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Made because anon wanted to post vostroyan lewds and we hit our image limit. -sawy mods edition.
>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread: >>93238332

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is seeing this icon the best feeling in the world or what?
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I’ve never seen it.
Kek i enjoyed that ty anon
Delete the thread or I delete the board.
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Err, fuck I didn't expect that to work. Will this do?
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What do you think space marines dance to?
Do it. My life would improve exponentially.
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post fem orks
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combi weapon change this edition was a mistake. Change my mind.
Thats a marine only issue innit? I dont really care.
bookkeeping for 1 shot weapons is boring
The Emperor does not censor.
Yes because I want flamers and meltas on my sternguard. Not 1 shot 1 damage, sometimes no save.
>kombi weapons on nobz

its pretty fuckin bad desu
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ork bros how are we feeling?
I don't play orks but I've always loved how players of that faction get so creative with their kitbashing.
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Behold, autism and speculation in progress!

This is a basic, still in progress version of a new and expanded Tyranid Life taxonomy, starting with the familiar invasion bioforms. I'm not sure if I'm even interested in expanding into stuff like fleet ships and "fauna" organisms given the lack of material concerning them, beyond the stuff also commonly seen on tabletop like the various spore creatures.

The Carnifex family will be probably the largest, given that it ultimately covers 90% of the Monster and land-based Bio-titans we know about.

On the subject of some discussion brought up the last time I mentioned this thread - Given the much more complicated range of known bioforms, I found treating Warriors as the "base" form for all non-gaunt combat bioforms, as it was in previous GW taxonomies too reductive. I've tried to classify based on implied spine structures, limb configurations, and finally designed purpose of the Hive Mind, to settle on six families based around the least complicated version of what follows them. In the spirit of the old taxonomies I've tried to include "named" organisms and speculation as to their relationships with their closest branches.

Currently on my mind are how to tackle some older stuff that I would maybe like to include, but either busts open an actual beehive of additional branches, or will be difficult to classify purely on the material available.

>Do I go hog wild and bring in every stupid gaunt-variant introduced by the old CCG? There are 16 of them and more than half are utterly indistinguishable from well established gaunts, they were just made up as excuses for new cards.
>Old Epic bio-titans that haven't made the jump to 40k scale, the Dactylis and Malefactor, as well as more CCG weirdos like the Cerebore and Nautiloid, still have weird slug-like body plans that don't fit neatly into the 6 families. Do I operate on the assumption that these would see a similar treatment as the Haruspex and Exocrine before them?
wait, are Von Ryan's Leapers not named after their discoverer, Von Ryan?
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Hello King. Please give me more autistic taxonomy.
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They are. What makes you think they aren't?

Their placement is a throwback to their first "appearance" on the 3e taxonomy chart, where they were speculated to be derived from Hormagaunts. The similarities in their design to 2e Hormagaunts, and the fun idea that the Hive Mind would arrive to familiar solutions when specializing a bioform for a particular role across two different families or family branches, induced me to include the notion of "convergent design", an analogue of convergent evolution (aka "everything becomes crab").

Thanks. It's been fun so far, and the number of Tyranid scholars in threads the past few days inspired me.
a quick skim of their wiki article. always loved the name

also, you're talking about carcinization. crabs are nature's perfect design
>>Do I go hog wild and bring in every stupid gaunt-variant
I'd say no since they would just be under the gaunt section entirely.
where the fuck are they, post them NOW
Where are these promised Vostroyans?
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I've asked you guys before, but I want multiple opinions. What color should I base these guys on? One of these, or something in the middle? Dark brown? Urban gray? A technical like Agrellan Earth?
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based! glad to see the work in progress anon, will you add the other named types of gant and gaunts that don't have models like nightgaunts and deathgaunts (the missing link between Hormagaunts and Von Ryans Leapers)
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Yes, but carcinization is just a specific example of convergent evolution. I picked it out as the most recently common knowledge case.

Yea, I'm leaning that way, maybe at least a perfunctory single branch that's meant to cover the lot of them. The main thing keeping me considering it is that I split off Spinegaunts and Devilgaunts, which I wanted to do because they're so commonly referred to as such when they appear with those loadouts. Also, potentially for reasons like this: >>93241329
Dark brown and green, like algae filled sandy muck.
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>crabs are nature's perfect design
This is what Big Crab wants you to believe. But de-carcinization is a thing.
Lmao those balls.
that's crabphobic.
Can you explain why theres 16 different 'gaunts' but theres only one type of 'gant', why is the main biofrom of gaunts with guns given a different naming scheme?
iirc its like "dog" but there are many dogs
Ask GW? That said I just generalized "gaunt" for the other types when explaining it. Counted among them are the:


Going by the sole piece of info accompanying each, their card art, there is literally nothing distinguishing any of them from a fleshborer termagant, aside from not being in any recognizable hive fleet colors.
For a while I thought small tyranids with guns are gants, and ones with melee weapons are gaunts. But theres examples of both of them having melee and ranged weapons. Its just bizzare
>buy a box of kasrkin for the bits
>have 10 leftover bodies
>have idea for conversion using arbites bits
>notice its cheaper to buy a whole arbites box than just the bits i need.
>now im gonna have 10 leftover bodies again

Why am i like this
You know I would ignore this as bait but people are retarded like you and the prices reflect that.
it's all part of the conspiracy to sell you plastic
you can resell the bits you don't need
Did you mean "ant-crabitic"?
If that's true then why don't they make all 16 type of gaunts as models?
I like second from the right.
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best boys
I have to check this get, unfortunately
Their game got me into 40k.
And from there it was all downhill.
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Painted a lad prior to the holidays.
What you working on boys?
you got in with the worst marines.
Finally got my hands on the fulgrim model lot of funny to put together I am scared to paint it
I mean, I was 13 at the time and a nerd growing up in a sports family so I didn't have many pickings.
Hell, I was first trying to paint Ultras at the time with pastel paints.

I was young, dumb, and didn't have good internet.

Good luck and use a big brush.
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Zoomer marine initiate. At least I will be come Sunday night. Once he’s done it’s time for my tank. And then hellblasters made out of mk3 marines with plasma cannons.
>Dabbing marine
It hurts my soul.
Those wings are gonna break so many fucking times.
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Does a triple flamer tank ease the pain?
He’s not dabbing. He’s looking at something and pointing.
That it does, the power of incineration heals many wounds.
Thank god this guys got like four arms or something
I can't, you're absolutely right.
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Postahn a recent
Thats pretty good.
I really wish I had the hands/patience for Edge highlights.
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That’s a nice little dude. Good night and good luck /40kg/
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I wanna kitbash some cadian MP's for my list and them them using the arbits rules (the shield and maul guys specifically)

I bought the kasrkin box because im mixing bits with the new solar auxilla models to make scions.
10 Warp Talons or do I make Raptors and run both?

Friends say one, random peeps say the other
here's the uncensored version for anyone who is interested
Don't jerk off to cartoons you actual loser
Have one of the Tau's FTL expeditions teleport them next to the Q'Orl. Then it turns out that, because of the whole "ethereals were genetically engineered by the Eldar using the Q'Orl's organs" thing, the Q'Orl end up seeing the Tau as 'kin' of their own species and the two join forces. Bada boom, bada bing, you now have Q'Orl auxillaries in the Tau Empire.

