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Barovian edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous Thread: >>93247178

You're going alone into Barovia as a 1st-level PC, but every non-hostile NPC is a potential party member. What do you play?
Ranger because it's my favorite class

Specifically PHB ranger just so I can claim undead as my favored enemy and forests as favored terrain
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Samurai should be their own class and not a subclass.
I will die on this hill.
A samurai is an eastern knight and knights are generally fighters

Holy knights are paladins, and are different from regular knights
I'm going to build a Half-Elf Hexblade, take Elven Accuracy at level 4, dip two levels in Paladin at 6 and 7, take the rest in Hexblade, loot the corpse of Vladimir Horngaard for his half-plate armour, find the +2 shield from his order in Strahd's hidden treasury, say KHAZAN loudly and clearly in his final resting place, take the Staff of Power to max my AC out at 23 (28 if I cast Shield), say YES to Zantras the Kingmaker in the Amber Temple, bump my Charisma to 22 for a flaw that I already have, and take Polearm Master if I reach Hexblade 8/Paladin 2 before we fight Strahd.

Would you suggest Dueling for more one-handed damage or Defense to boost the AC to 24 (29)?
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made a little 3d model of my thayan character
>You're going alone into Barovia as a 1st-level PC, but every non-hostile NPC is a potential party member. What do you play?
Paladin. Effective against undead, and has a good Charisma score.
>made a little 3d model
Okay, let's see some other angles, then.
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Anyone has any tips or suggestions for running a murder mystery? My wizard player will be out of town for a while and that leaves the 3 non-spellcasting players (spelless paladin, spelless ranger and fighter) on a ship for 3 in-game days, in which I want to run a murder mystery where 1 person is killed each day and the party has to solve it or the murderer gets away when the ship ports.

None of the 3 players has any spells or items that cast spells, except the spelless ranger who has Speak with Animals always on.

Maybe Unrelated Note: in my campaign I don't allow Speak with Animals to allow you to talk to insects, only to mammals, birds and reptiles. To speak with bugs you need "Speak with Vermin" which no one has access to except the wizard, who is not around to instantly solve the mystery with a spell.
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i'm not going to do more renders it takes too long for my shitty pc
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nta, but I couldn't help myself
Fuck, that's a good one Anon. Have a (You) for effort and creativity.
What areas does a wizard tower need? So far I got an entrance, basement, library, alchemy area, herbal garden, living area, warehouse, astrology roof and owl roost. Kinda want to turn it into an dungeon with plants, enchanted objects, cursed books, rooms with spell effects and so on.
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enchantment room with sparking devices and animated armors
summoning/teleportation circle room
scrying pool room
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Getting back into Eberron... feeling compelled to run another campaign...
>celestials fall all the time
>fiends rarely if ever rise
Doesn't seem fair.
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Celestials really don't fall that often. Zariel is a very notorious example, but angels don't have to be nice, often they're autistic as shit and want to fulfill their goals, and as long as they're not outright cruel or get super disapointed with everyone, they just get shit done and fuck off back to the heavens. Good doesn't mean Nice and it most certainly doesn't have to mean Kind To Everyone at all, it just means they do their thing, if people disapoint them enough or start being rude dicks to them despite them being good for no good reason, that's when they *start* falling. They're just adventurers really. Be kind and they'll take a fucking cannonball for you, be rude and get smited for being an uppity little shit.

Devils and fiends don't really have to be evil all the time too, they can talk, converse and have deals as well. Its just their environments being made out of mostly evil bastard energy juice, it really makes it hard to be good. Clerics of Lathander are still out there doing necrotic cantrips man, the world is violent as shit, but even bandit groups play cards and shoot the shit with eachother. There's warbands of demons and even those guys do writing, talk, bargain and more, there's just not a lot of encouragement to be good.
There's honestly not enough spells to justify nerfing wizards.
Most Wizard players are using the same 5 spells anyway
It's not supposed to be fair. That's the thing with good vs evil: Good has higher standards, doesn't actually do that much for you personally and require you to put in an effort to benefit other people. Evil means putting your desires first even at the expense of others, don't require you to do anything for anyone else, and use whatever means you want to achieve your goals.
Sorry, anon. Union rules.
There not releasing the artificer in the new phb? Wtf
Our DM has said we can ask for a boon from the dark powers as a reward for defeating an aberration.

We can ask for a rare magical item, or a feat, or something else.

I'm playing an aberrant mind sorcerer for reference and have the telekinetic feat. My charisma is already 20. We're level 5.

I was debating between asking for a +2 bloodwell vial, or the ability to know 2 more spells that I can swap at a long rest (if I asked for this I'd probably ask for them to come from a different spell list, maybe bard, to allow for healing word or more utility).

The latter of these seems pretty powerful but I wanted to ask /tg/ whether it's completely OP, or whether you had a better idea.

Fuck off forever and never come back.
bloodveil vial is insane, especially if you can snag wither and bloom from strixhaven
if you want more balance, then two spells that are of mid power like healing word is a good choice
If your party doesn't already have a reliable source of temporary HP, Inspiring Leader is one of the most underrated feats in the book.
I'm gonna be real with you buddy, as a sorcerer who's already one of the best fucking sorcerers out there, just get a really nice item or the tough feat. Shit like a Robe of Eyes, a Mantle of Spell Resistance or a Helm of Teleportation/Barrier Tattoo can make or break your entire encounters and make shit a lot faster and make you way more survivable, but even just being able to get like 16 extra health is very very solid and shouldn't be underestimated.
Your unrelated note could be very related, the ranger could get some good information off some ship rats at some point to nudge things along if needed. For a murder mystery, I'd suggest reading a few murder mystery setups already written for things like dinner parties and see what you like about them and incorporate the interesting elements into your gameplay.
good fiends and evil celestials
heaven is a type of hell
Gandalf is a type of Gollum
>Zariel is a very notorious example
Yeah but even discounting Zariel there's like two or three other dukes who may also fallen celestials, Asmodeus among them.
Who are the Romans of faerun?
Who are the Celts?
Who are the Vandals?
Who are the Goths?
Who are the Huns?
can confirm. also works with

what would it be that couldn't be accomplished with samurai fighter, potentially dipping kensei?

If anything I feel like >>93267747 has a point and Samurai shouldn't even be a subclass, it should be like Pathfinder has it where it's just the eastern culture form of cavalier.
>also works with
character tokens. fuck. curese my adhd,
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Okay, so you have like four tops people of Hell who are actually celestials and fell. That's not many at all Anonymous, there's a fuckload of devas and angels out there, the Solar supply is limited sure alongside shit like an Empyrian which are not that plentiful sure, but there's a lot of celestials out there. Elysium and Celestia are pretty much planes and major hubs of existence that have a lot of divine motherfuckers in em, and even if you think no there's not a vast majority of celestials in an entire plane of existence filled with them, which is fairly stupid, you have four in the entirety of hell.

Asmodeus is arguably doing 28 million dimensional chess by keeping all of hell contained in on itself and exhausting its own supply of people and more fighting the demons and also having internal bickering and fighting between devil lords to try and usurp him, which they can't. Zariel, even if fallen, is out there also felling evil and being an angel of destruction and smashing demons left and right while spending devil souls up the ass on the Blood War. Whoever else you're thinking of is likely participating in the schemes or actions for the end of both of these ones. Even stuff like Radiant Idols are really not even that common.
that's how it works in real life too. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hitler thought he was a champion and a saint protecting his countrymen from the oppression of neighbors and and subversive invaders.
So we all know Monk sucks, right?
But casters are great.

So what's the best way to play a monk-like character, with most of the same basic "I am a wuxia mystic" abilities, as a caster?
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You'd better give me the best gish you can muster
The globalists will win if you don't
Monk Mystic multiclass.
Arcane trickster Kensei monk.
isn't multiclassing monk like, the single biggest character optimization sin?
But how many levels of each?
dancer bard
for my next character i want to play an arcana cleric up to level 8 atleast
My brother in christ, if you people all insist monk fucking sucks, then multiclassing out of monk to make monks more effective is the most logical ass thing you can possibly do. You can't claim monk sucks and needs help and a combo of things to make it work and then go "No don't actually add in any monk or multiclass", you're being silly. Also it depends heavily, because if you do shit like monk paladin you can just cast Divine Favor and basically nobody in the world that runs a game worth playing will deny you your free 1d4 damage.
Depends on your tastes brother.
for me it's kensei 5 / war wizard x
all gish builds suck in 5e, its kind of that way by design
hexblade, swords/valor bard, war/peace/order cleric do gish the best though, probably
I would agree with paladin. If youre playing in a campaign where you get tons of hirelings or whatever, anything that can passively boost friendly creatures in a radius is good (e.g. paladin aura)
If I'm in a fog and attack someone else in the fog and neither of us can see the other, is the attack rolled straight? That doesn't sound right.
RAW, yes.

You can't see them to hit them properly, but they can't see you to defend themselves properly either.
Any attacks that get through are more or less by accident, but they hit an undefended spot.
>Who are the Celts?
The Moonshaes
I've thought about doing a kind of Pinky and the Brain type situation, where One of us is really smart and the other unbelievably stupid. Problem is, I know us both and we'd both want to be completely retarded. Since he's a Gnome, the idea I had is that I'd be a Centaur and the pairing would have him just riding on my back everywhere. I guess I could be the smart one, and just tard wrangle?
the real point of fog could is to pop it on your allies to give your allies obscurement when threatened by ranged attackers

RAW, in such a scenario, the enemy has to first 'guess' where a target is when they cannot see them, and if they guess right, they roll.

but no one remembers that ranged attackers have to guess which tile. and the DMG/PHB is ambiguous about how the selection should happen. but if your DM does this its a good utility to have.
RAW, the enemy also knows where the target is unless the target sucessfully takes Hide action first. If you aren't hidden, your position is known even through osbcurement.
>You're going alone into Barovia as a 1st-level PC, but every non-hostile NPC is a potential party member. What do you play?
If we're going to be gathering a small army of NPCs to fight alongside us who need buffing up and supporting? The. The warlord obviously. Oh wait there's no warlord class in 5e. Only a few piddling remnants as battlrmaster fighter maneuvers. Because Wizards of the Coast doesn't like the idea of a white man rising up and leading an army into battle. They hate the idea of fighting men because they hate physical fitness and brute strength or even finesse. That's why almost all of the classes are spellcasters now. That's why all the adventures are about muh magic school.or muh magic foot truck night market, because that's where the limpwristed söys who wrote this game have experience in life. They would never make an adventure about white men raising an army because that's what they fear as an antidote to their subversive homosexual bullshit. Even worse in Curse of Strahd, which is a fucking gay module that has been discussed to death, but contains a vampire as the chief antagonist, representing all the pale child-molesting blood-drinking WEF freaks who run the world economy and governments. Confronting him face to face can only be done with proxies for minions of the globohomo order, to muddy the waters, otherwise the archetype gets very very uncomfortable for WotC. That's why they removed rules for domain play, mass battle, and gaining followers, because the idea of white men conquering land and seizing their own destinies disturbs them.
Under that logic, all fighter subclasses should have an eastern version.
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All martials should. Casters too.
So, what's the Eastern version of the monk?
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Tips for roleplaying as a fighter? I like playing fighters but I have always been sort of bad at roleplaying and I think being a fighter sort of makes that harder for me. What makes it hard for me is when the characters are in situations that don't require fighting obviously. Like as a fighter, what am I really doing when the group is talking to the town mayor or something? I probably have low INT and low CHA. So I end up just sitting around letting everyone else do the talking. I wish I could contribute more to situations like that.
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Bro. Take your fucking meds. Jesus.
did they ever go through with that absolutely dogshit run of nerfs to metamagic? i remember the twinned spell rework being truly abysmally stupidly bad, and quickened spell being worded in a way that bespoke extreme cowardice from crawford so that it could never be any good whatsoever

Sorcerer or Bard. If I need to recruit party members to survive, I'm making sure I'm friends with Ireena, Ismark, The "Mad Mage", Van Richten, Ezmerelda, The Order of the Silver Dragon, the Wereravens, Madam Eva, the whole run. Anyone I can get to help me, I'll need it.

