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Been Through Hell Edition

>What is Trench Crusade?
An alternate weird history 32mm tabletop skirmish game still in a pre-release playtesting phase but with the full release slated for this year. Based on the art and lore of Mike Franchina, whose illustrations you may have seen floating around on /tg/ for a several years now, and designed by Tuomas Pirinen, one of the original creators of Mordheim. It's grimdark, it's visceral, it's awesome, and it's very Blanchitsu.

>What's the QRD on the background?
The Knights Templar turned heretic and opened the Gates of Hell when they took Jerusalem during the First Crusade. Over 800 years later the war is still ongoing as technology has developed to a pseudo dieselpunk WW1 standard and a third of Humanity has sided with the Infernal Princes.

>How do I get started?
Grab the playtest rules and the lore primer here and check the FAQ for any other basic questions you might have.

>third party sources for making trenchers:

>Scattered rules/files from the Discord

>Trench Compendium

>Previous thread:

To add to that, I think we should consider what the developers intend. Everything we've seen from them regarding encouraging kitbashing and player creativity leans towards "the devs are pro-creative-interpretation".
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Is there some kind of army list or list of armour and weapons for the factions? Im going to make some stuff out of spare bits I have and want something to aim for.
Check the playtest rules at https://www.trenchcrusade.com/playtest-rules. Each of the factions has a gear list before unit entries.
Great, thank you.
Today I busted out an old box of Eisenkern Valkir from years back so I could use one as a Heavy Mechanized Infantry.

This is a 28mm figure. Very slightly larger than a normal human from the Iron Core line. Minimum of 14 pieces, some options get close to 20.

Definitely some decent shit for kitbashing - lot of spare heads and other goodies. But I want a bigger figure for the HMI.
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Anyone got Sultanate conversions?
I haven't seen much of Iron Sultanate at all, let alone kitbashes.
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Someone was working on some stuff for them here that included the brazen bull, hoping theyre still around
Is this the newest streaking grime sloppa rule set or am I allowed to highlight shit and paint things properly
No, you are not.
You can paint your minis however you like, Anon.
That right hand is too small to grap the hilt like that
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I finally got my Japanese minis in that I'm making a "Sultanate" warband out of. I haven't decided what kind of customization I plan to do yet tho. I know I wanna get some bergen backpacks for the grunts tho.
An alchemist made it possible.
nipponbros we're back
whats the reason to keep the samurai style armor in that period of time?
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sometimes you can find stuff in less time than it takes to ask and sit around waiting for spoonfeeding.
even if you were on dialup you'd find it quicker than that.
Not him but rule of cool. Same reason why hell knights have suits of armour. To be honest, any aesthetic of Japan prior to WW1 or WW2 is far better than how they looked during the world wars.
This isnt /v/, calm yourself.
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No one is going to stop you from being a lame faggot and painting grimdark WW1 muddy trench soldiers in bright faggy 'eavy metal style with meme edge highlights - you're allowed to have bad taste! Most opponents probably won't even call you a prancing lala homo fruit out loud when they see you put those models down across from them on the table, we'll just think it quietly in our heads out of politeness! You can make your models as inferior as you like, it's all completely up to you buddy.
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Other anon pretty much said it >>93251514
I had the thought of "Sultanate" but Japanese with Youkai/Oni as the Alchemical abominations, and these minis looked good. I was pretty torn between these or pic related, but the latter felt a little too Imperial Guard-y. I also felt like the Tanegashima were a good Jezzail equivelant.
paint your models the way that makes you happy. if your local gaming hole has people like >>93252005, paint/highlight them even brighter.

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