>inb4 they should release the Q'Orl as an independent army
That's even less likely to happen.
i'm not
Good. Now I can jack off on the 4th, like founders intended. I'm surprised GW didn't plan anything for the 4th. No joke Imperial armor where a planet rebels, tries to invade Tallarn, only to get stomped and re-colonized.
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Do Custodes models look good with black lenses/eyelets painted on the helms? Was thinking of pic related but I'm not sure if it would look particularly great in practice.
But the Q’orl are between the segmentum solar and pacificus. They’re the next speed bump for the nids.
If you can't find a reference, do it on one model and keep it near you for awhile to see if it looks off, improvable, or sucks.
Yeah I'll probably try that. Not end of the world if I can just paint red or blue over black just fine. But I suspect this might work better on Wardens and Aquilons better than Guards and Allarus.
How are you fellas liking the new mission deck? My weekly league just switched and as a dude who brings multiple bricks of Necron Warriors regardless of edition I'm liking the new battleline bonuses.
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another WIP on this war dog, enamel wash and some highlights.. had to start over on the flayed flesh banner though. metal on the blade catches the light better in person btw.

haven't gotten to try yet unfortunately, fiancee is sick so not been getting games in
once AGAIN I am both 5 and 10 points over for the list I want to build
Ask you opponents if they're cool with it. If it's FLGS games then hopefully they'll be cool with it.
Take away a special weapon then.
I tried that but for some reason the points didnt go down on the app? Weird, must be a bug
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I had a couple free models from the store, a spessmerin and a stormbro from sigmar, so I decided to learn some stuff with them. Tried out some nmm, quite happy with how they turned out for a first attempt.

Im planning on proxying this guy as some dangel thing, if it fits well enough once I paint the armor and such.
They're bongs. They hate america.
considering THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA make up for a decent portion of their sales, they should start loving them.
You're thinking like an American. A bong hates all other countries besides the tea island. If said county at one time reminded them that the british empire was not the greatest thing ever then they get really mad.
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anon, the bongs are responsible for the independence days of 65 countries. They're not gonna celebrate losing that many times.
Are all the forgeworld kits going to be legends'd?
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they'll be busy voting it's election day tomorrow for them
Sort of depends on the army, but generally speaking FW stuff is usually legend status these days. 10th has been particularly egregious with removing units, but it's not like they're non-viable for anything outside of a tournament.
A Typhon? My buddy built one, died the first game before it got to shoot.
Currently it looks like GW is moving most of the forgeworld kits to legends with the exception of the big titanic kits. The only models in the armies with forgeworld purges in general seem to be the massive kits like the Tyranid Hierophant or the Gargantuan Squiggoth.
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Drives me NUTS!! And vanguard weapon changes to can suck a fucking dick. Oh look, my thunder hammers ran out of gas, and my lightning claws don't work either. Shit makes me want to punch a rule writer in his dick.
"Has anyone seen my las cannon?"
Bro, he looks awesome. The armor, the sword, great job.
That's why I said joke. To mock independence day and show why America should be a colony again.
Whyd you glue him so far off the base?
Brits can't joke. Only bant.
Don’t forget the organisms that make up the weapons desu
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I don't think theres as clear or cool design evolution to them like nid bio-forms
i dont care what people say this was the coolest tyranid change back in the day
Did the first gen tyranid weapons look that different?
Hey Warhammer guys, I got a question. I'm a newfag to the series and I come mostly from Battletech. How do they determine if a Space Marine should be saved to put in a Dreadnaught; they are made from the brains of a Space Marine, right?
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>metal on the blade catches the light better in person btw
Everyone who has ever said anything about their model looking better in person is huffing copium bong rips. This looks ass and low effort across the entire model
Not normally, its usually a marine that is too badly injured that they can be fixed with being given cybernetic limbs. There's normally a mangled torso with no limbs within a dread. They use the little slit to physical look to see where they're going
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Not just brain, whole body. It's a life support system
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RIP avenger strike fighter
If they're well regarded by the chapter (no strict rules) and they survive enough to be put in a dreadnought, but not enough to be healed. They're not necessarily just the brains, usually they're a head, some internal organs, maybe a mangled extremity
Basically what >>93242156 said, but they also tend to have to be a high-ranking of very well-regarded marine to get the treatment since dreadnought sarcophagi are rare and precious resources.
So it has to be someone who is worth keeping around and not just Scout Dipshit who stepped on a landmine in his first engagement.
well in 2nd edition they were just holding guns
after the reinvent the guns were organisms that symbioted onto the tyranids on the models
i dunno what the lore was, but model wise it changed
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Another evening of repaints and retouches on old models. 55 down, 15 to go.
Holy shit. Thats fucking brutal.
Alright, I see where its coming down too. Thanks.
I went to the local hobby store, one dedicated to Warhammer, and while I didn't get anything because it was too damn expensive, I was interested in the Imperial Guard or Astra Militarium. When arranging troops for battle, should I keep a squad with the guns just in case?
hell yeah
the chaos version is worse. the space marine one is just metal by comparison.
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Honestly I think I'm going to go look for a better job. The one I have will not support a Warhammer habit, it barely supports my Retro Gaming and Battletech one.
The dude who said that the marine is physically looking out the mail slot in the sarcophagus was fucking with you.
The mangled marine is suspended completely in an amniotic tank and the numerous sensors and cameras of the dread are wired directly into his brain. This causes no small amount of mental strain because humans are not meant to perceive 360 degrees around themselves from multiple points of view and with thermal/targeting/radio/scifi scanner overlays. This is why most dreadnoughts are kept in stasis while not deployed - to reduce the strain of this unnatural existence on the marine.
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>Holy shit. Thats fucking brutal.
Space Marines don't have it that bad.
So imperial guard is the Astra Militarum (the latter being the copyright name but they get used interchangeably). In general, pretty much any 40k army is going to have at least a couple squads of basic infantry, either mounted in a transport or running around on foot. There's a ton of great sources of 3rd party minis for guardsmen if the cost or aesthetic of the official ones are a bit off for you.
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>accidentally and foolishly go down a youtube shorts chain of 40k lore
>loretubers are talking about custodes
>see the comments
Holy shit, how are custodes players irl? This is unironically mental illness from what I'm seeing, makes spacebattle and similar fourms look tame and sane
I'm wanting to kitbash the shit out of my Imperial Guard. Are xenos infantry models about the same size as Imperial Guard models or, in other words, would an Aeldari arm/weapon be about the right scale? Are Ork models going to be the best bet for Ogryn fuckery?
>going to a store with no intention of buying anything
Poorfags deserve the rope
>the lore blurb thay goes along with that image
I love the black books
Stopped reading right there. Unless it's arch doing Imperial armor series the rest of your comment can be answered with:"I'm sorry they happen/good for you."
>mixing eldar/ork/human bits in the same army
While we're on the topic of dreads.
>Milky fluid drizzled form the crippled war machine's chest unit, bubbling and popping in the electrical fires swathing its legs. Lubricant, thought Bravestorm. He zoomed in. The fluid was shot through with blood.
>Something was moving inside the torso unit. Something broken and sick.
>The Commander decides to take a look inside.
>The creature that stared back made his breath catch.
>A twisted and grotesque figure was trapped inside, all barrel chest and athropied stumps. It stared at him from sunken sockets, its undisguised hatred almost palpable. Wires and tubes penetrated its horrifically abused body in a hundred places. it wheezed, red-black fluids spilling from a broken jaw that worked and gummed as if it could click black into place through willpower alone.
> [...] The commander recoiled as the thing's stink was filtered through his olfactory relay, and the battlesuit jerked upright in response. His autotrans spooled, rendering the creature's slurred words in the Tau lexicon.
>The commander next uses a geological tool in his foot to scan the Space Marine.
>The necrotic thing was human, or a close derivative. Extensive tissue damage, rejuvenation scars, and...
>The commander looked again in horror.
>Somehow, the vile thing was over six thousand years old.
>A macabre realisation crept through Bravestorm's mind. This abomination had been trapped its armoured war-coffin long before the Tau's ancestors had first emerged from their caves. What manner of enemy were their fighting on Dal'yth?
>'- -KILL ME - - VEXING FOOL - -' spooled the autotrans. '- - KILL ME - - OR I SHALL HUNT YOU UNTIL DEATH - -
>Bravestorm triggered his plasma rifle, and the creature met its final oblivion.
>he read the comments
Your first mistake.
Never read jewtube comments. The comments there manage to be even more banal and moronic than /b/'s commentaries on modern politics.
But all the Custodes players I know are perfectly well-adjusted and fun to be around. But then that sums up 99% of actual warhammer players I've dealt with over my 20+ years actually playing the game. I've had odd spergs, but nowhere near on the level stories on the internet would have you believe.
>youtube shorts
You deserve everything that happened to you
Useless faggot. stop suckin his microdick
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>Imperial Guard
In IG, your basic troops actually do very little damage, but they serve the important function of tarpitting objective points and protecting your vehicles from being charged. You use squads of them like currency, trading them out to protect your heavy hitters and stall the point capture game.

