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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Double-dealin', double-crossin' no-good, sell-out Elf edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>93170128

>Thread Question: Betrayal! Treachery! Stabbed in the back! Tell us of the times you've been betrayed by NPCs and how you've overcome their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
>Thread Question: Betrayal! Treachery! Stabbed in the back! Tell us of the times you've been betrayed by NPCs and how you've overcome their sudden but inevitable betrayal.
A King had my PC executed because it would have been inconvenient politically if people thought I was acting under his orders. I was. He made sure I didn't talk by having my tongue cut off and my hands broken as soon as I was imprisoned.
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Sometimes I just daydream a cool fantasy story in my head and make a dice roll to decide whether or not any action succeeds. Is this basically what a solo TTRPG is in essence?
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That's definitely one way to do it! Any sort of "Story telling" that you do that also involves any sort of rules or chance adjudication can be considered a solo RPG.

You may want to look into pic related. It's a pretty good book about how to turn your daydreaming into a game to give it a little more variety.
It... can be. But it's more fun if there is more meat to the mechanics of the game and/or of the solo engine. But if you want to go for a really light take on it, it works.
One thing is that your way doesn't have many surprises except failing at a task. That can be enough, but most solo engines have some form of random event generation.
Also, just daydreaming a story is fine, but random tables or asking some form of oracle if your expectations are true can add a lot more fun to it.
As someone who played FKR, OSR and narrative freeform games I would advise in using a more robust ttrpg system for solo than just success/fail rolls. It can be very simple and lite, but for solo going full narrative can be hard. You're playing the GM as well as the PC, so double duties. Having some simple procedures to play can take some of the burden off your shoulders.
There's nothing wrong with going freeform, Empire of the Petal Throne players have been doing it for decades, but for solo I wouldn't recommend it. At least not at first. Too many things to keep track of all at once.
One the other hand, solo can also be like playing a roguelike game. It's as much fun.
>Playing a higher level character in SH
>In essence, my character was the leader of a band of mercenaries or guild of men-at-arms
>Had a random encounter that actually went pretty bad. We had been ambushed by a group of Hobgoblins and Ogres, and we suffered a few casualties and lost some supplies
>I rolled on a random word table to maybe see if any inspiration could have come up surrounding the encounter
>Got the words "Betray" and "Envy"
>I interpreted this as one of my men approaching me after the fight and telling me that they believed this attack was staged by someone in my mercenary group
>I took all of the named units in my band and wrote them on pieces of paper, then I shuffled them and put them in a dicebag
>I interrogated and tested each of my followers one-by-one, and then I'd also pull a couple names from the bag, this basically simulated my character learning a little bit more with each questioning or interrogation
>Eventually, when I was left with just a few names left, I had to decide on which of them I thought it was
Luckily I drew the right name, because if I didn't that means they'd have gotten away and could plan future attacks against me.
>been coming back to the same inn 5 times after adventuring
>have a map of the inn
>a list of NPCs and their attitude toward my party
>it's the place where everybody knows our name
>come back after latest quest
>inn is completely destroyed and burned down
>then we will rebuild the inn and end up our days as innkeepers/helper to adventurers
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Where should i start? With a system designed for solo like ironsworn or should i just read mythic gme and play whatever im used to?
Ironsworn is fine, but I would use a familiar rpg with a solo engine. Mythic good. CRGE. Any other. But Mythic and CRGE are the best at explaining the concept for a beginner.
My recommendation is to use Mythic or another oracle, and use it alongside and RPG you're familiar with. You can actually use a coin as a Yes/No oracle, for something really simple.
has boobplate gone too far?
>captcha: XXXHY
I don't see any reason that wouldn't be an ultra-simplistic way to do it. It might benefit you to look through so1um or CRGE just to get an idea of how you can add some degree of surprise and complexity to your idea.
Is there, perhaps, a software or web app that strings geomorphs together, but with fog of war? Or even just a VTT that can create the layout of a dungeon, with tokens to move around. I can handle stocking the rooms and all that I just think it would dramatically ease my autism if the map generation part was handled for and kept secret from me. I don't want to know the full layout, I want to still be surprised and not know about secrets and stairway locations and stuff.
If I knew even one thing about software engineering it would probably be my first project. I have this perfect vision for how the tool works in my head but that shit does not matter in real life, and it would be a whole lot like generating a dungeon in DCSS or Rogue or whatever but without any stocking besides "hazard here" "lair here" etcetera.
you could do something like use TTS and have the geomorphs as tiles that you flip over as you explore maybe?
>DCSS or Rogue
I'm sure you could find a sandbox mode or turn off enemy spawns easily enough
It's not an unheard of route to take.
Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name.
The Bibliomancy bit is the best tip in that PDF. I've been using genre related books for my games and it's great.
It's looking like the party was the reason why the inn was targeted in the first place. But there are survivors, the party is following their trail. Or maybe they shouldn't since there may be people chasing the party and that would just put the survivors in more danger?
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TQ: well I'm playing Vampire the Masquerade (with Elegy oracle), so every night? Handling it is a whole other thing, but since staying ahead isn't always possible, having a character that knows beforehand if I don't show up, it's probably because something bad happened.

If and when my inevitable demise comes, I carry on with either someone who has been a friend as is left with my notes, and see if they truly were friends or foes. Either way, the information lives on.
VtM solo? Sounds fun.
Maybe you could use some social-based hexcrawl to navigate Vampire politics lol
Okay, now that I think about it, I want one.
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>tfw just found out hex maps were already a thing in the 1890s
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I've posted this once before. Not mine.
I like to use it sometimes. It's like turning the oracle into a resource you have to manage. It gives you more agency.
I do prefer randomness, but sometimes it's nice to switch it up a little.
You could even make a list of generic random events and use them with the end/but results. The location/characters/circumstances would still make them random enough even if you just decided which one is happening. And it would still be resource management if you made half of them positive and the other half negative events.

such a strange book. I could never tell if it was played 100% serious or an elaborate joke.
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Actually sounds dope, I never got into hexcrawl but it would definitely be a dope way to visualize your progress through the political ladders. Some of those slots would definitely be traps, or allies. Now my mind is going off like fireworks, dope suggestion.

I want to run through the whole world of darkness universe, however long it'll take. I think Wraith the Oblivion has so much potential for oracle use.
I read it through once in 2019. The vibe that I got from it was that the "Games" proposed inside were meant to be sort of creative writing exercises, but without the writing part. One of games that helped me a lot was, the one where you imagine your own castle of your own perfect design, then tear the castle apart, then imagine what it was that could have caused such damage to said castle, now imagine what lengths you'd have to go through to put the castle back together again... Very interesting stuff.

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