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Work in Progress, "Crisp!" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
oh boy mom come see this my wip made it into the thread banner
Congrats anon, I'm sure mom will be proud
Did you like AK Wine Red or what?
(you know who you are)
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I was set on doing biel tan, and honestly, i'm pretty happy where it's going, but saim hann feels like there'd be way less cleanup, and laying down the base took what, 6-7 minutes? Whereas the bieltan guy is on hour 2 or 3, and he's still not close to done. White is a bitch.
Biel tan is easily the best looking eldar theme, maybe Iyanded comes somewhat close and that's it. Stick with it anon, don't take the bitch way out
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>saim hann feels like there'd be way less cleanup, and laying down the base took what, 6-7 minutes?
I chose Blood Angels all those years ago solely because I had several bottles of Testors Flat Red enamel paint on hand.
Don't know if you're talking about me but I bought it last week and yeah it's a lovely color. Only put it on some leftover bit to see what it's like so far though, I'll probably use it on my next project which is a coomer mini from kdm
>spend an hour and a half trying to follow the sisters meme guide for my palatine
>fuck it up
Great use of my time. How long should I keep something in IPA to strip it?
if the paint is fairly freshly dried it should strip almost instantly once you put it in the ipa and rub with a toothbrush
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Bet, thanks.
I didn't start out with a great flesh tone so I think I ended up going a bit thick trying to put a better tone over it, then I started getting impatient with the drying and intermediate steps. But my worst sin was brush control. I just ain't got the skills to pay the bills yet.
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More terrainposting. This time undercoating my ruins. Nothing fancy or special, I just like how drybrushed white over a solid black looks.
Nice ruins. Printed or bought?
good attitude, gmi
I just had a thought before I went to the thrift store to look for a sifter.
Will baking the sand somehow remove sift from the sand particles or not?

Anyways concerning a sifter
I'm thinking about getting 0.18mm Hole stainless steel woven wire for the job and to tape it to a regular sifter.
Should I go for a smaller hole?
Baking sand will sterilize it, maybe some microplastics get melted out. A good sand is going to be like 99.9% silicates so heating it does nothing really.
I suppose you'd have me search all of google trying to find it, instead of just telling me huh?
Oh man I printed these out about 2 years ago and I think I just grabbed some modular ruins off cults or something. I think this is it:
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I'm trying to make a trad-cath primaris chaplin. Does this look dumb?
Alright I'll sterilize it, and see if that works. Looking back I see that panning like panning for gold might be a better way to remove the silt from sand so I just have the sand particles so my sand bases don't look like texture paste.
Running water through the pan and preventing sand from being drained away might be a better idea.
Might unironically buy a specialty gold panning pan for the job.
Mostly because I doubt I will find a wiremesh small enough to keep my fine grain sand from outside from falling through with the silt.
The main idea is that the water will keep the silt.
Give him some spikes on the side of his scepter that make a cross then have him hold it up.
that does look like it. Good looking out Anon.
This is cooler than simply a cross on a stick.
you can also use a fan and basically throw the sand carefully in front of it so finer dust will blow away (and get everywhere so do it outside)
I like it.
I think I'll go for the panning route and hope that the water removes the sand's dust then bake.
Seriously I didn't know that there was some luck involved in being in an area where the sand is a good grit. Here's hoping that I can get the sand dust away for better sand basing effects.
An experiment in FromSoft inspired terrain Ive been working on in between doing undercoating on my ruins. Maybe its a mass grave. Maybe its a shrine. Maybe its a holy site or blessed fortification, but so far its raw and not even primed. Hoping to make it look more interesting with a paintjob.
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Captcha ate my image again, I should stop phoneposting.
>take a wet shit
>cover it in repeating iconography
>"FromSoft inspired"
Is this post an elaborate /v/ meme about le state of gaming in disguise, or am I looking too hard?
The texture paint I used looks a bit nasty in the shapes Im using it in, but I just thought I'd try the spam asset thing FromSoft does. I'll post it in a more presentable state next time.
Reminds me of Trench Crusade, but try different sized crosses and also candles.
How do you motivate yourself to keep painting when your brain is dribbling out your ears, but if you stop the minis won't be ready in time for your game?
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Trying out nmm for the first time.
Does chainmail have the secondary reflections? Or is it better to leave it like this for now?
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Got a box of Zombicide "The Seven" on sale today, here's my WIP homelander.

They are decent models.
Damn, that really looks like Antony Starr! ... and your paint job is sharp too, anon. Good on ya!
Do slapchop, you can do that with no brain at all.

