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Comic style painting edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

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>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What painting styles for miniatures do you think are underrated and deserve more attention?
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Getting a 3D printer and table set up soon. Gonna start with the guard.

Should I go with STL models that are more in line with the new scale of Imperial Guardsmen or stick to chunky heroic scale?
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Repostin my sniper rifle wraith lord so post your work here too

That classic bright and vibrant 'eavy metal style they did in the 90s magazines. Everyone wants gritty/from dark desaturated now it seems
>until more arrives in the mail tomorrow
Recasts or legit?
I need a metal recaster so much.
>movement trays
You're a good guard player, anon.
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Steel Legion. Every pair of boots in a chimera.
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By Isha, Yvraine will smother me with her fat butt
We are wraithlord bros now, what craftworld are you doing?
It'll be a while before I get around to painting mine.
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Use of colour.
Does the sisyphian nature of your existence ever get you down, throoder?
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>What painting styles for miniatures do you think are underrated and deserve more attention?
Anything where you are trying to make the models good. I'm sick of hobby culture focusing on doing minis fast. FLGS players brag about their speedhacks. Youtube flooded with FAST FAST FAST paaintjobs. Such a huge chunk of people in this hobby treat the painting like its a chore to be gotten over with. Makes me sad. I'm not an award winning painter but I always try to push to try new things and improve between projects.
>the way he's stroking his missile launcher
I'm going to do a custom craft world, they are going to be cobalt blue with red helmets (similar to asurman as one anon pointed out). Still deciding which craftworlds transfers I'll appropriate, but maybe the alaitoc sword, fluff still pending
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That fiat and slight glow is so nice. I’m still scared of lighting effects after my last fuckup.im hoping to find a new highlight method soon, building up from forest green is kinda awkward.
I wasn’t a fan when the edition started but I’ve really been enjoying fully mechanized marines.
What's the better army between Leagues of Votann, Sisters of Battle, or Eldar? Going to pick one of these patrol kits up to start collecting and don't want to be stuck with an accidentally awful army.
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I did all the armor highlights in the greyscale, then realized later I wanted glow, so put some yellow wash over the relevent areas. I'm going to have to clean up some staining on his hip armor panel.
Without speed painting you'd just have people who paint and then an endless grey tide. Even a hastily painted army on the board looks better than half-assembled plastic.
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dunno desu, whats an easy way to paint an army with it still looking good that isnt slapchop?
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Panel lining
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I'm always going to play mechanized for obvious reasons, but I'm not too hot on it this edition.
>Chimeras move 10", but 2" pivot tax effectively makes in 8". Infantry move 6" and can go through walls, so it's not even really faster at all.
>can't give orders to embarked units, have to disembark with a unit to give orders to disembarking units
>MCV rule on chimeras doesn't work the turn dudes hop out. Can't order them from the vehicle they just left.
>no mount up strat any more, it's been tossed onto a superheavy no one uses as a datasheet ability
I mean, it's not terrible but it's not great, either. Vehicles in general are good, but transports in particular not so much seems to me.
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I know. What makes me sad is there are people in the hobby that would be (or are) fielding permagrey armies. They have no passion for doing 50% of the hobby. Changes the whole vibe. Seeing an army painted out of spite lets me know I'm dealing with somebody who will probably throw their minis on ebay the second the meta changes.
ah yes i see you're a daler rowney ink enthusiast too
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Build whatever looks coolest/is the most fun for you to play.
If you actually care about gameplay stats you are a dork.
Eldar will always be strong, but will always have decades old models, sisters are pretty strong right now, i've never seen votann irl.

But don't be a waacfag, pick the army you like the look of. Rules are temporary, models are forever.
Guard just got fucked over again by the codex release schedule. Half of my game is shuffling units in and out of various transports. Every game starts with my Impulsor shuffle and my Repulsor zooming up the board to bait someone into shooting it and getting my eradicators in their face.
Go with new scale. Most 3D stl makers try for a more realistic heroic scale proportion over the previous Cadians chunky heroic scale. And I think inevitably most will try to make their future models look more in line proportionally with the new Cadians anyways. There is still charm to be found with chunky heroic scale though.

The last warhammer 40k general thread was at page 8 and I decided to take the opportunity before our actual resident throoder takes it. Isn't page 8 what is generally agreed on to make a new /40kg/ thread anyways?
>I've never seen a votann irl
I'm 5'4 if that counts
I bought a 8 pack of their pens years ago and got some good usage out of all of them
Easy as in skill or easy as in time? At any rate sponge stippling might get you a bit of both and won't look anything like slap chop
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based and true
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Yeah I liked the 9th edition book for all 6 months I actually got to use it. If that's the new norm for IG, I'm probably just never buying a book again. Might as well just be an index army.
Sure hope you're using an oil/enamel-based panel liner and not just an acrylic wash.
Post butt, girly boy.
Leagues feels like it'll always be good just though the design of being tanky shooting, my best friend really enjoys his, I'd recommend those out of what you listed.
They paint up quick too, not unlike space marines
GSC bros, how are your experiences with the codex so far? Tried any of the new detachments yet?
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My nmm learning adventures continued tonight with this guy's armor. Its looking pretty nice, but I dont think Ill paint ALL my dark angels like this. Its cool but a bit psychotic
The chest and pauldrons don't really read as nmm. The closest are the spearhead and the legs.
Also wrong thread.
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Ill be proxying him for dark angels, so technically right thread baby.
Wow what a captcha
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Where are my models and lore.
Unironically if you got a late codex force people to play it for at least a year.
Its in destiny 2
Aside from it being the meta thing do you guys have any units you actually enjoying building, painting, and playing in multiples?
For me the only consistent answer is drop pods. Everything else depends on if the unit is identical down to the wargear or a pain in the ass to assemble.
rules in it may not even match the following edition. You'd have to force opponents to a previous version of 40k entirely.
I run a 3X KMB deff dread.
It blows itself up and two mek guns would probably be better, but having a mobile platform that can hypothetically instagib anything while blowing itself up is really appealing.
Honestly dread mob klaws are also big stupid damage, so I might try those out.
Actually it’s in warframe: cunt.
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How should I be painting these sicarians to be done up in voss prime colors, I can't find any paintjobs of them in this scheme done by anybody yet
Exactly, I’d do it. If someone wanted to play 9th to use world eaters a bit I’d be down, who cares. I play fucking marines, my rules are easy anyway.
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Counterpoint, by the time I finish my 10e army it will be 11e, I just paint for fun but I totally understand the battle-ready mindset.
Am I going insane or did they go to all that trouble and then miss a mould line on the shin?
Anyone have a link to the BL Mega? I already have the auth key but I didn't bookmark it
share the key and ill share the link
Sounds like they came up short.
that joke only applies to dwarves.
surely internal balance will be better than whatever is going on in 40k right? right?
woops, wrong thread.
its ok
Checked and lost.
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based gunslinger lord
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Looks like the chainmail has some extra material to fill the gap between it and the leg, which is painted black.
>spends more on paint than minis

thats me right there, think ive spend over double on paints since i got back into the hobby as opposed to models
i keep wanting to try a different color, so i buy it, then i dont like it so it just sits on my shelf
This meme is too accurate and I relate to it too much.
I'm not even joking I bought black acrylic ink to try out the comic style painting.
Get votann

Sisters and eldar people will bully you and think you're gay. With Votann you can fuck marine players in the ass and call them gay.
That's a relief.
Votann will cost you an entire car to buy. Get dark eldar and appreciate it's cool models and ignore all the other cringe shit.
SoB cost a lot in the long run, and Votann are cringe.
same here, my success rate for different paints isnt particularly high. i ended up buy a lot from suggestions in these generals and most of those were actually decent. its when i go off on my own and find colours id think i would like that end up being garbage
Votrannies are cringe, both their fluff and their minis. Stay clear.
Fuck off
Even as an Eldarfag, the idea of a "blind" creature that needs hep from a spiritseer being a sniper is the funniest shit ever.
>Telling someone to buy dark eldar in current edition

