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Blastin' Edition

▶Previously in the Mortal Realms:

▶Latest news:

▶Official AoS website, Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs::

warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ [Rest in Peace soon]


▶Thread question:
How ready are you for the new edition?
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Not defending last OP's retardation, but the previous thread DOES show up when you search "aosg". Idk why you claimed it doens't
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Do we know what happens with Embergard now? Do the sigmarites still squad in the ruins with the new editions? Is it claimed by the Skaven? By the undead? By the skaven? Is it left alone by everyone and their mother? Its right next to the new frontline with the gnaw, so there must be massive troop movement from various factions in the region
Next Underworlds location
New Warhammer Quest game seeking out treasures in its ruins
Underworlds or Warhammer Quest fighting for relics and other important artifacts.
>two threads in a row where the OP fucked up
Stop choking on dick and oxygenate your brain holy shit
How is this one fucked up? It's missing no information.
>Buying stormcasts and books only to throw them away instead of just buying the Skaven half
>actually WANTS the rats and calls others trannies
Enjoy the shit rules over there if you ever actually decide to """play""" them.
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Invent a faction that does not already exist in lore.
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TQ: I've been trying to get an army ready for the new edition but I've neglected reading up on the rules. are there any scans or PDFs of the core rules yet?
>Knight of Shrouds got removed from the online store
>It's not even marked as sold out online, simply disappeared from the GW store instead
Do you think anyone has been killed by a miniature?
>Glue a spearman to your dashboard and get brain speared via the eye socket when you hit the brakes.
>Accidentally swallowing something sharp or even an entire mini.
>Shoving miniatures up your ass, resulting in fatal anal trauma.
>Spent 300 dollars on models he's just going to throw away
OK retard
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Shoving miniatures up your ass doesn't cause fatal anal trauma.
Buy the spearhead box.
That's exactly what GW wants you to do!
TQ: Very excited, I like most everything they've shown off. Still consuming a decent amount of salt over BoC being relegated to TOW, but I've made peace with it at this point. Building and painting some KO to get ready for launch weekend.
Enjoy your models anon, good luck finding a game though
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New Chaos god shows up.
Magic number is 3, main colour is yellow, has unique demon design, humans can't feel the emotion he represents, so his demons mutate them to give them required organs to percieve him
Didn't thye do it to all the foot heroes included in Spearheads? Or at least several of them.
I think you can't get the Fyreslayer banner guy separatly either
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You WILL buy the shitty new boxes OR ELSE
Fellas I don't think these skeletons are going to last a single transportation trip now that im fiddling with them in my hands.
Snake people that worship some obscure snake deity. Order faction that really hates elves for stealing their shtick with Melusai
Snail-men who steal equipment from other factions in order to further armour their shells. Snail with the fanciest shell is the leader of the individual warbands. Fight with heavy 2 handed weapons and worship the morning dew. Destruction aligned
Chinese cultivators that hunt down stormcasts,seraphon, and Chaos demons.
Modeling as a hobby is for those with an adult level of motor skills and hand eye coordination. If you break models playing with them then you're a child or developmentally challenged
>Hunt the rarest and most powerful beasts and beings in the realm to grind them into boner pills and folk medicine
>A scourge to any and all factions that use animals
New Mordheim
Vanguard rules when?
The Idoneth Deepkin are one of the worst missed opportunities that I have ever seen. I took a look at the models recently, and it's notable how they don't communicate at all how the elves supposedly live under the sea. For example, why on earth do the footmen use axes and bows, when spears would be their natural weapon. Well, at least they don't use shields! I think it's this dissonance of not really looking aquatic which is why the shaerk looks so silly, since a medium in which the shaerk could move would be incredibly unwieldy for the rest of the army.
cut yourself on a sharp piece of plastic
get infection

why not
What are your top two spearheads?
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Hi bros. new to the hobby. Also i'm a bit of a poorfag but managed to get a Vanguard box of Swamp Orcs.
any tips for painting them? I've got a couple of brushes (I bought a base brush and a layer brush?) also I'm not too sure on the contrast paints, they look a bit odd so I'll probably go with the classic method
its more a darksouls themed army than aquatic theme
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Welcome newfag anon. Contrast paints are honestly amazing for exactly 2 things: Basecoating and Slapchopping.

I use em for basecoats and it gives you nice levels of shading to help guide your highlight placement for when you actually go in to paint proper. Just something to keep in mind.

Slapchopping is spraying them black, then drybrushing them in various brighter shades of grey then hitting them with the contrast. It gets a model painted very fast, and generally looks pretty good, especially at tabletop distance.
Sorry Anon, we already have 2 obscure snake deities in canon, so this isn't as original as you thought
>SCE has a foot hero that heals d3 units per turn for d3 health
>OBR has a unit that heals one unit on a 3+ for 3 health.
>SCE has a CA to restore units at half health.
>OBR has an artillery piece that out damages most of SCE's range.

Why is it so hard for them to get the flavor right? I don't care about balance or which army is "better", if the army of skeleton men can't reliably restore units as well as the elite army of super soldiers, that's a huge miss. Maybe Skaven will have fewer models on the table than sons of behemat next.
Dark souls= epic
Deepkin = epic



also just a heads up, you can get cheap kruleboyz by searching "dominion kruleboyz half" on ebay, or checking the orruk warclans section of trolltrader (they have sets of gutrippaz for like $10-15, and sets of hobgrots for like $7), both great ways to fill out an army on a budget
why is rob pretending he dosen't have points, shouldnt he just be more coy. indexes were leaked at worlds and he was there.

nobody at worlds have shared it..muhh integrity, muh world champions.
namarti being blind lowborn withouth souls
akhelian being highborn with souls

whole reason they go to war is to gather souls
probably doesnt want to cop a cease and desist from GW
I don't watch that guy. But I am currently watching Play on Tabletop and in the chat they said that they don't have access to points yet. So they're not even sure how many points both armies they're playing are worth exactly
>WoW style elementals for Destruction (they hate order for building, chaos for corrupting, and death for messing with the cycle of nature)
>Something cosmic horror/cthuluesque for Death (it was in the void before the realms formed, it's pissed that things exist and that it has been forced to take a form and be aware)
Season of War have admitted to having the points in their bat reps.

They've not published them, but they've talked about how much specific things cost I'm their wrap ups at the end "Morathi is a hundred points more now" that kind of stuff.

If they have it, then everyone in the creator program has it, and people are just scared of being "Miniac'd".
No one plays OBR, they only really get seen when they're broken.

If you're an army that doesn't sell super well, you need someone I'm GW to champion you to have a chance of getting any love. Not every army gets to be Phil Kelly's baby.
Good, the nighthaunt range has to be one of the worst GW has ever put out. This is in the same range as the fucking Fyreslayers and Kharadrons too, so they really outdid themselves.
Do we have all the stuff we need from GHB leaked and faction battle tactics?

I'm asking if we get points and indexes on monday what am I missing in order to play a game on tuesday?
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>No one plays OBR,

they're actually pretty middle of the pack in terms of popularity. definitely not on the low side though
that sounds awesome
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Call it foreshortening or whatever, I don't care. The image composition makes it so the morteks look hilariously tiny facing down the cowchads.
what's that mean
obr can restore a lot more guys than SCE over the course of a game, but you need to take the actual reanimation units like the harvester.

SCE get a single once per game reinforcement from the heavens. its thematic, but at best you're only getting 5 models back for the entire game. meanwhile a single harvester can bring back 6 models a turn
that's because they're bonelets
broke NDA or something, got blacklisted by GW and had to issue a public apology
You're not familiar with the angry lesbian youtuber?
wtf I always thought he leaked points, all he did was leak some shitty HH models a whooping 48hours before the embargo lifted.

Then who leaked points, wasn't there some big points leak back then.
>squig hoppers and bounders control 1
>squig herd beasts total control 1
>manglers made of glass and cant fight their way out of a paper bag

so i guess if you play a squig list you just kinda lost during list building eh?
>broke NDA or something
He was invited to an exclusive event in Nottingham where he got to see unrevealed Horus Heresy miniatures in person. One of the conditions for being allowed in there was that no pictures be taken of the miniatures. And like a retard he snapped pictures and had them uploaded to his social media within minutes of entering the venue. He spent the rest of his weekend in the UK in his hotel room.

