybe needs a future compendium for more unusual creatures and weapons to be 100%
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As a regular AoS player too, the Flesh-Eater Courts are my favorite undead faction in about anything. Love the lore, love the models. I play them in Warcry on the side. Was thinking about the next time I get together for Frostgrave using some models as a Necromancer warband. It kind of works out since all but the highest ranking ghouls are technically mortal, just mutated by death magic.

Beyond that I’m trying to get into Argatoria and the Sheol-Morg army looks interesting. I thought they were a borderline WHFB Chaos analog with viking-esque warriors and goat men but they also apparently have necromancers summoning armies of skeletons and they’ve been showing off so far unreleased skeleton heroes. Might have to dip in to the bone brigade whenever that comes out
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>Did the game prove to be any good?
Yes. Myself and a friend had a campaign thats been on hold for a bit now due to time constraints and him moving, but we are hoping for a big game soon. The game itself is really good, simple, intuitive, and works well. There are, however, some points to be wary of:
>Heavy cavalry will utterly rape anything not-monstrous it hits
>Chariots look really cool, but a 3 man Cav unit will typically beat them in a fight. Doesnt stop me using them
>Artillery is really powerful, ballistas are not too bad as they need LOS but stone throwing engines are outright busted, being able to indirect fire. A favoured tactic of my friend is to line 2 up and concentrate them on a different unit each turn, usually crippling if not outright routing that unit
>Monsters on large (50x100mm) bases are insane and should not be taken in a less than 3K game. They can chew through entire units of infantry and cavalry before going down and need another beasty or concentrated effort to kill
>The undead spell list has a spell that summons one of said big beasties. You are entitled to deck your opponent if he uses it
>Dragons are a step above. Dragons are the nuclear option in that they utterly destroy anything else and are only really countered by another dragon, but once you use one the genie is out of the bottle.
>Speaking of undead, Wraiths and the burny variants: Taking them in a less than 1.5/2K game is cuntish. Do not.
>Of the 3 splats, Bane of Kings and Oathbreakers are worth buying. YMMV on Battlesworn, its not that good but does have rules for boats and pontoon bridges
All in all, its really good, but as >>93247966 says it needs some more expansions/compendiums to bring further units in, and give us stuff like sieges. The campaign system is okay but really could be expanded on.

Battletech was founded on horny. Shit, the /m/echa genre was founded on horny. Mech and cheesecake go hand in hand. Seethe more, mald, dial8, etc.
NTA but Oathmark sounds really fun now.
I once bodged together a siege scenario in oathmark by playing the river crossing scenario but changing the river to a wall with breaches in it.

Worked ok enough
I am also just getting into Oathmark. May try to get a local group started up once I have enough minis to demo it. Those plastic model kits are just too much fun.
I've been wargaming for like...idk..20 odd years and I have never thought about tabletop anything like that. This must be an extremely online phenomenon.
All about what you do with it. Joe MCC always gives you stuff to work with.
You're just outing yourself as a secondary anon. You should take in some of the classic battletech influences like dougram, or macross/robotech (or votoms if think heavy gear is the /awg/ for you) before you go mouthing off like you aren't the odd one out here.
Hydrophilia by Artel W and Gangs of the Undercity comes to mind for not!Shadowrun games, other than Star Breach or Chrome Hammer.
doesn't this imply the game is shit? It's a heartbreaker because it breaks someone's heart that a game is almost good, but has glaring issues that ruin it?
Their tax/tithe system really. They don't just run havoc and kill everything living. They integrate themselves into the lives of the living in a way that still serves themselves. Kinda like a village that needs to sacrifice a virgin every year to their local patreon/monster in order to continue living their peaceful life, but in a much bigger scale.
Since I asked I also found Realty's Edge and Gangs of the Undercity but not Hydrophillia. Definitely will have to settle/compromise on what I want out of a system though
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Im waiting for my Dropzone shit to arrive and so im doing some listbuilding in the meantime. Is this list any good? I feel like it might have too much focus on infantry.
Man, did you just never look at any of the art? Or bother to go watch Macross, one of the anime that BT is based off? Or even bother looking into the mecha genre more?

