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Previous thread: >>93213791

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: Have you built anything with Meta-Tech yet? If so, how was it?
GURPS Bio-Tech page 62 also talks about attributes for Miniature Humans, specifically that extremely small humans should have much less ST and possibly less IQ due to their reduced brain mass.
You could realistically set your fairies at 1 or 2 ST, unless you're making Nac Mac Feegle explicitly-physics-ignoring types.
didn't DF have a whole section on fairy PCs
First foray at making an ODST from Halo using Action 4 and Ultra-Tech.
Don't forget that magic costs extra energy to effect larger sized targets, so playing wizards isn't going to let them circumvent their small size.
Dungeon Fantasy 3 p. 8
This is my Fairy bro
He has Might spell at 20 bro
Could your GURPS character beat Goku?
Could a /tg/ anon not shitpost?
where do you think we are
Cabal says that, to become a master, you have to pass an impossible test with no time to prepare, such as surviving your own decapitation.
So, how do you survive getting decapitated?
I mean, Cabalists are all mages. Master mages have plenty of tricks up their sleeve.
>Soul Jar
>Transform Body to a race that can survive decapitation e.g. Dulahans or other undead
>Body of Air/Fire/Water/etc., assuming that passing a blade through the neck counts still counts as "decapitation" even if it whiffs with little effect
>Steelthwraith, with the same caveat as before
>Reflex + Decapitation
>Delay + Ressurection
>The "body" that was decapitated was actually a golem/illusion/whatever that the mage has been puppeteering since Day 1.

"Now Anon," you may argue, "the test allows for no prep time, and many of these spells require ample prep time; they don't count!" To that I say that any Cabalist worth his salt has half a dozen contingency plans for his sudden death in place at any given time already; they're all paranoid megalomaniacs, of course they're always prepared for some upstart rival to chop their head off. They probably start each morning off with some quick calisthenics, a warm coffee, and fifteen minutes of stacking spells to cheat death.
its neither hat I would want to hand players as a cheat sheet booklet to not need to reference the basic set so much, nor dies it include any of the stuff I would want GURPS for. is a strange booklet whose appeal I just don't see.
It there like a hyperlinked version of the core book?
Just something you can click through to find information quickly.
Even a fan wiki where all the rules annd information is laid out to build characters with?
there's the GCA app, and you can connect it to a slightly modified compilation PDF and it'll send you to the relevant page when you click stuff.
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Am I reading this right?
If you modify your bullet to do a non-damage effect, you get a discount based on the normal damage. e.g. if your gun usually does 3d pi, you get a 15 point discount on the actual ability you want (ignoring any modifications to Acc, Range, RoF, etc. for the sake of a simple example). So you could get Binding 10 for 5 points (or rather, the equivalent dollar cost).
But if you just want more damage, you have to pay for all of it. So instead of just paying the difference between 3d pi and 4d pi (5 points), you pay the full 20 points (worth of cash).
This seems rather counter-intuitive. Not only does it work differently for different cases, but the way in which it is different is exactly the opposite to what I would expect. Just enhancing an existing effect seems like it should be easier than completely replacing it.
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>its neither hat I would want to hand players as a cheat sheet booklet to not need to reference the basic set so much,

What would you want to use for this?
I might have to play 3E as that’s the only books I can buy within my budget or print off.
4E’s use of colour pages make it a non-starter and the cost of them physically is too much.
Anyone ever run or play Reign of Steel? It's probably one of my favorite takes on a Terminator-style AI apocalypse future. The fact that there's 18 super AIs with their own agendas just adds so much character and chaos to the setting, I love it.
You bullied him too hard. I hope you are proud
That's pathetic. He needs to grow a fucking spine.
>my mental health!
Literally hate people who talk like this. They only invoke their mental health to justify piss poor behavior or not fulfilling their obligations or expectations.
I have not, but I've been thinking about putting together an Infinite Worlds game where the players are patrol agents assigned to Steel, and need to run guns to resistance fighters and try to steal advanced machine tech while avoiding capture and not letting either the machines or humans learn about parachronics.
Oh, come on, give him a break. His spine probably buckled under the massive weight of his body and his ego
Sounds like he's got one foot in the grave already
Guess that leaves Cole as King GURPSfag
Oof. I generally don't like making fun of people on their deathbed, but this retard sure loved bragging about how tough and hardcore he is. Doesn't look like he learned any humility since then.
Might be a bit too autistic but are there any rules for using flamethrowers in enclosed spaces? My party is in a multi-level underground bunker complex and am wondering if using an M2 flamer would burn up all the oxygen.
That's hard
Very cool anon
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I'm creating some pregens for a cyberpunk oneshot (I've mentioned it in other /GURPSGEN/ threads).
Right now, I'm stuck with the Infiltrator, my idea is that its a streamer (future youtuber) with high spy skills.
So far, I'm thinking of
Advantages: Very Beautiful, Charsimatic, Talent (Smooth Operator)
Disadvantages: Code of Honor, Enemies (Corporation)
Skills: Acting, Disguise (mostly make-up), Escape, Forgery, Fast-Talk, Sex Appeal, Shadowing, Stealth and finally Judo when things get personal and she has to fight and flee

I'm thinking of adding something like Fame/celebrity statos (but only when se wants to be recognized), and some kind of clicke/"In the know" fans, and the Corporations trying to occlude her, trying to make her look bad.

What would be your reccomendations? Any idea?
Sadly no, I tried looking for them when I was equipping a space station's security force with flamers and couldn't find any. I did manage to cobble together some usable rules for how long humans can breathe in enclosed areas with limited air, but I hit a wall when trying to figure out how much oxygen fire itself would eat up; far as I got was finding out fires typically output ~13kJ of energy per gallon of oxygen consumed, but converting from GURPS damage to kJ was too difficult.
You'll find that other methods are much slower.