It got even stupider after he returned to social media and acknowledged he fucked up. Because after that he started posting that he considered stopping his coverage of Warhammer products because GW humiliated him and the self-respecting thing to do would be to walk away from it all and keep some pride. And apparently he didn't do that.
Miniac got invited to an influencer launch event for the Horus Heresy game.
GW sent people a bunch of product, and got various people to paint it up as the different legions.

The event happened the day before the launch, so they all signed an NDA because there was stuff which hadn't been shown to the public yet they got to see early. It was all going to be revealed on a prerecorded stream the day after as part of a GW launch event for HH.

Miniac was a total moron, and went around photographing all the unreleased minis, and posting them to his discord server.

GW immediately found out, because of course they did. Kicked him out of the event, and immediately blacklisted him.

He released a video a few days later with some pathetic excuses about how he didn't know those models were unreleased etc. There may have been some legal penalties, but it's all hush hush.
>Idk why you claimed it doens't
probably has to do with the same retardation that brings someone to make the thread early or arbitrarily changing the format for no reason
Damn, unplayable if the win rate isn't 50%+ but I'll withhold judgment until tournament stats release
The Gitz rules kind of suck, in that they reward you for going all in on one type of unit, and do nothing for you if you want to take a balance of everything.
Play Troggs if you want to win
Anything else is for memes.
The whole reason any of the factions besides destruction aligned one's go to war is over souls
>t. retard unable to perceive perspective
>hilariously tiny
that they are
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the mangler is just so fucking sad. they used to be overcosted sure, but when they actually landed they would sometimes kill something.

now with this? balls and chains, 4 attacks, but 4s to hit so 2 hits, 4s to wound so 1 wound, d3 damage so average of 2, but no rend so against a 4+ save the average damage for the balls and chains is 1.

1 damage. for one of the monsters main attacks.

also get this. mangler squigs, the giant pair of flying pissed off rodeo squigs catapulting across the field like a pair of bolas connected with spiked chains, fangs and teeth







jesus fucking christ, you couldnt get a warscroll more wrong if you tried. the boss on mangler squigs gets the impact hits, but why doesnt the regular mangler squigs?

for a bunch of models who's whole shtick is being balls of teeth, they are utterly toothless.
>argument about practicality
it's a shame, if the mortek were the same size as the lumineth models they'd be my ideal army. But after seeing them on the table they look too much like a horde army, a block of 30 mortek just looks like clanrats or skeletons or whatever, it's a shame
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and just to prove i'm not being hyperbolic, here's there current warscroll for comparison
>Why do the skeletons look like skeletons
Weirdest complaint of the day.
>Why do the elite skeletons, the strongest battleline Nagash can create, beings with warrior souls inbued in them look like regular raggedy deathrattle
anymore nurgle leaks?
practicality gets overshadowed by any arbitrary magical bullshit
the reason they look like fish out of water is because the only water present is on the eidolon
hopefully a set of endless spells and more models with water effects are inbound
they are smaller than normal skeletons
>Becoming Nagash's elite makes you into a bonelet with a goofy face
Sure, if you communicate the magical bullshit on the model. The namarti thralls will look weird even if there are more water effects near them.
>places where the skaven have especially fucked up the realms are called the Lands Anathema
>humans cannot live in these places
>Tzeentch Arcanites think this is great
>hooting and hollering
>thinks Tzeentch has blessed them
>with land they can't live on
How many layers of self-destructive schizophrenia are they on?
namarti thralls will look bad because they're bald and half naked, not because of the weapons of choice
Square root of 11 + 5i - 2j.
Would you not be bothered by such an unpractical choice of weapons? It would be horrible to swing them in any sort of fluid. A spear or a trident would be much better, and in my opinion would also look cooler.
It's the new deathrattle skeletons that are out of scale. They don't even match the scale of the rest of the army they're a part of.
Go deep enough into the cult of tzeentch and you're not going to remain human for long
OBR were very clearly supposed to be part of the old world end times, and just got delayed and bundled into AoS.
The models are designed to rank up on square bases. That's why they're tiny.
Its change and furthers the masters plans in some way you dont understand
they've got a bunch of design cues that aren't present at all in models released for the end times, and way too much time passed inbetween, so no, the idea is foolish
I see TOW keeps winning
the only thing they have from endtimes was just the morghasts. Its clear they just wanted to make an army around them at some point for some reason.
>Would you not be bothered by such an unpractical choice of weapons?
no, because their magic is convenient enough to not make it an inherently impractical choice
This is such a strange cope
TOW isn't winning anything except maybe an award for least popular gw sidegame as demonstrated here >>93246360
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>Design cues not present in end times
>Has units and characters literally repurposed from the end times on their roster
Cool story bro.
I will NOT be assembling these fuckers, FUCK YOU GW.
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It's liberating.
How likely would it have been for GW to purposefully make the original line shit so they could sell Primaris'd version later on?
Based anon, send them to me for £5 for 2, that'll really show GW the what for
For stormcast? i'd wager they fully knew the fatcast were pretty ridiculous even in 1st ed, and already had a primaris idea in mind, I just can't see it happening with bonereapers though they're not a main character faction
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look at those legs
now look at these legs
they've gone far above and beyond what they considered acceptable then when it comes to fusing bones into actual surfaces and new shapes

the weapons too are completely incorporeal in the morghasts while the ossiarchs complete the design with more physical features
the morghasts have no runes or symbols that are on the other hand present everywhere in the ossiarch hierarchy denoting the ranks, and the morghasts' armour doesn't feature the same type of organic growths such as teeth and soft crests that the ossiarchs have, its much more edgy, if you allow the literal use

it's clear that the ossiarchs are built on top of the fundamentals the morghasts have provided, enough for them to fit in almost seamlessly, but it's also undeniable that the actual new ossiarch range got a whole new layer of designs development that make them simply impossible to have been made at the same time and simply left apart
Talk about Sigmar you fucking retard
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unlikely, I hope they don't remove mortek but instead simply add a more elite unit as an alternative core

want more classical undead bonezone? take mortek guards
want bonecasts or nagash chosen? take the bigger dudes
The guys in the middle are exactly what I thought of when I made this post >>93246881
I think it'd be cool if they kept the guys on the right but main them more of the expendable/worker units instead of the default troops they are now, but then again that would put everything at that scale into question, zantos, deathrides etc
Christ, my spelling and grammar are terrible in this post, it's obvious i'm too tired for posting
The square bases keep anons here up at night. In fear, terror, dread.
And not painting their figures.
If spergs didn't come in here bringing up TOW then I wouldn't have to dunk on them
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been working on this guy. Trying out nmm weapons and armor for the first time

How's it looking?
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>but then again that would put everything at that scale into question, zantos, deathrides etc

stalkers already exist as a sort of ossiarch++ and they don't create an issue with the mortek-based heroes, they must simply fluff this particular caste of constructs too as not being necessarily the bestest thing ever but just another specialised role in ossiarch society
well you've started on it
It doesn't read as metallic at all.
It looks like a green camo pattern.
Blade looks good. Front angle on the guys right boot is alright. Rest of it doesn't read. Pick a direction that the light is coming from
I did, all the light is coming from the same directions. The extra highlights are from secondary reflections
I'd suggest you mix up a glaze to smooth out the blends
I love the Salamders chapter
Bottom of his bracer and the backs of the boots don't look like they're getting the same directional light as the rest of it imo. Chest is too wip to judge, but it's too splotchy where it's at to read as metal as it is. Definitely a workable start, anon. All NMM has an ugly phase
Odds of SBGL getting a bespoke terrain piece this edition?
>Goonhammer posting their Hedonites article tomorrow
I have a feeling this is gonna hurt, and not in a fun way. GW's faction focus did not inspire optimism.
don't vampire on it
my intent WAS to keep the paint rough and textured not necessarily going for super smooth blends


I gave it a try to smooth out a couple transitions, but I think ill stop with those.
I played a spearhead game today, Yndrasta & friends vs skaventide box skaven.

It's good fun and the command/tactics cards are great.

In the end Yndrasta massively whiffed and then died (every time with this model seriously) and my Stormcast nearly got tabled, but I was lucky with secondaries throughout the game and won 18- 15.

Game took about 85minutes, would be considerably faster with some experience.
>Some retard is gonna give you this scan and you're gonna spam this general for weeks complaining about the contents

Nah. I just want the lore and if I don't like it I shall simply seethe silently in my bedroom. Like a real man!
>Doesn't know the lore and complains about shit that is caused due to the Ethersea.
Read the Battletomes and get back to us, anon.

