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Tard Wrangle Edition


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The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93233680

How does your group keep the resident dumbass in line, /5eg/?
he usually plays a barbarogue or monk so it's pretty easy
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a) Is there a point in building a character who can jump higher than a normal character with 20 strength?
b) Character builds for this feel?
tiger barb
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>Gritty realism gud. Wizard cast 2 spells per week.
I wouldn't worry about it, martials run out of HP way before casters run out of spell slots even without gritty realism
Actually, Arcane Recovery is once per day, not once per long rest. Unlike the Land Druid equivalent. Understand it.
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>How does your group keep the resident dumbass in line, /5eg/?
It turns out that, if you tie a different dumbass to either side of a load-bearing dumbass, they cancel each other out and get stuff done. Just in dumbass ways.
I mean... everyone except the warlock is almost completely fucked unless you have a very slow paced game, the type of game Gritty realism is supposed to be.
Wouldn't it be easier to cast jump or some other mobility spell?
>wasting spell slots
>wasting a prepared /known spell slot
Nta but halfing diviner is absolute dog shit. Halfing ability is great on martials who attack a lot, but with control casters who are making others make saves it's just not useful
Also if you take lucky for more memes, have fun with 15 Intelligence until level 8 and STILL not having warcaster plus res con
Jump is an action and lasts a minute. It's not very viable because in most situations where you need to make a vertical jump, you could just use rope
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> Those two dudes spent half an hour trading loot with merchants while the rest of us had to wait so we could actually roleplay
Istg I'd rather play PbtA shit like TSL than go through this shit again.
Would this character feel annoying to other players?

> Overconfident, overly positive
> Very competitive
> All about fighting
> Very stupid, but still thinks he's a genius
> Morally good, always trying to help and support the party and good NPCs.

Thinking of making him a fighter or monk, but it's more the RP aspect I'm unsure about. DM homebrew a lot so RAW class balance doesn't really matter.
As a DM, that sounds like a great character that actually wants to interact with the game.
Just don't screw over the party by being "dumb"
Shopping episodes fucking suck. Should honestly be settled between sessions.
Conjuration is extremely underrated:
>Make copies of keys you see
>free "get out of bad positioning" card once per day

sounds like a Glory Paladin or Zealot Barb to me. as a DM, any character who wants to actually do anything, even risk themselves for the sake of doing things is a phenomenal character, so play your Goku expy mr. man.
Shopping that doesn't have any ramifications on the story should be done during the week, not during session time.

>ok, you wanna buy stuff?
>are they magical?
>just the postions are magical?
>ok, you find the potions,m everythiung else you find as well, phb prices
>just text me a list

>Would this character feel annoying to other players?
>would I play with this character?
yes, sounds like fun.
I dont know what NEET-ass players you have but it's a miracle you can get 4 working people in a room or voice call for a few hours each week. Intrasession shopping shit? No shot bro.
>> Very stupid, but still thinks he's a genius

Are you going to intentionally do the wrong thing or tap out any time there is detective work or puzzles and leave it for the rest of the party to do just because your character isn't smart?

This is the most annoying part.
I could see this type of character get annoying, especially the competitive fighter aspect. Good writing and performance can make the most unlikely characters endearing, but if you're no Shakespeare, you could perhaps lean into his idiocy by making him the butt of jokes or make the times he helps the party few but impactful. In any case, it can't be worse than having an agressive NPC ally who's essentially Bakugo.
Yeah I wouldn't make him "Goku dumb", but still kind of close to the anime hero type.
The characters I was actually thinking about more were Dekar from Lufia 2 (but yeah not a monk) and Ken from Street Fighter (but yeah not particularly stupid).
At least in my previous campaign, we had clear divide between in-character and out of character conversations whenever we had to solve some sort of puzzle/mystery.
So I guess out of character I'd still discuss things normally, and in-character, idiot pc could do whatever, or "accidentally" lead one of the other characters to the solution, or do something smart yet flavor it as dumb pc following another character's instructions.
Based, carry on.
>idiot pc could do whatever, or "accidentally" lead one of the other characters to the solution
My 8 INT paladin solved a puzzle once that was a plaque reading "Show me only power" that required you to cover up every word except "power". We knew physically interacting with the plaque was part of it, so I had my character get frustrated and just start handsing it up randomly combinations. When the magic staircase appeared he looked at his hands on the plaque and said "ahhhh... I don't get it". Good times were had.
I don't mind shopping stuff when it offers interactions with the shopkeepers or other employees/customers there and things happening between stores.
Yes, shopping trips are acceptable when shopping isn't the focus
So according to these retards
they moved language out of race and into background (along with the +1 and +2).
so like a scholar dorf would know elvish and not dorfish and a soldier elf would know dorfish but not elvish? that seems as retarded as half orcs and gnomes having the same strength

there's more recent information:


based on the shared partial images of the backgrounds, there's no indication that they went with that older method and it seems like backgrounds are just proficiency, feats, and some lore to work with
I personally would have been perfectly fine with language being tied to backgrounds and not race

Do you know how many 2nd generation Mexicans/Japanese/Chinese/Koreans can't speak their parents native tongue? In America, at least, it's incredibly common. Having it mirrored in fantasy is a nothingburger.

