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Primaris Brazen Drakes Did Nothing Wrong Edition

>SoB detachment preview

>GSC detachment preview

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Not needed.
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Reminder that outside of the Greater Four there are minor chaos gods, like Vashtorr, Be'lakor and Malice (the least mentioned of the three).
Ascention to godhood is meant to means ascenton to be one of the Greater/Major gods not to godhood in itself
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1st for traitors and renegades get what they fucking deserve.
>mad he was proven wrong on every time
>has to drag it here to cope
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>No TQ

TQ: Whats the least fun faction to play?
Hah, get fucked.
fund oldhammer

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Cultists are funne
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>accidentally bought the same eBay order twice
I am very intelligent
>He is by the virtue of constantly being referred to as one.
Give examples
I haven't you just disagree with me.
How can Vashtorr just be a daemon prince when he has
>His own daemon world, Wyrmwood, that can manifest in real space
>His own personal realm within the Warp
>Legions of his own daemons
>Worshipped as a god by Dark Mech, Iron Warriors, Admech Hereteks, Word Bearers, Alpah Legion
>Has no patron Chaos god that made him a daemon prince that he owes his alliegence to
He's a Chaos God anon, a minor one that seeks to ascend to become one of the Major Five
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i haven't finished the unit i started painting three months ago.
Then stop getting stoned Ricky.
world eaters, but ill admit its the only 40k army I have played.
Fuck off Randy
>three months
I started painting these rangers 2 years ago..
As or against?
As: Pure gun line Tau with no battlesuits. It was the most boring shit I’ve done in my life.
Against: Custodes and Wardog spam. Seriously, the fucking worst. Lmao fights first and ignore dev wounds or bs 2+ 24 inch meltas hopping out of deepstrike.
>How can Vashtorr just be a daemon prince when he has
Belakor has all of that too and he is just a daemon prince as well.
Just because you're powerful or have influence in the warp doesn't mean you're a god.
You're just a powerful individual.
Custodes. I haven't played with them/against them recently, but early 10th edition was just plopping your golden asses down on an objective and doing jack shit during your turn while the game was 90% of your opponent trying to do things (and usually not accomplishing them). I have no idea why they exist in the state they do, let alone even existing as an army. IK/CK probably have/had this problem too if you prefer playing with the big boy knights. Otherwise I'd say whatever faction the dude who wrote AdMech has gotten a hold of most recently, which would be GSC right now.
As or against?
As is probably guard or deldar from what little I've seen of both, based on the bitching I've heard around the LGS their core play styles were gutted with the new edition(no idea how true that is I have never played either faction)
Against is grey knights so far for me, necrons were annoyingly resilient but the GK "pick my whole army up and redeploy wherever I want then teleport wherever I want when you choose them for an attack" thing is plain out stupid
I simply refuse to play against them anymore
>Belakor has all of that too and he is just a daemon prince as well
Be'lakor is a minor chaos god as well*
I don't think he has his own personal Daemon world though. Since your so sure Malice is a chaos god and these two aren't can you post the codex reference your getting that from?
>Be'lakor is a minor chaos god as well*
He is not.
He admits himself by the very fact he is constantly trying to ascend into godhood and the fact that the Big 4 are constantly cockblocking him.
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fuck I have a unfinished chaos lord with jump pack from last year
>>No TQ
Intentionally so. I'll let you guys come up with one instead.
>bestows marks
>has a domain in the Warp with its own afterlife filled with billions of souls
>Has his own lore of magic
>not a god
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>STILL no reference of how Malice with less followers and worshipers and less influnece is somehow higher in the Pantheon than Vashtorr and Ba'lakor
Post evidence anon, Malice has ONE warband. I know hes all about have very few but highly elite and powerful followers but he doesn't even have his own daemon world, or mortal slaves that follow him, Be'lakor corrupted half the titans from the largest titan chapter in the galaxy AND stole their planet. Malice is lesser to Be'lakor
>half the titans from the largest titan chapter in the galaxy
Are you legit too retarded to know the difference between a knight and a titan?
still not posting evidence anon I'm beginning to be convinced you're full of shit, knight or titan whatever each one of them can easily destroy a single marine which is all Malice has as mortal followers. Yes he's a minor god and the other 2 arent??
Where is the 40k news? Come on James!
I don't HATE it...
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I want 6 Eightbound and 6 Exalted Eightbound for my army. What should I do?
>Buy 4 boxes at ~$50 each and spend $200 on 12 models
>Buy 2 boxes of Eightbound, one box of Possessed, and one more body from ebay for like $10 and save around $40 kitbashing the Possessed into Exalted Eightbound

>Just 3d print them lmao
Thanks, would frogtape work? I've got like 6 rolls of it up in the garage from painting the house. How do you deal with the nooks and crannies? Just bodge it in as best you can or should the tape follow the models armor panels?
buy 2 eightbound and just swap the arms yeah. either way you are getting ripped off.
>Post evidence anon, Malice has ONE warband
Sons of Malice.
I've got to say, I've noticed a trend on here - the more detailed or professional looking someone's paintjob is when they post it, the more likely they seem to be to get hit with a load of abuse. Is that just how it goes?
I have 6 different units and an anime fig I started painting all strewn around my desk.
I think the oldest one is from leaviathan release
Its ok, he can just get one of his Brothers to give it a scratch for him.
Being more "professional" or "detailed" does not make something better.
The more I see the Votann getting used opportunistically like this the more hope I have for them. Now if they actually had any lore written for them. Have they had anything beyond the Pariah nexus snippets where the Ironkin went Skynet?
>and an anime fig
which one?
Kafka from hsr, had her printed
I'm terrified of doing the skin
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Then go buy a catachan devil

Honestly shit talking someone’s paint job is just part of the experience of /40kg/. There are some genuinely very good painters here. But there’s a… tolerance test folks run to make sure you aren’t too full of yourself. If you just keep posting eventually they get over it and it vastly reduces I’m volume. Look at sallyfag. At this point most of the shit he gets is just out of habit. And he WAS an absolute shit painter when he started posting a couple years ago. Armageddanon and drookianon started out great and still get shit too. It’s just ritual.
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Shit talking is definitely real but there's sometimes some genuinely good criticism to be found here, as long as you ask.
A lot of how I paint my Orks now is due to some advice that I've received from anons.
Err, I dont understand that Kickstarter:
What are you actually getting for your pledge? One "free" model and then free postage when you do buy something? That seems a bit shit.
Nice Ultramar-ork.
it's a glorified preorder with some discount on what would be the actual final store price.
What brassy colour is that? Its very nice!
My next Boyz are actually going to have marine pauldrons to lean into that joke.
The darker brass on the gear and the drill is screaming bell, and the wires on the KMB is Vallejo copper. Both with just an agrax wash
I use a dull pointed object to push it into more difficult areas if I need to, but I also think if it's difficult to mask, it'll probably be difficult to see, so it's not worth stressing too much over. I bought a set of cheap dental tools for hobby work, but while the metal one has only been good for scraping some mold lines and pipe resin, the plastic/rubber tool is better for working around soft plastic without damaging it.
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I kinda like the abuse honestly. And yeah I’ve gotten a fair bit of good advice and added it, not that it’s particularly obvious. One day I’ll put on my big boy pants and shift to /wip/ for some true guidance on how to be better. But for hate probably still a year or so off. I need more brush control on my freehand, once I can do that well I think I’ll be ready to annoy two threads at once.
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luv Iron
luv 'azard stripes
luv a good siege
'ate the Emperor
'ate Imperial Fists, silly tossas
Simple as.
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I'm back with more weaponized Tyranid autism.