But the hurt is also part of the army.

They have such sights to show you...
I see what you're going for, but there aren't enough differences in hue for it to read. I feel like another shade of green in the mix would go a long way in getting some depth. Again that is my opinion, and if you are happy with it as is, I'm sure it'll be perfectly fine at tabletop distance
i knew he was a retard but i didn't know it was THAT bad
I bet he runs his cock through the belt's teeth daily.
Ethersea is only in effect on dry land though?
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Well considering I used
>caliban green
>Cg + warpstone glow
>Warpstone + moot green
>Moot green
I think my problem isnt the lack of hues, but moreso the lack of experience not covering up previous hues entirely, or making sure the layers are as "big" as they need to be. I think I was at like warptone glow step and I was already painting so small like it was a highlight

and yeah Im more than happy with it, it was a learning experiment. I am kinda reconsidering painting my whole dark angels army like this though. Here's some updates, giving a bit more smoothness and such. I gotta say the camera really makes all the mistakes and roughness really pop.
Release this fucking terrain GW
Read their lore, twat.
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Hopefully next WarCry box is announced soon
if i could only give one tip it would be this: do more edge highlights, especially on upper-facing edges that would naturally catch a ton of light. i think with that everything else will start to blend together much nicer.
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not enough people would buy a faction specific terrain with limited to no use in the game, especially if the size makes it so it reaches a similarly unreasonable pricetag as the dreadhold

at this point I think they should just release faction-themed printed backdrops with said scenery instead, for low-effort displays
See how all your questions are answered by actually reading the lore? >>93247521
Huh, fair enough.
would you say 2 edge highlights (a rought + fine one) or just a fine one?
Also should I completely ignore the down-facing edges?
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as much as I want more shit catered to my faction (lizards)
there's no way in hell they aren't setting the new warcry edition into skaven territory
skaven scenery plus eshin vs pestilens would make for a must-have product for basically everyone that gets introduced into skaven via the starter box, which are going to be the majority
it's a nobrainer
most warhammer terrain is varying degrees of "faction specific" and none of it ever seems to sell well enough to stick around for very long, with the possible exception of 40k stuff that I don't pay attention to
if it were me i'd do 2 with the brighest ones on the edges/upper facing areas, but if you want to just do one than i'd ignore the down-ward facing edges.
Guy just finished sculpting this terrain the other day. Is apparently selling via pms so who knows what the price is
advertising is against the rules mate
They need to find less specific things, nobody gives a flying fuck about old sigmarite ruins or new sigmarite buildings

make instead hills made entirely of skulls, a gaming mat littered in bones and some truly titanic monster skeleton and there you'll have both chaos enjoyers, destruction enjoyers and death enjoyers AND 40kfags bringing it home
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I was under the impression you dont wanna do nmm and edgehighlighting at the same time, but it definitely makes a difference.
Thats enough for it now, Im happy with how it looks. Tomorrow i gotta decide what colors I wanna make the rest of him.
Good to hear, though I think the fixed compositions kind of kill it in the long term. I'll enjoy a couple games with it though.
Fuck off
If a model has to be on the wrong size base, is it better to go too big or too small?
You can eventually put a smaller base on a larger one, but you can't put a larger one on a smaller
The fixed composition is the best part of them. It solves the balance nightmare that the regular game has, and keeps the format grounded in competitive formatting. Honestly Spearhead might be the premier competitive format, with a two list system for some list chicken action, or even a "best of three" like MtG has.
yeah, we have different priorities

You can get/3d printer base extenders pretty easily.
bigger is better, when you put units on smaller bases you run into advantages for piling into combat

larger bases to provide advantages for area denial and auras, but generally speaking it's neglegible and people are used with units going on larger bases when they get updated sometimes
Whichever looks better considering the size of the model.
im so bored waiting for this shit to drop, guys

i wanna paint my rats
It doesn't show up if you search "/aosg/"
The only reason it shows up when searching for "aosg" is because of the github link.
you got your scheme and whatnot all ready?
>are we there yet?
>are we there yet?
Bro shut the fuck up, you are going to paint like 10 models and then sit them with the rest of your grey models. Fucking skaven players are perpetually miserable even when being given a whole range refresh
So you're saying it still shows up then? What's the issue I don't get the discourse here
>the camera really makes all the mistakes and roughness really pop
Always true. These look much better smoothed out anon, for a learning model this turned out great. NMM is much harder to pull off with colors that we don't immediately recognize as metal - you're right in being happy with the end product here

I've come to learn that cameras are the fucking bane of minis. Everything looks good until you take a photo.
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I need more fat bastards on my shelves, but my LGS is totally sold out of the entire maggotkin line for some reason.
not yet, thinking about going for the skyre molds as much as they allow (ive only seen the one set of leaked head options)

for colors i was thinking maybe purples on the armor with a gold trim? not sure yet honestly, i might make use of a buddy's resin printer to print out some proxies to test on.

god forbid i have any sort of excitement or boredom anon. and i'll have you know i dont own any other skaven, i was waiting for this refresh to start them
Paintfags are the worst.
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Thank you bros
time to dabble in ogres
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same old fucking bullshit
Man is wizard 3, and still gets +2 to cast? Wild.
I really wish they would take the way priests work in 4e and copy paste it into wizards. It feels so much more grand, building up power to unleash something. Groks so much better.
>18 health, 4+, 4++, plus frog mummy bullshit
>arcane vassal is any hero phase, allowing him to unleash spell through a skink in opponent's turn
I weep.
Kind of.

Astrolith bearer no longer increases spell range and summoning is basically gone, so the old kroak castle is significantly diminished from what it was
Selling fast?
This is all true, but in a world of greatly reduced output and stingy casting bonuses, Kroak is still looking pretty solid. His personal spell is one of the best straight damage spells on offer from what's been shown. The Kroak summoning build is dead, but so are all the other summoning builds. Toad is definitely still on the menu
God I hope so, I'd love to get an extra copy for $100.
>be Tzeentch
>set Kroak on fire, burning status eats his heal
Nothing personal, kid
>be Nurgle
>make the old frog sick, preventing his heal
nothing personal, kroak
Everyone has been pretty down on Nurgle, but I'm not looking forward to being on the receiving end of the Glottkin multi counter-charge. I think Nurgle is going to be dark horse good unless they get completely fucked on points
glottkin mid 700s
That counter charge isn't even the worst part. The worst part will be having 4-8 flies sitting 9" away from your lines on turn one. Its early 3rd all over again.
honestly? worth. the things a beast
>Everyone has been pretty down on Nurgle

nah, its like one guy who's got a stick up his ass about it and posts in every thread. nurgle looks fucking crazy

Watermelon Stormcast
I just hope rot covens are still a thing. tainted endless spells too.
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I haven't been paying the best attention so all I've seen is the official WarCom preview. Where can I find anything else that's been trickling out?
Nurgle will be one of the early A tier armies because of the Affliction Cyst alone.
thoughts on basing my skaven on a bunch of deluded successors to clan tichritt?
I mean i'd like to see how you would go about it.
Mothmen. Destruction mothmen.
not much to go off for colors or really anything, but i could make them all carrying assorted clocks and shit, like a comedic amount almost, to drive it home
Go ahead. Mine are a spiritual successor to Clan Verms.
could you actually play skaven as a purely elite monster trucks ogres style army?

thanquol, maybe a verminlord, a hellpit abom or two, and stormfiends and rat ogres for infantry?

does skaven work without clanrats and warmachines?
I'll let you know when listbuilding gets figured out.
all the shit comes out next week, no one knows yet
KO frens, have we seen the Endrinrigger scroll yet? Fell off the leak train during freedom day
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Has anyone proxied mages as rotbringer sorcerers? I was thinking of getting a box of 4 wizards from frostgrave, some Chinese bases, then just painting them green and icky

Also should I just bite the bullet and get a gnarlmaw or at least a proxy? Will one of them be absolutely necessary?


>nurgle looks crazy
How so? Is it the flying into deep strike thing? Gift of febrile frenzy honestly looks insane and probably an auto include. It’s a 25% movement boost with a huge range

And where are people getting this Glottkin information? I haven’t seen any leaks or news about glottkin yet.