Did the abysmally dogshit metamagic nerfs make it to official print or not
Is rolling stats for character gen good or bad or interesting? I wanted to try doing it once but it seems like doing so is just a fast track to gimping your character. I don't mind playing a mediocre character but having a bunch of "Dead stats" seems not good. I just want to be useful for the party but does rolling stats really offer more "flavor" to things? If you didn't roll stats, wouldn't everyone of every class have exactly the same stats?
Twelve classes is already too many. There should be way more subclasses.
Fifteen classes, eight subclasses each.
What are people's thoughts on the bastion rules from the playtest material? Seems like a decent money sink, imo.
What's the most recent state of the grapple/shove rules from UA? I know they got moved off Athletics checks, but how do they work now?
It's up to the individual group preferences.
Rolling does mean you'll have less cookie-cutter characters with the exactly same stat-spread, as you've said, but the stat priority remains the same for any given class whether you roll or use point buy or standard array. But good rolls allows for some unusual builds you wouldn't see otherwise.
It also means there may (more likely will) be imbalance between players. If someone rolls poorly, or much better than the other players, it may cause resentment in the group. Sure, there may be rerolls, or stuff like everyone rolling and then picking the stat array, but what's the point of rolling if you do that?
It's an unarmed attack, pick damage/shove/grapple on hit. That's it.
Did you need a run up to get to a real point?
Now mechanically if the DM isn't great talking could make a persuasion roll fall to your -1, but if they're good you'll have opportunities to play a supporting role in discussions relating to your specialty of fighting. Since its a group talk, you shouldn't be prompted to roll asking questions and the like, and if the conversation ever falls to something related to fighting, you''ll probably have a good chance to talk up your (groups) fighting prowess in a natural way. Just keep in mind what kind of character you are roleplaying as and what kind of NPC you're speaking to, and you should be able to come up with something; appeal to a farmer with you both having a working man's hands, appeal to a mayor with your previous triumphs in defense of the people. That sort of thing would probably be worth giving advantage to your party face in a persuasion check. No harm in grabbing proficiency in persuasion to just give a shot yourself either, its not a video game, I don't think you should be penalized into not interacting with an entire pillar just because you picked fighter. As a ,mayor I know I'd feel better speaking to a group of toothpicks that the beefcake in the corner is there to keep them and by extension me safe and not just there to look intimidating.
I believe it is a DC of 8+Prof+STR, unless you have a feature like monks do which lets you use DEX instead. They are also considered a type of unarmed strike, so whenever you could make one you could grapple/shove instead.
Thanks. Overall seems much more likely for things to resist being shoved.
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ignore gamer grease
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Have you thanked the party caster yet, /5eg/?
Why does he post it every thread?
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Rolling for stats has the propensity to give you characters that are hilariously against the rules.

These can be incredibly fun to play and also have a significant tendency to be a blight in a group setting, because whoever is the wise guy that rolled 90+ stats completely by happenstance now thinks he's the main character.

On the obverse, you can also roll up Shitdick the Blind Cripple, and play the worst character you've ever had in your life and watch him die in two sessions fighting goblins.

It is for both of these polarized reasons that rolling for stats is usually done with guardrail rulings - roll 4d6 dropping lowest 6 times a favorite among them, but doing that is precisely what got me into playing a demigod for a biweekly session, so do with that knowledge what you will.
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No fuck casters. I believe they ruin DnD sometimes. All the big bad's are always casters. "OH AN EVIL LICH IS FUCKING THE WORLD AGAIN!" or "AN EVIL CLERIC IS TRYING TO FUCK UP THE STATE OF LIVING." or whatever mumbo jumbo. You never heard about some gigachad warlord building an army to shit on the entire realm.
Hmm.. I might just create a character using point buy system then. That polarity is kind of off putting. I guess I could theoretically play a sub optimal character if it fits my character fluff. Basically, wanted a fighter that could swing a sword obviously but also intimidate with moderate success so I wanted him to have a higher than average CHA score for a fighter. I mean realistically, am I crippling myself by having a low dexterity as a fighter? I am also using this character to try and experiment more with slightly different play styles and alignments.
>posts a meme of a caster as a chad
Point made?
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Suit yourself.
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> I might just create a character using point buy system then
Probably the way to go, yes.
>I guess I could theoretically play a sub optimal character if it fits my character fluff.
Many will argue this is what makes the game fun.
>I mean realistically, am I crippling myself by having a low dexterity as a fighter?
If you don't plan on wearing armor or using a shield, it is a bad idea to have low dex.
>I am also using this character to try and experiment more with slightly different play styles and alignments.
Badass, do that.
Maybe because caster-GODs can have more options than Musclesforbrains McUnga whose only goal is conquering shit.
Of course the big bads are always casters. Martials simply aren't an impactful enough threat. That gigachad warlord got fucked over by a caster before he could get anywhere.
This ain't 1e.
>Unseen Attackers and Targets PHB p194

>When you attack a target that you can't see, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. This is true whether you're guessing the target's location or you're targeting a creature you can hear but not see. If the target isn't in the location you targeted, you automatically miss, but the DM typically just says that the attack missed, not whether you guessed the target's location correctly.

You are a goblin with a shortbow. You see a group of adventurers approaching. They see you. Initiative starts. The wizard goes first. The wizard casts fog cloud on his party. It is your turn as the goblin. In your primitive gobbo brain, you want to shoot the cleric.

Is the goblin >guessing< the cleric's position? The cleric, for all the goblin knows, could have gone after the wizard in initiative, and taken the hide action, and snuck or moved to a different position in the fog cloud. Correct?

Or is it the case that every creature who is not actively hiding with a sufficient stealth roll constantly pinging on everyone's radar in a 600 ft radius, precise enough to always be able to be targeted even through fog cloud spells with total precision?
Sometimes the simple villain goal is the best villain goal
As he's conquering shit he's expanding a zone of sheer hostility to the players, the longer he goes on the more towns fall under his banner, the more his armies patrol the roadways, the more roving bands of warriors temporarily cut off from the main army pillage and plunder. The warlord isn't the singular threat, it's his war machine that he's running.
>Party is a Fiend Warlock pretending to be a Wizard, an Armorer Artificer, and a Divine Soul Sorcerer
>roll 4d6 dropping lowest 6 times a favorite among them
You mean the variant in the PHB?
They do be putting on their lip gloss, and eyeshadow, and pussy blackener
How do you keep your players from falling for Strahd? This had been a completely unhorny campaign so far, same with our previous one. But now they just visited Strahd for dinner, and they're debating on if they all become his brides and husbands if they'll do one big vampire wedding or separate ones.
Thread culture. Newfags don't get it.
Sounds like a cool tier 2 villain. Would like to fight his boss one day. Y'kanow, the evil wizard that is orchestrating everything.
>The cleric, for all the goblin knows, could have gone after the wizard in initiative, and taken the hide action, and snuck or moved to a different position in the fog cloud. Correct?
Did he, though? Because unless he took the Hide action, his position is known. You have to be both unheard and unseen for your position to be unknown (being hidden), and Fog Cloud only covers half of that.
>Or is it the case that every creature who is not actively hiding with a sufficient stealth roll constantly pinging on everyone's radar in a 600 ft radius, precise enough to always be able to be targeted even through fog cloud spells with total precision?
No, you still have disadvantage to hit unseen creatures (which gets negated by the advantage you get for attacking creatures that can't see you), and of course being unseen means you're immune to opportunity attacks and can't be targetted by the many spells requiring you to see the target. The core books don't say anything about the appropriate distances, but the DM screen does; mormally, you're audible from about 70' (2d6*10')
Just show them how all their predecessors ended up: as mere tools locked in their crypts until he's got use for them, and who he has no feelings for.
do monsters know your exact location in the dungeon after you cast thunderwave in the dungeon 250 feet away?
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>That gigachad warlord got fucked over by a caster before he could get anywhere.
*mogs you with action economy*
Either have his brides and manwhore make it clear how miserable they are via some context clues, or do >>93272011's idea.
Possibly have Strahd do something simple, like backhanding the FUCK out of one of them and breaking their jaw when they talk out of turn.
If youre standing still in an obscured area, are you making noise?
I like starting at level 1.
Depends on the DM, but I get it. Few things can beat starting at level 1 with nothing but starting gear, roleplaying leveling up, amd watching the world grow around us as a player. As a DM, fuck that lowest I'll go is 3, and I normally start at 5
I'm DMing a DnD campaign, and my players stopped in a city outside of the main quest/source book.

They got a quest to find a guy who ran away. It turns out, they found him in the outskirts of an astral/ethereal plane and he is there to bring back a royal kid he accidentally killed. I tried to give my players the choice to either hand him over to the bounty hunters, or have them fight the bounty hunters and let him escape. However, they ran away and are determined to help him bring the royal guy that he accidentally killed in a bar fight, back to life.

I've had characters tell my players it's impossible, and demons tell them they'll be taken to hell if they attempt this, but they keep pursuing it. How would you handle this? Should I let them bring some random back to life, especially over something so trivial? I don't want to railroad them, but I feel like I have presented the task as impossible and certain doom, and it's over the top on it's face. Should I allow them to do it, or just let them walk to certain damnation?

Everyone is level 6 right now
>My brother in christ, if you people all insist monk fucking sucks, then multiclassing out of monk to make monks more effective is the most logical ass thing you can possibly do. You can't claim monk sucks and needs help and a combo of things to make it work and then go "No don't actually add in any monk or multiclass", you're being silly. Also it depends heavily, because if you do shit like monk paladin you can just cast Divine Favor and basically nobody in the world that runs a game worth playing will deny you your free 1d4 damage.
It's a multiclassing sin because Monk drags every other class down because of how Monks mechanics work, not because it makes Monk worse. By all means go for it but you'll realize in about three combats that you've blown two or more levels on getting your Fighter or Paladin or w/e to be able to dash as a bonus action. If you multiclass Monk into Rogue you're just playing a Rogue that can jump twice as far a few times per combat. It's a truly abysmal experience, but everybody needs to learn that Monk is genuinely that bad.
>came clean to my DM about being in drug withdrawls (day 4)
>told her I was afraid of the irritability, anxiousness, and anger side effects of the withdrawls
>didn't want to lock myself in a room with 6 friends I really care about and then subject them to a negative experience
>drenched in sweat and shaking while I explain myself
>DM was incredibly kind and said I should just take the day off
>went home to rest it off
I'm so lucky to have such understanding friends oh my god. I've been worrying about this for days.
Let it happen but at a cost. Maybe they bring the guy back but doing so opens a portal and bad shit comes through it.
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>asked my players for feedback because they don't come talk to me much after sessions
>"no feedback to give, dude, game's going great, see you next week"

what's some good feedback you've gotten in the past?
maybe I can improve on something they don't see as an issue
My first question to you as a fellow DM is: Why would resurrection be an impossible feat for a 6th level party? Even without a body, all they're missing is a high level cleric and the Arkenstone or other mythical jewel. If they want to cough up a grand to solve everybody's problems, that's totally their choice. And don't tell me "magic is hard to come by in this setting", some rando from Detroit shanked Duke Bennington Jr. and hid out in *the Astral plane*
That's a good idea, I'll think about something like this, thanks!
I'm a first time DM so admittedly this one got away from me. It's not worth boring you with details but part of this happened on the fly and mistakes were made.

It's not that magic is hard to come by (The rando has seen spirits his whole life and can access the outskirts of an astral plane.)

It's just I don't want to set a precedent that dead people can easily be revived, as I feel it will remove stakes for the rest of the game
an hero
Just retrieving a diamond worth a thousand gold would be a decent quest for a party of that level, let alone whatever else the cleric wants in compensation for both his time and spellcasting prowess. If there's no body and they have to cough up a diamond worth 25,000 gold? You can spin that yarn for months, maybe years.

As a long-time DM, my advice to you is this: Your players have chosen to lock in on something innocuous and both they and you will be happier if you devise a way to say yes to it. You can do this without cheapening the stakes of your campaign, it just needs to be a suitably large pain in the ass to resurrect somebody. You can also keep doing things like throwing devils in their way who offer you an easy* out for the revival while they figure out what to cast, who they can request to cast it, what they want in return, getting there, getting the components, getting back, etc. Your players have all but written your quest outline for you and they'll be more invested in it than what you had planned, in all likelihood. Plus this gives you more time to plan out what happens next.

