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The Scholars vs a Son, how fucked are they?
there is no purer cyoa author than pca
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Why is he lonely? He has celt and sda and all his discord butt buddies?
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They broke up like three years ago
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Not any of these people but it's funny to me that the only author I miss from discord is Aromage. Well, and Highlander, but she was so rarely there that she doesn't really count.
Is Elemental Simulacrum worth it?
it gets expansive really fucking fast
Absolutely not. It would only be worth it if you got a WB that greatly improved it.
She typed like a girl and she was obsessed with homestuck and SCP. That's good enough for me.
Yeah, it's expensive but very versatile.
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astral harvester build (mp)(wb):

for the purpose of this being clear, a "jellyfish" diagram is in the image
this jellyfish is completely invisible magically, and a very deep dark black physically
(and not big enough to block out a noticeable amount of cbr)

these jellyfish harvest souls from the host universe at a consistent rate, by reviving local souls,
and asphyxiating them in a internal den with no atmosphere, before ejecting the bodies into space
they take roughly five years to harvest enough to double (all soul is stored and then sent back to me)

the jellyfish are constructed with summoned and fleshwoven hitsuji (dreamsheep) (shellsheep)

they are all produced in citadels like shown in the diagram
because the sheep can offset their own weight, they can be much larger then a normal planet, and the inside is entirely habitable (if you have the food)
they would have to spin in order to offset the gravity, and the ship would need to be separated into great domes to stop the accumulation of air pressure
at the center of each citadel is either me or one of my offspring, using summoning magics to create new jellyfish and add shellsheep to the citadel
i intend on having many, many children
in the cyoa, it states that a child, if personally tutored by you has 40~ points of potential
i will just use magic (shadow clones etc) to cover all of these

(a ascended one could also do the summoning, but they are jobbers and will never own a citedel)

all of this is sustained by einherjar with divine promotion to let them cast sleep magic (1+1) and consume soul (1+2)
sleep allows them to set unneeded people into a semi permanent stasis, and consume soul lets them avoid oxygen demand for themselves and who ever is awake

additionally, they each have a teleporter incase they need backup, and a battle mage, who can convert the souls from a recent harvest into spirit protectors

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Only if you want to specialize in something that's part of it like time magic or need it to unlock other powers.
would battles using exclusively power word power word be more like debates or rap battles?
would eminem be a good power world user?

it depends on how much they annoyed the son.

once i have about 100 children and an unlimited flow of souls to my door i will stop and focus on my wives and try to read everything worth reading
maybe write something too

the build also has arcane mana, and the ability to gift many smart people that gift, so i would plan on having wonders beyond comprehension
the build plan is simple
in the early game
alot of drawbacks that can be avoided by being in space, hide until i have found a world with common elementals (and waited at least 5 years)(hitsuji's searching the dreamscape)
i need high value souls that die instantly in the vacuum of space for this to work, so assuming the heralds can chose i would want non earth elementals (they spread out and die instantly)
then after having my hitsuji scout it out and find a nice place to hide i begin the first jellyfish, the heart of my empire
while i wait i will also send out heralds and hitsujis to mooch souls off of the wars in earth
(early stages will be monitored by me directly, so if any changes must be made i will make them)

in the mid game:
once my exponential growth sets off i will have a meteoric rise to power, geting ten times as strong every like 17 years
after about 50 years (when i have 1024 jellyfish) i will start actually defending them with teleporting shock troops and crow based instant comms

in the late game:
once i have over a milion jellyfish (100~ years) and my personal citadel is properly built, i start leaving things for my children to take care of

once i hit somewhere in the trillions, (200~ years) i should be ready to stop, and start focusing on building an empire (non entropic)
i personally align with the hound more then the father, so i would have to just regularly say goodbye, even if it kills me
(i have soul magic and ancane magic so given time i could presumably make most of my powers non entropic)
(and also give myself more powers)

ideally the walk blessed helps with some of this
open to diplomacy with anyone
treats other sons like far off relatives, willing to let them stay over or help them out, but doesnt ever rely on them or plan on allying
likes the hound
silent disgust for the perfect prince
most others are ignored unless they seem like a threat or a solution to a problem (or if they have something that scales)

the actual build is as follows
just paying for an element ad advanced element dives you water and ice as freebies. so i would say yes
>that grammar
I ain't readin' that.
yeah, fair
the jist is:
hide in deep space and spam true resurrection for free kills
>for the purpose of this being clear, a "jellyfish" diagram is in the image
This line is worth another 3 months of lurking this hellhole
Damn creative approach too. Good post.
I don't get it. Resurrection don't make new souls. You can't net souls by resurrecting something over and over
free resurrection happen every 5 years per herald and why use it to gather souls? you need the soul in first place to use true resurrection defeating the point.

You would gain more by simply having heralds living near hospitals or something
Sorry but this plan doesn't make much sense. Where do you think you will find trillions of souls? What makes you think many enemies as strong as the gifts can't reach you in space? To not pay souls for your powers you have trasform into something like an elemental giants.
hiding in the corner of a plane and resurrecting everyone in a dedicated kill zone
to hide my progress, and to scale better
(heralds can be sent comatose by sleep magic)
Dedicated breeding planets. It's still kinda enabled by his hitsuji megaorganism idea
Yeah but resurrection just return the souls to the bodies. You don't get new souls by repeatedly killing them over
i will have many jellyfish in many many planes
>in a magically created body
i think i can resurrect from far away
thoughts on dimensional merging?
Sorry I didn't notice you wanted to use true resurrection then it wouldn't work you can't recover souls from the father. And fleshwarp requires a lot of practice and expertise being non entropyc
The drawback? No one cares, it's singleplayer only.
1. That would take soooooo long even if it worked like you said. Like, imagine, you need 100 souls per herald, that herald "generates" a soul every 5 years. So, even with your plan a herald would pay his price in 500 years.
Let alone the huge number of einjerhar with divine promotion which is expensive with your soul generation (at that point use tahneem or reflexted matron, they dont use souls but mana and vitality which regenerates itself overtime and they come with sleep magic and are better at it)
2. Hide your progress from who?
3. I am assuming the big monster is the demiurgue, are you making him a soul farm? why use true resurrection then?
high energy elemental souls
(air and fire job to a vacuum)
the residents and goddesses who would want to stop me
no its a fire man
(what it is dosent matter)
((most deniurges are killed by sons so they wouldn't be available for resurrection)
Not worth it for just two points unless you have a master plan to genocide Earth & adios before the merge gets out of hand.
You don't understand true resurrection is not useful for soul generation.

For true resurrection you need the soul of the one you will revive, right? then what happens? you create a body for him and he is alive, your plan is to then take his soul then?

1. Get soul
2. Revive the person
3. Get the soul

Don't you think step 2 can be avoided?
(due to the lore saying a cyberpunk world averages 1/100 per person i am assumeing that magical worlds can have many 100 point souls)
i dont think i need that soul absorbed, just in the same plane
it says in the cyoa that souls pass between planes, so they cant be planetary locked, at some point there must be a river of souls i can start filtering
Void adaptation is a common perk, but besides that how do you even think to drag in space powerful elementals? That don't even exist on earth for now? How do you think to hide artificial planetoids you don't even have the fleshwarp mastery to create?
1. our world don't have elementals
2. True goddesses can't care less about you if you don't want to hurt them. The even is the goddesses's minions doing a little of genocide and get out and they are even open to ally with you. They are only hostile if you attack them. And the residents can't stop you so why hide yourself that much? literally they can't kill a death knight
3. fire man...? i think you read Entropist 2, this time is elemental
(in the lore pdf true reincarnation is poised as something people would hire/commission you for, which wouldn't work if it used souls you already had)
common among a listers (all the 10,000s have it), but true ressurection should be able to filter who gets revived
V2.2 List of Blessings

To help me with this list, I plead any Unblessed builds that update to link to their previous one and link to my list as well. New builds, returning builds, or updated builds that already have a blessing, please also link to my list.