The kits for the infantry squads all come with the complete weapon options for the unit, but some of those options are mutually exclusive. Some types of troops can take a heavy weapon, others can't. Some can take multiple special weapons, others can't. Some can have sergeants with better kit, others can't. Best advice I can give is to pick the models you like the look of best, then proxy them and their gear in games if you have to when the rules inevitably shift around.

I'll also say that if you really can't decide on weapons, plasma rifle / meltagun is the classic combo, since it deals most efficiently against power-armored factions that make up most of the playerbase.
I think Eldar and Guardsmen are pretty close in terms of scale, Orks have pretty fucked proportions, but are maybe going to be a bit on the short side for Bullgryns/Ogryns, but anyone who actually cares is an idiot. Genestealer cults might also be a nice source of xenos bits since a bunch of their kits are built to be compatible with guardsmen. Are you thinking of doing a hodge-podge mercenary/pirate force or some other kind of theme?
I would like to grab at least one squad, if only to say I have something official. But that is good to know about how to make up an army. My main question is, is there just a simple squad of riflemen? the fella there had one of those artillery pieces that looked like a nebelwefer, some mortar teams, some commando squad, and the like. I'd just like a single squad of dudes with rifles, simple stuff.
You’re right I was just hoping there was some more lore I missed about them. I like to think of the weapons like vacuoles in cells that the tyranids just kind of pulled in over their conquests. But thanks for that article I never saw it before
Is there a reason admech never made another Archimandrite?
Guard infantry cant tarpit anything in 10th
Either lost the necessary technology or forbade its usage out of fear of silica animus.
I mean they made that thanksgiving art with guilliman and yvraine one time so them doing something for a different american holiday isn't out of the question
I'm fully aware it's my fault, massive lapse in judge

I've unironically had bad experiences with lgs, specifically people being weird/not well adjusted, but that was during an mtg phase. Just wish I has friends that were into warhammer
Yeah so the basic infantry kits on sale now are Cadian Shock Troops (Pretty generic), Catachans (Rambo/Vietnam), and some others that are more specific. Cadian Shock troops can also be run as a generic infantry squad, and can haul a heavy weapon like a mortar team or something similar, but that's another kit.
Well there's your problem. The only people at the LGS worse than Magic players are yu gi oh players.
>The Tau are really that young.
>This Commander Bravestorm can't handle a bit of horrible realism.
How is he going to survive the universe?
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That's the neat part about Tau - watching them learning exactly what kind of galaxy they happened to be born in.
>hodge-podge mercenary/pirate force or some other kind of theme
That's the general idea. I'm wanting to emphasize the idea that my renegade warband is using non-standard and salvaged equipment. Perhaps toss an officer a fancy Eldar power/chain weapon obtained through trade or battle, slap an ork power claw onto a bullgryn who had his real arm blown off, and just neat shit like that. I love the idea of simple humans going up against the superhuman forces of 40k, but I find the uniformity of cadian spam boring and not bleak enough.
I do believe that, next time I get paid then, I'll go and do just that. I'll make an army. Laser gunners, Plasma Rifles/Melta Gun combo. I like the regular joes in war games, they're the backbone of it all.
Wait until they meet necrons. The c'tan are gonna Skull fuck them. Can the void dragon control tau tech as well?
Thanks mate. I wrote it down so I won't forget. Are the Candians the only named troop, or are there other worlds?
Its almost disheartening. To see that optimism and enthusiasm turn into fear, and hatred.
This is a great channel for IG enjoyers from a guy that's been playing them forever. Good place to get started with the faction:


It's called Mod Podge you fucking idiots
best advice for an aspiring IG player is to get a 3d printer.
Yess, thank you!
>tfw could've bought a resin printer with what I've spent on models that I largely kitbashed out of tournament compliance anyways
Yeah but you did it yourself, and that's some honest work
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Can confirm.
Same here, anon.
>confession time

TLDR spent too much money and get a printer if you're going with the guard.

I spent a load of cash on third party resin minis to make an extra special and unique guard army. My main reason was to stick with the previous scale of guardsmen, but I later discovered that a lot of 3D stl makers are moving towards the new scale and I realized I could have the best of both worlds of the new scale and customizing nature of 3D STL editing this whole time. I dare not think of how much money I've spent on resin minis before learning this lesson.
Anyone have a pdf of the 40k rpg Maledictum Adventure: His Glorius Shield? I've been looking everywhere for a copy, but I've been having no luck finding a copy unfortunately :(
Here you go
Weak bait but here's your (you)
What's the point of the Judiciar? Just seems like an out of place addition for the sake of it
Jes wanted to make a cool chaplain.
Never knew pin up Vostroyans would trigger me but here we are. My love for pin up girls and warhammer will create a new era of personal coom.
Also lost my train of thought. vostroyans + 30k tanks as a substitute for its 40k version, would that be possible to field?
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Say, theoretically, I want my successor chapter to have goodies of one of the big boy chapters. Which one would have exclusive things that would fit an army of CQC/urban warfare experts?
>vostroyans + 30k tanks as a substitute for its 40k version, would that be possible to field?
That sounds like a really good way to get two birds with one stone, since the original crusade-era Imperial Army was the basis for the Vostroyans. That'd get you both a 30k and 40k army.

The only think you have to be aware of is that 30k tank kits have different options and armaments. Like the 30k Leman Russ doesn't have side sponsons iirc, so you might need to do a work around for that depending on your group. I've seen people do plenty of conversions for alternatives on youtube for that.
Magnets is probably anons most straightforward solution.
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Blood Ravens
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That's the easiest way for sure, but I don't think the kits even come with them so you'd need to source others or make them. There are alternatives depending on the fluff you have or the effort you put in, like pic related.
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Post a bigger datasheet and gameplay downgrade than bikes vs outriders?
>Grenade launchers gone
>Special weapons on a durable speedy platform gone
>Melee options gone
>Less kitbashable
>Atv has zero aesthetic coherency compared to attack bikes with outriders/bikes
>Scout bikers were stylish and are gone
>No more captain on bike option which was cool as hell

Legitimately the only plus is that they look in /line/ with bikes but less 90s.
Outriders are a travesty, yes.
old bikes look like old comic book trash
it's actually insane how ugly they were
The whole point of combination weapons is that they are a single gun that can choose what gun they are out of a minimum of 2 options. How the fuck they came up with the current stats is beyond me.