I put on some power metal and load up on caffiene.
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Here's the spear as well, howd i do?
I definitely messed up a bit highlighting the front compared to the back, so the back turned out better, but wcyd.
meme 'nmm', looks retarded as shit.
remove one of the heckin wholesome reddit tier secondary reflections and make the main one larger and it may even look decent
Has anyone used the Two Thin Coates metallics? After being burnt by Vallejo Game colour I’m looking for something that isn’t Citadel or dogshit.
Yeah the surface is too small for 2 reflections, one but bigger would look a lot better and more believable. Also I'm assuming you plan on blending this? Nmm really needs at least somewhat smooth transitions to look good and believable and this is too harsh so far
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Thoughts on my NMM?
I have almost all of them because they're really fucking good. Apply and cover really well, the consistency is great and they don't dry out on the palette in 10 seconds like citadel. Worth the buck I'd say but I'm gonna get called a retard for buying eceleb paints anyway. You can go for AK, they're similar quality but a bit cheaper and without Duncan's name on them.
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Do you really need to post this every thread? It was funny the first couple times but you really need to notice when a meme is getting stale
I will post it whenever people post shit nmm.
Im tired of le hecking 'miniature nmm' that everybody paints just because is what they learned 'miniature nmm' is 'supposed' to look like.
Maybe I can, over time, get people to notice how fucking retarded it is, and looks.
That's scalemail. The number of reflections depends on the number of light sources reflecting off the surface. In most cases that's going to be one.
You'd make more headway if you explained to them why it's wrong.
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Gonna call Homelander done.
Anyone got ideas for the base?
Well, why don't you post your nmm/tmm/however the fuck you paint metallics? I'm sure everyone here would like a chance to learn from you
eh I went for 2 reflections oh well.
And I did try blending and making the transitions as smooth as i could.
An urban base is a pretty good go-to for superheroes. Especially with this guy, he'd stand out nicely against a darker grey
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>the faggot that painted this garbage has 182k subscribers
>eh I went for 2 reflections oh well
Because you learned that NMM is 'supposed' to always have them and is what you see whenever anyone posts their NMM bullshit, but it doesn't make sense always
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Probably but Idk man I think it looks neat. Im happy with how the spear turned out.
Seconding the urban base. You could also go for a wasteland or something. Anything in dark, neutral tones will contrast nicely with the bright colors on the dude.
Well they're pretty harsh still. Try to add more in between steps when mixing. I think I've heard somehwere that you one a small-ish surface you need at least 5 tones between 2 colors to sell the transition, yours have only 2
that on a small-ish surface* I need to go to sleep
>yours have only 2
I used quite a few different colors.
Abba black, dark gray, light gray, light gray + white, white.
But since it was my first time, im sure I messed up a bunch during the process.
Dead babies

Thanks anon, I’d seen a few reviews rating them as well. Might pick some up as my LGS stocks it but not AK.
spilled milk
Would gaianotes evo surfacer make a good lacquer primer? Apparently it's a bit thicker than mr surfacer 1500, closer to the 1000 or 1200, but at least I can fucking buy some.
I assume all the same thinners/cleaners and techniques would apply?
just primed a bitch.
>clean your camera lense
>light behind or between the camera and the object, not behind the object
>focus you fuck
try again
>go to paint metal weapons/armor of my guys.
>grab my gunmetal or silver paint
>mix some water
>slap it on
Im glad you have learned how to paint anon, good for you
Sorry, but you didn't really paint the model.
I have it on good authority (youtubers, and anons here) that paints are specially formulated and changing the consistency of the medium even a TINY bit will render them completely useless.
Never happened. Link it.
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Is it true you aren't supposed to use metallic paints on wet palettes? Asking for a friend...
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>I'm gonna get called a retard for buying eceleb paints anyway
Not by me, anon. Saint Duncan is in a different category from most of those ... troglodytes.
>Anyone got ideas for the base?
Carpeted aisle of a jet liner.
You can, it isn't really the issue that most make it out to be. The concern is that the metallic flakes could get through the paper and contaminate the water etc, but also the more realistic issue is that it will over thin the metallic making it near worthless pretty quickly since metallic pigments work differently to regular pigments. So you can, but in general it isn't worth it. Better off just having some small wells like a bottle cap or a palette with wells that you can put the metallic along with some sort of retarder in if drying out prematurely is a concern.
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Wip gaslands jersey barriers
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These tiny bitches are kinda hard to paint for a newbie. Painting the flesh with a layer of pink next, then off-white/grey...
you put in effort, but i'm going to be pretty blunt with you anon, this looks genuinely awful
you would be better off just using an actual metallic paint; this doesn't even look like a weapon much less metal it looks like weirdly flat dazzle camouflage.
The problem with NMM is that if the illusion doesn't work it looks really bad. That's why everyone is shitting themselves but it's a good attempt.
You might be better off with a single gradient, and use thinner paints.
Now to tone down the saturated skin colors with a dull grey wash.
A grey wash? Sounds wild, interested to see the results.
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havent posted here a while, currently im painting my first bust
looks very nice so far, anon
Can i use these for dry brushing?
I ordered lacquer primer.
I'm going to directly compare this to my acrylic primers, and if you people were lying to me there will be hell to pay.
DId you ordered the holy grail of hobby, Mr. Hobby ™ Surface 15000™?
just admit that you bought it because of vinces video not because of this thread
you faggot
you better have some properly set up airbrush station with adequate ventilation and suitable masks
lacquers are fantastic but the whole setup thing and them being toxic makes them a hassle to use
>eceleb said product is good

