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Lordship edition

Previous >>93193548

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT16 Beginning Observer questionnaire

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 3 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for July 11th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 2-2! Next set of chapters sometime in August?

EX06 Infernal Ascension is out now everywhere!

BT17 Secret Crisis is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for August 9th

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in JP, EN release scheduled for September 13th

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chains of Liberation is scheduled to be released in November in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What (non-Xros Wars) support do you hope to see in BT19?
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I wish Ukkomon didn't exist so I could actually feel satisfied playing big idiot decks.

Dark Masters obviously.
The thumbnail makes him look like a woman.
I got my EX06 box in this week and pulled a Lucemon Chaos Mode Alt Art. I was very happy. If I ended up getting a Diaboromon Alt Art and an Ogudomon it would have been the perfect box for me. I got most of the cards I wanted though.
That is the thing about Digimon boxes I noticed: I always feel satisfied opening one. I always get most of the cards I want, even if it isn't all the cards I want. At least that is compared to when I open Yugioh boxes where it usually isn't very satisfying.
I feel that way about BT boxes but EX sets give way too much chaff so I don't buy them
Yeah that is a good point. I did notice by pack #10 or so that I was starting to get too many duplicates. The BT boxes are definitely better bang for your buck.
As a ex-Yugioh player since Late DM/Early GX, Yugioh TCG branch has rarity bumps out the ass and multiple Secret Rares per set when it used to be 2 very early on. Not to mention proven shortprinting so some URs and SECs in that game are harder to pull compared to others of same rarity.
At least Digimon TCG is like the olden DM era where main sets typically have 2 Secret Rares and distribution is nearly even for most basic SRs
Generally I feel fairly satisfied with what I get, and EX6 I got most of what I wanted. But, when I got my EX4 boxes I wanted to fucking kill myself, my pulls were so bad.
My advice if you want to get a lot of packs is to look at all the foils in the set and see how many you actually want. EX4 was a dogshit set with a couple of good cards, so naturally you won't be happy if you open a box 9 times out of 10.
To be fair; barely anything in that set was a strong selling point high rarity wise. Lots of great support for the C/U/R slots for decks like Shine + Mirage. Kazuhamon was only good for Blue Flare at the time; ShineGreymon RM is the selling point and the lottery cards like usual tank. GoldVee didnt become desirable until recently and thats factoring the AA.
I still feel that there's too few SRs per box since they started increasing the number per set. It should be every other pack.

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