For those who didn't see it last time, I am trying to do a comprehensive Tyranid taxonomy, showing "evolutionary" paths and family classification for the different invasion bioforms. This is meant to be as inclusive as I feel is reasonable, but also trying to keep the modern Nid design in mind when dealing with older bioforms that haven't been seen for 20+ years.

As an example, this taxonomy includes the Dactylis and Malefactor under the Carnifex family, despite the only model and art references for them being lumpy slug things. The Haruspex and Exocrine looked extremely similar to them before their redesign, and so I have made the assumption that the former have changed in a similar fashion such that their unseen new forms would be classified closely to the latter.

I've also included speculative connections between species across families or distant branches that I suppose as evidence of the Hive Mind's "convergent design", an equivalent to convergent evolution, where the Hive Mind has relied on familiar biological features to specialize a bioform and ended up with them resembling another.

I'm fairly well settled that the myriad "gaunt" variants introduced by the 2001 CCG aren't worth including, though Nightgaunts and Deathgaunts already had classifications established by the 3rd edition codex so they are included as well. I have included several other bioforms from the CCG that I felt merited inclusion and have a relatively natural place in the taxonomy.

Next step would be to add science bullshit fluff like pseudo-latin taxonomic names as those featured in previous versions of the tree, and if I'm feeling *really* ambitious, body silhouettes like in the 3rd edition one. I'm undecided if I intend to ever pursue the 3 other kingdoms I have branching off-page, as those have a lot less reliable resources and materials to draw from.
Your Neurotyrant still doesn't connect to Hive Tyrant.
Can’t they make Vasthorr ascend in the lore and change the model’s name to be an avatar of Vashtorr or something? Is that too outlandish an idea?
I think Trygons and Mawlocs are just oversized raveners, why put them in the carnifex genus instead of just an evolution of raveners?
>Vashtorr gets an Avatar before any Eldar God
We will never get Asuryan at this rate.
I love how people are still memeing that story even though it's been at least 6 years since when it came out.
It's how they handle gods in AoS, but I do think it would be a mistake to do it in 40k. I prefer Vashtorr as just a motivated denizen of the warp, rather than as a full on god. Nothing stops him from having his own faction, if they want to go that way.
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>Voice of the Emperor
I read that in Baras' voice.
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Working on some custom storm troopers.

Post models and WIP's
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You don't get it, boyo, you're getting sold to the forges!
I would but I’ve already posted them several times and won’t be making progress till next week.
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Where would one even start when collecting the STLs to make guardsmen in the new scale and proportions as the current Cadians? I know VictoriaMiniatures released remastered not!Gaunt's Ghosts models in the new scale. Hopefully VM remasters all of them to allow for such an army to be made as I doubt Anvil and Madrobot are gonna update the scales and proportions of their modular minis.
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if GW won't let me take Leman Russes and overcost everything but Ridgerunners, I'm going to print some. Simple as.
Sucks that all the cultists models are monopose. Especially the accursed cultists
I did give my reasoning for that last time, there aren't any physical or biological design elements connecting the two, which is what I'm looking for, even for the "convergent design" lines.

It's to do with having Carnifex as its own family. Older versions of the taxonomy had Warriors as the root form of basically anything that wasn't a Gaunt. With how many bioforms we have now that are plainly built off the Carnifex chassis, so to speak, it makes more sense to have them as their own family under it. It then becomes natural look at something like the Trygon and everything springing from it as the Hive Mind taking something it trialed with Warriors and Raveners, and applying it to the Carnifex. That said the Mawloc clearly sprung from the old Red Terror concept, so the "early sighting" line draws a connection while keeping things fuzzy - is it truly a unique strain of the Ravener, or was it someone seeing a Mawloc for the first time? The original artwork of Red Terror blurs the line quite a bit, which is great.
Yeah I got caught out on that one. Some Bullgryn / FW Ogryn / AOS models and some conversion work and I think it turned out ok though.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing it.
The 4 gods are a powerful archetype, ain't happening.
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>Where would one even start when collecting the STLs to make guardsmen in the new scale and proportions as the current Cadians?

Reptilian Overlords master regiment template. And hope that RO gets back to the MRT after he is done with his not!Warhammer Fantasy Empire mini STLs.
And unironically throw in some nu-Cadians to mix them up.
Vashtorr is Vaul
Tourist here.

how likely is the Land Raider to get a refresh in the next year or two?

I'm planning on picking up some Aggressors captain in Gravis and later a Biologis. I read the Land Raider is the best option for getting them out.
Raider is probably fine for this edition and maybe the next. But if you really want to future proof, the Repulsor can carry 14 models now and is the perfect transport for Eradicators IMO.
gotcha ty. yeah, the Repulsor was gonna be my backup option for it.
I notice plenty of people with beginner tier stuff getting made fun of or treated with criticism that's too harsh.
>the lower shin as the funny chorf hat
I wish the mk3 we got looked like this, minus the belly plate.
The update we got is just trash.
Eldar bros how should I make my wraithknight load out? I might magnetize but still, curious what you think.
Invuln seems pretty nice but it costs so much firepower.
On the other hand, a melee build gives like flexibility between MEQ clearing sweep and the strike for vehicles and monsters.
>abnormally coloured Dire Avengers
Is this allowed? I thought all aspect warriors had respective schemes
Retarded and pointless.
Also just misses the entire point of Vashtorr anyway.
Becoming a full god is his motivation, once he achieves it he might as well be dead because there is nothing be done with his character any longer.
It's like how GW made bunch of old WHF characters ascend into godhood just at the same time then killed any narrative or any character movement for them since they are now less individual characters and forces of nature instead.
Nagash and Morathi being great examples of this.
not as restrictive as you think
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>Nagash and Morathi being great examples of this.
The most interesting stuff of their character arcs happened after they became gods. What the fuck are you on about?
Makers Cult Universal Guard
Station Forge
retarded opinion.
These models are so cute, like little chibis
World eaters are a fresh and niche army. Much like votann ts or dg they were 1-2 editions old and gw is still trying to solidify a direction.

Give em time
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>world eaters and death guard
>1-2 editions old
Votann will never get anything new again and that makes me very happy.
>pretending the DG and WE of pre-codex days played anywhere near how they do now
tired of frogposters always being the most retarded faggots on this site
What so the most iconic giant flaming statue in the faction doesn't count now?
neither does the one made of cheese
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Last pic I'm going to post for you guys. I am trading my salamanders for a fully painted army of boys. Its time to mix things up a bit.
What are some handicap lists you guys hate seeing? I’m absolutely fine with SM or IG throwing in a armiger or something because it’s a small complimentary unit vs a n entire skew list. What I hate are lists where the opponent is obviously skewed to just BS their way through the match and ignore all semblance of tact and strategy. For me lately it’s been this Necrons faggot at my LGS who brings
>Shard of the Deceiver
>Night Bringer
>3 Transcendent C’tan
>bullshit chaff like scarabs and the 5 man snipers
It’s like we’re not even playing the same game at that point, he just moves his shit around completely ignoring cover and LoS because he knows he’s not going to lose his units.
Death guard were playing with flamers back in the day, no army was playing the same as they are now.
You spent what $165 for the thing, it would be cruel of me to tell you what to do for with it.