the damage done by internet to this hobby is immeasurable
Guys...pls help...
Well, it's good but you also need to thin them too
No it creates mustard gas

Yes you can
I'd be lying if the discussion over vince's video didn't bring it up in my mind, but to be honest I don't actually follow him, and I've been wanting to try lacquers outside of minis for gunpla stuff
for over a year and haven't really bothered to pull the trigger till now.
Probably more the primer schizo than vince. I do want to see if/what I'm missing out out. If it's not notably better than vallejo mecha primer I'll stick with that.

Cool, don't forget to buy the thinner too
For what it's worth it's probably an actually decent product. I doubt mr hobby would pay some literally who mini painter in the west to shill their shit. You faggots call me a youtube schizo but just look at how many brain damaged morons eat that shit up. Tell me with a straight face this thread wouldn't be better off with no eceleb garbage
Don't know about the west but everyone and their mothers in Asia was using mr hobby surface as their main primer since the 2000s.
It's because asians are capable of doing things properly and using the right products. Western kids will drink the paint so nobody likes having lacquers around.
It looks fine, pose-wise. It’s the concept that’s dumb and cringe inducing.
Post minis or fuck off
Yeah because asians aren't retards and are actually capable of using their brains. They'll pick actually good products without some youtube faggot telling them what to do. Take a look at japanese hobby channels sometime. Their quality is so much better than the western trash filled with shills, soiboys and clickbait titles everywhere. That's because, you know, they actually enjoy the hobby and want to share their skills instead of getting into youtube with a clear cut goal of making money off of it. I know I'm schizo rambling but the state of western youtube is so fucking infuriating to me I just can't help it.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I did. I also got some LDPE bottles to mix it in (will test first since so much cheap chinese crap is falsely labelled). And I'll wear my VOC respirator. My filters are kinda old but I don't use them often. If I can smell the paint I'll get new filters.
Yes, using make-up brushes for drybrushing is a common tip.
Yes, they look like a solid choice. If you have a chance of touching their bristles, do so. I found out that the ones that work best for drybrushing are ones that have soft bristles. I got the artis opus drybrush set as a gift and I can unironically tell you that a makeup brush with long, soft bristles is a lot better for the job lol.
Is the shape alright though? I always got some autism about the shape of brush
I think the one on the left will be better because it has longer bristles. In my experience the best ones are shaped like picrel. I think they're called blenders or someshit
lmao I'm retarded it's in the filename, yeah eyeshadow blender brush
Yeah somehow the bigger mica flakes pass through the paper and the much smaller pigments don't...
I really don't know where people get these ideas from.
I think the idea is that they can spread on the surface of the paper because it's moist or someshit. I don't know I've been using wet palette for metallics since forever and never had any issue with regular paints getting the metal flakes in them. It's probably some dumb youtuber meme again
just a myth that keeps getting spouted by bottom feeder ecelebs
also to add, the main issue I found personally with metallic paints and wet palettes is the fact that they dont thin that well with water and medium should be used instead
This might be the worst photo of a mini I've ever seen anyone try to share, please for the love of God read pic related
You can, it's just a meme perpetuated by nomodels that the metallic pigments will somehow make their way through your palette paper, despite metallic pigments being much larger and chunkier than traditional paint pigments which don't leach through the paper ever. I do personally find that metallics are very sensitive to water and start doing some strange things if they get overwatered. I like cup style palettes for my metallics so I can keep them as thin as I need them to be without having it change on me mid painting session
That's actually plausible. There are people dumb enough to put water on top of the paper.
What do you used to thin metallic paint?
Like? Liquidtex flat medium?
I use Lahmian medium that i bought ages ago, and since I dont use metallic paints that require thinning (vallejo metal color) so often, i think its gonna last me for years
i think every brand has their own medium that can be used so I'd use whatever you can get your hands on