I know drukhari are cruel but....
The combat patrol is literally the best one now, and you can expand your list even further by using the extra bodies. I know they play like ass but so does votann.
that's clearly a bullet warmer.
snaggas do that right? that's why the metal is usually painted white on them.
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no :^)
I like Votann but they're half an army.
Sisters are expensive and are too detailed for my liking.
Never played Eldar but they seem cool, they'll always have some stigma or another attached to them though.
I suggest you play what you think looks the best. Cool models will last a long time.
>but they seem cool
Pnly if you are queer person
You're an expert on recognizing homosexuality, then?
what prompts did you use to generate this sloppa?
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>they seem cool
Today I will remind them.
Only played HoA, it's fucking awful. Maybe it's better with more ridgerunners seeing as how cheap they are. The best detachment is probably outlander with 6 ridgerunners and a bunch of neos on trucks.
>moldlines fucking everywhere
>sprue nubs everywhere
>retarded pose
>all the above apply to the models in the background as well
Mike Brooks isn't canon.
Nope I don't collect Eldar

Nice denial
Have the Lion and Guilliman reunited yet
>You're an expert on recognizing homosexuality, then?
ya, everyone in this thread
>Waacfag painting
Mold lines are soul
you don't know what any of the words you just wrote mean
im glad the fags wanna make all the psychotic murder races trans, really makes you think
Greyknight fags quaking in their boots rn.
Their sex has always been "elf"
Everything else is superfluous.
And D&D elves have been able to change gender since the 70s.
>transgender xenos
Dark eldar literally turn into birds, flesh monsters, and killing machines. If one wants to switch gender it's probably a couple hundred slaves and a gene pod stay for a week.
It specifically names the entire eldar race, anon. Stop coping.
Don't blame me, blame Mike Brooks.
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There will never be 5 major Chaos gods/ warp Power, despite the colour wheel of the four implying a fifth yellow themed chaos god.
So do we have hope that the 4 minor chaos gods pictured here for HH will be expanded upon. Vashtorr is getting a lot of focus in the narrative but as other anons have pointed out being model cucked like Be'lakor means he is most likely destined to always be very minor.
Malal/Malice seems like a never ever, the Sons of Malce seems like an easter egg and not foreshadowing for a whole new chaos demigod.
The other two are speculated to be pretty random characters as opposed to brand new characters, from the Horned Rat or the Emperor/Horus or Abaddon, to fucking Morgur as the chaos god of mutation. But since Beastmen have been exiled to warhammer the old world I don't think anything new or interesting will ever happen to them in AoS or 40k. What do you anons think will we get a new chaos lord/god character or retreading of old characters or nothing at all
Banshees have always had dudes in their aspect. Not a majority, but they've been mentioned.
Mike brooks is a fag and not canon.
I guess that's one way to spice up relations between Yvraine and Roboute Guilliman
While eldar aspect warriors always took on the sex of the aspect it was metaphorical, akin to a character playing a role in a theatre play. They didn't literally gender transition.
Dude on the right with the spear looks bad ass.
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How do I paint my models to look like John Blanche's art?
Orks are _ _ _ _.
Google blanchitsu, there are tons of tutorials.
It's going to need some spicing since apparently she's actually just an animated corpse and has started to slowly decay.
Drink up a load of paint and give your model a golden shower.
The spear looks great and the legs are the best looking green. The scales look pretty good.
10/10 Captcha
Honestly it would make more sense for the Harlequins to swap genders like swapping roles. That seems thematically consistent with the masques. Note that it only mentions gender and not sex change, so the idea that their videos are changed more than superfluously is reading more into it than it actually says.
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Imagine going to all that effort of painting that and not carving undercuts. ISHYGDDT
Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d6)

It worked for end times
It worked for rogue trader memes
It worked for primaris
It worked for the fall of cadia
It worked for the return of the primarchs
It worked for female custodes



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>know they play like ass but so does votann.
Dark Eldar are literally one of the best armies in the game right now with a super flexible and fun playstyle that uses almost every unit in their index to fill a niche.
the endtimes were great.
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You know full well what the author is saying. Hiding behind technicalities is cope.
Have another example.
so is his dad
Unfortunately canon is governed only by the owner of the IP, and James is perfectly happy with all this shit.
Pretending like you as an individual end user have any meaningful power is sovereign citizen-grade delusion.
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paint them grotesquely with regard for grungy style over realism in every aspect
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>second from the right
I feel like nerddom has a long history of people ignoring the supplementary material and living better lives. Hell, sometimes skipping the PRIMARY material is for the better in comics.
I rolled an 8 anon and "deny the lore" has a warp charge of 7+. My Psykic power is manifested. My games are now protected from Transdar cringe.

Maybe one day you too can walk the path of the psygger and learn to have fun again. Until then I will be there.
The consequences for a sovcit ignoring laws is a tazering and jail. The consequences for me and my friends ignoring horrible modern writing slop infecting our escapist hobby is that we are happier.
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>Famous painters grotesque monsters that eat people are actually real monsters he keeps in his basement and feeds people to
Unironcally would fit perfectly as a Slaanesh cultist painting chaos spawn, finding divine beauty in how the Gods have twisted and change the human body.
Chaos gods really need more big bodies monsters, recently it seems all things chaos that aren daemon engines, are human/astartes sized
Models that are bigger and/or push beyond the $60 box price are bad for the bottom line. Too break even GW has to either make them broken(Keepers, Gladiators, etc.) or write new rules to bend the meta around them(flyers in 6th, titanics in 7th)
>The consequences for a sovcit ignoring laws is a tazering and jail. The consequences for me and my friends ignoring horrible modern writing slop infecting our escapist hobby is also tazering and jail.
On regular skitarii, did you do the cloth on their legs in straight red on both legs, or was the right leg yellow to match the cloak?

If you did flat red, I'd say do that for the normal sicarians - basically just keeping to the default Mars scheme as it happens. But give the ruststalker alpha the alternating halves scheme on their cloak.

Otherwise, uh maybe - binary split from the groin through the stomach, then use the pec plates as a separation and a color flip. For the infiltrators I'd probably once again clip the binary colors, but maybe just give the ruststalkers black leather masks.
you ain't kidding
I did both legs red since the only vid I could find of anybody painting that scheme did it that way and it made more sense then having matching pantlegs to the sides of the robes instead of alternating like the arms
the alpha's getting the standard robes yeah, I just am at a loss for what to do with the troops since they don't really have much in the way of sleeves/pants
was feeling giving their bodies more of the yellow and the dome heads the red and then a ruddy redbrown for the masks on the other two
does anyone have an audiobook mega?
Traditional. Feel like everyone is taking slapchop shortcuts and zenithaling shit for no reason
I have a collection of pdf's that I can give on request. The least I can do for my fellow shitposters.
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Remember what was lost
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mike brooks pdfs, give em here.
Couldn't find a better stl for that predator?
Nothing of value?
I'm about to finish the Forge of Mars trilogy. What other books did you find to be particularly well-written, a clear order of magnitude in quality above the rest?
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I thought the wheels were cute
is that resin or mdf? looks choppy.
FDM, old old print. Things are much better these days.
I'm not done yet, I do mouldlines last.
I think the pose is fun, not retarded desu but I'd love to see your models, anime poster
Sure anon
Looks cute and blocky, like a wooden toy car
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It's thu-
>March 2022
Ignoring the goofy Predator/Razorback/whatever that thing is, that's a nice lineup of Firstborn chads
You really think taking a screenshot holds anyone accountable for their words here? The whole reason this site has such a high concentration of secondaries is because you can larp about whatever you want without any consequences
Just finish your models hashnut
Don't do it. I've read them. He doesn't understand basic things about the setting while his own additions to canon are a smoking crater.
>1/15th of a 10th edition army
I'm guilty of shit like this too. Say i'll post models when i'm home from work, then forget about it until it's like a week later and then feel awkward for bringing it up so long after and admit i forgot.
No idea who this hashutfag is though, doesn't seem like a 40k thing
Come on, that's like... 500 points at least
I don't know what firstborn means but thanks
Slave name for non primaris marines but they pretend it's empowering.
It's like cishet compared to primaris.
the term the retards who prefer manlet marines use to protect their delicate feelings
I know like what a 1/3 of these words mean. Me and a buddy switch between using these minis for 2e, OPR (I know it's simple but it's easy to socialize over), and sometimes some kill team or something. Out of pics of marines on my phone so here's some terrain I made
I can't I'm too busy fucking big titty goth girls and buying multi million dollar houses. I'll send some pics of my bitch and my cribs soon, maybe this weekend
This is peak hobbyist attitude. Ignore drama, ignore autism, ignore fandom, ignore trends. Paint cool dudes, play cool games with cool people. Simple as
I kneel
The guy is a complete hack and simply can’t into logic or basic writing. i.e. he’s a complete retard
Are all exactly the same according to this drooling faggot
Im sorry anon I do not possess such lore. And even if I did I would not share it. Such knowledge must be burned.
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Why don't Chaos Space Marines field Scouts? Seems like low/no Chaos groups like Iron Warriors or Night Lords should probably field them.
Aren't scouts like a post-heresy thing? Like the Chaos Legions don't use them because they didn't exist at the time they went traitor, no?
I'm a complete space marine lorelet, forgive me
Because they have cultists
>low/no chaos groups like IW or NL
not a thing, they're chaos slaves like all the rest
they don't field scouts because CSM can't actively enhance humans through the normal marine procedures nor produce the armor, so they either get willing/forceful converts of existing marines and rely on millions of cultists instead
Scouts are for initiates before the black carapace. Once the geneseed is corrupted you are no longer making new marines to spend time as scouts.
In theory IW and NL should still have scouts and no possesed but it would be confusing for the codex
>everyone at my lgs is turning on the waacfag
>guard wr up
>birthday soon
>gonna have ranchera & hot links on the grill
Great month for me
they use inductii instead and those don't have rules in 40k
And what, CSM just decide it's not right to put partially modified people into the battlefield all of a sudden? They should have a scout-equivalent of recruits selected trying to prove themselves, seems like a no-brainer. And cultists wouldn't be the same thing.
Scouts are a fucking waste why would you risk your precious, new astartes, that are made in a long drawn out process go into combat with no armour. CSM are smarter than SM who are slaves to tradition
they don't have the ability to elevate humans into marines even partially lorelet
you're asking for normal humans to be put in a spiky scout uniform and call that a chaos scout
why would you let somebody so incompetent they can't survive without the armor wear the armor
Scouts don't go into combat. They're literal scouts, assassins and saboteurs.
I did specify low/no-Chaos groups like Iron Warriors and Night Lords.
>low/no-Chaos groups like Iron Warriors and Night Lords.
not a thing
they're chaos slaves all
you don't sit in the warp for 10k years and not get corrupted, they're just like abaddon and think they're uncorrupted and of free will but they're as bitchmade as all other CSM
GW is to lazy to implement this distinction into the codex so it only exists in the lore
My dude chaos has different problems. If you thought the imperium has bad geneseed levels you need to look at the legions.
To make an astartes you need geneseed. You can't just replenish them like the loyalists you have to GO GET THEM and once you got the geneseed installed, because of chaos corruption, that geneseed is officially shot. and that's IF the abominator know what he's doing and the procedure is a success.

