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It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

More threads:
File: Core.jpg (92 KB, 432x539)
92 KB
Requesting Shadow of the Demon Lord VTT stuff.
Gorean Adventures: "Moon Dance"

01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100001 01101110 01111001 01100110 01101100 01101001 01110000 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01100011 01101101 01101010 01100111 01101100 00101111 01101110 01110110 01110110 01110100 00101111 01100010 01100001 01110011 01101001 01100011
Requesting the final versions of Across the Eight Directions, Adversaries of the Righteous, Crucible of Legend, Exigents: Out of the Ashes and/or the novellas Surface Truths, A Murder in Whitewall, What Lies Forgotten, and/or Scoundrelsong, for exalted 3e, please
could the trove keeper of /starfinder please check your drops and update the troves? thank you
File: cyman.png (1.57 MB, 897x1160)
1.57 MB
1.57 MB PNG
Looking for Cypher Manifestation, a 3PP supplement for the Cypher System. Thanks in advance!
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518 KB JPG
Delta Green
Requesting Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit.
Requesting Five Parsecs from Home: Compendium and Tactics.
Requesting the new SR6 novel The Mosaic Run by Jennifer Brozek. Please and Thank You in advance.
File: Requesting.png (4.81 MB, 2000x2000)
4.81 MB
4.81 MB PNG
Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Urban Warfare
Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Dark Empire
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris
Thank you in advance

you can upload requests and CLEANED files at /newVolaDrop

they will appear in /newVola after a few hours

these are rebrand links

if you upload many files at once, please put them in a zip

If you find a dirty file, please upload a txt file with the relevant info and I will remove it as soon as possible

Looking for as many of the Gila RPGs as possible.


Also looking for Spell Scorched.


Thank you!
Since it was sent to an archivist,
One last try
File: Carbon Grey.jpg (202 KB, 900x1289)
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202 KB JPG

Looking for WEG Carbon Grey d6.

Thank you kindly.
File: ijskypiratescover.jpg (43 KB, 310x400)
43 KB

Can you help me find Indiana Jones and the Sky Pirates and other Tales.

Looking for Tendencies: Spirit and Glamour.


Also looking for its sequel Tendencies: Soul and Bone.


Thank you.
What is the turn around time atm for getting documents cleaned?

I sent The Corsairs of Captain Flariel and the Daemons & Heretics Wrath & Glory books to /RepositoryDonate a week or so ago, but havent heard anything back.

Just wanted to make sure I havent made an error when I uploaded them
Looking for Panic at the Dojo PATCH'D UP - Errata and updates.


Thank you in advance.
What i have:
53nT ln2 sP35$
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Requesting Fates Worse Than Death & any of the supplements if you have them.
I'd like to request Over War: The Night Comes Down, Under Ashen Skies, and Warlord Ascendant. Thanks for any help in advance!
I'm looking for any Leverage books, or the Fabula Ultima Techno Fantasy supplement. Thanks!
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Requesting: Sinless
Tnx in advance
Vanguard varmik fallen corebook and expanded rules
Tnx in andvance
>By Courtney C. Campbell
Requesting Kitsune of Golarion Remastered for Pathfinder2e. Thank you in advance!
I wish to donate a few PDFs. But first, where are the cleaners?

Discussed in prior thread
ufile inv60n33
I was able to get the following files.
I shovel them to you all now....
ufile cjl7p0a7
previous thread lasted more than 4 days

maybe it is worthwhile

Previous Requests aka Da Wish List – ( somewhat updated)

BESM 2E reprint

Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Urban Warfare
Absolute Power (Silver Age Sentinels 2nd Edition) – Dark Empire
Big Eyes, Small Mouth (BESM) 4E - Ikaris

D100 Dungeon
Summer's End adventure anthology.

Everyday Heroes
-EGO Plots 1 thru 5
-EGO Assignments 1,2&3
-The Agency Files: Part 3
-Evergreen Knights Part 3

-Quest 19 The Elsewhere Feast
-5-18 Equal Tapestry of the Mind
-5-19 Demonic Afterparty

-7-03 Aucturn Asunder

Chromatic Shadows companion
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Soulbound and its supplements

The Secret Art Of Game Mastery by DMLair
-Geomorph Cards: FROSTLANDS
-Bestiary Playing Cards
-Four Against Dungeon Deck (all set)

