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Squad Edition


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>Previous Thread: >>93267644

What are the top hree favorite characters you've played, /5eg/?
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>top hree
>top hree favorite characters you've played, /5eg/?
I'm new-ish, so there has only been one character that I played for more than 3 sessions (played him like 35 sessions or so, almost the full campaign except for two sessions where I switched but then switched back).
DM never really explored our characters' goals or anything like it, so I can't help but feel bad about it still.
As in that it was my fault that the poor guy came into existence with issues and goals that were never solved, and that he went through a shitty adventure where none of the pcs really achieved anything.
We're not returning to that world so I can't even reuse him.
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I'm retarded.
We know
Top 3?
1 has to be Barnabus T Stampferdshire III. Former officer in the British army. His unit was ambushed in India and in a near death event met with the Raven Queen who gifted him an obsidian cavalry sabre. When he came to he was standing in a circle of dead bodies of both friend and foe alike. After he left the service he used his families wealth to travel the world in search of the occult. While traveling across the US he found himself stuck in a dying town in the middle of nowhere New Mexico when his train is attacked by outlaws. A former thriving mining town gone bust after people mysteriously started to get sick and die.
TLDR of it was the gold coming out of the river was coming out of some ancient being buried under the mountain. My character, obsessed with the occult as he was, went up and touched it, barely hung onto his sanity and wished it away when it asked him what he wanted. Unfortunately, when it left it Poltergeist'ed the entire mountain and most of the surrounding area completely wiping the town off the face of the map...
Good times.
Oh, he was also a 7 foot tall, 600lb elephant man. Hexblade, Pact of the Blade Warlock.
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Top 3 is probably:
>Ixxat Aurixxeni, Gold Dragonborn Sorcerer
This guy was a privilege to play because I made him into a hero-mode boy scout. The DM gave me the plot threads and I grabbed them. Stick up for the little guy, blast the big bad evil guy with fire, save the princess.
>Ruin, Tiefling Hexblade/Paladin Hellknight
I posted this guy last thread, but he's a lawful evil "polite but serves evil" knight. He's fun in a completely different way.
>Brother Grigor, Zealot Barbarian of a homebrew setting's goddess of justice
This dude was just a warhammer fantasy zealot with a flail that beat cultists to death. it was sick. He still holds the record for most damage I've ever dealt in a single turn on tabletop.
The first three I played, only because they’re the only three I’ve retired of my own free will once I felt their stories were over. The rest are all either currently still adventuring, lost in game-hiatus limbo, or dead.

They were a sexy bard, a Puerto Rican half-pufferfish metal band drummer, and a major edgelord who fought with magical tattoos.
I am STRUGGLING to remember more than my first and my current.

-Efram Bronzeguard (Dwarf Barbarian): First character I ever played in a long term campaign. The birth of my love of chaos when he sliced out his own eye to put Vecna's Eye in its place.