also dont use matte medium to thin your metallic paints as it will make them look dull
Can i use craft paint medium on hobby paint products like vallejo?
Only one way to find out
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He's got four arms and ten cocks
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Next one will have shootas because the lower arms look like they'll break at the first opportunity
Don't cheap out on paint related stuff, it usually ends poorly.
No, it makes mustard gas

In general, yes. Medium tends to be medium. But it can very by brand and you will learn from experience what works and what doesn't.
Did you end up pinning or using GS for the arm wot broke off earlier?
not sure what you mean by 'craft paint medium' but I have used liquitex mediums in the past
however I guess it's always better to use the same range medium if you can, if only because it will keep the same characteristics of the paint
Pinning was too awkward because the upper arm got in the way of the drill. I used super glue and a bit of GS. It now holds but I suspect a strong shock could make it snap.
Well, i mean is craft paint medium like liquidtex matt medium work with hobby paint like vallejo, citadel?
Wobbly spear, check how "real" metal reflect light and paint accordingly; what you did just looks like a weird pattern on the spear
I used that one and the airbrush one to revive some old citadel paints and they work mostly fine, the mostly if because some of them where way too dry
>really tired yesterday
>paintin a bit
>get thirsty and grab my cup of water
>It's my brush water
Am I gonna die?
If I've learned anything from video games, it is that the effect of a potion depends on the color
No. You're the reason we can't have lead whites though. Drink from a bottle, problem solved.
>not using a brush bottle
Never gonna make Golden Demon
You ingest worse chemicals when you go to Burger King.
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Okay with primer and undercoat my little experiment looks less like wet shit with tile spacers shoved in it.
This is actually starting to look decent, keep at it anon
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Woke up early, had time to prime all my terminators.
Any advice for airbrush priming in bulk when it comes to keeping a good flow? By the 8th one it was a scramble to get the rest before it clogged up.
what makes vallejo paints smell like that? also what is the smell supposed to be?
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It took quite some time but they're finally done.
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Speed painting a ball tank as a Light walker (Sentinel) for OPR. Got some bolt action Germans I'm using for generic sci fi soldiers. The mix of weapons works well for a tag tag soul snatcher humans. Need to do some work on those guys but they're cannon fodder do they're going to be quick and dirty paint jobs. Might raid the bits box to see if I can find some sci fi weapons to use but the army can use support weapons so most of those are on their own larger bases.

I accidentally 3d printed a bane blade thinking it was a lemon russ until I put it together and saw the size. Not sure if soul snatcher cult can use it but it'll get painted up any way.
Get good primer™ like Vallejo Mecha.
>Zaku missile pods
Based and fuck Earthnoids
Liquitex isn't craft paint REEEEEE
While we're on the topic of primers, has anyone used both AP air and brush-on primer? How do they fare with their intended application method, and how do they fare with each other's application method?
The air varnish is so much cheaper for the size it makes me suspicious, although it's probably because they pre-thinned it. I like to thin my brush primer anyway so it might work.
I unironically use a travel mug with flip lid for my coffee now so there arent any issues lol.
Dont mix so much primer in your cup at once. As the cup empties the paint on the sides will dry and can get down to clog the needle, especially with primer. Better to mix in smaller batches and do a quick water rinse in between, takes less time than getting a clog and needing to disassemble.
do you use flow improver at all?
Fuck. I've been found out!

was in the bits box and it fit perfectly.
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ok fellas if I want to tint a metallic with color what's the best way to go about it?
>put contrast over the metallic(would rather avoid this because fuck uneven finishes of contrasts)
>mix a contrast with the metallic
>mix a regular acrylic with the metallic
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I waited through the 300 seconds "Please wait a while before making a post" bullshit that the faggot janitors insist on implementing every time I close my browser to tell you this:

It looks great for a first attempt, but NMM is hard as hell to do. You have good brush control and your blending isn't terrible. I'd suggest trying to get it to look good on a base first. Also, I think wetblending might be your friend here. I have never been able to get NMM to look good, so I am inspired by your attempt.