>*: royal kid may or may not come back possessed by a devil or come back as a tiefling, party members may write their soul off to the devil and Bad Things may occur
Hang in there, anon.
thanks for the tips
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>Umm ackshually there's no conceivable way that a whole nation on a warpath is enough to be the biggest threat, it HAS to be le WIZARD
This is why casterfags have a bad name
How does anyone fall for this? I know people don't like to 'meta-game' but it's literally called Curse of Strahd. If they're so dumb that they want to be fuckholes for a vampire then give those coomers what they want
That sounds like you're taking the Hide action.
Yeah, like how Saruman was the boss of Sauron
Real life always comes before games, and a good friend understands that. Sounds like you got a good friend, Anon.
>sauron was a martial
Fucking RETARD
Nice Fireball formation you've got there. Also, guess what? Casters can be bitches who have others fight for them too, and they are better at it.
*sends out more units until you're out of spell slots*
>I have infinite troops while you have finite slots
The few times he fights he always went physical, either with his weapons or with shapeshifting. Magic in Middle-earth doesn't typically take the form of magic missiles or fireballs. He's a lot closer to a martial than a caster, at least in D&D terms. I mean if I was absolutely forced to put him in any class, it'd be Paladin.
you really just don't understand how hard you get rinsed by 80,000 randos with spears. even a 9th level wizard can only cast 15 fireballs. that's 240 people assuming the wizard is kinda deranged and blows a 9th level slot on freaking fireball
Wish them all away
If anything, Sauron would be an artificer. You know, the rings? As Maia, he was a servant of Aulë the Smith. But so was Saruman, and they were pretty similar, so really, they should probably be the same thing, Sauron was just more powerful.
begging the DM to save you now? what are you, a martial?
Well, I guess martial can only be a threat comparable to a caster if he's got an entire nation behind him.
I'd say he's a 5e bard, but I've also read the books and not just watched the movies. But you're going to reply anyway because you're a fucking retard. What grand insight do you have about something that you know Jack shit about, oh fucki g retard of /5eg/
>I have a gorillion troops and you have 2 spell slots
Fuck, you martialtards are fucking both retarded and pathetic.
that was the point of the argument, I accept your concession
on the contrary I gave a 20th level wizard every spellslot they get, that guy set the terms and not me
Well, guess what? If the martialfag arbitrarily gets an army, so can the casterchad. Except the caster's still better, because his army can be improved by undead, constructs, summoned or controlled monsters, magic items or magic.
Sure, the caster only has so many Fireballs, but that's still better than the martial who has none.
On the contrary, no class gets an army RAW, therefore it's oit part of this conversation. Otherwise a wizard would have 8 billion troops to the fighters 80k. Seriously, go fuck yourself you nogames retard.
>casterfag vs martialfag argument
Obviously the best is whatever is fun for you
Which for anybody with a functioning brainstem that isn't a mouthbreathing, nogames diphit is obviously a caster or a champion fighter
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the wizard at the head of an army would also be a warlord, anons. the army is more powerful than any single adventurer, no matter their level. and since anybody can be a warlord, anybody can be a threat, it doesn't have to solely be casters. whether the fighter or wizard is scarier in a single encounter is irrelevant.
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a fighting champion, you say?
My buddy is playing as a kensei monk. As the DM, I just helped him adjust some of his feats and gave him a cool weapon. If someone wants to be a monk you can always homebrew some feats or adjust ones that exist. There are tons of stuff online people have posted to copy or use as inspiration.
My title is The Spellslinger. Other fans could adore me more, bosmer.
yea it just sucks that you have to put in even more prep work designing items to unfuck wotc's shitty class design that they half-assed because of their fears of orientalism
I like you for being honest, and I like your friend for respecting it. Keep those friends.
Just tell your player to come up with some ideas and then you can either ok them or edit them.
It does suck and it's dumb you have to do that but it can be fun for the player to customize some feats, giving them a better investment and connection to the character and that will save you work anyway so it's not all bad. But yeah I agree it's dumb when they made monk they were either lazy or stupid.
This, only time I've seen a player led army in 5e it was a necromancer CHAD
>anon doesn't know about level 17+ fullcasters
fucking nogames
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>Under that logic, all fighter subclasses should have an eastern version.

Yes. We have eastern versions for weapon types as well.
>just reflavor ir bro
All classes already have eastern versions, weebs need to shut the fuck up

Knight (Nobleman) EK with athletics, animal handling, intimidation, and performance (ballroom dancing). You are moderately proficient in many things, but you excel in skills related to knighthood.

A normal face will still probably have better persuasion and deception and a scout will still probably have better perception, survival, and stealth so you don't have to mog others at their niche

Swap the Str and Dex and have fun being any monk (not just mercy/kensei) on par with the rest of the party
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>weebs need to shut the fuck up
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>be a thief rogue with mobile
>always go up to people and stab them, then pick pocket their coins
>DM is forced to stop the game and determine how much gold they are carrying
>says fuck it and just rolls for gold
>net profit: mug mooks for more gold than we would have gotten if we just rinsed theri pockets after they died
>BONUS: I can talk down to people who steal from the dead from my moral high horse

Fuck DPR, being a little shit (rogue) is great.
How much the new and improved 5e sucks? Should I give it a time of day?
Most classes are great. weapon mastery is cool, there is going to be new crafting rules, all in all 5.5 e looks good

verdict: pirate it
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That stat line is already on a fiend hexblade conquest paladin hellknight, my friend.
He is an unstoppable juggernaut loyal to Asmodeus already.
Fucker took a 43 damage crit in session 1 and lived.

I actually took a bunch of the knightly stuff as you said and the interception fighting style because I'd feel guilty playing a character this obscenely unfair without using it to protect my buddies.
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>So, what's the Eastern version of the monk?
the default monk is gygax's 70's idea of a shaolin warrior and inspired by western kung fu movies, a more eastern monk would be much more xianxia inspired, would "cultivate" levels in-character, and be able to spend ki for a variety of supernatural external applications on par with spells and rather than the ascetic, eschews weapons and magic items flavor, would probably get bonuses to attunement and be able to invest ki in magic items to do shit like use flying swords and talismans (Now that I say this, reflavoring a Pathfinder 1e Occultist to a Cultivator sounds hilarious)
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Fiends getting sick of Evil's conga-line-backstabbing and drifting to CN or LN is actually not super uncommon, especially when you're immortal, retaining a dedicated commitment to being Capital-E-Evil requires a truly dedicated asshole, the kind who wakes up out of bed ready and motivated to churn ever more orphans into the orphan crushing machine. It's not like being LN or CN means you're not allowed to murder people who look at you wrong if you're in a bad mood, there's plenty of neutral assholes around, but you're not married to the red horns and pitchfork lifestyle.

true capital E Evil should be moustache twirling because if you're NOT then you might as well just hang out with the fucking Slaad.
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>We can ask for a rare magical item, or a feat, or something else.
well unless you're mega overcapped on attunement already you should take the item. There's several Uncommon items stronger than a feat, for Rare it's a no brainer. By mid levels it's not hard to end up with a character whose magic items are stronger than most class features.
a +2 Bloodwell Vial is a no brainer, If you have no other ideas just grab that, it's way better than a feat.
>more spells
I'd probably still just grab a magic item, there's plenty that give you bonus spells AND additional benefits on top of that.

Or just take a Cube of Force and curb stomp every encounter. Rare items are campaign-altering in scope.
a bladesinger could easily be fluffed as a xianxia sword-sect cultivator
Radahn is literally the world's greatest Gravity mage lmao what a terrible example, just because he's a buff demigod doesn't mean he's not a spellcaster. Motherfucker literally uses Meteor Swarm in his fight
so does a hexblade or bladesinger bro....
>You never heard about some gigachad warlord building an army to shit on the entire realm.
>building an army to shit on the entire realm.

You mean, like a lich?
>the army is more powerful than any single adventurer, no matter their level
high level druid spells in 5e are only slightly less retarded than they were in 3.5 and even then a single epic level druid can lay waste to an entire city single handedly.

Do you know how much damage a goddamn 300 foot-tall tsunami can cause even modern infrastructure? now imagine one that magically spawns into existence in the middle of downtown. Storm of Vengeance is straight up "everyone in 100,000 square feet dies" and can be cast from 5,000 feet in the air. Druids are the best war criminals 20+ years running.
I can't get over the half-elves getting an axe for no reason, so no.
>druid flies into empire's capital
>casts Mirage Arcane from a mile up in the air as a fucking bird or air elemental
>suddenly everyone is drowned in mile-deep water (the mariana trench is only 7 miles deep for reference)
this is why everyone hates druids
then you're missing the point of the question.
the question was how to use a better class to play "Monk" so you don't have to be a Monk.
>i disbelieve the water
gg no re
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mirage arcane is actually so "real" that even with Truesight active you still physically interact with it. It's basically low-level reality warping.
all halves got the axe. you just pick whatever race you're most like.

though I wouldn't have minded if they balanced the races to more or less be about 1 feat worth of power, and then you could take a second race as an origin feat to represent being of 2 worlds.

honestly, you probably could still do that, you'd just have to do something weird with human because otherwise it's just a free shortrest inspiration because you still get an origin feat. kind of an automatic pick.
They're not a real race, if anything they're just a subrace.
It's hard to believe that 4e was the only time in D&D history that Monks were allowed to be viable.
>druid flies high above a battle field
>right as the battle erupts, he casts call lighting as a fucking bird or air elemental
>for the next 10 minutes, everyone is being struck by a lighting bolts from a storm that came out of nowhere

this is why everyone hates druids
> The terrain's general shape remains the same, however. Open fields or a road could be made to resemble a swamp, hill, crevasse, or some other difficult or impassable terrain. A pond can be made to seem like a grassy meadow,
Water counts as terrain, same as ground. Air is not terrain, otherwise there would be no specific shape of the terrain, air is the delimiter for its boundaries.
Ergo you cannot turn the air above a city into water.
You can turn the ground under the city to water though. Or to lava.
That said
>The illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and olfactory elements, so it can turn clear ground into difficult terrain (or vice versa) or otherwise impede movement through the area. Any piece of the illusory terrain (such as a rock or stick) that is removed from the spell's area disappears immediately.
Other than being an impedance to movement, it doesn't appear like it terrain mechanically changes, except to ones senses. So people couldn't actually drown in the water suddenly appearing beneath their town, it would just FEEL like they were to the point of being indistinguishable.

And honestly, waterboarding an entire town for 10 days straight feels like a lot more typical classic petty, sadistic, overzealous druid revenge tbqh.
Monks are viable in 5e.
Monks are't optimal in 5e.

Learn the difference.
It was always retarded for them to be a race.
they're by far and away the worst, most crippled class in the game
You being the worst doesn't mean they aren't viable. And they're only very weak in tier 1 play. If you've played a monk in tier 2 and 3, it's very solid (still weaker than a fighter, but that's how it goes).

Viable means usable, and monks are totally usable.
If your class has no worth after 5th level, I think it's worse than monk. That being said, barbs might deal better damage because they can use GWM and PAM, but that just proves how much GWM and PAM carry a bad class. Barbarian is a worse class than monk.
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Flow is king and it is also killer. Don't kill the flow with too many intermediates to get to the point, don't make countries or regions where you ping pong from one end to the other 20 times, don't make arcs where people basically do nothing forever and looking back they were just the errand boys of the world and didn't do an impact. Sometimes players are slower or faster, but make sure if a talk with a guard is a quick one, its ten minutes tops rather than thirty needlessly.

Sprinkle some spice. Just like 10 words like how the world feels peaceful as you trudge through the early snow or the nice feeling of a cool breeze in the summer is immersion juice, just a little bit can make your stuff really good. Combos with the above, flow is king and killer, something like describing the goblins cave as more put together than some mining tunnel is nice but don't go too deep in.

Nothing you do is a mistake if you just don't make it a mistake. You gave someone extra gold? Fuck it who cares, just go ahead and do it, make it so an extra costly homebrew item that's cool for them is out in the shops next town from a wandering salesman, boost them, allow them to spend their money, win at making them engaged interested and fixing the economy. Better the players are strong but invested than strong and bored.

Internal consistency lets you get away with even the stupidest shit as long as its consistently logical with its stupid set of laws. If you make the rules, and the rules make sense, even if the rules themselves are kind of nonsense, you can get away with so much shit in terms of stories situations and more that its unreal.

Don't just make prick NPCs, the players are trying to be heroes or at least decent people for the most part. If all they encounter in the world are assholes, don't be surprised that players will start choosing violence rather than kindness when all they're shown is spite.
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>Other than being an impedance to movement, it doesn't appear like it terrain mechanically changes, except to ones senses.
The terrain physically changes, it's not a matter of pure sensory alteration
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Ranger was a total shitshow. Let's see what they do with the monk.

will probably be solid
I think they nerfed it in the UA/, I can't recall. maybe I just didn't like the change
>The Elements
I can't remember either, I think it was dog shit
>The Open Hand
always weak, anything it gets is a boon.

>Flurry of Blows. You can spend 1 Discipline Point to make two Unarmed Strikes as a Bonus Action.
>Patient Defense. You can take the Disengage action as a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to take both the Disengage and the Dodge actions as a Bonus Action.
>Step of the Wind. You can take the Dash action as a Bonus Action. Alternatively, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to take both the Disengage and Dash actions as a Bonus Action, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

If they keep at least these changes, it'll be a huge step-up.
1e monks weren't BAD. their damage wasn't great, but they knocked out mooks like crazy.