-Dorrin Argenthrixus (Dragonborn Barbarian): My current character. I love my current group and I love playing Dorrin who started as this brooding deep character but has now been flanderized into a himbo hunk.
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I have a feeling our dragonborn dudes would get along.
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Our D&D group has kind of fetishized my character...and I'm ok with it.
Are monks finally good now?
You're a homo for that, but a cool homo, like David Bowie, or Freddie Mercury.
Does anybody have an invite to any /tg/ discord? really wanna find a game to play, doesnt even have to be 5e, and i assume everyone on roll20 and reddit are weirdos
Unironically, yes.
Why on earth would you assume that people here aren't weirdos?
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I mean, only the girls in the group are the ones putting me through this himbofication, lol.
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>trying to start a new game
>recruit a group
>everyone talking about their characters
>everyone making sure their characters actually want to work together
>the newer players take the time to talk about what they picked and why
>other players support them and answer questions when I'm at work
>overall things looking great
>game day comes
>show up early to set up and make sure the table is paid for
>game time hits
>no one has come
>send a message in group chat
>"Oh sorry anon something came up"
>other 4 people don't say anything
>wait another hour
>no one shows up
>check group chat again
>everyone has left
Well ok. Wish they had told me before I ponied up the money to hire a table in the agreed public meeting space.
OneD&D has got to be one of the biggest psyops in the history of gaming and you retards are falling for it hook line & sinker. They are using the 50th anniversary of D&D to finalize their pozzening of the game. If you're still playing this trash you're a fucking retard. The first new edition out in little "micro aggressions" about trannies and fags but now they're going all out. Removing ki points from the monk and removing all racial modifier and all races from the game, while not actually deleting any of the freakshit, while making obvious racial stereotypes of the elves and orcs, and also saying that those stereotypes are harmful and shouldn't exist. These people are on another level. Anyone from the 2000s, let alone the 90s or 80s, who played this game in those times and sees what it is now, is disgusted. The art, the aesthetic, the ethics. Even the rules are casualized dogshit. It's unnerving how easily they've gotten away with this. The amount of cringy shit WotC have put in their products, and you keep on buying their shit. You should be flooding Crit Roll Twitter with gifs of the first frame being some of the rainbow haired fag crit role characters and the next frame being gaping scat porn or something else nasty, and soamming it from 200 accounts so that no one wants to talk about crit role in Twitter. The reason that Magic uses "typal" now instead of "tribal" is because of ONE PERSON on Twitter. ONE FUCKING SJW IN TWITTER brought an entire company to its knees. Fuck that shit. You could have stopped that. But no you'd rather just pretend you're so above it all, and play in your basement with your 3 white lawyer friends with white virgin wives who cook you 4 star Michelin meals while your Aryan children run and play in the yard outside your mansion you bought with your crypto. Yeah that's every single fauxbertarian on this board who tells you "lol why would we do shit we just homebrew everything lol" while still browsing /5eg/
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everyone i've ever met online that browses 4chan has usually been pretty cool
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Nope, all weirdos, anon.
i mean, they're still not a caster.

they're the only martials that don't get weapon mastery. So while everyone else is getting to trip or slow or whatever on every hit, monk has to choose between shove/grapple and damage unless they take the feat.

simple ranged weapons aren't monk weapons anymore and you're more locked to monk weapons only than you were, since you can only stun with unarmed or monk weapons.

Mercy got a MASSIVE nerf though in terms of healing potential, and Open Hand got two minor ones.

but they can actually do their job properly now. their ability to zip in and out of combat harassing losers is unmatched, you eventually even get to taxi around allies to the enemy or away from danger, they're a lot less likely to fall over dead despite having rogue tier health, and their damage output is actually on par for a martial now. A proper non-caster support.

that said, I don't think it will fix the zero brain cell monk PLAYER issue. they're still gonna win initiative and run up 70ft to the biggest motherfucker on the battlefield, burn as much ki trying to dump damage and stuns into him as possible, then eat 4 melee attacks trying to avoid one attack of opportunity.
But at least that's not an instant death sentence anymore since deflect will reduce one of them, and then being at low but not instantly dead health might actually convince them to use patient defense or disengage.

I'm actually big into monk, and completely fine with removing Ki from monk, because all classes should be culturally generic. I just think focus and discipline are really stupid names for it, I'd have gone with Spirit Points, because a monk is ultimately someone doing internal alchemy and spirit cultivation. Which yes, is a big thing in the east, but is hardly unique to the east, much less specifically japan.

>The reason that Magic uses "typal" now instead of "tribal"
It's called the "type line" on a card, so that's actually a more accurate term.
both of these can be correct.
all of 4chan is weirdoes that can only really live in this asscrack of the internet.
But some of us are pretty cool weirdoes.
I'm glad that monks can actually make a flurry of blows now. Get nick mastery and a 10th level monk can make 6 attacks a turn.

Plus since they can 1/lr just get all their ki/focus back you can pretty reliably flurry all the time.
>Get nick mastery
sure but that costs a feat or a multiclass dip.
I mean for monk, since they can hold two one handed weapons for no penalty because of martial arts die, the feat is basically

> Increase your strength of dexterity by 1
> Once per turn, when you take the Attack action, you can make an additional weapon attack as a part of that action. If you hit, don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack (unless your modifier is negative)

And that sounds pretty good to me
"gain 1 weapon masteries" is a half feat? I thought only level 4+ feats were half feats.
Weapon Master isn't one of the 'origin feats' - its a 4th+ level feat.