Keep it up Anon.
Personally I like glazing transparent paints over the metallic instead of mixing them
This >>93245474 is the way.
A or B. Don't knock A off the bat.
If you go with C it needs to be a translucent paint, like a glaze if you're in the GW ecosystem or just most synthetic pigments if you're using artist paint.
The secret to good looking metallics is to put a base coat of a color that compliments them well under it. You should absolutely thin your metallics, then put the base coat under, then 2 thin coats. Do NOT paint directly out of the pot or without thinning.

Gold: Brown/Yellow
Copper: Pink/Red
Silver: Blue/Grey
Nobody's saying not to thin them, that's different from having them sit on a wet palette and separate.
oh that might actually work and not give the shitty blotchy finish, thanks anon
I want to paint red over black, what's the best brown for an undercoat? Khorne btw
Mix an ink with metallic. Contrasts are only satin, glazing is very difficult to get an even finish with (without an airbrush) and regular (hobby) acrylics are neither glossy nor transparent.

2 layers of white + red followed by 1 layer of red.
I know someone is instantly gonna give me shit for buying it, but oh well. The redgrass palette that has the membrane or someshit instead of paper actually keeps metallics usable for a while. It doesn't overload whatever you put on it with water so the metallics don't seperate
I don't own any inks and I'll probably be spraying varnish over it anyway, will mixing in contrast work in this case?
I use metallic paints on a wet palette.
Sure, it'll work.
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more poxwalker experiments
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Need help, why is my primer acting like this and how do I fix it? Used army painter white primer on my models and the paint just soaks in and spreads.
It's dead, Jim.
You won't be able to paint that model properly because of the wicking effect you mentioned.
This is common with white primers, whites suck and if you spray them from too far away (or SLIGHTLY under the wrong temperature or humidity) they dry before hitting your model and your model ends up all grainy/sandy like this. There's no real option other than to strip it. No shame, this literally happens to everyone, it's more of a problem with the white paints and they literally shouldn't be selling them because of how common it is.
How do I strip paints off of models without damaging them?
isopropyl alchohol and a toothbrush. It's kind of a mess but on a model like this it shouldn't be to bad. soak the model in IPA for like 5 minutes, take it out and give it the ol' brushy brushy. You'll want to keep wetting the toothbrush and wiping off any gunk on a paper towel during this, the IPA evaporates fast and the paint will keep getting sticky and gooey if it's not wet. Repeat that a couple times until you get it as clean as possible.
It's not an ideal situation, but you'll just never be able to paint the model even remotely properly in that state.
What’s the best primer to use than? Should I use a grey?
Inks are hands down best for this. Contrast is actually your best secondary option. You'll be applying it thinly though, to avoid pooling and unevenness.
The skin on right guy is very nice. More of that.
>What’s the best primer
Theres plenty of different kind of primers. Acrylic, enamel, lacquer...
If youre asking for the BEST rattlecan primer I'd say Tamiya, but Vallejo or Army Painter usually work just fine.

Im guessing youre kind of new to the hobby and dont have access to an airbrush so I wont bother with those.

As for the color, cant go wrong with black primer, but if you plan on painting with very bright colours, white/beige/some kind of bright grey, would be a best choice.
White is a bit of a fickle bitch, but totally usable. I dunno if the army painter one sucks though.
You probably sprayed too far away or in a dry/hot environment (or too cold). The particles partially dried before they reached the model. Also, make sure to shake the fuck out of rattle cans.
Thanks, not new just never used a pure white primer and didn’t have this problem before
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Almost done with my leviathan termie squad, custom sergeant basically done. The GS sculpt of the loincloth wasn't the cleanest I've done and it lost some details, so I didn't waste to much time on it, but overall I'm satisfied with it

This. I always suggest staying away from pure white rattlecans.

I use a vallejo light grey rattlecan that goes on very smooth (except when I'm retarded and misuse it), and afterward you need only one coat of white paint to achieve a more than decent off white- that is if you care about painting white at all.

If you're okay with a darker one, black primers are usually the easiest to work with.

Make those innards/maggots glistening!
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Not much progress today, just focused more on the mouth (though just now realizing I didn't get a good picture of the tongue or gums). May need to reapproach the bottom lip. Think it looks a bit too chapped.
Will probably move on to the red/outer skin next
>reee don't consoom
>say the people with hundreds of dollars worth of minis and paints
Just ignore it.
Yeah, seriously.
I don't know how they sell white rattlecans to hobbyists. You'll have a person who spray paints shit all day and never has an issue, and suddenly the white can just ruins their model when using it in a totally normal capacity. It shouldn't be like this, but alas...
careful, you'll trigger printer schizos with this
the diy schizo hasn't been around lately and I hope he never comes back so I think mentioning redgrass stuff is safe
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Had to repaint the wings but its finally done.
been awhile but was looking for an old Grimdark Compendium video where he uses a bunch of Rust products on that old space marine statue miniature.

