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Return of the proper formatting.

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

>RED Easy Mode is available for FREE.

>Errata Pages

>Character Sheets

>Last thread

>Thread question:
Have you played any non-Pondsmith Cyberpunk rpgs? How do they stack up? Do you prefer any to 2020/Red?
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I support this endeavor and that ass.
>Last thread
Forgot to change the last thread:
That pic's probably pushing it to far bro, still crazy Shirow pretty much only draws porn at this point.
>Have you played any non-Pondsmith Cyberpunk rpgs? How do they stack up? Do you prefer any to 2020/Red?
Not yet but i've been considering it as of late just to change things up abit. I've been considering Cities Without Numbers, Shadow under the Beanstalk, Tokyo Nova and also that unfinished 2020 homebrew, Hunter Seeker(?), though I haven't done much of a deep dive into any of them yet.
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>Remember Tomorrow
>Dark Conspiracy
NTA but would you mind expanding on your thoughts on them? Particularly Hunter//Seeker though i'd be happy to hear about any of them since i've not come across most of them before.
Drones & Puppeteers updated

New Gear & Cyberware:
>Breacher but for Drones (huzzah!) also comes as a cyberware
>Signal Amplifier (even more range!)
>Cyberlimb drone concealment
>Swarm Beacon to use swarm drone as a shield/armour
Not sure about that one, might require some playtesting

And a single new art, properly linked and all. I mean it, the page is supposed to go 404, this guy's protesting against AI policy.

As always, I'm open to suggestions. Reply, point out grammar mistakes, call me a fagot whatever.
Man you and Lazer fucking nail the formatting for these homebrews, good shit as always anon.
Does anyone use maps and minis for in-person games? What are some good ones? Fantasy is easy to find, but Cyberpunk or even sci-fi in general can be rough.
I had a friend who ran irl games, he just printed off digital ones he found on pintrest and google on some nice paper from what I remember.
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Thanks. I should really learn how to do all that. I don't even know where to start. Probably with getting a printer...
>How do they stack up?
Not well, they try to do their own version of Humanity loss and most of the time it does not work out well. Shadowrun does okay, but I don't consider that to be cyberpunk
that's also not the last thread wtf
actual for real last thread this time
how are we so bad at making generals
INT is dump stat apparently.
Does anyone have any answers or insight for this question?
Wetwired! Is an ok mix of Fighting Fantasy and Shadowrun, had to take the AI art of it though, was ruining the tone.
Subscribe to their Patreon or find them illegally. They are both good.
S0lutions Maps as well
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>AI art
>Ruining Cyberpunk tone
Again, props to the ACPA guy, my group loves your stuff
Rare pick. Which of the four editions?
How's Cyberpunk Red Combat Zone?
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the hell is Vash the Stampeded doing in Night City
I honestly can't think of many non-cyberpunk characters more fitting than Vash. It would be fun watching his wife eyed optimism get crushed on a weekly basis again.
Adam Smasher would be a pretty good Gung-Ho Gun.
Caine the Longshot was what I was thinking of for the Militech howitzer team, especially the part about driving the 10 or so miles to get to them. And hopefully with the same 'death before dishonor' ending to deal 1d6 humanity loss to all players
I have literally never even heard a rumour about someone playing it, shilling for it, or even hating on it.
What does your PC look like?
I have no interest in the game itself. I just want to cannibalize it for figures and maybe basic maps.
My GM plays it, and says it's fun game with interesting rules.
My PC and PC both look similar; lots of overheating overclocked parts and LEDs
Are there cheat sheets or quick ref sheets for combat? Its our first time playing and I dont want to have to reroll because we didnt do the roll order right or math out bonuses and negatives correctly.
check out the app
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As a max level rockerboy I’ve been very careful not to abuse my power to completely ruin the campaign. But it’s very annoying though that when I do use it to its fullest extent my ref finds ways to undercut it.
> my roll allows me to recruit x amount of people who are willing to die in my name
> all the people I’ve ever recruited are novices in their field or mooks
Is it too much to ask for a fan who is fucking good at their job that I need them to do
Your ref should have a fan give you the Mark David Chapman treatment with that attitude, buddy
Check out >>93223683 (courtesy of the sharethread pirate chads) for a copy of the ref screen (data screen) and definitely check out the red companion app (there is also a website https://cyberpunkred.com/#/ but the app is far superior, give the dev some credit he's doing this for patreon bux only, R.Tal isn't giving him shit and yet whenever I get a new player involved and they check out the app they're amazed).

