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I like the Federated Suns.
>Laurel's Legion
>The red, white and go fuck yourself, Davions

Classy scheme.
How dare you
i picked up the Inner Sphere Urban-Lance. Raven, Hunchback, Enforcer, and Victor. Since I've done the Draconis Combine and Lyran Militia units, which do you think would be best for these guys? I'm leaning toward Free World since I've not used purple yet, but I don't know what their Militia schemes are.
>something something all female company
Enforcer, and to a lesser extent Victor are Fedsuns mechs, and the Suns capture a lot of Ravens in the 4th succession war.
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That is a Davion lance. Do the BoG like a man!
Even the Hunchback could be justified as salvage from the Draconis March.
>This is a Davion Lance. DO the BoG like a man!
Alright, I'll go Davion. Any suggested regiments or militia units?
What colors do you like?
BoG= Brigade of Guards. Be man. Be a Crusher. 1st Davion BoG.
Purple, thats why I went with the Free World's League in the first place. I've already made a Lance and some change in Lyran White and Blue, and have a Draconis Regiment in Reds and Black. I wanted to do something purple-y.
Marik is purple, but you need quads, awesomes, trebs, orions, stalkers, hermes, osts, etc.
Don't got none of those - yet. Maybe we could say that these are just mediums they bought?
Eh, Drac Nighstalkers have a dark purple and they're more likely to have those machines.
catapult/phoenix hawk?/???/rifleman?
Aw. Well shoot. I guess I'll hold off on painting them and go find an Assault Lance at the LGS.
Just to head off some dumb shit, here's the command company of a FWL regiment circa 3025~, as published by FASA in 1988.
Trying to come up with ideas for a Clan Invasion LCAF lance. So far I've got a Phoenix Hawk 3S and a Warhammer 7S (I've always liked Succ Wars PXH-1 and WHM-6R), but I can't really find any other mechs I'd like to use. My current goal is a basic battle lance with a bunch of mediums surrounding a heavy. I like the Griffin 1N, but the 1RG doesn't really call to me (missile boats ain't my thing). Any ideas?
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Some of the Draconis March militia units have an almost purple red.
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>King of England
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Post cockpit cake. I desire more, and this thread was shockingly more civil when we were busy thirsting over fiction battle-babes.
You need a 6/9 and a 4/6 to keep the demilance tempo. Thud for 4/6 and Firestarter for 6/9
Can you imagine how disappointed Victo was after getting to salvage one of the first new mechs in a century and it's a fucking Hatchetman?
He just looks happy to not be dispossessed anymore
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You rang?

I like to think that we're seeing the 'before' half of the story with that portrait.
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The new hextech trees are nice.
Imagine if you will, a Yandere Mech Pilot who terrorizes her Technician Crush.
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With a mech for comparison
Where'd you cop those? I love how they have a removeable tree insert so you have some place to put your mech when it's actually in that hex.
What lovely trees.
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They've got slots for magnets too.
The 5S Thud's pretty fun, so I'll think about how I can integrate something like the Thud 5SS or 9S. I dunno about the Firestarter. Flamers aren't really my thing. Plus, I'll probably need something heavier to support the Phoenix Hawk. No?
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Have you seen the Hextech prepaints from GF9? These are the latest addition. I bought them at my FLGS. If your store had the buildings and hills, they'll probably get these as well.
>Adam didn't tap this
Fucking disappointment to both Uncle Hanse and Cousin Victor.
Plap. Plap. PLAP. PLAP.
no one likes to talk about it, but the FWL are the only ones continuously producing the Thug through all of the succession wars. for all it's associated with Comstar and the Dracs, purple bird has the most.
Hmm. What if I took this Lance and divided it... Two FS, two FWL. Hmmm...
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Fun update: Turns out magnets for securing the trees are actually included.
Who says he didn't? The show was sanitized for kids, mechwarrior. Banging your clanner bondsman (and being banged when they make you their bondsman) is practically an sphere-wide tradition at this point. Everyone knows fastest way to get a cord cut is being good in the sack or useful in battle, ideally both, but most of us can only claim one.
classic FWL mediums are the good Wolverine, Hunchback, Hermes/II, Trebuchet, plus they have home grown variants of the Phoenix hawk, Shadow Hawk, Griffin... lots of IS generals. you can't get away with most combinations of mediums.
Do you think he got to plap Specter?
what faction symbol is that thing on her left boob?
my FLGS has had most of the hextech stuff on steep discount lately too. might have to swing by for some trees.
how much?
Is there a way I could order just one model then? I could keep the Raven and Hunchback, and pick up a Phoenix Hawk and a Trench Bucket.
funny enough if i had another go with commissioning them id probably ask for them in a nighty or something knocking on adams door
>no one likes to talk about it, but the FWL are the only ones continuously producing the Thug through all of the succession wars.

