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Previously on /slop/: >>93238406

RETVRN of the MUDCORE edition.

▶ Thread Task: Post melancholic muddy fantasy and S-F.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
Usually bing is bad at placing the fin on a sharkman, but then sometimes it does this Sonic the Hedgehog thing which is kinda cool. Get any cool fuckups recently?
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Whoever made the thread did not link it in the previous one.
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Sometimes I feel like centaurs would actually make worse dancers than humanoids
I think they'd just have to have totally different dancing styles.
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Man I got a bajillion dark fantasy stuff, enough to fill the thread myself
They'd do those weird trotting things they do at competitions.
>thread task
Disco Elysium is a pretty good token when tying to get that melancholic depressed look.
When you uplift pigs to have cheap, disposable labourers and they discover labour unions.
>Alternate Thread Task output
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>perfect thot model face
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Race: Elf
Class: Fighter (Cavalier)
Background: Inheritor
Random Oddity: Ghosts.
>The princess forced a smile whenever the bards and minstrels sang of her exploits during the war, but deep down all she could think of was the blood-soaked fields, the stench of death, and the cries of agony followed by the eerie silence. The only glory in war was for those who didn't fight in it.
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Last one
for now
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The goblin wagged its tail excitedly and the young Witchhunter couldn't help but to laugh. It seemed his charm and good looks worked even on the less-than-human.
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The worst thing about river trolls wasn't the fact that they could regenerate from almost any injury, or that their brackish blood felt like stinging ice if it managed to get onto you. No - the worst part was the damned fishy smell.
Mudcore, you say?
This slightly messed up gen has interesting implications. Can you imagine a mount that only flies through melding with the rider and the wings grow out of the rider's body?
I'm late, but this one got me
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Why does she have the same name as my elf paladin from an old Icewind Dale campaign?

We stole from the same place. Good taste, anon.
You need glasses.
There's not a spec of dirt and plentiful makeup on that face, it is pristine yes
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Spark up!
Is she happy or is that an erect mace?
It's only polite to sheathe your mace.
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It looks weird because it's inpainted. I asked Bing for a mace, but it gave her a sword. Wouldn't have posted it but I thought the stone angel looked cool.
Question for those familiar to WHFB lore:
Since troll can regenerate even from lump of raw meat, what happens to severed limbs of the troll? Can they regenerate into more trolls?
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I'd assume there's some kind of ineffable spark that limits it to one troll. Otherwise any random hacked off bit would mean another troll.
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But do you have SD?
Or to be precise, Zavy Chroma XL.
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Any advice for getting black sclera consistently? I've tried black eyes, black sclera, black corneas, void eyes, and shadow eyes but I still end up with normal eyes and the irises are some other random color I mention in the prompt.
Anon, was your brain rewired by Fakebook/Xitter/Plebbit are were you just born stupid? I do not care whether (You) like me or my gens.
I use black lidless eyes.
That did not work either. Probably because I'm trying to get it in anime style or maybe because I have too many color descriptors elsewhere in the prompt.
Try putting 'black lidless eyes' close to beginning of front, before all other color descriptors.
Thanks. That worked a little better, but I might have to go through a couple iterations before I find one I like.

What I really want is black sclera with green irises, but pure black eyes is a good consolation prize.
what spell?
Stop giving it attention. That's all it wants. It wants you to pay attention to it. Just ignore it.
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>wails on guitar
I've been receiving warnings for less https://files.catbox.moe/kr3509.jpg
>ripping guitar solo sounds
duhn-duhn-duhn diddlydede-de WHEEE.
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>the one with muddied porcs
Out of morbid curiosity, what's wrong with it according to you?
Oh, forgot to post this attempt from the "spell interpretations" TT. It was meant to be Otto's Irresistible Dance. I like the outfit and atmosphere here, but I couldn't figure out how to preserve that when I tried working in a nametag
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NTA, but it would be cooler if they drove hotrods or like, one was using a skillsaw to chop up a block of bacon, or perhaps if they started a biker gang called "hogs on hogs" or such. All of those things would be a huge improvement.
Or at least they should wear more than just overalls on naked bodies. This really makes it look like some borderline bara bullshit.
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"Ye, lo, and also FORSOOTH! For the swine should not be wearing overalls over all. That is an unnatural thing, and would detract from the taco harvest and the Goddess intended." - Sir Titian
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Anon, do you find non-human bodies erotic? [scoot scoot]
I mostly find them gross, especially in pics like that.
That's all for today
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Race: Naga
Class: Bard (Glamour)
Background: Fisher
Random Oddity: Blades. You are fascinated by bladed weapons of all sizes and shapes.
>Never look a snake in the eyes.
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Jo the Dwarven monk began his call to adventure after a noble family had brought their daughter to the monastery to see if they could hire a guard for her by offering regular donations to the brothers there. She wished to study theology in the Uv'elde region, but her family was worried that she wouldn't be prepared to travel to a major city alone due to having lived a cloistered life.
>system: S&W Whitebox Expanded 2.1
Someone mind helping me out?

All I'm really trying to get is a cliff face with even rows of arrow slits / murder holes like what you see on the side of castle walls, but Bing just isn't cooperating. Basically want to have a battlement carved directly into a mountainside.