If it's a first session I wouldn't go too crazy on penalties for your players. Some penalty examples include nighttime (-1) and poor visibility (darkness, smoke, -4)(both can be countered with infravision eyes) and my favorite go-to complex task (literally anything you can dream of, -2).
Get back at your fagref by going to the Forlorn Hope, buying everyone drinks (or getting a fanboy to do that) and then when everyone in the infamous edgerunner bar is at least not hating you roll Charasmatic impact (by RAW the only defense any NPC has against CI is to dislike you, and it's pretty fair to say hardened edgerunners won't dislike the guy who bought them free beer) to make them all your fans. Congrats Pokémon Master, now you have an entire bar full of chargen-level NPCs (that's basically hardened lieutenants). Now with your team go out into the world and CI even stronger Pokémon.
why be a control freak GM in cyberpunk? players will always be squishy and fairly powerless in a world of very organised opposition, it's not DnD, you can always hit them with consequences if they get cocky
a lvl 10 rockerboy should be borderline Taylor Swift levels of pull
No rule says the people you recruit have to be useful as anything more than common fanboys. You work with the power of numbers and influence among little people. If you want capable followers, play an Exec.
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>Have you played any non-Pondsmith Cyberpunk rpgs? How do they stack up? Do you prefer any to 2020/Red?
Shadowrun, which used to be dominant but these days it's a real shadow of it's former self. Pretty terrible mismanagement. A couple of semi-decent video games, but nowhere near the powerhouse that CP2077. SR:6th ed should have been a special one since it's the "6th world", but no, they rushed a mess to market just to get ahead of their competitor's video-game coming out and eating their lunch.

Shadowrun has always been crunchy. I can't say it's a good TTRPG system. It's not balanced at all. It suffers from having like 5 different game systems poorly welded together, but I haven't seen other cyberpunk games do much better. You can have the hacker off in cyberspace, the mage out of body in the astral, a driver in a car out on the highway, and a gunner dealing with meat-space reality. Oh and a face that's only tangentially useful in a fight. Making a game that involves everyone where they're not just taking massive hour-long turns is really kinda hard, but it's super fun when you can pull it off. Go with SR:4th ed 20th anniversary book and just say no to the splat books. Play all meat-space the first game. As you get bored or want more add in hacking and riggers. Then casters. Trying to take it all in one bite is a bad idea.

Personally I hate that Pondsmith has copyright over the name of the whole fucking genre. It's like someone made "VideoGame" and now owns it all.
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I gotta wait until July 6th for my ERK to arrive. I even pre-ordered it. For anyone who got the ERK, is it pretty nice in person? I want some stuff to line my bookshelf with.
Factory stock Samson FBC
I've played Shadowrun 4e, SR5e, and lastly SR3e. 4e and 5e are simply too cumbersome in various ways. 5e has enough pages in decking rules to make it its own game
3e I liked but the damage system had me constantly second-guessing the GM
I'd like to give Carbon 2185 (5e clone) a try but can't find a group who's up for it
so far, I've most enjoyed CPRED with access to 2020's chromebooks
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thingiverse has some cyberpunk minis if you have a 3d printer
you could also find some papercraft flats and use those. Picrel for instance

google reading my keystrokes lol
by it's very nature it's basically an unenforceable trademark which is why you still see the term everywhere lol
I find it amusing how Saburo Arasaka, arguably the Big Bad of the setting with a massive hate-boner for America, had nothing to do with the collapse of the US. In many ways his revenge was stolen from him.
Americans can't stand the idea of any other country defeating us. We can only accept destroying ourselves.
I think it's funny how much pondsmith obviously did not trust the Japanese as a people at all when he was doing 2020.
I always thought of Dethklok as a better example, since their fans would die for them.
He's the Big Bad of Night City, but not the world.
Dethklok is a great example since their fame blurs the line between "metalheads" and "cultists".