I want to choose between a boltgun or a flamer depending on my enemy, not some wierd thing it is now.
Then maybe he should go do it
to let people field a cool proto-chaplain with an executioner's sword
They look like world war 2 motorcycles but armoured and chunky. The big lamplight was such a vibe. Very of its time. But its the datasheet im talking about, outriders look good. They just never got a full kit
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Late late reply, but no, there's a ton of guard regiments that are named, the only ones GW currently supports are Cadians, Catachans, and to a lesser extent the Death Korps. But there's all sorts of other ones, like Vostroyans (Imperial Russians), Valhallans (Soviet Russians), Tallarn Desert Raiders, (Think WW2 desert rats), Elysians (Halo ODSTs kinda), and so on.
If you want some more inspiration for conversion fodder, there's a ton of good deathwatch conversions with xenos shit, might be a decent place to start.
How do they work?
I feel a bit crazy but its so obvious that gw hired a lot of the warmachine sculptors. The new tyranids in particular show this, but also some warcry stuff. It'll be noticable in other armies soon.
Miracles. Don't talk to no scientist. Those mother fucker's lying, making me pissed.
Am I wrong for not trusting doctors.
Wasn't there something along the lines of a 'trade' with Judge Dredd what with the Land Speeder and the bikes
>world war 2 motorcycles
Aside from the fact that space marine bikes had two wheels and a headlight, they look nothing like any of the ww2 motorcycles
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Landspeeders got hate but they arent meant to fit marines in the back like people thought for somereason. That little door is clearly for storage/engine access.
I always imagined landspeeders being used to transport important things or repairs to the front quickly.

Imagine a 2 seater speeder with big trunk space and its a mechanic unit that heals wounds off of vehicles its near. That would be fucking sick.
Alright we get it, you were alive in 2012. Are you guys done now?
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>Opponent shows up with an almost fully painted army but just have to ruin it with that ONE unpainted unit.
How about that big fucking lamplight at the front anon? And the exposed exhausts. Its not the exact same but it has elements that make it have that old look.
Lots of 40k used to be ww2 inspired especially the vehicles. Its more its own thing now.
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Can I haz cheezburger anon?
sorry zoomer
you want to scream about liminal spaces and skibidi biden instead?
>How about that big fucking lamplight at the front anon
If you knew how to read youd see I mentioned the headlight already.
>And the exposed exhausts
Now you're just describing any motorcycle from any era, are you retarded
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I'd rather you talked about warhammer and not gay internet memes from 10 years ago
>Each of the four Great Powers has his own hiearchy of daemons. There are also daemons which owe nothing to these Chaos Powers, and whose excistence reflects the waking dreams of a still immature Power. Such daemons are inclined to be variable in apperance and not always consistent
>Other daemons owe nothing to any power. Their conciousness is due to some other factor, such as the persistance of a particularly strong-willed and idiosyncratic shadow self
how do i paint eyes?
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This thread is full of win! You sir win the internet today!
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big ones or tiny ones?
very tiny ones
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Dab a bit of nuln oil under the brow ridge and pretend it's an artistic choice.
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just a wash is enough to shade the eyesockets and it will look a million times better at a distance than giant fucking googly eyes most people make
thank you kindly friend
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Warhammer is gay, go play a real game fag
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Who the fuck thought those little doors is for passengers?!
There's a whole separate speeder for passengers, the one the scouts use.
God, i wish GW just did a proper upscaled version of these ones instead of squatting them and leaving the godawful primaris ones in their place.
that's right, these are quar streets now
They're so edgey they're funny. They really are the SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG of the warhammer world.
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>Neurotyrant is an offshoot of Zoanthrope but has no link to the Tyrant offshoot further up the tree.
Nope. Dont like it.
I think with a modern paintjob this model would look insanely good. Gw wasnt paiting to well in that era.
>paint the eye sockets black
>add two white dots
I always see the nightlords as the pirate legion. The red corsairs being the Renegade faction. Like the differences between veteran navy men vs cartel drug runners.
I don't even find NL funny.
To be funny there should be a joke.
Corsairs are just chaos marines, not renegades.
New thread when?
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Pick my next army. No hordes.
Imperial Knights
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Necrons. Ignore infantry, go for monoliths and c'tan.
Honestly, the issue is the neckless scouts.
Replace them with modern ones or just like Cadians/Kasrkin and it'd be balled as fuck
Tau tankline army.
Heavily converted and freehanded Legion of The Dead.
But they accept anyone in no matter what. The only other group that does that is the black legion and they're just driven to kill the Imperium
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what was the first model you ever converted / kitbashed, /40kg/?
I'm in the same position. Do I sell my resin bits on Ebay or do I keep them for later usage.
Pic related from Anvil shows that they're pretty good for the new scale Cadian bodies.

VictoriaMiniatures remastered one of its guard lines too. Hopefully the rest of the guard regiments Victoria offers will get remastered too.
Biel-tan eldar. Just aspect warriors and wraiths plus vehicles.
>But they accept anyone in no matter what
CSM don't care where you come from as long as you can benefit their warband.
Dread Mob or Speed Frekks orks.
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Hopefully this Castellan with bolt pistol and power fist proxy counts.
Made up of three third party resin miniature manufacturers and one GW pointing bionic hand.
Cringe as fuck
What's cringe about it?
Looks fine to me. It's not like it has tripleD anime tits and cat ears.
That shit is cringe.
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Can we expect anything non AoS next week?
So tired...
Why are you even here if you don't like warhams, like what's in it for yourself to sit in a thread about something you don't enjoy
Lamenters or your a coward
Just build brain bugs and monsters
This thing has the most fucked neck. Why bother spending extra time, effort, and money to make something worse, genuinely curious
We get it, you're a fag.
But pride month is over.
This happens every other year, they cycle between a big box of 40k or aos, during mid to late June. You'll get more space barbies as soon as aos releases their fantasy buzz lightyears just chill
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Hey you, Autarch. You get to make the new Eldar Combat Patrol. It has to roughly be 1 HQ and 3 units. Some give or take based on unit price.
What do?
Warp Spiders so they get new minis, please GW for the love of god.
Pride month is over, Lust month started
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If this was made today they'd be standing on a square three times as tall as the model itself
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In terms of warp spiders, more likely emerging from a portal.
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The warp is overtaking me!



If I play Guardsmen can I theme their outfits pretty much however I want or is there specific rulesets for the jungle/russian cossack/ww1 german aesthetic ones?
>Combat Patrol was meant to be an easy intro to 40K. 500 points in the box so you can build and play as quickly as possible
>GW progressively fucks this up so many are sub500 points
Remind me again why they ditched the start collecting boxes?
Go away, Gamza
>Remind me again why they ditched the start collecting boxes?
The deal was too good and GW doesn't want their loss leaders to be an actual value.
Well they already made the start collecting boxes more expensive a few times, then they switched to a bigger more expensive format to warm people up to the new price, then they hiked those a few times, now they remove stuff from those boxes to basically make them SC! again but they keep the new prices
It's genius
Combat patrol as an intro to 40k works regardless of if it's 500pts or not.
So I just turn 30 and I’m starting Astra Militarum project. Gotta man up u know?

