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Pain and suffering edition

>previous thread

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn

Of note that Otherworld Miniatures, who do classic D&D style adventurers and creatures, are closing down and having a clearing out sale for the rest of the month, so you may want to check them out and see what if anything is still in stock.

Thread Question:
What's a model you've lost or broken?
>Otherworld Miniatures, who do classic D&D style adventurers and creatures, are closing down

Meanwhile, every day there's more CADshit and NuFantasy plastic. Grim stuff.
Time is relentless. Especially when ever greedy fucks of post-industrial society support everything that goes against any kind of preservation of what was before, all in order to sell more of the new soulless slop.
At least the Otherworld models should still be available though other companies, though they won't all be in one place, and the range won't see any further expansion. Fuck this gay earth.

Some other metal figure makers worth mentioning:

- RPGelements (1e D&D stuff. Very hit-and-miss)
- Knightmare Miniatures (excellent, but limited focus. Basically early Citadel Greenskins and Chaos)
- Crooked Dice (seems to be buying lots of Otherworld)
- Dragon Bait (already has some discontinued Otherworld models)
I have more hope than I did this time last year, GW rereleasing old minis and some new stuff and wargames foundry is eternal.
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Crooked dice is good, I've been meaning to pick up a few of their Colony 87 range because you know what? NPC miniatures are actually a nice thing to have. Makes a change to paint up something like that, and they're quite useful for objectives and other GM related fuckery. The other lot that comes to mind are a few ones of well, much more fitting with RT era 'quality' in the Spacelords range that EM-4 has. They have a charm of their own though so I like them too.
Does anyone else do suitable civilian types, maybe sorta oldskool necromunda types (new ones would be of scale)?

>Thread Question:
Elthalrion the Grim's griffon. Lost it but still have the rider. Damned thing is I know exactly what happened to it, it got left behind at my local GW store after a game where I used it separately, but didn't make it back to me, I somehow didn't realise I'd not packed it, and by the time I'd gone to check where it was for my next game that used it, it'd been ditched because it'd been there a while and nobody claimed it.
Am thinking of replacing it at long last with a new griffon (image related) by Trish Carden (formerly Morrison) since it's a pain to get hold of the original. Pain to get hold of any of the middlehammer metal high elves at sane prices, damn shame too, always wanted a regiment of those unarmoured archers. Couldn't stand the plastics that replaced them.
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>>Otherworld Miniatures, who do classic D&D style adventurers and creatures, are closing down
>Meanwhile, every day there's more CADshit and NuFantasy plastic. Grim stuff.

thats really quite sad. My timing sucks too, I just got some spare cash together to buy pic related, I went to buy it yesterday not knowing anything about the closing & it was gone along with most of their stock. I really hope their miniatures get taken on by another company.
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Most of the Otherworld range has already been bought by other co's, but isn't yet for sale. The guy who runs Otherworld is intending to have the entire range still available, though unfortunately it won't all be in one place.

Also, I really doubt these new owners are going to have a discount voucher program (33% off if you got the gold voucher) or overstock sales like Otherworld has had. We didn't know how good we had it, Anons.

It's the best miniatures line ever.
Where is this artwork from? Ive never seen it before
It is from the early 90s and was originally used as the box art for a chaos expansion for epic space marine, as well as a WD cover. It’s quite an iconic piece.
Nothing slaps like quite like old weaties art.
>What's a model you've lost or broken?
I stopped after the dogs got into my space marines. The chewed up land raider just ended any notion of having models for a while, and I haven't gone back to it.
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>What's a model you've lost or broken?

I had a bunch of these stolen around 2005, I still have the champion and one Assault Cannon though.
TQ --- threw all my old atuff from when i was a kid away, many regrets. Although rebuilt my old army with a decent paint job. And some others. So not so bad. Sadly moving is forcing me to sell up all my collection now, and i think as im getting older its time to knock the hobby on the head. So enjoy it while you have it anons :)
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Got some of those new Kev Adams space pirate orcs.