Now that I think about it, a gig where the players work security for a Cyber-Dethklok concert could be fun.
Choom, at that point your GM should give you your own Chromer gang to use as minions
Think of the old Kiss army, rabid Idol fans or Dethklok's endless supply of disposable cultists
there was real fear in america that they were going to be overtaken as the world superpower by japan in the 1980s, which resulted in japan getting their economy kneecapped. it's why a lot of 80s scifi has japanese things everywhere, it's a pretty interesting thing to read about
If a group of Trauma Team during their work blocks a path, do they let innocents pass through or its a waiting game until they leave? Books seem to imply the latter but the game seem like the former, though they still open fire if you go straight to the patient himself.
Case by case
If the client is just a little roughed up you probably just move them to the side to not piss off NCPD, but if it’s life or death then they are going to prioritize themselves over anyone else
Have you played any non-Pondsmith Cyberpunk rpgs? How do they stack up? Do you prefer any to 2020/Red? I've played Cyberspace by ICE. Not a particular fan of any "Chartmaster" games but the "fluff' made good source material. Shadowrun 1st - 5th Ed. 3rd the best IMO due to staying as close to the original game intent mechanics wise. 4th and latter got more "complicated" but the source material always rocks. I played Spacetime by BTRC was crunchy rules wise but lighter on "fluff" than most other CPunk games are. AS for the newer CPunk genre games out there now. I've looked at some of them but no one to test the waters with on them. The D20 derrivatives are what they are. My personal preference would be pre-Fuzion Pondsmith for purely CPunk one-shots. For a campaign with newer players I'd acually use a D20 derivative. Before thread posters start to flame. The simple reason is there is SO MUCH source material for D20 games it could be the perfect Generic System, better than GURPS even in that regard. There isn't an game or genre that doesn't have a D20 variant out for it except for maybe the World of Darkness (but that can be done with work).
Anyone did portable net architecture as a vehicle upgrade?
RED question
I've got a RED/fluff question as well- Trauma Team treats everyone and anyone who can pay, right? What if a known criminal pays for the service- would TT get into a fight with law enforcement if the latter are going for their client? I'm asking about everything from corpsec to civil law enforcement.
In RED if you throw someone at someone else, how do you calculate the damage they'd take?
5d6 very heavy melee. It's still a person being thrown like a flying brick, not a bullet. Unless you have a ware that turns the thrown gonk with the force of a bullet, which the same damage still applies and he pops like a balloon after impact if the guy is a regular throwaway enemy. I got by rule of style/cool whenever it fits.
just being clear, both the person getting thrown and the person that going suffers the damage if they hit each other. If the second person evades, only the thrown guy suffers damage.
>thrown guy that turns into a bullet just fucking die
>maybe add a basic humanity loss on the guy who got hit if he isn't used to such brutality
BODY of person being thrown directly to a HP (while they take your BODY to theirs). Maybe if you throw some DV17 Athletics (or DV13 BODY) check and your BODY to the dmg of guy being thrown at.
(Body of projectile/3)d6+(Body of thrower/3)d6
>What if a known criminal pays for the service- would TT get into a fight with law enforcement if the latter are going for their client?
On paper, probably. Depending on the level your plan, it's very possible that you're wealthy enough that nothing short of losing money belonging to someone wealthier than you really counts as a crime. Even in our own dystopian hellscape of 2024, most crimes are only crimes if you're poor. The interest of capital takes precedence over the NCPD's authority (the police's job is to do violence in the name of capital, after all).