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Dark Sovereign, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Apex Hunter, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Spirit Force, Patriarch Dragon, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Ungraspable, Overlapped Technique, Unending, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Red Ravager, Chimeric Manipulator, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah

41 multiplayer; 19 singleplayer; 60 total

Multiplayer: Creeping Conquest, Arcana, Empyrean Prince, Hoarded Technique, Grand Harbinger, Protocol FULCRUM, Tortured Armaments, Dark Sovereign, Apex Hunter, Remnant Chronicler, Father's Paladin, Exquisite Puppeteer, Patriarch Dragon

Singleplayer: Elder Son, Unending, Overlapped Technique, Vampire Emperor, Spark of Light, Chimeric Manipulator

13 multiplayer; 6 singleplayer; 19 total
Multiplayer: Man of the Purple Rose, Kingmaker, Song of the King, Endbringer, Dismantle Ego, Dark Justice Nightmare Strike, Pale Rider, Magnificent Titan, Scattered Spirit, Storm Knight, Wyrm Hunter, Repeated Armament, Dread Legate, Black Fire Imbue, Draco Warlock, Leviathan Pursuit, Sunward Traveller, Master of Monsters, Red Mist, Spirit Force, Entropic Generator, Calm of Thanatos, Transcendence Through Death and Destruction, Colossal Strikes, Pillar and Foundation, Ascended Ensemble, Lord of Winds, Center of Knowledge, Grand Master

Singleplayer: Ungraspable, Red Ravager, Lingering Magic, Forced Destiny, Stoic Fighter, Peace, Judgement Storm, Tour of Sin, Evolving Hunter, Astral Star, It Will be Spoken, Destined Decree, The Messiah

29 multiplayer; 13 singleplayer; 42 total

Creeping Conquest (MP)
Arcana (MP)
Empyrean Prince (MP)
Elder Son (SP)
Hoarded Technique (MP)
Man of the Purple Rose (NEW-MP)
Ungraspable (NEW-SP)
Overlapped Technique (SP)
Kingmaker (NEW-MP)
Song of the King (NEW-MP)
Grand Harbinger (MP)
Protocol FULCRUM (MP)
Tortured Armaments (MP)
Unending (SP)
Endbringer (NEW-MP)
Vampire Emperor (SP)
Dismantle Ego (NEW-MP)
Spark of Light (SP)
Dark Justice Nightmare Strike (NEW-MP)
Pale Rider (NEW-MP)
Dark Sovereign (MP)
Magnificent Titan (NEW-MP)
Scattered Spirit (NEW-MP)
Red Ravager (NEW-SP)
Storm Knight (NEW-MP)
Apex Hunter (MP)
>(in the lore pdf true reincarnation is poised as something people would hire/commission you for, which wouldn't work if it used souls you already had)
Someone died recently and can get the soul.
The party hiring has access to the soul.
The person is close to dying and can get benefited from a resurrection in his peak body.
Illness/curse that can't be healed but wouldn't appear once resurrected.
Returning someone to their prime.
Sons or other entities with access to souls but don't have the means to resurrect
1. in the "build plan section" i clarify that my first years are spent with hitsuji scouting an ideal starting world for me
then tempered heros and what not
if you are a threat people want to kill you
the einherjar generate their own soul energy at a rate of 2 per day (non transferable)
Chimeric Manipulator (SP)
Lingering Magic (NEW-SP)
Wyrm Hunter (NEW-MP)
Repeated Armament (NEW-MP)
Dread Legate (NEW-MP)
Black Fire Imbue (NEW-MP)
Forced Destiny (NEW-SP)
Draco Warlock (NEW-MP)
Leviathan Pursuit (NEW-MP)
Stoic Fighter (NEW-SP)
Sunward Traveller (NEW-MP)
Master of Monsters (NEW-MP)
Red Mist (NEW-MP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Peace (NEW-SP)
Judgement Storm (NEW-SP)
Remnant Chronicler (MP)
Father's Paladin (MP)
Exquisite Puppeteer (MP)
Spirit Force (NEW-MP)
Tour of Sin (NEW-SP)
Patriarch Dragon (MP)
Entropic Generator (NEW-MP)
Calm of Thanatos (NEW-MP)
Transcendence Through Death and Destruction (NEW-MP)
Evolving Hunter (NEW-SP)
Colossal Strikes (NEW-MP)
Pillar and Foundation (NEW-MP)
Ascended Ensemble (NEW-MP)
Lord of Winds (NEW-MP)
Center of Knowledge (NEW-MP)
Astral Star (NEW-SP)
It Will be Spoken (NEW-SP)
Destined Decree (NEW-SP)
Grand Master (NEW-MP)
The Messiah (NEW-SP)

Sorry maybe I misunderstood and so I thought you wanted to resurrect a listers, how do you want to use true resurrection? Anyway remember that it can't recover souls you already expended. Anyway can you address my other points? Maybe you already thought of them
Nta but you could really use seance to summon dead souls to help with your plan and summon ancient souls, but you must still know of them.
i feel like curing a disease is low level for this and most factions cant do soul magic
i think
also it says
> that have not yet returned to life
which implies that they are in the process of re incarnation
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>trying to record all answers to previous questions for easy finding in the future
>including all the lore that Entropistanon said in the thread
>herculean nigh impossible task
Please help.

Here is what I've gathered so far: https://rentry.org/Entropist_Information

Updated, adding a LOT.
Yes but they cap at ten so they won't be able to do great things, i suggest again that you use winter giants who use mana so becoming one will reduce your soul expenses and are experts in crafting and cooperative magic. anyway remember that fleshearp is complex and divine promotion costly
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>4chan cut half my face
Obviously, if they are reincarnated they can't be resurrected but that also negates your own version of true resurrection.
Curing diseases/curses look like low level when you have already the skills to do it and it was only an example of all the uses and you still decided to ignore the rest
to summon middling elementals worth like 100 souls, suffocate them, and have a herald collect the soul
in that case it seems trivial to send scouts (hitsuji) to nearby worlds in the plane and mark who dies
in our passive we can see "soul" related energies, so there are definitely not descript soul stuffs floating about
at 20, and yes, the point is that they can cast consume soul to remove oxygen and food demand and sleep to set everything else comatose
they arent real mages just utility spammers
its not certain, but i think soul stuff is rare, so we probably can cast it with some conditions

worst comes to worst i pray the walk blessed will cover it
>in our passive we can see "soul" related energies, so there are definitely not descript soul stuffs floating about
>Echoed Roar says souls of the dead on Earth stay "fresh" and available for absorption for ~4 h, but what happens to them after that? Do they drift into some other world, reincarnate, or something else?
>They stick around as very faint traces for decades, that you can only recall with Seance and such, and then they escape this dimension, where they may reincarnate if they had some magical potential, whisked away by some being from there (this is very rare to occurs, specially coming from Earth, and usually implies high a Feast of Evil stack) or just go back to the Father.
oh, thanks anon

yes so i try to have the heralds revive the faint traces
Ok, your build is intriguing and original, but I would drop the mirror assassin and ask void captain for a passage, it seems much safer, and give you a starting period in wich you can train.
Ok then there aren't dead elementals on earth, in the first place it would be better to try to fulfill the conditions for seance to directly summon their souls. you should search a bit for a way to go to a magic world like with astra. In all this remember that the mirror assassin is as strong as a gift built for assassination
need edit code
for the mirror assassin i lterally plan on waiting in space for 5 years, far away from reflective surfaces
given that its multiplayer, i should be far out of the solarsystem by the time they even start looking
also i need the souls or else i will have to actually fight in the multiplayer world (suicide)

yes, not on earth
the dreamscape lets you planeswalk early
No, shitposters will 100% disrupt. Just give me links, quotes, or pictures.
Even the eyes, or the ocean, from wich they can snipe you, are reflective, and the mirror assassins will collaborate with anyone to get you, comprehending each other, if you ally with Void captain you can escape to space without having to do this, moreover you probably won't be able to create one of the starships for a bit.
>i need the souls
No you don't. Raze a city and you would get much more than 100000 souls. Mirror Assassin is a trap for people who go unga bunga at digits.
Nta but great thinking Anon.
The mirror assassins can attack you from the dreams, and once again a mothership of hitsuigi is not only really hard to create, but it shouldn't be very fast. And remember that going physically in the Dreamland isn't too easy.
using fleshwarp i change the colours of the eyes to have a pue black goo over them (see through)
i dont personally visit any dreams until the 5 years are up
i cant raise a city without the chosen paladin attacking me, and i need 5 years to practice flesh warp anyway

i can't really be snuck up on in space, and i will have my gift with me, it will probably be fine
>going physically in the Dreamland isn't too easy
Actually, it is incredibly easy. Just sleep, send your soul there, and abandon your body. You can then summon your free Gift and kill Dreamland beings for souls. Less danger and competition since you're avoiding Earth. You can also get friendly with Empyrean Prince and other dream builds.

Of course, only do this if you have invested in Dreamland powers.

>i cant raise a city without the chosen paladin attacking me
Self made problem, you don't need the souls from him either.
The probkem with all of this is that fleshwarp must be mastered, and honestly you will need a great amount of time and souls to turn Hitsuji into perfectly opaque from a side, reflective from the others, spaceship with FTL, time in wich the eight mirror assassins will kill you.
(and if the ocean works i make a wall of hitsuji between me and it)
i want to start fast, so the exponentail growth can happen as soon as possible
he only really defends earth, and wont try to attack me with my oath + aura +power word telling him i intend no harm +being far away
i have talented, and they might not know where i am (given that i leave the planet within an hour of getting powers)
also, the assassins will focus the weakest anons first, meaning more prep time, and by the time they get around to me some will have died or betrayed as their targets are already dead
also fleshwarp is easy for purely external changes
>i want to start fast
The free gift summon will get enough souls to max out your SP limit without any green SP drawbacks in at most 3 days.