Obviously fuck nu-hammer, I’m buying old metals. I’m rich so no problem. I also know good recasters.

Which of these three is cooler?

- Vostroyan.

- Praetorian.

- Steel Legion.
It's about as effective as selling a blind man a pair of glasses.
>minimum size is 500pts
>the boxes aren’t 500pts
I never got this as it was marketed as a straight use box but many are illegal lists or below the minimum points needed. The idea was a hook to get new players as an easy route in.

>GW fails to understand what a loss leader is
It’s sad looking through those boxes they were great as an intro to the hobby. 45 quid from your LGS to see if you liked the faction and a few units to start building. The Guard one with the Commisar, Guardsmen and a russ was genuinely great. You could buy 3 and still field a valid army.
Forgive my lorelet question but did the Eldar invent chainswords prior to humanity? Why the fuck are striking scorpions running around with one of the imperium's most iconic weapons?
Mentor Legion but use Deathwatch rules to represent them.
Asking again.

What are some cool, lesser seen chapters that would be neat to see in a tyrannic war campaign?
Yes they did, millions of years before probably.
Every faction should have chainswords.
Yes they did and eldar version is more advanced - it's powered by a fusion cell instead of an ICE and the teeth are made from a better material.
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>wanna drill some barrels, bro?
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the white templar's chapter world of sanctum was caught right in the middle of the 4th tyrannic war

the chapter was mostly away during the invasion but a campaign could involve their return in mass to strike back at the tyranids
Ive seen it with scions and it looked great. We need more vehicles with models all over them.
Interesting. I'm thinking the Eldar should consider getting their legal department to send cease and desist letters.
They honestly weren't that bad to drill out.
Are those not drilled?
Just painted with black?
>30 years old
>hates nuhammer
>still calls them Astra Militarum
i think it looks alright anon, fuck these two haters
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I did it once, that was enough for me
>I'm actually very rich and cool
Iron lords? Their thing is containing a highly aggressive xenos species, the barghesi, in a small star cluster. As part of that containment they have fought splinters of Kraken to prevent the barghesi from being subsumed by the tyranids.
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Im stockholm syndromed. I cant see a world gw pulls off a new spoder sculpt. Its gonna have a massive flaw like no mechanical arms, or a tiny one handed gun, or zero detail on the backpack like the autarchs jump pack or worse, just being guardian helmets but a bit smoother (theyve done this with warlocks already) OR incredibly shit poses.

I am probably just mental.
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get vostroyans
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It's more likely than you think!
Has anyone done a good helmet swap with these yet. Not smooth reaver ones either?
Plinths have always been a part of display level painting you summerfag secondary
You can paint them however you want, and use whatever regiment rules you'd like, they're your models. There's no "illegal" painting choices
Ooh, I've upgraded
Savlar Chem-dogs or you're gay
>remember a time when summer was a reality
>phoneposting means it’s permanently summer
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And that's a good thing. Go beyond the tactical rock.
>tfw Imperial Guard and afraid to drill a gorillion tiny lasguns
All of these "massive flaws" are likely just signs of being on the spectrum
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40kids seriously buying these funko pop tier toys and putting them in their houses
Nogames here. Wouldn't shit like this have a tangible gameplay effect since the model height is higher, affecting cover and line of sight shit?
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considering the few canon trees we have
it would seem like the carnifex genus is a split from the warrior genus and that the 'hybrids families' of various thropes and vores split from a separate line

as for the problem between older models and newer models, I'd invoke convergence on that:
put yourself in the pants on the hive mind, you've got an idea for a bioplasmic artillery, you perform early tests with the cannon biomorph on something easy to develop, like an overgrown ripper worm, and that's our old slug exocrine, then you see it works and decide to cement the biomorph into a more tried and tested bodyframe, the carnifex genus, perhaps with some influences from early biovore artillery, and there we have the modern exocrine
these would both be exocrines, due to the cannon, but they would sit in parallel on very separate branches

similar discussion I'd make for the zoanthrope, back in 2nd edition the zoanthrope was a modified warrior with augmented psychic capabilities, later on in 3rd edition it got its atrophied bodytype and the speculative connection with eldar hybridation, in this case I'd put the zoanthrope twice on the tree, one stemming from the warrior genus and one stemming instead from the "hybrid branch"
at least this one looks cute.
Not as cute as you though
Do lasguns have a barrel? Wouldn't it be a solid lens in the muzzle
>but many are illegal lists or below the minimum points needed.
Combat patrol has its own modified ruleset, bud.
That's actually a good point. You're probably right.
>tfw laziness pays off yet again
My Gf bought me one by mistake, she wanted to get me some 40K and just saw the Warhammer logo

Even so some aren’t even 300pts which is mind boggling when the game is meant to be 500minimum.
I could imagine admech manufacturing their lasgun patterns with a barrel because of some dogmatic belief that "a gun must have a barrel or else the machine spirits will be offended."
>My Gf bought me one by mistake
that's how women view this hobby
never forget we're grown men collecting action figures
Alaitoc warhost
>have cadian upgrade sprue
>includes robot arm and an arm holding a belt-fed rifle of some sort
I don't recall any infantry squads getting a cool slug gun as a wargear option, so does GW want me to make a discount Sargeant Harker proxy?
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I'd be more inclined to believe Parasite of Mortrex is a Shrike offshoot based on old art of it being more warruir-like and the new one having a crest but very nice seeing it all coming t ogether anon
Also if you added Devilgaunts you might as well add Nightgaunts to Gargoyle tree
yes, generally though, unless it's particularly egregious, no one really cares outside of competitive play. Though a plinth is usually just for display models.
sergeants gets a dumb ass auto gun for some retarded reason
I only ever get my games through table top sim...
Calling this Vanquisher for my Drookians finished.
How so?
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Looks like a GUO shat all over it
nice, I like it
Now that Lelith is confirmed to be in a wholesome (as much as it can be for the Drukhari) lesbian relationship, does that change your view of the character?
the dudes with glaives, shadow dudes, and all of the vehicles are the only thing worth paying attention to in regards to de.
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Her only character was that she was hot and killy, being a dyke doesn't change that
She's still tops in murder-fuckery so it changes nothing
I still want to her to step on my balls, so it doesn't change the character for me much at all.
Uh why does he have an 8 pointed star on his cover?
I find it upsetting that some people take Mike Brooks books seriously
How soon pocket sand was forgotten...
That's gay
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Bring them back GW
Elysians are fine too
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What about the real important questions?
What's the pants situation like?
How nice ARE her feet? What shoe size?
How long does her beauty last between kills before she turns back into that wrinkled prune from official codex art?
Such a downgrade in the model though
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lelith became monke
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It's very funny to me that he is a fan of the locked tomb series, which is basically warhammer 40K fanfiction with lesbian necromancers in space
man eldari have such a boring range to look at. Only cool thing is the Visarch and maybe Khaine.
>gay fagshit faction contains a dyke
Wow, I'm shocked. (I'm not)
Thanks anon.