Because it's example primero uno of retcon horseshit.

>We can't make thugs because the factory is wrecked.
>Except now it's not and we're using a giant pile of Warhammer Donnel PPC's for it when Warhammer PPC's are so rare in the FWL we're pulling Mad line weapons to make Warhammer quota

FWL Thug and Guillotine retcons can get fucked.
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$40 for all this. Seems pretty good to me.

I actually have a printer and all the hextech STLs, but I still buy trees and roads from the GF9 boxes because they're so tiresome to print and paint
Guillotine is perhaps my favorite Heavy. He's just so cool.
Then play Comstar, Rosebud armies, or post-3056 like a good boy.
iron wind metals for super expensive and possibly derpy sculpts. Aries games and miniatures sells individual mechs from the packs, some other online vendors too. then there are the 3D printing options...
To eBay!
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Oh for sure, he was smashing her on the reg even when he was Archon. Sure, they tried to keep it on the hush hush since that sort of thing is bad for a noble's reputation, but I've been in a few mixed companies before. Last one I signed on the med staff was practically hurling contraception at everyone.

In my experience, people have one of two reactions to life threatening stress: A) Your libido shrivels up and dies for months afterwards or B) it goes into complete overdrive.

If you're in a command position pray that it's the latter, makes the workplace eggshells when you've got a good thing going with one of your peers and then suddenly everyone's claiming 'fraternization' and 'favoritism' because you got promoted. Lost my last gig like that unfortunately; probably would've weather the storm too if the CO hadn't also liked taking her for a ride. Fucking dykes are always so territorial.
thug and guillotine are fun toys, I'm all for making them actually available in all eras.
I'm almost thirty. At this point I don't believe any army wants me in front line service, even if I'm physically fit. I think I'm good with that.
But she does have toad eyes, what a thin-skinned cunt.
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They are fun toys, just not fun toys for everyone.
I feel like it was definitely implied
Fortress Miniatures does loose models for like $7-9 a pop with $5-7 in shipping. IMO might as well get a whole force pack.
there's something else wrong with you
I can't believe you're trying to do this to this man's knees.
He's posting in a battletech thread.

She's our regimental commander, and now has a Devastator that we took as salvage fighting the Lyran Guards. We'd have liked to have kept it for ourselves, but who's going to argue with their CO who's famous for murdering people in their sleep?
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My brother in Blake, you're posting in a mecha war game general thread, situated on a ttrpg board.
As I've gotten older I've gotten much better at cosplaying a normal person. That being said there's a shocking number of people who are into 'nerd shit' in any military unit, and not just weird social pariahs either. Current Battletech group is made up almost entirely of either veterans or active duty people. My former platoon-dad was a big 40k player and you'd've never of guessed it by looking at him, repped 245 on bench, decent runner with a wife and kids that actually liked him (rare in this profession unfortunately). I just ran into him at the game store one day and he was throwing dice.

MTG is also pretty huge, was talking to one of my peers at the game store the other day the game quote: "got him through a rough divorce"
What would a meeting between Great Gaffa's Ghost and the Black Marauder look like?
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Just shave your head. Thinning hair is one thing but thining hair that is poorly maintained is a death-sentence. Even if you don't really care about your appearance a shaved head is going to be easier to maintain.

Current WIPS, ComGuards, 5th Army, as previously discussed in another thread.

Trying out Two-Thin Coats paints, very impressed. I have a tiny bit of streaking because I'm impatient and trying to get these done tonight but they are very pigment dense and thin nicely, better than GW paints.
I hate the bushwacker's arm.
what's everyone's favorite redesign? what mech are you most hoping gets redone next? what mech most missed the mark with its update?
it's worse on the somerset strikers one be cause it's pointed straight down and looks awkward af
Honestly, I like the Wolverine redesign. The ball turret look of the unseen original was pretty unique, but I think, objectively, the new one looks better.
Favorite: Nightstar
Worst: Marauder II
Next: Blitzkrieg
I think they did a really good job with the Marauder. The Glaug was always too spindly for the assumed materials science of the setting, and obviously the phoenix version was really bad, at least partly because no one seemed to know how to draw perspective back then.
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>favorite redesign
I hate all of them.
>hoping gets redone next
None, I hope. At least, unless they can get a competent art director.
>most missed the mark
Definitely the archer, flashman's a close second.
The original Archer is a macross design isn't it? I'm pretty sure they couldn't legally use the original design even if they wanted to.
It looks almost exactly the same. The arms are a little longer and then missile racks are a little bigger. Are you annoyed that the cockpit isn't exclusively pointed down anymore or something?
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>Worst: Marauder II
Which version of the Marauder II redesign?