And an album cover:

It still gets me as one of the most definitively oldhammer era things is that during those years, GW was a music publisher and had several bands put out albums under the Warhammer label, as if it were the most natural thing.
anyone here run orks with a mix of RT/2nd era sculpts alongside the newer 1999 Brian Nelson orks? is the scale/style difference too stark?
Depends how much of each you use. One or two RT orks in a mostly Nelson mix will really stick out, but if you have roughly equal amounts of everything then it sorta blends together.

Worth noting RT orks are significantly smaller than even 2nd edition orks. Not much of a problem for regular boyz but if you want to use them as Nobz etc it can look a bit silly.
> TQ

Not a model but I can't find my fucking RT rulebook anywhere and I've looked several times.
Finished a Termie Cap for my Mantis Warriors. Finally can use something that isn’t my Jump Pack cap without feeling bad about bringing an unfinished model.
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>my retarded ass forgot the image
cool stuff anon
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Very nice video from Minisodes again
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Someone's attempt at colouring one of the old pure black and white pics, partly done.
> tfw the comic adaptation of Watson's Space Marine never got finished.

Shit would have been so cash
Woah. Say what you want about Watson, but whoever drew that piece is a freaking genius. First time I see transparent helmet lenses on marines' helmets and it looks freaking awesome.
I'm saving that page just in case.
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It's a good way of letting the artist depicting them emote without always having to resort to shorthand like floating head shots or the like as is common for helmeted characters at least. Damn shame the project didn't get the go-ahead. GW had a rough time trying to get comic stuff going, they had at least a couple of non-starter attempts before managing to properly kick things off in the late '90s. Even with all those artists, writers and printing shit at their disposal, it took some doing.
Fuuuaarrrkkk I love the Marines holding the bolters by the magazines as their grip lmao. Absolutely kino
Im trying to screencap all the maps from the old Armageddon website, but it seems that Helsreach, Anthrand, Acheron, Deadlands, and Fire Wastes wont load in web.archive. The ruffle app thing just keeps perpetually loading.
Anyone have any tips for forcing ruffle to finish loading? I tried going into all the instances web.archive has saved but it's either the same thing or not available.
I need the maps to keep as much info on the geography of Armageddon as possible, for whenever I may want to write and/or run a Armageddon campaign.
So there's no reason why I can't take Mechanised and Grenadiers together with the 3.5 IG codex right?
Nope, go for it.
They struggled just to make novels. Watson said in an interview that some of management wasn't really happy with the idea because the profit margins on novels are shit, so they would just take up valuable shelf space.

Queek was just gone one day, no idea what happened.
Seems from various accounts that post-buyout a bunch of the upper managers being brought in definitely didn't understand the whole building a brand/had serious trouble understanding that the product was more than the sum of individual item sales thing.
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>whoever drew that

It was Tim Ide
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This is, as far as I'm aware, the only other known page.
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Love it
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That damn moon-faced assassin of joy.
forgive me if this is a stupid question, but were there Weirdboy rules for 3rd ed orks? It's not in the codex but the errata Ork Q&A mentions a Weirdboy with the 'Stomp' power. where was this added?
>>93323986 (me)
adding to this, I am aware of the Wyrdboy added in the feral orks army list, I am asking about a normal weirdboy.
The spider tatto was common of Necromunda, correct? Since I recall some old landraider colour scheme also having a spider painted on it
There isn't one - the only 3rd ed. Ork wierdboy is the one in the Feral Orks list, 3rd was the edition of "we don't talk about psykers". Where is the errata from?
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Necromunda and Spiders have a long shared history/symbol thing going on so yeah.
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It's a bit convoluted - the 9th Necromundan in that picture are associated with the Death Blades gang, not the spider cult. Originally it was the Arcadian hive gangs that had a spider cult (pic related) - Confrontation lifted the spider imagery for Necromunda and I think 2nd Edition introduced the 8th Necromundan Spiders.
Necromundan spiders were in the rt compendium, don't think there were any reference to them before that.
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strange, this is the errata which seems to be a compilation of chapter approved Q&A, but after scouring the 3 chapter approved issues I cannot find the questions. the weirdboy questions are on page 6. perhaps it is unofficial?
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Were twin autocannon on Ork bikes too good? Or did them being Orks mitigate having potentially a ton of autocannon around being too strong?
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What's better....3rd, 4th or 5th ed 40k?
4th rules, mix of 3rd & a few 4th codices. 4th is just 3rd 2.0 and by the time you add all the trial rules for it you're basically playing 4th anyway, and 5th makes a few changes that are to the game's detriment IMO.
4th with mainly 3rd codexes, like this guy says >>93330957
Twin autocannons sure can cause quite a bit of damage but is only really good at against tanks and other large vehicles which make it easier to hit. I prefer twinlinked heavy bolters of wartrakks against infantry and light vehicles.
Autocannons are pretty good but my main problem with ork bikes is that they're quite squishy. They can potentially get pen'd by a bolter and their damage results table means if they do they're probably going to instantly blow up.
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Corr that's a beakie