That's the goal, they're old tanks on campaign, not something on parade.
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Still think the original was the best
Why do I get the feeling this is an old pic and he's a fat fuck now? He always looks fat in other photos
never seen this one before and i totally agree, this is awesome
>verification not required
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Love this little guy
When kitbashing/converting, is it easier to build models as intended first and slap it with ye ol' hobby saw or start from a blank slate? Imperial Guard if it matters
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I'm creeping closer to 1000 points.
What is the connection/difference between the broodlord and a Patriarch?
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The pose looks a little awkward, but that's just how the metal models were. The mask and the trident would have been nice to see retained in her latter designs. The trident specifically feels like a gladiatorial weapon, so as a visual element it conveys something about her character. But I suppose that might be too close to overlapping with Jain Zar's loadout.
When did Jeb! Become a Tyranid?
I might be wrong but I think the key difference is broodlords are under direct control and patriarchs are removed from that and are acting as the Hive Mind. Also age.
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a patriarch is a normal genestealer that grows in physical and psychic power and influence as a result of creating a cult of hybrids and infected

a broodlord is created specifically for the role of leading genestealers during a planetary assault, it's a war leader
we don't know if a normal genestealer can grow into a broodlord, but in any case it's not a result of creating a cult

we don't even know if a broodlord can create a cult
Since a Broodlord is effectively just a name for a big genestealer, it would presumably be able to create a cult if it had the opportunity to do so. Then it'd become a patriarch, same as a regular genestealer, except maybe a bit faster since it's already large and has synapse capabilities.
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Why would anyone choose to play an inferior chapter? I just don't get it
What's the pants situation like?
Irrelvant because Mommy Yv keeps her in diapees or bare so that all can admire her cute little bottom
>How nice ARE her feet? What shoe size?
They are as soft and smooth as her adorable tushie!
>How long does her beauty last between kills before she turns back into that wrinkled prune from official codex art?
Mommas Yv uses her creepy magic to keep little Leli her cute fussy baby

We need 40k ABDL content so bad
I dunno man, blood angel fans are just not right in the head.
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Depends on the model. Mono-pose models are sometimes easier to convert after building at least a few parts together due to how stupidly awkward many of the parts are.
Otherwise blank slate is good.
Toddler phenotype
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>just chipped a tooth
>sit and breath until panic subsides
>suddenly a thought
>yaknow, a broken piece of tooth is pretty thematic for death guard
Am I deranged if I use my own broken tooth as basing material? I mean, it's not like they're going to put it back.
you going to try and bait the BA players every thread?
Don't be weird
Just disinfect it with heat or whatever.
Clean and sterilise it, but go for it. I know people who have done similar for Turnip28.
you're asking an anime poster to not be weird.
I am. Everyone can be saved.
>Am I deranged if I use my own broken tooth as basing material?
Which Ork CP has the best value. The New or Old one with the copters and ork mmm boys
How do I git gud at greenstuff armor? I want to cover up my bullgryn's naked arms and make him look like a fortress
Depends on how much you like beast snaggas. The old one also has the shitty monopose boyz kit.
New box is actually pretty awesome if you're 1 of 5 people in the world who likes beastsnaggas
Well not a fan of Beast Snagga cause to me they look off theme, The monopause If i can get from Ork bits I'll turn into Flash Gitz, Loota's or Nob squads. I got that CP before and that Ork box with the Stompa so I'd have at least 4 copies of each monopose. ONly thing that crossed my mind is that there is a hobby shop that has 1 box of the old CP left and I was just wondering.
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your easiest solution is painting the arm as it it's covered in a skintight suit and then using the pauldron of the normal ogryn onto the weapon arm of the bullgryn

they'll not be fully armoured, but they will look more armoured
Is infantry riding in titan's legs still a thing in the lore? If so, I don't see any doors in any titan models so where could they embark and disembark?
Does terminators climbing on their legs and killing it with hammers count?
I'll consider doing that, but I might make an attempt or two at other harmless methods first
>space marines get motorcycles
>GSC get motorcycles
>IG gets horse cavalry
Yo wtf
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get motorcycle aspect warriors eventually
it's all decisions that stem from very early units
>Take GSC Motorcycles.
>Put IG torso on them.
id settle for my fucking juggernauts personally.
Impossible, eldar have never invented the wheel.
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>>space marines get motorcycles
>>GSC get motorcycles
>>IG gets horse cavalry
>Yo wtf
Inferior fighting force gets inferior wargear.
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what stops you from having your rough riders use the gsc bikers kit?
Damn, these yours?
Looks great
>what stops you from having your rough riders use the gsc bikers kit?
It might surprise you but these are not the same size as rough riders.
Put them on the same sized base and nobody but utter retards will care and you shouldn't play with utter retards anyway
and? in how many instances during a game do you think that minor height difference is going to matter?
wdym? these should fit the base.
>Put them on the same sized base
Still not the same size and rest of your post is just cope for shitty behaviour.

I don't care how "thematic" it is for you army, it's still modeling for advantage.
what advantage do you get.
It seems you're one of the utter retards i was talking about.
Thats nothing compared to that anon who considered using his own poop as part of the paint. : /
what advantage? what kind of terrain do you use that can cover a bike but not a horse?
Also you can buy human teeth on ebay if you want to make it the theme of your army.
Only considered?
I heard of an autist that actually did mix his own blood and shit into paint
>every ork player in this general have chosen deathskulls

im i the only fuckin goffs ork bro or what?
>apply little antenna
>suddenly same height
No-one cares anon, only tournament whores and they don't get an opinion.

Also my Nurglings are on 80mms good luck getting out of your deployment zone lol
Speaking of modeling for advantage, If a unit has 10 monoposed sculpts but one of them is quite a bit taller than the other 9 due to an upraised weapon can I legally just replace it with a duplicate of one of the other models from another set to keep all the models at the same shorter height?
I like blood axes
Man, the Fulgrim book wasn't supposed to be a guide!
>Nurglings are on 80mms
That's a bit different, now innit?
Why not just put them in literal dinner plates that take up 1/4th of the board?
>WAACniggers start crawling out of the woodwork when you tell people to stick to the rules and proxy models accurately
Really makes you think.
Nurgle gets shit paint
Khorne gets blood paint
Slaanesh gets cum paint
Tzeench gets ???
Exactly! It's like when people used to equip relics to models but didn't create weapons on those models that reflected the description exactly. Like hello?! I'm calling the judge
Tzeentch gets normal paint, but people just assume it's actually something weird
Despite constant streams of bitch tears about muh tourneyfags and GW catering to them with all the rules this must require, GW doesn't provide rules on fundamental shit like this. You can do what you like.
As someone who was just about to 1k orks, sorts mad about the +10 pts per meganob because some troglydite went to heavy on them on a tournament. Should have been no points increase, just wreck the broken bully boys thing since that was what WA cussing the problem.