Deflect missile was infinite times a turn.
If they beat an AC by more than 5 they stunned for 1d6 rounds, and autokilled if they basically beat enemy AC+ level on a roll under percentile. No ki costs. Ki points is a pathfinder invention, not even 3.5 had it. Their extra punch attacks were free too, so you got lots of chances.
they had thief skills.
speak with animals at level 3, plants at 8,
daily self-healing in a system where healing was normally 1 hp per day and only when resting in a nice safe inn.
immunity not just to aging but to Slow and the lag from Haste.
Slow fall, in a system where it mattered because dungeoneering actually happened.
Immunity to mind reading, and eventually geas and strong resistance against charm effects and psychic attacks.
immunity to poison.
the old version of evasion, which applies regardless of save, as long as the source would deal damage.
improved surprise chance.
move speed and scaling AC that eventually hits (effective, THAC0) 23.
Quivering Palm to once a week auto-kill something no save, system with no legres, yes that means bosses, though they do have to hit them once within 3 rounds of activating the ability.

and their main drawbacks were, high stat prerequisites, some minor weapon restrictions, can only carry a handful of magic items, can only hire at most 2 henchmen and only temporarily.
Which is rough, but only about as bad as paladin and ranger give up.

If wotc really is having trouble figuring out how to make monk work, they could literally just have copied some notes from the original and gotten something pretty effective.

Hell, I may do that yet, after I'm done trying to port 4e monk to 5e.
text of the spell overrules even crawford.
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>text of the spell overrules even crawford.
Text of the spell confirms you physically interact with it.
>Deflect missile was infinite times a turn.

now THAT is an idea. I suppose to bring it up to 5e's standard:spoiler text is the alteration

>You can use your Reaction to deflect melee and ranged attacks against you that deal Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage. When you do so, the total damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 plus your Dexterity modifier plus your Monk level.
If you don't have a reaction, you can spend a ki point to use this feature.
>If you reduce the damage to 0, you can spend 1 Discipline Point to redirect some of the attack’s force. If you do so, choose a creature within 5 feet of you if the attack was a melee attack or 60 feet of yourself that isn’t behind Total Cover if the attack was a ranged attack. That creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take damage equal to two rolls of your Martial Arts die plus your Dexterity modifier. The damage is the same type dealt by the attack.

Spending a ki to reduce damage may not always be optimal, but it is flavorful and options are always nice
oneD&D already made it fantastic by letting it work on all attacks, not just missile ones. 1d10+DEX+Monk Level damage reduction every turn is huge
Yea, thats the one I posted and I think it's a phenomenal change. But being able to spend ki to do nearly supernatural things, like regain a reaction to use defelct attack again is on brand.

I wish drunken monk was the same way, extra reactions to tispy sway and redirect attack would be cool AF.
mmm, i'd prefer "you can use your Reaction or spend 1 ki"

that way you have the option of blocking something and still making an opportunity attack or duelist parry or intercept later. as opposed to only having the ki option if you've already already done it.
That's also just solid buff, agreed. Honestly, if the monk loses the increased martial arts die but keeps everything else, I'll be happy.

Worse case scenario: It's literally just 2014 phb monk with Tasha's optional rules, and they call it a fucking day.
honestly, just letting them spend a ki to regain a reaction probably wouldn't be the most broken thing.

like, arguably there's counterspell, but okay fine you're multiclassed into monk, spending a resource monks only grow by levelling up, AND spending a resource casters only grow by leveling up.

You've spent 3 3rd level slots and 2 ki to counter 3 spells in one turn. It's fancy, but that's also probably about half of all you've got to your name even at level 10 (imagining a 5/5 split).

doesn't seem like it actually breaks anything. kind of like how I said that removing the attack restriction on flurry and martial artis wouldn't break anything. and turns out WotC agreed.

though I also advocated for patient defense or step of the wind (dash or disengage, not the new version) replacing an unarmed attack instead of costing ki.
The biggest buff to monk is giving more on-short-rest features to other classes so they have motivation to short rest as a party.
why was 5e so afraid of large-size PC races
Implications of easy/immediate grappling of dragons, insaner carrying capacities, and 5-foot hallways probably.
I will never comprehend why so many people believe that because their class doesn't have intrinsic need to short rest that they shouldn't short rest at all, it takes one minute to roll Hit Dice and refresh features, you're losing nothing at all.
There are a lot of tables out there that simply don't do short rests, as horrifying a thought as that may be.
even just unlinking the unarmed from the attack action and bumping flurry up to 3 punches at 11 is a MASSIVE and much needed boost.

it makes monks viable as multiclasses finally. And it makes them no longer fall behind warlock baseline except when on full tilt. Literally those two fixes so much.
It wouldn't fix 4 elem, but I'm not sure what would other than like, cantrip access and more spells known per level? Reducing costs isn't actually the solution people think it is, it just allows for even more fireball spam, the only thing the subclass really has going for it. What it needs is something useful to do that doesn't cost ki, that means no melee fighting (since you need ki to stay alive and have good damage) and it obviously means no leveled spells. Hence why I wonder about ranged cantrips. And then like, holy fuck 1 leveled spell until 6th, 2 until 11 is just... completely unnecessarily brutal. Never adding more when they made more battlemaster maneuvers was just an insult to injury slap in the face.
you lose 1 hour of time in game, in a hostile environment.

when you could instead just overtax your healer for spell slot curing then hear complaints about healbotting because they never get a chance to spend them on anything else.
In all honesty monks are bullshit strong. The fact that you have to make your BBEG immune to stuns or they'll spend the entire fight stunned (once they burn through their legendary resistances that the monk burns through in a single turn) because the monk can just spam that shit without effort.

I've always been of the opinion that monks are not weak, they're quite strong... they're just imbalanced. Outside of stunning strike, they have next to no power, but once you include that they're suddenly infuriating to deal with because of how effectively they can dispatch enemies and bosses alike by stunning them.

My fix? Replace stunning strike with a feature that gives you bonus Ki Points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
so only casters should have stun huh
>you lose 1 hour of time in game, in a hostile environment.
Oh no, stuff the DM is supposed to prepare time and places for to give players ways to use their basic features? You might be right, this is a DM problem too.
>you lose 1 hour of time in game, in a hostile environment.
almost like changing them from being 4e's 10 minutes was a mistake]

>muh warlock
then you gate them at no more often than 1 per hour, the way long rest take 8 hours but can't be closer than 24.
same fix, no stupid "but we can never actually take them, we're either too endangered or roo safe and so long" problem.

Ir you make long rests only possible in the safety of civilization, TSR era 5e gritty realism style.
I'm assuming you were replying to me and just didn't pin my reply in yours, but you must understand that there's a difference in being able to stun 5 times per short rest, up to three times in a single turn.

At the same level, a caster could probably only stun at least twice, and only once per turn.
> never DMd before
> I feel my current group (university club) might view me as "that guy" because I'm a retard and sometimes engage too much with the game world.
Should I try DMing to random people online? I'm afraid of looking even worse to people irl
sure, if you're doing it sunday, invite me.
This is really funny. Does 4chan have a LFG for DnD?
twice per long rest*
>The fact that you have to make your BBEG immune to stuns or they'll spend the entire fight stunned (once they burn through their legendary resistances that the monk burns through in a single turn) because the monk can just spam that shit without effort.
this is fake ass bullshit, and you know it.

stunning strike requires both a melee hit to land (coinflip) and then failed failed con save (coinflip, but actually markedly worst since bosses consistently have good con saves) That's already a 25% chance to actually land it.
So okay, monk spends a ki to flurry, makes 4 attacks, 2 lands, 2 stun attempts, 1 lands. Monk just spend 3 ki to stun a boss for 1 round, except no he didn't legres.

next turn repeat it again, monk has now spent 6 ki, and entire short rest supply if he's level 6, boss still has a leg res left, hasn't actually been stunned once.

but okay, lets say the monk is level 9. NOW he's spent his entire ki pool trying to land a stun, and none on keeping himself alive mind you, this is about the time he's hitting the floor because he's doing the classic 0 brain cell monk Playing Goku where he runs up to the biggest motherfucker on the field and plants his ass directly on the front line and refuses to move because he's flurrying, instead of chasing down some squishy but valuable caster or mopping up mooks with his ludicrous movespeed. And wow, he finally gets the last leg res down right before his ass gets reemed. Out of Ki. Out of HP. Still no goddamn stun.
if it's a DM problem then it's a DM problem all the way up to WotC. Their prewrit adventures don't have those either.
I've never played DND, I liked bg3 so I think I am going to try to start playing it when the new rules come out. But why does it seem like all the artwork they put out for the new book is of objectively ugly black characters? Do blacks even fucking play DND? Is this like how BG3 pushed the gay and black shit and then all the player stats they got back (other than gale's romance objectively being "bugged" which they never actually fixed) it turned out the vast majority of the player base played as conventional looking white human males and the top 3 romances were Shadowheart being over 50% and Karlach and Frog being 2 and 3? Or how capcom has changed a lot of their designs from their 90s franchises like resident evil and street fighter to be more "inclusive" and then did a survey and 82% of the people who play capcom games are men I feel like GW did this shit too and when I played blood bowl the playerbase was like 99% straight white men
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Yea but It's uusally dead.

>check catolog
yea, It's not even up
Blacks being intelligent and heroic = simple way to show that these are fantasy worlds.
Dungeons without roaming monsters and with empty rooms exist in WotC modules, anon, but the issue is not telling the fucking DMs how to run rests.
Fortunately you only have to spend your ki point if the attack hits, so saying attack rolls are coin flips is irrelevant here when it comes to stunning an enemy and using your Ki Points.

As per USING your Ki Points, since I'm talking about level 5, pretty much all enemies and even most bosses are not going to be able to reliably resist your stunning strikes, leading to an easy knock out for your party if you have nothing in place to prevent the monk from just spamming stunning strike. With 5 Ki Points per short rest, assuming it's a coin flip, that's 2.5 stuns for the big bad (who likely does not have legendary resistances yet) or some mooks. And let's say he DOES have legendary resistances, well, they're all gone now thanks to the monk. 5 Ki Points to remove legendary resistances entirely, and if you're lucky STUN as well? Sounds good to me.

If you're level 9 though, you have at least 9 Ki Points assuming you don't have any cool magic items that might change that or do something else, by this point there's gonna be legendary resistances and beefy con saves from your bosses, but you can still reliably stun mooks at least half of the time, which is 4.5 stuns per short rest if we're working with what you said about it being a coin flip. And, again, you can still burn the bosses legendary resistances for the party to freely wail on him OR if you're lucky, burn them, and then start stunning them. There's really no reason not to, you don't lose anything.

You keep saying "hasn't actually been stunned" and "no goddamn stun", but you put forth the best case scenario for the bosses and you were still outright wrong, because even if he plays Goku and just goes for the big bad, worst case scenario is still the boss losing his legendary resistances, and most likely case is that he'll stun the boss by the 2nd or 3rd round.
>BG3 pushed the gay and black shit
It only has one black romanceable character and it has the shittiest storyline and least lines of dialogues.
> Gay
It just has the same amount of male and female romanceable characters and does not do gender locking, which was always retarded.
I bet it was mostly male coomers playing female characters and sexing female characters, or female coomer players picking a male character to fuck not Edward Cullen
trips of truth
(failing to) stun bosses is a massive waste of ki unless you've got a caster in the party trying to get a shutdown spell to land.

honestly, trying to shut down bosses in general in 5e is a waste unless you've got multiple people all going at it. You need to cause about 6 save effects worth using a legres on to eat though them all since half will fizzle naturally. If a fight goes 7 rounds (1 deadly save effect a round), you should have been attacking HP instead, period. If a fight lasts 4 rounds (2 deadly save effects a round) and finally landing that shutdown spell on start of turn 4 actually matters because victory wasn't just a formality at that point, then you should have just been attacking HP instead then too.

Save or sucks are a trap against LegRes.
Nobody likes to admit it but Karlach is definitely a nigger under that fiendish heritage. That being said, there is still an absurd amount of black and Asian drow, duergar and other races of which look ridiculous being modeled after real life ethnicities.
>nobody likes to admit it
My dude, the world wants non nigger ugly tier black girls. She's basically a big nice black girl who cares and has her skin as red and is as hot as the average white supremacist finds her black red ass to be. There's nobody who doesn't like to admit they'd slam a black chick who's as nice as her, there's entire memes about white guys dating black chicks despite being the most racist fucks alive, bubba jones bobinson himself would have himself a blackie in his shack if he'd have any say in it, especially one like karlach.
I'm racist and not only are black chicks objectively (and in my opinion) the most disgusting, undesirable women after Aboriginal women, but I also did not like Karlach.
>stunning a boss and wasting all its legendary resistances is a waste of ki points
make it make sense bros
>Fortunately you only have to spend your ki point if the attack hits, so saying attack rolls are coin flips is irrelevant here when it comes to stunning an enemy and using your Ki Points.
I only spent them on the hits in my example, the entirety of which appears to have sailed over your head.
>With 5 Ki Points per short rest, assuming it's a coin flip, that's 2.5 stuns for the big bad
Over 10 rounds, yeah. You can't just handwave the misses. Just because they don't cost ki doesn't mean they don't cost turn time. The boss isn't just standing there gawking at you, if it was then you wouldn't need to stun it.

