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Religion Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread: >>93241091

TQ: Not needed
I do like Logar.
10th edition is the best edition of 40k, because it's the most current. And when 11th edition releases, it will be the best, because it will be the most current. You will have to relearn the game due to faqs every few months, your faction will get a codex only a month before it's invalidated by a new edition dropping, and YOU WILL LIKE IT.
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Post cool art.
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No TQ?

How do /yourdudes/ show their faith? And how does it differs from their brothers in arms?
You can play whatever edition you like, anon, and it's not difficult to convince others to play it with you if it's actually any good.
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The Great Horned Rat ascended with the help of Archaon to be the fifth Chaos God. Archaon did it purposely to throw the Chaos Gods out of balance and keep them busy while he finished up conquering the realms.

Since 40K and AoS/40K echo each other it makes me believe that Abaddon will pull the same plan to destabilize the Great Game and be free of the gods' meddling while he conquers the galaxy. But here is the thing. Be'lakor and Vashtorr see Abaddon as their ticket to godhood. Who will be the fifth Chaos God? The Dark Master or the Arkifane?
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>Um.. actually you're a waacfag for wanting balance updates and a codex this edition

Caacfags kill yourselves and do the rest of us a favour
Damn man, these Blood Raven guys need to calm down
>Marine learns very fast what minimum arming distance is
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>The boys are on their way
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I think you're somewhat off the mark and the answer is "all of them" I think.
Shortly before Vashtorr's release they did teases on Warcom posting Aetheric Dominions image from HH daemon book. So with revamped Be'lakor & Vashtorr we will likely see 2 more Chaos Demigods/Minor Gods to round it up.
Probably Malice for Ravenous Dissolution and maybe Pater Mutatis for Formelss Distortion.
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What is the funnest mirror match to play ?
The idea is to destabilise the pantheon it can't be an even number.
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>Eldar learn very fast that the Imperium doesn't believe in minimum arming distance
He's putting together a team. He needs 4 New Gods to have a war against the Old Gods.
Great Horned Rat is Encroaching Ruin
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vashtorr has the best chances but I have genuine doubts about him succeeding because he's got a model, a pretty small one at that, so he can't be a trve god

most probably his ultimate plans will get foiled somehow or only partially succeed, enough to get a model range, not enough to be an actual god sitting at the big boys table

if gw wanted vashtorr to be a big deal the model would have been a herald or greater demon, not the guy itself
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I am not really commenting on your idea but rather telling you how the Vashtorr & Be'lakor situation (likely) gonna be handled & developed in 40k.
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that makes no sense
They could just rename his model as an Avatar/aspect/shard of Vashtorr
Chaos SM vs Orks is the only match up that feels weird for Orks
If they're all pulling away from the same point, as the star implies, the number doesn't matter
>ork gun with 2 magazines
Probably the most cohesive ork weapon in terms of mechanisms as to how it'd work.
That's a very unlikely scenario
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Absolutely not if you read what Encroaching Ruin stands for, which is
>Chaos in its purest form is a terror that few can stand before and remain sane. It hungers only for destruction, that all things mortal meet their predestined end and crumble into dust to be forgotten. To this singular end it moves inexorably, driven by a nightmarish purpose which subsumes the petty divisions of daemonkind.
To put it blunt, Encroaching Ruin is about Chaos united in it's drive to destroy non-Chaos. GHR is far closer to Ravenous Dissolution, which is the opposite of Encroaching Ruin and is about Chaos backstabbing itself.
Also Aetheric Dominions are a purely 40k concept and has never appeared in Fantasy.
Yeah, I'm just blueskying. If he did achieve apotheosis, they could keep everything about the model the same and just change the name to something that implies the model is a daemon of the big boy himself
Introducing a new chaos God can't destabilize the Pantheon, because as soon as they are born they have always been part of the Pantheon and therefore their eminence is established and unquestioned
Were Warhammer figures always this expensive? I went to the local Warhammer Shop and they were selling a Librarian figure for $85.
>Chaos backstabbing itself
Ain't that Malice's exact deal?
In real space however, it's a different story.
GHR is literally the God Of Ruin. He wants to rip apart, defile, and tear down everything purely out if spite. He embodies the worst aspects of the other Chaos Gods;
>Violence through cowardice
>Plotting with no greater end
>Corruption without life
>Pleasure without sensation
He exists to be a vile, despicable, and cowardly deity with no possible redeeming angles to speak of, served by the most repugnant and hated race in Warhammer.
Malice fell from godhood, and because Chaos is eternally made of retcons, now he never existed.
Yes. Malice is Ravenous Dissolution are way that Heedless Slaughter is Khorne.
They've always been notorious as overpriced, wouldn't say it was quite as bad as before though
Fantasy thread is two blocks down
the horned rat destabilises the pantheon specifically because it's not expected by the wheel
it doesn't work on emotions or thoughts, it takes scraps wherever it can, be it mortal or demonic, even if not especially if they bring ultimate and final ruin to everything
it doesn't aim to taint mortals to his side, he's got an entire race made by him and utterly devoted to him alone
it doesn't concern about the great game, he's got its own subrealm and he's dropped it directly onto the physical world
it is an utter anomaly, dangerous to the world as much as the gods specifically because otherwise disregarded or underestimated
which is why it makes sense for the old ones to have predicted and planned its rise, as well as the tool to dispose of it afterwards, and why the slann after capturing thanquol and having the skinks readying him to be sacrificed let him know stating he's going to cause more harm to their enemies than to them
Those are his domain but what are the emotional emanations he is coalesced from?
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Working on anything?
Finished anything recently?
Post models
File deleted.
Does GW release bundles for armies outside of standard Combat Patrols? How likely it is for Genestealers to get something new?
Yes, they call them battleforces nowadays. GSC just got one, called Bio-Sanctic Broodsurge and if you're lucky, you might be able to find it in stock somewhere. Apart from those, which tend to come with codex releases, they always release boxes around christmas.
Oh brother...
Malice is the god of anarchy, pure senseless destruction for "just because".