However i had a fat guy yell at me for going sword and board. Shield and gun are the...optimal... Path
end of an era
no you aren't, you don't own any models
Eldar aspect warriors come from shrines, not craftworlds the shrines are what dictate color.
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proper term is skew list, not handicap list
and for me its vehicle lists
I've printed a few redmakers kasrkin, i think they look pretty accurate. They also do tallarn, vostrayan, solar auxillia, janniesaries and the regiment that looks like old british big game hunters, the name escapes me. Check them out, most of that shit is on telegram.
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>mfw sallyanon is leaving us
Good luck on your ork boyz. Your posts always made me smile.
>thinking there's any similarity between army playstyles evolving with the game and an army going from one unit and one character to a bespoke codex of their own
doubly retarded
>then killed any narrative or any character movement for them since they are now less individual characters and forces of nature instead.
>Nagash and Morathi being great examples of this.
You mean two characters who have made massive narrative impact for AoS?
Fuck off. I will have my elves v dwarf hatemance in space. You cannot stop me
you're genuinely retarded if you think that's actually him
He's posted that image before, it's not new, it's someone posing as him for drama/giggles.
They don't even have the full roster yet. No warbeasts, the half naked people still have pants, no auto-turrets, etc.
I bought the Solar Auxillia box for a scion-based IG army. Any suggestions for a mini to use for Kasrkin that could fit the theme?
>I will have my elves v dwarf hatemance in space
That was covered in a KT book. Eldar made the squats look like scared babies.
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how weird should daemons look?
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>posting a jpg with no iPhone file name, and it’s so bit compressed you can’t make out my shitty brushwork.
You aren’t even trying are you?
Oh man I got trolled big time. Well played.
Factions win and factions lose. I want a rivalry I want drama.

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I think an army of ork boys would suit you well.
As long as you paint them blue.
that weird as a minimum
Sallyfag has already said his second army is tau. He’s even posted them once.
Am I retarded foe wanting to change the Chapter I’m building from Ultramarines to Crimson Fists, despite having bought UM bits?
>Primaris Brazen Drakes Did Nothing Wrong Edition
Sure they did. They were primaris. They deserved death.
post your firstborn army
Grass is always greener. But no, fists are way cooler then smurfs, and it's an outrage that they were shunted from posterboys to literally who.
guys why do my brushes keep dying after maybe 20 models? I just want them to keep a damn point.
don't let paint reach the neck of the brush
thin your paint water
>His own daemon world, Wyrmwood, that can manifest in real space
Lots of daemon princes and greater daemons have their own daemon world they lord over. Some can even manifest in real space too - Magnus the Red being a good example of this.

>His own personal realm within the Warp
Again, most greater daemons and plenty of daemon princes have this. Either they control a section of the realm of their patron god, or are out in the wilder areas of the warp where they created their own realm.

>Legions of his own daemons
Can't be a greater daemon/daemon prince without this.

>Worshipped as a god by Dark Mech, Iron Warriors, Admech Hereteks, Word Bearers, Alpah Legion
Even daemon heralds can be worshipped as god by some cultures.

>Has no patron Chaos god that made him a daemon prince that he owes his alliegence to
So a chaos undivided daemon prince.

There is nothing about any of your points, or any combination of them, that means Vashtorr is something of a chaos god. The one biggest difference between daemons and the god of chaos is that the latter cannot manifest in the material realm - which Vashtorr obviously can, so if anything he is disqualified from being a chaos god by default.
Paint reaching the base is irrelevant, the issue is that your brush is dry. Before painting, soak the brush in water and just remove enough to keep it moist. Then add the paint. That way the paint will be kept moist by the water in the belly of the brush and won't dry up, separating the hairs of the brush. Also be sure to always paint in the direction of the hairs. Make sure to rinse the brush and keep it moist periodically, especially in this heat.
Crimson Fists are very cool. I like the Roman thing that UMs have going, but they really pale in comparison to CF.
The biggest offence is how Crimson Fists got turned into basically another UM chapter in the lore at the start of 8th edition. Guilliman "saved" their chapter by instantly replenishing their numbers in a single paragraph, and as a result GW decided the Crimson Fists are so thankful that they will do anything the UM ask of them without hesitation. They've literally become a UM successor chapter now.
yeah idk what that other anon is on about. the entire point of Vashtorr's character arc is him wanting to BECOME a chaos god.
Nobody tell him about how 99% of the blood angels are ultramarines now
>Despite buying um bits.
Are the bits already out of the box? If so yes
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If you paint crimson fists by the love of Pedro use the new beakies.
Everybody is Ultramarines now, even the Space Wolves have basically become a Codex Astartes compliant chapter.
you take that back right now before I drill your ass like my wolves
Perhaps, unfortunately Orks don’t quite speak to me as an army. Not totally sure why. I’m sorry bro. I just have shit taste, I wanna do admech one day once I get my tau done up.
no thanks, I'm not a redditor
The truth hurts, doesn't it. Almost as much as having your asshole drilled out.
you guys do know cawl's asspull legions of marines under the surface of mars aren't just ultramarines right
Sure you aren't, test tube baby
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You are a disgrace to your ancestors.
>under the surface of mars
were they under mars?
beakies that aren't metal rogue trader era marines look like shit and the RT ones only look good because of the novelty of seeing where the setting started
Sure, not with their geneseed strictly speaking. But in practice they might as well be. And how can we be sure, if Cawl kept legions of marines a secret for thousand of years what other secrets might he be hiding
didn't cawl keep them in cryostations under the surface of mars or did I make that up
anyways they're pulled from all loyalist founding chapters and also emperor's children and word bearers to troll the shattered legions with traitor successors
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Do you guys like the legion of the damned?
You do know things can have a quality of their own beyond being old or new, right?
no they were on his personal Ark Mechanicus
Not canon.
and beakies have no quality outside of using them in the raven guard
he made marines from every single legion, including death guard, luna wolves and worldeaters
I'm more making a joke about sons of the phoenix and covenant of fire literally having the EC and WB emblems
no, I have autism and the fact that they are very weird compared to practically everything else doesn't sit well with me

I understand the intent is to have marine ghost riders, but why only marine ghost riders and not normal soldiers ghost riders or sob ghost riders or knight ghost riders? it seems like it should be a whole subcategory of unliving saints/angels yet it's arbitrarily isolated, limited and purposefully not thought out or implemented and that tickles my autism the wrong way
>the latter cannot manifest in the material realm
The thing is that all daemons are just shards of their respective gods, which just means all the gods are daemons and daemons, even greater variety, even Vashtorr and Bel can be summoned into real space.

And the reason why Chaos gods "can't" be summoned is because they actively don't want to do that because it'd just be bad for them.
All the gods are locked in the eternal war that is the Great Game, meaning they can't leave.
And there is a huge possibility that if something like Slaanesh just gets up and leaves the Warp to just go into real space, it'd mean their place within the Warp is now empty and Slaanesh might not have any influence over its realm anymore.
Which means that any other 3 gods can just come in and take it as their own or Slaanesh could get usurped by one of its underlings since there is no loyalty amongst daemons.
It's like if you lived with 3 other roommates that absolutely despise you but none of you are capable of killing one another, but what they can do is that if you ever leave the house they can lock you out of it.

Also this doesn't take into consideration as to what kind of sacrifice you'd have to do to actually summon them into real space.
Or the damn vessel to possibly hold them.

Daemons like Vashtorr and Belakor have no problem going in and out is because they are small fry compared to the Big 4.
Vashtorr also enjoys a "diplomatic immunity" of sorts since he supplies daemon engines and whatever to all the gods which means they all more or less leave him alone.