Deathmatch Island
The Wigmaker's Fingers
The Curse of Mizzling Grove
Heroes & Hatchets
Tides of Rot, for Frontier Scum
Shotgun & Sorcery 5E Sourcebook
Yoon-Suin 2E
English translation of the Steven Universe RPG
Bases & Businesses: 5e Rules Supplement
The Vaelorian Codex
STL Alexandria
Blade Runner, Walking Dead, and MYZ
Horus Heresy 1e campaign supplements (black books)
Cthulhu Awakens
Legends & Longswords for OpenD6
Rules and all PDFS of Kingdom Death Monster: Gamblers Chest Expansion
Cepheus Engine - Sociocultural Generator
Sector Asgard Kappa
Hex Kit 2 for linux

3rd party Heart supplements
6 lost issues of the "Beaumains" fanzine, published in the '90s, and containing Pendragon stuff
The Crowned (core book) by Formerly Feral Games
Shrine Bearer: Japanese-Inspired Class and Magic items by Aqua Ursine Press
Reign of Radiance by Aripockily
Unbound Steel - Core Rulebook by Original Frontiers
The Drowned War Expanded Edition by Star City Savages
Magi-Knights Awakening: The Heroes From Overthere
Faeries on the Run by Helena Real
Arrowflight Third Edition by Deep7
Black Mole
"A True Relation of the Great Virginia Disastrum, 1633" Vol 1-3 for Lamentations of The Flame Princess
Weird Wizard's quests: One Bad Apple, Eye of the Serpent, Friends in Need, Trip the Light Fantastic, and Drink Deep from the River of My Hate
Gangs of rome V2
The Living Campaign: A Guide For Creating & Maintaining Tabletop RPG Campaigns
5 Parsecs Tactics or the new Compendium
inal versions of Across the Eight Directions, Adversaries of the Righteous, Crucible of Legend, Exigents: Out of the Ashes and/or the novellas Surface Truths, A Murder in Whitewall, What Lies Forgotten, and/or Scoundrelsong, for exalted 3e
Daybreak on the Battlefield (unofficial supplement)
Also requesting from Essence20:
Worlds Collide: Battle for the Multiverse
G.I. JOE: Quartermaster's Guide to Gear
My Little Pony: Story of the Seasons
stats of the Osirans, mainly Horus and Sutekh. either FASA Who or GURPS or new Who rpg
Fallout 2D20 NPC Pack 03 - Reilly's Rangers
Foundry Modules for Free League's games.
Core Modules, Adventures, The Book of Beasts for Forbidden Lands, Building Better Worlds for Alien RPG, etc
Five Parsecs From Home: Compendium and Five Parsecs From Home: Tactics from Modiphius.
the based version of FAR WEST
Buried in the Bahamas (for Pirate Borg)
uncorrupted copy of the Wu Xing Ninja Crusade 1st edition
Titan effect rpg
Escape from Miklagard
Solasta pdf
Team Yankee 2e: NATO Forces, West German, and British army books
forged in the dark game Tides of Gold

Stirring the Hornet's Nest at Het Thamsya
"Triangle Agency" and "The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency"
Your Life: Random Fantasy Character Backgrounds

Mini-Dungeon Tome Volume 2 for D&D 5e, please

Spell Scorched
-Marching Order + (expansion)
County Road Z
Sidereals: Charting Fates Course for Exalted Third Edition
Hexbound from Hit Point Press and/or Dark Matter from Mage Hand Press
The Hunt
Chariots of Steel https://opensketch.itch.io/chariots-of-steel
Subversion Core Rulebook
Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition: Battle box: Arcane Cataclysm
final versions of Across the Eight Directions, Adversaries of the Righteous, Crucible of Legend, Exigents: Out of the Ashes and/or the novellas Surface Truths, A Murder in Whitewall, What Lies Forgotten, and/or Scoundrelsong, for exalted 3e

final versions of Across the Eight Directions, Adversaries of the Righteous, Crucible of Legend, Exigents: Out of the Ashes and/or the novellas Surface Truths, A Murder in Whitewall, What Lies Forgotten, and/or Scoundrelsong, for exalted 3e

final pdf of Swyvers
main pdf of Farewell to arms and its campaign book
The Crowned (core book) by Formerly Feral Games

Shrine Bearer: Japanese-Inspired Class and Magic items by Aqua Ursine Press
Reign of Radiance by Aripockily
Unbound Steel - Core Rulebook by Original Frontiers
The Drowned War Expanded Edition by Star City Savages
Magi-Knights Awakening: The Heroes From Overthere
Faeries on the Run by Helena Real
Arrowflight Third Edition by Deep7
"The Good Life" for Delta Green. (Not the available Proofread version)

Traveller - RIFTBREAKER #1 COMIC + all new novels
Imperium Maledictum His Glorious Shield
Interregnum #29, the APAzine edited by Pete Maranci