Guy is going at a leisurely pace, and taking time to aim, but even a simple belt was over 15s. Really, 3 seconds to draw the string back is generous.
why do all the gurps writers keep dying
is gurps cursed or something
No, GURPS just made the mistake of assuming that SJG would continue to give a damn about it.
It’s not Munchkin, so it does bring in the money and Steve couldn’t care less. He refused to let it grow in the 90s when it was more widely known because he was sick of licensing issues. He let 4E die by 2010 because it wasn’t selling.
Now it has no young writers who want to write for it but unlike Chaosium, which is in the same boat, there’s no leader with a desire to make it their Magnus Opus. Also art sells and GURPS art peaked in the 90s.
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I always read the combat rules first when looking at a new system. I looked at all of the possible types of attacks you can make in GURPS, and it seems a bit complicated for my purposes. Are you expected to make use of all of those options in your games, or is it modular like the supplements are? Can I simplify combat for my tiny brain to handle better?
>or is it modular like the supplements are? Can I simplify combat for my tiny brain to handle better?
yes and yes
Thanks. Was worried I might fuck up some major element in the rest of the core rules or something. I think cutting out certain aspects of combat can make supplemental advantages and stuff not work, but I guess I can just avoid those or change them myself.
More or less, yeah. If you want simple combat, ignore things like bleeding, All-Out options, hit locations (just assume torso), retreats, rapid strikes and dual-weapon attacks, special moves like entangling or arm locks, and so on. The only somewhat-complicated thing I suggest keeping in regardless of how simple you like your combat is Deceptive Attacks (-1 to target's defense for every -2 you take to your attack) because that's how you keep duels between master warriors from being 45 minutes of missing each other until someone randomly crits. But other than that, yeah you can (and should) tailor things to the needs of you and your group.

Best thing, you can introduce these more complicated aspects slowly as the game progresses, letting the expanding options mirror your PC's increasing skills. Alternatively, lock them behind the Unusual Background advantage to make them unique tricks only the player can do; this both gives them a powerful niche and offloads needing to juggle more rules onto the player (e.g. if only the Assassin can target the vitals, you can bet that they'll be motivated to remember how it works rather than rely on you to memorize it).
Thanks. Those seem like good ideas to me.
>you can introduce these more complicated aspects slowly as the game progresses

This 1000%, did it in my current campaign after struggling to teach a new party the rules and it worked flawlessly. In my experience it also helps to give each person a separate class of gun to specialize in so they can learn the unique rules on their own. The PC I gave a shotgun to ended up researching all the autism rules on his own and now seems to have a pretty good grasp on combat in general.
Are there any good free tools to remove a (square) grid from a battlemap I find online? It looks too busy when put into foundry.
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Why is it easier to find 3E books than 4E books?
Aren't a lot of the 4E kickstarter things?
If it's cyberpunk Judo probably isn't gonna cut it. I'd also add a hidden monowire or armblades or jsut a gun somewhere in her body.
Search and Computer Operation (Or however else you want to do hacking) is probably also important.
Her fans could be depending on how devoted they are be a contact, a patron, or an ally, really depends on what you're going for.
Her separate Celebrity Status may be handled with morph or alternate form, I don't remember exactly which one gives you a new face. Then buy Status or Reputation for when she wears her real face.
Not KS but core books and supplements.
I can get a copy of almost any 3E for 30 bucks or less with shipping but a 4E book goes for 50 total, minimum.
And a bunch of them are just not available at all.
>morph or alternate form
Alternate Form gives a single different form, Morph is a wildcard version of it. Both can be limited to be purely cosmetic.
Larger, longer print runs for 3e combined with many places willing to sell 3e stuff for cheap since it's secondhand and not as in demand.
What was the highest character point total you ever played or DMed at?
Mid 400s, I think. Started as a 250-point game that both ran for a long while and where I was WAY too generous with character points.
1000+ but all the characters were space marines from 40k. Worked out pretty well because everyone they were fighting was around the same level.
Highest I've played was 500, highest I've ran was mid-400s
Many of the 3rd edition books are half the size of their 4th edition counterpart, and have very poor production quality (paperbacks with shit binding where the pages are just glued in place and fall out after moderate use). They are also low-clay black-and-white, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but was cheaper than the high-clay full colour printing used for most 4th ed. books. On the other hand, the 4th edition print-on-demand books from Amazon cut a lot of corners too.
400. I ran a Monster Hunters campaign one. It was fun to run but I hated preparing stuff for it.
SJGames can be quite diligent when it comes to fan-made wikis and shutting them down. I've been working on a private wiki in my spare time, though I haven't been able to work on it in a month. The eventual plan is a searchable hyperlinked database of the basic set (with some extra specific limitations/enhancements from Powers) that you can use on a computer or phone. Feel free to take what I've made so far as a jumping off point for your own work.
I put a copy of it in the mega HTML folder
Looks pretty handy so far! Great work, anon.
>there are two HTML faggots now
I've got my own version on Obsidian too.
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We need to contain it before it becomes pandemic.
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Middleman formats like WikiText, Markdown, and LaTeX are <em>fake</em> HTML. <em>Real</em> HTML faggots are capable of appreciating the beauty of the raw markup.
don't you talk smack about LaTeX
Whoops, I forgot that LaTeX outputs to PDF, not to HTML. But HTML still is better. Pages are so 20th-century.
I also uploaded those HTML versions of Twists and Atlantropa.
Twist deez nuts
Another ODST, this time a sniper that can also open doors and safes.

Thank you, anon.
Whoa anon, like the whole basic set in obsidian? Or just custom stuff for your campaign?
Not really html, I used TiddlyWiki
Hey HTMLfag, I've been wondering, what game are you currently playing/running/prepping, and what was the previous one?
Mainly skills and attributes plus some world building stuff for an old Hellenic campaign.
Learn /gurpsg/ lore. HTMLfag stated multiple times that he has never actually played a game
I use it for leisiure and for work. Wonderful personal journaling system; I think I'm better at reading the markup than the final output X-)R00HTR
What does dodging represent in a gun fight and how is it meant to make sense? And whatever the answer, how does it work when you're dealing with multiple different attacks from multiple different directions?
I've thought about running a terminator game in the past, more straight up actual terminator than this though.
I think there's a Pyramid article that fixes this problem by saying: "During your turn, you may declare that you are taking 'evasive movement' against ONE enemy. If that enemy attacks you with a ranged weapon, you can use the Dodge defense against that attack. Otherwise, Dodge cannot be used against ranged attacks."
Basically you're just trying to actively not be where the gun is pointing at any given time; imagine there's a massive stick coming out of the barrel at all times and you just don't want it to touch you. While the meta order of operations may stretch the credulity of this--in-universe you're constantly ducking and weaving, but by the rules of the game you only roll Dodge after you've been shot at, and only then if the bullet would hit--the results are more or less accurate to what data we have from real-world shootouts. Crippling Dodge against firearms may make things *seem* more accurate but the end result would actually be less realistic and cause more shots to land than they should.