From what I see he has removed it from youtube, I remember someone here had a file with a bunch of the old Zatcaskagoon grimdark videos. Does anyone still have that link?

Think he took the video down cuz its competing with his new paint line...

Fresh and early WIP for your effort, still gotta figure out which way I'm gonna go here. Howdah / turret / platform / biomech? What u think?
When Skaven do it it's called a Chowdah
It's all AK interactive and half the time it's streaking grime, I always wondered how he convinced people that every paint job needed a separate tutorial.
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And now color and extra scenic bits have been completed on my FromSoft inspired terrain piece. Think it came out well, was fun to make either way.
Great paint job anon, I just don't like ugly models.
Smurf orcs, cool.
Nice. Looks a lot less poopy.
Part of the fun of post progress photos is when something flips from looking awful to looking decent.
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>Almost done with my leviathan termie squad
This lad looks dead sexy! I can only hope mine turn out half as good (using 3rd Edition Space Hulk Terminators instead).
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Shout out to Drukhari fans out there. I got super nervous edge highlighting a single helmet so I can’t imagine doing a whole army of point-ass edges.

Anyway, need to finish up my dude here and get everything set to begin applying yellow contrast paints on certain armor pieces. After that is finished, I can glue the other arm on and finish painting the squig at its base. After that is the cape and I’m in good shape!
Thanks! I remember you and those red termies, looking forward to see them done, I really like BA

Looks really cool anon
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Painted another clanrat as a tester, think it came out fine but I'm considering shifting the colour of the hood closer to a dingy green for the next one.
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>Shout out to Drukhari fans out there.
There's nothing wrong with Ohio, except the snow and the rain.
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I’m OP and from Cleveland; the man is considered a living saint here.
>I can’t imagine doing a whole army of point-ass edges
Yeah, and all my dudes are tiny too. If you're trying to paint a clean scheme on them, they're one of the hardest factions.
Love the black and yellow scheme anon. Please post your greenish version when you're done.
Derpy papercraft eliminators with some instruction photos if anybody wants to try and build some. Going to go back and make instructions and alternate chapter colors for the gravis captains next.
Lovely stuff and very nice texturing and rust.
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I folded a a piece of paper 3 times, and it didnt make a 40 SpaceMarine. You'll be hearing from my attorney.
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I painted one a lot more recently, and there are some things I like about each that I think were better than the other one. Any particular preference?
Why tf would you bother painting two of the same named character.
I'm warming up to the old ugly skaven. I'll try to do a small Eshin army in the style of Warhammer Mark of Chaos.
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Works better when I attach a picture.
One is more cartoonish, the other more realistic (higher detail). The differences are pretty minor though. I personally prefer the first. Too much detail noise takes away impact.
Good old monkey rats. They look kinda retarded, but at least they're fully posable.
I heard used coffee grounds make for good grit.
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Finished some fence and barrels
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Looking realistic
Add a horizontal white stripe near the top of the tower.
I've caught my cat drinking out of my cup for cleaning brushes. She seems fine so far.
Had the same thing happen to me with black primer. I was holding the can too far away so the paint was drying before it hit the model. Didn't help that I lived in the desert at the time.
I use Rust-Oleum black and gray primers without any issues. They have a white but I haven't tried it. Just make sure it's NOT the paint + primer, that shit is way too thick and will make details look like ass.
I just splooged looking at this. I fucking love sword brethren terminators.
Man why does my purple paint stink?? Wtf do they make it from?
It smells sickly sweet like I imagine a dying diabetic's hospital bed smells like.
There's organic compounds in many of these paints. They can even rot.
Do any of them contain the foreskins of aborted babies?
you aren't wrong, its one of those things where it was like a throwaway sentence about using a product to counteract a downside in another product. Some half remembered tidbit thats driving me crazy now I can't find the video

I'm asking here because I remember there being a zip file of his patreon contents in the OP back in the day.

pic related, from this vid
You may not realize this but a lot of warhammer hobbyist are too dumb to paint a fucking space marine without a guide. I guess these are the people that actually pay money for hobby patreons etc
I would consider paying for actually good painting instruction, if it couldn't be found so freely. As a matter of fact, many talented studio painters have relatively obscure youtube channels, while the absolute memes rake in the patreon bucks. It's the bitter irony of e-celebs.
only halal ones
The second one was a commission.