Thanks in advance for advice
What prompt are you currently using?
many dozens of verical arrow slits carved evenly in rows into the smooth face of a mountain, cloudy, misty
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I want to pet cat.
I feel like you would have better luck with a set style, or maybe just say a cliff face with dozens of uniform rows of vertical holes
Honestly there are no benefits to fighting pumpkins
Smashing pumpkins into small piles of putrid debris is its own reward.
And if they smash you back?
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It'd be a first.
More like this, possibly with a blindfold.
She could use some pets about now
Aure looks like she could use some headpats right about now, too.
She gets the better of him, in the end.
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>Post melancholic muddy fantasy and S-F.
Turns out not accepting the wish and love was a bad deal for Arisen Aure
Very nice.
A ray of hope in MVDDY world.
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>captcha: GAYR
Yeah, make her gayer.
This is amazing, prompt? Is it Bing?
Well, at least Bing tried to make sword a little different when I prompted 'flamberge greatsword'.
Yes, I only use Bing for Auré.

Unfortunately, that's an old prompt that I no longer have, but I'm sure it's not difficult to emulate. All the descriptors you'd need are prominently on display there.
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Help please! Any tips for getting mechs that look more like Mamoru Nagano's (picrel) and less like Gundams?
I worked with a guy that looked just like that dude.
Where please? I didn't find any complete prompts in the guides.
Bait used to be believable
Welcome to the wastelands, where the skies are dark, the world is classified as a relentlessly depressing muddy deathworld and all your shit is mostly broke! the locals probably don't like you either...
While your first instinct may be to carefully comb the wreckage for supplies - this is time consuming and dangerous. You should locate your emergency bug out kit with haste, or failing that, locate the very basic of supplies and put distance between yourself and the crash site as swiftly as possible.

While your enhanced MaidenHand physiology makes for higher chances of surviving both combat and dangerous survival situations easier and allows you to cover your bases faster, being alert to the dangers around you is more important than ever on this muddy hell ball.
That street sharks reboot is going hard.
Having secured a camp, and working to recover some supplies to hopefully await rescue, our Heroine discovers exactly why the handbook says to grab the bare minimums and skedaddle... the scrapped remains of the tent, now torn apart, some ammunition, and a welcome discovery in an unwelcome situation...

In some high stress situations, certain MaidenHands can express their more feline biology in different ways. More often a sign of their biological combat mode activating, this may or may not also be accompanied by short-term bursts of energy and a heightened survival instinct.

A running fight with some rather... hostile natives ensues.
Lickable Aure tummy.
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Thankfully, the coloration of the muddy cloak, some quick thinking and the cover of the rainstorm allows our heroine to evade the hungry, angry creatures via finding a hiding spot and laying low in the mud as much as possible.

Note To Self: Updating the R.E.A.P.E.R Handbook for E&E to deal with 'undead natives' may be needed if I ever get off this mudball. ~Ash
What have you been playing that doesn't have some kind of evil monster pumpkin
Someone please generate a busty sexy female Godzilla in a bikini stomping on a tiny city using Bing.
My guy, it is free to use
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After having slept in a literal muddy hole in the side of a rock, 'dawn' the next day finds our marooned MaidenHand searching for any signs of life. Two days later, half starved and firmly exhausted, a scrap palisade walled village appears and the locals are willing to allow her into their small community. 'Khajit has wares if they have coin'.
Style reminds me of disco elysium, in a way. Prompt?
Blanche style?
If your lizardmen aren't Ancient Egyptian kangs then there is something wrong with you
Nah, gotta go with the savage jungle vibe here, let the soft skins live in their stone buildings and amongst the smooth-skinned meat.
Negotiating some work for a spare room, our heroine drifts off for the night in a locked room and in a state of exhaustion after finally eating a soupy mash of tubers that passes for food on this planet. Almost tastes like potatoes...
Some lies are just too outlandish.
"Work" for a room, huh?
A fair argument HOWEVER
kys coomer
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That almost reminds me of those old toys and cartoons, Dino-Riders, the villains, I think the main villain was a sharkman or gatorman or something and he had a bunch of monster animal-men henchman and they controlled the dinosaurs with these evil mind control devices. And the good guys were rather humans.
>That almost reminds me
Don't they remind you of Warhammer Lizardmen?
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To tell the truth, I've never played Warhammer.
More dusty than muddy I suppose.
Here's some mud, or maybe it's much, but what's the difference, really?
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I just asked for a visual representation of agility. I don't fucking know what the hell this is?
I'm not quite sure but I humbly ask for prompt.
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For that one it was
>A visual representation of Agility; Oil painting, vintage illustration, highly detailed, style of Final Fantasy, Amano, Dungeons & Dragons, Skyrim, Legend of Mana
Here's what it gave me for constitution, I knew it was going to be the document.
Try stamina or endurance
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Good idea. I love this charisma.
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Of course, Luck the ability I'm not even sure I'm going to use turns out the best.
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I do!
Never tell anyone they're cute while they hide their face, and never tell them you need to see their face first.
I just did and I'd do it again
I need to see your face first!

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