I have like two weeks to make a deodorant hovertank for BOYL, wish me luck
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Two weeks should be enough. Should be a fun build, just make sure to wash the tube first thoroughly, have some gap filling stuff on hand and plenty of spare bits. You can do a lot with just panelling too.
There's some nice articles on vehicle painting in White Dwarf 204, 205 and 6 (I was reading recently) if you're looking for an oldskool method that's slightly more advanced than the original. Lots of subtle layering up via drybrushing is basically the key. You can really tell its an oldskool article series because it recommends getting stuff from places other than just GW.

On a tangent, I've got a bunch of those beakies sitting around thanks to ebay salvage years ago. A bunch of them went into being attack bike crews. They needed a mighty amount of cleaning up though so have been thinking about the rest of them and of trying to tart them up a bit with some reposing with mixing in some bits of the slightly later plastics; mainly the legs and arms, maybe some weapons. And some extra armour detailing with more studs, a few cables, panel lines, extra bits and pieces as I like my marines looking prepared and a bit rough as long as the big armour plates are clean and not loaded down with tat.
But which 4th Codices?
Well thats orks for you. You're not wrecking third of your vehicles yourself due reckless driving, you're doing it wrong. Evil sunz can take bikes as troops, feels great to just smother enemy with sustained fire dices.
The marine ones for sure, except CSM. 3e marines are pretty barebones.
The Eldar 4th edition codex is a big improvement over the 3rd ed one, but also very easy to make busted cheesy lists with. So use with caution I guess.
Do you know where I can find the Blood Angels one?
what if 3e was good? wouldn't that be crazy?
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always has been mate
always has been
3rd (4th because they are the same thing)
Has always been the best. It's not a great game, but it is fun, charming and serviceable.
All went down with 5th.
404'd. Can you try posting it through Catbox or Anonfiles?
Calm down you wallies. Wargaming is bigger than ever. When there are two competing sets of Dark Age Irish plastics we eatin' good
Yikes this is terrible lol
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/grog/ is doing okay. It's a decent place like /awg/ for reasonable discussion.

It doesn't need a thread a day like /40kg/ but that's not a bad thing. Not everything has to be rapid or low-quality on this website, have you seen /n/ or /trv/.

I'm looking forward to attending BOYL in a couple of weekends.
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Will she be there?
She was last year with a whole gaggle of other pricks with hand-held cameras

Hopefully it's only as busy as it normally is and not ridiculously so since her video
You should fingerblast her in the carpark (lovingly and respectfully).
Sure my missus would love that haha
She can shout encouragements like "fuck yeah, stir last night's haggis!" Or is there no lead in that pencil
Also I wish there was a car park, the village lane it's on is like a mudbath when a hundred cars turn up
Looks rapey.

Or it would to a rapist I guess hehe
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>attending BOYL
One of these years, when everything is less terrible.
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You should lad. This might be the last one at Stoke Hall now Bryan Ansell has died, RIP

Won't quite be the same feeling if Foundry move into a more normal retail unit in Newark
It's really up to you. I'd say the core Marines book is the only dead-cert, since it was first out and *feels* like a 3.5 'dex. CSM/Daemons are absolute no's. Everything else is really down to personal preference, I'd recommend starting people off on the most updated 3rd 'dex and playing some games, then decide from there.