Realistically how you'd look at it is that Malice isn't any of the "spokes" on the wheel but at the center of it, the Primordial Annihilator, representing Chaos at its purest form, senseless destruction for no reason.
It also fits his name as well, he is literally just called Malice.

And him being in the center doesn't also mean he'd be "popular" as a god.
He'd still have very little followers for the very reason that humans and mortal races rarely if ever do something "for no reason".
That's the reason why most people fall to worship one of the Big 4 is purely because all mortals have reasons as to why they do things.
For Khorne worshippers it is to kill and murder and maim in the name of Khorne.
For Slaanesh the worshippers do it because they want to feel any and all sensations possible and to the extreme.
Tzeentch is about plotting and scheming, he is pretty much polar opposite of Malice.
For Nurgle it's all about spreading decay, disease and despair to the mortal races.
And to spread the generous "gifts" of Grandfather Nurgle.
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how's the election going bongbros?
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Aquila helmets on Bladeguard Vets - yea or nay?
Won't start to know until 10pm.
I guess I should wait and save up then.
Do whatever you like.
Labour's gonna win, there's nothing exciting or unexpected to be found in this
keep their own helmet
use the angry grill on sternguard veterans
beakies on assault units
why is the guy on the right so fucking ugly?
Of course there is. Things like how devastating its going to be for tories. Will reform get more than 1 seat. Will lib dems make huge gains. Will Sunak make history. What cabinet ministers vanish.
That and not buy from a GW store
he comes from the emperor's wife's children
If the 40k community wasn't made up of gw shills it would have stuck with 4th ed a long time ago
Take off your tinfoil
>If the 40k community wasn't made up of gw shills it would have stuck with 4th ed a long time ago
Even the non-shills want 4th edition.
/fourk/ is fucking dead, nevermind that they instantly started to fuck with it anyway, which just goes to prove that they don't like it.
Nevermind the lot of the anons just jumped into a discord so they can "keep it cohesive".
>Even the non-shills want 4th edition.
don't want*
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>4th edition

I'm not familiar with how things have changed. What was better about 4th edition?
It's older and there before better
sell me on 4th edition

hard mode: no "this army/unit type wasn't a thing"
I really hope that EC have this aesthetic when they get new models
People constantly shill 4th edition because it's the edition they started with.
It's nothing but pure nostalgia talk and wanting "to go back" to the "good old days".
You won't find me shilling the edition I started with

now tell me why 4th is superior to 3rd or 2nd
Labours gonna win but it’s mostly seeing how fucked the tories are. GF wants to stay up and watch so will get a load of my non metallics done tonight
I don't think theres any place nearby that sells Warhammer. I'll check but my hopes are small.
*raises metallic appendage*
To the AdMech, what is the distinction between a human who has replaced all of his flesh with artificial fabrication, and a [TRIGGER WARNING] thinking machine?
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GW, roadmap when? You have more fans than AoSfags
the software
Armor values, weapon facings. More narrative rules. Smaller army size.
Why are you even excited for 10th edition anymore? Why are you excited to buy a new rulebook and a new codex every 3 years? Why???
14th and we can get blood angel sloppa.
Just want new models and boxes fren
post a 4th ed army list next to a 10th edition army list
3d print them then.
Agents could be cool
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Almost done with some new terrain will post once the flock dries
you wouldn't download a car
Have you considered people don't share the same opinions and feelings as you, genuine autist?
Have you considered people don't share the same opinions and feelings as you, genuine autist?
No, but I'll shit in a policeman's hat and send it to his grieving widow
Not a foreign concept to me, that's why I don't make embarrassing posts asking why others are interested in things
You actually can nowadays, but it would be shit. unrelated note,but I wouldn't be surprised if someone militarized a third world country with solely 3d printed guns at this point.
>Autist. Noun.
>Someone who values their interest in things over being socially acceptable to strangers most commonly on the internet.

>"Omg that anon there said something I don't agree with! I told him he's making me uncomfortable and he didn't bend over backwards to me! Fucking autist."
>Aeldari eyes are elongated and often they are without pupils. They are almost marble in texture and usually they are colourless. Though, there are some Aeldari that have eyes with a dreamlike tint when they catch the light.
I like this description because it makes it sound like eldar eyes somehow don't refract light in the same manner human eyes do. Like, it says there are sometimes pupils there, but often there aren't. So one reading of it is that they have pupils but for some incomprehensible reason humans can't see those tiny little holes in their eyeballs. What that practically means is that their pupils are at all times hidden by a naturally occurring optical illusion. It's a bloody weird feature of their biology.
I enjoy this as well. It gives them a bit more of that ayylmao factor.
I rly like that image of wldrad with pitch black eyes as well.
cute fanfiction
I like to think Eldar have insect eyes
that would explain their wild ass reflexes
I prefer shape shifting eldar
Im ok with any Eldar depiction that's not anime waifu like.
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>make game with elves
>make game in space
>put elves in space
What's with this mental illness?
A very autistic definition of the term :)
Officially replacing all your flesh is not "possible" (allowed) even Belisarius Cawl is supposed to have most of his human brain remaining.
It's called "having a modicum of taste and realizing that taking thing from fantasy and adding a bolter is not enough"
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Eldar are L O N G
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>Officially, replacing all your flesh is not allowed