I think a cumulative -1 for repeated Dodging and need to roll defenses simultaneously to attacks (so you don't know if the shot would have even hit before you roll) can help mitigate things feeling weird without actually changing the results too much.
That sounds interesting. One idea I was brewing up is an evasive movement free action that have you a -1 to some things and a -2 to other things, but allowed dodges. Issue is that's more videogamey than realistic.
>constantly ducking and weaving
Does that at all match real life though? Feels like an idle animation from a turn based strategy more than something real people ever do in an equivalent scenario.
GURPS assumes people are moving around a decent amount in combat, even if they RAW stay in their same hex. And in a real life scenario people don't stay put. Instead, they run, and running serpentine is a strategy for surviving an active shooter. That's basically the same concept I described above: you are constantly moving to try and not be where the gun is pointing.
i thought it was stupid that they allow dodging against ranged attacks but not blocking
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It's on Tactical Shooting p. 17.
>And in a real life scenario people don't stay put
They do for the most part. People aren't ducking and weaving during fire fights, gang bangers sometimes jump around like absolute retards but that carries a major action penalty.
GURPS Gang Bangers
Any supplements for designing ammunition? I want to make 9mm electroshock rounds.
Not even GURPS Vehicles is that autistic.
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I like the simplified combat rules from After the End 2 which ditches the combat map for a more abstract set of modifiers.
Please read an entire post before replying to it.
I did, the rest just wasn't worth quoting.
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Attempt at remaking a character I played on another system many years ago.
A normal guy who ended up with his mind uploaded on a mass produced combat android then subsequently abandoned/escaped.
I wanted to keep the cost down at 250 points like other Action characters but making a robot template is expensive, so I went ahead and gave myself 50 more points.
I think he ended up a bit too skilled, the original idea was to have a naive/unskilled character brute forcing his way using a mech body.
Oh neat thanks
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Does spending points on being fast with a crossbow (such as buying extra attacks and extra readies to use with a repeating crossbow) ever beat out spending the same amount of points on being fast with a bow (such as stuff like pic.rel.)?
So is meta-tech a new must buy that contains rules that should have been in the basic set?
Only if you want the entire "use points to buy up wealth to afford to pay cash for things you statted with points to begin with" nonsense.
Is there anything like this for 4E?
A resource that lists historical ranks?
Yeah, a rank table with the cost on it.
Also Social Engineering: Pulling Rank
Thanks for the link.
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>stealing stuff from GURPS Space Atlas, WEG Star Wars and various books
>now have far too many factions and planets to fit into a single sector or campaign

Time to be ruthless.
Anyone got the Pyramid 2 HTML archive?
>had a dream I was GM'ing the bank heist one-shot that I have planned
still haven't ran it yet because a few players don't have their character sheets done yet
How'd it go in the dream?
They got into the vault but it was filled with a ton of little safes deposit boxes that all had dial combination locks on them. So they spent a bunch of time trying to crack each one while fighting off cops.
Also for some reason there were a bunch of boxes of diamond tipped 9mm ammo in the vault. That probably came from playing a survival crafting game with friends last night.
I think all the material is in our archive, but not well organised and without images.
>how rich are you?
>*show diamond tipped 9mm*
Thoughts on the Roma Arcana setting? Reading through it, magic Roman Empire that's lost the favor of the gods, it's not bad, but the dinosaurs kind of break my immersion.
Yeah the dinos being just there are an artifact of the era the setting was written in, but other than that I'm a fan. I'm a dork for overly complicated magic systems though, so my favorite part is the various mystery schools and Egyptian and Jewish sorcery. It's just more fun if magic is broken up into schools/traditions rather than everyone being Magery 3 generalist casters.
i would just replace the dinosaurs with elephants and mammoths and aurochs
How do I make a spider-mutant-man that can shoot strings to make webs as a trap/obstacle?
model it as an innate attack with affliction
Like most super heroes, you'll have either a bunch of different abilities to simulate all the things you can do with your power, or at least many different mutually exclusive modifiers and Selectivity.

I think for Legally Distinct Arachnid-Lad to lay some traps, you have the Binding ability that underlies your typical shoot-your-goo-to-tie-up-baddies ability, and then you apply modifiers like Area Effect, Persistent, and Wall alongside Selectivity, to toggle between normal direct attacks and covering an area in a trap. You could also use the rules for Limited Enhancements (p. B111) to make Area Effect both cheaper and less desirable as a default, maybe Takes Extra Time to represent the time it takes tho shoot your webs across an area, Costs FP (if the webbing is biological and making that much at once taxes your limits) or Limited Use (if it's artificial webbing and you only have enough supply for a given number of big ol' webs), or maybe something as utilitarian as Reduced Range if you can't create that many webs at a distance.
>the dinos being just there are an artifact of the era the setting was written in
I'm ignorant about this. Could you tell me more?
>I'm a dork for overly complicated magic systems though, so my favorite part is the various mystery schools and Egyptian and Jewish sorcery. It's just more fun if magic is broken up into schools/traditions rather than everyone being Magery 3 generalist casters.
Definitely agree. Adds depth, immersion, and fun. I also find myself liking the suggested campaign of having the players be agents of a city's patrons. Lots of room for a good campaign.
Good advice. Given the setting is about the gods no longer favoring the empire, I think mythical creatures from ancient legends fit just fine without the additional of dinosaurs.
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>I'm ignorant about this. Could you tell me more?
Nothing too deep, just that dinos were kind of enjoying a resurgence in popularity, starting with Jurassic Park in '93 but sustained via other series for over a decade; the one series in particular that I was thinking of when I typed that was Dinotopia, which was a hugely popular series of books among kids my age, and that lasted into the mid 2000s. It even got a TV series just two years before 4e Fantasy came out.

All of this just to say that it's not surprising to see dinos sort of shoved into a setting. They were popular enough and people had them on the mind, so it's not a stretch that someone looking to add something to a fantasy setting for some easy spice would come up with dinosaurs.