It's way easier to tempt already successful loyalists to chaos than actually make a space marine.
Audiobookbay or something like that. Another anon can correct me as I'm too lazy to Google rn.
>They should have
Stopped reading. Doesn't matter what you think they should have. They've got cultists if you want smaller ebil guys, they've got marines if you want big ones. Doesn't matter what autistic asspull logic you throw out as to why they need scouts because they don't have scouts
And you call other people lorelet?
yeah faggot the paragraph in the codex saying they're super duper independent really trumps their official upgrade sprues featuring them brandishing chaos worship out the ass
Anon being a scout means avoiding fights but you will get into one at some point, its not the aim but you're on the battlefeild, you will stumble upon, be stumbled upon by enemies at some point leading to an unplanned firefight
IF you know they can fight like a marine why would you let them get injured or killed by things theyd be immune to if they had the armour, its a waste. I'm assuming the weak/unlucky are weeded out earlier than near the end of the astartes project

there's also cannon depictions of them rocking heresy era equipment with minimal chaos-y bullshit.
Does GW deliberately leak some of their own audiobooks to get people started?
All the easy to find ones are the same that used to be on yt
Ah yes, GW has kits to represent everything that exists in the fluff.

it should be noted that unlike the tabletop (where scouts are treated as disposable meatshield/screans), scouts in lore are usually on low risk (by astartes standards) missions doing either recon or long range sniping.
because IW are autistic spergs like (you) except they're pragmatic and don't adorn their shit needlessly
you're right they just released that night lords sprue and purposefully gave them specific chaos banners and icons but they're totally not chaos worshippers I swear bro
That's every stage of space marine selection. Why waste rare genetically suitable candidates in dangerous selection processes they could survive if implanted?
Because the final product has to be the best of the best
renegades exist anon, and Nightlords really were the only legion to not have changed at all since the horus heresy among the traitor legions.
totally bro they're just heckin epic renegade gary stus who managed to avoid corruption for 10k years but still wave banners for that corrupting force
The post 8th 40k fan is really too stupid to understand that the chaos corrupted astartes who tell themselves they're above it all and totally independent are deluded huh?

Is this a consequence of people putting every random utterance out of a characters mouth as word of god "lore" on some shitty wiki or youtube video?
Nightlords are far from being a mary sue, that goes to blood angels.
oh you're THAT retard
makes sense
Autistic people can't cope with being corrected on something they feel like theyre an expert of. It's the same reason high level chefs can't take criticism. They just meltdown and take it as a personal attack on their ideals, which they think is ironclad because they read it, heard it, watched it somewhere
They just desperately need to have their own special chaos marines who are so strong of will and awesome that they're able to resist the corrupting force of chaos for millennia
you just described like 4 or 5 loyalist space marine chapters.
>Because the final product has to be the best of the best
4 random men with guns can do whatever a single astartes can do. The whole idea of are genetically suitable candidates is itself self deafting, youd want any random person with the shittest genetics to be able to become astartes so you can throw gene enchanced bio-warriors in power armour at all your problems.
Astartes aren't even the best of the best or get the most gene enhancement, thats Custodies and the Imperial Assassins
oh yeah all those loyalist chapters that spend their entire lives in the warp outside of short excursions into realspace
Surely you have pictures of your own models and not something you right clicked and saved.
>wasting quads on this samefaggotry
I think hashut is a fantasy thing, chaos dwarves or something.
No I only take one photo for the customer when I'm done, I'm too busy painting and playing to take pictures. That's secondary shit
If space marines were fluff-accurate a single model would be like 100 points. Even a single company would be overkill to conquer an entire planet.
About 10% of a planet's best warriors can pass the training, and about 10% of that actually survive all the surgeries.
Why is there an Aquila on his bolter?
why wouldn't there be one
Wrong and pure cope. Other factions - pretty much all of them - have their own space marine equivalents.
>Doesn't own minis
>Calls others secondaries
Cognitive dissonance at its finest ladies and gentlemen.
It’s you! This is obviously the hashutfag still lurking here lmao
Grey Knights dont have a jobber equivalent.
genuinely retarded post
15 marines with a couple vehicles could easily kill 150 orkz like you'd see in a normal 2k game
nothing coping about that
Tell me which factions take the DNA of their demigod heroes and infuse them into super-soldiers capable of doing the work of a thousand infantry.
Grey Knights are like, slightly better Marines and that's it.
I told you last time and you failed to provide any rebuttal. Just open the lore cinematic for 10th trailer, it has things like Winged Prime ripping apart a terminator with just a bit of effort & elbow grease and in general throughout the video Marines and Nids trade fair blows (as it should be). You likely won't find a more non-codex first party thing portraying marine power level than this.
grey knights are the jobbers
they had to sacrifice their entire veteran company just to banish angron for a millennium
that's not portraying power level, that's setting the narrative of the cinematic which is the imperium taking minor victories and suffering constant heavy losses
are there any books that feature a genestealer cult locus? they look cool.
And what % of orc Boyz end up meganobz?
a few and they're all pretty decent at least by 40k book standards
day of ascension is a popular one
That's an entirely different matter. We're not discussing percent ratios of population, we're discussing pure 1 to 1 powerlevel. A nob, a tyranid warrior, an immortal, a rak'gol raider, etc etc etc all have very solid chances of killing a single space marine.
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>imperium taking minor victories and suffering constant heavy losses
?? Anon its the Imperium taking massive losses and lying to itself that its winning, a world is consumed by the warp and then we see astartes killed to a man by the nids and then we see Gulliman looking at dozens of worlds that are also lost
That only further proves his point, if it was supposed to be accurate power level wank it'd be designed to sell models and show the terminators doing cool stuff instead of slowly walking forward and dying
The other anon put it far better than me but yea, the entire point of the cinematic is imperium lying to itself through propaganda and Guilliman being vaguely disdainful of it
what kind of idiot shoots a nid up close like that, empires angels my ass.
Ah, that makes sense.
uhm... ok?
>nuh uh, this first party GW cinematic that has no inherent faction bias (unlike codices) is not lore accurate
Lmao, you're REALLY scrambling here
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>N-no bias
I know you being an ESL makes it hard for you to comprehend basic story concepts like theming and narrative but maybe if you stick to those night courses you'll get a grasp on the subject one day
does radiation even do anything to them.
>the cinematic nerfed Marines for theming purposes
You're actually insane lol
Go ahead an on, tell the class what your "Marines are killer demigods that should cost 100pts a model" narrative is based on
>takes off face mask
>its some third party BL barf and that's it
Skitarii use radiation rifles and stuff, theres probably a shock troop variant that uses a demon core as a weapon
Wouldn't make sense unless this is pre heresy.
he stole it
Yes, but the magos (magi?) don't really give a shit since skitarii are just convicts or other human trash they lobotomize and shove hardware into and then replace the meat when it gets used up.
We will definately get a 2nd wave
Eldar aspect shrines do the same thing but with souls