Also can somebody explain the difference between heroic traits and artifacts of power? Are traits only for generals while artifacts go on any character?
not yet, but someone was talking about it and apparently they still have a better melee attack profile than skywardens for some fucking reason.

skywardens forever btfo
>Has anyone proxied mages as rotbringer sorcerers? I was thinking of getting a box of 4 wizards from frostgrave, some Chinese bases, then just painting them green and icky
personally still thinking about grabbing the COS mage kit with 4 mages and kitbashing em with some leftover blightking bits. I never considered frostgrave because I hear the models are pretty small, but it would be interesting to see how they scale ig.

>Also should I just bite the bullet and get a gnarlmaw or at least a proxy? Will one of them be absolutely necessary?

>Fuculent gnarlmaw- 7 wounds, 5+ save, 5+ ward
4 attacks at 4+ 3+ -1 rend d3 damage. Once per turn at the end of any turn: choose every unit within 6 inches of this terrain on a 4+ they gain a plague
thats what it does.
how the hell did this name get to print
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one typo away from a hard R

i've been waiting for some community article intern to slip up one of these days so they'll finally change the name
Not if they're smart and do a ctrl+f for "nigger" in the document before submitting the proof sign off to the printers
Wonder how their ranged profile and healing will turn out. Too bad about Skywardens. Maybe the extra attacks from Brokk will tip the scales on the math
>Warpcog Convocation (Once per Turn Your Shooting Phase): Pick up to 3 friendly skyre units to be targets. For each, roll a dice. 1 = Inflice D3 mortal damage on the target; 2-5 Add 1 to wound rolls for the Target’s shooting attacks; 6 Add one to rend and wound rolls for shooting attacks.
I find it frustrating that the skryre formation ability doesn't help one of their most iconic units, the warp lightning canon, at all.
lol, wouldn't depend on warcom having any significant quality control
If they're hiring for a position to type "nigger" a few hundred times a day, I know a guy
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As ready as when my Dom is about to push the strap-on up my bum
Heroic Traits and Artifacts of Power both just go on any hero. Prior to 4e traits had to go on your general but 4e has changed that.

As to why Nurgle is going to be so potent? It's the ability to take two units of 4 Pusgoyle Blightlords and set them up 9" away from your opponent's line on turn one. That's going to be a HUGE chunk of very difficult health you have to chew through before you can ever leave your territory. Age of Sigmar is a game about taking objectives and Affliction Cyst makes that very hard for your opponent to do because they're trapped (or pinned) in their deployment territory trying to dig past Blightlords.
yeah but then you have to have painted 8 of those ugly fucking things. I just wanna run blightlords up the board and slam shit
anon I think you might have chosen the wrong army.

on an unrelated note, fuck me rotmire creed look sexy.
I hate how Skryre turned into nothing but shooting. I want my Warpstone Sparks and More-More-More Warp Power! back.
Yeah idk what that guys on, the pusgoyles look great.

God damn impossible to transport though
There's no way for me to say this in a not rude way - I don't give a shit. What makes them good is irrelevant to how you want to play the army.
For what its worth the best combat unit in the army is Stormfiends.
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I've got magnets in the base and metal cases, just stick them to the sides and have them float above other stuff on the base. Pusgoyles are super neato.
They've always been a shooting clan. The only unit they lost is warp grinders and most of their casting power so if anything their slightly less shooty now.
So is there anything redeemable about ogres so far
your mum is a very nice lady, many redeeming qualities
IIRC the Maneaters have a really busted OC ability
i think the heywoah leak stream showed a run+charge aura around butchers being a thing for gutbusters
I don't need 20 more chainrasp...
Idoneth looking pretty good huh?
just spam bounderz and take a couple units of stabbas.
the decision to reboot stormcast was probably made right before 2nd edition, while sacrosanct was still being finished.
So your idea for an army is that you have no ideas except for one detail that is difficult to reproduce on a large scale. Great plan anon. I'm sure you'll take the plunge and commit fully to this and that you arent another schizo shouting army ideas at the clouds
The entire index is on youtube, they indeed don't look good. Basically every single unit except greater demons is nerfed significantly.
Just spam a shitload of reinforced plaguebearers with 2 attacks from piper and crit mortals.
>Tick tock?
>u-uh oh its not ticking guys
Go be bored in your discord group. /tg/ isn't your personal diary. Saying "me excited/bored waiting for thing" doesn't stoke conversation and isn't worth telling strangers
rotmire spreading disease with range attacks is pretty cool. might have to pick up a box.
What do plague bearers look like
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Terrible looking, but if you're going to be extremely picky about competitiveness then you need to sacrifice aesthetics sometimes.
Does anyone know if in 4e the bonuses of multiple standard bearers or musicians in the same squad are cumulative?

If I have a Reinforced squad with 2 musicians for example, do I get 2 extra dice on rally or just 1 for having any musicians at all in the unit?
They sculpt models first then the story and rules writers have to figure out how to fit it into the world. Welcome to GW.
They aren't doing skaven in a starter box set, and then also having both the armies in a warcry box also be skaven lmao. That is the most insane wishlist I've seen so far. You can't release too much product for one army too close together or you get people who can't buy everything. Even space marine releases get sprinkled around throughout an edition to prevent purchasing fatigue.
I don't care if you buy it, do what you want. I seen the leddit post the other day, I seen the 4chins post today, posted the leddit post on the 4chins. Simple as
I uh, I meant the warscroll.
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I dunno anon I don't play with ugly models
That's what I call my mechanic. Engine-nigger
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Wouldn’t 2 units of 4 blightlords be like
half your army anyway? Isn’t it risky splitting your army in half like that or does nurgle not give a shit?

And can’t they deepstrike from the back in 3rd anyway? Same with gutrot spume?

They’re not for everyone but they’re an objectively cool model, sorry anon. They’re not even that hard to paint.

I’m probably gonna get the wizard 2 box since it’s pretty cheap and could be a fun project that I can combine with some maggotkin bits and scythes and banners I got laying around.

I have just been having a hard time finding 32mm bases for some reason that aren’t round squad movement trays.

Also I’m not sure how significant or essenstial the damage from disease points or the diseases keyword itself will be. If disease points are your main damage source and trees are an integral source of those points, then why not take them. They’re going to be free right? In that case would you just take as many as you can since they’re free anyway? Regardless of power or if they get shot off the board like a loon shrine?
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Awful taste, they look great AND on-theme. They are also easy to paint.
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honestly they hold up best out of all the traditional battleline daemons.

I was seeing people say the trees are too inconsistent to build around, they only work their magic on 4+ or something
>washlet sloppa shit
>sincerely talking about other peoples taste
if it aint broke why fixxit.

NTA but obligatory

>post models

Sorry but I didn’t feel like basecoating the whole thing 2-3 times then washing it then highlighting it and fixing all the errors in between and waiting for the washes to dry. I did the whole box over 2 evenings and it was awesome.

You’re free to paint your dark angels or w/e to painting contest parade standard but I don’t care enough.
Any leaks for DoT?
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(you) +1

Successful bait
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>I don’t care enough.
Could've just posted this and saved yourself a lot of excuses
Anyone who doesn't think nagash is the coolest aos God character in terms of aesthetics is huffing copium bong rips
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His hat is stupid and he wears a crop top.
>just a woman
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Earned godhood, didn't just have a wind blown up their ass.
Followers have their own free will
Plans aren't foiled by some retarded rats
Sexiest being for the last 20,000 years across the Mortal Realms and the World That Was
So powerful has 2 bodies
Boned Aenerion the biggest gigachad in all Warhammer settings
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Oh and who taught Nagash magic?
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Chaosbros... not like this...
They intentionally taught him as little as possible and then lost a 1v3 (2.5 if you're being generous, one was wounded) against him despite that, I really don't think that's a feat worth boasting about.
I keep forgetting skaven, boc, and chaos dwarves are actually chaos alligned.
Have you missed your pills again?
With Depraved Carnival they'll be scoring hits on 2+ a lot of the time
Don't care about slaanesh, show me maggotkin or khorne.
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Does Games Workshop already use AI-generated "art"?
Stopped playing during 2nd edition, so I don't know much about the state of the game, other than the few conversations I've had with other players and lgs staff. How bad is the situation of the game at the moment? Every store in my area is offering 30% discount on the skaven box, selling it at 147€, official price being 210€ iirc. So I guess the fact is it's not selling as well as GW expected. If it was a single store, I'd say it's just the store's fault. Same happened to me, I tried selling my models and I'm going to end up throwing them away because nobody's ever bought anything aside from a couple of characters. Do you think a lot of people really play the game? Not going to say stuff like 'the game is dead' or shit like that but what percentage of players buy AoS miniatures vs, let's say, 40K miniatures?
The card games probably do.
Surprisingly they're slower than Vanari Dawnriders now. They lost 2" movement, 1 health, and their decapitating strikes.
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But their steed hits better than the horse
Damn you typed up like 3 questions while going on 3 tangents as well.
do dawnriders have a way to get retreat and charge?
Anything for DoT?
That speed change is rough and their damage is considerably nerfed, but keeping 4 wounds is nice (albeit on a 5+) and rerolling charges is very very good. Hopefully they are cheaper.