>but you can still reliably stun mooks at least half of the time, which is 4.5 stuns per short rest
I literally just advocated for mopping up mooks instead of focusing on the boss like you said was the actually tactical move. this isn't a gotcha, this is moving your goal to my side of the field so you can say you're winning.

>You keep saying "hasn't actually been stunned" and "no goddamn stun", but you put forth the best case scenario for the bosses
I put forth the statistically likely scenario for the bosses, and even showed my math in the form of a word problem.

>and most likely case is that he'll stun the boss by the 2nd or 3rd round.
No it isn't, and I literally just showed that if you were paying attention.
t. classic brainlet monk player
Never played a monk, never will. Stunning Strike is bullshit. Cope.
Once you see one that doesn't look like she's trying to catch an asteroid field with her lard or trying to imitate a lion with painted claws and a messy mane, they can be pretty damn cute Anon. Depends on the area, but the white guy stereotype carries some truth for a reason.
ah, just never played then. you cope nogames.
No it doesn't. Black women are statistically the least desired women by all ethnicities, nobody wants them. Whites are actually the most racially loyal group there is, and the exceptions are usually Asian women, not sheboons.

Furthmore, your "one that doesn't look like she's trying to catch an asteroid field with her lard" is usually mixed. There are no attractive BLACK women, only attractive mixed women who got very lucky with their genetics and took after their European counterpart.
>It only has one black romanceable character and it has the shittiest storyline and least lines of dialogues.
like half the human/elf NPCs and the majority of good NPCs with speaking lines in the game are black. Did you not play the game?
>It just has the same amount of male and female romanceable characters
again, did you not play the fucking game? literally every gnome you meet announces he or she is a homosexual. there are 2 trannies. there is a lesbian couple and there are a bunch of NPCs in act 3 that just randomly tell you they are faggots for no fucking reason
>and does not do gender locking, which was always retarded.
are you gay? the game asks you your fucking pronouns at the start. it could have asked if you were a fag at that point as well. they also made it way, way easier to get into a gay romance than a normal one. Gale's romance flags still fire off even though they "fixed that bug" even if you durge him and he was only the "highest dated character" at release because his romance would always trigger. wyll's romance also always fucking triggers even if you don't speak to him, 99% of halsin's dialogue post at 2 is flirting with him or something sexual about taking his cock and there are 3 different guys in act 3 you can fuck. the gale and wyll thing is so fucking bad it commonly locks people out of Karlach's romance because you can only "date" 2 characters at once and there are dialogue loops with halsin where you start the convo thinking its something normal
>how do you feel about the shadow curse
and then the only dialogue options to leave the convo are both flirting ones asking to take his cock. and if you try to go through all his dialogue options like do with the other companions like 80% of his default dialogue options you start with involve you telling him you want him to turn into a bear and ass fuck you.
karlach's face is latina or asian. she was black in early access or the datamined face, but someone realized if they left her like that people were just going to kill everyone in the grove
that's just forgotten realms. ed greenwood is a massive degenerate.
so glad the new PHB is set in greyhawk
I DM biweekly Wednesdays, I'm a player biweekly on the offweek on Wednesdays, I'm a DM biweekly again on Tuesdays and I'm a player biweekly on Sundays.

Stunning Strike is bullshit. Cope.
she isn't black, her face got changed to vaguely asian, maybe like filipina or asian latina when the game came out. also most black women who are attractive are mixed black with something else and people find the nonblack features attractive
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oh you're bi and weakly alright, that i'll believe.
Fuuuck, read it in his voice.
objectively looks worse this way. I was going to try to drop her pic in a >what's my race AI picture thing, but for some gay as fuck retarded reason literally every website like that now wants you to download an app to your phone or wants you to login with facebook or linkedin
Man just because you got some mixed features doesn't mean you ain't still black white or yellow or red. A black chick is still black even if the facial features are american or european, a white guy with black facial structure is still a white guy.
any good recommendations for a good boss for my party? level 8
this karlach thing reminds me of a podcast where a literal tranny bitched about there being too many white men on an xmen team when Kurt was on the team which is extra retarded because
A. Kurt is literally fucking blue so by definition he is a fucking man of color
B. Dude was raised by fucking gypsies
and the tranny called him white coded
Oh and this fucking GOAT of a racist page
>storm is so pretty because despite having 2 black parents, who were shown way before this comic and were explicitly black, her mutant ability made her mixed race which caused her to be pretty
She has a nig attitude and backstory, but she doesn't have a nig face, plus the red skin tone helps too.
My post was about the shit pushed on the character you play as: you're not forced to be gay or fuck someone black.
You are right in that the world is super "diverse", but desu it's FR, idk why would you expect it to not be degenerate.
You guys ever think about how if you stacked combat wheelchairs at a slight incline their speed of 50ft/turn would stack and the uppermost wheelchair could be fired off at extremely high speed?

You would only need 28 combat wheelchairs to launch the top one faster than the speed of light, 6,710,886,400 feet per turn, and with a force of 3.4 trillion Newtons
You'd still do 1d4+strength damage due to improvised weapon attack. You can do crippled peasant railgun all you want dude, it won't work.
wrong math
>Just because they don't cost Ki Points doesn't mean they don't cost turn time.
They don't cost turn time, no. You can choose to apply the stunning strike when you hit an attack, which is probably what you were already doing. You lose nothing but a Ki Point.
>Over 10 rounds, yeah.
At level 5 a monk can attack three times per turn for free, so it'll take you until your second turn to burn through your Ki Points.
>this is moving your goal to my side of the field so you can say you're winning.
My point was, is, and always has been that Stunning Strike is bullshit, not that you should hyperfocus on the boss. If using it to mop up mooks is effective, then I didn't move my goalposts to your side so I can say that I'm winning, you just argued in favor of my side to begin with.
>I put forth the statistically likely scenario for the bosses, and even showed my math in the form of a word problem.
You used a Ki Point for Flurry of Blows, at level five the boss probably doesn't have legendary resistances yet, and you also DECIDED that only one landed. This is, indeed, putting forth a very bad scenario for the monk.
>No it isn't, and I literally just showed that if you were paying attention.
You tried, anyway.

Anyway, the proof is in the pudding. You are either stunning mooks, the boss, both... or you are burning legendary resistances for your casters to get off huge spells. It ranges from good (burning resistances) to insane (stunning the boss).
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Not OR but I decided to test you guys' argument out in an actual simulation

Creature with +7 to con saves, 17 AC and 3 legendary resistances against a level 9 monk with +9 to hit and 16 Save DC, with 9 Ki Points (monk will be attacking and using stunning strike every round)

ROUND 1 test
Attacks: 15, 25, 19 (2 hits, 7/9 Ki Points remaining)
Boss Con: 9, 13 (2 fails, -2 LR, one left)

ROUND 2 test
Attacks: 11, 14, 12 (no hits)

ROUND 3 test
Attacks: 18, 27, 19 (3 hits, 4/9 Ki Points remaining)
Boss Con: 15, 17, 14 (2 fails, burnt through last LR, STUNNED)

He's out of legendary resistances by round 3, is stunned on round 3 as well, and the Monk has 4 Ki Points left. I'll do another round but give the boss Magic Resistance.
post tasha 5e monks can be viable with kensei or shadow but they need sharpshooter as a first level feat
desu if they need one of the strongest feats in the game to be viable, they're not viable
With Magic Resistance the Monk burnt through the entire pool of 9 Ki Points and the boss had 1 LR remaining, it succeeded too consistently.

So I guess just give your bosses magic resistance if the party has a monk and it's fine
What if the party has other people forcing the boss to make saves?
Then I guess the party worked together to allow the monk to stun the boss.
When is an acceptable time, out of game, for a DM to loredump about his setting?
What if the monk doesn't get to short rest immediately before the boss fight?
with discord and group chat?

any time. he can just make a file and let you read it at your leisure.
who are you replying to?

he had 4 points left over in the first sim, but you could save your points for the important fights if you know you're not going to get to short rest before them ig?
not OR but they will never read it lol
Black guys are hot.
Orcs are hot.
>There are a lot of tables out there that simply don't do short rests, as horrifying a thought as that may be.
That's why they buffed Prayer of Healing to now give everyone the benefits of a short rest once per day. Now at least you can guarantee ONE even with mongoloid pacing
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don't really see it
instead of biracial like you're implying the idea is she's got the same ethnicity as the first homo sapiens ever, the "original" humans to evolve which is obviously not the same as modern day african americans or even modern day africans
>rogues get sneak attack reguardless of having advantage or an ally nearby
>having advantage/an ally within 5ft/Rakish Audacity lets rogue add 1/2 half their sneak attack dice (rounded up), in addition to the normal sneak attack dice they have

>7th level swashbuckler
>deals an 6d6, instead of 4d6

>15th level swashbuckler
>deals an 12d6, instead of 8d6

Would this work for rogue's having competitive damage?
Haven't played rogue before, was it lacking before? I played with a swashbuckler once and he seemed to do just fine. Plus, his crits were insanity.
You could sneak attack on a dozen attacks in 3.X and Rogue still sucked cock. Making it once-per-turn just means the only way to play a decent rogue is by multiclassing or begging and pleading and sucking your party memberss to enable off-turn attacks (like blowing the sorcerer to twin Haste onto you, so you can make an attack with your hasted action and then ready an action for another sneak attack when an ally attacks)
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They aren't getting rid of it, it'll just be repreinted
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Related: if OneD&D Monk changes go through monk dip will be basically required for Rogue to not suck ass, since Martial Arts and Flurry of Blows being changed to bonus actions outright instead of needing you to spend your action Attacking now means you can Ready an action an then kick somebody in the nuts for sneak attack. Or they'll just all go 3 levels into Berserker Barbarian for Retaliation now that it doesn't need level 14
What does that mean?
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A lot of subclassed didn't make it into the phb, WotC is going to make new books and those new books will put the old subclasses in there, maybe with buffs

Like how Tasha's reprinted Bladesinging
>Getting rid of
Lmao you're a complete retard
>be martial hero
>raid old forgotten tomb
>beat the everloving shit out of its guardians
>raid casterlet tomb
>gain magical item
i ask you all, what kind of item would benefit a martial, insofar as to make him a real threat to an archmage?
my vote goes to a mantle of silence
More likely the doubled damage dice for large weapons.
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Mantle of the Tarrasque

>magic resistance
>Reflective carapace
three charges, regained at dawn
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There were actual rules for weapon size in 3.5 but WOTC thinks players nowadays are retards incapable of basic math so now even becoming Huge as a rune knight doesn't actually do anything besides the bonus D6/D10 from Giant's Might
>Every dungeon must include a clearly marked space for PCs to rest. Normal inhabitants are not allowed to attack when the space is in use.
>but WOTC thinks players nowadays are retards incapable of basic math

The terrifying part is, they are right. Maybe not the old core group of dnd players, 5e's draw is how simple it is to learn and play, and it did lead to its popularity.
I really enjoyed how in the wizard video they said that players don't read lmao.
now THAT is a funky ass idea
ill be stealing that for a later boss fight
Just make sure to scale it down to like, 3rd level spells and below
Considering monsters are assumed to last about 3 rounds of combat in the first place... That sounds about right.
What if they put INTlocks in the DMG?
Or really any clearer guidances on home-brewing character choices than what the 2014 DMG got.
your bosses only last three rounds of combat?
I like the idea of INTlocks. I wish that the Aberrant Mind sorcerer had the option of swapping to INT as well.

My DM allowed me to do that, fortunately, but even so.
Nothing stops the rune knight from stealing a frost giant's 3d12 huge-sized greataxe on top of that.
Several classes/subclasses could have the choice to swap which ability score they use to make the character feel more thematic, but imho having this be allowed by default and included in the PHB could be deemed too confusing for the average retarded player, and could lead to too many issues if not accompanied by some restrictions and pointers.
While including them in the DMG could address all and keep DM in control of whether they want to allow it at all or not.
If you're including it in the DMG and not the PHB, you may as well just leave it up to the DM at that point. I'd personally allow most Ability Score changes, but for some classes I'd say under the pretense that you cannot multiclass, like if a Paladin were swapping from Cha.
>If you're including it in the DMG and not the PHB, you may as well just leave it up to the DM at that point.