You might be thinking of the fighting style feats, which are origin feats (though you can probably only get them if you're a fighter since nobody else starts off with the Fighting Style feature)
adding a ~60% chance for an extra martial arts die per turn is kind of underwhelming to me imo.

that's what like... 4.5ish *.6... 2.7 extra dps a turn?
I think new Charger is honestly better for new monk.

>>"I cast Guidance!"
guidance isn't a reaction. You can cast it in yourself right before a skill check, but you have no idea when another person is going to try and perceive something or try to recall information etc.
>"I help!"
do you have proficiency in the same skill? (not in the rules, but this would be established in session zero)
how do you help?
I've had an idea for a Ranger for awhile now that I've wanted to do since Volo's introduced Kobolds as a player option. The whole idea being the Kobold ranger riding a Wolf companion. If you use the PHB14 version of BM they both get pack tactics, which I think would be fun.
But man... PHB14 ranger is so ass. And all of the newer iterations seem to want to strip the "beast" part out of beastmaster. Oh it's just some bland spirit you can re-summon now with no traits of it's own. That's fucking boring. I could do that, but better, with Artificer.
I guess what I'm asking is how far would you let someone try and unfuck the ranger to try and just make a shitty race and a shitty class fun to play?
>"I'm gonna bust down the door"
>barbarian walks up to the door and grabs it
>"I cast guidance"
>sorry anon, it's not a reaction, you have no idea he was about to make an athletics check
I'm more thinking about how more attacks helps you out with anything that relies on "hit once per turn" - or more importantly anything that adds damage to your attacks.

Outside of grappler, not sure there are any more important feats to take desu.
how about kobold drakewarden instead?
Guidance is +1d4 which is like +2.5 on average. Cantrips are pretty limited in choice, I don't think "I use one of my 3-5 cantrips on giving a small boost to my friends skill checks if I'm right next to them while they do it" is a crazy proposition.
>nah anon, 2014 ranger is ass and spenmding 8 hours to get a new pet is ass, we'll just replace the charge feature with pack tactics. you cna even flavor teh pet as a centipede or giant weasel to make it or thematic to a kobold
wow that's a lot of text i'm not reading
tavern brawler gives you free shove on unarmed and rerolling of 1s. Also lets you treat objects as monk weapons.
charger as stated gives even more speed when dashing which you do for free now and move allies when you do, and it's 1d8 which is more or less a MA, but also has a 10ft push option, which can stack with a normal shove for 15 total.

Alert is solid for support. You're damn near always going first, but it's not actually in Monk's best interest to go first most of the time because they just get swarmed by enemies. It's only good if you're geeking the mage. So passing the baton is really tactical

it just occurred to me that Deflect can be used specifically to negate the consequences of proccing an Attack of Opportunity. So there's LITERALLY no reason to do the stupid thing of gluing your ass to the front line now. A monk should literally never never ever put it in park unless he's the only thing between Big Mungus Eater of Nerds and the wizard at half health.

it's as strong as jack of all trades, or even having proficiency at low levels. It's a strong cantrip, basically an autopick if you have access.
the mistake is DMs making single skill checks too impactful. It shouldn't ever matter on a grand scale whether a player passes or fails a particular roll. That's not to say that there should be no consequences to the results of a roll. And series of rolls absolutely can have sweeping changes on the direction of a campaign. But a single roll shouldn't be doing that much, in the same way a single attack roll should never win a combat on its own.
>some bland spirit
The flavor of it is up to you. If it is bland it says more about you than the class
ranger and monk should just be fighter subclasses
>they're the only martials that don't get weapon mastery.
this is easily fixed by a one level dip in fighter, or simply starting with 17 dex and then taking the Weapon Master half-feat at 4th level which is even better since it doesn't delay extra attack. But due to how Nick works even delaying extra attack by a level isn't bad since you get the no-action-required twf attack right away with just one fighter level.
>which is even better
It's significantly worse, because you won't have TWF. So instead of 1d8+4, its's 1d8.
If anything "Species" is acknowledging that Biological Determinism is real and that these AREN'T simply just different human ethnicities, but entirely different creatures with different biology making them qualitatively different. Which I'm in complete favor of, it's always been retarded how in Sci-Fi with ayylmaos you can have people in-universe acknowledge "the giant floating psychic brain aliens are smarter than humans, the Not-Klingons are stronger and more stubborn" etc. and nobody cares because they're literally from different planets, but in Fantasy people would act retarded at the idea Mind Flayers are smarter as a species than Halflings since you use "race".