Vanari got jacked honestly, you can make them crit on a 5+. 10 Dawnriders do a fuckload of mortals.
>I tried selling my models and I'm going to end up throwing them away because nobody's ever bought anything aside from a couple of characters.
This never happened unless you were selling them from a lemonade stand on a street corner
Tbf the vanari are on a horse, and the slickblades are on literal dinosaurs and are 30% larger/heavier.
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Can I call her mommy?
have scrolls for skaven acolytes or the arch-warlock been leaked yet? I heard the doom-flayer is still in too?
Why are you posting the worst god that got BTFO and embarrassed by nagash in front of the whole pantheon of order?
Remember that time where horses were considered the absolute lowest form of mount because everything was powerscaled so far beyond a horse?
Now look at this shit
She didn't bone Aenarion, it was Aenarion who boned her. He did the hentai mindbreak thing on her so good she's still obssessed with his dick, and even when she had a shot at it, he denied her because she's a thot of the highest order.
Horses and dragons are the only mounts
>nighthaunt, soulblight and daughters of khaine
Reduced the price about 3 or 4 times till I realized I'd better keep them or throw them away

>eldar and necrons
Sold them 3 and 7 days after uploading the armies to ebay

You can complain as much as you want, but 40k has astronomically higher amounts of players and buyers than AoS
But the slickblade mount is far stronger than the dawnrider horse? It has an extra attack, an extra point of health and a better melee profile in general.
>Followers have their own free will
Absolute lorelet
It's the ultimate form of Slaanesh mount, the whole point is being absurdly fast
No scroll info on the Flayer or Acolytes yet, but the Warlock has a 13" aura bubble that gives removes the -1 to cover fire for skryre units and still has his flamer gauntlet, but he's down from a wizard 2 to a wizard 1.

I've also heard the Clawlord was good, but I don't know if they're talking about the new one or the on foot one since there's no info beyond that a clawlord looks good.
>horses were considered the absolute lowest form of mount because everything was powerscaled
For the longest time the only things that had horses were leftovers from WFB
The absolute plebs of the AoS setting
We went so long without horses and only getting fantasy mounts people wanted them back.
It’s a bit silly the normal horses are faster than the Slaaneshi daemon-snakes. At least make it the retarded kangaroo things.
Nagash doesn’t even have a dick.
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He doesn't show his boner to just anyone
notice how none of that makes them the "absolute lowest form of mount"

because that was actually ur mom, lmao
>posts thing that was released after they started making horse models again
werent juggernauts a thing since 1ed
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Anny new Kruleboyz leak?
The entire faction pack was leaked.
yeah, but they come from fantasy, aos' monstrous cavalry units aren't more numerous than they were in fantasy, it's just that stormcasts skewed the release schedule a lot
No sludgeraker no Mirebrute no Killaboses on foot and on volture

Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha
14 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Boss-Stikka 4 3+ 3+ 1 2 Crit (Mortal)
Talons 5 4+ 2+ 1 2 Companion
Stinger 1 4+ 2+ 1 D6 Companion

Passive Redeploys for units wholly within 12” are treated as a 4, if you roll lower than a 4.
Any Charge phase Roll number of dice equal to charge roll, for each 4+ deals mortal wound to target within combat.

Keywords Monster, Hero, Fly
Destruction, Kruleboyz


With Stab-Grot
6 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Boss-Stikka 5 4+ 3+ 1 2 Crit (Mortal)

Once per battle Inflict D3 Mortal damage on target enemy within combat OR this unit has Ward (5+) until the end of the turn.
Passive When a friendly Kruleboyz Infantry unit wholly within 12” of this unit receives All out Attack, add +1 to the wound roll as well.


Breakaboss on Mirebrute Troggoth
12 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Boss-Stikka 5 4+ 3+ 1 2 Crit (Mortal)
Clubs 4 4+ 2+ 2 3 Companion

Any Hero phase Heal D3
Any combat phase This unit takes D3 mortal damage, for each damage suffered add 2 to the clubs attacks characteristic.
End of any turn Pick an enemy infantry within 1”. Roll a dice, if the dice exceeds the health characteristic, kill a model.
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They're really not that bad, anon.
Until she killed/ate him in Broken Realms to fuel her godhood...
Plaque bearer look fine and are in fact the best looking of the 4 deamon infantry
Aenarion's soul was the one she didn't get, and it split her in half when she tried.
But in Broken Realms book she failed to ate him
If he loses the hat and just wears a cowl he looks exactly like Skeletor. So he has to keep it on for legal reasons.
Thanks Annon and Marshcrawla? What stats?
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Holy shit this. I love elementals, and it would be an interesting take to feel as though the world itself were a playable faction.

Marshcrawla Sloggoth
10 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Snatcha sticks 4 4+ 4+ - 1
Claws 4 4+ 3+ 1 2

Any Hero phase Heal D3
Passive Friendly Kruleboyz Infantry can run and charge if wholly within 12”.

Keywords Monster
Destruction, Kruleboyz
Do you have vanila sludgeraker?
lumineth and sylvaneth have land elementals
It's over.

Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast
14 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Chain 3 3+ 3+ 1 3 Crit (Mortal)
Talons 6 4+ 2+ 1 2 Companion
Jaws 1 4+ 2+ 1 D3+3 Companion

Your Hero phase Pick a friendly unit that is not a hero wholly within 12” of this unit. On a 2+, add one to the damage of weapons that have crit mortal, on a 1 that unit suffers D3 mortal damage.
End of any turn Pick a unit in combat that this unit has dealt damage to. Roll a D3. On a 2+, deal mortal damage equal to the roll and subtract 1 from wound rolls for that unit until the end of your next turn.

Keywords Monster, Hero
Destruction, Kruleboyz
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Any CoS leaks for:

Black Ark FleetMaster
Black Ark Corsairs
Drakespawn Chariot
Dreadlord on Dragon

Also does the Command Corps' doc not heal anymore??

Plz & thank you
Are you colourblind?
Damn, that thing sounds strong. A +1 damage buff?
It's weird that KB suddenly started hurting themselves with their own poisons
It's been confirmed in both WD and in the 3e battletome that his soul was devoured along with the others, despite his resistance.
While I do like the elemental theme of the lumineth and the quite literal down-to-earth nature of the sylvaneth, I feel like their stuff is a bit too... clean. For my tastes, at least. If I want elementals to be properly represented, I'd like them to feel a bit more primal in their composition and form. The fyreslayers of all things actually come closest to what I'd like to see out of that.
>3e battletome
So books which always describes events from certain faction POV
Wonder how stores feel about always having to dump outdated tomes and all those shitty ass card packs
They're basically begging customers to please take them off their hands but it's completely useless
This ^
Even in Broken Realms Morathi it's pretty obvious she succeeded in devouring him. I loved that moment honestly. It showed how much she was willing to discard and sacrifice to gain the godhood she had sought for so long, while also showing us how much Morathi has grown and moved on from the Old World.
Aenarion didn't go out like a pussy, however, and sliced her soul in two which is why Elf Mommy and Snake Mommy are starting to split into different beings.
>talks about someone being a pussy
A fucking comedy
Looking good, anons! I always love seeing more Nurgle lads being painted and played in AoS.
Retailers don't care, a few have discounts but you still see 2e books at rrp from the same people. It's a stock game not an awareness of products.
And how did you get that idea from my post?
Ah, I get it. Someone showed you how little you know the lore and made you look stupid so you resorted to insults.
Like a child.
(For what it's worth I despise trans abominations and want them all shot)
I don't know how I feel about this bit of lore. I'd have liked to see Aenarion come back as some mad lunatic elf who is still cursed with the madness of Khaine.