Exactly, but the point is that DMG could include clearer guidelines and considerations of what to allow.
2014 DMG had a suggestion for paladins with sorcerer or wizard spell list, but it said fucking nothing helpful about how should a DM go about it regarding keeping it fun or balanced.
Allowing for a Wis caster Paladin that multiclasses into Cleric sounds really awesome honestly, and not even as powerful as Sorcadin.
>a whole nation on a warpath
I mean by Tier 3 that isn't a big threat, no. Granted, most adventures end either right at the start of or before ever reaching it, but still.
>DM removed the Battlemaster subclass and gave ALL fighters, regardless of subclass, the superiority dice/maneuver table
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Rolled 14, 18, 1, 1, 16, 19 = 69 (6d20)

This is my Half-Elf Beastmaster Ranger and her animal companion.
You'd HAVE to put a 1 in int to play a beastmaster
Can't have Fighters require more than no thought at all, sorry.
Impressive, an actual living, breathing vegetable.
Even without multiclassing, I like the potential flavor for a Wis paladin, feels like it'd emphasize devotion to a deity more than "believe in yourself".
Cha cleric could be thematic for a preacher or cultist type.
barely, with that 1 Con. It's pretty impressive vegetable otherwise.
When I first started playing DnD, Beastmaster seemed like the coolest thing ever to me. I really loved the idea of having an animal companion... it kind of made me sad when I found out it was the worst subclass for the worst class, and when I found out I had to forgo my own attacks for my companion to make its own attacks? God damn.

Since then I've found that fighter with a bow is just far superior to ranger, but I still want to live out my dream of having an animal companion.

What do?
>I still want to live out my dream of having an animal companion.
tell your DM?
fuck, my DM gave me an animal companion in like my second session ever and I was playing a wizard lol.
Sure, but I want it to be like, a proper feature of mine, similar to how the animal companion/steel defender is a feature of the ranger/artificer.

Something that is a part of my class and what it can give to the party in roleplay, combat, exploration, etc.

Otherwise, I've basically just got a hired goon helping em out.
then tell that to your dm
Not the other guy but yeah, just talk to your DM, compromise and make some costs to get something like it, homebrew it without it being busted. You can just become a fucking drakewarden ranger anyways and just fucking have your own mini dragon anyways dude, why are you whining.
>Have idea for a character concept to bring to my DM
>Want to ask /5eg/ because it's a bit tricky to workshop around and not every DM is a genius who knows how to solve every issue his autistic player gives him
>"why are you whining, go tell your DM"
sad days
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has a Beast master Ranger that is actually playable. Use that.
Your dm might prefer to come up with the concept fully themselves, your dm might shut it down instantly, your dm might base it on another class, or in a summon, or in some creature you can buy or goon you can hire and just give them a bit of plot armor and connection to your pc.
how could we know what your dm (or you) would prefer?
as the other anon said, "compromise and make some costs to get something like it" seems like the way to go.
What's different about it?
Anon, you can't Sneak Attack with an unarmed strike, even if it uses dexterity.
You specifically need a finesse or ranged weapon.
If I could come to him with some ideas or concepts instead of just being like "hey I have an idea, go figure it out, guy" that might be helpful? Do you cunts just want to do nothing but argue? Every time I'm here some retards are arguing about which class is more powerful or if find familiar is a good spell or not
Get Animal Friendship to befrienden any random animal, or, if you want something that will be usable after level 5, ask your GM to let you have an animal sidekick.
The beast attacks as a bonus action and you can easily resummon and heal it
Combined with some other minor buffs to the class and the Summon Beast spell, you can make a pretty solid character.
Of course, it's some stupid spirit shit playing pretend instead of actually being an animal.
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My dude, your character concept is Ranger with Pet. New beastmaster is fine, drakewarden is cool, you still want something else. You don't propose any fucking idea, we can't help you.

Like seriously, what the fuck my dude, if you proposed some kind of cost and alternative we could weigh in and say if you need to be tuned down or not but we're not fucking inventing an entire rebalanced class just so you don't play drakewarden or new beastmaster. Game designers get fucking paid, we're just people here, we don't have to help you at all or in any way shape or form and you expecting us to do all the work for you is downright insulting. Get a fucking clue dude, talk to your GM, if you want us to help fucking make a compromise and present it so we can judge it preemptively but for fucks sake, we're not your personal homebrew army.
>Do you cunts just want to do nothing but argue?
wtf I was never an asshole to you
>If I could come to him with some ideas or concepts instead of just being like "hey I have an idea, go figure it out, guy" that might be helpful?
It's better to ask him first. Yeah, he could find it helpful, but he could also hate it since some DMs actually like homebrewing, or might feel you're a problem player who's trying to pass overpowered shit as acceptable.
Talking first is the only way to truly know his perspective.
I like how the idea of assuming that maybe other people on the 5e general might have an idea or two to help me out with alternatives to beastmaster given its lack of viability is "expecting us to do all the work for you" and making you guys "my personal homebrew army"

I literally had no chance to present any thoughts my ideas or compromise before I was just told to quit whining and go ask my DM instead.
Anonymous, your idea is Ranger with Pet. This shit already exists, in two different official subclasses. You haven't told us why they don't work at all or why you need others or anything else. The total extent of your information is that you don't know about modern beastmaster and aparently you're too dumb to understand that yes, you do need a concept to be balanced and presented to a GM or for us to be judged, because you didn't present anything except "make a class for me" as a thing for us to help you.

Think and present something before you post, to us or your GM. Your thoughts so far have been answered by subclasses and there's no actual reason you can't use those or just talk with your GM to modify those subclasses anyways. Go fix your problem and quit whinging when we're not your personal homebrew army when you can't even handle base subclasses and need an entire personal archetype for ranger with pet.
Anonymous, you're basically just getting viscerally offended and upset over someone on the 5E general asking for ideas on how he could have a more viable version of the beastmaster ranger.

You've seen this, taken great offence, and told him that he's whinging, wining and needs to fuck off and go tell his DM instead because you've found it 'insulting' that someone has made you 'their personal homebrew army'. Like, literally the guy earlier said the Tasha's ranger is what I'm after, and I'll go have a look. I didn't know they redesigned the beastmaster, and that was helpful advice. That was what I was after.

You, however, are being a fucking retarded sperg because someone had the nerve to ask for ideas (Unbelievable, right!?)
pills, now
Thing is current beastmaster is already more than viable and functional. Drakewarden is also a sleeper hit that people don't realize is also incredibly good. People keep coming here without ideas and then requesting help when they don't have a single ass clue about anything and hope everyone here can fix their non specific problems after they haven't done an inch of basic ass 5etools research. It is irritating at best and clownish at worst, and I don't have any patience and will call people out for abstract ass vague problems they can't fix that 99% of the time are just resolved by talking with your dude or browsing what's actually there again.

Get better at this shit dude. I'd be more than willing to help if you had something actually solid going here but all you got is ignorance, no solution, a problem that's been solvable for a long ass time and a vague request for fixing it with the lack of your own research. Not your personal homebrew army.
You know what's funny, you keep bitching and telling me that that there's no way to help because I haven't provided you with ideas (which you would shut down and tell me to go talk to my DM regarding anyway), but you... you know that... another anon DID help right? he pointed me to the Tasha's beastmaster.

You are so fucking stupid, you didn't even realize that an anon solved my issue in literally one fucking small sentence. Good job you actual retard.
Dude I literally told you about drakewarden and new beastmaster a while back too. You didn't read and keep bitching after you got a tongue lash, so I dunno, drop your pants if you want your anonymous ass verbally to keep getting spanked I guess.
Then why are you acting like there's nothing you can do if you HAVE got the solution?
Yeah, there's nothing I could do because you wanted a special GM and you brewed solution when you clearly didn't want either aparently as you ignored it. I can't make a new fucking class, I won't either, I can give feedback on an attempt at replacing a class feature for another but can't be the GM and say something is super balanced or not outside of a small investigation. When its this vague however, fuck that, not my job or work or something I can do.
>I can't make a new fucking class
Don't want you to
>I won't either
Wouldn't expect you to
>I can give feedback on an attempt at replacing a class feature
Yeah right, you'd just piss your panties and go bitch at me to talk to my DM instead.
>When its this vague however, fuck that, not my job or work or something I can do.
Have you considered fucking off then? It was so vague that an anon solved my problem, and you yourself had already solved it in literally a sentence? Wtf is your problem?
Man I really wanna play a shifter + beast path barbarian and say I'm literally just a human who can transform into a werewolf when he rages/shifts
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Yeah very clear you don't want my help, but I don't particularly care Anonymous. I ain't fucking off, I deserve to be here as much as you and I don't have a reason to leave just because you got mad for being told off for being a lazy ass with no research ability. Nobody has to be kind to you for being ignorant, nobody owes you respect and you ain't kicking anyone out either.

I mean that's basically a shifter Anon, that's pretty much the intended flavour. There's even the whole thing of shifting further with a bonus action with some of them for extra temp hp, they're basically made for it.
Oh yeah? Well, motherfucker, you know what? I'm sorry for getting angry at you and I'm thankful for your help earlier regarding drakewarden and the new beastmaster in Tasha's, I took a look at Drakewarden and it literally gave me some huge ideas for a PC in the future
Talk to DM. Depending on your campaign level, find some janky combo that satisfies you. If you're intent on using a bow and are willing to wait till late game, a valor or sword bard will give you extra attack and you can pick up find greater steed which doesn't eat up any actions to use and has a personal connection with you. On fighter being better with a bow than ranger, that is their entire class, but if you like it so much you can just see if the DM will allow you to tape drakewarden features into the fighter chassis but use second wind instead of spell slots to use its features, not like you'll make it to level 18 anyway.
that was not where I expected that to go
I might just straight up play Drakewarden, it looks dope.
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Did not expect this one. Good on you then Anonymous, hope you do have fun with the drake, that shit's a real sleeper hit, especially if you go ahead and you get something like a Nature's Mantle, real Predator with a fucking Mini Dragon vibes.
Oh yeah but I'd just say I'm a normal human with nothing interesting about me, my class? Oh lol I just have a sword and a pistol, no big deal haha

But then I'd love to use shifting + beast rage on conjunction to LITERALLY take on the form of a stragiht up fucking werewolf
Nah man that's the kino its meant to be. You got it perfectly right.
Beast master was still good, even if you didn't force it to attack

>Can threaten for attacks of oppotunity
>an entire body on the field that can take hits
>can move on your turn without command
>can take the dodge action on your turn without command
>easy access to a mount for small races
>wierd niches (giant poisonous snake, giant crab, wolves, boars

The main problem was the chassis. The 2014 ranger was very poorly put together, and future rangers subclasses were overbuffed to compensate. The power creep was very real.
Beastmaster isn't even a subclass. It should be an option for every PC regardless of class
Companions (animals, familiars, etc) and pacts (the warlock kind) feel more like something that should happen through the plot than being class related mechanics.
Hard disagree, why would every single campaign include this kind of plot point? Why does every DM have to plan for it?

it's far better as a class/subclass feature that a player can work toward.
Who said anything about "every single campaign"?
It can just be brought up if a player or DM wants to.
Having it as class features does result in one player forcing the whole group including DM to deal with it whether they want to or not.
>DM, may I have an animal companion"
DM may is widely considered terrible game design. Warlocks and paladins don't have this problem because it was made well, and it was fixed for BM rangers in Tasha's.

>Having it as class features does result in one player forcing the whole group including DM to deal with it whether they want to or not.
That was never the case. If the majority of a group doesn't want to do something, it's not going to happen, the DM is just going to follow the majority. And if a DM doesn't want to waste time, he's just going to hand wave it.
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Less than an hour left
It doesn't need to be either class mechanic or DM may I, it can just be a mechanic not linked to class.

>That was never the case.
It is currently the case, when you can have a party with a bunch of people picking find familiar or similar shit.
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MonkGODS assemble.
I want a monk who can have a high strength and some way to Kamehameha/hadoken, while still being effective.
play pathfinder
It's not effective there either.
Monk 3/fighter X
having baseline access to PAM/GWM is part of the class tho

countdown started, get in here and be disappointed with the rest of us
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post your monks
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>dex based grapples and shoves
>starting d6 martial arts die

ok, so far so good.
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>ki replaced with "Monk's focus" that use focus points
>flurry of blows: same as UA 8
>patient defense: same as UA 8
>step of the wind: same as UA 8
>uncanny metabolism: same as UA 8
>deflect attacks: same as UA 8
>defelct energy: same as UA 8
>stunning strike: fail save: stunned, suceed save: speed is redued by half and the next attack agaisnt the creature has advantage

Ok, I'm satisfied. I'm still gonna call it ki, but now monks are officially good
Don't forget to take magic initiate (find familiar) so you can have a bird too
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>How using Stunning Strike feels with the buffs: https://files.catbox.moe/wz905m.mp4
Yeah this actually feels like its solid and not bullshit. Still a fucking MAD nightmare mind you, but pretty alright.
I haven't had time to look into the changes, but would you say this is closer to or further from the monk just being "punch wizard" with his own special spell list and standard spell point system now?
Monk is now really good. You're gonna rush level 5 for extra attack like most martials and then can go fighter 1 for Nick which stacks with flurry. Then you probably want more monk levels. If you're going all the way to 20 Body and Mind being a straight up +4 to both Dex and Wis means you can be totally fine single-classing even in capstones are merely aspirational fantasies 99% of the time, but that's still SO much better than Perfect Self in 2014 which is one of the most dogshit capstones alongside Warlock Eldritch Master.

