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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Previously on /slop/: >>93259620

Armoire of Agathys edition.

▶ Thread Task: Post puns and similar to known items and spells but not quite.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
I'm holding you to your promise for next TT
Reusing the output of the deleted thread.
"I sense that the time has come to reveal my brilliance!" - Edgar Scrolls
Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound

Double oops...forgot image.
Power Word: Bland
Power Word: Blond
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I think I might be too autistic for this thread task, or maybe I'm just blanking. Have an unusual cyclops instead.
Disguise Elf
Contact Mother Plane

"Ma! MA! Can you see I'm trying to work here? Scribing scrolls accurately requires a lot of concentration!"
May as well continue and finish this off, christ on a cross 6am comes way to early...

First wave cleared, and having picked up some weapons from the ferals, Ash picks her way into the nearby forest in search of the missing locals. New information? They weren't workers, it's a small family attempting to make it to another settlement and decided to not wait for the next group that heads that way.

This is now a search and recovery op....
Speak With Dad
"Dad? Hey, it's Eddy. Ma's ghost is wreaking havoc down at the shop again. Can you come and Turn her again? Thanks, Papi!"
take famous D&D thingie
switch one of the words with something that rhymes
create it
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So like, Magic Thistle? USeful if you're ever attacked by a wild Eeyore.
"Porpal" Sword
Man, black people and the way they hold weapons, amirite, folks? What's the deal with these people?
Probably doesn't help that it's bendy, too.
Robe of I's.
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Don't know what's happening here, but it looks kind of cool.
Quite obvious what spell is being channeled through the sword.

S&R sees some combat in some ruins on the trial to find said missing family, Ash decides to tap into her bag of equipment to draw the bulk of the ferals after her and away from the other search parties.
Alt version of the above, less Sci-fi.
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Amazon ghost from my campaign
Someone please generate a busty sexy female Godzilla in a bikini stomping on a tiny city.
Do it yourself
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That's not very /tg/ anon
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>Beneath the city, flesh twists and melds. The catacombs are filled with the wet, guttural sounds of snapping bones and pained screams. Soon, a deafening rumble will shake the earth as a massive fleshy appendage bursts forth from the ground, obliterating everything in its path. Thousands of catacomb mages, their robes reeking of ordure and rot, will sacrifice their body to make up the mass of the grotesque monstrosity, their minds having long since been lost to madness.
Ash discovers what happened to the family - the ferals got to them, and they've reanimated as ferals. This particular feral seemed to have been directing the others, so perhaps this will buy everyone a short respite?...

Whats that noise in the ruins over there...?
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Race: Vampire
Class: Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Background: Gladiator
>Although she was a rogue, skulking about in the darkness held no appeal for Marika. She was once a pit-fighter, and more addicting than the blood - was the roar of the crowd when she spilt it.
This one's amazing
Well, it's an actual sword guard
Nominate Monster
Can I force image sizes using bing? I.e. I want something that's 1024 x 512
Ah a fine British meal
Bestow Purse
Control Walter
Grasping Wine
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sickening radiance
And last, before (hopefully) the insomnia fades and sleep takes over...

>Phantasmal Kilter
Well that's sweet.
The best I could come up with was Bestow Nurse.
Which in some cases is its own curse.
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While not a spell pun, this one is pretty much obvious.
Ragnar the Librarian?
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>"Oh my god, I have no idea what I'm doing! What is all this crap!?"
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Or any other known barbarian.
And here you have barberian.
r beerbarian in tavern with some wenches
There can be problem with wenches, because the dog is very bitchy today.
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Finally I got some results.
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Quite far fetched, but still
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Finally, beatbarian
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Pretty happy with this one.
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guess which character from a forgotten realms book-series I'm trying to get
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Beetle dragon!
Anyone got any GOOD 40k POV battle shots? I want to see how Luma handles minis
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swamp dragon
Nice. I could believe that was a real painting. Prompt and service?
stable diffusion? mine are shit how do I make better ones?
Nice. What sort of prompt did you use for this?
My nigga Drizzt
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One small child acquired, hiding in the mud in the ruins. Sole survivor, and there's at least extended family back in town, now to make it back alive...
"A black dragon with a kabuto beetle horn and insect wings standing on a pile of treasure in a cave, surrounded by beautiful nymphs, oil painting, classic fantasy, frank frazetta" in Bing.
Been enjoying this story, king.
Dog is being a bit of a pain in my ass today - Esp. on prompts that have never generated the dog before.

Bit of a respite, having scattered the packs of ferals by killing their ringleader, our intrepid MaidenHand returns and drops the child off with happy relatives.