EmberWind stuff. Searched archives, but the only link was empty.
Hero Manual The Skies of Arcadia
The Songweave Tapestry
Firebrand Subclass
Nightshade Subclass
Hekau Subclass
Saviour Subclass
Elysian Legionnaire Subclass
Wildfang Subclass

PF2e Monster Core Pawn Box
PF2e GM Core Screen Remastered
PF2 AP #203: Shepherd of Decay (Wardens of Wildwood 3 of 3) and maps for the third part of this AP

"The Devastation of Tallarn" Rulebook
Knave 2E https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/484910/knave-second-edition
The Excellent Travelling Volume Issue 1-13
Elite Encounters
Valus campaign setting for d20/3.x
Immortal's Handbook:Ascension 2023 print edition for d20/3.x.
Any AD&D homebrew you have, especially for DBZ, X-Files, Star Wars, Star Trek, or Alternity
Requesting "mutation", tnx in advance
Can someone share irc servers cause
> TicTocTome Offline Indefinitely - Trove Getting Sorted
thanks in advance
Has Mythic Magazine 42 been made available yet? Checked NV and SoloGME but I haven't seen it
I second this. Tactics JUST dropped so I would not be surprised if it takes a while for it to find it's way to us
>County Road Z
Country Road Z is how I should of spelt it the first time. Thanks for keeping the list.

Many thanks.
Kindly Requesting Your Life: Random Fantasy Character Backgrounds
thanks in advance
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Requesting Demonic #2 for Sacrifice.
I used to have a link to what was essentially a file directory tree of all the DND books from 1e through the end of 3e. Hardly even a website, literally just looked like a tree output.
Lost all my bookmarks recently. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Still looking for an OSR RPG called Heroes & Hatchets, TIA!
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Looking for PDF Lore Master's Deck and it's expansions.

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Requesting Mordheim and it's expansions.
I had an idea to run a PvE campaign with my RPG group, and a skirmish game seems better for multiple people.
Check carse’s post last thread
>EmberWind stuff.

Dude answered your request in the prior thread... >>93222331
>The Excellent Travelling Volume Issue 1-13


>Elite Encounters

Last thread... >>93204248
Yes. NewVola Anon will not upload anything at all related to any Warhammer stuff to NewVola. You will need to share them via a gofile or other means of sharing (I did warn you of this when you posted you'd sent them to get them cleaned and to go to NewVola).
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1.55 MB PNG
Requesting Summer's End.
The MgT2 List

In late April 2024 Mongoose released an "Update Wave" that affected dozens of books (https://forum.mongoosepublishing.com/threads/the-great-apple-pdf-update.124644/).
Of these April Update versions, only the following have so far been liberated:
>Core Rulebook Update 2022, High Guard Update 2022, Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023, Companion Update 2024, Explorer's Edition
We're looking for any and all April Update versions not listed above.

In addition, updates to these specific books not affected by the "Update Wave" have been requested:

- The Fifth Frontier War, updated version
[updated 2024-04-11]

- Vehicle Handbook, updated version
[updated 2021-08-03 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

- Pirates of Drinax: Theev, updated version
[updated 2016-10-25 - if in your version the "IT" in "CREDITS" on page 1 is black/only outlines, it's NOT the correct one]

If you have donated files before, please check and see whether you can provide updated versions!
Thanks to everyone involved! If you notice any other issues with the currently shared files, please say so!
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86 KB
Do yourself a favor and alwats hold on to your un"Updated" copies of older Mongoose Traveller releases.
They keep "improving" the pdfs and hoping noone catches the the changes or cares enough about the changes to dogwhistle.
Ain't we all.
>finally found a trove with World of Darkness books in french
>can't access it properly
Can anybody here help me? It's one of those free.fr domain. Whenever I try to alter the link it goes error 403.
For instance, "anon <dot> free <dot> fr / folder / pdf". If I just erase the pdf line in an attempt to go to full folder or even erasing both to go to the host itself, it goes error 403.
Does anyone know a way to access properly this?
set youre nord to frog
That depends on the cleaning queue size and the cleaners available time. You did include a note of where to send the files after cleaning, correct?

The OP did not mention anything about NewVola
Sorry, anon, I don't understand. Can you explain further, please?
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Requesting deadEarth REUP
kindly requesting latest harn kingdom books. Listed Trove is from 2016.
Any book is appreciated thank you.
He's telling you to change your VPN to a french IP address using stupid speak and assuming you are using a VPN.
Kindly requesting these old, and apparently quite rare, RPGA modules for the Ravenloft setting. Apparently an anon was asking for them some years back, it's one of the few hits on Google related to most of these.