If you use 4th Eldar, one good houserule is to continue using the Falcon entry and vehicle upgrade rules from the previous codex, but with the 4th edition damage tables - they're way undercosted in 4th.
i wish i wasn't poor as fuck so i could afford plane tickets to go there.
I talked to curtis fell at the oldhammer event in sheffield back in April and he said she was probably gonna turn up.
It would have been alright last year except foundry selling their building meant we couldn't use the normal car park and also it absolutely pissed down so the remaining parking space turned into the battle of passchendaele
>they're way undercosted in 4th.

The classic bullshit falcon build (starcannon, holofield, spirit stones) is 190 points in 3rd and 185 in 4th. Arguably overcosted in comparison considering starcannons got nerfed.
He's such a lovely guy Curtis, me and my mate were chatting to him for like two minutes and he's like "come down to Ramshackle and have a look around and a brew" and hooked us up with the 3 free minis
I think he was genuinely about to invite me to join his gaming group until I told him I don't live particularly locally.

All it really took was me mentioning that my favourite edition of WFB is 3rd and we were basically tight from there.
Anybody remember Vor? I shooped my squad into a box to see if it could pass as period boxart
not played the actual game but I have about a dozen of those union infantry because they fit in all sorts of games
Yeah. I've had lot of people suggest skirmish stuff with them. Here's a WIP of a new dude vs one of my Classic Union troopers painted as a kid. I used to have the starter box with the cool plastic terrain and the growlers but those seemed to have disappeared at some point (ie my mom didn't know the value of things and tossed them into a goodwill/trashcan)
Pic. I've got a few of these guys. Also some Void 1.1 minis which I still say are better than most period GW minis.
nice camo job on the guy on the right. I went for an urban camo theme based on the cadians from the old cityfight codex.
Dudes look good in grey.
I do love that Cityfight book so much. I painted my plastic Catachans (back when they were the only plastics) in a really bad attempt at urban inspired by that. Someday I want to repaint most of them. There's also a really cool scheme in the book where it's like autumn peadot camo inspired tops and grey pants.
Why doesn't GW release old 40k minis in single piece plastics?

>inb4 money

Yeah, I know they're so greedy they're retarded, but I think a lot of people would buy them. Just make a few bag sets:
>Beakies and Terminators
>Orcs and Gobs
>Dark Eldar

And make them out of polypropylene plastic so it doesn't bend to shit in shipping.
Probably some MBA moron making a fuss about brand identity if they idea ever comes up.
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Honestly the less GW has to do with Oldhammer and related things, the better. Just look how weak their offerings of RT/WHFB 3rd/Realms of Chaos reprints are, being almost entirely limited to Warhammer World stock. And that only ever happening because of one particular person basically putting in all the work to take their copy and put together a cleaned up version for printing anew.
And for those random retro rereleases of miniatures, they can barely get the stuff they're releasing on special order out to people because the delivery times on those have been all over the place.
>what's 1 + 1
>inb4 2
The answer is still "money". They don't think it would be anywhere near as profitable as all the other, current things they could be doing with their expensive injection molding machines. And they're probably right.
If I ever add dwarfs to my DoW army (which Im tempted, together with the 6th ed Ruglud's Armoured Orcs) I think I'd use that chap as the unit champion.