How is anyone going to know? Do they do brain inspections of admech personnel to make sure they still have fleshy bits?
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still working on boyz after finishing my new big mek. i need to have all 120 finished to put them all in my 5k game.
i will be a daydreaming failure otherwise
Who owns the copyright for elves?
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why can't I like somewhat ayy elves in fantasy too?
>Do they do brain inspections of admech personnel to make sure they still have fleshy bits
If someone suspects something, yes
No it is so GW can better protect what they have "created" like Aeldari instead of Eldar.
None gives a single fuck about elves
>Im ok with any Eldar depiction that's not one which will make them popular
Most 3Dprints are trash and the STLs are terrible and don't fit in 40k.
At that point just go play bolt-action or infinity or whatever fucking wargame.
Noone care about your tranny-core Mike
You'll never notice a 3d print if it came up and licked your eyeballs clean.
Chaos gods represent different aspects of living beings but all have some aspects in common, for example they all strive for happiness just the means archiving that is different. They all fear death, hunger, boredom.
What you gonna do?
Post the same old image of a plastic DA terminator with an obvious mold line?
chaos god of boredom when?
Does any kind of list building, deployment, game scoring guide exist (google has been less than helpful) or is all the stupid secret game winning knowledge locked away behind coaching *spits* paywalls?
>He wants his faction to be popular.
stfu eldarbro and keep down. Popularity is not the boon you think it is.
you really are holding onto the retarded belief that a scanned model wouldn't show moldlines lmao
no ill sell you printed minis that look like the real thing.
any link to the Ork codex scan, boss?
when is the csm, gsc, and sister going to ask for their codex scan?
here you go boss
I think id rather forget custodes.
It's from the Wrath and Glory RPG core book.
Why are you emoting, bro?
No guide is going to be remotely one sized fits all, there's some general rules of thumb but that's about it. Different armies are built to win differently so everything downstream of that is subject to it.

Also coaches can get fucked, they're grifters.
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The emotions of all the rattos working to despoil the world
nah slaanesh. if you're bored, it means you're unsatisfied. nurgle is the god of sloth
Porque no?
You know what bugs me the most about 40k? GW never bothers to say the edition of a book within the codex.

Like with what you just posted " codex orks" Ok I'm clearly looking at an ork codex. What edition? It never fucking says. I need to research the pdf by design to find out the year and maybe then I can guess. Just put the number on there.

What edition is this anon?
what? I'm talking about eyes and faces
what was the best edition of 40k?
None of them.
How long is a piece of string?
About 3 fiddy.
String is typically sold in 60m balls
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It's stupid right? It says it's printed in 1999 so whatever the fuck was valid in 1999 was the edition.
There are more reports of record-breaking profits for GW.
Why did the Femtodes boycott fail?
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did they release a quarterly or something?
Sick spins, bro
It's 3rd.

Be nice to have a "3rd edition" somewhere in here.
oh shit oh fuck gellar fields are failing
This is why the risen fallen can never be truly redeemed
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GW should make more sexy techpriest models.
This hat is sick; I think the way it looks on the model doesn't work as well as this art.
I like sexy models.
have you bought any nonGW sexy techpriests?
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None of them are sexy enough.
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At this point it's just to get different detachments.
There's also the off chance that the ork codex writer will bless us with another good codex.
Also this edition you really don't need to buy codices, the army/detachment rules are basically designed to be easy to print from Waha.
Ork underwear
I'll take it over more AoS news
Would be good for a chuckle
That's almost a Chorf hat.
And there was me lusting after 40k Chorfs only yesterday
All of the librarians are under 55CAD so either you weren't looking at a Librarian and don't know what you're talking about, or you live in a 3rd world country
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instructions unclear
I think the Phobos Armor looks good.
that doesn't work
Who could have seen it coming that a crowdsourced homebrew version of something from 15 years ago wouldn't become usable
I want nice models though
>not even Wahapedia wants to update the GSC codex
Dmitry pls.
when can we see the new 40 shit, this drought killing me
just look at a picture of a marine and change the hue, should be pretty much the same experience
He got drafted
After aos gets their big release we'll likely see the roadmaps at the next big event whether that be adepticon, lvo, or whfest. Can't remember what dates all the events are, but we always get roadmaps at the first one following a big june release for one of the flagship games
They might have an advanced reflection layer similar to nocturnal animals that bounce light. Only this bounces more wavelengths or acts like a one way mirror.
we need a new space marine lieutenant model
Relax, it's just Imperium's agents. You will go back to not giving a fuck when GW announce their codex.
He updated the Sororitas
why can't we get more captains? why is it always lieutenants?
probably some executive decision
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Armor piercing explosive gyrojet
APEG gun
Lorelets sheeting
Wast majority of art is not lore accurate
like how stormcast are in every launch box even though no one buys them otherwise?
Because anytime a "boycott" is happening its 90% nogames, nomodels saying they'll never buy anything, so nothing changes. It's literally just poor people continuing to not purchase something they can't afford and then blaming "muh retcons" for it like the whole 40k universe hasn't been built on hundreds of thousands of retcons going back to second edition
stormcast are the posterboys for aos just like marines are
You should jerk off and reevaluate why you need coomer shit ingrained in all your hobbies
don't people actually buy marines though?
Can someone translate what anon is trying to communicate?
How do you know all of his hobbies?
>then blaming "muh retcons" for it like the whole 40k universe hasn't been built on hundreds of thousands of retcons going back to second edition
Not just even 2nd edition, GW was actively retconning stuff even within RT when it was still a "living" edition.
>You should jerk off
Already ahead of you on that.
>why you need coomer shit ingrained in all your hobbies
Not ingraines, just as an option.
I prefer looking at things I like and find good looking.
Because he's a coomer whose into 40k. He's very clearly on the spectrum, and spergs aren't good at maintaining multiple interests at once
You should look at other hobbies then if there's nothing you like to look at in this one.
He could enjoy fishing, you don't know.
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>You should look at other hobbies
Duly noted, and ignored.