Chaos Marines just have space marines

Tau have battlesuits helped out by AI versions of their heroes

Tyranids are all about infusing DNA into super soldiers and can even re use specific mind templates

Really basically everyone
It's never based on Black Library, because marines actually die there, it's always based on the Astartes fan animation and power wank arguments on /v/ about killing master chief
I'm surprised they don't have pic related as a relic or something at this point.
Surely it should be like pic related
Whatever you say, buddy. Sure.
The rulebooks/codices never explain how powerful Astartes are and every T4 3+ unit is a space marine.
>not lore accurate
>not lore accurate
lmao then what is
Why are you gay?
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I like to imagine that ork waaagh energy is like weird gun lube
T4 to sell more models, brainlet. Simple as
Cause your dad goes crazy for my dick
Just play custodes if you want a super elite army. Or play something that's t4 if that gets your dick twitching. There's dozens of units across multiple armies that are t4
What political factions exists amongst the Ethereal caste?
Smol boob enjoyer faction most powerful
>gave them specific chaos banners and icons
They're terrorists. Using symbols of terror.
>Such a huge chunk of people in this hobby treat the painting like its a chore
Because it is.
You really need to find a better storage and transport system sallyanon. This is pretty embarrassing
Just admit you're a fag
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38 000 year old hag
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Would serve, both sexually and literally.
That looks like a premium 40K battlefield role, just zooming around on your jetbike, taking in the sights. Lovely.
why does everything have to be drawn with such massive cow tits these days? Its over the top to the point of it being a turn off more than a turn on.
Especially this shit:
Thats just straight up fucking grotesque. Its like someone taken the character poroprtions slider in some character creator and dragged them up to 11.
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How do I beat Blood Angels? They are too fast and too killy for my poor nuns.
>sisters eternally mogged by Emperor true soldiers
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Iron Within, Hazard Stripes without.
Sorry you consoomed too much porn anon and ruined your views on what looks in any way natural.
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>in marine colors
If I wanted "natural" or "realistic" I'd just go outside or open up pornhub.
Both of which are trash.
Its just flying the flag.
If I'm an artist by trade can I justify my dudes as a work expense when taxes rear their ugly head? How frequently would I need to either take painting commissions or do diorama photo-shoots with my models to help justify this?
Ask your local tax people, not anonymous autists on the internet.
What's the easiest army to recast
Wouldn't you want to know GW.
You need to have a running trade in selling them as commissions or otherwise using them as a prop for sales of other works, like them helping set the scene as a youtube channel about 40k, or similar to that.
Otherwise you're going to have a very hard time convince any auditor that you're not just pulling a fast one should it ever come to that.
Just don't like the current obsession with truly massive asses, stupidly large baps and 30% bodyfat that seems to be somewhat popular.
No seriously, I love kitbashing stuff and I need an excuse to do it.
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Have some heresy.
Depends on your country, but I'd imagine you'd need a decent income from it to be visible to your countries revenue service or everyone would be doing it for every hobby
It might be marines, since they are pretty plain and have lot of large simple shapes to them.
That's because you like men or children
Ork codex was legit being held up by meganobz being OP. Other than boyz, nobz, squighogs, trukks and a few leaders the rest of the units are just plain bad.
I hope next dataslate they get some buffs aiming at internal balance.
Thats not heresy, Inquisitors get some leeway with their retinue, she could be a xenos advisor on retainer with an Inquisitor dealing with a Dark Eldar threat.
Obviously it's going to depend one where you live and how.tax works there. Get professional advice.

But I'd doubt you could claim them completely. Especially if you game with them, which would be personal use and you'd have to calculate and justify what percentage of time they're used "for work" and so percentage of their value you can claim back.
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If a woman can't suffocate me with her tits, then they aren't big enough.
Different people get different things from the hobby. Some people really enjoy painting, other people do not and enjoy the modeling aspect more, and other people enjoy the playing aspect more. They're all legitimate. Painting to the level most people consider "standard" (what you see on youtubers and shit) takes hours upon hours of practice and a single model can easily go into the 20+ hours of painting. That's simply not feasible if your aim is to play the game and you have 56 models to paint.
lol, why you so tilted coomer?
It's chaos, them inducting other non marine traitors into the warband is fine.
She's a half eldar sororitas.
Artist is Berseria.
>no u
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>What painting styles for miniatures do you think are underrated and deserve more attention?
I'm a big fan of styles that do not rely on edge highlighting for clarity. Volumetric lighting always looks a ton better.
I mean, even GW canonically supports eldar and humans working together without murdering each other even when ones a Sister of Battle. No reason a half-Eldar orphan cant be inducted into the Sororitas to work off her lifetime sin of being born half-xenos.
Upclose yeah, from afar no
Also not all edge highlighting is done to represent light catching edges, in spite of the name.
You're going to lose your mind trying to paint an army like that though. Maybe save it for a Killteam or Necromunda gang!
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a friend that does oil painting and stuff told me a trick that i think it's pretty neat, when you want to do something darker don't just go down in value, also go either lighter or warmer, and then when you want to do something lighter do the opposite (so if your shadows are warm your highlights are colder and vice versa). helps a ton with contrast.
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Finished these.
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Hoe does a daemoncabula look? like this persons imagining of it?
Edge highlighting is a technique that is present in the image you posted. It's just being used alongside a blended modtone so it isn't as stark or noticeable
No, far fleshier.
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This one?
The bullet holes match.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Must be exhausting being retarded
Here, have a (you) coom brain. Its clearly what you're after.
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Can't help but feel that this would look amazing Orked up a bit, with a couple of buzzsaw arms or a snippy snappy claw attached.
god that fucking face
the pilot really is in the cockpit there.
You know its bad when I really can't tell which one you're more upset about.
Is it just me or is the Taboritski route in HoI TNO taking the absolute piss out of 40k?
I personally wouldn't do arms
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Oh you know.
>piloted by a literal dick rider
I can. Eldar men are meant to look like fags.
I wouldnt call that edge highlighting. Edges naturally catch light so good painting will reflect that, with edge highlighting as a style most people talk about GWs "every.single.edge.gets.a.line." approach
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Their whole range for those French dudes looks wonderfully partially orky already. Look at this lovely Speedsta, mostly ready to field.
Thats not completely terrible, at least she has eyebrows in a rare departure from SoB norms.
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As for these, get that French twat out of them put an Ork in there, it looks the part already! Ork bike!
I think in that case it'd be easier to greenstuff some extra chainmail to hide the undercut
They must have the weirdest pillow talk.
Eldar dontr seem like they make good lovers desu. Not the CWE ones anyway.
Even single line goes so hard, I kind of wish world leaders spoke that way
>I am the Vitality of my people, measured in ways you cannot measure
>I am what I am
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lmao who wrote this shit
Welcome to Black Library
I won't tell you the writer but I can tell you the story is titled "Eldar Women Prefer Human Men" and is published on AO3, which ought to tell you everything you need to know.
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Its from this book by Gav Thorpe.
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>I just don't understand why no one bought my books, I guess no one likes eldar
not even BL slop but actual fanfiction, Bl isn't that bad anons
>Gav "white/cis/het" Thorpe
Today I'm getting a wraith knight...
no need to be a tsundere about it
>Bl isn't that bad anons
it is
Buy an ad
I kinda want one but that thing has been hit so hard by price hikes
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read Deathworlder
>with a couple of buzzsaw arms or a snippy snappy claw attached.
that would ruin it, it looks silly and good specifically because it has no arms

if you want to give it a melee weapon, give it wrecking balls nads or a crotch buzzsaw
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wrong pic
Dont lie anon, look, its even got Yvraine in it.
Its Orks, it would have to have some melee capability. Though I'm liking the idea of a stupid crotch buzzsaw
>2 more weeks until the hive fleet arrives
Crotch buzz-saw
Or give him like, a giant metal boot with giant metal spikes to kick things with
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Primed and ready. It's probably gonna take a while to finish this thing.
vehicles should just come pre painted
you don't understand, man
I found someone selling it sealed for 170 CAD cash no tax, (124 USD/90 pound
equivalent) so I figured I may as well get one now before price goes up again in 3 months.
In the long run in makes my first 2k army significantly cheaper at 510pts
That doesnt hame sense, half its body has a rotating buzzsaw in it now.
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yes, isn't it awesome?
ribbed for your pleasure.
Put more servitors on it, that way they will finish quicker
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you could even give it 2!
>Scouts here
But none really likes Eldar
Besides, GW was nver good with non-humans
>GW was nver good with non-humans
See >>93250727
And what exactly I am supposed to see?
That Deathworlder was good with non-humans
a recommendation for a tyranid-centric novel that people enjoyed quite a bit apparently
Aka Alien-Arachnid rip-off
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yes, and?
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>starship troopers