In practice, TT having your business means TT has a complete and fairly-accurate account of who you are, what you do and where you live. That information is obviously covered by confidentiality agreements, but nobody ever goes to prison for violating a confidentially agreement. If an interested third party is willing to make a bribe for info on "the guy who got shot up at X location at Y time on Z date," then TT's only real motivation to keep your identity confidential is how much they could potentially make from you over a given period of time, which is mostly a factor of how expensive your plan is and how often you use it (a guy paying for an Executive plan just to be safe and gets shot in a workplace altercation exactly once over the course of 20 years makes the company much more and costs them much less some asshole with basic coverage who needs an armored ambulance ride twice a month), so the police or a rival corporation could easily let you go as soon as Trauma Team shows up, take it up the chain, and arrange for Trauma Team to receive a generous donation in exchange for narcing on you and releasing you into their custody.
there's Monte Cook's World of Darkness.

I may be the minority, but Neon City Overdrive is a great gateway drug into the cyberpunk genre IMO.

It is very narrative-based but the fights can pack a lot of punch and can be quite deadly.

Negatives: the setting is barebones so it's a lot of worldbuilding if you want some depth, and the game is somewhat geared towards quick few-session campaigns,
I would say for 5000eb you can get a ready-made netarch (3 floors, 1 DV6 Password and 2 DV6 control nodes, the real defense would be provided by the driver keeping anyone else away) or just have a 1000eb upgrade that's more of a dock/housing to install your own netarch into. In case you weren't aware we have stats for a portable netarch from Tales of the Red (I don't know if it was ever stated in the core book). It's fuckin' 50 SDP like a groundcar, and you can put it in a backpack armored like light armorjack.
I know people who played Cy_Borg and prefer it over Cyberpunk but when I looked at the system it felt like a bunch of artists trying too hard to be punk with little care given to making a fun game.
Pretty kek, I dig it
Cy_Borg has THAT infamously retarded, performative virtue signaling page and deserves any scorn headed its way.
Cy_borg is fun to play like, once or twice. I can't really take it seriously as a system but it is evocative.

personally, Ive always been a Shadowrun hater. it has too much in it and ends up feeling like nothing at all. it ends up both being modern setting DND and babies first themeless cyberpunk, never mind Ive never liked it's actual system
and as others have said it somehow always turns into a heist game?

eclipse phase is Fun and has a really expansive setting and explores it's themes to their limit, but it's honestly miserable to run in practice. it is VERY hard to get your players in the right mindset, it's VERY hard to create encounters, specifically not-monster enemies for encounters, it's very hard to manage the rep system and to get the players to grasp it, and the hacking, while theoretically pretty neat and permissive, puts a lot of work on both the GM and Player to figure out what they can do and how they do it. you need a team of autists for it. fun to play as an uplift, though, and it has a really good character creation system that opens up a lot of doors for roleplaying. you really can build just about anything in the chargen and the way it handles fluff skills is great. sourcebooks are very well done too, but god alive it needed adventures written for it and they never got around to an earth/reclaimers book which would have completed it
Glad to hear someone else also saying it
Shadowrun as a setting and a game fucking sucks lol.
I will say though that the Vidya is fun
Try the Genesys version, it's infinitely more playable
Reposting my Panzerfaust in case anyone interested missed it.

>Iron Charge
>DV 15
>Prerequisites: moved at least 8 yards and made a Martial Arts attack on an enemy in the previous turn
>Use the incredible speed and momentum of your full conversion body to deliver a devastating blow. Instead of making 2 Attacks with your Martial Arts Attack Action you can make a single attack against any target within 15 yards. This attack deals extra damage equal to your Body and pushes the target back a number of yards equal to your Move and renders them Prone.

>Deflecting Plate
>DV n/a
>Prerequisites: none
>You're made of metal, gonk. Act like it. For a number of rounds equal to your Martial Arts rating, melee and brawl attacks do not ablate your armor.