Paladin and Mirror Assassin are undeniably traps and I don't understand how people continue to fail to recognize this fact to this day.
Welp, time for my newfag Entropist build.
If you feel safe leaving your exposed body.
The main problem in all of this is that your plan to leave earth seems really incomplete, and it doesn't seem to consider that the you aren't the only one capable of doing it. For example the mirror assassin can steal a rocket to follow you or barter with the shadow legion
I assume souls from Blood Ground get wasted if you aren't in the same world anymore, but would they transfer via an open Planeswalk portal? Basically set up Blood Grounds in spots where people die a lot (or just have minions drag them there to execute) in any worlds you control and build a network of permanent portals through them to always get a flow of fresh souls from all of them.
paladin will be fine, mirror assassin is there so i can leave the planet immediately
it doesnt say they always know where i am, so i hope to hide
also i need the gift to protect me from other anons
my plan to leave earth is literally to immediately summon a hitsuji and start flying up
>If you feel safe leaving your exposed body.
It doesn't matter, only the soul matters. If you particularly want to have a body, possess or create one later.

>souls from Blood Ground get wasted if you aren't in the same world
The souls would just stay in the Blood Ground, they won't disappear.

>would they transfer via an open Planeswalk portal
I'd say yes.
But you won't leave earth early, that's the problem, creating a spaceship isn't something doable over one single hour.
I would consider giving to a lich blood ground so he remain to collect souls from his blood ground and then he sends them to you
He just said he wants to use a single hitsuigi
>also i need the gift to protect me from other anons
Anons are forbidden by the elders to fight each others.
I don't think souls would reach you through the bloodgrounds, you should visit to gather them.
>protect me from other anons
No one is killing each other lmao. It is quite literally suicide to attack other Sons unprovoked because ancient Sons will come kill you.
me and my wife standing on one (1) hitsuji
floating away like a hot air balloon
>He just said he wants to use a single hitsuigi
Sorry, I wrote it before it appeared to me, but I still think he's underestimating the mirror assassins, they're many and he's leaving himself open until he learn to create organin citadels with fleshwarp.
then yes, the mirror assassin is a waste
i cant edit the pastebin but i will change the build in my head
Anyway I don't want to fun police, so if you want I will stop annoying you.
Great wife, I like more Ectos but she is a close second.
Just make a new pastebin or, better yet, use rentry.
I may be retarded, but do red points contribute to your green points as well, or they're purely there to increase your overall potential?
It might actually be simpler and cheaper to just have lots of Feasting Choirs to "glue" the souls inside corpses and gather them in a giant mountain to absorb whenever I visit.
I don't think you can leave your body so easily, remember how hard it is to use grim puppeteer to pilot a corpse, in the first place if you could do this we would all be invincible, even if we were killed we would only need to use consume soul as souls. Ascended spirit even states we depends on our flesh vessel
Feasting Choir is trash though.
no, just potential
My idea is to give liches bloodground and leave them on the dimension, so they gather souls and send me soul gems.
anon i love bickering with you
Yeah I thought about that, though using liches for farming feels a bit wasteful. You could get 10000 feasting choirs able to roam in large areas for the same cost, and summoning / managing them can be delegated to a lich.
Too kind.
Yes but a single lich that leave bloodgrounds can handle an entire world singlehandedly.
in terms of souls its terrible, but sp is the truly limited resource here
So you would think, but matter of fact I have never seen any rentry sabotage on all of 4chan. That includes way higher profile generals, more controversial ones (AI shit early on) as well as mcyoag.
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Thank you for posting this at me 2 threads ago Anon. Here is the promised build.

Blind build not knowing endings, "why bother" edition

>Empire: Penantology Inc
Loosest grasp
>Ship: Sacred Archeon
>Enhanced Quarters
>Luxury Recreation
>Imperial Propaganda Broadcasting
>Automatic Anti Dissidents Defense System

>Berezina (Mech without secession)
>Rosie (3 points for 1 point discount on every construction on 1 planet)
>Hatem (survive any uprising if you leave)
>Ggrey_ (DISABLE uprising)

>Khaganate (1 Gene Lab Mod per planet, exterminate a world)

Round 1: Reaping of Phamilia (they were too stupid to live, guess I fail some sort of test)
25% default happiness
18 provision
10 Favor
>Megatemple +4
>Alien Zoo +6
>Expensive Modern Healthcare +2
>Annex Planet
>Enact Imperial Slavery (discount 2)
>More Humanlike (Offer) -8
>Dyson Sphere -13
>Industrial Mining -3
>Megafactories -3
>Sharecropping -3

Final Provisions: 0
Final Happiness: -80
Final Favor: 84

Round 2: Exploitation of Hallanel
25% default happiness
84 provision
80 Favor
>More Hardy (Offer) (discount 1) -10
>Opulent Archologies -11
>Cultural Exchange -4
>Virtual Reality Chamber -7
>Sharecropping Initiative -4
>Sign Treaties of Cooperation
>Megatemple +35
>MEC -3
>Feud with Rival Colonies

[point I look at endings because there isn't much incentive to make numbers higher at this point]

>Intergalactic Commerce -9

Final Provisions: 83
Final Happiness: 118
Final Favor: 101

Round 3: Upholding a Bargain at the Malthuse Debris Field
25% default happiness
184 provision
93 Favor

>Dyson Sphere -15

Final Provisions: 169
Final Happiness: 10 (could have exploited this but why bother)
Final Favor: 118

Round 4: Stopping by Mi-Ki
50% default happiness
287 provision
102 Favor

>Cultural Exchange -5
>Megatemple (wont calculate, is to my benefit)

Final Provisions: 282
Final Happiness: 75
Final Favor: 102
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Round 5: Rekindling Nides' cargo cult
25% default happiness
384 provision
70 Favor

>Sharecropping Initiative 0
>Opulent Archologies -18
>Treaties of Cooperation
>Megatemple +24
>Dyson Sphere -23
>More Humanlike (Offer) -15

Final Provisions: 350
Final Happiness: 75
Final Favor: 108

Round 6: Returning to Hallanel and making it home
118% previous happiness
458 provision
76 Favor [transition loss halved with propaganda]

>discount 1 from previous
>Rosie's Clones (discount 1) -3
>Earthling Death Squads (disable uprisings)
>Free Healthcare -3
>Annex Planet
>Previous Intergalactic Commerce +40

>Military-Industrial Complex -8
>Mandatory Enlistment -7

Final Provisions: 477
Final Happiness: 68 ((+5, mistake))
Final Favor: 83

Possible Endings:
>Galactic Baron
Fancy retirement home. Could annex some more with ease, but why bother
Nice intermediate option between the duties of a Vizier and the obscurity of a Baron.
>Vizier (taken)
With the infinite favor this brings, I will colonize the whole universe at this pace. That should resolve the stalemate between the factions too. As I am blocked out of a Yazata waifu I will first shatter their whole society, construct a prison-palace worthy of Anahita and then, when aeons have made her assumably amicable, I will get crushed by her anyway because no way she wont hold a grudge. Oh well. Guess it should serve a double purpose as a pharaonic tomb then.
Why bother
Too easy, or rather no high enough tier of rewards. The little ways to get ahead are a joy to find but I didn't need half of my "exploits" and didn't even use some build resources (like Rosie's clones or my Earthling Deathsquads. Could have profited off more base happiness but why bother). That isn't really a problem but the systems are so lovingly designed it's a waste not to make them bear a bit more gameplay-load. Kinda reminds me of SHINE in that regard, though builds are easily finished at least due to the open end.
Bullshit, kill yourself.

>Rentry: https://rentry.org/KTHSWEEP (edit code: ihatetribulationlightning)
Very nsfw with gore, enter at your own peril.
Alright, didn't happen when I lurked there despite Cassandra playing her part back then too. If you frequented /mcyoag/ you will know that it went well for an extremely long time.
What happens if you have Communication and take the Speak as He Oath? It says magic can't help you learn languages, but you already KNOW all languages, so can you even learn anything?
it works
He already talked about it, you should only study a bit of the hystorical context of the languages, skipping the effective language learning.
Anyone got a quote from Entropistanon? I want to add it for >>93269881.
for Homogenous Existence:
Do free powers bypass the limitation as they're not "purchased"?
Does elements count as a modifier for Elemental Simulacrum or are the their own thing?
They are megumi points (potential)
But advanced elements count as modifiers
should be this, thanks for the great work.
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I love you, my brothers. Let us kill tok together!
You're just jealous of his OCs and natural charisma.
nice, thank you anon very helpful
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Daily reminder
Got a quote? I'd like to add this to >>93269881 too.
Quotemaballs, retard
which build is this?
it was either in the cyoa or the lore pdf
Are paladins Jobbers or a trap?
I see. I thought advanced elements were separate options. I remembered wrong, sorry.
>which build is this?
It was just a dumb idea of picking the fish minion to take you to the dreamlands for the price of a single soul that costs to summon them.
Nta but
for the first, I will search for the second, since I remember it too.
>Italics just copying Tankista and Fate / Anither Pretender
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it was actually in the option
(in v2.2)
A trap. So many people picked that drawback, meaning that we have a lot of paladins that are working together. Even if alone they lose to Alta (who is the strongest 1v1) that does not make them weak by any means. Imagine getting jumped by 10 paladins at once. You are dead.
The Prince of Dharma, Enoch
Soul Drain
Blood Magic
Blood Ground (All Modifiers)
Create Phylactery
Power Word (All Modifiers)
Aligned Magnificence
Void Cutter (All Modifiers)
Malevolent Territory (All Modifier)
Physical Empowerment
Echoed Roar
Barrier (Auto)
Dark Smite
Walk Blessed
Void Adaptation
Extra Lives
Spirit Warrior
Death Knight
Death Lord
Entropy Heralds
Ascended Master
Alta, Eternal Victory
Elaine, The Unrelenting
Koryuu, Calamity Deity
Speak As He (Perk)
Dead Senses (Touch, Taste)
True Son
The Final Rapture
Draconic Conquistador
Lesser Demiurgue
Battle Maniac