>Nothing suggests anon is a tranny
>Calls him a tranny for no reason

Hmm.... smells like projection!
He thinks of trannies all day, it's hard to separate himself from the idea that everyone is one
>godhood she had sought for
>how much Morathi has grown and moved on
sometimes I too think morathi simping can be endearing, on a superficial and ironic level, but it does sound like you genuinely think she's anything remotely close to an interesting character
>And how did you get that idea from my post?
1) Likes elves
2) Have femdom fetish which means your dick and brain already works not as they supposed to work
>Ah, I get it. Someone showed you how little you know the lore
M8 your whole argument in that post was build around assumption
>Even in Broken Realms Morathi it's pretty obvious she succeeded in devouring him
GW reimburses stores for unsold codexes/battletomes on new editions. And those card packs are overpriced as fuck, but they're also sweet to actually use. Much better than flipping through a book.
I think you've just never read the lore. Or, and here's a shocking idea anon, someone likes something you don't! I know, it's horrifying, but still it can happen.

>M8 your whole argument in that post was build around assumption

Confirmed in the 3ed Battletome, Broken Realm Morathi AND White Dwarf. Not an assumption, retard.

>Likes Elves

Yeah, they're cool?

>Have femdom fetish which means your dick and brain already works not as they supposed to work

Yeah total projection because never once did I say anything like that.
>Not an assumption, retard.
It is exactly assumption.
Because in Broken Realms it was never stated clear.
>Yeah, they're cool?
They dopn't. Elves could only be hot, but that's not the case in AoS
>because never once did I say anything like that.
>and sliced her soul in two which is why Elf Mommy and Snake Mommy are starting to split into different beings.
>starting to split into different beings
They are, which is why it's unfortunate they're not separate wascrolls and ideally divergent subfactions
Grombrindal, famously a monastic Khainite she-aelf with strong sympathies to the queen of Hagg Nar.
>excludes pieces which indicates his fetish
>Grombrindal, famously a monastic Khainite she-aelf
I mean it's AoS after all...
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How are the Iron Jawz?
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>damage is allocated to a unit as a whole, not to individual models
>unit can fall below starting strength and not be considered damaged
I get how that works and I imagine it's the optimal way to handle things, but it feels annoyingly arbitrary.
The power of oat powered 4x4 is real.
For that particular ability, I think it makes sense. They want fresh wounds, some guy dying a while ago doesn't matter, but a still bleeding open wound on a sturdy guy matters.
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For those who didn't see it in WD, the behind-the-scenes featurette of this diorama is pretty cool. Besides the project lead there were some five guys who helped paint the miniatures in there. With that in mind it's pretty rad how seamlessly it comes together.
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Bald... so bald...
Also, which kit comes with that medieval amphisbaena!?
There's a bunch of them in the various newer CoS kits.
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>Ethereal Translocation (Once per turn (army) Your Movement Phase: Pick a friendly nighthaunt unit that is not in combat and set them up again more than 9” from all enemy units.
Sylvaneth teleporting immediately after fighting was cancer. Fuck you and fuck trees. Get what ya fuckin deserve
It's a subfaction, and Sylvaneth still get a movement phase teleport and a end of turn teleport, so not really? I also agree with the other anon that strike and fade was fucking obnoxious, and I say that as a sylvaneth player.
the leadbealchers can interchange arms with regular gluttons right? Also there is no stuff in the vanguard box to convert any of the ogres into iron guts?
Is contrast just by far the best way to paint Seraphon?

I don't like contrast paints and prefer the classic method, but my lizards turn put all chalky from drybrushing and manually highlighting each scale would take forever and drive me nuts.
All of the plastic ogre infantry models use the exact same bodies, so yes. Also, the mournfang riders come with two two-handed polearms that could suit ironguts, but there's not really anything to represent their armour.
Any other 3D Printer havers here? Have you considered replacing the shitty new Vindicator heads with something closer to the classic Stormcast designs? I thought finding similar heads would be easy on MMF, but the closest ("closest") I could find were those shitty Spartancast proxies.
No. Try asking on reddit.
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probably handsculpted

gw should make way more of these fuckers, a whole unit of them swarming around with priest handler as well as a monstrous cavalry using bigger one as steeds
Doubt. Everything else in there is just straight forward GW minis
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Here, bottom left of freeguild command sprue
well, it's certainly not part of existing kits, unless you want to speculate it comes from a yet-to-be-released kit
nevermind, I'm dumb and a fool
tbf they didn't put it on any of the pics
Jesus christ the top right model. What a heroic looking figure. Just need to put the fat bitch in a wheelchair and youd have a proper modern hero.
>It is exactly assumption.
>Because in Broken Realms it was never stated clear.

That wasn't even me who posted that you fucking dumbass piece of shit. Also HA! Owned >>93251136

Also, giving a character a fun name does not equal a fetish you inbred pile of failed abortion.
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if maggotkin doesnt get anymore leaks today I will be VERY mad. I need to see what the new mages and pushoyles will look like.
>Also, giving a character a fun name does not equal a fetish you inbred pile of failed abortion.
Nice denial
I like Nurgle enough to play Maggotkin even if their rules aren't good. If you weren't a WACfag you'd do the same, anon.
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Another slow news day

At this point you're clearly just projecting your own tranny femdom kink anon, give it a rest.

You shut up as well. Wanting to see stats and profiles is not being a 'WACfag'
>no u
Not an argument
NTA dipshit, I was just pointing out your obvious projection.
>Spirit Drain
I'm not sure if that was a transcription error or what but that looks awful, not a ton of wizards with more than one model. Everything else looks great, Terrifying Entity would be pretty cool on a mounted KoS though I don't know if it'll actually be better than Cloaked in Shadow.
This looks pretty decent. I don't like it, but it looks ok.

Tell me you've never the lore without telling me you've never the lore.

Not a fan of this.

They look fine ffs shut it.

Reddit stats matter not.
nonexistent tastes
nonexistent testes
Wow this thread is especially shite today. Impressive.
I think im just gonna use the mortek guard instead of the regular skeletons in sbgl. They seem much more sturdier.
monsta killaz?
It's selling fast
Next week, when they start dropping faction packs and shit.
there's no point, anon, it's over

2 Save
Melee Weapons Atk Hit Wnd Rnd Dmg Ability
Stikkaz 3 4+ 3+ 1 1 Crit (Mortal), Anti-Monster (1 Rend)

Any combat phase Pick an enemy Monster unit in combat and roll a dice. On a 3+, that unit has Strike Last. Add +1 to the roll of that monster is damaged.
Enemy move phase Reaction enemy Monster unit declares retreat. Roll a Dice, on a 2+ that unit cannot retreat. On a 1 remove the Klutcha Grot and this abilities can no longer be used.

Keywords Infantry, Champion, Musician (1/x)
Destruction, Kruleboyz

I believe that one is the Command Corps.

But Anon is correct. All the Freeguild stuff has the little dudes. They’re Gargoylians in-lore.
will you play 4e or only talk about it here?
Im waiting for points and how the game will actually be played before I buy more stuff to play the game. I guess I could play the spearhead.
>how the game will actually be played
propably still with with dice and tape measure.
Shit, that's pretty usefull but I hate the model with passion
maybe convert a different thing to count as that?
Another two or three years and you may just miss your chance to pick it up!
is it meant to be a limited product? I don't remember them announcing other boxes with less stuff
I can't believe they said the line
I remember my lgs selling the 3rd edition box with huge discounts last Christmas. So yeah, run or you'll miss it
I am really looking forward to giving my Khorne and Sylvaneth a spin. The game actually seems very good so far, I really like how abilities get used with "I do all of mine, then you do all of yours". Simple, easy and potentially very deep.
Manifestations don't replace a spell lore in 4th right? You get both for all your wizards yes?
yes, one spell lore (no options currently tbf) and one manifestation lore

Cool thanks.
Good idea, too bad sludgeraker is too big
It is limited. In few weeks GW will lunch three different starters with "worse" value (new big box will have more terrain, but less value in other aspects).
Any other ideas what to use as a base? Something equally swampy and of a similar size. Unless someone knows that sludgeraker fits on 105x70
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I doubt they are dropping points on Friday next week. More likely the points will come the week after the faction packs.
points are included in the battle profiles and will be released on monday next week.
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maybe just a spare head is needed?
Spearhead sounds absolute shite. Whats the appeal of playing on a tiny board with minimal terrain? Its like a shitty video game with its catch up mechanics. How about you just make the normal game good?