Because I think this one looks pretty neat.
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NTA but one thing I dislike about the vidya designs are the barrel sizes. The Marauders are mostly fine, but a lot of other redesigns have thinner barrels and blocky lasers compared to how they're drawn for the table top. It's such a a minor thing but it bothers me nonetheless.
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For comparison
that's a good MAD II because it looks like an up armored Marauder

the CGL one looks like some weird space ship that used a marauder as a visual concept.
Don't get me started on the Cougar. Holy shit thats a travesty upon nature.
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That hasn't been a problem for years now, it was found they could have contested it back when that whole thing started and they probably could have avoided the entire legal ordeal.
The MWO archer looks so much like the TRO 3050 design that it's almost a mere update, rather than a redesign.
Treating your post as if you're being genuine would be an insult to your intelligence and eyesight.
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Gotta agree with the Marauder and the Marauder II

Wolverine is also pretty choice.

And the Crab/King Crab

And the Locust

Basically any mech that took spindly stick limbs and made them look like they belong on actual war machines and not War of the Worlds Martian Tripods.
Articulate what huge differences completely ruin the Archer. The differences are not large.
I got several but the Marauder IIC got my ticket.
>the locust isn't supposed to be spindly
dude it's a locust
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Gonna be honest chief, this ain't that different. Like what, bigger missiles, shrouded shoulders, a few less rounded edges? Is it the loss of the big bubble hips? The little slots under the cockpit? The front bevel not being quite as extreme? These are not important details.
I agree the Marauder definitely mogs the Glaug, though I prefer the Tomahawk over the Warhammer, and I'm pretty neutral on the Archer redesign.
I gotta disagree on the limbs in general though, variety of designs should have their place. Not everything needs to be shifted over to tacticool blocks.
This one doesn't even have the arm lasers.
The center torso is definitely a huge difference from the original, everything else, legs, feet, arms, side torsos, lower torso, is moderately different and it adds up to creating something that looks about as similar to an archer as a linebacker is to a mad cat.
Japanese media laws do not affect american products.
Battletech was genuinely the centerpiece of the defining case in US/Japan IP law
I'm 39 and play DDR at the mall still. Can't get in as many sets as I used to, but it's the only cardio exercise I ever liked.
If that's how it is, then your 3050 redesign is worse. I see tons of differences from the 3025 one. Look at the hips. Look at the feet. Those are definitely different hands. There are extra diaper panels that weren't there originally. The antenna box has been mangled. Why are the missle covers angled down? There's an entire section of torso behind the "ears" that's missing. Why are its shoulder balls so small? Where's that big block on its back?
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One thing I genuinely dislike is how it seems like they're trying to move away from the thin upper arms of mechs like the Madcat, Loki, and Thor.
I'm not super defensive over the old designs, but I'm not a fan of having to make everything boxey. It should be ok to have curves.
>Favorite: Shadow Hawk
>Worst: Every member of the Ost Family, from the Scout to the Sol.
>Next: Caesar.
>If a ’Mech suffers a critical hit in a location that, at the start of
the phase, had nothing that could be damaged (i.e. all slots in the
location were inapplicable at the start of the phase; see p. 46), then
the critical hit is applied to an adjacent location, as dictated by the
Damage Transfer Diagram

does anyone play with this rule and does it ever actually come up?
Shimmy's not going to pay you to be disingenuous on 4chan and digitally suck him off.
Okay, you just blindly hate everything new. We get it.
Yeah, it comes up occasionally. If a left torso section is all Roll Again because nothing is mounted there, crit transfers inward to the CT, that sorta thing.
Bro, your design is literally missing pieces of the original. It's got goofy little foot bound feet like a Chinese housewife. Details add up.
thug i guess from the missile packs
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Is it good/decent? Sure it dies to a single hit but its fast hits pretty hard and has good range, thinking about just keeping one behind cover until I win initiative and then zooming behind an enemy, it can easily get +4tmm while walking and +5 if it doesn't turn much
If you don't like the old archer, you can just say so. No need to pretend shimmy made his redesign look similar.
I've already articulated why your redesign isn't any better. It's moved shit from the center torso to the left torso. It's completely removed at least two parts that I can see. It extended the missile bays and angled them forward. It completely and totally reworked the feet and calves, if I didn't know those were the same mech I would never in a million years guess that they were related. The hands are square. The entire pelvic region has been redesigned to look like a diaper, it has entirely new elements that are not even remotely present on the original and the legs have been relocated.
Details. Add. Up.
It's possible to depict a light scout platform without making the legs thinner than other mech's gun barrels. The newer model does that very well.
>if I didn't know those were the same mech I would never in a million years guess that they were related
This is how I know you're baiting. No more attention for you.
Be more subtle next time.
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I think it's interesting how MWO makes IS mechs mostly boxy and clan mechs mostly curvy.
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I'm pretty sure that's an Unseen Phoenix Hawk.
Thats a linebacker from MWO, they arnt the same mech....
DO not blame flying debris for the weapons.