But at this point I'd take -5 points per model, at least then my list would fit again. Stupid GW
bird poop
Tzeentch gets two part epoxy with an indeterminate cure time
Better to be deranged than like most people
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>his faction doesn't have bits for all the special upgrades
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I like my Orks how I like my women.
>Army that represents every human military from illiterate backwater savages to high tech drop troops have cavalry

What a surprise
do black templars get rules for those shotguns?
Where is your Warship model?
>Exactly! It's like when people used to equip relics to models but didn't create weapons on those models that reflected the description exactly. Like hello?! I'm calling the judge
Yes, you should.
Fuck you, either put accurate and right weapons on your miniature and it's good.
And no, a bolter is not the same as a plasmagun or viceversa.
In space
thin your paints.
>Where is your Warship model?
I'm at the model.
I just punch the table and imagine it is an orbital strike.
Does GW really never paint eyebrows? Do all Space Marines shave their eyebrows off? Is that a codex mandated rule or something:
• You can only have approx 1000 men at arms
• They must be divided into 10 company's of 100 men
• They will be split across ten to twenty squads, each numbering five or ten warriors, depending on their tactical focus
• All Brother Marines must shave their eyebrows off. No exceptions.
Apparently not anymore, it's just "Neophyte firearm" now
>Description is a yellow weapon
>Model is red
Lol I don't think so, judge, one moment time
>Army that represents every human military from illiterate backwater savages to high tech drop troops
>oops all cadians
Some examples of the waacfags? All I see is one castellan conversion being shitted on, and I'm not sure if that counts but Waacfags tend to be anti-proxy so maybe.
I wouldn't recommend thinning contrast paints.
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not a surprise at all considering the historical bent to the IG. what I always wondered about was why they went with a mongol theme rather than napolenoic
>Not converting your models to make your own regiment

Man I ordered a bunch of these frogs from the Perrys and they just never sent them
I would.
Thinned contrast is great for tinting and shading
Clean that mold line.
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>oh yeah that happened
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There does seem to be less of a stress on the different clans being all part of one army these days from GW's side, each doing their own wee specialist roles on the battlefield. When did this change?
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>that happened and I bought it
Aye, but not for base coats like the other anon was suggesting. You'd only want to do that if blasting it out an airbrush.
No. I'm going to leave it there forever anon, just to annoy you specifically. I will never tidy that mold line. It will always look like that.
>nulore gay shit by Brooks
That shit got me hype. Sometimes we even had popcorn
I just wish her model wasn't ugly as sin, shes an Eldar, not a bloody human olympic shot-putt womans champion.
Are there any authors you guys don't hate?
Andy Chambers
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Old Andy Chambers, anyway. Everything he has written since leaving GW is tripe.
Dan Abnett when he's writing Guard books
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If he's not on this chart he's potentially alright
I like books, not authors.
Imagine being autistic enough to keep this but not autistic enough to keep it up to date
I suppose Dav Pilkey is pretty good.
>checking if a target is a fag or not when setting up a honey trap
That's bad?
I think we got the point without another 5 mike brooks entries
>Old Andy Chambers, anyway. Everything he has written since leaving GW is tripe.
What's he doing now?
I've enjoyed the Cain books, so Sandy Mitchell.
Well, he was the lead writer for StarCraft 2. Now he just works on Blood Red Skies, I think.
>he was the lead writer for StarCraft 2
He should have killed himself
I’ve only had it die in one game after being attacked by beast snaggas in melee for 3 turns while it kept blasting meganobs. The casino rolls for damage can be super rough but 1d6+6 blast, strength 14-16 depending on what I’m shooting at, ap-3, damage d6. It’s pretty fucking fun to throw around. And that’s before the lascannons and pintle multimelta join the party.
truly nothing is sacred
For these people yes. Anything that portrays a character that isn’t a straight dude work effectively sexless is clearly someone inserting their politics into the book. Not the author just trying to future proof a bit.
heavily contrasted?

what contrast did you use for the copper bits and the skin?
I liked the Shira Calpurnia series, so I guess Matthew Farrer.
only got back into the hobby (and orks) at the start of the year so im not sure, ive seen screenshots from old editions where kulturs were given certain abilities, cant remember if they were strong or not
clearly the other side made that chart lol
Just happens to be useful for us too.
Go away with your propaganda.
It's not quite as bad as that anon was suggesting - he was one of two lead writers on WoL alongside Brian Kindregan and wasn't involved at all with HotS or LotV.
Still, it really activates my almonds that he was involved in two (2) sequels to sci-fi RTSes that abandoned their previous good writing to dive into retarded space prophecy - he was also a writer and designer on Homeworld 2.
In fairness, I think he only wrote Wings of Liberty. Which was the least egregious of the expansions even if it was still full of retcons. It's the only one he's credited for at least, though he probably set the groundwork for the rest of the game too.
Well, two of the things he is most known for in 40k is the total rewrite and retcon of the Dark Eldar and wanting to redesign 40k into an alternating activations game when designing 4th edition but getting told no.
So it sounds like retcons are kind of his specialty, even if the 40k ones seem like good ideas in retrospect.
WoL was trash. It had just been so long since we had any StarCraft content that people (myself included) gobbled it up and jerked off to nostalgia of SC and the music sounding like Firefly.
Jimmy being lovesick for someone he swore he would hunt down and kill (sorry Fenix, you're forgotten), Mengst being incompetent, XelNaga are...le bad!, and the rest of the capeshit tier tropes....was a hot mess.
>total rewrite and retcon of the Dark Eldar
wasn't that Phil Kelly(and I guess Jes Goodwin for the visuals)
>total rewrite and retcon of the Dark Eldar
got more info about this?
Josh Reynolds
Napoleonic astthetics fucking sucks
Graham McNeill
Ben Counter
Sandy Mitchell
The skins mantis warrior contrast. I've forgot what the weapon was, leadbelcher I think, with probably a flesh-tone wash on-top for the brassy bits.
He was more of a WHFB author, but Bill King.

WoL was bad, but still better than what followed. It might even have been better than Brood War, which was the start of everyone other than Kerrigan being written as absolutely braindead to let Metzen's waifu have her win.
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>Josh Reynolds
He sounds like a fag and his shit's all retarded
0/10 troll
Regardless with tournament terrain there is no playable difference
aw man we coulda had alternate activations?
David Annandale
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If Orks are supposed to the 40K's comic relief faction, why the hell do they remain so cool?
because everyone wishes they could have as much fun as an ork
because the fun they have is not exclusively at their expense
There's a certain respect to being the designated cannon fodder NPC army.
I don't respect marines at all.
your joke doesn't work on any level
Speaking of Orks, is there a decent scan of the Ork Codex in English yet, including all the lore pages? I know there's one in French done nicely, but unfortunately my knowledge of French extends to about as far as me saying "je ne pas parle Francais" in my lovely glaswegian accent, which is usually unintelligible to actual French people unfortunately. Also its probably wrong, and has the wrong "genders" or some shit.
i would scan it myself but my scanner is broken, and couldnt be fucked doing it, sorry haggisbro
sisters of battle is the comic relief faction, no one could actually ever believe women would be capable of fighting
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Post your comfy hobby nooks.
I find only rules
BSIchad be wary of dust
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Dan Abnett when he's taking his meds
Uh oh utter retard melty
What is a "Digga Stompa"?
stompa that digs
Stompa made by digganobs?
Sorry anon, I'm mildly autistic and and simply don't understand why point people are trying to make when they replay with reaction gifs of someone making strange expressions. It doesn't mean anything to me, that's just "man having a medical issue" in my head I'm afraid, but I suspect that was not the intent which you were intending to convey.
digga that stomps
Think this, but not as cool.
Looted Knight
I was so pumped when SC2 was about to come out. I thought they might actually do something with the Xel'Naga storyline... maybe have the Zerg-toss hybrids be a fourth race that was mechanically different from the rock paper scissors they had going...
Keep up the good work piggies!
Either a Stompa that digs, or it means Digga owned Stompa.
Depends if this a thing for Gorkamorka or not.

Since Diggas are tribal humans that descend from a Imperial expedition that got marooned on Angelus aka Gorkamorka like 5000 years ago.
Diggas are specifically descendants of the people who were exploring the necron tombs underground, and when the cataclysm hit they all got buried and trapped underground into the tombs and couldn't find their way out of the labyrinthine tomb complexes.
But then some off 5000 years later then re-emerged from them.