All Sons are born with a purpose - bring death to a billion worlds, erect armies in the name of the Father against his enemies, perfect their conditions and pursue a world they deem "perfect". Your case is no different, but one of a challenge; you are to escape your doomed world by any means necessary, and through combat, forge into a lord of death worth of fear and respect. Only through acquiring strength may you begin your quest of wandering the worlds of the multiverse in search of their experiences and knowledge, abandoning your godly self to live as a common man, in an attempt to understand Samsara. You know that if one would become the one who spins the wheel of reincarnation, they'd surpass any need for souls, hijacking the essential process of reality. That enlightenment, that ultimate universal truth about the meaning of life and reincarnation, will justify all the horrifying atrocities and mistakes you may commit on your learning journey.

Always remember that one thing that may be stronger than entropy is love. Love Alta, and through her love, you'll be invincible, O World Honored One.
Finally finished my JJK build. Hope it's good.
>Fate/Another Pretender
Is the franchise worth a read? The events/scenarios from the CYOA seemed interesting enough.
>Dead Senses Touch
holy fucking shit I didn't think anyone would dare
Has no one mentioned the possibility of mirror assassins being smart enough to ally with all the paladins? As in. We help you kill your targets and you help us kill ours? A team of all the paladins combined with all the mirror assassins can easily kill all the sons on earth.
inb4 qi deviation
Shouldn't you be specifying what you're starting with, how you're getting enough souls to do anything, etc?
Yes, it's part of the reason the mirror assassins are considered a trap option, the best hope is that the paladins don't trust them too much, but realistically, since both of them want to kill sons, at least they will help them to kill their targets.
You were not here for John Entropy...
the babies guy?
i think anon means that anyone who picked chosen paladin might wind up with 7 mirror assassins on their doorstep
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been disastrous for Sonkind. (Won’t work but I appreciate the effort)
Yes, he was... THE STRONGEST but also no longer anything. He became entropy ITSELF. Not even sentient anymore.
I assume I picked one of those meta drawbacks that will kill me instantly, but I mostly went with what sounded fun for my build.
What's there to say? My upper potential is 72 in red soul points, and befitting his inspiration, he'll be acquiring souls through war, munching on living victims with Blood Magic and using Blood Grounds for mass sacrifices on his homeworld, and later on, the multiverse. His gifts and future children will greatly assist him with this.
if it cant work i just need to find a world where it can and learn their magic
like a group hatsu in hunter x hunter or something
John entropy... i KNEEL.
Yes, that is what I meant. Mirror assassins are so much of a drawback that they make other drawbacks worse just by existing.
Yes, what I was saying is that the paladin and the mirror assassins might decide to prioritise the assassins target, since that's the only interest of the assassins, and the paladins want them dead anyway.
>it's an entropiss episode
I suggest to be cautious but remember that paladins are uncompromising and won't ally with evil and will focus on their target. They can ally and the mirror assasins make everything worse but an alliance will be hard to make and mantain
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Wait... if the mirror assassins can ally with the paladins what is stopping them from allying with the isekai heroes or the Spain dragon, or the demons, or the invading army, or even... the world governments on earth! Helping them to kill any son that attacks humans in exchange for help in killing their target son? if that happens... Its over for all multiplayer sons, regardless of what they picked. BROS, STOP PICKING MIRROR ASSASSINS NOW!!!!
It doesn't matter to anyone who doesn't pick their drawbacks.
I Sartre them out of my adventure. What now?
At this point, after the universal agreement of them being traps, the ones who picked paladin and mirror assassin will remove them from their build when we ascend into Sonhood, so there's nothing to worry about. At most, there will be 2 or 3 stubborn fools.
That is the point, it would. Since they are exchanging help. The assassins help their allies kill you (who did not picked the mirror drawback) in exchange for their allies helping the mirror assassin kill anon (who picked the mirror drawback)
No, the notes explicitly say they don't go after Sons that don't pick their drawbacks as long they don't cross or antagonize them.
Again, that people won't be inclined to trust people whose claim to fame is trying to kill their boss, lord of assassins.
The bigger of two evils. The assassins are not going to genocide earth unlike sons.
Don't worry, my blessing automatically weakens everyone who has a hostile intent against me.
don't make me say it
But they are willing to ally to reach their objective. If they are going to die if they fail, it would not make sense for them to give up the opportunity of victory.
Doesn't matter. It says they don't go after Sons without the drawback.
The Spain dragon is going to genocide the earth. A son would have an easier time allying with the government having been human, pleasure target make it so that the gomorreans want to be your friends, the nascent AI for now wants to kill the outsiders. Not everyone wants to fight sons
ALL RIGHT BOYS here's the real question...
+50% minion cost worth 1 more gift? (Elaine)
The spain dragon is still going to leave some people alive and even give them magic and elven waifus. Not everyone has pleasure target and I did not mentioned the AI.
Do Demiurges sleep? Would I be able to attack them from/in the dreamlands?
no, if you plan on scaling minions are the most important thing
better to have more time to fuck the wives you have, instead of more wives
no, they are alien
I'm saying that except for the exaggerated the sons aren't that interesting and thanks to power words can result more trustworthy than the assassins. The assassins are more or less automatic loss but not everyone will want to ally with them over the sons
Everything in the setting seems to need sleep from the lowly skeletons to Demiurge.
Next best thing: you can drag them into the dreamlands.
Mogged with my blessing. What a jobber.
I've seen people say things like this but how exactly DO you drag something into the dreamlands?
Only things connected however slightly to the dreamlands
With the harpoons, with sleep magic, and with whatever powers the dream gods have i suppose
The simplest is to have dreamland powers and/or use harpoon.
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Human-kun. Stop fighting, let me finish my ritual and we can have some fun together.
>Raw even when it makes no sense
Tok-kun I...
Multiplayer doesn't make sense in the first place, try another excuse and boogeyman retard.
In the absence of EntropistAnon, do I make my blessing or wait until an anon gives me one? And do I have to use custom rules? From what I've gathered most anons ignore them because they were made out of spite before Entropist left the general.
You can make one with the rules. You can also ask the thread, but in my
Opinion you risk the wrath of the Father should he ever return.
>do I make my blessing or wait until an anon gives me one?
Either one works. Well, the latter might not.

>do I have to use custom rules?
No, don't do it.

>most anons ignore them because they were made out of spite before Entropist left the general.
*all anons ignore them
Shitposters are not people.
someone might make one for you, but only if an idea strikes
Do Sons actively help each others if they find one of their own being attacked? I know Solearc goes out of his way to take revenge for his brothers but would someone like Pluto help if there is a Tempered Heroes chasing after me?
>Do Sons actively help each others if they find one of their own being attacked?
>no argument
As expected. We are done here, tok
Pot meet kettle.
Got it, thanks. I'll think I'll make my own or maybe wait for someone to grant me one, though I think the latter is unlikely. Currently reading through blessings that EntropistAnon gave out so I can gauge what's appropriate powerwise.
Do what you want. Ignore shitposters. This is all for fun. Have fun.
Spain dragon is so based bros
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>Currently reading through blessings that EntropistAnon gave out so I can gauge what's appropriate powerwise.
the tier list: https://rentry.org/35quy4et
Don't pay attention to >>93271256 Those are not agreed upon. Make your own opinions.
Thanks bro. I'll read it up.
All I want is to make sure that whatever I make isn't so powerful that it diminishes the challenge and fun.
That's what I am doing too, because I also wanna read up old conversations about Entropist to see if there's any nuance to keep in mind. Plus, it's fun.
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Finally finished my first build for this.
Starting Choices:
Essence Enchant
Soul Drain, Empower
Spirit Chains, Weight, Seal
Power Word, Diminish, Kill
Perish Song, March
Plutonian Dream
Aura of Dread, Majesty
Nightmare Magic, Sap, Range
Sleep Magic
Golden Truth
Spirit Armor, Physical, Auto
Astral Fish
Void Adaptation
Astra, Dreamland Princess (Free Summon)
Ester, Ice Queen
Speak as He
Incompatible Target(Animalistic)
Pleasure Target
True Son
Eclipsed God
Single Root
Homogenous Existence
Deep Sleep
World of Horror
Lesser Demiurge