I do enjoy fishing, but I also like sticking my penis into the fish
They aren't people anon.
only subhumans in the playerbase are eldarfags and custodefags
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>come home from work
>too tired to sit down and paint
>another week passes by
I'm never gonna finish by this rate.
fuck off we've been here since 2nd. We aren't leaving.
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No one told me the Defiler came with a chastity device bit
Just because you've been present somewhere for a long time doesn't mean you were ever welcome there in the first place
He's trying to compare them to Gyrojet guns, an attempt to make self-propelled rounds back in the 60s that was largely a failure due to the finicky nature of the microrockets (what their bullets technically were).
He's not entirely accurate because the big difference is that gyrojets were caseless (they were firing the thing as a rocket) and boltguns use cases to launch their projectile. Which then ignites its own propellant that goes until it strikes a target and then explodes.
They're more like rapid-fire RPG weapons than gyrojets.
god I wish i could buy bits from GW
I don't even care if the price was high
That also fits on tank cupolas.
cant wait for the custodes effect to bleed over to marines.
Literally just talk to other players you autistic freak.
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Could the hrud be made into a faction? Would they be cool?
What's the Custodes effect?
And noone but nomodels and trannies would care just like the custodes melty
they wont have the bits i want you suckle fuckle!
They might, you'll never know what they could possibly have if you don't talk to human beings and ask them
>Just because you've been present somewhere for a long time doesn't mean you were ever welcome there in the first place

In which case it would mean that the people not welcoming me were too beta to get me to leave.

It's 10th and Eldar are still here. If you're going to expel us. Please do so already.
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It also fits on the back of the imperial knight if you cut the mechanicus cap off
I would really like to see them as a Kill Team at the very least.
I'd want them in necromunda or something. They don't need to be a whole ass faction for mainline 40k
>Boltguns use cases
>Self propelled
You can't have both at the same time
Angers my gun autism
I like some of the models and would like to get into the game... but how do you even learn it? It's bit intimidating with the amount of factions and units. Any simple way to learn? Are combat patrols the good starting point?
These are Brits who come up with these things.
>open play night
>get matched with a guy who says he's playing space marines
>fine whatever
>places a fucking knight valiant on the field
>wtf I thought you said you play space marines
>he points to the shittiest painted space marine glued on top of the model
>that's my son's model, haha, he said he wanted to be the biggest and strongest
>feeds me some sappy shit story about painting the model with his kid
>apparently they did some mock combat, he let the kid's space marine beat a knight
>now the dad uses thinks of the model as the space marine on top is his kid as a badass
>knight is just there for fluff
>lose to absolutely no one's surprise
>another guy looks over and just starts laughing about how the kid's model is strong as hell
What the fuck, playing some powergame WAACfag shit, then pretend it's about your kid? Retarded
uh Future senpai?
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>You can't have both
Yes we do, like this 105mm M927 rocket-assisted high-explosive shell.
Sure you can. It's a two stage system: the initial charge ensures that the gun cycles and a minimun high muzzle speed, and then the rocket motor helps with a more straight flight.
It also has lower recoil for the same speed on target than a conventional gun, which helps in zero g
>imagine playing beer and pretzels games with strangers
>imagine playing beer and pretzels games with strangers and being upset if you lose
True autism. Skill issue. Aquire friends
>knight is just there for fluff
So it's not actually using knight rules? It's just a normal space marine?
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Gw will expel you once you get your range refresh and then don't buy any of it because of some autistic minimal detail difference between 20 year old metal slop you bought second hand
>now the dad uses thinks of the model as the space marine on top is his kid as a badass

Do you need a doctor?
Noone cares what angers you, that's why you're shitting around 4chan getting upset at fake guns for make believe buzzlightyears
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Do space marines eat crayons?
his kid's space marine is apparently so tough and strong it has the attacks, weapons, and stats of a titan, and the base size to match. Fucking stupid right
Im sorry whale-kun, I only accept the best in my army. Surely you don't undersand.
All marines eat crayons.
No exceptions.
Isn't there rules about soup lists and "allies"?
Just make him increase the point cost to a normal knight valiant and balance your armies.
Allies don’t benefit from army rules and you can only take like 1/4 of your army as them. That’s it.
Posting my Vanquisher again for the evening autists. I wish I could make it infantry look this worn and weathering but they don't have anything metallic on their uniforms.
Where the fuck are all the chaos xenos???
writer attention is only for humans silly
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Waiting for you to model them.
Orks quite resistent to warp
Tau quite resistent to warp
Necron quite resistent to warp.
Tyranids quite resistent to warp.
Eldar know how to fucking idetify and kill chaostainted people.
Lmao you're a retard.
They just cant compete, just because they're all traitors and renegades doesn't mean they like xenos. Rebelling against the Emperor is one thing, but suffering the xenos to live? Thats a step too far.
>You can't have both at the same time
You can, it's just a 2 stage system.
First the gun fires normally by firing the conventional cartridge which pushes the bolt out of the barrel and then after that the rocket engine ignites inside of the bolt itself and then accelerates it further.

And having a 2 stage system makes sense since it allows bolt weapons to be lethal at both *short* and long ranges.
You're the one who's chaos eldar posting! You're not doing it out of genuine intrest! You just want to shill your shitty art!

Eldar already have pic related. They don't need khorne and his pansy ass.
>traditional propellant ignition
>gyrojet in flight
Chilling on croneworlds.

What's next for biel-tan? Settling a planet perhaps?
Capturing human breeding stock to help rebuild their numbers
khorne is just khaine by a different name
Certain Orks aren't against a bit of Chaos tomfoolery (last paragraph)
Real talk the best option for them is taking one of those maiden worlds for themselves and fortifying the shit out of it. Not exactly eldar's style, but it sure beats spending the rest of their lives in a crimson hunter
No true Eldar fan would admit that.
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Chaos-corrupted genestealers were mentioned (via implication) very recently; see middle-right paragraph.
>Angers my gun autism
Good, because it must suck finding out that you're wrong and a two stage system can exist no matter the lack of sense or practicality of it.
I probably own more guns than you
40k is obviously fiction so it's fine
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>cool art.
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The last thing 40K needs is another micro faction that will eat up half a years worth of model releases, then never get touched for a decade.