Also the first picture in the Roma Arcana chapter reminded me of pic related.
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Building Fallout meta tech weapons,armor, and drugs. Started small with the power fist and super sledge, took some advise in the last thread. Built off $1000 base. The power fist is having interesting interactions with the karate +2 per die modifer, not sure if i like it yet.
What would a pipboy cost?
Video game version that stops time? Or the more realistic one that is mostly a portable computer, map, gps, radio? I was planning to make the 2nd type.
What would VATS be in GURPS?
The key abilities are Binding and Innate Attack with the Wall modifier. Typical web-slingers also have the Climbing Line and Swinging perks (GURPS Supers p.31).
Hit locations
Enhanced Time Sense.
Maybe Lightning Calculator, although that's a lame advantage.
I seem to have misplaced my Iron GURPS roll tables, and they're not in the OP. Can any kind Anon post his, I feel like making a new setting.
This sounds so fucking cool, I wish I could play in it.
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Catgirl bioroid
Catboy bioroid
gay but your heart is in the right place
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Added Saethors Bane that's been waiting for a minute and the new Pyramid Volume 2 HTML Full Collection.
What do you think of these racial templates for a TL3 fantasy game. Humans, naturally, have no template. Some of them are based on Fantasy Folk with some changes to fit in with the lore. Characters are 150/-75/-5

>Elf (54)
Attributes: ST -1 (-10), DX +1 (20), IQ +1 (20)
Advantages: Attractive Appearance (4), Magery (15), Unaging (15)
Disadvantages: Code of Honour—Elven Pride (-10)

>Dwarf (14)
Attributes: ST +1 (10), HT +1 (10)
Advantages: Extended Lifespan 1 (2), Damage Resistance 1 (5), Magic Resistance 1 (2)
Disadvantages: Greed (-15)

>Hobbit (15)
Attributes: ST -1 (-10), DX +1 (20)
Advantages: Reputation–Friendly Folk +1 (5), Increased Will +2 (10)
Disadvantages: Code of Honour—Hospitality (-5), Gluttony (-5)

>Lapine (47) - Rabbit people from Lepelond, a brutal feudal Kingdom.
Attributes: DX +2 (40)
Advantages: 360-Degree-Vision (25), Super Jump +1 (10), Acute Hearing +1 (2)
Disadvantages: Combat Paralysis (-15), Lecherousness (-15)

>Sirin (40) - Bird People from the icy tundras of the Kyivan Sír.
Attributes: DX+1 (20) HT +1 (10)
Advantages: Flight—Winged* (20), Sharp Beak (1), Acute Vision +2 (4)
Disadvantages: Fragile (-15)
*Sirin characters are recommended to buy the Flight skill as well, which enables them to more easily fight and perform actions while airborne.
425 I think. fun magical girl game over discord, was fun.
Just use Dungeon Fantasy or GURPS Fantasy, no need to reinvent the wheel.
Is there any good templates for 100 point modern and near-modern characters?
Where you are expected to bolt a few lenses or extras on.
>Just use Dungeon Fantasy or GURPS Fantasy, no need to reinvent the wheel.
it's not a dungeon crawler or hack and slash, and I'd rather make my own world with templates that are accurate to that world
Sell me on your favored magic system.
I'm not a fan of folding social norms (like CoH or Greed) into racial templates but that's my own hangup, feel free to ignore it.

I worry that your first three races don't bring enough to the table to meaningfully differentiate them from humans. Aside from Unaging for example, which is a very niche trait IMO, a human can buy everything on the elf's racial template. Obviously there will be in-universe differences between an elf and a graceful, attractive, arrogant human mage, and those difference provide ample fodder for roleplaying, but I also like to ensure there are also plenty of mechanical differences too. Something as simple as Speaks with Animals/Plants or a Contact Group of nature spirits or a minor Detect, some gimmick or niche a human can't easy usurp with the points they aren't spending on a template.

Combat Paralysis is fucking BRUTAL and basically ensures that any Lapine PCs are going to get ganked. It also begs the question of how their kingdom manages to be brutal, or even exist at all given that any would-be invader could curbstomp them.

There are multiple varieties of Fragile that cost [-15], but I assume you mean Fragile (Brittle). Unless the Sirin are themselves as icy as their homeland, I think something like Weakness (Crushing) or hell (Physical Damage) in general would be more appropriate for living creatures that are quite frail.
Thank you, anon. I appreciate the feedback. I'm wondering what I can replace Combat Paralysis with, I agree that it's quite brutal, especially for an entire species and it doesn't work very well diagetically.
Yes, Sirin are Fragile (Brittle), which represents their hollow bones, it may be better for me to specify that.
Re: Elves and their mechanical differences from humans, these elves are also more urban, having lost touch of their reverence for nature. Still, being able to speak with animals might be a fun addition. I've also given Dwarves Dark Vision.
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Okay, for now, I've removed Combat Paralysis from the Lapine template all together, Elves can now Speak to Animals, Dwarves have Dark Vision and Sirin now have Vulnerability - Crushing Damage x2 (-20) instead of Fragile (Brittle). ty :)
>Is there any good templates for 100 point modern and near-modern characters
Horror has you covered there
are the rabbit boys spry?
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they look like picrel, animalfucker
Fwiw, and I know it's just illuminations, but these rabbits don't look like they have 360 degree vision. Or combat paralysis, but that's already been brought up.
To that end, and also with regards you the anon who doesnt like puts social normz in a racial template (I agree), I'm the guy who's been reading through Rona Arcana and I quite like pic related. I think it might suit your situation - not every bunnyman has combat paralysis, but it's a trait emblems of the race. Obviously members of the Owsla don't have it.
Fucking hell, please forgive the typos. Phoneposting.
thank you anon, this is useful. I've removed Combat Paralysis already, don't really know what I was thinking there. I do allow players to buy off cultural disadvantages, reasoning that they would have had to work to overcome them
For sure. Nice digits. Combat paralysis could easily make several, representing a race that tends to freeze under pressure and duress. I don't know what you mean when you say they come from a brutal kingdom, but if it's one of oppressive hierarchical, the peasant lapines could have easily have combat paralysis.
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I was imagining them freezing in combat like prey, but really that's deer. Rabbits run away (pretty fast) in my experience.
And yes, they come from an especially strict feudal hierarchy. I think combat paralysis is a little bit too far in both directions, though. For players it sucks because, even though it's a big combat heavy game, it's a fairly massive disadvantage in a fight. And as a GM, pretty much any Lapine NPC would be easily curbstomped by my 150pt players. They'll be playing as nobility (or at least characters who are trying to become nobility) pretty close to the Lapine homeland.

>Speaking of illuminations
how would you stat picrel, anons?
Rabbits do stay still sometimes. There was a video of a ferret (I think?) attacking a rabbit, and most of them just froze up instead of scattering. Either way even pray animals fight each other just fine, freezing is mainly reaction to predators, which might be better represented as a few levels of Fearfulness.
>don't make your own game in the system for making your own game
I'm sorry, this is a DnD 5e question, but you guys were recommended since you guys have experience with long turns.