Progression (In no Particular Order):
Echoed Roar, Booming, Rallying
Sex Magic
Telekinesis, Emit
Teleportation, Blink
Aligned Magnificence
Create Phylactery, Reinforce, Link
Blood Magic, Blood Pact
Dual Form (Tahneem, Whispers)
Walk Blessed
Spirit Warrior
Deep Ones
Reflected Matron

>The Plan
I have, I think, every single choice that enhances my power in the Dreamlands. Deep Sleep, Sleepless, Nightmare Magic maxxed, Sleep Magic, all Dreamlands minions, Astra, Pluto's Den membership. Since I'll be powerful (and have high status, be well regarded, etc.) in the Dreamlands, I'm going to immediately fuck off to there, and start Soul Trading Essence Enchanted items while farming Nightmare Souls with my Whispers. My plan for the Demiurge is to drag it into the Dreamlands where I'm most powerful (and have Astra), hit it with Pain to stun, chain it with Spirit Chains, and start up my Perish Song, which should be fairly strong with Talented, Beauty and Communication allowing me to enrapture it more easily, and Golden Truth to force it to accept mortality. That should be a pretty good soul boost and I can only keep growing from there.
>World of Horror
>Lesser Demiurge
You don't pick events for Multiplayer, they're all active.
In my downtime I'll shoot the shit with other Pluto's Den members, and if Earth gets too fucked up or dangerous I'm always fine to just fuck off to a different dimension through the Dreamlands. I'm pretty certain that I can gain power safely like this, and I might even start hunting Demiurges if my method in the Dreamlands works out. The most exciting thing for me is setting up my own little fiefdom in the Dreamlands, where I'll be most powerful and able to shift to my Tahneem and Whisper forms. I'd like to get a custom Walk Blessed but barring that I'd probably take options 13 (Dreamlands empowerment), 3, 1 and 16 (enchanter and artist if artist applies to music, enchanter and administrator otherwise)

>Other notes
Blood Pact for better business in the Dreamlands
World of Horror might make me pretty strong in the real world
I wonder if there are any dreamlands BBEGs that a couple Dream Sons can work together on

Oops, missed that. Guess those are the ones I care about then. Though in that case, the invading Events might provide an opportunity for a powerful Soul from the leaders, but I assume someone else will claim it first.
What are you, anon?
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I'm a Son of the Father.
How did you miss all of the sons from the first month, but you included tok's dragonshit?
I see now that you are a dreamaxxer wizard.
What are the best methods for raping Tok and making him my slutty girlfriend (male)? Asking for a friend.
>no Arcane Magic
Wizard? No. I am a Dreamer.
Leave it for others, I say.
You do not need arcane magic to be a wizard, anon. There are other types of magic in the cyoa.
a dumb jobber...
Back to twitch, zoomer.
that's from world of warcraft
at least through wotlk wow used a substitution cipher to keep alliance and horde players from talking
i think youre the zoomer hedgehog around here
I am always disappointed at the references people miss, but I guess every historical figure is from Fate to the average poster so it only makes sense.
kek came FROM 4chan, you gigantic retard. Anons from /v/ picked it up and it has spread since.
lurk 2 more years
this thread has a special way of making me feel old
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Doing a quick update due to writing the wrong oath in my build by accident. I might tweak it later because im still tinkering with concepts. This will probably be my last update until I get the time to do the full pastebin. Remember this is a MULTIPLAYER Draft

Red Ravager: Your physical abilities are overall boosted, and you gain powerful regeneration, completely regenerating from harm over the course of seconds, using blood to fuel this (very expensive bloodwise, but more efficient than a Bloodguard’s). You gain Raging Momentum. You can Fleshwarp much more easily, letting you use it for combat purposes, and with training, allowing you to switch in between attacks, to greatly increase your battle versatility. You can hold 6 (additional) mutations, 3 (additional) instant, and your mutations are more efficient. Blood Magic precision is increased, and the ability is boosted when used for combat. You can hold infinite blood. Your Elder Vampires, Pale Butlers and Bloodguards are stronger.

Oaths: Eternal Ravager, He Spoke to you that day

Pleasure Target, Suicide, Hunted, Final Rapture, Chosen Paladin, Incompatible Target (Spirits, Animals), True Son, Diminished, Homogeneous Existence, One Man Army, One Way (Reap), Disloyalty

Points: 10 starting + 5 multplayer
+5, +12, +15 = 47

Capacity: +50 + 5 multiplayer
+4, +4, +10, +2, +2 +1 = 78
+10 for minions
GP: 1+2 (minions) +2
Perks: 3+1+1+1
Talented, Extra Lives, Commander, Sleepless, Harem, Beauty

Minion Form Perks (Vampire)- Novelty
>no Peter the Great loli
>no drunken Berserker George Patton
>Hannibal Barca killed off-screen
>series has crest worms, unbirthing, lolicon, but David's sexploits get censored. The ones from biblical canon.
>one thousand king Arthurs but not a single Churchill
none of the weebs I know can explain, what is the appeal of this shit anyway?
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>Minions (10)
Vampire -1, Elder Vampire -3, Blood Gaurd -1, Pale Butler-1, Reflected Maiden-2, Tahneem-2
>Starting: All

Sangra, Kirilia, Bloom, Alta, Koryuu
>Starting Gift
>Free Powers
Physical Empowerment, Reap (All), Soul Drain (lif/inv)

>Powers (total capacity 78, 89 with free powers)
Soul Drain (EMP)-1, Blood Magic (All) -6, Necromancy (REJ) -3, Soul magic (ALT/SEA) -3, Consume Soul (BOO/ALT) -4 (BOO/ALT), Phylactery (All) -4, Alligned Magnificence -2, Rallying Roar-3, Dual Form +2 + 5 extra transformation changes (Pale Butler/Elder Vampire/Bloodguard/Tahneem) - 9, Sanguine Evolution (all) -7, Oblivion Strike -2, Pain -1, Spirit Armor (All) -4, Entropic Imbue (anti) -3, Dread Aura (PWR) -3, Dark Smite (All) -3, Dark Angel -2, Fleshwarp (All) -4, Sex Magic -2, True Resurrection -2, Ascension (All) -5, WALK BLESSED -5

Starting Abilities: 47 points
Reap-4, Bloodmagic-6, Phylactery (rei)-2 Fleshwarp-2, Sanguine Evolution-7, Dual Form -9, Obliovion Strike-2, Walk Blessed-5, Physical Empowerment, Alligned Magnificence-2, Spirit Armor-3
>crest worms, in that line up
Wtf happened to that crop I gave you?
It seems i posted the wrong one
What's the lowest powered CYOA with which you could beat a early-mid game Son?
Anything. They are jobbers.
Dragonfall sucked
Give me your Son-beating Urban Phantom >>93269391 build
Ludus naturae
This, unironically. You can purchase Thaumaturgy and literal reality bending, which allows you to accomplish almost anything. Beating an early game son would be easy.
Are you pca
You mean the kind of powers that automatically job to Son's because of their entropic nature
Simply defy entropy, or spam Reality Bending to have eldritch monsters take notice, and kek as the Son has to fight them.
Power Creator Anon? No, but I'll give you a (you) if can identify a build I made for another cyoa
...one that was reposted 34534543 times
The more a power approaches infinity or defies reality the hard it jobs to a son, unless you are tempered hero
Then use reality bending to BECOME tempered hero. Easy.
What made you think that
PCA's author career came to and end when his last cyoa sucked and flopped. He tried to keep himself alive the following months by trying to convince himself that his latest cyoa was not just an inferior more boring version of what he had already make. In the end, not even cope could save him from the truth and he took his own author life.
and the latest cyoa was?
Don't believe that anon. PCA did not took his own author live in a reddit bunker. In reality, he escaped to Argentina where he lived the rest of his days in peace.
Besides new builds, Empowered Armament and Red Ravager who is active right now
Doesn't work
Empyrean Prince
Tortured Armaments
Repeated Armament
Red Ravager

I think this is everyone who has identified themselves.
Based. He's still seething about Entropist getting builds
>two armaments
>neither is Empowered
My bad kek
>t. jobber
I propose we call the new builds Step Sons.

Are any of them actually strong? Obviously they're all unblessed which makes them pretty weak.
Shut up, failed author. Your attempts are obvious.
You think I'm Italics??? Take your schizo meds before posting brother.
When did I said italics? Seems the real schizo is you.
Updated. I have put in everything I could find as of now, including all of >>91547768.

I'm still missing some things because I can't find them, like what criteria determine whether a setting is considered "fake," although not including that might be for the best considering how self-contradictory I remember Entropistanon being about it.
I just thought "Failed Author" was something anons called Italics.
More builds that MTG and Dragonfall
Failed novelist actually.
No, anons call italics a failed novelist.
So who did anon think I was by calling me Failed Author?
Man MTG sucked. What a disappointment of a cyoa.
All those posts are T*k
It was. That is why there was a discussion about power levels since the author himself could not decide. He said that he disliked the idea of lightspeed and planet destruction yet he included lore that suggests sons can reach those levels. He was anti different realities yet made a blessing that makes use of alternative realities. His calculations in the cyoa make minions really weak, yet he then goes to say how they can do much stronger things later.
>So who did anon think I was by calling me Failed Author?
i don't know i just wanted to correct it
>What a disappointment of a cyoa
Same feeling i had with void maiden.
This is why almost all the errata outside of the cyoa is bad. He does this with everything. And yet you're supposed to have it all memorized or a sperg will start shrieking at you
>So who did anon think I was by calling me Failed Author?
Was a meme that anyone critical of Entropist was less successful authors. Was uncritically picked up by the author because he read it when skimming the thread too, so it's kinda funny now.
More so because there is a kernel of truth to it, some authors actually cared but obviously not to the point of running a shitposting campaign - the people who do that are far to busy to work on OC.
>Dreamwalker Knight
>Dream, magic/physical hybrid, Golden Truth, Black Dragon.
Pretty strong.