Rogue is uncontested worse class in the game now. Monk and Barbarian made out like bandits.
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The article doesn't go into detail but 4 Elements was apparently buffed a lot (no surprise since it was so dogshit it's like 90% of people's gateway into homebrew) and will be more of a punch wizard instead of being useless
actually Weapon Master is now a half-feat giving you access to a weapon mastery which makes it a perfect level 4 choice for Monk and doesn't require dipping Fighter. Just start with 17 DEX and boost it to 18 at 4 with Weapon Master and grab Nick
>monks are now amazing
Are we truly ready for this timeline?
>You're gonna rush level 5 for extra attack
You don't even need to, Nick just gives you an entire extra attack anyway. Might as well start as Fighter for Con saves, more health and self healing, then go all in on Monk for three resourceless attacks staring at level 2
We're all gonna call it 5.5, right? None of this "OneD&D" nonsense.
everyone who played 3.5 I know is calling it 5.5, zoomers are calling it 5e24 vs 5e14 since they didn't live through the last edition wars. fucking nobody is using the retarded XBone naming convention.
QRD on Rogues? Did they get a nerf or just no real buff despite always being solidly in the bottom 3 classes?
>QRD on Rogues?
Bad idea for a class that trivalizes major aspects of the game that should be engaged with by all players but instead are funneled to the rogue player.
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they didn't get nerfed but their buffs are a joke while barb and monk got basically full reworks making them great and worth single-classing in to level cap.
It's especially bad comparing them to Barbarian, since both classes got Brutal Strikes and Cunning Strikes, it's just Brutal Strikes are straight up better than Cunning Strike, add damage instead of subtracting damage, and work without a save allowed while the Rogue ones are all fucking CON saves which most monsters excel at.
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>Bad idea for a class that trivalizes major aspects of the game that should be engaged with by all players but instead are funneled to the rogue player.
This hasn't been true since AD&D you retard, for the last 24 years Rogues have not had a monopoly on skill use, they've just had more skill points/proficiencies than other classes (but not even always, since Wizards in 3rd would eventually boost their INT enough to get comparable or more skill points than a Rogue anyways). AD&D didn't have an actual skill system and instead had dumb shit like Percentile dice for tasks exclusive to a given class, like Bend Bars and Lift gates or the Thief's abilities on pic related.

If you were a Fighter or Paladin or Druid or Magic User you couldn't do the shit on this chart, you HAD to have levels in Thief. That's not how skills have worked since TSR went fucking bankrupt.
>Rogue worst class
>Not Ranger
One job.
Ranger is the worst DESIGNED class but it's not the worst in gameplay, just super fucking boring, it's still solidly middle of the pack and always will be since half-casting plus poaching most of Druid's good low-level spells plus Extra Attack and Archery/new TWF Nick is basically impossible to fuck up.

There's almost zero reason to bother playing the new Rogue now that even fucking Barbarian can be a STR-based skill monkey with permanent Advantage while also debuffing enemies on hit and Monks completely mog them as dexterous skirmishers
Ranger's biggest flaw is being built around a pillar of the game that has roughly zero foundation in the DMG and gets almost no play time at the tables.
At least Rogue doesn't have to rely on concentration every fucking encounter just to do damage or do well. ANYTHING productive.
ranger doesn't need to concentrate on hunter's mark and if you're playing shit like Beastmaster you're never gonna have a spare bonus action to cast it to begin with since it's eaten up by commanding and attacking with your pet. same reason it's not worth using on a battlesmith
>Doesn't need to concentrate on Hunters Mark
Might as well not have a level 13, 17, or 20 feature as well as ANY Subclass features that use Hunter's Mark.
>Might as well not have a level 13, 17, or 20 feature as well as ANY Subclass features that use Hunter's Mark.
correct, those features are dumb and poorly designed and at my table I'll be allowing ranger to simultaneously concentrate on Hunter's Mark plus another Ranger spell, but even without them it's still better than Rogue.
I'm starting to believe WOTC hates Skill/Dex Classes.
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This is the best Monk has ever been outside of arguably some 4th edition builds so not really. It is true that they hate Ranger. In 3.5 Rangers had an entire class feature that was literally "you get an animal companion like a druid, except yours is just worse and scales 50% slower because fuck you".
5e ranger was so bad you could literally make a better ranger by just making a rogue and then alternating rogue and druid levels.
>it's still solidly middle of the pack
Is it though? Other than Rogue, what classes are genuinely worse?
It lost power attack with little to make up for it (unlike Paladin, Fighter and especially Barbarian), and its few sparse niches in the past got nerfed to shit.
- In a campaign with lots of chances to ambush enemies, Pass w/o Trace was great. But now surprise just gives disadvantage on initiative instead of a skipped entire turn.
- At level 9, they were genuinely solid depending on how a DM ran Conjure Animals. But that spell got taken out back by Courtney Love.
They're better designed than the 2014 version for sure, but compared to Tasha's Gloomstalker it's clearly worse, and everything else except Paladin got buffed. IMO the second worst class by far.
This is extremely true in 2014 with Battlemaster 5/Druid X. Better at using weapons, actual burst damage capabilities, even by level 8 you have more spells on a better spell list and scale slots faster, wildshape for ooc utility, ritual casting, and you give up almost nothing by comparison because the regular Ranger features suck massive asshole.
>everything else except Paladin got buffed
Lmao why are paladinfags like this
This nigga doesn't understand gravity
Currently at level 3 with Assasin Rogue
Would you guys recommend multiclassing ?
I was considering 1 level of fighter for fighting style and martial proficiencies but also considering 3 level in whispers bard
Not a Paladinfag, but they're pretty much the same. Better with sword and board, TWF, or greatsword, but bad PAM synergy which was very braindead strong on them.
huge buffs especially with Indomitable becoming pseudo-legendary resistance adding your LEVEL to saves
second coming of son goku, genuinely the best iteration the class has had in decades and arguably ever depending on your thoughts on 4e psionic monks
skill monkey? more like skill gorilla with the new Rage changes. Brutal Strikes are genuinely great and work without a save, Berserker especially got a huge glow-up with Retaliation moved to 3 as icing on the cake
basically unchanged but they also get free Expertise as a final fuck you to Rogue, has hidden buffs via the new PHB having defined rules for crafting scrolls as a PC without Mother May I.
can wear medium armor without needing to suck dick for dragonhide. Moon Druid nerfed at low levels but everybody else buffed by being able to speak in wildshape and use it as a Bonus Action. They now add WIS mod to cantrip damage which pairs excellently with the new True Strike which ALSO lets you attack with WIS and add modifier to damage. an elf druid can pick up a bow and shoot somebody for 1d8+1d6+10 damage at level 7, which isn't martial damage but it's also totally free on top of being a full caster.
Buffed, especially shit like Trickery
significantly buffed
significantly buffed
significantly buffed and might even be able to poach "class feature" spells depending on wording of new magical secrets which would be retarded but whatever
I'm gonna keep calling it stupid cashgrab, D&Done or trash.
Monks are fun as hell. The problem is, people want to be the main character instead of a character in a team. The type who never casts buffs or debuffs. The kind who hide treasure from the party. "It's what my character would do".... You know the types.
>new valor bard simply steals Branding/Toppling/etc Smite with Magical Secrets
because it's true
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Veteran DMs of /5eg/ I humbly request aid.
I plan on using this as a boss for a one-shot. The group has 5 players. About what level do you think they should be to have a tough but fair fight against this crab.
I'm just gonna talk to my DM to make Divine Smite work like Eldritch Smite.
either give it a bunch of minions or legendary resistances or it's just gonna get fucking dumpstered by CC. even difficult terrain screws it over. it doesn't even have multiattack.
It'll have cultist minions. Thinking around 5-8 of them.
You can do some fucked up shit with masteries

Level 5 Battlemaster with Crusher:
>hit enemy w/ warhammer
>move them 5 ft up w/ Crusher
>move them 10ft away w/ Push, flinging them into the air diagonally
>they fall for 1d6 extra damage and go prone
>no save on any of this
>attack again at advantage, throwing them 10ft away again
>if they make it back to you, use Brace and attack as a reaction, uppercutting them 15ft in the air with no save for 2d8+1d6+Str+dueling+weapon mod damage
>they have no more speed to get up again, so best they can do is a feeble ranged attack at disadvantage, if they have ranged abilities at all
>this gets more fucked up at level 9 with Slasher and Duel Wielder, to use Slow+Slasher to trash their movement speed by 20 on top of all that
question: how many paladin players used smite more than once a turn? I only ever really used it when I crit.

Is it an adventuring day thing? As in if you have a short adventuring day theres no need to save smites for crits.
>At level 5 a monk can attack three times per turn for free, so it'll take you until your second turn to burn through your Ki Points.
>They don't cost turn time, no. You can choose to apply the stunning strike when you hit an attack, which is probably what you were already doing. You lose nothing but a Ki Point.
You're still not counting the misses. 3 attacks a round does not mean 3 chances to stun. No character lands every attack.

3 attacks a round, about half hit, that means you're only landing 1.5 attacks a round. If you stun on all those ~1.5 attacks that hit, costing ~1.5 ki, then about half of those stun attempts are failed. So the actual stuns happening on a given turn with 3 attacks where you attempt to stun on all the attacks that land is only 0.75.

>You used a Ki Point for Flurry of Blows, at level five the boss probably doesn't have legendary resistances yet, and you also DECIDED that only one landed.
Because statistically, only one punch out of 4 actually causes a stun. See above. 4 attacks, 2 stun attempts, 1 stun. 3 attacks, 1.5 stun attempts, .75 stun. 25% chance, exactly like I said >>93274222

>or you are burning legendary resistances for your casters to get off huge spells
IF you have casters spending half their slots trying to get off huge spells. As >>93274298 puts it, attacking legres saves on your lonesome, even as a caster, is a fools errand.

what monk has both a +9 to hit and 16 save DC at level 9?
That's a +5 to dex and a +4 to wisdom. You've only had 2 ASIs. What were your starting stats?

Also, those boss save rolls are atrocious

2, 6, 8, 10, 7? He never got top half of the die lmao.

So an absolutely jacked monk, against a boss with absolutely horrible luck, can finally land his first stun by end of round 3.

which is almost exactly about what I predicted here >>93274222 I just had him spending more ki due to flurry for even more chances at landing a hit.
It's more about the fact that it shouldn't be a bonus action AND casting a spell. Couldn't care less about the once per turn restriction, I think that's basically fine.
I really dont get it, other than the smite BA / once a turn what has been nerfed? They also get

> Weapon masteries
> More CD uses
> Divine Sense is now usable
> BA Lay on Hands
> Free uses of smites / other spells
> Earlier spellcasting progression
> Subclass features are better and take less of your turn
> Smite spells in general have been improved
This. if it was just "once per turn" but otherwise identical to 2014 I wouldn't mind at all. being a Spell, AND costing a bonus action, AND being once per turn was overkill and reminds me of Games Workshop's approach to balance where if something is a little much they'll do dumb shit like raise its points cost AND nerf its abilities AND then nerf a core rule that was favorable to it. It's too heavy handed.
Only problem we don't know if Crusher, Slasher, or the Brace Combat Maneuver are in 2024 PHB.
Buffed, but less so than others and their main buff is more "additional options" rather than adding onto what they already had.

Its fine, its the worst but not in the way 2014 monk was the worst.
>throwing enemies up into the air with pushing abilities to exploit fall damage & prone
Good luck finding a DM that allows this Looney Tunes shit at their table
2014 monk has been training in the hyperbolic time chamber for the last decade and finally emerged as 2024 monk
ironically you're more likely to get away with it just playing a fucking warlock. if you yank somebody into the air with Grasp of Hadar or Thorn Whip or fling them away with Crusher and Repelling Blast suddenly it's not "looney tunes" it's AWESOME DISPLAY OF ARCANE MIGHT and totally intended and RAW lmao
They said the Tasha maneuvers are in, and from what we've heard the Tasha feats are almost definitely in.
But admittedly, they might have nerfed Crusher to disallow vertical movement. Hope not.
Time chamber explains how they can now actually make a shit load of attacks on a single turn now.

"Flurry of blows" is at last an accurate name - get the nick mastery and you can make 6 attacks a turn at level 10.
>how many paladin players used smite more than once a turn?
literally every paladin i've ever played with (except one whose a defense stat fetishist) exclusively used their slots for smiting, and made a habit of dumping their entire pool in the same fight. They used smite less like a "hmm, i need some extra damage right now" tool, and more like a barbarian using rage, save it for the hard/boss fights then put a brick on the throttle.

and obviously "paladin is the nova class" is not how WotC intended players to use the class. that's supposed to be sorcerer's identity if anything. By their own descriptions, paladins are supposed to be about defending allies, smite was just supposed to be a way for them to not fall super behind fighter when only having 2 attacks, and to use their spell slots by the end of the day in a way that doesn't hinder their martial action economy.