Deepening Shadows
Farewell to the Flesh
Haunting of Silver Ruins
Legacy of Venom

More info: https://www.acaeum.com/ddindexes/periodicals/agindex.html

P.S. A thousand thank yous to the anon who uploaded El Simbolo from Obsidiana Numero #00!
Thank you for your help, anon. I tried that a few minutes ago and nothing changed for real. I still get Error 403.
I'm so close, but so far.
Hi anon.

403 is a Forbidden error, meaning they have the directory permissions set to not allow browsing from its root.

You could try something like Playwright to scrape the directory, or use the variety of other means of doing so via python.

Hope this helps!
That's a nice advice, anon! Thank you!
I'm a bit tired today to try it out, but I'll try to go through this tomorrow.
Shall report here later if I got success or not.
There seems to be some problem with the FWTD_ch1_french file. It won't open for me and it seems to prevent me from extracting the files normally, so I have to copy and past them into another folder form the compressed folder. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
I have something called BESM 2e Revised
Wonder if it is what you seek

I vaguely remeber something called the-oculus located in EU zone
replace oculus with more common word, capiche?
It is very possible - even probable, at this point - that the trovekeeper has moved on and abandoned his stuff. This happens all the time, sadly.
The only solution is someone else deciding to pick up the slack and create a new trove.
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421 KB GIF
>BESM 2e Revised
based & bluepilled
Works fine for me. What OS & Language packs do you have installed?
Requesting Warlock! by Fire Ruby Designs
>problem with the FWTD_ch1_french file. It won't open for me and it seems to prevent me from extracting the files normally

Downloaded, then extracted the files and opened the french file with no problem. Are you using winzip or 7z to open the zip? I highly recommend using those programs rather than relying on Windows' sometimes unreliable ability to deal with zip files.

Also, try using your zip program to check the zip file you downloaded (in 7z, you can Test the zip file). If the file doesn't check out, your download may have corrupted, redownload it.

Hope that helps.
read op
I ctrl-f'd through da pdfs for it, couldn't see it
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131 KB JPG

It looks like it's working, is there a problem?
maybe a webserver fault.
Try that url in wayback.
I know it hasn't been a thing years back, but is there a way to get Foundry VTT for free now?
Tried wayback, but either got a error 403 sabed page or the directory page in which nothing happened when I clicked the folders.
A friend is trying to check Playwright now. Hope he gets some results.
His post in a previous thread said he sent them to get cleaned with instructions to put them in NewVola
is the 2nd edition D&D stuff somewhere on the drive? i'm looking for the old ravenloft setting adventures but cant seem to find them
It only just started :)
Maybe the-eye.eu?
Windows, using the basic windows extractor. /when going into the zipped folder and trying to open the file there, it says the destination file could not be created. I'll try 7zip instead.
There wouldn't happen to be a copy of the FFXIV TTRPG knocking around anywhere, would there? Asking for a friend.
only have the Gamemaster Book

zoomers really are tech illiterate
dunno if it's a thing to point out but most of the JTRPG troves are shot. (so no Goblin Slayer, Konosuba, Ryuutama, Tenra, Double Cross, etc.)

Would have looked there for Kamigakari supplements, but no dice.

Anyone got the officially translated supplements?
use the old archive, those links arent in the current docs for a reason
The archivist did not like my cell phone pics which were likely too much post-production work to fix. I got a new scanner and have rescanned the whole thing and sent it to him.
that would suck. he updated once even when i was pretty rude about it, so i was hoping he'd notice a more polite approach
>most of the JTRPG troves are shot.

You are welcome to start a new trove, but I'll warn you now - it's a thankless job. I'm thankful as it is for the ones who still do it.


If you searched Da Archive (you should have searched all three docs) you would have found a trove that has a bunch of Ryuutama stuff in it.


Similarly, there's still an active link for Tenra.

>the rest of the games mentioned

I'm reasonably certain I've seen the others (except for Kamigakari supplements) in scattered places, you may have to dig through random troves.

Or look on irc, which would normally be my first recommendation, but the usual place has been down recently. Best of luck.
Thank you, brother - just got to see if anyone has the Player book now.
Sent to NewVola
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Requesting Athanor
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Requesting 'The Book of Spheres: Magicks Disparate & Mad' (M20 STV)
seconding this
People stopped making cracks for the keys. They were changing key cyphers every update. Honestly better to just spend the $50 and have it forever.
File: file.png (581 KB, 600x779)
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581 KB PNG
Requesting the Goodman Games 5e conversion stuff. I wanna play the older adventures, but those books man, that's a lot of money I don't have.
Sending 1-6 to new vola. If anyone has 7, I would appreciate

Will take a bit to upload, my internet is shyte

Thank you for the novel. Is there any luck finding the RPG book?