ABILITY SCORES on the other had is fucking biology, but I made my peace with that bullshit a while back.
The problem is having more than 3 players. Three players and a DM is the MAXIMUM you should have for a D&D game. The game should be balanced around 3 players not 4. If you play in a group with more than 3 plaeyrs and complain that you're getting 1/4th the roleplay time instead of 1/3rd then it's your own fault and you're a whiny bitch.
>The game should be balanced around 3 players not 4

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I hate it
I love it
I love it
can one use it with destructive wrath to cap it out at 40 (5d8) at level 2, with 18 cha?
It's a cantrip, at level two its 1d8
I love the name.
It really conveys what it is about.
Since you aren't 'rolling' and 8 on the damage die, just making the damage the maximum possible, I dont think it counts.
chance to roll that extra 1d8
According to some dice probability calculator. Probably higher with elemental adept feat of a matching damage type.
the chance of getting 5 8s on a d8 in a row at level 2 is stupidly low. If you get all 6d8 at level 2 you deserve it at that point.
You guys need to let 4th Ed crash here.

We can't be splitting up the playerbase like this, we got TODD for B/X, 1st and 2nd, we need nD&D for 4th and 5th.
the skidmarks on his tighty-whiteys
>raging arguments about rules that dont work in the other version, fighting on which is better, 4e vs 5e vs 5.5e
lets not do that
How screwed are gnomes in the new PHB?
I'll bite.

Why are they screwed?
Gnomes are great (assuming they keep their UA features) - being small no longer makes heavy weapons useless (heavy is now a STR requirement) and their advantage applies to ALL wisdom charisma and intelligence saving throws not just magic ones.

Also since the background gives everyone a feat, and any race/background feats are from a smaller pool, variant human doesnt have as much bite as it did in 2014.
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maaaan, I totally forgot about this change.
There should be a STR requirement for heavy ranged weapons instead of DEX. If you want to carry and aim well with a big weapon you should need strength to hold it steady.
My friends, you know me, I am a humble olive oil salesman, blessed by the Gods with good fortune.
But... my friends, I have a fear.
These mages... they can spy on everything. No secret of business can be kept from them for long.
How can a simple businessman, such as myself, keep my dealings private from these mages and their prying eyes?
>Is organised crime even possible in DnD if mages set their mind to eradicating it?

And they can't leave their towers or they eat a sleep arrow in the back
Wizards need infrastructure otherwise they can't keep studying magic

So they are either in organized crime's pocket, or the other way around.
Flavor-wise, what sort of weapon would a melee character with the ability to open portals use?
We're playing loose with some custom abilities and my character can create portals - the smaller it is and the closer the other end is the faster he can create it.
I was thinking estoc or some other long stabbing sword to poke through small windows that he can make almost instantaneously.
if you have enough money that spying wizards are a concern, you have enough money for counter-wizards.
Let he who is without sin... I see. If the mages agree to stay out of our business, why ... we can protect them whilst they sleep.
For a small fee, of course.