Why Malice can be summoned into real space is very simple.
Since it's a minor chaos god that barely has any followers, due to what it represents, it means that it doesn't really have any realm for itself within the Warp.
So if Malice gets a call to be summoned into real space it has nothing to lose by doing it, unlike Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeentch or Nurgle.
I actually have some bodies already, they’re from Tortuga minis. Unfortunately, the new beakie heads look weirdly tiny on them, so they’ll be mostly Mk IV & VII. If I can find a good bulk buy of just beak heads, I’ll mix them in, lol.
What is r*ddit about the new beakies?
You guys ever think that guilliman might pull a palpatine and trigger some kind of chip with all the primaris not saturating the imperium to overthrow the high lords once and for all and go from nice Republican to holy roman emperor of mankind
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I feel like /wip/ is extremely nice with constructive criticism. I’m far from good but very rarely has someone been a flat out hater Worst I’ve gotten is just generic “ that’s sloppy highlighting anon, get gud” and even then.. they weren’t wrong
Not really no, he already did a counter coup once after the high lords fucked with the reforms he put in place before leaving. The custodes ended that bit of business right quick and all the new high lords know to toe the line.
no because he tried that with imperium secundus and sang and the lion made fun of him so hard that he became suicidal
I can't wait for the lion to show up and see that rowboat's in charge of a splintered imperium and start mocking him over doing another secundus
>I can’t wait for [PRIMARCH SHIT]
How embarrassing.
Why do you people keep making these same retarded fanfic posts about there being some "dark secret" about Guilliman or primaris?
It always sounds worse and more retarded than what GW actually came up with.
Warhammer is capeshit now, sorry.
Admech is cool too
didn't ask, xenotranny
go back to melting about how you exist in all warhammer fiction to make humans look good
Primarch shit has been more interesting than any of the chaos or xeno shit.
Pariah Nexus had potential but GW fucked the pooch with that one by shoving Chaos into it when no one asked or even wanted it.
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Nuhammer is capeshit. Warhammer will always be about armies of millions of humans clashing with armies of billions of orks or tyranids to protect a greasy, polluted shithole of misery where unnumbered people slave their short lives away doing pointless tasks repeatedly.
Custom forgeworld?
Xeno player live in your hollow skull rent free, lmao. Also I collect marines, marvel tourist.
>Primarch shit has been
Shit. It has been and will remain shit.
Nah, just metalica. Very old paintjobs, too, which is why they are devoid of washes.
>What is r*ddit about the new beakies?
Anon thinks the only reason someone might like beakies is because they are oldschool, not because they are genuinely cool. Anon is a retard.
That’s Metalica
not him, but I think beakies don't work unless the model has a very obvious dynamic stance in the direction of the beak
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If you're going to be that kind of faggot, at least bring the void dragon and truly be C'tan-maxxing.

But also, in a casual game, it's a dick move to run heavy skew lists without warning your opponent. I'd just stop playing with the guy.
I see. They’d be great for what I need if their heads weren’t too small for the bodies I’ve got. Shoulder plates, backpacks and bolters are good, at least.
>be summoned is because they actively don't want to do that because it'd just be bad for them.
Wrong. The Chaos Gods are their realms which are because of the nature of the Warp infinite. Summoning something infinite into something finite will break the latter.
>All the gods are locked in the eternal war that is the Great Game, meaning they can't leave.
There is a middle ground that the Chaos Gods can send their avatar aka Corpora/awareness into. It's called the Court of the Covenant. While in there, the Chaos Gods would have no awareness of what's happening in their realm.

>Why Malice can be summoned into real space is very simple.
It's simple because it means he is not a god. Find a source that says he is a god.
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>Calas Typhon asks Mortarion for help
>the first time anyone every requested anything from him instead of commanding it
>later Typhon betrays Morty, dragging him straight to Nurgle
>resulting from this Mortarion's last act as a man is to accept Nurgle's command to obey
Bros... it hurts.
Sorry for the spam I'm just happy I can finally paint like this. Did a few touch ups.
post your models
are you watching the astartes anonymous podcast?
Also got started on the rest. Feels good to paint after so many months. Still no idea how I'm gonna paint the inquisitor. I found a pic of this sculpt I like a lot but I'm not sure it'll fit with the rest.
>What is r*ddit about the new beakies?
all beakies are ugly as shit, the only people who like them are contrarians and hipsters
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This is the one. Then again I suppose inquisitors don't really need to conform to uniforms but I'm not sure if it will look out of place.
yes we know mortarion is the secondmost cucked primarch behind only perturabo
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Your opinion is bad but you are entitled to it.
When your opinion is that something is so bad the only reason someone might like it is to be a contrarian then no, you aren't entitled to such a shitty opinion.
>Beakies! I put that shit on everything!
uh oh redditor melty
lol yea fair enough
Boy if that sounded like a meltdown to you, you're not prepared to leave the house.
Got an inquisitor with inferno pistol, is an inferno pistol just a flamer pistol?
you're the one seething over people not liking your contrarian marines
You might want to read up on some of the latest Chris Wraight books. He put an alternative interpretation of this event. He has Morty saying that he manipulated Typhon into getting him an audience with Nurgle. He wanted to embrace Chaos in order to save his legion and make them everlasting, ever enduring.
Thanks to the wisdom of mighty Cruddace, inferno pistols don't exist anymore.
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I respect the dedication and effort you've put into this as a big Tyranid fan myself; that being said I must admit to you I don't really agree with a lot of this, and I'm not really sure a typical 'flow chart' is the best way to try and map them in general because of how many new Tyranid bioforms are created by the fusion/combination of other, older bioforms (Warrior and Gaunt aren't the only genus that this applies to as well: Ravener + Carnifex -> Trygon, Biovore + Carnifex -> Exocrine, etc) or older forms with new DNA added (Warrior + Eldar -> Zoanthrope, Warrior + Marine -> Tyrand Guard, Warrior + Ork -> Biovore, etc).
Parts of this seem pretty on point to me, but some of the placements are just off (The Doom coming after the Neurothrope, when it was specifically stated the Neurothropes were it's progeny? Neurotyrants are also likely a combination of Neurothrope + Hive Tyrant as well, rather than pure Zoanthrope genes, and the Malanthrope should be from the Venomthropes instead because that's what they're connected to) or in very weird places (even by the modernized version of the designs, the Psychophage doesn't have much to do with the Bio/Pyrovores which still have very clear Warrior influences even if the Ork has been stamped out, though it could well have connections to both Warriors and Carnifexes on it's own as it has traits of both of them; on a similar note the Dimachaeron has little to nothing on common with the Hive Tyrant and is much more likely a Carnifex or maybe even Tyrannofex strain with possible Lictor influence that was turned into an "assassin").
I'm not sure if I'd ever get around to doing my own one of these though, as I'm more preoccupied with trying to finish up all the work on my Tyranid army.
In any case I still like seeing what you made, just thought I'd give my share. Keep going at it.
>>Primarch shit has been
>Shit. It has been and will remain shit.
Nah, it's good.
>Xeno player live in your hollow skull rent free
They don't because every person who keeps bitching about primarchs or marines always turns out to be a xenonigger of somekind.
>le nuhammer le capeshit
>its le setting not a story
I don’t even disagree with this perspective, but its quickly become one of those mindlessly parroted opinions that never come with a single example or supporting evidence. Give us a little more
>The Chaos Gods are their realms which are because of the nature of the Warp infinite.
Just like how Vashtorr is his realm, the Forge of Souls and he still can be summoned.

There is no difference between daemons and their gods.
They are one and the same, only difference that does exist is the power of them.
Posting pics of beakies doesn't prove him wrong.
It just serves to highlight how terrible they are.
capeshit means fuckall because you tourist faggots use it to describe anything you want to shitpost about
Vashtorr is Vaul.
why what'd he do
speak for yourself, they've mangled my Dark Angels
Weapon options are "too complicated" so now inquisitors only have a bolt pistol, a "combi weapon" and an "inquisitorial melee weapon".
Of course they do, BA and Sisters get them :)
Well duh I know that, I thought they stopped existing in lore.
>Just like how Vashtorr is his realm, the Forge of Souls and he still can be summoned.

Different. In that there is more than one Soul Forge and that Vashtorr is not connected to his Forge of Souls in the same manner the Chaos Gods are, in that one and the same with their realms.