Fake. Never was an OpenD6 version.
Anyone got the SWADE Sci fi Companion BETA Pdf?
Thanks! (not really my request, I just posted the list.)

I don't understand why someone bumps it, but I guess it doesn't matter
put #7 also there (3 volumes, the first one is just some articles and the original reprinted module - only got a preview copy)
Requesting Roma Imperious and Tower Of Ghosts
Requesting War for the Throne for Genesys
Requesting Legends & Longswords for OpenD6
Bros, I come to you in my time of need: Please, help me find Treachery of the Troublesome Towns for Four Against Darkness.

The two vol bundle isn't inside the collection in NV
Requesting Kobold's Tome of Beasts.
I found 2e and 3e in da docs but neither work.
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76 KB
Any trove of 3d printable minis? I need to proxy some stuff for the weekend and a friend has a printer I can borrow, but I know absolutely nothing about finding files for it
Keep the GM Book. Here's the rest
War for the throne
35$ Sp3h$5
I don't have the new Kamigakiri supplements i'm also looking for those but i have a lot of manga/anime rpgs since i primarily collect those and super RPGs. What do you need?
Looking for The Lost Mountain Saga
well, so far, just said Kamigakari supplements.
To be specific, it just needs cleaning and uploading.

and outside of Summon Skate, I pretty much have the lot.
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Looking for Tokyo Otherscapes

This one has me stumped. Have I missed something in Da Docs?
I compress my archives with WinRAR.
Generally RAR4, Maximum Compression.
So, yeah, some default OS decompression algorithms may throw up a tizzy but in many years of uploading RAR files across varying hobbies, this is the first time anyone has had any kind of problem opening them.
I was just looking for this. Blessed ye be, good anon
Your hard work and dedication is very appreciated anon, thank you again!
>This one has me stumped.
Really? You didn't think to just try a . between the rb and the gy?
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Hebban olla uogala nestas hagunnan hinase hi(c) (e)nda thu uuat unbidan uue nu
Humbly requesting the new (deluxe) edition Tomb of a Thousand Doors for Masuritter. Thanks in advance. :)
OMG, how old are you.
Are you typing to us from the 90s?
What is the trove for PF2E after January 23?
How do you know its name, but not how to reach it?
ja maar welk systeem gebruik je om het nest te bouwen?
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humbly asking for the "Triumph!" and "Fantasy Triumph!". as well as "Battle Card Rules Supplement v1.0".
thank you very much.
Je drukt alles in de librije af, versnippert het en gebruikt dat.
Like Xtree Gold, once you get used to it....
I do have 7-zip installed and should probably use that as well.
There used to be a thing that WinRAR did that other programs didn't, and it was so long ago, I can't remember, and I just got used to it.

I'm old enough to have bought AD&D books with my own money when they were new, so.....
Hey, I'm looking for the following products:
* AFF Adventure Creator
* Crown & Dragon Skirmish
* Domesday Campaign Book I
* Domesday Campaign Book II
* Fantasy Express
* For Small Creatures Such As We
Thanks for any help in advance!
Cities Without Number (deluxe edition)
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Requesting Agent Provocateur, please. Thank you!
TNW appears down or maybe "off the air". Their irc has been unresponsive to commands for well over a week. They still have a presence on DC but thats only about 0.1% of what they had before and has had almost not change in size so it doesnt appear to be a "re-build".
Kek, nevermind I found it
Many thanks my dude!
Requesting the Katana-Ra RPG if anyone has it.
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Seconding Triangle Agency. It definetely worth it. Thanks in advance.
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Requesting the latest (5th) edition of Basic Roleplaying please. I could only find up to 4th in the FAQ and older threads.
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11 KB
Am I correct in my assessment that W40K novel repository is ded
Looking for 'Trilogy'. I've searched just about everything, don't think it's been uploaded anywhere.
It was useful 25 years ago for splitting large files into floppy sized chunks.
Hello. Requesting the following two items.

Shattered Worlds Players Guide For Dungeons & Dragons
Shattered Worlds Game Master Guide For Dungeons & Dragons

Both by siegebreaker games
In the same boat Jedd. Don't let these new TTRPG punks bully us :D
holy hell this has everything
>Basic Roleplaying

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1014 KB PNG
Requesting Swords & Wizardry Book of Options.
seconding this
Honestly, which uploader is this? Because the only thing I can find with that name or anything close to it that claims to be a downloader is about six trojans deep and does horrifying shit with registry keys.
Maybe it isn't your. maybe it's you.