Good. You should.

Nice, that's a good idea, though personally I want something more focused on opening breaches then storming them, maybe with a central keep/castle/Fort to take.
Cool, I'll check it out. I've seen Stargrave around, but never played it or Planet 28. We're more fantasy, but there's a solid core of folks who are into space stuff.
A heartbreaker used to mean a game that was someone's beloved labour-of-love OC that was going to revolutionise the market and dethrone the big games, but then flopped because a million other people were trying to do the exact same thing.
Saying it about Battletech is bad enough but if you're using vaguer terms you come across as blind, there's been horny in tabletop since at least the 80s. Ever heard of Slaanesh?
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What's going on in here? Feels like some coomer is trying to justify himself to the world, or maybe deep down trying to find peace with himself for being that way.
Those don't look like coomer minis to me but whatever floats your boat I guess.
Some prude is hopping from general to general trying to argue that /m/echa should should be purged of all cockpit bunnies and cheesecake it's traditionally had to fit with his puritan vision(real tumblrcore stuff as the kids would say) and everyone who hears the details mocks him for being completely off his rocker.
Can someone explain Oathmark movement to me? It's it not actually a rank and flank game?
It is a rank and flank game. Why are people so confused about that image? He ended his movement next to an enemy unit, not being in distance to charge into combat. The enemy unit then turned around and charged him as he was in range. Why is that so complicated? If you don't want to get charged then force the enemy to come to you instead of marching right in front of them.
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It is but it's much less restrictive on pivoting and turning units than most other games of its type. The main thing some people don't like is that you can pivot a full 180 degrees on a single activation, so if you were trying to position yourself for a flank/rear charge it's quite likely the enemy with just snap round on the spot to face you.
>skeletons using telescopes
>they have no eyeballs
I fucking love this
Anyone heard of Quar before?
I remember hearing about it years and years ago on some forum and then was pretty blindsided when WGA suddenly gave it plastics.

Almost as surprising as finding out it somehow got a PSVR game.
I feel like that latter one's gotta come through Qualtieri's Pixar contacts.
But this seems such a contrived situation though. Youd be rearing someone
-without additional support in front of the enemy unit
-doing so in a manner so retarded that you straight up dive into their charge range
Like who tf do they think theyre playing against, total war AI?
I'm just starting to get into it. Got a small group of people who want a demo ASAP when i get my starter box in and put together. Seems fun and I get major Worms vibes from it.
I have a friend who wanted to go splits on a starter box and I agreed because I thought they looked kinda fun to paint. Don't really expect that I'll get into it much beyond that though.
Yeah real people would 100% turn around if you approached them from behind while they weren't distracted, that guy complaining is just an idiot.
Only devil's advocate I can think of is it's implied they stay in formation which would take longer, but that's a limitation of the massed unit format.
I do like the models they got a silly fun appeal to them, remind me charlie from smiling friends but i can se the worm vibes with them