>astral harvester
Didn't read it because of its atrocious formatting and grammar, but the thread has been saying its plan doesn't work, so it should be weak.

>The Prince of Dharma, Enoch
>another sukuna

>Dream, Golden Truth, neither magic nor physical focused
Below average.
They're all weak because they're all unblessed.
I am currently making a Rentry page for Enoch to give him that Mr. Nah I'd Win aspect and buddhism and fix up some things about him. Plus, I am doing an MP because that sounds fun as fuck and some of these blessings are inspiring me to cook.
what specifically are the grammatical errors?
Good. The buddhism angle is a cool way to differentiate yourself from the other sukunas, though I don't know how much of that actually resembles buddhism lol.

Put the entire build into a spellchecker.
Explain why they are strong and weak. Enoch seems the only strong one to me as he is the only focused build, the others are much too scattered. Though Enoch has a high chance of dying to Apocalypse, demiurge, and spanish dragon before he ramps up.
Can we be fwiends?
I am mainly putting it into the blessing and combining it with Gojo's thing, all to emulate Buddha's journey so to speak.
I think that Apocalypse is most likely for this version of the build because I am unsure if Blood Ground will be useful enough to gather enough souls in time. AoE is always great but he might be fucked over by his lust for battle through event guys beating the shit out of him.
>Enoch seems the only strong one to me as he is the only focused build
Now that I look at the build again, it's weaker than I thought because it's a physical build with Dead Senses (Touch), which is just insane.

>the others are much too scattered
That, I agree with, but I have to say that it's inevitable for Dreamwalker Knight. The others have no excuse though.
Silence, minmaxer
>physical build with Dead Senses (Touch)
Mundane disabilities do not belong as drawbacks in any power fantasy material.
What's wrong with that drawback? I didn't think about its severity, but it must ban me from using some powers, right?
Do you have ANY IDEA how much you use touch to sense bodily movement? Any warrior would be CRIPPLED without touch. The only builds that can go without touch are pure mage builds that plan to never use their bodies for any manual dexterity at all forever (I do not recommend such a build).
or what, they'll lose in a cyoa?
Just sense things with your mind.
>The drawback that cripples you cripples you
So how healthy is the general currently
Make some blessings then anon
Nothing is wrong with the drawback. You are talking to someone that could never believe that other people would pick bad things because he only picks the best.
weak bait
True, but your body has some internal stuff that helps you remember where you are, and you can likely develop methods that'll let you sense things without touch.
I'll consider removing it, but given that I am joining an MP, I might keep it for shits and giggles to see how long this build can survive without a guy dropping a hitpiece on him. There are surely workarounds and it'd be cool to see a warrior that must learn to excel through their seemingly crippling disability.
Thematic builds will always be better than minmaxxed builds because they receive a stronger Walk Blessed
You to consider if want to make the build the makes you happy or the minmaxer build. Minmaxing is actually the easiest thing to and if everyone did it basically every build would be the exact same
Tf you mean, I haven't been here in a month
>not being crippled is minmaxing
Lol, ok.
Boring ass bait that we see every thread
I can see a monk-like character fitting perfectly into a blind swordsman type, but even in the most extreme version of that trope I can think of (Baki) the character still relied on touch. Just seems like taking the most extreme version of the flaw given his build. Nothing wrong with that
Best thematic builds?
I'm not talking about the cripple drawback. Taking that IS retarded no matter what.
You are going crazy because anon picked something bad. That just shows you are a minmaxers. 4funners would not care about that.
>thinks caps is going crazy
It makes me happier if my builds have meaningful drawbacks that can cause interesting challenges. Though, as a newfag, I'll admit that most CYOAs I saw had underwhelming drawbacks that can't hit that sweet spot of a good payoff with something you can deal with without it immediately crushing you.
How else may I make my build more interesting and thematic, besides pouring inspiration from a manga I like and references to a religion I like? There have been many Sukuna builds from what I saw, and I tried to be diverse through my power and gift picks.
>continues to seethe
as expected
i made a total of three spelling error
(a instead of an, a instead of an, the third citadel being spelled citedel and then instead of than)
what actually made it hard to read?
The utter lack of capitalization and dots and the inane amount of inappropriate line breaks all contribute to an atrocious reading experience.
The religious stuff is enough to make you different, no need to shoot yourself in the foot.
I see.
So you need a more homo-genus reading environment?
It frustrates (you) when things are "out of order"?
Cyoa where I can have a dragon?
Anything not made by T*k
I played single player so I wouldn't know lol get fucked
If you're not gonna help, don't bother replying
Your bait failed~
Would (you) take the Spain dragonpill? Assume your family would also survive, would (you) sacrifice most humans on Earth for magic and elven waifus?
Here is the fully updated build for the Prince of Dharma, Enoch. Gave him a blessing, elaborated on his plans, and added some other stuff. Might add a section for wives and his opinions of them.
I wish I could write more, but I didn't want to get too wordy. Hope you like it.
I would do it every time. Hell, I would even sacrifice my remaining family. All the important ones are dead already.
Red Ravager here. I like what you ended up making. If you want to stick with your concept of a touch disabled character consider an idea I dropped and take the Void Adaptation perk to pick up Stillness. My idea was to use it as a radar like "Ping" by toggling it on and off and to repeatedly stick and move to assess your opponent. I think it's just want you need for a character that can't feel anything around him. I may end up still using this if I can decide which perk I want to sacrifice but if you like my idea i think it fits in well with your overall concept.
What fucking bait moron
Jesus christ this place is a shitshow
>t. Red jobber
Already threw it out, but this idea sounds cool. I will probably add it if I feel like throwing out a magic or two. Thanks, ravagerbro.
Cyoa where I can be a jobber?
Is tok in this room with us right now
So this is what t*k has been reduced to after his two previous attempts at bait failed on this thread...
Entropist. If you don't take novelty and talented and Alta you are dead.
>Dragonfall is mentioned
I like your formatting the most I'm gonna use it for my build
Entropiss free cyoag when
We did, We had some normal discussion interspersed with entrofags seething
>Already mindbroken by entroCHADS
We won, again.
Yes. In fact i had plans for the whole thing
Thanks. I like to make sure all my points really do add up.
Entropist makes this general active for once and give us something fun to do. Do you want to go back to a stale general with barely any fun, shitposting faggots like the catposter or magicautist, and no OC? Entropist is one of the CYOAs that triggered times of prolonged prosperity for us, it's great.
Oh no. You fell for it.
Of course he wants it turn back into a shiposting graveyard
Yeah there's a general for multiplayer stuff
Protip: it's not here
Then why did magi case get spammed?
I thought against it too
When you make good oc. The cyoa is one year old why haven't you dethroned it?
Just make a catposting general on /b/. There probably already is one actually
Center of Knowledge, poking my head back in after months away. Dunno if that really qualifies as "active" though.
Is there new Entropist stuff? I haven't looked at cyoag in months.
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1.44 MB GIF
>Walk Blessed Power
>The Eyes of Providence
>see the "divine truth" of the world, allowing you to determine someone's powers and skills only through a glance, as well as perceive all kinds of energies and hidden things
>unparalleled talent and genius, even greater than Koryuu's, allowing you to excel in anything you desire and stay consistently innovative with your powers, creating new applications for them on the fly. There's no magic or power you cannot master, for as long as you're willing to apply yourself.
>decreasing the costs while keeping the same output of power. This can also be trained, and has only two limitations: You cannot reduce the cost to zero, and your stronger abilities will typically allow reduction only up to 70-80%, due to their inherently inefficient nature. This applies to mana conversion as well.
>every 50 reincarnations, you get additional 10 Soul Points, but you'll reach a limit at some point
>do everything
>be the best at everything
>abilities cost almost nothing
>get more SP with unspecified limit
Limitless faggotry.
Was it every asked or clarified if Entropy Magnet affects your gifts/Minions and the general landscape? I assume objects means artificially created things
It affects everything. Strong enough things can just ignore it though.
Holy fuck what is this brokenness. Is like all the blessings in one.
Do Gifts and undead even age though?
Even the mountains and the dirt? How sure are you about this
Give out blessings yourselves then if it doesn't meet your impossible standards.
Is it that broken? I'll revise it and add more concrete limitations to it, tried to keep it on par with stronger blessings that can grow stronger through religion or rulership 'n' stuff.
>Is it that broken?
Yes, it is the textbook definition of broken.
Yeah, I'll see what I can do then, but I can't promise it'll fit your standards.
Dao Cultivator 2.0 kek
Holy shit why don't you faggots just go to MCYOAG.
Use something like Patriarch Dragon as the standard, not the previously setting breaker.
Getting infinite points at no risk is often considered broken
Try making it logarithmic (50,100,200, etc) and give it some risk (karma?) if you want to balance it
Patriarch Dragon is a settings breaker
I also think the benefit could be lower, like 4 points.
I am thinking of reducing efficiency a bit, capping Soul Points so you can gain around 200, and more importantly, re-designing reincarnation to include Karma mechanics. You do bad stuff in life, as a Son or otherwise, you get to reincarnate in bad lives that you need to endure to accumulate good karma through good actions, which transfer into power increase and Soul Points. That's more fair and still leaves the path to becoming a godly being open.
Up to 200*

But yeah, for more accuracy, Karma should be a relevant element and add a challenge and risk to the whole thing, in addition of all of your power being deprived from you and you being at risk of being randomly hit by one of the otherwordly threats.
>capping Soul Points so you can gain around 200
Bruh what? That might as well be infinite SP since you can fucking get everything.