There is a major difference between a god and a daemon. A Chaos God manifesting into reality would destroy it.
>they mangled my dark angels
This never happened.
>I’m not the tourist, YOU are
>now let’s talk about Primarchs v. Abaddon v. Vashtorr, where no one of significance is in any actual danger, PEAK 40k!
What a faggot, holy shit.
It isn't, it's still his realm just like the gods have their own.
been raping this game with his stupid ass biased bullshit since 5th edition leafblower guard
you sound upset
their admech tier supplement

buddy lion is GOD TIER now
It's not. Like I said Soul Forges exist all over the place and Vashtorr is nominally called their master. There are Soul Forges in real space. There are soul Forges in different parts of the Warp. You can build Soul Forges anywhere. Vashtorr just controls the largest and most ancient one.
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I agree, a taxonomical chart isn't the truest way to categorize Tyranids because at the end of the day they aren't really evolving, they're being designed like machines and happen to be sharing a lot of parts. But it's fun, and GW established the trend themselves so just think of this as another "in-setting" chart of the Imperials trying to apply their own science to something that doesn't follow those rules.

While the concept of Tyranid bioforms being directly spawned from DNA acquired in this galaxy is also fun, I find it hard to believe GW hasn't abandoned the concept, or at least the idea of such a thing being so easily identified as it was in 3rd, as it's been absent as a design element since the 4th edition rework.

On some finer points:
>"origin" of the Doom
You'll note that Doom doesn't actually have a direct descent line to anything, just the speculative "first sighting" lines to Neurothropes and Neurotyrants.

>Malanthrope = upgraded Venomthrope
I went against this because the Malanthrope has more things in common with Zoanthropes than Venomthropes. It's a synapse creature, it has psychic abilities, and to me most importantly - it does not float via inflating sacs with gas, but through its own psychic power.

This branch is probably the weakest one I have, and it's because the new design so drastically changed their body type and the Psychophage is the only other thing close (I considered and rejected including the Hierophant). I'm curious how you're still getting Tyranid Warrior design cues on the Vores though, they seem drastically different to me.

Another one I struggled over, I think it was the similarities to the Assimilator in how their role is described, and the spine structure of the Dimachaeron being clearly closer to a Tyrant than anything else.

I appreciate your sincerity. I'm not trying to be an authority or anything, just having fun with the concept and my own speculation.
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I'm not actually aware of how good Lion is nowadays or how they've changed him; I just meant I didn't really like what they did with the Chapter narratively once they brought him back.
and i read everything that guys said in cartmans voice for some reason
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>their admech tier supplement
>muh rules dood
Like I said, never happened.
You're just a whiny tourneynig.
It is, Forge of Souls is Vashtorr's realm and he is part of it and he can still be summonsed.
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>Squad of 10 with 4 Meltaguns? That'll be 115pts please
>Squad of 5 with 4 Multimeltas? That'll be 125pts please
Shrimplified! Not Shrimple!
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I'm having a hard time deciding what I want my poxwalkers skin to look like.
The 10e DA angels release? They absolutely wrecked them, what the fuck do you mean
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If I have a reactive move that triggers on end of your movement, can I also overwatch on that movement?
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>Back banner on the Sergeant
>All Mk7 helmets in the squad save for one Beaky
Yep, it's Space Marine time
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how many of yall make your own objective marker/control marker/tokens/etc?
so are prices going to go up again?
>no models posted
typical larper
Well i wonder how much will labour increase taxes.
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Out of the road Gaunt, best Commissar coming through, there's an Imperial Governor somewhere needing the shit slapped out of him.
It's an improvement to the goofy Tzeench deamons
Take it to /pol/
It's something he literally built. He is not of it.
When are you going to learn how to paint? You have butchered so many minis at this point.
Honestly the 3rd/4th-Ed chart's one of my favorite things they've put in a codex even today. I don't think GW's abandoned the concept of them assimilating genetics either, as that has always been an integral part of Tyranid lore out there. I don't take umbrage with your view though. Just consider it constructive feedback from one Magos Biologis to another.
I suppose that's fair
I believe it is strongly connected to the Venomthropes, as it is exorbitantly toxic and filled with pulsating sacs, some mixtures of poison and some storages for the genetic material it harvests (which is it's main function, as it's a big part of how they assimilate genetics). However, I do think it's got a lot of Zoanthrope in it as well beyond the psychic ability(the limbs, etc). It's very likely it was created from a mash up of the two (Venom+Zoan), I just think it's more connected to the Venomthropes due to it's associations with them and it's ability to bolster their spores.
While I'm miffed at what they did to it, it does still at least have some cues to Warriors hidden in there. The older designs had a much more obvious Warrior build, but a top-down view of the newer one still looks like a Warrior frame; it's just now got a blast shield, shorter tail, and limbs ending in pointed tips. The head is also much more gaunt-like, and now that it no longer has Ork proportions it's sort of like a warrior or ravener on all six limbs.
Given the older canon, FW design lens and the Dimachaeron's "animalistic rage" (along with lack of Synapse functionality at all) it's much closer to a Carnifex than anything else.
Since it can also assimilate what it kills it may honestly be a Lictor-influenced Fex strain. But it's similarities to an Assimilator are best explained by the idea of "convergent design" you mentioned.
That and I'm pretty sure it was discontinued because the Assimilator was created specifically to replace it.
how many models have you painted?
Probably never. As it is I’m hoping for at least deep mediocrity sometime next year.
Aye but Cains a propaganda machine, you cant take the stories about him at face value. What you can take at face value is Commissar Holt slapping the shit out of an Imperial Governor.
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amberly was there, and she says it's true. so does sulla. although his appearance may be a bit exaggerated
Watch them both getting point hikes because muh winrates.
Amberly didn't know that Orks come from spores which puts her credentials as an Ordo Xenos in question.
He’s got too many sycophants now to risk that.
>That and I'm pretty sure it was discontinued because the Assimilator was created specifically to replace it.
The truth hurts
she literally did. there is a footnote in caves of ice (and all of those are from amberly's perspective) that vallhalans tend to burn ork corpses to ashes, and SHE SAYS that it destroys ork spores
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Meanwhile I have to pay 180 points for 6 guys with 5 Multi-Meltas.
210 if I want to give them a Wolf Guard Pack Leader who gives one free reroll to Battle-Shock.
220 if I want to give them a mostly useless Terminator Pack Leader.
Fuck what GW did to the Pack Leaders this edition.
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It's stated in the Cain books that his official autobiography is a bestseller Imperium-wide, and he's a famous propaganda figure even while alive.
Shit, you can probably even buy Cain action figures in the Imperium.
and youre a fucking dipshit