But also they look more easier to paint than other models like GW ones for example which desu are a pain in the ass to paint sometimes
I think I get it.
It's not really "rank and flank" but area control blobs with charge bubbles mattering more than facing.
It's just a little weird that because of the way wheels work, your unit's threat range is actually wider to the rear than it is forward.
I had heard of it before WGA picked them up. I thought they were a weird little passion project. Wish the maker all the best.
Sounds good. I'm sick of rank and flank being largely meta for a certain kind of gameplay rather than simulationist since everyone does it the same way. It feels like driving around a bunch of little trucks and running them into each other rather than ordering troops.
It is rank and flank, the situation in question just has no flanking involved, just an aggressor approaching an unengaged unit from behind, leaving themselves open to a counter charge.
'Flanking' involves attacking someone from two sides.
The example does have flanking involved. The unit approaching the other's rear gets charged in the flank. I don't know if it actually provides a bonus or not in Oathmark but it does point out the counter intuitive nature of having a wider threat range to the rear.
>read thread chain.
Jesus. warkiddies have extreme brain rot.
>ummmm wtf? I maneuvered behind an enemy unit without support and ended my turn. Now he can maneuver to counter my move. This is unacceptable!
>The example does have flanking involved. The unit approaching the other's rear gets charged in the flank.
As it should. It was an extremely bad move for the first unit to move unsupported and ending it's turn in range of its target. Of course, if the 2nd unit had already activated that turn then next turn, if the first unit is lucky, it might activate first and successfully flank.
The natural conclusion of this is "Gaslands is the pinnacle of rank n flank gameplay."
Small point games always mean some sacrifice of course, but I think an issue is lack of proactive AA; the Eradicator and Ravagers are good for area denial but can't really hunt down aircraft the way Reapers or Corsairs can.
>As it should. It was an extremely bad move for the first unit to move unsupported and ending it's turn in range of its target.
Yeah . That was my point.
Facings don't really matter in Oathmark. It's all about charge range.
>facings don't matter
They do. You just need to actually need to think about supporting your flanks.
It is better to leave and never return.
Do you get a bonus for rear and flank charges?
>Of course, if the 2nd unit had already activated that turn then next turn, if the first unit is lucky, it might activate first and successfully flank.
So you can potentially double activate before the opponent? It seems like flanking/rear charges are a reward for getting lucky on activations instead of meaningfully out maneuvering.
What would (you) proxy the creatures of chaos as? Very varied designs but they all seem melee with a few shields. Maybe OPR war daemons?
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>Like, sure you could lock yourself in your house and sculpt your own minis and play by homebrew...
>but that's retarded.

That is the Basedest Way to Live. Give no fucks about what the homos wants you to do, just make your own shit and play your own games with 4-6 friends who will grow old with you and remember you as long as they live.

Everything else is gay.
>In the real world, tabletop gaming is an ecosystem
I don't even read the news, not to mention gaming releases. Who cares? We know what we like and that is what we play.
Speed is an asset for flanking, just ask cavalry.
Eureka miniatures makes some pretty cool ones under their Chaos range. Lots of really weird guys if that's what you are after. Inspired by Hieronymus Bosch style aesthetic.
I'm not sure what you mean. If probably use them as little mutant monsters in whatever game I play.
>But how does the collective well being of society affect you personally? Mind your biz.
What I meant is what kind of unit would you use those minis as. Eureka's are cool too though.
Anything specific?
Lol I forgot that historically technique used by Alexander the Great, out activating the Persians.
Chad yes.
I feel like this is a better question for /hwg/ and they would either answer it easily or completely shit the bed and argue the rest of the thread.
>do you get bonuses
Yes. I'd have to read the book again since I can't remember if it's a penalty to the flanked unit or bonuses to the flanking unit in combat.
>So you can potentially double activate before the opponent?
No. There's only one activations per turn for each formation. What I was saying is that if the 2nd unit had already activated that turn it couldn't flank that turn because it couldn't act. If that's the case then the first unit, if that player got lucky on the next turn roll and got to go first, could then complete its flank.
> It seems like flanking/rear charges are a reward for getting lucky on activations instead of meaningfully out maneuvering.
No? You still need to out maneuver units to flank. You just need to actually support your flanks with other units or threaten more your opponents more important units and forcing them to respond to that instead of your flanking maneuver.
>If that's the case then the first unit, if that player got lucky on the next turn roll and got to go first, could then complete its flank.
Jokes on you, I only come here to make people like you upset.
If you don't play their game they cannot touch you. Disregard the genserbenders and other crazy people. Play your game and live your life your way. Simple as.
>"don't play their game" he says as he plays their game
In other words don't be like you anon, got it.
They seethe and shid themselves whenever they encounter a ruleset that ever so slightly deviates from their ass rules. Thy simply cannot comprehend there are other rulesets outside of the GWsphere
I'm thinking of getting into it. I like the cartoony vibe it reminds me of Metal Slug. I started thinking they would pair really well with some cheap chibi tank kits I have lying around
No idea how it plays though. I've seen some youtube shills playing it and it was slow but probably because they were noobs
Lol I went into a LGS in France one time to look around and there was a display game board set up like you'd see in a Warhammer store and it has some of these retarded infantile tanks on it, I picked on up to inspect it and the frog working there went into an autistic rage and began yelling at me to not touch it and put it down. It was bizarre
Not at all into AoS as a game these days, but the setting (especially right before they canned Broken Realms: Alarielle and put the game into a narrative tailspin) was pretty much exactly what I want for a tabletop experience