We already have Thousand Sons, World Eaters, Votann, Harlequins, Custodes, Knights, and soon Emperor's Children pretending to be real armies.
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Don't worry; they're fixing the chaos legion problem by combining them with daemons.
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>Post cool art.
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>Working on anything?
Vashtorr chaos mutants
>Finished anything recently?
the two chaplains in that picture
Whatabout kroot and vespids theres millions of other xenos besides those 4
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>Assault Marines.jpg
nope, those are Destroyers now
but theyre dead jim
at best they get a token meme detach ala kroot fc
these will never not look retarded
>Vashtorr chaos mutants
Baaaaased! I'm actually doing that too! I've got half a Skitarii sprue, some Acolyte Hybrids, Wracks, Corpse Grinder Cultists, and all sorts of spare chaos bits to mash up.
GW seems to agree considering how little attention or additions they get
The image that started the obsession
Wouldn’t be surprised if a bunch of primaries sculpts get axed into legends soon
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Such sights to show you! Eldar Land-Raiders with bunting and heart banners!
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Eh, I kinda like them. Not enough to run multiple units tho.
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Hell yeah, i'd love to see them
I have teched out The Blooded, the felgore ravagers and 20ish random cultists so far
Mighy try a slaaneshi Vespid
>only the oldest, and most foul of shit for me to shovel in my mouth
Imagine defending buying actual trash kek
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When lacking melta or flamer options plasma are clearly burnier than bolters
I am disappointed son
Looking good. I might have to pick some of those up next, since a lot of my bits are too big for regular cultists.
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>Orks quite resistent to warp
Didn't use to. Plenty of Chaos orks around.
>Tau quite resistent to warp
Plenty of examples of them getting corrupted.
>Necron quite resistent to warp.
Sun spots could screw with them and the technology could be warped by Chaos magic. In the 5e codex it even say the only good defence against warp is a psyker and Necrons don't have those nor understand the it.
>Eldar know how to fucking idetify and kill chaostainted people.
Yes over the years plenty have fallen, whole craftworlds have been overrun by Chaos due to corruption, and in 2e codex it mentions Eldar champions of Chaos.

This whole "they're just resilient, bro" is GW marketing explaining why they don't make models nor rules anymore while also discouraging people from doing their own conversions. Same reason Genestealer cultists are all humans, when in the past they sold models of non-human cultists.
You probably don't want to paint those green stuff dil ... I mean mechadendrites this colour.
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time to fix up/build more grots
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They're better than their first attempt at them. But yeah, that's not a high bar to cross.
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>Orks quite resistent to warp
I fucking wish they would.
uh these came later anon. Inceptors or whatever they're called were first wave shit
>hairy clown pits
Ponder the aroma.
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I’ve never been much for plasma and my dudes are out in the boonies. They can only afford it in very limited quantities. I do have some “hellblasters” made using MkIII armour in my backlog tho.
Yeah a couple really came out a bit more phallic than I intended
Thanks anon, they really are good for those bigger bits
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Greater for the Greater Good!
Yeah but strength 6 sustained hits 2 twin linked is fucking hilarious if you can spike.
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Old art doesn't have to be awful art.
Its the ends on them doing it, it looks like a bell-end. Just sharpen them up, makes them boxy, give them a manipulator or just make them less penisey.
There was that Farsight novel where he was increasingly feeling the temptation of falling to Khorne too.
Ingame rules are not lore accurate.
Orks can be chaos tainted, but saying "Plenty" of chaos orks around, Where?
Plenty of tau examples? Tau lore states dozens of times they have no psycers because they are resilient to the warp, commander Fahrsight seems to be using a chaos sword without majorly being effekted. what are you talking about?
Necrons fought decades against psycers use blackstoe and other tech like gloom prisms to defend themselfs and no ever corrupted necron tech was mentioned only that chaos is good to destroy them. (and in the 5th edition codex they used pharia as anti psycer weapons)
AND YES it is GW just telling that but GW IS THE GAME if they say that then that is now canon even if it is bullshit.
>Ingame rules are not lore accurate.
Ingame rules are the final word in canon, a Custodes is only as strong as like 4 guardsmen, anything else is in game propaganda.
Will do, thanks for pointing it out
>chaos corrupted genestealers

makes sense. They don't have the full protection of the shadow of the warp. The in between generations are mostly human/whatever race of stealer and should be vulnerable
sounds based as hell actually
no corruoption here just mindgames, that is indeed a difference.

quite old but yes.
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Brutalis Dreadnought or Sternguard Veterans?
I can only get one. We already have the leviathan Sternguard veterans at home, but 10 would make a full unit.

Captcha: WAGH
>Tau lore states dozens of times they have no psycers because they are resilient to the warp
[citation needed]
>Necrons fought decades against psycers use blackstoe and other tech like gloom prisms to defend themselfs
By that logic humans are resilient to warp because they use Gellar fields, wards, etc. to defend against the warp.
>(and in the 5th edition codex they used pharia as anti psycer weapons)
There were not pariahs in the 5e coded.
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>t. just mindgames, bro
>Self propelled ammo
Why did old art get it right?
I can imagine a radical ordo xenos inquistor seeing this and figuring to use chaos cults to weaken xenos races is a good idea.
>Old art doesn't have to be awful art
Can you post an example
Sorry, I meant to say, I love them otherwise! I'm not just here to be a dick (lol), would love to see then when painted.
What are you more excited to paint
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>use Chaos artifacts to influence the Tau
>wait for Ethereals to arrive to the front to calm the troops
>snipe them
>Tau go full Chaos
>warp rifts appear
>world is lost
>blame it all on the Tau being pawns of the dark gods
that picture, what books it from?
Both of them, the Brutalis is the last Primaris Dread I don't have, and I really enjoyed painting the sternguard from leviathan their tabards look sweet. .
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Codex: Cityfight
I saved this one just for (you)
Nice, thanks, looks like it would be handy for my Necromunda terrain!
Sure you can still like both of them. But what do you want to paint more right now? 5 dudes with a bunch of little details or one large robot with a bunch of little details. Which one seems less likely for you to get bored/frustrated partway through?
This is awful
I really like dreads. /mydudes/ only use infantry and dreads, I need the last dread model I guess.
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Oh, sorry, here you go anon
I thought I had an idea as to was I looking at, but its just dissolving the more I look at it.
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Turns out Space Marine cake isn't a new phenomenon.
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This is old as hell, 2nd Edition, made for selling the new metal box dreads, and you cant say that looks bad!
T’au as a whole are not resistant to chaos. Instead their souls are very “dim” and their emotions weak. Almost like the Necrontyr. Ethereals have some kind of weird perfect calm thing that makes it hard for chaos corruption to get ahold of them but regular tau are perfectly susceptible. The Tau are just lucky that they’re hard to see for Chaos creatures like Daemons and stuff.
Does it matter what weapon my model holds or can I put whatever I find cool and clear it up before a game?
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Only for tourneys. And honestly wysywig is pretty much a dead letter rn anyway. I run this guy as a captain with a “power fist” since they took away thunder hammers for captains, and a “plasma pistol”.