Got another armour done.
>>starship troopers
Never said it. I said their piss poor copies are trash and leftists who plays them should move to designated for them game
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lmao u mad
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It's you who is crying about xenos in the novels
Yeah but you don't own painted models so why should your opinion matter?
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>have a well-written novel that is basically unanimously considered "rare good BL book" and the book does great justice to both guard & nids
What's next? Me "crying" about fantastic new models?
>Yeah but you don't own painted models so why should your opinion matter?
Because it's correct. Because it's not me who is screeching at xeno-race place in the setting
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>they're copies of things that aren't trash
>so they're trash!

>the army with patriarchy making fun of labour movements is leftist!
>that people enjoyed quite a bit apparently
It's BL, people who enjoy it are the type who enjoy anything low effort.
maybe anon will agree with you if you posted nid lewds.
Most people praising it have never read a BL book before.
just lmao @ this turbo secondary
>Xhe reads BL books
lmao cuck
>flat out admits being a secondary nomodels
Not a good look.
I find those distasteful.
>>flat out admits being a secondary nomodels
And yet it;s you who crying about BL novels
Are BL books not canon even if they are written by the actual codex authors?
>make a positive comment
refer to >>93250896 once again, you have to be ESL or something
Who is the best 40k audiobook narrator?
>>make a positive comment
I honestly dont know but I dont like men trying to narrate women.
Men make the hottest women
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Worse are women who try to narrate space marines
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None of those are me lol. You made a wild claim "GW can't write non-humans" which I skillfully and elegantly parried with "Deathworlder, ahkshually, is v good". The rest is just your impotent seething about tyranids being a thing in general.
Also you're nomodels.
Toby Longworth
>with "Deathworlder, ahkshually, is v good"
But it's not. You've picked this novel only because it's 40k novel, not because it was good novel.
Also. human POV
Legitimately looks like my local nid player
...are you angry that people pointed out the shit you posted is some literal gay fapfiction?
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Nid player or "nid player"?
You do realise it's from BL novel?
Scrawny loser that simps for any woman that breathes in the same room as him
>You've picked this novel only because it's 40k novel
Because you talked about GW? I mean I guess I could've looked around Fantasy since its also GW, but of fucking course I'd be looking around 40k stuff while talking about GW portraying things in a fucking 40k thread.
>Also. human POV
Non-argument. Your claim was
>"GW was nver good with non-humans"
>"GW was never good with non-human POV"
You don't need to portray narration from someone's POV to portray them well. That's arguably the entire point of Blindsight as a novel, which is quite good at portraying the aliens being alien.
BTW you still don't own painted models.
but it's not
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Maybe I should give up reading rafen omnibus
I begun it five years ago and I have read six stories from it
In same time I have read a lot of other 40k stories and other books
I like 40k but it is kind of obvious that writers are never served
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We will have retribution.
>Because you talked about GW?
No no no. Before this discussion took place.
>I mean I guess I could've looked around Fantasy
Yeah a game which was so popular it's been closed.
It is. Aliens are NPC for human protagonists to shoot. THis is why you using novel writtent from human POV as example
>BTW you still don't own painted models.
Yeah and? You own plastic, I own piece of GW stocks
I need to see this miniature from different angles, that arm looks like it's got more half-formed arms holding it
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>literal nomodel secondary
Nids won tho.
>binancebro nomodels
Embarrassing lmao.
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>"secondary and proud!"
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>I don't play with miniature
>I invest in miniatures
>Nids won tho.
Well yeah. Guard aren't protagonists of the setting
I 3D printed this, how do you feel about 3D printing sounding the start of the death knell for GW?
whats up with niggas and leaving cat pubes on their models
Toxoplasmosis man, they can't help it.
Right? May as well bundle them up and put them to good use!
aw god.
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>lines that sound cooler in your head than when you say them out loud
>I 3D printed this
I can tell based on the print lines under the paintjob.
>, how do you feel about 3D printing sounding the start of the death knell for GW?
Questionable. 3d printers are already capable of making Citadel-tier miniatures. Yet only few people using them. Major customer base still find it more easy to go and buy plastic crack in LGS
You only printed the autocannon. Which is fine, 3D printing is awesome for conversion parts. If absolutely sucks for printing full minis. I printed two BFG fleets and an epic 40k army and I wanted to kill myself after. I'd rather buy plastic or cast resin. Fucking hate how brittle print resin is.
No, that looks terrible also.
Nevermind that, the entire model looks terrible.
Who the fuck let the retards in the nuln oil stockpile again?
>esl AND secondary
Why is this a bad thing? I speak 3 languages, why would english being one of them be a bad thing?
Usually it's pointing out lack of finesse when using english.
Stop using shit resin then?
⅕ Siraya Tenacious + ⅘ Siraya Fast ABS-like mix is the wining ticket.
Yeah sure, but it's still not a bad thing when you know multiple languages. I don't have the opportunity to practice my italian regularly so it might be broken, but I can still speak it and understand it.
I'd have to see for myself and if I'm gonna have to start mixing resin I'd rather buy plastic. It's not like the selection of stls that don't fucking suck is super big for warhammer outside of specific factions that have one or two autists working on them (love your krieg sculpts tinylegend), or space marines.
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>war horde is the only decent detachment by now
>I speak 3 languages
>actually I don't, it's all a broken mess and people can spot it even in written form
Why is that mate
Considering most americans are barely if at all literate, i always find it very funny when they whine about others' english skills.
Is that immortan joe?
What? The only bad detachment is the snagga one, and it's entirely because it's so limited, the rules in it would be fine if they were a little broader.
>and if I'm gonna have to start mixing resin I'd rather buy plastic
Stop making it out to be a big deal. You buy 1x 1KG bottle of Tenacious, you buy 2x 2KG bottles of Fast ABS-like and you fire them all into a 5L+ container and whack the cap back on after giving it a wee shake about. Done. Prints you could throw round the tabletop without fuss.
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Oh dear, poor Orks. I doubt their players will be overly bothered, they seem to enjoy themselves regardless. Still, its a bit sad.
I posted the wrong image! Heres the win rates.
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Oh dear. Who thought the Imperial Eagle across the mouth area was a good idea, it looks terrible.
If you spoke more than one language you'd know that you don't have native levels on every single language you speak unless you speak them regularly. I don't live in italy, I barely speak it. I'm bound to make mistakes sometimes.
>order biosantic broodsurge box from element games
>release happens
>nothing arrives
>get email today
>"yeah GW didn't send us enough stock we are waiting for more please understand"
>Item said it was "10+ in stock" on the website when i ordered
>After order they posted on twitter about having loads

This is feeling like when Wayland Games started taking orders for stock they didn't have and could never get hoping people would forget and not ask for a refund and people stopped using them. I know they opened new stores in nottingham and elsewhere to expand but are they going kind of scummy too? anyone had any dodgy experiences with them lately?
>85 Leviathan games
>34 Pariah Nexus games
ECsisters, are we sure we deserve a new army?
I do both, GW actually pays good dividend.
Guess you figured out why it was done on two guys, and never again.
I agree with you sir. Here is a rare Forge World L
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Guard bros WE ARE SO BACK.
Post it on Reddit/Twitter, they wont change unless they're named and shamed where it matters ... which is unfortunately Reddit and Twitter. :(
other than the helmets these are 10/10s and put 40k smurfs to shame
It sort of makes them look like a bird has flown into their face.
Played against Imp Knights last night and I'm not surprised their WR went up, the ability to just say fuck it and walk through walls is pretty massive to their ability to just see you wherever you're hiding