My full question is here >>93332861, but tl;dr how do I speed up turn taking for 6 players? It's disengaging to the combat experience, and I can't find a suitable solution.
it's different in GURPS because on your turn you only get to perform one maneuver. sometimes your turn is just "I aim" and then you move on. in dungeons and dragons you have an action, a bonus action, movement, various free actions, object interractions and other bloat. my simple solution is to play literally anything but DnD or Pathfinder
I wish I could, but for the time being I'm locked into this. It seems all those choices really muddy the waters for the new players. Guess I'll keep reading to see if I can find something. I appreciate you willing to humor me in your guys's thread. It
serious advice, the egg timer thing isn't too bad an idea. also you should encourage your players to think about what they want to do before their turn. maybe get some post-its and line them up to show initiative order so they know when it's about to get to them. quicly reitarate what's going on, like if they're threatened by an enemy, when it gets back to each player's turn. I run a dnd game with a 6-person party and it's similarly sluggish even with experienced players. my GURPS elitism aside, it's the game's fault, not entirely yours.
Sometimes a GURPS turn takes a while, but only because you'll roll an attack, the enemy rolls a dodge, then you roll damage, take away the target's Damage Reduction and then times that by the damage type (x1, x1.5 or x2 usually). it's more focused, each turn is an action and what takes time is maths, not decision making.
>maybe get some post-its and line them
I like that idea. Seems really good to have them be tracking something themselves.
>quicly reitarate what's going on
This is good too. I should make a habit of this, so it sucks them back in narratively.

Thanks anon
nw :) in dnd i will usually say something like "the goblin is within 5ft of you, the owlbear is pecking at your friend nearby". works better than "your turn dude"
Canon (Ludwig Braun from THS Personnel files). I mean it even says "catboy" in his description.
>It also begs the question of how their kingdom manages to be brutal
Easy, anon, just make it like the medieval Baltics with the locals subjugated by an invading minority
God bless you.

Combat Paralysis seems odd for rabbit-folk, since the rabbit 'freeze' is generally just them trying not to be seen. When they know that hiding is useless, they will flee (or, sometimes, fight). Very nasty disadvantage for a PC too.
Giving any race more DX than elves seems to undermine one of the most iconic elements of elves. Doing so for some random furries seems especially pointless.
Hobbits having only -1 ST seems odd. Classically they are 50% human height. Even with extreme 'sumo' build, that would seem like ST 7 at most, and modern halflings are more often portrayed as barely any stockier than humans.
Both dwarfs and halflings should have negative SM.
Is there any reason you couldn't roll hobbits and lapines into one race? Both have a lot of stereotypes in common; small, timid, fecund, live in burrows.

Seems like a very weird example of Extra Head.
Is there any guidance for Meta-Tech where you can achieve the same effect by modifying either the base advantage (with enhancements and limitations) or the price (by adding cost factors). For example, Reliable 1 and Effortless (+1) give basically the same effect. If my device gives +1 to skill rolls when using it, which should I choose? Do I need to work out what would be most cost effective by essentially building the same device twice?
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According to the Basic Set, black bears are harder to intimidate than brown bears!
Apparently a warning shot is sufficient to drive off about three-quarters of aggressive bears. This suggest that a sudden loud noise might be worth a fright check at -3 for an IQ 4 wild animal!
In most cases, bears shot with .44 magnum pistols 'stop' their attack after one hit, many bleeding to death some time later. However some have taken at least five hits before going down or retreating. This seems roughly consistent with GURPS rules, although HT 13 might be over-selling bears' durability.
Steampunk 3
>Combat Paralysis seems odd for rabbit-folk
yes, read the rest of the posts where this is discussed
>Is there any reason you couldn't roll hobbits and lapines into one race? Both have a lot of stereotypes in common; small, timid, fecund, live in burrows.
they're neighbours, but the Lapines aren't small, timid or fecund
As >>93331455 said, they're pretty bland, but you could also say they're comfortably familiar.
Apparently you added some concept matching exotic traits to them later, so that's good.
How about Combat Hesitancy? It's not as crippling as Combat Paralysis and can be bought off cheaply.
Perhaps reduced ST with increased Striking ST? It would differentiate them from humans.
Racial bonus to Kicking might also make the players more prone to use the iconic kicks of rabbits. The race could have a not!savate martial arts with Razer Kicks perk in the style.
I know you already have your world but I think one could replace Dwarves with Lapines, living in burrow-mines.
Brittle bones tends to be Vulnerability to Crushing or reduced HP. Fragile (Brittle) is for rocks-like beings, where entire limbs might just crumble off.
At the risk of sounding like a faggot, I really appreciate you saying so. It's a big confidence booster. Thanks, anon.
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Found it in the archives, here in case anyone else wants it.
Rolled 68, 3, 83 = 154 (3d100)

>alien robin hood technomancer
honestly sounds like these would work pretty well together
Rolled 69, 70, 67 = 206 (3d100)

I fucked up, trying again.
How does Alien fit?
Bio-Organic Meta-Tech can apparently have disadvantages like Increased Life Support, Sleepy, and Slow Eater. Unfortunately, Rice failed to actually provide any rules for how to apply traits to the item as opposed to the advantages it grants, and the only guidance on disadvantages (disadvantageous meta-tech, p.11) indicates that they actually add to the cost rather than reducing it. Of course, none of the examples include disadvantages of any kind.
I guess you add any traits the item has to the cost of its abilities to find total points value, but then what do you do about a negative total? Or you could apply disadvantages as temporary disadvantages, but then how would advantages work? As enhancements? Or are you meant to use the making your own origins rules to turn them into base cost modifiers?
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What the fuck does pic related even mean? Surely the weight of meta-tech is completely arbitrary anyway? If a steampunk paralysis ray is one SM larger than an ultra-tech one, just make the device bigger instead of fucking around with this bullshit.
Playing an Infinite Worlds game has been my dream ever since I learned about GURPS, but no one seems to care about it. I don't know why; the setting is so cool and flexible.
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Rice implies that the Mechanical Turk was a real clockwork device, but the historical consensus is that it was actually a magic trick where a midget was hidden in a box with some gears to make it look like a machine.
It assumes weight matters (encumbrance rules). Which is optional anyway. So if encumbrance isn't a mechanic in your game, don't allow that. Same reasoning for malfunction or fragility.
well it's common knowledge that rice is fucking retarded
Not him but I imagine it like trying to steal technology from Halo's Convenants to give to the UNSC.
Ohh, clever. I was stuck thinking Robin Hood as the setting with mages from technomancer active in the timeline with... aliens. I think your approach is better.
How do you handle social stuff and reaction rolls, anons? I don't think I've ever seen a GM play it RAW, is it shit or something?
I roll it RAW. the rolls are a sliding scale of 3 (bad) to 18 (amazing) to see how an NPC reacts to the party at first sight, add or remove modifiers. I only use it for certain NPCs, though. The evil dark knight is always going to hate the party to start with.
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>Bunnies & Burrows
>In Nomine
>Reign of Steel
>Play as a troupe of rabbits favored by God in Zone Mexico City desperately dodging life-destroying robots to get to the biological safezone of Zone Caracas
Huh, I wonder why they game black bears extra Will I thought their skittishness was a well known thing.
>The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
Does the basic set essentially mean that from then and there I can roleplay just about anything and I don't need to actually get the many other books?
But what is the point of getting the other books if not for making sure Steve Jackson Games stays afloat?
You do not need much more than the basic set. You might like the setting books (incl. Fantasy, Space, Horror) for ideas about running that type of game. They are generally acknowledged to be very high quality well researched writing. They are among the best in the entire TTRPG space.