I have yet to be called on it, but I still make sure to clear it with people before a game.
Why are thier guns now throwing away most of the bullet? Are they stupid?
Yes. Of course they’re stupid, they’re orks you fucking retard.
Thanks I just bought my first set of minis (skitarii vanguard) and I'm not 100% on what they should equip as wargear
The guns are, orkz? You're not making any fucking sense anon. They must have looted a 'umie gun.
>5e codex
Sry i menat 4th edition. the one befor the second rework, the first rework.

>[citation needed]
how about you citate the "dozens of corrupted tau"? At this point it is common knowledge that tau have so small souls and such a weak connection to the warp that they have can't have psykers, are often not even noticed by daemons and such and that they don't give any value to chaos so that it makes no sense even tryin to corrupt them.
It looks bad though. Now what
This has to be ai slop
>black carapace clearly under the skin
Can we stop drawing marines with black wifebeaters now?
Nah its just good old Rogue Trader madness, probably supposed to be an android or something.
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>how about you citate the "dozens of corrupted tau"?
There's already the bit up there, Kais from Fire Warrior, various examples from old GW site, etc.
>so small souls and such a weak connection to the warp that they have can't have psykers, are often not even noticed by daemons and such and that they don't give any value to chaos so that it makes no sense even tryin to corrupt them.
Lack of psykers makes them also more vulnerable, since it's one less defence (Eldar and GK are all psykers and they're better protected) and having small souls doesn't make them somehow resilient or immune, it just means they're not an active target. Being close to a warp source still fucks them just like it does inanimate objects.
>use Nurgle virus to poison a genestealer cult before it's eaten by a Hive fleet
>use a Tzeentch scrapcode algorithm so a radical tech priest creates malware for necron tomb complex
>use a chemical and psykic attack to disorient eldar farseers via extreme temptation and overstimulation so view the wrong path of the future.
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>right to left
fucking weeb website
Why is kharn wearing a nazi officers cap I don't get it
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thanks doc
>Imagine defending buying actual trash kek
How's that new primaris release treating you?
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Kharn is a pretty cool guy and is the commissar now.
Fucking hell, how bald and foolish is this board nowadays?
No it's broken now.
Take a short nap after you get home.

You can create a mental barrier between that of exhausting yourself for work and the mind that wants to do things outside of work.
No, you're not too tired. You're beat up by work, you're mentally strained, but you're not too tired.
Pick up the simplest thing to paint, pick up a brush, and put a layer on.
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>Finish army
>Actually don't really enjoy how it plays
Sisters of battle pre-codex.
Looks great!
So put it on a shelf and paint another one
Why would kharn be a commissar, that shit is autistic
Thanks James
>"I don't research my armies before playing them" the post.
How something feels on the table is always going to different
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>Sell it and buy a new one that you will enjoy
>If you don't want to sell your old one then just keep it and buy a new one
>If you don't want to sell your old one and don't want to buy a new one then become a seething secondary
Pick one
Do you not watch several reviews and youtube videos regarding an army before dumping 100+ dollars in it? You're on the internet anon.

What exactly do you not like about your army?
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Its not WAACfag list so there isn't some faggot giving it a "review"

I pick 2. I shall seethe AND sell it
EVERY faction has a guide at least how to run an army in it and how it typically works. I ask again what is the army you bought and what did you hate about it.
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let me guess. CSM?

Is this a wild west joke?

I don't give a shit about what your fagtubers said about an army in general strokes
If its still on the discount shelf I'm probably going to pick up a Tac-squad box for the bits.
Also, good lord I forgot the proportions on them.
The fucking powersquats.
its a 2 stage system
I dont know how fake and gay it is but idc its not even close to the least plausible piece of gunlore in 40k. I still have no clue what the fuck a meltagun is supposed to be its portrayed differently every time it's mentioned.
>Its like a mix between a plasma gun and a flamer, but different from those!
Gee thanks, whatever the fuck that means
Ok. What did you not like about CSM?
>What were you looking for?
>What did you get?
>what were you disappointed with?