The tribal humans then saw and came into contact with orks, and seeing all the bright colors and how much the orks were having they started to emulate orks in every way possible.
They also trade with orks for tech and whatever.
probably this
What currency is "P"?
Penis equivalent
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this thread sucks
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You dare to post Bestgirl in such a shit thread?
>The warp powers drink the emotions and thoughts of Mankind, growing bloated with power in the process
>Over the millennia each has fed on as aspect of Man: its rage, lust, corruption, and inconstancy
>Corrupted and moulded by the thoughts and feelings of reality, the warp powers nurture more hatred or depravity in the hearts of Mankind.
>And so a circle is established - Mans follies feed the warp Powers, and the Powers encourage Man to further follies

Anons if you had to make a new chaos god, what emotion would you tie it to and what would his daemons look like, his colour would be yellow and orange
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I dareth
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She's the solution, idiot
Farseer Macha
her ears are ugly and wobbly
how come there's no warp daemon born of humanity's worship of the emperor? or collective anguish when he died? etc
why are only eldar cool enough to spawn a god
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I hadn't forgotten them, but it's true I didn't provide for a path for them to be in their own split off the root organism like they would be. That will be amended.

This is another thing I'd debated over, I initially considered having a "Convergent design" link between the Neurotyrant and the regular Tyrant, but I'm not sold on it. So far I've established those links between species which exhibit physical traits that are unique to the rest of their branch but not to those in another branch or family - the feeding tendrils, mantis claws, etc. shared between the Lictor and Von Ryan's Leaper, the enlarged cranium and psychic capabilities shared between the Neurolictor and the Zoanthrope. But the Neurotyrant doesn't have any characteristics of the Tyrant - it's just a more psychically potent Zoanthrope.

I would love to see a model evolution tree that tackles this but I am going to try and stick to the current 'canon' of model appearances and the taxonomy they imply. That said, convergent design as you said is an opportunity to link the callbacks to old models where they happen. You can rest assured there will be a link tying between Zoanthrope and the Maleceptor, as the latter as more than a few nods to the 2e Zoanthrope design.

You sold me on this, it's obvious enough that I feel silly for the oversight. Synapse arising in a branch which didn't have any synapse at the root won't be unusual but I do think it's something that doesn't wholly belong in the gaunt tree (unless I wanted to put in some branches addressing the mutable genus conversions from 3rd), but having the Parasite as a Shrike offshoot feels much more natural. I've also pulled the trigger on having Nightgaunts spinning off Gargoyles, as if memory serves that was actually a conversion featured in the 3rd edition codex's hobby section (sticking hormagaunt talons on a gargoyle).

Might be a day or two before I have time to smash out the Carnifex family.
Its implied that thats the path Humanity is going down, the Emperors not really dead/dead all along so there was no *moment* of loss or collective anguish.
>how come there's no warp daemon born of humanity's worship of the emperor?
In the last few HH novels its implied thats exactly what the Dark King is and the Emperor prevented its birth by denying it (the worship of him happens after his death but its the warp so time is non linear).
Or im wrong and GW is building towards a God Emperor warp Power/Chaos god that is seperate from the Emperors corpse on the golden throne
>how come there's no warp daemon born of humanity's worship of the emperor?
What is Imperius and the Fire Angels? What is the Emperor Angelic?
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I always thought eldar sclera were black.
Eldar have been too humanised. We need a return to crystal poop
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Macha, are Eldar gaelic and scots/Irish based in mythology then?
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eldar look like whatever the artist feels like at the time but mostly they're just elves in space
Yeah that shits a bit not great. she looks like Dobby.
The Wrath and Glory RPG says that Aeldari eyes have no pupils or irises. They are blank black, red, or whatever other colour.
Depends how much you beat on the filthy Xenos Brother.
First who sayed it didn't? Second the worship of the emporer is so weak in comparison to the aspects the other chaos gods represent that we may never know if there is such a god or not.
There is also that the emporer himsels nearly became a chaos god and that at this poin all those worshipping chaos powers go into keeping him alive and manifesting miracles like living saint. There are dozens of minor chaos gods nobody knows becaus they are to weak get born and die, or those like mork and gork that are rumored but nobody knows if they really exist.
In part. There's a lot of inspiration there, similar to how Dark Angels are both native american and arthurian knights
Sick digits
Please stop posting this, it makes Eldar look childish. : ( A little bit of my soul leaves me every time I see it.
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The Howling Banshees and Craftworld Saim-hann weren't a hint?
They're Japanese-Greek-Celtic, with hints of whichever other ancient civilisation works best for a given Craftworld or unit, such as Ulthwé's Wadjet. Much like the Tau are Pajeets under the Ethereal Raj with a melange of Chinese and Japanese elements on top, there doesn't just need to be a single inspiration.
>The Wrath and Glory RPG
Not canon and doesn't matter.
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And you've made it worse by adding worst faction in the game
did yer man cut his hair with a hedgetrimmer?!
>Eldar are French
This boils my English blood
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>model evolution tree
It at least used to be that all the models were canon, just representing different evolutions of creatures.
Look at 3rd/4th ed eldar art.
idk, i'm a lorelet. but thank you for the breadcrumbs

ty, that's interesting. I think it could be a cool direction to go in, the living saint thing and the sanguinor are very fucking cool
So the first miniatures I ever bought were catchans when I was 17 .... somewhere in 2001. I painted them red white and blue and they were ugly as fuck. Go America
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Is it any wonder they see them as little better than aggressive gorillas?
>Jock owns nerd
>nerds call them gorillas
Tale as old as time
Just skimmed through that comic for the memes and the eldar are such mustache twirling villains it's hilarious
This was made by salty jocks for sure
Hte only one who is salty is you
Post pictures for freedom day
Real nerd would be like
"Actually, gorillas mostly engage in threat behavior"
Every time GW releases a "balance update" or what have you, you need to kill a GW employee. Keep doing this until GW gets the idea that maybe it'd be best if you could play their game right out of the book instead of having to have a million little updates and pdfs
You are free to play editions where you didn't get a codex or any changes for 2 years anon! You can fuck off back there
>"Actually, gorillas mostly engage in threat behavior"
Threats are empty if you can't back it up.
But gorillas can and will back it up if you push it.
You can stop being a waacfag, maybe? And stop treating an inherently narrative hobby as a competitive vidya-style game? Maybe kill yourself too, because you're a richfag whale?
10th edition is the best edition of 40k, because it's the most current. And when 11th edition releases, it will be the best, because it will be the most current. You will have to relearn the game due to faqs every few months, your faction will get a codex only a month before it's invalidated by a new edition dropping, and YOU WILL LIKE IT.
>warped fingers - check
>eyeball - check
>beetles - check
>capillaries - check
>dick-shaped barrrel - kinda check, kinda not rly
Image limit reached
The Cowabunga Legion.
Its like Digimon.
Really nice. Anvil you say? Which one exactly?
Bought Sisters recently, they are great, want to try and paint them like the famous chinese guy suggested.
Wish me luck anons.
I do t know but in the Raven guard book the Emperor says he has no true form and that different people see a different form simultaneously so does that infer his body is just something he causes people to perceive
These people are evil
She'll kill her the second she becomes weak. I assume all dark relationships are like that. Shit tests with whatever emotion they have left to give. Now if she was dating a craftworlder or harlequin or a human then I'd call special snowflake bullshit.
Side note, what is with all these characters having romances? Chaos marines, dark eldar, named Guardsman. Are their female shadow riders that have the staff by the balls?

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