The Low tech, High tech, Ultra tech books have a lot more crunchy stuff, mainly equipment and general in depth writing about the technologies. You might want this if you want to get autistic about helmets that have a nose and cheek guards and how that differs from helmets that do not.

Martial arts/Tactical shooting really expands the respective combat rules. This is if you want to get autistic about combat tactics and shit.

Magic/Thaumatology expands the magic system and all of that greatly (although Magic is a bit shaky on the crunch quality at times and requires a bit of curating from the gm, as most gurps things do anyway to be honest).

Powers is basically a Basic set: How to when it comes to powers and advantages. Great resource for autism about supernatural powers.

There is none of that "oh you wanna play dnd? You need at least phb,dmg,mm,Xanathars guide to everyhing, volos guide to monsters, tashas cauldron of diversity, equity and inclusion to run a passable game" type of thing.
GURPS Skinhead Cuck.
You had me at GURPS, but what would this book actually include?
Maybe the BRUTAL part of the kingdom are the ones who managed to buy off the disadvantage, maybe it's a (secret) breed apart that favors the King
Pay a look into Dungeon World. Is like DnD but better in the same way that Pictomanía is like pictionary but better.
The concept is indeed cool but I always felt the execution was lacking, mostly because none of the factions feels interesting.
I'd much prefer it to be something more like the cyoa Traveller's Tales.
Or it the pip boy unlocks the Bullet Time option from impulse buys.
>Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System
Good Aim [10/level], possibly with gadget limitation.
When I was doing my fallout game a loooooooong time ago, I made the pipboy's effects in combat mostly be the ability to get semi-accurate reads on the wearer's health status, plus a function for calculating long distance shots. I couldn't really rationalize it helping in close range stuff without throwing off the tone of what I was going for at the time.
Is Meta-Tech worth it? I remember Metatronic Generators being a disappointment.
The issue isn't that there is a mechanic which increases item weight. The issue is that there are two completely different mechanics which set item weight and one makes no sense in light of the first.
Look at the options:
A: 1 lb. (SM -5) superscience item: cost multiplier 0.15
B: 3 lbs. (SM -4) superscience item: cost multiplier 0.125
C: 3 lbs. (SM -4) dieselpunk item: cost multiplier: 1.425
Option C is strictly worse value than B, because it costs 14% more but weighs the same. This is completely unnecessary, because you could easily have the same effect (lower tech items weigh more) by simply setting the completely arbitrary item size to whatever would be appropriate.
It's worth the 8.53mb of storage space
>Is like DnD but better
No, it's like D&D but somehow even worse.
Just play 1st edition D&D. Every new edition has been a solid downgrade.

>none of the factions feels interesting

Worth paying for? Absolutely not.
Worth reading? Depends how much you value your time. The basic concept is salvageable, and the new modifiers seem valid.
Worth fixing? Probably not, but it wouldn't be a massive effort to do so.
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Meta-Tech 'retcons' previously established rules. In past publications (Gun-Fu) ATR automatically made everything on your person speed up, but according to Meta-Tech this is a +0% modifier. Overall cost remains the same, so it isn't a big deal, but might be important.
What's that optional rule suggested in a pyramid article or something about additional rules pertaining to weight and exhaustion? I think the name had wind in it, or some other similar word.
The Last Gasp
Thanks anon. Do you, or anyone else reading, think a system like that would work well in a modern setting with urban gun battles and lots of foot travel? I'm trying to figure out how to better incentivize players packing light, and having to choose between ammunition and firepower, and mobility and staying power. Not sure that system actually achieves that goal or not though.
In my (limited) experience, players will do that themselves because they don't want their move and dodge values to be so suppressed. Especially in a game with guns, where they can't rely on blocks or parries instead.
I've found they're often accepting of one or two levels of encumbrance penalties, especially when it means being able to take the big gun plus a whole heap of ammo to use in it.
What's wrong with the default system? Most fights start with you missing some FP due to the Hiking rules, and at the end of a fight you take the same FP loss again. Recovery can take up to two hours of rest, and things get very bad when you are below 1/3 FP. Combined with the encumbrance penalties for Move and Dodge, and there is a strong incentive to keep your carried weight to a minimum and even ditch gear mid-fight.
Yes, and, frankly, that's what I had in mind. Do you want to pressure them to have no encumbrance at all?
Yeah, no shit. Real soldiers load up on weapons, armour, and ammunition until they are significantly slowed and fatigued, because gear is useful. 40-60 lbs. for a marching load, and 30-40 lbs. for combat is fairly common historically. In modern forces, you can have over 50 lbs. in combat loads, 70-100 lbs. for 'approach march', and over 100 lbs. for complete kit and supplies! This is consistent with ST 11-12 soldiers being at medium encumbrance at a minimum and even strong men being at light encumbrance.
Damn, that loadout description is very useful.
IIRC studies show that both precision shooting and 'will to fight' degrade rapidly with fatigue. I'd suggest something like replacing the normal rules for being below 1/3 FP with a more finely graded scale imposing penalties to DX, Move, Dodge, and Will (possibly something like -1 to each per 1/3 or 1/4 below max FP).
It's worth checking out SLA Marshall's The Soldier's Load and the Mobility of a Nation for some historical context. Col. Marshall is notorious for poor data gathering, leading to some very dubious claims in some of his books, but as far as I know this one is generally considered to stand up OK.
>Do you want to pressure them to have no encumbrance at all?
I want them to have more pressure to keep within 0 encumbrance than the game provides by default.