If I didn't know any better I'd say thou art modeless.
It insta microwaves stuff you point it at
Pretty clear by now
it's a blowtorch gun
World Eaters fags help me out here. From what I'm gathering glossing over a pdf of the instructions, the only things shared in the box between Eightbound and Exalted Eightbound are the torso, legs, and back armor/backpack? Everything else is different between the two?
yeah I quit on csm too. the way it plays just isnt very fun or interesting.
Fuck the nu-lore shit about the Meltagun, here it is from 2nd Ed Wargear book. Its a microwave gun. Thats it. No fucking about with plasma or pryolytic fuels needed, it just blasts you with microwaves.
Why they ret-conned it to be anything else is beyond me. Nothing wrong with an honest to god microwave gun.
Eldar Guardian has been properly reheated.
>Its a microwave gun.
Microwave gun wouldn't need a fuel canister.
>2nd ed
No longer matters.
Who says its a fuel canister? Maybe its a coolant reservoir.
In this case I think I prefer it because there no ambiguity. Its a microwave gun. It microwaves. Sorted.
Microwave guns don't need coolant resevoirs.
Go look inside your own microwave, there is no such thing.
Your home microwave doesn't melt armor 30feet away
It still doesn't need them because the microwaves are specifically fired *away* from the gun.
What makes you think it's a fuel canister on the side? Besides, there are many ways of creating microwaves. Especially if you need a ton of them for one intence blast to melta tanks and fortifications, some sort of quick reaction is necessary.
My microwave also doesn't instantly turn people super crispy either, perhaps future microwave needs coolant. Hell, maybe its just the fucking power source?! Microwaving people must need some juice.
>Melta-Gun detail in Marine chapters is highly prestigious. You are asked by all of your battle brothers to help heat up the rations of microwave popcorn.
This is now my headcannon
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What edition would you prefer?
Or you could just skip the microwaves entirely and just use a giant blowtorch.
Simpler and less retarded and convoluted.
Thats pretty much the opposite of autism anon. An autistic person would be screeching about how it doesn't make sense or doesn't work.
Not canon
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They need barrel swaps, so there's clearly something getting hot.
4th edition.
Simple and non-retarded.
....they're all the same apart from the 4th Edition Rulebook one.
I say it's a blowtorch/jet engine gun because it looks cooler

technobabble it all you want, this is what it does
Your piddly home microwave has a heat sink and cooling fan, the heat generated by a microwave emitter several orders of magnitude stronger in a smaller form factor would absolutely require significant cooling
Show me the blowtorch that can one-shot a tank from hundreds of feet away.
It's a power supply. While most melta technology uses "microwave" atomic reactions to melt things some use fusion reactions in their fuel.
In any case every man-portable piece of melta weaponry either comes with cables connecting into power armor or one of those canisters.
We already have flamers.
>but maybe
No need to move goalposts.
You don't need coolant for microwave shit.
Most metals are unaffected by them anyway, they just bounce off harmlessly.
Especially in a gun that has a giant caping hole known as a barrel, which would just direct all of it away from the gun anyway.
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Or that's just standard DG fare because Nurgle rots and rusts everything even DG's weapons.
>literally says it's because how much he uses his gun
Show me a microwave that can one-shot a tank from hundres of feet away.
Flamer is just a surface burn weapon which specializes in unarmored/lightly armored infantry targets.
Melta punches through a tank.

But if you really want to use that argument, I guess you don't need meltas anyway either because you can just use a plasma, because it also punches through tanks.
Or forget that too completely because gravity weapons blow everything else out of the water because they work on everything, and heavier the object is, more effective the weapon.
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can someone explain to me these things instead of the meltagun? what am I supposed to imagine happening here?
Depends on how you want to get the microwaves. Either it creates the waves like a radio dish does or it holds a gas/element that gets energized and has it's electron shell raised then lowered or could create a magnetic field that charges the materials conductive heating style.
Yeah, a gun used by a DG marine, which knowing them like 10 000 years old at this point and completely rusted through.
I'd be changing the barrels too every few shots anyway just to keep the accuracy.
Doesn’t say what he’s using it for :^)
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>Show me a microwave that can one-shot a tank from hundres of feet away.
Lots of energy dumped into a magnetic field then fired.
It's an ork plasma gun.
That's all it is.
they need to get their shit straight on what the difference between a melta and plasma is
Super big plasma shotgun charges in the basketball.
>gun is all rusted and needs constant swapping of parts to work
>but only the barrel
>and none of the barrel swaps are worn
Cool blowtorch gun.
Plasma is unstable and grav weapons are much more complex. To the point I don't know how they work without saying it involves dark matter or anti-elememts.
Now you're just being retarded. Every source describes meltaguns as close range weapons. Their optimal range is in the double digits.
Your yielding is welcomed.
It's very striaght forward
> melta heats the object to destroy it
>Plasma heats gas to destroy the object
why does the multimelta have a heavy flamer mode in 2e?
>Their optimal range is in the double digits.
In meters.
>Plasma is unstable
It isn't if you don't overcharge it like and idiot 24/7
>and grav weapons are much more complex.
That has never mattered in 40k.
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I thought plasma was ork plasma
>It isn't if you don't overcharge it like and idiot 24/7
nu lore
old plasma guns could not be used safely and were never completely safe
10th, it's the only one that matters in terms of lore and game play given anything from before that has been retconned
Explaining Ork weaponry defeats the spirit of them. The fluff has had the Imperium try and dissect Ork technology. By all laws of physics and engineering they should not function but because the Orks as a race think guns work like that they do, even in the hands of non-Orks.
>but old
You forget about the part where it vents hot gasses after each use?
>complex doesn't matter
It does for logistics.
Don't care. It was a microwave gun when I started, it was a microwave gun in Necromunda original (which I played the most out of any GW game), its still a microwave gun in the new Necromunda edition.
To me its a microwave gun. Simple as. You're not changing my mind on this. You can have your fancy extended range blowtorch all you want in your head-canon, in my head-canon, its a microwave, and also useful for heating up a cuppa tea.
>you can just use a plasma, because it also punches through tanks.
Not as well in infantry sized weapons.
>Or forget that too completely because gravity weapons blow everything else out of the water because they work on everything, and heavier the object is, more effective the weapon.
Graviton guns fire gravitons, which add mass to the target. A heavy tank might get bogged down, but it can still fight or get recovered. A molten pile of slag can't.
but does it shoot lighting? a ball of plasma? a stream of light? random nondescript shotgun shockwave blast? does it have no appearance in any novel?
>Don't care.
It's a blowtorch.
And what does 10th say about meltas?
>old codex don't matter
Ok. You're just wrong but there is nothing left to argue since we have hit a fundamental impass.
It can look however you imagine.
Much like Snazzguns/Deffguns the only consistent thing about them is that they fuck space marines in the butt if they actually manage to hit.
>Graviton guns fire gravitons, which add mass to the target. A heavy tank might get bogged down, but it can still fight or get recovered.
Not what grav weapons do at all, they quite literally tear the target apart with gravitic forces or crush the target with its own mass and make it implode pretty much and crushes itself.
>but old codex
I mean it’s a microwave beam so powerful it melts space super steel. I think it’d be too powerful to “just” flashboil the contents of a kettle.
I dunno I don't use meltas bro, I'm nta you were beefing with, just chimed in to remind everyone that it doesn't matter what art from 20 years ago says, or what a lore passage from 15 years ago says. The only lore that is relevant is the current lore
Thats just the air being ionised or some shit.
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Nurgle Orks too!
I don't care about the specific mechanism, only that the resulting look is this >>93247838