Still won though lol get cultist'd
>all the same model in different poses just like bladeguard
Yes, Heresy models are generally supposed to be more uniform. There's still small differences.
>dorn goes down by 20 points
>guard winrarte skyrockets
what did GW mean by this?
Snagga, Dread Mob and Speed Freekz are all pretty bad.
Snagga is too limited, Dread Mob has good rules and bad units to benefit, and Freekz has bad rules and good units to benefit (though not all that good, how the fuck is a Buggy 100pts)
>Thinks an extra 20-40pts makes a difference
>Not the ability to actually get a detachment rule on units other than artillery
No, they should not.
Double standards are gay.
not really concerned desu, at least shit wont be out of stock now. what i am annoyed with though, is the fact that the fucking naut is always out of stock from both my lgs and the online store i buy shit from, its never there

but seriously the ork bros that have been playing for a while couldnt give a fuck, war horde is still fine anyway
ive heard that guard players are some of the most cringe individuals out there, i dont see it myself but makes me think as to why a faction like that would attract those sort of people?
3d print yourself an airbush next time
no need for that sort of bullying anon
heard from who? taufags? lmao
you can't take someone seriously when they start a post with
>how do you deal with IG players when they start goose stepping and roman saluting around the flgs
nice brown blob
This sort of seethe is exactly what you'd expect from the most cringe playerbase
Is your flgs games workshop or 3rd party?
If its a GW store its not an FLGS
Heres the (you) that you so desperately crave anon. : )
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Thanks I prefer a cohesive, more realistic, theme compared to the clown car look that Space Marine players go in for.
its mostly anecdotes but still, its not really a coincidence when i keep hearing about it over and over again. i thought maybe the cringiest fanbase would be emperors children, dark eldar or even tau players like you said, but no, apparently its the guard bros
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>how do you deal with IG players when they start goose stepping and roman saluting around the flgs?
...stop and admire myself in the mirror?
Living proof guardfags are nothing but seethe and projection
>Lol its the taufags who are cringe!
>Lol its the marines who are cringe!
Who's next anon?
Could you really complain about my catachan boiz?
Most guardfags are just either kriegfags, wehraboo or & Allah forgive me for saying this, tau fags posing as guard players
I didn't say marine players are cringe, I said I didn't like their paint-schemes for the most part. Its not even remotely similar.
>muh realism
You don't understand or belong in 40k.
Is it true that the meltagun was named after its designer/discoverer John Melta?
no idea, are catachan players quite rare? never see them posted here, or anywhere desu. never see someone selling them on marketplace either (although im not actively looking)
>umm acthtully
Keep digging that hole
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Too bad, I'm happy playing it.
Realism doesn't mean all brown no contrast.
Trying to find a fellow catachan player that only buys the OG catachan shit and not spacenam is quiet rare IMO
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>its mostly anecdotes
>i dont see it myself
you have to understand that a lot of the hate guard get are from (mostly xenos)fags who hate HFY. these are the types that get angry when you gun down their 2000 year old aspect warriors with lasguns fired by a 15 year old conscript.
some people also don't like the guard positive memes (bayonets, shovels) and get angry about it like the mature well adjusted adults they are
>some people also don't like the guard positive memes (bayonets, shovels)
"some" people don't like the utterly cringe shit like that? Try the overwhelming majority
Not liking fun is pretty cringe, ngl.
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Try looking at an actual army in a desert scheme anon.
haha yes epic stuff my fellow redditor grab le shovels
I don't know about that but you gotta be at least a bit weird if from all these futuristic scifi factions the one that catches your attention is the historicals, but in SPAAACE dudes.
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Mate you have two colours, brown and black. Don't get me wrong I love your army but realism isn't an excuse for not having a single non-neutral colour and everything looking like you covered it in streaking grime. There's a spectrum between this and a clown car.
Whats wrong with that? Its like playing Starship Troopers, I can understand the appeal in that.
People are also happy at stubbing their toes
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Sure here you go, some PEAK desert army aesthetics
I'm sorry your life is so sad.
You're an amerigroid.
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NTA but there is more to factions than just themselves. They don't exist in a vacuum.
As a nid collector I appreciate the more toned down down to earth look of guardsmen since it creates the cool contrast between my factions and theirs.
A good chunk of it comes from sweats (especially sweats who masquerade as casual players) who get really tilted when they lose to the npc faction
talking about guard, did they nerf them recently? i saw a bunch of posts complaining about indirect fire and that it fucked over guard somehow but didnt read any further
Guard players are one of the larger playerbases full of people who are actually retarded so they thought they got fucked when they actually got buffed.
Oh look, 2 shades of brown and some flak jackets from the wrong theatre of war due to shortages.
whats with the sweatys doing that? why do they turn up to casual games and be a pain?
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Historicals don't fight against space orks and tyranids and they don't have shit like baneblades and sentinels. Or chainswords.
I don't know. My town is so small we just meet every second Sunday in a hall
100% more than what you were going for champ
>um no actually warhammer wouldn't have equipment shortages! its not like they have to hand lasguns down from man to man after they die!
>2 shades of brown
That's more than the other anon has going on and even his single shade of brown could use some contrast between highlights and shadows. Right now everything looks like a definitionless brown blob and the amount of details he forgot painting don't help.
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Also gonna use my own post as an excuse to post picrelated which also goes hard IMO.
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see, here is the perfect disconnect. the army man concept is universal and I bet most of you grew up with little green army men, call of duty, starship troopers, gi joes, whatever the fuck.
then you have this xenos fucker >>93251460 who thinks the norm is playing as some degenerate gay dark bondage evil space elves.
he is like the dumbass baldur's gate 3 devs who were surprised everyone played a human male warrior and not a fucking purple red tiefling with 20 horns
canon as a concept predates capitalistic ownership of intellectual property
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Brown Uniform.
Darker brown Leather and Boots.
Steel armor panels and guns.
Fleshtone hands.
Little white added to the gasmasks.
Not seeing the problem here. You're just moaning for the sake of it.
>people finally find out what generic means
Jokes aside, having options and variety is nice. That's why I don't play 30k. I like how much more diverse 40k is.
Keep seethin'
>brown brown brown
who are the bigger guys with really thick arms on the right meant to be?
lol, is it true? Our of curiosity what army do
YOU play anon?
Anon I'm sorry but everything except the metal looks the same colour. You need more contrast to differentiate between them.
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Where can I find copies of ebooks and/or audio books? I LOVE the novels but a lot of the ones I want to read are out of print and demand a premium price on the used market.
They're third party models. They'd be easier to identify as catachan if the flesh tone wasn't the same brown as the rest of the army
>and I bet most of you grew up with little green army men, call of duty, starship troopers, gi joes, whatever the fuck.
No I grew up with dinosaur, spider & bionicle toys.
what do you play in 40k?
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>I bet most of you grew up
The biomechanical spider dinosaur faction, of coursh.
jeez boys, guard players are easily provoked arent they
Nothing wrong with brown. Solid color.