Every man has his price, it seems
dagger, cut em open surgically or something
or a gauntlet and just punch em open
a ranged weapon because portal shooting someone in the back while you fire from the front is cool
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>enemy dodges
>you shoot yourself
you can make a lot of stuff work if you want to. just pick whatever weapon you like best/ fits the character best otherwise. rapier could trace sigils or a circle in the air; longsword could cut and flourish, with the portal opening outwards on either side of their swing; portal opens after your special arrow hits a surface; flail is wound up and smashed against a surface with the portal radiating open; quarterstaff is spun and the portal opens to match its diameter; etc.
first instinct is dagger because of the his dark materials trilogy (bonus points if your character loses your ring finger) but i would look at the class im using and see if that is the right fit, what are you playing? custom class or normal class with this portal ability on top
That's the point of doing it between sessions. You don't need to coordinate all of them at the same time, you can do it individually wherever you can meet, or, hell, even over email/discord/whatever.
Gritty realism just means the adventuring day is an adventuring week. So if its done how its meant to be done, nothing changes except the campaign is now super slow paced, because very clearly nobody is going to be able to withstand like 7 days of normal ass 5e combat with at most a few long rests unless you do some downright memetic shit like short rest all monks ki healing.
This is D&D, projectiles that missed their intended target are completely harmless.
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I absolutely love this cantrip and hope it and Arcane Eruption make it to print as they were written.
would be cool for a metamagic that allows you to change the roll of a dice so you can determine the result you want, guarantee a bounce with 2014 chaos bolt, make sure you get atleast one more roll with the cantrip etc
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I feel like I don’t deserve to play a wizard since I don’t know my IQ and am almost certainly not a genius. Is it autism? I keep gatekeeping the classes I want to play and it’s making me unhappy.
Would you feel unworthy to play Barbarian unless you can bench? No, you are being silly. Play what you want as long as your IRL intelligence is high enough to understand and consistently remember how your spells work. If you can do this you will prove yourself smarter than 90% of caster players.
>Would you feel unworthy to play Barbarian unless you can bench?
Currently at Barbarian 6, and was interested in fighter-rune knight, I think it's a good time to start multiclassing now, though barb7 is pretty interesting too. Got my str and con at 18 already and I think I should be fine not having either at 20.
what is the subclass? rune knight gets many reactions so if you get reactions from the barb subclass, you might not want RK
Don't worry, most people interprets D&D's INT stat as autism levels, with WIS being the stat that gets treated as actual intelligence.
So, as long as you make your wizard an awkward nerd prone to go on tirades about stuff others don't care, he'll be an acceptable wizard.
A retard with very good memory is a perfectly acceptable way to play a high INT character.
Herculean Barb from odyssey of theros, mainly makes me uses bonus action post rage to grapple.
Only fréquent use I have of my reaction is either the Goliath 1d12+con to reduce damage and opportunity attack that I like to use as I have the sentinel feat
I mean yeah, int is usually mental calculus memory and magic shtick for wizards, plenty of these fuckers cannot handle power in any way shape or form canonically and in actual play, especially their lack of people skills. People might complain about shit like Barbarians doing reckless shit but Wizards are right up there with them in the spark of chaos and making bad shit happen constantly with their powers, to the point its a common trope that you ask why the setting is the way it is and the most common answer is
>a fucking wizard did it

Also even irl, high ints without good charismas around makes mega autismos who cannot for the life of them work in a group.
Any homebrew about (ball and) chain fighting?
>Ball and Chain (Martial Weapon)
>Reach, versatile
>D8/D10 Bludgeoning
>>a fucking wizard did it
literally a Simpsons meme
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I'm not retarded or anything and probably at least a bit above average IQ but for some reason roleplaying as a high INT character triggers my imposter syndrome. I just want to enjoy playing as a wizard without it triggering my low self esteem
What are some good backstory ideas for a fiend warlock that aren't "I sold my soul for [power/riches/my family]"?
>I just want to enjoy playing as a wizard without it triggering my low self esteem
I can relate, I played as a wizard and I felt way too stupid.
By the end of the campaign, there were moments when I'd just say things like.
> Surely my character would be able to word it better, can't we just assume he does?
Feels bad, man
I fucking hate Wyll.
pity there isn't a romance option for Mizora, just cucking Wyll with her.
Does this still apply to blade pact warlocks?
Exhaustion is pretty good.
Any way to abuse it? Preferably something that won't fuck up my grappling pet I'm looking to abuse exhaustion for like Sickening Radiance
or just a way for Sickening Radiance to not fuck my pet grappleman up
I sold my soul for an extraplanar goth gf

Alternatively, selling your soul to SOMETHING but you don't know who or how many of them there are, only that they're watching you. Basically you're a Kick streamer but chat is extraplanar horrors.
> I was possessed by a fiend, and though it was exorcised, a fragment of it remained within me.
Whenever you're able to within an 8hr period, cast Dream on the BBEG, and make it the spooky version so he can't benefit from a long rest.

Alternatively, use the Sending spell when you know they're asleep to wake them up (DM fiat)
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>I have away a relic of my family for power because I'm a spoiled brat and honestly this is a good deal
>I actually just negotiated to be a good PR person for a minor devil and this is going pretty good so far
>Deal is 10% of all gold I make, he gets, and for the low low price of educating me a little he/she gets a pretty pouch of pricey pennies and I get to have fun
>I mean hey, he/she is actually a fairly interesting Patron and we've had some good chats over books, literature, history and such. I'm working to stabilize the place and if I can make my own little cult, we might actually get some stuff done well and make a cushty corner of Hell if me and my boys decide we want to rock it out with them

>For the sheer balls alone, I get to test trial this shit till level 5. After that, I got me a ritual to put on some bastards so their souls get made into coins and I can splurge the cash into my friends and family

