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Lord of Change Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93218566

▶ Thread Task: Post your own/literal interpretation of the spell/character/entity's name.

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
Goddamn killer of an image. Great shit anon
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Good one
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Enlarge Person
>Gold Dragon
Speak with Dead
Except it’s not, samefag less.
>Speak with Dad
"Who is this?! You're whose daughter? I'm sorry, you have the wrong magic scroll. Where did you buy it?

Magic Missile
Aspect of bear strength
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Gods, I can't see anything without my spectacles!
yes i know its blink dog, but they didn't look as cute shut up
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When the AI gives you an excellent piece and for the life of you, you can't figure out how to replicate it... This style is so familiar to me but I can't place an artist or a style.
>Enlarge Parson
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>Hold Parson
Cry about it lmao
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Prompt please.
I don't get it. What spell is a bunch of piss jars?
Why Skeletor wearing He-Man's wig?
How did you describe the big person? I had been trying for a while and got nothing
"A frequent customer...or a competitor?"
It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit, but...

>towering giant 60' bald parson priest in brown robes

...did the trick.
>I don't get it. What spell is a bunch of piss jars?
Say the filename out loud. If you still do get it, say it faster.
hint: it's not a spell
Well, if you're gonna be like that, I guess I should probably just beat you to the punch.
Rowboat Girlyman?
We don't get much 40k in these threads.
>Low angle shot, Wide Shot. goblin, stomping over city, giantess
Sure, why not?
Thread Task
>Power Word: Kill
I figured it was Aure from the blue and gold. But I get it. "Oar-é"
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I tried
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kek, Compelled Duel is underrated IMO
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The troll's hideous grin widens into a feral snarl as he finishes playing his flute and unceremoniously chucks it into the underbrush. The elf maiden, who had previously regarded him with disdain and pity, now stares up at him in a daze, her eyes glowing with an unnatural pink light. Her tongue lolls out of her gaping mouth in a mindless, wanton expression. The troll relishes the power coursing through his veins as he watches the once proud elf become nothing more than a puppet under his hypnotic spell.
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The drow priestess, dark of skin and even darker of spirit, sprinted after the small, terrified gnome. A sharp obsidian blade glinted in her hand, stained through with the blood of previous victims. Her other hand glowed with arcane energy as she prepared to cast a powerful web spell to entrap the pitiful creature, but before she could unleash it, the quick-witted gnome chanted an incantation of its own and twisted his hands in a counter-spell, sending the web back at the priestess and trapping her in her own sticky trap. She shrieked in frustration and struggle as the gnomish slave ran off to freedom.
Oh no you have caught me in a web and I was only wearing my lingerie whatever will happen
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The arrows were so numerous that they clouded the skies and blocked out the light of the day, so the wizard summoned forth a shield brighter than the sun itself.

Nothing will happen, the gnome escaped.
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The fairy zipped through the air, leaving a trail of glitter behind that chimed sweetly with touched.
Get struck by tiny lightning apparently.
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I'd rather like this prompt for reasons
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That's NovelAI. Unfortunately, I could only get a few working examples with it using Bing. Which is a bummer since it's art style is so much cleaner.
> Lawrence Alma-Tadema, academic painting. Glossy pitch black skin and shining silvery hair. Female drow elf wearing gray leather armor. Arms raised above head. stuck in sticky cobwebs in underground cavern. angry screaming expression. dark, defeated pose, rim lightning
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I modified yours to get about 1/4 reliably.
>acrylic dark fantasy painting, chiaroscuro, rim lighting. actress playing dark elf with obsidian skin wearing gray leather armor. Arms raised above head. stuck in sticky cobwebs in underground cavern. angry screaming expression. dark, defeated pose,
Yeah, it's just such an obviously non-offensive concept, that I didn't feel like messing around with it. If Bing won't do it, something else invariably will.
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>Eagle's Splendor
Dare you enter his Magical Realm?
Song of exploding notes on a violin of perfect balance
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Have you made theme songs for your character yet, /slop/?

Now this is clever.
Now I've realized I shouldn't give a filename, and let everyone guess for themselves.
bold of you to assume /slop/ is smart
Fantasy sketch, solid lines, vibrant colors, of a woman with pale skin, long purple hair, and blue eyes. She's wearing black full plate armor with a red half-skirt under a fur-lined long coat. She's wielding a great mace.
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Let's try again without the third arm
̶A̶u̶r̶a̶ Aure of Life
̶A̶u̶r̶a̶ Aure of Purity
̶A̶u̶r̶a̶ Aure of Vitality
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The closest thing I could gen using Bing.
Guess spell name
Summon False Hydra.
Too small and white to be Evard's Big Black Tentacles.
And they don't seem happy enough for Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
I'd venture a guess at Tongues.