I say remove the SP shit entirely.
This is why you have to use the chart
I think the points is the less op part of it. I would honestly not even change it. The real op thing here is the buff to intelligence which can be seen on everyone picking genius. Also, being able to see anything from anyone just by looking at them? Another anon had that power except he needed a piece of the other person and he could only do one at a time.
Every part of it is op. It might as well be called the Supreme All Blessing for being the best at everything.
I feel bad for them so I'll give it a shot. If it ends up being too weak or too powerful just ignore it.
>Dreamwalker Knight
Your Blessing is: Draconic Paladin
Your soul is shifted to become more draconic, and is connected even further to the Dreamlands. As such you are considered Royalty among Dragons and can assume a human-hybrid form. You gain an improved version of the Black Dragon's most feared ability to continually grow in power with age, and are almost immune to being weakened or contained as a result. This affects your Entropic powers as well to a much lesser degree. Upon sleep you physically enter the dreamlands, though you are not able to leave if you are under the effects of the Deep Sleep drawback. If you survive long enough to become an Origin Dragon, you may enter at will, and the race of Dragons you spawn will acquire this ability as well. As a knight for justice your Feast For Evil perk is improved, as your Dark Smite ability to harm them scales with their sins, allowing you to easily cleave through the defences of the most vile. Finally, your Dark Smite ability itself is changed, and you are able to use souls to both reduce the cooldown, and increase the power of the ability, though this is somewhat expensive. This works similar to Physical Enhancement, and with hard work, practice & skill, you can permanently reduce the cooldown or increase its power in time, making the usage of this ability less expensive.

>astral harvester
lol, no
>Prince OF Dharma, Enoch
Your Blessing is: The Strongest
Your Void Cutter & Malevolent Shrine Territory are greatly improved. Void cutter comes instinctively to you, and you have the ability to "stretch" the ability in certain ways. For example, this could eventually allow you to manipulate the Entropic energy to allow you to reap the souls of those who are killed. Every single attribute for your Territory doubles, including durability, range or amount of times this ability can be used. Furthermore, as long as it is someone you love, you can grant them all of the benefits of the Territory while they are inside it, though they cannot create one themselves. Finally, your pursuit of strength has given you the ability to seek out those considered "The Strongest" among the various worlds and planes of the Multiverse. While challenging these foes, you skyrocket in your knowledge & control over your abilities, allowing you to create new techniques on the fly, or improve them greatly in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. This only applies to fights that actually challenge you, and life or death struggles will greatly improve this still.
>Dream, Golden Truth, neither magic nor physical focused
Your Blessing is: Lucid Dreamer
You find the surreal realms of the Dreamlands to be much more malleable. You can use Power Word & Golden Truth much easier here, and find that you the area around you in the Dreamlands is much more malleable for you, and can change it solely through using Power Word. Your Word is the Iron Law here, as Dreamland creatures and travellers find themselves unable to obey your command if they are much weaker than you, though anyone on your level or above is immune to this. You are elevated to true Royalty within the Dreamlands, even if you don't have the power to show for it, and have much more respect and influence within the Dreamlands. Similarly to Astra, you can bring the Dreamlands with you to the greater Multiverse, though this is limited, and anything brought with you soon dissolves into dreamstuff.
What chart?
Nice one, but this is some egregious repetition and it has a mistake. FIFY:
You find the surreal realms of the Dreamlands to be much more malleable for you. You can use Power Word & Golden Truth much easier in the Dreamlands and can change it solely through using Power Word. Your Word is the Iron Law here, as Dreamland creatures and travellers find themselves unable to disobey your command if they are much weaker than you, though anyone on your level or above is immune to this. You are elevated to true Royalty within the Dreamlands, even if you don't have the power to show for it, and have much more respect and influence within the Dreamlands. Similarly to Astra, you can bring the Dreamlands with you to the greater Multiverse, though this is limited, and anything brought with you soon dissolves into dreamstuff.
Why do we have to explain to someone that a blessing that gives you all powers in the cyoa and makes you the best ever at using them is op?? Is he retard?
>Is he retard?
Yes. I >>93270745 predicted it.
So I guess we really can't have custom wb from anons since they can't control their powefaggotry
Deleted my rentry page, going to rework my blessing and add more detail. Thanks for all feedback, I am running away in shame.
Kek. You just need to use the chart for your WB. Other than that your build had some interesting flavor
>able to recognize mistake
Lucid Dreamer here. I really enjoy this blessing, thank you for granting it to me. I don't know how strong it is compared to others, but it extends the main idea of my build (being insanely respected and having a lot of pull in the Dreamlands) very nicely, gives me some strong homefield advantage and lets me take that homefield along with me. I like it a lot thematically, no matter how strong it is, though it's obviously super versatile.

Thanks again anon.
Sure, but I wanted something that's on par with the strongest Blessings available, that doesn't immediately break everything. This would fly better if I decided to stick to SP.
Cool stuff, thanks brah.
Seems overtuned
Gotta link to the builds.

Your Blessing is: Draconic Paladin
Your soul is shifted to become more draconic, and is connected even further to the Dreamlands. As such you are considered Royalty among Dragons and can assume a human-hybrid form. You gain an improved version of the Black Dragon's most feared ability to continually grow in power with age, and are almost immune to being weakened or contained as a result. This affects your Entropic powers as well to a much lesser degree. Upon sleep you physically enter the dreamlands, though you are not able to leave if you are under the effects of the Deep Sleep drawback. If you survive long enough to become an Origin Dragon, you may enter at will, and the race of Dragons you spawn will acquire this ability as well. As a knight for justice your Feast For Evil perk is improved, as your Dark Smite ability to harm them scales with their sins, allowing you to easily cleave through the defences of the most vile. Finally, your Dark Smite ability itself is changed, and you are able to use souls to both reduce the cooldown, and increase the power of the ability, though this is somewhat expensive. This works similar to Physical Enhancement, and with hard work, practice & skill, you can permanently reduce the cooldown or increase its power in time, making the usage of this ability less expensive.
Your Blessing is: The Strongest
Your Void Cutter & Malevolent Shrine Territory are greatly improved. Void cutter comes instinctively to you, and you have the ability to "stretch" the ability in certain ways. For example, this could eventually allow you to manipulate the Entropic energy to allow you to reap the souls of those who are killed. Every single attribute for your Territory doubles, including durability, range or amount of times this ability can be used. Furthermore, as long as it is someone you love, you can grant them all of the benefits of the Territory while they are inside it, though they cannot create one themselves. Finally, your pursuit of strength has given you the ability to seek out those considered "The Strongest" among the various worlds and planes of the Multiverse. While challenging these foes, you skyrocket in your knowledge & control over your abilities, allowing you to create new techniques on the fly, or improve them greatly in a fraction of the time it would otherwise take. This only applies to fights that actually challenge you, and life or death struggles will greatly improve this still.
Your Blessing is: Lucid Dreamer
You find the surreal realms of the Dreamlands to be much more malleable for you. You can use Power Word & Golden Truth much easier in the Dreamlands and can change it solely through using Power Word. Your Word is the Iron Law here, as Dreamland creatures and travellers find themselves unable to disobey your command if they are much weaker than you, though anyone on your level or above is immune to this. You are elevated to true Royalty within the Dreamlands, even if you don't have the power to show for it, and have much more respect and influence within the Dreamlands. Similarly to Astra, you can bring the Dreamlands with you to the greater Multiverse, though this is limited, and anything brought with you soon dissolves into dreamstuff.
Total Shit
>Nice one, but this is some egregious repetition
It's like 2 AM sorry chief
>t. troll
How would you change it?
No argument? So you agree I'm right?
They do way too much shit while also scaling infinitely.
No problem mate
Fair enough. They can ignore these if they want. The Sukuna one is borderline a shitpost desu.
Fucking lmaoooooooo why can't anons make a single proper blessing? EA made 100 surely making one shouldn't be hard
>another episode of entropistfags pretending that WB matters when entropistanon has been inconsistently throwing OP shit around and his CYOA crashed and burned with him
go back to /mcyoag/ and stop reaping this song and dance
Other ones granted by anons are okay. The key is to not make your own blessing.
>>93273118 meant for >>93273055 & >>93273064
Go sleep.
Thanks! This is pretty cool.
>anon makes WB for other builds
>makes the 3 most busted WB in the setting
>still somehow weaker than >>93272576
Never change /cyoag/ kek. Serious question why not play Ultimate God instead?
>>makes the 3 most busted WB in the setting
All significantly weaker than Patriarch Dragon
This is a literal Multiplayer thread, what the fuck.
>"I-I only took it for the points!"
>the build that buckbroke /cyoag/
>Finally happy with my build
>putting it all together
>over budget by one point
>Views: 376
Holy shit, there are so many bots in this thread. No wonder this place is infested with shitposters.
>Holy shit, there are so many bots on 4chan
one time this exact same thing happened to me, but I posted it anyways. Nobody noticed, and tierlist anon added it to the buildlist. Unfortunately, by making this post the door is now closed
You're not baiting me into checked everyone, buddy.
it was a long time ago, for a different CYOA. Not baiting anyone but anon
Can someone remind me of how to format this?
As in build format?
unfortunately that's not how I play. Mistakes happen but If we knowingly break the self imposed rules of an imagination game, then the game it's self loses all meaning
sacrifices will have to be made
Use the custom rules. They are not bad.
I suggest:
>Walk Blessed Power:
[insert blessing]