the weapons is ENTIRELY the fault of retaerded CANCERBOXES dev, the faggot incompetent 'artist' who designed MWO's weapon system because they couldn't actually MODEL each variants weapons, because they're not actually 3d modellers and shit, they're concept artists.

to the point that every new mech FD designs now has to feature retard dev's faggoty cancerboxes, because FD's art was making weapondev retard look bad.
any introtrch light mech i could use zaku... i mean horned owl as a stand-in/count-as?
Best bet is probably a mongoose.
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This is a pretty strong 6k list imo. 3 Gauss rifles opening up holes at range, 4 lb5x to contribute and crit seek once gauss rifles start hitting and the kheper can pull decent bodyguard duty for anything that gets close. Malice is a tanky boy and should be able to mop up whatever is left with the lb5xs cluster on damaged targets and some medium lasers.
/neverserved/ here. ALL he people I have watched or spoken too who HAVE. are now vehemently anti-service.

people like terrence popp and the battle dwarf even break it down in excrutiating detail abouhow fucktarded current service would be for any NORMAL man. and now that they are OUT, they're worried about being forcibly re-up'd because the forces have not even made quota in forever, years and years now. not meeting replacement.

they're even talking about how old and busted guys are being conned into serving again with insane bonuses and shit.
don't tell me how to live my life
>terrence popp
I know that guy. I'm one of his numbers. Never got around to telling him about it though.
you should my guy. it's worth it. Since i am /neverserved/, i haven't told him either, because I don't feel like i fit in that group.
I don't think Popp would hold that against you. We don't need to fit in his group either. Not looking to develop any online para-social relationships for one thing. Though he is the only person who I'll actually believe when they talk about paranormal shit happening.
Paranormal, and supernatural are both illogical terms that shouldn't be used.
Everything that occurs and everything that exists does so within the confines of the laws of nature.
Any instance of a person claiming to have observed a paranormal/supernatural event/object is either confused, lying or unaware of the laws of nature, in extreme circumstances this could mean the entire human race is incorrect as to the specifics of the laws of nature.
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Are there any mechs that give anybody particular grief when painting? I've consigned my Nova to the simple green jar for what feels like the fourth or fifth time in the last few days and if this keeps up I'll get through the rest of my pile before I feel satisfied with the thing. It's definitely the cockpit that I keep screwing up on, too - and I think one of the windows is either gunked up with paint that hasn't come out, or I've scratched and deformed the actual plastic while trying to degunk it the last time.

If it's the latter case, I wonder if it'll be more interesting to scratch or cut the thing up some more and play it off as battle damage.
footfags GTFO
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Fox has mech if you have coin
No coin. What will thoust accept in bargain?
I'm lead to believe by recent interviews that they are looking for pussy and bussy to press-gang into caste based sex slavery for profit. Might be worth a few spare parts.
They hated Jesus.
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CGL is run by LDS, right?
Thats the coolant suits they use in NASA.
Flying debris makes some of my favorite designs.
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Experienced my first Battletech moment today. Don't have a batrep for the whole game, but this moment is worth fictionalizing I think.

Commander Rostov, having been ordered to clear out the city ahead of his client's advance led a Lance into the metropolis to flush out any defenders hiding inside, encountering a lance lead by a Crusader with an LRM carrier attached for fire support. As Commander Rostov engaged the Crusader he was outmaneuvered by the enemy Commando, who who managed to make it behind Rostov's Battlemaster. Seeing her commander's peril Mechwarrior Ha vaulted her Centurion up onto the rock outcrop separating her and the Commando and charged it with with autocannon blazing. Her assault was not enough to deter the enemy pilot however, who maintained fixated on the Battlemaster's vulnerable back whose armor had been stripped by a previous fall. The Commando launched an alpha strike, intent on crippling the Battlemaster, but failed to down the assault mech as right as he began to fire Mechwarrior Ha reached him took advantage of her elevated position to kick his head off. While the salvo still fired as the mech fell, it splashed harmlessly across the Battlemaster's legs. As the light mech fell Commander Rostov fired his PPC and medium lasers at the Crusader. The PPC shot went wide as the Crusader juked to the left, but Rostov managed to track the enemy mech with his medium lasers and raked 3 of them across its torso, one of which slipped through a flaw in the mechs armor and touched off its srm ammo bin, causing the heavy mech to go off like a firework and rain scrap and salvage across the street. In the course of a few seconds the enemy lance was reduced to just a Phoenix Hawk and a Centurion, and shortly thereafter when their LRM carrier was destroyed the remaining enemy mechs opened a channel to negotiate their surrender.

TAC on the ammo bin and a lucky head kick took out two perfectly healthy mechs in the space of one turn.

Stop making me want to paint my shit in waterfluff colors.
do we know what kind of military actions/achievements are needed for a kuritan mechwarrior to get selected for the sword of light?

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