>Drill Fist
>DV 17
>Prerequisites: Deal damage to the same target with two Martial Arts attacks in the same location in the previous turn that ablated the target's armor.
>You made a dent, now exploit it. Instead of making 2 Attacks with your Martial Arts Attack Action, you can make a single attack that ignores SP below 15.
>Try the Genesys version
I would much rather run SR5 with all of the books and none of the errata.
Based hare-brained enjoyer Except the end of the first game what the fuck was up with immortal ghost bugs that can't be killed every other turn?
Friend of mine wants to run a baby-first game for my and our other friend and he recommended RED. We are about to create our characters but I would rather know more about the universe first. I already checked the Jumpstart Kit booklets but I want to know more. Should I go for the big Core Book or is there some kind of source book I missed?
Btw what's the best role for someone who never played RPGs? I'm considering Fixer and Solo.
Solo is a basic combat man, you shoot and smash shit good, a good choice if you want to keep it simple stupid. Tech and Medtech may also be good, they're about fixing things and fixing people respectively. If you're more of a roleplayer, or you just like haggling and economics, Fixer will do you good.

RED is frustratingly lacking in lore about the setting, the writers have seriously slacked off in detailing what Night City is like in 2045. The corebook gives you cliffnotes but doesn't go in-depth into anything at all. If you want a lot of information on the world of Cyberpunk, you'll have to look up sourcebooks for Cyberpunk 2020, which has books on everything from Night City to the New United States to Europe and the space colonies. It's old lore but a lot of it should help paint a picture of what Cyberpunk is like.
I honestly think the edge runners mission kit is the best place to start now. It’s basically the jumpstart kit version 2 but for 2077 era. You get pregen characters, maps, tokens, weapon cards, setting fluff, and a solid basic rules section. It is also well organized and quick to read. If you end up wanting to play in the Red, then the only thing different is the lack of quick hacks, really. Have fun bro
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>always wanted to play 2020 back in the day
>played 2077
>bought red
>watched edgerunners
>bought the rest of the red books
>fuck it buy all the 2020 books too
>feel nostalgia for the 2020's

There's a word for it isn't there? Feeling nostalgic for a time and place you were never a part of?
I just take stuff directly from the old 2020 books, be it full jobs or set pieces from those jobs. 2020 had 3rd party books so there was a lot more creativity. It's a shame modern R.Tal is being so jewish with their license because in an age of digital publishing there could be actual homebrewers getting paid for making quality DLC, who could then go on to pay artists, map makers, etc. Instead R.Tal sticks to 2 releases a year (maybe). And it's not like R.Tal is avoiding licensing because of quality control because they willingly released Danger Gal.

As for roles, Fixer will let you sidestep the game's economy bullshit and if you make friends with other NPC fixers you can host a night market once a month where your crew can sell pretty much any loot, even luxury stuff. Solo will make you a combat machine but your referee would be welcome to hit your crew with hardened enemies early on (and should, core book enemies are a joke).

The 2020's were more fleshed out, it feels like a world you could really live in.
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>There's a word for it isn't there? Feeling nostalgic for a time and place you were never a part of?
utopism, perhaps?
Your ACPAs are laughably weak. Not sure if it’s a product of following the RED castrated combat rules or your calculations being as stupid as your writing, but here’s how it’s supposed to be:
>SP 18
>HP 60