>Most fights start with you missing some FP due to the Hiking rules
I've never seen that used in the entire time I've been playing GURPS, but even if I were to apply it
>and there is a strong incentive to keep your carried weight to a minimum and even ditch gear mid-fight.
Another thing I've almost never seen in play. More to your point though, I don't feel those accurately portray how shitty humping heavy things can be, and I don't feel the players in my next campaign will be motivated enough by that.

>Yeah, no shit. Real soldiers load up on weapons, armour, and ammunition until they are significantly slowed and fatigued, because gear is useful. 40-60 lbs. for a marching load, and 30-40 lbs. for combat is fairly common historically.
Respectfully, you think you know what you're talking about but you really do not. IRL when soldiers have the CHOICE between back breaking loads and something light, they always choose and prefer something light. Everybody absolutely loved the M1 carbine in WWII because it was light and handy in every important way, and they hated walking around with the Thompson for the exact opposite reason. When they could trade the latter for the former, they did. This idea that the only tempting choice ever is to load up as much as possible is shown to be untrue with every insurgency ever, and every gang war ever, etc. when there isn't an entire military organization deciding and harshly enforcing what you do and do not carry with you, people choose to go light in the majority of circumstances.

I haven't read The Last Gasp yet but, iirc, there's something in it like that.
Oh shit somehow my middle message got partly eaten. I meant to say:
but even if I were to apply it, that's only so much temporary FP loss. I worry it won't be enough to motivate or incentivize the players to act differently, and more in line with how people IRL in similar situations act and have historically acted.
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Last Gasp is very Douglas Cole-core, meaning that it's very intricate and detailed and simulationist and thus a pain in the ass to actually game out. He later put a slimmed down, more playable version on his blog (another standard Cole-ism), but IMO that one stripped out too much.

Because of that, I did my own writeup that combined the article and blog versions into one that's streamlined but not too streamlined. Use it if you want.
Thank you anon, I'll look at that some time later this evening.
I thought it made more sense to pick one for your setting and stick with it and the author might have been trying to reflect what pricing and size options a genre gm might prefer. As in, pick the one for your setting and stick to it.
How do you guys decide how many character points to start your players off with? Is 150 that much more powerful than 100?
>Is 150 that much more powerful than 100?
Yes. A 150pt character has both more skills and higher skill levels in the ones they have. It also raises the disadvantage limit, so instead of being able to get an extra 50 points, you can get an extra 75.
Gauge your character point values based on the tone and power level of your games. I tend to scale mundane people to 50, action heroes 100, fantasy heroes 150, supers 300 or more
150 is enough for a low-level/just-started character. IIRC Kromm once said the average working man is worth 80 points.
Giving Extra Head
If your players don't consider -2 dodge, 60% move, and 30 minutes recovery time after each fight to be a serious liability, shoot at them more.
>IRL when soldiers have the CHOICE between back breaking loads and something light, they always choose and prefer something light.
Sure, they go as light as they can get away with. But there's a limit on how light you can go without becoming ineffective. People not only wore armour in combat when they had a choice, but actually paid a lot of money to buy it. People don't carry more than they need to, but they do carry what they feel they need and if that is more than 30 lbs. then they put up with it. No sane person goes microlite camping, even though carrying a tent is unpleasant.

>This idea that the only tempting choice ever is to load up as much as possible is shown to be untrue with every insurgency ever, and every gang war ever, etc.
Insurgents and gang members tend to operate with good lines of supply, need to be able to hide all their gear easily, and often don't have access to a lot of the gear that soldiers do. When they can, insurgents totally carry machine guns, ammunition belts, rocket launchers, even body armour. Even gang members will use long arms over pistols if the situation looks nasty enough.
Anyway, I'm not saying that everyone always wants to carry as much as they can. People compromise between being able to move fast and not get tired, and having useful stuff. For most soldiers, we know that means fighting with something like a quarter to a third of their body weight in gear. A typical cop carries less, because mobility is more important to them and they need less firepower. Criminals carry even less, because comfort and concealability are paramount to them. People camping in the wilderness carry more gear than marathon runners. Obviously if given the choice of carrying no weight without compromising anything else, everyone would prefer no weight. But sometimes there are other priorities.
>I've never seen that used in the entire time I've been playing GURPS
If you can't even be bothered to use all the basic fatigue rules, I don't think The Last Gasp is going to work out for you.
Where the fuck do you actually find GURPS games to play in?
>IIRC Kromm once said the average working man is worth 80 points
If he did, he's full of shit. Almost be definition, the average man has no points in attributes or secondary characteristics, no significant advantages, and possibly some minor disadvantages. That would mean 80-100 points in skills, which seems absurd for an average guy.
There are certainly 'ordinary' people who would qualify as 80 point or more characters. Many 'working joes' are stronger, maybe a bit faster, more agile, smarter, braver, healthier, better looking, etc. than a perfectly average person without really standing out from the crowd. But an actually average person is more like 20-40 points at best.
If you really want to be strict about the definition of 'average' then the global average is probably some third-worlder with IQ 9 and Low TL 1. Probably accented literacy at best, although likely to know at least one extra spoken language, which balances it out.
According to some interpretations of Dependent, the average person might have double-digit disadvantages from that too.
The internet. I asked if my lgs had any GURPS books like 15 years ago and not even the grognards had even heard of the system.
beg your dnd friends until they cave and then never go back
I've looked at the non official gurps discord and thought it was mostly shit and full of people with personalities like wet sandpaper. Somehow worse than leddit.
is this the gaming corner one or w/e? I used to be active there but everyone's abrasive personalities drove me away. also they all want to play kitchen sink fantasy and will whine if you want to use one magic system or another or play a fantasy world with certain races and not others
Yup. It has the worst GURPSfags. All the insane people congregate there and overwhelm the regular non-faggot GUTPSfags.
Too many furries.
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>This idea that the only tempting choice ever is to load up as much as possible is shown to be untrue with every insurgency ever, and every gang war ever, etc. when there isn't an entire military organization deciding and harshly enforcing what you do and do not carry with you, people choose to go light in the majority of circumstances.
Reading about the Chechen wars, a typical insurgent loadout seems to have been an assault rifle (AKM at 8.7 lbs. or AK-74 at 9.1 lbs.), one or two RPG-7 rounds (5 lbs. each) or RPG-18s (5.9 lbs. each; yes, some guys would carry two RPG-18s and a rifle), some hand grenades (around 1 lb. each), and an absolute shit-ton of magazines (1.2 or 1.8 lbs. each). When they fought with two magazines, that was usually because their supplies were short and they couldn't get any more. The most commonly cited numbers are in the 8-12 range.
That's at least 30 lbs. just in arms and ammunition. Add clothing and some basic gear and you are approaching a western infantryman's combat load. People absolutely choose to go heavily armed if they feel the situation warrants it.
given the whole selling point of gurps is that you can make literally anything you can imagine, it makes sense that it would tend to attract people who want to make wacky gonzo characters
slightly offtopic, but does anyone have the link to the /tg/ discord? Used to have the dungeon master from the old dnd cartoon as the image. I was there a long time ago and left for some reason and now I can't find it