Next order of business: Food.
Another take on librarian class
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Rather obvious guess
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Manson.
Short time skip - been here a month, been spending the time performing SAR, wall defense and taking the odd job around town to help fix stuff. Had to replace some parts of the armor that got damaged over time with local equivilants. Sharing what tech I can with the locals has improved things a little bit, seems to be how things happen here, ship wrecks deposit newcomers who share what they know and what can be scavenged off shipwrecks. dozing in the tavern after a quick meal, and some armor maintenance...

Is that the militia bell ringing...? Frakk....
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first session
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Could someone please remind me how to get landscape length in bing?
I use Designer, it ltes you pick landscape length and the results are shared with Bing
Oh thank you, Copilot just lies to me and says the aspect ratio can be included in the prompt
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Reminder that orcs suck. Fuck orcs.
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Chair Bubble.
Sorry actually, where the hell do I see the aspect ratio option in Designer? There is none that I can tell, and it still ignores me when I request 3:2 or 16:9. Thanks
It's on here : https://designer.microsoft.com/image-creator?scenario=texttoimage
Thanks very much.
Welp. At least its nothing Ash can't handle. Just a handful of ghouls, it's been easier to just save the ammunition and use the sword she picked up to deal with them. these ones tend to keep getting back up unless you smash their heads in..
(Had to use a pose for this because everything is triggering the dog like it's got anxiety that it's about to get kicked so it just shits the bed at the mere thought of 'red stained muddy battlefield')
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>a detailed manga battle painting in the style of "redemption's horizon - purging the taint of life" by h.r. giger with death princess riding a deaththrone pulled by horses. dreamlike. surreal. watercolor style. anime style. dark shadows. optical illusion. horror. the ground beneath her is littered with remnants of past struggles and fallen civilians, bearing witness to the intensity of the ongoing conflict. offal.

You can try adding some red in here I guess. Or take some elements from this prompt and change it around.
Took a few tries, finally got it to give me something that worked.

Stacking bodies is what MaidenHands are built for. Or at least what Ash was built for. This time they finally stayed down. Today's going to be another night of a long watch and mop up.

Picking through the bodies might yield enough rare earth materials to try and repair the old generator under the city. A trip back to her crashed ship might give her enough scavenged materials to try and even get a SOS out...
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Yeah, it's pretty finicky. What are you trying?
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Has Deer Race been done before, or am I the first to think it up? Seems like maybe a no brainer, but I can't think of it in any other settings.
Arcane Eye?
No, Arcane Pie!
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There's currently an anime about a girl with deer antlers. Dunno if it's any good. But yeah, deer people are rarely used in fiction.
I am reminded of this post from the Americana fantasy thread a couple weeks ago.
Copy-pasta'd from the archive
>The deer woman. Called Anukite by the Lakota, though many native tribes have stories of the deer woman who would appear to men and seduce them into the woods to kill them.
Or visit men in their dreams and if they have sex with her, they're driven mad. But when she visits women in their dreams they can gain her powers of sexual attraction or artistic prowess.
She can appear as a normal woman with deer hooves to just a normal-looking doe to anywhere in between.
post good anthro (catanon and deeranon are not allowed to participate)
Here Deer People are often mixed with Elves, either as bestial branch of them or as some sort of fei thing that is associated with Elves like driads and fairies, dependig on the setting.
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You're definitely not first.
There are few settings featuring Elves with horns and hooves (like MtG plane Lorwyn/Shadowmoor.)
Fog cloud?
Hog cloud.
Define "good"
Or do you just want gritty grimdark edgy anthro because you're a gritty grimdark edgy teenager.
I mean no Furaffinity style
The glorious Porco Volante
Totally stealing that
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Volunteering to take the night watch, and making plans to trek back to her ship, it's been months now, hopefully scavs haven't picked the thing clean and there's still enough salvageable materials at her abandoned camp to attempt fixing the ship or getting a SOS out.
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How about my Dog people, are they good?
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This one is great.
Hey guys, I've been out of the loop for a while, is there any word as to why the jannies are so mad?

The other day we had a thread about WoTC's art direction, someone posted the fat pyromancer from MtG and then someone else used a.i. to make a skinny version, 3 or 4 people were talking about it. I just noticed that the jannie deleted the a.i. post along with all the other posts by the same guy (which were mostly along the lines of "I like this fire better than that fire because x", "I prefer this outfit to that one because x", etc). It just seems bizarre. At this point I assume it has to be personal ideological bias because if it were a legal/policy thing then they would have changed the rules. What happens when the jannies tries to ban you for off-topic, are the bans going through now or are they still getting denied by the mods?
The janny is a colossal faggot who doesn't care about the actusl.rules of the site and just pushes his own fsggot agenda. He hates ai art and does all he can to make these threads as shitty as possible. You can report him using the Feedback button at the bottom of the page.
Not tust the mods actually care about the state of the site, either.
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Steppe mongrel females.
Mix of humans and... a soup of anything subhuman and brutish.
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And a thick one.
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And an orange one.
Wasn't that fat pyromancer ages ago? Honestly still pathetic you guys are talking about it.
Love this dude
>"i don't know
What art style is this?
Brigadier-General Clayton Thunderfoot of the Meridian Expeditionary Forces (retired*) was a favorite among my players as well. He'll be making an appearance in an upcoming campaign as well.