whats your point exactly
James Workshop has been on a decade-long crusade against kitbashing units. It's why Lone Wolves became a stratagem over a unit and why GW squatted half the power armor characters.
If they can't sell it they don't want players running it.
Fuck this edition in general. So many retarded design decisions. And it doesn't look like it will get better.
you own zero models
...if the Imperium has action figures, who do you buy as the "bad guys" for the heroes to fight? And if you buy the "bad guys" does the Inquisition come and take you away for mandatory re-education?
Yeah, that's why I say didn't. DIDN't. Past tense. She treats it as a new discovery. If you check the date of the stories and when she is supposedly writing her notes, it's 999 M41 or even later. She is so retarded and unreliable that she treats the Ork spores thing as news
That’s true but I’m not the guy who was talking shit about his minis. Forgot to NTA.
Any good sets of paint I can buy off Amazon? My local store has only citadel paints and I don't particularly want to drive to the shithole city near by to find paints
anon that's not me, he was also replying to me
like I said >>93253802 I'm unaware of how good or bad they are these days I just don't like the direction they've taken the chapter narratively
imperium does not have action figures. if you're a child you either work 16h shifts in manufactorum if you're the regular kid, or you own your personal army of slaves that have to do everything you want them to do
not him but I imagine his point is that DA are at least playable even if not competitive
I keep hearing a lot of praise for their terminators.
On some worlds sure, especially those close to war ones. But there’s plenty of planets where people just… muddle through. It mostly depends on what kind of tithe grade your planet has and how dickish the governor is.
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Not a single Marine in the MK4 Maximus armor?
>Hi I'm Robby G!
>I'm the son to a charismatic genocidal dictator and am repeatedly said to take after him. I even have his sword.
>When my brother had his home nuked. I told him to quit being a bitch. Then I wondered why he went evil later...
>I'm a born administrator. I love being in charge. I could lead the imperium so much better.
>I ally with eldar. A xenos race well known to be deceptive and manipulative.
>My "favorite" brothers coincidentally are perfect soldiers and while intelligent, are all ambitiousless lap dogs and perfectly happy with following orders. Ambitious people don't like competition after all.
>I am completely oblivious to why people wouldn't like me or my rule or even disagree with me. They must be just stupid or illogical.
>Oh you don't like my reforms? I'll just send in the custodes to change your attitude.
>Psh! yeah I may have tried to make a "technically" treasonous imperium secundus. But that's not "secession" We really thought the imperium was no more.
>Psh yeah I "technically" ordered a radical admech to get working on a ""secret"" army of super duper soldiers that were better than my dads that answer to me above all *forces you to induct them into your chapter* , but cmon I did that for the good of the imperium I tried to abandon and reforge with me in charge.

>You can trust me. This is a grimdark universe where everyone is betraying everyone but I'm blue (tzeentch) eyed, blue (tzeentch) armored, white, and blond (The woke symbol of pure evil)
>Oh and my inspiration is good old julius ceasar a man who tries to take emergency power for himself and becomes an autocrat.

>"WhY dOn'T yOu LiKe Da BlUe MaN aNoN?"
55 for an +1T, +1W, +1 Multimelta on an additional body and +1 Meltagun seems fine
necromunda is in imperium's heartland far away form all the wars and i bet you a buck that children there are experiencing joys of child labour
Cool blog, but it doesn't really hold up when the books straight up give you his internal thoughts, which disagree with your fanfiction.
spoken like a true sigmarxist faggot
And I bet you there’s a fair sized “middle class” in the central spires between the underhive and the upper levels that are living vaguely normal lives. We just don’t hear about them cus it’s not as interesting as gangstera and super rich assholes who hunt people for sport.
painting infantry makes me want to kill myself
in that part of the hive you have that buckbreaking labour. in underhive you have battle of ypres 24/7
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Here's my Vashtorr accursed cultists that I think are mostly ready to prime and paint
Does anyone by any chance have the 10th edition full genestealer codex in pdf that they wouldnt mind sharing?
It's a hive world. Most worlds aren't like that and while most aren't paradises they are comparable to irl earth in terms of living quality.
>but the books
Conflict all the time. You should look at the black and white personalities of HH rob and "new" rob. The man was an asshole in HH. Now he's the funny primarch who's sad all the time. Spare me.
>spoken like a true sigmarxist faggot
You idiot. You fool. You absolute buffoon.
Who the fuck do you think is behind the lore now? Tranny eldar, female custodes, but yeah we'll have the cishet blond white guy stay in charge. Does that sound consistent to you?
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Realistically, Necrons win 40k bowl hands down. Chaos have some reasonable arguments. Nidder fanboys do not.
>somebody changed after being near death for 10 thousand years
whoa who would've thunk it
>painting minis
>assembling minis
If their fleshplan pans out they lose tho
Reverse for me I gotta force my ass to paint
Nobody who has read the Pariah Nexus lore would say that. The Silent King and the Necrons got rocked by the Imperials and Chaos despite having everything stacked in their favor.
The WG Pack Leaders in Terminator Armour used to be part of the unit and able to tank shots that were going into the unit.
Thanks to 10th, they're separated out as characters and wounds can't be willingly allocated to characters as long as the bodyguard unit is still alive.
So being a Terminator isn't useless (it can still take a Cyclone Missile Launcher) but it's not near as useful as it was previously.
they fucked themselves with the triumph data slate, it is going to be a huge fucking ball and chain around the neck of balancing that codex, SOLELY because of the movement aura, completely retarded.
So basically you ignored everything we know about nids and pull out arrows from your ass in the direction you wanted.
Holy shit those are cool, anon. Here’s the last guy I built. He’s primed blue now, I’m waiting on the bodies I’ve ordered for his squad to get here so I can work on painting with some tactical mooks instead of the sarge.
Almost all sisters lists doing well are running vehicle spam sitting in the aura of +1AP
He didn't change. That's the point. He's just saying things to pull at your heart (like julius ceasar was known to do.) action wise all he's done is seize power, plant artificial supporters, and take over the imperium.
>implying they won't get more
Cry moar nidder
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Just finished up these Boyz. Back to the grind after doing the big mek.
After these guys I'm hoping to get some more variety to my Boyz. I've built some Boyz with marine pauldrons and some Boyz with Nid carapace armor. We're thievin' deffskullz and we should be acting like it, damnit.
Yes and that entire thing hinges on the insane threat range of the triumph delivering their meltas wherever needed via assault on everything, with a GUARANTEED supply of free 6's for advance rolls, again via the triumph.
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Are there any colorways you guys think are slept on for units? Found sone guy's picrel purple/blue/white marines and want to do something similar
Autistically overthinking bolt pistol
Smooth bore
50cal self propelled or not self propelled ammo
Assumedly double stack double feed magazine
Machine pistol form
At least 2.5kg
Like desert eagle but even more stupid
you're right it's much more reasonable to think your headcanon is accurate and that a character's motivations never change even after twice as long as all recorded human history has passed them by
If you're rocketing shit up the board you're not sitting in a 6" aura
This is ultimately for my own amusement, so yes, my own satisfaction is a factor.

What are your contentions, specifically? I don't think I've deviated that dramatically, the biggest leap I've made is subdividing a bunch of stuff that was previously under the family of Warrior, because the charts we had also featured less than half of what can be charted. For what it's worth, some posters already made constructive suggestions when I posted a WIP that I made corrections around, like rightly pointing out the Parasite best belonging as a Shrike offshoot rather than a Gargoyle as I had it before.
Shut up, lorelet.
Tyranids came out looking good in their Crusade book.
Necrons fumbled a winning war.
It's not about fanboying. It's about facts.
The problem is most of the necrons are asleep and need to be awakened.
>Nids forces are still coming in
>Eldar are STILL replenishing from the fall.
>Tau are babies
>Votann are space potatoes

Your best chance at total 40k victory is.... well...it was never in doubt...
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the problem is that 40k doesn't run on realism

necrons are a poetically doomed race, either to infighting or to something that's not soulless, best thing that can happen to them is a bittersweet redemption
eldar WANT to perform their swan song, so they're also doomed to die completely achieving whatever last act
tyranids have a hollywood sized target stamped on their face from the get go
orks have unfortunately never been taken seriously as a whole and never will be, in a sense, that's a mercy to their characterisation, so chances are they simply keep on doing what they are doing forever regardless of what happens
we're left with humans and chaos, humans are not allowed to win because a good ending is not expected nor fitting, chaos only wins if the setting needs to be violently scrapped like fantasy, so I say chaos and mankind bring down each other

which means the tau win because they're the last ones standing and the ones written as the next step in the cycle of galactic civilizations
You might want to open the 9th ED Necron codex. It says that the Necrons chances of victory are zero without the Pariah Nexus.
The Pariah Nexus plan just got endangered seriously by the Silent King's defeat and Vashtorr's arrival
leman russ probably had the highest emotional intelligence besides Sangreneas and Vulcan?

dunno, go ask /hhg/
Buy an ad
nope, that would be angron
yet another thing the space yiff loses to the lobotomite at
Yeah, that's the point, you just sit in it until you need to go trade and then you get there guaranteed. The way a circle works means extending the threat range by that amount changes the game a lot, it's more than twice as good to move 12 than it is to move 6 for example.
It's not headcanon. It's prophecy. 40k is a satire setting of real human events and mocks them frequently. The signs are there. Open your eyes before it's too late.
We have been over this.
Laurie Goulding, the guy who wrote the SW vs WE story said that the SW won and Russ would have killed Angron if he wanted to.