Proxies for Catachans, but themed for the army, wanted to differentiate them from the rest of the troops, but still have them gasmasked up.
>third party models
I was wondering why they looked like male strippers in gas masks lol, the defintion on their arms is a bit over the top, also they look more like space marine scouts than normal gaurdsmen since they tower over the kreigers.
I do like the mass sheilded ogryns. Very distinct look to see those guys behind normal humans.
>Nothing wrong with brown. Solid color.
I agree, as a part of a contrasted palette.
Ah, Admech?
At least it’s not green, red, and whatever the fuck else Christmas marine man is doing.
Thanks mang. He’s one of my favourites. Shame termies suck ass right now.
You're getting a lot of grief but at least you have an army that's painted.
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after the nerfs, what is considered the worst ork detachment right now? so much focus has been on the two (bully boyz / green tide) that no one talks about the others, apart from our resident blue ork bro who plays dread mob
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You can have brown, but you need different shades of brown in your scheme. Give the leather a reddish brown, give the masks more grey. Give the skin a more purple/pink undertone. Highlight your colours so you can make out the parts. Highlight your metal. Paint all the details. Have some spot colours like red or green for things like the mask lenses or lights on the weapons.
...and some gold....ooh and maybe some fire effects, those are cool....maybe a bit of blue too, why not, I have the paint right here....oh and purple, purples a nice colour, lets put some of that on too...
You gotta go to the library or buy them on ebay. The only way.
That's nice but it also looks like it would take 10x the amount of time to paint the same amount of models.
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This unironically is my thought process.
Painting an army like this is barely above greytide.
Stop being happy you son of a bitch. You need to overthink your scheme and make sure it perfectly matches whatever autistic fantasy you’re having.
You haven't even painted an army to that level, your opinion isn't worth shit, fatty
Wow no shit, things looking better takes longer
That's a gorgeous model, holy shit
Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.
I mean, yeah, using more than two colours takes longer.
>name is shota
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To be fair to sallyman it’s literally in the codex supplement name list.
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is there a trick to doing this straight?
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use painters tape, yah numbskull
airbrush with tape maybe, ive never been great at this shit which makes painting goff checkers a fucking pain
Someone's butthurt about the truth.
i know the poor guard dude has been copping it but its still a decent paint job
Kek, I almost spit out my morning Monster.
The truth is you should lose weight and wash your ass!
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Imperial guard post
Anon I think its very nicely painted, I like the blue glow of the plasma guns you have, done very skillfully
If thats an infohash its no good. Deluge can't open it
my sides! why is that stupid image so funny?
I hate Black Library books because they all feel like toy catalogs. "A Succubus© independent character rides a Venom© light skimmer transport with her Elite unit choice Bloodbrides©. Did you know Bloodbrides© can be troons just like Howling Banshees© and Incubi©?" as if the entirety of dark eldar society, history, and technology was everything that was ever mentioned in the codex and they don't have normal non-combat vehicles or just other combat vehicles than the ones mentioned in the codex.
>unfinished ogryn base
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Share your goffs ork bro
the novels will mention new vehicles but people just ignore them. the four people who read new novels and summarize them are incredibly biased
>it’s even got the stupid little mushroom spots
abnett left BL for like 10 years because ADB's faggot friend Laurie forced that on him
his last novel before he took his vacation was like
>the leman russ conquerers opened fire on the traitors. they were supported by leman russ executioners firing their executioner cannons. etc etc
this was way back when FW was the one selling those turrets.
this is why I like abnett's books because he doesn't adhere so closely to that models only thing
I'm not even that guy.
>admitting to whiteknighting for some anon's paintjob on a sicilian pizza forum
>Imagine the hodgepodge of destroyed guard regiments being formed back to working one.
>Need equimpent
>Ask from your neighbor
>Wrong camo or color
>Tough luck
>Here is unfamiliar jacket and webbing from completely dead regiment
>Just ad your insignia
I would imagine 40k militaries starting to look more like a gang of hobos with mismatched gear
When logistics suck and gear available is from storage that belonged to the dead
Why we can't have good things?
>blood axe kommandos.jpg
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>Purple/Violet is Slaanesh
>Red and maybe Orange is Khorne
>Dark blue and light blue is Tzeentch
>Light Green is Nurgle
WHY is there no YELLOW coloured chaos god. It's right there, its so strange that a primary colour isn't represented at all in chaos. Not even as alt colour scheme.
I'm just saying if GW pulls a whole new Chaos god out of their arse suddenly and wants to pretend it was there all along like female custodes I wouldn't be that mad
Vashtorr could be i guess
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IG really should look far more bizzare and alien than 'starship troopers'
>resident blue ork bro

That's like, fucking all of them.
God I love Ali G
>I would imagine 40k militaries starting to look more like a gang of hobos with mismatched gear
>When logistics suck and gear available is from storage that belonged to the dead
Because you'd be correct, that's how most guard armies really are in 40k.
Guardsmen basically never get rotated back ever, as soon as they have won a battle/warzone there is basically no respite or "vacation" it's just straight to the next battlefield where the army is needed.
This also means they only ever get resupplies and new equipment sporadically and lot of it has to be scavenged and lot of it has adhoc repair shit to keep it functional, to dismay of any techpriests, due to lack of parts, equipment or resources, or all 3.

But doing something like this is hard to sell model wise because people prefer and like cohesive armies with 1 certain style to them.
But realistically a guard army is going to be made up of like 4 different regiments, say cadians, krieg, catachan and tallarn, working together because that's all they have and managed to get in terms of resupply, or have been forced to link up with another regiment for extra help and supplies.
King in Yellow (Valedor) :^)
Real talk I guess it's secondary colour for tzeentch since he has a lot of fire themes going on (for some reason, wtf is Tzeentch portfolio anyways? Birds and fire? Why?)
Yellow/gold is for the emperor
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This isn't very different to current guard.
>WHY is there no YELLOW coloured chaos god.
Because there are only 4 chaos gods and none of them took that as their color.
Minor gods exist but they are practically irrelevant and only minor god that does exist is Malice and his colorscheme is just black and white.
>Minor gods exist but they are practically irrelevant and only minor god that does exist is Malice
Malice barely exists beyond a footnote and a fun reference for grogs and fakegrogs for Malal.
Did you forget about Be'lakor and Vashtorr the two actual chaos minor gods
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tape, also paint black over yellow instead of yellow over black
>cute frog
I will now buy your product
Paint black over yellow, not yellow over black
Birds and fire a often symbolism of knowledge given by the divine. Fire theft by a god or godlike being stealing the knowledge to making it to humans is universal.
Birds are often wisdom, Pallas Athena is represented by an Owl, Ra the sun god has the head of a falcon etc. Eyes/ a third eye is also used to show insight/ knowledge of a magical/supernatural nature. The real question should be why is his symbol often a fish?
oh shit I didn't think of that
>Guardsmen basically never get rotated back ever, as soon as they have won a battle/warzone there is basically no respite or "vacation" it's just straight to the next battlefield where the army is needed.
>This also means they only ever get resupplies and new equipment sporadically and lot of it has to be scavenged and lot of it has adhoc repair shit to keep it functional, to dismay of any techpriests, due to lack of parts, equipment or resources, or all 3.
eh, stuff like this is arguable. gaunt's ghost has instances where they get rotated off the frontline, one book even has them getting fat and wanting to get back in the fight
same about lack of equipment. it happens, especially in the middle of a 60 year war but its silly to say oh every regiment is scourging for sticks to fight with.
all the major IG regiments have been depicted as having infantry, armoured, mechanised and even airborne formations, so a cadian army with cadian leman russes and cadian chimeras etc is not abnormal and even how guard is commonly depicted. what you should say that a guard army with a cadian infantry regiment and mordian armoured company and tallarn mechanized company is also very normal, not that that is the ONLY way it should be or it SHOULD be like that.
>Malice barely exists beyond a footnote and a fun reference for grogs and fakegrogs for Malal.
He still exists and is canon.
He and Sons of Malice have never been retconned, latest mention for them was in 8th edition where it said they took part in the 13th black crusade.
>Did you forget about Be'lakor and Vashtorr the two actual chaos minor gods
No, but I specifically didn't mention them because they are not minor chaos gods.

1. Be'lakor is not a chaos god of any sort, he is a daemon prince, a mortal who attained daemonhood, meaning he is at best a greator daemon in terms of hierarchy.

2. Vashtorr is VERY specifically called a "daemon demi-god", and "demi-god" specifically by definition just means "half-god", also Vashtorr's whole point is that he is trying to ASCEND into a god, if he already was a god he would have zero need to ascend anywhere.
Malice on the other hand has ALWAYS been referred to as a "Minor Chaos God", meaning he is already up there and doesn't need to "ascend" to anywhere.
The reason why he is a "minor god" is because not many mortals worship him, which very specifically due to what Malice represents.
Malice represents pure anarchy and senseless destruction for "just because", mindless destruction of everything with no actual end goal to it.
Which is incredibly rare for humans or any mortal races, because they are always motivated by something.
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your colour theory is all fucked up, man
Codex: Cityfight also has a short story where a new regiment is replacing what little remains of the old one, who is leaving the front.
>Vashtorr = Yellow
>Belakor = Light blue/Aqua
>Morghur(?) = Orange
I don't even disagree I just want to know your thoughts that led you to placing them there
Horned rat makes perfect sense to me
Belakor is black, and his forces are just black as well.
>1. Be'lakor is not a chaos god of any sort, he is a daemon prince, a mortal who attained daemonhood, meaning he is at best a greator daemon in terms of hierarchy.
Be'lakor is referred to as a power in the Warp. A demigod. Which puts him on the same level as Vashtorr. If you are going to write walls of text would you kindly look up the lore from his codex page first?
Be'lakor has Greater Daemons working under him.