Long Drong's boys are nice and all, but sometimes the projects never stop growing
Dogs of War are the perfect Forever Project, I've been fiddling with mine for years and I've been having a blast with it.
All those RoR and units choices do make it a Forever Project, aye. Since you can add from the 6th ed Ogre Kingdom books too
I go with SM (chapters rule is awesome), Nids (huge expansion to biomorphs) and Templars (nothing too impressive, but anything's better than a small section in supplement).
Haven't tried Eldar or DA. Also heard some people prefer 4th Tau to 3rd.
I also personally add the Imperial Armour books too. The Taros Campaign one is great.
Retarded idea, who would be buying retooled plastic kits of 80s models exactly? Modern fans want CAD-slop and grogs want metal. The path GW have taken with TOW putting old metal spin-moulds back into production is an amazing turn of events - with the current trend it's entirely possible you'll be able to buy a 3E Dwarf army new in 2024, something that was completely unthinkable even a year ago. The best possible outcome for 40k now is an End Times-style event.
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Has anyone tried the standalone Kroot army rules from Chapter Approved '03 and '04? What are your opinions on them?
>who would be buying retooled plastic kits of 80s models
if they weren't overpriced I would be, they'd be great for the bits box/conversions.
>if they weren't overpriced
Expecting GW to produce old minis is funny; expecting them not to overcharge is just sad.
They're...fine, but outside of high density forest/jungle tables you're kind of pidgeonholed into spamming Vulture Kindreds and Shaper Councils crammed with Eviscerators to go up against mainstream armies. They very much benefit from the Imperial Armour additions, and my own plan is also to get rid of the Kroot Hound Pack(lame) and Tracker Kindred(trigger my 'tism since they're meant to be on Knarlocs but the FW rules made them unique and interesting while these are off-brand Rough Riders) and replace them with a unit based loosely on the new Lone Spear models - 1-3 riders with hunting rifles or anti-tank explosive spears, each can take up to 5 Kroot Hounds, can infiltrate.
>and replace them with a unit based loosely on the new Lone Spear models - 1-3 riders with hunting rifles or anti-tank explosive spears
Sounds kino. Will try that.
Been playing that Rogue Trader crpg based off the rpg Rogue Trader and apart from there being far too many games called Rogue Trader now because of that, there was an incidental side mission in it that was kind of inspirational for some actual Rogue Trader (40k 1e) scenarios.

A Black Ship picked up a strong psyker who was already in league with Chaos, and they lead an uprising. Could have battles on the ship itself with the crew and goon squads desperately fighting against a wide array of low tier psykers with all those random shite powers and mutations in RT and hell, throw in some from Realms of Chaos, maybe a few daemons or other warp entities. They lost but deliberately crashed the ship somewhere uninhabited.
But for a follow-up scenario, it could be fun to do the survivors either continuing to battle it out in a new location, or having them crash somewhere not uninhabited. Maybe a good excuse to do the classic 40k/fantasy models crossover, where the mutants/troopers have to fight the locals (whatever they are), or try and find somewhere to take shelter (castle?) whilst calling for rescue. Could spin off a lot of scenarios from the resulting mess.
As an aside: that game is legitimately awesome to a degree that surprised me. And as a bonus, it's almost totally disconnected from modern 40K "lore"; no primaris, no primarchs, no shit at all(I'm aware the official story is that the warp storm cutting off the Expanse is the Shittytits Mallywally or whatever it is from nu40K, but it makes no practical difference to the game).
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Magpie and Old Lead is the absolute bossman

Inquisitor 54mm Ratling, converted from the old Blood Bowl chaos star player Bilerot Vomitflesh

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He did a 54mm scale Castellan Robot too. Well actually it's just the upscaled fan sculpt that Troll Soup released but it looks great.

I thought that upscale went a bit far.

I'm still mentally correcting it to "Eldar" and "Dark Eldar" but that's about it as far as what I have to mentally filter. And yeah, it's actually great. One of the best explorations of the setting I've ever seen in videogame form simply because it does just get away from the usual shit and into the everything else, all the weird shit, but also just the exploration aspect of pootling around in the ship looking for stuff lends itself incredibly to that.
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Inquisitor wasn't GW's first foray into 54mm sci-fi

Tony Ackland, under the label Ackland Miniatures (long before the Morrisons did the whole Marauder thing) made some Spacefarers in 54mm.

There were only 3-4 made, and the Sentinel Robot ended up being repurposed as a giant robot in the 25mm Spacefarers line that was a prelude to Rogue Trader.
We're deep in autosage after time territory so... new thread:


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