Leman Russ has the most character development of all the Primarchs. Angron on the other hand is a flat character.
>Space Marine
What a fucking combination of things
>we have been over this
code phrase to disregard any faggotry spewing in the following lines of the post
That’s a Cadian, retard.
>It says that the Necrons chances of victory are zero without the Pariah Nexus.

all the more reason for necrons to lose.

but I didn't post a necron now did I?
Orkbros, what would you use as a deff dread or killa kans in a Feral Ork army?
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I ordered the genestealer battleforce with the big brain guy and I have some questions
1. What should I buy to complement the battleforce
2. I heard that not all cults end as nutrient soup is that true?
3. Are there tyranid units that work well in a cult army
4. What should I read to get a good view of the factions background
A 3d printed squig with weapon arms grafted too it.
>not all cults end as nutrient soup is that true?
The Voidbrood get to follow a nid fleet around, but are explicitly stated to be seen as road snacks by the Hive Mind. Also, the cult on Necromunda where the Malstrains come from are so mutated and irradiated that the Hive Mind actively avoids them.
Nope, Vash is the FoS.
1. NFC
2. 99% do, some lucky individuals or family groups usually join the refugees fleeing to eventually spread the cult further and lead the nids to new worlds.
3. Other than genestealers, none really.
4. Read Day of Ascension and The Long Hungry Road.
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possibly looted sentinels as your tribe is probably local spores and starting up a local warband. If not on an imperial world you could use something from their appropriate enemies. Maybe some actual kans that look heavily damaged and rusted, left over from the failed ork attack that these spore boys were sired from
I think it's less road snacks and more "emergency rations"
like a Bird that follows a Croc around to help it is in danger of being eaten by it should the Croc be particularly starving that day and decides the food provided outweighs potential future help from the Bird.
I do really like the Void Brood though.
>His army isn't symmetrical.
How embarrassing.
>2. I heard that not all cults end as nutrient soup is that true?
Yes, there are ones that travel with the hive fleet, or stay ahead of it.
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Yeah, I don't give a shit.
I'm not reading your retarded "dark guilliman" fanfic.
>like julius ceasar was known to do
>Caesar was a bad guy
sure thing commie
>Caesar was a bad guy
He unironically was.
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>2. I heard that not all cults end as nutrient soup is that true?
that's the standard modus operandi but there are some exceptions you can draw inspiration from plus some logical ramifications of existing fluff

-sometimes infected, hybrids and even genestealers do not have a glad and welcoming stance at the arrival of the nids and will instead flee the planet, this may be an instinctual preprogrammed response so that they act ad vectors of the infection elsewhere or because the grip of the patriarch's broodmind is suddenly severed when the hive mind takes hold of it directly or because they see it as their holy mission to do so and start anew elsewhere instead of participating in the rapture, or anything in-between

-we have had not just isolated cases of fugitives, but entire cults going voidborne and essentially following/going ahead the fleet

-some cults grow large enough that they become interplanetary empires or massive commercial networks before the tyranids arrive, that means that some cults simply survive because they've got other planets

-necromunda has been revealed for having a particularly mutated/sick strain of genestealers and hybrids which may of may not get ignored wholesale by a hive fleet scouting for viable planets with an active cult

-the tiamet system I believe has an anomalous interaction with cults because the omonym hive fleet is stationary, cults treat it as some migratory destination or something iirc
This entire post outs you as a retard lorelet who really doesn't understand shit about 40k and is just mad that his preconcieved notions were (expectedly) wrong.

Guilliman has always been the pragmatist and has had the incredible super power that most 40k characters don't have;
common sense.
Which is also the point of his character.
He is reacting and acting like he should be.
Those are really great. I like the old equipment idea, I was saving my sentinels for a GSC project.
>Gaulposting in July of all months
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shame he's just so damn boring.
Wow, absolutely *riveting* critique about Guilliman.
Its not a critique, I just find the superman taxman boring. I prefer the other Primarchs with their flaws more, even if it makes them "edgier". I'm just not into Rouboute.
Thank you. Glad you agree.
Him boring is what makes him good, making all primarchs into some edgelords or giving them some really character flaw just makes them all samey.
Guilliman being level headed is what makes him work.
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Nice I want to mostly separate mydudes from normal tyranids because I don't really like that entire "turning into soup" thing so having alternatives is awesome.
>Other than genestealers, none really.
That's a shame I really like the lictor/deathleaper/van ryan leaper and find they fit into the army maybe I just build a small melee tyranid army with them.
That's fine, it doesn't make him particularly interesting though, he's level-headed to a fault. Its why the whole Yvraine x Guilliman thing is so popular, him banging a hot alien would at least give him some character.
My cult comes from a totally eradicated hive fleet.
They still feel the psychic cries of the remnants and it leads them to further depravities.
This psychic cry also hides them from other Hive Fleets as their Hive Fleet is doing it's best to prevent others from consuming it totally and going extinct.
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Paint anons, any suggestions for how I can lighten this up a bit, add more contrast to the colon-scheme, while still maintaining the scheme in general as I've a fair few done? Its just looking very, I dunno, flat or something?
clearer skin, lighter coat, actually paint the jewels
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>this retard doesn't understand character development
It's not even that big of a disparity between the two states of his character. Just admit you don't read any of the books and you prefer to live up your own ass when it comes to fluff, save some face.
Thanks anon, hope your ultras come soon
>Mfw cron and nid fag
Why not both?
Final rumble of fully awakened dynasties against full force of Tyranid hive fleets.
Fucking soul.
that's an interesting case that hasn't been addressed as far as I know: sometimes hive fleets act competitively regarding each other, friendly competition that weeds out the weak and help them evolve test and select things faster, do they compete with the cults as well? making it so that the cults initiated by their vanguard organisms specifically emit a signal that doesn't get perceived by fleets other than the original one? are there opportunistic fleets that manage to find said worlds anyway and try to consume them before the parent fleet? does the genestealer cult of that planet get the imperative to fight back the 'wrong' fleet and keep itself only for the real one?

I would like to believe this all happens anyway, the galaxy is a big place after all and the tyranids behave in a lot of ways, but I kinda want to see it tackled
Thanks, they shipped a few days ago so probably next week.
>are there opportunistic fleets that manage to find said worlds anyway and try to consume them before the parent fleet?
one of the justifications given for gsc on tyranid violence is "wrong hive fleet landed".
It totally happens.
No thanks babe. I like my forest green and terracotta red. Though that would be a pretty good colour scheme for Eldar or Chaos probably.
Holy shit trannies really do live in the heads of you faggots rent free. It’s all so tiresome.
Pink and green is trans pride or some shit. I don’t think sallyman clued into it with his response. The other guy is trying to call Sallyfag a tranny.
I think you're the one who's got them in your head rent free
or you're colorblind
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someone went to the dentist today!
>lets see that pretty smile
I'm not calling them trans, I just thought it would be amusing, but I just realised I'm about a week late for Pride month.
Nigger that’s clearly pink and teal. There’s some faggot who spams a bunch of pride coloured marines every other day here. But sure, I’m the one who’s a cunt.
would be creepier if it had molars instead of canines, but that's cool
magenta and teal is a common color combo though
especially in cyberpunk shit
you're self-reporting
Anyone know if these would make good Steel Legion proxies, or would the scaling be a bit off even though they're 28mm?
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God damn rent free anon.
Their website has a pic of them standing next to some cadians for scale iirc.
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- break the model down into a series of connected shapes

- shade appropriately, you can go more complex but at least 3 distinct tones is the minimum
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I think people are finally opening up to the idea of a female primarch.
Low effort bait? On your board? More likely than you think.
It really is Just That Easy!
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I don't think that the genderbent Primarch fanart really counts as people opening up to the idea of a female primarch. They're just thirsty.
And weren't the missing primarchs basically confirmed to be males anyways?
Don't paint dark skin, with dark armour. Lighten up the skintone to create more contrast.
Same with the fur cape, you haven't painted any highlights on it at all. Use the models texture to your advantage.