Fair 'nuff.
I heard that in order to get true smooth finish with gloss or satin varnish, when applied by brush, I need to do it in multiple very thin layers. But each time I try to thin varnish (water based) with water, it quickly begin to pool and when applied too little - dry too quickly and leave brush marks. So, how to get around that? Use whole different thinners?

Which varnishes are actually best for brush-on application?
If it's Vallejo their medium smells sweet, though it's usually only noticeable through an airbrush
>though it's usually only noticeable through an airbrush

I feel intense banana-like smell each time I open my sealable boxes where I keep my paints. I think it proves this way of keeping them right idea.
at some point watching tutorials is less abot the actual useful information and more about the entertaining value, imo as entertaining as watching paint dry but there's people for everything

from the creator point of view as long as there are views there will be content, even if they don't feel like they are putting new (or useful) information out they will continue to make videos because they need to
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>watching some faggot paint instead of painting yourself
Did you know that there's several websites where people watch other people play video games?
Why not just airbrushing the vanish?
You say that like people haven't been paying hundreds of bucks to watch others play sports for centuries.
Nah that all gets funneled off for facial creams right away
People have watched other people play sports for thousands of years but it still doesn't make any sense to me.
I like Liquitex matte varnish but I'm also looking for an alternative because it isn't matte enough.
First, don't thin it too much. About 30% water.
When applying it, it follows the same principles as a wash. Apply enough of it for surface tension to do its thing and self-level, and where it pools you wipe off your brush and wick it away.
You're assuming they own an airbrush, but even then, I don't like airbrushing varnish because it can frost. Brush applied, once you get the hang of it, is less risky.
Because I a) don't have airbrush and b) don't have space and conditions to use one (no possibility to install some sort of ventilation and I work in same room I sleep in - no, I'm not in US, walls here are 60cm thick instead of cardboard, temperatures are well below 0C during winter and early spring/late autumn so no keeping window open all the time and I don't have "garage"). Even using spraycan for priming is problematic because it's either too cold to use outside on balcony or neighbours complain about smell.

Brush on is my only option. Sometimes spray can but rarely.
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>it isn't matte enough
AK ultra matt

the effect in person is ridiculous
Both of those are competitive activies, you watch them to see who's gonna win. Painting minis is more of a creative activity. I understand watching someone else do it to learn something but just watching it as entertainment makes 0 fucking sense to me
Well, I usually used this when i don't feel like airbrushing
> they will continue to make videos because they need to
Is someone putting a gun to their heads or something? They do it because they're useless failures that can't earn money like normal people so they made a shitty video site their source of income. This is why asian hobby channels are so much fucking better, they show the actual craft without slapping their retarded open mouthed face onto the video and releasing garbage every week because they "need to"
1 is no coat
2 is Mr Hobby regular matt
3 is Mr Hobby Premium matt
4 is Mr Super Smooth Clear matt
That's not the only factor. There's hundreds of "relaxing" videos where you see stuff happen, patterns or other shit, you look at anything you can think of and most of that you could do yourself, sometimes people just want to watch. In video games, there's a lot of channels that play city building titles or other non-competitive stuff, and for the more creative, the creator just explains what he did, or he doesn't talk at all.

Does it make sense? No, but there's people who like that, like there's people that would rather take a walk than paint miniatures. I'm still baffled by the concept that more people buy shoes if someone famous tells them they're good, or that more people click on a thumbnail if the guy makes a stupid face, but that's how the world is.
>watching someone play zelda is competitive
>stardew valley
>minecraft (creative or not)
>walking simulators
>lesbian introspective games in general
>eceleb talk shows are a thing too

don't pretend to understand why other people find entertaining what they see because you won't if you don't, just watch what you find so
>Is someone putting a gun to their heads or something?
of course not, just like nobody is pointing a gun at you when you go to work, but it's their job and they are slaves of the algorithm just as much as (almost) anyone else with a job is a slave of their wage