>You ever actually talked to a devil and made a mutual gain agreement? I mean sure, maybe they don't like vanilla sunshine and smoochie shit but they're not bastards with a whip and they're not faelike with their shit either most of the time. I'm with a decent devil, and we give eachother some fine stuff from the realms. I adventure, get some wine, some banquets, some nice clothes from far off realms, they gets me lore, power and the ability to keep exporting the fine stuff. We also might bang from time to time.
>he hasn’t had sex with Mizora
>cucking Wyll with Mizora as origin Karlach after he says he wants to wait for marraige.
He doesn't want to, either. He hates that he was basically forced into the contract.
Int 8.
Dude thought he was making a deal with a fRiend.
I just stopped treating the 3 mental stats as representative of any facet of a character's personality.
>Tiamat cultists performing summoning ritual to attack the city
>He's the only one nearby
>Certain death to attack, they'll succeed if he tries to go for help
>Mizora offers him the power to win if he signs
>Does so, wins the battle
>Contract silences him from telling the details
>Mizora cleans up all signs of the battle when he tries to show his Dad why he took the deal
>Just looks like he fell for a she-devil's whiles
Yeah, he fucking hates her.
I agree. If you wanted to RP a Wizard with average intelligence who struggled in school as opposed to a gifted Wizard, that would be narratively interesting but it would not as fun to play if your INT stat had to reflect their literal intelligence.
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I don't know if it's far enough away from selling your soul for power but I always liked the idea of the savvy conman trying to dance around unfathomable cosmic powers rather than adherence to a singular patron.

>I have twenty three separate contracts with Fiends right now, none of them own my soul but God help me if I fail to deliver
How do you roleplay a character with high INT and CHA, but low WIS? Artificer if the class makes a difference.
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Like this, of course
I have, but banging succussy is not the same as a romance option
if thats true why does wyll seethe when I do? granted my dwarf barbarian was literally half his height but like seriously
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You know what you want and you have the force of will to get it but you get distracted easy, can't read people for shit and you seriously need a handler because you can get derailed off your train track for the worst very very easy.

Think being a genius who'd be able to conduct a strategic siege, who'd be able to command a strategic siege even but then the barbarian says "LETS JUST SMASH THE FRONT DOOR MOTHERFUCKERS" and you get swayed so fucking easy it'd take an actual wisdom check for you to realize its a really just awful idea. You don't see much of a wrong thing about learning from devils and demons because hey, whats the worst that can happen and surely they're not all evil as fuck bastards right? You can't say no to selling bombs and artifacts to folks for a markup while they're willing to pay, and you just don't pay attention, after all, you got cash to spend and bitches to bounce on and booze to drink and beds to break.

Basically low impulse control low introspection high functioning sociopath. You're so smart you turned your brain off and so charismatic you think you can't be swayed. You are absolutely the easiest person to swindle in the room. You will commit mistakes. You will enjoy it thoroughly and regret it deeply until you get distracted again.
Henry Wu and John Hammond from the Jurrasic Park book. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should.
>bro just choose whatever damage type you want lmao
What is even the point of damage types at this point if you aren't even going to lock in any option and ever have to deal with the downsides of your decision? Oh wait this is D&D Next v2 i.e. OneD&D and any kind of downside or consequence to your actions would be badwrongfun and oppressing le heckin PoC and committing a bi-erasure. Or whatever these woke fucks think. No, it's fucking stupid game design. It's pointless to have a spell that is every damage type as a fucking CANTRIP. Oh but we can't ever have sorcerers and wizards get fucked out of dealing damage, on top of doing everything else they do. I mean, it's not like fighters get absolutely fucked out of dealing damage if they don't have a magic weapon. Oh wait what's that? They do? Well shit I guess the game is like biased against warrior characters or something. That's fine because there's only like one class that doesn't cast any spells at this point. And poor poor sorcerers only get HALF as many cheat codes as the wizard class, so they are clearly oppressed and need reparations in the form of a CANTRIP that can deal ANY DAMAGE TYPE AT WILL. That's awesome dude, just fucking invalidate mechanics, like you invalidated the 3-18 stat range by removing rolling for stats and making all the ability score increases +2s so there's no point to even including the raw score. Imbeciles. God, I wish I could get paid $150,000 a year to make dogshit game design decisions and jerk off in InDesign all day. Oh wait, I have a conscience.
damage resistances hardly matter anyway, you're just making up shit to validate your victim mentality
>choosing to play with a DM that would fuck martials (or anyone) over by forcing combat where someone has no way to meaningfully contribute
cope and seethe
>damage resistances hardly matter
Wut are your DMs really like this?
My DM always used resistances.
>DMing for a party so babymode that they can't handle having to deal off-type damage for an encounter
>Barbarian only get mad few times per week
Shit rule.
>if thats true why does wyll seethe when I do? granted my dwarf barbarian was literally half his height but like seriously
>Why would he be mad that someone he thought was a friend is hooking up with his Owner and tormentor?
if wyll had minded his own business in the first place he wouldn't be under contract, so like maybe he should've taken that lesson too

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