I've played it, it's quick and fun, I'm glad it exists.
>Whats the appeal of playing on a tiny board with minimal terrain?
That people get to play a game with a pretence or solidity after one box of miniatures

it's a gateway drug
A couple of friends started playing combat patrol (equivalent for 40k) and it's absolute and complete garbage. Also the 40k boxes are full of shit nobody wants. A friend has almost 3000 points of eldar and he didn't have enough miniatures to play the combat patrol mode because he never bought bikes
Good idea. I might have a spare head from swamplurkers, I'm opening the box in two weekend, then I will know for sure
Is today a UK holiday or something? Kinda weird to get only a single community post on a monday.
The idea is to make a better format for playing with starter boxes because the normal rules are shit for that.
I've played a couple games of it at the LGS, its honestly pretty fun. Far far better than 40k's CP gamemode.

UK elections.. and its a Friday.
I have a bad news about the Queen, Anon...
>Its like a shitty video game with its catch up mechanics
So just like every single GW's game except for MESBG? AoS is receiving fucking SEASON PASS and DLC books for YEARS now.
Don't tell me
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>Whats the appeal of playing on a tiny board with minimal terrain?
Time saving. GW literally advertised it as something you can play when you don't have time for a full on game of warhammer
She’s died again…
>DLC books
GW games always had these
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What's the best How To Play video for the new edition?
>Nothing in the Hedonite index interacts with temptation dice or euphoric killers
Wow, whoever wrote this really hates the army.
>I have to wait until Wednesday for my Maggotkin and Hedonites PDFs
I never come first :(
Just release them all on Monday???
Same for kruleboyz from what I saw. But our rules aren’t as shit as temptation dice
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What's the best mohawk in AoS?
Fyreslayers definitely have the best mohawks, without debate. I bet even their women have mohawks.
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That is an UGLY Duardin.
There's another kind?
yes, ask nagash
leave sonic TO ME
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Depends, are you into short, swole gingers?
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>Fyreslayers definitely have the best mohawks, without debate.
Are you sure about it? These kneeling dudes are nearly bald.
Stupid sexy dual-wielding Dorf. What's his name?
But there's also 4 with magnificent mohawks.
How many wolves/bats does one want in a soulblight army?

I ask because LGS has two battleforces for $120 each and I'm wondering if it's worth picking up both.

I only have the underworlds vampires, Nagash and cursed city currently.
However many sound fun to you. Fun is all that matters, anon.

I honestly don't much care for those models, but the battleforce is cheap enough that I'm essentially paying for 5 blood knights and 20 skellies and getting the vengorian, the bats and the wolves for free.
One formation lets you teleport twice with dirty trickz. Also venom trick works great with sludgeraker
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>But there's also 4 with magnificent mohawks.
Those four wear helmets. They might be bald underneath.
>are you into short, swole gingers?
Does he count as ginger?
The skeletons are the worst fucking thing to assemble anon. I just want you to know this, whoever greenlit that mold needs to get shot...
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I really like how this bit of terrain came out. It's going to be the focus of a narrative campaign me and my brother are doing in which his Hallowed Knights must fight their way through the Chaos infested, rotting Hellscapes of Ghyran to reach a Blossom Gate, a Realmgate the leads straight into the heart of Nurgle's Garden.
Their objective is to recapture the gate and re-seal it once more, before the Daemon Prince Rankspawn drowns the Realm of Life beneath a tide of filth.
The pieces of terrain themselves are a mix of Mantic and Wizkids Deep Cuts.
neato. reminds me of the elven ruins in Desolace in WoW
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The standing stones/menhir visible in these pictures are going to be super important in the missions. They are Places of Power rich in Life Magic, and as such they represent one of the few ways his Stormcast can heal wounds (which carry over between missions) while also debuffing and even injuring any Daemon unit that goes near them.
These are just two examples of how we're hoping to make the game more narrative and involve the terrain on our boards more. This is going to be so fucking fun and I can't wait lol

Thanks anon :)
In the previous edition you wanted 2-3 big monsters and the rest didn't matter at all and was just chaff unless you were doing zombie spam. So you can take whatever summonables you have.

I see, thank you.
obviously just a way to make the hobby more accesible, which is fine.

I will never play spearhead, but im not offened at the coverage since we need are dependent on growth.
You're not actually supposed to play it unless you picked up the game 30 seconds ago.
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I hate these cringe click-bait 'influencers' so much. They're such a massive part of what is ruining (if not what has already ruined) warhammer.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Just kidding, fuck them too.
It is extremely fun and strategic. It is not comparable to combat patrol, which is extremely boring.
Sounds fun anon.
Oh to have siblings who enjoy warhammer...
Is the fyreslayer dawnbringer box worth buying twice to get into fyreslayers at $60?
To be honest Hedonites are probably fine because despite the snake riders getting nerfed in all of damage, mortals and speed (lol) compared to random high aelf pony guys, one of the subfactions gives your cavalry units always-on run and charge and that's just really strong inherently.
Why does the AoS elf guy hate wood elves?
>high elves get jacked rules
>dark elves get jacked rules
>sea elves get jacked rules
>wood elves get buried in the dirt
watch slickblades still end up costing more, the index is a fucking joke.
>Anon Doesn't Know About Kurnothi
Eh this is a lot worse than the DoK one that is just every single one of your units has a 66% chance to be able to teleport instead of normal move (they can still normal move if they want) every turn.
Yes absolutely. It's a better deal than the Vanguard anyway.
Yeah 2 units of heartguard is always nice to have
>literally lost almost half its damage
Something exclusive to a Warhammer community story and an Underworlds novella
They get retreat not run, you have to euphoric your one unit to get charge.

Slickblades, Sigvald, Painbringers, and Gluttos look like an ok build. Maybe there's something there with KoS, maybe even double KoS and demon spam but all the demon heroes beside keepers are weak and the minor demons are great looking either.
I'd be 100% higher on the faction without the stupid ass 12" charge shit.
for $60 I'd snap them up for sure.

Thanks, I grabbed both boxes, nice half off discount.

Guess I'm a fyreslayers player now.
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Nope, they appear in more than that.
And that's not mentioning Belthanos.

The Warden in the Mountain (Short Story - Conquest Unbound Anthology)
Chains of Fate (Short Story - Direchasm Anthology)
The Roots of Death (Short Story - Direchasm Anthology)
The Hunter's Quarry (Short Story - Untamed Realms Anthology)
The Call of the Hunt (Short Story - White Dwarf 494)
Dawnbringer Chronicles - Spring the Trap (Short Story - No Anthology)
Dark Harvest
Kruleboyz are going to have a serious damage output problem.
>And that's not mentioning Belthanos.
Because he isn't related to wood elves
Kurnothi as the half animal wanderers, which is just one extra novella related to Cursed City then. Wow, three short story mentions. They'll have more references than Swifthawk Agents at this rate!
Dark Harvest is also a full novel.
>imagine not running There is No Escape
they shouldn't have even bothered writing the rest of them.
Tzeentch is the only army with 2 spell lores
Which does not feature Kurnothi
It literally involves their god, anon.
So? That's not Kurnothi you stupid cunt
>Literally involves Kurnoth
>ThAt'S nOt ReLaTeD To KuRnOthI

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Kurnothi are blessed Wanderers. Dark Harvest features no Kurnothi. It doesn't even feature the traditional followers of Kurnoth. Read what you reference dickhead.
Also it doesn't involve Kurnoth, it's a horror born from his heart hence why it's not referenced in Dawnbringers when Alarielle discusses him.
I have read it, which is why I know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, dickhead then please elaborate on how the dryads being the only sylvaneth featured in it represent Kurnothi
Kurnothi include sylvaneth.
It literally features an aspect of their god who expands on the lore for Kurnoth in AoS.
>doesn't know how forest folk differ from free spirits
>doesn't know Kurnothi are entirely different
>thinks dryads doing everything to caution against meddling with a demigod they fear and guard against counts as worship
Stop posting
You stop posting, fuckhead. We clearly disagree on how relevant Dark Harvest is to the Kurnothi lore. You ain't changing my mind, I ain't changing yours.
You're just a lorelet and you're clueless if you think any Reynolds incomplete novel series is influencing AoS lore especially after it was ignored in Dawnbringers
Can priests summon generic endless spells in 4th, or are armies with only priests stuck with their faction endless spells?
What, of course they can, why would you think that