The last one is correct.
I hoped for an actual tongues sprouting from the ground, but I got this.
Gives me Warcraftish vibe, like something you could find in a place where unholy death knights are training
Smart? You are only posting your own donut steel OCs, it's just the 3 of you that bothered to memorize the name
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Fitting the theme of greater daemons
Although pics like this are rather lower lifeform namefag's specialty
Man, bing is goddamn horny.

Regardless, do you guys think this is a decent enough dark fantasy "messiah/zealot leader"? Trying to go for a dark souls vibe
Pretty obvious one I guess
Bing is just weak for girls in armour
Looks good to me.
See? Prime example of the very low intelligence we're dealing with. You just know this guy's keyboard is covered in drool.
It really is

Cheers anon. Have a good one

Idk what he did to you mang, but you're sounding awfully defensive and passive aggressive. Take a breather, slop isn't where you want to lash out
Toll of the Dead
Not bad, anon. Not bad at all.

>Enlarge Person
"It's magic. I ain't gotta explain tits."
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Okay, I give up. This one is?
>Lord in Change
In person! Are you willing to accept the gifts of Tzeentch, mortal?
I hoped you've found yourself other threads to infest with your presence. How wrong I was...
How did you get that forcefield effect?
This is probably the wrong way around, but whatever
"Dear Lord, am I a Good Boy?"
...for once I don't get the critique.
"Perfect! I think I really captured my likeness!"
"Have faith in the goodest Lord Mordenkainen, and thou shall be rewarded with head pats, treats and walkies. Awoo."
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most noble use of wizardry
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Thank you for the magic lesson Aure!
Vicious Mockery
When Shrink Person crits.
Glad you liked my Aures
>Idk what he did to you mang
And yet you felt the need to insert yourself into our conversation. Curious.

>casting a massive spectral shield to block incoming volley of arrows
Funny thing, I had to specify that the can said "poison". Otherwise, Bing would make it say something like "Anti-Bad-Vibe Spray"
Elemental Bane
Made me kek
Trannyjanny up to his usual bullshit again.
lucky gen
Detect Traps
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>Hold Parsley
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>Enlarge Parsley
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This is probably the most creative /slop/ for quite some time, with most of gens related to the thread task. I look forward for more of threads like this.
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I didn't have to Wish for these gains!
how do I into meat without getting dogged?
Anyone know how to use chatgpt or copilot to give me usable prompts based on the image I upload?

It sometimes works with fashion but it has a hard time with creatures and other stuff and I don't know how to make it write an AIslop prompt that doesn't have 30 useless adjectives.
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I take back part of my post here >>93251553 about relevance to thread task
Cry about it
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>a couple images weren't related to the task, thread ruined!
Grow up, dude.
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This one's for you, babe.
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messing with designer
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This is cool
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Looks like it's for you.
Really like the thing going in the bottom right with empty armour. Shame it didn't give arm armour and gloves.
Thanks, Bigby!

>Stone Shape
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>In a single instant the night sky was illuminated with a blinding white light as the clouds above were split with a deafening crack of electricity. With a knowing smirk, the warlock brrought her arm up towards the sky and caught the bolt of lightning on the tip of her ensorcelled sword, and with practiced precision, brought it down onto the foe in front of her, the impact echoing like a boulder crashing into the earth.
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Those silly Hume wizards think they can control the Fire. You cannot control the Fire. You must embrace the Fire.
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>Looks can be deceiving.
>Anyone know how to use chatgpt or copilot to give me usable prompts based on the image I upload?

just keep asking it questions about what it perceives. it takes experimentation.
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Soul Cage
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"Clearly, I am about to corner the cereal grain market here. Perhaps I should switch professions?"
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See you in three days.
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least awful bing output I've had in months
if that's true, then you shouldn't use it. you're not good at it

the way people get good at things is by being bad and then learning. I appreciate your criticism and I would also appreciate any more detail about what you dislike here.
Note that the faggot who replied to you didn't post an image.
of course not, never post anything if you're offering a criticism. because midwits will just pretend like what you posted is shit, even if it isn't. i'm too smart for that, sorry
>getting upset on 4chan
Heh. Nice.
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