>Starting Powers:
Entropic: [insert options]
Non Entropic: [insert options]

>Future Powers:
Entropic: [insert options]
Non Entropic: [insert options]

[insert options]

[insert options]

[insert options]

[insert options]

[insert options]

[insert plan]

For comments on what you have, put them two line breaks below any [insert x] like this for example:
[insert options]

[insert comment]
Alternatively, instead of Future Powers, you can replace the section with Full Powers where you list everything you will have, including things you start with.
Please, use the chart, it can make your use of void cutter better, buff the ascended masters, and therefore you too, it isn't bad and it's how the game is intended. I can't read your build, it doesn't open to me but I would suggest to combo the malevolent territory and stillness to give an enligthened omnisciense idea, in wich the opponent is on the palm of your hand.
it is explicitly not how the game is intended
A walk blessed, pretty obviously, shouldn't give more than 5 SP, what you paid it, one of the most limited WB, Peace, gave three, use the custom rules.
>Walk Blessed Power:
1, 3(Blood Guard), 12, 16(Master Smith, Master Enchanter)

>Starting Powers:
Entropic: Soul Drain(Drain Life), Reap(Weapon Master, Physical Attacks), Blood Magic(Full Upgrades), Soul Magic(Full Upgrades), Consume Soul(Boost), Essence Enchant(Perk), Winds of Death, Aligned Magnificence, Reverberating Harpoon(Full Upgrades), Oblivion Strike, Spirit Armor(Full Upgrades), Aura(Dread, Majesty, Power), Nightmare Magic(Full Upgrades), Dark Smite(Upgraded)
Non Entropic: Elemental Simulacrum(Water, Wind), Physical Empowerment, Shadow Magic, Sleep Magic(Full Upgrades)

>Future Powers:
Entropic: Walk Blessed

Had enough that I could afford this as a bonus, hit me with your best shot!

Void Adaptation, Commander, Sleepless, Extra Lives

Void Adaptation was taken because sometimes there can be very little air in the forge, the rest were taken for general utility mostly.

Spirit Warrior, Vampires, Deathknight, Elder Vampire, Death Lord, Blood Guard, Nephilim Bannermen

Ahh, the Blood Guard, my finest work yet! While I won't have many at any one time (about 1 for every 100 Elder Vampires and Deathlords) they will get first pick of my finest gear...

Alta, Elaine, Astra

Limited Capacity, Lonely, Hunted, The Final Rapture, Eclipsed God, Chosen Paladin, Portent, One Man Army, Orphan

Well... I'm waiting, come forth if you thing you can take me!


Made a Soul Smith style build, Hybrid between a Warrior and a Smith/Enchanter Combo.

If it isn't good enough for me, it's not good enough for use.

My Sanctum is the Soul Forge, where I create my Weapons and Armor for my forces.
Could you please use the way stated within the rules to have a WB?
Why? I think he should use the chart, but beside that I fail to see the problem.
It is explicitely that, after EA go away you are intended to use that.
EA did not say that or put it in his cyoa

I will tell you in advance, I forgive you
Beautiful build, really strong, I only would like to warn you, the blood guards aren't actually stronger than death lord, just differently strong.
I am aware, that is why the get the best stuff.

They know how to be more than a brick through a windshield.
7 and 8 are so weird
>This is the official rulset for making "Walk blessed" blessings if the author is no longer handing them out.
anon it wasnt made by the author
check the archives sooner
Good, again that's a really powerful build, Orphan in multiplayer is a bit risky though.
Blood Guard crushes in single combat 100% of the time
It's a risk yes. But Sons get priority Orders, so that should keep them from killing me.
>Entropistanon here.

I made a ruleset for custom Walk Blessed blessings, seeing as I'm very likely not going to be around for very long.
Why no Oaths? Benevolent elder for soul magic is pretty easy,eternal ravager much less but you could take a perk with speak as he.
I could have sworn...
Everyone can make mistakes, thank for believing me at least, I was half scared I was dealing with a troll.
It was originally a challenge build, but I liked it enough to make it into the real deal.

>Here were the Rules
You must take the following: Limited Capacity, Hunted, Portent, One Man Army, Orphan, and Multiplayer

You may not take the following: Entropy Magnet, True Son, Single Root, Homogeneous Existence, or Rabid

You may not take Oaths
I understand, my build had the challenge to take the most possible gifts while taking every single requirement, without cheesing with commander, so I have many powers, like spirit armor or void cutter that are just the requirements of requirements.
Just for you, poor Anon, i have rewritten it to be easier to read.

If you would like a new image, just imagine a more convoluted one in your head
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Nta and maybe I'm dumb but why don't you simply create 1 Thaneem, make it fleshwarp itself, make the entropy herald within and send them to space? wouldn't that be simpler?
i could, but why?
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21 KB
Oh my Father, is that a poem with full rimes? I applaud the effort.
>build says "The picture attached"
>no picture attached
You had a cool drawing, put it in the build.
the cost efficeincy
that would be like 0.1% payload and would start very slow

an alright idea though, always good to put stuff in other stuff
Yes this was just to avoid the enormous complications in melding the Hitsuji in living citadels. I also suggest to take shakow magic, to help make invisible the Hitsuji, but elemental simulacrum wind might be useful too.
the trick is using sleep, utility magic and consume soul einherjar
without it you actually have to have a supply chain
Oh this is a quote. I thought he came back for a moment. Sad, I had a barrage of questions ready.
Thanks, your build finally doesn't make me want to vomit. Still no caps or dots, which I would crucify you for if not for the poem.

Nice poem, but put it in normal, non poem, form so that it can be understood.

>ectos has very little combat potential and it will be a century or so before i summon her
If I'm understanding this right, you're staving off Rabid by waiting a century to summon your second Gift, Ectos? Insanity. Rabid is a trap to begin with, but this is pure insanity.

>once i can kill these the souls wont matter
What does this mean?

>i will not take true son because i plan to clone myself, genderswap the clone, and fuck the clone

>i can kill them easily if they go rabid
Wdym? Rabid only procs on your second Gift summon.
Sorry to disappoint. I hadn't foreseen how it would have formatted.
>I had a barrage of questions ready
Ask them anyway. Maybe the thread can answer. Well, unless it's things like future projects.
It procs on the first, AKA the free one.
No, it procs on the first one "using souls," which is the second summon since your first is free.
Nah it's character and future project questions. Things like what is the personality inspiration for Ectos since he answered for some waifus but not all.
Oh I've been reading that wrong this whole time!
>>Walk Blessed Power:
>1, 3(Blood Guard), 12, 16(Master Smith, Master Enchanter)

While I don't mind my setup, I would like to see what Blessing you'd give it if you're up for it!
>125 sections
>79633 characters
>12768 words
What the fuck. This is so much out of cyoa info.
ok build
it doesnt include much personality or place in the world, but it's a good start
walk blessed
the final forgemaster
whenever you create a weapon, a second materializes
whenever a weapon you forged kills something, you absorb 1/100th of its soul
the fires of your forge never run out
And the world keeps on turning

What compels you to write this way? Are you genuinely mentally ill?
anon you have autism
>the final forgemaster
>whenever you create a weapon, a second materializes
>whenever a weapon you forged kills something, you absorb 1/100th of its soul
>the fires of your forge never run out

I can work with this! Sorry for not giving you much to work off of...
I think I'm going to come back in the morning a refine this build a bit.

We'll see what I make later as I'm getting some Warhammer inspired ideas.
hehe i did this for pacyoa:te
this is a mark post so i can find this in the archives
bad prose

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