-Advanced Game System (I-II-III-Extra Card)

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Does anyone have Time Wizards! pdf?
Trying to find Trauma rpg
Thank you very much, anon.

check NV
Oh. Yeah, no, this. This is the thing. I'm just a braindead moron, apparently.
have a look in the ai rpg slop dump
if you look for the red room or total party skills, you'll find it in the same one
It's okay anon. Nuances in small online communities are a pain to learn, especially given the subject matter of this community. Glad you were able to get your stuff!
People geolocated in Brazil have been clicking this link, so I'm going to turn it off @ midnight PST. I heavily dislike Brazilians so do not wish to share things with them
>Requesting Tales of the Valiant by Kobold Press
Search for HeroQuest, you'll find a ton of stuff floating on the internet.
Re-requesting The Willow Game rulebook. -Not- The Willow Sourcebook, which is in Da Archives.
Seconding this and Swords & Wizardry Fiends & Foes
Guys I am looking for 3 specific 4AD supplements: Way of Wiles and Wits, Zealous Zouaves, and Tales from the Adventurers Guild, please and thank you.
Requesting Wardens of Wildwood Foundry module
not sure if you're able to afford it, but mz4250 on patreon has like every monster from the monster manuals and 5e mods made into 3d printable files, you get access to all of them (well over 160+gb of files) for $5.

I subbed for one month, downloaded all of them, and cancelled. It has nearly everything most would need.
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Requesting A Life Well Lived for 5e
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Request The Heart of St. Bathus for D&D 5e

what was this in English for $100, Bob?
You're Welcome.
It looks like it's popular.
To whomever was looking for Ravenloft in the last thread, just to make sure, you are aware of Quoth the Raven, right? The Ravenloft fanzine from Fraternity of Shadows? It's free on their website.
I am very active with the Fraternity. Thank you though :)

Still looking for the few Ravenloft RPGA modules I listed here >>93228834
Request for His Glorious Shield for Imperium Maledictum
I just got a 3D Printer, is there a trove for 3d printables, I swore at one point there was. Anyone point in the right direction?

You might be better off checking the WH40K thread or checking irc once the usual place is working again. If you checked older copies of the DCA, we no longer have WH40K troves, and haven't for months.

You might get lucky with someone posting a gofile, but expect it to go byebye pretty quick.

You did not even do a cursory web search.
It's free and open on GitHub, and there are many other editions archived on 4plebs found with the same elementary search.

>Trauma 2e

SS /file/7d3k1a
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requesting the updated timewizards
>Their irc has been unresponsive to commands for well over a week.
DL'd from TNW yesterday. I know I failed maths, but I do believe that is within the last week.
Thanks, this looks quite interesting!
>DL'd from TNW yesterday

nta, but that's news to me considering TNW wasn't working yesterday, and I've been sitting in there for most of the time TNW has been down since last week. Others in the channel have repeatedly confirmed that TNW has not been working.

You CAN get a few files, but not from TNW. In any case, not saying you're wrong, but even their hub library is down. TNW is not working atm.

Yeah, it goes into great detail.
Looking for the Domination RPG by Blaine Pardoe
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requesting psiads in 2028
You didn't check nv, right? No need to answer.
(it's there)
... then I'll get back to you in a few years and change.
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Does anyone have Swyvers, please?
Requesting How to make RPG Adventures & Campaigns: A Game Master's Guide
pls dont troll, it is title
I don't get files from slyphic. Only from TNW.
Have downloads from TNW on Fri, Sat, Sun, and Tues.
In the recent past TNW have been down multiple times for 3-5 days. Since they are one of the only remaining sources, they have been down more frequently, but as soon as the chicken littles start crying, there TNW is, back in operation. Atm, they are indeed offline entirely.
I do enjoy it when I'm told I can't do something I have done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyone got anymore of that Carbon 2185?
Still need Terminal Overdrive, KHMA Catalogue, and Chow's Request
Sent to NV, but I don't have the fantasy version.
sent to nv
Anybody has the final version of GG's Original Adventures Remastered (Dark Tower) volume 1?
Requesting Curseborne Ashcan Edition by Onyx Path Publishing
anyone have the final version of Triangle Agency and the Vault they would be willing to share?


That's something completely different
requesting Mythic Odysseys of Theros Fantasy Grounds mod
Has the Shadow Of The Demon Lord trove been taken down? Can´t find it in the docs anymore.
Is anything going to come of this or are is it just a troll?
Shit, my bad, it apparently didn't copy when I grabbed the new link.

/wkqzy9as is the correct link
Thanks, this looks really cool. Appreciate you sharing
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Requesting the PDF of the Shadow of the Weird Wizard Screen.