The Malice stuff you are posting seems to be pulled out of your ass. You better work on them sources. Whhere does it say that Malice is a minor Chaos God? He manifested in Real Space which puts a dent in that.
warhammer metaphysics connect the magical energies of metal/alchemy/engineering/industry with the yellow/golden wind and vashtorr's armour has a yellowish tone
while the one related to beasts and the return to primordial nature to orange/amber, plus the beastmen range is very characterised by browns

belakor was a stretch, I have to admit, but his sword and inner energies are light blue
Isn*t it interesting that light blue/white is usually the color psyker powers/weapons are depicted especially from imperium an eldar units?
>Be'lakor is referred to as a power in the Warp. A demigod.
Doesn't matter, he is still just a daemon prince. His whole point is that he is trying to ascend as well, if he already was a god, he wouldn't need to be ascending anywhere.

Also "demi-god" yet again just means he is at best a "half-god", which still means nothing considering the first above thing.

Only minor chaos god that exists in 40k is Malice.
Nevermind that minor chaos gods have always existed in warhammer, even WHF, and guess what?
Neither Vashtorr and Belakor are mentioned to be one ever.
Vashtorr never mentioned (for obvious reasons) and belakor is nothing more than a daemon prince.
While Malal, aka Malice (since GW did the good ol' "it's totally not the same character as before, see we changed the name, just ignore it's still 100% same every other way, even down to the same logo and colorscheme.") was a minor chaos god always.
Shouldn't some Admechians see Vashtorr as the Omnissiah?
I don't see how you can think Vashtorr is not a minor chaos god, he's not a daemon prince he has his own realm within the warp that the other gods cannot tresspass aganist, his own type of daemons etc
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Dread it, run from it...
No, he's cringe.
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other hamfisted inclusions would be the eldar gods
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Blocks your path.
>he is still just a daemon prince.
No. He isn't just a daemon prince. He is the most powerful daemon prince. As per the codex, the difference in power between Be'lakor and most daemon princes is the difference they have with their former mortal selves.
Be'lakor has his own sphere of power in the Warp and can mark and bestow blessings on his billions of followers the same as Vashtorr. The term a demigod was used for him and he is compared to Vashtorr as a rival.
Unlike the other daemon princes, Be'lakor stands over Greater Daemons and has a number of them under his command.

And I see no sources for Malice. I guess you don't have any?
I'm literally planning on doing something like this.
An "irregularly uniformed" guard army via third party.
The uniforms are different, but the colours remain the same.
The problem is I can't decide on whether I should stick with the resin third party stories (madrobotminiatures, anvilindustry, Victoria miniatures) previous Cadian scale or go 3D printing mode.
Some do. Vashtorr often leverages this fact to exploit both Admech and Darkmech.
>3D printing mode
I haven't had my coffee.
I meant stores, and 3D printing mode as in getting models in the new scale of the new Cadians.
We're getting further and further away from people who have seen actual titties in real life, so the cultural perception of women is becoming more and more distorted.
I'm only half joking
Maybe if they were just selling Terminators, but this was selling an entire starter box and refreshing a comparatively ancient line, so ofc they're going to make the Tyranids look good.
>I don't see how you can think Vashtorr is not a minor chaos god
Because his entire fucking motivation and main character drive is down to the letter to ASCEND INTO GODHOOD.
If Vashtorr was a god of any sort he would not need to be ascending anywhere.
You have to be illiterate to not understand this.

Malice doesn't need to ascend anywhere because he already is a god, that is what he has always been referred to as.
The "minor" moniker has always just meant "not as popular or worshipped as the Big 4 but a full god none the less."

It's like how in real life different cultures had "major" and "minor" gods, which might have even changed depending on what settlement you went to or even on the time period.
Like in Egypt, some gods just were more popular and worshipped than in some towns or time periods.
For example in X city Bast might have been a "major" god due to him being worshipped by many and his cult being in power, but Y city he might just be minor god that gets casual respect because he doesn't have as many dedicated followers and the "major" god is Thoth instead because he has more worshippers.

That's what the difference between Malice and the Big 4 is.
Malice is a minor god because he has very little true followers, which purely due to what he represents as a god.
>He isn't just a daemon prince. He is the most powerful daemon prince
Still a nothing more than a daemon prince, he still is not a god.
If Belakor was one he would not need to "ascend" anywhere.
You can keep coping and try coming up with whatever but it does not change the fact that he is not a god for the very virtue of what his CORE motivation is.
See it doesn't make any moral sense or a greater good kinda deal for the imperium to not allow humans to choose what they want to be or how to be free. The Emperor has done nothing but build space boats to impression the average man to his will, the chaos gods are the natural order of all things and it simply doesn't make sense to me for the reason of the human race not to be impowered and fight against the curse of religion and moral decay of the 40k universe. Chaos space marines are only evil because they were built for war and the warp turns out peoples true nature. Humans who have struggled with being recognized finaly get the freedom they were born to weild when chaos grants them power loosening the Emperor's stupid maddness. IG are slaves and ironically like in real life those who fight for whats RIGHT are branded as bad, f the Imperium chaos needs a book detailing the freedom from cryptocratic society. Workers own their own work, flying birds fly and the Emperor is no better than the extrateressials they hate. It's a part of the setting I hate.
>he still is not a god.
He is a Warp demigod.
You are talking all this shiz about Malice and I am just calling you out for not backing it.
A full-fledged Warp God, minor or major, would not be able to be summoned into real space. This precludes Malice as a god.
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>chaos gods are the natural order
>He is a Warp demigod.
Still not a full god like Malice.
Belakor is nothing but a daemon prince, he might be the most powerful one to exist, but he is not a god.
Which is the reason why is eternally seething and angry at the Big 4 because they keep cockblocking him intentionally from ascending.
Neither is Malice
>A full-fledged Warp God, minor or major, would not be able to be summoned into real space.
They can be, only difference is in the vessel that is needed.
You could try summoning Khorne into reality, but have good luck with trying to find a good enough sacrifice to pull that off.
Nevermind that once Khorne comes into real space, it means he is no longer in the Warp, meaning he has no influence within that realm anymore.
This is the reason why you can't summon the Big 4, because they outright refuse to do so and the sacrifice or whatever gifts you'd need to achieve it, is just plain impossible to get.

Malice on the other hand does not have this problem because he is specifically a minor chaos god.
He already has practically no hold or any realm within the Warp due to being a minor one, but also has even less because he has very little followers at all.
It's the reason why you can summon him into real space, it's because he stands to lose nothing and then instead gain everything from doing so.
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Use the Zorn Palette
He is by the virtue of constantly being referred to as one.
Which is a fact.
And him being able to be summoned has no bearing on that.
Lets go
Anon Vashtorr desite to ascent to godhood = be one of the MAJOR Chaos gods, ie the Four. He doesn;t mean literlaly ascend to minor godhood be he is that innately. GW and us have been using vague terms like that and 'demi-god' to describe him but he is very much a chaos god in his own right.
>If Vashtorr was a god of any sort he would not need to be ascending anywhere
Anon he is more powerful than Malice, we know this because he has more followers than him. Portions of the Dark Mech and Iron Warriors worship him, as do some word bearers and Alpha Legion. I like your Egypt analogy and I think thats the right way to think of it.
If you read Realm of Chaos you'd find great explantions of what minor chaos gods, and some can be very very minor and still be a chaos god/ Warp power.

I don't know enough about them to recognise their symbols or give a take. Other than the surviving three eldar gods are inversions of the other 3 major chaos gods,
>Isha, Nurgle
>Khaine, Khorne
>Cecograch, Tzeentch
Tamiya makes good masking tape for model making. Comes in a variety of widths. Affordable, not too sticky, just sticky enough. Easy to apply. Comes in various sizes.
>Anon Vashtorr desite to ascent to godhood = be one of the MAJOR Chaos gods,
No, it's to be one of the gods in general.
>He is by the virtue of constantly being referred to as one.
I do not dislike your models Anon, its just that a mass picture like yours do not show anything properly.
Those Spacenam with Krieg heads (tiny legend?) look pretty cool, and they would deserve a better pic to see some of the details.
Its a great paintjob, however, belt and armor looks too close. So at first glance, this guy looks like wearing leather helmet and leather vest. (which would be just silly).
I agree about the contrast tho.
You fucking idiot, because the Emperor is golden and sits right in that fucking color identity.
File: warhammer 2k.jpg (274 KB, 1280x960)
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274 KB JPG
Guard for this feel
at LEAST clean off the sprue shit, jesus
Chaos if you're referring to the IDF

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