*Not really retired, since he's still doing the same shit he's always done without the MEF's permission
No idea, I think the prompt had watercolour, psychedelic and abstract in it.
Daybreak sees our MaidenHand having handed over her post and trekked through the night to the crash site that deposited her upon this world. Now to relocate her previously abandoned camp and attempt to get the comms system up and running...
Bro this is fucking awesome I went down like a month long bender trying to do like 50’s detective but he’s a penguin, could never get it to come out right but this is like you snatched it out of mind very cool
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How wacky is too wacky for fortress ships?
This thing would need a massive displacement below the waterline to keep it from rolling over. So I'd argue you nailed it.

Inside the ship we discover that somehow the elements have managed to not seep into some of the more important sections. Thankfully the required equipment to get things back on track are available in maintenance lockers for just this very reason...

What the hell was *that* noise?
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I guess it sort of looks like the sun.
t. salty janny
It's you guys acting salty towards the janny
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gay russel brand
jared leto does beetlejuice
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how do i get decent hands off this?
I have AMD so I can't run local
A PC in one of my games is a Cambion that's an Archfae/Human. Not exactly a deer person, but has elk antlers.
>this sucka can't into purple drank
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Three out of Four players in our party are wear-bears.
Something something beauty is in the eye of the Beholder
Everybody loves Porc N Beenz. Mostly Beenz.
Where wolf?
Nice woof. Prompt, pretty please?
"fantasy painting of a werewolf in a forest looking at a map, scratching his head"
got that Battletech vibe, I like it.
It is up to you, but if you want to make it "realistic" you could have the lower hull be rather deep to make up for all that mass above the water and keep the ship away shallower rivers.
But you can do whatever, make it float with magic, make it break through the ground bellow the river or even give it legs.
I tried to make her more realistic and dark for you, anon. But Bing is just too horny.
There wolf.
There castle.
Right. so. A little creative rewiring, a little luring and - Bobs not my uncle, but my mechanic was named bob before the ship came crashing down. And the engines on this thing can still fire up juuuust enough to incinerate the shit lurking here in the ship.
Blauré is pretty cute.
I'm glad someone caught the reference.

A little chocolate and vanilla is always a good combo.
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Woops, swapped the images for the titles.
That's "old droid", this is "Zabrak"
Most of the things chasing Ash around the ship dealt with via incineration, one last one decided to try and ambush her in the depths of the ship. Whatever the hell they were, part people, part claw machine, they did not take very well to surprise hot potato with make shift explosive grenades. All this would have been easier had Ash not lost her sword in the initial scramble when confronted with the horde...
Anyone got consistent eyeshadow?
I like the thumbs-up dude in the back.
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Yes. Subtle or thick? You usually have to make it a portrait as opposed to a full body shot, though.

This would be an example of less...
Whoops. >>93317580 meant for>>93316918

This would be an example of more.

If you're got getting it consistently, try also adding "eyeliner", "cosmetics" and/or "makeup", and specifiying other facial features like eye color, cheekbones, an expression (happy, embarassed, frustrated) to draw attention to the face.
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neat style
do you know of any artist who paints like this?
Yes I'm after very heavy eyeshadow, eyeliner does it for yoy?
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How do I get a werewolf without it being furry
Yes. Eyeliner is also much easier to see if her eyes are closed.
>eyeSHADOW is much easier to see
Fuck me, I'm tired this morning.
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AI's been great for creating establishing shots for the Blade Runner RPG.
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My attempts at establishing shots haven't been so hot. This is what I got when trying to make some for a Dishonored game.
What prompts are you using?
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More important than the prompts are the Checkpoint and the Loras you're using.
Are you asking for a werewolf without fur? Or one that doesn't look like some furfag's OC? Just use a style that doesn't conform to animu or other cartooniness.

I didn't save the full prompt for this one but the style was the same I used for >>93315165
>dark splotchy ink, 80s old style dungeons and dragon's impressionist oil painting, muted colors. halation.
Then described something like "nighttime in a Transylvania forest, a large black werewolf charges out of the underarms at the camera. It has glowing red eyes and long fangs. Full moon visible in sky."
(Fuckin image limit before I could post, linking it)

I can never say no to a Mel Brooks reference.
Fucking autocorrect. "Underbrush"
You killed the thread. You bake the next.
Next thread
You have much to learn...

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