>why would you think that

Because priests can't summon generic endless spells in 3rd.
You now realise they killed subfaction fluff because the game is overpopulated with named characters with subfaction keywords
Priests cannot summon endless spells only invocations.
Do we know if Regiments of Renown are still a thing in 4th

I had to look into it, manifestations are still split into endless spells and incantations, and priests can only summon incantations, there are no generic incantations which means no generic endless spells for Khorne or Fyreslayers.
Kurnothi are cringe beastmen wannabes with awful sculpts. Nobody really wants that shit
They are - its a consolidated regiment that you cannot alter in any way and counts as one of your 5 regiment slots.
They have legend rules yeah, probably not the first wave of them though
Damn I was looking forward to running my 3 manglers this edition but I guess they'll be relegated to the shelf again
full sbgl index


Thanks to the translator.
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Nigger are you stupid?
can't believe spanish fuckers had this 5 days ago tho.
The language barrier in this hobby is so fucking big.
Its irrelevant without points, knowing the full stats of an army doesn't matter without the context of points and regiment unlocks.
Can't come soon enough. I hope that I can still use Hargax's Pit Beasts. I love the StD beasts, but not StD as an army.
Time is a flat circle.
Are you? Read the core book
Big V and Neffy looking super good.
idk man, just post leaks and the reader can decide if they want to check it out.
We'd obviously be in the club playing now if we had playable leaks.
we have a decent idea about points. they're about 7-10% higher than current points, so nothing is changing so much that you cant get a decent idea of how the army plays from looking at the rules.

except gitz. gitz got votann'd. you need to see the points for those rules to make any fucking sense
Bullshit, armies with strong abilities and warscrolls are always strong and they never been able to balance them with points adjustments. Shit armies stay shit no matter how much they point drop them.
Genuinely shocked that they kept the claw mechanic
Incorrect - there are no book battle tactics this edition which was a massive source of the imbalance in third. If your army is amazing but all of your good units are locked behind a dog shit hero your army is going to suck because you're not going to have the synergy that it looks like your army has on paper.

The points in the LRL v. Skaven report we saw was a 15+% increase so no ballparking off 7-10% is not accurate.
seems weird to me because that thing doesnt want to be anywhere near combat.

still though, a wizard that also has a free coinflip save debuff is decent
Regiments won't be in the core book, they'll be updated like any index/paywalled over time as new iterations come out.
are you sure? every batrep i've seen the lists have added up to about 1800-1850 in current points.

i havent seen any that only added up to 1600-1700. were they spamming a particular unit?
Literally go watch the Skaven v. LRL from WarCom. It was the very first 4e rep we saw.
NTA but the LRL list was

Alarith Stonemage
10 Windchargers
5 Windchargers
2 units of 10 Stone Guard

Skaven was

Master Moulder
Warplock Engineer
6 Jezzails
6 Stormfiends
2 units of 20 Clan Rats
That's how you can tell this one was phoned in.
Well since the alternative is removing as many neat little trinket rules as possible for the sake of efficiency, then I think they need to phone more in
Out of curiosity because I like watching apes argue.

Skaven - 1710 current points
LRL - 1500
I need to know if skeletons are min 20 or not so I can bonezone with a necro again.
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this is what the come out to currently

wrong on both counts
So a 15% points increase
Vhordai still hits like a brick fist. Mannfred is a lot harder to trigger the buff off, pretty easy for him to whiff, but redeploying into combat is crazy good. Neferata looks very good. Some crazy damage combos look possible with like, charging black knights and a necromancer.
if you wanna quibble its closer to 12.5%
Neferata's support is really nerfed but she hits really hard, almost as hard as vhordrai. Mannfred's profile looks wrong, he has two swords and he isn't hitting hard enough with whats written.
yeah that has to be the glaive, no way in fuck Gheistvor is 3 3/3/1/2
What Wood Elves? They've basically all been replaced by trees and spirits and shit. Otherwise I'd play them.
>LITERALLY elves made out of wood
>wah there aren't any wood elves q.q
Everything about the hedonites index is a mess.

- The army rule is actually a trap, and using it helps your opponent more than you, even 1 solitary play test game would have shown how fucking backwards it is.
- The army has a bunch of ways to give crit mortals, and a bunch of ways to increase rend, mechanics that do not help each other in any way
- Someone mixed up twinsouls and Painbringers, and gave the ones with shields the offensive rules, and gave the ones with great weapons defensive buffs
- Lot of lazy copy pasting from 3E datasheets, even ones that desperately needed a rewrite (like the shard speaker)
- They somehow managed to make Slaangor even worse... This is the 3rd fucking try at writing that datasheet, and there's still 0 fucking reason to put them on the table
- A lot of the buffs are conditional to the point of uselessness. "On the 3rd Monday of the month, if your opponent is wearing odd socks, you can spend 1 cp, then if you roll a 3+, you will do d3 mortal wounds"
doesnt matter. lord of hubris, shalaxi and glutos make the army incredibly playable.

if your opponent actually takes that free 12 inch charge you can punish that overextension so hard. they have a shit ton of debuffs, healing, and control to blunt or outright stop a hammer, and enough damage on key units to clear out anything that tries to get stuck in.

there are some stinker warscrolls, for sure, but there's enough there to work with and i dont think the free 12 inch charge is nearly as bad as people are making it out to be considering how hard hedonites can fuck enemy chargers.

the archer build is dead though
>Someone mixed up twinsouls and Painbringers, and gave the ones with shields the offensive rules, and gave the ones with great weapons defensive buffs

this a problem you can solve all on your own. just tell your opponent the shield models are the defensive ones and the two weapon models are the offensive ones.
I don't see why people think gluttos is good, he's flat out worse than he was and he was marginal then. He's only decent if he drops 100+ points.
No you are not blunting the damage from 10 bloodknights or 10 chaos knights or 8 ironguts with purple sun.
Nothing else in the book competes with Keeper of Secrets and Locus and Slaanesh. Even the shitty Fiends become good when you have two of them double rolling every turn to bring units back.
>if your opponent actually takes that free 12 inch charge you can punish that overextension so hard. they have a shit ton of debuffs, healing, and control to blunt or outright stop a hammer

I don't think it's possible to overstate how impactful a guaranteed 12" charge is. The only downside is the risk of a handful of mortals. Your opponent is going to slam down the CP to counter charge Big Morathi, Karazai, or just a VLoZD into you and ruin your day. Everyone is going to be bringing at least 1 large centerpiece monster in 4E, and they all hurt.
That 12 charge can also be two passed wards against your damage 5 keeper or 2 crit big damage mortals for the opp.
>like half the armies in the game can teleport 9" or deepstrike 9", counter-charge exist
>I'm gigabraining you into over extending bro, I'm actually a genius.
Every dice is a 6" auto run or 6" auto redeploy. They're barely a net benefit.
>deep striking and trying to roll a 9+ is possible, so therefore a guaranteed 12 isn't important
That is the smoothest brain take I've read on the internet in a while, and I'm not talking just the aosg, I mean, even on Twitter I think I would struggle to find someone saying something so dumb, so confidently.
Anything for DoT posted?
Which is strange because in the warcom article they explicitly stated that Seraphon were getting two lores.
Do Skaven not as well? I saw "Devious Machinators" taken as a spell lore in a few 4th edition army lists.
Because it'll be a year or two before you can buy the skaven side alone
Devious Machinators is the name of their command traits.
Defensive build is a trap. You take Shalaxi, reinforced Fiends, reinforced Daemonettes, Dexcessa, the 1 per game arti. Slap 3 Euphorics up, pop Fane, cast your crit mortals on everyone, full send. That's +2 attacks aura, 37 or 74 damage 2 crit mortal attacks from Fiends with 4+ fight last. 100/200 attacks from 20 Daemonettes crit mortal. Shalaxi 7 damage 3, 3 damage 4 crit 2 hits. Throw a Purple Sun in too. There won't be anything left to charge.
I would imagine tomes to have from 4-6 formations and at least 2 spell and prayer lores to pick from as well as at least 2 new artifacts.
Wishful thinking

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