With that in mind, Undead in AoS is pretty sick. Enslaved by a god who has killed an eaten "all" the other gods of death, Nagash has a tenuous grasp on the death planet of Shyish where all afterlives that people genuinely believe in are real

Warhammer left a ton of room open for what "your dudes" could be. They expanded on the WHF concept of vampiric bloodlines, giving you room to completely invent you own and their undead range was the best around until they redid their skeletons to all have been basketball players in their past lives
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Ngl I love these stupid ass maps; the planets are each tens of the size of Earth so I loved when we got these nonsense slices of stuff. The world's maps make them easier to wrap your head around, too, imo.

Shit like the chained sun in one of the early ones really stuck with me: the Mortal Realms can be *anything* and we're a decade in with fucking no clear explanation of what a "sub realm" practically is afaik
not a good example because Alexander was infamous for breaking through enemy infantry to get through to the rear of the elite infantry in a different section of the line with his cavalry. He was always outnumbered for the most part so he could never actually outflank. This tactic is what made Alexander who he was never Hammer and Anvil.

Chaeronea, Gaugamela, etc.
>not a good example
Yes that's why it's a joke.
Out activating your opponent is a game strategy that relies on manipulating the game system not something that happen in historical warfare.
Meng models are gr8
>ordered from Spellcrow over two weeks ago
>still haven’t gotten my order
>contact them to get tracking info
>tracking number they give me says it’s not an active tracking number
>tried to contact them again to clarify but they’re already closed for the weekend
My concern has deepened. Granted it’s coming from Poland but I’ve had orders from the UK show up within a week.
Oathmark is an alternating activation game, where each turn each player works though individual units one at a time, with a roll off to see who gets first choice of units each turn. The only way Buttsex the Mighty was going to be able to pull off his unsupported attack on Chadwell the Turner was if his player got priority on the next turn and got to move before there was a defensive response.

Now, I suppose there are ways you could make it impossible for this double move to happen, but IGOUGO would make the defending player respond first, and a speed stat based deterministic order of activations would cut down on strategic options in gameplay.
What should I do with a huge Baba Yaga house? Obviously it makes for good fantasy terrain, but where can I use it as a unit?
Same thing with Mammoth Miniatures for me.
>Order from their site
>3 weeks go by and I havent received anything
>Think it's normal since it's shipping to US from UK
>3 months pass
>Message the company and tell them I never received
>guy swears it's not normal so he will send another one
>It's been another 9 months and I still haven't received
I just accepted that I've been robbed
Gotta love modern online shopping, everything legit is either stolen in transit, or porch pirated, and if something does make it through it's either a chinesium knock off, a used unit sold as new, a quality control reject, or the real box but filled with rocks...
>speed stat based deterministic order of activations would cut down on strategic options in gameplay.
The would be neat in a rank and flank game. Maybe something like X-Wing, where higher speeds go last, so you can see the opponent's final position before deciding where you want to be. Or have the option of delaying their activation to respond later on the turn.
Any recommendations to get (or easily craft) a bunch of trees? Should I just buy from china?
Depends on how much time/money you want to put into it and when you need them.
I've had orders from the UK take months. Spellcrow is reputable, don't despair (yet).
Just sending another one no questions asked is the most suspicious part desu.
The good news is the Grobniks transferred to Ramshackle Games, maybe you weren't the only one having issues. https://shop.ramshacklegames.co.uk/67-gardens-of-hecate
>much time/money you want to put into it
I want it to still look like a tree (as in, not a 2d standee or MDF) but doesn't need to look too realistic since my minis are painted like shit anyway.

>and when you need them
I can wait until around September
I used these techniques and my trees have lasted 7 years, still going strong
Try living in a 1st world nation. I haven’t ever had an issue with online shopping, even with overseas products.
Sorry forgot link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=75VcRTYpmEs&pp=ygUVcmVkIGJlYXJkIGJhcm9uIHRyZWVz

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