The Repository stuff is released via Mage's Monthlies, and will eventually filter out here.
June is now closed, July will likely open up sometime soon.
But if you included a note asking him to drop it somewhere for you when clean, he would likely do so.

How long before a cleaner gets to your stuff in their big pile of laundry?
How long is a piece of string?
Based post. I've been looking for the new Handler's and Agent's books.
Any idea where to find FGU .mods? There used to be some places but I can't find anything now
>Summon Skate
Mf /file/zab3tafz9d6y42t/Summon_Skate_RPG.7z/file

While we're at it, I'll also just drop Floria as well
Mf /file/pkawsf6et2ibujh/Floria_PDF_v1.0.pdf/file


In which case I'd consider you a friend. Do you have maybe Eldritch Escape?

Also, many thanks for the FFXIV
>How long is a piece of string?
W-was that supposed to sound profound, anon?

Given the number of complaints about cleaning turnaround times and the general obscurity of the process, we are in need of new cleaners....or they need to step up and be a tiny bit more practical and user-friendly.

Seriously: we should NOT be seeing multiple anons WHO WISH TO CONTRIBUTE being left in the dark...that's clearly stupid and contrary to our purpose here, no?
Looking for Reign 2e, both Rules and Realms!
Requesting Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes pathfinder 1e
the 1e link in the op still works
you whining entitled fucking cunt.
you have no right to demand attention.
its not someones day job.
if you don't like it, figure out how to do it and step up.
It is not in there. Looked through several of them
Hey anons L4 Abomination Vault for foundry vtt v12
>if you don't like it, figure out how to do it and step up.
That's exactly what I was saying, anon: someone needs to step up, the situation has gotten out of hand, to the point of ridiculousness.

Now, would you like to discuss your anger management and reading comprehension issues? Or are you going to continue to explode irrationally whenever someone says something obvious?
I don't have it, sorry
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4e fag here looking for the Points of Light setting book from here https://goodman-games.com/store/product/points-of-light-pdf/
Looking for the original set of Trinity books, the archives seem to only have the Trinity Continuum reboot
Get a room, and leave us all out of it.
Be the change you seek in this world. You do not need your hand held, Rajesh or Pareet on Youtube can teach yo u anything you wish to know.
Never Going Home: Bile in the Streets
Will it end up on NewVola when ready?
Speak for yourself, prude. I love a good latent sexual hostility battle. Especially when the instigator >>93245349 is such a whiny little baby buttsneeze who doesn't understand the difference between being someone who steps up to do the work he wants done and being the shitstain who poops his diaper because he wants someone else should do it for him.
I'm not the one who needs my shit cleaned, anon. I'm simply pointing out a rather obvious need, and everyone is freaking out trying to avoid seeing it.
I'm not surprised: people are sheep who fear new thing, and hate new thing and anyone who suggests new thing.
It's a thing people do.
>he sure is mad
Anyone got Sundered Isles?
Sounds like you should take up the cause since you recognize the need so well. A lot of talk of sheep from someone wrapped in wool.
you didn't check the curated
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Requesting Arbiter of Worlds
Requesting Shadow of the Weird Wizard
Stop it, anon.
Looks interesting +1
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You might want to REcheck he BRANDing
Fuck! Just realized that I lost my Malifaux, Through the Breach, Kult - Divinity Lost and Symbaroum pdf. They don't appear in my Drivethrurpg library

But more importantly... My french pdf of Polaris and In Nomine Satanis - Magna Veritas

Could somebody please help me? I am looking for DnD 5e books, specifically Vecna Eve of Ruin. I read the documents and found some troves with the "older" DnD5e books. However, I cannot seem to find Vecna Eve of Ruin. Where can I find the newer ones? Sorry to be a bother, but I really do not understand...
Looking for Riftbreakers, all previous links are dead
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I went and double checked in case you were right. It is not in the curated. A simple search of orc or belkzen shows it is not
Thank you
other aeons
Probably got nuked by the Palldium crawler as a false positive.
Seconded. Looks interesting.
Thank you
I'm literally only missing Mythic Odysseys of Theros. I'll kill myself
>Reign 2e

All the most current versions... SS /filegroup/GBDEPSlXyDC4gPBiWEynZqWcGuByO5Mm%2FbqafYvu9l36i1c1r4G73iGYaiOlOWIU

SS /file/xo4al7
My bad. I'm old. FGU to me means Fantasy Games Unlimited.
Requesting Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting and L'Arsene's Crafting Catalogue.
looking for scion No Gods, No Masters as well as any of the Scion Tasty Bits.
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Looking for BLASTER VOL 06: SLIP RUNNERS. Curious to see what theyve come up with.
g0f!l3 d/F7zSP6
Corsairs of Captain Flariel