So rather than take away smite entirely, or revert it back to 3.5/4e style where it's more like hunter's mark, they made it so players couldn't stack it with PAM and dump their entire load all at once anymore.
It's literally 100% RAW, no rules lawering allowed
At that point, you're getting into the territory of a DM who doesn't allow stuff like blowing up doors with Shatter because their autism didn't forsee it.
not to mention moon druid forms have some fun combos with maneuvers. Tripped and restrained by a giant octopus in a single attack? Yes please.
Damn that's cool. Never even thought about that, but natural weapons can proc maneuvers
instead of dual wielder and warhammer/longsword, why not go unarmed style with a claws or bite race?

It saves a feat, and leaves your hands open for things like grapples (while giving bonus damage on grapples too) or potion drinking, you don't lose any damage, plus it's just rad as hell to ragdoll a person around with your bare fucking hands.
not all maneuvers. some do actually specify a type of weapon. but most of them yeah.

we had one of those in the first 5e game I played in.
Crusher missing the "away from you" language present in literally every push effect in the game is an obviously accidental omission, and you're not going to be allowed to do Street fighter air combos just because an unpaid intern didn't care enough
That said, if your DM allows it more power to you
>why not go unarmed style with a claws or bite race
Mainly magic items and damage. Also, can you get a bonus action attack with claws or bite?
Also also, you don't actually need the feat, you can do that just fine with a club or light hammer and a scimitar. Duel Wielder is just for the damage/AC bonus.
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>this Looney Tunes shit at their table
More like dragon's dogma

>turning your fingers into flamethrowers because you said the magic words
>launching an enemy 15ft in the air because supernatual primal energy bolstering strength
Grapply lizard folk...
>Alligator roll

Super fun if there's a lot of water encounters and you can straight drown your enemies.
>is an obviously accidental omission
It's not though, it specifically says you can move the target 5 ft in any direction. It would have taken just as many words to say "away from you"
They may nerf it though, this is just speculation.
Your persecution complex is exhausting to everyone around you
>this Looney Tunes shit at their table
exhaustion is too strong of a condition for a martial like me.
/5eg/ be like:
>"hmm, today I will totally misread Artificer features for my own benefi-"
>Your persecution complex is exhausting to everyone around you
Is it a persecution complex when people are directly contradicting the rules just to try and "persecute" him for bringing it up? Isn't that just normal persecution?
capspam aside I agree that people try and call martials normal/limited by human ability despite the objective ways they aren't.

A max level rogue can use a dagger to deal an average of around 25% of an Adult Brass Dragons hit points. In 24 seconds they could stab a dragon to death with a pithy dagger - and rogues are weaker martials damage wise.
>Also, can you get a bonus action attack with claws or bite?
not both more than once a short rest and while single classed. So fair enough, forgot you were getting a BA attack from TWF.
Much like religion, everyone who plays 5e is selectively blind to certain aspects of RAW that don't suit them
The correct way is to recognize that RAW is inherently fucking stupid and always will be (invisibility) and for the DM to apply sensible rulings. Playpiggies either suck it up or find another table.
>Crusher missing the "away from you" language present in literally every push effect in the game is an obviously accidental omission
they've had literal years to errata it if it was accidental.
>they've had literal years to errata it if it was accidental.

To be completely fair, they actually might just do that in the new phb. If it survives intact, no one can bitch about it
It's more about the reaction, the comment thread didn't include anything about casters or spells until he started screeching about it as an example of unfairness in feature access (my brother in Helm, YOU chose the class)
By RAW he's probably correct that the interaction works in a whiteroom, I'm just saying that it might be hard to find a DM in real life who won't rule differently.
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Crusher only works on stuff one size larger than you, if somebody wants to bully medium and large monsters by ragdolling them a little who cares, Lightning Lure is a fucking cantrip that can ragdoll Colossal creatures. A Cantrip.
>despite the objective ways they aren't
And then there are ways that martials are capped BELOW the capabilities of real-world athletes for some godforsaken reason.
You know you're talking to at least three different people?
At no point were my responses "screeching:"
Cunning Strike is at level 5 while Brutal Strike is at level 9. So it does come online later.
Cunning Strike is also a DPR loss.

Rogues should get 7 additional sneak attack dice, at each interval when PB increases, and one more time at 20th level
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That's true but but they're also getting this in place of extra attack and the ones you get at level 5 are pretty bad, they're basically Mastery equivalent besides Poison which has its own issues.
Shit taste in deities.
Why are all mystras sluts and all male magic related FR deities such simps?
Except maybe savras who's just a doomer
I think the fighter should get an extra extra attack at every level, so at level 9 he would have 9 attacks per turn
That is true though. At least Withdraw works consistently
>Withdraw (Cost: 1d6). Immediately after the attack, you move up to half your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.
You could keep your bonus action for hiding or dashing now or other bonus action stuff.
I think the barbarian's rage should give him immunity to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage (with bear totem granting him resistance instead)
Actually, although it requires an additional attack roll, you can TFW to make up for the withdraw.

Only really worth it if you have two really good magic items.
>Martial arts BA and Flurry no longer need attack action
>you can grapple, trip, or shove in place of any unarmed strike, including attacks of opportunity, and use dex for the DC
>martial arts die bumped one size, d6 to d12
>Patient Defense is now Disengage for free, spend a ki to add Dodge. At level 10, it gets even stronger.
>step of the wind is now Dash for free, spend a ki to add Disengage and double jump distance. At level 10, even stronger.
>Flurry 3rd attack at 11? suspiciously not mentioned, but was in playtest. Upgrades at 10 too.

>Stun is limited to once a turn. But in trade, it can no longer fizzle, they lose half movement and the next attack against them is at advantage. Solid solution to two competing problems imho, because stun was either oppressively successful or totally worthless accomplishing nothing while being incredibly expensive, no in between.

>regain all ki and some HP when you roll initiative, once per long rest. Emergency button for when the party doesn't short rest when you need it.
>deflect attacks now works on anything BSP, including spells and melee (probably only attacks not saves). d10+dex+level reduction. if you spend a ki to counter fully reduced attack, it deals 2 martial arts die damage. At 13 it deflects any damage type.

>at level 10, if at end of turn they're charmed frightened or poisoned, they cancel it out. no longer immune to poison damage.
So he takes bear barbarian and LOSES immunity, getting resistance instead?
lol okay schizo
I felt they should have given Rogues some way to trigger Cunning Strike a number of times per SR/LR for no cost. Like a pool of d6s you could use for it and then when that runs out you can use Sneak Attacks die. Like I look at Trip and remember that the new Topple Mastery thats on a Maul can be used AT WILL with no DPR loss AND no size limit. So you could be a Barbarian or Paladin or Fighter or Ranger who just smacks a massive monster twice and make it fall. Rogues can only do it once per turn and have to lose out for it.
Mercy unchanged except base class changes, and flurry of healing getting longrest use limits.
this makes sense, if flurry is 3 attacks a round now, Mercy could heal MA+Wis * 3 * Level HP per short rest. Doing some quick maffs, that's what, 330ish at 11? Kind of insane. A monk that does literally nothing other than his two punches and then flurry heal allies basically carries a team. He maybe can't outpace incoming damage but at the very least every fight starts with allies at full health. Somehow even better than Life Cleric tbqh.
4 elem scrapped entirely. spend 1 ki for extended reach, damage type change to elemental, and crusher style forced movement (probably horizontal only). duration not specified, but sounds like at least a minute. At 11, you also gain a fly and swim speed when it's on. At 17, you get a resistance and can swap it between turns between the elemental types. Also you get an extra MA die of damage once a turn.
>step of the wind while elemental mode is on gains EVEN MORE SPEEEEED and you deal damage to adjacent creatures.
>level 6 Action 120ft 20ft radius MA die based weak fireball of a chosen damage type. Due to new base changes, can still flurry etc afterwards.
>crusher style forced movement
They specified what it was: you can push or pull ten feet towards or away from yourself.
>So he takes bear barbarian and LOSES immunity, getting resistance instead?
Yes, after all everyone knows a man is scarier than a bear, just ask women
Shadow Monk gets Shadow Sorcerer style devilsight + Darkness combo.
At 11, you can spend a ki to shadowstep without needing dim light and also get a free unarmed, so you don't lose out on any damage.
17, you go not just invisible but incorporeal. and you can flurry for free while ghost mode is on.
No more Minor Illusion, PWT, or Silence.

in the video, crawford implied sideways was also possible. though you're right, beyond implies he misspoke.
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they kept minor illusion, losing Pwt and silence was bullshit.
Seriously, why did they remove this from UA 6?

1ST LEVEL: DEFT EXPLORER You are an unsurpassed explorer. Choose one of your proficiencies in a skill that appears on the Ranger skill list. You gain Expertise in that skill. In addition, choose two types of terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark. You have Advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks about the chosen terrains, and you have Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track creatures in them.
Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can meditate and replace one of the chosen terrain types with a different one from the list.
>You have Advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks about the chosen terrains, and you have Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track creatures in them.
>why did they remove this from UA 6?
Because the Help action exists already.
>skill check about to happen
>"I cast Guidance!"
>"I help!"
How to counter this?
Stop being a ShitDM
"How do you help" is a good one.
You don't, that's the whole point of the cantrip.
>"I help!"
>>skill check about to happen
>>"I cast Guidance!"
>How to counter this?
Shoot on the first offense.
>move them 5 ft up w/ Crusher
That doesn't work the way you apparently think it does. They'll just fall down instantly.
source? book and page, please
Falling rules in the PHB. Find it yourself.
XGtE, 77:
>The rule for falling assumes that a creature immediately drops the entire distance when it falls.
You move them up 5', they'll fall down, then you'll push them around further.
>can't even name the source in the PHB
Oh, cool, so you're just making shit up now
Only fags use that book, so it makes sense you would try to cite it
why are d&d players such massive casterfags
No, you apply Push and Crusher on the same hit at the same time. If that happens, the player chooses which effect activates first.
Are you thinking that you hit them with a second attack?
Should Guidance be removed from the game?
reminded that gurps has knockback on crushing attacks by default, and lots of crushing attacks have double knockback on top of that
No, but that stick should certainly be removed from your ass.
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Fuck man.. champion would fit so well with the character I am brewing up but I just can't bring myself to play that sub class. It has like nothing in it. I feel all my fighters just end up as battlemasters. I never pick anything else because all the other shit doesn't suit me. Eldritch knight is whatever, I don't care about spells. Samurai is definitely weird and it feels weird to be anything else besides human samurai if you had to pick it. That leaves battlemaster and fucking champion. Fuck. I always find it weirdly hard to fluff wise differentiate a battle master from a champion also.
Should Goodberry be removed from the game?
Should Zone of Truth be removed from the game?
If they are separate effects, the falling happens in between.
Champion and battlemaster should be base class features, not subclasses.
>anon makes shit up again
Literally no.
What rule allows the target to hover before the push happens?
if it's night, movable darkness is a good replacement for PWT.

silence... eh you mainly use it for shutting down mages, which darkness already mostly does.
Why do you think they are hovering?
Last (you), illiterate-chan.
I don't, they get moved up 5' and fall down immediately.
>I don't
But you just posted that they do.
>What rule allows the target to hover before the push happens?
You obviously think they do.
>fall down immediately
Book and page number please? And not the ZGE quote you're too retarded to understand. "They immediately fall the entire distance" means they immediately fall after the crush and push, you illiterate nigger. You stupid fuck. You reddit tourist tranny. You nogames faggot. I can keep spouting buzzwords until you post an actual source or you admit to making shit up and seeing as no actual source exists just skip to the point where you admit you're making shit up like a retarded nogames
1. guidance costs an action, and concentration, and has components making it obvious it's happening.
Which means 1. they're not concentrating on any other buff like keeping a spirit guardians up between combats, or a detect magic, or Enhance Ability or Intellect Fortress. 2. that they can't really use it on anything that's opposed. In combat it takes a whole turn to set up and in a social situation you're visibly casting a spell.

As for Help, to help you have to actually be capable of doing it yourself. If two people in the party are good at a skill, and there's a way they could actually pitch in a second set of hands, why not? It's either that or have them roll separately.
New thread:

>But you just posted that they do.
Because you're obviously retarded enough to think they do, if you believe they stay in the air between the Crusher move and the push
>I can keep spouting buzzwords
You can, because that's the only thing you're capable of. You can't read, and you can't provide anything to justify your idiotic belief they'll somehow don't fall after being moved by Crusher.
This dude retarded
That's cool as shit, anon.
They could already do that though?
Paladins just lost their superior free-action on-hit pure damage option. They were brought down; other classes learning smite spells aren't newly empowered.

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