that's true, but i'd expect people to want to play in the settings the GM imagines, since it's mostly a setting for the GM to make settings in
Odious Personal Habits (Unfunny)
I actually saw someone do that there and it caused Rice and other people to sperg out and say that such games are not okay, and posts like this are not welcome
I'm serious and not trying to be funny (ok, I tried a little bit with "gamer words"). I've seen Rice take down an LFP post because the poster said that the group can be offensive sometimes.
I remember a modmin in the non-official discord sperging out because two players wanted to play as a duo where one was enslaved by the other and he went on a big rant about how ttrpgs aren't the place to have slavery
I think we saw the same thing, I'm just misremembering the details
betting pool on when rice dies? what's the over/under
Sometime after you find where the shift key is.
What's the difference between the official Discord and the unofficial Discord
Being honest, I'd do that same. Everyone that says that is ultimately just another stale South Park wannabe and it's it's everyone's best interest to kill those games before they get off the ground to save everyone a whole lot of time and cringing.
One loves trannies and the other one REALLY loves trannies. Not telling you which is which.
Sounds cool to me; I'll just join both.
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Stat this
Even the Viet-Cong, absolute poster-children for light-weight/low-drag warfare, considered a three-pocket magazine carrier, a hefty rifle, a couple of grenades, a big bush knife, and a canteen of water to be a desirable load-out. That's over 20 lbs. and I doubt a typical half-starved asian guerrilla had more than ST 10.
In the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, Pakistani terrorists each carried a sidearm (with three magazines), a rifle (with eight magazines), and eight hand grenades. That's around 34 lbs. before clothing and other equipment.
Essentially nobody seems happy to go into combat with less than 120 rounds of ammunition, and the favoured amount seems to be 240 rounds or more; contrast this with Col. Marshall's assertion in The Soldier's Load and the Mobility of a Nation that a typical infantryman needed fewer than 80 rounds!
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we could make a /tg/ gurps server
Cringe. It would have to be a /tg/ Matrix server. (Or XMPP or whatever the tech /g/urus think is best.)
nobody knows what those are or uses them, and nobody would get them just to join a /gurps/ server
I'd join a /GURPSgen/ server
Quick question, are there any spells like mage's magnificent mansion or should I use and modify jumper(pocket dimension)?
what would you guys want in such a place? I may set it up now
I literally set up the Matrix (Synapse) server for my state's Libertarian Party. It really isn't that arcane a process.
GURPS dice-rolling bot would be nice
added one already. come in:
Is it cringe or based
idk man there's like 4 of us rn
Thanks, pretty much what I was looking for.
Happy to help.
Learn the Steal Power spell and put a nuclear generator in there
>gave my players 150 points but only limited them to -50 points of disadvantages for their characters
Whoops, I totally forgot that the standard limit for disadvantages is 50% of the total. I'm sure things will be fiiiiiiine.
I've had games with those point totals tons of times, nothing crazy about it.
>standard limit for disadvantages is 50% of the total
You were right to do -50. Even 50pts of disadvantages can get absurd.
Not even official supplements follow this rule. After the End characters are 150 points, Action and Dungeon Fantasy are 250, all have -50 points in disadvantages. Monster Hunters are 400/-75. Going even further could easily turn a character into a dysfunctional psychopath, unless it's mostly comes from Enemies and such.
Cirno Plush $10 + empty bottle obtained through Scrounging and cleaned with Housekeeping.
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Packing light is for little boys.
Real adventurers carry their home on their back.
>tfw bionic legs but no bionic spine
Move 1 dodge 3
Resistance to Knee Explosions is absolutely worth it.
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Questions regarding power:
1) Can Create (Water) create vapour?
2) Can water created with Create (Water) be used to make the battlefield slippery/muddy?
3) If I have Create (Water) and Control (Water) as Alternative Abilities, does switching to Control after creating water destroy the created water?

Last Origin's Bioroids have metal skeletons and reinforced muscles.
I'd say yes, assuming you payed the Small Category pricing of 10 points/level. If you payed for the Specific Item pricing of 5/level I'd require you to use the rules for power stunts and abilities at default to make anything other that a big orb of water.
I don't see why not, but this is a question for your GM (or for you to decide on, if you are the GM). Maybe you can't just immediately throw water onto a patch of dirt and make a muddy slip n' slide in a more gritty or realistic game (partially due to questions of water absorption rates of soil, mostly due to tone), but it would certainly fit any lighter, more four-color game.
I would argue no. By default, you create something and it sticks around for ten seconds, regardless of what you do afterwards. Swapping off of an Affliction doesn't immediately end any current conditions, and swapping off of Innate Attack doesn't undo the damage, so I don't see why swapping off of Create would instantly cancel what you created.
Thank you anon, I feel so relieved, this is going to be a BIG plot point in my next session and it had to be perfect.
>Going even further could easily turn a character into a dysfunctional psychopath
I think that would be an issue with your players more than with the system.
nta, but go ahead and roll up a playable character, 200/-100/-5, and we'll see how it turns out
>hard mode: at least -50 have to come from disadvantages with control rolls
It can definitely be done.
nta but -75 on a 150pt character is doable when you factor in that a lot of disadvantages will be code of honor, sense of duty, etc. and not debilitating physical and mental disabilities
I love gurps !!!!@
400/-200 would be disgusting though
what do you mean my superhero can't have no arms no legs no eyes, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, be illiterate, so ugly that everyone hates them and leprosy so the body parts they have remaining keep falling off at the slightest touch????
For my Monster Hunters game I reduced the disadvantages to -50 total. So 15pts comes from their motivational lens and then just 35 from personality or whatever. I feel like the templates as written make borderlands incompetent characters.

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