i agree with you that for profit youtube ruins 'educational' or 'informative' content but welcome to capitalism
The games that get the most views are the competitive ones though, no? Anyway I'm not gonna push this further maybe I'm really becoming a grumpy old man because so much shit doesn't make sense to me
I finally did it, I painted my first miniature, how's it looking?
I probably should've gotten a primer first because getting yellows and whites on it was a pain, should also look up how to properly think paints since I feel like just dipping my brush in water ain't cutting it
>The games that get the most views are the competitive ones though, no?
That's mostly because more people play them, the rest are niches compared to shooters. Like there's bound to be more people watching cars or women rather than miniature painting.
>so much shit doesn't make sense to me
Agreed anon, but different strokes for different folks, we don't all have to like the same things.
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>i agree with you that for profit youtube ruins 'educational' or 'informative' content but welcome to capitalism
You know, maybe this is what I can't let go. A site that had so much potential is essentially a glorified ad platform at this point. Of course there's still great content from some creators, I just wish they were the ones getting recognition instead of shills and sellouts. Can't have that in a world where everything revolves around money, though. Maybe it's time I just fucking accepted that,
Finally got some more bits for me to deck out my Ol’ Carnifex in the way I’d always wanted to. Used some epoxy to smooth out the details between the plastic parts and fill in gaps. I’m looking forward to adding them to the rest of the army that I have painted.
Additionally, I really enjoyed TL&HR short story, and think it would be a fun nod to the story if a little kid from a GSC was riding on it’s back and doodling on the carapace. So I plan to add that once I figure out how to do it.
That idea is adorable anon. I hope it works out and I'll be waiting to see it posted here.
Thanks. I’ve always found this Carnifex kind of cute, so I think it would fit. I made some Tyranid-themed flowers but found I didn’t think they quite fit in with my Hive Tyrant’s base, so I’ll likely reuse them for here as well. I’m just not sure how to go about making the kid.
>magnetizing carnifex
>first three magnets go smoothly
>fourth one takes an etremely long time to get in and keeps coming out
>keeps getting stuck on things
>keep having to fish out my tool to try and get it to match the correct polarity
>after ages finally get it to settle in the body
>put in the clay to help it bond, then wait for it to dry
>go check on it later
>test limbs
>outward facing side is wrong polarity
>am now having difficulties getting it to come out of the socket
should I still try to rip it out at the risk of damaging the model itself or just accept it and magnetise the limbs for the thing with the knowledge that the one hind limb will not be readily interchangeable
Heard good opinions about this but each time I see some shop actually having it, it's so overpriced it kills whole interest.
Does stormshield varnish take the shine off metallics like the munitorum spray varnish does?
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No. Stormshield is, despite what the label might say or a GW employee might tell you, a satin finish. I used it on my Firstborn scout squad, and they look like they've covered their armour in Vaseline.
>I’m looking forward to adding them to the rest of the army that I have painted.
Can we see it?
Sure, I took a picture of everything I’ve gotten finished fairly recently to mark the progress I’ve made. I’m honestly pretty happy with them all.
Latest thing I did was base the Tyrant Guards and paint my Lictor, who turned out quite nicely.
I noticed a spot on his carapace directly after I took this though and went to go fix it, which now that I think about it might be part of why I forgot to share this here.
Appreciate you sharing. They look sick.
I'm sure the Carnifex will fit in just fine.
Bear in mind that these are lacquer paints. Let your acrylics sit overnight and give it a couple very light coats before doing a wet coat so the lacquer doesn't eat the acrylic paint.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to painting those Carnifexes. Gotta finish the rest of the preparation first though
Always prime first, so the paint has a good surface to adhere to. As for thinning, I've heard it best described as a "milk-like" consistency, so shoot for something like that. It should flow well, without leaving brush marks.
It's a good start, but there's definitely room for improvement. And remember, if you don't like your work, you can always strip the model and restart, nothing to worry about.
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Ill keep painting her tommorow
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Anyone have that shithead grifter Grimdarkcompendium video collection?
Fuck that bitch for putting old videos behind a paywall. Also making shittier enamel washes and charging 2.5x the cost of AK
what the fuck is that rainbow palette
That's one of those popper things, my kid has the same one. It's basically the same idea as popping bubble wrap, but shittier.
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I'm tired of fighting with him so here's a "finished" tomb sentinel. Most of the sloppiness is actually.on his undercarriage so I'm not TERRIBLY concerned, but it does feel somewhat like giving up. Anyway, glad I finally finished painting him right as they removed it from the army list. Thanks James

It's definitely one of those popping fidget toy things they sell at the dollar store
Steve RIP. Miss you, big man. Gone, but not forgotten.
Oh, all right. Pretty creative use, then. Guess I'll learn about shit like this if I ever have kids which seems highely unlikely
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Don't do it if you enjoy your own personal time. Fatherhood is great in its own way, but this bad boy's looked like this for the past month+, save for the magnets I installed for swapping out his nipple guns. Finishing my army is suddenly way off in the distance.

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