except for the hand flamer on the witch hunters codex, no idea who put that there
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...it doesnt? It has 2" Blast but nothing in the way of a flamer or heavy flamer template mode.
What's the lore reason for why boyz, nobz, and the warboss all share the same toughness
>only fluff that matters is the current one
>current fluff doesn't say shit
>ergo, meltas don't exist
How would you feel about an Orc release where the equipment is clearly looted from Tau rather than imperial?
Nah, you just turn a wee dial on the side down to "warm water". Its a very practical weapon.
I'm fine with you seeing it as a blowtorch if that's what you think.

One anon from a previous tread like a week ago dropped this.

All glory to him !
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Dreadnought ones do.
>T. Mechanicus priest who can't turn a cogitator off and on again without 2 hours of prayer and sanctifying ritual between button presses
Orkz iz all about psychorkology. Da big gits iz only as strong as da Boyz ‘tink he is. Wit’out dem he crumbles.
Just like a beaky cap’n or loot nancy.
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Fucking Incredible. I’d kill for rules like that today.
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>Much like Snazzguns/Deffguns
But they're WAY more consistent than those in how they look
Wow you are super autistic aren't you. Does your mom know you're using the internet for something either than sonic the hedgehog roms and hooked on phonics?
Oh yeah, they did do that. I seem to remember I always forgot because the 2" blast at multimelta stats (S8, 2D12 Damage, "AP"-4) was miles better than the heavy flamer template at H.Flamer stats (S5, D1, AP-3). Also blasting things with the multi-melta was always hilariously effective at making problems go away.
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One of these was always cheaper and always nearby.
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>template slop
Never really bothered me, in 40K or Necromunda.
Do you also hate AoS Endless Spells?
Templates are good
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people depict primaris always too short
The projectile coming out is still going to be random wazboom raygun bullshit, but if you want to take the safe bet they are functionally the ork equivalent to plasma weapons(always overcharged with no safe fire mode, cause orkz) so just look at how media depicts imperial plasma guns and add more smoke and sparks.
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True scale primaris when?
has there really been model creep in army lists?
whats the standard size of a 10th edition list vs the same army in 4th-5th
Is Cawl working for the Alpha legion? The Primarch genetic data could explain where primaris came from
I always imagine them as like the rayguns from Mars Attacks, with a nice lurid orky green-yellow blinding beam shooting out of it in a raggedy lighting arc to the target.
This nigga sirius? Where have you been for the past three editions?
Read the books, retard.
Or at least lexicanum.
Makes little sense since it's called kustom mega BLASTA, and orks are very literal with their gun names.
It's probably just a gun that fires giant balls of plasma or energy that then explode for extra damage and fun for the orks.
I don need to get these Cawl books. But it doesn't make sense to go from running out of power swords and plasma guns to we have hover tanks better than the Emperor himself could make
Did he figure out how to make terminator armor yet?
Anyone know if/where I can hunt down the Crusade stuff? My friends are running Pariah Nexus in a couple weeks, and it'd be nice to not have to cram the one book we have into a scanner for the battle honors and so on for everyone.
>But it doesn't make sense to go from running out of power swords and plasma guns
This was never the case.
Nevermind the wanker had 10 000 years of time to figure out all of this, especially considering Guilliman gave Cawl access to previous marine project and the research on it.
>Did he figure out how to make terminator armor yet?
Imperium/Mechanicus never lost the technology or knowledge to make terminator armor.
Any new suits are just extremely rare because they are hard and expensive to make.
Anyone got a greenstuff banner and flag tutorial?
>I don need to get these Cawl books
>doesn't read the books
>still goes out of his way to talk about it thinking he knows fuck all about it
>It's probably just a gun that fires giant balls of plasma or energy that then explode for extra damage and fun for the orks.
Gotcha, so more like THIS?
>I don need to get these Cawl books.
All you need to do is look up is what the Magnificat implant is and you have your answer without speculations.
>running out of power swords and plasma guns
Seeing that every IG squad could have a plasma gun and a power sword, along with hive gangs, they weren't exactly impossible to get.
>Did he figure out how to make terminator armor yet?
Of course not, just to stretch them out to primaris+ size.
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This model was an absolute joy to build, not sure if you can tell but he also has his sword stowed on his back.
Definitely going to make another one in a running pose
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Backlog completed, the gray is slain until more arrives in the mail tomorrow
New thread
Usually I think a more saturated yellow for steel legion is best, but these are looking really nice anon, good job.
Any tanks yet?
gonna call it the vape gun from now on.
Lore trannies should consider suicide but I hope they take all the mindless 10th ed shills with them.
Don’t worry half the stuff you paint will be legends by the time you actually get to 2000 pts. Just 300 more models :)
Play an older edition the army will play the way you probably expect it to rather than some fag fest of rerolls and no soul.
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