Say what you will, but monks are absolutely solid right now, losing weapon mastery is a fine enough loss for what they got in exchange.

And if we're all being honest with each other, if monk did get extra weapon masteries, players are just going to pick up daggers to use nick for additional damage.
>It's significantly worse, because you won't have TWF.

Why wouldn't you have twf style with a one level fighter dip? the only real downside is pushing back your d8 martial arts die one level, so you're still dealing a d6+dex
There's no good reason why the concept of "monk weapon" even exists.
Who cares?
You do, clearly.
no? it already exists.
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Have you thanked the party casters yet, /5eg/?
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Enjoy spending a month trying to get these faggots together for maybe one session before everyone flakes out permanently
No, the feat is worse than a Fighter dip
I'm starting to think I just want to gut 5e and make a new system

>only classes are Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, and Druid
>Each caster gets their own different casting resource
>Fighters and Rogues have maneuvers that use their own resources
>cantrips are gone; casting foci now use similar rules to weapons, but require proficiency to use
>tool proficiencies are gone. tools are items now with their own uses
>saving throws are gone. Instead you have 3 types of AC: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
at this point I'd drop the 5e pretense all together and start off from scratch.
We're all casters anon.
bro you can just play 4e. It's fun I promise you. watching 5e fags reinvent the wheel is hilarious.
Try again. This is now an Open Hand Monk general.
Oh, did they make it base monk features niw?
1. Many martial arts incorporate weapons
2. Allows for weapon using character concepts to exist using monk abilities
If you want someone that weaves weapon attacks with martial arts then it is needed. Like an old man with a cane that does kung fu and shit. Or a ninja that utilizes short swords and pressure points in combat
The idea of someone wielding a weapon with such aptitude that its base damage die can't be lower than a certain size is cool, evocative of cultivating skill, and it is unique for allowing Monks to stay on-par damagewise even with subpar weapon selection. The problems are that Monks should then categorically get Mastery properties and that the available list before Masteries is functionally worthless without meaningful differences and with how sparse the options are, especially since it can only ever initially eclipse, with very specific selection, their base unarmed damage, and at no point otherwise can they be better at wielding a weapon than they are their own bodies save for magical weapon bonuses. Monk weapons should be a thing, but they're vastly limited as is.
that's not 4e dumbass
#1 is still Nordrik, a human barbarian whose entire concept was from a grateful dead song (he was born in a desert, raised in a lion's den) The party would progress from minor adventures at home to the Feywild, whereupon Nordrik's latent fear of faeries manifested in him eating a pixie. The party was no longer welcome in faeriedom after that and Nordrik was sealed in an ancient gnomish spaceship for his impudence, a chip of enchanted treantwood lodged in his arm slowly petrifying him. After chopping off his own arm, cauterizing the wound and breaking free from his confinement by bumbling into the launch sequence (seriously, it was a double nat 20 incident), Nordrik was still stuck in the Astral Sea with no way home. His prayers were answered quite literally when he was given the hand of Vecna at the end of a prosthesis. Nordrik would end up becoming the big bad Vecna himself using Nordrik's body as a vessel, and I got to pvp, a rarity for me in D&D