And other suits should only be stronger with Nemesis having 35SP like in 2020.
>Instead R.Tal sticks to 2 releases a year (maybe)
They do have monthly free DLC. And that alone makes them better than 95% of competition when it comes to content drip.
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In the late 1980s it looked like the Japanese economy was on a trajectory to surpass the US. Japan was an electronics giant, its auto industry was eating Detroit alive and it seemed to be on the bleeding edge of tech. Japanese corporations were buying up assets in the US, Japanese tourists were becoming an ever increasing sight and Japanese culture was making real inroads in the West. Ultra-Nationalist movements were on the rise in Japan, some were very antagonistic of the US-Japan "Alliance" (Others saw it as a real bargain but just wanted more independence for Japan) Looking back Pondersmith might seem xenophobic but at the time it looked like Pacific war 2.0 might be on the table in the near future. If you look at Japanese Manga (GITS, Silent Service, Golgo 13, Spriggan) at the time, the US frequently is an antagonist and one in a state of decline.
there's no acpas in his pdf
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Don't forget the classic Angel Cop.
there's a reason you don't want your GM to put you in Chicago in Shadowrun
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I played Dragonfall and Hong Kong, is that in Returns?aaggny
Modern rage for the machine punk faggotry aside, it's a fucking d20 system, which mixes with cyberpunk like oil and water.

Also I'm mad at myself for forgetting to run a shitpost game where you play cops.
My EMK arrived early! I'll post some pictures in a bit.
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your thoughts on transhumanism?
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These spines are a little thin. I kinda wish they'd combined the rule and handbook together like a comic book trade and had a tougher spine. The bags the dice & stands came in were simple plastic zip bags. It'd have been nice if there was a little velvet drawstring pouch for the dice but I can get my own dice baggy together if I have to.
CP2020/Red still the best Cyberpunk system in town?

I really hated Shadowrun. Cities Without Number looks cool, but I haven't played it yet. Not a fan of Mork Borg, so I haven't looked at cy_borg.
I'm kind of glad to see the hate for shadowrun, never liked the system but all my friends in undergrad wanted to play it all the time
why is it labeled in Japanese when it's obviously French-made
Yep. I was a complete n00b but I really enjoyed it, even the ending while annoying was fun. I still have to play DF and HK but I heard they're even better.
Are those softcovers? I'm guessing that separate books was to give the rules to the players while the ref gets to keep the Jacket and setting books.
I recognize that yokai.
RED's a fine skeleton, but you're going to have to do a lot of legwork and homebrewing to make interesting games that aren't just infiltrations. You can steal a lot from Tales of the Red or even 2020 books (just use the generic mook templates from Danger Gal as a basis for 2020 bad guys and stick to DV's 13-17 for skill checks). And we have fine local homebrewers bringing back the cut content.
I dislike the setting; like Hank Hill on Christian rock, the orcs and wizards are just making cyberpunk worse. I really hate the system mechanically.
>Soft covers
Kinda sorta? They're softer than trades but firmer than comics. The covers are more resilient than the pages. There are separate character sheets that have pre-filled stats and such. I would imagine that make it very easy for the DM to just hand players sheets based on the kind of character they want to play. As far as teaching people to play the game on the fly I wouldn't be comfortable doing that myself but I also haven't read the book yet. Supposedly the jacket mission kit is designed to ease players into general gameplay mechanics and gradually introduce them to different facets of the game.
For setting fluff? CP2020, and Night City Sourcebook. A good chunk of Red is copy-pasted.

My first PC was a Lawman, but I just really enjoyed stuff like The Wire and The Shield; so gritty corrupt cop stuff felt like a very good fit for what I enjoy. I liked being able to fight, but also do some interesting things in RP because of my role.

Personally, I would not recommend a Solo, unless you know you're a combat guy in other RPGs. I think a lot of the others invite you to play into the neo-noir of the setting.
What do you need? I'm creating ones with IA/stealing art for my personal campaign and could use some fillers.
Minis are interesting for creating tactical fights; you'd need a sniper, a psy with limited reach, someone trying to infiltrate, some mcGuffin to retrieve/copy/steal/replace/destroy; something to make it worth having a tacticak fight instead of just "shooting from cover", involving positions, opportunities and aiming.
Otherwise, you're cool with a more relaxed approach ^_^
If you want corporate or police goons, there are a billion small 28/15mm SF wargame lines.

Are you looking for civilians? Chromed out gangsters?

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