No clue why other anon couldn't upload to gofile but ok
Point me to where you want hex kit uploaded, I'm dumb
Requesting Wardens of Wildwood Foundry VTT modules
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Requesting Ascendant (old links down)
m3g@ /folder/XhJglKIA#j3CtxRhQQW-bi5h8v6axTw

Seconding this - specifically the Vault supplement.
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Requesting 5e 3pp material, "Master of None" by Realmwarp Media pls
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Requesting La Frecuencia Bauman
Rather then Foundry VTT itself, are there any modules for it in PF2e or DND5e? Like kingmaker?
>Heliana's - larger 170mb format
ufile f0jgzvlz
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Thirding, Fifthing to be precise. Hope someone has it. And remember, Sharing — Caring.
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stop wasting posts bumping
anyone who has access to files not commonly shared bloody well reads the thread and keeps abreast of requests.
100mb zip file chunks, my good man
maan, I loved my zip drive.

Splitting file sizes down to use unreliable intranet transfers was probably the main reason I was using it back then, now that you mention it.
Thanks for the Summon Skate.

fer Floria, one of the troves already had it, but it helps for those who are browsing the thread.

makes me wonder if it was a translation derp behind that crippling flaw in it's rules... ...eh, could be houseruled away.

But yeah, out of the current stuff, only missing the aforementioned Kamigakari sups.
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Requesting Raven Star RPG & Get Fitted for the Frontier
how does one find Mage's Monthlies?
>But if you included a note asking him to drop it somewhere for you when clean, he would likely do so.
Anon left a note saying to send to NewVola, which doesn't host 40k stuff. So it isn't going to appear there, hence me asking anon if he was going to rehost anywhere else himself.
has anyone collected the 5e and after material for Ravenloft? official and 3rd party? The new era of it in general, past 4th edition though it may include it.
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Kindly requesting Rokugan: The Art of the Legend of the Five Rings
Raven Star & Get Fitted for the Frontier
ufile imod8n4s
Requesting Eternity TTRPG (a system base on Pillars of Eternity)
Is there a Pbta trove? I remember there being one but I no longer see anything. I know there is a forbidden title related to this but how about everything else
Requesting H5 Alma Maters
The trove was restricted last year because goombahs kept sharing links in stupid places.
/powderedbytheend is a static archive and has stuff upto March 23.
If you want something newer, you'll have to make a specific request.
Does anyone have the German-language Dragon magazines in PDF? I'm specifically looking for issue #01 (Jan-1994) but I'm kind of shocked I can't find any in the usual places.
Requesting Pendragon core rulebook 6e
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Requesting Dungeon Crawl Classics - Dying Earth adventures. Pilgrims of the Black Obelisk, The Laughing Idol of La-Shann, etc.. Thanks in advance!
Came here for the same reason
Requesting (reup) Eventyr's Wild Beyond the Witchlight Complete DM's Bundle

Other than dead links on nV/DA, WBtW is only ripped from DnDBeyond AFAIK. I'll clean and add a scan of WBtW shortly, + Monster Loot for WBtW (DM's Guild).
I resent it to the cleaners. It is still in their hands as to when.
Is hexkit anywhere for free? i cant seem to locate it in the archive anywhere but i'm also not the best at navigating it.
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anyone have the near-finished dolmenwood pdf's?
I think I've seen the DnDBeyond version with messed up paging and a scanned (photographed?) version. What's different? Cleaner version, like a proper OEF?
broheim.net is right there bro
If you had tried looking for them at all you would have found them.
Do we have an archive for 3.5? Da Curated has pretty much every edition except 3.5 and Da Archive has disparate books so I want to make sure I’m not missing anything.
Searching for Hunt by Gila.

well shit, it's really not there. i couldn't find it on any of the good links either
try previous thread
Oh, thank you. I actually tried searching the previous thread but misstyped the search apparently
>Pilgrims of the Black Obelisk, etc
They're all in /O-S-Rchive.
having said that I just now noticed that most of the modules aren't quite final release. If someone has the final release versions, would you be kind enough to toss them in my drop? Thanks.
O-S-Rchive-Donate @ rebrandly
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WBtW is not OEF unfortunately. The 3rd-party Monster Loot is. Perhaps WBtW is the scanned version you've seen: alt cover version, decent but somewhat blurry/low-contrast scans, including the 2 large maps (8x folded ~A4) at the end.
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To follow up and avoid a lot of well meaning people dropping what I already have, check the back page for the barcode.
It should not be blank.
If it IS blank, it's not the final version.
Gracias mi amigo
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Buh bye Awesome Thred!
Take care Anon Brigade!

Keep going - you rock!

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