Same with the tabbard, it looks flat, because you've not shaded or highlighted it at all.
I'll have a go at it tomorrow, thanks!
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>And weren't the missing primarchs basically confirmed to be males anyways?
They are rarely talked about in any of the books but they do use "he" or "him" when refering to at least one of them iirc.
But at the same time, this is GW, they have never been above just retconning shit when it suits them.

The point of the Lost Primarchs is that they are an obfuscated mystery.
So basically information we do have or are ever given cannot be trusted either in anyway.
Especially if any of the info comes from either Emperor, Malcador or any of the other primarchs.
Emperor and Malcador can't be trusted because they deliberately have covered it all up and hidden the truth about them, whatever it might be.
And for the other primarchs you cannot trust what they say because the Emperor and Malcador specifically either fully mindwiped or manipulated and changed those memories for them.
There's scene in one book where Dorn asks Malc about the missing ones, and Malc does say he can return his memories and truth of them, and Dorn lets him do so, after which Dorn then requests Malc to reseal and remove the memories again because he doesn't want to remember any of it.

Whole point of the Lost Primarchs is pic related. So any information partaining to them is unconfirmable speculation at best or complete bullshit (lies) at worst.
And this is by design of GW.
The Imperium is *objectively* morally good.
Yeah they do fucked things sometimes? America nuked Japan, too. Put Japs in Internment camps.
Imperium is doing the same fucking thing on a larger scale vs a much more evil and insidious foe. Multiple foes actually.
If you're going to sit here and moralize that "o they r bad bcuz they blowed up a planet to pwevent da dindu tywanids uwu" fuck off, sometimes you have to make sacrifices to prevent even greater suffering later on. Same shit with Chaos.
Like a 3/10 on a generous day
I always thought that the Imperium of Man was the inevitable "last line of preserving mankind" given the circumstances of what the universe throws at the human race.
If anything it is the inevitable result when martial law gets stretched to the point of normalcy because the universe won't give mankind a break and eventually it evolves over time into full blown dictatorship. Especially with a "protect the human race at all costs" kind of mentality.

Am I right or wrong?
ok, how am I wrong?
They're also a intentional hole for you to put what ever you want in there.
You're supposed to home-brew your own lost primarch that's what you thunk is coolest if you want to include them in your games/narratives.
unfortunately 30 years of people making the coldsteel-iest chapters descended from the lost primarchs has made any homebrew successors of theirs embarrassingly tryhard by relation
In order:
You were born
You wrote that post
You pressed send
Is it as tryhard as loyalist chapter of traitor legion geneseed?
Send? Do you think I'm mobile posting or something? Yikes. My shit says post.
>They're also a intentional hole for you to put what ever you want in there.
Originally yes, but nowadays nobody uses them for that because it is pretty stupid.
For the plain reason that nobody would ever know, not even the marines themselves, that they are the descendants of the either legion.
And none of the marines should even exist at this point.
So it is really pointless and "immersion breaking" in a sense that you'd practically have to go out of your way to tell people they are the descendants of one of the lost legions, which is very dumb when you think about it.

It's the reason why just stick to any other 18 legions to make their custom chapter, since at least gives you some inspiration and a start point to go off of.
Want romans in space? Use Ultras for the founder.
Like siege warfare? Use IF (or IW if you want to do the loyalist traitor trope)
Or if you really don't care to use a pre-existing legion/primarch, you can just make a "unknown founding".

Also if anyone did know that they existed, I can guarantee that a Custodian strike team is going to be arriving on the chapter world to exterminatus it entirely off the face of the galaxy.
For the sole reason that the 2nd and 11th should not exists, which was a direct mandate by the Emperor himself.
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anyone know who the artist is?
it's more tryhard than that
>(or IW if you want to do the loyalist traitor trope)
Whenever I see a loyalist of traitor legion geneseed chapter it is 90 percent of the time the Iron Warriors.

I can't quite see why, but what is the reason for them being so commonly used when it comes to homebrewed traitor legion descended loyalist chapters?
google search nigga
The Imperium is specifically not good and not justified in thr name of survival.

Part of the grimdark and the whole point is that the imperium would be so much more capable of defending itself an humanity if it wasn't a so insular, theocratic, opposed to cooperation, technological progress and change.
The Imperium is a failing empire and that failure is self inflicted.
What would be the coolest theme for the two lost legions to have be? Are there any major Primarch warrior leader archetypes that the emperor should have created but didn't?
Loyalist traitors can be cringe, but lot of the time many people just do;
>Here's my siege specialist marines, they they are IW but are classified as "IF"
>Here's Ultra's successors chapter that like chain weapons a lot, also their chapter icon is a fanged maw.

Obviously anything can be cringe if you go overboard and retarded with it.
But the problem with lost legions it attracts lot of these "OC donut steele" tier chapters, with mary sue tier backstories to justify their existance or why they exist, etc.

I originally started my chapter as lost legion stock, but I over turned that because I realized how convoluted and dumb the entire idea and story behind it was.
Thanks anon, theres meme potential there.
>I originally started my chapter as lost legion stock, but I over turned that because I realized how convoluted and dumb the entire idea and story behind it was.
Unironically I'm thinking of making my chapter Ultramarines stock since they are so generalist and have the monopoly on geneseed quantity wise so the possibilities are pretty big for the chapter's culture and tactics.
>loyalist chapter of traitor legion
this is le bad do not do this
>traitor chapter of loyalist legion
Iron warriors are the coolest traitors legion an they didn't got as enthusiasticly balls deep into chaos worship
wrong and wrong
Funny way to spell Alpha Legion
my loyalist traitors are totally not world eaters that are officially blood angels successors
Colors are boring and dull.
>alpha legion
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if massive amounts of space marine chapters are actually running untainted Alpha Legion geneseed and just waiting for a phrase to activate their neurons to go renegade/traitor on the Imperium.
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After my own heart : )
IW are very run of the mill type of marines, also they have a very much a "no nonsense" mentality to war, which is what many people find cool.
Also in terms of lore reasons, the Iron Warriors hated Perturabo, and practically wanted nothing to do with him.
So it isn't too stretched to think that when the Heresy started that many IW either just broke off the legion to do their own thing or specifically joined the loyalists against the traitors.
With then 10 000 years down the line developing into full chapters with fake identities to cover up their origin which they might view as a embarrassing secret or a secret badge of honor knowing they didn't fall to the ruineus powers like their weakling Father and brothers.
I know it's Alpha Legion and all and le secrit and le plans with plans with plans etc. etc. insert whatever flanderization of alpha legion you want, but I dont know (I'm not sure GW does either) what is up with Alpha Legion. I liked the theory that there was some mini-civil war in the Alpha Legion between loyalists and traitors and that Omeggon and Alpharius were giving conflicting orders. That's why AL seems so extra schizo.

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