#2 is Orin Silverfrond aka Erik Goldmane aka Jack Fivenines. A disgraced nobleman's failson and failed pirate, Orin fell in with a bad crowd and he was about to deliver the setting equivalent of a suitcase nuke to a bunch of pirates, except the crate popped open in combat and Orin decided to not do that. Easily the most punished character I have ever played, Orin blew up a city with the suitcase nuke, then unblew it up via time travel because a good-aligned lich needed its magical crystal to heal himself so the party cleric didn't become the living embodiment of pure entropy via a corrupting act that could've been prevented by the lich. He also stole his own boat. From his past self. For his crimes, Orin spent all of the sequel campaign with three timeline's memories in his head, driving him quite insane.
you basically just invented an osr game
i mean, 2 pushs from a greatclub followed by 3 unarmed shoves is absolutely hilarious. That's 25 feet of pushing. 35 with charger, which you can guarantee procs with push mastery.

Though I think the actual funniest would be to take Grappler for full movespeed when grapple dragging, grab, bonus action dash at full charger monk gallop some 100 feet away, then club push with charger bonus another 20 feet.
Have fun out in the cornfield, bucko. See you in another 3 turns.
#3 is Tuff. An earth genasi fighter I rolled because my barbarian friend is stupid and tried to manfight a dragon at 3rd level, and I stupidly tried to save his life. Tuff was in hock to the same genie my former warlock was, and my job was to retrieve the warlock's genie vessel. We never did that because a dragon is scary to deal with, but Tuff was in many ways Orin's antithesis: No matter what crazy thing I cooked up he was never punished for his behavior. Despite being a Fighter he pulled off the dream of many a warlock player, taking a deal with asmodeus to break free of the genie's hold on him, consequently turning him into a tiefling and granting him the devil's fight invocation. All he had to do was kill someone for asmodeus: Orin himself. In this timeline he was the unstable leader of a resistance force against an overwhelming undead incursion. In a large setpiece battle, Tuff convinced the party that leaving Orin and the resistance forces out to dry while they looted a few airships from Eberron. And it worked: Orin died to an undead ogre and Tuff was petrified by an undead Beholder. With his final act, Tuff prayed to any deity who might listen, swearing that saving him from petrification would make asmodeus look like a schnook. And it worked: Mystra de-petrified him and un-tiefling'd him, turned him into an Eldritch Knight, and it was all good
actually it is. except 4e had 4 ACs. And did have cantrips.
what would you call rogue and fighter's respective resources? Also, would they be long rest or short rest or per round?
>And did have cantrips.
they still worked like weapon attacks using foci though, just like that guy is suggesting
fair, but the foci didn't determine what cantrip you were using. which is i think what he wants, if any at-will spells at all.
>Spirit Points
iirc that's what diablo for monks as well, seems like the best option for something generic that still conveys a supernatural aspect as well. focus is better than discipline at least though

and classes didn't have different resources, they all used the exact same resources

fighters have three types of "tactics"
>basic tactics can be used at will
>advanced tactics are 1/SR each
>special tactics work like advanced, but once you use one, you can't use ANY until you finish a short rest

rogues also use tactics, but theirs are fueled by "guile coins".
>they have a number of coins equal to half their level, rounded up
>they regain the coins on a short rest
>using an advanced tactic forces them to flip coins equal to its level. all tails are expended
>using a special tactic expends coins equal to the tactic's level
Pushes with no save are absolutely embarrassingly amateur design that completely eliminate the ability to design encounters near any kind of drop

the idea is that foci work EXACTLY like weapons, except you need proficiency to wield them, and they use spell attacks

for example, a cleric might have a censer that functions as a reach focus they use for melee spell attacks, while a wizard might dual-wield wands with the light property

cantrips would still exist, but they work in the same way at-will maneuvers would. You might modify a wand blast with ray of frost for example to slow a target. cantrips DO NOT scale, they just change your attack damage type and add effects
Focus sounds better than spirit points.
Spirit points had weird flavor to it.
>their ability to zip in and out of combat harassing losers is unmatched
So their useless shitty "niche" is still the same?
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>Instead you have 3 types of AC: Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
Come home, Anon.
Now they can actually do it, is the difference.

They are able to go in, do damage, and leave before they get mogged.

Rather than go in, limply slap a guy, then get AOO and lose half their hit points.

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